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Previous: >>488218067

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Moze will get pegged itt
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>4* downgrade of Topaz isn't a Stoneheart.
>"Acheron of FUA" isn't a Stoneheart.
>Sustain alternative to Aventurine isn't a Stoneheart.
>Sunday has been leaked to be a summon support.
What happened, Stonefloppers? Weren't we supposed to be FUA faction? How does this affect your pull plans?
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okay. they are going way way way too overboard on the foot fetish stuff. its actually getting gross now
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I feel bad for Yunlifags
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Bulbous ChubbyFly-IV, in position.
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>copies acheron
Shills are really desperate about selling another limited 5* brickbundance.
Make her a snek and that's all the shilling you need
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Glowwormchan love
that probably didn't feel all that good
Imagine being tiny and crushed by Yunli's perfect giant bare foot...
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>he's going to use feixiao with the pig instead of with her shadow clone
Don't. Embrace the KINO.
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I can't wait for the day footshit finally starts counting as nsfw (as it should, considering the way people treat it) so that shit gets deleted here.
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Yunli is really sexy.
Retard, do you expected them to release all of them in the next two patches or something?
No one wants a fucking snake woman nigga
it's only the vocal minority retards from here
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I'm just glad Topaz is back to getting screentime outside of shilling Sigga and Hagflop
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i rolled for e2s1 ei...
twice in two mihoyo games...
not even a major patch later in sr.
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Don't worry, Bailu is there too
Why is Moze's FuA so much cooler than Feixiao's kek
I almost can't 10 turns this MoC even with the meta teams
What the fuck is this powercreep shit
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Bronya rabu!
>has a gunblade
>only shoots it once in a basic you will never see
Man she is a fucking disappointment. It feels like a 12 year old designed it, just naming weapons that they like. Either she should have focused on a single weapon, or full commit to using multiple weapons and make more than just 2
reddit is that way
so the reason Sushang didn't participate on the tournament is because she is dead, we can she her soul leaving from her mouth after the incident after all
>0-3T with Firefly
>Use whoever for the remaining 7T
What's so hard about it
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Texting our girlfriend Firefly!
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She was truly the Kafka of FUA...
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She tanked that by the way, anyone else would've been turned into a red paste.
N-No... but I also didn't expect them to make Feixiao and Sunday all about FUAs. Leaks said Feixiao had a FUA in her kit, not that she was the literal capstone of FUAs.
this shot legit makes her look like a top model
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crushed by hebe feet...
>we want the acheron audience
>if acheron is so good why isn't there an acheron 2
Fuck you retarded Hoyo Dev, if you make her a snek I'll single handedly make you a billionaire
Without the snake parts she's just another boring chink
kino, my favorite job art god I wish we had that exact hairstyle ingame
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Dont skip Sparkle
just say you're gay. dont be ashamed
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DPS characters get powercrepted after like 4 months of release, who cares
This is a Kung Fu Hustle reference right?
our nigga Huayan will make Feixiao look like a cheap Seele sidegrade, SAVE
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Ass too fat
Feet chads won BIGLY
Who is better the pig or her boy toy?
Why is Sparkle so self absorbed? This event isn't about her.
>huntbrick #56
>abrickbundance #35
The space chink patches are looking extremely grim.
>Feixiao base speed is 125
WTF, bonken
These new girls aren't doing it for me. I'm gonna roll for fofo instead.
huaiyan, can't even spell the old bastards name right you fag?
Yeah, it's so bad Seele is the fastest char this moc. HOLY POWERCREEP.
Yunli feet
on my cock
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>These animations
>Gets not one but two fucktoys
She feels like someone OC that got added to the game
turn off auto battle
Boss fights in the tournament:
>Lil Gui
>Luka & Topaz
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Turn on autobattle
Why are all of Sparkle's products so cute? IPC should hire her as a product designer...
>first Baiheng
>now Feixiao
A writer seriously wants fox pussy to be the leading Stacies of this game. Pussy so hairy that men will commit crimes for them
>trying to set up Luka with Seele utterly failed so now they're trying to push him onto someone else
Except looking better in every way
I regret not rolling for Jade ...
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Look at the hips on that lass
moze is literally just 4* topaz. so topaz.
I have one FUA unit and it's Robin

good enough for Feixiao?
>onto someone else
Yeah, YanKING
bros, I'm getting filtered by Aventurine bossfight
>anyone with a squint
when did march become racist?
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I'm gonna say it Moze looks more like a 5* than Feixiao. I was gonna pull for feixiao since I failed my Jade coinflip but I'd rather save for Tingyun forma de Quantum. I'm sure Feixiao is going to be busted though.
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>tfw she sees your dick
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>Open game
>Jade's banner is still up
Show this animation but on 2x
where are her teeth
Why's Topaz supposedly useful now? I pulled her for ass but never used her a single time.
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sex with mother
Sasuga the King takes another one into his harem...
this is some Vince McMahon tier booking. it's shit
Yunli is not for me. She feels like a Genshin design.
it is if you also plan to use march 8th too.
>He is simpling for Yunli's feet without realizing that it is full of calluses, thick rough skin with cracks and dirty because she never wear shoes
oh nononononono
lingsha's design is just red ruan mei
no lamia
her animations are shit and 4* tier, even the summon looks shit
5 - 10% more DPT than E6 gallagher

lingsha is an ez skip
Is Yunli the 4chan FOTM?
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>Stelle ONCE AGAIN confirmed as the CANON PROTAGONIST

she's not beating the discount acheron allegations
She's too cute for that
nah, when she sees my pecker she would make this face
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2.4 event dialog spoilers

>I heard you are going to participate in the martial arts ceremony. Two people insisted that I come to see if you are doing well. It's such a hassle. Why don't they come themselves? - Silverwolf
Pagfags are in ruins.
Potaz attacks very very fast. Ironically, that's also the reason she was considered bad in the first place, since her damage is spread over smaller numbers.
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Genshinshitters wish they had someone as unabashedly sexo as Yunli
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She was my last hope for the chink patches, it's all downhill from here
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she's a "support" who gets carried by robin
if you like her ass or her pig or whatever you can now bring her without feeling like you're sabotaging the team
just don't forget to bring robin
*better Acheron
I'm disappointed, but I need to save jades anyways. Penacony completely drained me.
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The only true crime here is that her soles aren't dirty as one would logically expect them to be.
Can they fucking powercreep topag already???? shes an ancient unit and shes ugly and her summon is a fucking pig

