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What is Revue Starlight?
Revue Starlight is a multimedia franchise consisting of stage plays, anime, manga, mobage and more. Various stage girls compete in battles to become the "top star", the peak of their peers. NOTE: The game is a sequel to the events of the anime, Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight. It is required to watch it before playing the game.

>Asset viewer

>Tier List

>English Twitter

>Download Links
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.atm.smile.ww
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/revue-starlight-re-live/id1456723497?mt=8

Previous Stage: >>487922835
ichiwho... the forgotten shame of sweet pleats...
Yumeoji Ichie
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Cow's birthday
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cow love!
She can feed the b-gomis.
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Obsessions are cute.
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woah you cant say that
Kaoruko sodomizes Futaba
The last /revue/...
rondo rondo rondo
Futaba is Kaoruko's "sailor".
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this is true but i pretend clautaba is better than kaomaya because i like the former two characters slightly more, and also maya's alejandro voice sounds silly
there should be 40 more hours of bgumis as well but this is a given
Would you purchase a biyearly Starlight VN of similar quality to El Dorado?
I would give all my money to Kaoruko's games.
I would give a small fraction of my money to Kaoruko's games.
stellagame where
we are all moving to limbus company
Where's HiKaren
They were commited to a closes facility.
they distorted and turned into a giant position zero amalgam it was messy
Junjun's frail ankles
Junjun's crunchy wrists
Junjun's delicious ears
Junjun's delicate fingers
Junjun's squishy neck

How did Ayasa go from voicing a major character in a Sanrio anime to that disgusting obese elf....?
She is the queen of fat.
intendo maya
's tiny wiimote grinding on Kuro's super scope
the idea of having a set cast of characters with many alts of them in different roles was actually inspired by (stolen from) critically acclaimed gacha Re LIVE. how cute of them
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el dorado was so fun I forgot we are getting eos'd
from the ashes of revue love cobra will be born
Karen is reborn!
It's over.
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Un-over it. Start again. And make it snappy
go stick a chili pepper up your ass
it's what akira would do
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I do not support that one
There will be a Rui/Yyk route in El Dorado 2
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The route will have Ruirui be kisses by rinmeikan B-gomies
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That happens in every route. Assertive Yuyuko will put a stop to those floozies however
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today we will make beef stroganoff
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everyday when I'm going to college I open this thread and post something retarded related to kaoruko it has become a daily habit i'm gonna be very sad if the general dies when eos please move to /u/ or something
Same, but maybe not to /u/ since the people there are a little unwell.
B-gumis deserve good a-gumis.
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Junjun should kiss all the girls
except Nana.
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Turning a freshly caught Mermaidhiru into fish sticks
it should have been OTSUKI ARURU
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The Brightest Star
I Have Never Heard Of Those
The arurur kisser
The Aruru marrier...
it is not for marriage it is for Murder
First one, then the other.
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What will be revue's legacy?
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Karen's complex character arc
hikari oneitis is not a character arc
Hikari dagger is the true legacy.
Theater is cool
Dondon is an evil place
I spent gems on stamina for my Shizurewards since we are on a time limit anyways... I feel like I've broken a taboo
Did You Know? It's Otonashi Ichie
they call her otonashi because they mute her LAME and BORING live streams (tl note: otonashi means silence)
Does anyone know how to extract the 3D battle models from the game?
If you don't care about it not having armatures or animations,
Run ReLIVE on Nox, enter a battle with the stage girls whose models you want to rip, activate Ninjaripper or some similar tool to suck all the models out of Nox's memory while the models are on-screen, and then use Noesis to read the ripped stuff and extract your models/textures. Easier to find your model in Noesis if you know the model's number which you can find on Karth
Newer versions of Ninjaripper are behind a paywall and I haven't tried it again because someone said they had all the ReLIVE models ripped on Twitter recently but are probably waiting until EoS happens to share them. If they don't share anything by September, I'll panic and try to rip a few myself
There's also https://pastebin.com/SGZrjf11 but I cannot crack the .mdl
thanks anon, i'm trying to rip resentment futaba cause i want to make 3D models of the truck
The truck's name is Hanayagi Kaoruko...
Kaoruko's dumptruck sent Futaba to another world.
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Karen is smarter than any b-gumi
Kaoruko is slimmer than any b-gumi
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Vocal on these 2 part sound like Cow
She has no range (and that's a good thing)
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It's A German
The Pink one is my favourite German
Moriyasu Kuina, she is the
Please tell me pasupare popipa wasn't the only youtube channel that uploaded event stories on Youtube,I think I'll actually explode if I have to read them in text only.

