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Tips for being a good taichou:
>Summer on its peak
>Swimsuits everywhere
>Hope you have lots of suntan ready...!
>Careful handling the sirenians! Asphyxiation may occur in some cases
>Training ongoing with the rat, remember to save your stamina
>Mid-summer swimsuit event still going until the 29th, don't forget to use those tickets!
>Kingdom still kicking somehow... ongoing maintenance

>Kemono Friends Kingdom
>Official Twitter
>Kingdom Mate Codes
https://pastebin.com/E83JZa8Z (embed) (embed)
>Spreadsheet of KFK Friend skills

>KF3 PC Version and Mobile Version
>Chokotto Anime
>Official Twitter
>KF3 Friend Codes
https://pastebin.com/Jjh09inL (embed) (embed)
>Guide and Skill Sheets

>Model Viewers
>Moose-Taichou's Repository
>Moose cache backup
>Another backup: https://mega.nz/folder/h9UWSILS#sW4IzqVGVLSwNsky2B6zbw

>Previous Thread: >>488090089

>Tip of the day:
Remember, a broken pelvis is not a big deal.
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forget about pinnipeds and embrace the cows taichou
I feel like we need to start classifying Friends by weight class.
Taichous can choose to enter into lightweight, midweight, or heavyweight specializations.
I dropped Kingdom a century ago, tried downloading it earlier but didn't see anything that would push me to come back.
Anything going on?
Did they develop some fanservice?
Is it dead?
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Oh shit, we back?
Thanks man. Likewise I'm gonna clean the doujin in my free time in the next week so hopefully we can have it fully finished by the end of the month. For now, I'm gonna start posting some random pics, mostly of white dragon (pic related being an exception lol).
Here it is without pesky Meers: https://files.catbox.moe/5jo53x.jpg
Nope, after the last few additions they stopped touching it entirely
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I was going to say the same. I've been playing whenever I find the time and it seems nothing has been added. No new friends, nothing. Very sad but it is what it is
When was the last new friend added?
I saw the "official" twitter is locked and the last news on the official site was last year...
Shouldn't they close the servers at this point?
It's so unfortunate.
That cute flatness isn't unfortunate though!
I think it was mid last year or something, like maybe 2-3 months in to them doing stuff
Kinda wonder how many Friends I could have maxed out if I kept investing time into Kingdom. Don't regret dropping it though.

NSFW: https://files.catbox.moe/hxd5sl.png
So the next Tag-Team Soccer tournament is coming up soonish. We've paired up with the original group, /dbg/, /vrg/, and /mjg/. Or Dragon Ball, Virtual Reality, and Mahjong generals respectively. No real theming as you can see, just that we managers know each other and have fun since this is silly offseason time.

So for that occasion decided to give the Friends a different outfit to wear and quite frankly I did not expect to enjoy it as much as I do.
They fill out the outfits well.
>Super Serval
This game will be tanoshii in five myaas.
The guy who does the /dbg/ aesthetics where they go super and then blue over the course of the game has said they'll do the same for Serval and Fennec as they are our gold medal players.
So I'm excited to see that in action.
Damn, this makes me want to see Arai go blue too. Complete the trifecta and whatnot.
Cute, thanks for doing these as always!
VS Hippo
>Um, now diving!
>Let's do it
[When it becomes summer, moose have a fondness for diving into bodies of water and eating aquatic plants. They are also capable of swimming.]
VS River Otter
Not sure if you want Otter's text separated into the mini lines or just one big blob. How I'll put it is in that separated format, but it wouldn't be too hard to convert into a blob sentence type thing.
>So fun~
>Hey, hey
>Isn't this fun?
And then on Moose's side
>This is tough
[Asian Small-clawed Otters really use rocks to play. They also love playing on slides like in the show.]
Only note for this page is that I'm using "udezumou" instead of arm wrestling as the facts section makes a distinction between the two, so even though it'd be simpler and still accurate I want to highlight that difference.
VS Jaguar
>Udezumou! (this is the Kaban bubble)
>What's udezumou!? (This is the one below Serval)
>I don't understand!
>I don't understand at all!
[Udezumou is a contest of strength. While similar to arm wrestling, the rules are completely different.]
VS Crested Ibis/Toki
>I~ am~ To~ki~
>I am Moose~!!
[Moose have such large bodies that their cries sound less like deer and closer to cows or horses]
Personal note of my own that isn't really worth adding but I thought would be fun to mention, moose calves are very cute sounding. It's very different from some sounds deer fawns make- not squeaky toy level but it is still sorta what you'd expect from a baby. I'd recommend checking it out, it's really cute.
VS Suri Alpaca/Alpaca Suri
>Let's drink some tea!
>Yay <3
>Mm, delicious!
[Moose are herbivores. They eat nuts, aquatic plants, and tree bark.]
Note for fun here, moose eat a pretty wide range of stuff beyond that too. They'll eat fireweed, dandelions, grass, berries and much more when it's available to them. Surprisingly they love bananas too
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A lot of months ago. I got my news from their facebook page which for some reason is the only thing they keep updated. There is a little event now, but as discussed already, not new friends announced and who knows how long they gonna decide to add more, if they ever actually do it.
It looks so fucking cool man! Can't wait to watch that, thank you for still taking the time!
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Cute flatgods!
Nice, that'll be fun to see! How's the most powerful deer looking for this?
She's next up on the chopping block for the outfit when I get back to it.
Spent a lot of time getting it all nice and set to be easily copied bit still takes a fair bit given I also have to (roughly) match skin tones as they change.
Fennec got her digs though
Nice, I'm excited to see that!
Something like that with the eyes to give them the wild release effect would be super cool to see in the future
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This makes me wonder how many G's a friend would be able to stand training on high gravity and shit. Looks great though!
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The fishe sticking out at the bottom is pretty cute
By this time you could probably get all of them maxed, the leveling and stuff seemed pretty fast if you knew what you were doing.
Do you think certain panty types would be more common among certain families of Friends?
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Oh yeah, might be some delays later today since I'm going to be pretty busy but I'll try to get at least a few pages done before night. Good luck typesetting stuff in the meantime!
New collab coming at the end of the month with the Yumoto Goichi Memorial Japanese Yokai Museum (Miyoshi Mononoke Museum). The two friends that are coming are Nue and Rairyu, pic related.

Nue is a yokai. According to Wikipedia, the Nue's appearance is a chimeric mishmash of a monkey, a tiger, and a snake. It has the ability to turn into smoke and shapeshift, and it makes the sounds of a bird. It's a truly odd creature with an interesting history. Go check it out if you get the chance.

Rairyu on the other hand had me stumped for a while. Google would either link me to a Transformers character or to Raiju, another yokai we already have a friend for. Considering Rairyu depicted here is a (very lewd) reptile of some sort, Raiju was off the table. When I looked at the wiki for Rairyu (Transformers), I found that its name comes from Japan's naming for the brontosaurus. In Greek, brontosaurus means "Thunder Lizard", and in Japanese, Rairyu means "Thunder Dragon". So, Rairyu is our first dinosaur friend! At least that's what I assumed at first, but then I noticed she has HUGE SICKLE CLAWS. So, this has me stumped. I tried checking out the museum's website, googling "ライリュウ", and so on, but I've had no luck finding out what she is supposed to be. If anyone has any idea, do share it.

Museum link; https://miyoshi-mononoke.jp/
Addendum; brontosaurus does have a large claw on its forelimbs known as an ungual, but nothing as wild as a huge sickle like Rairyu is shown to have. Perhaps her gigantic claws are meant to represent the ungual claw, just hyper stylized or exaggerated.
Rairyu (雷龍) is a Yokai, just a very obscure one.

