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Previous: >>488363532

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Yunli Trailer — "Serendipity"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace"

>Current Character Banners: (Yunli, Huohuo + Hanya, Yukong, Lynx) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31605001
>Current Light Cone Banners: Dance at Sunset (Destruction), Night of Fright (Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31605079

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
>lady fu , yunli, clara, robin

is having yunli and clara on the same team dumb?
tried doing jobbing resources and it seemed to be fine

any other team comps without tingyun and march? dont have them built yet
>1+ year older than /zzz/ and we're already copying their memes
will this general ever have ANYTHING original?
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You will always be Stelle
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what the fuck does yunli say when she counters?
something about mountains?
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Shipperpagcels, it was fun, but it's time to go back
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she's so pretty bros..
she's for me right?
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You cannot be cucked if the girl was never for you, was never marketed for (You) and barely interacts with (you) and (you) (stelle) do not give a shit about her either.
I just don't see the point
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Bros, I regret not going for E1 Jade after getting E0 for free. Rerun when? (Also, I think the IPC loves me. I got Topaz in 15 warps)
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Pain... had to top up...
Eh, there's some canon couples in FGO
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Somehow zzz in not even a month old yet but they have a bunch of OC like the miyabi edits
something about cutting down mountains or cutting down clouds
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Friendly reminder that this patch is what Twitter trannoids always wanted.
>make the MC a non-character
>non-stop barrage of wordslop for >muh worldbuilding
>put two characters in the screen and make you feel the sexual tension between them
>"don't like it? You must be a third-world trash soup eating INCEL from Indonesia. GET REKT, CHUD"
Feel free to express how "satisfied" you're with this course of action in the next survey.
It's cuckshit if I (the player) am attracted to her
Sorry for messing up
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I've heard nothing but bad things about this patch from here.
Anything good in it?
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feixiao side booba
Wtf is with this new spam?
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>This is particularly noticeable when looking at Yunli without her Signature Light Cone, because for whatever reason this Light Cone seems to have an absurdly high Aggro modifier. For the sake of consistency alone, getting Yunli's Light Cone for either character is worth considering.
>If you are not getting Yunli’s Signature Light Cone, it is strongly recommended, and even borderline mandatory, that you use Lynx with Yunli for increased Counter consistency

it is now MANDATORY to get signature cones. To get a complete character in HSR you need to roll on 2 banners and win both. If you don't the character drops of AN ENTIRE TIER. This plus the constant powercreep... it truly is a honkai game. They are going to milk this playerbase dry
anyone know how Yunli's full auto AI?
she was marketed for (Me) since she's barefoot
So asking again anybody fineshe the story? If so how long did it take
Why am I playing the game then? Oh right I'm not anymore, now I just need to be freed from /vg/.
Edit in a screaming self-insert cuck in the background.
They should rerun Ratio with Feixiao it would be funny
It's not new, it's just some retard
Well stop being attracted to her and get over it
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>Return to China
>Quality just plunges again
>As well as now pandering to shippers
Yup. We're fucked.
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Holy fuck I just played the quest and the cuckshit levels are over ther roof
Sorry for the Yunlibros but at least once this patch flops hopefully we will never get shit like this again
you're here forever retard
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hate to break it to you but
jing yuan is a dude.
I'm almost done, and the last part has been pretty decent so far at least.
I think this patch has also had a lot more animated scenes too.
I take a quick vacation to zzz and now we've got some new schizos?
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Just bought a pakeji
>Yunli gets ship bait before she even gets drip marketed
No way Acheron is the same tier as FF without her cone, same with Ratio being above DHIL at E0S0 wtf are they smoking
How long it took?
Yunli but she landed on Ismail, snu-snuing in the process.
kek you stole my joke anon you bastard
Simply put if they aren't for (You) then they shouldn't require you to spend currency to roll for them
why didn't anyone post it here then
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Can't cuck me if I was never wearing pants to begin with!
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Man. YanKing is gonna take it real hard when I steal his girl huh?
how the fuck is brickeron e0s0 in t0? lmfao
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>2.3 gave us 2.4 and 2.5 leaks
>no 2.6 leaks
>somehow have 3.0 leaks and info
i swear these leakers are the most incompetent fucks on the planet
I don't get any of the cuck posting since i'm skipping this patches story out of principle since it's state mandated chinawank
>every character in the game is free
ermm... this is not good for business methinks
He literally tells you that you can just use Lynx.
They did? Jing yuan shipping them together was posted thousands of times.
I had hoped that Mihoyo was smart enough to not throw in shipping shit, but I guess HSR truly is a mixed toilet game.
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>Chinkslop patch
>Ship bait patch
>Camera man patch
>Yurigods won
>shipfags won
>HonkaiGODS won
What's the March build? Can I just use ATK boots since she only spams basic and FuA with a fast master?
I'm at around ~3 and a half hours without skipping, I think.
We can just accept Prydwen is retarded now right? They're pushing this stupid narrative about Yunli being a brick at S0 while glazing Acheron who is literally 25% WORSE at E0S0. This tier list's metrics make no fucking sense, if one character is worse without their cone then you can't put the posterchild of "bricked without light cone" at E0.

Retarded website.
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>Yunli quest involves a Space Finland planet named after the ancient poem Sampo is from
>a sword originally from Space China was stuck in Space Finland for a while and became a famous relic called the Miekka Kivessä (means Sword in the Stone)
Is Gui actually from Space Finland too? Is that why she's the only maid model that does the money grubbing jew hands animation like Sampo?
I actually have to care about something to waste time on it
They did. We knew about it before we even knew what she looked like.
YanKING broke you
I just got to the m7 pov after an hour of mass clicking and autoing while taking a shit.
Yeah, it's kino.
Threads are full of kuroshills.
>cuck cuck cuck cuck
who is getting cucked?
why do they always force the slop onto us? It's not fair, bwos...
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under the assumption that you have gnsw s5 and not getting the stacks doesn't influence your damage (it does)
Feixiao is confirmed an IPC dick sucker so the anons that want their fua team to be lore accurate also won
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I just met Lingsha. How much do I have left?
holy shit wtf is this
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>/hsrg/ pagcels are mad because a 10yo girl isn't fellating them the minute they talk to her
Why are you so desperate for a child's validation?
Feel free to uninstall and go to a game that panders to your mental illness, like >>>/vg/bag
I'm glad this patch is finally filtering all the pedophiles from this community, good riddance.
>initially unimpressed with Lingsha drip marketing post
>see her in game and hear her voice and think "wait she's actually sex"
>remember that Vidyadhara reproduce asexually and can't get pregnant and the high comes back down
is this a limbus reference
I just want to know who on the HSR development team has such a boner for Yanqing because they very obviously need to lose their job.
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bwo your luck?? dont tell me you cant luckchad your rolls
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For me, it's Jiaofei
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talking booba
I'm missing five treasure chests in the prison gay zone and i have no fucking clue how to get them
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I have enjoyed it a lot so far. Only posting here because of a stupid glitch with taking pictures.
>Yurigods won

