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Previous: >>488218067

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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I must save for Tingyun and the Fate collab...
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Yunli the Bocchi!
I will be pulling for my general
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Manifesting mobius expy
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Sushang was murder!
She was murdered and you're laughing!
Firefly spoilers from 2.5
Lingsha is my self insert
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Nice reskinned animations railkeks
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My cool and cute tomboy wife WON
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It's thanks to IPC gentrification that Fei Xiao wears shorts and a coat instead of another ugly chink dress

>got mistaken for svarog
Kek cute
This is a 4 nigga in row game, unfortunately there's only so much you can do until you run out of gimmicks.
This was supposed to be a shitpost, why is she in space China
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>They know Acheron's ult was true luxurious animation and had to copy it again
Way to ruin a patch
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She is not, the text literally says so
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post tail
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WTF... Svarog is not chubby...
It's a text message interaction
Do we have any info on the blonde lady on the right?
I will fatten Firefly
>Topaz is also her best teammate
Hmm nyes, I'm thinking kino
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What would he say about Feixiao?
He's pretty thick compared to SAM tbf...
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Snekbros.... It's actually over....
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Stellaron Hunters are literally in every patch though. They're just as overused as the IPC but mostly because they have a history with (you).
I-It's her E6 bro!
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They're beta animations
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Only this one
Lingsha is where my self inserts
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>badass Feixiao
>snakefags BTFO
>Moze lookin hot as hell
It's been a good night.
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Should've included FX follow up too. That entire sequence looks fucking cinematic.
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why did you people want her to be a snake? you lose out on all the best parts of a woman below the waist
>I wouldn't wear something so... chubby
Architectbros wtf?
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Luxurious animations I am right?
Sparkle's loser aura intensifies as Feixiao's team has no use for her
what the fuck? I love cultural appropriation.
>TB messaging Firefly in unrelated patches
Actual canon gf lmao
From the animations that I've seen it feels like Feixiao's FuA and Moze's Ult are still unfinished. Fiexiao's FuA sound feels like a placeholder while Moze's has that stiff awkward pause on the top of his jump.

Do they fix it later on in different beta versions?
Jingliu bros...
I don't think I care about Yunli's feet anymore...
Saving for the blonde chick after Yunli and Sparkle
Neat. I never pulled Jingliu, and I could use a good ice character besides Herta in PF.
as a 46 year old black man from minnesota i think i am skipping lingsha
>I am right
South Americans prefer the top
>shamelessly just ripping off bocchi
depends. they did it for firefly. but topaz and Ruan mei got fuck all regardless of now much their animations were memed on. I don't remember if much changed for acheron.
This shit will take forever to end
I thought these patches were set before penacony?
Ack’s ult lags the game so I expect Feixiao’s will sperg on the chicken wings
Please tell me this is fake
We will never get another shilled waifu if this is true
How many Fireflys is E0 Feixiao in terms of damage?
So I assume it's uncontested that Feixiao uses Atk Boots? It does feel like Spd can abuse the shit out of her Action Advance though.
I feel like this joke is too American for me to get.
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true, really nice combo
RM's ult actually had a minor change. They made the water reflect her on the final update.
they usually improve the details
New npc
They're 100% unfinished. Feixiao's has a weird jump cut and happens too fast while Moze ult just looks blatantly placeholder.
If you have Robin it's probably better to run SPD boots.
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Bronya rabu!
>Bocchi the Reddit
golden freddy?
>We want (You) pandering!
>Okay here you go
>WTF stop that
waifufags are retarded, go play snowbreak where every character's personality is to be a slut for (You)
First beta? Pretty much always the case. They added tons of shit to FF and the Iron man thingy
Genshin collab is real
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Unfortunately the 2nd-half banners in a 2.X world are always glorified 4 stars (Aventurine is the outlier, barely) and so the snake dream is well and truly dead.
I just realized that thing above is Sunday.
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Moze will have an about line for Sampo
Kek, that was also my first thought
our first genshin expy
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Got Topaz E0S1
Got Aventurine
Got Robin
Got Ratio's sig
Got a guarantee
Got 50 pity

Its just a waiting game at this point
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>No info about Tingyun's kit at all
Is she even going to be playable? is she going to be a villain?
like x10, but she's locked to ST
So is Feixiao a skip if I don't have any fua characters already?
I love her
snowbreak is soooo dogshit kek, fuck enya stupid retard character
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>we get a new pet menu in the inventory for the pets we get
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Sorry, this is not fair at all. My blood is boiling after seeing Feixiao’s kit. She is extremely all-rounded (without obvious flaws like Boothill cuz she doesn’t need three stacks in order to fully shine)

Both are hunt characters, Feixiao can advance forward herself and have high base speed (125 albeit it can be nerfed). And some of her attacks can literally ignore weakness types. Like just wow. What the hell about Boothill then??? He is the ONLY ONE that doesn’t advance forward himself nor have anything to compensate for this (like Ratio’s out of turn fua)

Anyway I am extremely disappointed. This game is utterly disgusting that they always make broken female dps and supports and release weak males.


Can we please step up and voice out for these woefully unfair treatment against male characters?
because he's also a sneaky dude?
Don't forget how people kept spamming Jamiroquai's LC is better used on Pela so they ended up changing it to a DoT exclusive passive
Svarog is fat! FAT!
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>Firefly (E1+)
>Trailblazer MC
Easy comfy 40k every PF
I can't believe star rail devs manufactured the genshin drama to boost genshin and star rail's popularity
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Why are foxes like this?
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Sparkle... rabu?
Moze and Tingyun (forma de Emanator) will be great with her
are they going to keep shilling this bitch until she starts bringing in money lmao
You will have to cope with M8, Moze, and a gimped sustain. Doesn't sound that good, but may be doable.
>Feixiao has 125 base speed
>125 + 25 boots = 150
>March labels her as the master
>150 + 15 from March's 12% spd buff = 165
>165 + 5 spd from trace = 170
I'm pretty sure you just need 2-3 speed rolls or something so Feixiao always gets to act 3 times because of her action advance. March + Moze is giga sp positive so it's pretty aight for budget.
Does Feixiao also want RM/HMC?
Damn, Lumine looks like this?
hola Éter de Genshin Impact
That pet is ugly as sin, I don't want it
They should really move the break efficiency to Lingsha's traces or something.
Right now, she only provides 15% more break damage than Gallagher and more healing(who cares), while being more SP hungry for E0 Firefly.
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would've been kino if the combo included gunshots too
Please link me the subreddit HSR Husbando comment for this unhinged schizo rant. I need popcorn too.
>zero fucking impact, choreograph AND good camera angles
and thats for a fucking general, man what the fuck were they thinking
Just use jade and mark her as debt collector. With e1 jade its basically broken
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This frosty schitzo is supposed to surreptitiously assassinate Feixiao, Feixiao’s Marshall, Feixiao’s Marshall's Aeon’s rival Aeon, and Feixiao’s suicidal secretary with her husband Luocha. Say something nice about her if you remember she even exists.
The most cope partners for her are ice March and moze, you atleast have Robin right?
[HSR 2.5v1] Character Banner Names

