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Previous: >>488226276

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Yunli Trailer — "Serendipity"
>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Back tats are hot as fuck
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How lore accurate was Yunli, bros?
I have at best a toes fetish. I always notice this when the footfags come scurrying out of the woodwork.
Cumming on her bare back and causing her to become pregnant.
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
I'm skipping
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Bronya rabu!
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My girlfriend is so cute
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I respect perfectly on time bread
Now that the dust has settled, what do we think about Luofu 2?
Why did they make Lingsha a brick?
Gacha Smackthatass
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>I respect perfectly on time bread
>3 hours ago
Feixiaoward I Coom
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can she beat goku tho?
Oh my god...you're saying chink company A ripped off chink company B? This has never happened before!
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Another week and no lucky card from the slot machines.

It's wicked that they didn't put a hard pity on this thing.
If it doesn’t over complicate/convolute the story it could end up being decent.
Although I’ve not got much faith in that happening.
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It's peak.
All thanks to her.
waifucucks will roll anyway
I can't be the only one that thinks her ult looks retarded
Is Feixiao a must roll?
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Seelebros status??
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if i'm new who do i pull for
>brownoid cc
If 2.4 and 2.5 will be like 1.5 then I'm okay with it.
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They will fix her like they fixed Firefly
e0 is a brick like e0 ack, takes way too long to get her ult
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>Must roll
The only reason for that is that there are way more fujos than straight shippers out there. Avenpaz is really popular for a M/F ship in gacha but any fujo ship dwarfs those numbers
DPSes are never a must roll
>see leaks
>It's all FuA
firefly was good from the get go
Stop living in 1.X retard
use moze hen
Nothing interesting is coming up
v1 firefly was dogshit bwo
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The Luofu's ban on immortality is the funniest shit to me
>"No gweilo!, you don't short life species couldn't comprehend the agony of:"
living for thousands of years?
never getting sick?
never growing old?
>"b-but at the end of our long, LONG life our bodies break down due to many memories!!1!"
so literally the same as dying?
What a fucking joke man
Nah, I already have Acheron and Firefly and DoT hags.
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Another anon that didn't invest in victory
>Fat, retarded, always angry and makes reddit faces
Lore accurate
No she wasn't.
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There's a horse show parody event in this patch?
she was decent, just not t0 broken
Who else is coming up this patch cycle? Need to start saving for Rin (assuming she even gets added) so hopefully a bunch of easy skips.
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Just hope for some edgelord eidolons or use March
Don't forget that if you try to extend your life, they kill you
Xianzhou are a bunch of hyphocrites and Mary sues
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Vote now!
did you not read the official 2.4 web page?
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Who won?
Who lost?
It's trashcan battle event
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>Another anon that isn't playing the long game
Good evening stonefloppers. Still hyping up your sunk cost bricks?
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It was everything I could have hoped for and more!
>Tingyun is back and her tail is even fluffier
>Aurum alley dates with every character
>Kafka came back and joined the express
>Himeko finally gave us a customizable room in the second passenger carriage
>Celestial jade tournament with Qingque
>Clothes shopping with Fu Xuan and Qingque
>Huohuo finally got over her social anxiety and has started a art club
>Jing Yuan didn't show up
>Sushang and Guinaifen sloppily made out after a dazzling bikini show which led Hanya and Xueyi to express their feelings for one another.
>Yanqing died but was revived with a kiss from Yunli
>Yukong is pregnant!
>Bailu has started growing!
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yeah, I got some tips from you and other anons
thanks again, man
>someone actually gifted me a monthly pass
wtf was it you?
whoever did that, you didn't have to, man... but thank you!
snekfags lost
fuachads won
>cameraman in HSR now
KEK you didn't laugh for long honcucks
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all feixiao fags with less than 150 rolls saved are fake feixiao fags, I've been saving for half a year now f2p btw
holy skipperino
What's funnier is that they copy pasted the "immortality fucks up your memory and you turn into a monster" from something else, but forgot to add in the other downsides
>did you not read the official ____ web page?
The jacket stays ON during cuddle time.
Their argument is more about how if short-lived species become immortal, they quickly grow out of control since they just keep producing babies while not dying. That leads to resource shortages and conflict for them, which made them almost destroy themselves. So basically, they view it as a cancer. Still a stupid argument, but there is some logic.
>Who won?
>Who lost?
>never getting sick?
Mara Sickness is a thing, and if you were born disabled it can't be fixed.
>never growing old?
You get stuck at the time you get immortalize'd

Also the ban was on INVOLUNTARY Immortalization, not just immortality.
Good guys btw.

Hypercarries are shit. Acheron is already falling behind now that infinite ult shilling ended.
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
For now, no. Anons got blindsided by her animations and numbers, but she has serious drawbacks.

First, is that she is a Hunt unit and therefor, completely ST. All her kit is single target. No resets or similar that could help her deal with trash mobs or summons from bosses.

Secondly, she is a blackhole of SP. Even more than Firefly S0. High SPD base and her skill (which you want to use every turn) advances her even further. Getting close to 180 SPD is going to be the norm combined with the advance forward she has is going to be a nightmare to manage without units that are not extremely SP positive or characters like Hanabi.
Shan't be rolling FuAbricks

Superbreak is the future
>barely 2 copies and her LC
The idea is cool but the floating DBZ animation looko sterrible and there's way too many hits before the nuke (which also looks cool).
>Also the ban was on INVOLUNTARY Immortalization
Don't they literally jail/murder everyone that follows abundance though?
how many penacony children can she feed?
Funny because Seele was only relevant in a couple early patches.
Absolutely irrelevant, no one rolled him and he achieved nothing.
>yeah, I got some tips from you and other anons
Good to hear. If you say you're new, then people are probably willing to help you.
>wtf was it you?
It wasn't me, just a random nice anon. I'm too poor for that, currently unemployed and living of savings while I finish my PhD.
Chinkslop being chinkslop. Whole thing is a filler
Anyone not rolling for Sparkle is a retard tbqf

>Only Daniel will slurp SP like retard they said
>future units is all SP blackhole
Is playable Sunday his edgy/emo transformation?
Tell me you didn't properly read her kit without telling me you didn't properly read her kit.
Can you actually just post links to retarded offtopic polls and never get banned for it? Or do they ban evade solely to post links to polls?
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Strange how they never mentions limits on birth in the Xianzhou, despite that being a huge salient point to their society.

But every character that has produced offspring in canon is dead save for Sushang's mother so that's a self-correcting issue I suppose.
They assume other species cannot self regulate unlike themselves, who were formerly short lived too, until they begged yaoshi for immortality
They're patronizing and condescending
>Their argument is more about how if short-lived species become immortal, they quickly grow out of control since they just keep producing babies while not dying
First off nowhere is this stated. Population control is headcanon.

