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Previous Thread: >>488294514

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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It's kinda funny when I am engrossed in posting on /bag/ and miss a headpat threshold or the PVP reset.
The Blue Archive General literally impeding me from playing Blue Archive.
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post Wakamo
How stinky is Seia
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Identity theft is not a joke Ako!
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isami kaede
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Which 3* ticket should I buy? I feel like wasting money.
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I wish the raid ladder would put an icon next to friend and clubmates' names
so thats why she sucked me dry the night before...
all of them
smells like paradise
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should i use my spark to 4* star hoshino or UE40 hina?
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Hieronymus teams blue archive total assault raid team

100% retard proof braindead clear (even YOU can do it!):
Mika should die
I have never had impure thoughts about a student.
>Nonomi also has a secret notebook Hoshino hasn't seen
Hoshino is going to lose it one day
the latter. the only stat of value you get from upgrading hoshino is a little bit of hp and def
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In the most painful way
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why would you use a blue special attacker on a red enemy raid?
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So kokonuts needs to be ue40?
Mari spotted
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My precious desert rose.
>not having 4chanx
shiroko is there for speedrunning
Big cost regen
Armor pen
>clear 5
...huh? What an odd team.
No, 4 stars
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I thought Hina was a sensei rights respecter....
i see, thanks :)
Not really
You kinda need the shield if you're gonna ignore bombs
>I now have Onsen Stoat
>I now can do comfy Hiero and Set
Cost me two sparks on Fes but it was worth it.
Even Hina has a limit
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Never mind. I did it. Eat shit anon.
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some of you guys aren't reading your normal/sub-skills and it shows
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JFD, Bounty, Raid, and Permit shops reset tomorrow, make sure you've spent your coins and whatever
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>got D. Hina and S. Hoshino
>no kokona, Azoos or NYFuuka and will only be able to get the later after Hiero is over
I could grab Koharu from the shop but wtf else do I use/who do I borrow? There are so many different teams I'm kinda lost. I'm level 78 btw so the stats will be lower than max.
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Why did everyone get OShiggy except me this fes. This is some bullshit. ARONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I have the smallest penis in bag
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i got bAkane instead
I wanna fuck really bad now.
>I'm level 78
You are not getting plat nor are you doing torment, so for an insane run it's far more flexible so don't worry too much.
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Wakamo won't mind
You could probably clear INS with a borrowed dHina, sHoshino, Koharu and dAko if you got her with Nagisa and Himari for specials.
why would i want that
It works. Might use it myself since it looks more safe with the shield bubbles.
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I wanted her too and didn't get her. At least I got Ichika and Minori, both peak comfy soul too.
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My wife saori
You're welcome.
Yeah, I am taking full credit for your accomplishment. Bitch ass biiiitch
good job
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Makoto did nothing wrong
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i just copy what i find on youtube
This Total Assault is completely fucked isn't it?
Can't get plat for insane clears lol
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Suzumi alt when
well i got both units with 200 rolls, should i keep rolling with the 6% boost or call it here and save for future banners?
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I didn't get a single new student, even though I lack over 21 students including oshigger... All the dupes were either freely grindable or EU50 already too. Fuck Arona.
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You will probably have a bunch of insane clears on plat depending on the server but torment has never been easier
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she made me wait until the 200 roll
Holy crap
still, explode
Help, i can't find Ibuki's crayons
I was just about to mention how everyone who did get oShigure generally considered her to be the best spook on the Fest.
Based Shiggity Diggity Doo.
>follow this comp exactly
>higher UEs
>90 bars left
I usually don't respond to these types of posts but
Fuck you.
I had to spark her at 200 and ligma the whole way.
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>close to 5 star
I hope you explode sensei!
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Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive this time
What makes Nagisa good for the raid?
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>Eats Ibukis pudding
Makoto did so much wrong it hurts my soul.