Feixiao: Stormrider's Bolt
Lingsha: Let Scent Sink In
They buy clothes at the same store
is this real?
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If you skip Yunli you are LITERALLY a homosexual.
>ice march
No shes a brick. Img march is what you want
Literally the canon gf
why is this snek so stinky
>Let Scent Sink In
WHAT did she mean by this
>>Feixiao has 125 base speed
There's no way that's real. Practically every character needs SPD boots for that and some still aren't 125 after that.
Homos are gonna have another meltdown.
>125 base speed + 5 from traces
>10% action advance lowers 2x action per cycle sped requirement to 180
>With speed boots she just needs 25 more speed which is doable
I can see speed boots being viable if you have some other source of speed boost. Even without good substats, being near 180 spd will likely also result in 2x turns for a while due to the extra AV in cycle 0.
What’s with the stragots coming here and commenting, they’re so fucking pathetic. They will preach about husbando players about being uncivilized, but get their stinky ass buttcheeks in here to get their balls clench. Nasty ass stragot
Well? Was it kino?
Nah, I already had Ruan Mei and Sparkle why would I pull a dumb bird
She caught my eyes when I first met her. I still can't find them up to this day.
Jingpoo got style mogged hard I'm sad to say....her animations look half finished now
It looks like fucking shit. It's a shame because the start and end are really cool but the main part is a disgrace.

Instead we got a bunch of NPCs just saying it looks good.
I think Fei Xiao’s ult fucking sucks. It’s too “you are courting death, death by 1000 cuts, lacking dragon’s breath”
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>Lingsha: Let Scent Sink In
Firefly love!
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>Jade gives Feixiao 30 SPD
>Feixiao can get to 160 + Action Advance without a single SPD substat
We won, Jadebros. All five of us.
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Where's that little shitstai- er I mean Yunli? I just want to talk. That's all.
Fei, Jade E1, Robin, Bronya E1
aether's transition is going well!
Gallagher has brick healing though. Lingsha's improved healing is a big deal.
Hunt characters akshually have more base speed. Seele has 118 iirc.
In other words they have a reason to keep running into TB but IPCfagds don't.
FRAUDXiao will JOB to QUEENliu and LuoCHAD
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>the one guy that warned people not to skip Jade was right
>needs jade e1 to work
Yunli looks like a boy
>Practically every character
she's not an "every character" anon, she's the mega-shill character of this patch cycle, like firefly
>Lingsha: Let Scent Sink In
>Conceptualize the Smell: the banner
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Then call me Faggot Bruce
Saving for Lingsha to make my Firefly (canon gf) stronger
lol no, Img March doesn't hit or buff nearly hard enough to justify not bringing an harmony so may as well use ice March to stack up Feixiao with her counters
No offense my nigga but I'd rather just make an effort to look for 2-3 Speed Rolls than Roll for Jade. TWICE.
indidnt see her fua animation. I assume that's the one?
Like I said, who cares about healing with the break team.
I sunk 296 rolls into Jade and I didn’t get E1 so I guess I’m just as much as a loser as the rest of you.
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>Ask for
Males for (You)
Males for Feixiao

FUCK Hetero Star Rail
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>Feixiao's ult is just Acheron's ult but single target and with an overkill prevention mechanic which refunds some ult charge stacks if the enemy dies early.
They're really running out of ideas...
i only have e0 so i'm not sure i can use her
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FF teams don't need healing, they are raping everything to death before ot touches them.

They don't really need anything, weird to release an "upgrade" so soon
I'm putting sprinkle and lingsha on the same team.
The sigga is getting cucked lol
I'm already rolling. Only faggots who can't parry once in their life will skip.
I barely got E1 S1 Jade in time. Cost me everything though.
yeah, it was hidden in the moze showcase
That's how they are going to balance Hunt chars against destruction and erudition, either a ton of out of turn attacks, or high speeds.
It doesn't matter if they can only do damage to 1 target every attack if they attack 2~3 times more than a destruction/erudition.
well females need good kits for people to care about them, let alone roll for them
Is Lingsha ultimate do more damage than Gallagher?
>bochii faces
I'm not from reddit so I won't roll
>who cares about healing
People who aren't whalekeks like healing dumbasses
Could they not just let you choose each slash so you can just mow down each goon one by one.
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I would pull Yunli if I didn't feel like a cuck without her sig
Hopefully new Tingyun will be cool
Lingsha is full AOE though. Gallagher is single target.
>FF teams don't need healing
Play the team in MoC, AS and PF, they do need healing.
You will once devs engineer the content to cuck Gallagher and shill Lingsha
Just like they did with the drunkard DoT robots to cuck Clara and shill Yunli
It will happen
This flows so nicely
I’m still rolling for Huohuo. Please come home!
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>Feixiao + Jade + Topaz + Robin
>No Aventurine needed
No Lingsha animations yet?
is it better than topaz though?
Why are they not looking at each other
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Yep I'm thinking Raiden won.
IPCfags literally control the galaxy
No snek
>railfags play genshin
Uhh wtf is this bros I thought we didn't even THINK about genshit
Imaging having to tap the screen 12 times to use up all her 12 stacks
E1 Jade + Feixiao seems like a good play.
A speedy Feixiao will guzzle your sp and M7 needs to reapply her shield each cycle because of how fast she is since it'd run out by the time the cycle ends. Hunt March is pretty sp positive since all she does is basics and she even gets extra free turns because of her enhanced BA to generate even more.
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Boss fights in the tournament:
>Lil Gui
>Luka & Topaz
Heals only need to be good enough. That's why bo one is fucking using Luochud.
I want Moze but I don’t want that 5* Hunt brick…
You don’t need to think to play genshin though.
They both scale on break damage and she does it more frequently and in aoe, of course she'll do more
>I add one more girl to my harem
>I remove one fag from my team
>My wife deals even more damage
Spoken like a true Firelet.
Sir we are playing ZZZ now. Genshin is a literal toddler game.
They never had a romantic relationship to begin with lol
Why the fuck is the rabbit snek bodied, are they fucking with me specifically?
> Increases the wearer's CRIT Rate by 18%. While the wearer is in battle, for every 10 SPD that exceeds 100, the DMG of the wearer's Basic ATK and Skill is increased by 6% and the CRIT DMG of their Ultimate is increased by 12%. This effect can stack up to 6 time(s).
enemies don't get to attack you much and everyone on the team is a fucking tank, you don't need the heals to be very strong to be sufficent
I do retardbro. Gallagher is enough, easily
They want the ZZZ carpal tunnel tap audience
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Based C&C.
I should've saved for Feixiao, the true "luxurious animations" wife...
Imagine being so autistic that you replied seriously to a joke
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Better translation
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What's deal with all the comments I see on Feixiao's Video of her being better than Firefly?