>Rairyu (Thunder Dragon) is a monster shown in a painting that portrays it falling into a castle town in Inaba Province on May 30th, 1790, but nothing more is known about it.
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Forgot to post the image.
Aw, and here I thought we'd have a dinosaur friend. This makes much more sense at least. Thanks for finding that.
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Also, regarding Nue,

>it is described as a Japanese chimera having the head of a monkey, the limbs of a tiger, the body of a Japanese raccoon dog, and the front half of a snake for a tail.

Note this design is actually specifically Kemono Friends based.

Face and front bangs of Japanese macaque.
Blue Japanese sailor school uniform (body) like Japanese racoon dog
Gloves and thigh-highs (limbs) from Tiger.
Tail doesn't seem to match any snake Friend specifically. Possibly went with this color so it wouldn't add too many colors to the design.

Also, although it's not part of the original myth, she also has Serval ears.
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A Nue Friend, we are 2hu now
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If they all wore plain white ones I wouldn't complain
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There's probably a third yokai incoming too. The name of a pamphlet distributed in the (physical) event place is "The Demon King vs. Nue Rairyu: Yokai Friends Go Wild"
Here is the pamphlet, no hint at the demon king's identity, but the unrevealed merch would point to it being a Friend too.
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taicho accepts all new friends into her home
>The titties on that femchou
God damn son, what are they feeding her? She can mog White Lion with those ballistic weapons.
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Dhole gets to smell the boob sweat
Oh, yeah, another bit regarding Rairyu


The bandages and shirt are probably because Rairyu's stomach was cut open according to the documents reporting it.

>This is introduced as one of the documents relating to monsters that Goichi Yumoto obtained, and can be found in the currently published book "Illustrated Guide to Japanese Imaginary Beasts" (2016).

>The book refers to the "Rairyu Mummies and Ancient Documents" as consisting of 21 mummies of what appears to be some kind of reptile and two ancient documents, listed as documents from the Edo period.
>A mummy's abdomen was cut open and it was tied to what appeared to be a bamboo pole, and it closely resembled a Tokay Gecko, which is used as a traditional Chinese medicine for its tonic properties.
>On a piece of paper believed to be an ancient document, the history of this monster is written in a classical Chinese style and a simple image is drawn of it.
>According to this story, the monsters flew to the Izumi region and harmed people by spewing flames from their mouths, so a certain Okamura, a provincial governor, had them crucified.

These mummified remains and the original documents don't exist (anymore?), only the reports of their existence.
They look so trashy I love it
Looking into it a bit more, the demon king is probably "Sanmoto Gorozaemon" (山本五郎左衛門), since he's a "demon king" who is also part of the Goichi Yumoto myth collection.

>In the yokai paintings in the possession of Hirata Shrine, he is depicted as a three-eyed Karasu Tengu, but according to the Inatei Mononoke (Inatei Strange Tales), he is neither a Tengu nor a fox nor a tanuki.

He appears in a human form as a samurai in the tales. Then there's the Tengu with 3 eyes depiction. But you also have these other claims he isn't a Tengu and there's this old painting only showing a giant leg in the middle of the yokai procession, and that leg is supposed to be his. I guess Kemono Friends will lean into the Tengu description, since that's more animal associated.

His main tale involves haunting a samurai for one month before giving him a magical hammer that would call him if evil befell him, so it might end up being part of the Friend's design.
I want a friend who's just a giant leg.
Left looks like a slut
The ultimate thigh Friend...
She's eating the Japari Buns too now...
I'm sure sandstar would give them more variety than that! Even if it's just the texture of the panties
Might translate these tonight when I get the chance, these seem fun and that artist's style is cute
there's more to that comic on their pixiv account. this artist groups their twitter stuff together in regular updates I think

I'd be down to translate that set if you wanted, the solo image is cute but doesn't seem like it'll be hard when I get around to it
These'll be a fun little break from the Moose doujin
every girls boobs will grow
soon even the flat reptile Friends will be cows
Complete Global Lactation
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lick them
>bandaging where they cut one open
Cute details like that are always so good
Yep no problem. Take it easy. I'm slowly but surely working on things on my end. I just pick comics that take longer to finish, like this one. It is totally worth it though.
These would be nice to have! Always have liked that artist, but he isn't as appreciated as others, so he doesn't catch much attention.
That image is proceeded by the three where the two lesbian tigers paw at the Captain. Dhole can smell their hussy cat odor.
the bottom one is smiling :)
I wish, but you just know that isn't possible for some Friends
It's because hers is a source of happiness
I hope they're a mega chuuni
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Yeah, that artist definitely feels underappreciated. I think it'd be a lot of fun to do more stuff from him, really just a matter of having it put in front of me so I know what to do since I'm so indecisive
Things are coming along nicely for the Friend training arc.
What could go wrong if they get stronger?
One of them needs the Piccolo outfit (no hood or cape, just the purple gi and pants). I vote Tama.
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I don't have a ton of resources to work with at the moment or time, so no piccolo yet.
However the keepers will be representing Toriyama's green jumpsuit that his little avatar wore.

Nice little reference and easier on my workload.
That's a fair alternative. RIP Toriyama.
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That artist has made a lot of stuff so it would be difficult to pick something in particular, so I think the ones posted above should be fine for now. When you got the time and energy too obviously!
Looks awesome! Can't wait to see them in action
That's good enough, even better representing the late Toriyama. Also, Tama's so stacked as it should be. Never nerf her chest please
>Also, Tama's so stacked as it should be. Never nerf her chest please
I would never.
I believe in the big Bummy.
Then make her bigger.
Tama needs to be stacked so she can cover the maximum amount of area on the goal.
This. Pre-nerf medal outfit in divegrass when?
Starting with the Orca one
>You want this girl in my squad?
>Yes! Just one more Friend should be just fine!! (The kanji for "one person" being added to her group is used, but I figured just using Friend would sound less awkward)
>She's apparently a mature girl!!
>Ah, no, that sort of thing is...
>It'll be okay!! I've gotten used to this job.
>Really? Are you sure your squad won't end up being burdened?
>You can trust me with any sort of Friend!
*Captai~n* (It says "taichou~n", not quite an sfx but I figure this sorta thing might work if you get that effect under taichou)
>I don't hear you!! x6 (Something like "I'm not listening!! could work too if that sounds better, as long as it gets that idea of her trying to sound like she's ignoring Orca across)
>Let's play~<3
I think the sfx there is some sorta splashing sound from the water Orca's moving around and stuff, and then the bit on the bottom right of course says "Orca"
Want me to get those extra cat pages that one taichou linked done too or do you think just the Dhole image is fine for now?
How hard is it to make stuff like this?
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Very powerful wife
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“First KFP away my snakes now they give my tail to someone else? Why can’t I just have a break?”
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With practice, not too hard. For example I was able to hammer out and test the full team in the course of a couple days.
However it takes quite a bit to learn all the various programs and techniques to stitch it all together.

The biggest hurdle is probably working with the models themselves and that'll be working with Blender, or some other 3D modeling program. Learning all the terminology and methods to work with the models can take a fair bit. I myself picked up the practice as a hobby a while ago to work with models to inject into other games and for things like VR and have steadily learned over time.
Getting the models actually into games can be its own process of madness, but in this case for the 4CC and VGL there are quite a few helper programs and standard practices that makes it easier.

I'm best when I can take other models from games or other creators and stitching them together to get what I want, like in this case here using a female goku model some made. I don't really have any talent making stuff from scratch, but know people who do thankfully.
She deserves more love
It's important for the team and her own survival!
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Her goal is to turn everyone into kokeshi neko.
It's not "I can't hear you", it's "I didn't hear about this", or more liberally, "I didn't sign up for this"
My bad there, makes sense looking at the comic again. Guess I should've done another quick look at things before posting, doesn't help that it's a flexible phrase and I just went for the simplest unga bunga solution
streetwear friends are cute
Big bummy is iconic
/dbg/ aesthetic guy followed through and now all gold medal players will go super around half way through the game and then blue near the end.
And it's just wonderful.