Second off... this is literally them too. There's nothing stopping space chinks from reproducing endlessly. They already have 9 other planet sized space ships for fucks sake.
it's gotta be way more than that assuming I get lucky
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I miss her bros...
she's a support right
In her optimal team (FART) being SP negative is a non issue since Topaz and Aventurine shit out SP. March 8th and Gallagher are also SP positive for the poorfags.
Sir, this is a Wendy's
nta but that is assuming you win all the flips at pity.
Puling for Lingsha so I can replace Huohuo because of the male attack sounds whenever she attacks and ults
Not everyone, like how Ruan Mei and Herta don't get attacked by them. They basically fight against those that are deemed a threat like the borisin that enslaved the foxians. Still depends on their own definition of what is a threat
She miss you too according to SW
yeah. If anything I'd say get huo as your healer, then save for Tingyun as your meta harmony. By that time u will have enough extra characters / cones from pulls to actually build an endgame team
Ratio is always one of the fastest clears when img weak enemies are in MoC.
But you can roll for your destruction characters like Jingliu or Dan2 that's totally fine anon.
Just keep in mind to replace them every two patches!
That's an entirely different thing.
Also pretty sure they don't just capture every follower indiscriminately, just Disciples of Sanctus Medicus who are extremists.
Fiends and devils... I'll crush them all
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I think it'd be really funny if they introduce another for (you) girl in 3.x and then make her in love with some other guy after her banner ends.
Don't brick yourself. Huohuo doesn't work with the best DPS (Firefly, Acheron, Feixiao)
>stoneflop schizo woke up
We don't know when Ting2 is coming out or if she's even a harmony if that's what you're impyling here.
The leaktrannies already backpedaled on saying she's a "summon support" by saying Sunday is instead.
Aren't Herta and Ruan Mei Erudition?
Feel free to say what did I say was wrong retard.

Back to /gig/
>he still hasn't finished Penacony
>Adventurine's smol brain 3head masterplan
>le super embarrasing hidden slums
>le epin bird analogy
You're gonna learn to appreciate Herta, Cocolia and Ghost Hunter squad.
>Ratio is always one of the fastest clears when img weak enemies are in MoC.
because the only people who play him are fags with a full premium team
>Ratio is always one of the fastest clears when img weak enemies are in MoC.
Below DHIL, sure.

>But you can roll for your destruction characters like Jingliu or Dan2 that's totally fine anon.
Yes? DHIL is doing fine since there's still IMG weak enemies sometimes, JL has been buried after being meta for a couple patches, which is better than Seele anyway.
It's BlastGODS that are currently meta anyway.
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>In preparation for your procedure do not take any inhalers or caffeine of any type
It's over for me bros, the coffee reaper is here to migraine my shit up.
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Hopefully we get to see her soon.
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Are gunblades cool?
>my sharp eyes
What, the stoneflop schizo went woke?!
okay, i will
i don't have any of those yet
>>he still hasn't finished Penacony
I started beginning of the month bro...
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Relevant or not Seele dunks on MoC to this day and there's only 1 boss she can't 0-cycle at low cost.
I hope you get your phD soon, bro. I've been studying for the last 10+ years, dropping out and failing because of laziness and depression... my future is pretty bleak and all I want to do is play some videogames all day... I don't really care about making money anymore
>Strange how they never mentions limits on birth in the Xianzhou, despite that being a huge salient point to their society.
They do limit people that leave the ship, requiring them to have good reasons and to keep contact. There is a NPC that got captured because she left and settled on a random planet, just because her babies would inherit the immortality.
Caffeine is such a shit addiction, the benefits are so low
>First, is that she is a Hunt unit and therefor, completely ST. All her kit is single target. No resets or similar that could help her deal with trash mobs or summons from bosses.
Looking at her ult animation, it looks like you can pick different targets for every attack except the final one.
Im so proud of you faggots. Have a good one
Stop posting this fucking retarded disingenuous chart. That Seele is at E6
In lore, but Ruan Mei is still a long lived species. And Herta reversed her age, although it probably did not involve Abudance.
disingenuous selefaggot
your 1.x whore will never be relevant again
That wasn't my point.
Penacony logic is way worse than the story you've already done. But you'll see for yourself.
Shes got blade
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Is huohuo still worth it in 2024 or should I save for E1 Lingsha
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For normal people yes.

For those with ADHD it's a low-grade treatment. Safer and cheaper than things like Adderal.
No, it's not, and Seele's eidolons aren't good.
Moreover, this argument completely falls apart because we know, factually, that Dan2, Acheron and Firefly have a much higher percentage of eidolon owning users than Seele does, and she still clears them.
Unless you're going to tell me that most of the chink metatards that were surveyed for this dont' have E2S1 Acheron/Dan even thuogh 50% of this very general has at least one of them.
nta but I feel u. Got my bachelors and a job where everyone wants to get promoted. But im happy at the bottom cause I still make above cost of living and I can pull on any banner I want while not having to work 50+ hours on salary and drive 3 hours/day. I do miss neet life but days go faster now.
she has bounce on her e1
Friendly reminder not to brick your stamina through maintenance in 10 hours
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Ratio runs this game
Keep coping
>Yunli - roll
>Jamiroquai - skip
>Feixiao - roll
>Lingsha - roll
feels good to be a waifufag
>limited brickbundance
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too long, didn't read
that whore is not relevant anymore
>flattened ears
holy sex

>e0s0 with max gacha cone eidelons and unrealistic investment for maximum cope poors tier list
Post the E0S0/1 chart then, let's see how high Seele's position is.
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I'm just glad I was able to log in today because I thought the updates was this morning so I installed the update yesterday afternoon.
It's more because hsr shippers are really, really desperate so they latch onto anything about them. Hsr characters are honestly pretty shallow.
Thanks anon, me too. Also kinda procrastinating on it, kinda difficult to keep motivation when there isn't a strict deadline and I hate this part where I have to do a lot of writing. So I get distracted by videogames and posting in this thread. But probably end of the year should be mostly done
>Keep coping
And so xhe did
>Penacony logic is way worse than the story you've already done.
Please no, I unironically don't even know what's going on with literally everything being part of Aventurine's plan and people dying but not rly
This list is just as bad retard, E0 is too limiting
Unless you're a low impulse control retard you should have 1 or 2 E1s even as a f2p
why do people assume only seele is e6? isn't that kind of stupid? why not assume that all characters are e6?
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How did I miss the most boring design in the game being leaked a month ago?
lingsha isn't worth it either
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>PGR is literally a HI3 clone
>someone points this out
>gets laughed at with no one actually refuting it
>also fucking Wuwa reaction images
3rd worlders with a hoyo hate boner are mentally ill
There's no chart that breaks it down by eidolon anyway, you can check Prydwen (smaller sample size), but Ratio clears there so it obliterates the narrative that Dan2 is better than him, too.
Firefly can't even 0-cycle this MoC without at least 3 cost btw.
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>tobrick, jade, jingpoo, even fucking qq and clara are better than ff and ACK
>Ratio, QQ, Robin, Topaz, Clara, Herta, Fu Xuan
>Jingliu, Aventurine, Firefly, Gallagher, Ruan Mei
>because it just is okay?
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Jing Yuan literally tells you this
it prob needs some camera changes. it's also single target, so it definitely didn't need the Acheron button spam.
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Good morning sirs. Who won? Who lost?
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How the fuck is E0 Jade a top MoC DPS? What the fuck is this chart?
if characters need more than e0 to clear either they or you are dogshit
everyone else
because not many people use seele compared to firefly and the others??
I won.
You lost.
>struggle for survival
b-but they're immortal...
WOW It's almost like Jade is good against multiple targets (side1)
So you can't prove shit? Alright.
I lost. You win.
>>PGR is literally a HI3 clone
But without yuritroons and shipshit
>>Wuwa is literally a Genshin clone
But without yuritroons and shipshit
I'm waiting patiently for HSR clone now.
Side 1 has the trio of retards.
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>Anyone not rolling for Sparkle is a retard tbqf
I love my cute short Star Rail wife!
>Firefly can't even 0-cycle this MoC without at least 3 cost btw
e0s0 firebrick e0s0 rm and s5 ddd clears side1 shillboss ez
you are all retards posting in a 4 hour long thread for no reason. stay retarded until you forget how to breathe
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It's called Oneiric Structure. It's a narrative device/style in which a piece of fiction is shaped like a dream and therefore operates primarily on emotional responses and stimuli rather than substance and follows a non-linear, interpretive structure.

