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Previous: >>488151678

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
Nice rebuttal you FAGGOT
I am not rolling for a literal granny lol
I can’t believe that /gig/ is made up of nappers
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sex with hu tao
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there's no way in hell you could possibly convince me that JJK faggots aren't 90% underage
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Why can't Genshin males serve like this
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>nothing to roll in hsr
>nothing to roll in genshin
>already dropped zzz
what now?
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
Will this vanish after the quest if I don't give it to the guy? I wanna keep it forever.
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sex with alhaitham
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femdevs won
give me a tldr on JJK
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Cute and canon
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young people (<25) run this website
failed males (25+) are just bully bait
I don't get it, why can't she do 4 attacks?
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For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
>neuvilette players going to the mualani reddit and laughing at them
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how can Lyney be the heir to Arlecchino? She has godlike power and he has like...little faggy magic
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>FLOPlani got nerfed in almost every way possible
Next they're gonna lower her exploration speed LOL
You need to go back.
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Atleast you can spam about how "soul" she is just like siggecopers, better roll for c6 if u wanna make her a competitive unit
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
I told you they would nerf Mualani again, I wasn't being mean or malicious, I was looking at reality. I tried to save you from the pain.
Mavuika will save Mualani (and Cheld)
I too despise Jumping Junior Kazuhas
How's the four star geo girl looking at least?
>one guy doesnt know the other exists
>the other doesnt give a fuck and is across the globe
>0 interactions with eachother
fujoschizos are wild beasts
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Which of the Hydro girls gets the wettest?
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>V1 shark
>People say her damage is too high
>Discourse eventually changes to 'her dps is high because she has a clunky rotation'
>V3 (Today)
>Numbers get lowered, rotation gets less clunky
>People only look at the numbers
>Turns out not a single soul cared about the alleged clunk to begin with

Make up your damn minds
kino said it herself; it's not about power, it's about conviction
power can be gained over time by training
Imagine being a Mexican. Lmao
She said he’s a good leader and the strongest kid right now.
Deserved for being FoTM hebeslop. Hope Citlali meets the same fate.
>welkin ended just as we got leaks regarding Mauvika and real Pyro Archon + more sharkgirl nerfs
wow what a perfect timing to not buy it anymore.
all you a(You)
What quest is this again?
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imagine choking on ganyus breast milk
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>Lord K out of nowhere
He WARPED your mind!
The difference is that no one (except the most delusional of fujos) expected Cyno to be good, especially since he's a burst-centric infusion character just look how much they had to do to save Xiao . Leaktrannies were bragging about how Mualani powercrept Neuv.
loses to baron bunny
I don't fucking remember that quest, it must have been boring, sorry!
JJK is the new PEAK shonen fiction
It's the new dragonball
Genshin is the prime example of why you should never let women take control of a project.
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The face of a woman who exclusively dates pale Fontainian boys.
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589 days active, newcutie no more
all of them get equally wet in Neuvillette's presence
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I really, REALLY like little girls
genshin is a prime example of why women never talk to me
At least post some screencap if you are gonna bring up reddit
So its popular with pajeets and mexicans?
Nahida (forma verdadera)...
arles job doesnt really require someone who can level buildings but just a slippery rat who knows stuff and can talk
>power can be gained over time by training
mortals can't train to have godly power bwo
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lmao I stopped renewing my welkin a month ago. I renew welkin based on how dawei treated me. I just stopped it because I kept losing the 50/50. I don't care anymore lol.
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i'm still rolling for mualani
>new event
>very first picture requires specific characters to complete
Wow, thanks. I love it.
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You think you're special, you do
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it when you laugh at me
Look down on me and walk around on me
Just one more fight about your leadership
And I will straight up leave your shit
'Cause I've had enough of this
And now I'm pissed, yeah
This time I'ma let it all come out
This time I'ma stand up and shout
I'ma do things my way, it's my way
My way or the highway
>Leaktrannies were bragging
Anddddddd there's this retarded fanbase's problem
Kazuha PARRIED you.
Quest items that expire usually say so in the description and have a clock item. Unless they forgot.
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>mortals can't train to have godly power bwo
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this was the first banner bwo
And his slutty Archon outfit predates the game's launch by two years
Neuvillette WASHED you.
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Congratulations anon
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>welkinPOORS thinking their spending ever mattered
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it's an overworld mini-quest that's only doable before you complete the Remuria quest. I don't know if I don't submit the item it'll vanish automatically when the Remuria quest is done or if it stays like the pig traps.
>less than 2 years to cap AR
pretty fast
>newcutie no more
>Still has overword chests
Still a newcutie
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kinda shit as a damage dealer but the 40% damage boost is good
He clearly didn't wash you since I can smell your Mexican stank through my monitor
now that her dmg is chioriesque they are going for her design
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Nahida impact
>using 2 visions which are literally fragments of divine power given by celestia as a means to farm the people
nice human strength
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Impregnating nahida
It's due to me joining in 3.4
Absurd amount of content to go through even at a casual pace.
I actually have a chest near the Dawn Winery I was going to use instead, I had 15 points left though so it needed to be an Exquisite chest.

Time for fixed camera event! Last time we had one, I didn't even have an archer of every element.
Bro Furina and the ordo quest is setting up the muh humanity plot. Humanity > gods. visions and celestia are bad stuff now
Since your newcutie phase is over, I now pronounce you a youngslut.
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All you to(me)
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external buffs don't count
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Your Emilie funds?
I wish I could get married to Nahida's feet
Is that homelander?
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>listenjng to a cc who cant even reach gold on a shitty event
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>mortals can't train to have godly power bwo
Nahida is a child.
Vanishes, man never knew this community was this autistic.
the Nahida fag should be put on a watchlist
Need a fact check on this STAT
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>mortals can't train to have godly power bwo
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Arlecchino does too much damage...
My friends made me watch it promising it was kino, season one was absolutely generic, the end arc was alright, season 2 was pretty good but I still don't think it's as good as they say. The power system is a bit jank to say the least.
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>posting JOBpitano
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How about now?
suicide watch more like, he's dangerously close to joining the 41%
>glowing eyes
hes a lizard
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Cheld RIPPED you
And is homoerotic as fuck?
this guy is 100% inhuman
It's a miniquest on mind-controlled Petrichor.