I'm doing my first attempt at Torment and my UE40 MMMM T888 S.Hoshino dies by the end of P1. Is this normal? All the videos I watched have a relatively healthy S.Hoshino using similar time stamps.
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Thanks Shiroko
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I would assume it's both her AoE for the lantern, and the fact that she debuffs DEF on light armor enemies.
>100% retard proof braindead clear
Not really a brain-dead clear if you have to mald.
Hina should transfer
i see
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>EoS postponed once more
The steaks were always in our favor.
malding is brain dead
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nom nom
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Thank you, i keep forgetting to save the pic
What do the Priconne fans on 2ch have to say about this disastrous development?
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
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I'm fondling my Nuts for tomorrow's peroro
How much do I need to feed her to withstand insane?
Bro you can't post this I was just about to say my chink gacha is the BA killer
to schale
Oops, didn't mean to reply
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Why would you say that?
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Steaks are good
Natsu works fine 3* 4777
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it assumes you know how to play the game though. calling it retard proof is misleading
Post Ogogee
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is it ok not to be able to clear insane with this team? because i cant :(
>follow guide play by play
>80 bars left
Damn, that's some real skill right there if I do say so myself.
technically i have brain damage
so not entirely wrong
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But I'll answer anyway. Mine is 4* and never had a problem on Peroro, pretty sure even 3* is good enough with everything else maxed.
You need to time her EX as soon as the laser hits you though, or you'll melt.
Just crit more
I want to tell iori how much I love her before I cum inside so she can't do anything but gasp in response
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Is she die?
Raise your Mine some more
got my hina in 10 pulls, should i keep rolling for more 3* or should I save?
No she is Fubuki.
skill issue
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>Selector ticket costs the same as half a weekly minimum wage..
I can't believe I'm seriously thinking on buying one for Kokonuts.
Don't drop out of school kids.
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Wakamo wouldn't speak like that!
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Maybe on Greg GA.
Heh, I got 3 of here as well when I started on JP.
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>selector ticket costs the same as two zinger boxes
It’s over
No, she is sex.
He's calling you retarded, bruh
How new? I'd stop if I was you anyway.
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>Please give thanks to pic related for saving Blue Archive this time
Thank you Hoshino
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>selector ticket costs as much as 13 hotdogs
Cute not AI Waka, can I add this to my Wakamo folder?
Depends on your pyro stash.
Don't do it anon, do not. It's not worth it, you can borrow one and so long as you save you'll get one in the future.
No, I think you need to learn how the fight works.
Depends if you are new and are missing more fes students
>Selector ticket costs the same an a roguelike procesuraly generated indie game
I really really like Wakamo
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Fubuki cunnilingus
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Sorry still earning moonrunes

Don't worry man. Soon enough Mihoyo will make a Mihoyo Allstars with all their gacha combined into this one big epic gacha game. Surely it will kill Blue Archive
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heal the good lantern
heal when your character is on a timer and going to die
destroy the evil lantern when you are going for the damage
what else is there to learn?
I need kayocute in my life
>all other gacha generals (aside FGO) are fine with their selector prices
Sure friend, it's yours!
I drew the body too I just didn't have time to color it in yet though, so you might as well wait till next aggie for it.
But she's a cop!
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who are you getting with the selector? Debating between Mine and OShiggy
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the only right thing she did was help sensei groom ibuki and nothing else
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I'm trying to sign it
36.727 pyros, got all the fest students
Natsu is a retard
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I need kayoculo in my life.
I levelled my Kokona a bit more and swapped in S Shiroko for Serina and got my INS clear at least, just in case you care.
S Hosh, Azusa, Kokona, D Hina, Kotama, S Shiroko
Mine would help a lot in Gregorius but not so much otherwise
Shiggy’s main use is Set but… as far as I know Hanako is really close to her
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you think she'll file a report?
>Selector ticket costs the same as half a weekly minimum wage
800 bucks a month in the 3rd world?
Nice, stop and save my man.
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Something's in the air...
