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Game is dying, and so are you

>What is BDO
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, RNG, guaranteed upgrade mechanics after you spend 4 times the item's worth, more RNG, brand new fun pvp trust me, coomer outfits like slutkinis, shondoms, infinite grinding on a circle or a private circle, RNG and a pseudo sandbox experience that doesn't matter now that marni exists.

>Latest Patch Notes


>NA/EU Coupon codes

>Interactive world map:

>General utility (Grind tracking, boss timers, imperials, calculators, pearl market info, node setup, etc.)

>Grindspots silver/hr

>/bdog/ Guilds
NA: Jealousy, Sardine

Previous: >>489895859

When can gaygamergirls be removed from the alliance I am allergic to faggots
I'm thinking its joever
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Or just powering up....
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Shai bump
yo bitch look like pepe
oh no n no no no
We're all gay gamer girls on the inside.
no. you are a tranny and a faggot, begone
If someone's a tranny wouldn't that already imply that they're also a faggot?
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man what a time to start playing this game again
Thx for the (You)s.
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they're really quitting
sells pen devo and two months laters buys the whole set
I just came back a few days ago and haven't played since late 2021, what happened and why is the game so empty? Is very eerily reminiscent of the last time I logged into archeage after taking a 2 year break and there was almost no one. Did pa really fuck up that bad?
i'm pissed that they didn't give shai a summer bikini with hawaiian shirt like the other classes. I need to take a break and cool off
I'm buying them all up for cheap. Then will sell them when I corner the market
based quadrillionaire
They're gay as fuck.
Why would a quitter sell hardcap gear? Even if they never return, why do they bother with selling? It's not that they can use the silver somehow...
Because Debos are crashing on KR right now. BDO deflation is real. Imagine not selling PEN Ogre and Ominous at 100+ billion silver, lmao
It's so over.
Where is J?
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lmao war of the roses is so fucking bad.
>we made our pvp so bad that we have to play it if you don't
I hope no one participates so we get to watch a [GM] vs [GM] shitshow a few times until they actually realize how bad it is too.
He's still touring Europe. He never returned after the Heidel ball.
A few days ago he was wine-tasting or some shit.
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I hope he is sitting comfy thinking he killed it at the Heidel ball.
turns out pvp was the heart and soul of the game...
it would be better with sex with dks and rangers
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it's up, Garmoth 95%
so this week's event is RBF extended for another 7 days
wow, that really makes me wanna login right now
Why did they make it slop? Lost Ark and FFXIV refugees ruined this game. Make it "fun" means strip all identity for the same soulless walk and talk and RNGfest
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yummy grapés
they have investors to please and stock to raise in KR, every public gaming company eventually falls for the homogenization trap trying to appeal to retarded casuals who don't even know what they want
it's funny because a basic business principle is to be UNIQUE, not the same as the rest of the slop
cope harder casualnigger
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turns out war of the roses was the exact opposite of what anyone asked for
It’d be better if winning side gets to ‘use’ the losing side all tied up.
People would lose intentionally.
Hahaha imagine if the losing side is forced to bear the winning side's babies for a whole 9 months lmao that would be so gross ewww haha I certainly don't want to get a bunch of dks and rangers pregnant ahahaehehehe elf zerk hybrid babies EWWWWWW
starting with whore1
War of the Roses ended up being 95% pve
I just fish until my team loses and get the loot box. *sip*
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Some thoughts:

>The KR PvP ruleset, i.e., karma, crystal break, pariah-status of reds and the more recent war dec changes are wholly unfit for the rest of the international playerbase, especially NA+EU.
>The game has moved so far away from the original design in terms of scope & size that the fundamental manner in which PvP is facilitated and incentivized needs complete reassessment.
>it is no longer possible to compete over spots, like Sausans, in the manner we once were able to.
>Likewise, there is no evergreen manner in which players operating in the uncapped / late-game realm can utilize the gear they've grinding hundreds to thousands of hours for.
>The underlying problem is not gear progression nor a lack of PvE content per se. Rather, said gear is rendered superfluous once the PvE content engaged with to acquire it is overcome. Without organized and emergent PvP available to uncapped players there is no compelling reason to continue except the usual sunk cost and anticipation of future content.

I can't get a good sense of what's going on at PA or in Korea. The word on the street is even KR players are growing tired of how the game is being managed. I think Jae needs to be let go at this point.
Jae is most likely working on Red Desert and DokeV atm
Whoever is at the helm of BDO needs to be talked to.
What I think is happening is the dev team is listening to whales and popular streamers from other games like the KR Lost Ark players, Asmongold, and Kanon over their playerbase. As much as I don't like Blue as a person and think he's a sperg he's fairly right on most of the takes I hear in his United Nations videos.
Catering exclusively to tourists makes the game overall shittier.
idk man I just wanted some more casual pvp modes and good rewards so ppl show up. i like rbf even as a gearlet, even tho the maps fuckin suck and I can barely get a kill, I like mindless meat grinder content. not a big fan of arena, war and guild league cause I hate listening to callouts, since that means I gotta turn my music off and my brain on so i can understand the faggot screaming in my ear. guess that's why I liked gvgs so much more than everything else. idk why they try so hard to make pvp competitive like who gives a shit, most just wanna mash heads without any seriousness behind it
Losers get their limbs amputated and handed over to the Papu and otters
Gasping for air with p's fat ass planted on my face
Choking and gagging on the smell is the best part
my prozac addicted anal only wife
of course anal only, she's a man
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>she's a man
Men are quickly becoming a minority nowadays.
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good. soon it will be my turn to have the sex with foids
she ghosted me so if she's a man i'll feel better
>chiorifag is a bdo player
doesn't come as a surprise to me
>he doesn't have DMs full of p's nudes
small dick issue
p is literallly on my dick right now while ur stroking ur pickle to nudes
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nice view
who do we blame for the current state of the game? it cant all be jae
Anyone at PA. They should be inundated with hate and harassment to the point staff begin quitting. Hit em' where it hurts. Ideally speaking, KR players start stalking people who work at the company, the higher up the better.
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I'm not a tranny.
I just really like Shai's character design.
It's very cute and funny.
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¡chin chin!
cunny chalize
The korean playerbase.
>Where is J?
Why is J?
>lmao war of the roses is so fucking bad.
I haven't been following, why is it bad? Last i remember people were hyped for the yuge battles
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That's a real dilly of a pickle. On one hand people don't want to get smashed purely because someone has a higher gear score.
But on the other hand people want to make use of the gear they worked so hard to acquire.

Not sure what the answer is
Give everyone the gear in pvp.
>Where is J?
>Why is J?
How is J?
J is gay
im j ama
just make gear gaps between softcap and near hardcap less massive. for a while you could be near softcap and still kill most gearlords, now 770gs stomps 750, 750 stomps 730 and so on. just recently they got rid of the one combo meta but only for zerks and strikers while they can still one combo non-zerks/strikers. in the end none of it matters, pvp can't be salvaged so they should just go hard on pve.
that's a really good idea. sounds like an easy change too, just do it for PVP so they don't have to fuck around with rebalancing PVE spots and stuff for now. Altho that could prob use a pass over to eventually
Why, J?
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to give you an example the spawn points are unprotected, thing that WoW's battlegrounds solved over 20 years ago.
I want to fuck ace alpha
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i remember greendress ranger
i look like this
they should let you melt tet and pen noob accessories like laytenns and crescents for a special kind of dehkia fuel that does something cool like idk makes slutty kunos rangers and dks appear once every minute with their huge tits out and they buff your ap by 5000 for 20 seconds
this but with witches
I don't know... I think more money needs to be invested into boob physics
thigh and belly physics as well
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Unironically, I want whatever PA is smoking and save it for the darkest times in my life.
>awk zerk before reboot
shit tier meme class that's useless unless class buff is off cooldown
>awk zerk after reboot
take every stigma from succ zerk being op despite being a stressful unprotected shit class with no damage or protection
>As much as I don't like Blue as a person and think he's a sperg he's fairly right on most of the takes
Blue is a good example of a broken clock telling the right time twice per day. Sure, catering to people like Asmongoloid is bad for the game, but all the simplifications that happened recently have been for the better. You don't need 6 types of black stones just for the ship gear, for example. Neither you need beginner black stones of 2 types just for naru gear, gear that will be outclassed a couple hours in the game. Most players nowadays won't tap gear after tuvala, after all the changes they did to early to late game progression, tapping isn't needed nor recommended, so why would they keep a ton of black stones variations, for content no one has to bother with?
>why would they
because i had to
no one has hated the consolidation of materials
People hate the endgame pigeonholing of grinding the newest PVE circle and nothing else
Somehow post-season new players have more options and freedom than late game which makes zero sense
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But that's endgame after autistically minmaxing and chasing over the best silver/hour. Having endgame gear doesn't mean you have to only grind the latest, best paying spot in the game. Having endgame gear means you can go everywhere on the map, grind whatever the fuck you want, with way better efficiency than when you had the recommended gear. I know a lot of people who avoid 700GS spots even if they have the gear for them, and prefer more casual spots, like arsha blood wolves, jade forest, or the good ol kratuga and orc-biraghi combo. Having gear to grind every spot in the game, and complaining there is only one spot, is simply delusional, just because non-meta spots will give 100-200m silver less per hour.

