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Previous: >>488223443

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Dew-Kissed Chapter" live until August 8

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems
ARQS5391FY79 (NEW)

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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According to the following metrics
>Game-i.daa.jp revenue
>SensorTower revenue
>TikTok hours
>Douyin follower count
>QQ music hours
>iQiYi hours
>Greenspace revenue
>Bilibili views and engagements
>BiliBili follower count
>YouTube views and engagements
>Weibo trends
>Twitter trends
>Google trends
>Collab picks
>Lofter entries
>level of quality of the areas released
>flagship events length and quality
>OST quality
>Demo and teaser quality
>patch trailer quality
>Merchandise releases
>general powercreep vibe
>repetitiveness of character kits
>constellation-baiting approach
>player interest and willingness to play
>attitude of content creators towards the game
>fan artist count
>fan art count
>fan art quality
>sales-to-5* release ratio
>HoyoFair submissions count
>HoyoFair submissions quality
>HoyoFair views
>/gig/ thread quality
>/gig/ posts per minute
>r/Genshin_Impact engagements
>r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks engagements
>r/Genshin_Memepact post quality
>Leaker enthusiasm
>swiftness of hoyoverse to respond to issues (like IT and Neuv nerf)

DoomGODS have always been right.
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how would you improve this tier list of most shilled characters in genshin
If Fontaine’s cast was so amazing and it was such a success, why did every character flop? Why did Furina flop in her first rerun? Why did Neuvillette flop in his first rerun? In the same patches, Nahida’s 3rd rerun and Raiden’s 4th rerun earned more compared to the 1st reruns of the ‘stars of Fontaine’
Nice try, Cheldposter
>If Fontaine’s cast was so amazing and it was such a success
no one actually believes this
>Raiden’s 4th rerun earned more compared to the 1st reruns of the ‘stars of Fontaine’
>blatantly lying
Cyno outsold her
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i hate being on the winning team
i will now begin hopeposting
even normies noticed inazuma's shitty story, esp kokomi's part
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They won :3
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Lyney Fischl and Mona to shilled tier
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sex with alhaitham
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Outsold what? The STD’s he carries?

>m-muh Japan

Nobody cares, Raiden has earned so much money universally on her debut, first, and second rerun
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HSR officially certificated that Genshin travelers are camerabots!
Uh oh raidentroon melty
Varka will be the first tall Anemo male and he'll be fujobaited with Venti
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>Outsold what? The STD’s he carries?
>>m-muh Japan
>Nobody cares, Raiden has earned so much money universally on her debut, first, and second rerun
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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Free Furina
Uh oh homofujo melty. Maybe one day your worms will sell
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everybody's gone surfin'
surfin' USA
i recently found out this artist is a girl
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characters would've sold better if they had more abilities to make them more fun. this game was doomed from the beginning with 2 fucking buttons to cater to mobilefags
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Can Genshin replicate the hype of Inazuma and the banner sales of Sumeru?
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>Knight of Boreas
>the big frost wolf
He's gonna be Cryo.
Whenever I see a raiden poster arguing with anyone, my hands immediately type

>Uh oh raidentroon melty
god this retarded image makes me laugh every time i see it
since when does gig have drawfags what the fuck
Nobody cares about your Raiden btw.
Hi guys
hopefully not
unless they fix cryo in the future
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Nahida should be posted in every /gig/
the meme is from dbz general
Every character should have an infused attacks button. If the character doesn't have a way to naturally infuse, it should just cost energy.
omg akarin hiii
everybody's gone lickin'
lickin' shark girl's pits
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We have this too
Flopmilie and Floplani are going to get mogged so hard by FGO anniversary and swimsuits next month...
They could add more reactions. At this point we're rolling for new characters to play the same teams.
>roll for A to play vape
>2 years later, roll for B
>...to play vape
i know that but someone edited it to raiden and thats what counts
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We have the Cryo nation coming up, of course Cryo will be saved.
Such is the gift from the Tsaritsa, such is her majesty's benevolence.
how do we SAVE genshin
Nahida only sold well because she ran with Xianyun, a new character
KEK, fitting that there exists a Raiden and Neuvillette version since they’re both filled with obnoxious retarded fans obsessed with powerscaling
>go to russia irl
>none of the girls have silver white hair
Anime lied to me
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she better fix yaka
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speaking of flops..
there’s also a cheld one
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The same obnoxious fans
we need one for klee fischl furina kazoo nahida and wanderer
can only hope the guy who cooked these keeps going
>cuck game will get outsold by THE cuck game
>not to mention the dated gameplay and model designs, oh and it being an ancient game and all that
why is deshia so sexo but so useless?
they hate black ppl
Nah it doesn’t fit them because they’re not shonentard characters. This meme would fit the best when they’re discussing the strongest
>Xianyun only sold well because she ran with Nahida, an archon, and skin releases of two limited characters*