It's very artsy fartsy which inoculates it to criticism. Detractors just "don't get it" rather than just feeling like they are getting jerked around, which they are.

Now with the exception of some serious cuts needing to be made to Aventurine's story segment (his segment could actually be excised entirely and not cause any narrative issues) and the raw amount of times they cut to the FUCKING CHARMONY DOVE, I found Penacony's story enjoyable.

But something can be enjoyable without being well written, and I don't consider Penacony well written. It's an uncoordinated mess of concepts and ideals. Belobog remains the most "well written" part of the game, even though it still has big issues like Cocolia just being a BEBG who was driven insane by a voice in her head rather than having any good motive.
Your shit game can't even win a single chink award
Can't they still be killed through normal means? Like a bullet through the brain. They are immortal, but not invulnerable. And even if they literally can't die, they still have the instincts of a short-lived species. See what happens when they don't even have enough food, even knowing you can't die would probably still kick off the survival instincts
ShonenGODS won
Snakefags lost bigly
is this whats important to you? I only care about it being clean of yuritroons and shipshit though.
Is that why their games keep failing?
Guess incels really don't have any money.
You do understand this is a FuA shill MoC and that the gobblet trio boss is an AoE sandbag right? Honestly Jade will probably be just fine in MoC so long as it keeps shilling FuAs which it will
So what you're saying is that she's better than Firefly and Acheron against the puppets?
>Guess incels really don't have any money.
But ZZZ isn't doing that bad
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Don't care
shit game
shit character
shit players
Forever shitty
>24 days
I was having difficulties (small roster and atrocious Relic luck) then I got Acheron and immediately went from barely any compleyion to 11/12 PF and 31/36 MoC. Haven't even bothered getting gear since then. Just saving for the next busted char.
>So what you're saying
Did I say that? No.
Do you not know what Jade's role is in a team and how she workks?
Very likely. Holy fucking shit this general is so retarded.
take a look at the blessing retardgod
It lost to BA though
zzz makes money from furries, which make a lot of money in order to fund their fetish
take a look at the weakness retardgod

20% res pen is far stronger than turbulence
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Izumo gotta be the most unsatisfying set to grind for.

Is new General lady looking as strong as Acheron?
july sales chart is gonna be an absolute shitshow
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Clara was always the best!
yes but it's also an incel game since you go on date with every female char and they are also into (You)
Jade is good against Argenti but this list is also an extremely low sample size (<5k clears) so it's more skewed than CN numbers.
The important point about any of these metrics is that most characters have an average clear within 1 cycle of each other, proving that the powercreep in the game is way overblown and that "useless" DPS like Jingliu can still clear easily.
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They've got
allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats, electric heaters
Trash compactors, juice extractor, shower rods and water meters
Walkie-talkies, copper wires safety goggles, radial tires
BB pellets, rubber mallets, fans and dehumidifiers
Picture hangers, paper cutters, waffle irons, window shutters
Paint removers, window louvres, masking tape and plastic gutters
Kitchen faucets, folding tables, weather stripping, jumper cables
Hooks and tackle, grout and spackle, power foggers, spoons and ladles
Pesticides for fumigation, high-performance lubrication
Metal roofing, water proofing, multi-purpose insulation
Air compressors, brass connectors, wrecking chisels, smoke detectors
Tire guages, hamster cages, thermostats and bug deflectors
Trailer hitch demagnetizers, automatic circumcisers
Tennis rackets, angle brackets, Duracells and Energizers
Soffit panels, circuit brakers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers
Calculators, generators, matching salt and pepper shakers
based on the kit, I can say with certainty that feixiao is not a powercreep and skippable. she'll never be acheron 2
jade does jack shit for the other party members, if anything, they're feeding her not the other way around. she's only there to proc the stage effect
>automatic circumcisers
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A strategy to live by.
>2 furry characters
>One given for free
>Other is a standard s-rank
>No additional furry characters leaked
Come again?
She's gonan do like 2x as much damage as godhill who already beats Ack in single target.
inb4 >hunt
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Its a faggot game just like Genshin though.
Still lacks yuritroons and shipshit.
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This is correct and will continue to be correct until EoS
So what's Feixiao's best set? 4pc follow up?
>Seeles eidolon aren't good
But /hsrg/ said to go e2s1 on launch...
blatant favoritism. Argenti is perfectly good in MoC with just Tingyun and another limited support buffing him he can 3 cycle both gepard and Kafuka but he gets no credit.
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LMAO shit game can't even win against AFK arena
WuWajeets are mentally ill
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Clara Love!
who cares about purely ST characters? the only way she could be relevant is if they inflate the hp pools so much that clearing with boothill and firefly becomes impossible, and that's not going to happen until 3.x

