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Previous: >>488174752

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Firefly love!
stoneflipflops slopped
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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feet game
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Bronya rabu!
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I'm a stinky femcel like Stelle. I haven't showered in 4 days.
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They wonned bigly.
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Bless the footdev.
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>Drops Topaz
>Adds Moze
one step closer to the male only FUA team.
reminder: if you kick ratio for chinkshit then you are sovless
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Jiaoqiu is cuckshit
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Show discharge crusted underwear then
Is the 2.5 beta in a few hours or no?
I refuse to download the preload until we get dialogue leaks. I want to know if there’s any Yanqing x Yunli shipbait or not.
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>the absolute state of space china
>At least 5 skip banners in a row until Ting
eos soon
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>I'm more like Topaz
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>roll this, skip that
Why don't you own every characters losers? Why are you even still playing this game?
>Feixiao E2 is busted
>Lingsha E1 is busted
Every fucking time.
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I love my cute, canon and meta couple!
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I'm just happy to have enough characters for 2 fua teams now
We knew this from the start. He's heartbroken because of someone else. Fucking hell you'd read leaks more than actual official content.
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I will not join the guild
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Nobody likes your homo worm doctor. He was never on any of my teams
Yumejo onee-sans tachis, we WONNNNNN
>no snake mentions, symbolism or anything anywhere in lingsha's kit
i knew she wouldnt actually be a snake at all but it still sucks to find out for sure
He is a fake IPC, just like Feixiao.
Sovl will come with the stones (real)
Lv10 Mult: 69% per Stack, bonus multiplier Vs Broken/Unbroken: 36%

105% Per stack, 6 stacks: 630% of her ATK

Final attack: 10% per Point consumed + 15% for broken enemies.

So 6 stacks Vs broken enemy: [(69+36)*6] + [(10+15)*6] = 780% of her ATK (1560% at 12 Stacks)
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Jing Yuan fucking Fu Xuan and Yanqing fucking Yunli while the girls kiss. Adoptive father son bonding time.
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>"b-banjoGODS have no sovl cuz shes meta!"
who do you use?
they can't comprehend this level of sovl...
sorry bro I like yunli more
Just make up your own headcanon? You’re already ignoring the SU/DU lore. What’s character lore compared to that.
Remember when fukeks tried saying she wasn’t powercrept by aventurine
This, but with Brickbundance. Not only that, but an ATK scaling one. Someone post that WEBM of Luocha dying in one hit.
shipfags are mentally ill
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Sugilite NTR in 6 months, stay safe sis
who will be the next band member?
what media literacy lingo is this?
>Seele max Ult multiplier: 459%
>Feixiao max Ult multiplier: 2016%
>Both are hunt, Feixiao charges quicker
You can't defend this shit
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Are animations going to come out tonight?
so is feixiao an emanator?
Feels good to be a femcel yumejo aneki...
>harmony wars is already back
Getting tired of this rerun.
I’m more upset that she has a unique ultimate so you can’t run mono fox with Huohuo and Tingyun
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>the females AND the males are cuckbait
>space china 2.0
>ZZZ launch
we might actually get the deadest patches, not only in hsrg history, but nu-gacha history (post genshin)
>self-inserting as another character, not the one you literally as
This is cope, ngl sis. No where close to Firefly levels.
what killed the hype
I love Luci
But she has Resurgence!
No. Not every general is an Emanator. Marshall Hua likely is though.
the only way to make a hunt character viable in a world where you have destruction and nihility characters doing 129381238120 damage is to make the new hunt character's numbers absolutely absurd
>poorkek can't even answer the question
Sasuga, I expected too much from illiterates
Thank god, fuck Huohuo's ugly ass.
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I would buy him so that I could free him
I would sex him just once though, it'd be shame not to, after all.
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Fu still does her job. But the meta favors Aventurine due to FUA shilling. There's not powercreeping sustains unless they make way deadlier enemies in which case brickbundance would be the first to go.
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So who is new china patch for?
Is there anyone excited about coming back to that shithole?
She's canonically as strong as Acheron so yes
Seele Max Multiplier is 510%.

The 2016% for Feixiao is: All 12 Stacks, Lv15 talents and ALL 12 hits landing their broken/unbroken buff.
have you guys seen feixiaous cone btw? That shit has gotta be getting nerfed
Ratio and Seele dominate the rankings for Prydwen and CN though?
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Anal queen.
Where's Serval?
what is this image even trying to convey?
Feixiao rape
>There's not powercreeping sustains
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>feixiao is the first canonical transgirl in star rail
still would desu
>pag humor
He belongs to Jade. That crumpled figure in her character art is Sug.
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>Feixiao charges quicker
In fucking opposite land. She's practically more backloaded than ACK
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>Feixiao E2 makes her ult charge twice as fast
what the FUCK
I'm getting mixed messages here
I haven’t showered in two months
>Feixiao is causing my blood to boil
The femcels are NOT HAPPY
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Im proud of you, sister
No. All generals have weapons forged by Hunt Aeon and possess a piece of his power like the Stonehearts.
another thing about the feixiao stacks. since she is replacing ratio the whole team will do less fua overall. Ratio is THE character that drives the team to small FUA.

