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Previous Thread:>>488160956

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Ako (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Makoto (3* - Limited)
Iroha (3* - Rerun)
Ibuki (1* - Welfare)
>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 7/30 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/23 (Mon) 19:00 - 7/29 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
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>4 hours 30 minutes until dHina / Bluefes
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My precious desert rose.
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You better get ready to produce not-Seia
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You know the poster A vote for Bart is a vote for Anarchy? Change that to Makoto
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blue archive moments that made you feel like this?
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You're such a fucking baby, Jesus.
Every time Wakamo shows up
FOX Squad
Need her to give me a footjob with socks on while she forces me to wear a condom too
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Hot take: Only chapter 1 of Vol 3 is good.
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Leisa the lapist.
no fucking way
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i won bigly this time
how is your damage looking like bwos
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Hoshino bros how do we recover from this???
how many sparks are you going for bros
Why are you bring that shit here?
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Professor... I've been a bad Sensei, please correct me
The real ba killer....
no...not reisa too...
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My wife saori
on one hand I want to try it
on the other I don't want to be bullied for being a global pleb by all the cool kids
Fuck off retard
2 but it may bite me depending what banners will JP get after the current bluefes
I just had sex with myself
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I, JOBshino, PINKtard of Kivotos, humbly kneel to
Nonomi-dono, my best friend who tolerated all my schizo shit. I am sorry for ignoring your advice. You can employ me as a maid with no pay.
Ayane-SAMA, my El presidente, I should have given you the reins of leadership as soon as you enrolled in Abydos. I would humbly work as your secretary for the rest of my life.
Shiroko-cha-, no Shiroko-SAMA please forgive me for mocking your prowess in combat. Your potential is greater than mine. Please don't hurt me again I would gladly lick your wolf pussy so it will be ready for Sensei's cock...
Yume-dono, my idol, my bedrock and my deceased best friend. Please rest in peace I promise I would be your servant in the afterlife. Forgive me for staining your name and reputation
Kuroko-sama, the true Apex Predator of Abydos, my other queen, please forgive me for belittling you younger alternate version. I also thank you for cleaning my mess in the story. I would have also fucked up BlueFES if you didn't show up in the last minute to save it. I will happily serve as a training dummy for you or Shiroko and lick your wolfpussy as well...
Sensei, my one and true love and other master, please forgive me for disregarding your advice and ignoring your affections. You can manhandle me anytime you want, sex, blowjobs, handjobs, footjobs, hairjobs, anal sex, cuckquean in 3 somes and ANYTHING I would do it Sensei...
And finally, Hina-SAMA, my master, please forgive me ever saying I was the strongest. Please forgive me for acting cheeky and smug. I can only win by cheating an asspull with the help of Clockman. I would gladly breastfeed your children with Sensei while you are busy getting fucked by Sensei COCK
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Hopefully 0
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▲ ▲
ayame....would've been able to triforce....
>Haven't played the game for a few months
>Tried to log in
>It doesn't recognize my google account and sends me to the new account menu

I'm trying to remember if I deleted my whole account before leaving the game or it's just an error
They kneel like their student
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I'm thinking its over.
depends on how many elephs I need/get
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is this true?
>tiny midget needs to bend down to pet me
Holy shit I'm a gnome
My dick
shunny's tight, petite, hairless innie pussy
Thanks Hina
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Blue Archive?
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Impressive. However...
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You're right. That is a hot take. Hot garbage.
4.5 inches
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seven prisoners in my basement
d-does it have gameplay..?
I'm doing one and fucking off. I already gotta save one spark for NY Fuuka then two for B Hoshino and Kuroko
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>post a picture of my pretty wife with beautiful eyes
>she gets made fun of for looking goofy
Us Nonomibros have it hard too...
8.7cm pushing into the base
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Wait that's my dick
it's so that you can lift them anywhere. and developing their tiny anuses before they know what sex is
Shun's hairy, meaty roast beef pussy
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how does hoshino lose a fight after all that wanking?
lol it already lost most of its momentum from May as far as fan-made content goes, all """traitor""" artists went right back to BA and only occasionally tweet its stuff these days
People likely realized early that Scamco wants to milk everyone dry with their gacha system and bailed
Is this the cunniest character or are there more?
Yeah, it's a raising sim. In fact some of /bag/ would complain that it has too much of it.
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they're just feeling breast envy
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Would the opposite logic apply to Hasumifuckers and treefuckers?
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What do you unlock when you reach the max bond level?