Also general stage play+movie viewing order?Besides the first season and the game I haven't engaged with anything else in the franchise.
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There is an ongoing effort to archive stuff before EoS, so it might get uploaded somewhere.

>Also general stage play+movie viewing order?
It's best to consider both the anime+movie and the stageplay as two parrallel versions.
One one hand you have the staight forward
Season one + OVA -> Rondo Rondo Rondo (Recap movie but withadditional scenes that ties into the movie) -> Conte -> Movie ->El Dorado (game)

For the stageplays it's pretty simple you have
spinoffs->Blue Glitter(Sakai eyes manga)

Timelinewise #4 should be the last one.
The upcoming Stageplay (Baby Blue) is a direct continuation to Blue Glitter but with the sieglet.

You can understand it as the numberred one being the Kukugumies maion story, Blue glitter and Baby Blue being the Seiran spinoff (With them introdficed inn #2) and then the stageplay starting with Delight being centered on Sigfield.

#1 shares the most with the anime, being close to S1. #1, #2 and Blue Glitter have a manga adaptation.
They're all very fun to watch and eveything mentioned but Remain are available subbed.

It's probably better to watch the movie first and then go into stageplay.
I hope it's understandable.
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Seiran's dark colors and normal hair colors soothe me. I hope Baby Blue is good though I liked Blue Glitter quite a bit too
i don't like it they are ugly and traitor
Have Akira came to your Theater alone? I m not into Akira so i don't put her but just now she appear i thought she got dialogue with Katarina Futaba but she speak to herself.

Siegfeld is another world?
Siegfeld is Hell.
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Schwarz Stella x Kuro
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The Prostitute...
>brainlet bgoomi is a whiteboy
Judy pride world wide.
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Now kiss.
Germany is hell confirmed
How can germany be hell if it produces pink angles ?
Pinks are false, deceivers. They are daemons in disguise.
Yachiyo should absorb the rest of the pinks. She can do better than a mere 2 souls
It's A Hamster
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It really did EoS before I could get a usable version of her.....
You only need yyk
I don't think I ever had a meta yyk
There is only YYK. YYK is the meta.
ban caesar because she give Double Team to her whole unit
ban Kaguya Tamaoe because she give Sand Attack to your whole unit
I really exhaust my memoirs upgrade, staminas and time grinding for tourney just to lose in 2 turns. I lose against snow white misora, cost12 one I'm shaking
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the train will make it to the next station (EoS)
will RuiRui kiss Tamao and YYK before then?
Yes, right after Hagruru gets her Live2d model
Yuyuko should find a backup gumi with abs if Rui falls through. Like Misora (Eruru will capture Aruru)
I used Stage Girl Koharu as soon as she released and will until EoS because someone online said stun is good or something. Trophy Road made me use low cost units so it was meant to be
Hisame is now the expert on big girls after Akira and Nana. She could handle any cow with confidence
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True love, so beautiful.
Maya's love for 5 year old Eru is the most true
Death is also beautiful
necrophilia is weird
My friend death
I love death
Banana made love to dead b-gumis in her time loops.
They shoudl announce EoS a second time so the thread would be alive again!
They should announce Love Cobra
Love Steller's Sea Cow
Please post THAT image!
Don't do that.
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How do I go back to that time ?
Only talking giraffes can grant your wishes
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lucid dreaming
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Don't use SG with Stop Resistance

