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Previous Thread: >>488420297

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts

>7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Saori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Hiyori (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited)
Atsuko (Swimsuit) (1* - Welfare)

Sheside outside - 7/22 (Mon) After Maint - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
100-Free Recruitment Event - 7/29 (Mon) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Total Assault: Perorodzilla (Field) - 7/31 (Wed) 11:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Special Armor) - 7/23 (Tue) 11:00 - 8/21 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 7/22 (Mon) 4:00 - 7/31 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
3x Normals - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 3:59 (JST)
3x Commissions - 7/31 (Wed) 4:00 - 8/7 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Account XP - 8/3 (Sat) 4:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 3:59 (JST)

>7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Hina (Dress) (3* - Limited)
Hoshino (Swimsuit) (3* - Limited - Rerun)

Roadmap: https://bluearchive.nexon.com/events/2024/07/live#section3
Basking in the Brilliance of Their Serenade - 7/23 (Tue) After Maint - 8/6 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Total Assault: Hieronymus (Indoors) - 7/30 (Tue) 2:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Commissions/Hards - 7/29 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/5 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Account XP - 8/2 (Fri) 19:00 - 8/4 (Sun) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Bounties/Lessons/Scrimmages - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/12 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
3x Normals - 8/5 (Mon) 19:00 - 8/19 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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My precious midnight sonata
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we wont stand for hinawank
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my wife saori
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sexy reset
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Hina is wanking me right now.
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Anonye getting kinda tired of only having X students in the OP when it's their birthday?