Anyone who wants to be cucked
Yes, the performance is actually worse in practice. Either way, Prydwen is retarded. If Yunli is T1 because of her reliance on her sig, then Acheron should also be that low or worse. But she is not, they even had her in T0 in Pure Fiction like retards even though her performance there is abysmal unless she's carried by the DoT hags.
Your Numby???
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I hope when i'm old I can be like my hero Huaiyan
>can't get pregnant
You're not trying hard enough.
Is it just me or does Lingsha fucking suck in this story Jesus H Christ what a unlikable bitch of a whore
Yunliggers be like
>"Mmmm I want to look at other's foot ohh yessss baby please I want to see how that foot walk on these beautiful floorings! Wait.... She stepped on a rusty nails? OH BABYYY SHE'S SUCH A WHORE!!!"
why didn't anyone post it last week I mean
I will impregnate Yunli before Yanqing gets to
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>for space china, we are willing to warp jump BACK to xianzhou
>the wardance is canon
kek, nice.
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Atheists were initially outraged by the Big Bang theory, denouncing it as Catholic propaganda. The concept of the universe having a definitive beginning echoed too closely the religious narrative of creation, making many atheists suspect it was a ploy to insert faith into science. They vehemently championed the steady-state model, which maintained the universe had no beginning, to avoid any semblance of divine implication. Despite this fervent opposition, the overwhelming tide of scientific evidence (by Catholic scientists) eventually established the Big Bang as a cornerstone of modern cosmology.

How Anti-Religious Bias Prevented Scientists from Accepting the Big Bang
based sister, twitterfags just keep winning
Why did Yunlo already flop?
What if YanKING is literally me?
>Avenpaz anon became Jiaofei anon
It was posted last week. It is months old news anon.
Who enjoys this shit?
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I'll take the cuckposting over the religious shit
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shangchong loafoo... home...
fuck, I'm blind then
even more delusional than MC self-inserters, impressive
was it absolutely necessary to replace both huohuo, tail/argenti's eng va? what happened at their agency lol.
who is getting cucked?
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>I'll take the cuckposting over the religious shit
Is jiaoqiu really a baby? likes he behind feixiao and she’s like he asked for no pickles?
Give me a story summary for this patch, i'll sooner suck a cock then read chinaslop
Wait I thought we could just warp to wherever we have already activated the anchor points whenever we want?
Unironically more interesting than this thread
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I dunno how many avenpaz anons are there but not me.
Jiaoqiu is so shit
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yunli is such a bitch
kind of regret wasting my rolls on her
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i do NOT regret pulling Yunli because she finally allowed me to beat the latest PF
ignore the second team jobbing, they all died to the deer with 2 cycles remaining
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wait, you were all self inserting and thinking yunli was for (you)? even though she's daughter material.
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I wish Yanfei is in the game, but she's gonna be the same asshole lawyer line Dr. Ratio
Idk why all the CCs kept saying you NEED lynx if you don't have S1, 99% of Yunli's counters happen from her taunt, she has very few energy issues unless you're using weird supports.
she works fine with any other sustain.
religious shit is higher tier of cuckposting if you think about it
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What a brat!
No retard just one of them is actually on topic
We really have to wait until 2.5 to fight Hoolay? Fuck.
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My girlfriend is so cute
We should unite them
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It's simple: I see C&C, I support C&C
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space chinkland is prime feet territory mane
the only good thing it has going for it

>yunli's plaps sound different than clara's plaps
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>skim through a couple of the previous threads I missed
>99% of the anons spamming cutesy FF posts are 28-47 year old men
hebe with bare feet
sister is a sexo elf
puts shotas in their place
grandpa is a funny old shrunken man but when he pulls his sword out you KNOW shits gonna happen
yeah she won
>YanKING does a thing
>everyone kneels and claps
>he then proceed to have a foursome while MC watches
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nooo why is she in the tutorial again I want PAGLUS
I guess there are two of you with differing opinions...
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Save me from this ship please
>Even more rampant powercreep
>Even more Chinawank
I'm done. Am I too late for Genshin and ZZZ?
>t. ruan mei
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Probably the most miserable clear I've ever tried to attempt, just for the sake of seeing if it was possible.
TB = camera
Yanking = hero
if you like firefly NTR you can enjoy old men liking her so much that they post pics of her here for other old men to enjoy :3
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words can not express how little enthusiasm i have for this luofu quest
someone just TL;DR me if anything actually interesting happens or if i can just finality's vision this shit for march
Only 26% chose Caelus though.
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Aren't we low on train juice and in need of warping to new places for the trailblaze energy to recover?

Isn't going back to space china a bad thing for the train?
No such thing as footchad when your fetish involves nicely clipped toenails and lushes hair on toes
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Is that a problem?
yanqing and yunli have sex
>thread is so bad that the religionposter is the only good thing in it
It's generally overblown, as long as you have Tingyun feeding her energy it shouldn't be THAT much of an issue. Putting her next to a Pres unit like this also helps ironically since she has a higher chance of getting hit by any blast next to another high taunt unit.
You don't fuck your daughter?
It only gets interesting at the end where it ends on a cliffhanger.
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fool me once...
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Can't believe Yanqing is the actual mature sane person between the two
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>early 5* (14 pulls)
>lost the coin flip
am I bricked?
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>Yanqing, Yunli, and March find a bunch of beast terrorists
>Literally just stand there shocked saying they should go tell someone
They LITERALLY have phones
All of this could have been avoided if they fucking used them
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If you had fofo you would shave 2 cycles off of that btw
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Current results. Thoughts?
You were not supposed to point that out
Yunli Clara double footjob
>Have to wait 2 more weeks for Feixaio
Yunli's slow ass banner is killing the game.
No daughter of mine would act like that much of a cunt
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Who are the characters literally no one runs
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hell yeah making up those 35k jades I spent on her one at a time
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Why all the cuckposting?
C&C won
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we love religion posting here
idk i havent played the event yet
Try 42 days
a terrorist group of space werewolves bust their undying space werewolf progenitor out of space china's superMAX prison and he's gonna start some shit (next update)
Sunday lost
Why are all our VAs mass exoding from HSR?
You just got a girlfriend. Imagine how heartbroken she would be if you cheated on her one patch later.
We make up for it with social credit points
Honestly I’m not sure what surprised me more: Moze being kinda a goofy despite looking like an edgelord or lingsha being only pretending to be chill when in fact seems like like she’s ready to snap at any moment.
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Thoughts about Feixiao?
is it actually baited that hard? I just started the event
cuckgame begets cuckposting
Bunch of the EN ones groomed kids/defended their coworkers who did it.
Agency is cleaning house.