I'm missing two items, have i collected everything that was available so far?
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bros where's the promised EoS? is it a lost item? in which day can i find it?
>adding drawings that were drawn weeks earlier to the aggie
Literally worse than adding ai images and claiming they're yours.
is 4* t8 neck kokona enough for torm or do i need her ue30?
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Are you timing Kokona's heals correctly? You don't want her basic to heal the lantern.
>get 3x wakamo dupes
>still not enough to raise her to 4*
fucking nexon
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kayoko more like kayocute
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She's the smartest ASS and the leader for a reason.
I feel like this could be her new nickname.
It's enough.
need to touch all their butts
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No way in hell minimum wage is 800 freedom a month, at least in beanerland. It's more like 320.
Is your Kokona underinvested? Can she full heal the beacon every time? Are you keeping track of the healing debuff on the lantern?

This should be easily doable in 4 minutes
It's your fault for sniffing her hair so much and driving her to this, sensei.
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mob erotic
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that's not canon
My 4* MMMM T888 B18 Kokona is more than enough my with current rotation. However, you may need to consider that I am using UE40 Himari and UE50 Nagisa for stat transfer.

I think this was the problem. I fixed my Kokona heal rotation and I managed to get it down to 5m. I should be set for tomorrow with a little bit of critmalding.
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I'm happy for you. Good job anon!
Hmm, ok, I think I see what I need to do next. Thanks
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>throw all my gifts at HS. Shigure
>get to the lobby part
>sensei refuses stoat spooning like a homo
Is this just localizer fuckery or is it like this on JP too? They could have at least left it vague as to whether or not he did.
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you should have everything by now
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Sex with nuns
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did i mention that i saved a sparK?
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That’s apparently on sensei. He is fine with bathing with Chinatsu (literal elf) twice, but nowayfag’d the alcoholic stoat.
Fuck, i missed Ibuki's crayons and a peroro plushie, is there any way to get them now or is it over
one can be trusted and the other is a rapist
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Am I the only one here who had to spark bluefes?
All I see are smug ass luck niggers.
stop shilling aronadogs
no I will never get a membership
Thanks. I totally forgot about S. Shiroko since I only got her when I was rolling for Makoto, and I figured I only really needed to level her cost recovery so it didn't hurt my phaistos stash TOO badly.
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Remember that you can finish the missing items today, with peebuki's crayons not having a proper quest in the to-do list. You have to check stuff on your own and once found, Ibuki will appear
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They did my girl bad. Shelved for a WHOLE YEAR! Brought back for a humiliation ritual
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hoshino is literally me
Ibuki's crayons are available TODAY, RIGHT NOW.
You can get the plushie on the second go around.
>missed crayons
today is the day everyone unlocks it
you have to wait until thursday
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I god Dhinner in 40 and still sparked, literally no reason not to unless you're poor and ugly.
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Painting Migga!
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They already broke the emergency glasses. I don’t think we’d wait more than 6 months now.
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Don't forget to pat your students, bag
I'm sure you have a bunch of new students to pamper
Imagine you have your first night with Mari and you find out that she is not a virgin at 15, what will be your reaction?
>HS. Shigure
Highschool Shigure? They are all in high school.
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trinity fest for sure
Well comfy hours are over
This is what i get from trying to get all of them without looking at guides i guess, i went through all maps looking for lost items everyday, are those last two inside trash cans or something? i can't find the crayons either, i remember one of the NPCs saying her crayons were in a classroom but there are no shining lights there
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rights status: respected
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I don't. I got 11 dupes and 1 DHina.
Sensei should just randomly bitchslap all the strongest students as a display of dominance.
Hina, Hoshino, Mika, Neru, Wakamo, etc
Kill you.
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The many faces of Migga!
sensei slept with tacticool hoshino so he just said noway to stoatsex
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>have enough disposable income to whale if I want
>buying pyros directly still feels like a scam
What do
Touching professor Niyaniya's butt
this is not a high school girl...