I like it when it's one my waifus but it's Maki this time
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My precious desert rose.
Can we agree that Juri deserves to get bullied?
If not for having pink hair then for being a gehennoid.
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good job
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I don't know what part of this post I hate the most
It's probably the reddit spacing
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>students are incarnated gods
>gehenna is meant to be hell
>president of gehena -> king of hell
>the name of her gun in japanese is roughly "most honored one", a title for one that has attained buddhahood
>loves children specially the ones i'm gonna put in her
Makoto is jinzo/Kṣitigarbha
Your favorite student is a boring and badly written character.
Kill yourself
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Thoughts on this cat?
Why is she snorting bread flour
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Shupo banner doko?
KaedeGOD, I kneel
Seems we're back to around the same number of players as last anniversary
Hopefully more stick around, I think the next few months could be promising
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Not my problem since I love every student
File deleted.
Oh hey, look at the time.
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Thoughts on this fox?
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I got D Hina in 30 rolls but I also don't have Mika yet so I'm conflicted. I know she's technically rate up but I suppose the safe option is waiting 6 months. That and I could be missing out on general spooks with the 6%.
That's a dog
How come my D Hina is dealing baby damage? What's the proper buff setup?
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find a rope
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>My first Extreme clear
This was fucking painful, mind you I barely even put some effort building up characters but holy shit, I hate raids so damn much. It only gets worse from here, right?
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Only roll if you want more ligmas or spooks and have enough gems
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I'm still hot over this
I think waiting is better as it'll be three fes banners
Wow, who could've possibly expected this... I was so sure that the post-anniversary drop we had (which we have every year) indicated that the game really was dying.
No. That's still 170k short.
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Reminder that the shop reset. Time to buy those gold stones and hit up the fusion chamber for your wife.
mechanics get added
I don't think the red orb is a thing until insane and above
read the raid skills tab, usually the newest mechanic is on the right
what does destroying hiero's furniture do
make him sad?
Reminder that you will NOT make it to plat this time
make kokona use her normal skill faster
>I barely even put some effort building up characters
That's the problem right there
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She's Bad Chise.
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shes fire
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Enjoy your WakaWife.
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>wanting to roll for M*ka
Why would you brick your account like that?
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What a doshit take.
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>there's at least one sensei in THIS THREAD who forgot to use coins before reset
Holy fucking shit man do I even want to know how unlucky I was only getting 3 shitty dupes after 200 rolls? I'm about to fucking end it honestly
>My first Extreme clear
If you used dHina it didn't count
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isakusan, hwangsang and isaacq all abandoning ship at once are more of an indication of EoS/enshittification than those numbers are
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how easy does she make it?
Miyako is easily the most sexual student in kivotos.
The monthly shop reset is tomorrow, right?
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actually it's the lack of seia that's the true indication of EoS to come
Which BA girl is the best kisser?
I was getting 3 stars every 10 pulls so you were pretty unlucky
another day in paradise
>one of my waifus
welcome to club lil bro
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holy fuck she's insane
Easier than laying your mum
685k was the peak of 3rd anniversary.
her voice caught me off guard but she's still really cute.
I have sex with students but love with my wife
that's ok I never did
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/bag/, do you like cats?
>tfw I got that fat cow Hanako instead of Waka
I'll be a wakalet forever
I'm Australian. My account was autoseeded for Wakamo.
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Working through volume 3 has really opened my eyes to see just how dogshit volume 2 was.
I haven't had a single combat encounter yet and I am hooked.
Contrast that to volume 2 and I was absolutely dragging ass to get to the end.
What happened /bag/?
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seia brings the eos herself
>your mum
good, maybe you can get her out of my life
More important question, how do I get a cat gf IRL?
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So the rest of the Curtain Call is just reruns for retards who didnt play every day now?
Can I still get the other rewards if I claim the final reward in a Guide Task?
As a rule of thumb, are 3* completely OP compared to 1* and 2* units?
I haven't played this game before (but I play other gachas)
do you reccommend I buy a starter account with a bunch of characters or should I start fresh?
no i dont like toxoplasmosis
It's that easy
I like cats but I'm allergic. I'm literally Makoto...
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Can I even tryhard Insane with just 3* Kokona? Skills and equips mostly not maxed... I am currently level 88 but I am getting hindered by Ligma. I don't mind using multiple teams
>D. Hina (5* UE50, 88)
>D. Ako (3*, 70)
>S. Hoshino (5* UE30, max skills and equips, 80)
>Kokona (3*, 70)
>Himari (5* UE30, max equips, 80)
>Serina (4*, max equips, 80)
I really should change from blue stacks huh
this shit is crashing on start up of the game so often its insane
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sexy JC
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Newcutie here. How am I doing?
>the only 3 star special i have is Hanae (Kurisumasu)
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take a cat and fuck it until it has enough human dna to transform
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Volume 3 is pretty great until they start focusing on M*ka.
If you borrow a dHina for a second team, probably.
I think people used Koharu instead of Kokona too.
Yuuka is the best free tank but who is the second best?
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You are comparing day2 3rd anniversary raid vs day1 3.5 anniversary raid
>this is safe
Just slap a Koharu on it and you're good to go!
It's ok, it would be great if you could get sHoshino too.
vol 2 is only good if you care about the world, not just focusing on characters
Hina's hiney!
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thoughts on this?
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>buy the growth pack to finish D.Hina
>bounty shop updated with the disc I needed anyway
...I want off this ride
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I cleared insane with Koharu, it was not a good score but maybe I just played wrong.
>started playing last bluefes, still lack many students
>sparked this and last banner, got everything
>makato, d.ako, d.hina and s.hoshino
>cool I'll be finally be able to clear my first insane raid
>max level d.hina to level 80
>simply can't deal enough damage, can barely enter the second stage of hieronymus with my best team (borrowed Kokona)
>oh well, I still got 2 sparks with me I guess a second time for new students and to UE30 my d.hina
>it will also help me with kaiten so why not? I still have 1 spark for NY.fuuka
>let's start with spending my single draws
>this happen
Guys I don't remember when was the last time I got this lucky, I'm legit very happy Believe or not I've been playing for 6 months and already have all the bluefes students!
Did we reach n1 on the appstore of google I really need another 10 roll
>all but two are farmable
3rd anniversary started with around 410k on the first day
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I have options.
>D. Hina
If you manage to get s. Hoshino before the banner is up and later NY. Fuuka you'll be in a decent spot for a newb.
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>0 3* in 40 rolls
I don't think sHiroi is gonna happen
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get me out of here
I rolled like 17 3 stars on Ako and Hina banner and still had to spark both...
She's that kind of a girl who tucks her skirt into panties.
Fuck Hina
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yeah they have better kits/stats than welfares still you can upgrade all students up to 5*
if you want to metafag i suppose so mostly depends on what characters they are offering
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Good for you Anon
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Well that's my 5th torment done. So glad I could save materials raising Azusa and could just use SHanako instead.
Vol 2 is the best volume that dumps exposition on the world of Kivotos, and is highly liked at the time by all the autists that tries to look into the game's background story and origins. A lot of people who play this game don't care about that, and only care about the girls.
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Pretty good. You managed to escape rolling M*ka too, which is perfect. Excellent account, my newfriend!
Is it worth finishing a spark for S. Hoshino eleph and a potential bluefes 3* if that means I can no longer spark NY Fuuka? I'm still missing S. Hanako, Wakamo, Mika and also other meta units like Kokona or Nagisa, but I'm hesitating cause Mika will have a banner next fes.
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That's just most of the Trinity girls. Don't get caught slacking or they'll rape you
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Homu cunnilingus
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you also need to post the image
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right on time
Just save your gems. You don't want to accidently roll M*ka.
How much do you have?
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>drinking a Monster
>remember the Astolfo cosplay incident

Blue Archive
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Grats, the final climb.
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for porn? yes
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Hinata hits the retirement home
Not necessarily. A lot of 1* and 2* have their own niche to shine, for example Yuuka and Tsubaki are among the best tank in PvP, Momoi is very good in AoE yellow content, etc. Most of 1* and 2* also have the advantage of having F2P way to upgrade their stars
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Why would you post this? We were having such a nice thread.
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I'll use her anyway.
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source on the figure?
Fresh. Buying accounts is peak souless behavior, at that point you might as well not play.
Would fuck all three at once desu
I've written a wall of text but that's because I'm pretty happy. I hope you guys also get this lucky! Bless your rolls!
How hard is Torment Hiero? Insane felt way too easy, I was done with it with too much time left on the clock.
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>try to level to 100 a student I don't really like because I though no one else actually liked her and I wanted to be the first
>another retard on twitter actually got her before me