ALSO in the middle of this the union VAs all just announced they were on strike
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>you have to visit fei xiao, chong ching ping wiu and huohuo in the Xianzhou luofu planet

burgerbros, how do we deal with this nonsense?
My VAs are Japanese though.
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>monopoly game foreshadowed it
Now give me my Bronya date and everything will be forgiven, Dawei
Bronya rabu!
>everyone likes the same character
holy retard
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>Try out Yunli's showcase
>She instantly ults at the beginning of the fight unprompted
Really? I fucking hate this, that's so blatantly overpowered
Moze was kind of expected since he gets called weirdo, I like it since it's cringekino
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i like Fu capping out my crit better
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Which is fine. We all have different tastes so I respect my fellow Avenpaz shipper enough to acknowledge that
ive yet to play the event, but im just going to assume everyone in this thread are overreacting with the whole shipping thing.
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why are you a cuckfag? I'm done with you hsrg fags for the next 42 weeks all this cuckposting is homoposting in disguise
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>they're stretching this shit over 4 (four) (cuatro) (四) patches
i don't think i'm gonna make it bros
This "forced ship" is normal in china lol. Chink parent often say stuff like this in joking manner, ex: their kid and he/she(other kid) is a lovely couple.
>why do shills tell you to spend???
truly a fucking mystery
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She is the best dps in the game, simple as.
Also the reason gay fox was nerfed 4 times in a row, and also the reason we will never get a broken nihility debuffer ever.
awww they're so cute
Oh. Okay. Was wondering why Huohuo and Tail were being recasted too.
>Mr Tail defending grooming kids
I agree. Plus, his combat animations are sick as hell. They really do a good job making the 4 stars look cool like Gallagher and Xueyi
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Anyone did Yunli's companion quest? Any (you) pandering?
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Nah i'd win
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I want to watch Yanqing cum inside Yunli's hairless cunny.
>the best dps in the game
that's seele
Cute hag
Is it just shitposters voting on this
They're kids you retarded freak
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>She is the best dps in the game
Yes, at E2S1. She's dogshit at E0S0
t. owner of E0S0 Acheron.
My E0S0 Firefly is at least 2 tiers above her
Why are hags so horny
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wtf hoyowiki recommends m8 over topaz...
We're not.
I just finished the whole thing and it was:
>60% chink wordslop shoved into your ears
>30% of everybody going "WOW YOU'RE SO AWESOME LORD YANKING, LEMME SUCK YOUR DICK" every 2-3 paragraph
>10% March being a retard (again)
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nami dame
I have E0 Firefly and she is dog shit.
Are you really okay with getting crumbs after being treated like shit?
March status?
Got Yunli and her cone in 80 rolls. We did it bros.
>ALSO in the middle of this the union VAs all just announced they were on strike
Really? So maybe that's why hoyo is changing voices
There is no cuckposting because you weren't cucked
You weren't fooled
You weren't betrayed
It was all obvious and you chose to look away
i would say samGOAT i feel like im the only chad that uses him in dot teams while everyone else runs Lil Gui Slutfag
ok and? just vote bro
No, the whole patch so far is about their relationship (+ a few March shenanigans)
March is the only saving grace
gratz bro, enjoy your counters
>Ratio bumped up a tier for no fucking reason
Yeah fuck this retarded site
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just woke up. how the fuck are people surprised that yunli and KING get together? its been shitposted here for like a month straight. its been in EVERY official video and drip marketing related to the patch that hoyo has uploaded
you'd have to be blind, deaf AND dumb to have expected anything else
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Paglus melty
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this is the last event I did in HSR. how much have I missed and do I need to do penacony before going back to space china
I wouldn't have care if they haven't showed her feet so much. Like ok here's a bare feet loli with a gigantic sword, btw she is this twink's girlfriend
>no Jade guide from IWTL
>no Yunli guide either
Did he drop the game? His dad jokes were atrocious, but otherwise the guides were pretty good
I mean that's how I feel every time I see paglus
Zero posts about the game. Yep, this general fucking sucks.
See you never losers.
she may be the twink's gf but she's my wife
oh no no no...
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THIS mother fucker again
>mild shitpost is now considered a meltdown
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No, with the retarded amount of focus, marketing, cutscenes and CG on their relationship - I'm pretty sure this is shipbait in some form. Sorry bwo.
Wait until 2.8, where you saw this? and if this is the case the space china story this time is larger than the main one during 1.x
Am I supposed to filter pag it seems like people just use this term to indicate their posts are worthless
uhoh self-insertfags melty
>hoyo is changing voices
AFAIK they outsource that shit.
Same reason Sundays? VA just got fired
>yunli gets absolutely RAPED by the dot bots in MoC
based mihoyo making footfags suffer
This reminds me of the Manifesting Lingsha Lamia delusion
>Herta Spinning.gif
based omnipandering guru, ate crumbs his entire life to warn others of how it is
>Pagluscucks are already bored of Pagfly
I like her design but her actual combat animations kinda disappoint me.

Like why would you make her look like she’s about to go super saiyan in her Ultimate only to then respawn the weapons BACK into her hands and have her do these really awkward looking slashes that just seem like a worst version of Acheron’s slashes? Its all just too messy for my liking.
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Absolute waste of a design, god it makes me so mad why the fuck did they do it. A perfect berserker hobo too
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My nigga Skott
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hope they add skip button soon because chinawank stories are so shit also im skippig all of these whores for my wife huxian forma de tingyun but better
The real cuck is Boothill va, I mean think about it.
Use Aventurine he hard counters them.
shes pretty alright with tb and asta/tingyun and aeon
she's definitely not crazy high dps compared to most crit hypercarries, but if you're on a newer account without insane crit relics already her attack and break effect builds still keep up.
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Skill issue.
Everyone gets raped by dotbots. Even Aventurine.
Go read characters kit and figure out yourself.
Send in The Sushang
>shipperpagcel melty
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I don't care. Yunli is for me. And if I catch that little twink with her I'll fuck him too.
Sunday got fired from 3 irrelevant indie games that no one cares about. He didn’t get fired from HSR.
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kyaaa dan hung is so manly
i wield my sword to take down enemies.
>blade approves +5
I think the real cucks are the people spending money for rolls instead of buying figs
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>Yan/Yuli is now the most pushed pairing in the game after TB/Firefly
Just use her with Clara's LC?
That's the omnipandering wheel, you have to hope the spin lands on you, otherwise you get treated like shit
You think we’ll ever see a friendly side to the denizens of abundance or are they all just a bunch of evil monsters like the Borisins?
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why is the gay doctor in S+ tier?