FTFY hagkek
So where's the Brapitano one?
Why don't they give popular characters skins?
klee and kazoo would fit since hexeniggers keep wanking alice and kazoofags keep sucking off the parry
she's good for IT
Because there can be only ONE KEK GAME! All the cuckfags have already played FGO, how can Genshin get any, if not crumbs?
Just like there can be only one Snowbreak, if another dev jump in, they can only eat crumbs
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and why did she cuck my Navia 50/50? WTF
Don't forget that it was Chinese New Year.
Why is Chasca so fucking ugly? What were they thinking?
>good for IT
is this the new cope for unusable bricks
GODvillette was so cool that he invalidated all other characters, both narratively and metawise.
that’s what i ask myself when i see emilie
>/gig/ wanted Captain R
>they give it to you
Who tops?
Whi bottoms?
It’s really hard to make an anime character ugly, Genshin designers do have some unique talents
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LORDvillette protects his nation of jobbers
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Furina!! YaY!
name one ugly character
I hate sumeruslop so much it's unreal
>Whi bottoms?
ahahahahaha the RETARD made a typo everyone point and laugh ahahahaha
When is the next survey so I can pretend I'm an early twenties female and rate the summer event as fucking flaming dogshit?
Dunya tops, obviously
she's still my favorite NPC and I cried during her quest
Hahahaha. NTR-fags are so pathetic. Needing AI and bots to try to stir shit up and can't handle it when they get found out.
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>People enjoyed the game despite a diverse community
>Inazuma comes out, bringing in the weeaboos
>Suddenly schizo behaviour towards men and an obsession with NTR
furina lyney tighnari clorinde arlecchino neuv chasca every potatoe
all hideous abominations
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there's still time. good luck
Dehya is a burn trigger made well before burn would be usable.
The best. What of it?
is there even ONE community that didnt get ruined by shipfags
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but there's no money left
I can confidently say that Chasca is ugly as sin.
Emilie too.
Yelan too if you focus on her face.
she should've died, it would've made the made the AQ feel more impactful
>have incredibly vibrant dream
>at the end it turns out that Nahida was watching me the whole time through my head and everything I’ve done was according to her plans
>gives me headpats and then I wake up
Should I play fewer or more video games before bed?
[Sad news]
Genshin did not meet its sales expectations for Fontaine
Apparently some kid in England stabbed a bunch of preteens because one of them said that Sumeru was the worst region
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hkvh big love
Stop being so cringe, Jesus...
You're an adult ffs...
And funny
You should start jacking off before yoh go to bed.
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This is a shipGOD general. Don't like it? Leave.
you need help
adults stopped being created since 1966
>He actually believes this!
The median age can't be above 14 based on the average posts and topics of the general.
Why did Fontaine flop?
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>/gig/ likes to watch
ok boomer
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I'm shipping Furina with (Me)
look at the size of that chin jesus miko got some competition
clorinde looking like mac tonight
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Hi /gig/!
Bye /gig/!!!
It's the fucking elf ears
Fontaine owes Furina an apology.
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Not that anon.
While I do entirely understand what you’re saying, having her actually live due to Nahida’s intervention is I think meant to be a signal that Nahida’s nowhere near as irrelevant and worthless as she thinks she is. It’s one thing to talk about caring for everyone that worships you, it’s another to put everything you have into keeping someone alive long enough to actually save their life and make a legitimate difference.
Nahida saved at minimum one life that day. The moon did outshine the missing sun.
Me on the right
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Genshin has some of the best designed characters in all of 3 Hoyo games.

Changli from WuWa is close.
All of its banners goddamn flopped
cry baby losers that stay as cry baby losers dont make for good characters to focus on
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why is porky so fat? why is arle so skinny?
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She's still loved and people admire her for her acting and for caring for Fontaine for 500 years
but yes, her ego has been shattered and she needs some love by her peers and fellow Fontainians
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How did Hoyo go from designing Clorinde to designing something like... Chasca...
Should have added Mona
Fat Xiao owes me an apology.
>Genshin has some of the best designed characters in all of 3 Hoyo games.
>posts 2 of the shittiest designs in the game
I still can’t believe that Furina’s first rerun did so poorly. I was expecting it to underperform but not to flop in the slightest. Either everyone stopped giving a shit about her or Sigewinne is the single most potent banner poison ever created.
I say with C6 Sigewinne due to poor decision making
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Finally a good post
Father is so cute!
furina not being the archon killed the game in china
>released today
REALLY makes you think...
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>deals with her issues in a healthy manner instead of turning into an insufferable little edgy bitch faced shitbag
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got a better one
Reruns mostly sell to newcomers or returnees.
Think about it, if you're already willing to spend money for a char, why wait 6 months or more for a rerun when you can just spend on release day?
navia is an ugly shilled freak
The interval option in the camera event is great. Made getting beautiful screenshots so much easier.
This but Nahida
Because there's only so much I can roll with Top-up
Also, the weapon banner is a scam unless you've REALLY saved up.
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>not being the archon killed the game in china
Oh god oh fuck