just save for the best dps when that HP pool comes around
classic summer patch. Obviously a filler patch, because of ZZZ release. Maybe they set up some things for the future.
>Its a faggot game just like Genshin though.
It lacks yuritroons and shipshits though?
Huntkeks getting uppity I see
Overkill one enemy is not better than killing 3
She actually has overkill protection in her kit, unlike Acheron.
>the only way she could be relevant is if they inflate the hp pools so much
You really expect them to not do this at some point?
Forever shit game
rest in piss WuWashit
E1 Yunli is better than e6 Clara though.
the new valorous set but she can use duke too
huntGODS run this game
Her ult stops when the enemy reachos 0HP and retains stacks
>censored as fuck
you sound like a homotranny who wants his cockpander to be popular or some shit
Literally on the pic of the post?
Naaaaah I think it lacks Yuritroonsbians and shippers still though.
>who cares about purely ST characters? the only way she could be relevant is if
They need mechanical solutions.
Like Seele's reset mechanic but a SP refund or 0-cost.
Or other Overkill mechanics.
NTA, but they're adding more males into the game, and not the good kind like Anton, not even furries, just lame ass Hoyo male designs
would be 10x better if she was a muscle girl. Cant take someone in a powerstance with noodle arms seriously
>losing to AFK game
LMAOOOO WuWashitter
still has to use at least 6 stacks
Penacony MoC HP is literally doubled from launch MoC. Seems like there's a jump every major patch.
chinkcels getting real uppity
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She won.
And what brainlet would ult at 6 stacks if 4 of them are overkill?
literally only 2 fucking furry chars exist
every chink game is censored
just dont roll em lmao
i broke f2p because of that Taxlady. Man is her investment worth.
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>Must roll
Why are wuwajeets shitting up /hsrg/ again
She's not as cute and she doesn't love me as much, also she's Chinese so I don't trust her writing to be better than Clara's background bio. When the fuck do we address her backstory anyway?
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fuagawds how are we feeling?
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>mutt hours
>get raided by wuggers
I'm nooticin
does she even have a tail?
To be fair Penacony also added 2 extra stages, so yuo should be comparing stage 10 to stage 10 if we're talking about rewards, or the HP pool from the first MoC12 to now (which is still much higher).
Comparing 2.5 MoC12 to 1.0 MoC10 is retarded.
Still his game, kneel.
Looks like they're losing to ZZZ and AFK arena in a chink mobile game awards after checking leddit
Only two and no more are leaked for the foreseeable future
>censored as fuck
True, despite this it still has better fan service than Genshin/HSR combined
Only 4 male characters at launch. Only two more leaked for the remainder of year 1.
I like both HSR and ZZZ a lot. I hope HSR copies some of what ZZZ has done though, since Hoyo have started shying away from fan service in HSR.
Still no Yuritroonsbians however!
>every chink game is censored
Holy fucking delusional Hoyocuck.
I think that Penacony is more frustrating than anything else. They were almost there but it's negatives far outweigh the positives. It would have been better if they simply learned to cut out the fluff and focus on what's important. Some of Aventurine's pov could have been used as his character story, other parts could have been excised entirely.
very simple example
>wave consists of 3 shitters
>if you ult you overkill
>if you don't you waste action value
>fucking AFK Arena of all things
hahahahaha they're not gonna recover, are they?
WuWa niggers won't dare to tell you their dogshit game STILL has the same issues that it had at launch.
at least we got a lot of (you) pandering in penacony with firefly and acheron
>losing to a game called AFK
n-no way right?
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>concedes to losing against AFK game
>2.4 and 2.5 look like garbage
>Nobody cares about ZZZ anymore
>Suddenly Wuwa boogeyman again
can you guys go even 1 thread without crying about other games
E1? Did you mean S1?
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"Immortal perhaps, but not invincible!"
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This general might have been saved if Lingsha was a snek
correction, it's AFK Journey
made by the same dev though so it's still fucking embarrassing
AFKArena? Are you sure it wasn't AFKJourney?
I wouldn't mind a snek, but we're not allowed to have nice things
When her LC art leaked yesterday I genuinely thought she was going to be since her lower half was deliberately hidden.
So disappointed.
not really
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>Gigger jpg
Yeah I'm noticing the worms crawling out of your ass too. Go back.
It takes one shizo to remind giggers about their worms and shipping to made them seethe uncontrollably. It's ridiculous.
Oh that one is pretty recent so it makes a bit more sense.
Sushang is dead btw.
And fuck Shogun.
wait for 2.6 leaks
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Why do I have to have my UID on full display for everyone too see without a toggle to enable or disable the tag? Is this a CCP thing? Only china does it. We are we ok with this? I can't take a single screenshot without being paranoid of leaking my UID because I can't fucking hide it. Control freaks.
Acheron BOOBA
>Lingsha and Fuyuan
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>11 awards
>0 win
>Losing to ZZZ and AFK Journey in Best Innovative Game Award
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>do a 10-roll on a 50/50 at 0 pity
>Actually get Jade
Bros, I think the IPC loves me. I also got Topaz at 15 warps
The absolute worst thing that can happen is someone topping up on your account then doing a chargeback, which still wouldn't really achieve much besides getting their credit card blacklisted.
I kneel…
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>Sushang is dead btw.
bailu saved her
Seems like a fraud because the traces aren't even maxed.
>wuwa defense force comes out of the shadows
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>Best Innovative Game Award
She's a brick unless you roll for her E1 and S1 too.
Why would a straight up copy of another game win the "innovative" award?
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I report all UIDs I see in the wild for mod abuse btw
Can you please not post that thing in our general?
Is it true that HSR is becoming a camera game? And the new protagonist is a transwoman with 2 males behind them?
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feet game feet general
They're straight up losing to AFK Journey, so yeah, pretty much that.
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So any new doujins?
can you explain what someone can even do with your uid? I can see player uids in the game, what makes their accounts safe but not mine?
You didn't answer the question
Just finished Penacony and I gotta ask how is Robinhill is a thing? Where it did started? The only time they're in the same scene is when the whole group is preparing for Sunday's final battle and they don't even personally address each other. I was under the impression that they had a moment or something due to how many are shipping them. Is there something I missed about them?
>what if we take HI3rd, add furries and some beats
Is Yunli literally Satania?
Correct. I'm so fucking happy of being a cuck bros!
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is this actually the first patch TB didnt top the yapp line? i assume it mostly from march PoV which honestly kinda suck no matter i like her.
Assuming I can only get one Five Star, do I go for the Fox? Or do I go for his LC first, give it to Gui, then try rolling for the Fox which would be unlikely at that point? This is for an Acheron team.
People can reset your password with your UID
I love to watch
Pretty much nothing. It’s just a meme.
If you post modded content with your UID visible you can genuinely get banned though.
I'm noticing a lot more genshitters spreading their filth everywhere these days, it's getting that bad huh? Natlan really broke even the toughest slurpers.
>talk options
>trying to find logic in shipping
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Honestly, the less info you allow out the better.
You never know when some retarded intern at customer service can be convinced to hand over an account just from a UID, a name, and maybe some info like pull counts and eidolons.
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It's reddit.
TB never has that many lines at all though?
fine, they also didn't even win on other category such as art and soundtrack. the few places they can be original.