I have also seen several people mentioning Seele getting buffed? Is that true?
Sushang is so lucky
>trying to force shit with Topaz
lol lmao
Take a look at these holding hands fag
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>get a load of this pervert
I'm so sorry for that one Topazbro...
>Penacony, the planet of festivities
>Acksually, the planet of festivities is Luofu where almost every cast are getting together for the sword festival
They don't control the Luofu.
Yeah right. These are your luxurious animations?

Is this the rumoured playable Sunday?
Luka is based and my nigga
>femcels destroyed Genshin
>now they want to ruin HSR too
just go shlick to Neuvillette or something I don't know
I would've rolled Jade if she wasn't the literal devil. PF is the content I struggle with the most and she would be the biggest upgrade to my account possible. I just don't want to roll for the devil. Even if it's a woman. I don't think she's that hot either.
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She's maximum hnnnng
For the cucking to happen there has to be a relationship first so your joke doesn't land bro
Luka is /ourguy/
Glad he got the topass instead of cringy gambler guy
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Shut up.
E0 Firefly feels like a whale character already.
Cute and canon
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Eh, atleast it's not Aventurine. I'm fine with this. Thanks Hoyo.
i am a girl and i like feixiao a lot
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They must've had some kind of pervert make this animation
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ok lingsha is so literally me I can't cope I wanna get her.
HOWEVER I have 0 investment into brick effect, how good is she as a generalist healer? my current one is fofo.
cute and canon
gato sexo
I do, they don't need massive heals unless you somehow die in 2 turns and break nothing like a retard
>But le debuffs
My FF has like 80% effect res
>my joke
I'm saying you're retarded for even replying to the shitpost seriously enough to point out the very obvious
nyooo you're supposed to be angry!
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What's with all the shilling with these two, does one of them win?
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>I have also seen several people mentioning Seele getting buffed? Is that true?
I genuinely wish this was true but hoyo only buffs faggot dragon men when the chink fan base starts speaking out and trying to sue them
Me too.
I would've rolled for her and Lingsha if Yunli wasn't a blatant middle finger to Clara, and if the snek was actually a snek, now I'm just bitter about all of space china since not even the appealing characters could appeal to me
Ice March can counter up to 3 times per turn, a 2 turns per cycle has her be sp neutral and do 7-8 attacks per cycle, Img March doesn't come close and once again ins't worth not running an harmony and having to use a sustain that doesn't contribute to Feixiao's damage
Keep in mind that Ice March is cope for if you don't have Aventurine or Lingsha but Img March is just way weaker for Feixiao
Clara fucking sucks though
the absolute state of cucks
Oh yeah they only ever debuff FF and not RM or HTB huh
FF skippers pre-coping
God bless him
does feixiao need her cone……………………..
>playable Feixiao animations = half assed
>NPC boss Feixiao animations = will be luxurious
Cool. But I'm not gonna waste that many rolls for a slight upgrade.
I don't know why you faggots don't want more buffs for Lingsha. We should be complaining instead.
Both Shonen protags. I'm glad Luka is getting some screen time. In handsome je is one of the only scifi designs we got lmao
Yunli Clara double footjob
Do you need your meds?
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Clara is the best character in the game
Mogs Fireflys single digit luxurious animations.
>and if the snek was actually a snek
She was never a snek though, you can blame yourself for that.
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The game never gave me Clara so I'm rolling for Yunli. Also did this artist ever finish this picture?
I find Yunli very cute and I would like to roll for her but I'm getting Fofo for my Argenti team first so next time it'll be
They see the big 2000% damage numbers and lose their minds, forgetting it's all aimed onto one enemy
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Confirmed canon snek girls are so cute
I am a girl and I like Lingsha a lot.
Very cute, I'm happy we get Firefly crumbs even after Penacony
Feixiao: 1 cost 0 cycle
Firefly: 2 cost BARELY 0 cycle

I think we all know who won
i don’t need medication because my parents raised me well
now answer my question
>/hsrg/ hated Feixiao's animations
what the fuck...
>nooooo you need more heals and clears
Never did I once use Fofo for my FF team. You need to get good.
>ok lingsha is so literally me
uhhh? i'm gonna need proof
best at sucking cock and not much else
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Because Midfly's animations sucked so bad that Feixiao is a breath of fresh air for everyone. We're back to Acheron level kino.
Yeah, and they should've listened to me, now it's a missed opportunity for the big nuwa expy to not be the first snek character
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>Honey have you eaten yet?
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Two other npc
It looks half assed....
I am happy to see the two clown gui and sushang again who are up to no good and goofing off
Reminder that Feixiao is an Emanator on par with Acheorn
>not getting both Clara and Yunli
Why are you even playing this kusoge?
>I have also seen several people mentioning Seele getting buffed?
maybe because of feixiao's cone
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It's fucking over.
Firefly love!
Only thirdworlder subhuman monkeys could like recycled Acheron animations
Compared to....what? They'll clean it up, it's a fucking beta. What's there mogs most of the cast easily
What's the best cope cone for Jade? I have her at E1, but I don't have the pulls to waste on her LC.
>Implying that doesn't make her the best by default
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>check Lingsha's kit
>nothing about it says or implies cleanse
>it's all just AOE heal
Did my reading comprehension fail me yet again or is there really no cleanse on her kit?
No one said any of that, keep moving the goalposts though.
Bitch can't even create black hole and break reality
I hope we get new interactions with FF on every patch
>spam attacks at one elite
>insta murder the other one
It's not rocket science anon
You were supposed to get the LC first before E1. But you can use the BP cone if you’re a pay pig or just use any 4*
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>Feixiao kit looks amazing
>go to sleep happy
>wake up
>her animoare even better than I was expecting
DAMN, it feels good to finally win for once.
what does this cost thing mean?
They should remove the delay between hit. I'm sure it was single target unless enemy died midway so they shouldn't have delay as if we are able to choose next target
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>get blasted for the frieren, mushoku plagiarism in their honkai impact pv video, which were currently airing shows at the time
>wait a few years later and copy bocchi, no one complains, haha
>the last screech of Claracels before YunliSovereigns take the reins permanently
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Are you still stealing her skewer after what you saw?
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>I'd never wear something so... bulbous
>Feixiao is an Emanator
Your source, nigga?
Feixiao's skill literally better than most animations recently. They'll just adjust it.
Breaking every femcel's mind one patch at a time, I like the idea
She has a cleanse on the FuA bunny, it states it
It's in the bunny FUA
>No Snake
No Snake
>No Snake
No Snake
>No Snake
No Snake
>No Snake
No Snake
>No Snake
No Snake
>No Snake
No Snake
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>Camerahead woman
SKIBIDI ZOOMERS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
>Summons Fuyuan when using Skill. Fuyuan has an initial SPD of 80 and an initial action count of 3. During Fuyuan's action, launch follow-up attack on all enemies, dealing Fire DMG equal to 90% Lingsha's ATK, dispels 1 debuff(s) from all allies, and restores HP equal to 12% of Lingsha's ATK plus 360 to all allies.
You're either blind or retarded if you still can't find it
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You think he has to wear a condom when they do it or does she let him go raw?
nice outfits
>recycled acheron burst slash (not to mention burst requirement)
>le wuxia sky fighting (some schizo gonna start to compare it to recent dead game story segment)
its just lazy bro
>FF teams don't need healing
>Play the team in MoC, AS and PF, they do need healing.
Keep thinking you need a brickbundance for the break team.
They'll be replaced as soon as we get a Fire Harmony break support.
they see 2k modifier