The little mini-tournament will be held this weekend starting on the 23rd with our first game being against /spess/, a collection of /egg/, /hsrg/ and /ss13g/. Times for when the games will be haven't be decided yet but I'll make sure to post them when they're up.
Excited to see Friends score some goals!
Why smug?
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Urufu press.
the big tail around and the hand on head are like a cherry on top
it's cute
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BIG bird for (You)!
Friends manhandling taichou is definitely something the world needs more of.
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This was once a person.

>cute little kitty kat transforms you into this form against your will in which you'll suffer for eternity
It could always be worse
Please habu habu me Habu.
If she can’t become an adult than neither will you.
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Why does she look so slutty here?
The need to bring her back from extinction.
It's just natural for her
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why is she being so lewd
just eat the hot dog
Pretty sure it’s a lollipop.
could always be a popsicle with how drippy it is
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Samurai kitty!
Silly dogs!
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Friendly nue!
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What is Shoebill looking at?
What moosechou does with his wife
What's gray wolf doing outside?
From now on whenever taichou says something mean about a Friend he has to do something nice for them too!
Weasel does not deserve that.
Actually, we should really just toss her back into the volcano.
She's the only exception
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Incredible KemoFure doujin goods.

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Confuse the cat
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I understood that reference.
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Taichou no not that horse.
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I wish that was me
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What if you use lukewarm water? Does that make taichou with both sets of sex organs?
Lukewarm counts as warm, so no deviant fantasies. Well, besides the one already present anyway.
There should be more uma x friend art
Surely a good taichou wouldn't fall in love with some jello
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When's the big 10th anniversary
Never ever
It should be March 2025.
All the background Friends in the stage plays are also the Ceruleans so they’re dressing ladies in fetish outfits for sugoi tanoshii
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Look at these weirdos
niggas thinkin they bats!
Cold blooded friends aren't very smart it seems..
Basically all Friends aren't very smart though!
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Build your bird!
Why is she doing that
Wereing a bodysuit? She is a shy bird!
she should know that bodysuits are incredibly lewd
No, popping off all her clothes at once!
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Thanks as always for taking the time! I didn't had much time in the last couple of days because of work but today I was able to edit some stuff to keep of the pace.
I also had this comic laying around. I think this one i requested the translation months and months ago but forgot to actually post it
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Also this cute image
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And finally for now this very cute comic. I love these showing friends just hanging around. I still have some more that I want to post but both those and the vs moose doujin I'm slowly working on since these are more difficult than these single page comics. I just finished page 6 of the doujin so at least I have a semi decent pace
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Does anybody know what that fucking whole Japari Talk thing is? I've seen a few screenshots, got curious and then realized it's LINE. Which means it's almost impossible to use if you don't have a Japanese phone number. It seems like those character AI sites but like, official?
To my knowledge that's basically exactly what it is
Nice to see more of these done! The Reindeer ones especially, they're very cute
Since I have an opening I'll probably try to get those cat and dhole ones done tonight, maybe get a batch of the Moose comic stuff posted as well.
Why is fan art never nice to Nana?
What do you mean?
Birds are such dummies, they're lucky they're cute
Very excited to see that stuff you're working on!
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It's tough (yuri) love.
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There are a couple.
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You do have a point though. At least these are just funny embarrassing situations.
>That cat tail
I was about to call Nana a pervert for keeping the tail in, but then I realized that all these clothes are Maruka's. This artist made her secretly perverted.
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>wrote up the cat pages and then accidentally x'd out the post
I think I'm going back to sleep...
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Cat pages for real this time, felt bad just leaving it unfinished and it's a lot easier when it's still somewhat in my mind even if not perfect.
Might reduce a little bit of the level of detail just to get things across quicker cause I'm annoyed at myself, but that's mainly just in the form of stuff like the sfx which you seem to get anyways.
Page 1
>Hey, it must be you. The captain of the squad we're going to assist.
>We look forward to working with you from now on.
[Golden Tabby Tiger] [Maltese Tiger]
*Ah~~ something amazing came...*
>Nice to meet you~
*Why a rose...?*
>What kind of animal girl are you?
>Hoeh? I'm a human...
Page 2
>I see, so you're a human. It's my first time getting to come across such a cute human.
>It seems I was mistaken...
>She's strong~
>Those clear and dazzling blue eyes...
>I wonder, won't you let me take a closer look at them?
>I thought that perhaps you might be an angel or some sort of animal girl.
*Pi* *pi* *peh?* (Taichou freaking out due to yuri pressure sounds)
>I'm not like that!!
>I'm not a lesbian!!
>Oh my, I must have startled you a little.
>Lewd relationships are prohibited in my squad!
>Then there shouldn't be any problems.
Page 3
>I have work so I'll see you later!!
>Maltese Tiger, you musn't. Hurrying things along like this...
>We... simply want to take our time with greeting you.
>This girl seems a little bit better...?
>You need to be very, very gentle with girls like this to get them to melt.
>Oh, I suppose I was rushing things a bit.
>I was just so delighted to have met such a lovely girl.
>Oh no, I understand that feeling.
>I've gotten so used to my work as a captain recently, I forgot...!
>Humans... humans can't win against predators/carnivores!!
And finally the Dhole post-comic bit.
>Captain, you smell like a cat
>Why might that be?
>Somehow I managed to escape...
>I'm glad I could protect my job...
Maybe Dhole could sound more passive-aggressive?
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And since my stuff isn't perfect, if other taichous have corrections or you have bits that you feel would be more appropriate for tone/translation/etc. don't hesitate to work with the better material. Especially this time since it's just a looser recreation of what I wrote up the first time.
Time to rest for real now
>I'm not a lesbian!