It's something a mind-controlled NPC asks for in Petrichor. If you give it you complete his quest and get some ores or whatever, but the guides/wiki doesn't say what'll happen if you don't give the item. You can't give it after the Remuria quest but I know know if it just vanishes or if you just keep the branches.
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Genshin for this feel?
Seeing as how SAO was praised as one of the best Anime ever created when it debuted makes me believe that's its just as shitty
Genshin brown paper bag test when
100 rolls 20 pity
arlecchino... as my step mom...
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nah look closely
who the fuck is this?
doesn't look human
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i'm not a mualanifag but don't you think that it's a little bit weird how aggressive neuvposters are towards her? it's kinda like they perceive her to be a genuine threat
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Nahida is really sexy.
there is a combat event going on?
Mualani rollers
>the same guy who said siggy is electro charge support and arle/clorinde are related to overload
Women ruined Genshin
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Lord Kaedehara Kazuha? PARRIED you and SWIRLED your little brain.
Monsieur Neuvillette the Hydro Sovereign? HUMBLED you and PITIED you enough to give you 1600 gems to roll on your FLOP waifu.
Kabukimono AKA Wanderer AKA Scaramouche AKA Kunikuzushi AKA The GODlladeer? KEKED you out of Mona. KEKED you out of Nahida. KEKED you out of Nilou.

I don't make the fucking rules. I'm simply a watcher and recorder of events.
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not really
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erm, that doesn't sound very pleasant
Just makes me think of the Cask of Amontillado. Has there been any Genshin quest referencing that?
Let's ignore part about Mualani getting absolutely butchered on our eyes - have you seen her teams? It's fucking joke at this point with 300ER Xiangling as only reliable way to make her work as intended. Despite initial assumptions of how broken she was, you still have to gamble that Mavuika gonna help her later or you're fucked. No they make her shit for no reason and you need to hope Mavuika somehow will be able to carry the corpse.
Why Hoyo characters balance teams is bunch of clowns? Are they even know how their game works? (don't need reply, I know the answer)
What the fuck?!
It's within the island so yes.
calm down hat guy
You don't even own C6 Nahida
I wish Alre would step on me, as my mother
you didn't play the game
Japanese and Germans are more likely to be into coprophagia anon. The things you learn on /b/
You will never not be a newcutie. I started in 1.1, 1.0fags still pinch my cheeks.
I see I still need to start the summer event
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BASED GODther, The witnesser
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>It's fucking joke at this point with 300ER Xiangling as only reliable way to make her work as intended
bro your burning
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It's pretty crazy how malleable humans can be when wielding a power that can bend the universe.
You'll have to trust me on this one bwo!
if Mualani won't get at least 200-300 lewd art (non AI) before 5.0 I'm not rolling her
simple as
Are you being truthful? Or are you just saying that so I brick my account that's full of rare items like Vahid's onigiri and Lily' pancakes?
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>guy literally throws away his humanity
>hey look at how powerful humans are
a bit short on brain usage
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call me a coping bastard, but after every single time /gig/ has been wrong about a 5* character pre-release EXCEPT for Dehya, i'll still hold my judgement about Mualani until she releases
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omg u actually replied
tabibitoGAWDS will have their comeuppance... this i swear
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Cope White is the leaker that got the most amount of Natlan things right
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Sex with Wei Wei!
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Only for (You)
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Just two more weeks
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For me, it's Iansan.
So who is the Talking Stick for?

Just got it off the Battle Pass today
If you have a decent team you can max out the points for gold on the first half it's that easy.
Do whatever you want no one here will care.
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he just gold it
I See them
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one week actually
Gee Nahida how come you get to fuck TWO travelers?
For collectorchads!!
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love dehya
cuddling with dehya
gentle sex while kissing with dehya
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>Cope White is the leaker that got the most amount of Natlan things right
but what about swirl buffs and debuffs
your damage goes to shit without them
GREAT... now I have to go jerk off
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So soon~!
Public use toilet? Klee.
>For collectorchads!!
Anon I am being serious is there a single character that can currently trigger its passive?
meant for>>488171412
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nice artstyle
this image would be perfect without paghida
Have there been any melties about the event being ownership restrictive this time?
Or is it able to be done with Traveler anyway
Lorefags apparently. I'm pretty sure both Claymores are average since most claymore users are bricks. You can probably slap it on Navia or Diluc if you have them
Raiden Shogun.......
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>Cope White is the leaker that got the most amount of Natlan things right
>Gokek pic
the only good posters left in this hell hole.
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I'll concede since it's been a long time and I'm fuzzy on the details.
It can't be understated however how much emphasis was given to human creativity and overall willpower that allowed them all to transcend through their stories.
Come to think of it, that idea came back with the Simulakra storyline...
do we know the 4stars yet, i hope its not chevy, i already have yelan and dont want emilie, but i NEED chevy
meant for>>488171667
fuck off shounenfag
this artist got arrested for possessing cp btw
>do we know the 4stars yet
nah, usually 48 to 24 hours before banner goes live
Should I eat pasta or pizza
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Currently we are at 51 days until September 18, Kinich's banner start.
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Come on
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>:3 !!!
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funny as fuck if true
Please let her be more useable than geo Traveler.
went down practicing what he preached
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i can't believe da wei dared to put rape into a character's backstory
she was raped as a little girl and has daddy issues so she's gonna need spanking, choking, hard anal, and maybe even gut punches to get off, or she'll dump you for someone who will
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I love bad bitches that's my fucking problem
nine months actually
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Mavuika will be our Erza
i'm so sick of these ugly as fuck characters you're in charge of making and selling hot characters and you come up with the ugliest shit i've ever seen HOW
i want to be as based as him.
It's crazy how empty an entire 2/3rds of Mondstadt city is. Everything past the crafting table. I hope they start filling it/renovating it. Jean is an embarassing acting head
Cute little girl!
>Do whatever you want no one here will care.