So anyone saying the FUA team will get stacks easily. Not without Ratio dumbasses.
she's so damn fast wtf
Severe mental illness
>People joked she looked like sparkle, looks like more shushang now
she's transwolf not transgirl
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No, anon is retarded and is going off of that leak that said she's as strong as Acheron (combat wise).
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how big is her schlong?
Oh no no no no no
to spam FUA*. BTW her own FUAs don't give stacks.
holy based.
Main difference is that Feixiao's other teammates help supplement her damage while all Acheron has to work with is her own buffs + barebones supports. M7 + Moze at the bare minimum can do more damage while also buffing Feixiao up even more in comparison to Pela, SW, Jiaoqiu's literally putting it all on Acheron only. They gave Acheron beefy passives literally because of it.
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Is there a single male in this game who wants to fuck Stelle?
Soon to be Lingsha BTW.
>another ATK scaling healer entered the game
It is truly over for Luochud
To get 12 points that's 24 actions, that's a LOT of actions even if you include Ult/FUAs/Skills/Basics
I'm not saying she's garbage but people are really not understanding the kit very well they just saw 2016% Ult and were "wowzers", just wait until Private Server is open to see how fast/slow the points go up.
Between Feixiao and FF. Which one is better?
All of them
>made a whole new characters to be 1% better than gallagagger
this game is done and over
go back
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Fofo isn't really my wife. I just think of her as a friend.
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Yeah, me.
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Is March 8 really this strong?
>Aventurine basic > Feixiao FuA > Numby
>Feixiao skill
>Topaz basic/skill > Feixiao FuA > Numby
3.5 stacks from the most basic turn rotation, more when Aventurine gets his FuA or he and Topaz have their ults, she's going to stack as fast as Acheron if not faster
starts battle with 5 stacks btw
>atk scaling healer
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Stelleyumesisters lost bigly...
>Just realised that people actually meant Lukacone when talking about Pearls
>Put an S2 one on Pela
>Now Acheron deals 300k damage on single target
>FUAs don't give stacks
It technically does since it stacks from allies damage so it bumps up the counter. It's literally just like Acheron.
Dr. Reddit can get her at least 6 stacks by himself per cycle which is enough for one ult.
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The Dragonslayer Armor is so fucking bullshit
Would you kiss a boy on the lips to get Feixiao for free
Why do they keep going after other females then?
Ivory Menace
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i self-insert as a yume that self-inserts as Feixiao
only one copy? nah
I still don’t get why even give the option to play as Stelle if they’re not going to make a single “For (You)” husbando, but multiple “For (You)” waifus.
men are whores
Honkers:Musical Stars?
>Stonefloppers dont know how their team works
FUA is such an unpopular, unwanted, unneeded and unappealing mechanic they had to shill it in last MoCs and PFs
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Sugi looks around Sigga and Topaz's age and is in around them in terms of ranks. It's more likely he's associated with those two than the others, so I don't see him chasing the hag.
I just realized FF has pretty massive tits. Where does she rank?
Can it be Moze? Jiaoqiu is ugly
Caelus doesn't count. That nigga would fuck a trash can.
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>People discussing Feixiao
>Here I am with my E2S1 wife, who is so unbelievably retardedly strong that can bruteforce any content, making my superbreak team permanently relevant regardless of weakness type
I got him over an year ago and he's been sustaining me ever since. He's the best investment I've ever made in the game.
This but DoT
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you get 1 stack per 2 attacks lol. Including ratio means no sustain unless you think dropping topaz is a good idea.
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who is there other than ff
they'll probably throw the yumes a bone in 3.0 because of how popular shillfly is
Can it be Opal?
I'm going to Firefly
He'll be fucking the vampire haghebe
didn't ask
Whort speeed does I need firefly to be for optimal damage outpit
Sunk cost GOD....
>Sugilite is Jade's dedicated Destruction whipping boy
Sugi is pissed at aventurine because he's in the Jade clique and he isn't
being sp positive will never go out of meta
luocha won
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He was really going in for that CPR kiss
Yes, Ratio gets 2 attacks per his own turn. His skill + his FUA. His ult then gives him 3 more actions during that cycle, that's 6 stacks just from him.
If you want to stack as fast as possible then again, yes, he is better than Topaz. Ratio + SW or Ratio + JQ are probably going to be the fastest way to stack Feixiao while also having debuffs in place (to enable Ratio FUA and buff Feixiao's damage).
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Actually new patch confirms March 7th is trans.
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This but my E2S1 Acheron who I can use in Dothags for fun instead of only having one team.
>Implying space Greece isn't going to hand out another slutty whore for malegods.
>Already theorycrafting kits that are extremely subject to change
Yeah guys, that 1k+ multiplier is sticking.
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I'd love to see the JP version
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Only non black people allowed.
must be some writters self insert
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Feixiao teams sisters we got a problem. Our (2k modifier) got exposed.

It's lv15 and you need 24 attacks to get that much...

Robin gives 0 stacks to feixiao and aventurine will give almost no stacks... Without ratio topaz is also much slower at giving stacks.. what the FUCK.
Guy I have to admit im sorta retarded and dont know how to calc
I am a Blade main
Does getting the new wind hunt girl make my blade stronger?
the porn situation for star rail is extremely low quality....
why isnt she a snek in star rail...
心满意足:装备者的击破特攻提高60% ,当装备者使用终结技攻击敌人后,进入「消灾」状态,持续2回合。「消灾」持续期间,对敌方目标造成的伤害提高10% ,若装备者当前击破特攻大于等于150% ,则敌人受到的伤害提高8% 。


Topaz Vulnerability: 使其受到的追加攻击伤害提高50%

Himeko DMG Bonus: 的敌方目标造成的伤害提高15%

Side by side
对敌方目标造成的伤害提高10% <- Lingsha LC First effect
的敌方目标造成的伤害提高15% <- Himeko E2
则敌人受到的伤害提高8% <- Lingsha LC Second effect
使其受到的追加攻击伤害提高50% <- Topaz FUA Vulnerability

I don't get it, why is Lingsha's cone giving DMG% when that does nothing for Break teams? And its not a typo, this is from CN.

Contentment: Increases wearer's Break Effect by 60%. After wearer attacks an enemy with an Ultimate, causes them to enter the Woefree state for 2 turn(s). During the Woefree state, increases DMG dealt to enemy targets by 10% and if the wearer's current Break Effect is greater or equal to 150%, additionally increases DMG received effect by 8%.

increases DMG dealt to enemy targets by 10% <- This is NOT Vulnerability
additionally increases DMG received effect by 8%. <- This IS Vulnerability

What the fuck mihoyo?
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I'm pretty comfy with my Luciole right now but I'd really like to see Lingsha in action with her team first and see how well she works before making any decisions right now. Still got rounds of beta to go through
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bwo that's Jade
>only pags do
The best Feixiao team is March Hunt and Moze retard
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Am I the only femcel who doesn't hate Firefly? Like yeah, she's a bit overwanked, but hate some have for her is downright ridiculous. She's cute, I hope she can be happy with Caelus. That said, maybe not EVERY SINGLE THREAD has to start with her.
>only 6 attacks in a cycle
>needs Silver Brick or Brick cook taking up another team slot just to function
>better than Topaz
march 7
ruan mei
>meanwhile yumes
argenti (simps for idrila)
boothill (no cock lmao)
kakaurine (they watch in the corner alongside femcels)
midjuan (has dang feng renting free in his heas)
yanquing (cuckbait now)
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I'm vibing
real question here, do girls not self insert into Stelle? do they not mind characters being for other characters? or do they simply self insert into other playable characters
I'm not a femcel because I've had sex. Don't hate Firefly, just her fans.
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le calcs
Yumejo fujo femcel here. Fuck off retard. Firefly is shit
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things are looking grim for the next few patches
will they be able to outdo the previous chink arc?
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Who is your favorite footslut?
Did you roll for her though? Or any female characters?
post utters
I haven't rolled anyone desu
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Firefly is the new dps ceiling. She has the strongest E2 in the game. Firefly LOVE!
Most girls just like any shipping overall.
Fucking slut cumdump meat toilet whore
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So you are saying...
>E0S1 Feixiao
With Robin on the team you can probably get over 4k with Fei
And with her S1 you'll also ignore 54% of the enemy DEF

Assuming 4000 ATK and 150% crit damage from [self] on status screen and a wind orb (salsotto planar set)