>Also didn't win the Chinese culture award
KEK. Their entire game is chink themed
Okay but that transition from the dango into Starrail logo was pure SOUL! Genshin could never! Zzz probably couldnt too.
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You need much more than that. If you get your account stolen, you will need some extreme hard proof to get it back.
Holy moly Yunlibros don't check the first page results for her on gelbooru. Erotic child warning.
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Also btw why is there a literal wormcucks ITT? I don't think Moze could attract g*gshit this hard.
Can someone post the feixiao ult webm?
nice broken ankle
I've seen some people be made fun of because of the characters n their account and whether they've cleared MoC/PF or not.
I have heard of some people randomly getting top ups out of nowhere. Lucky fuckers.
No, E6S5ers are really that retarded. I'm surprised he has relics, considering 90% of the E6S5 I see on support have abysmal crit ratios.
game is just getting old, better options seem to be on the horizon, WuWa showed, that exploration can be done better and waay too many got in a relationship with their first 5* to just drop the game.
So it's essentially a crack ship?
People shipped them because they released in the same patch and are both physical element.
I’m serious… shippers are that fucking retarded.
>pepeshi tourist 48
pepeshi bros
Everyship is a crackship. EVERY. Even Bronya x Seele.
>But muh HI3
SeeleBron shipcucks don't play that game btw.
HSR is a LGBTQ++ friendly game
/gig/ and /zzz/ hates HSR

What went wrong? Is it over?
Right after Acheron everyone was excited and was expecting Firefly. Turns out two sweet Physical Units were to occupy the succeeding banner and this triggered people while some found the two cute, shipping them on the basis that they share the same element on the same patch and had a cute dynamic based on archetypes (the uncouth cowboy and the shy diva) and that they pissed off everyone who swore on their mother's soul that Firefly was next in line.
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I found this on the front page
That holds true for every ship except for MC and Firefly.
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they hate us cause they ain't us
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good fukken shit
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I hate them too so it's okay
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you retard, you're falling for the usual shilling phase
So they have content?
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Revenge ship because [[[they]]] were salty about Firefly so they needed to claim robin and it backfired because she also happens to be for (you)
I'd jin her dou up so hard she'd get pregnant with twins.
No one had as good release trailer as Yunli. No one!
I just wish Shogun gtfo out of the trailer.
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We hate each other.
But since each of us are different genre, there's no reason to fight about it
Hahahaha enjoy your brick
she reminds me of Alpha for some reason
This one? Artist has even an animated version on his pixiv.

It's still less censored than Genshin or HSR.....
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>/gig/ and /zzz/ hates HSR
Of course they're. Just look at the projection ITT.
They accuse HSR of things that actually happen in their garbage shipcuck games.
ZZZ will forever be knotted with cope of(Its just one character) + closing eyes on the censorship. They LITERALLY mass-reported a dude who was posing Censorship comparisons because it made them feel insecure LMFAO.
Gig is a bigger story. Refer to picrel and keep in mind its barely 1% of it.
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I liked how in the Yunli trailer, everyone looked at the giant beam of light except for one guy. Just casually ignoring it, fully focused on enjoying his walk
ironically no, they don't lol
haha gottem
>boothill x robin
first time I hear about this shit
did they even interact at all?
You need her for your Feixiao
Don't let the /hsrg/ dissuade you, half of the threads claimed Acheron would be a brick
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Seele is okay, but using that chart just makes you look dumb.
No one uses her so some people decided to have a laugh doing things like pic. They don’t even care about Seele.
Stoneflops KEKYPOW
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Even their own fucking website proves them wrong
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What kind of mental issues does someone need to have to spend time making that image? And how is the person still roaming free, when it's obvious they'll murder someone soon?
how did she swing that shit without destroying half the city?
That guy is Literally me.
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You take
>Always do opposite of what /hsrg/ said
too literally
Even broken clock is correct twice a day
After living for hundreds of years on the Luofu, he's probably used to giant energy pillars by now
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>Gigger cuck that also didn't win shit gets uppity in a thread of a game that pays for his "nobody cares or rolls" wormslop banners.
No it's literally just a crackship that was made up because they are from the same element.
I would fuck and cum inside Aventurine's bussy no homo
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hsrg was WRONG?
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>WuWajeets can't read
LMAO faggot
enjoy your shit game
>losing to AFK game
>24 days
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Ugly hag is bad, more news at 7
They didn't, not even in the scene before fighting Sunday where they were all together. Shipshitters are deluded as per usual.
Avg seems to be around 12k
Sushang didn't deserve that. Stop making her the butt of all jokes! She's strong!
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>all Firefly funds go to Feixiao animations
and where else would it go?
it's not like we're gonna get another Firefly alt
>almost died to a dropkick even with a stone plate protecting her
YanKING made a mess...
tell them to suck it
they can't even do shit better after copying 4 different games from Mihomo
where do I get this datamine?
that's a good thing, it means firefly did her job
>unironically listening to IPCkek
Your own fault.
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>>WuWajeets can't read
Retarded subhuman gigger this is /hsrg/ and you WILL bow to the game that sustains your bloatware filled with worms.
From where HSR stands: GI/ZZZ/WUWA are All LESSER All INFERIOR. ALL WEAK.
>PGR invented multiple slashes and a downward slam
These people breathe the same air as you
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Bros...Why is everyone making copies of Genshin, but no one does copies of Starrail? I like turn based games and i want there to be more of them:(
thanks for the account, Mulder
>what is a shilled element
because gameplay is unironically worse than fgo and that's saying something
idc if they hate HSR
If they hate their game, they should try to boycott it (again) and not come crying to us.
They killed the game for this
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What funds? Firefly ult transformation animation has more frames than this.
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enjoy your shit game btw
Imagine losing to AFK game
also, stop hiding behind HSR
>there's literally a madoka hsr ripoff coming out this year
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So what's the lore reason for Yunli being barefoot‽
Then Firefly must have truly flopped because Fatxiao looks literally unfinished
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The 'hate' is because HSR is an 'idle' game with autoplay while GI and ZZZ aren't.
But the autoplay is why Japan likes HSR the most out of all the mihoyo gacha, so they're basically just haters.
There is literally a Madoka copy coming out. It takes time to make copies, even Tower of Fantasy was a year+ after Genshin
Nice Crit Chest, Mulder
Their tier list says it measures performance in the current MOC anon
HoYoLAB app
TB x Firefly feels so forced, they don't really look that good
>2x speed
>Auto mode
Acheron's ult looks equally retarded if you don't play it as a seemless animation
This is a slideshow
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>Agrees to have a stone slab busted on her chest
>Has a stone slab busted in her chest
>This is wrong