what the hell happened?
works on my machine!
Expecting her lamia form during ult was reasonable. They just completely changed her. Without her lamia part, she just looks like ruan mei or some other generic chink. I should have just rolled for an extra copy of Jade.
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I randomly got this relic. Who can even use it?
This little niggas survived 2 Emanators now.
It's too powerful...
based as fuck
>shes pretty alright with tb and asta/tingyun and aeon
This is a lie. I have this. Sure she can hit like 300-400k but then enemies get unbroken again right away and she does wet noodle damage. Or you don't set it up and she does mid damage all around. She needs RM and she needs Eidolons. My E1 hyper carry Clara is better and my Clara sucks.
How gay does this look with Caelus?
Have you tried using her on AUTO? How is she using that?
Jingliu x Me is still the most popular ship for me
TB should just look like this
Yunli's POV
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uhh mobile version doesn't have the time freeze for ult activation that the console version has? where's the feature parity
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Ideally every character should get a canon ship like Yanqing just got.
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>Go re...
hmmmmm nyo
the fact that he's a tiny 5-10% acheron upgrade still makes him part of the best team in the game
Is Fofo really that mandatory for Yunli? Why isn't tingyun enough for energy
Take the rainbowpill and shove it on any damage unit, or maybe throw it on Sparkle/Bronya.
maybe we're getting a hot wingweaver bird waifu though I wouldn't count on it
you have never even met jingliu lmao
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Why do you need every character be for (You)?
Does Yunli need Tingyun? I thought she just steals Clara's teammates and thought she wasn't used there.
Vulnerability is an OP debuff. Even using him outside of Acheron team, he's still the best debuffer in the game.
I love how Caelus looks more and more gay with every new scene, this was hilariously bad with him.
Acheron and who? Surely you're not a lorelet who thinks Jing is an emanator?
Jing Yuan won.
They are the enemies of space china if they showed an empathetic side to them it would make the space chinks looks bad on purpose
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yunli is terrible for auto she doesn't counter correctly
she is a gameplayCHAD character
maybe if you're yunli is cracked you can auto anyway thanks to her passive that gives you a free counter state every other ult
How is he patting my hand, nigga is like 5 feets away from me
i.. i liked it
Because Tingyun generates a flat amount of energy, while Huohuo generates a % of their maximum energy.
Because I'm kissless virgin irl
>2ch, bilibili, arca.live and 5ch are all talking about the game and no one is melting down over imaginary "cuckshit"
This is probably retarded pinoys at it again trying to shit up the thread
This. But i am yanqing
tingyun is actually more useful for frequent ult activation. But using fofo allows you to put sparkle instead of tingyun for more damage
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To account for everyone's tastes retard. Yes even the males should be for (you) it's that fucking simple, you're lucky Yomi got to be for (you)
WIsh PC had that ult pause as well. All Yunli players not on a controller are playing at a disadvantage! Plus you can get funny screenshots with that freeze thing better too.
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Caelus is so lucky
>Yunli is clunky as fuck and you still need to run a sustain on her team
Whats the point then...
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I hope no one who plays Star Rail ever has children
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Warned you
All non-Firefly females will have their own ship
You won. Now PF is a joke for you.
Borisin aren't evil. They just like raping foxians.
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>Boothill and Yunli
>most engaging characters who require actual thought to utilize correctly
>no one rolls them
>same people bitch and moan about boring gameplay and stale meta
I never want to hear you retards complain ever again
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>borisin & sanctus medicus infiltrations everywhere, they even got into high positions
>luofu shackling prison wardens are absolute jobbers
>10 lords judges are absolute jobbers
jing yuan is such a shit general
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what is my yanqing's wife's 4* cope cone? i dont have Clara's and FF is using the hertacone
This game would have been better if there was a really barebones dating system to make every character for you.
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Because they are all mine. That's why I keep Alhaitham and Kaveh in a boar enclosure in genshin.
they're literally me fr fr
Cute and canon
She was only given (You)bait because she's one of Shaoji's wives (forma de clone). It's also why she got /u/baited with BS. He's a huge /u/cuck
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It was leaked a long time ago near 2.2 or so. The leak stated that there would be an upcoming luofu arc right after Penacony that would last 4 patches.
Jokes aside, it's probably not gonna be 4 patches in a row of loufu story as the main attraction. It's probably gonna be at most 3 patches of luofu stories, with one filler patch near the end.
Although judging by the amount of luofu characters they teased and the fact that next patch is pure luofuslop in its entirety, we are definitely getting some form of luofu centric content for the next 4 patches, no doubt.
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>Am I supposed to filter pag it seems like people just use this term to indicate their posts are worthless
Boothill got dropped between a bunch of other really popular characters, nobody had the jades for him.
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You can't read Chinese or Japanese faggot shut the hell up
Because what's the fucking point if the character you like isn't? That's the problem with the Firefly argument, a lot of people simply don't give a shit about her. You know how this problem is solved and making every character for (You)? Simply don't give them a romantic interest in the game. That way that guy who's been waiting forever to find a character they like won't get fucked over hard because suddenly s/he's shipshit.
Yunli is kinda fun to play mechanically because you’re reactive to the enemies turn but I see it being frustrating in the future with breaks and weird turns in the future
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trannyturine flopped\
kill yourself homotranny
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jing yuan is a con man
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The power of IX is unlimited.
I need everyone THAT I LIKE to be for me.
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>yunli is himekek tier

why would you play this game for then? not for the mid ass story I hope?
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Feixiao mama
holy fuck, I can't stand this shipbait patch.
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That's what I feared. I honestly can't bring myself to not use AUTO 99% of the time. I find the spectacle of it more fun than pressing the buttons. I really enjoy building different teams and having them perform well without my inputs. It's a shame she's fucking cute. But at least it enables me to save up for the new Sex-Fox and snek
I got yunli and her cone
If you actually roll for characters because you think they're for you you should be putting your gacha money towards a therapist
Am I suppose to believe kakaurine poster is fluent in 4 languages
I actually want himeko
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>Fexiao guarantee secured
Thank you Da Wei
So THIS is why Mihoyo tried to sabotage Snowbreak during the last patch, they didn't want a chunk of the playerbase to leave during this patch since it's hard to bring back lost players. Genshin is currently facing that with the hardcore shipshit causing the game to bleed players and all of a sudden Natlan is mostly cute tan girls.
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I think he would job even if I wasn't throwing it lmao
bro just be real with me, is it over?
But everyone told me that Himeko is great now?
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How did we go back to the Luofu? I thought we were running out of fuel?

Also how did Welt and Himeko travel all the way to Ruan Mei's location? Wouldn't that basically deplete all the remaining fuel we had?
Did they fuck up the filters? How do I unselect these?
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You are rolling for characters like they are your possessions in this game, so they at the very least should be for (you)
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I think it's based that hoyo fired any retard associated with the boycott and I hope they starve and die
Yeah you should really trust shitwyn when anything that isn't acheron or ff gets t4.
holy esl what did he mean by this?
I'm sure you can just use auto translate in chrome, I use it to read comments on Biri-Biri
it's andy salad
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Why the fuck is this nigga optimus prime?
>Yukong and deixiao are old war buddies