I'm not even pissed, just extremely tired
>thanks to Hoshino I'll get my first Torment clear tomorrow
Do you know what that means?
TOR to gold let's goooooooooooooo
how about you ignore me and the scatboy and continue on?
Reset your account.
14k and the single tickets. I do have around 100 momos to read through, a couple of volumes of story left and have not collected all missions/achievements/challenges, but would rather not exhaust those right now.
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I like that you can see below the beach from the summer events
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>Astolfo cosplay incident
>Have to read about a talentless student cope with moving on and finding meaning in their failures and struggles a second time.
Not that it's an uncommon theme for coming of age or teenage stories. I still find it in poor taste especially when juxtaposed against Hina's talent.
It's frustrating.
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Is there anything left to check for hina's minigame if I already got all 30 items?
faggot compares monster can to his penis
Mika should die
We know sensei
Yeah it's no biggie
why does arona hate me
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Fix'd that for you
I'm kind of mad I didn't get Makoto.
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I should be able to get plat if I just do torment right?
>fes unit takes a niche and does it better
not even surprised, at least they didn't do the hanako thing this time
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Everyone agrees.
I love loli anal.
I don't remember asking.
What server? I'm pretty sure you will no matter what
You can hope.
How many rolls did you put into the banner?

Yeah I heard top insane wasn't enough in JP or some crazy shit like that
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>try to level to 100 a student I don't really like
soulless and deserved
Honestly expected more. Hinata left it with 19m hp last time it ran and that was before all the powercreep.
This is how Idaten trained in Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi
maybe battle hardening is a real thing in the BA universe. Maybe even zenkai boosts
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Oh fuck off
not allowed to date her unless you have at least a 6-pack
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your second team?
100, but that is counting the 2 tickets we got + the GA one.
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You need a fast 1 turn.
But if you need to ask the obvious...
Enjoy the gold, aruji-donor!
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Give me your strat, bwo. I don't have Cockona either and gotta borrow Himari
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Fuck, the monthly JFD stones don't even make a dent on my affection levels now. I had 70 of her favourite gift and two purple gifts lying around, didn't even bring her close enough to use my big stash of summer gifts to peek at how far off I was from the next level.
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Anyone want to do my Torment for me?
I have raid anxiety...
i'm very desperate and want my first torment clear, may i please to anyone who has a UE50 s.shiroko please let me in your friends list.

once i am done with my battle i will leave out of your list like i was never there.
maybe in KR lmao, EU will still have insanes in plat

~31k torment so about a third missed plat.
Are the crayons and the meal ticket really something I missed? I can't uncuck myself?
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It's fine but I wanted to 1t it and the timer ran out literally on dHina's last EX hit which would have finished him off.
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had to choose
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>bHoshino's EX does 9 million damage during groggy with Himari/Ako/nyKayoko
I mean just pretend it's like playing a song with an instrument
You know the song, you know the chord progression, but even if you memorised it perfectly 1:1 it's nice to have your sheetmusic in front of you so that during the real thing you have something to fall back on

Also you're not a retard, so you don't look at the exact part you're playing but the next part
they were yesterday's item. maybe you can get them on sunday or monday
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Stop posting.
I tried focusing on healing the jar until Hiero was fully debuffed before doing damage, and I also tried doing damage with my team while healing the jar. Both strats worked but I killed within the last 30 seconds
In the second strat I think azusa died when hina got the curse but I just beat him without her
I tried messing around with the purple jar as well, not sure how meaningful it is on insane, can probably ignore it
(I am bad at games)
just use nagisa
Hard to say then, S.hoshino is just THAT good for so much content in the game. Do you really need to keep a "pyro reserve" ?
How competitive is your server famalam?
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No but I'm going to encourage you;
You can do it Anon. You got this.
don't skills randomly appear after the first rotation though? I guess every rotation has enough chara to account for this?
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in a setup like this? she can replace s.shiroko?
Think of that student as my beloved Rinny. She couldn't master the pjano, but she grew up to become a fine lady, my wife, and a real big shot.
Oh my God what the fuck? I also got kokona in a single draw!
At this point I'm kinda scared of how lucky I am today
I'm worried about Midomo.
They'll cycle one more time so you have another chance.
The meal ticket shows up on the day that you look for jumbos ticket in the dining hall, but it only shows up after you finish that quest In the prison

The crayons were yesteday, you had to search the classroom bin multiple times
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that's fine all is good now
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Over under on scatboy being an janny/mod? Or a "schizo" for strawmanning moderator abuse?
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Imagine Yuuka face when
Where do you think you are?

We love Maki here.