Go back retard tourist
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Wtf. I'm not gonna follow them. Post screenshot.
Hopefully early hina and dip. I already got fucked trying to roll for ligma on hanako banner. Fuck arona.
there needs to be a doujin of michiru trying to do ninja stuff but failing and getting captured and sexually interrogated
is this a JAV
Nude sprite
Nothing, got it
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images for this feel?
Fully voiced l2d sex scene
>hagfags all have 18 in cocks
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Only one. I was originally planning on putting 2 in but dAko and Makoto's banner absolutely fucked me so I'm just not gonna bother. dHina is honestly my least favourite blufes character yet so my enthusiasm is not high.
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One hot kot please
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Neru soft butt
But I like Tsukuyo and have a small dick
i just whaled on another game
sorry arona
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Dumb kot
/dbs/ website
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Neru no don't rape me AIIIIIEEEEEEEEE
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No forgiveness
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Say it.
Bejitabro btw
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i've alive!
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No. I want small girls to tell me that my dick is too small for them, followed by lots of mocking and humiliation (being told that I cannot compensate for it would be golden). By the way my dick's the western average size, smack bang right in the middle of average, as standard as it gets...
Hiro is fairly tall, it's just that she's a skeleton. The designated smol girl is China (148) and she's hebe. But she gets some loli art like this
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Hiro's body is more Himari-like than cunny. Average height but a skeleton body. The cunniest is China (yeah that's how her name is spelled) at 148 cm. I wish there were more loli or loli-ish idols in the game like in CG/ML but that's the drawback of having such a small cast focused on quality over quantity.
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dumb cucky
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How is it that even with a spammer you guys can't use up all the image slots?
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Wish women like this were real
what happens when you're not new anymore
licking chise's retard pussy
By me
My wives
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Looking at this situation you can notice by a glance it’s all YOUR FAULT
I'm not in the mood for images after how hard these 100 free rolls and this shitty banner fucked me.
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We havent been able to image EoS consistently since JP stream
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I hope she spooks me
Why does she have 4 eyebrows?
She has a really nice cafe animation. Spin to win.
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This but with Makoto
Hiroy is so fucking hote
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
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I got her yesterday, I'm starting her momos immediately
I wish Haruna would jerk me off with her tail
Yukari barely getting any art/doujin after her initial introduction might be the single biggest crime surrounding this game
I greatly look forward to the day she, Kaho, and Kokona get alts
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Good night doomer
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That but exactly that and without Makoto
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You think a dude who got a tattoo of a girls halo from the game would drop it cause of the story?
I don't think that was him.
Why does purple exist again? Couldn’t they have just made more blues?
Suzuya would never say something like that.
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It's because I want to be raped senseless by a fragile fluffy girl
Which non loli student wouldn't laugh at my micro penis?
For the same reason green will be introduced in 6 months.
Midomo shilling when....
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I was lucky and got DAko exactly at the 200th roll. I was ready to spark Makoto, so I rolled on DAko's banner for a chance to get them both.
I got lucky and I already had Iroha. Plus, I rolled Cherino twice, so it's all good.
everyone new from vol5 pretty much suffered the same fate. vol5 in particular seems to have completely failed at holding the nips' attention after like 1 month
When is it Wakamo's turn to be the main character of a three volume main story?
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plowing fuuka from behind
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how many hours til banner
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imagine being
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Every single C&C member by default is a Sensei milker. In fact, that will be the 1st qualifier to get in C&C.
Neru is so fucking scary and intimidating. Keep her away from me
It's because they did a one-and-done with vol. 5, pretty much everyone on JP said it was a decent story volume, but alas it was mostly set-up and didn't give you enough of the girls just yet
Also the cat is very popular still, even if it's largely thanks to Kazusa rivalry memes
We already have aoi though?
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she got some attention during her introduction
churro and kikyou basically overshadowed everyone from volume 5
Kikyou was the only one who took off that much, followed by Shuro.
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You could have just said midori you know
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Yes. Tattoos are for degenerates.
where do i find the most lewds of the professor
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No, cuck shit just doesn't do it for me. It's too gay; I'm not attracted to men and I don't consider myself inferior to other guys either. All it offers is taboo and a disrespect/betrayal factor, but that's not enough to make up for how other guys are off-putting and how much of a dead-end cuck shit is for the scenario. There's much more to be gained from expanding on the interpersonal humiliation and degradation, and if you instead incorporate elements of affection and amusement it takes on a whole new level of artistry and depth. Truly... Small penis humiliation and deep loving affection are made for each other; there's no better combination. Just imagine... A girl that thinks your pathetic and unsightly behaviour is cute, and a relationship built upon so much trust that you could give yourself over to her in such a crushingly degrading way. There's just so much room for growth and exploration there that a homo-erotic and stunted fetish like NTR just seems absurdly dull in comparison.
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BRB will NTR Yuuka
Is she referring to Arona?
definitely, tattoonigs don't make good choices
I gotta go to sleep, good luck with your rolls bwos
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Is this how the average /bag/got acts in public?
Not really. I tried it on launch and it's pretty much a sim where you select a couple cards to determine what your idol does for the day and then talk to her and watch her perform. Equivalent to ASS band event as far as compelling gameplay goes. The animations are good however and most stuff is voiced, which is nice albeit all the dialogue is quite cliche.
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Huh, so D Hina's coming today? I thought she'd drop tomorrow
Hear me out. Fake printable tattos. Temporary tattoos are a thing ya know?
Only to my wife