Natlan will goddamn flop
Hi Bennett's cocksleeve!
Bye Bennett's cocksleeve!!!
So what will happen to NPC Madame ping when she becomes playable?
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Yup, we won again.
>Natlan will goddamn flop
The most anticipated character in China is not even the Archon.
shut the fuck up you delusional citlali fag
What is this
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You angered the Freena
say something nice to her!
The ultimate Raidentroon shutdown
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
The war ravaged lands.
furina flopping is a combination of many factors
>her first banner came after the year-long female banner drought so every f2p had enough saved to get c6 if they wanted
>final act of fontaine's AQ was absolute garbage and shat on her character hard (released at the same time as her first banner but most people rolled before finishing the AQ)
>the game in general is not doing so great right now and most banners are flopping, partially due to the factors above (too much homo shilling, wormvillette did a ton of damage to both the story and the meta)
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uh oh, mavuikek melty
I think you're lost, friend.
I wonder how long it’ll be before the sunk cost meme becomes truly reality
I have many incidents of posting in the wrong tab lately because they were both scrolled way up into the website header
>the Archon
Oh nonono...
It's an unfortunate reality, really; they've spent the past few years hyping up the Archons as the best of their element (as well as constantly pushing out characters that are either comparatively underwhelming or incredibly niche) that it's become ingrained within the playerbase that if a character isn't an Archon, then they are automatically a brick.
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cute and canon
>too much homo shilling
4.3-5.0 are female banners though
The only 5* male who was shilled after 4.2 and before 4.8 was neuvillette
if being ugly was a crime chasca would be jailed for life
>4.3-5.0 are female banners though
and they're all literal who non-characters who can't compete with wormvillette in combat strength OR story relevance, what's your point
If being retarded was a crime /gig/ wouldn't have any posters
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We need to find a way to save Genshin Impact
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Post comething cute
bonus point if related to the former Hydro Archon
Stop being mean Chasca.
It wasn't her choice to be ugly as sin.
Sometimes death is a mercy...
Why are we still pretending that Chasca is ugly?
Neuvillette has humbled the mighty (Genshin Impact)
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>The most anticipated character in China is not even the Archon.
Same for Japan.
fuck off shounenfag
Popularity in cn I believe. Think trending on twitter but way more accurate
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Chasca gets fucked by llamas btw.
also ororun her partner in crimee
femcels gonna femcel
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Post something ancient
Tencentbros... we failed...
meant for>>488262230
meant for>>488260142
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>>3.3-4.0 are male banners though
>and they're all literal who non-characters who can't compete with nahida in combat strength OR story relevance, what's your point
really makes you think
>shark girl continues to get nerfed
>Capitano loses to the Archon and goes into hiding, won't appear on any banner in 5.X
Can this region get any more based?
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because she is
pic related is what an attractive female looks like
Yeah because she is super ugly omg amirite sisters
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Hey guys, am I doing good?
Nahida needed some kind of win in life, however small, after all her suffering.
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>breedable NPCs from each region
forgot to mention I'm trans btw
dunno if that matters
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Imagine white knighting an ugly anime girl
ZZZkeks... how could we lose to Wuwa?!
HSRkeks... how could we lose to Snowbreak?!
if you think nahida was shilled in a way that is at all comparable to wormvillette, you are absolutely delusional
How do I make myself sound like a femcel?
When I'm going to make fun of Chasca I'm going to try to sound like one
Why are we still pretending that Neuvillette is strong?
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I don't see anyone else voted in as Hydro Archon.
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how the fuck
Chasca is objectively ugly.
Even if she's not, she's still leagues inferior compared to the other Natlan characters.
This is the icon of the new Mihoyo game
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Here's the beta map.
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this gif will never stop making me smile
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post cute please
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The chinks sure love Arknights, it’s always top 3
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Another massive win for furrychads
ororun is a strong competitor ngl fuck he’s so ugly
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It's so lonely at the top
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Xavier is very breedable.
No homo though.
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It's very easy but you need to read the in-game help because it's not very intuitive.
TB Racoon bros...
Who should I build for next Imaginarium?
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Guys, wuwa whooped our asses and will whoop our asses this month too
this shit says half > empty > half
I do one basic attack, wait out the second beat, do one more basic, and it says I failed..
But I thought the chinese didn't like Nahida and Wanderer?
GodDAYUM, she's so UGLY
Hoyo is now a furry company, kek.
It can be a red panda or a racoon dog
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this is the oldest file in my genshin folder
still remember when it was being posted everywhere in the weeks leading up to the game's release
it was over 3 years ago...
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>It's so lonely at the top
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No but technically the last Archon died and her status has been revoked
my oldest downloaded pic was ganyu fanart i don’t have it anymore
Wanderer is the most popular character among Chinese women
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>among Chinese women
We only care about the opinions of humans here
>losing to dolphin wave
nvm figured it out was doing it too soon
Thank you for admitting that Raiden is an NPC.
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Ugly roastie landwhales still seething about slender and beautiful elf wives I see. LOL
>chinese women
>chinese women who play genshin
So not Chinese men then? There are literally meat.
actually you know what? xianyun is hideous too
Come on, anon.
I'd sooner choose Clorinde with elf ears than whatever the fuck that is.
how? nobody I know is playing the game anymore, much less topping up
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>getting mogged by dolphin wave
Chlorinde is too fat to be an elf
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Sorry bro she's like objectively ugly.
>there are literally meat
Chasca looks like a League of Legends reject
Friendly reminder that WuWa is most popular with Koreans
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>wuwajeets are bragging even though they are barely better than us
meant for>>488263313
meant for>>488263529
fuck off shounenfag
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UGLIEST Genshin poll, updated with Chasca
Dungeon Meshi thought me otherwise.
why can’t i vote for all of them
are you shitposters rn actually enjoying it or are you just bored, because these shitposts are top tier boring atm, like who the fuck is laughing at any of this, why are you here?
where is dragvillette
Chasca, Emilie... holy shit this roaster is doomed
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Jeets and Gooks have something in common...
>no Layla
>no Sucrose
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neuvillette is considered to be attractive by the majority of players
I can see her tasty nipple
Genshin lost bigly, imagine getting mogged in JP, CN, KR, and America by wuwa.
Layla and Sucrose are uglycute
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Due to homo year, anyone who stuck around had enough rolls to get who ever they wanted. This is why rewards have been so much less.
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[BREAKING NEWS] Genshin bilibili channel has lost more than 100k followers since Natlan PV release
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he's a drag queen lmao
>after all the nerfs, C0R1 Neuvilette does about 17% more damage than C0R1 Mualani IN VAPE, her supposed niche
the ONLY good post ITT
>drag queenvillette
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>mfw (my Furina when) reading another thread full of schizo ramblings
Now compare their damage at c0r0
Neuv is harder to build and play so it balances out
Nta but wouldn't that even be worse for Mua?
meant for>>488264025
>tfw a retard dragon dressed in drag is more attractive than the latest Natlan waifus
yes he was voted to be the most attractive male character
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When did they change how domain drops work? Miss picking them up.