Do the Karen
cancel culture?
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The duck will save Stella from that loser.
Stella is a loose girl
All good stage girls are loose
all because of Bananers.
What's the message behind all the a-gomi walking their own paths while the b-gumi get married with each other?
Did you know that Fumi is the only actually married A-gumi?
That's right she pledged the precious promise with her imouto!
Rui Is A Lier!
Shiori will have to marry a horsie.
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/revue/'s final divegrass event starts today: the tag team cup. Once again teaming up with /llsifg/, /2hug/, and /ink/ as part of team /cute/. Schedule and stream link here:
Time for Karen to be cute
That cannot happen.
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Did you know? Nonomiya Lalafin is a space racist!
The only good spaceoid is a dead spaceoid.
>last /revue/ divegrass
incredibly sad. divegrass is what made me discover this IP.
started, mein kaiser on the pitch
Judy would have scored goals
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It is simple. the B-Gumi race is the strongest. the A's must train for decades to catch up
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>put Diaocham Yachiyo in theatre
>convo is Otori-Meifan and Akira-Shiori
Where why tf do they appear
Deceived by Chinese
Shiori said
Fumi smells weird
Like a mixture of ponzu and cripple liquids
Fumi smells like other girls.
sitting in a tree...
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Post one (1) true fact
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I wish we had a little more fanservice since the ship is gonna go down anyway
We need Mamahiru unbirthing Hikari on stage, full on screen in the mobage.
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Strong farm girl
Lower bracket match is starting soon
our match is on now! tune in!
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Lalafin stunts are my fanservice so I agree
>/revue/'s final divegrass event starts today
Isn't there a friendly with /llsifg/ scheduled for friendlies?
I hate Aruru
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Souda Ichika Yakumo sleepover fanservice...
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>yakumo first year as souda and ichika in third year
>ichika's sister chizuru is a little runt at that time but was in same class (?) as sakuragi according to el dorado
fake low-level hag
Maya will be the real hag when she is 40 years old and still likes girls like Eru and child actress Claudine.
Maya deserves all the children in the world
futaba sweaty armpits
a nice salt lick for the cow
cow milk is the best drink
On this blessed day, we are all b-gumi on the left.
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Happy Birthday to Stupid Minase!