Give us a new character for her slot already
We have Klee but then again I guess she isn't "as" she is well beyond Yunli's sex level.
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>The only team I could clear moc 11 with without the 2nd team completely dying
time to pull huohuo..
>shes ugly
Homosexual behavior
Bwo, where are you finding these? Any Yanqing x Yunli dialogue?
So what do I need to run Yunli? Is her LC mandatory? Don't have Robin, but I got Tingyun + Huo2 + Sparkle ready, is that enough?
There is it's called e1s1 jade and you skipped her
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>and shes ugly
Thanks Silverwolf
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I have to say, even though the budget for her Trailer isn't high, there sure are a lot of fun moments. I'm satisfied with her low budget trailer honestly.
Cute and canon
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Why does Hoyo have to focus on feet so much with her? Even givinh her such weird art? I hate it, I hate it so much. I can see the focus in her animation to show her stance, but all of her promtional material have to have feet, and it squicks me and the leak art makes me so upset I want to uninstall the game just to never see it. I know I'm being overemotional, but I haven't been so excited for a character since DHIL and it just suck so much this is what she's associated with. I think I'll have avoid her demo and any promo for her from now on, but I will still have to look at that art for days...
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Can we just get the Anal gang already?
Uh oh transbian melty
>even though the budget for her Trailer isn't high
nigger what
there is soul and high effort animations every millisecond
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>Two people insisted
I knew my nigga Blade cares about me
Space china 2 is so disappointing that I'm tempted to roll for a jade dupe.
>fully clothed buddypoke wearing a diaper
yeah bro so hot I literally wetted my pants just checking on her design
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>Two people insisted that I come to see if you are doing well
mom and wife worried about me that im not enjoying Luofu
LC is not mandatory but is a game changer, you are good to go with that lineup.
She's okay with feixaio I guess? Honestly I feel she gets hyped every time a fua character comes out then half the time it turns out she's actually shit. Does Yunli even use her anymore?
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Reminder that the only reason we're seeing excessive feet fetish popup is because of the censorfags that are killing all other forms of lewdness in games, but not censoring feet because it's their fetish. You have been brainwashed successfully by mutilated men and women with dried up eggs.
let em cook, haste makes waste. you don't want em to choke on animating this absolute edgekino semen gremlin, do you?
Yunli does not use topig she would rather use ty, sparkle, even jade
Kek.11 is also harder than 12 for me.
Her cone is more important than her desu
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Is topaz really the most frequent attacker in the game? Can't feixiao cope with someone else? I dont have her
hot take diapers are sex
Caelus is so handsome...
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the cat isn't going to watch is it
It's only a matter of time until feet are censored too, like how they're censoring ASMR on YouTube.
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Good morning bros. Just woke up and saw the snek dream is dead. Guess I will be rolling Fofo now
Moze is literal her cope
unironically kill yourself jesus christ
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Of course only a retarded tranny post something this braindead.

Since you asked, I'll remind you.
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Stellesissies got caught in the act
I would commit all ten unpardonable sins for hairy fox pussy
sword jing yuan when? he needs a REAL comeback bwos....
you obviously can use other people
Yep, that’s my husband right there
When do reruns leak?
the legs that saved star rail
Oh well, I guess I'll start with the LC banner then and cope with Clara if I run out of pulls.
NTR magazine...
They made an entire character just for her bwo
Why are stelletransbians so disingenous? Their inferiority complex is showing.
Is there even any reason to pull Lingsha when I can just keep using Gallagher? They're literally the same fire break healer
Jade is much uglier, probably the ugliest character in the entire game.
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>Feixiao / Jade / Topaz
>Topaz and Jade build stacks for Feixiao
>Feixiao builds stacks for Jade
>Jade and Feixiao make Numby go faster
IPC exists to support China
Pag meltdown... Again... Can you paggots go fifteen minutes without having a meltdown?
Does stinky wolf even do anything in the SH? She's always goofing around in events
>Yunli is chinese Clara
>Feixiao is chinese Acheron
What other units will be chinafied?
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don't get cocky paggie
Topaz doesn't attack frequently at all. It's ratio that makes that happen. Without ratio she's slow as fuck.

Here is what you do.
Feixiao, Moze, Robin, lingsha.
I've been a footfag for as long as I've been alive and I for one welcome the "safe horny" or whatever censoring workaround this is supposed to be because I've been finally pandered to so I couldn't care less whatever the motivation behind it.
>Kafka hugs TB
Please mom, you're embarrassing me
Bro, your march?
You don't need damage And only frequent attack right?
If you like her design or you're gonna whale eidolons. That's it.
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Nah she's a very good unit who enables some very cool but slightly niche sustainless teams with her taunt.
I think people will regret not getting both, she adds more to an account than any unit in the next 4 banners imo.
Feixiao is cool and guaranteed to be strong but is just another standard dps slop kit, Jiaoqiu is an unironic Pela sidegrade and Lingsha is just Gallagher Pro Max until you get her E1.
Has anyone done any Moze calcs yet? How does his damage compare to Topaz?
Same. I was ready to pass on fofo because corin filled the gap, but I guess I'll have 2 fofos now.
But enough about Huohuo
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Please save me from the chinkslop...
It already started when Sparkle was the "Chinese" Bronya
The standard units are being eradicated.
nah, not my thing. but I bet that is right up your alley. just do it.
Stellepags can't help themselves
Tingaloong is chinese Kafka
You realize that's fanart right? Man you stelletroons are really braindead. That's 2 nigger IQ posts.
uh retardgod? robin lets everyone generate an extra stack for free
She is the hacker. Her job is to say she isn't going to be able to hack it in time, but then just barely hack it in time.
THIS is the canon male MC name. Stellaron - Stelle and Aaron.
Uh oh paglus melty
Let me guess you use dotarcheron and think that's a good team? Next thing you'll say is she needs 3 hunts. Ratio Moze and Feixiao LMAO
her forwarding the team is effectively generating extra stacks
also her dmg procs make the zdps shitters like march/topaz/sustain actually do decent damage
Chinese units are cuter and more sovlful than the belobog/penscony sloppers.
She does most of the real work, Blade and FF are just dumb muscle and Kafka mostly just supervises or shows up to finish things.
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>When you stuck with your nanny while your family have a holiday trip
Fuuuuck. Let me join SH
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There are not many moving parts in her trailer. A lot of stuff gets obscured with close ups or just far away shots to mask it.
HSR sucks desu
Isn't it about time we got a SW rerun? I started too late for her, but she's always been at the top of my list.
okay, autism
>don't want Firefox because no Acheron
>don't want yunlin because don't care
>don't want Feixiao because I don't have any FuA
>don't want Lingsha because my E6 Gallagher with Huohuo cone is doing great already

Do we have tingyun leaks yet? I'm not sure what to even look forward to
TB’s real family….
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Maybe if the rumor about 4Tailed ting being quantum destruction is true
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Have a pity (you)
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Wow, cool fanart.
+1000 social credits
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lingsha's toughness damage