>I suffered, why shouldn't they
pic related
endgame pre debo sets was extremely open and varied
Only retards went full AP/Orcs and then cried when people with lower gearscores would destroy them. The average player was so retarded resplendent alchemy stones were on the market for 2 billion silver because they only valued AP in a meta where anything about 297 ap was genuinely overkill.
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Anyone tried the new dehkia spot? Heard it pays pretty well and a friend of mine who is still active, said that yesterday it was impossible to find a spot to grind.
I'm not a fan of the consolidation of materials, in most cases. Your example of beginner blackstones is one of the few that I do agree with, but in most other cases I think it's detrimental to one of the main appeals of the game (at least for me): the variety of items and depth to the systems that use those items, for example alchemy, is one of the few things that really sets this game apart from others.
The design intent for this game turned away from that a while ago, I guess the original team might have moved to Crimson Desert or perhaps just left PA entirely.
I don't expect the game to change course now, so I know it's futile to complain, but I do still want to share my opinion.
It's hard to find a spot on most servers and there's a decent amount of griefers running around at least here on NA. With no drops on a usually middle of the line grinder I make 1.2b in trash loot alone for 20k agris an hour.
>grinding 0%
I can fix that
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>top left
Dear god, it's brapman cometh.
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>1.2b in trash loot alone
From the looks of it, other trash doesn't seem like it will make a dent in the profit, even on the luckiest hours. Crescent rings will also crash soon if they haven't already and debo rings will be the only drop making an hour worth grinding there. Still, 1,2b in trash (before expenses) and 2b once every 2 hours (taking into account Deboreka droprates) it seems like a better Troll habitat. Any mechanic like oneshot attacks or CC that you should build for, or is it just a spot where you can turn off brain and kill the horde from the lantern?
add knockdown resistance and be sure to kill the statue that shows up
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Shai carring the weight of the thread again.
Thread theme: https://youtu.be/3BPzsm-Z9o8
Carrying the weight of her sins (fat thighs)
i like butts
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i will help
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off we go
>nerf succ zerk but not actually
retard faggot devs refuse to kill this fucking class, just keep making irrelevant changes that do not address the main issue
What is your endgame? You're not even bumping the threads when we reach page 10.
i'm sorry i dont speak ching chong mr. bug
blud is typing in wukong
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Why doesn't ranger age?
slutty tree magic or smth idk post panties
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time-wasting question
just bend over already, whore
Gotta buy me drinks first
The cum from all the various forest beasts keeps her young
It would be nice if we could exchange the Hunter's Seal for a few more things, e.g. Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst, Magical Shard, Courser Training materials or the like
>Kill Biraghi
>Don't get a key
Fucking scammed
>year of our lord 2024
>tuvala timmies are finishing season with 300 ap
>blud still be grinding biraghi and orcs presumably
>he doesn't know about biraghi
I like to grind on alts with just PEN Tuvala and Biraghi is an okay spot for that given I need a few more Shards
blud aint kno
bl b lyk
it's over...
at least we outlived lost ark
I got 57 million silver in gold bars from Garmoth, just for taking my main there rather than using my alt. Not bad at all, at least if I'm in the area.
wrong, bdo is saved
Seeing zerk nerfed after reddit bitched so hard about him drained my hope for the game more than any OP Zerk ever did.
AND he can still hold you in V and desync with mouse movement.
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They do age.
Like fine wine.
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You can't fix her
Woosa being the only class where Succ and AWK is literally on-par in Crescent Dehkia. What a gigachad class.
smug bitch
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Woosa is my main and I really like her. Mostly just because she was the first character I made. I really should give other characters a chance though. Whenever I play someone else I get through the season then hop back onto woosa to do some grinding and forget how to play the other character. Its the butterflys and water
Funny how a year ago this posting was directed at the actual tranny. Yet at some point it got replaced by seething projection.
How (((Convenient))) it is for xer that the actual vile tranny doesn't get your attention. I sure wonder what your motives might possibly be. Perhaps it's not even the same poster anymore??
now that he's been out for a bit, what's dosa like?
is he fun?
does he let you go bankai?
I ain't playing that gay shit bro
did they ever fix succ drak being so god damn slow
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Dosa is pretty fun and has decent mobility i find once you get used to his smoke teleport. I like him but haven't played him since i hit 61. Would recommend
Its so small lol
and he's still tanky as fuck, still fast and still gets to 1 combo basically any class. the only thing these nerfs did was fuck over awakening which is lmao basically a meme class that only like 15 people aren't perma floor pov on it
How come people that want "Open world PvP" REFUSES to play on Arsha when it does everything they ask for?
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>desync with mouse movement.
they will do anything to avoid nerfing what actually makes him broken, it's insane
what ninjas shouldve been
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they never told me zerk had a blockjump...
this looks terrible and unfun
made for speed
zerk mobility skills desync a lot harder the higher their ping is, but even with medium to low ping you can still reliably trigger desync by mouse moving just because the tick rate is so shit for a fast paced MMO that isn't tab target. in the first one the zerk does an immediate 180 from lava piercer towards the maegu, and on his screen he never goes down the stairs or gets caught on the wall. game can't properly report zerker mobility skills making unnatural movements with skills that were either meant to be steered using the camera like lava piercer, or weren't meant to have their trajectory adjusted at all like feral stampede or tackling rock.
>they refuse to nerf mouse movement because Zerkers whine
>they nerfed ALL 200% BSR skills because zerkers were so broken it ruined siege and nodewars
>not a single other class had a broken 200% and instead of just nerfing zerkers 200% they ruined it for EVERYONE
>they refuse to ever nerf zerkers
why do they love zerkers so much?
koreans are big into bbc fetish
its probably playing a major role here
they literally don't know the extent of how broken he is. korea barely has any zerk mains and mouse movement is something that only gained traction over there within the past year so they haven't spent years getting dicked down by teleporting zerks. it's why the devs keep trying to go after his stamina when succ zerk simply doesn't give a fuck about stamina, since he's one of the most free moving classes in the game just by nature of how his skills work with mouse movement
whats this?
>PvP in such a state where you either pick zerker or get zerked
>people drop PvP entirely instead of joining the monkey shenanigans
>to no one's surprise, the monkey mains start acting like monkeys when people stop interacting with them due to how unbalanced he is
>monkeys seethe and cry online doomposting the game dying because they have no one to class-check anymore
Did I get this right or am I missing something?
black spirit rage
None of these problems would exist if they just reverted succ zerk to pre-reboot when he was a dogshit meme class that barely anyone played. Fucking cancerous tumor zerk is.
It's Zerker, Nova, Shai meta.
Both Zerker and Nova and desync easily and Shai is just busted
>Shai meta.
It's the Shai era now
it's been the shai era for like 3 years anon where the fuck have you been
>Introduced as a happy-go-lucky pve class
>She wasn't ever really supposed to be good, just a fun, goofy and cute class for the casual pvers and lifeskillers
>This results in pvp guilds all poaching shai players from each other and grabbing every shai they can
>The top guilds have at least 10 active shai players in their roster (extremely fucking rare class btw)
>Even the hardcore pvers require shai
>Guild boss rush in LOML2 will absolutely require shai
She's actually a stacy class and I won't apologize for it.
Literally me
Are the relic scrolls still ok silver / hour for fresh tuvala timmy?
Tomorrow I'm gonna be asking you to post 'em, so don't forget to do your Black Shrine today!
Good morning. Thanks Anon, i did forget!!
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Not playing PVP, LOL!
ww(y)d in this situation?
mate i said no
asking for dfs is the litmus test of wether you're a decent human being or not, like leaving your groceries cart in the parking lot.
Fair pvp vs people who already have their pvp shit on, who are already on a pvp class, with pvp buffs too..? fuck that i wanna stomp on people and then cry that owpvp is dead
watched a hardcapped streamer last night who just rode through Arsha and would jump off his horse, click a human harmony and perfume of courage, and kill people who were busy grinding. Also had whale tendons hotbar'ed.
He did this a time or two then couldn't find anyone for a while and began complaining that OWPVP is dead.
Not sure if this is truly the answer, but what if there were a few different Arsha servers that capped PvP stats at different levels? The basic one would of course be PEN Tuvala, probably good to have one that is separate from Season Arsha. They could increase in increments of ~50-100GS, depending on some estimate of the population of each.
Obviously it's not a good idea to split a low population server up when the point is to see other people, but perhaps it might encourage more participation if you can't get instakilled by someone far higher than your own GS.
I guess there would have to be a reason for going to the higher GS servers, so perhaps for each increment in GS there could also be an increment in 10% drop rate or something.