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Shut the fuck up, don't talk shit about Mari
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insane will be enough for plat, have faith NA bros.
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Repent for your sinful thoughts, or perish.
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Wait, is aru useless now?
It feels like a scam because it is, your financial sense is still intact, don't waste that.
Hina what are you doing, she's right there, arrest her!?!
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I keep forgetting to remove the furniture when they show up to see their reactions when I pet them
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My favorite Migga face, Migga XD!
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reminder that all "strongest student" talk is just competing for 2nd place
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>he thinks I'm lucky enough to get new students aside from the spark
mari raped me in my sleep
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Feels good to be the strongest.
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I love her so much
It's a tragedy that she'll probably be reduced to just being a prop for Hinawank until the game EoSs
Rio was right
I wish all these gbfaggots would go away.
Blue archive
This but instead impregnate them.
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free my homie
Ignore that, the mikaspammers are back
You are very naive if you think you can find a virgin over the age of 11
See this, what do?
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which student is the most elegant and forward in her advances towards (you)?
Glasses = bad health
Cowtits = spine damage therefore bad health
Elf = terrible trash genes. Elves should be exterminated
Hag = way past the prime
whats your suggestion
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Migga is number 1, Alice is 2nd!
nah, I didnt have to but I still sparked and got a 3rd copy
Junko is allowed to roam free because she's innocent.
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The strongest
Ceiling like japs call it
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____ ______ ____?
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>sexy erotic seia?
very much so
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Rank them
halo = angel = already dead
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Shut the fuck up retard, it's just shorthand.
>3x bag drops at the same time as 3x reports
>Yukari is singing in my cafe
this but unironically
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Nonsense. She is just a healthy high schooler elf/demon
The point is, Rin is a repulsive hag.
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Migga universe!
Mari only does anal and will forever be a virgin.
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I'm listening to Hina sing at her piano right now
hag = good
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We know, Kaya
Kaya this is pathetic
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hifumi > hoshino > serika > ayane > nonomi > shiroko

Pyro pricing is completely unreasonable. I'd buy a spark for 10 bucks maybe.
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>t. Goat
i want to drain my balls inside of moe so bad.
struck a nerve? don't talk like a nigger if you don't want to be called one
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Grumpy loli Migga... How do I make her happy /bag/?
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Any alternative Torment strats for the kokonaless?
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This is a hag general
Or you are just posting secondary crap
Give her the sheep pajamas
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Only when Rio comes out
Hope you have a stoat.
"frfr" is shorthand for "for real." Use it.
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I wonder who's behind this post...
Was it actually implied in her momos?
I don't care about spoilers I already have one oji san I probably won't roll another
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Feed the Migga!
Is it alright if I give her gorilla pajamas instead? Sheep pajamas are sold out
but ceiling means you reached 200 and technically the top. 凸 is the actual equivalent word especially with multi spark.
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what a coincidence that guy's doujin recently got translated
cow seia love
The fact that Pandemonium shenanigans are the best part of this event is itself a victory.
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Looks like Insane is still too much for my lv78 little ass...
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I got 3 s.Hoshino dupes on just d.Hina's but still no Mika, s.shiroko or s.Hanako...
Should I really go for the 2nd spark? I'm feeling like I would benefit more from waiting for an s.shiro banner, but based on JP history I'd have to wait like 6 months...
As for dickpulls, I'm waiting for Kirara and Kirara only.
Wat do baggots
>himari ->serina
>kokone -> camp hare
noticeably worse but should work nonetheless
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I have, but only at 4* because I had to burn all ligma on D.Hina, and from a quick test in Insane... that won't be enough
They literally slept together after a late outing, and came back together in the morning. Sensei just casually tells Hoshino to come sleep next to him to keep her warm.