Something something down in the fox hole something something
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She's so cool
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Am I the only waifufag who doesn't give a fuck about Yunlin's relationship with Yanqing?
That ship is completely harmless and I don't feel like I'm missing anything, considering I'm not a pedo and I'm still loyal to my wife, Firefly.
Too bad I can't say the same thing about this patch's writing, though. I'm getting 1.3-1.5 PTSD with how bad and verbose this shit is.
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I never think when I'm using Boothill idk what you're talking about
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>No speed
based s(s)11 poster
I wonder how they put Sunday in since he is one of the leaked models? Besides that man wish would go to belobog and see what's the deal with sampo and his mask, that seems way more interesting desu
Just enjoy the story Gweilo, stop asking questions, ok? Thanks.
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>>488373497 (me)
im brown and self insert as firefly btw
space China gave us just enough fuel to go back and still be running out
apparently going backwards doesn't use fuel. Don't yell at me, I'm just a messenger
this is a star rail thread sir, genshin is two blocks down
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I cant believe xueyi is getting knotted
why the fuck do you have this saved
Fofo actually grants 2 less points of energy, however she also provides sustenance and cleanse which are invaluable for a counter dps
Do Space Anchors actually exist in lore or is it just for convenient fast travel?
>you can't like characters
fucking retard
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It's literally just one ship out of many being pushed. Grow up. You saw this coming and you know it. If they start pairing up popular characters like Kafka, Blade, Aventurine, Sparkle, with another this hard - THEN you can complain.
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You were warned chinkslop would be awful
The chink civilization of star rail is supremely unlikable
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shut the fuck up
This is the exact reason why story writers should never listen to incel freaks. You want the most bland story imaginable and have a meltdown every time you see two characters even be remotely talk to each other. It’s embarrassing to read. Yunli does not exist. You are not getting cucked. It is literally a narration about Yunli and Yanqing to advance a plot about March 7th getting a new path. You people are so weird and deranged it’s unreal.
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The patch has something for everyone to hate
nah not really just play the game
you missed a limited 4* light cone but it's a very situational one
There's a difference between liking a character and your mental illness.
The absolute state of the writers desperately trying to justify going back to china
I hope they replace them with AI voices someday to really twist it in
out of everyone this patch, I like scott the most
Sir this is /hsrg/, not the /zzz/.
Kafka and Blade are already shipped officially and that didn't stop pags from pretending Her and TB were an item.
>yunli can't auto
why did they even release this character? everything about her kit is completely retarded. we didn't need a clara sidegrade.
Or maybe I complain now so they get the hint BEFORE they do that shit?
I’m going to sleep on it. Tomorrow, I’ll see what the general consensus is on Yanqing x Yunli. Not just here, but across the Internet because there’re too many shitposters here for it to count. I’ll be back with my results. Wish me luck!
Hang yourself pedo
>First shot of Lingsha is a shot of her feet and legs
>fireflyfag, who gets the most pandering because they won the omnipandering lottery
opinion discarded
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Don't think too hard about it, bwo. Just consume spess chinkslop.
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We actually took the Express back to Luofu so it couldn't have been space anchors.
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>Achero in T0
>when she's dogshit without her cone
>Yunli in T1
>because she's much better with her cone but still does fine without it
Their methodology doesn't make any sense. They just want to pander to Reddit opinion
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Jiaoqiu acts like an actual loser
I'm fangirling over this patch fr fr
>I'm getting 1.3-1.5 PTSD with how bad and verbose this shit is.
Why the fuck are the bugs so high on their own supply? I have literally never seen anything interesting shown in regards to Chinese culture or their cultural stories. At least nothing besides cannibalizing a whole city using a tier list in order to decide who get's eaten first.

It's fucking weird. I usually love different cultures being shown in games and their respective folk-tales and stuff, but Chinese shit is just so fucking boring
Me second from the left
2.8 is probably gonna feature a epilogue side story about Sunday or some shit and be centered mostly about that. But 90% sure the patch itself will have some amount of luofuslop, be it a new luofu character or a luofu character story or event or some shit
People spent patches bitching about firefly
I get to bitch too now, yes?
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there's no need to cope sis, she just hasn't transformed yet
Penacony was HSR’s Inazuma. It’s all downhill from now on. Jump ship from Hoyoshit games now.
we need a for (You) tier list
The issue is that this is a gacha game, characters are more than characters, they are a product, they are the content, they are everything.
So if you don't like the characters, there is literally no reason to play and the writers are not good enough to make players care about a character without some kind of pandering
Extremely based company, I'll top up in 3.0 again to support them. Dawei take all my money and eradicate the lgbtrash
Do you think your opinion is gonna make them stop doing it or something? LOL
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Space China is so shit even Black Swan just disappears to stay out of it
Mihoyo doesn't even care about mentally ill freaks on /vg/. They don't even know we exists.
>characters can't stop fellating a woman
>omg they are so gay, I'm cuming
Now THIS is the real mental illness
He's a lot more whiny and kinda racist like most spess chinks then I was expecting. He's also petty and a massive baby.
>still no proper Acheron support
Jiaoqiu fucking sucks. Guess I am using Pela forever
Hoolay seems like quite the imposing villain. It’ll be both fun and a pity that he’ll be nailed to a cross again by 2.5 and have his balls harvested for weekly materials.

I can’t help but think in a way, it probably should make sense for him to get away and restore the “Balance” between the hunt and abundance but at the same time that’s just not something that can be allowed to happen because then General Juan is DEFINITELY going to get his head taken but Feixiao’s Axe.
the anniversary thing newfag, where jing yuan was already shipping the two
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She's good in PF and situationally in MoC
What other reason is there to play gacha kusoge?
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mmm thank you for the account gweilo
Mihoyo won't care about your bullshit, unless you are a person with pure Chinese blood and live there.
4chan bwos... our mental illness is being out illnessed...
>I'm not being shat on so I'm not mad
I'll specifically tell them the opposite in the survey :)
I sure wouldn't be posting it here of all places if I thought it would do something
How many tiktok hours did Yunli get?
They should straight up remove the English dub desu.
LMAO I just remembered where the fuck is she
A chef being eaten.... ironic!
i miss bosenmori mei...
Bros how many jades can I farm up if I go and clean the ENTIRE HSS, Belobog, Luofu and Penacony of chests, puzzles, collectables and side quests? Let's assume I have done 1/3 or maybe 1/2 (very generous) of them so far, how much more can I get?
This is important because pulling Foffo or not depends on this.
Chinkland fujos keep on losing, outside of Dan/Jing
Better pray Sigga interact with Ratio again by 4.0 or they'll end up in the same bargin bin
Wait, is space china based? I played for an hour, still not done with the story, and it was actually enjoyable. Are the haters just anti-shills planted to mess up with us?
Give it to me straight. Is the event worth reading?
based swan!
anyway where's my waltz?
>Chinese shit is just so fucking boring
thunderbolt fantasy is peak, but then again it's written by a jap
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>about to get knotted by burly werewolf
I knew Fatxiao was writing this.
somewhere in the train.. Probably march's room like last time
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what do the EN VAs' think when they did that boycott or shit whatever you call it, do they think themselves as not replacable? they look disposable and good thing jewhoyo removed the VAs' who were associated with the mental illness boycott kek
>Kafka and Blade are already [headcanon]
Open your eyes retard
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>reading Feixiao's kit
>I'm starting to see the value in her E2
Damn I didn't want to get a job this soon but duty calls I guess.
What's he cooking with his Jingliu plan? Are we actually going to see her again?
Just like they did with Genshit...
Hoolay is literally me
Stelle is just the camerawoman now
Sorry but I've seen the evils of omnipanderfaggotry and refuse to become a victim of its bullshit like the seething homopullers
post ears
>do they think themselves as not replacable
Yes. They are extremely retarded and are used to being treated with kid-gloves in the west
around 7-10K?
not to mention SU and DU too
these chink names are driving me up the wall
is feixiao the chef guy or the fake sparkle bunny bitch?
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I think it'd be really funny if they introduce another for (you) girl in 3.x and then make her in love with some other guy after her banner ends.
>every Hoyo protagonist has a camera to make photos
Evil March when?
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He doesn't want your disgusting barn smelling hag pussy, he has a prime hebe chink pussy now
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>Wind DPS
those retards are too privileged and think the world is their oyster because some mutilations on twitter praise them with compliments all day long. they can't understand they are nothing special
It would've been more based if they just deleted the EN dub in general since all those shitters did was cry about "muh niggers" for a week and it did literally nothing.
>good thing jewhoyo removed the VAs' who were associated with the mental illness boycott
didn't a lot of them take part? and they just swapped 1 (one) random lmao
Feixiao= female Fox
Jiaoqiu= pink fox
Lingsha = chinese Sparkle
Moze = Moze
>the suicidal man with an ex-lover
Shippers being story skippers is always funny.
I think it'd be really funny if they introduce another for (you) guy in 3.x and then make her in love with Sparkle after his banner ends.
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im happy for my boi yanqing
What does her E1 and E2 do? I love her design
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Holy Based Swan
huohuo's old VA voices lucy in ZZZ and argenti has been unvoiced in EN for months, long before this boycott started, and his twitter is mostly dead so I'm not sure where this narrative is coming from