It's all half measures and cope mechanisms. It's not like your suggestions are bad, it's just that the problems lie elsewhere.
What a "pvper" wants to do is actually a PK masquerading as duel so a whole lot of other things need to be adressed first like karma, crystals breaking, your buffs disappearing on death, your loot scroll being wasted etc. These are all flawed mechanics regardless if people pvped or not.
All this and for what, remember these "pvpers" actually thought feeding you to mobs to waste your silver was an appropriate response to being declined, they would rather harm than take a minute to find an open spot (cooldown, another flawed aspect). In any high trust society they would be called griefers, nothing less.

Maybe i'm just a boomer but it was never about this law of the jungle zoomer aggression shit, people actually queued for quests in WoW even in EU/NA and if they wanted pvp they'd go to pvp zones or battlegrounds. Yes there were griefers, yes there were assholes, but never once have i thought "oh wow yet ANOTHER guy wants to grief me AGAIN" like i do daily in bdo.
Sounds like the average streamer, it's sad they're allowed to voice their bullshit opinions to so many people.
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>the problems lie elsewhere
NTA. The problem is that people think and brainstorm all the time, trying to think how a mechanic that exists solely for griefing, can be turned into a grief-free experience. It will never happen. It's like asking chili sauce to stop being spicy, and start being sweet, or sour. For almost a decade now, the main privilege of having hardcap or almost hardcap gear, is that you were ungankable. No one could come to gearcheck you, no one could. And they made bank selling that privilege. Because for years you would always find a guy camping a popular spot like blood wolves with his 740 GS, beating around newbies with Oasis/Narchilian/Tuvala gear who thought PvP would be fair and fun, while all they did was roleplay as mosquitoes trying to attack a tank.
And it would still be like that, till the developers realized that these privileged whales were sucked dry, had no more reason to pay more money, and at the same time, they were pushing players away by doing drive-bys and oneshotting players in arsha and non-arsha servers.
>the main privilege of having hardcap or almost hardcap gear, is that you were ungankable
this doesn't apply now even comparing two people at hardcap, given the staggering difference between having every aspect of your build set for PVE or PVP
there's several steps they they take towards could fixing this, like an instant one-click full gear, buff, crystal, and add-on swap, "monster AP" and "human damage" no longer existing, or making all mob types in arsha take Human Damage. The first would be preferable but even doing either of those last two would at let you grind with an offensively-spec'ed setup to at least give you a chance.
>discussing what devs could potentially do in a dead 4chan thread that no one will ever read
whats the point?
do you just enjoy talking about these semi-fantasies?
i'm just concerned for you
do something more productive or fun maybe?
there's nothing to be gained from this
as she posts
in a dead 4chan thread
that no one will ever read
>oh no some retards got ambushed in the pvp world that they knowingly went to and didn't prepare themselves against pvpers who they know are there
skill issue and iq issue
>Sov weapons to finally kill DR memes
>new DR artifacts completely negate that AND give more health
LMAO. They need to allow for more +10 human damage crystals
Everyone is aware of the possibility, it's just that you either gamble on not having a piece of shit gank you or lose 30% of your profits because you can't use your proper PvE gear/buffs.
Why would I ever waste time on some faggot with nothing to lose while I'm running 150m worth of buffs + lv.2 Scroll? Why would I run away to somewhere safe (with all my buffs running) so I can switch gear to even have a ""proper"" duel when I can just swap channels and move on with my life?
>skill issue
That would be a fair assumption were PvP gear not completely different from PvE gear.
When I get mowed down in Arsha I don't think "ah finally someone to duel with", I think "better swap channels fast so I don't waste my buffs or get spawn killed before I manage to change my gear."
>t-that's what arsha is for!!!
You think so? I don't, and even if a bunch of retarded gooks who don't play their own game were to explicitly say that this was their original intention, do you really think that's the best way of dealing with something like that?
There's nothing to "prepare" for pvpers. Once monster AP caps are at around 950+, even hardcapped players have to use monster ap instead of generic ap or human damage.
And also, it's not a pvp world, it's a drop rate world with an increased risk of being griefed. Remove the 50% drop rate and no one would ever log into it. People trying to grind wouldn't go there because getting attacked would just be a waste of time, and "pvpers" wouldn't go there because there would consequently be no undergeared/out of pvp-spec players to prey upon.
>pvp world
it's not tho. you get 2 kills after which you lose your 4 billion crystals on death, it's as anti-pvp as it gets
>just don't die
umm i pressed my E button and now you're dead...?
I always knew they had no clue where to take the game but to see it was to this extend... Anyone but these chinks could see how shortsighted killing pvp was
They don't actually their own game bro pls understand
>It's like asking chili sauce to stop being spicy
What kind of monster would do such a thing
I would
I like the taste of chili sauce but I dont like having a spicy shit the next day
I also dont like sweating more than I need to when trying to have a meal
Even if they make your dream come true and add a 1-button-PvP swap, you still forget there are other benefits a ganker has, like the premium ghillie suit that hides the blip on the map, which means the grinder will have to frantically watch behind his back every second, while the ganker... will keep doing what he was doing for the past 8 years. So who is benefiting from such a change?

It's a dumb food analogy, don't dwell too much into that.

Eat a small serving of salad and some fluids beforehand and chili won't treat you that harshly. But then again, if you eat 5 servings of something spicy, it's not chili's fault.
>like the premium ghillie suit that hides the blip on the map
it hasn't done that in years now
>premium ghillie suit that hides the blip on the map
I'd swear it still works like that...
It's so joever...
>didn't prepare themselves against pvpers
So they should be grinding with full pvp crystals, artifacts, lightstones and addons? Is that your solution?
>hides white dot on the map
the ghillie never did that. it hid your nameplate making you hard to see. the only way to hide yourself on the map is to crouch or go prone and it's always been like that
Pretty sure it used to in the beginning.
You're confusing some thing. People could dive into tall grass and because of the lack of nameplate their icon would also disappear, making tracking them much more difficult. Dots have always been in play, nameplates were added later.
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I'm not confused, there has never been any other method to hide your white dot on the map besides crouching or going prone, which also removes your nameplate and always worked even without a ghillie suit. The ghillie only removed your nameplate until they added "Unknown Adventurer" to it a few years ago. It never hid your dot on the map. That was never a thing.
Nope, it never hid your map dot, only your nameplate.
Very insightful post.
post characters so i can call you a tranny
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Tim Allen or Sam Seder?
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can't wait until she hits 40 and fills out more...
wtf i look like that
typical tamer main
post sex
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Occasional reminder to join Jealousy
I need a sissy gay bf to be my in-game female gf for my zerk. Please, I'll love you and I'll even buy you hot clothes and if we hit it off then I can move you into my home and we can get married. Please.
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Post 'em
why not just own it and be actually full homo gay, why do you need a man who acts like a woman. cringe fetish shit, be a MAN and fuck MEN
Vladímir Krámnik, chess grandmaster that plays online chess clicking like a 70 year old and seethees too much when he loses starting what he calls "the procedure" meaning is time to report his opponent.
I didn't know you could just play the same boss on alts and have it count.
i've never known a chess player who wasn't a massive fag. anyone who touches chess and gets into it unironically turns how to be a cunt

i'm attracted to crossdressers and sissies who like to act girly, i can't help it. i'm not attracted to manly men. you can't gaslight me into changing because it won't work.
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I was lazy this week and didn't do c7s. Golden pig is fun to kill!
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aw man i forgot again!
I had to rush them 20 minutes before reset like an idiot
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tamer sole
i want a dark knight gf
i want a gf (female)
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the proportions are all off
goofy ass long ass wine bottle
that's a lot of food for a small elf
page 10...
embrace the end times
it's been over
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I need 321 AP and I was thinking of skipping debo shits because it would take me 1k hours of playtime to get it that way.