I agree, the only thing that should be busted on her chest is fat nuts.
There are other turnbased gacha rpgs than hsr they simply aren't popular because they either are too old, fucked themselves over with pvp or both.
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>stop hiding behind HSR
I've been ITT since the first instance of /hoyo/ during HSR's CBT beta tests, RETARD. Genshit will NEVER rise again. You're dirt just like the trash you're trying to mock to appear taller, insect.
Madoka? But it only has 4 characters? Can i see it?
Nobody plays the game at 0.5x speed retardo
Still looks better than Firefly
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She kinda reminds me of Hat Guy wind favored mode.
Simple, because hsrg is a gacha for gacha gamers
While genshin is(was really) played by everyone, tell me another single gacha that MILLIONS of 14 year old girls play daily to play dress up/roleplay/use as a chat room?
Genshin left the gachasphere, that's what they are trying to replicate
Now post her skill and full ult animation. Her ult already has two sets of animations since she uses the axe animations for non-broken and swords when broken.
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WuWajeets you can stop coping now
you deserve your shitgame. Good pair for a shitter race like WuWajeeters
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All Hoyo funds were drained before they could fully render Firefly's massive tits
>Today is a good day for public sex
Lady Fu wtf?
Sushang would beat Yunli in 1v1, that is a fact!
You think vg raiders are up and awake at 9 am?
Not really, no and I say this as someone who doesn't give two shits about Firefly.
Magireco got like 100+ characters.
and yet it looks better than firefly's particle clusterfuck because at least you can fucking see the animation play out
sex with lil sigga
>/hsrg/ - gig/wuwa cesspool and Firefly rape victims general
This is what you are going to see most of the time. Finisher and Starter animations are fine but the ones I'm showing here are pretty bad.
Then you're fucking retarded congratulations
this is why you should bully every single wuwaggers here from the beginning
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Is this good enough for Feixiao?
Also, you can get pallet swap of existing characters. Plus all the OCs they added in the other gacha.
>only has 4 characters
Please learn what a quintet is
>you're basically forced to skip her
I roll for chars I like tho
Should've made more since Feixiao animations are just a reskin of Acheron’s
I am not a feetfag and i love Yunli and you fuckers are going to make every single pic with into your FUCKING shit fetish.
>giggers taking their shitflinging arguments with wuwa to hsr threads
you are worse than wuwajeets
>not wanting 2 Claras on your account
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>This is what you are going to see most of the time
Eh, I'm not sure about that considering Feixiao can easily get three turns per cycle to spam her skill.
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Nyo. Lil sigga is for fun times.
>Clara sidegrade
He fell for the memes. She is an Acheron competitor damage wise retard.
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>gigger having melty about wuwa
>in fucking /hsrg/
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Acheron looks fine because she's in slow mo mode. Making Feixiao's a spacebar masher when she's supposed to be attacking super fast in real time doesn't make sense.
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this mindbreaks the HRTranny
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man yunli is so fucking sexy and cute and hot its just a shame shes nothing but a clara sidegrade and even has the same element

you're basically forced to skip her
> no break effect
uh oh retard ITT
I’m taaaaaaaaaapping the space bar twelve (12) times
She's retarded, literally
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Looks pretty good anon.
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Are you an actual schizophrenic or just delusional? I ask you to fuckoff back to /worms/ since your boogyman "WuWajeeter" already did just that.
It's over for their immortality monopolio. I shared todd's findings to the intelligensia get fucked Loufu.
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You guys didn't bully the giggers and wuwaggers enough
now they're getting comfortable here
Japan likes WuWa more than HSR
She's looking for a mate
NTA but Clara already competes with Yomi's damage so he's right on that regard, she's still way better than Clara because her counter mechanics actually work instead, god I despise John Mihoyo
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Nice FUA animation, Feixiao.
she never learnt how to tie her shoes and gave up on them altogether
keep coping you fucking garbage trannoid
Is Feixiao a virgin?
>firecucks STILL shitting up our threads
It's really over for us
It seems impactless and repeating the same fucking moves over and over like a slideshow drags the overall result, Acheron's ult is composed of three slashes total and it looks amazing in comparison. If you're impressed by that, congrats on being a mindless retard then but I'm willing to change my opinion on it once I see the final version.
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i don't really like her but i feel pressured to roll because out of the upcoming characters i dislike her the least
so if i skip i'll be skipping for the next fucking half a year (again)
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enjoy your shitgame, jeets
You should be ashamed for losing to an AFK game
now go shit your street
People love Moze, but what people don't know is that I based my personality on Moze so people must like me as well
Tingyun is mine and mine alone.
Yunli when? On daily reset?
>Acheron competitor who gets babied by Robin and HuoHuo
>While Acheron gets by with SW/Pela/Jiaoqiu
This really isn't a good thing for her when Acheron still has barebones options that literally exist for a debuff while doing nothing else if Yunli's comparable to that.
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people saying this anything but slideshow animation for the sake of shitting on firefly is crazy as fuck, some of you nigga need to stop letting pagfly and her pagcel rent fre
>FireCHADS still BLESS UP our threads
It's really a coldy for us
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SAVING for Feixiao
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[sad news]
ayylmaos have breached containment
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Should I last minute roll for Jade? Would she work well with Feixiao? FUA shilling seems to be the future and I don't want to end up like so many Topaz skippers.
Feixiao and moze looks fun but feixiao’s ult looks like a six button press and I’m already sick of Acheron’s three… I play this game so I don’t have to push buttons. I can auto til MoC 12
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My fuarking heroine
This looks better than anything we have in the next 3 patches kek.
>>same fucking moves
>all different animations
>but it's okay if Acheron does her same slashes over and over again
Feixiao would give Jade a lot of stacks IF your Jade is at E1.
Clara damage doesn't come close to Acheron. All spreadsheets accounting for her getting hit multiple times assume she has infinite HP. Yunli literally deals 200-250K damage per ult while costing only 120 energy, and unlike Clara, Yunli can self sustain.
>forgot to prefarm for hunt march
dang it
Is she wearing a bodytights? why tf it's blending with her skin tone
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Only roll of she makes your dick get big and cry white.
Jade is underwhelming imo she’s a pure fiction bot
>Immortality bad!
>Because we didn't prepared our society at the moment for the obvious things it would lead to
>So because WE fucked up we are gonna gatekeep it from the rest of the world forever
Go fuck yourself Jing Yuan.
I like how Firefly is perpetually angry while in SAM mode.
Fuuuuuuuck, i was only farming for Yunli!
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This doesn't look good enough. Is this really the thing that makes>>488264774 seethe like a retard?
What is it that wuwa did that makes Genshitters piss themselves and use GameAwards as an argument and in a /hsrg/ thread at that?
May Firefly and her stalwart believers keep guarding this general from the evils of trannies
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We're chilling
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does it matter that in some magical theorycuck futureland there could be a character who happens to be an upgrade for acheron? and why does that futureland exclude an upgrade for counter characters?
what matters is now
Yes, Jade skippers will be seething later on.
>firefly gets to use broken supports like hmc and ruan mei
>feixiao gets to use broken supports like robin and topaz
>acheron still has to cope with pela and silver brick
Is Moze just Click Click Dagger Dagger Dagger?
>still prefarming for 2.4
Should've prefarmed as soon as we got confirmation on the trace mats. I'm already prefarming Lingsha right now.
Wtf is this? How did they go from Yinlin, Jinhsi, and Changli to this?
cute salty tummy...
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Oh no WuWajeets
even your whore looks like shit
no wonder you lose to a fucking AFK game
Wtf, why is there male MC too?
Her face actually looks retarded. The rest of the design is just generic copy pasted chinkslop.
Is Moze sp void like FeiX?
Good morning bwos
There is a difference between 3 (three) good composed slashes with effects and 10 (ten) slashes in 4 (four) stiff movements in a loop btw.
>Topaz skippers will be seething
>Aventurine skippers will be seething
>Jade skippers will be seething
>Feixiao skippers will be seething
Caelus went dark mode so Firefly doesn't find out
Her ult (her main source of damage) after killing something redirects to another target.
She has the best damage profile in the game for boss and elite killing since your damage barely gets wasted
DAMN! They sure showed that mob that my Herta eats for breakfast the power of The Hunt!!!
>4 (four) stiff movements
Retard, she doesn't even use the same pose and animations when using her axe when she flips to swords against a broken mob.
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>your whore
First of all my Whore is picrel and not that FLAT meganeko.
Secondly my whore is a decent lady so watch your tongue!
So you see open-worldslop is just that: A trash for zoomers.
Feixiao is Jade's best friend.
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Just a good morning was fine...
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Clara walked so Yunli could fly. Footbros this is our only chance. Either we show MHY our support for feet pandering or we will never have another barefoot girl again. See the Fofo fiasco. It killed support for cute and funny.
Talk to a wall
Redirect happens with E1 and she gains ult stacks double the rate at E2. More blatant dolphinbait than Acheron
i do regret not rolling for aventurine doe, ill try getting him on rerun but i think i wont invest much on feixiao or at all because the rest of gemstone seems more interesting for me
I'm not rolling for shipshit
roll for your homo 2% better pela goy and stop complaining
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I only have Topaz and Ratio, am i going to make it for the Feixao Team?
>most of the damage is behind the last hit
Who cares lmao, you seldom are gonna make a serious redirect.
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This is pathetic WuWajeets
you can use your shit game whores now you use HSR Primadona? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shame on you.
You should try beating the AFK game first
Are there even any "good" gameplayleaker left?
I swear i remember some guy doing multiple 0 cycles with no eidolons but i don't remember the name.
does this make anyone hard? there's zero appeal. how low genshin has fallen, they can't even release sexy girls anymore...
this thing looks so bad god almighty
I am actually rolling for FoFo so we get more cute and funny.
That's not how she works. If the target HP is 0, then she saves any stacks over 6. So if you ult with 8 stacks, you'll start with 2 instead of 0. There is no redirect. The ONLY AoE she gets is on her E1.
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good morning bwo
Bros I'm skipping Lingsha.