don't realize its actually 708/1.5k at lv10
don't realize you need 6/12 stacks
don't realize only every 2 attack gives 1 stack.
don't realize its single target
Sucking cock isn't going to stop Penacony from falling into disharmony, it takes people with baseball bats.
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Topaz + Pela + Feixiao (with bathwater cone)
the NPC leaks are real? I thought this post >>488227094 just a shitpost.
Bwace Youwsewf fow Gravitatiownal Disintegwation
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She's a heroine of HSR so yeah
Amount of SSR roll you need
I have a skewer for her that's always on me
>avenpaz shiptrannoid got BTFO
karma is a bitch baby.
>Feixiao's cone
>15% crit rate
>54% def ignore on ult
The def ignore is huge, but it only affects her ult so the other limited cones might only be marginally worse. E2 let's Feixiao spam her ult so that's when her sig will beat all other cones decently.
>I don't have any limited 5* cones
I would've liked it if it weren't weren't so similar to Acheron's and the slashes in her ult look so fucking awkward
15 crit rate + 54% def ignore on ult.
You don't know what recycled means bro
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Firefly love
The showcase was in normal speed. It'd be as smooth as Acheron's in reality in double speed since they work the exact same. It's like the niggers who complained about Acheron's ult looking slow when it first dropped.
This is my first beta. When does news about rerun banners come out?
>/gig/ger desperately trying to get people to hate Feixiao's kino animations
You lost LMAO
wait so Seele LC is good?
idk that's like a 25% difference with the cope cones
yeah ok bro, maybe just me, i aint fighting over this shit
she won't need no skewer after I impale her with my riesenwurst
>They will get mindbroken everypatch until they get self corrected
Bravo Dawei
>They'll be replaced as soon as we get a Fire Harmony break support.
HTB and RM are THE harmony break support.
A newer Harmony Break support will take another 2 years before getting released.
Take your L and run Gallagher/Lingsha.
thats lumine alright
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Ok but what about the INTERACTIONS
I want a new ship but I need more to work with sis
kek. That's what I thought of.
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feixiao looks a bit like my old FFXIV WAR. its weird
Himekone if you have it, breakfast if you don't.
Is Feixiao just wind ST Acheron?
Sorry anon but she got powercreeped, cutecreeped, feetcreeped and sexcreeped by Yunli...
Yunli is for Caelus
If you have e2 firefly, you literally run Bronya/Sparkle instead of Gallagher/Lingsha. Just save for e2 firefly instead of wasting rolls on a 5* brickbundance.
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But can she crash the game with her ult?
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Y'know between mocking the building blocks players and this, it just makes me think...
> Feixiao gains 1 point of Flying Aureus for every 2 attacks used by allies.
Another Massive W for Multiplication Gallagher enjoyers.
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>Yunli banner starts during my 8 hour shit
Feixiao is basically Ratio but about 5x as powerful and with AOE added. She's the final piece of the FUA puzzle. A true premium DPS.
I want to cosplay as Clara and suck someone off
Acheron is just electric Feixiao
>If you have e2 firefly, you literally run Bronya/Sparkle instead of Gallagher/Lingsha.
t. Fireflylet
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I'm a Yunli enjoyer
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She's feral she will allow anyone to go raw inside her but might kill you if she's not in the mood
>tournament will be won by KING or the most irrelevant 4* after Yukong
The fuck you mean barely? I can auto that shit and 0 cycle.
I have E2 Firefly and Bronya is pretty useless to her ditto for Sparkle because she doesn't need to crit and she doesn't need their action forward.
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>t. shitter that can't 0 cycle with E2 FF
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I'm just waiting for Tingyun leaks because limited harmony queens are what truly makes the meta, not some expendable dps soldiers... She's gonna be harmony right?
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>tfw E2S1 FF, E1S1 RM and soon E1S1 Lingsha
yep now we're SUPERBREAKING!
Impregnating Clara! Starting a whole new family with Clara!
kek based
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How many skewers for sex?
>with AOE added
What part of her kit says this
You realize how specific you have to quantify that? How do you know the next fire harmony support won't just be a dot support? If it its not it will take years before another 5* fire harmony gets released and it's also possible it's not for break. This is so retarded.
I made it up
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This 12 year old brat is so fucking sexy and breedable, holy shit.
What's even the point of March shilling if she loses
>flying type Arceus
I am now rolling for Feixiao
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It's the lightcone!
Luka is a cool guy, he deserves a win.
Current cbt of her kit has 125 speed + 5 more from traces.
Give her speed boots and another +5 from substats and she hits the 160 required to max out Seele's LC effects.
Most of her damage comes from her ult, followed by her FuA and skill. Her talent makes her ult counts as FuA, but I think it should still get buffed by ult damage modifiers?
So unless Mihoyo hates you and makes her ult not modified by ult damage bonuses, she should be able to use Seele's cone.
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>fatass offer (you) a food
Of course
I 0 cycle with Gallagher bro
>Look at Feixiao leaks
>She's shit like I expected
Guess I was right to save for Lingsha
I think I'm retarded, why are people saying that's the Tabibito/Lumine?
>Smelly Vidyas and Foxians with no tails
Meh. Not sure why they look Arabian in Space China but Vidyadhara need to stay in their own quarters
>All the 2.5 characters are excellent Jade slaves
Sorry fofo, looks like I wont be pulling after all
lingsha looks like a fucking 4*. this is awful. and that weird floating... its so obvious she was meant to be a lamia but they just decided to cut that and save time
How the fuck do you still need healing with e2 Firefly? lmao
It's more like "cleave" dmg I guess, if she overkills enemies, she autoswitches targets.
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2024 I was born
2024 When I was forgotten
Go on without me Feixiao
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where are all these overtuned dpses coming from?