So should I go for extra set of PEN BS weps after I put a cup on that 1 disto and get the new sovereign weapons to up my AP/AAP? My AP is 309 after I'm done with Odyllita quests. succ + awa PEN BS weps are less than 200B total while debocuck stuff is too many billions.

Also getting 401 DP when I get free J hammers or cheap crons to tap my FG's.
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thanks for the feed
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You need 12 AP, will that all come from Sovereign? I would expect you'll need to get Debos as well, at least the neck since that's 5 AP and the easiest to get
how does this game function with a gamepad?
I was thinking if it's wise to bet on Sov weapons and get the most of the AP that way and perhaps buy debo neck too if I can pull it before the patch is out.
thank you for your service
The best two options for you right now are:
Pen deb necklace + about a pen or hex sovereign weapon
Pen Disto, two tet debo rings, pen or hex sovereign weapon

The second option has the value of letting you convert your jetina crescents into Narcs as alternative gear, but you might want to wait a bit on that as debo rings are crashing hard now thanks to dehkia crescent and doomers.
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It's chover...
Pinoy national GDP will never recover
and consequently half of all vtubers are now retiring.
>one flagged shows up right as the army of sissies panic log out forever
It's possible some good could come of these cheeseballs throwing a hissy. Open world and PvP in general need revival, somehow. Jae's passion project is bleeding in that regard for an endless numbers of reasons that have passed the point of blatantly obvious. The progression-only treadmill isn't going to go the way PA or whoever is driving this wants it to. Make red players great again, reform incentives and get experimental, not as if they listen to anyone...
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Thank god Cho is gone so now all the floods of new players can have fun at season Mirumok and dungeons. It will only take them 13 days to find a party instead of 14.
that's battle arena bro
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>massive heart made out of players
Why don't we get /bdog/ together for a picture and make something
Who are you quoting
no don't. i still have some pearls to spend
What can you do with 10 people
a modest orgy
>p-please look at us, give us one last piece of attention
Kill yourselves and never come back.
The funniest part is that the majority of their guild is still playing the game, just on a private server now lmao. They didn't even quit the game, they just quit the retail version of the game. They're addicted
It seems nice
We should! I also think it might be fun to do a /bdog/ 1v1 tournament, but it would likely have to be using PEN Tuvala to get around wide gaps in gear
>Let's play a better version of the game we like
What's better about it? I'm assuming easier enhancing rates/drop/exp since it's private but what difference does it make for hardcapped players
>vocal minority has been screaming for attention for years
>developers and the rest of community ignore and laugh at them
>vocal minority decided to create an echo chamber, playing on a private server, with boosted droprates, pen debo taps at 80% and hammers costing 5 minutes of grind time
Where have I seen this before... social outcasts and schizophrenics creating echo chambers since they can't fit anywhere...
Anyways, how long do you think they will last there? 1 month? Maybe 2 months? How long till they claim a nothingburger update was the reason that reignited their passion for the game?
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I haven't looked at pservers in a long time, what the fuck is happening over there?
I really don't understand the point of a private server for BDO. You earn silver more quickly and have easier taps, to get endgame gear faster, all for what? To grind endgame spots more easily for no goal? You can grind PvE all you want in the regular server if that's the goal.
There won't be any sort of reasonable PvP community on a private server, the population will be far less and I'm certain the drama and cliques will be much worse due to that lower population.
LoML never happened and instead they discovered mainland china, so now items have cultivation levels
Wtf I love pservers now?
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>I need 321 AP
Says who? Sheet AP doesn't mean shit nowadays, people care about their total AP. After a while, brackets give laughable gains like 2 and 3 total AP, and that's why people go for TET Debos, because their 3 and 5 set pieces give very noticeable gains.
>I was thinking of skipping debo shits because it would take me 1k hours of playtime to get it that way
You consider skipping debos, at the first time we see them crashing and sitting on the market, and you go straight up to buying not 1, but 2 extra blackstars for 2 sovereigns? Are you even prepared for, not 2, but even 1 sovereign tapping session? Streamers were seen using 40k crons to reach PEN Sovereign, and guess what, there are 5 more levels to tap above that. At NA/EU prices, 2 PEN Blackstars will cost you around 180b. With that budget, you can definitely buy 3 TET Debos, or even the full 5 piece set if you preorder low or wait for prices to drop a bit more. My advice would be to at least get 3 debos, neck and belt definitely, third one can be either an earring, or a ring. Ring means you will be able to exchange jetina's crescent with a narc, meaning you will have a filler earring for kama spots later on. And ffs finish your god damn logs before you start considering endgame gear...
>succ + awa PEN BS weps are less than 200B total while debocuck stuff is too many billions
Please tell me you aren't considering PEN Debos... TET are more than enough for every content in the game, even the future dehkia vol 2. PEN Debos are whale bait territory, or for people who have been playing actively for 4 years, and have nothing else to buy, not for a 6 month account like yours.
>Also getting 401 DP when I get free J hammers or cheap crons to tap my FG's
Finish your logs, push that kutum to C7, and if my maths are correct, you should be just around 401 DP.
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Offin gave me everything today
Probably no debo or new DR meta. Faster tick servers and none of the newest Zerker buffs
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This was looking so promising before five levels of nothing...
It's over...
Not him, but I will get pen belt and ring before the fucking Loml 2! I refuse to lose!
Oh I keep forgetting I have six premium horse appearance change coupons, I guess there's no better time to use them, right?
Bro we've got 2 weeks, belt is doable but you'd have to be crazy carried to get pen rings by then. I've just got rings left but I'm letting them drop due to crescents being a money printer and I'm gonna dump a ton in to sovereign weapons and inevitably bump my stacks up to have a decent shot at the rings.
>2 PEN Debos in 2 weeks
Assuming you already have the TETs, the 2 minimum failstacks will cost you around 30b, 2 hammers will cost 55b, so even if you onetap them, at 13,5% each, you have 2 weeks to grind 80b for the taps. I wish you the best of luck, but I'll be honest with ya, it doesn't seem feasible...
I'm already on tap 8 and I have 74b ATM. I'm waiting until I can get 3 hammers and buy them one by one.
War of the Roses is so fucking bad holy shit. What is J smoking
So I did a bit of snooping around some private servers and discovered quite a bit, most notably that BDO private servers are still actually a thing, since I thought they basically died after gamez back in 2018 or whatever. The pserver players migrate from server to server 2-4 times a year, seems like most of the servers usually peak around 1-2k accounts with a few hundred active at any given time until it's on its last leg. The playerbase appears to be a mix of mostly EU, SA, Chinese and MENA players with a minority of NA players except for recently. Lot of shitflinging between cliques goes around on these servers as there's tons of racism and tribalism since everyone is from different regions. Russian stick with the russians, the hues with the hues, EU with EU, turks with turks, and they all hate each other so it's nothing but flame wars both in-game and on the forums/discord. Basically what I have gathered is that they're like the /pol/ of BDO where they all just sit around and pvp/camp/gank/grief each other all day, talk constant shit, collect dirt on one another, bring up old drama/scandals from past servers and start new drama while calling each other racial slurs.