Fei gets +60% crit damage on FUA
Robin adds 45% crit damage for Fei's ult

Salsotto set wind orb adds 39% + 15% DMG%
I assume Wind-Soaring set adds +36% DMG%
Robin adds +50% DMG%

That's 4000 ATK, +140% DMG%, 255% CDMG

That should be around 530k dmg against 0 def, or about 350k against level 95 enemy wind weak (54% def ignore 0 RES)
Sure we can add Topaz/Moze+Aventurine buff/bonus damage, but it doesn't sound thaaaaat crazy for going 12 stacks, but then again, her skill and FUA also deal a crapton anyway and as a gigabreaker she'll probably go crazier in AS rather than MOC
>do girls not self insert into Stelle?
Shippers don't, yumes do
> do they not mind characters being for other characters?
Shippers don't, yumes do
>or do they simply self insert into other playable characters
Some do
>I'm a whore
Not the win you think it is sis. Besides, femcel means seething misandrist.
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No boyfriend. You will be forced to be gay with the next girl they put out after people forget about Firefly
I can smell your rank vagina. Shut up and go away.
Women are less mentally ill than men
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>Feixiao at anything less than E2S1
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>She has the strongest E2 in the game
Oh no no no...
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It’s the truth. Don’t kill yourself over it, sweaty.
we dont sign our post here
What's the /v/irdict on JQ, Yunli, Huohuo and Sparkle?
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You will give Firefly cunninglingus
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Lets save jades... Together
Hey twerp, don't forget about the 33 SU runs you've got left to do. You had a whole day to do them. I want them done by tomorrow. Or else..
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are animations tonight? in like 2-4 hours?
true that's why they kill themselves a lot more often than women
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>Women are less mentally ill than men
*checks clock*
In ~4 hours, around the same time Yunli's character trailer drops.
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Women were just successful in getting society to accept their mental illness as the baseline
>Feixiao already getting shitposted
tier 0 confirmed
Why are people gooning to Yunli when SW is better in every possible way?
It's just men having better appetites. They love to eat guns.
men just dont half ass it
I'm sure they'll change her cone to make it work in her one niche.
nice one sister.
Does it count as cheating if I have a Genshin Husbando and HSR husbando?
they SUCCED in killing themselves more than women
Women are as likely to attempt it, but won't go all the way
>tldr Women can't even kill themselves right
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>not mentally ill
Still skipping 2.4 entirely, might roll feixiao
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Bad unless you want to use Acheron in PF for some reason
Clara but with 90% of her damage in her ult, will be permanently handcuffed to Tingyun and Fofo
Cleanse bot
Best support for a meta that hoyo have spent months trying to kill (mostly successfully)
Unlike archeron that has aoe and trend to easily build stacks, huntbricks need a way to do damage consistently.