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>you must spam your student or you don't love her
This event really seems to be showing the prefects are just glorified hall monitors, Kasumi's crazy enough to keep escaping but the gourmets are basically getting detention for bad behavior before getting released, Iori seems to be processing the other team members to be released if you go down to the prison today.
No, 凸 is counter for how many teams you use in raid.
天井 = spark
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you're the one sperging out over a simple term no one else seems to be crying about
No it literally happens.
implied? they shared a blanket and were sleeping under it
it was even sensei that said get under the blanket now
So, in a way, this song is for (You)…
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has torment been powercrept yet? i will only do it when i can effortlessly 1t it first try with no resets
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Cute Migga!
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Professor Fluffy
>decide to check global torment clears, because why not
>open the first video I find
hope you guys listen with audio activated.
nobody cares about this character cmon bud pack it in
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August is the month.
天井 is taken directly from GBF too and proliferated to other gachas in JP, it's still a GBF term and is no different from other gachas using "spark" in English
If you already have nyFuuka, then I'd say go wild. Just know that there is a (high) chance that you'll walk away with nothing from your wanted list
Why don't /bag/ anon just become a janny to clean up this mess as it's posted?
They're all 3D whores. It's like trying to rank a piece of dogshit to another piece of dogshit.
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Canon wife...
What's more important for torment, UE40 Kokona or UE40 Nagisa?
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Hoshinobros winning
How to say you are a mikaposter without saying you are a mikaposter
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I kinda want to do clear 8 from this image. Does anyone have a video of this team on hand? I'd like to know what UE level they are before I commit any resources.
>the song in question
UE40 Kokona
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coom in doom
good night /bag/
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Where the fuck did you fags come from?
We've always called it spark.
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They all arrive at once. Very natural.
So anyway, which new student did you get, and are you planning on maxxing them?
For me, it's natsu, and I was only able to get her to 4* for now.
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ok but could someone explain why he adds so much noise to those images?
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Miku Miku
Miku Miku
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Koharu or T.Mari are probably the only 2 options left.
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Migga wink!
Probably to make them impossible to filter
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Good night
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I mean, good for Hoshinofags but god damn do I hate dev favoritism sometimes (emphasis on the 'tism')
4chas has an AI that prevents mod submitted NSFW images from uploading
or something like that
He probably thinks he's evading some imaginary imagine similarity filter, as if 4chan has the free computing power to check every image uploaded against a database of "banned" images for similarity lmao
AI processing so they're harder to filter.
real nigga momoiposters would already know this
Love Goz theme
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I just tried, UE30 works for me
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The Koharu one looks doable, I wonder if UE40 d.Hina is enough for that one, because I know most of these are UE50
people in japan still calls 236 and such as hadouken, tatsumaki, yoga flame, etc. you'll never get rid of tendency towards thr first popularized term
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Somehow, the scatfag is still the least annoying mikaposter
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Dress Migga!
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3 Iori dupes when I already have her fully maxed and at 20 bond.
At least I got regular Shiroko and Wappi.
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I redeemed
Thank you pvp coins
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Why is she like this?
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Someone please make a list for students that are fine at *3 and which are mandatory UE30/UE40.
Don't people post porn all the time?
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Sweaty saggy HAG
Ah, thank you.
Damn, I was hoping to get away with not UE40'ing either oShig or Kokona but it seems I have to make a choice. I'll probably just roll a dice tomorrow.
Imagine the smell.
Is tgat Yuyuko
I guess you should destroy the red lantern as soon as possible? The defence debuff doesn't have a timer. Is that right?
to continue the royal bloodline
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that means I'd have to look at the posts from other generals and I'd rather get my teeth knocked in with a tack hammer than have to mop up the schizos from /gig/, /gbfg/, or /fgog/
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Did you say thanks to pic related for saving global?
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Sad Migga...
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The royal bloodline must prevail
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I got this with my free 10. Is it any good?
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You might have to critmald a bit more. My UE40 D.Hina is good enough, but I am using Kokona.