>basic - 10 st
>skill - 10 aoe
>fua - 15 aoe
>ult - 20 aoe

>because I don't have any FuA
march is free and moze is a 4*
What’s wrong with DOTACK I use it all the time
I'm gonna remember posts like these when stellesisters say "we never start anything, it's always those damn caeluspags starting MC wars!"
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You're assuming I'm not going to nibble off all the dirt and dead skin off her feet like fish from a fish spa.
I mean Topaz fags were saying she would be good for Yunli.
At this point SW will get groomed into 4some with TB and these thirsty women while keep insisting that it's not what she wants
How can a creature this adorable and perfect exist in soulless chinkland?
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I need Feixiao inside me bros...
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Give it to me straight, /hsrg/
>E2S1 Acheron
>E2S0 SW
>E1S1 Sparkle
>E1S1 Fu
Is Jiaoqiu going to help Acheron deal more damage? He'd be replacing Fu or SW.
SW needs to be more honest
mid/10 without E1 and Ruan Mei
March is the only thing to look forward to in this dead patch
He will help generate more stacks yeah
Zhuming is soul
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I just don't care anymore...
>Giving free (you)s
Really anon in this economy
post made by huohuo
Pretty sure her extra damage doesn't count as an attack. Otherwise, Moze will be completely broken with her, since his extra damage isn't tied to ult
Her ultimates do crap damage. Since nobody on the team amps her damage significantly.
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So where's the fujobait Hoyoverse.... I'm getting scared
I love her so much bros
I'm a giver
bro your e1s1 black swan
Feixiao looks extremely futureproof desu
>Acheron doesn't benefit from DOT
>DOT doesn't benefit from Acheron
it's the true retard filter
If you can go for e1 lingsha, I guess. Getting e2 firefly is a higher priority than another healer, if you're optimizing rolls.
She alone is worth the Chinaslop
Will Firefly be in the next planet? Yes or no
She cute. Gonna roll
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waifuchads win because ratio and aventurine can get dropped for a Feixiao / Topaz / Robin / Lingsha team
yumestacies win too because topaz and robin can be dropped for a Ratio / Moze / Sunday / Aventurine team
Wasn't planning to pull for her since I already have Clara, but her trailer made her a cute and am now tempted to roll for her. Only other character where the trailer almost convinced me to roll for is Fofo, which is kinda fitting with the rerun taking place at the same time.
Especially w/ firefly.

Firefly skill costs 40% HP. Instantly triggers lingsha's FUA without needing ultimate. Then she still has ultimate to trigger another FUA.
Probably not
They will likely shill another heroine
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shes literally chinese gojo
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>the whale who rolled 100 Acheron LC is quitting HSR after her first rerun
It’s over
>single target brick
Yes, Firefly in every planet from now on.
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You don't understand Sakuga.

Probably not an upgrade unless you roll for fox eidolons.
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My girlfriend is so cute
>Waifuchad team
Shipshit / Omnishit / Incestshit / ???shit
>Yumestacie team
Homoshit / Shipshit / Incestshit / Omnishit

It's all fucking terrible
EoS soon...
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>Yunli will be my 5th Physical dps
I will NOT be rolling for any more Chinese heroes in my favorite auttobattling game
People said the same thing about Acheron before getting powercrept 2 patches later
Space china is making the whales go extinct
>chinese 3d animation for a gacha game
what did autism-san mean by this?
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Acheron is still the best character in the game thoughbeit
>rolling for chinkslop instead of saving for space greece waifus
>skill - 10 aoe
That is pretty shit, expected skill to be higher. Ult is same as Gallagher. Two Fuas is equal to one Gallagher enhanced basic, which is probably what will happen in a 3 turn rotation (ult 100% advance, skill is 20% and bunny itself has only 80 speed). So same toughness damage as Gallagher but aoe, which is nice but sometimes may not even matter if you're relying on Firefly's weakness implant.
They know SHkino is necessary to save shitfu
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>the "punished Quantum Destruction Tingyun" leak came from the retard who got Lingsha totally wrong
Maybe in 3.6 we'll get a good Quantum DPS bros
These Chinese characters are killing the game!
This but about Yunli.
I'm just gonna save for anal gang and UBW at this point
>was planning to roll for Lingsha to replace old man
>she is bis for Feixiao instead
Only Yunli(and LC) and Sparkle, I am saving for .5 and .6
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>saving for Ugly (Aglaea)
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>said greek waifus
Not sure I have any faith in chinks being able to do Greece right. A lot of the flowing robes will just look like more space chinks.
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but I'm saving for Acheron and Firefly rerun yho
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>lingsha BiS
lol. lmao. lmfao.
>space greece waifus
Retard, everybody knows that Greek settings are no place for waifus.
Math wrong. She does


10+15+20+15= 60(90)
Or 270 with the old numbers.