Old /gig/ that actually played the game would know and care,
yanfei is a good girl tho
Idk I haven't played a Genshin quest since 2.4, that shit sux, dawg.
there's literal torture and human sacrifice in this game, rape is fucking nothing compared to that
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>he didn't c6 yelan day one
who cares? you still got a shitzillion damage output from emilie and mualani vaping
>Because she's Mavuika
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based if true
>The Battle Pass has a brick for bricks
I should have just gotten the Serpent Spine huh?
>Natlan big story hook is a little tournament arc with only the people from Natlan
>Honkai Star Rail mogs your pathetic game again with a massive tournament arc featuring contestants from every region including Svarog and Topaz

Why can't you guys do anything right?
nothing quite as COOL as turning yourself in to the police...
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Yet HSR revenue dropped much harder than Genshin.
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Like all geniuses, he was too ahead of his time. I hope the rest of the world catches up to him soon.
half the population of the city is gone on a multi-year expedition
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Which C6 felt gamebreaking at the moment but aged poorly and now the rest of us can laugh at them?
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she will be. her drill can stomp on its own off-field.
i can see her working with navia.
That would have been better but that's still a decent claymore regardless. You can't blame the claymore on the fact that claymore users are mainly shit
What the fuck
I don't own any characters that are hydro and use Pneuma
All of them
I think pepperoni is the worst pizza topping and that it provides no significant flavors, also biting into the pepperoni is a bother unless you eat it whole
Definitely Eula.
especially raiden
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Everytime I see Kachina bouncing on Turbo Twirly, all I can think of is Kachina bouncing on top of my dick.
i felt like it i guess
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We can agree that reaching c6 for a 5* is impossible unless you're a gigawhale, right?
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hydro traveler does
Hu Tao
You just need one condition fulfilled stupid.

Though really most C6 are crap.
You get a few shining ones like Furina's, which I'll remind everyone was originally her C2.
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>hydro tra-
shut up
>anons falling for this retarded shit
didn't a gigger actually get arrested for trying to hook up with a kid he met on genshin?
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Why don't you just keep it and find out? It either vanishes or it doesn't. If it does then there isn't anything you can do about it anyway.
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>sent to jail for 13 years and 4 months
for a limited 5*? sure
I have c6 Diluc despite being f2poor otherwise
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If you have ever played SMT 4: Apopclaypse or Persona 5 what it is used to empower the Holy Blade of Narzissenkreuz is basically Understanding or Cognition from those games using your will and imagination to rewrite reality to what you want it to be which is how the power of a Descender works as well.
Raiden's C6 was always underwhelming. First three constellations turn her into a DPS, then the other three are mostly support-centric
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any claymore users on top of bennett's burst can trigger it.. I think. Same with Dori's burst. Beidou's skill also applies electro to herself iirc
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what a tsun
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I have a c6 by saving for a long time as a welkin only
obese purple mirai
You are just not dedicated and disciplined enough to save for months on a single character and showcase your true love.
Right now I have enough gems saved from Sumeru's 2nd half and all of Fontaine to guarantee a C6.

I just don't want to burn all my savings rather than roll more 6 characters
I've got two C6R1s and I'm a dolphin at most
I think that I have Baidou
But then I would have betrayed Giovanni's trust for nothing. He's waiting for me to give him those branches man.
You could easily saved for c6 in Fontaine after entire year of Sumeru barrens.
Xiao. He was whalebait for having his nutty C6. In current year making use of his C6 or even his C1 is actually a waste of fucking time, the only real way you invest in a Xiao is getting your Xianyun to C2.
Traveler works but 90% of people don't remember he exists so there have been some complaints.
Nope, I'm f2p (welkin+bp) and I have a C6R1 Furina.
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Name your favourite 4* from each region
>Beidou's skill also applies electro to herself iirc
Yes, she'll self overload in bennett's circle
It's not literally impossible but considering c6 requires somewhere in the vicinity of 150-180K gems then it will certainly take you a very long time to save up that much
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Guaranteed c6 is like 180*6=1080 wishes=172.800 primos?
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>geo archon: still unmatched shielder, extremely comfy to use
>electro archon: good hyperbloom bot, still insanely strong in national team
>dendro archon: best dendro enabler bar none
>hydro archon: best damage buffer
>hydro dragon: top DPS
>anemo archon: ....
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What's fascinating is the fact that such a power is not a gift you're bestowed but rather a power you obtain.
I'm poor i can't barely get all the characters i want imagine getting cons and weapons
nice. I started in 3.5 and I'm around 80k exp away from AR 60
is their any word on which 4stars will be on yelan and emilie's banner?
You forgot to factor in luck into your calculations.
A C6 character was rolled 7 times.
i easily got alhaitham C6 as a F2P
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I have C6R6
get better taste in characters
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>electro archon: good hyperbloom bot, still insanely strong in national team
this one is somehow the most pathetic
it was never particularly strong but theorycrafters made it seem giga broken by assuming unrealistic conditions and some people fell for it
it has always been more about its style rather than power, spamming dashes is just cool
>descenders can ignore celestias fate and sky bullshit
ok but what if someone in teyvat got killing a descender as their fate would it just bug out and crash teyvat
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That's why I said guaranteed, I have no luck lol
oh know know know borrowtano bros...
They don't reveal them until a couple of days before the banner starts.
Don't really care for any of them but I think I'll go with Chevreuse
Went to youtube and checked how he did the math, he is changing her damage numbers while still doing 2 bites per e intead of 3 to 4. Fat retard