There was a /bag/got janny for a while but he quit.
Wish on a star and maybe it'll be your student next time.
Not really favoritism since Sensei does shit with his students like bathing in a hot spring with Chinatsu. Sensei was just being a massive fag with Shigure for some retarded reason.
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Voluntarily BRICKED
>non-BA image
Serina is the best low-rarity healer who sees use in endgame
Other than that, trash, maybe save for Haruka with a massive investment and Serika/Pina as very situational DPS
Only main DPS need UE40/50
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Migga XD! XD!
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See this >>488319887.
>neru and toki

>the rest
..no thanks...
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Who's your daddy? Say, who's your daddy?
Who puts you in your place?
Who's your daddy? Bitch, who's your daddy?
Surrender and obey (Who's your daddy?)
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i wish i could run d.hina kit with base hina skin
that dress is just not flattering at all i don't want to have see it for at least a year until d.hina get powercreeped by the next anniversary red dps
Goddamn pinaspammers. HAVE YOU NO SHAME
Jannies are unpaid, should just let them choose which bathroom to clean up.
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Classic le fuukaface post.
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Migga is trapped!
Thank you for your honest answer. You keep me afloat in the wait for Hiyori's fat tits.
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They won't powercreep bluefes students any time soon. It's why they're so reluctant to release a blue Mika or dHina, they don't want to powercreep Wakahoe
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I love my cool wife
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The mess is being cleaned as it's posted, the problem is we have a mika anon that is mad as fuck about him coming back so he's spamming to fight him off, so there's a lot to clean.
The biggest problem tho is that we can't hornypost until either of them dies.
Even an offtopic pic dosent explain why the "wizards" never casted themselves out of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody? JUst ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
I made this post.
He's posting pictures of his wife? HOW DARE HE
isn't tacticool hoshino better than waka? Also Malice is getting bond gear, so I guess she is better
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Shy Migga!
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I like cool and cute Hina
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>isn't tacticool hoshino better than waka?
She's not.
>Also Malice is getting bond gear, so I guess she is better
She's not.
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On that note I die inside every time some NIGGER says Little Witch Academia is Harry Potter with anime girls when it's clearly anime version of The Worst Witch.
Got Hina on Hoshino's banner and then got Hoshino at 190 and sparked her. not too bad.
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Thanks, I'll give that a shot first.
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THoshino will only see use in Perorodzilla and my bed.
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>wakadev sabotaged a double bluefes
I don't understand this argument.
Everyone posts pictures of their wives, what this guy is doing is just spam.
He wasn't even doing it until the scat came back, how can you expect anyone to fall for it?
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For me and my Miggas it is Chronicles of Narnia, one of the 1st isekai's. Has incest and childhood friend romance too! Based CS Lewis!
There is no Wakadev.
It's true
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>not a copy pasta
for me, its dragonlance
That's exactly the kind of thing a wakadev would say.
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Malice already got her bond gear and she's still used less than Wakamo. Tier lists and JP high rankers are saying vest Hoshino is worse than her too but I'd give it a minute since we can't test her out yet. She seems kinda niche though.
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Is that... Bocchi the 4chan (forma de ui)!?
You're retarded
There were 30 yuri pictures posted every thread. Guess thanks to what
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>Haruna in everything, even main stories
>Wakamo in two events
>your student
>Hogwarts school of your student
Yup he's intentionally baiting that mindbroken kek
What are you talking about?
>t9 shoes
>jp tier list
God bless
cheringles spotted
Fuckoff already
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>The Worst Witch
Kino mentioned.
The yeezys
I linked you proof...
I hope peoples assumptions are correct and Hoshino and Kuroko aren't overly busted, would be nice if they learned how to dial back on the powercreep a little.
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Quiet, Ako
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What type of books would Ako-chan read?
The scat spammer never left you moron. He was just posting yuri pictures as replies to Mika pics instead. Eventually he got banned for spam so he got mad and went back to scat
>no halo
I think hes been changing md5s though
Which donatsu did he post?