Funny, that artist has another long comic about that taichou wondering if she is one until she meets up with Nana who has been busy being turned down by all the animal girls.
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Dumb chunni
That underwear is too lewd for Friends to be wearing on their own.
that's right
we should wear it with them so that they aren't on their own
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Shikoripa finally made something that isn’t a vile disgusting fetish, thank you.
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Formal outfit for Ms.Black buck.
Friends should have plainer underwear until Taichou domesticates them.
This, Friends should have all kinds of panties!
it is better when they start more innocent but change to entice Taichou
You can still have them relatively innocent while giving them a little flair depending on what family they're from, silly taichou. Not everything that isn't plain whites is suddenly crotchless lingerie
nobody was suggesting that, of course they'll be more personalized than just that
Like in what ways? Color alone is too little...
I wonder how things are going to be for a bit with his comms being closed now
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Thought this one would be a fun one to do with how simple but cute it is.
>I was playing explorer in Kuroryuu's (black dragon's) room and found this thing!!
>I have no idea what this thing is!! If anyone knows please tell me!!
>Pyoooooooo (miscellanious Mirai screaming)
*Zawa zawa* (basically background chatter)
>Ah!! I've found that (sort of thing) before in Kako's room!! (I think adding that little bit extra helps clarify that it's just something similar and that they're not sharing toys)
*And I was a fan...*
>The one in Kako's room seemed longer and was black!!
>But I don't know how to play with it either!!
>Abababa~ (more panic noises)
*Bakka~n* (basically just 'boom' or some other explosion)
>The one in Kako's room seemed longer
humans, not even once
And people call Friends lewd...
Huh shikoripa din't make vile fetish art?Must be a miracle
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His art is good when he isn’t drawing the most disgusting shit known to man.
Especially Peach Panther.
His art with Peach Panther and Calanda is also really good.
Is Kako supposed to have a dildo here because I have never really seen a vibrator of that type which is black.
Possibly? I'd imagine it's just the top shape Byakko is recognizing so that could easily be the implication, though who knows what sorta stuff Kako buys
Just remember, most of that extra degenerate stuff is from commissions. You could help be the change you want to see (when he's open)
The guy ordering all the fart stuff must be rich.
If it's not just a bunch of different fetishists of that kind attracting each other it's possible. There are some people on skeb who are ridiculously well off, and you can tell cause they'll order basically hundreds of the same exact image from every artist they find
I think he just took a small break. It's kinda impressive how many comms he receives though, the guy is very sought all things consider.
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Oh, huh. From the looks of it it [seems] like people are enjoying it, though like everything else KF related nowadays I really doubt it would be available overseas without some turbo-autist taichou trying his ass off.
Yeah but he still choices what to draw,
There are a ton of Kf artists who do commissions and don’t draw stuff like that.
He clearly enjoys it atleast a little and unfortunately I am not some super rich Japanese fart fetishist so I’m not going to be changing that.
He's more like a lewd force of nature that just deals with whatever gets put in his path
Most likely, the guy does probably have a boatload of comms sent his way all the time. I'd hope that he gives some time to his own ideas in the meantime though
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Something like that happened to me while doing this one lol. Very important to get some good sleep before doing this stuff
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I got some Dhole stuff as well because she deserves some love too
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Thanks again! These will be next. I had these other comics almost ready so I decided to finish them first. I have some other stuff that once I'm done with, I'm gonna dedicate to the doujin 100%
This would be nice to have translated as well. Jaggie is such a lovable dummy.
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Antelope taichous, have a Nilgai.
Her KF3 design is quite a drastic change, altering her polearm weapon into a curved throwing tool similar to a boomerang. She appears to be a healer or support friend too. Will you give her a happy life?
I may prefer deer but that's a vey cute antelope
Cute mesugaki Aard! Seeing stuff like this makes me really want to go back and get more Moose like that. And yeah, it's definitely important cause it sucks having to go back and rewrite everything.
Very excited to see the other stuff you do in addition to those comics! Always fun to see what you bring to the table.
While I might be pretty busy for the next few days, I'll try to at least get a little bit more of the doujin done each day so that you don't have to wait too long to be able to finish.
Definitely can see about getting that Jaguar one done as well, since it seems like it'll be pretty easy to do.
Is there a single person who is actually like hyped out of their minds for this?
I doubt there are many super excited about her but she's still very cute
Who knows though, maybe there's some antelope lover out there who's super happy to see her added
Deer and antelopes should have a competition to see which family can please taichous better
Friend rack competition
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Nilgai just came out, but remember taichou; the yokai are coming soon too. Probably.
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KemoV got a little shoutout on this site that tracks Vtubers. Although seeing them alone in the "media mix" category is a little funny.

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Aquatic mammals will automatically win
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Friend fashion is so goddamn cute
They don't have antlers or horns, silly!
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What a kind Friend.
As with every friend, I would do anything to protect that smile.
Friends deserve the world
They really just need to keep making more Friend outfits
Like horn contests or horny contests?
>horny contests?
Taichou would not survive
I could do it.
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Wait tell she shows up.
I wish they'd add her so badly
Imagine Irish Elk being like the mama whale equivalent for deer
Touching a deer's huge rack...
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>when you realise Megaloceros friend is just this
Don't insult deer, that's mean!
I can't help it, the pieces fit together too well
>Clearly a man
Sometimes it takes a bull to make the best cow (with the help of sandstar), taichou
But most Friends are like that
All the deer friends are “male”
Maybe it’s their dad.
Not Reindeer. Which is why she's the best deer.
just say you want friends to have dicks
don't encourage them
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Jaga is reliable friend. Jaga is strong huggable friend. Jaga is the coolest big kitty.
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Watermelon dragon!
A display of mobbing behavior.
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You find out that Friend you've had your eye on wears and is enthusiastic about -these kinds- of panties. How do you react?

Apparently this idol revealed on a stream recently this is her preference.
A taichou having a bad reaction would just be a sign of a taichou who can't appreciate cuteness
Deer Friend origins don't reflect that aspect! Don't be mean over something they can't control
Why are birds so mean even to their own?
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Battle scars.
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Bird selfie.
I want to be turned into a friend and played with by Taichou.
It must be a pain having to deal with Friends after something like that
How so?
Park staff sometimes has to dress up as friends to study them further
They're probably all scratched up and you gotta deal with them being all partly unclothed that way, which they might be very embarrassed about or use as an excuse to assault taichou. Becomes an even bigger problem if they're aware of their clothing to the point where it wouldn't regenerate or anything
The clothing still regenerates, it’s not like it stop being made of sand star, they can just take off now and it can no longer faze though stuff.
As for the other 2 points they seem like benefits for me.
I mean you're right, but also there's the chance that the acknowledgement of clothes as a topic makes it take longer/harder for it to regenerate, maybe just being more of a subconscious thing that'd happen while sleeping or that sort of thing instead if they're super aware of it. That's just purely theorizing though.
What isn't theorycraft is that it's exhausting even to deal with the 'positives' of that situation every day, and it's something that'd be even harder to deal with if you had it happen after the park became public
Much better than slut panties.
There should totally be official FriendSMR
Me on the bottom
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Silly fluffers!
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Some of KemoV have tried ASMR streams. Caracal's is the best.
What are they like?
They tried their best.


It's a nice attempt, but there should be more Friends. Not to mention stream versions have a way different atmosphere from more professional stuff
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I'm so glad the extinct cuties received more attention
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Friend und Tank
I hope they do more family specific outfit releases and stuff, get a bit more specific with the theming or styles they give certain Friends
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Our first match of the tag-team VGL tournament will be coming up in just a bit, as we get to open it up with our cohorts.
As always can be watched here:

Also do not worry. Serval is not a minion to Babidi or evil, she just found a marker and thought Vegeta's M was cool.
Idk the swimsuits lately are cool but they don’t even fit the friends they give them.
Like literally what do lizards and Wolf friend swimsuits have to do with them theming or personality wise?
I mean that's sorta what I'm saying to a degree. The basic idea of doing family/theme specific outfits like they're doing for wolves or extinct friends is nice, but could use a little bit more in making it fit them better.
It's a great start at the least
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Lewd youkais!
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did i miss it? i wanted to cheer on our team but we're not playing
who won?
We won, a nice 3-2!
The match day is progressing rather slowly, which makes sense due to the tag-team nature requiring a lot more setup, but we'll have a 2nd match up against /vhr/, or Vehicular Racism (All vehicle themed teams).

It's the game after the next one, so probably a good hour or so before its up.
Damn dumb fluffballs..
Aren't those just lizards?
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Not one but two wins today.
This time a commanding 2-0.
Friends were on the defensive side of things this time and held strong.