120 (360 toughness) with the new numbers at e1
you're getting powercrept big boy
What did he mean by this.
>single target hunt brick
oh boy
>it's also fua brick
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spoken like a true beaneater
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buy an ad
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>a fucking camerawoman
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She can instantly double FUA on her first turn. Gallagher can't just spam ultimates.
>Just roll e1 for your new brickbundance bro
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Saint Seiya bros?
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Unless space Greece is the monster girl planet, then I don't care.
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This. Space Greece will be the patch for boylovers. Finally.
He kinda can if you build him right
You mean the same e1 RM has but also gives break efficiency? Yes I rolled e1 rm
Oh shit, we getting a genshin Collab?
For me it's Prince Arslan
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Feixiaobros, our response?
>She can instantly double FUA on her first turn.
How? Technique summons her bunny, but doesn't say anything about advance forward. And Gallagher can skill into ult on the first turn. But just realized that her technique isn't an attack, so you can actually start the battle with her debuff on the enemy if you Firefly technique
Holy kino
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Based r1999 sis
>Space Chinks and their bootleg Acheron is literally killing the game
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The fact that you think Sakuga can only apply to Japanese animation tells me all I need to know about your knowledge about that subject, well that and your failure to see the cost saving techniques used in Yunli's trailer. Goodbye amateur, I will not be replying to you on this subject again and will continue to dump Webms.
No he can't. Unless you want to lose his basic attack frequency and rely on luck whaling the fuck out him at which point just roll lingsha and get e1 and he'll cry forever she can do the sp build but better since she's fully aoe and not rely on getting hit.
Fuck you, I’ll settle these coastal tiles whenever I damn please
>topag but bunny
easiest skip of my life
I only roll characters that endear me. None of these characters endear me
If they love the gooner crowd so much they should’ve just made a Honkai Impact 4. Let’s see how big of a player base and how many awards they can get with a gooner game.
Now that they’ve amassed a huge and stable player base + developed a good enough reputation for their games, they decide that it’s ok to give a portion of their player base (who have been contributing actively with fan art, fan fiction, cosplays etc) the middle finger?
I feel immense regret for having spent so much on their games. Knowing that they took my money to make overly sexualized caricatures of women to sell to the incels, while treating the player base who likes male characters (mostly female) like shit makes me so angry.
>topawg but bunny
easiest roll of my life
It not limited to nip animation, even though it's a nip word
But no way in hell that is sakuga
>comparing his brickbundance to RM
lmao even
She can do the energy build* better
>Let’s see how big of a player base and how many awards they can get with a gooner game.
They made ZZZ this year bro
>If they love the gooner crowd so much they should’ve just made a Honkai Impact 4
literally zzz
What are you doing here, we’re all irrational numbers itr
I hope there'll be NTR in this game
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What even are those skewers supposed to be? Are they based on any real Chinese snack? Are they supposed to be like candy apples?
Greek designs are shit. Going to be a bunch of generic white dresses and chink heels.
This niggerfaggot doesn't know what 20 def ignore does or how it stacks. 60 to 80 is a giant damage increase. She can skip her LC completely for it. What is Gallagher going to do? Roll lingsha s1 and think that's the same? Lmao
"Goober" is another word people who don't know what it is used into irrelevance
they're dangos
how have you never seen a dango
Greek designs are BASED because they will all be wearing opentoed sandals
If Yunli doesn't endear you there's clearly something wrong with your brain.
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Cute and canon family
>wasting 160 pulls for a gallagher sidegrade
You are not serious right?
She hasn't done anything worth endearing yet, but she's OK.
Tanghulu’d hawthorn berries
They have them in almost every chinatown with a streetfood scene.
They taste like shit
Candied haws
I'll goober all over your mother
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Kek, what a dork
Can we stop reposting shit from Reddit?
>what is Gallagher going to do?
Not roll for a tiny damage increase on a mediocre abundance unit that's locked to a specific dps that'll gets powercrept in a few months?
Not a sidegrade. She's 8% upgrade and that goes even higher if you get E1.
That's non-canon actually.
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Fruit skewers yeah I guess they are similar to candy apples, if the apples were berries.
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Wait a minute...
>GI 3.0 is homo infested region
>HSR 3.0 is homo infested world
youre right
>pag humor
Doing that won't make anyone who didn't want her to roll her
I don't really care what you think
Sorry bro, no one cares about the new 5* brick from the brick path. Especially e1.
shes a female so shes an upgrade in every way
brick effect already deletes mobs who cares about a small damage increase
They're not dangos, they're mini candy apples.
>Spending 160 rolls for a cute semen demon to replace the bara homo in your harem break team
Lingsha esp at e1 is also bis for Feixiao niggerfaggot
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Maybe there will be hotter girls in space greece, but there wont be cooler ones
Acheron from Wish
180 rolls just to clear in the same turns and get the same jades as a f2p shitter
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Anyone else going for FoFo E1? If so, why?
God those ____feet____ look delicious!
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they should've swapped her skill and normal attack animation
Funny enough people were pointing out the same thing just last thread too
I think you replied to the wrong post and nent to reply this this one >>488238370
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She has that Unlimited Blade Works energy. I shall be rollan.
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But you can use her in follow up teams, while Gallagher does nothing there. Topaz' best friend! (or should I say Numby's)
sustains feel like bricks without their E1
This. Best planet until EoS soon.
by how much?
>has enough FuA that she is basically an AoE unit
>ultimate absolutely obliterates a single target
Feixiao is the Hunt unit we needed
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Based and true.
>this e1 abundance brick is core for this new hunt brick
Stop with the new 5* talk. The poorpags that eat shit out of trash cans can't afford it. So they cry like crazy whenever someone brings up how much better someone else's teams will be while they try to cope with junk.
But it's literally chink humor? Are you blind?
Her design is just female Jing Yuan. Like at least give her some pirate theme or something, but I guess the Winnie Pooh doesn't like pirates.
Lingsha is a hot girl, Gallagher is a based homo but a homo is still a homo
>BiS for Feixiao
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Um bro, it's not OPTIMAL to use Gallagher? You need to use your e6s5 Firefly with your e6s5 Lingsha to clear content 10 seconds faster once a month.
>faggot pedos
i genuinely hope space greece NEVER caters to you fucking freaks of nature
This place is just an extension of reddit with worse moderation nowadays
Bro prople with def down from E1 RM and E2 Firefly doesn't need any fucking boost. Yes her E1 is good but it's unneeded. Also future enemies might hit so fucking hard it can kill you from 100% health then she'll become basically worthless because you can't heal dead character.
I thought chinks would love space china, what happened
oh no oh fuck, is Greece going to be our Homomeru?
She has 155 SPD with zero substats too and she action advances herself. She will be attacking 3 times a cycle lol.
I don't really want to do more Xianzhou Luofu shit and I can't care less about this new character. When will the game get good again?
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>Pag eaters and shitposting shiny new things go hand in hand.
is there a character more dead and forgotten than blade
I hear people pretending jade is support for him but lol
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>the boss before they join your party
I like Gallagher's animations better honestly, if Lingsha has a fun personality and interacts with (you) I'll roll, but she only has 100 lines in 2.4 anyway.
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Holy cute and canon
are you really going to stand on the sidelines watching some sweaty's seele clear faster than your firefly?
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keep crying
You clearly can’t read, let alone type properly
I wish she just went all out with her fists instead.
Yeah, and future enemies might get 10000000 toughness so you can never ever break them and Firefly is completely useless.
We just left Kinocony and they serve us basically a junk food. Even chinks would hate that
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Boyfriend when?
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I thought the update was already live where is it
yeah bladebros, this random brick is totally going to unbrick your brick
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I have decided. I will be rolling for Yunli s1 and skipping everything else. This is objectively the correct decision.
We’re getting our rerelease and our best partners are STILL e2 acheron and danhomo.
Every other harmony including bronya got new friends to play with.
When will it be our turn…where is the savior of hypercarry?
Lingsha is a filler unit. Basically the Fofo of Luofu2.
Kinda disappointing that our first female vidyadhara is such a nothingburger.
At least Foxian fans are eating good with an Emanator, Tingyun Alter and Feixiao.
Exactly. Unbreakable enemies already exist so it's not even people making shit up. Just another reason to not invest into breakshit
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This leak just killed any amount of "hype" I had left for the chinkslop arc
It basically confirms that TB will be irrelevant again
the fact she just randomly no diff'd a gigachad wolf on her own is pretty damn impressive, genshin could literally never
guess I underestimated, figured they'd love any china slop while waving their china number one flag
is that with ruan mei ? Cause I'm reading 130
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I ate some expired ramen and now my stomach is upset...
Never, she's non canon
And you can die tomorrow so you should just end it now.
It's a Chinese street snack the fruits are sour while the glaze.is sweet
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
125 base SPD, 5 from traces and 25 from boots.
Lingsha's real toughness damage taken from https://starrail.honeyhunterworld.com/lingsha-character/?lang=EN

30 basic
30 aoe skill
60 aoe ultimate
45 aoe FuA
Multi billion dollar company btw
rest in pieces fatty, it was (not) nice knowing you
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>dies in the story
>dies metawise
Damn bros
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It's the same shit reported differently. The devs changed the way toughness damage numbers are displayed a while back.
It's actually
I'm pretty sure even chinks shat on space china
I raped your favorite Star Rail while you were sleeping
My Sparkle isn't hypercarry... and yours would not be either, if you hadn't rolled e0s0 but at least e1s1.