A lot, go look it up on a wiki or something. Penacony alone has like 20-30 chests per area+quests+birds and puzzles.
>no porn of stelle raping yanqing
awww i wanted to fap
This is your fault, Jing
I groomed him before that
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>nips are better at writing chinese fiction
I'm not surprised
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Canon wife confirmed let's goooooooo
nice sword
Stelleanons have shit taste. Yanqing should've been for (you).
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>Ice Harmony
sounds good
>SU and DU
I have completed almost the entire DU so I probably only have around 500 jades remaining, 2x160 from the last 2 level rewards and another 160 from difficulty 5, which I haven't done. I still have quite a bit left of GnG because I hate the robot/human scale thing and rarely get new endings.
I'm entirely done with Swarm Disaster and probably mostly done with the regular SU as well. Probably only missing a handful of niche curios and occurances and such.
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This shit is showing me all the boots too. What the fuck happened?
It’s just a filler patch written by Genshin fujo writer. HSR team is working on the new planet. Trust the plan.
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>giggers forcing their shitty natlan tranny drama in this thread
go back to your cuck game
this is NTR now
ugh okay thanks
god i hate the luofu
They aren't
Aw. Look at them try so hard to force this ship
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This scene was really good. I can't believe a character is getting development
I regret rolling for Sparkle
I regret not rolling for Robin
Why the fuck is Clara for (you) and not Yanqing?
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>stelle canon bf is a shota
i would kino all over the floor
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Kek, stelle barn pussy
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mmmmm delicious cute boys
is he talking about that one time he jobbed to Dan and Blade
one too many, sorry
Please take me with you lady Swan
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honestly, what's his problem?
Yanqing + Yunli so cute
E1 does additional damage to a random other target during her ult. E2 is a complete game changer for her since it reduces the amount of attacks needed to charge her ult. Instead of every 2 attacks getting 1 stack it's every single attack gets 1 stack. It cuts the total amount of attacks needed in half so 24->12.
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game is telling you to lay off your unnatural feet obsession
She may just be my first E2 god willing
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stinky onee-san pussy is made for tiny shota cock
He doesn't want to be outed as a pedo.
It's about Jingliu.
he's trying to be the next bald man. Gotta make bread some how I suppose
Oh yeah I completely forgot about the skin color drama I guess people are over it already.
why the fuck would the devs gives a shit and having to account for all types of players? they shouldn't, wuwa tried it in CBT, but every chink got assblasted because characters in the beta wasnt nice to the mc in the beginning. so they had to rewrite the whole thing just so characters like the mc more. so now the beginner character lost all personality and became the forgettable first character.
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alright guys give it to me straight, how badly does Yunli need her E1?
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Hanya is so fucking cute when she starts to gosh about her sister wtf, was she like this during the 1.5 event?
Sorry sis, you're not part of KING's harem.
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yang's bussy is MINE she can't have him! she should go play with other swords!
I mean he's not wrong this time...
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Shippags don't understand that it's not that every waifufag is bitching about it
It's just that if there's nothing else to talk about, then only the bitching will be heard
I'm not upset over the shipbait but I sure as shit ain't talking about it, I'll just skip
No it's Jingloo the groomer
its so fucking shit, where tf is the skip button?????
Imagine Yunli seeing Yanking having fun with you and suddenly getting extremely jealous...
Yeah because Acheron is way better than other dps that being 25% worse at E0S0 than S1, she's still better

Extra stack is overrated anyways since ack is slow
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>by a filter
ask and you shall receive
give it time
SEX. I was actually on the verge of uninstalling right until she showed up.
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This already needs an update
why are you watching some homo? are you gae?
I wish...
this really is chinese Sparkle wtf
we reached 100k you flipping CHUD!
>what are translation tools
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why do people still watch that retard? hes always been retarded
Penacony was fun. Inazuma made me drop genshin
Why is Topaz unknown kek
2.1 was a fluke fujosisters...............I'm starting to believe the fujo hijack theories
Bros it's not fair, they fucking teased lingsha already and she's 9 weeks away, what the fuck am I supposed to do until then?????????
>Misha is dead
>Yanqing and Arlan are taken
Tbh, this patch is way better than 2.1 and 2.3
It’s over, every CC is switching from hsr to wuwa. Total hoyo death
women can't rape males. even a 12 year old boy is stronger than a 25 year old woman.
Nah I enjoy it, better than Blacked Firefly spam
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Start edging.
Lingsha and hunt March are the only good things from this shitty chink arc
Fireflybros have been eating great, but I totally understand how cunnyseurs feel
They had to deal with the Scara drama and now have a waifu they like get shipped with another jobber
At least Yanqing is more likable than Scara and you also get a versatile T1 character (March) from this patch
I don't know what the homotroons were trying to achieve, probably force their disgusting mental illness in the game along with more brownoids I guess? How come they want to infest everything in sight, but when you tell them to create their own game, they change the subject?
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i look at these threads, and i look at twitter. its not really different.
We're talking about Jobking here
Was the huohuo VA associated with the boycott? Lol
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Do you really want her?
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pump and dump xueyi
lol enjoy dude I don't care anymore
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She looks like Sushang more than she looks like Sparkle
>and snek*
*not actually a snek
why did yunli flop? are footfags poor?
why should devs have to account for shipfags
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>there are no cute shotas that are for (you) in the game
What is even the point?
Lingsha wants Yanqing's cock? Yunli will get jealous now...
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No self-respecting cunnyfag is actually playing HSR, we get nothing in this game
it has nothing to do with the boycott, the company hired to dub star rail is not boycotting