Not really surprised the servers don't last more than a couple months at a time with the kind of playerbase they foster, apparently a good number of them are hackers too so I guess that goes to show how egotistical they are. Griefers griefing griefers and a race to hardcap to grief rivals and slow down or prevent their progress. Once everyone reaches hardcap or the lifeskillers stop supplying the market because they got griefed out of the server, they get bored and do it all again on another server. Pretty weird stuff, I legit had no clue the pserver scene was even a thing, and the "pvp playerbase" wants the real game to be a nightmare like these servers kek.
Nice job detective
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i do not associate with pvpers
I miss the tiktoker shai
sounds kino
which one is that, I can't tell them apart.
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this one?
toddlercons are disgusting
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It's a fucking disgusting seamonkey isn't it?
this one
ah the pepe shai
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After a fierce battle you reap the spoils. Nicely done anon
LOML2 will change everything. Everything!
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dumb witch + not showing panties
the old moon accessory seems like a scam
pay, what, like 8-9 bil for a guaranteed pen accessory when you can just save an extra 3-5 bil for an accessory you can possibly sell later down the line
well duh, old moon accs were made before the devs gutted accessory prices
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>an extra 3-5 bil
that's a lot of money for me
You can swap them over to narcs for kama spots later down the line when you get tet debo rings.
try playing the game
What did you choose for the Choose your Artisen worker box?
as if I need or care about some artisan worker thats gonna give me like 10m a week which is basically 10 seconds of grind
yeah as if
Stop bitching about free shit you absolute niggers
blud is really trying to have a conversation about a free penny lmao must be a jew
just kill this thread
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just beanin around
Why would anyone play a private server of BDO.
I have no idea
yeah i don't get it either. maybe they can cheat in stuff they want?
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Gee, who would have thought that the schizo manchildren don't know what they want, and when they think they do and get it, it doesn't work because a) the game's economy isn't based on, or connected with PvP, and b) they kill their own communities with their rotten characters and personalities. Which is why they had to resort to private servers in the first place, because they are misfits.

As other anons said above, addiction. The game spat them out and they still want more, even though they will admit they hate it. Same mentality as the LoLfags that will get their 23th permaban, claim they hate the game, and proceed to make their 24th account. You won't find reason and sanity in their minds. Maybe one of the reasons they go to private servers is the sped up gear progression, since they still believe the "true PvP begins at 10k hours/780 GS". Wish I had more expertise to talk about them, but sadly, every single PvP player/red player I've met over the years in BDO was a legit sociopath and couldn't hold a conversation to save their lives. Even the handful ones I have on my friends list that are "sane enough", they are still people you wouldn't want to be around for more than needed, neither online nor IRL.
It's kind of insane how much effort people go through to attack PvP players through gossip and stories. They're hostile through any means besides simply playing a competitive versus mode through the game.
What's the best/fastest and the most braindead way to "boost" a friend's 265AP/315DP character as I have +720GS myself? Spam lvl 5 relic scrolls as a DUO 'til he has enough stats for Tunkuta or smth?

not watching it
I have no idea, but I always want to try to have a friend tag a DP Shai and see how much we get from grinding Dehkia Ash together. I feel like it would be less than solo, but he would get valuable neck pieces to tap.
that niggah is too ugly to watch.
It's so joever...
I like Vessel he's super nice in AoS. I just feel bad Guardian is kinda dogshit. Even capped nodewar she feels overrated compared to S.Sage, Maegu, and A.Musa
kill yourself
Altinova, Calpheon, or Heidel - put the little gobbo in the platinum mines
I just don't open them
goblins belong in the mines!
When are whites getting sov weapons/palace of slave labor/new bosses?
September 12th
Are there people who watch BDO streams even after they get their twitch drop? Why? What kind of person does that
Did they ever reset the twitch drop rewards
I don't ever watch twitchslop, I just use a drops miner.
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>a drops miner.
i've never heard of such a thing
wouldn't it essentially be the same thing? giving a view/revenue to the streamer?
It's not like I care whether I'm giving them money or not, it's just easier to get drops this way since I don't need to keep my browser open or swap channels when they go offline.
>or swap channels when they go offline
that's what gets me
>put on channel, mute tab
>check back 2.5 hours later
>it's some other channel not giving me my precious drop meter
fuck that!
bring him to Upper Gyfin with another person or two
make sure he stacks all his drop chance, agris, golden agris coin, lvl 2 loot scroll, and make sure he at least tags every mob with AOEs so he gets loot.
Use a party Kama harmony so he can lifesteal easily to stay alive
He'll be getting like 750k trash loot if you do it right, and he can use the Forest Fury to make crystals worth way more than just selling them as-is

Dismiss the thought of doing relics/scrolls. Those are terrible money if you're not doing them either solo or 5-man, and they're mediocre money even if you do.
ATM we get about 400M/H doing relics as a DUO and it's braindead as fuck. I can watch something on my second monitor while spamming relics.

It's pain in the ass to find people for Upper Gyfin.
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i've recently seen a few Upper Gyfin parties on the Find Party/Platoon menu and they were at 3 to 5 players
maybe try making one of those?
elly is so cringe, gay ass vtuber nigga wit a stick up her ass
anon encounters a latina for the first time
loud, stubborn, catty, feisty, fat ass, will look exactly like her mother
I'd pound Elly as long she's not a complete gremlin.
Is it worth coming back to the game? i heard people are leaving.
also one of my biggest gripes with the game was being asked for dfs or straight up killed while grinding, and the new dekia spots don't have the private zone for some reason?
yea, game's fine and you're unlikely to be ganked outside of arsha. pvp is rare unless sought out.
bros... what do we think of that?
>no character creation
i no longer care about this game
It's so over, bdo has fallen...
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you have seen nothing
i saw that you should kill yourself
cute polish femboy
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there are no femboys in poland, that's a forced discord meme
Black Desert Online?
>another tet debo failed on a 160 stack
it's over, i give up, time to quit like everybody else
blud got pwned
>160 stack
peanuts, youre not even trying
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I've never had a tet debo go below 180 and my easiest one still took 4 taps.
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its over
C'est fini
yes! please god come back!
I'm tired of this. Should be White Desert Online
kill yourself
in a perpetual state of overness
Looking through the events there's nothing really cool that makes me want to log in.
They need a new event to blow our socks off
seoul doesnt seem exciting
least i don't have issues competing for some spots
i will be trying bdo again
how about those faggot niggers make some real fucking content instead of le dickia stand in one spot grind area #30 and r spam for 10 hours pt 2
can I win the market rulette for a horse whistle already? ...
You can make your own, once per account.
Check GrumpyGreen.
>You need 720+ GS for siege guilds now
>It used to be 710+ yesterday
>Only have like 707 GS atm
Time to quit BDO I guess. I will never find a proper guild as the GS reqs keeps rising faster than I can grind.
Why don't you try having fun now instead of possibly in the future when all stars align?
If you want GvG just do capped and grind for your gear when you feel like it.
Sieges are the only fun thing I can imagine.
>only 707 gs
gearlets, baka my head
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Blame Debos. After sov and new artifacts it will be 730
>new artifacts
And I bought Kabuas. RIP.
You've had years to build wealth and stay current. I started up a little over a year ago and am sitting around 760. You don't deserve that siege spot, you're lazy and uncommitted. Quit and get out of the way of people trying to play the game.
I started fresh 6 months ago and have like 1.2k hours in this game. Already burned out and took a long break when GS reqs went from 650 -> 680 and then 680 -> 700. It seems like to get into siege guild you need to hire ching chong to boost aka play your character you while you sleep or do other things.
actually November or December last year.

t. >>492157649
skill issue
Your gear is more than fine for your account's age, ignore this fag >>492156673 pretending 760gs is easy to achieve within a year. He is either lying, whaled or onetapped everything till PEN Deboreka 5 set and Silent SO set. Or maybe he treated BDO for the past year as his 9-5 job, grinding 8 hours per day and he assumes everyone should do the same to have the honor of joining a """proper""" guild.
Either way, if you want to get into sieges and uncapped PvP, meeting schizos like this guy would be your every day routine.
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played for 8 years