Not an inazuma hater btw it just doesn't have interesting 4 stars
that's good, imagine throwing money for CCP to fund their nuclear capability
His C6 was dismissed as situational even at the time. And last I checked it's still nuts for speedrunning.
meant for>>488173450
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Hu Tao blesses you to win all 50/50's
what did jeannie mean by this
Does her brother dress like a prostitute so that all the perverts give him attention instead of her?
Yun Jin
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Thanks. Got her at c0, it'd be nice to have her at c1
bro, your xq with narcissus sword?
Maybe if she had a better outfit. Really hoping she gets one some day.
since 4.0 i have gotten
>Neuv's weapon
>Chiori C1R1
Which means if I skipped everyone before Chiori I would've gotten her C6
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was talking to literally the entire sumeru cast necessary for this fucking quest?
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Exactly, it is something that only those with a will that can defy the Laws of Teyvat can wield.

Aether is so far the only Descender who cannot use this ability without the aid of another giving credence to the theory that we're being boosted by Paimon
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FLOPden FLOPgun...
Can your main do this?
goes here>>488173450
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>from strong DPS to hyperbloom bot
mona and qiqi have been sitting at 5* for a while.
i feel like hoyo is trying to tempt me to use primos on standard.
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it will take a lot of saving. If you can amass 800 rolls (128k primo) you're pretty much guaranteed a c6.
finna uninstall genshin tomorrow bros, I am going to take a long ass vacation
>Baron Bunny
>Miss Yun
>the Kot
>Madam Faruzan
>either one of the pit sluts
cons is for tardos
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It can be possible. These are from her first banner.
Do you not play the game, this is exactly what happened to the Third Descender just because you exist outside of Fate doesn't mean that you cannot be killed by somebody stronger and more skilled than you
Barb, Chong, Thoma, Faruzan, Freminet
Nothing in the quest was necessary, Cyno was taking the book back when you arrived and knew what was going on.
I wish Kuki were good on a regular team. I adore her character and kit so much.
Which Genshins have an adult woman fetish?
>either one of the pit sluts
Charlotte and Chevy?
Yeah. I can't pick between them
Yunjin, Liyue is very bad - couild probably find 10 4* from other regions who I like more
Those aren't churls though, Glory
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Scarafag saved since 1.1 till whenever he Scarashit was released and got him c6r5
So it just takes like uuuh 3 or so years?
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Must warn /gig/......About the Jews.....

They're behind this shit.....

All of it....
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Childe SOON
You're quite lucky. According to this >>488174208
you only had a few % of chance to pull it

Which would be better?
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Why is there NO ICD on crates interacting with water?
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wtf, childe makes shows for gordon ramsey!?!?!?
>all those replies
>noone mentioned scara anon
baraag is the pedo website
Kachina? I don't know who the 4*s are. I really hope Iansan is 5*.
>spamming dashes is just cool
I thought Clorinde would be free Xiao C6 at C0 but it just doesn't feel right. Maybe because the dash lacks impact and does no damage. At least it showed me what a scam Xiao C6 would be because if I try to spam her skill I lose lock on and it's just clunky as fuck.
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I'm aware, and very much grateful!
I doubled down by getting her other BiS sword during this banner, too.
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no one will believe you goy
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I got my c6 Childe with only needing to pay for 1 welkin and another one that someone gifted me, it's possible but it took me 2 years
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Damn you really love Scara
OK, it wasn't guaranteed, it was more like 95%.
But I have like 100k primos, 1000 starglitter unredeemed, worst case scenario is usually 160 rolls/character just because of how low the chances of going past 80 is from the soft-pity, and you get recycled Starglitter as you roll so that's like 1 free extra roll every 20 rolls or so once you've gotten a ton of 4 stars maxed
It's interesting that every time new character kits are revealed in Honkai Star Rail people are extremely excited with lively discussion about builds, teams, and the story of the characters.

How come when our character kits are revealed everyone usually acts disinterested or expects them to be bad? It actually seems like it has been this way on our side for a while now.

Why are people so much more negative about this game compered to Honkai Star Rail?
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I have two C6 limited 5*s with just Welkin's and a handful of Battlepasses, with more than enough for a 3rd.
HSR characters have more to them than being hairdressers
Mualani is at least better than Xiao, right?
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Glad to see my girl Chevreuse is so popular
Because you are on 4chan, where the most contrarian users stay, and we have years more content where people already have characters they fell in love with. genshin banners clearly excite people because they still sell gangbusters.
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>Mualani keeps getting nerfed
>Cope with Mavuika eventually buffing hee
>Mavuika is for attack scaling characters anyway aside from giving pyro app
Why should anyone give a fuck about that literal redditor?
Live view of me being unable to get to stage 6, attempt 3. I have no rewinds, it's only giving me my barely built pyro characters (and the Raiden i HAVE to save for the boss stage) to pick from, and I'm not doing this shit from scratch again.
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Fontaine was fun only for his faces
Dehya happened.

They took a character that was fairly popular, present for a lot of the story, and gave her the weakest kit imaginable. Obviously and deliberately underturned.
And then you got characters like Neuvilette that are obviously and deliberately overturned.
The devs pick favorites and it sucks.
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Does Mihoyo ban people who use skins?
is Arlecchino waifu material at all?
Maybe because the last objectively good kit was almost a whole year ago?