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It must be tough being a footfag
TBF WuWa's current patch is pretty good. It took firing 2 writers to get to that point but they finally hit their stride. 1.0's writing had some retarded kino though.
>I deleted you from the police records
>now NO ONE IN THE COUNTRY will ever recognize you even though you have lived there for years and worked as a policewoman for years
because she's a lot like a character that everyone has at e1 or higher even though she's probably better than e6 clara (mostly cause clara's eidolons are terrible)
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Cute couple
We can't let the KING meet with Firefly bros...
Yanqing is just so cool and manly every girl can't help but fall in love with him at first sight
she's part of the guild and is bound to be problematic eventually
sushang is never this smug though
She's their onee-san, she can guide Yunli in ways to please a man
My nigga youngKING moving up in the world
wait for stephen lloyd and opal
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sis, your elio?
please don’t flop hsrbros who’s gonna fund genshin now??
There's just not that much overlap between footfags and cuckfags
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She doesn't need it at all. It's something you would get on a rerun not now.
lingsha-yunli-yanqing threesome when?
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Unfortunately for (You), those incel freaks you hate so much are the ones that spend $300+ every month to get those characters. So it makes sense, from a business perspective, to pander to them on a regular basis.
People aren't going to spend their hard-earned money to buy a character that constantly fellates other men/women while mocking their buyers.
So yes, we want "the most bland story imaginable" because the alternative is getting "the most bland story imaginable + you being the third wheel in every character interaction" like this patch is showcasing.
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Yep. I'm not a mentally ill paglus self-inserter
I warned you about chinkslop
Whoa, someone tell that fake snake whore to find her own shota. King is for Stelle and Yunli.
The Scara thing is weird. /gig/ is convinced Scara just cucked them but everywhere I read interprets the scene as Scara being a wingman and the girl getting flustered I don't know who to trust because I don't play Genshit
On one hand, cunnyseurs have it rough. On the other hand, the writing was on the wall and Clara is still right there.
Anything new on tingyun(multitail) in the story?
Bro your Cuckoo Land?
If the shipkek writers get their hands on her you just know what's gonna happen.
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what are you looking at us for?
zzz is that way
>Yunli is T1 everywhere on Prydwen
I no longer feel like rolling for Yunli...
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I forgot about the titles some of these guys had on the xianzhou and got really confused for a second when I thought Old Man Hua was saying that it was Fu Xuan who was ratting out Jing yuan to the “Marshal” and pushing for his punishment when actually a “Preceptor” refers to that Vidhyara leader dude who wants Bailu shot into the sun and just overall still kinda fucked up by the whole Imbibitor Lunae fiasco.

Kinda annoying they’re still an offscreen annoyance.
>those incel freaks you hate so much are the ones that spend $300+ every month to get those characters
No they're not. They're poor brownoids who can't even afford the monthly.
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kafuka rabu
nigga we are in china right now
I can't believe that Yanqing of all people suddenly gets a ton of girls, I wasn't expecting that development at all lmao.
Clara bros..
Just mentally ill shippag
There is no point.
Hoyo needs to die already.
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She can't have him. He's our plaything.
im genuinely so fucking sick of them trying to prop up this pathetic faggot manlet jobber. who is this for? literally no one likes yanqing.
>agrees on cute
>doesn't say anything in manlet
I see feet, I roll, simple as that
Prydwen says it's like a 40% fps increase over E0...
I see YanKING's concubines, I roll, simple as that
Yeah, I'm boycotting this until hoyo step up and remove shipbait garbage (unless it's yuri). I warned you about Yunli being yanqing onahole.
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is yunli auto-able?
or will the ai just ult on cooldown whiffing stuff
They were mad because the not-chinks were being hostile assholes.
If it was any other country it would have been fine.
The scara thing is full schizo. Nilou was complaining that the situatuon he set up as wingman for (you) wasn't romantic, because he sort of just dumped (you) in her lap because he's a literal autist.
her current best setups are all with 4 star teams or are only 5-10% better than 4 star teams, give them some time to build a team around her.
Get e6 then idiot it's a 100% DPS increase so it's optimal. Im telling you no content needs it.
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>4 hours
>Stuck at 49
I like Yanqing
Kek, so she doesn't even agree to all of the options. Only cute.
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i like yunli
Do you even KNOW how the entire gacha industry was formed in japan?
You do know mihoyo was funded by degenerate coomers at least, right?
Can this game still be saved?
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what is this romcom anime trope shit?
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He's not even playable yet....
She's hot as fuck but I'm not pulling for a fucking
>Gallagher sidegrade
Like come the fuck on she's not even usable outside of Firefly team, she NEEDS fire implant from Firefly, superbreak from HMC, and break efficiency from RM
Sounds like the game's right up your alley sis, make sure to support it!
Yanking is (ourguy) thoughbeit
With whatever little money Genshin makes, it all gets poured into HSR. We’re grateful for your support
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yunli looks like shit
Total hoyoflops
Total hoyodeath
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She saved it, but then they killed it immediately after
the latter, though it doesn't really matter much outside of MoC because you're still getting the big dicc counter every other ult
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The true protagonist of HSR
>this is the whore that firecucks are planning to replace gallagher with
The best part of this patch was that Yapfly wasn't in it.
Canon love interest for Stelle
>Enter the Xianzhou Luofo
>The plot suddenly becomes a saturday morning cartoon
thank you whichever writer boogeyman is currently working on the game.
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>They're poor brownoids who can't even afford the monthly.
The same poorfags that established Firefly as the third most successful banner in this entire game's history?
Be for real, for once.
>inb4 Honkai Star Rail's economy is sustained by westoid Twitter shipfaggots.
Wrong, and we have the data for that.
I like Yanqing
Yanqing shilling is like 3x worse than wanderer's