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Threesomes with Ichika and this mob.
Meal ticket on Aug 1st
Grayons on Aug 4th
Well, I do hear NY Fuuka is also good for a bunch of stuff so I would like to get her, and I do question if 4* would be worth it and the chance for spookes is very tempting
>shop reset
>all buyable elephs (except GA and half of the pvp ones because they are completely useless) are either done or at a value less than the max
Aw yeah that’s the good stuff
Hina will never master the piano in my game it's OVER
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I hope he is a mod because it means you guys will suffer forever lol
No one likes Mika, go away already
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Isn't 90 the max level?
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pat pat pat
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>Doing the piano room notebooks again

This still makes me sad.
>Avatarfagging as zoos
>Avatarfagging as Hina
It's like you put a neon sign on you with the phrase "I'm slow"
At this point this is just an elaborate shitpost, fuck off.
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you guys post around the same time, interesting
samefag? you guys are aligned in viewpoint
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Where is Alice?
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yeah im thinking erotic
Pretty sure you can still unlock them
What's the rotation for Hiero TOR? I'm using DAko SHosh DHina Kokona Himari Nagisa
Mika needs an alt so the retarded faggot gets an aneurysm
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Use Himari + Nagisa
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So it's you
Use this.
The only good gehenna
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Out there playing with some other student
got both rats during this bluefest and i'm going for my second spark, how long until i roll migga?
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Gehenna is full of good girls
fuck the localizer
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What about that one the one with horns...mmmm
You will never roll Mika on this banner. Wait 6 months and spark her.
Grandma love
This Mika hate is making me root for the underdog.
No one wants M*ka anyway
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You don't really need to take an strong position hate or love.
You can simply moderately like her
getting swole
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>you can do hard missions more than once
oh no i fucked up
It's Miyako and the others
Thoughts on my post?
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Nice. Plat guaranteed.
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what the fuck! why is it us now instead of me?
miyako is supposed to be a stacy
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Not native English, what's wrong with "us"?
Is not correct?
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I hate it. Make a better one.
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You can sweep 3 times a day. 6 if you are willing to refresh... how long have you been playing for?
find me the "us" in the jp video
i will wait
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Plapping Tsurugi
This Mika hate feels very organic and not at all forced.
We get to redo quests and get all the quest rewards again.
Can this troon fuck off already
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the hell is this horse shit? I burned almost 500 AP and got only 9 eleph total out of it
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imagine the smell
beautiful tsurugi
i like fluffy girls
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Why would Arona need nail polish?
can you be anymore obvious
I didn't do a good run at all and my Hoshino is UE40
If I got a good run I'd expect around 12M
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i got makoto on my first day and then she disappeared. i don't remember which day of the week that was. i'm level 24
Oh ok, you are new.
Well now you know, you are supposed to farm some students like this.
can't you just bodythrow at that point
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Here's my shitty notepad if you want to try Torment
yeah but I'm not happy about it
I wanted the 1T
>it's been 3 years
>still no one in the cast has interacted with Sora