>m-muh safe horny mommykino
nobody gives a fuck about your hu tao sidegrade
He was an integral part of /gig/ and infamous example of a characterfag itt, noone else here done something like that.
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Posting White leaks should be a bannable offense
That grifter recycles old leaks, get some more info from beta dataminers, and makes some shit up on top of it
He has a discord "channel" where he charges money from retards in order to have access to his """leaks""" before anyone else

pic related, one of his "columbina leak", sometime before it was revealed she won't be present in 5.x
looks like it has as much adult shit as loli thoughbeit
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Xiao in his premier team? Maybe, I don't think so honestly.
She's Lyney's waifu
should I r3 my black sword for my pork or r3 my deathmatch for my (future) arlecchino
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You meant mods. No, unless you're streaming with that
In Genshin beloved characters get nerfed because they'll sell anyway, while hated characters get buffed to t-1 since they'll flop otherwise.
it's not known to happen to sensible users, but if one day they start treating skins as a primary profit generator and they suddenly ban tons of people that use them you have nobody but yourself to blame
>lively discussion about builds, teams
What? Most characters in HSR works in one archetype of the team at most. What is there to discuss about?
>story of the characters
Personal opinion, but I yet to find a single HSR character I would give shit about.
I know it's reddit post, but holy shit, do slurpers really?!
>noone else here done something like that.
Like rolling C6 5*s without whaling? There's a couple here that has already done that. The only difference is that they're not attention-whoring redditors like the Scaratroon.
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It's interesting how the Narzissenkreuz expanded on the concept of a "Descender" by showcasing how even a singular human from Teyvat can attain their abilities. It would explain how characters like, say, Alice, can come from another world yet still not quality as a "Descender" themselves. Not only that, but as you've said, it sets a precedent for the Traveler to eventually follow, and it will surely involve Paimon.
Yeah I just quit. I can't do this, it's meant for people way more invested than me, I'll just not get that second coin
There's a Sayu I can bring instead of Dori but she swirls hydro and then everything's immune to it.
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Bro you literaly do not need to do it in time, you can just kite them for eternity and you'll still get rewards. Stars in IT are just for showing off.
Black sword. And I'll pray for you to be spooked by pjws from standard banner soon
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>tall russian woman
>beats the shit out of me
>good with kids
bro, she's literally perfect
I'm safehorny...
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After 4 years of disappointment people have learnt to lower their expectations.
It’s funny how trash like Yelan Baizhu and Émilie had no effort put into their kit or design but they gave them broken numbers anyway because they know the metatards can’t help themselves
Blindfag >>488174453
>tall russian woman
Bro she's literally hebe sized without the heels
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every character in the top row...
I'm still waiting for the rerun because she NEEDS xiangling and I don't have her built, I would rather experience her when the pyro archon is around to make her function as intended.
wait his first name is Pete?
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>It's interesting that every time new character kits are revealed in Honkai Star Rail people are extremely excited with lively discussion about builds, teams, and the story of the characters.
She is Knaenri'an abomination anon
Reminds me of "muh Furina gonna save Dehya" case. Fucking clowns.
If you have any self respect you should at least wait for rerun if that's the case - devs CLEARLY don't have any idea what are they gonna do in the future, so creating synergies in advance is sad cope or big brain damage.
Why does Arlecchino count as Snezhnayan after spending her whole life in Fontaine from early childhood? Why was that even a big reveal?
>How come when our character kits are revealed everyone usually acts disinterested or expects them to be bad?
there were 10 5* in 4.X and only 3 of them were good
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She's actually nordic, not Russian, she's from Khaenriah.
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remember when the traveler was hyperventilating and almost had a stroke just from the pure pressure of Raidenbot's murderous aura?
a few years later and they are again scared shitless against Arlecchino
arlecchino is from FONTAINE she's a fucking PUTAIN
go ahead and post what happens 5 frames after that screenshot
No one remembers, Raidentroon
Nah she isn't she doesn't have an arke or what's it called.
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HE wasn't though?
meant for>>488174734
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>Bro you literaly do not need to do it in time
Except the stage fails if I can't kill 21 of them in the time limit. Those fucking duck assholes are what kills me, they do a nonstop rush with an AOE around their model
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because /hsr/ is not getting constantly mocked by faggot western ccs so they dont have as many tourists camping on the thread to shit on the game
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>unqiue kits with various added mechanics
>its basically fischl but its pyro\dendro\geo\etc now
Yeah, i wonder...
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It goes both ways
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>thinking they would actually let a Hydro main DPS even come close to Neuvillette
They already ruined an entire region's story and humiliated the fucking God of China to shill him, you actually thought a literal who hebe would be the one to stop it? They'll be trying to push him no matter how much he flops until EoS.
Have you fags settled on your Genshin waifu/husbando or are you still searching for the one?
genshin characters come out undercooked too often so it sets an expectation that they'll be middling at best, most characters are just side grades to something that already exists
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she can be everywhere
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The stages themselves are random from a selection, you can do the IT without having to touch this stage.
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>>unqiue kits with various added mechanics
If you have Raiden then you just need 3 anemo shitters to clear it
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doomposting upcoming characters started all the way back just before 1.1 when cheld got his ascension stat changed from crit to hydro dmg bonus and zhong was released in such a baffingly shit state while being the archon
since then, we've learned to keep our expectations low
who cares
who cares
who cares
Traveler should get beaten up by tall hot women more often
no matter how hard things get, i remain loyal to my NEET goddess...
meant for>>488175851
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why did they give her whore makeup
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>unqiue kits with various added mechanics
>now we gonna shill fua for months
>and now dot
>hope you are ready to invest into break, because if not, you're fucked!
Wow, such a great new mechanics and teams which a lot of potential customization! (1 per archetype!)
At first I thought Hoyo simply doesn't like genshin anymore, but the more I played HSR the more I undestood, Hoyo is simply not that great at vidya.
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We've been married for four years now
1.0 soul
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>>unqiue kits with various added mechanics.
Expect tens of self\discord buttbuddies replies to this post
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and then his bf clapped her
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THE POLL TO CONCLUDE ALL POLLS https://poal.me/uf6kbg
meant for>>488175851
meant for>>488176145
holy fuck wanderer is so ass as a dps
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Yes, mine specifically
The real stupid shit is that Xilonen will buff Neuvillette even more, what is their master plan ?
DoT is still the strongest team in the game and has no issues full starring one side of any of the endgame modes on Auto.