714 gs

never been in a node war
They're purely PvP and only in Dehkia 2 which will be the hardest content in the game. 1100 combined AP minimum (tungrad softcaps at 1100).
kill yourself
Genuinely kill yourself.
just apply to the last few siege guilds left anyway and be honest with them. if you really want to play that badly then consider a meta class like shai, succ zerk or a ranged class. most guilds except for the top 2-3 (there are only 4 left kek) will take you if you show them you're actually making progress even if slowly, unless you're playing some dumb shit that sucks at large scale like kuno, corsair, tamer and refuse to tag something useful
I started 2 weeks ago and I'm already 777gs anon what the fuck have you been doing for an entire year? Must be a DynastyWarriors member
>ywnb some big guilds buffslut
why live?
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Now that succ zerk is allegedly dead what class is that piece of shit ar*in rerolling to?
Striker is the last class for metachuds. After that's nerfed the shitters will be forced to learn how to play the game like the rest of us. More likely, they'll just quit (standard BDO player mindset: give up).
Uhm Awake Nova? Maegu? Musa?
may I?
NTA, the metachuds aren't satisfied with a class who can deal insane damage they must also be immortal. This isn't even an exaggeration, they really don't want to die and will do everything in their power to not take a L and respawn (it takes a whole 15 seconds to get back).
This is why all the "pvpers" have whale tendons on their hotbar, they will V, they will escape escape and they will stack so much DR or evasion to not die in 3 resets, so they need a class who can onecombo people with 285 AP like awak striker.
All of those characters can get away extremely well. Maegu is much stronger than Zerk in capped
had no idea that she was good in pvp too
yeah but in the event you're caught you're toast
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Wake up and smell the ashes. Capped content is CUT. If you aren't grinding you aren't doing the cutting-edge, relevant content. Uncapped 3v3s automatically mog AoS.
tri -> tet BS wep for FS building still the way to go or?
bean status?
She used to be the best AoS character until the nerfs. Now she's good, but best in capped NW.
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My z button is starting to fail, takes 6-8 presses for it to register.
It's so over, I don't have any spare keyboard....
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>You don't deserve that siege spot, you're lazy and uncommitted. Quit and get out of the way of people trying to play the game.
People are advocating for T1 and Balenos Siege to be AOS gear, so if Jae panics and listens you won't have to do shit to PvP, lmao.
that's probably the way it should be desu. they've made it very clear they don't want open world pvp and trying to balance both pve and pvp with the same gear has led to the total destruction of gear level diversity (free PEN blackstars, accessory prices tanked) in attempt to level the playing field... just add pvp sets like wow battlegrounds and arenas and be done with it
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Thank god more people are starting to talk about this, hard stat caps don't work with the game when some classes rely on %s while others use flat stats that get cancelled by the cap.
metachuds have always had a class to fotm reroll to though, but if i'm being honest the idea of a striker meta sounds dreadful as fuck. i hope they keep rolling out the nerfs, a few more classes need to be toned down cause it should have never gotten to this point in the first place.
gear diversity was mostly a thing for pvp though, everyone used the same stuff in pve before and after debos. even the loml accessories were designed with pvp in mind which makes no sense at all imo. accessories with abilities is cool but they wasted the concept on dumb owpvp shit no one cares about
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roll a shai
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Striker is going to be my next class. Not because it's meta but it's just cool to punch shit to death.
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Last day to charge into the battlefield!!
I'm reinstalling bdo
What class are you going to play
I'll turn in everything I own and make a corsair
>Let us charge into rooftop ranged class anal rape and strikers camping the spawn
Lmao!!! Really weird that they're getting rid of this on the same patch they're buffing rbf rewards too.
FACT: Corsairs are the hottest!
an error
I'm back, Is the bunny shai still playing, she owes me raw sex.
plap pyon is probably still around, getting plapped, idk tho
It's my turn to plap her, pass her to me
Do I need to do the Imoogi quest on the same character or is the quest completion family wide? I tagged off a while ago
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too bad warrior is shit and everyone who bought in the past and thought they were unique will seethe beyond belief
>it's real
They're just trying to gage how many paypigs they still have desu.
>Scrolls le bad t. /vg/
>Pila Fe scrolls are +1bil/h with group
/vg/ lied again
dayum little bro making centaurs money in 2025 thats crazy
That'll definitely save bdo!!!
All this doom posting about the game everywhere is actually killing my mood to play it...
Don't listen to them anon the game is perfectly fine, it's just doomposting. You do know doomposting isn't real, right? It's just <lists every cope in the book dicksuckers and bootlickers have used in the midst of a dying mmo to chase off the remaining concerned players>
>Have only 10bil
>need +80bil more for the extra BS wep
>BS weps will be sold out and the price will be 120+bil after the sept 12th.
Time to uninstall I guess.
there's no incentive to help others, so why bother
It's fine, death spiral is already in motion. Move on to XIV, WoW, GW2 or whatever else. People are dedicated to bashing the game and the developers do not listen, Pack it up. There's no way to salvage the reputation anymore in the culture of hatefarming. Even if Jae blew his brains out live on stream and the entire pearl shop was made free it'd still be too late.
>Even if Jae blew his brains out live on stream and the entire pearl shop was made free
holy shit bdo is saved
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>spend 30 mins at least to find 5 people willing to sit for an hour doing one of the most boring content of the game
>need VP to translate the grind into profit by selling the mem frags
>profit is also unstable due to mems crashing regularly
Or, I can go and grind solo for more silver per hour, with constant droprate events raising the chance for more black stones/ caphras/ rare drops worth half a billion without feeling like i have to fill an appointment to find others to grind. Or if you still want to do group content, go do guild bosses with your friends, easy 1,2b in gold bars for 40 mins in PEN Tuvala gear, plus the extras. Maybe you have better gear and want to do group content with your friends? Go do Oluns, an agris hour there is 1,5b once you learn the rotation, start waking up the next camp, etc. Why on earth would you torture yourself with fucking scrolls...
Who are you quoting?
wtf i look like that
I want this screen!!
Is fookies still posting here? I used to be in sardines but I also can't remember my 2FA to get back into my old discord account
they were here earlier this year, or later last year idk can't exactly remember. message him on twitch
I don't wanna talk to him. Just wondering if he was still around. What's the state of BDO like now? Haven't played since 2018
Despite all the doomposting it's in a pretty decent state overall. It's not nearly as brutal as it used to be, not nearly as pearl hungry. The last few months of patches turned everything upside down proving the devs are still retarded but besides that it's good up until endgame.
He's playing FFXIV now and shit (heh) posting there
A lot more QoL and streamlining. Things like shared town storage/family inventory and fast travel via Magnus.

OWPvP is basically dead and you get to grind in private circles. Sea memes are also dead unless you can stomach bartering.

Game is pretty comfy through the early and midgame PvE progression now where there's very little RNG involved thanks to Season server and Jetina's guaranteed PEN accessory/boss gear systems.
Game is good, direction is bad, community will drag your mental down with constant doom & gloom.
Be honest, how often are you swiping? Post your purchase history. No lying!
Besides the initial cost of the tent there's nothing really to swipe for unless you care about fashion. Most people grind on tagged characters with the base weight and inv slots they come with and it works perfectly fine lol. You can get 5 t4 pets in like a week or two of preordering them and the game gives new players free t1 pets to start out with anyway.