Also when /gig/ was good
I don't care about f2p cope, main dps without their weapons are shit regardless
Game is 4 years old
Neuv is bigger c1 b8 than Tao

Post your c6r1s
Natlan craftable catalyst on Mua is better than Prototype Amber on Neuv for sure
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They had to change domain drops because of Venti
I think she's hot, the goth cowgirl thing is right up my alley, but cryo bow makes her a brick
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I heard that hsr sponsored whatever that things on the left
That sex video of Charlotte and Freminet was so fucking hot...
the hag buddypoke...
The resemblance is uncanny…
ohhh yeah the tiebacel woke up don’t be surprised if the thread goes to shit instantly
I don’t even understand what part of her they are calling ugly, she just looks like a conventionally attractive white woman.
cuckpact woo o
Everyday they're out there making more cuck events
woo o
pagga of my dabba ddoo
woo o
Sponsored by Honkai: Star Rail btw
SHUT THE FUCK ALREADY AND LET ME FUCKING PLAY! Why the fuck can't we skip unvoiced dialogues? Holy fucking shit i don't care what fucking frogs say.
Bro you are blind the face on every panel except top left is beyond fucked
It just means "character I don't like"
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stuffed full of babies...
>left is sponsored by Honkai Star Rail
We won
meant for>>488264680
Yeah no shit it’s because they used some weird live2d animation style to make that trailer so all the characters faces have fucked up “vtuber looking to the side” effects
bro a fishfucker
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mihomo deserves to die
tencent game wuwa flopped
This new salesposter is so boring. Where the hell is Koult?
Damn, they really killed Kolo Muani
>still posting charts
How does it feel knowing Da Wei has more money than everyone in your family will make in 100 years combined?
uh oh, tencentslurper melty
Nah that's a cope. Only Chasca has this problem everyone else looked great and I'm saying this as someone who actually likes her design
cucks won, genshin won
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I made Pasta with tomato sauce and added too much salt...
Me in the middle
See, easy enough when you get the idea.
It tripped me up in the same fashion, so I didn't really have a better explanation.
The only good units in Natlan will be both Mavuika and Chasca, simply because they're not black like Dehya.
we haven’t had an itto event in a while hmm
No such thing as too much salt
the vid by this chubby indian lady on youtube helped
Mauvika looks just as ugly and out of place as Chasca
can't wait to see natlan's williams fuck chasca and mavuika too
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Oops, wrong image. Only (You) won.
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jesus clorinde is fat..
The irl Lyney looks like a man at least. Meanwhile...
it seems like the archiveschizo actually got to him and made him embarrassed to post more...
chasca is anemo, they will never allow someone to powercreep their beloved manlet
he will also get his yearly buff in some months
Exactly what about it is fucked, be specific
Eat it after a jog.
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Fuck you my wife's sister is very beautiful
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I still can't decide between Kokomi having tenacity or ocean-hued in a Nilou team. I've never bought into the "Kokomi DPS" meme.
The actual 3D model looks great, it’s the 2D imitating 3D style that made it look weird
Who's going to be Natlan Williams?
>Cleared my first imaginarium run last stage with with Hu Tao/Alhaitham//Miko/Clorinde
Missed the last star but still got all the reward(?) Still not sure how I feel about this mode.
Cute fatty
the electropork...
They really did make her thighs and ass huge
The paizuri game
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I dont think anything is really ugly or wrong with Chasca, I dont like hags and I will never use one but she is just boring and generic like chlorine. I think the new black cat hag is more of an eye sore than bland bimbo #12983 and she is in no way uglier than ayaka or emilie
>confirmed for being a post-2.0let
You weren't around for 1.0 or even 1.1-1.3. Amber was Genshin's mascot for the longest time.
W-Where is her hat?
Emilie is pretty.
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Might as well ascend fiscl to 80
>revisit electro hypostasis for the first time since AR 30
>Geo and water have no effect on the hypostasis' resurrection totems
why though
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>sexiest female in the game
>most fun DPS in the game
I love the T0C0 champion duelist
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just uninstall, this is what the game is, genshin is not for you
cute spherical head
Chasca's so ugly...
Wriothesley is so damn lucky
>Rolling for hydro units in sumeru
>Rolling for pyro units in fontaine
and then
>Rolling for cryo units in natlan
Theres a pattern of them being dogshit
signora the hag queen.. dead..
game would have been better with Amber as MC and no talking flying potato
pretty fucking ugly
Emilie is beautiful.
just use dendro I can one phase it with nahida solo even
>do 4 bosses
>collect dailies
Man, the new system legit made me lazier.
Layla is beautiful
She’s anemo
calm down cum2play
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>Emilie is pretty.
chasca's getup is ugly, it makes no sense, it looks AI generated, the fit just isn't bangin no cap
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Guys how many levels will I go through if I finish the AR35 quest with 230K adventure EXP?
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look how fucking fat she is
goddamn that's hot.
you want 90, its big difference with aggravate
use cryo against it, also geo does have effect it just depends how much application, Zhonglis meteor for instance does alright but most geo is shit against it
older bosses were more a strategy/skill check, but they overcooked some of it
Sex with Clorinde
I believe you'll hit the next level cap immediately or you'll be close to it
isnt the signoracoper playing wuwa now? probably already accepted his loss lmao
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>nilou, chevy, gaming, and arle are dogshit
She's fat in all the right places
Your bloom damage will be ass without some EM, you don’t even build her as a dps you just use an EM weapon and circlet
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I wanna feed all Hoyo women
meant for>>488265871
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Haven't played Genshin in over half a year but I still think about her every day
Why is she so perfect?
Neuv and niggerblanque will outscale all other hydro/pyros
All the fat that's supposed to be for Chev went into Clorinde instead...
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Yelan good for Nilou teams? does she need full em build?
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Don't worry I have the cheat code Yoimiya. I was just annoyed that it was so picky.
>You want 90, it's big difference with aggrevate
I had heard that the DEF difference between levels was minimal but I assume the level scaling of elemental reactions is quite large?