>locked behind e2
>Someone posts something about being mentally ill
>Everyone immediately reinforces it
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>thinking anon is actually a woman
there are no females in this thread
>Cuter feet
>real hebe
>good stink from exercise and sweating, not from playing games and eating cheetos
>not an expy from a dead game
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>image of Sparkle
>provocative post intended to create angry replies
do you people never get tired of pretending to be retarded?
>two rollable characters every region
>everything else is skip coded
cant wait for NTE to come out
The Sigonian is a endanngered ethnic minority, let's not play favorites.
>Feixiao just wants to be taped to Topaz
what am I gonna do with Hunt March now? should I just build Xueyi that I've been sitting on?
>the eternal sparkle shiller
Tingyun isn’t even her best support…
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>Cuter feet
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>no females in this thread
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You weren't supposed to point that out
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True incels here would say otherwise
We're all mentally well here
She does fucking nothing if she's not ulting constantly so if you're doing hypercarry Yunli you want Fofo + Tingyun + Sparkle/Robin/etc
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Manifesting lamia lingsha
yes. trannies don't count
>Best support for a meta that hoyo have spent months trying to kill (mostly successfully)
will hyper carries come back?
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It is a fact that Silver Wolf and Clara are sexier than Yunli.
What Star Rail has the absolutely most bodacious braps?
I don't know if Lingsha is worth the jades because I already have a well built Gallagher but I just know devs will design enemies and content to shill her over him like they did with those "I didn't touch you" robots to cuck Clara and shill Yunli for example. They'll probably to do something to the game mechanics to cuck Gallagher and shill Lingsha too.
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do we really need another e2s1 bait again already?
who ever has the worst diet
I miss dead /hsrg/
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Isn't Jiaoqiu a piece of dogshit useless unit if you have Gepard with Trend? Trend's fire debuff applies during enemies's turns and so does JQ debuffs. You can only proc 1 acheron stack per turn so he's just overlapping him?
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I am mentally sound
>no news about rerun banners until new livestream
it's over
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>the worst diet
Silver Wolf then
Disagree but I like silver wolf too
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>E0 Feixiao
>E1 Feixiao
Stonefloppers needing to roll every character 3 times to make it work
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Footslut would be Sparkle but favorite feet would be Kafka
his main purpose is you can drop trend gepard for something else that is actually useful.
Is this what we’re doing to replace the cuckposting spam? I’m in favor of it because this is funnier.
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I am soundly mental
Why do stoneflops pretend to be women now? KEKAROOOO
>Christcuck posting
But why?
can lingsha even outdamage gallagher
Devs will probably make more of the DoT robots to cuck him and shill Jiaoqiu
Oh my god...
This specific melty already happened before
do you guys have any bear dick characters? im jonesing for some bear dick
Feixiao's own basic/skill attacks should still giver her stacks, yes? Only her ultimate attacks don't give.
Maybe her FUA gives one stack too?
So say
>Feixiao tech = 0.5
>Feixiao skill = 1
>Gallagher basic = 1.5
>Feixiao FUA = 2
>enemy attacks gallagher, gallagher ults = 2.5
>gallagher EBA = 3
>robin basic = 3.5
>4th ally attack = 4
>Feixiao skill = 4.5
>gallagher basic = 5
>robin ult
>Feixiao skill = 5.5
>gallagher basic = 6
Only an example, but I'm talking shit here
Also, this made me notice how crazy her E2 actually is, that rotation, if real, at e0~e1 is just enough for the ult, while at e2 is a max stack ult
Is Feixiao a hag? (Honest question)
I want to breed Geppy and help continue the Landau bloodline so much bros...
Mental breakdown
lol ok, I'm sure your E0S0 Ack and Firefly are amazing
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I know we meme about Yunli feet but this is actually the part of Yunli I like the most.
Yes but she uses the maid model
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Imagine resuming your ritualpost now that the thread's active and outing yourself as a disgusting shriveled cock no ball gamehopping ZZZ faggot that needs to rope himself as the earliest opportunity
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LeakGODs be honest with me, is E0S0 Lingsha better than E6 Gallagher for the Firefly team?
>enemy attacks gallagher, gallagher ults = 2.5
stopped reading there.
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uh oh tingyunbros...
no one knows
Probably this, devs can’t have a standard 5 star outclass the limited ones
He eliminates most of the RNG from stack generation with trend. I use Gepard/Fu with Trend from time to time and you'd be surprised how many times mobs still hit the others. You could also keep both trend on your preservation while having Jiaoqiu but it's mostly for elite/boss extra actions, wouldn't matter too much if Acheron is buffed enough to kill em.
Only if you have E1+ Firefly
In terms of making Firefly's numbers biggers? Lingsha is barely an improvement.
But we've yet to see Lingsha own personal damage and toughness damage which does require actual priv server footage and whatnot.
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Same, comfty bros life
>argenti got a new va
What the fuck? When did this happen? Why did this happen? Yeah yeah, >english, but he was easily the best of the bunch
if you dont have e1 firefly, she won't work at all
Do it for her
yes. even the opening is better. Lingsha's autoheal triggers a free FUA when firefly drops to 60% with skill. so the rabbit is instantly triggered again with lingshas ult back to back.
Because he was too expensive for a literal who toon
Just now, recasted and re-recorded for 2.4.
No reason was given but is very likely that the old VA couldn't align the schedules anymore (he has two kids + he got sick) and so the studio just choose to recast his two roles.
They have completely different roles retardanon
You can run Trend Gepard as the sustain and Jiaoqiu as one of the nihility debuffers
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You can but it'd be retarded since Trend would get no stacks at all lol
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Black swan, I'm sorry, I'm rolling Lingsha
Firefly coping already starting. Fox general is better on all levels.
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Me too
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Me on the left
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>E0 Feixiao
>E1 Feixiao
>S0 Feixiao
is there no maintenance? why wasnt it announced yet isnt the patch tomorrow
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Because this is a yuri game?
is no one gonna talk about how Feixiao base speed crept every unit in the game?
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Remember, Firefly NEEDS you. No other character in the game depends on you as much as she does
she is literally me
Man, that fucking sucks. New voice isn't bad but there's something about it that's just off. He's clearly not being directed the same way
Frogs were right about Archeron. I will listen to them this time on Feixiao.
From her descriptions sounds like it but I'll wait to see actual gameplay
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>E0 Lingsha + E0 Firefly
Yeah guess you’re right but I guess you could cap at 6 with Jiaoqiu if there’s a whole slew of enemies in the rare chance that happens.
Jiaoqiu himself is pretty useless but he doesn’t really compete with Gepard at all
They are definitely going to make some changes to her kit. Bring down the ult multiplier, but make getting the stacks easier with less attacks needed.
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Damn, so her body's gonna be like Topaz? Instant roll for sure
The schizo Sunday mains need to shut the fuck up already
could jiaoqiu heal before? what happened to that
>If you discount every retarded frog take they were right!
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>thinking ANY character in the game will be faster than the one that can attack 4 times in a single cycle without external help
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Aventurine if he was a good character
Uh oh melty
Argenti was amazing and it is sbit he is gone. Jing Yuan's english voices is still the best though, it even beats out his Japanese and Chinese voice.
los manos de yaoi...
Never in any beta it was all pre beta rumours, probably from leakers confusing it with his lore about being a cook
Why is it always the same set of images? Do people have a repository for it or is it unironically
>one guy
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w-what's wrong?
it's just its something that can happen with setup (RM cone on robin) and gallagher is one of the few sustain to pull early stacks for feixiao like that
Face it you got speedcrept fly.
Feixiao seems like a brick without E2 bros..
This is VERY familiar!
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>it's not our fault you were extremely irresponsible
wait so this retard is admitting that trooning out is irresponsible kek
Yeah but E2S1 will be future proof until EOS
Budding hebe breasts...
nta but really? does feixiao have 230+ speed?
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Having to look at those shit animations and hear her awful voice so much is no selling point anon...
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I thought I was only 1 Seele away from owning all the huntbricks but then I looked in the data bank and was reminded that flophill exists
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>wife is coming back
>most likely without Sigga or hag
>boss so finally seeing her cornerstone (she probably summons a hoard of trotters)
I'm so excited for 2.5
So when do we get animation leaks?
uh what triggered this
Praise the lord
In around 3 hours.
Who knows.
They love to shut down detransitioners who call out how bad it is for you and make people think about what they are doing. They do this everytime.
>"E0 GNSW Acheron"
>"Acheron is brick without E2!"
>"Acheron is brick without her LC!"
Do not forget.
stoneflops melty
Hunt are already good. You tards act like cause yanKING sucks the whole path does. Meanwhile they have higher usage than blade, dragonboy, and ice bitch
Can't wait for one of her three lines to be about Aventurine.
2.6 banner characters?
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Bastard.... why'd you go and point that out........
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how do you even detransition after you get your dick cut off like that
Don't think so, she'll reach around 200
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Anyone know if these are available to read yet? Googling has gotten me nowhere but (((Google))) search has sucked for a while now
Destructionbabs???? OUR RESPONSE????
You probably have to buy them bwo, like physically
Samples are up in the artist's pixiv and up for order physically
Would you rather Diamond be:
>The Acheron of Preservation units
>The Acheron of FUA units
>both of the above (IDK how you'd do that)
>be generalist/not require you to run a team full of one archetype
Hello Sunday.
have you not tried sad panda?
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>Can't wait for one of her three lines to be about Aventurine.
If it comes to that, I will make this gen a bloodbath.
Tingyun + Greek Goddess or Chinese grandpa
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yunli sideboob
yunli status?
>google for doujin
what the fuck are you doing?
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Okay lets settle this
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I can see why you think you belong to me
I never tried to make you think or let you see
One thing for yourself
But now you're off with someone else and I'm alone
You see, I thought that I might keep you for my own

Amie, what you wanna do?
I think I could stay with you
For a while, maybe longer if I do

Don't you think the time is right for us to find,
All the things we thought weren't proper could be right in time?
And can you see which way we should turn, together or alone?
I can never see what's right or what is wrong
Oh, you take too long to see