Any dps releasing, heck even the upcoming healer, works well with her if you have good enough investment.
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I think it'd be really funny if they introduce another for (you) girl in 3.x and then make her in love with some other guy after her banner ends.
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He'd watch as you dated the person he sought after but never had the balls to pursue because of his deepseated self loathing and lack of will to live while smiling flippantly and giving you a thumbs up. He'd send you loads of gifts to your inevitable wedding, being reminded that he will never experience that joy for his own because he's a coward still seeking death
Go back
wow he's literally me
Thats not very funny Sparkle
Fucking KILL yourself
Only if you rolled for e1 firefly.
Even if lingsha just spams her basic she cant battery enough sp for the team
Yunli is for Caelus
This isn't Genshin though, that shitty fujo writer better stay away from HSR or I'm quitting.
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>poorfags seething because they can't afford E1S1 Lingsha
Be brave about it
he's the exact opposite of a coward
yeah was already posted
she looks cope as shit, like i'm not convienced that she's a meaningful upgrade unless the fight is very tailored to her (a hordes of fire weak trashmobs with low toughness)
Damn brat needs rape correction
This is why you have no friends and arent the BIS harmony of anyone other than DHIL and acheron
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>tfw she sees your dick
Yunli is for Stelle.
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Kill yourself troon
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I’m kinda upset that March is working better in both hyper carry and break over Ratio. Now Fiexiao is doing the same for all of Hunt.
>advertising sustain eidolons
>the slot you are most likely to switch out if you get powerful enough
Hoyoshills are not sending their best
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His words, not mines
Ehh, he's a cool guy, he deserves it
>tfw she sees your dick
E1s1? That isn't optimal, poorfag. Get e6s5 or don't bother.
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I am skipping every female banner after Firefly, not because I want to, but because I have to.
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Now that the animations are out and retards can stop coping please remember that there were fags delusional enough that thought that a chink brickbundance unit would get a special unique model for battle.
Is this a footbros game?
Npc dress
She stole all the tails
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>I’m kinda upset that March is working better in both hyper carry and break over Ratio
newfag here, do you actually need character light cones or is it only for some autistic end game
Is this Phantylia or Punished Tingyun?
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Pagpag eater spotted.
I'll be waiting for you to post your Lingsha e6s5 then.
Why does she look older
>poorfag coper already making excuses
E1S1 is a 50% boost over Gallagher. If you're seething at that then you're literally a poorfag.
Depends on the character. Some feel like shit without one, some have great cope options, some have shit options.
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It's inevitable. Firefly is your canon wife so other girls are destined to lose and get shipped with other males, instead.
Take a look Topaz, Yunli and Feixiao. Is it not obvious what the writers are trying to do?
Firefly is the only girl for (you) now.
Nah you're fine without them. This place acts like you need multiple eidolons and the signature light cone on every 5* to do anything
Pagpag is an insult against peenoise not against SEA
I wouldn't roll Yunli if I had E2 Clara, she's still stronger but you're on your way to E6
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Depends on the character.
Most its only a 15-20% upgrade so significant but not gamechanging.
But a few characters (Acheron, Yunli, JQ, probably Feixiao) its a VERY significant increase, like 30-40%
All the metaposting is for endgame, rest of the game is easy as shit.
Autistic endgame, not having good light cones would probably only cost you to lose out on 60~120 jades every 2 weeks.
All main story and events are designed to be clearable with a mishmash of free units, and if not, they'll give you trial units.
How much of a boost is e6 over e1s1?
I still don't understand why she randomly gets a 5* alt
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March + Gallagher is insane and lets you run Bronya for crit or Stelle for breaking
Moze mogs Paglus hard what the fuck
Aka worse preservation
>fire break healer
Gallagher does the same thing
>b..but 20% def down on E1! you do have E1 RM and E2 Firefly don't you!?
Yes I do have both, and that's why I feel like I don't need her, the team wants to break faster, not dealing more damage after break because the damage is WAY more than enough to kill anything already
The game is easy as fuck but tryhards have to be tryhards everywhere. Do your research before pulling to know when to get the LC, most 4 LCs in this game are busted
>or is it only for some autistic end game
Only for endgame.
This game is not difficult at all
>update in less than 24 hours
>thread still dead
what killed the hype?
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Did they fix Jiaoqiu or is he still fucking garbage

Is his LC going to be worth anything
>>488239842 >>488239871 >>488239931 >>488239934 >>488239921
Thanks bros, I was worried this was a game for whales
Is this a shitpost are people actually shilling abundance Eidolons now?
Well at least we have one, Aether has no one, what a loser.
So... where is my promised content
e3-e5 is usually on all characters.
Paid shills trying to get people to buy the incoming flop
Is Sparkle for (you)?
Ratio got powercrept by March? You're joking right?
Sparkle's still a bit of a pathetic loser.
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You should not say that to our god Xiao.
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Is usually whatever*
blame all the faggots who wanted her back
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The game isn't pairing Topaz with anyone

She straight up finds Aventurine annoying

Plus he's after Ratio's huge L
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I will invite my bro Sigga to my wedding with Topaz. He can bring a prostitute or something as his date if he likes, I won't judge. I doubt he will ever know the joy of true love.
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Greekbro here, if they don't fuck up my world, I'll be giving out gifts to random anons, screencap this
Fofo was always trash without e1, Luocha didn't need anything though.
New Abundance girl? Definitely good.

Pull who/what you like.
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He's still just an Acheron toy.
Cone is good for Guinaifen for DoT and even then that's still worse than Jiaoqiu E0S0.
He might not even be good for Feixiao which would be hilarious.
plenty of retards either already rolled or are planning to roll for hoehoe eidolons (and cone) so not really a shitpost, they're just retarded
First gacha? They're paid shills lol.
Ah I see.

For casual play yeah I agree that so far she doesn't look worth it. For 0 cycling though I do think she's an upgrade cause there are definitely situations where Firefly doesn't break fast enough. I do think she needs to get buffed though.
If Pagfly wanted to wasted their roll on winmore upgrade over Gallagher Just let them do it they probably gonna stick to that team forever anyway.
How much SPD would you need to make a character go 4 times in one cycle?
Fujosis, we've moved past 2.0 era shitposting.... You're gonna have to make up some new material
At this point, Turkey is the better Greece, at least the western side of it.
Feixiao pegging
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you mean in cycle 0, without any additional action value manipulation? 266.6+
Aventurine is the type of best man to bring a hooker to the wedding and spitroast her with the groom 5 minutes before the ceremony
all these people deserved it for leaving their homes
So is he huge better than Pela for Acheron or just sort of better

Because I rather save for wind mommy and snek instead if I can help it
what is gallagher even doing to march here in a non break teaam
everyone has doubts, it's his actions that matter
What am I looking at?
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I just want to make my wife the strongest she can be
wtf is this
He's very good but if you're already 0c everything with E2 Acheron all he really enables is Acheron usage for PF and even more overhead damage.
He's pretty safe to skip.
he just attacks a lot to generate infinite march stacks
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>child in a tank top and mechanic chaps
>"I am deeply uncomfortable with this"
>child in a half naked titty dress
>"lore accurate woman"
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Silver Jobber should've been a tournament participant
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Do you like it when she sends you weird shit like her trashcan roleplay?
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22% in MoC and 40% in PF is around huge better.
If you have E2 ach though he is even a bigger increase and basically a no-brainer
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What kinda weddings have you gone to?
The only character I have at e0s0 is ratio… and yanking
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>"Wanna go all in?"
I use Gallagher in FUA for his debuffs, because I only have E0S0 Topaz and don't have the sigger
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Lmao stfu you brownoids. Constantinople will be Greek one day. Screen cap this
yes, it's soul
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I need the Lingsha calcs
But my lord… the saracens
The problem is she isn't breaking any faster than Gallagher, go look at her numbers. Firefly team doesn't need her, and other teams would rather use preservation units like Fu or Aventurine or another harmony instead of shitty healer
10% better than gallagher (ignore the part where i went down to -2 sp hehe)
Would a team made up of Feixiao + E1 Jade + Topaz + Aventurine work? With feixiao as the debt collector. I'm trying to FUA maxx.
(You) are with March
When do we get an assdev? I'm tired of feet....
Aw dang