Going all in on Yunli and the ice hunt bitch that's coming.
might be better with bigger boobs, but...
oh well
I shan't be rolling for IPCniggers
Yeah, it is still stupid. But they basically went through a massive civil war due to it, and became zealots as a direct reaction to it. Doesn't make perfect logical sense, but humans can react drastically to traumatic events. Especially when you also add that you get constant reminders of it due to marastruck individuals becoming crazy. And now their society is stuck in indoctrination mode where everyone gets fed the propaganda that Abundance is bad, which is even more effective because most people live to 1000 years. I'm probably reading way more into it than is intended, and even if it was correct they will never explore it because it can be seen as critique on China
From Jinhsi and Changli to this. What the fuck went wrong?
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>HSR Primadona
Alright you're half-pardoned from complimenting my Wifeyron like that BUT you're still DELUSIONED AND SEETHING HARD in a thread of a game that's WAY SUPERIOR THAN GENSHIT INFARCT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do we have text for the combat voicelines?
>T0@E0 in PF is....LE BAD
Anon... This is WuWa LMAO.
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if they had improved yunli's feet model instead of still looking like a pink blob then i'd roll

I don't roll huntbricks and eruditionbricks, simple as
Lingsha is kinda ugly outside the splash art
at this point, most of fua unit is t0 on pf
Wuwabros what is this? Even Huohuo looks better than her.
fuacoin mooning
a-anyday now
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Just showered! no longer a stinky femcel.
herta, himeko and uhhh..
yeah, basically all fua is t0
A year and half since the launch we didn't have:
1. Hook body type character
2. Ice character that focuses on freezing
Most dont live 1000 years without going insane. Jing Yuan is considered really old for them and he isn't 1000 yet.
aventurine is t0 also
>No freezing character
Your E1 GODpard?
I haven't seen a single good character design from wuwa. everyone looks AI generated
>Ice character that focuses on freezing
i would say xueyi too but she kinda underwhelming for me, e6 too. still work but not as good as herta
He's just a shield chud. I mean an ice nihility character!
>Moze in her animations
This is cuck shit.
1. Good, the hebe model is 100x better.
2. Good, everyone who's played genshin knows this is a brick.
Based Open World slop non-player.
>Ice character that focuses on freezing
I would say Misha focuses on that, since his ult is the entire focus of the kit. And he gets extra EHR to make freezing easier
a a a a a re those..... Gui Gui's immaculate pits?
BRO YOUR PELA??????????!??!!?!??!
>he doesn't play ehr march
uuuuuh broski???
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Use Tutorial cone Pela then
Then again, the freeze mechanics and other shackle/slow effects are severely underutilized

We need a character that can do Shatter on frozen enemies.
please do explain how this is bad without sounding like a femcel
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4* and stupid.
4* and dead.
4* and a midget
people will spend money for this trash eidolon. when it targets random enemies. what the actual fuck
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>smartest self inserter
the face proportions in wuwa makes all the girls look like they have downs and its a huge turn off.
>retard hair
>retard expression
>bootleg Nian
>bootleg stinky fox
Moze mogs Paglus so fucking hard it's not even funny guys
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>other shackle/slow effects
I feel like they kinda fucked themselves with Welt. He alone gives 30% slow and can delay. If you add too much extra slow, then you can drop sustain and just go full damage. Welt+destruction character with Firefly cone comes pretty close to this, so any other unit that slows breaks it.
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>see threadwide schizo meltdown
>feel the urge to join in and pretend to be said schizo
>stop myself last second
why am i like this
I find it funny
So, who handles trash mobs in Feixiao teams?
>I only use 5* limited characters
>why are there so many 5* limited characters, it's not fair mihoyo I'm not a whale!
>finally finished farming my 160 speed sets for sparkle and pela.
>I need a new 160 set with Lingsha
Fuck… when will I be free from the hackerspace mines
Herta or Topaz?
They probably don't have any idea how to implement freeze meaningfully considering Ice and Imaginary basically have the same purpose of stalling. If you think about it, the character most fitting for a freeze playstyle is Welt's semi permanent delays. But even then, if they ever do decide to go along with it, it will nerf counter units like Yunli while also buffing Break Units that capitalize on Broken enemies staying Broken as long as possible. But we already have Boothill and FF LC for that already.
They LAUGHED at me when I rolled Jing Yuan.
They LAUGHED at me when I rolled Topaz.
They LAUGHED at me when I rolled Ratio's Cone.
They LAUGHED at me when I rolled Aventurine.
They LAUGHED at me when I rolled Robin.