And I'm incredibly sad I missed the picture of the hug between Nyagger and Nyaggis because it's just perfect.
Friends sure did a good job
Friends need to do better at keeping taichou awake
mmm reptile friends
creepy slithery things mmhmm
need your snake constricted? go to the snake who constricts! it only makes sense
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I love this guy's work but he's such a fucking asshole. He has blocked me on every site he's on (twitter, pixiv and his personal mastodon instance) for no reason whatsoever. I would understand if I said something that pissed him off, but no.
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Silver fox should just make a potion that keeps him awake for days at a time problem solved
>just kill taichou worse
That's a pretty bad idea
You’re not allowed to reply or him or @ him or whatever.
Idk he is a asshat that can go fuck him self.
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Silly little birds...
Not all of them are like that >:[
What are they saying?
It's fine for them to be that way, it's not necessarily a bad thing!
They see it...
Which one is going to pounce first?
Definitely not the kind herbivore, that's for sure
Taichou's bun stash...
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Uhhhhh where did you get this strange liquid Tsuchinoko?
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Silly amateur can't match against a real Friend
Okay then.
Silly nue!
Nana taking L's again.
>greetings, /rsg/
but this is the kemono friends thread
i know we're both extinct in the wild but have some self-restraint
What different things would a talking plush doll of Emperor Penguin say when squeezed?
What was it?
runescape server shilling
i don't mind it but it's funny
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The randomized tag-team tournament continues today (a simple 3 day thing).
We and our allies will be up against the /ccpg/, an old rematch from the 1st tournament. So lots of fun banter gonna happen if they even acknowledge that they lost that one.
Our game will be in about an hour or so, the game after the next one.
Maybe the team gacha will finally give us Serval.

As always can be watched here:
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>won't be able to see these ones
I hope everything goes well!
Humans just can't compete with Friends
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kingdom updates when
probably never
What, you mean you don't consider those miniscule patches updates?
Looking to buy GF
Next update is EoS
It’s about pegging.
Penguin Pegging Project...
but they're not penguins...
lmao, what an absolute massacre
Can you treat a Friend having their sparkle taken away with SSRIs? Asking for a friend.
results vary
for some, it just works
for others, it works for a while, and then stops working
some have bad reactions with it
depends on the med as well
you may need to switch from one SSRI to another, see what works for you
if you're going off them entirely, however, do it very slowly, over a whole year
In a good way or?
As in pegging penguins or penguins pegging?
Not the good way sadly.
Not out of the fight fully yet, but have to fight in the losers bracket now.
Penguins do the pegging.
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All anime characters lose in the beginning so they can power up and comeback in the ending
I believe in the power of Friendship
Hit the weak point, Silverhawk!
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weird cotton candy
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Rare Nana W
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Fake Serval and Friends.
Turns out, you don't have to be a Serval to be a serval at heart
Doing AI experiments again. Thought this Moose looked cool, wanted to share.
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Clingy Friends!
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While I'm not a fan of AI stuff I'm surprised by how decent it managed to do there compared to the usual I've seen before of her
wot is taichew doin wit me sheila's pocket?
japanese toy trains m8. the sheila's love 'em
That's a pretty good Moose.
What does it say?
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you know google can translate images and give you a rough idea if you really wanted to know
Something about patrolling to beat up some ceruleans, basically normal business for her but with how things line up that fat bear thinks he's commenting on the enemy and stuff when he's looking at her assets
I can pile it on my list and finally get back around to proper translations tomorrow since I shouldn't be busy
This, machine translations are like trying to lipread with poor eyesight. You might get a few things that seem similar out of coincidence but most of it is going to just confuse you
im not saying its perfect im saying you get the gist of it, which I did cramming it into the translator anyways
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Silly sexy birds...
R.I.P Taicho
Good End
Is it really the best ending though?
How is this the end if it's just the beginning?
>kiss dhole
>headpat jagga and bnuuy
the night is only starting
That's not a Jaaga, but a voracious BBFC.
Still weak to ear scritches and belly rubs.
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Tama is ready for a roadtrip, Taichou!
Is she squeeze ready though?
Silly bird!
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Serving a special drink for kako san!
milk isn't that special
Yes, please do! I'm gonna start typesetting what I left pending. Been very busy with work but this week it's going to be more relaxed so I'm gonna edit as much as I can
which artist is this
tanaka... I mean, shikoripa!
Just checked that image set. I guess it's like a five nights at freedy's parody? The twitter post got a lotta likes which is pretty nice to see!
Didn't know Kako was into protein shakes
Alright. Starting with the AI Jaguar one
[AI Jaguar-san]
>What sorta girl is AI Black Jaguar-san?
>AI sis is strong and cool. She's an amazing AI!
>How does a bus move?
>With legs like this...... wouldn't it kick them around...? (A bit weird to translate while keeping the pacing/punctuation but I think this keeps the idea)
>Is it Jaguar patterned under your skirt too?
>I don't know......
>What is Black Jaguar Park?
>I have no idea......
Now for the owl one:
>In the world of humans, these things called 「Normies」seemed to be important.
The book title is just a "collection" of internet memes, but with its use in this comic I think calling it something more along the lines of "Internet Meme Encyclopedia" may get the idea across better, though that's your choice.
>Naturally, as the most important ones on the island we must also be "Normies".
>I see... I agree...
>Assistant... what is it you're...? (I was originally thinking of using something like "just what are you...?" but the way it cuts off would just sound weird/dumb)
>Those things called "Normies"... are things that have partners/mates...
>Am I... no good...? (Same bubble, just that second connected half on the bottom right)
>I don't... dislike it...
Birds are super goofy
Don't fall for their tricks
But that's 2 birds at the cost of one. You can't miss such a value opportunity
twice the bird flu
Friends do NOT carry diseases!
Now for the bear one
Page 1
>Captain~ Thanks for helping out with this patrol~ The trail gets narrow from this point on so be careful~
>Mhm, understood.
>Up close, Brown Bear is so big......
>It seems like there are ceruleans around this area~
*So big...*
>Ah, taichou! Stop!
*Press/thump/etc.* type sfx
>There they are~ Can you see that group of ceruleans~?
>I can see it...... It's huge......
Page 2
>I should be able to get it all at once like this~
>Brown bear, get them! (More to fit the context, could easily replace it with something like "do it!" depending on the tone you want to go for/how literal you want it)
>Got it~
>Right there~!
*Pop* *Huge...*
>How was that~? Wasn't that the strongest one-shot full swing you've seen? (Technically the last bit about "seeing" it isn't there, but I feel adding that in helps with the flow of the sentence and the intent behind the question)
>Yeah...... it was big.
>I'm glad, though that sounds like something Ezo Brown Bear would say...... Wait, is your nose okay!? Did I hit you?
>I- I'm fine......
>at the cost of one
So there is some sort of toll upon taichou after all...
It's nothing his body can't handle!
You can say that taichou's gonna be able to handle anything one time, dumb bird!
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Pants? What pants?
boop boop bump
I wonder if that jellyval even has features down there
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It's Moose bird time
is this a recent image set
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It is to my knowledge, unless he's posted it before and was just posting the crop on his own account for some reason
horny friends
taichou's innocence stands no chance
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But that's pigtail captain
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Tsuchinoko minds better when she is drunk.
she doesn't have features, all smooth like jelly
but as an upside, you can stick it in her anywhere and it'll feel just as good
snek tummy lewd
Why would bovines ruin taichou's innocence?
Five birds birdshake...
You should just post the untranslated ones instead, taichou
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Omg complain when it isn’t scanlated complain when it is.
I mean those taichous asking for translation seem to want proper translation going by earlier posts, and posting the scanlated versions just means you're taking that away in exchange for an abridged version that doesn't look great cause of how the text is slapped on. It's nice that you're posting those things but the original would definitely be better.
Also, you're acting like everyone is only one poster
Well I posted the original.
Got any snacks, Taichou?
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For being a snake Tsuchinoko has really fantastic legs.
They're smooth like a snek
fake moose an cute
It's almost time for Nue and Rairyuu to disrupt public morals in Japari Park with their lewd outfits.
I got some snacks
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Prepare for a friendly chat with nice girls.
why are they so fat? they should go exercise instead of sitting around and chatting all day
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Travelling bird!
Can she travel far away from Taichou? Asking for a jealous friend.
Killing Floor general
Let's see if you're a real taichou. I've clipped a part of a friend in KF3. Can you guess which friend this pattern belongs to? Here are your hints;
>Scientific name comes from the German man who helped identify the species
>There are only three other friends in her classification, one being a drastically different color
>There are only three other friends in her classification, one being a drastically different color
Whoops, meant to say "There are only three other friends in her classification available in Kemono Friends 3".
camel leopard
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And now for more Moose VS
VS Japari Bus
>Eh? The bus?
*Brrrrrr* *BAM*
[In some areas, traffic accidents with moose are a serious issue. When struck, their legs break and their huge bodies topple onto the vehicle involved, crushing even the driver's seat as a result. Apparently, to help deal with this, cars with sturdier frames and more are being manufactured.]
VS Sand Cat
>Sand cat is quick to get fired up and to cool down
>Wow, what splendid antlers~
>Want to touch them? (Above Moose)
>Ah, I'm fine...
>I see/Is that so (Below Moose)
[Only male Moose grow antlers. While all Friends take the form of girls, many of them feature male characteristics like this.]
VS Tsuchinoko
>Hide and seek!
>Hey, hide more!! You'll get caught!!
>Hiding doesn't fit my nature!!
[Moose are also called the King of the Forest. This may have been reflected in her when she became a Friend.] (that last sentence is a little weird but I did my best trying to piece that one together)
VS American Beaver
>Pardon our intrusion. (Could be made informal, but I figured since it's Kaban)
[Moose antlers can grow up to 200cm in length. It's said every year they fall out and grow back once it becomes spring.] (Note for that second half of the 'fact', I tried to word it in a way that makes it more accurate to real life as the way it's originally worded makes it sound as though both happen in the spring when it'd be more accurate to say they fall off in the winter and come back in the spring. I'd say retaining the original wording instead of replacing it would be good for the translation, but a note might be nice for readers.
VS Prairie (Black Tailed Prairie Dog)
>P-...Prairie style greeting...
The kissing sounds should be pretty easy
>Moose saliva contains compounds that help promote plant growth. (This was actually something I didn't know and was really cool to read on, apparently herbivore spit in general has this effect)
Ye olde terminology is a good try, but you need to be more specific.
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As an additional note on that last bit that I think is just cool to talk about but I couldn't mention because of text limits, in addition to herbivore spit promoting plant growth by signaling a growth response in plants, the way herbivores eat plants can have other effects like changing the way a plant ends up growing which might make it easier for the relationship between plant and animal to continue. More specific to Moose, moose saliva apparently has an anti-fungal property as well which is probably more to protect itself but I'd imagine could help the plant too. It's really cool just how much can be done with a little Friend saliva
That's Masai giraffe isn't it? When I first got her I found those little faces on her thighs kinda silly
Moosechou is a real taichou. Good job.
Masai Giraffe? Reticulated has larger spots and less space between spots on her scarf, last time I checked
but then who's the third? Unless there's some that I dont know of
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I think it's referring to Okapi
The clue is it's named after a german.