We don't know if she even exist
why use azoos when you can use dAko
how the fuck do you have hoshino tank? assuming she needs to be maxed
BASED vol. 4 skipper
Imagine Sora's face after the rabbits tell her, we just came from showering at schale
Miyako loves her fellow squadmates more than Sensei
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She literally forgets about Miku's existence
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BRONZEgods never have to deal with this problem
The timing of her normal skill lines up better, and she does more passive damage.
weapon levels?
yeah, i want to get enough fragments to rank yuuka up. i thought hard missions would reset biweekly at first
dAko's positioning is fucking garbage
half the time she runs straight to the front and gets herself killed for some reason
I got her around 140 rolls, but i have some luck.
Don't bother using the spark for her untill she gets her banner.
Why a deathbot capable of annihilating humanity need such a smoochable tummy for?
>no need to keep track of dako's buff timings
>if zoos gets healed by nagisa she gets more HP back
>no risk of having her dako position herself to die
midori.png if I had one
Don't tell me you would design a deathbot and not give her a tummy like that.
Comfy INS
Comfy Gold
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Seia cunnilingus
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That's the joke
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shes called dHina because i give her the d
No. What if I can't stop smooching it?
more like undress hina lol
shut up and get in bed miyako
I will never be lucky ever again after this
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3star Ako, UE50 Hosh, UE40 Hina, UE30 Kokona, UE40 Himari/Nagisa
UE40 should be enough for her to tank
Post Chisaki's butt.
It's grammatically correct, but the original Japanese didn't specify who was speaking, it just said literally "borrowed (used) shower, thank you very much" with that doodle of a bunny. So it could've been just Miyako doing it, could've been the whole rabbit platoon, could've been Tsukuyo for all I know, but the English added in "we" because you kind of need to specify in English and Miyakocucks are mad because the note made it seem like she just walked in and used the shower because she felt like it.
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>only two days in and my one team Extreme clear is already nearing the edge of Gold
Shit, guess I should try and see if I can force an Insane victory by going full meatgrinder.
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I will single pull until I get a 3*. Bless my rolls, boys. I'll report back shortly.
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I really love coinflipping
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Only if you bought pakeji, otherwise it'll be a while
Thread's going to shit so checking myself out.
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Miyako owns sensei. She can do whatever she wants in his domicile.
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dont remember this being a problem on jp, another stealth global nerf?
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whos that?
me on the left
>didn't buy Azoos
>didn't buy Koharu
>can barely clear Extreme with dHina
S-silver is better anyway...
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>Miyako owns sensei
Wtf am I a slave now?
Who has the story read order for a newcutie?
miyako is poop and ugly stinky rabbit nigger
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holy damage
SHanako can replace Azoos
Where to get mofe Ibuki elephs from the event?
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Why would they be mad about that? Didn't Sensei say they could borrow Schale facilities whenever they needed?
Contextually it makes sense for it to be the rabbits since other students can use their own damn showers.
anon... those are mistakes
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You deserve bronze
Best I can get Torment Hiero down to is x160 with UE40 Hina and UE30 sHoshino and Kokona.
Is this another Kurokage case where the essential students need to be UE50 and the optional ones at least UE40?
I have nwither and can 1T it just fine with a borrowed Kokona. Granted I do have an Atsuko on the team, but that's it. What level are you?
I'm flicking banazoos
me on the right
All the students are good girls, they wouldn't rape sensei against his will.
>tfw bought so much pakejis my bank thought something was wrong
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Not like this... at least it was only 15 rolls.
Nobody knows what a fucking bar is but yes Hina needs to be UE50 to 1t.
No, I mean they're mad because they wanted it to be ONLY Miyako borrowing the shower because it makes her look like a Stacey who just walks in and uses (You)r shower on her own without even bothering to ask permission. It's not as much of a power move on her part if the entire platoon is doing it.
Post my little sister, if you will.
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I will not.
I will forgive Mika for cheating on me.
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Here is your reward
Hinata needs to get pregnant
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no, those anons are just dumb
Very well.
Would it be a mistake to roll on bluefes if I just want random 3*s?
wonder how bhosh2 converts to Goz
Calm down Ui
I'm lv76, I cleared Extreme with cHare, tYuuka, dHina, (borrowed) sHoshino, oNodoka and Serina. None of my girls are maxed
>you kind of need to specify in English
only if you are lazy and don't care. "thank you for lending the shower room" will work just as well without presuming who wrote the note.
Was Kisaki FOTM?
What raid is after this one on global? I want to prepare
It isn't even like Miyako to do that.
How pathetic
I still think that if they released her now people would pull so no. Just like with Rio, she has a dedicated fanbase still and she's hot and cute
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>NA already has 110 torment clears
It's just singatroon and his boyfriend's daily dilation time. More of the usual.
That's what I did.
kokozoos getting cursed
who is core for that again
for insane at least
Were you lucky?
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how many ksk doujins this comiket
how many rios
Hina again
I got Wakamo, Maki, etc. So, yes.
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Yeah, if you don't mind incorrect ESL translations, sure.
Sensei didn't lend it because he didn't even know it was happening. The person speaking borrowed it. They're two different words and mean different things. When you say "lend the shower" it implies the person being spoken to, in this case Sensei, performed the action of lending, which isn't the case. The person speaking is the one who performed the action of borrowing, which requires some sort of specification to who's speaking.
good, now watch this sick lift
*pulls back*
are they in the room with us?
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Who's this. I don't quite recognize her.
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I love Fuukas Fuukas
Too dark. Can't self-insert.
my canon wife
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Am I a slut?
NTA, but you could just about get away with "Used your shower, thanks". It's probably not grammatically correct, but for a handwritten note it'd probably be passable.
Bratty Serika...needs correction!
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enjoy your "correct" global translation then. you deserve it.
Battle Hoshino's ex skill is basically perfect for Perorodzilla in an absurd way
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What's the /bag/ consensus on Karin?
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coom in doom
Any of these good? Took 8k gems
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So 5* Ibuki is impossible without Pyro refreshing, right? I've been using all of my natural and PVP AP on her and I still need 100 more elephs to get there. The last 5 days of farming only got me enough points for 60.
10 is nothing
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Literally impossible
It's hard to tell since melonbooks doesn't have everything but iirc the chinks are barely getting anything this time atound
Ushio Noa
Only dHina is good. The rest are okay at best, not useless but there are better units to get from these banners
>can't do the epic rank 1 clear because I'm off by 68 HP healing through the debuff
Am I blind or is DHina not in the expert permit shop?
Absolutely no.
The railroad twins, Ohr, Ein, and Sof and Akira? Yes, for sure.
Niyaniya, we will see.
But Kisaki has been getting fanart consistently and heavely since she first appeared
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Yeah, that would work. It's what I thought when I first read it too.
I'm not even saying it's correct, but making it a stilted ESL translation instead isn't fixing the problem. The real solution was to simply message one of the people who worked on the PV and ask "does this note refer to the whole platoon or just Miyako?" and you'd have the correct answer. But they're too lazy for that most likely.
sensei quite literally, on multiple occasions, give them permission to use his shower at any time. try not skipping the story next time
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What kind of dog is this?
>Random UE50 Kokona on my friend list
Found the sex haver.
Having more sex than everyone else.
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>Mikafags reporting my posts because they're so butthurt
>Janny takes my side and only gives me a warning
You are losing, Mikafags.
Stop pretending you're not a Mikafag.
No one who posts Mika "moderately likes" her. Please see >>488439479
You are just pretending you are a third party. You are a disgusting Mikafag and not welcome here.
Her banner is currently running why would she be
My pockets are empty. Hundreds of millions of credits evaporated. Zero reports. Zero stones. Zero event currencies after spending everything on blurays for the new girls