Nice game, starcucktroons.
Canon love interest for Caelus
I wonder how many of the old character cameos will be actually relevant for this arc? Like is yukong here for a couple sentences with the general or will she actually do something?
It's over already
thanks for info
>Story gets good
every time
The whiplash I feel going from Penacony to notChina again is bizarre. It couldn't be any more obvious how different writers on the team have completely clashing views on the game's tone and direction.
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How’s my Unri?
I'm just glad my husbando Aventurine is for me and nobody else
And if you're more pathetic than Genshin you can't go go any lower
>Shaoji left
>story immediately improves
I'm noticing
No chink story is ever good. This is why wuwa died it's whole entire story from start to finish is china
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so cruel
>Luofu in shambles without Jingliu to keep the war criminals in check
that crit rate looks a little cucked
cap crit rate retardbro
All I can see in this chart is that Japan+China are the regions that are pandered. The rest are just bonuses. Westrannies act all high and mighty and only spend 13%? Pathetic. Not that I can expect more from a country where the majority of people are lgbtrash that adore bbc
The skirt makes it easier for his wives Yunli, March and Lingsha to suck his cock.
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>sales posting
mental illness begins yet again
As a self inserter, I do not give a fuck about the canon relationships between the characters. I don't read the story and I don't give a fuck. I will now continue to self-insert Yunli's feet in my mouth and self-insert my tongue up her vagina.
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We know, Topaz
>Shaoji left
>story immediately goes to shit
I'm noticing
Is nu March good?
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now he has tasted hebe pussy, grandma pussy no longer satisfies him
holy based
Your Boothill?
selfinserting as madam jade? based!
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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i see it
mr advertiser get down!
Jingliu, you sicko. That's your grandson.
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>Writing peaks during PenaKINO which also happens to have the most (you) pandering out of any area in the game, culminating in TB being the biggest VIP in penacony's epilogue
>Writing at its worst during Space China where shipbait is at its full force and walls of text of nothing are all of the dialogue
I know different people have different tastes, but the difference in fun is so stark it's actually laughable
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Acheronbros is salsotto actually a brick on her?
Nobody cares about T5 Yankek, which is why sacrificing characters to him makes even less sense
Your cuckshit event flopped
Seethe more shiptroon
>Say Jinglus name
>Furry has a fucking meltdown
lmao shes rent free
Jingliu did this but with King Yuan actually
>94 speed
bag can't stop winning
where's zzz?
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danhung is so sweet
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you dropped your pic stelleGOD
It's dogshit
brick no
but izumo is better (1-2 substats better)
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Twitter westernfags don’t spend money. Isn’t the Genshin boycott proof enough alone?
The KING posts here?
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So how's teh story? Bad? Worse? Who won? Who lost?
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Is Dan finally back to being (you)bait now?
it's good because Izumo drops with good substats don't exist
It's her 2nd best but Izumo is plainly better.
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Getting good stats is what's important
how soon can I get march 7 at least once to start building her? doing the first quest now and doesn't seem like the apprentice thing is even mentioned yet
b-b-but my narrative...
>The same poorfags that established Firefly as the third most successful banner in this entire game's history
All that shilling and she's only 3rd most successful? I'm assuming the most successful banners are Acheron and Seele, both are lesbians so they should pander to the LGBTQ+ crowds that you hate so much instead of Firefly incels
>CCP-ordered patches
>shipshit patches
>fucking flopped and died lol
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This + she desperately needs her signature cone or you have to waste a spot on Lynx. With her signature cone she is at least t0.5, maybe t0
Look at that cone. She will be attacked all the time, massively boosts Crit DMG and gives Firedance (follow up DMG up 36%, stacking TWO times)

I know everybody will say cope, but with cone she is t0.5 minimum
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What do we say to the good General?
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Don't know, didn't read it
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Miss me yet?
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Most based man itt right now.
no one here actually plays the game
Cute and canon. I don't know why anyone plays Caelus when it's clear that Stelle is the MC with all the male flirting.
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>spreads misinformation and calls waifufags poor
>claims that the entire game's success is thanks to westoid shiptroons
>gets fact-checked
>"hurr durrr doesn't count, salesposting is cringe!!!!1"
Like clockwork, kek.
Fat old slave master.....
Is Yunli's LC also the new BiS for Clara??
not anymore lmao
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sex with shotas!
>speed on counter turret
Yunli gets to fuck THIS
Japs and chinks don't want more China and Japan. Isekais always reincarnate them in medieval Europe.
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>Ends of a cliffhanger via fade to black
I fucking hate mihoyo
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>+100 CD from ult
>+25 CD from Duran
>+36% ult damage from Valorus
>+72% fua damage from signature cone
>OPTIONAL: +10% from 1 ally with Keel
I'm thinking all she needs is crit rate and atk% because of how much self buffing she gets
KEK, reminds me of that Arletranny freak on twitter saying shippers on twitter are the reason the game makes so much money
ACKeron and Zaylay the two dykes are the highest selling banners in the game though
and jingliu and linsha and march and
Yeah we uninstalled
Personality I'd make sure he has pictures of her all over his cell at all times
As a joke
Yanqing is for Stelle btw. Your schizo headcanon doesn't count.
i just finished jacking off to miquella, stop posting this kind of pics please
yeah yeah cazado pronto yourself, senor cazador
>unironically watching a retard that quits for view and gets away with it
You're the one with the problem here, retard.
Too obvious with the ragebait now
Descend to earth!
Cut through clouds!
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I will get him pregnant so that way he can stop bothering King for grandkids.
>no reply
i guess not :(
kill yourself
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If acheron "ship" was popular then BS would not be on the bottom
Instead they quietly buried it
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(you) retards are so easy to bait with E2 that it's disgusting. This literally just happened with Acheronkeks and to a lesser extent with Firepags and now PayXiao troons are following in your retarded footsteps lmao
She rejected Black Swan

Stelle is for Yan, like most adult women but Yan is pure and for the blade
Yeah. But I think it's less improvement for Clara than for Yunli over other options because Clara's non enchanced counters don't do much while Yunli gets 15 more energy each time she is hit because of her talent.
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>fapping to miquella
uhhh based?
We’ve all moved to New Eridu…
But I see you everyday, honey. Please tell jewhoyo to give you swimsuit weddingdress skin next time
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god that's so hot
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the other 2 are her bitches
I play HSR exactly for 5 minutes a day
>every comment I don't like MUST be the same person
What is this mental illness called
A 40 year old man typed this.
The reason why hyv didn’t make yunli for (you) is because she’s yanqing’s age and they’re both supposed to be kids, so they won’t go the pedo route
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Praise AHA!
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yunli will get this skin btw
Why did the cat girl flop? I thought cats always land on their feet
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I didn't even leave Penacony yet. Chink shit is skip tier
I...can work with that
Could Kafka mindrape Acheron? If so, she’s the strongest female character in lore.
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bros..once you get into the chink prison this arc is not so bad...
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Its fine, just a lot of setup so far.
Not awful but not enough to wow me
Easier to understand then the quintet thankfully
>give Acheron an order
>stupid retard forget it the next hour
Do I gamble a 50/50 on Foffou or do I just build my E3 Gayllagher
if only there's an option to skip a whole patch
you'd have to play it if you want to get to edo star bro..
Kafka’s Spirit Whispers would have no effect on Acheron because she’s super OP like me
uhh explain her design then...is there any character that has a less revealing outfit?
Ok, sure. Now explain why Feixiao isn’t for (You) then instead. Or Lingsha.
Why is Tingyun never in any of these Lafu events?
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>there are people right here right now that are rolling for Brickli over saving for guaranteed T0 Feixiao
holy shit
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It's because you already have a wife
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I wonder why
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Shes fucking DEAD
Writer self insert
I don't roll for hags
Dead sexy
if she's dead why is she in my team
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i rolled 2 yunfeets and her lc in 80 rolls what now faggot
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That's pantylia
did she kidnap the funeral boat and reposses the body or what
Mine is E0S1 and she's throwing out 300k ult counters in a dual dps team like it's nothing.
Can't imagine if I had Robin or Sparkle. The new Tingyun alter will probably make her even more broken as well
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I'm about 5'10'' and I lift twice a week. It's really impossible for me to selfinsert as manlet Yangqing so I'm sorry Yunlibros but I'm skipping her.

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