It's Gir𝘢ff𝘢 Hitleris

wtf it's real
>try not to develop a new fetish challenge (Taichou edition)
It's pretty challenging for Taichou working in Japari park to not develop new or odd fetishes
Poor taichou's tastes are going to be all over the place
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Slowly catching up with the translations.This one took me longer than expected mainly because of those transparent speech bubbles, but I really liked the end result.
Really liked this one! and not only because was easier to edit.
Ohh yeah, more mesugaki Moose would be very nice! Maybe you could reach wonderful, he's pretty good drawing expressions like that!
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I'm surprised now that they trained friend AI bots they didn't trained one to be Jaggy. Maybe she would be kinda dull just answering wakaran for most of the time?
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This artist has been around making kf art for a while now. He always makes some pretty nice little comics like this but I guess he isn't that popular because his art is kinda rough around the edges? Either way, is nice to edit something from him.
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I always wanted to typeset this one. Very glad you took the time! Ended up pretty well, just some minor redrawings that were very easy to do. Also, normally in these kind of comics I put the pages together to just post one single image, but since I took these from the mega, the pages are huge (just like our deer bear) so for this one I'm gonna post them separately.
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This artist has been reposting a lot of his old comics on twitter, which is cool. I wish he would make some new stuff, but I guess he's isn't feeling it anymore. Still nice to see these again. I really liked this one so I typesetted it.
I appreciate these but...
I totally agree. The translations and text are so rough... if you want a more proper translation just ask for it and maybe it would be translated. For my part I will typeset literally anything so you can count on me for that.
Thanks!! Just finished cleaning page 11 so I'm slowly closing the gap.
Very interesting animal facts! That's what I like about this franchise so much, you get to learn a lot about animals and their intricate yet simple connection with nature!
I prefer antelope legs
VS Arabian Oryx and Aurochs
>Ah, looks like they're not battling
>Oh no... Moose is... Oh no...
>Ha ha ha! My neck broke, but I'm fine!
[The number of deaths involving moose is up to 250 people a year. Although they're gentle in nature, there are cases where if they consider you an enemy they may reveal an aggressive side to them. Scary.] (This one's even scarier now, apparently deaths are up to around 440 a year from moose and other deer related casualties a year according to the National Park Service, though the one bit worth clarifying is that a large majority of deaths are from collisions and not moose attacks. The fact makes moose sound real scary, but really the only people getting hurt by moose attacks are dummies who are scaring mothers or dummies getting too close when they're in rut.)
VS Lion
>A leisurely showdown?
>Moose are crepuscular in nature (active in twilight hours). They become most active when it becomes dawn or dusk. Though many may describe them as being nocturnal, this is incorrect.] (Didn't know there was this more specific term for it, it's pretty cool and pretty accurately describes what I've seen myself. They'll get good sleep at night and especially in the summer rest a lot mid-day but otherwise are very active. Apparently there are other more specific versions of being crepuscular for animals only active in dawn or dusk, whereas Lions and Moose have a much wider range.)
VS Panther Chameleon
>One more round of hide and seek!
>That's amazing!! She has no idea at all!
[It may be hard for Moose to spot Chameleon as she doesn't hunt for prey.]
Thanks for all your hard work! Very nice to see all those typeset up, including that last surprise one. Only thing I'd say is that for >>492243102 it might be better to remove "partners" from that bottom bubble in Mimi's text, I should've just picked one of the two terms that sounded better but I was indecisive with how close they are.
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Brazilian Tama!
What kind of Friend is Brazilian?
VS Shoebill
>Shoebill, you have such nice eyes!
>Aren't you cute? (Below Moose)
>I said I'm not cute!
[The Shoebill is famous for being a bird that doesn't move much. It is said that its behavior of bowing while shaking its head is a sign of affection.] (Only tweaked it by adding "much" just to make the sentence sound more normal, no real notes otherwise)
VS The Professor and Assistant (Northern White-faced Owl, Eurasian Eagle Owl)
>Here's your food~
>T...this is spicy...
>This is good.
>This is addicting.
[The dish Kaban prepared is 「chunky vegetable curry」. It is said that the professor and her assistant love it.]
VS Margay
>You there, I am Moose! Let's battle!!
[Apparently moose antlers act like a parabolic antenna, amplifying and transmitting sound to the ears. When females cry, males are able to receive this sound.]
VS PPP (Pe Pa Pu)
>Live cheering!!
[Penguin flippers are strong enough to break a human's bones if not handled properly.]
VS Silver Fox
>Jumping in the snow to search for prey!!
>She jumped without hesitation...
More of that type of Moose would definitely be fun. Unfortunately waon doesn't have his comms open, but I could probably go for someone like that artist I've gotten the other msgk Moose images from or someone else since this month has been unlucky for getting comms and my plate is fully open. Also, this artist as well as the one for the owl comic would definitely be fun to get more stuff done for, as you said they feel sorta underrated.
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This porcupine is Brazilian!
Dangerous pin cushion friend!
>First roll for Nue
>Shooting star and nighttime
>See the box
>Giant Penguin pops out
I got baited hard by the forehead.
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>the gloves star on taicho
The rotund Pallas Cat poster in the background jump scared me when I zoomed in.
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Poor taichou's back is going to be shredded
>The myth of cat consent
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you gotta squeeze the little peng now
>even the dhole pouch is scared
I love that kind of little details
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The giant leg became a giant arm.
Wow this is the first Friend I'm not willng to put my p*n*s into. What a blunder by M*ne
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Silly bird!
Your loss buddy.
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Trashy snek...
What is tanki soul doing back there?
it is ghost
they're doing a ghostly dance
and taichou is also there because he's dead inside
Imagine what that hand can do...
ultimate handjob
why would the femdom snek be a slob?
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Nah, the giant monster leg is just a naked leg now.