acheron and her top tier damage even w nihility supports which are straight up worse than harmonies (getting buffed w jiaoqiu too).

f*refly doing the same amount or more damage as acheron with only one limited unit required, along with having a very comfy team and easy skill spam playstyle.

and now feixiao’s insane multipliers and qol and how she’s shaping up to be the next new shiny toy to rival the previous two?

you could argue boothill is part of this camp, but his need to pick off adds, ramp up time and more finicky phys implant on ult balances his boss nuking abilities.

really, it’s just jade that fits in with the power budget that 1.x dpses had, and that’s because she’s a specialist that shreds one game mode and flounders in the others. you could argue yunli is balanced, but she is straight up clara powercreep so she is part of the problem, just in different ways.

i worry for the future of the game if this keeps on going, especially considering that these hot new toys are all women who’s bis are other women (with the exception of acheron). men either have to be paired with the 5* harmonies (still all female. ffs hoyo.), be powercrept soon after being top meta or both. it’s ridiculous.

did 1.6 through 2.2 not bring in enough players? are hoyo scared their game is gonna make less money so they pander to the easiest demographic (cishet men)? who’s asking for this change in direction when before the game was at least somewhat balanced, just biased towards female units?

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this cope LC is good enough for Yunli right?
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If she's a cat why is she wearing clothes?
Cats shouldn't be wearing any clothes.
Bronya and Sparkle in FF teams is just pure cope since she benefits from nothing except the action advance.
I don't play GI but they were apparently the cameraman in a cuck event
being a jing yuan fan is actual torture
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The Genshin summer event had you be the camera instead of playing a roll in the event. But in the actual event itself the characters cared more about the camera than each other.
I can't believe Yunli FUCKING KILLED Sushang...
And with e2 FF, you'll still 0 cycle with Gallagher instead of rolling for Lingsha if you're not retarded. That's the point.
I think Lingsha is very pretty and I will pull her 100%
Her eidolons always make me laugh
bro your something irreplaceable?
? You get buffed every patch and wanted in the story. And you actually got cool animations.
Fuck that shit. I'm getting Lingsha to auto 40k PF with my Firewife.
She's literally cone dependent, might as well just use Clara otherwise.
You don't use Galagher as healer but to break enemy faster so Firefly can abuse her resurgence every off cool down
they literally said on the leaks that the new Tingyun is BiS for JY bwo?!?
She's gonna get powercrept by Tingyun so it won't matter
yo, drop a link I want a laught as well
nice r/hsrhusbandomains post bro
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What did they mean by this?
time for the master stroke
*keels over and dies*
>Get buffed literally every patch cycle
>Still whine and complain
Luofu kino will save us right
> Fire Breaker Sustain
Don't forget this is also a Himeko the BaeBlade buff
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I don't care about him gameplay wise, I just like having him for collection sake and seeing him in the story.
So Feixiao is a mustpull for metachads but what about Jiaoqui? Is it true he got nerfed?
yeah, and? it's still extra turns
Sorry, this is not fair at all. My blood is boiling after seeing Feixiao’s kit. She is extremely all-rounded (without obvious flaws like Boothill cuz she doesn’t need three stacks in order to fully shine)

Both are hunt characters, Feixiao can advance forward herself and have high base speed (125 albeit it can be nerfed). And some of her attacks can literally ignore weakness types. Like just wow. What the hell about Boothill then??? He is the ONLY ONE that doesn’t advance forward himself nor have anything to compensate for this (like Ratio’s out of turn fua)

Anyway I am extremely disappointed. This game is utterly disgusting that they always make broken female dps and supports and release weak males.