When is the next event? I need to start from zero I can't do shit in the game anymore
Natsume Iroha
It's a giant bunny
You're a nigger, stop posting
Don't need to be a janny to call it like it is
that's a tree
>spending resources on new girls with no immediate reason to
Your fault
Post students that are e-sports but not cute
Do I need a team full of blues, one team of reds, and one team of yellows to do content or can I just do my favourite girls?
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Are you looking forward to the release of this doujinshi?
Do backjobs exist? because i want to get one from Hina
>insane actually was pretty easy

Thank you Hina, sex, and zoos.
>M*ka included
Did they purposefully make NYKayoko ass to keep alive by making her a Middle instead of a Back student
Because holy fucking shit stop running into the fucking peroros you retard you're gonna die
Only the decacunnies were FOTM, the shupogakis are still getting art here and there and Akira has at least a couple dedicated artists, with many people awaiting her release.
You can use whoever you want for missions but using better students will let you complete them at a lower level
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For characters like Hina backjobs and naizuri is the same
No 39.8m, but it's NA so whatever
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When are we going to get the next Ex skill reducer support?
No NyFuuka is Fucking pain!!!
sounds like dako to me
Hoshino pregnant? Of course, I am the father after all.
>no Hoshino focused pages
There's a JTF mob one so I'll forgive
>Aya Shachou in a pregnancy doujin
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On JP serious Hosh made Insane Peroro really easy too
>People with the higher UE have the lowest level.
I'd be wondering if that extra UE compensates for the lower levels.
And what if he didn't buy the T8 necklace? Borrowing healers is a big gamble on this, thank fuck for the QOL that allows you to go back to the lobby and choose other teammates.
Let's see how long it takes
>ue40 sex
Nice waste of ligma
pregnancy sex is kinda gross
unless you're trying to induce childbirth or something
When do I start needing to pay attention to team comp/skills, etc? Are there pyros in it?
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>hurr durr I will post just to incite shitposting
Further proof Mikafags are the worst posters in this general.
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I love pregnancy stuff but really hate when they give birth on the spot. It is really disgusting and kills my mood and boner instantly...
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What do you usually make for yourself when you're hungry and it's lunch time anons?
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Welcome to /bag/, enjoy your first day.
I wonder who could be behind this post
Tired of pure pregnancy slop, we have too many of those, give me a vanilla collection
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Nozomi should sit on my face
literal scatboy + boyfriend tier behavior
go back to playing hoyoslop
D Hina is great, Izuna is good, the rest are outclassed but still useful
Pasta cabonara and tuna
Or a ham and cheese sandwich
ligma kokona
At the beginning. Using a better team and using skills properly will always let you clear content earlier. There is like 30k pyro from the missions hut they are always there and you don't lose them if you are slow.
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My good Insane clear is slowly heading torwards gold...
Hina? More like Hinamatsuri.
some things never change
pat pat pat
silver looks better anyways
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Your good what?
hina and mika are both shit
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I feel like only having ten memolobbies on hand is too little considering the amount of student we now have.
I wish they upped the limit, or at least let us create more than one ten memolobby, which we could save as multiple presets.
Depends on what's available
I don't stick to an usual grub unless I'm in a hurry in which case it's cup noodles
>Another pregnancy collab
My dick
What could be more vanilla than making a family with the woman you love?
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comfy 10 minute practice and clear
Stop being a manwhore
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gn anon
Sleeping with shiggy...
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what the fuck
credits comms even on 3x is a scam why would anyone do this
does headpatting girls other than my waifu count as cheating?
There is literally nothing wrong with liking a student. Stirring fanbase wars is a bannable offense.
I prefer Hinamatingpress
Enough space in my case. All the students who show me feet go into the roster. As simple as that
if you had a wife, would she want you patting girls heads all day?
Yes, you're a whore.
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I have officially finished my shitpost image ahead of schedule
Comfy stoat for comfy bag hours
you have a better alternative?
How do you even run out of credits? I'm always around 500m and clear torments
No. I will NEVER like a group book with random artists I don't give a fuck about sprinkled in it.
Which students are for /fit/ senseis only?
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>student for prison gay homos
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>tfw stuck in the 70s still
>It's probably going to take a year or more
Ignoring the core fetish, I have a love-hate relationship with Anthologies and Godoushis (Godoushies?). On one side they bring a lot of new artists and people that wouldn't have the time to release a full BA book by themselves, but on the other side the artists you DO like always get so few pages and it's always disappointing.