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Good night sensei
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No, this is rude and unseemly behaviour.
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Good night, WakaBro.
Yeah she's dead.
Sensei has Yakuza style tattoos, but instead of the usual art, it's Kivotos schools themed
wakamo's hairy asshole
Isnt the gameplay just Umamusume with idols instead of athletes
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actual nigger tier
You're talking out your ass. It's a card game like a mix between hearthstone and slay the spire.
Set sail for codpiece.
Are you retarded?
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Good night /bag/.
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Pat, lift, hug and kiss Niyaniya after teasing her
Good night anon
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This is evil
nom nom
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Good night
Is that Miyu 1:1?
Yeah no shit Aoi can mean blue or green. Mostly used for blue though hence the traffic lights having blue in japan
But we have Midori who's 100% just fucking green. And you didn't think of her.
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Is there any non mentally ill mikaposter left?
prone boning otogi
Chibi Waka would break /bag/
important question
>eating a full course meal in front of jumbler
absolute tyrant, you let her loose this instant
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You see, the person who invented that Kanji was green/blue colorblind.
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I mean, I can't deny that.
I love Fuuka, but I'd never get a tattoo of her.
Though considering this dude was a ritualposter for a good while, I'd figure he'd stick with the game.
You mean loli waka
We have chibi waka already
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Chink Migga!
One day even the people with bond 100 studentwives will quit the game...
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What name would they give to green armor and attack?
I don't know how you can equate selecting the highest rarity cards you got from the gacha as the general best pick in any situation to card games that actually require some semblance of thought. I like im@s even but that wasn't anything you could remotely call gameplay.
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Retard power! Soviet tower!
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My god nigger, it was just a joke over aoi being used for both colors, don’t have a fucking meltdown over it
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I am here, but I can't post Mika because of scatnigger
>ctrl F
>0 results for "My canon Fuuka wife"
it's over
I always found it really weird how Guan Yu's weapon was called the Blue Dragon...
>hobbies: pessimism
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Migga ohh????
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Thoughts on S. Hiyori's L2D?
I hope every single artist that draws anus licking licks an anus themselves.
Are these japs or gooks?
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I alone am the honored one
why are Shun's tatas lopsided though?
I don't like using horny L2Ds though so I'd never put it on my rotation.
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This really really shows that you don't play it. You don't get cards from a gacha. You get them as you are doing a run. A rare card can be way better than an SSR card. You need to know the combinations. You need to know the breakpoints of buff increases.
what's wrong with her tummy?
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I shall post Mika, regardless of Scatman Jeongs unlimited dilation works.
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>average /bag/got
More like average Twitter SEAmonkey. The kind of monkey that follows that pajeet eceleb wannabe
l2dcreep is real...
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Migga cat!
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Look at her arm.
judging by characters at the background, chinks
why not
I would cum instantly at the sight of Summer Iroha. I would spend so many pyros to get her.
Her arm is pressing one of them
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I need to do this to all my students
the professor
i wish shun's armpits were as hairy as her pussy is
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving blue archive global
professor seiaseia
well that explains it
I need to cum inside niyaniya
I don't spam her, if that's what you mean. I don't see any point in adding fuel to the fire so I don't really talk or post about her when the image dumps are going on.
Oh it was Hare's VA
I don't know the current story on JP servers and idk why everyone hates on Hoshino, but I still love her no matter what.
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Is Juri wilfully negligent?
I get that she's cursed but why the fuck does she keep trying to cook and cause problems?
At this point she's no better than the usual troublemakers at Gehenna because she KEEPS FUCKING DOING IT.
You mean because of
Buttfucking that male Karin
W*men will do anything for attention.
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A necessary evil to keep trannies away.
I just prefer comfy L2Ds really.
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Except you can use the gacha shit during live performances though. You're literally trolling if you think the cards themselves have any kind of deep effect that requires anything more than surface level interaction. It's cool if that's deep and engaging enough for you, good for you, but it wasn't for me.
>I don't spam her
You are not real
Why does all of /bag/ love idolm@ster so much?
if you speed it up like 8x, it looks like you're fucking her from behind
I trust my students.
Female only with male self insert
I bet they had a fun day cosplaying at whatever event they were at. Probably enjoyed putting their outfits together too. Professional cosplayers have ruined the hobby.
When did she get that scar on her face?
What gacha shit are you talking about? What do you mean by live performance? I literally don't understand what game mechanics you mean right now. The one card that's tied to each idol? 1 card out of 30 in the deck?
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Did Idolmaster even came to the west in any form, I might be ignorant about idolmaster but i don't think I ever seen english translation of their games, I would be willing to give it a try thought because i like the Not Seia character design
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>fighting shit with piss
We don't, please tell /@/ to fuck off.
I hate idolshit and I'll never play an idol game.
I'm only still here because I'm an EOP and im@s will never ever have english server
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>fighting shit with piss
I thought you were talking about posting Mika to fight the schizo kek
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Smug Migga!
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>Why does all of /bag/ love idolm@ster
I know Jack shit about that IP.
I made this post >>488173959 and went to take a nap, but what I meant was that he still play this game but he's probably not posting here anymore because it's summer and probably doesn't want to waste his time posting on 4chan while on vacation
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Jesus Christ the daily quests in this event are so fucking boring.
Speak for yourself and a very vocal minority.
bobblehead bitch
Cute childs
you're a weirdo if you don't fantasize about having raw sex with a virgin teenage idol
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I think about this often. That Priconne meme of the guy logging out and never coming back due to CR EOS haunts me.