Amie, what you wanna do?
I think I could stay with you
For a while, maybe longer if I do
NOT cuckbait. She and Yanqing have ZERO (0) shipbait.
My wife.
Evens and I do one last 10 pull for Jade.
Best teams for Yunli? I dont need her and doubt id get much use from her, but hebe sexo.
Dont you dare
I rolled e0 Jade
Let me tell you about this brick
>She is is an unplayable brick without e1
I will not waste more Jade on Jade
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Juan ships her with his son
Feixiao with just boots and 0 spd substats gets 155 speed prebattle. With RM thats 167. she also has advance forward in her kit. I don't think anyone fathoms how busted that is
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She didn't come, saving my pity for a non brick.
Robin - Huohuo - Hanabi
Maybe you'd have a boyfriend if you took a bath you stinky bitch
Serval is a fun character in DU
I'd never waste stamina building serval unless I was a new account but she is a good 4 star
I wonder if grandpa ships it too, maybe Yanqing telling him he got his ass kicked by Blade would sold him
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I'm gonna run Feixiao / March8 / Robin / Lingsha
Well, I don't think RM fits in Feixiao's teams
>Feixiao is just Acheron but ST
I don't know what I expected...
the most drab hoyoverse female mc
As a bed rotting femcel who hasn’t changed her tampon in a week I like Firefly but I’m still pissed they changed her set so it doenst work on Boothill
>who hasn’t changed her tampon in a week
You wouldn't still be in the bed if this was the case sis. You'd be in the hosptial
Banjo fits into every team
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Tingyun gives her 25 speed from her spd buff
How's the toxic shock syndrome going?
What is the uptick of 'stolen valour' females?
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Silver Wolf has a fun dynamic with everyone in the Stellaron Hunters and her art with them is always fun
Unlike firefly that has the ability to go speed boots. A character like Feixiao can't.
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it's still boothill's BiS sis
I am unfortunately still very alive
blue archive'd
yeah but we barely get SH content these days so it doesn't matter
Why are you bringing up tingyuan? Ty doesn't fit Feixiao teams either.
Based, more
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Good thing tingyun's energy boost is completely wasted so she will never run her
March 8th is the one you want with +12 speed
Did all Clarafags just switch to Yunli?
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I think firefly is a cute character if you never visit /vg/, never go to hoyolab, never look at hoyotwitter, never engage the chinese fanbase and never cross paths with any of her fans on discord

Never seen a character get completely adopted and claimed by shitposters everywhere since like genshin because damn
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But she's cute tho?
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I'm just pointing out that any future character that buffs speed % will be busted with the character with the highest base speed
the cuteness gets overshadowed by how insufferable and godawful her posters are
I mean, sure, Ting is a bit better than RM but Ting's ult is wasted on FX so you'd have to ult March/Moze/Robin/Topaz instead
And if you're using March, then you're already giving a SPD buff
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You could have one but only one, which E2S1 would you pick?

E2S1 firefly
E2S1 Archeron
E2S1 Feixiao
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I just took a bath for-
>checks time
2 hours. Do we have leaks yet?
That's just the way pags are. I hope in classic gacha fashion they release a new pagbait character to sell to the pags, the pags drop firefly and she is allowed to have real fans and have her character developed and focused on.
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I already have E2S1 Fly so I'll take E2S1 Fat
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Being carried like a princess doesn't sound that bad... Eh
Are these "pags" in the room right now?
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Do you niggas play other turned based games too? I know HSR's combat was influenced by the Kiseki games but I tried them in the past and didn't like them.
It'd be cool if they do press-turn lite SMT event like they did with the Pokemon event but that's a pipedream
E2 firefly is godlike but becomes dog if the enemy ever blocks their break bar like trotters, the dream meme or sam

dont have the others but im sure the other two have their downsides too
blame it on hoyoverse for being money hungry chinks, not the character. There's probably plenty of things that I could get pissed about and blame it on the male characters instead of the actual root of the problem
E2S1 robin
i already have E0S1 acheron but my firefly is only E0S0 so i guess that
no idea if i like feixiao yet
Yeah, don't look now, but there is actually one right above you right this very second.
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I E6'd my wife and still don't regret it.
She is an expensive bitch though
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People forget that Topaz was the original barefoot queen.
huntbrick will become a huntboon for the first time
two more weeks
>pag pag pag pag
Absolutely obsessed
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Already have Hotaru so... Acheron
Considering that this game is having a collab with UBW soon(tm), I'd blame Nasu.
Yunli, yes or no?
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Cute family
E6S5 Firefly
but then you'll move on to seethe about the new pagbait, I don't get this argument...
Is this the new version of SMT V?
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Do you want a girl who is going to have conversations with your dick that you can't be a part of?
Firefly fans are nice people. AntiFirefly posters are petty and evil.
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fuck no they arent
Already have Acheron. Don't really care about Firefly and Feixiao but if I had to pick one, it'd be Feixiao
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We just post cute pictures about her
My e2s1s are
Seele, ruan Mei, Archeron, and firefly.

If I had to do another it's probably robin.
There are no nice fans, especially not here.
classic pag meltdown.
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2 hours until animations?
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Should I get Yunli to have a third team or Feixiao for me (E2S1) Acheron?
I only see seething about her in places where tumblr users migrated to after tumblr died: twitter and reddit
>/hsrg/ - Firefly's rape victims general
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I get that they didn't want to make an animation for "rolls around in the sandpit" but since I imagine 100% of players immediately reach for "pat head" I'm disgusted they didn't come up with something.
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Topaz truly has it all. It's a good thing she's for me and not anyone else.
like I said in the previous thread, the problem is not the character, is the fanbase.
same goes to kakaurine.
Tumblrfags stayed on Tumblr it was the pornfags who left when it "died". So you're saying the pornfags are seething about Firefly?
Post your Topaz
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I remember when Firefly beta V1 dropped and all the boothill pullers were laughing and calling her Brickfly or midfly only to then scream wolf when she got buffed in V3.
A shame her most ardent fans and haters are so annoying but oh well.
It's unfortunate such a bland character got adopted by literal schizo pagspammers and apparently twittertroons all in one
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I will E2S1 fofo instead
Did we lostard?
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Aventurine you shouldn't be on 4chan during work hours!
I rolled both, and do fine even if it means if I run them both in moc I split the break team. I get where the boothill complainers are coming from, a little, even though I enjoy firefly
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If I want a yunli hebe team who should I slot besides sparkle and huohuo?
*hard labour hours
I want to see proof of fireflyposters being bad actors
I'm pretty sure it's from the Demon Haunt in SMT V:V
There's lots of funny dialogue or demons flirting with you in it. Also Alice bullying you after some big story events
Robin is her best support so you are shit out of luck. Pela I guess.
He's literally on vacation right now, he can shitpost freely
>Tumblrfags stayed on Tumblr it was the pornfags who left when it "died"
I fucking wish, r/husbandomains for example is like, tumblr incarnate
sparkle clara yunli lynx
am I blind or does feixiao not use the penacony stagnant shadow material? (same as blackswan).
Huohuo please come home tomorrow
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>didn't get kicked out
>got vacations instead
He is so lucky...
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>green gremlin
It's new, yes.
You can't prefarm her ascensions but you can prefarm everything else.
Antifirefly posters are not petty and evil to you?
The most obnoxious shit fireflyfags do in this gen is just spamming their arts. Antifirefly schizos otoh keep posting manifestos about her killing this game, killing other waifus, killing the balance, spamming blacked garbages, etc
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This is just a genderbent Raven
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Not my wife but my daughterfu
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That's just Caelus Alter
Now you're going to get called schizo with persecution syndrome
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>fofo the reddit
this is my husband
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All these spacechina chars are so boring, weak, and skippable based Mihomo letting me save for 3.0.
The caefly schizo will make another one of his self insert op today when Yunli trailer drops and you WILL like it
We know, Feixiao
What Space China character gets buffed with a custom tailored relic set in 2.5 or 2.6?
Mid Yuan
Daniel Hung
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I just had sex for the first time. Be happy for me. I will never forget his pussy.
pic not related
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>(1 removed reply)
gee I wonder what's in it
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Where will Yunli and Feixiao be?
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Not related how? Shes coming in 3.0
0.5 or 0, if 0 demoted to 0.5 later
0, Firefly/Acheron tier unless she gets severely nerfed in beta.
Just one more day for yunli...
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We already know its mid Yuan.
The new archetype they are going to be pushing is summons.
The new summoned character set is already a mid yuan boost
Feixiao T0
Yunli T0.5 for like two months and then falls to T1
Yunli will be next to Clara since she’s basically the same character, while Feixiao will be tier 0 in everything but PF.
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>Do you siggas play other turned based games too?