The claw (and eye) are apparently from another painting from a later date (although still very old) showing a "hitotsune onyodo" grabbing Heitaro, the man who was haunted by the demon king. That monster came to be associated with being a form of the demon king Sanmoto Gorozaemon in pop culture, although technically none of the original sources back that up.
Here is the relevant painting. Note the "ears", claw and vertical eye. It was clearly the main inspiration for this Sanmoto Gorozaemon design here although it's technically just a very late association with an unrelated artwork.
Visible Friend crotch...
>tfw you pull back her fundoshi and the giant leg emerges and kicks you in the face
The ultimate counter to that is a foot fetish because then there's no losing
Sneks are pretty lazy...
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Silly dogs!
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Friend Beer!
pet the dogs
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Fixed. Hate when I overlook details like that.
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Also I just typesetted some more random stuff
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I really liked this one.
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Another one with black dragon
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This one is very simple but very cute and comfy
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And finally this one. This guy has made some pretty good comics in the past months, some really sad so I hope I can get to those at some point.
Thanks yet again! I had some other random stuff I want to work on, and that's gonna be it for that. Once I'm done, I'm gonna devote myself to the doujin (just cleaned page 14). One thing I wanted to ask is if you're ok if I use the same fonts I always use or you want me to use some other of your liking? I want this to look as good as I possibly can.
And I'm surprised wondeful doesn't have comms open. He doesn't post as much either. That other artist is pretty good as well though so whenever you get the chance to commissioned him again, I'm sure something very good will come out of it.
Lmao Dhole knows Taichou all too well
Thanks for posting these
VS Ezo Red Fox
>So you move with this and press here to attack.
>Like this?
>Yeah, good luck. Your antlers are blocking
[Gaming at an onsen is an essential pairing, huh? is It's a little old fashioned, but it's nostalgic.]
VS Capybara
>Hot springs~
>Are the best~
[It's said that capybaras bathing in hotsprings started because of a series of coincidences at a Japanese zoo.]
VS Reticulated Giraffe
>You must be! A goat!!
>I am Moose!!
[Reticulated Giraffe resting periods last around 1-4 hours long, and rest may even occur while standing. Sleeping securely is better though.] (last little sentence I wasn't too sure about but I think it's just a case of overthinking it because of how simple it was)
VS Gray Wolf
>Ooh, this is amazing!!
>Fufu, thank you. Thanks for the nice expression.
[Wolves are very expressive in nature, and her manga drawing may have been influenced by this when becoming a Friend.]
Thanks again, very glad to see more work done as well as hearing all this progress! The things you picked are all very cute, and the corrections are nice to see too. I definitely wouldn't mind the usual font, it's got a simple cuteness to it. I don't know fonts well enough to suggest a better one anyways, unfortunately.
As for waon, it's surprising to me too cause he didn't get too many comms when he was open and wasn't expensive either. It's a shame, but there's always a chance he opens again in the future. I'm still pretty happy with the one thing I got from him anyways, and there are always people like that other artist I mentioned. I definitely need to find something soon, it feels weird not having any comms accepted at all right now with the few options I've wanted being cancelled or the artists being closed.
Surely there's something saying doctors aren't supposed to do that right?
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Half Snake-nee
All too dangerous to touch
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Dumb delinquent stealing uniforms from poor fluffballs!
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I fixed them. Now the park won't close for indescent display!
>i need to you completely
i know Friends probably don't have a formal education, but i don't think they'd be doing these kinds of mistakes in word order
Dhole and Kuroryuu...
Taichou is going to be taking quite the nap when they're done.
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Taichou seems to be....
...a bit tied up at the moment?
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In a lot of trouble today....
Meh it could always be worse
Aww that's no fun
Really put their rampage on paws.
VS Arai-san
>How did it come to this...
>Moose who is washing Arai-san in a washbasin
>Save me nanoda~ (kept the nanoda because that's important)
[The Japanese name for raccoons (arai-guma; lit. "wash bear") seems to come from their poor vision, causing it to look as though they are washing things with their front paws when using them to feel around for things underwater.] (Just added the "arai-guma" bit to clarify for readers while trying to minimize possible confusion. Little bit run-on, but that's just a consequence of trying to retain the feeling of the sentence.)
VS Fennec/Fennec Fox
>So like, fighting isn't really my thing~ Let's talk about some stuff Arai-san did before~
>Stop it Fennec~
>Then shall I tell some tales about Lion?
[It's said the small bodied Fennec had no way of fighting while she was still an animal, with the animal always being preyed upon and having a small population, making the fennec fox a rare animal.]
VS Golden Snub-nosed Monkey
>It's a balloon popping battle!
[It's theorized that Son Goku from Journey to the West was modeled after the golden snub-nosed monkey, but apparently that is a misconception.] (Looked into this a little and apparently our "Goku" Friend was discovered by the Qing dynasty some time after the original author's death, which is why people think it's wrong. Wonder if the author might've just seen one before it was "official")
We're nearly at the end!
Seems I forgot to mention this but with this one in the second to last panel/before the Dhole section could you possibly fix up the "predators/carnivores" bit to just say predators? It was another one of those spots where I just should've been more decisive. Also, I think those "niyan niyan" parts might just be "nyan" or meowing with the size of the 'ya' character compared to the rest of the kana for those sfx. That's my bad for not doing better there.
Are they covering Dolphin's eyes to protect her innocence, or to protect Taichou's innocence?
Huh. Sanmoto Gorozaemon actually appeared in the story in his monster form. Well, just a portrait, no 3d model.