Guess I should ascend all my off-fielders huh.
hat guy..
Navia needs to stop feeding her macaroons
Other than the transient resin, what do you buy from the teapot shop?
We like inflation here.
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unless they decide to switch her up after releasing a trailer (which afaik they've never done but I could easily be wrong), she's cryo
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she is that cute and hot
I want a Clorinde nerd skin because she plays D&D
calm down wanderer
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straight to ar 45 with ~127,375 xp and if you do that you'll be at ar 50 with ~40,975 xp overflow and if you THEN ascend that youll be AR 51 with ~14,225xp to AR 52
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It's soooo hot today
But i am a day one player?
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Best archon by far
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>characters are dogshit because they aren't meta
You're mentally ill
I am well written but not meta
>she plays D&D
she does?
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bro her story quest?
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Which Genshin girl stinks like Stelle?
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Damn, I'll cap at 45 for a while then. Thanks.
Is it true that Collei got gangbanged by all of Dottere's segments at once?
I honestly can't think of anyone
I came back after 3 years
still got a lot of shit in my backlog
do you think she likes Baldur's Gate 3?
No, but Scaramouche was
But tenacity or ocean-hued?
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I did the math, you have a budget of 5000 realm currency a week assuming you're maxed your gains.

1200 of that is resin, obviously but from there you really only get to choose one other resource
>3600 worth of artifact XP
>3600 worth of character XP
>2400 of mora
>2400 of weapon XP

Now obvious mora and weapon XP are a waste here. if you're anything like me you forge 20 mystic ore every week and are sitting at at least 2000 of those and nowhere to spend it. The Mora is also a waste because you get a bit of that from everything.

The Character XP is... acceptable. You can acquire it over time but it's still mostly resin saved over ley lines.

The Artifact XP is I think the objectively correct choice since unlike in HSR, Artifact XP isn't just slowly lumped on you alongside character XP so it always has to come from boss fights and artifact domains.
Read the manga.
Whatever happened to the Signorakek ritual posters now that we have Natlan leaks?
you might as well ascend to get more use out of your resin, you can sit at the AR 50 lock at least if you want to wait to one shot to AR 60, but thats like 1.5 mil xp
Chasca is the first ugly character that's actually ugly.
she does not seem like an enjoyer of bearsex
They have the entirety of 5.x to keep hoping in vain.
Plot twist, it was actually Scara saver
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>Natlan will be focused on pyro reactions
>We have multiple Cryo units coming up
Who's ready for melt meta?
shes literally not ugly her face is beautiful asf, she's "ugly" in the sense of her fit is trash thats it
nah shes just bland
Too mammalian for her liking, I guess.
I'll just vape with XQ
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Columbina will be in Natlan.
not me, I'm just witnessing things...
Do we know what her vision and delusion are yet?
Natlan hype was completely killed by the controversies. It might be Genshin's lowest earning region by far.
It's Olorun, the 10th Harbinger.
Please stop posting this image, it creeps me out
She will be like Arlecchino in Fontaine.
Released after the end of the AQ and completely filler.
What's his Commedia name?
Clam, no one in a nilou team needs the attack from ToM
Everyone will pull for Chasca when she's revealed to be T0C0 Cryo off-field support DPS
why does every guide assume I have c6 Fischl Xq Xl Benny and stuff?
manga may as well be fully retconned
Yup. It's too obvious that she's going to end up as an irrelevant joke character.
We already know the Clit is cryo so if anything she'll be the superconduct support
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What does Natlan have to do with Signora again?
She’s anemo yoimiya with piercing anemo infused basics and a grouping ult. Rust BiS.
finally some good fucking character
Natlan is so ass. It beggars belief that Hoyo would put so much love and care into upholding the cultural integrity of Liyue while pissing and shitting all over everything that’s non-CN/JP, nor European. I tend not to get offended by these things, but when I saw the supposedly Nigerian character (Ororun), I was appalled. I’m proud of my Yoruba heritage, and to see such a lazy, borderline disrespectful interpretation felt like a glob of spit in my face. Forget the skin colour, the outfit alone is appalling. If they wanted to make some kind of hipsterish, colourful graffiti region full of pale/tanned Chinese characters then they could have done so without pretending to skinwalk our people. Disrespectful and crass. I’ve perma-deleted my account already and will find something else to occupy my time.
>genshin doesn't refund excess XP mats when using a leveled artifact to level another one
explain yourselves
Something something Phoenix and Moths
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This event is kinda boring. Feels like something for 7 year olds.
so did Bottleland but at least that event had the excuse of being centered around Klee
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Because after 1 year in gacha you have the entire standard roster maxed, if HSR is anything to go by. And all those characters are cracked.