L means Los... I mean Lesbo!
Lesbos is a Greek island.
Is SuzuMhr still a thing?
Suzu is far too intelligent for Mahiru's tastes.
Cows should be tended by farmgirls
Mahiru's big, strong country-grown hands are good at milking cattle.
Kaomaya and Claudinetaba stocks are rising
Kaoruko is a big gay baby, but Maya likes actual babies.
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Maya likes slutty baby butts?
Maya needs to get arrested
Today I will support Tanaka Yuyuko.
Don't do that.
I'll stupor Karen
it's my friend
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I only have enemies...
Animal? Do not tell Shiori, she will do bad things.
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That makes Mahiru look evil.
Mamahiru's harem is soon to become real.
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It's over. Let it go.
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I will not leave the theater until after the curtain call. Actually I will keep waiting until they flicker the lights and kick me out.
Looop back to 2018 so you can enjoy 5+ more years of Relive!
enjoy the Aururururu meta
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If you were Hikari how many days would it take for you to forget Karen?
Judy stole Hikari's object permanence so maybe a couple minutes.
Phantom Nana should always be meta. As soon as it was not the strongest thing in the game something was clearly wrong
we are getting a revue starlight soulslike live service game
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Which Starlight will you miss the most?
She was the best for me
Rui, I shat on waifufags for years but she changed my heart
I will not miss Ichie
Despite being the closest in year it feels like Shiori is the furthest from the Sieglets... I know she was in that one story (I forget if it was Romeo and Juliet or something else) but it was not in a stageplay so it is not as cool
I would forget as soon as I saw Dondon-sensei.
I liked Hope Interlude so much it mostly put me at peace with her character but I will still miss Lalafin. I still want to see her secret German lore. I want more Frontier drama, but not the kind where Andrew makes fun of my cool friends and makes them feel bad, I would rather they just do that to each other. And then grow from it, through HOPE, and get strong enough to wipe those chumps Seisho and Siegfeld off the grid once and for all
When's the new anime?
They put Karen in charge of delivering it, please understando.
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why did the flood never come?
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Shipping Karen off to Korea would be a funny prank.
Korean butais has been banned.
I want to see the bgoomi revue animated give us a new movie
Now give me a 20 hour rakugo VN where I can swap the Rinmeikan voices around how I please (all yuyu)
I'm going to miss the sieglets.
I won't miss the Sieglets as much because of their upcoming stageplays and upcoming (surely) anime and upcoming (surely) 10 spinoff games but if they died it would wound me more gravely than any other a-gumi loss
Ryoko did that!
I love revstar
Who is Toji No Miko?
a who
szk x Tendou Maya
maki x Tendou Maya
I HATE HAIRPINS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poor bgoomi. bring him to nurse office
dumb maleposter
Any coder what on earth is hantkojae
Karen's words
Heed them, for they are full of wisdom.
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I sleep
The Yuyusleep...
Kaoruko is straight
Kill yourself, troll.
Post a Yomi
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Judy said:
for futaba cock
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she should join orphan club
>ep 20
Thought it end after 1 season. western really think just because they are disgusted at incest it means everyone else should
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tfw your contract with class A expire and they don't renew
Bgomis lose again
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Soon to be unemplyoed gomis...
Unemployment is good, it lets you play mobages all day.
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my proto hags
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Why do none of the buff girls have the big heavy weapons? Is Lalafin's hammer made of foam?
Ruirui has nice muscles and a Big Sword!
Llgbfn uses the power of justice and cuteness
There should have been a italia butai
Sudanese butai.
Chinese butai
Japanese butai
there is only one and its name is kanami
Even Koharu Lil think oneechan is cute
Incest feeling is normal
More like Blue
Futaba's dessert...
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Maya went to
the kindergarten
>everything keep evolve into crab
Karen already has the brain of Crab.
warewa Frontier
That is actually kinda cool, for once.
Aru Dorado
The Girl With The Golden Gun
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the Cowboy
She is orphan because fat and ugly
Misora likes fat and ugly.
1 month left
This isn't dating site stop promoting yourself
love cobra news before the end
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A butai's favorite hobby
llgb I'll miss you
shiori sama's stamp of ownership
Fumi's tramp stamp...
Karen pissed in my yard
dumb transphobe
Kill yourself, twittershitter.
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What if...
Aru can have Eru, for she is too old to be pretty.
silly little girl
rejected by Maya because she was too old
>Kaomaya real
post-Climax kaoruko tops everyone by the way
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the Revue Master...
I unironically get sad seeing old teams because it reminds me how fucking fun this game was back then
the last Karen
Please remember Karen
I will remember all of Karen's moments of intellectual brilliance.
Remember Hisame
Hisame with the Guisarme