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Oh noes, I forgot my Migga!
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They all are, one of them confessed he hides the replies to his own posts kek
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you're talking to his boyfriend don't bother
Affection rework when?
fifty shades of gray
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Is Hinata worth invest? I got her yesterday but I thought it was bad, Wakamolet btw
Kuroko definitely isn't outside of Set, and nobody gives a fuck about Set. Unless they release a new blue raid (with an attack type that doesn't fuck her over) that's focused on auto attacking, Kuroko will never be busted.
Chiaki is such an ugly punchable whore.
Affection autists are unironically the primary source of income
She has her uses. Requires her bond gear and fairly high investment to shine.
Are bounties actually a good way to get blu rays, im starting to run dry.
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You are losing it
>$20 a month
>there are like ten of them in the whole world
She's good for some content like Goz and Pelolo but she absolutely needs her bond gear to boost her attack.
That's good at least, I guess it comes down to Hoshino.
I know he didn't leave, I never said he left, just that the scat itself came back
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Godly for Perorozilla while paired with Ui. The Peroro meta may suffer a bit of change with Ibuki boosting Iroha.
you guys can stop giving it attention
Is Set really that bad?
What, to turn getting bond100 into a participation trophy?
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I-is that
I am no longer being honest
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I prefer reading schizo alternate history ancient alien shitpost books than fantasy books... Migga?
You get bounty tokens to buy moar it's the best if there is no other option available like the current event
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>two parfaits
Thank you crafting gods
No, they should raise the cap to 200 and add alternate RLs for getting there. 1000000 points from 1 to 200.
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Yes (not purple though). Don't forget to buy the packages so you have 15 tickets
If Asia then yeah that's probably our Junkoanon
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>wakadev throws hissy-fit melty in the meeting room when someone suggest a blue striker bluefes
Yeah, i can see it. A personality trait shared by wakafans too no doubt
No, it's fun.
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This is our wakadev
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I'm gonna add him
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Migga smile!
You said people weren't posting mika pics. They were, a lot of pics.
Kill the Jimblefag.
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Sankyu I have a lot of gehenna units I leveled since I didn't think I'd get hina, but here I am in a post having hina world.
That gets you jannied? WTF!?
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Why is she looking like that?
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I learned the fight.
I can't believe our wakadev is fucking dead
Forgot your cat pic.
Can I put oShiggy and Kokona in the same team or nah
Hikari needs to let me do that for her
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Migga with a sword!
>You said people weren't posting mika pics
I cummed inside Kikyou and studentzoned Kazusa.
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Where Ogo
Anon he said the Mika spammer wasn't posting, not Mikafags.
Wakamo makes me cum fast
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There's no ranking so autistic rankers don't have an incentive to whale and whatnot for it, while the rewards for the higher floors aren't good enough for the casuals.

Keep in mind that yes, you do get stat boosts, BUT out of the 25 levels you can get to max each stat, you can get to level 24 in them all just by going to floor 80-something (I forget the exact floor), which almost anyone can do by borrowing a friend's max DPS. So essentially all you're missing out on by not having these "Set-focused students" is ONE fucking level in a student's stats, which equates to like 5 extra attack out of 9k or some shit.

Also it's not fun and it's gay and it's shit and it's retarded AND I FUKCING HATE PLAYING IT so I'm a little biased
which student doesn't make you cum fast
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The last book I read was a Jocko Willink book
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Stop being angry.
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This face always amuses me.
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Migga double peace XD!
Good Job!
>not liking lewd cosplays
you gay?
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For me, it's Floor 57.
wakadev does not like hfcs and seed oil slopping westernized asians
>Everyone posts pictures of their wives, what this guy is doing is just spam. He wasn't even doing it until the scat came back
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So how come Hina didn't properly check the bin with the crayons until today?
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Not one good post in sight.