I might have to swipe, unless General Mommy ends up shit
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Would you?
No way retards here are seriously considering rolling for another huntbrick lmao
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This is purely how much damage amp they give Firefly, it disregards SP economy or toughness damage dealt.
Gallagher is just better, Lingsha is a dolphin trap and you're better off just saving those jade or spending them for E2S1 Feixiao.
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In this case, Aventurine strikes me as someone who wouldn't take action when it comes to making himself happy with another person. That's why he has money.
Anyone done TCs for FUA teams? Basically Aventurine/Robin/Topaz + [insert unit]. Would love to see a comparison between Feixiao, Dr. Ratio, Moze, and Hunt March.
That is someone's son.
>Jade’s banner ends
>will to keep playing ends along with it
What do?
>Aether was just hugged by a top tier waifu
>He has a cute sex sister waiting for him
>He's a renowned hero in Teyvat
>He's funny
meanwhile Pagleus
>hugged-less loser
>no one knows him
>only relevant cuz of Astral Express
>people only talk to him cuz they feel pity towards him
>no sister
>wears too many clothes so sweats a lot and doesn't shower so smells a lot
Sustainless with robin then sure. You’re probably looking to 0 cycle with that team anyway
Debt collector feixiao breaks 200 speed easy
>we just got our first limited barefoot female
Yes. Knowing it's someone's son makes it hotter
bro aventurine is a sustain
Shut up paimon hitbox
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I'll get him on rerun. Can't afford to miss mommy Feixiao.
How much def ignore would a E2S1 Feixiao, E2S1 sparkle, e1 lingsha have?
>get someone's E6S5 Aventurine for farming
>he deals more damage than all my team combined x2
What the fuck?
54 + 24 + 20, 98%
The damage amp is like 110% at that point.
Cope poorfag
They aren't
Shills are working double time
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>just came back
>don't really want Jade
>but I have a lot saved up and I'll roll just enough to get tickets
>5 star
>I accidentally rolled for her weapon
>roll her character banner
>get her on my second batch
>now I have a character that I didn't really want and her weapon
At least she should pair nicely with Topaz.
Ah that is where Feixiao's tail went
Yeah, what I’m saying is running sustainless by using robin over aventurine might be better for that team since you can likely 0-1 cycle current content with how hard and how often that team hits.
Running aventurine over robin works as well, but I dont like Jade nor Topaz’s damage without a harmony
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Yes M8 is good with Feixiao.
Better then 50% vuln from Topaz good? No, her only buff is the +60% CD and 10% speed. Her personal damage isn't great either.

Don't get me wrong I think M8 will probably actually be better then Moze, but I don't think she's beating Topaz.
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How tf is Pela dodging the replacement?
>pagflycucks wasting their jades on a playstyle that heavily revolves around HMC
>will be obsolete once their key HMC gets mogged by the next MC upgrade
>playstyle already shat the bed when facing locked toughness bar
>already outclasses after a few patch
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Sparkle had to hug the trailblazer like so because she would be too short to talk face to face in this scene otherwise
I don't
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Aventurine is for getting cucked.... if what I would say if he actually loved someone enough to feel the betrayal and pain associated with cuckholdry, but alas... he can't even be cucked. Truly a winner.
You kinda need E1 jade to pair with Topaz
The leak sub is that way sis
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Got lucky with the last roll I’ll do for Jade’s banner. Any LC I should look to kit her with? I’ve got the Dance LC in the meantime.
Doesn't seem like a bad idea to make this team.
fucking roach
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I like march so it sounds nice
Because her kit is extremely simple and effective, Fully SP Positive 58% AoE Def Down
Jiaoqiu 35%+15% Vulnerability is better but the 15% is only for Ults and he is not Fully SP Positive.
Back in beta V1 pela with cone was stupidly broken and that's why his cone is now locked behind DoT, the Devs are literally afraid of Pela.
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S5 aeon or s1 Clara cone for yunli?
More like I regret skipping GODventurine
Did think about it before but came to the conclusion of nah. Double Hunt is so meh. If you do that at least do it with Topaz for the 50% dmg amp. But I'd honestly prefer a non hunt if in any way possible. (i.e. Yunli)
Two more weeks
Her own LC or else don't even bother.
Morch is the poor man's option.
Topaz's 50% FuA vulnerability is simply too strong for a character with nearly all of her damage coming from FuA.
E1 Jade is the even more expensive generalist option since Jade's +30 spd is just shy of letting a spd boot Feixiao have guaranteed 2x turn per cycle, and Jade offers a strong AoE which makes up for a Hunt's typical lack of AoE.
Moze exists I guess.
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where can i watch the new kit from fei xiao and the new slut?

>inb4 leddit

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SW is ST only and sort of SP intensive which has plagued her forever. She will still be better at AS and break scenarios though.
Pela does get replaced on E2 teams though. And no other teams what nihility fucks because they don't stand a chance against limited harmonies.
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Memories and Dance are best for her iirc
Why? She has an inbuilt taunt anyway.
M8 will be the Topig cope until rerun #2. Pray they make a banner for old chaacters soon because that would be next spring
Does Feixiao use the hag or the maid model?
mhy head quarters.
say "ah" retard
There, open wide.
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Who is pulling Qingyi?
A single E6S5 limited 5* unit is basically a free win in any content.
It takes more than a thousand of dollar or a whole year of saving to get that much jades for a single E6S5 so they don't want to sell a shit product in case the whale/long time player quits in anger.
>no one knows him
>literally on the front of space TIME
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E6 aventurine turns him into an inmortal DPS.
isn't that really fucking low for a character who's supposed to be as good as firefly?
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I think she is the second character to use the stelle model actually.
so she isn't a womenlet?
She gets all her energy from getting hit. And that taunt you only get for 1 enemy turn. Aka 1 single enemy's turn.
Neither of you have answered the question
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Playing through the final act of Penecony story finally.
Sunday is clearly correct and I hate how I can't side with him. Wtf does Himeko mean
>If people are to live with dignity, there must be nothing and no one above them.
Sounds like some Redditor comment.
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thanks bros

>gallagher power creeped in 2 patches

kek, this game is insane
She has the sharper chin of a hag, her tits are just small, like Serval's.
Ah, is Lynx a sufficient cope then?
Next Harmony will be a Harmony WITH FUA(sorry Robin) to feed FreakyXiao's hungry slutty ult
No wonder everyone thought she was a tranny at first
You forgot
>He can't go two seconds without jobbing to someone
And then you look at Argenti's or Yunli's dupes...

haha. Unironically, going Yunli e2->e6 is worse than going s1->s5.
>they powercrept a 4 star
what did you expect?
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He's so cute
Gal is fucking free
Funny if true
He's basically killing everyone, he's going to put you into your sleep pod and force you to sleep forever.
No questions asked, not much different from just killing people.
you don't belong here if you don't like reddit
I wonder how clunky it'll be to get 12 stacks going f2p on her. 24 attacks is a lot, you'll probably need topaz and fast lingsha w/ multi for that

SH, our real family...
Feixiao/Moze/HM7 looking like it’ll be just good enough to do MoC in under 5 cycles or nah?
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>Seele lower than Himeko
Buff? Another broken dedicated support? Maybe an alter? Poor girl got devastated hard it's depressing
Save up for pearl and obsidian bwo
>boss fights
It seems it isn't soulful boss fights, but they're just PNGs in a corner and you fight random, normal enemies
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Suicidal sluts can't be cucked, but maybe they can feel a little heartache at the thought of losing out of love
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He's schizoid and dumbass
yeah I noticed it too. Definitely needs adjustment on her toughness damage. Break efficiency should honestly be a part of her base kit.
Can someone who actually plays the game answer my fucking question?
I'll try a Feixiao/March/Jade combo just for the giggles
By making her replaceable only in E2 Acheron teams
Let's compare topig e0s1 to fox e0s1