I find myself often taking individual pages from the artists I like out of these works so I can have them on a separate folder. Think I did this for Kikunosukemaru, Indo Curry and Atte Nanakusa
every single student is for fit sensei only
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Depends on what I have on hand.
I usually like to make spaghetti, or black beans and chicken, or rice and eggs.
I usually have a meal I've already prepped earlier that week.
Although sometimes when I'm stressed or depressed I'll make a ton of cookies and drink a ton of milk. Really depends on the day.
I see, I see.
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On Peroro? Are her multipliers really this good? Isn't the fact that she has to have a target hindering her options on how many peroro minions she hits?
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There's also going to be a compilation of vanilla doujinshis.
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when can we change the intro screen?
right now you dork
When does my wife Yuuka more screentime
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you can already change it
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That'll make tomorrow worth looking forward to more than usual.

It wont take that long. Continue sweet talking the crafting chamber, do your headpats, and make sure you tackle Set moving forward because it rewards gifts as well.
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Anyone with a UE50 Kokona in EU?
Nice now this is my kinda shit
>Karin and Asuna lumped together yet again
She can reliably hit 3-4 targets. The radius is 300 compared to 2q00 for Aru
wake me up when it's a loli anal only anthology
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Volume 2 soon bro.
t.John Nexon
>solo yuuka and solo asuna books
>noa and karin has to be in yuuka/noa and asuna/karin pairs in their books
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>make sure you tackle Set moving forward because it rewards gifts as well.
Oh fuck me sideways, is that true? I only know Set has you climb floors and shit but are those gift rewards limited to each season? I have no idea which students are core for Set
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doubters will tell you it gets harder after 80, but they're lying. I hit 80 in April, I'm pretty sure
And this retarded general was just saying that this Fes the characters were "not as meta as the ones from previous Fests"
Always do the opposite of what /bag/ says. There needs to be a moratorium on GLtards offering commentary on the JP meta.
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What would Serika do if you kissed her suddenly haha
This shit is nuts.
Anyone managed to 1t torment peroro with her?
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Not enough birthday girl posting

That depends on how much your wife is into polygamia
torment is not out yet, but it's looking to be possible
>is that true
Hope you're prepared.
Nobody actually likes Maki. Not even ironically.
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Are we sure Maki is not a boy?
>only good for one color in one raid
Maybe useful for Kurokage too but she is by far the worst fes unit
I don't know how to interpret this chart but I'm gonna cum regardless
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When are we getting a school based on Islam? It's the only major Abrahamic faith not yet referenced in BA.
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Goodnight /bag/
Got swimsuit Hoshino and dress Hina in 13 rolls
Himari (dupe)
Atsuko (dupe)
Mina (dupe)
Swimsuit Saki
Should I keep going? I'm 6 months in but I still consider myself new and I guess my roster isn't as diverse yet.
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Post Peroro
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>Purple gifts
>Sakurako, NY!Akarin and Stoatsex
Good night
i like maki because she's friends with momomido and shits on yuuka
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I think Saki is second best SRT.
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You know who should be lumped together in a doujin? Iori and Karin
>Gehenna has Haruna
>Millenium has Utaha
>Trinity has Hifumi

who is the girlboss with the most game in other schools?
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How the fuck do you 1T this on Torment, is it all crit RNG? I did a yolo team to knock off like 25% of his HP. Resetting because of anyone getting the mark except Kokona fucking sucks as it is.
Yes and the blondest whiboiest sensei (me)
Kotbros... I don't know about this one...
gaijins and EOPs only look at things in black and white, partly due to liking niggers so much
gn anon
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>not yet referenced
a shame because its the most based out of all of them, they all worship jews though so they all must be taken with a grain of salt
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Just borrow
Hanako is confirmed to be a good replacement. Not sure what to do about the lack of NYAkari though.
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Did I just brick myself if I'm only starting Hina's game now?
How do I end the day to practice piano again?
Also, where to find the orange paper plane, the ticket and the ladle?
there's a lot of leeway in your teams, characters like cUtaha and sIzuna are also important or relevant

oShig can be replaced with a maxed out Hanako, for example. I think sEimi can replace nyAkari albeit not as well.
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The sad dejected kind.
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There is nothing wrong with liking Mika per se, but within this general it is morally wrong to post her or make posts about her. Every single time you post her it creates constant shitposts which never end. The less Mika is posted in a thread, the higher the quality of the thread is. This is why no one except dedicated Mikafags post her. This is why we always skip Mika OPs and ignore them. This is why we don't draw Mika in the Aggie. This is why we don't accept Mikafags into our clubs. This is why Mika isn't allowed to be on the /bag/ team. If you're a Mikafag and you're seriously interested in being a /bag/ citizen, then you should stop posting her for the betterment of the thread.
The Prophet Rio mashallah
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>This shit is nuts
So you don't actually like Maki, just hate Yuuka.
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Here's something I just stole from futaba.
Is there even a dojin with a blonde sensei? They either have anime sensei, doodle sensei or ugly bastard/bbm browns
most likely won't be able to get all the pyros now, not sure though
I think too many days have passed to be able to at least level up to 15 or you're literally at the threshold. I have no idea no one ever calculated the XP per day but the max is 20 and the event ends on monday, put two and two together
you can still get all the lost items though
I do think Karin deserves more solo vanilla books with sensei but Noa actually has a decent amount. Yuuka's just that popular so she has more.
Probably not. Only if I could draw, alas, I am relegated to appreciation duties.
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>Mr.Best ended up being a fraud