He can transform himself and his yokai servants into the shape of Ceruleans, in order to avoid making 3d models for them.
Kadokawa is small company please understand.
I refuse to understand and demand they assume direct control of Kingdom to deliver new content.
I wish anyone would've taken control and done more
It's clearly to save taichou's life
Do you think Friends ever celebrate any weird holidays at the park?
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Just don't look at the creepy eye and the creepy shadow thing with eyes and you're all set to go taichou
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Up close with Nue Friend...
I want to squeeze those flared partso f her gloves. Squish them down to her skin and let go, making them bloom off of her arm like fabric flower petals. All the while having her stare at me like I have brain problems (I probably do).
Have you completed the labyrinth, taichou? It's been four years since this feature was added. I'm still lacking in pink and light blue, but I've finished red, green, blue, and lime green.
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Touch 'em
Silly pinniped!
>Game incorrectly forgot to roll both Nue and Rairyu
>Have no urchins left
>No way to get enough urchins for another roll attempt
Bad RNG is not tanoshii.
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>the talons are here to stay, taichou
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Friendhandling pro...
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Post friends interacting with guests.
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Big cow friend
We have to enforce mandatory use of bras taichous...
If she's not wearing a bra, how come they hardly jiggle? Checkmate atheists.
kemonoplazm is a solid, not a liquid
Yes, and I offer my hands as part of this new mandatory outfit.
Taichou's back is going to get split open
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Friend Pants
Why is she so lewd?
She's a secret bioweapon tasked to extract Taichou's genetic material
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One last batch of typesetted stuff for a quick read. I hope a janny doesn't get mad because I have quite a few to post. Most of these feature white dragon, which became quite popular with some artists, and for good reasons.
It seems white dragon in japanese mythology is said to bring blessings and good fortune, particularly in matters related to marriage and childbirth? Some of that is the focus in some of these comics
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This one's just funny but also cute.
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A very cute one
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This one took me a while to finish, but it was so worth it. I love everything about this pic.
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A lot of flat jokes have been made lol
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Another one that I really enjoyed editing
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More flat jokes
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The artist that made this one is like indonesian or something like that I think? The text orientation in this one is reversed
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And last but not least, this one.
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Excellent job! Now that I finally finished all these comics that I had on stand by for months and months, I can concentrate on finishing the doujin. I'll use the font I always use then, at least is good looking and easy on the eyes. Maybe I'll try others and post a page to see if it looks better, we'll see. As I said, I want this to look as good as possible.
About the cats comic, don't worry, that was entirely on me. I wasn't paying enough attention while editing it so I missed some little details and also just copied the text without double checking it. Sometimes I just get too distracted with the shit I tend to listen while editing these. As for the sfx, you are totally right. Again, I didn't paid enough attention and didn't double checked if the characters were completely correct (and also the character "niyan" being "giggle" made sense to me in the context of the scene). It's already fixed.
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Are you winning, Taichou?
Thanks for the translations and typesetting, taichous!
VS Brown Bear
>Fighting at full power!!
[Brown bear's weapon of choice is the Kuma-kuma Stamp, and her app version's skill was called 「The Strongest Kuma-kuma Stamp」 which is kind of cute.]
VS African Wild Dog
>A one on one is a bit of a tough order.
>Is that so?
>I won't force you.
[The African wild dog is a pack hunter by nature. They may not be suited for one on one fights.]
>Man, that was fun
>I'm completely satisfied
>That's a relief~
>There are still many more Friends in the park.
>I can have plenty more duels from now on!
>That's right, Kaban, we should have some sort of duel.
P. 35
>I-I'm fine
>Is that so? That's a shame.
>I don't have the strength to fight, I wouldn't be able to compete.
>What are you saying?
>Kaban, you're amazing. (Swapped the punctuation of this part since the last part sorta asks it in a question and it was awkward finding a good way to keep the intent of this part)
>It isn't just about strength. These duels taught me that.
>It's not just me, you've been doing things for everyone.
>Kaban-chan is so amazing...
Just a little left, basically just the last page and the afterword now which I think might be fun for that bit of author insight.
Nice to see all these white dragon comics, they're all very cute! I'm very excited to see how things turn out with the doujin, I'm sure it'll look great with the usual font. And no worries about the cat comic, really I should've been going the extra mile to lock in choices on things more up in the air like that since I'm helping decide the tonal direction and such but I was just being dumb and scared of my own choices. The sfx wasn't really too bad of an issue, I feel something like that mistake is pretty easy to make and as you said "niyan" would've still worked alright. Glad the fixing seems to be nice and easy for you to do since some mistakes are like that and only are really noticeable when looking back at the work again.
Helping white dragon become bigger the only way a good taichou can!
Today’s on “This old dragon”.
Taichou going on Friend dating sites!
Now that would be funny
grabbing pinniped tummy and jiggling it
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This is how milk is made, Taichou!
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The (other) horseys vs (our) runners. Who wins?!
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What does this one say?
The others are just spirits of horses reincarnated into otherwise normal girls who train for athletic running, right? If so, then the friends win easily since friends are animals in human form with increased power.
They're from an alt history with humanoid creatures that evolved alongside humans and/or divinely created. They just happen to also have histories that line up with Japanese horse racing at times.
They have the same capability as real horses though, so friends with sandstar magic would win easily anyway.
Taichou deserves the more specialized lessons on milking
I feel like that whole weird "part human" bit might give them an edge if it were a longer endurance race, maybe
What about them?
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>Even while sleep talking Serval speaks highly of you!
>Have confidence in yourself, Kaban!
>Now, how should we do this duel?
>Flying paper planes!!
>Ooh! What sort of duel is that? Teach me!
As I did not have a preface, here:
Hello again, it's been a while- I'm Ikkyu. (doing that spelling for consistency with the links to his page)
This book's main focus was Moose from "Kemono Friends".
Honestly, I don't really know why I chose her.
I like just about every Friend who appeared in this work, so when I was thinking about what to make she naturally came to mind.

It may also have been my enjoyment of straightforward girls and my understanding of them thanks to that girl I'm always drawing.

To be honest, I made this book in a rush so many sections may be low quality.
I regretted adding the Boss trivia sections on the bottom sections a bit because the work was only half of what it should've been.
I'm glad it was able to take shape somehow...

Before watching Kemono Friends I was a bit depressed and my mind honestly was in a fairly dangerous place.
I feel thankful for Kaban-chan, Serval-chan, Boss, and director Tatsuki.

Now then, I think my next book will be coming out around Summer Comiket.
With how my plans are shaping up, it seems like it'll be a book about 「Midorikawa Nao IN Japari Park」.
I'll do my best while rewatching all the episodes of Kemono Friends.
Well then, let's meet again.

2017/05/28 Ikkyu Yours truly
P.38 Just to give that extra crediting information
Moose VS
[Publication Information
Moose VS
*Publishing circle: Hitoyasumi
This is where all the link info would go which is already there
*Date of publication 2017/05/28
*Printing Printmouse-Sama
I love Kemono Friends
And that final back cover page just says Moose VS again as well as "Hitoyasumi", the circle name on the bottom.
At last, it's finally done!
I'll get that one done in a little, shouldn't be too bad.
>While walking with Serval...
(Lewd draft)
("I didn't see" gesture)
*sudden turn* (the sfx to the left of Serval's head)
>Nmya~ Taichou, you pervert~
>No, that's not...
>...did you get a good look?
Pretty simple but fun cute-lewd comic.
Honestly even though it'd be a lot of work I'd be piling on myself in a dumb way seeing more of this guy's stuff again has me tempted to go through and save all his comics so I can start working through and translating them alongside his old doujins and stuff like those few image sets of his I have in the Mega. Maybe I could see what he has in his fanbox too.
Not to mention, this gives me a good excuse to pick up the few works of his I missed as well.
I'm also half tempted to commission him at some point, pretty cheap artist and I bet it'd be fun to get some mini-comics about Moose made or something of her from that one semi-lewd Japari Cafe set he made back in the day but didn't draw Moose for. Don't know what I'd get yet but I'm sure he'd make some fun stuff
Speaking of missed works, I ended up checking Ikkyu's page to see if there were any KF doujins I missed and it turns out I missed two so I ended up putting those in the Mega non-lewd section, they're すやすやふれんず and それいけアルパカマン, both very cute works I wouldn't mind helping TL in the future.
Serval really changed without Kaban to keep her in check...
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Funny bird
why does her nose look like that
she's, allah forgive me...japanese...
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Silly nue!
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Those fangs make her look extra silly for some reason. I love it
Naruto whiskers.

She truly is the silliest Friend to ever grace Japari Park
From the thumbnail I thought there was another girl trapped and drowning under their tits
>no thoughts
>head empty
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Goofy friends are fun
The best kind of Friends
Why are foxes like this
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Silly cat!
what an obscene dragon
I'm so happy she's back.

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