Can we please step up and voice out for these woefully unfair treatment against male characters?
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both word can coexist at same sentence
Yes, and if you follow the conversation, this all started because some retard said you need more healing with the break team. Holy shit.
She could do a billion damage and it wouldn't matter because she's single target only. Acheron is still better. Firefly is miles better than both.
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Sanctus Medicus spy sighted.
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>Best FUA DPS is going to be a Xianzhou General.
>FUA summon support is going to be Sunday.
What the fuck, Stonefloppers? What went wrong? Weren't we supposed to be the FUA chuds? I planned on doing a Brickheart only account, but if they're making the best FUAs non-Stonesharts... IDK what to do now. Especially worse since I have zero (0) interest in Space China.
>must pull
>yunli the reddit
Yeah I'm gonna skip her now. What the fuck were they thinking?
Feixiao needs Robin, Aventurine & Topaz. She is not a “must pull” if you skipped them because you’ll be using a half-assed jank comp. Yes it will work with Moze etc but it will be like a “great value” Feixiao comp
Last I saw, he's a 20% boost over Pela in an Acheron team, but only a single digit boost over SW.
Save for Tingyun Alter. She'll be the next Ruan Mei according to leaked rumors.
someone already posted that
It's a must pull for turbo sunk cost FUA copers
Firefly isn't even as good as Acheron and you think she will be better than Acheron 2?
To be fair, I also don't like her at all
Taking another turn with FF is better than a turn with Gallagher/Lingsha if 0 cycle is your goal. It doesn't matter if they don't buff her damage.
>But in the actual event itself the characters cared more about the camera than each other
LMAO the cope
>accidentally used the term leaktrannies when discussing 2.5 stuff in my work's video game discussion channel
I edited it right after but I hope to g*d no one saw
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Roll for her
will Yunli like my skewers?
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Wasn't Fofo the designated bocchi the reddit character?
Why is Yunli stealing the only bit of personality the gremlin had?
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Feixiao boss
FuA is going to break this community
no matter what changes happen that lazy bastard is going to continue being one of my most used units
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It's nice that Topaz is still associated with Belobog in some way, but it basically confirms that she'll never get a serious storyline again if she's being used for filler events again
I know who you are
Nice meme bro. I have them both. Acheron's slow ramp up time without Sparkle/Bronya is shit. Firefly's universal fire infusion is broken. Firefly is way better.
>My blood is boiling
heh femcels need help
who is the last slot for the edgeKINO team?
Based Stelle keeping it real
She's the outgoing bocchi and fofo is the bochhi bocchi
It's not the healing that he's good
>The Besotted state increases the Break DMG that targets receive by 6%—13.2%.
FootChads just keep winning across the hoyoverse
Worthless extra turns on E2
lol, lmao even
>boss is cooler than playable version again
I'm not even surprised, just disappointed
>Firefly is miles better than both.
No shit when she's the only they gave proper supports to instead of hand-me-downs.
Ok, that's kinda funny.
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I just reported your channel for being the hacker known as 4chan, faggot
Where are the story leaks....
Jingloo... forgotten...
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>follow up Fox
>follow up preteen
>follow up Bladelus
>follow up abundance Numby
>fire Swan
This cute retard is genuinely the only kit I’m looking forward to, at least she has something unique going in her support-Hunt mechanics.
I'm sorry you skipped the canon wife who coincidentally happens to be the best unit in the game bro. Maybe try being less gay next time.
That nigga's a 4*? Nice
Hope they incorporate the wolf into her animations. Maybe I her FUA?
>sword festival happens
>everyone's invited
>xueyi gets raped
Where did the whole lingsha snake thing even come from? Holy shit I can't believe I let myself fall for it when her fucking splash art has a rabbit.
>Acheron's slow ramp up time without Sparkle/Bronya is shit.
What teams do you use her on, retard. I ult twice each cycle with SW Pela and a Trendbot.
Let's be real here the best Feixiao team will be Robin, lingsha, topaz
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Why does Yunli act tsundere towards /ourHERO/, KING Yuan?
Kinda funny how the two Bocchi coded characters work excellently together, now we just need Bocchi Robin and we're all set.
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The only fua i have are Robin and Jade can i still roll for Feisexo?
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Yunli the bocchi
>firefloppers desperately trying to stay relevant
He's trying to set her up with his son. He's a cringe boomer.
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>Boss has cool abilities that the playable version doesn't have access too
Getting real tired of this shit.
Man, I wish I had a well paying high IQ office job instead of being a labor wagie
He's literally trying to set her up with his son
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>kicked out of debuff slurping by ACKeron
>kicked out of FUA by Feixiao
Good I like that the maleshitters are weaker. Gayshit has 3 meta males and look at the state of their game and fandom
If your jade is e1s1 sure.
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i don't have topaz but i got robin, can i cope with moze or jade in feixiao teams?
might as well just put a bullet in your brain...
The worthless turns are the ones you're doing with the healer instead of just e2 FF pressing her skill again
>instantly jumps to assumptions
>thinks high floor-low ceiling dps can be considered the best
Muh Honkek char expy
Funny because Acheron is super different from Mei and people still spouting muh expy crap
according to CN, mihoyo is punishing lumine players for ruining the abyss princess plot in genshin.
star rail devs are mocking lumine players with that NPC.
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>Fire weak
You are cooked little doggie
The mystery nigga silhouette made her look like she doesn't have legs, but it was just her ass curtain all along.
Does she know that though? If not, she has no reason to act like that
We already saw her FuA so no, the wolf shows up for a split second in her ult but thats it.
SW, Pela, Trend Fu Xuan. You get like one per cycle. I don't know where you're getting two from. Are you running her on speed boots?
>fire wind weakness
Topaz + Feixiao confirmed lore partners.
The fate of a free character.
>Yunri when she sees my little skewer
w w w what are the ten uuuuunpardobable sinsss??
Golden Hound says hi. You honestly think super brick is a reliable mechanic?
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I don't think I'm buying the battle pass or renewing the daily
It's worthless because you don't need Bronya or Hanabi for 0 cycle clears
Gallagher already enabled that easily
Only Fireflylets think running Bronya or Hanabi will significantly improve her, but that's not true at all.
Feixiao is the absolute flattest hag, right? Or is Serval flatter?
how are extra turns worthless? they're extra turns. if your take is that you don't even need anything more to 0 cycle anyway, then i'd like to remind you that the discussion revolves around replacing a character to make the team stronger
Considering Jing is friends with her grandpa, maybe she knows.
hi3keks, I warned them with the JP VA being different, they dont listen as always.
chink sparkle won.
>Are you running her on speed boots?
No shit, you only go speed boots if you you go E2 since Sparkle compensates for the spd boots.
>physical, fire, wind weakness
I see a 2.5 team that’ll cover those exactly, perhaps that team will end up meta for a while.
If your jade is e1s1 or e6 Moze sure.
Jing Yuan becoming Chris Redfield is unironically pretty funny
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Wow 13.2% while Lingsha gives a flat 40% BE.
>Jing Yuan has a rogues gallery of boss fights in his basement
Why the honk didn’t they write this into the story when they were having prison Blade hijinks? Kafka could’ve caused a jailbreak and we might had something fun happen instead of that akbar doctor garbage.
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I wish Dehya was good enough to be powercrept by another character. But they all do that just by existing.
>Fire and Physical weak
Easy Clara and Hotaru clear
lol retard it doesn't matter how long her ult is when it's just a shittier version of acheron's. her FUA is shit too
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Wasn't the stupid dog toy a robot or some shit? Why is it trying to steal human food?
>rolling for Feixiao

nah. skipping all these luofu people until Screwllum
Why are HSR homos so much more appealing than Genshin's?
Anybody else play with no voice because you don't want your waifu to be tainted by a real woman's voice
Mythus approved
unexpected kino...
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That's her e2. Her ultimate is 25 break vulnerability
Wtf are you even saying? Atk boots are better even at E0. You never want to run speed boots. The damage you lose is not worth it. Look it up.
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>Phys weak
Boot bait, next.
Thank you Hoyo for helping me skip her
same, just gonna coast the china patch and get it over with
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See >>488231298
It's worthless on E2.
"Just get the E2 FF" is a meaningless argument when it's about Gallagher vs Lingsha, neither is needed at E2.
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>Nooooo my imaginary waifu talked with an imaginary man in my anime game, now im KEKED
Acheron is literally Hokushin Mei, all the way to the lost memories and nihilistic personality.
For one, they're not actually homos. HSR is nowhere near the cucked homo region that is Sumeru
Oh my god you're fucking retarded. I agree with you, that you only need Gallagher and she'll still 0 cycle right now.
This whole conversation was about getting e2 Firefly instead of wasting rolls on Lingsha.
Read the replies the next time, retard.
>covers his break bar
What now?
yunli a cute
>just extra turns
2 turns means double the damage bwo
>We just eternally imprison and torture this guy in horrific bondage forever cause he led a military once
Literally Naruto shit
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good morning bros why the fuck is Lingsha not a Snek??
oh well at least the Feixiao animations look really nice
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I want to fuck March 7th while she's frozen in ice
Lingsha can also do that though and aoe
Retard, the conversation was about Gallagher vs Lingsha.
Getting FF E2 is what other retard said even though it added nothing to the argument.
Read the whole conversation, blind retard.
I'm literally only rolling Lingsha because I skipped Aventurine
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If Yunli had been Ice
or Lightning
or Wind