I haven't swiped in over 2 years. Can't even post purchase history cause they fucked up the page so it doesn't work anymore.
I last "swiped" (maybe 30 bucks total) for fairy back in Jan at the start of the year. Had the tent, prob could've waited on more orbs from events. Otherwise just the occasional outfit. This isn't 2016-2020 BDO where the cash shop entirely gated entry.
did this dude died for real
navel piercings when, come on pa
Have they said anything about crimson desert in the last 4 years?
So I need 5 x t4+ pets? I have only 1 t5 and other pets are t3 and thought that's ok. Welp time to uninstall.
Posted some update videos about a week ago.
What's up with the comic-sans tier font?
Looks like dragons dogma. First I get a monkey nioh clone now that was great and I now I get a dragons dogma clone that doesn't look like shit. This game won't be out until winter 2025 but at least it actually exists.
How long 'til jetina pen SO's? Next year perhaps?
Most endgame spots are more than fine with your pets on green mode, or even less.
wtf are you doing, it takes like 2 weeks to buy enough in the cm
What the hell is that Krogdalo horse armor and do I need it?
if you want an extra 5 ap yea
an armor for your horse
and yea, theres no reason to not have after a certain point, wind gives you +5AP for 1hour
Endgame spots is just literally standing in place like a bot
there is a reason actually
you can't buy wind fragments
thats not a reason
I think it took me less than 30 minutes to get enough wind frags, I almost all of them through the krogdalo boxes you can get with your season coins.
Yes, other than maybe a couple spots (hexe and tungrad ruins), all other endgame spots are either tower spots (dehkia), tower spots but the tower looks like a spider (yzrahid), tower spots but you have 2 towers in the rotation and the 2 towers are 2 giant trolls (elvia quint hill). So ye, for lategame/endgame pets don't matter, you may have a t5 and 4 t1 pets, you would be fine. Kinda scummy if you think it that way, that when you need the t4 pets, is during early-mid game, where taking pets to t3 and t4 is a considerable investment.
also don't worry about pets at all if you mostly grind in marni. the loot doesn't despawn
So I picked dream pegasus because didnt know about mythic ones. Should I upgrade my pegasus to mythical or cut the losses and get mythical doom?
I hope they fix the pvp. Tuvala timmies are griefing me and I can do nothing but watch them grief.
Just play on Arsha?
There should be PVE-safespace 'Arsha' - server for carebears and the rest servers should be as it used to be.
not him but going from normal servers to arsha is an instant jump from tuvala timmies to pen deb dick-downs
The worst of the griefing via PvP is no longer possible. What we have now idea the reign of the karma bomber. Both extremes are bad for the game's health. Being totally blocked out of grinding isn't really possible due to the sheer amount of spots available to players... plus private realms and all that jazz.

It's fairly easy to assess that the PvP restrictions went too hard on the "take" aspect without then giving anything meaningful back. The instanced / capped PvP does not fix the dead open world. Adjusting the red player experience & status of guild war declaration would be good places to start. This isn't a mere matter of it should happen. We killed should long ago. This MUST happen.
how convenient they bring back a collab everyone's been begging for when sentiment is at its worst, it's like they planned for this and had this in their back pocket just in case
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me if doomposting was cumming inside a shai
This but unironically.
Got one Strike preorder filled, but haven't got Kabua's yet. It's definitely worth putting Vicious Shadows in regular monster damage artifacts for now, right? Since it's only 10m per artifact to remove them
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Who knew GMs were so kinky underneath that huge robe? No wonder why so many of them get caught erping
plapping GMs until they give buffs on BA
its over
What does the scouter say about his power level?
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three million dollars
What!? 9000?
odds of them rerunning the berserk fairy appearance?
bigandshiny single handedly forced PAs hand in regards to stats and things like enhancement rates. insane to think that we would have never gotten the stats page or success percentages for enhancing without him
>Devs remove pvp because faggots talk shit and feelings get hurt
>Anti-pvp faggots go to forums to hurt people's feelings
>Game is still toxic
Faggot community can't embrace genuine toxicity. Niggers will engage with you in chat pvp but when they're losing they start reporting to jannies/CMs because they are dishonest rats.
pvp is so dead lately that i've had people show up to my grind zone in arsha and ask if i'd take a break to fight them for a little while.
"Anti-PvP" is a trojan horse for community thought policing. Some amount of griefing did exist, still does exist and to an extent is inherent to the core gameplay loop. Getting hazed out in the field can suck and is also a great way to familiarize yourself with the local inhabitants.

People retreating into guilds, private grindspots, AFK in-town, dicking around in or waiting for their scheduled instanced interactivity is just plainly bad for open world. What's worse is then empowering the karma bombers and shackling any ability to meaningfully stop them. This is a purely bad state of affairs. Getting grinded over with impunity is blatant evidence things have gone severely awry.
i don't know. everyone seems really nice in game
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I'd rather see that any day over pointlessly griefing people in pve spec. Sparring with new people can be a great time.
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Why does Shai have no lewd animation at all bdog cunny enjoyers, not even a piece of fanart, meanwhile Elin had so many. captcha tho.
Same reason why Lyn from Blade and Soulless doesn't have as much either.
Elin came first.
I almost forgot that game, but pretty sure Lyn isn't that attractive, Lost Ark cunny had some attention too.
And septum
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sometimes you grab and sometimes you get grabd
Maybe if PvP wouldn't be booth shit and forced shit the playerbase wouldn't have any issues with it
wat da dog doin
blud got dat knot
>They are now adjusting war of the roses based on the fact that nobody gives a fuck enough to even show up
What the fuck PA just delete this garbage content, nobody wants this time gated shit. Give us new rbf maps or something what the fuck, bunch of retards.
>Ranger nerfed
>It's Succ not Awake
Wew, dodge a slop bullet there
I like Rose, but the PvE and RNG aspect sucks cock. It will always end in Kama stomping because they grind faster
SOME time gated stuff is good imo, especially when there's not that many players willing to do it. A nice reliable scheduled event instead of hoping that the other 50 people who want to do the thing are also queuing up.
>garbage content
Yeah... I experienced it for the first time last week and got put on O'dyllita, wasn't fun at all...
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They buffed striker again yippee
20 Training Mastery seems a bit rubbish compared to an extra 10% Mount EXP, right?
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It will be a permanent Kama snowball until there's a structural reformat. So the giant PvE battlefield didn't work the way you wanted it to. Big deal, now try again with ideas that actually work. Scrap the format, add a third faction & lane. It's not working as a MOBA-mode attempt and there's no way to matchmake balance as is.
They could fix it so fucking easily by not having the gay ass BSR statue and just scrunching the Ody statues closer and not in fucking stupid pits
ya ok but instead of doing something easy they could drop an entire content patch of a whole new format which also sucks and misses the mark. thing bigger, anon
Why can't we have sidegrades or depth added instead of more cineslop, fuck it add something as low and common as elements to the game. It's already there in LoML RGB stones you use for bosses, expand on that and add a little depth and progression to it, make it work for general pve or even pvp.
Add tanks you can use in pvp that one has to work for like a carrack and make them work in battle of the roses, whose *castles* have no fucking *gates* btw (are elves stupid?)
Polish the game a little, they went and removed a bunch of duplicate materials like dusts and fruits for simplification only to then add 15 new different potions, ease the fucking burden of buffs instead.

fuck do anything that's actually needed you fucking gooks
Yea doesnt sound that good.
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because Asmongold and Lost Ark streamers said the game was too complicated
i love her SSRI face, deserves lots of emotional abuse
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>>Ranger nerfed
1) Rangers were so OP that they needed nerfs.
2) Rangers were not OP but they still needed nerfs,
3) We just want to see more ranger rapes and gangbangs. - J
bluesquadron is so stinky and disgusting he pukes when he smells his own armpits https://streamable.com/ooqct0
typical witch
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I will now save the game.
well yeah that's p, our antidepressant queen
so how long has it been like this
both the threads and the state of the game
since the heidel ball
Since whyfu died
>Using fucking Planetside as an example of balance
Vanuggers get the fucking rope
NTA but explain
NTA basically there's 3 factions and the purple colored one has better weapons so they win all the events. Also had the best girls in spandex with good buttes
Wrel was a Vanjew panderer and blatantly showed massive favoritism to them in weapon/vehicle balancing.
Is it worth playing? Looking like a take a break from BDO angle and I want a large scale shooter. Last week I was playing bf4 but that game is fucking miserable to play.
I haven't played in like a year, but the game's been on life support for years. They had a bit of revival back when I took those pictures, which is when I returned for a bit, but then Wrel's retardation pissed me off so I dropped it again.

If you look at the detailed alert victory stuff based on primetime/deadpop, you'll see that most of the Vanjew sweatnigger subhuman spandex sissy hordes play during primetime, so things were ever slightly more fair during deadpop.
So he fucked with Construction, removed a bunch of shit without refunding certs people spent on it, and basically killed the concept of small bases because they're too much of a "power multiplier" during off-hours.