This is my first gacha, and I'm enjoying it, but I'm sure the quality won't last and one day I'll move on, or an EOS will happen, and I'll just look back on this fondly, and that'll be it.
So I'm thankful for how fun the story has been so far. Coming on here and seeing spoilers, and shitposting with you /bag/gots has been a good time.
shared fanbase, less on /vg/ albeit
I only like 765 because I'm a boomer.
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Feed the Migga!
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I hate blacks, fuck you Karin
Meanwhile if you take a look in their general, they're posting shipping cuckshit with their idols right now.
I like the daily curtain call stuff better than the main quest
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May I introduce you to the wise words of Yuuki Aoi
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He will come back when the Juri alt drops
You may
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Not the top waifuchads
I've been in these threads since the 1st anniversary. I've only ever posted new Mika fanart that I've come across, and never more than a few times a thread. And I post plenty of other students aside.
I used to play osu and got into it through deresute.
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Baby Migga!
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>fighting shit with piss
Why yes. Have you never used a pressurised piss stream to get rid of small shit stains that couldn't get flushed away? It works.
go on then
Should've cosplayed Yuuka instead.
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You don't cry over spending money to eat well. Same deal.
I plan to play this game until EoS. If I disappear one day, I actually died.
>in Kivitos' equivalent of ISIS and Taliban
>still end up a fat fuck
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Isn't it strange that we lost Farfie one weekend and we gained two mika avatar posters soon after?
I'm not surprised. Especially considering that there's some cuck posts earlier in this thread too.
She's a good girl now.
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They took you, Night Man,
and you don't belong to them
They locked me in a world of darkness
without your sexy hands
And I miss you, Night Man, so ba-a-ad
Day Man
Fighter of the Night Man
Champion of the sun
You're a master of karate
And friendship for everyone
Day Man (Aah-aah-aah)
Fighter of the Night Man (Aah-aah-aah)
Champion of the sun (Aah-aah-aah)
You're a master of karate
And friendship for everyone
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Chic Migga!
allahu snackbar
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Is cat good for you?
I don't really care.
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I hate how every single quest is just
>talk to this person
>find this shiny spot on the map
>talk to this person
>talk to this person
>quest is over
It's peak boring ass JRPG side quest nonsense.
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Time for Migga XD!
No? We're in the middle of summer where schizos thrive.
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ah ah AAAAH!
I tried to get into it but I couldn't because of the number of non self-insert x idol doujins they have (usually gangbang). If their fanbase was like BA and 99% of their porn was sensei x student, I would've gotten into it.
How long until mikaposters go back to school?
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ISIS had fatties in it
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The fat guy in the pic ended up dead on some truck didn't he
which one of you is this
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Migga XD on the beach!
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One of these is not like the others
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This is my first gacha too, I never even thought I'd be playing it longer than a month or so when I first started playing, I dragged a friend into it and he still plays to do this day as well.
I'm sure I'll be devastated when the game eventually ends, or maybe I'll burn out by then - but considering I still haven't maybe I never will. /bag/ can be a mixed bag at times but for the most part posting here has been a lot of fun and a part of me will definitely miss it.
I hope if I ever stop playing BA it's because I physically can't anymore and not because the game no longer appealed to me.
aru's sweaty bra
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Migga mob!
It's because they have m*les in it unlike what >>488181518 said
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The fuukafag with the tattoos posted in a thread a couple of days ago & said that he's still obsessing over her just as much as he did in the past. With regularly scheduled headpats & whatnot. He just stopped browsing /bag/. His reasoning was that this place never changes & everyone posts the same shit ad infinitum & he got bored of it.
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come tomorrow morning about 6:00 am New York time the game won't be up, just you watch
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hiroy if she real
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>forgot to go to work today since i thought it was sunday
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One of them is Aru!
Mika's impressively bald pussy
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You know what? I'm just going to say it and I don't care what anyone thinks. I like cunny. It makes my dick really hard when I see pantsu.
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Migga maid!
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fuck you
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Tsurugi deserves more screentime, she is supposed to be Trinity's Hina and she's an absolute cutie and a sweet heart
>failed normalfag
did you get fired?
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Voice of an angel
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Why is everyone yelling at me what did I do wrong?
>she's supposed to be Trinity's Hina
Sorry. She's not popular and doesn't have any devs that wank her so that will never happen.
I clicked before fully reading the username and I'm glad the content is completely unrelated to it.
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Shy Migga...
The best ending is losing interest slowly.
>no futa
Bro wtf
i hope the game ends before i get burned out on it
you are just as retarded as makoto, only difference is sensei actually has potential consequences kek
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I don't know a thing about Idolmaster.
I just fap to Momoka doujins. And Anzu. And Yukimi.
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nothing. on my part you said /bag/ can be a mixed /bag/ and leaned towards a positive note so its my duty to offer you the negative one
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Migga sucks.
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Another Migga maid!
This guy really likes futas with small pps.
yeah, i need her
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>complains about the same shit ad infinitum
>makes ritualposts
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Why can I not pull for Hina yet? What are they waiting for? Are they stupid?
EoS fucking sucks and I hope none of you have to go through it if you haven't already. My favorite gacha died a couple of years ago and for the last couple of months they ran a bunch of campaigns that were just called "lets have fun until the end" and had a unique logon message from each character. I still get sad thinking about it even though I was actually getting close to burning out on it.
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gimme your ideas for tsurugiwank
I just did my crafts
6/9 gift nodes, 2/9 gifts through shiny, and 1 furniture from a set I wanted