What really kills me is how Zyox spends 3 minutes of each guide going over the 5 star weapons and battle-pass weapon options for each character before briefly covering the FTP and craftable options. Sevy is the reverse which I prefer.
This is cool as fuck
Going by process of elimination, he's probs Beltrame.
I love that
Here's you're (you)
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only scaratroons and fischlfags think this event is good
this event is good because it has fischl on it
Post your vitiligo
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Well you see, if you look at the top right, her chin/jawline is *slightly* too big and angular, which makes her face look disproportional. Not enough to be too noticeable but just enough to make it look weird. Also, I'm also 99% sure there's something wrong with the position of her eyes on the top right and bottom left panels. Though now I'll concede that the bottom right panel actually looks good, considering the top left panel also looks good, it's probably just her eyes and the angle that's making her face look off. Anyway, that's my 2 cents
I said explain yourself madachods
The Kirara sidequest was great.
Paper animal part was good but the rest not so much
you love 7 year olds
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It was peak sovl
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for me it's jinhsi
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It's peak toddlerKINO, you wouldn't get it.
Yeah, just like how Sandrone was in Fontaine, right?
>The worst thing about the 200 day Ayaka banner is that the game is permanently 3 weeks behind it's original schedule
How does someone making videos like this fail to do even basic research. Not to mention he was apparently playing the game back then, so he should know about the 3 shorter patches.
W-what was she about to say here...?
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[Happy News]
Sean Chiplock (Diluc's VA) is innocent was false accused of kiddie diddling

nobody cares
What if.. hear me out..
What if Chasca speaks on a southern cowboy accent?
Will you call her ugly after she says "Howdy, pardner!"
Sumeru is calling Neuvi right now.
Go back to /zzz/, furry.
meant for>>488268592
likely meant for>>488268592
based, nuke irl fontaine
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Why does every celebrity have to be accused of kiddy diddling and why are half of them guilty?!
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I liked
scaramouche part was kinda boring but it didn't make the full thing bad
>stealing Navia's schtick
Ugly AND shameless?
The audacity.
Neuvillette so gay, Muslims started to defend Christianity....
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Did you remember to contact your local politician, anon?!
what a coincidence that chasca is as ugly as navia too
>when Muslims have more sense than the actual Christians about Christianity
2024 has been a crazy year.
You mean EN xinyans gimmick
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Post the real Genshin gameplay
If a character being ugly or not affected their sales, Yelan would've flopped 5 times over by now
>Itto has like 5 joke events
>Sara never shows up properly
So much wasted potential. We literally got more IttoXYelan banter than IttoxSara banter
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imagine skipping birdwife
they laughed at me...
move dori 1 tier lower, lyney, amber and fischl to 1 tier up.
wtf is this gameplay
wtf is this comp
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>using Xiangling without Bennett
For real though, Chasca is ugly.
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Why do they hate her?
Does /gig/ think she's ugly?
The Christians are vocally pissed off too, including most of the Catholic church aside from the antipope Francis
At this point I consider all Genshin models ugly. They're simply outdated.
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I can't stop thinking about her /gig/ wtf
I wonder what her kit will be
Still no idea if she’s 4* or 5*
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Friend. She felt embarrassed after mini-Durin and Scara constantly refer to each other as friends instead of servant/master.
She uggo.
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literally what heaven looks like
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When will be a practical use for Melt 'yaka?
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Why do you think they/them hate her
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You used XQ :/
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It's fun and also a very small roster due to a new-ish account