50 FUA vulnerability
24 crit damage

59 universal vulnerability
15 ultimate vulnerability

And he's bis for Archeron havers.
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This will either be enough to get Yunli, or enough to quit this shit game forever.
Her signature is a must
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He is "Killing people" by granting them paradise.
It's not different than Madara's Infinite Tsukuyomi plan really,
From a biblical point of view it is almost as if you were granted the option to return the world to before knowledge of Sin through the Fruit of Knowledge, would it be righteous to realign things to Gods plan or was Eve consuming the Fruit and humanity's committing first sin part of Gods plan to begin with? Where does Free Will fit into all this?
It is pretty compelling storywise for a gacha game, but it feels like a massive ChaosFag wrote this story.
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Bro you should skip Yunli if you can't get her cone. It's like using a character without relics and coping
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i haven't had fun with this game for a while now
i haven't been excited for a character since fucking kafka, all my pulls since then felt out of obligation rather than desire
nigga this is usage rate

she's at the top of average cycles
the difference is minimal, except yunli can use claras lc pretty effectively which lets you run aeon on someone else
It's literally a poorly veiled ripoff of Persona 5 Royal's 3rd semester and the devs basically confirmed this in an interview. Sunday is a poor man's Maruki.
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>Want Yunli and her LC
>Want the new break abundance girl as well
>Want Fei Xiao
>10 wishes in the bank and 61 pity
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Does anyone know how to build Sushang? Is the good ol Crit build fine? Do i need to go full BE like FF? Or Hybrid like Xueyi?
Unable to stop being a gambler? Might as well quit tomorrow, yeah. You people are better off living a life outside anyway
dont build her
That came to mind as well but I only ever played base P5 so I didn't want to comment on it until I play it for myself.
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Last one.
We all know that Brickbundances are a lost cause, but how would you design the next Preservation unit so that they're as good or better than Fu and Aventurine while being unique? Devs already said Dodge isn't an option because RNG sustain feels bad.
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>2.5 has 2 events
I haven't played the Royal part but at least Maruki is actually putting their actual existence in the Mementos, no? Compared to Sunday who's just making them dream forever
I think anon meant that her ult allows people to go again for +1 stack per ally
If I was rolling for her sig then I'd mention that holy shit. I am rolling yunli, huohuo, AND the fox general so no room for weapons.
I want to make Sigga feel the pain of losing out on the only cute girl who cares about his existence at work
Superbreak elevated Sushang to new heights so build for that, you can try with Crit if you really want to, but it'll be worse unless your crit supports are jacked up.
Noooooooooo I don't want to play the game
Give me login rail
Have a Preservation who drains teammates HP to give stronger shields and other buffs
>but at least Maruki is actually putting their actual existence in the Mementos, no?
Mementos and the real world merge - it's basically the same as the end of the base game with the god of control.
Damn, filler patch indeed.
Thank you for actually giving me an answer bro. Blessings be upon ye
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>feixiao is acheron but chinkier
>lingsha is just boring