Ever since the final update the game locks on a black screen after logging in for me.
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Rui will be forgotten....
I will always remember the Top Star, TENDOU MAYA.
Tender Mayo's crimes against women and children will never be forgotten
>Isn't there a friendly with /llsifg/ scheduled for friendlies?
Yes, but friendlies aren't considered a formal event.
Whether that match actually happens also depends on the state of this thread, if it even still exists by September 29th.
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Invest in Karencoin
It's szk
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What is Karen's appeal?
it is smart and knows many tricks
Karen's whore tricks
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I don't get it
And you never will
Futaba should become Fataba.
It's over
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Full tongue in front of the innocent audience.
2 hour and 45 minute (1 intermission for audience stretching break) ftkao passionate kissing OVA
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>hikari on top
Karen is smart enough to know that is not possible.
This is what Karen knows:
Wow impressive!
It's Ogami Shiro
That's bad.
Why didn't Stella save starira?
Stella dropped Starira after they removed the self-insert b-gumi. She is also raising stageplay stocks for Starira 2 funds so trust in her leadership
Stella saved Siegfeld by preserving their good name through more SUPER COOL stageplays. Even though Akira could and should show up in every stageplay as a side (main) character and it would make sense every time
Stella should get a restraining order
Fumi got a restraining order against Shiori.
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Claudine has naturally hairy legs
and that is why she is the Top Star.
Wow Stella's wife new wife looks really cool!
>ryoko actress drooling in replies to all of her pictures and in official streams
the pride of the sieglets is so smart... they should enslave romana
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Judy will defeat all.
Wherever Judy goes, she must rape
Revue but it's
all little girls.
That is Almost Conte
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I already miss the duck
The Duck is Forever.
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Traitor. Evil.
Words only spoken by the deranged
You're right Tamao would say that
Do not listen to Tamao, she says many things, all unworthy of someone of her station.
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Shiori is going to kill her.
Fumi will protect Tamao with her life
because it costs very cheap
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Happy birthday to Stella Seatbelt!
>medium plushies cost 15
>large plushies cost 30
>small plushies cost 50 for single and 20 for the 99 limit ones
is this a Stella Scam? Maybe it was always like this but I only buy Stella plushies so I would not know
Help, I am swooning.
Funny error. Or should I say... funny joke, Stella.
stella did nothing wrong
She failed to contain the duck.
The Duck must be free to do what it wills.
El Pato
Did you know? Minku!
I have faith in the Stinku.
she will top the Kuina
To give Minku pointer for Lupin, Kuina need to let Yachiyo-senpai rides her during Caesar story
Kuina was supposed to be Stella's cool rival that gives her power-ups but Minku (greedy woman) stole her back... that's why Stella is so weak... Shiro do something
Fumi x Rui
I don't know who to feel more sorry for in that scenario.
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Mahiru suffers from bacterial Karenitis.
We are going to Kaos' game
I still miss Kirara Fantasia...
Tasty snacks for Claudine.
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birthday feet!!
they smell like sauerkraut
Finally some good food
Shiori will go for the animal.
Post it.
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look at that future rapist
it is not future she already did it to piiori
Glad to know I am posting among people with moral
Rape is every butai's right
plump, but not as good as kaoruko
Fumi is so lucky to have such a prtetty exclusive wife she will never ever leave nor cheat on!
Claudine look like their sibling already (also rich) she is no different than doing Shiori so it is not cheating
claudine will save fumi from poverty...
By selling her into slavery.
Shiori bought her.
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Shiori... become Chariot
Not an improvement.
What will be an improvement?
Styling her hair into a true mohawk.
Become Horse, that improves all things.
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Is that an accessory?
That is her Vessel.
The star hairpin and Mr. White plush are accessories only outside of revues. In revues they multiply and are kirameki fuel cells. And IQ enhancers
Mr. White drains her IQ.
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The antagonist.
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Her harem
Only a small fraction of it.
The Romanas aren't real
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is a loser!
losers are cute
tmr tmo
Tamao will join Romana and her edge will be accepted.
Shiro will replace Tomoe Tamao (she will lose)
Shiro will be sent to Dondon for her crimes.
which butai does the most drug
Judy because London
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banana and oneechan in another universe...
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I heard the Revues in the VN weren't translated? That's very odd. Any word from Bushiroad about fixing that?
Maybe email them
el dorado english Dub soon
No Baby Blue international stream either... they disdain the pathetic overseas b-gumi
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With this, i have completed the final event

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