Fiscl is usually in the second spot, but the lawachurl was immune to electro due to bounty conditions. It is a good test though, I'll be getting Yelan soon and it let me test the rotation of ploonge > na > ploonge for procing Yelan's hydro application in a ploonge team.
that's one fruity bio
weird colors
weird design
boring hag
This is peak gaming
>metafagging in overworld
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Mona, Charlotte and Candace. In that order.
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I still havent started it because I wanted to do things in release order and I still haven't met kirara or navia, but im forced to do it cuz of fomo rewards.
at least its prob just slice of life bs not major plot or char development no doubt.
Why did you reply to yourself Chascakek
No one cares about a random twittertroon's opinions
You just want /gig/'s sympathy lmao
>Source voice actors from commiefornia
>Get degeneracy and orbiters that desperately want to be the victim of degeneracy and don't mind ruining a few careers in doing so.
Emilie is ugly, but she's as ugly as Yelan, where her face doesn't match her body.
Meanwhile, Chasca seems like... a mess...
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>traveler receives the pyro heart of god/gnosis
So the 1.0 Venti voice line wasn't actually retconned??
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>using Xiangling in overworld
>using Xiangling in overworld without Bennett as battery
I regret not rolling for Clorinde, champion duelist of Fontaine
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I like her, she gives me FF vibes.
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literally just need some off-field application of basically anything to get a bit of crystlaize. Gouba is enough.
unsexy dyke according to /gig/ homos btw
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sutare is simply... the better game
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>1.0 Venti voice line
Doesn't he just call her a warmongering brute in his CBT voiceline?
>I have to play circle impact, even when killing hilichurls in the overworld
which one, kaveh or the cowboy larping elf mess?
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>make a pop culture reference that is based on pagan mythology
>religion X makes it all about them and then proceeds to complain about being misrepresented
every god damn time
real life fontaine is based for defending their artistic freedom
neuvfag's right, trannyrail is a visual novel
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>/gig/ when they see any gameplay that isn't a dragon man spinning 60 times a second
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Kirara is for Loom
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>At this point I consider all Genshin models ugly. They're simply outdated.
I like seeing things die when I'm spinning at mach 10, yes.
Chasca reminds me of a blow-up doll. She's so fucking ugly bros
and she is ugly
wow big surprise who'd've thought
And you're a homo
You now remember /gig/ homosexuals saying that Lynette wasn't sexy
wanna frot?
i have standards
>nerfed cleavage
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the star on her face legitimately takes a full point off of her out-of-ten for me.
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shes fine, outfit could've been better / less NPCy
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they do this for every female to justify skipping them
Thank you for the in depth analysis. I really appreciate it.
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Yes, GODvillette's gameplay is peak.
It should've been a spade symbol instead.
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/gig/ is filled with mentally ill homos and incels that want all women to look like hentai bimbos
Take it to your dead general
Chasca is so ugly. I can't believd we went from Shenhe to that thing
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your vn sucks, wuwa is better at chinawank
middle and utmost right don't look like genshin characters btw
wanna frot?
It's almost like it's some kind of... skyward sword
>Hesitate to read the story because of all the cuckposting
>First time meeting wanderer, he chose to lay me on Nilou's lap
Wtf he's a bro
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why nerf?
Chasca will be the biggest flop of Floplan. Iansan and Ororon are lucky they are 4**
What even is this
stop dissing caska. you're making it harder to skip
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how do i get a good pit shot
What will be the permanent free character in natlan
At this point I as a straight woman have more female characters pulled and built than these supposed waifufag.
>t. female psychologist
She'll be cryo Yelan and she will be the 2nd most successful banner behind Mavuika
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>Natlan character looks ranked from good, meh and ugly
And then he turns all gay calling me adorable. How is anyone getting cucked by this femboy? If anything I'll be the one fucking him.
>she will be the 2nd most successful banner behind Mavuika
Hagtroons are truly delusional.
you have been repeating this for several days now scaratroon nobody likes him
meant for>>488271768
meant for>>488271929
finish the story first nilou. you'll love it even more
What will be our cope when Mualani has 0 tiktok hour?
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fontaine appealed to my armpit fetish therefore it is my favorite region
that they nerfed her into the ground, all thanks to neuviworm
>thread so dead that barely anyone's taking the obvious baits
So this is Genshin's twilight years...
We are already expecting that
nahitroon melty
Wouldn't building solely EM on Kokomi hamper her ability to heal Nilou's kamikaze team builds?
>1 (one) girl with exposed armpits