American hours, everybody.
man i think wakamo was right and i'm just retarded
she will fix you
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Is New Year Kayoko any good as a unit or is she shit?
Yes, the spammer only started doing it after the scatfag came back, when did I say no one posted mika before?
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Dangle Dangle
You can, sure
Not sure why you'd do it since oShigure should be able to solo heal the lantern, but you do you
seems like the order of how lost items spawned daily were just really out of order
Buy figures and post them here
Commission fanart of any situation you want, god knows a lot of artists will be willing to draw whatever if it's BA, also post it here
shes very good
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You reading comprehension sucks.
core for any blue raid
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Cool Migga!
top tier support
I see similar number of mika pictures per thread
how many ligma to go 3* —> 5* ?
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>cleaning out room since I'm moving
>find $300
today is a good day
Then you are blind, or lying, ctrl + F migga already has 25 matches.
Lovely, thanks
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I love the BA OST but I've listened to it to death
Recommend me something relaxing while I play Minecraft and wait for my AP to come back
900 iirc
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Oh, so you have money now~
happy for you though anon
about tree fiddy
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Misaki should grow her hair
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Mika sheep and Migga!
You weren't kidding when you said Momoi was secondarybait
why is there a guy spamming mika poop images
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I remember when Asuna was the premier bait
what's so special about that floor?
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Funny sex number haha
First day?
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Least mentally ill mikaposter as you'll soon come to learn
spend it on p something nice for yourself
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Loli Migga!
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cat students?
thats a fox
Weren't y'all filtering miga images...
The video game music I listen to is usually not relaxing
69 creampies
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Icon of lust
Kuroko SHOULD have been busted. Blue damage is just leagues behind red and yellow and I just don't know why. They were willing to utterly break red a SECOND time with D.Hina after S.Hoshino already broke it, yet they're not willing to budge with even some minor powercreep for blue. Why?
Every thread has a schizo. Ours loves scat and then cries people still post Mika.
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Age of Mythology
Stardew Valley
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No Migga don't bully the smol Mika...
discarded and forgotten
>yet they're not willing to budge with even some minor powercreep for blue. Why?
Wakamodev prevents them from powercreeping blue.
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Blue racism.
We don't make that joke anymore
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A lot of the miggaspammer pictures are not in the hash, he either changes pictures or evades filtering
The other spammer uses always the same few pics so he's easy to filter
She should have used her boss kit and switch around the entire Abydos moveset
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Flustered Migga!
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Sorry bros I've been busy
>Tat new Kayoko short
she literally can't do that anymore
been hoarding ligmas for so long, over a year of saving them. can never decide what to spend them on
I don't want to do torment...
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Three star gang stay winning.
why arent jannies banning this guy
PVP team
Why would someone change hashes to avoi-oh
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I have her """""heal""""" the green lantern and it only fills the bar 10%, what am I doing wrong
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Thinking about child pussy
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Princess Migga!
No matter how obvious it is he's doing it with malicious intent, spamming like this for hours is not against the rules as long as it's related to the general.
I asked.
Mari is a horse, not a dog
Learn to use filters.
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Thinking about hag pussy
Thought police, this man right here
It should have been a battery in Momoi's hand
lanterns get a huge healing received debuff when they cast their skill
you have to wait for the debuff to end
I'll allow it
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Don't eat too much Migga you will get fat and get sidechubs...
Where is she guiding me?
Imagine kissing Alice and she tastes like battery acid...
Seia is a horse not a fox
mmm, motor oil...
Kokona would never
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I've gotta know (nobody oughta be alone on Christmas)
Where do lonely hearts go? (Nobody oughta be alone on Christmas)
Oh, nobody oughta be all alone on Christmas
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Migga enters!
So for defence, what exactly is the advantage of Yuuka Shun Marina NYHaruna vs Yuuka Marina Shun NYHaruna?
Isn't the first one always better, or am I dumb?
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You can check near the top of the current public bans page.

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