Just thought it was funny and wanted to let you know.
Wait until her banner starts in 3 hours
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Thankfully not but now I'm behind on my work now
Ideally I'd still be interested in the game even when it finally ends rather than slowly losing my interest over time and forcing myself to let go.
If I start losing interest in it then the game no longer appeals to me which would meant it fundamentally changed somewhere, and I don't want that to happen.
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Migga is cute, especially when she XD's!
Newfag starting today.
I came here just for pink lolis, any suggestions?
>I dragged a friend into it
I would never drag a friend into a gacha game. The only way I'd recommend BA to a friend is if they were already asking me for scummy service/gacha games and their criteria aligned with BA. Actively trying to bring someone I like and respect into a game like this would just make me feel guilty about it. I like BA and don't mind playing it myself, but it's not an experience I want to push onto others.
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Who here will not roll Hina?
That's their resident schizo though, who's probably one of the worst in all of 4chan
Dude has been at it for over a decade and samefags his posts for literal hours on end, all while pretending to be several different people and occasionally even having fights with himself to push a narrative he wants
I'm not joking
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Real reason Underground Man lost.
Only because retardation seems required to like her
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>over a decade
yeah, im calling for an end to all welfare states. niggers like these would die if we didnt keep them alive
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We only have pink old geezers.
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not sex
/bag/ Seia do this
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I only have around 100 rolls. Should I go ahead and get Ako or pour whatever into Hina's banner?
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sexy momoi
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>this will happen eventually
I thought Farfie died of ligma
buy pakeji
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lmao 2alice
someone posted momoi? time to leave
Is it ritualpoating if I just drop pics in the thread so I can wack off to them later on and not have to look for them again?
Can't save them since my gf likes to go through my phone.
dHina is supposedly a way better unit and more meta, but if you like Ako more you should roll for her
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where scars?
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Why is Miyako such a cunt
Teen pregnancy volume, 9 chapters following Tsurugi daily's lives while she comes to term with her pregnancy and the scorn of other women
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Post her XD
Someone posted Momoi? Time to stay.
Nonomi smooth rich girl pussy
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Who the hell is Steve Jobs.
I can read jp just fine and I actually stopped playing im@s entirely
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Where Ogogee banner
wish H*nako could be cropped out of that pic because that's a really good drawing of my precious daughter Koharu
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someone posted momoi? time to take my pants off
I get what you mean but I know him well and figured BA would be right up his alley.
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Migga XD! Sensei XD! Even an XD from a Gehenner! XD's
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the best part about making meatballs is knowing that karin and iori dont know how to
and its important to make meatballs so that you can remind them that theyre not allowed to have any good games in life
after Suzumi alt
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So the only limiteds between D Hina and Hoshino/Kuroko are Assbands or did I forgot about someone?