Well whose laughing now huh? HUH???
>asks for an ice character focusing on freeze
>disregards 4*s
That is called moving the goal posts anon.
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>>stop myself last second
Are you demented, FohFoh bro? We literally just talked for 10 posts straight about games we don't care about.
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Why is it that both times we went to China, there’s a bunch of shipshit crap going on? Are chinks just really into that?
Uh oh stoneflops melty
aventurine's big dick fuas
what am i supposed to do if i dont like the colors black white or red?
selfinserters are unironically worse than cucks. they're worse because they pretend not to like being cucked, but will then go out of their way to find cuckshit in everything. go back retard
> They LAUGHED at me when I rolled Jing Yuan.
I’m still laughing at this
I won't fall or the IPC propaganda
So the anons that complain about cuckshit are the ones that want to be cucked the most huh
Imagine how tight Huohuo's pussy must feel god.
it probably doesn't matter that much that it hits randomly. fuaslop distributes damage in multiple instances so there isn't a lot of overkill (besides feixiao's ult)
but it's not particularly amazing numberswise anyway, basically a stepping stone for e2
no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while I gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, backwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind blogging, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular brain cell dissolving, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, he could give me a nuclear bomb inside and I would still ride it
>those replies
obvious discord raid.
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I'm still laughing at you
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>I rolled Jing Yuan.
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>They LAUGHED at me when I rolled Jing Yuan.
Yeah? I'm still laughing.
Just say that you're proud of being a self insert cuck
Is this the bigger cuck fest than Genshin? I feel like honkai was always full of pairings anyways like Seele and Bronya. Nasty shit for a gacha.
>make retarded post
>get laughed at
Don't see the problem?
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JYbros... we will have the last laugh...
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Why is the camera static during Feixiao's ult?
>not denying it
Sorry Yunli, you have 1 grandpa, creepy uncle J and that's it 'cause your parents did an oopsie.
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Good morning bwos
Both Gayshitfaggots and Wuwapoojeets have proven that open world games are cancer of the industry that must be excised
pfft, jing yuan, fucking lmao
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Ladies, gentlemen, giggers and wuwa, the stoneflops, laugh at them
Oh, I'm laffin alright because the retards who rolled for EL GENERAL didn't even bother to roll for Sparkle and Robin
chinese female self-inserters are insane so take the region with a grain of salt
Reminder, anons in last thread felt sexually threatened by a lightcone
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Well the doc is pretty sexy. I can't blame them.
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>Family? Nevertheless Tradable
> Hotel? Trivago
When does the next banner drop?
what is the ZZZ male MC doing in HSR? and why is he being super edgy?
Licking Ratio's shoulders
It's not their fault that they are uncontrollably aroused by seeing Ratio naked in the tub
Robin and Aventurine

*gets stunned*
*lightning lord delayed to next turn*
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>Reading book in a bathtub
Just come out of the closet already you faggots
we won't judge you harshly probably
Did all the straight males leave for ZZZ or something? I haven’t been here in some time.
It's just a joke bro. Some silly banter :)
mental illness.
put me in the screencap
thread quality went down hill regardless, I like FeiXaio's and Moze's animations they look pretty nice even if her Ult is a bit too much like Acheron's
Meanwhile Lingsha has such boring dogshit animations you could of swore she was a 4 star so now the healer i wanted to roll for because i needed one looks mid as fuck.
lumine looks like a fat mexican
>I-I don't roll Huntbricks
And I'll wait for the seethe that we'll see in 40 days from all of you who didn't roll
They should unironically buff him by making stun not carry over to LL
They fixed it with Topaz and it's not like anyone would complain about Juan being less of a meme
You're not shielding your ipcflops behind the generalisimo.
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soon brother
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>If Feixiao to remain unnerfed throughout V2 and V3 it might cause some trouble
I hope to God that E6 Moze can be run in her team instead of Robin.
This unironically looks so fucking CINEMA.
Moze ult seems a bit stiff and they hopefulyl fix that issue since Feixiao also has some stiff movements.
Will FuA be shilled for all of 2.x?
is feixiao for Caelus or I’m not rolling
Most dont live to 1000 years. The average seems to be between 500-700 if you dont die in the war at least.
All hunt is brick bwo
>powercreeped in 3 patch
>powercreeped in 1 patch
>relegated to FuA slave
>KEK. LMAO even
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Yes, isn't it great
No one cares about your Paglus. She's for GODZE
You WILL rise up into her world in every battle until EOS
Summon shilling incoming, you can continue to laugh at Topaz skippers.
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She literally is if you will beat her down. Is Caelus strong enough? Moze and JiaPela are definitely not.
Wait, we can already farm nuM7's materials?
I know that people are just baiting for (you)s by pretending to get kekked but you honestly should be careful.
You might attract actual mentally ill incels who think this is a safe space for them.
She's for Caelus if he was a foxian named Jiaoqiu
>out of Chris Wilson's maze momentarily to check on gacha
>81 reserved energy
my account is forever bricked. Those caverns of corrosion I could have ran that would give me shitty relics.
I thought it was positioning shilling next?
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Moze is a rapist and was chemically castrated by the Ten-Lords Commission. He's not for anyone.
why are sexy males fine but sexy females not allowed? what kind of agenda do these people go by?
She uses those bullet materials they added for Boothill. If you didn't pull him you should already have some since they were an event reward
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>new 2.5 DU adventure domain mini game
Are you ready for more Hanuslop?
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Are you blind?
Paglus already got his bland waifu. He's not getting anything else.
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I am rolling for her because cute and funny foot pandering like clara.
I think i will also buy a pass or something to make the message clear. (Wish i could roll for Yunli her Cone AND fofo though)
No chink native will ever be for (You)
good, maybe that'll stop it from becoming like genshit then
I did. I use them all together and am perfectly happy doing so.
It's the rating system unironically. HSR is rated 12+.
ZZZ is rated 16+ and it has sex jokes, unreal ass and titty physics and some borderline porny outfits.
I wish we'd get rated up so the devs could UNLEASH a bit.
What is happening in this thread
Feixiao? Moze's sloppy seconds
>No chink native will ever be for (You)
>getting absolutely filtered by protocol 3
Is it a skill issue or a nufag issue?
I am just hoping that them trying to sneak some hints at abundance not being so bad as they say and Lan mentioned being such a turbo autist that he cannot care about friendly fire means that you will eventually get to choose or something.
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Wait, is Feixiao Moze's bitch? Not Jiaoqiu's? I thought foxes belong together...
either falseflaggers or honkaihusbandos is leaking

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