You actually fucked up if you didn't invest in DoT since it is actually immune to powercreep.
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>kazuha cucks aether and proceeds to marry ei
The good thing about IT is it makes you understand why these characters have 5% usage rate
Those numbers still look a little high, I think they'll nerf her again.
rebump her scalings by 10/15%hp on E in v4 and she will be ok
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your forced memes will never be funny
Her damage was never too high, she is a single target DPS, she better be outdamaging any AoE DPS that came before her in the same element
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I'm a kekafag since 1.0
>11 votes for buddypokes
nahitroon xisters WE MUST BOT THIS
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Name the last time new character added core mechanic to the game in genshin, like HMC did for HSR
And no, le pneuma shart does not count.
the mentally ill will literally say things like "93% V1 Mualani N(0) N(3) N(3) .5Q 848219.8511 Easy (was day 2 assumption)" and think any sane person knows what that means
they literally just nerfed the natlan hebe 3 times
anything is possible with mods. debase and feminize her to your hearts content.
Is that why you're slowly turning airplane mode on and off to vote for safe horny
uh oh, better bot it harder, nahitroon
Kino added BoL now leave star troon
for me, it's yaoyao.
if i have to name someone, lynette.
>sometime before it was revealed she won't be present in 5.x
by who faggot, white retweeted the columbina leak today, he still believes it
if the RNG is extra nice to you, maybe that'll work out
Russians are angry only cheld and pulcinella are russian
Name the last time anyone asked
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go back to your chinawank game general, highspeed rail
Will they re release the archons ? I kinda want a Zhongli/Venti alter
Chevreuse and Navia added G U N S
this but unironically
Arrlechino didn't add BoL, the enemies in the area did.
Its supposed to be a damn bleed status inflicted on your charatcres, but they decided to make it a guage for Arlecchino and Clorinde's skills for some stupid reason
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What's wrong with Siggy?
why is there no senran kagura genshin/honkai ripoff?
I say this.
Sigewinne... Rape...
I look like this and say this
Lyney was designed before release.
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Buckle in.
Too much work for nips.
Who else is it gonna be? The other 2 lynette and freminet are so autistic they can barely function in society without lyney.
babala, gayming, kirararara, canned ass, lynn
Everyone knows fat Xiao the repressed homo is to Blame for the state of Genshin
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I wish Raibot would go huge again and crush me in her cleavage
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>mualani is now worse at single target than neuv
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Clay pigeons...
Seeing Hilichurls die! It gives me such joy!
Been clearing shit with Kafka way before dot was top tier. Kind of why HSR got so boring too - I expected a lot of different team variations when I started and creativity to pull them off. In reality you get these 3 cookie cutters if you want to play specific archetype or fuck off and the best you can do is way for the new toy they gonna shove in your ass once they get bored of current one. Also here! Have new mode to shill this archetype of fuck off! Not sure if boring or disgusting, but, with addition of Penacony plot being snoozefest my will to keep going with this shit absolutely tanked.
Let's settls this once and for all /gig/
meant for>>488173450
How many primos do you have saved for Natlan? I'm at 39k right now but I'm going to roll for Yelan next banner.
uh oh femcel melty
Celestia citizen...
same. people asking for more black representation need to shut up, hilichurls are everywhere and killing them is easy
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now post the gameplay
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Poll for the future of /gig/
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poalschizo melty
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he said 4*s.
siggy is a 6*.
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I hate photo events so god damn much it's unreal.
for me, it's holding them with jean while furina's critters and oz torture them
wtf raidenxisters.....
our bots are losing badly.......
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>genshin is shit!! genshin flopped!!! why?! uuum b-because i said so!! look at these disconnected numbers that i try to push as signs of decline!!
>um guys i think hsr actually does this and that thing better than genshin
>what the fuck!! fuck off railtranny!! genshin is 3 billion times better!! its good unlike your autobattler!!
what's the deal with bipolar?
buddypokes are the ugliest
Playing Diona in every co-op fight!
I am 100% certain that when the time comes Paimon will surprise us all
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>"Therefore... I shall allow you to leave Tenshukaku alive"
>goes for the kill literally 5 feet after you walk out
what the fuck is her problem?
bros how would YOU fix raiden
I'm saving for snez at this point
>no /gig/ without poll posts option
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where cuckposting
If you remove raiden, wanderer also disappears and kazuha becomes less annoying.
so you've been a fool since 1.0?
I'm an uppity buddypoke
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>Leaks says that Waterkuma is not only working on ZZZ but also on Genshin

Twitter is not going to like this. I wonder what character it would be...
>entire thread is one person
least retarded honkai monkey
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can you at least post what your poal is about retard
It would flop bigly.
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not a fool, a believer
sling bikini
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>Leaks says that Waterkuma is not only working on ZZZ but also on Genshin
Where? What leaks?
Im interested now.
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By my authority as the rightful owner of /gig/, I hereby declare this card as the OFFICIAL mascot of Genshin Impact.
will it matter? it's not like his artstyle will be able to carry over, every character follows the same template in genshin. it's not like zzz where every character has a unique facial structure and you can actually tell that someone like nicole is a waterkuma character from her face.
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[Reliable] Leaks say that internal sources from MiHoYo say that the high-ups say that the charts say Fontaine flopped
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why is kekaposter even there
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all these poals?
I made them
you are cuckposting, retardf
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rent free
They’re based off of indogs like yourself, though.
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This is an image to distract myself from the immeasurable butthurt of being cucked out of a thespian pose because the wondrous boon gave me a full vigor hard carry and then told me I can't use it for the boss