then she could've been worth rolling for
any chads rollin for Fei with 0 FUA?
If you're not rolling Lingsha to permanently enable your Firefly for PF you don't love her
Fexiao is a ratio sidegrade lmao
Fucking groomer
can you stop?
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The big furry is nothing compared to some other shit they have in there
BS should get a rerun woth Feixou or whatever right?
Lingsha will also work with feixiao
I had to google who the fuck that is.
Even less people played Honkai Gakuen or even know it exists.
It might as well doesn't exist because most people only know OG Mei is from HI3, so I stand corrected.
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my waifu is not imaginary shes quantum
He eats and rapes Foxians
Yea but you don't need roll her and Your Firefly will still work fine.
You better roll with someone with more significant upgrade than upping <10% damage
Wasn't there another new Chinese bitch that was supposed to be quantum nihility or was that a fake leak
she's the first non-meme physical dps in the game, how's that bad?
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Silver Wolf is such a sexy 9 year old.
You're a fucking retard. You already admitted that Lingsha is fucking pointless when you already have E2 Firefly. So I won, and won't bother with this shit anymore.
What is Lingsha doing
Ke’ai and confirmed
your booty?
and you wouldn't?
Crushing your nuts
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Wyell... no
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KEK. First thing I thought of.
God I wish that was me
your balls on her hand after you cheated on her
SCP references in my chinkaling game?
What if you want to expand the characters you have at the same. Me for expample only has fu xuan as a limited sustain. Not only is lingsha bis for firefly. She seems to work exceptionally well with Robin+feixiao
>The Abundance Axis coalition
The guy that implants his weakness anyway?
I thought there were leaks a while ago that said she was gonna be quantum destruction or something.
Maybe Sunday was right…
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Why are (You) the manager for her sword training sessions and not that faggot Dan? He's the one who keep enjoying her body every night, not (You)
Dumb retard who can't follow conversations, nothing was stated about having E2 Firefly already.

>won't bother with this shit anymore.
Good, because you clearly doesn't understand what is being talked about, smoothbrain.

>still running Gallagher
Thanks for agreeing with me.
Now that I think about it. Ratio LC goes hard on Feixiao too, if only it applies Disputation after initial ult cast and gains the effect on all her Slashes.
>foxians only joined the chinks after they imprisoned this guy
HUH interesting. Does that mean he's a new Echo of War instead of just being an elite?
I said non-meme, Boot is a huntbrick + a homo, can't get more meme than that
Borisin are Space Japanese?
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>Nothing to roll for in 4 fucking patches
Wow gee thanks, guess I'm E6ing Hotaru on her rerun
Yeah I have Ratio sig and I'm thinking of running it on her if the numbers are competitive. Since I want to roll for E2 I need all the rolls I can get
holy based
You cummed with your hands instead of inside her fertile womb.
>nothing was stated about e2 FF
Cope retard learn2read
See >>488229593
Can't relate.
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Nah, it is what it is. Dan Homo literally can't have sex
that's old news. new leaks say that it's sunday, not tingyun
Artificial relevance
For me it's been 5 patches
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2.4 event dialog spoilers

>I heard you are going to participate in the martial arts ceremony. Two people insisted that I come to see if you are doing well. It's such a hassle. Why don't they come themselves? - Silverwolf

So that’s why she’s there kek. I assume the two she’s referring to were Firefly and Kafka then. Also some extra crumbs for 2.4 (the text message earlier was for 2.5)
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Lingsha is for true Firefly lovers who want to make her S+ tier meta in PF too. If you only care about meta whoring in MoC and AS, you can stick with your Gallagher.
>Sickest FUA animation to date
Alright, I see Hoyo's been reading / watching solo leveling.
that's such a Sparkle image what the fuck
Yes, that's the other retard who suddenly talking about E2 Firefly.
The previous replies has no E2 mentioned.
At E2, the situation changed, who would have thought?
Yunli is in less than 24 hours
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>will be rolling Yunli
>will be rolling Shu
>will be rolling S.Hekate
>will be rolling Qingyi
I will be buying all the battlepasses..
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Probably not, leaks are currently suggesting that Feixiao is the next EoW boss (unless, of course, he has something to do with that).
This chud sounds Ifrit tier if Yanqing has access to his super max.
That is not cleave damage. And Ratio does the fucking same on his FUA if he kills an enemy before it triggers. At least play the character if you're going to make stupid claims
You were magnificent Wuwa, I shall never forget you for as long as I live.
what makes firebrick good in pf is fire weak enemy lineup + himeko carrying
my boothill
my firefly
my feixiao
>Want to play Lingsha
>Need a 5* super-break DPS with weakness implant
>Don't have any
Just get FF dupes instead wasting rolls on a sustain brick you won't even use
I stopped renewing during 2.2 and now I'm sitting on 700 pulls with nothing to spend them on
Yeah I'm thinking Hoyo won
in a few hours I will use yunli.
>Clara replacement
She's already ruined for me, I just get bitter everytime I look at her now, so I can't add her to my roster
She's fua too retard
She wouldn't change anything for her in PF. This isn't the same tier as Jiaoqiu letting E0S0 Acheron clear with a dogshit buff with Asta+Gallagher.
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Can Lingsha even compare to Himeko in PF?
Your Argenti?
Why you not rolling firefly or boothv8djill?
So do we have story leaks of 2.4 yet? Is TB relevant or not? If not I'll just skip all 2.4 story shit, I don't want a repeat of the first chinkarc
Every lineup is fire weak with Firefly. That's why it'll be so strong. 3 fire units with free fire infusion and a bunch of true aoe.
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>will be rolling S.Hekate
No lol. Brickbundance is trash.
>Every lineup is fire weak with Firefly
that's not how it works in pf
beauty knight mogs her
It's not like Gallagher isn't great on PF as well, he single-handedly unbricked my run
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>Acheron but green and chinese
Who the fuck asked for this? Who the fuck even cares for this?
Hey, hey, He was a victim too!
I told you guys Feixiao will powercreep every single damage dealer
In battle, right?
NTA but you probably want them both right? Firefly for nuke damage and implanting fire weakness while Himeko and Lingsha keep doing AoE
I think Lingsha is usable for FuA comps too.
I accept your concession
>Just get FF dupes instead wasting rolls on a sustain brick you won't even use
Nice projection, I only roll characters I will use.
If E2 FF and E1 FF + E0 Lingsha use the same amount of rolls and has similar performance, then the latter is obviously a superior choice.
I-I'm not a fucking retard....!!!!!
the chinks obviously..
I asked, I care
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What team is Feixiao good on?
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So does Topig have any C&C interactions with Luka or not
I would if she wasn't a tailless freak
>skipping Yunli but rolling Fofo
>will be rolling for Qingyi
>will be rolling for Xiangliyao’s weapon
>will be rolling for 37 and Marcus
I too will be getting all the battlepasses
YanKING is the general's son and the swordmaster with the most potential on all of the Luofu bro. He'll be SSS tier after the timeskip happens.
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sorry, i asked for another acheron in the survey...
You get it on every wave and the infusion still hits on the enemies you hit inbetween waves.
>rolling for a premium Himeko downgrade for PF
>kafka could have gone to space china to see us afterall
>she chose not to anyway
At least Firefly recently saw TB in Penacony so I can see why she didn’t but why did Kafka not go either…
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I'm gonna roll her because she's an emanator
But shes so fucking ugly
She does have a cool tomboy aesthetic, but her ult being a budget version of Yomi's one is really disappointing.
The guy that only functions in one mode, and only if it happens to shill his specific playstyle?
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read her fashion magazine
Bland and boring

Mommy step on me
She has aoe skill, talent and ult and sustain
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Sorry to say but right now Feixiao's ult looks like a discount bin Omnislash. It sounds weak, and the speed feels slow.