>0.5 or 0, if 0 demoted to 0.5 later
assuming I put this planar set on JY, which 4p relic set goes with it?
Is his own lightcone still best for him or is it Jade's?
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I hope he never shows up again
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take me to banana-land pompom.
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>Tingyun is above Bronya, Silver and Pela
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You can seethe all you want but I'll keep playing and loving my Firewife
My Boothill has 300% break. I am not farming a new set for him for barely any upgrade and less break.
Why? His story was pretty good. I'd say his character his run its course though.
He is the MC of the stonehearts
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His lightcone is still best
I think his best 4p is still Duke for now.
SEGA collab Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz
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He will become a self annihilator and the MC of Nihility arc
>firefly seething stops
>Stonehearts shilling starts
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Need me to bring you another deactivated Xueyi replacement body, boss?
Because like you said, he will be the Yanqing of the Stonehearts going forward and you know it. Bizarre amount of screentime focus and connections with everyone for NO REASON
The only thing I'm looking forward to for the next 3-4 months.
How? He and Sunday were terrible with shit motivations.

How do I fuck both of you?
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I could've sworn he was just fucking shit up in Penacony in order to get close to Diamond so that he could kill Diamond for revenge.
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Fatefag here, how much do the gem seller accounts have, do they get banned for buying gems account and will it be enough to e6s5
Thanks for the help, I need to get ready for when the time comes
Please just kys I beg of you the thread would be a better place.
I *really* hope we do get super monkey ball mini games for adventure puzzles
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Wish a wonderful day for my firebwos and anons in this general
I liked aventurine even if the 2.2 pacing was a huge problem for 2.3. Sunday’s motivations were worse, and repeated four more times
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How many jades can I get from doing unfinished character missions? I only have 6k jades for Yunli and I'm gonna have to scrape for every last one to have a chance to get her.....
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I like the how gambler aesthetic he had better reasons for joining the IPC than anyone else in it as well.
Sunday’s motivation was fine. The problem was everyone else had an incoherent motivation for stopping him, since he was ultimately doing nothing wrong.
>I could've sworn he was just fucking shit up in Penacony in order to get close to Diamond so that he could kill Diamond for revenge.
Holy headcanon

>Diamond is his benefactor, he is nothing but grateful to him
>Oswaldo is the guy who helped kill his clan with the Katicans and the one who nuked Boothill's planet
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you guys are moving too fast, I can't keep up. Slow the fuck down!!!!
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bro just make an account and do dailies every day for the next 18 months.

You're a fatefag, you have enough time in your life for a second or third gacha in your life.
We have at least 2 skippable patches bwo. Just keep saving your jades and s5ing is retarded even for whaling.
Sounds like a you problem, I want the characters I like to have all the screentime
Lingshabros won
she is looking fantastic
E1S1 minimum for me
>not a snek
More like Flopsha, lol!
since the pokemon trainer meta is getting buffed in the upcoming patch. am I going to regret not getting e1s1 Jade this patch?
just drive faster bro
>no one will pull yunli now
What were they thinking?
Pretty sure the Fate collab is going to be a free 4* E6. Doesn't make sense otherwise since they announced it so soon.
i wasn't going to pull for her anyway
No one was ever pulling for Clara 2.
magic 8 ball says...
Better not tell you now
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thank your hero for that
i am
6 mores weeks...
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>make an account and do dailies every day for the next 18 months.
No. Ive used automata for 4 years thank you
>s5ing is retarded
You wouldnt get it, we do be mentally ill like that for our King
Hopefully it wont be a welfare servant
skipping feixiao for acheron's rerun!
no the problem was that the moralizing felt tacked on because sunday was already turning people into dream juice via the stellaron (one of the worst twists in the game btw)
>HSR literally has 2 months of brick banners
I will but I still feel disgust
>No. Ive used automata for 4 years thank you
you're in luck
you can auto this whole game
t. automatafag
stoneflops are pure sunk cost team
just ignore all fuafaggtory and roll for next archetypes
>Sunday apologist
>E2S1 Archeron >E2S1 firefly >E2S1 Feixiao
Acheron has more teambuilding flexibility than Firefly at E2, while Feixiao is Hunt.
Lingsha animations better be fucking good.
waiting for 2.5 beta leaks even though I'll keep saving until screwllum (87k gems + 163 tickets)
Lingsha will destroy your pelvis on her ult
it's fun
Loosen up butterfinger
Hypercarrybros... is it over for us...
Yunli will save hypercarry!
FeixiaoGAWDs won btw
>My farming for Yunli's relics won't go to waste because I can use them with feixiao
Love how this general now has Feixiao as their favorite character ever in gacha history simply because it was revealed she’s meta
I'm proud for the trans community, they finally have representation on the game
Meta will loop back to hypercarry in 3.0
Trust the plan
This but I only like her because she will carry my topig and sigga
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No lmao
Fox in 2nd half of this patch though. Remember to pull!
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>retards rolled HuoHuo for meta
>the two best dps units in the game don't even use energy
Uses a 7-hit attack and deals Imaginary DMG equal to 500% of Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae's ATK to a single enemy target. From the fourth hit onward, simultaneously deal Imaginary DMG equal to 180% of Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae's ATK to adjacent targets.