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Nahida in a casual outfit
You misspelled twitter
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This but unironically and not 14 year olds, it's 10 year olds.
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[Offical] New leak from Hoyo says Natlan will be better (true)
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and the character you regret rolling for most, anon?
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Because I put them there.
>hoyo does a real graphical update
>suddenly character models are unique
never ever but it's fun to think about
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So fucking cute. A frog, a squirrel and a finch looking at a monument there.
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My favourite 6*
So where were those 5.0 graphical updates they promised?
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Why does /gig/ hate Raiden so much...
Ayaka, she should change her name to Ayacaca
Because it's simple to understand what a kit does in a turn-based game.
Action games have more nuance because there are things to consider such as distance. Genshin isn't just a numbers game, unlike Star Rail.
Albedo is a pedo, klee is in danger
Tighnari is a pedo, Collei is in danger
useless fuck burns stamina too fast
playstation exclusive
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Reminder that Lumine LOST to Nilou
Yeah I did this shit out of order too, finished the Fontaine quest and then did leftovers in northwest Sumeru. The research notes connect a lot of lore crumbs together.
both literally me
>actual zoomers
unfortunately they prefer MEN and little girls...
[Reliable] >>487982418
Remember when /gig/ was good?
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i'm gonna fill every aranara with my cum
I am the danger.
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Yeah, everyone is so excited about how trash Yunli's kit is and how sooooo excited about going back to Space China.
when was that?
>pagdentroons couldn't bot hard enough
kek uglypoke pedos lost
You ever tried cleaning a Tatami mat? Easier to buy a new one.
Yanqing is so lucky...
why hu tao is not on the list?
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Seems like she is a winner to me
Furina has godlike powers, she's just a normal girl just got her vision last month. Arle should get Furina to be her heir
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Okay we should really just settle down on the poals after this one, the only good one:
No one cares about that kid. We're all talking about Feixiao and Lingsha over there.
updates? what updates? they're just soft dropping the ps4 and potatoes
Raidenpags did so much damage to /gig/ that everyone agreed to oust them out from their circles.
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post something funny
I will become the poster who wins this btw
Actual real final poal
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Her body is a little too erotic, she should dress more modestly to make them happy.
uglypokeSISSIES?????? WHAT HAPPENED???????????????????
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petting ganyu!!
>Kino tournament arc straight out of Dragon Ball featuring fan favorite characters from every region of the game
>Actual cinematic boss fights against playable characters which Genshin seems incapable of doing

Give me one reason why we should not be hyped about this but be hyped for Genshin's tournament that looks more boring on every level?
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Women are having a pretty big melty right now.
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>not even a day
lol, lmao
the safe horny lightning neet...
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we love hu tao here
Neuvillette flopped
I always have purpose for rolling a character so there is no reason to regret it later.
If you want to ask about 5* I used the least and have no real impact in my progression, probably Raiden there is also Itto chase, but only got him while chasing Gorou and he's forever gonna sit at 20, so doesn't really count.
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Please think about fucking Yaoyao's 10 year old pussy.
Younan's POV
Yep he’s seething
Nadeko is so erotic...
KanaHana in Genshin when?
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>Still no news of Natlan fishing association
I'm a femcel yume but I love cute girl characters
...his massive drvgon cock on Furina's forehead every day, for a week...
Kould WARPED you
YuYu Hakasho >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a pile of dogshit fermenting on your doorstep >>>>>>>>>>> Dragon Ball
Okay, I'm thinking it. What now?
Yoimiya and anemo Yoimiya
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Everyone abandoned that safe horny trash the moment an actual sexy female archon showed up
the dendro buddypoke...
doll is superior
roll for yaka
raiden and cyno
i have c2 clorinde now
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>Furina built a spy network from the ground up and ran it for hundreds of years
>Arle runs a spy network
Furina is more qualified than Lyney, though of course the writers forgot that detail when they rewrote Furina into becoming a retarded crybaby
She's 9 actually.
Honestly I don’t get what I was thinking when I rolled for Xiao and Childe. I regretted Ayato for a long while but he’s been useful in hydro wank abysses.
>working my way through hangouts
>people think the Traveler and Ningguang are fucking
Didn't we talk all of twice in the AQ?
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>/___/ _____ __ _____
That whore told me she was 18 wtf
>have raiden
>roll cyno
still don't know why anyone did this besides actually liking cyno
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>Actual cinematic boss fights against playable characters
/hsrg/ likes to frot?
borderline too old but ok
I self insert as Emilie too sis…
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WOOOOW Feixiao another Arbiter-General who gets powercrept instantly like Jing Yuan. OMIGOSH OMIGOSH Lingsha? Firefly slave to replace Gallagher sooo exciting! Let's not forget March 7th soooo kawaiii. NOOOOOOOOO I don't want to go back to Space Liyue.
unironically based star rail
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Proclaim how great it is and spread the message.
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I like this kot
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>noooo how dare you roll who you like
Shocking, I know.
IT would be fine if it didn't have the fucking hard timers that turn the whole thing into a dps check

In fact Genshin as a whole would vastly improve without timers on everything possible
kill yourself slopfly faggot
random Eremite gang...
Nobody cares about your Raiden.
Keep yourself safe, FireflyCHAD
think you were invited to her jade chamber, which is something only people Que Pasa Neng trusts can achieve? especially not some commoner with no money? could be misremembering.
and that's what makes it based
>Hunt and 4* sidegrade
lol, lmao even
uhoh chang melty
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forgot to save the first one...
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Hmmm, nyo
Just got her at c1 ironically
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post more kot
I dont care what your posting about, stop changing your md5 or go back, faggot
paglus likes to watch
actually based electro DPS roller
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While you're watching
trying too hard.
>Awkwardly chucks her sword at the deadly robot for some reason and does no damage
>Animators forgot that her sword was still sheathed

Why does HSR have the worst choreographed fight scenes of all Hoyo's games?