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She's the most popular BA character by far though? Loved by everyone no matter what

The moments where she is with her JTF friends are some of the best, where she can be herself. The sport festival one may be my favorite because she also got the chance to show her sweet and kind side for everyone. So just an event where she hangs out with her friends, and then obviously becomes a blushing mess whenever sensei appears.
bag going by so fast no one will see me say i like jacking it to the chibis
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now it's a good picture
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otogi's vice grip anus
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Post your sexiest momoi.
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Migga smile!
Besides for the reruns? yeah
there's no maintenance
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Would you spend over 30k yen for BA merch /bag/?
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>Loved by everyone no matter what
That's why no one ever draws her and she has never appeared on a popularity ranking.
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farf is too embarrassed to post hoshino after her character was assassinated in v1c3.

Sexy momoi is an oxymoron
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I would choose 1000 pyros over a 10 summon ticket any day of the week and real /bag/core anons will understand why
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she's smaller than nonomi btw
wish K*haru could be cropped out of that pic because that's a really good drawing of my precious daughter Hanako
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What triggered it this time?
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>posts your least hot fire
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Heavy Hiroy
terminal lack of chapafriends
This spam is an every day thing
you giving him attention
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Student with a devil bringer/breaker when.
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Lewd Migga...
why are locked in the bathroom?
Meant for >>488185120
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they aren't locked in
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Disaster is coming
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so is this like barneyfag where the guy has a filter detecting any Mickey Miso posts?
Bros... I want to.dumo thousands of AP on commission but I still didn't finished the event store....
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Who's your favorite blonde student?
rude image
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Hoshino, Hina, and Mika all kneel before the queen of Kivotos.
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Migga pomf!
I don't remember the last time this even happened, guess it's actually time for me to kill myself
ramming the shit out of otogi's butthole
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how did she escape? put jambo back behind bars immediately
I always knew Maki was a violent criminal.
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Does Hiroy qualify as a shortstack?
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Kivotos is saved
Which of them will Miyu snipe?
>nyooo heavy
>you're not heavy at all, madame

>no remorse
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Migga rolling!
She's like 5'1".
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well done
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Junko did nothing wrong.
What new valetines events are you the most excited for?
For me it's Shupogaki.
Only if you're in Europe
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Hiroy is only 3 cm taller than Reisa
none, all of their heads are turned to the right
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I liked the speculation and schizo theories /bag/ had about what'd happen in Volume 1 Chapter 3 way more than what we actually got.
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I want to clean Migga...
The funniest one was "Suou is the notebook".
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Remember when /bag/ thought Nonomi was the secret maid?
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Is dHina's banner in 2 hours or 3 hours?
how long until hina
I fuck this daily
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whew... that was a good fap
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One for you.
Can I get Mika s.hoshino d.hina and s.shiroko in a single spark?
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I even saved that one because it sounded crazy enough to be plausible. Suou was so fucking wasted.
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Ohhhh rare Migga half XD!
Hiyori fat, Nonomi only fat boobie
I hope this clarifies.
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where chair
based miyako enjoyer
double plus unbased
Then my pyros are safe.
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And one for you.
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>decide to see the anime from start to finish just to see how bad it is