Remember when this was insane?
i have loved feixiao since 1.0
she isn't meta
>has an aoe
Huntkeks could NEVER
Uhhh bro did you miss Acheron and Jingliu and Seele before that? All ugly mid designs propped up by numbers and waifuniggers eat it all up
Is Sparkle Japanese?
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>nerfed to oblivion
Hmm nyo
Rename this character without the clumsy suffix
I have never seen anyone say they got huohuo for “meta”.
She's from the Philippines
>Yesterday night
"She's a tranny"
"Looks like a man"
"Stelle looks better"
>2016% ATK Multiplier
"I've always been a fan of tomboys:)"
she's chink
average ult of feixiao will have about 700% on a single target and can't use it every turn.
So, how much better is Lingsha over Gallagher?
ETA on animations
Honkai Powercreep Rail
1-2 hours
not me, she looks like shit IM still mad about junli being kekbait.
In paper she barely looks like an upgrade, maybe she is actually better during beta
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What's Lingsha's kit?
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I rolled Huohuo for meta
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Do you think she can beat 13 out of 10?
shes not enough better that she is worth 75-90 rolls of jade for
need to see numbers more closely but e0s0 lingsha will be slightly better than e6 gallagher. what she will offer is much better damage than him as well especially if you firefly is e1
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I skipped Huohuo and I will do it again
I need the sauce
laugh at this anon
You don't even know her name
I'm still rolling.
I don't give a shit about Feixiao.
more like because she's the Ratio replacement everyone has wanted for a while now
Being single target is always gonna be a detriment
Cute family
>If there are no teammates active in battle on the field at the start of a turn
What does this mean?
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So what if Feixiao has two boyfriends? She's a strong and powerful woman and I don't mind being the third one. It's fine. I really don't mind it. As long as she's happy I'll be happy. She deserves to be happy and deserves all the love she gets from them. I will love her as well.
>echidna pokemon trainer
I don't even know why we're considering her meta
Unless she's E2, she's dealing like 300k~500k ST (depending on LC) on her premium team with her ult (takes long to ult)
I know she's a FUA sustained dps and a lot of her damage will also come from her FUA and technique but still, Acheron already deals that much
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>log on star rail
>get no good relics
>log on master duel
>first game is against stun
>play overwatch with my friend
>enemy team is a 5 stack of meta pickers only
I’m not having a good day today
Chinese boys are so cute...
>Battle start
Generate 4 points immediately
>All of her teammates are dead or she's alone
Generate 1 point at the start of her turn
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HSRG is a cycle
Isn't this his basic attack though?
You are forgetting the most important thing she will offer.

Herself. A woman instead of an old dude.
She gets a buff playing solo for theme purposes?
>Acheron but Hunt
>chink general
She's going to be meta whether you like it or not
thanks anon
Im convinced to just roll a luocha eidolon on his next rerun at this point for the 20% bonus to everything
>my life is video games
Gallagher is a minor though.
0% cock shame
2nd ugliest character in star rail. Only Tingyun has her beat
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>that could have been Feixiao's cone
And that's why you don't build pity kids
Gallagher is 13 years old, that's not old.
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This game is actually taunting me for losing 50/50 on Jade.
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>My post made it
Holy fucking kino
Kill yourself
Oh wait i already have her
Gallagher is a healthy 13 years old boy
It’s Monday in July what else is there to do there is no class
feixiao's kit is actually seriously undertuned because her e0 takes too long to charge her ult which is where all her damage is and her e2 is just ok in terms of charge time

her e2 should be her default ult charge speed and her new e2 should be double of that
is her e0 enough for an e2 dan team?
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>this faggot posting fan art
Don't worry, all flat ATK
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puta zorra
That's a man
If she's not, they're culturally appropriating kitsune and koi
No clue, i dont have dan
roll just in case.
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I agree
I feel like she's Acheron for femcels. Similar design but completely desexified.
compared to /hsrg/
yes, E0 is enough you just need 160 speed
Acheron is for femcels
This kit is cracked for firefly.
>firefly technique makes all enemies weak to fire
>her "luocha heal" tiggers a FUA attack
>so when firefly uses her kick, Fuyuan instantly attacks everything lowering their toughness even more
>lingsha ult would trigger another FUA at any time
Enemies may as well start at almost zero toughness.
Archeron is uglier than her though.
>Acheron slander
I can only see them moving the E2 to her E1. There is no way they are putting that in the base kit.
She's Hunt Acheron, so she will be meta in AS and MOC.
>on her premium team with her ult (takes long to ult)
Same shit retards said about Acheron's ult.
Topaz and Aven will it go way faster.
everyone is going to see her animations and having the jacket toggle and immediately say they always liked her. same with moze. i GUARANTEE when they show his animations are you realize he is a one word only autist people are going to say literally me and post me and my wife fiexiao.
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Imagine rolling before SHE comes to the game.
Yea Lingsha is looking amazing. The mechanics mesh so well together and don't forget about her own technique that applies ult debuff at the start so you don't need to do much for setup
Aventurine, Feixiao and Topaz as a core is atleast 6 attacks on every rotation with more whenever Aventurine gets his FuA/ult and a little more when Topaz gets ult, she stacks fine at E0
She looks like a WuWa character unironically
Bro it's UBW she's not gonna be in.
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I want her to spit in my mouth.
Saber Alter isn't in UBW
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those have to be korean cosplayers right? Isn't gay illegal in china?
they aren't doing that. her e2 is the archeron equivalent e2. They are keeping it at E2.
No lol
Ratio does 1 follow up per skill, she does 1 follow up per turn
Ratio gets the benefit of 2 follow ups from his ultimate, but her absurd speed means she'd be taking more turns evening it out
>Lingsha doesn't ignore toughness
Can't believe they made her just for Firefly and her only.
I thought she's going to be a generic Break support.
everyone liked Moze from the start though, edge kino is just that good
Ok this is now slander. Off to jail with him.
Where tf can I read the leaked kits???
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>New China unit
Reminder to save for Glaciator Marum and Marshal Hua
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Fuck you.
Making something illegal has never stopped people from doing it.
WHAT??? What the fuck is the point then?
To get you to go back to FGO
She is good for Brickhill too, she still buffs both BE and break damage. It's not like Boothill really cares if the other characters on his team can break or not.
there was never a point
Rin and EMIYA, also Gil.
You can still pull...
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Still the sexiest
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Getting normal seiba and redman
Rin. She is literally the only thing to give a shit about in all of the fate franchise. That's why chose her route.
Feixiao is a DEI hire. They arent bringing their best, people. I told them. I told them. Firefly is the best waifu. We all love Firefly here and the radical Luofians came in and spread their lies. We won't take it anymore people. Were still going to use Firefly.
can someone remind me what are the 4*s in yunli's banner?
I want both her and her E1 though... I have no issue with PF, plus I don't have trust in my luck to get her so early.
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Feixiao prefarming is going swimmingly
lynx yukong hanya
6 attacks is only 3 stacks, you will probably never get 12 stacks per cycle at E0. She does a lot of damage so it's most likely fine but you will want E2 for more consistent 0-cycles. She starts with 4 points (not 6) so you might be able to get 12 in the first cycle but after that it'll be hard, way harder than Acheron at least.
her skill is 12.5 action forward only which is pissshit. ratio will hit 2 fuas per ult that all count towards topaz trotter. the 1 fua per turn she has is about the same shit he has on skill.
i don't think you understand. her e2 is still going to be double the speed of e0. it's just that the base is going to be double the current base speed
isn't Duran better?
Mid, who and who?
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her banner is not over
25/30% Break damage taken is a pretty meh improvement DESU, not really worth rolling for BH.
It's different compared to being used in Firefly's team.
So how often do you need to skill generally? Every 4 turns or so?
i know it doubles her speed, its slow as shit at e0 and thats what they want to do. they aren't buffing her e0 stack rate.
So Feixiao's BiS is the Valorous Set????
thanks bro
ah shit, shes gonna choke on my dick again
Does Superbreak even benefit from increased break damage shit like that?
3 turns probably, she should be using ult per 3 turns.
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It's like they want you to skip Yunli...
I was thinking of just forcing Hunt March as a hypercarry. I have e2s1 bronya, e1s1 robin, e6 ting, e6 asta and fofo to support her. Is this even viable if they are all 160+ spd? Is she really stuck with musketeer?
100% yes.
It's only useful for BH in the moment of him breaking the enemy but it's useful for SB every time they attack a broken enemy.
2pc fua is good too if you have it
she starts with 5, technique gives one, 3.5 from the first Feixiao FuA then 3 from next rotation and a basic from Robin for the final 0.5 is already 12 with one more rotation to get 3 more, next wave just do 3 rotations again to get to 12
this is without counting Aventurine FuA/ult and Topaz ult accelerating it further
I have e0 jade and she is a brick
I always roll the bricks
That'll never work on me
So just bring TB with you don't know why you would even run BH without TB to begin with.
I was gonna roll for Fofo until I saw how bad Fofoposters are
That is still far better than what Gallagher provides for him, which is literally nothing.
She might be worse than Huohuo depending on your team options, but she's outright better than every other sustain for Boothill.