Even Cyno v Sethos looked cooler than this.
I love sparkle crossdressers so fucking much it's unreal, my favorite one is that one with the very tiny pp
you do realize they've buffed Mualani's damage by 50%, right?
the crinkles are gross
can you stop being a fucking faggot
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I never save forced screenshot bait, I only screenshot cool landscapes as I encounter them the first time, preserving actual magical moments.
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kill yourself, you're no better than neuvfaggot
my dogs do this after i bathe them. dunno why.
likely meant for>>488180206
you do realize they've buffed Mualani's areola radius by 50%, right?
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IT feels like it would make nobody happy.
I'm nooooticing
This. My screenshot folder is essentially an adventure scrapbook. If the game tells me HOW to take a picture, it goes in the garbage right afterwards.
mindbroken lmao
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Sexiest false advertisement ever.
I like seeing you have a mental breakdown over fictional characters though.
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Keep yourself safe, you're just as based as the neuvCHAD
I love Wei Wei! She's so cute!
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wao, that would've been useful a year ago
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keep enjoying the slop like the good little normie you are
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Kirara is yurikino
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tell the class anon, why do you hate pagfly so much?
and no
just saying shes ugly or boring simply wont cut it
would be if they used literally any other genshin
Fireflop is so ugly and flopped so hard, she killed her entire game. SAD!
Easy pass for me
Nilou flopped btw AGAIN
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how is it that we have half a dozen full time schizos hatefully obsessed with genshin lore but no one cares about the lore in any other gacha?
Caelus fucked this
Which 4* characters do you want to be on the next banner? Which ones do you think we'll get?
Holy based Archiveschizo.
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Kirara is straightkino
Is this a guy? I've seen the footjob video and need to know.
Can we have the option of "/gig/ without poorfag thirdies?"
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Wait I thought the narrative was that we were all virgin incels?
The worst part is that the trailer for the region made it seem like this was gonna be THE FIGHT of the story but instead it's literally just that
>black is nerfed
>white is buffed
I knew hoyo wouldnt let me down
Would I be able to roll her and then get Kinich with only 127 rolls?
That's cheating since most of the worst shitposters are third worlders.
if you could fuck one genshin with a paperbag on who would it be
>balance team actually balances
>this is a bad thing
archiveschizo is a fireflyfag?
cute and canon
I would have rolled for her if Ningguang and Kaveh hadn't been on her banner.
genshin impact TM truly has the best story
I would like Diona or YaoYao cons
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sex with sexfly
I don't want chevy since I'm skipping that, we will get chevy
At least one of Razor/Mika/Heizou
I don't dare to guess for the rest since it always feels like a total toss-up anyway
no i just saw him post this here before and i'm curious lmao
shilled like kazuha and neuv with a twist of teppei, worst hoyo character ever
as long as its not chevy i'm good, i already have yelan and dont want emilie. my ideal would be her on mualanis banner with kachina, so i could get them all in one fell swoop
sadly no

Because she's hot and men like her. That's all it takes for mentally ill women to seethe at other female characters.
I still think the ancient egypt theme and his ult are the coolest in the game, the jackal shit and giant claws are awesome. it just sucks that he's completely average. if they had just made his ult his e and just made his ult a nuke or something i would play him a lot more, getting E's off and slashing around are great fun.
None of them because I'm neither not retarded nor a gambling addict, so I only roll for characters that I like.
>kill cute girl while shilling manlet homo
>both will flop now instead of just the manlet
Female intelligence at its finest.
because i'm gay
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cute kot
We have girls around?
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the most mentally ill posters here are all women
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Girls or "girls", doesn't matter. It's why hoyo generals are so awful.
If you rolled for who you like, then why do you regret rolling?
don't worry bros there's still the v4
One more nerf incoming! Hold the line Mualani bros!
they wish

probably a homo lole
I don't, I'm another anon.
I don't regret anyone in my roster, even Shenhe who hasn't been used in months.
not to interject but i think the shitskin infestation is more of a problem
Now post the firepag ritualpost count.
Please god let it be Chevy. I'd love a Yaoyao too.
holy king of bland taste
can you post one of her shoving it in her coochie
Good for you - for me since the very beggining Clorinde was a waste of character, was pointless in a story and her gameplay offers nothing new in comparison to other electro characters. What a waste of great design.
She's incredibly ugly and shilled everywhere. So I have to see her ugly face all the time. Why can't they use one of the cute girls like Sparkle?
she deserved it
Neuv was a mistake
Other gacha games have a higher proportions of SEA and other such countries and don't have this issue.
She's already on the standard banner
What are the teams?
Mavuika is projected by all industry market analysts to be the highest selling banner character in gacha history.
>Raping your hot wife immediately after she gets home from a mission instead of waiting for her to wind down
Do Shartrail players really?
>gacha game general
>not being infested with shitskins
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lowest standards ever
yeah im not buying that, gas them
>not immediately on that sweaty pussy instantly
trying too hard man.
forgot to mention im trans btw and my favorite character is aventurine
I skipped glühwürmchen for Jade
I’m skipping Nilou and Navia for Emilie
But that's how she winds down?
You mean those rolls that I only get like a dozen a month of?
>balance team actually balances
>Natlan is gonna have the worst new region sales in history
>despite most likely having store reset
How could this happen?!
If that's low standards then I don't want to imagine how rock bottom you'd be
I got chev rolling the weapon banner and as much as I want her c6 I have to save for 5 stars coming up so she will be stuck at c1 forever
>and don't have this issue.
Now that's the most blatant lie I've ever seen on this entire website.
>balances team actually balances
>releases neuv
pick one
You can always buy more with primo
>make one mistake
>fans now want you to stop doing your job properly
lol CN people are paying construction workers to shit in stealth places on the construction site of Mihoyo's new HQ.
>give new character harder but rewarding playstyle
>or just kill her on the spot because she can never compete with hot shit
Chiori and Wrio are gonna look like quite popular characters once Mualani drops.
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