The sheer spite they had for Sensei, what the fuck is wrong with them? Why all the shitty yuribaiting?
She jobbed offscreen so you could pull Shirokoteller
Did you rike it?
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>its not me
what a cuck gun lol
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My posts don't get any (You)s unless I post an image. Sad times.
I'm ready.
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What was Suou's purpose again
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My palm is ready Arona...
just be more obnoxious
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Why'd the game make the common enemies hot too?
Can't even play without my pantyshot fetish overtaking me....
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>Student with a devil bringer/breaker when.
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I'm at 180/200, I have both Makoto and Ako.
Do I finish the spark? I like Makoto a lot but I also have 4.5k ligma
I usually don't bother looking for discussion when mikafags are having their melty
Just wait a couple of hours, or until tomorrow
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I now understand the big Hoshino fry meme.
Hiro my beloved
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At this point I'm gonna play BA until it or I EoS. Frankly I wouldn't even mind if it EoSd tomorrow, had my share of fun with the game. Spinoff when?
Is SHanako on DHina's banner tomorrow?
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Absolutely not.
3 hours until D. Hina?
What hand does Kayoko use to shoot?
She might be left-handed or ambidextrous
don't talk to me or my son ever again
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Thinking Migga!
>4.5k ligma
Do you mean pyro? (pulling currency)
I'd probably just finish spark
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i love both koharu and hanako
no I mean ligma. I have 63k pyro and close to 100 momos
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The meme in reference
Why dosen't Ako wear a bra?
Do you have any kind of ritual before rolling, like patting Arona?
barely started doing the hina side fights thing...
does every stage give the same amount of ibuki ligmas?
I don't know which one would be best to farm (I haven't finished the ones which just seem to give jewels the first time yet).
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How much did D.Hina earned?
Also Niya and Rio combo for 4th Anniversary can overthrow her number 1 spot.
Trust me.
Is alt archive finally ov-
>millennium sleepover alts
>trinity stage play alts
>not-yume in a glass tube whatever the fuck that was
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what the fuck is your problem?
how do you like it huh?
thanks I hate it also both of those were me
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Migga music!
so you can feel her pebbled nipples when you grope her
my ritual is gooning
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You's a bitch. Nigga.
zero, I need to roll all the dress units
I would unless you are 100% sure you're never using either character, it's cheap 4* upgrade
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Stop watching The Boondocks, Chise.
>don't talk to me, or my daughter ever again
Crafting stones are better.
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so about the spooky part in the hina event
i remember some schizo theories about what it meant while it was on JP
did we ever figure it out?
To my cock
I'd finish at that point, it's basically 2400 pyro for 600 ligmbawz.
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But I want to!
Don't make me throw a fit!
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I fap to Migga before rolling a lot so I can assure her she's still my favorite!
1 spark enough for D.Hina, Migga's future frend!
should i rewatch boondocks
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i skipped all dialogue is there really a spooky part?
just be yourself
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There's nothing to figure out, it's meant to remain a mystery
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i love cropped webms
i buy pakejis before rolling
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Yinz a jitbag crumb bum.
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Only Season 1-3
I really like these images. It's a nice angle
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Migga's precious smile!
so every stage gives the same amount?
If I press the 10x roll button with my uncut Aryan cock, what happens?
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Kivotos is a simulation where human girls are trapped and they larp as Gods schoolgirls in it
That was an error in the matrix like what happened in Vol F
>uncut Aryan cock
How much? I'm considering pre-loading an extra spark
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All blues
Probably a ghost or something like that. I'd be impressed if they ever bring back that topic for any event or story, but considering how what Iroha said during the ninja event suddenly became a spoiler, I guess that's a possibility
I draw the zoos ᓀ‸ᓂ when rolling for more luck
Let's just come out clean: Hina is cute and all but iroha is WAY fluffier. No other girl makes me want to sniff her hair like her
If you have neither/are new then SHoshino is the higher priority target over DHina right? Everywhere I looked says that she's more irreplacable
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Closed eyes Migga!
>did we ever figure it out?
yeah >>488133552
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I've been binging Girls Band Cry, and I'm about halfway through it. It's leagues better than bocchi, considering it's an anime original with really nice CGI. Also, the rock music is really catchy, too. Give it a shot, /bag/gots.
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You go for the one that makes your dick harder
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Yes, we can
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I imagine the same thing that would happen if an African cut penis did it
or a regular person that uses their finger did it
You roll ten times.
Sorry Mr. White. Hare only deals in weed, not meth.
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thats not bad but how did she control the electricity
is it rolling time yet
no thanks
i was going to but now i'm not
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>Neither Hoshino nor Hina makes my dick hard

What now?
>still metachurling
just roll for who you like newcutie
Look at the images where they are naked?
in 3 hours
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pvp nigger here. I can stack Shun and SShiroko, right?
gbc's CGI is great though
code now
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I fucking love Serina bros
You like clearing missions? DHina will clear ALL the missions.
It's always rolling time.
If I told you that I'm into curvier girls how would you react?
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Leave it to Migga!
Roll until you get Wakamo
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I'm not wrong, retard.
The CGI techniques used are really expressive that it's nice to look at.
You weren't going to, but now you will. Contrary to whatever you say, you will watch it.
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You're an embarrassment.
Hoshino is raging dyke, Hina got a raging dyke simping for her but at least Hina is super for (You)

Going with Hina
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In hindsight, Serina probably is one of those landmine girls.
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>where do i find the most lewds of the professor
just get both with sheer luck?
Going at my current rate I'm like 1 year away from watching anything from this season anyway...
say bing?
Do not say Bing.
This pic is literally my club chat after all Ako/Makoto free rolls.
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Migga is hurt...
I fucking hate the anime only
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shoshino is more versatile. you will use her a lot more than dhina outside of raid.
>fighting in club chat again
zoomers and their tranny speak pls stay out
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Do Say-Bing.
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I'm going to take a nap and wake up when it's time to roll
Hopefully I get both d.hina and s.hoshino when I wake up
Toot me bros
Landmines don't live in the walls
saying binge?
>Choosing Serina
>When Hanae is right here as a shortstack