this is my 9 11
>school based on Islam
already have hebrew shit and christ shit, it's not distinctly different enough
>99% of the cast is underage
>some of them bordering single digits
it was there all along, kivotos is halal land
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No one disagrees with me because they know I'm correct. Mikafags are cancer.
You certainly won't get piano proficiency to max now. But since today started a new day quest rotation, you can at least gather all lost items i guess.
Still, you kinda fucked up sensei.
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I have been playing this for almost 3 years and didn't know this
I see so instead of spamming yuri he falseflags with Hina now
What now? I need a qrd.
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now you know!
Ok I can work with that if I can replace those 3 but it's gonna be tough, thanks anons, everything for my beautiful studentwife
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>rushes in front of the tank and dies
whoever put that cover in front of chars supposed to stay ahead of everyone else must die.
If you honestly believed any of Mr. Beast's content was real then I don't know what to tell you, probably would accuse you of being underageb& but there's others who also fall for it.
I don't think i've ever watched even a single video of that guy, is he actually entertaining? i remember seeing a snippet of one of his videos and it looked like zoomer trash
So shield Hoshino kinda useless and it's all about her offensive mode. right?
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Predict what theme Kuroko's first alt will have.
Didn't know that you could refresh or that it was 3 times per node?
Good thing I dont have that issue, it was meant to pander to asian salarymen anyways
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this is fucking bait
no way you don't know you can do hard nodes more than 1x a day
how have you been farming them?
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What is this retard trying to achieve by avatarfagging with Hina?
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That you could refresh the nodes
I'm not going to discount the tank mode yet but I'll wait for smarter people to figure it out
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This has to be a joke
There is no way you didn't know
I'd stop if youre thinking about rolling on 2 or 3 banners in the next 3 or so months. Hard to say without seeing your full rooster or pyro count though.
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Hot dog Arona awakened my childhood memory of being on vacation in Europe and having to PAY for ketchup packets.
Ah, that does sound relatively reasonable, still a certified Aru moment though.
Hang in there, baka Sensei.
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Kdrama gomen Yuuka doujin series has a blonde sensei.
>this sensei had a GF before Kivotos
>but she left him and is getting married to another man
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You can't be serious.
Heard Germans make you pay for fucking tap water in restaurants. Deserved a nuke more than Japan for that tbqh
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>First doujin was perfect vanilla goodness
>Series devolves into ntr garbage and drama
And I really liked Johan Liebert Sensei too
Well I dunno what to tell you, it seems like you should be able to clear it, especially if the d. Hina is maxed. My girls aren't maxed either, except for d. Hina, and I run her, borrowed Kokona, s. Hoshino, Atsuko, Serina and Ako and I can 1t. I'm even thinking on swapping out Serina for either Himari or maybe NY Hariluka to see if I can increase my score.
yoku dekimashita
>the one with a blonde sensei is kdrama with cuckoldry
yeah sorry, ain't reading that
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Recently an insider who worked with him confessed that Mr.Beast faked his videos
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Picture of the GF. Imagine if she visits Kivotos. How much will the girls bully her for cucking Sensei?
When do we beat Wakamo again?
Do you break cover with Nagisa? Otherwise how do you keep Ako from going to front and being melted?
isn't this old news
like years old news
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Having started around this February basically all events had no extra daily activities and the story part could be marathoned like an hour before the end
I've been just sweeping the farming stages, the event shop is fully cleared now
I was really busy for the last two weeks to the point of totally neglecting my other two gachas and I thought it would be the same this time
Shikata ga nai I guess
student ryona sensei was right
Is it just piano practice from now on?
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in other news water is wet and grass is green
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What does her kit even have that could be used? She only repositions herself and creates a cover, so maybe some cope 2nd team for SRKR to block balls?
That's a little less bad...
>the 5 students in abydos are paying 80,000 a month to their debt
What in the fuark Rioconomics
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not him but I used the same exact team and idk what to tell you she has never done that in my runs
I hate anthologies.
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>Teenager finds out game shows are fake and rigged for entertainment
Rice and beans because I'm poor as fuck and that's all I can afford. If I'm lucky and they have bananas or nearly expired greens on sale I'll throw those in too
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>following specific channels and ecelebs post 2010
that was the problem
Never too old to *smoooooch*.

what the other anon said i just copied this and she was fine.
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Are you that anon that has been farming shiroko for two years. Since this explains a lot.
Fucking kek.
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Iroha is fluffier than professor niyaniya. fact.
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fokin finally
Juri be my wife PLEASE.

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