I've never seen a better Omnislash move yet in another game except for the final Omnislash of Eve in Stellar Blade.
Needs lyacon and rina
she keked kakaurine for mocking and ignoring her best friend stelle
what a stacy......
why is she so fucking flat
Feels good to have joined a casual /vg/ crew that doesn't care or talk
She doesn't have energy bar like acheron, she needs 6 stack to ulti, she gets one stack for 1 for every 2 team mates attack. so FUA of course
At this point SW should just join in already
You have to be actually retarded if you think E1 FF E0 Lingsha is equal to E2 FF. Nice bait.
She’s not a real emanator.
She’s just a pseudo like the stonehearts are.
The only real emanator of preservation is Diamond, just like the only real emanator of the Hunt is Marshall Hua
And who are you supposed to replace? HMC? Ruan Mid?
Wait, Lingsha benefits Boothill? Post kit, I might actually have some interest.
You want Linghsa and Himeko on the same team. Lingsha's skill hitting all enemies will trigger Himeko's FUA.
How pissed would she get if you were to call her "mama"?
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Which is the best eidolon?
>there are construction workers itt
How are any of you still alive?
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Feixiao is the ugliest Emanator
The leak is 1x. It will look way better on 2x which is what everyone plays on.
>Prisoner: Hoolay
>4. Do not mention "Jingliu" when conversing with this prisoner.
Kek that is the guy that got BTFO by Jingliu. Hope our wonderful wife shows up or at least gets mentioned
Any other headcanons you wanna spew? Nothing in the game states what you just posted.
Her first eidolon seems really insane, no?
It will.
Just wait when Lingsha is out.
FF's E2 is highly overrated, her E1 is far more impactful.
Roll her S1 first before going for any eidolons
And kick RM or HMC? Himeko alone should be shredding everything with those buffs
>Lingshacopers trying to convince people to roll a brickstain unit
>Two people insisted that I come to see if you are doing well. It's such a hassle. Why don't they come themselves?
Cute, and yeah she probably means firefly and kafka but imagine if it were blade instead lmao.
E2 if you also have E1 Robin and E2 Sporkle, she's fine at E0 otherwise
They are on different chink ship.
Also why we still on Luofu again?
I thought we need to visit each ship before met Marshall
Weird way to spell Jing Yuan, faggot.
Jimmy Sneed is hotter than her and I'm straight.
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Why are you like this
Congrats on coming out as trans
Hag model?
Uh, Caelus version?
That guy is wrong but you're wrong too. All Emanators are sexo, no homo.
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Wtf I am looking forward to Space China.
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Firefly killed star rail
>galakeks coping he's getting replaced this soon
damn i pity these guys
Jing yuan is handsome though no homo
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*throws a bnuy at you*
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What would be a good generic second team to build? I have all 4 stars and the 5 stars I don't use for my main team are ratio, bronya and yanqing.
Why are YOU like this? Why do you want to force others to use weaker and worse characters just because they're male?
>but why did Kafka not go either…
She'll be the SH focus on the next planet since the current state of the AE is actually really fucking bad since it's running out of fuel, she pointed them to the Luofu even to help gain allies and try to refill it through a chink trailblaze.
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What the FUCK is his problem?
The same guy that rolled 100 boothill LC. Just an attention seeker
This. 2.3 was so boring. I do not want to see Firefly or Penacony for a long time.
Mental illness
>March is 4* FuA support
>Moze is 4* Topaz
bros... FuA was supposed to be the whale team. why the fuck are they making it cheaper??
I wish I were rich but unfortunately I am not and likely never will be
>Also why we still on Luofu again?
Because making new environments is hard bwo, they can only do that once a year. I get making all the background lore like they did Penacony is hard, but a lot of lore shit already got created for the Luofu. Fucking lazy fucks, wanted to see the IPC infested ship
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>Lingsha not being a snek is hitting me harder than I expected
I will never recover from this, what's even the point anymore
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I turned myself into a sword trailblazer!
I'm Sword Sparkle!
Prison Break?
So fucking weird.
Why should I care about some attention whore
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it's not even a different ship ?
>March is 4* FuA support
not really
>Moze is 4* Topaz
he's male so no one cares
Luocha is about to commit quite a few of them, and he'll get away with it, like always.
So all the
Lingsha is a snake or things like that were just a nothingburger?
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Funniest thing I've ever seen
Lol, lmao. One of the highest grossing gachas btw
Just a schizos fantasies
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Xueyi thread next!!!
>the flavor text
I feel like that reference is a bit too dated, does anyone in this thread even get it ?
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why is one of lingsha's idle animations her smelling a fart
there's nothing snake-like about her, her animations, or her kit, sadly
>dabbed on by jingloo
>not weak to ice
Now this is elating
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So Rape is pardonable? got it
Congrats you are going to join the retard group, composed of "Sampo is just slightly worse than BS", Acheron is a brick, Firefly is a brick etc.
moze has "literally me" aura
the jonkler...
Aren't you dead?
The completely killed Penacony with the ending they made. There's little to no point even returning there, not even a small tease of Constance after the BS call where she does shit by herself since the Charmony Festival was the anchor for the dream realms and we fixed the issue with Sunday already.
It's getting new areas but it's not a 3.0
I know it's hard to shill a new 5* brickbundance, but galgerfags got him for free when everyone rolled for Firefly.
How much of that money came from graft I wonder.
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We’re at a point where animation creep is a real thing. Feixiao skill animation look way better than Louchud, Seele, and Blade Ult
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And to think: he's just chilling on vacation right now
Uh bro? More like Bootpag killed HSR since this gigawhale isn't stick around for the rerun.
I see waifu, I roll.
They could always invent a reason to go back. They did it with 1.4 and 1.5.
and fireflyfags are replacing him with lingsha in the next patch
Yes we're going to Guangzhou. March will be blacked.
>the dolls
>now this
What is sparkle's problem?
"women" implies she's legal, right? well don't mind if I do
Can a woman with extreme autism consent?
ook eek la seanig-kun
Although she's indeed from HG2 she does have a brief cameo in the captainverse in HI3, but yeah there are probably more HG2 references than there are HI3 references in HSR, like Bronya and Seele are the ones from the Fire Moths in HG2 not the ones from HI3.

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