What drives someone to do this?
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Bing chilling
>intrusive thought of cutting myself on "accident" just to see Serina lose her mind
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Migga won!
Huh? Six cost for three lines that penetrate will clear missions? Are you offscreening a bunch of mobs with the range or something?
I almost forgot about the 100 rolls...
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I'm binging so hard right now
I saved this in my picture folder 3 months ago and I keep getting confused when it's in my wallpaper rotation as a result
Yeah, I picture myself rolling an SSR, and the universe usually agrees with the outcome. It's like the more vividly I imagine it, the more likely it is to happen. Your imagination is very powerful, and you can mold reality with it. Just think about what you really want. Then focus on the sensation, see it, and believe it. It's almost like cheating reality, but it's all in your mind. Trust me, once you start harnessing that, you'll be amazed at what you get with the rolls.
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this game is giving me a fetish for asian cosplay girls
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bingeing is more commonly used
you mean sluts
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Migga can eat 100 rolls!
How much does she charge per hour?
link the gacha simulator i got good rolls on jp so i need to reset my luck before the hina banner
These banners were a scam
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i am imagining having sex with kokona i am imagining having sex with kokona i am imagining having sex with kokona i am imagining having sex with kokona i am imagining having sex with kokona i am imagining having sex with kokona i am imagining having sex with kokona i am imagining having sex with kokona i am imagining having sex with kokona i am imagining having sex with kokona i am imagining having sex with kokona
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heh nice
I don't think Bocchi is its main competitor as Bocchi is more of a comedy anime. It's more comparable to Mygo. GBC and Mygo songs mostly suck ass though (at least Mygo has Silhouette Dance).

Blue Archive!
only if you're a bong or Common"""""wealth""""" simp
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didn't they make her just a little too erotic?
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I like the GBC songs, though...
What's your most wanted spook?
Mine is Mine
nah highschoolers are like that
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>lost all 5 pvp matches
i feel bad
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I got all the ones I wanted after buying a Ticket for Hiroy
I suggest you peruse through older Bandori songs
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I wish cosplayers in america were this hot. I would do anything to fuck one but they don't exist. All we have here are a bunch of fatties.
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im gonna cum
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>all that kudzu in the background
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You're a fatty.
meant for >>488190079
I need those dinos bad
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That's true and I'd have second thoughts if a girl behaved that way in real life, but I see Serina as a pure, ultra-idealized form of an emotional support sponge. What she wants more than anything else is to help others physically and mentally, and (You) are the one who she wants to help the most and she'll do anything for that. It's a very one-sided kind of deal and it's not something I'd expect or demand from a real-life partner, but as a concept and figure of pure compassion, Serina appeals to me greatly. I'm not one of those guys who makes the tulpa jokes but it's pretty clear why she gets compared to tulpas a lot.
Post your simulated pulls:

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Gib recs
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do NOT ever do this
you waste your luck
ask /gbpen/
There are very sexy cosplayers but they're sluts, insanely bitchy, and just insane. They have cliques. It's not good.
I think the general skipped a few thread numbers.
>Mika thread
You're just asking for it at this point.
Remake the thread, retard.
I miss him
>not licking Hibiki's legs
Non schizo thread
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2.5 hours :(
yes, we know rin dresses like a hoe
>#59878 for both threads
wow, what a coincidence
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retard here,
how long until fes?
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>retards are bumping the schizo thread
I miss old /bag/
end me, alice
The fuck she has a Desert Eagle???
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>gakumas gets a voiced Seia before BA does
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Imagine if /bag/ made it to thread #50000.
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>both threads made at the same time
>both threads are #59878
don't like Mika, just hate Fuuka
simple as
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Gookako anons, this is your chance for gookako OP
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Wow, a fuuka thread or a mika thread. My favorites.
its over.
owari da.
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why are newfags so retarded?
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The attention from that one anon who noticed the tiny milkbox did her in... probably...
Nothing that could have been done.
i dont have high hopes for this, but fine
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ill stay here till /bag/ eos
Skipping this round of threads, lad.
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>we now have 5 threads
this is bad comedy
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I don't know what to do...
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try again, it's 6 (six)
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2 if my rolls are above average, 3 if below
not even jannies could save us now
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Pull the trigger, Marina.
then die
>bake 5 threads
>no one wants to post on any of the threads
we die together here then
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You guys are messing up the thread budget
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who's to blame for this?
do zoomies really say this
/bag/ eos
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Everyone that bumped the schizo thread
>singapoop still posting scat both thread
>no don't use schizo thread
in conclusion? /bag/ is retarded and imagine being easily gaslighted
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This is the correct thread. Keep posting here.
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Which thread...
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End of /bag/
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comfy momoi
momoi won
comfy sexy momoi
wheres the sexy

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