5.0 alone is already vastly superior
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But I want to take his hand in marriage and have sex with him and make him my beloved wife
Cope? Wdym, we know she's getting 0.
My toilet just clogged
Getting gutted for Wormvillette, which is not cope.
kokopenis inside the anon below
she would have rocked the 6s suit my god
>strongest DPS with fun exploration ability in a fresh new region will get 0 tiktoks
Lmaooo /gig/ is retardedly naive
>cbt1 and cbt2 have a completely different set of Archon voicelines
>Only one that has stayed the same was Zhongli's
I'd pay it no attention honestly
natlan is empty, there's nothing to explore
sheesh anon do you even play the game
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Genshin for this feel?
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Picture I took of my wife and her boyfriend.
I'm Jewish.
Kokomi heals so much that it doesn't matter
Mualani was already unpopular since her reveal though
That was way before the Wormvillette nerf announcement
And 6 days before the beta lmao
The coping is so unreal here
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sex with hu tao
uh oh, mualanikek melty...
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>strongest DPS
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It's the 2nd biggest expansion
is that the sneed phrase for dawei's btc wallet
You're forgetting the important aspect that I want to have SEX with Dehya 2.0.
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>suddenly general is shit again
wow who would have thought
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and like 4.6 it will be empty
meant for>>488272742
probably also meant for>>488272742
goes here>>488272742
Looks like the Mexicoons woke up
At least our three prominent shitposters are absent today.
You're ill and need help.
Childe won't like fatties.
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>implying it stopped being shit
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I'm such a happy cuck!
It makes me laugh knowing I likely have more female 5*s than most of them AND don't have the usual metafag 5* males those guys usually make exceptions for, as a yume.
Gokek falseflagging as bejitabro
gokubro falseflagging as bejitabro btw
Mualani is a flop even before v2
Get over it
He likes women with the same build as Yoi.
Same weapon as him too.
Sword users are cringe.
wdym dbzshit spam is rampant
Pagga dabba doo let the summer commence
kill yourself neuvtranx
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Neuvfags coping already lmao
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lmao. mavuika is already going to be number 2. number 1 will be a yet unshown character
cbt1 has jack shit, anon
>another boring waifubait
no shit
meant for>>488273405
Latinos are not sexy like Natlan characters.
So i got Furina's cane and finally built it to lvl 80. Is it actually better than an R5 festering?
Festering seems to just let me not think too much.
No I hate neuvtroon too
I'm just saying Mualani is unpopular and you should stop being delusional lmao
Those are the funny ones thougheverbeit.
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emilie's beauty deserves some braise
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Holy kek
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yaka bros we have some competition
I don't understand what artifacts are good or not, I'm lvl 45 now.
Is minecraft still big in asia like it used to be in the west?
I remember dedicated magazines in the store spesifically for Minecraft. I imagine they were cringe as fuck to read.
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guys i think im becoming a furry. this dragon is so cute
That dragon is a boy..
>he keeps posting his emilie edit
>he changes md5 every time
Am I a scaly if I like a dragon with fur?
Isn't accords more of a dutch thing? Always saw france as the violin or piano culture.
yeah? i never said i wanted to fuck it bro, just that i find it adorable and want it as a pet
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Commit the most immediate death humanly possible.
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We love to watch!
She will have 0 QQ Music hour
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I will skip neuvillette until EoS and so will two thirds of /gig/
Oh this part
> i think im becoming a furry
confused me. I thought furries are furries because they like furry animals sexually
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For me, Its Fischl!
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>emilie's beauty deserves some braise
keqingmains dot com generally has good guidance on artifact sets + stats for every character
i think you can be a furry without wanting to fuck them? ive no clue
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Oh no, doomkekes, our narrative...
meant for>>488273771
meant for>>488273771
buy an ad
We sure do my thirdie friend. God, just seeing all those handsome white north europeans plundering our wives, gfs and fiances like it was 1000 AD again just makes me cum so hard
>Nao Taoyama
I will simp
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why are russians like this
Yeah I got it from the pastebin in the OP but I think I need to understand how artifact generation works first.
I'll read the newfag guide first instead of looking at character specific guides, maybe that helps
Extremely russian. But also how the fuck did they manage to tilt the cars like that? At first i thought it was AI made
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we love Emilie here
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>/pol/ gorespammer is here too
fuck off
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>muh twitter narrative
Cope, nobody likes your buddypoke-faced hag.
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I see no gore.
Navia hits like at least a car
fuck off shounenfag
buddyflop bros...
unreleased characters always have less porn than the released ones(archon being the exclusion)

clorinde barely had any art until she was playable.
Go watch Getter Robo if you want Gore.
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durin leeks
Based Bennett
>chasca getting BLACKED by Olorun at the bottom
emilie already got surpassed by mualani and kinich despite being revealed much earlier, uglyness is definitely a factor
Based Kazuha
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fischl sex
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Considering how familiar I am with Russians and their bullshit this shouldn't be surprising, but it is.
Genuinely what the fuck were they trying to do here
A stunt clearly. They would've pulled it off if he waited 2 more seconds before coming down.
even the wanderer coffee collab has more art than emilie
ayaka isn't ugly doe
Based Aether
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fischl stinky feet
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Are we posting fischl now
Just try and aim for good main stats and passable substats for now, minmaxxing can come later and is literally the final frontier of resin spend anyway
emilie didn't get a big live2D trailer showing off her personality. we've no idea how she is
man if he didn't have a helmet on, wouldve popped like a melon
Bennett is so fucking lucky
we know bennett
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Sure, why not?
Based Mona
ororon was even hidden in the trailer while chasca had a decent screentime, he probably would have surpassed her if he had more presence
>now the peruano is here spamming AIslop too
Fun fact: All of these are canon
LatamGODS own this general btw way
Genuinely thought this was AI generated until the guy got crushed.
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emilie was surpassed even before the natlan trailer, infact her art count doubled just recently, probably thanks to the 4.8 marketing
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Stop posting my wife you disgusting porn addict
[good news]
aether was cast as cameraman in the upcoming skibidi toilet movie directed by michael bay
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Mona's not a lesbian though?
Make a fischl thread next
She'll do anything for some extra mora or new astrological devices
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Neither is Fischl. In fact none of the genshins besides Lisa and Yae has shown any form of actual sexuality in form of teasing.
Your Jeht?
Genshin has truly fallen...
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I am in love with Amy
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