>not really worth rolling for BH.
Is not worth pulling for FF either, especially because she's not SP+ like Gallagher (she seems to be neutral or negative), and her buffs aren't better enough than his to matter. Even if she breaks quicker, that's irrelevant since FF usually one or two shot breaks enemies with RM regardless, and her implant is single-target so Lingsha being AoE doesn't help unless the enemies are already fire weak.
Like any sustain, she's just a middling upgrade to teams. It's not like Aventurine is a massive upgrade to FUA teams himself over Huhouo, even when using Robin.
With just speed boots she has 155 speed not even counting in her action advance
No, her BiS is The Ashblazing Grand Duke.
>It's only useful for BH in the moment of him breaking the enemy
The bulk of his damage after breaking still comes from his talent dealing break damage
There were some meme videos showing her being used with Robin, Tingyun, Gallagher pretty well. She uses her skill on Gallagher and he uses multiplication and gets fed Tingyun ults to attack more often.
link to feixaio kit?
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Bro her mechanic is a buff to a second character. Unless she can grant the buff to herself like Jade can she's specifically a subdps. And even Jade loses a speed buff for buffing herself so she's not a good hypercarry.
Her LC works better with him though.
She only get a damage bonus if she partners with Another damage dealer.
Apparently people don't run TB with him.
His premium team is BH, Bronya, RM and sustain.

12% Break vulnerability.
moze e6 is mandatory
>Apparently people don't run TB with him.
>His premium team is BH, Bronya, RM and sustain.
Those people are unironically retarded.
3-4 turns. probably 3 it depends on her own speed compared to the summon's speed.

The summon has 125 AV
Her at 161 speed has 62 AV.

Not that simple though since:
-Ultimate will spend -1 use of the rabbit.
-Her emergency heal will trigger a FUA but not spend a use of the rabbit.
-Skill action forwards current Action gauge by 20%.

I think they generally balance these things out to once every 3 turns.
I am at ZERO pity, but I am on guarantee. Do I throw the twenty pulls I have in a sad attempt to get Jade before she goes away? Or just save up for the next unit I want (especially on a banner with better 4* units)? Thank you for the advice.
Yeah, and Lingsha is 15/30% break vuln. She is literally just better than Gallagher.

No, it doesn't, this is as stupid as people thinking Gui will be better with JQ's cone than JQ himself. Her base vulnerability isnt' even better than his.
no its not. boothill deals so much damage he doesnt need super break. you can kill everyone going for wind set pela debuff and double tapping with boothill bronya boothill and using his ult to push back the other enemy so you never take damage.
She's not using speed boots to lose a fuck ton of attack for a few speed points. Shes a fua character she doesn't need anymore than 134 speed.
Pressed enter too early.
>Is not worth pulling for FF either, especially because she's not SP+ like Gallagher (she seems to be neutral or negative)
She's SP positive because she only need to use skill once per 3 turns.
>and her buffs aren't better enough than his to matter. Even if she breaks quicker, that's irrelevant since FF usually one or two shot breaks enemies with RM regardless
Sounds like you don't even use FF teams.
>and her implant is single-target so Lingsha being AoE doesn't help unless the enemies are already fire weak.
FF's tech makes everyone weak to fire for 3 turns and FF can just implant other enemies too if needed.

Well she's still in beta, I'm still betting she will ignore type on her FUA/summon so she can be a generic break support.
Her fua is locked to 1 per turn, gaining a turn IS better than some attack. And if she gains stacks from her own attacks then its even more important.
Also, her ultimate counts as a fua attack to top it off
>Solsotto increases her ultimate damage by fucking 30%
>You farm this garbage instead
Gambling doesn’t work like that
>She's SP positive because she only need to use skill once per 3 turns.
Incorrect. The rabbit has a speed of 80, and it advances when she uses her ult. This means that it will often afct out of sync with Lingsha and can expire before she gets 3 turns. Its action count is based on when IT acts, it has nothing to do with her turns.
Technically, it is feasible to for her to act with basics enough to keep it up all the time, but it'll depend on what her speed is and how often you're ulting, which always reduces the count by 1.

>Sounds like you don't even use FF teams.
There is one FF team and I can assure you I use it.
If you wnat to go ahead and pull a character for a DPS that can already 0-cycle, go ahead, but there's nothing particularly good about Lingsha right now outside of her being hot.
>>Solsotto increases her ultimate damage by fucking 30%
can't double dip Solsotto, same case as yunli
Salsotto doesn't apply twice on ultimates that also count as FUAs.
Boothill doesn't want TB. He does enough damage to kill basically everything with Bronya refresh. TB just doesn't do anything for him.

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