doombros were right...
Have any proper Feixiao damage showcases released yet?
Then you're just fucked
Don't blame the messager, her cone is just plain overturned for counter attacks
Not enough clearly 2.4 has like 90 rolls for f2p
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Jade also cares.
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>follow up attack
>follow up attack
Nigger did I once say that her sig was not bis for her? You metafags get more insufferable by the day
So npx fox is better than midpaz?
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>he rolled huntbrick and now card afford E2S1 Lingsha
Dont let this be you
They have to sell them now for when the next world has unbreakable shields and immunity to FUA
So, is Feixiao's damage numbers good or not?
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Topaz status?
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this game is very funny ahahahahahahaha
Fox might not generate Feixiao stacks as fast as Topaz, at which point Topaz will just become better.
E1s1 lingsha is enough, E2S1 Feixiao is waiting
They're absurd
you know nobody is forcing you to play any game longer than you want right? why are you people so braindead?
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please explain the appeal of feet
Yanqing is so lucky...
NTA but probably
>FF turn, skill (HP -50%)
>FUA triggered because HP<60%
>Linghsa turn, skill, 110 ult cost so she can probably ult here
>Lingsha ult
>FUA triggered because Ult
And because of her skill used previously, the bunny real turn should be coming soon for a third FUA
It's a bunch of chip damage if super break team, but it's there
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weakness disgusts me
Problem is you mouth breather there *is* no alternative
Learn to read you nigger
Even Clara benefits immensely for her cone over her own, counters are a very neglected playstyle
Maybe they will release some cope 4*, but until then everything is just a statstick
If you wanna bitch, bitch at mihoyo, not me
absurdly good or absurdly bad?
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Gotted with her LC
About to be with Yunli
>39.9 CV
Somehow that pisses me off more than it should
>rolling for eidolons and cones
>in a gacha game
>with no pvp mode
>with baby tier pve modes
>wasting rolls for a 10% increase for dps that get powercrept within 2-3 patches
i don't think you're getting that the post is a complain about the lack of content
Yeah if you don't have her sig then Lynx becomes the best option. But Lynx is still a 4* sustain, so healing is going to be weaker.
what gimmick do you think they'll push once they run out of superbreak shit and FUAmemes?
We don't know, private server guy is not even going to make one for 2.5 so we're at the mercy of the Sheet trannies which will fudge the numbers-
Not saying that but he'll certainly make feixiao hit harder than topig. Will depend on how much she topig fuas.
Absurdly high. She's likely to be the next Acheron levels of high.
A super specific DOT support and healer to fill out the rest of DOT team.
Bwo your SP? Or are you really rolling an eidolon+a new character just to replace a 4*?
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>baby tier pve modes
I have E0S0 Firefly and E0S1 Acheron and still barely squeezed in a 10 cycle clear on the latest MoC
same shit, if you want more content you can play other games. I play star rail, genshin, first descendant and wuthering, and I don't have any time left. nobody is forcing anyone to only play one game out of the thousands available
I lost it all getting Robin+LC and Topaz+LC. Already had Aventurine too so I got the FUA core I've been using with every single FUA dps out there.
Poorpaggy don't respond to me. My 100+% damage increase isnt a sidegrade to your 10% in your head.
Age like fine wine and now lived rent free in skipper heads since 1.4
Summons, that phase fire thing during ghost busters event, where the character is placed matters, and start adding a backrow.
You should refrain from making posts if you're an E0S0 poorpag
>if you want more content in this game... you should go play those other games
surely you realize how retarded this sounds?
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When is the DEF scaling DPS meta coming?
Just because you're a gigatard that can't calc doesn't mean we're all like you. I could understand having a tough time fully clearing with Xueyi and Seele, but the two meta DPS? You should really go and buy a brain, it's a miracle you remember how to breathe.
Remember that this is a world were people follow paths and get superpowers from it. The Astral Express is speaking from the vision of trailblazing, which entirely is about exploring unknowns. Being locked up inside a dream is the antithesis of that. Robin is opposing him because she believes in Harmony, while Sunday wants Order. Their disagreement is on how to interpret how to protect the weak. Gallagher even says it at some point, if there weren't Aeons or paths then everything maybe could have been solved by a conversation. Too bad he doesn't know about our world and how we still fight over imaginary Gods, even if they don't even grant you superpowers
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Mihoyo isn't the one peddling your bullshit that a character isn't playable without their bis you fucking moron
Jade is not a cute girl
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you WILL eat ze chinese bug paste
you WILL eat all 4 patches of it
I’m not into feet (it’s weird) but seeing how uncomfortable it makes people is hilarious. Hope Hoyo go even further with her.
>the devs basically confirmed this in an interview
Link the interview or I call bullshit. Only one I can remember is from months ago, where they cited important JRPGs that influenced them. But nobody is calling the story a Trails ripoff.
Holy skill issue
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moving the goalposts
Is Feixiao using hag model
why does it make people uncomfortable though? what kind of mental illness do you need to have to feel uncomfortable seeing someone's foot? imagine these potatoes walking in a beach and seeing hundreds of bare feet
maybe try with auto on or something?
firebrick takes 1 cycle on side 1 for 90% of the playerbase (shit literally plays itself - you can optimize for a 0 cycle but who the fuck cares) and even if you're in full strugglecity with ACKeron on side2 it shouldn't take longer than 5-6 cycles
she kinda is since she's the sustain to stack feixiao the fastest, but that's not saying much
She is playable just fine, she's just a Clara sidegrade
You're the insufferable one who comes here, asks a question and starts spergging out when he doesn't like the answer
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>imagine these potatoes walking in a beach and seeing hundreds of bare feet
Liking little girls is okay.
Ah oke, that does make sense.
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Why are you acting like he's in a bad spot when he just got yet ANOTHER team he is the indisputable BiS in.
>e2 htb
>no gallagher
uh oh retard spotted
>hsr pissing and crying as soon as a sustain that isn't for poorfags comes out
lol, stick to your homo broke boys
How the fuck van you be so bad?
Just swap the sides you mouthbreathing retard and you would be done in 5 cycles.
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>missing eidolons on hmc
>b*ilu for firebrick
>dotkekeron (e0)
The issue here is the FF thing triggering the FUA on her first skill only happens in the first wave. In MOC when you need to immediately break the boss on wave 2 she offers less toughness damage because Gallagher EBA simply does too much toughness damage compared to the values Lingsha currently has and the FF trick not being doable at the start of wave 2.
>Clara sidegrade
>they are STILL trying
Why can't Clarafags just lose with dignity?
Ah yes, forgot about her auto-heal. Does only work on the first turn, next wave will probably have Firefly in ult mode.
>And because of her skill used previously, the bunny real turn should be coming soon for a third FUA
Ult advances by 100%, so the skill advance is lost. Bunny needs a full turn at 80 speed
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how are feet related to age in any kind of way? do footfags only like feet if she's below 18 or some shit?
I don't brick my free time by doing sidequests
>no gallagher
Not gonna build him just to use him for 2 patches with Lingsha coming up
>Just swap the sides you mouthbreathing retard and you would be done in 5 cycles.
I did and it took 13 cycles. Firefly's skill always lined up with Argenti having a shield.
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I'm not, I just want his Technique to be useful to at least one character.
>why does it make people uncomfortable though?
I think people can tell the difference of when it’s done for fetish reasons and when it isn’t.
You were the faggot spewing that there was no point in getting her without her sig. Which in no way even answered my question to begin with about whether s5 aeon or s1 claracone was better. Again, you metafags get more insufferable by the day
You're right
Clara is way cuter
Also not tied to yanking
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? No she isn't. She's slow as fuck and you can't force her emergency heal at the start like with Firefly.
Oh you are the AI tard that would rather spam his slop in this general over playing the game.
I see you complaining every MoC. Your mind is fried from pressing that generate button
Not a footfag but I imagine feet are one of the first parts of the body to show age.
some people really can't draw huh
>talking about the game again
im happy
Holy retard. Even if the MoC sucks for Acheron, at least put her on the first side. Also, go fucking do the sidequests for HTB. You're missing at least 30% BE for everyone due to E4 and fixed energy rotation with E6
>Not gonna build him just to use him for 2 patches with Lingsha coming up
Kek you have E0 Firefly, so Lingsha is unusable in that team.
>I did and it took 13 cycles. Firefly's skill always lined up with Argenti having a shield.
Literally 100% a skillissue
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>In the future, there will be more characters that bring different benefits depending on their position in the team.
>Expected to be available by version 3.0 at the earliest.
You do know you're talking to more than one person, right?
All I said if you don't roll her cone, everything else is cope
And it's true
Difference between Clara and aeon is minimal
>Firefly's skill always lined up with Argenti having a shield.
you know you can just kill the fucking shield totem if it's going to cuck you
>3 Female and 2 Male on the top
>allegory of 1 monogamy and 1 polygamy pair
Good Balance.
As things should be.
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Yeah, that's why the real thing is better, but some people are not ready to accept that just yet.
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Slurp it up boyo. Next patch tomorrow two.

We likely have 4-5 days of gameplay discussion before we die again.
Kafka and Black Swan reruns when?
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I always put my support on 1 the sustain on 2 and the main dps on 4...
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Explains the new planar.
In a non super break team. The enemies will actually hit you causing your characters to fall under 60. There will be no issues triggering the trace emergency heal. Plus she has her ultimate every 3 turns guaranteed.
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Yeah they definitely use DU/SU as testing ground. First BE effeciency blessing. Now the cyberpunk sword
NTA but it’s true, her signature is just that much better.
It’s pretty disgusting desu, the taunt increase could’ve been put into her base kit instead.
holy FUCK
She is because of her summon and you build her for speed, the only problem is the SP economy
Every other sustain will only give stacks on their turns plus extras that might or might not happen (gallagher ult or sigga's FUA) with approximate same speed while linghsa has those extras plus the bunny
MoC benefits from Acheron second side. The boss on the first side is specifically made to shill firefly.
If you're going against heavy fire Aventurine will still hit more times. The emergency is only once every two turns, and if you wanna advance its slow ass you'll become SP negative
Yeah and shit if not e4+
SP is no problem with e1 firefly and everyone and their mom rolled e2s1
>The issue here is the FF thing triggering the FUA on her first skill only happens in the first wave.
I mean, anon said
>>She can instantly double FUA on her first turn.
Holy fucking kek another one for the folder
Everyone knows her other options are cope, you arent smart for pointing that out. Just don't waste other peoples time with useless answers

real new thread, op is a retard who cant bake
The thing here is Acheron is also great against puppets. Puppets is essentially weak to strong AoE/blast which Acheron is. So yeah you can just destroy puppets with Acheron and still use Firefly to beat Argenti.
If you know that don't waste peoples times with dumb questions
Yeah, but Firefly still does great against Argenti, since she cleans up his summons and he has a fire weakness. First side boss has two out of them weak to lightning, plus her aoe deals damage on all of them. Argenti means she just deals ~20% less damage, so better to do Acheron first side
Feet are pretty intimate since you would rarely see them unless you're close to person or at a gas station at 2am but I digress
Little girl feet are even more intimate since you'll rarely see them as clean, youthful, and uncalloused unless you're VERY close or related to them
Tl;dr feet are hot
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>FuXuan sustain with Ack
Yes? But that's exactly it, Aventurine will only bring more stacks under heavy fire, then he only has his basic and ult
Linghsa is the same as you can build her for speed, but she also brings a fixed summon that can be manipulated without external influence. Her based speed is a bit lower than Aventurine's but she can use SPD% relics like wild wheat and can abuse multiplication for advances
I have at best a toes fetish. I always notice this when footfags come scurrying out of the woodwork.

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