I hear they finally got rid of the faggot a while back, but I haven't checked back in to see if it helped. It can be a fun game, but it's got a lot of stupid bullshit that has become entrenched. Like the retarded flight control schemes that the self-proclaimed "sky knights" insist should not be changed. They say it takes skill, but so does juggling while riding a unicycle, which is likewise another job for clowns.
been there
sky elitism niggers who spend their days jerking eachother off in discord don't even attack eachother, that was the last straw for me. some TR flyfucker was attacking a base, vanigger comes in in his scythe and... starts attacking the ground troops as well. there were 4 of us attacking that base btw, i just said fuck it they're not even pretending it's a war game anymore
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Nerf Shai for group content, coward
I simply believe Succ Valk clear Awk after all the changes. Awakes BSR and get out of jail free run simply isn't worth the trash damage and unprotected gaps. The moment a corsair jumps you you're vulnerable. I'd rather have a class that can at least kill before that happens.
That being said I think people crying over Awakes nerfs are being overdramatic. Still better than most classes.
Oh yeah her vacuum is good too
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class for this feel?
Any new female class, but you lose ass
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I'm negative
HIV positive at least
today I logged in only to try to duo the debo belt and it went to base
Incorrect, I don't play Maehwa
Is there a mod that allows people to zoom out so far? Or is that all in game settings? I can never seem to get that far out
about time
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Here's an example with some streamer. See how far out it's zoomed
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Try maxing this out. I actually found it to be a bit uncomfortable to have it super far out, but then I've been used to it as it is for so long
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This is very much an overthinking question and the answer is probably a simple "it doesn't matter" but I'm going to ask it anyway.
Of the classes: Succ Drak, Succ/Awak DK, Awak Mystic, Awak Mae, Awak Tamer and Awak Ranger, do any of them more than the others benefit by going from PEN Tuvala GS to ~700 GS (i.e. tagging)?
I currently have Mystic tagged but I just had this thought about min-maxing in such a way
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>do any of them more than the others benefit by going from PEN Tuvala GS to ~700 GS
If I understand your question correctly, yes, Mystic is one of those classes that really sucks at early-midgame spots, and starts to shine in later spots, spots, mostly at spots where the camps are smaller and tougher mobs like jade, spots where they are back attack efficient like gyfin and elvia trolls, or spots that benefit from more burst oriented class instead of consistent DPS, like yzrahid.
Tagging is pretty cheap nowadays, and basically free if you merc and do guild bosses regularly, so feel free to test classes on different spots. Also, if you try a spot and you feel like your DP is lacking a bit, Mystic is considered one of the tankiest classes, so maybe she will help you survive a bit better, God knows she helped me survive going at Jade forest with 335 DP, and basically every spot in the game where I was obviously undergeared for.
t. mysticbro
>later spots, spots, mostly at spots
This is what happens when I don't finish a post in one go and have to take breaks to answer other messages, sorry for that.
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Don't forget your boss rushes!
Shut up
Keep talking, King.
Maintain a consistent quantity of speech.
Feisty crew today
Classes with poor movement tend to do better at late game dehkia spots over mid game one hit spots. (not that the ultra-mobile classes do worse just have less of an advantage) So like succ drak is better at late game (but is still bad)
Kill yourself.
Mystic is actually my tag at the moment but I was thinking of changing to one of those others for a little while as I can't seem to play her very well (not that I think I can play the others much better, mind)
I've heard that before and it definitely makes sense for Succ Drak. I think what I should really do is set myself a goal of playing a decent amount of each during the next 1 fuel tag event. Or perhaps I should just get on with it now using my 1823 fuel
kill yourself
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Moshi moshi, bumpo desu!
it's バンプ you 逃げる
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Your squiggly lines mean NOTHING to me.
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>swap chars
Failed to connect > Game closes.
>swap channels
Failed to connect > Game closes.
>think about using the well
Failed to connect > Game closes.

Thanks J, very cool.
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>I can't seem to play her very well
This is the only combo you have to learn for mystic, all the rest can be filler with shift LMB -> shift RMB to regain shards, 1st rabam -> magnus skill -> LMB + RMB for a FG rotation, and that's it.
Thanks, I was following Verdict's guide which is similar, just has some of the other skills in there as filler/shard generation.
I've got that down okay, but what I mean by 'well' is to know as I do on my main, Musa, all the different permutations of flows, and what can lead into SA/FG skills and how I can chain them.
You don't have to learn a 20 skill rotation or an infinite rotation, it doesn't mater. Learn how to get the shards (shift + lmb shift rmb), learn how to spend them (shift + q, lmb + rmb, w + rmb), and learn how to stay alive (fg rotation on previous post, shift F, s block). The rest will come with the time.
Does mystic still have that faggot ass bug that doesn't give you shards fast enough so you end up using spenders without spending during a combo? That's why I rerolled from her about a year ago.
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haha bros nerfing his stamina will definitely solve the issue!
thx i'll give that shot. Usually i like to keep the camera relatively close to my character cuz i like the fighting but this might be a nice option here n there
Insane I get over 100k in D.Hystria trash and zero debos. I'm going for the compass piece, but still.
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>Bdo guilds be like
That's about right. The 4 valencia dehkia treasure spots all average about 1 deb earring every 4-5 hours depending on your drop rate, and ~20k trash/hr is the norm for those spots as well with Lvl2 scroll.
Those spots don't exist to compete with top-tier grind zones, they are there to not completely waste highly geared players' time while they pursue treasures like the normal versions of the zone would.
Have you...never played an online game before?
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Wait is Mystic actually good
Have I been gaslit to believe she was always mediocre
She's very tanky with decent sustain, and is pretty good at some pve endgame spots
Feels terrible in early and midgame pve though compared to a lot of other classes
is scholar hard to play? was thinking that or lahn..
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good to know
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It's really funny how they completely missed with the stamina nerf again and it hasn't changed anything but they managed to balance zerk 200% bar without trying to nerf that part. These devs are so fucking clueless dude.
I don't think it's a Mystic bug per se, but most probably the servers shitting themselves constantly. I know this because I learned a trick to detect server shitting itself from older players. When you cast a spender skill with Mystic, and the dragon snek takes a while to appear, like 1-2 seconds later, it's a server lag. Same thing happens when you try to buy something from the CM and you get the "failed to load information" message. I'm telling you, at least half of the bugs/features this game has is due to servers being fucked up.
How many people do you think will kill themselves when end of service is announced and they realize their tens of thousands of hours/dollars put towards reaching hardcap vanishes into thin air?
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>your old meta accessories are now worthless
>your previous progress was meaningless with timmy getting PEN BS
>your future is 1b/h anywhere to be dumped in crons
>you WILL alternate clicking between male apparel and female to snipe outfits
>you WILL stock up on horses to be dumped during an event *if we feel like it*
>we WILL lose 30% of our playe- wait what
uh oh
Not many, most people who can't afford to easily drop that much on games don't do it. I've quit many games where I've spent far more on them because I was done with them and it's whatever. Could I have bought a couple of cars with the money I've spent between these games? Sure but I like my current car and it doesn't make much of a difference to my life. At the end of the day the friends I've made playing BDO far outweigh the money I've spent on it.
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They've messed up the results table, fucking incompetent PA. I hope it's a bug rather than an 'improvement'
Anyway, post 'em.
9th C5 Musa
10th C5 Mae
12th C6 Musa
22nd C5 Mystic
75th (lmao) C5 DK
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>your old meta accessories are now worthless
the time TET Debos weren't meta were years ago, meta changing after years is somehow a bad thing
>your previous progress was meaningless with timmy getting PEN BS
everyone getting a PEN Blackstar means nothing since timmies are still stuck at orcs and below since they still have 320 DP, also getting a PEN Blackstar is a good thing since we went from needing 2 PEN Blackstars (3 with sub) into needing 4 (5 with sub)
>your future is 1b/h anywhere to be dumped in crons
this future has been everyone's future for years, either crons for Debo taps or crons for TRI and TET SO taps, have you been playing a different game?
>you WILL
pic related
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Is this considered the best Lightstone combo for PvE defense? It looks the best to me but I haven't tried it out yet.
blud really think ppl bout to read that melty
Welp, rip corrupt, intuition, soaked, peko, epidemic, statistic, digital. Actual hearty kek
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Good job on killing piggu
No one does pve defense, so wouldn't know.
Thanks, he had it coming
Get I have alts with tuvala. Are AP/DP scaled down with gear and should I just pick stuff like back attack and crit?
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Gattsu will save the game...
should i make a warrior or a kuno?
the only thing i dislike about warr is the fact he isn't a girlie woman
They're completely different my dood.
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i only played scholar to the end of a season and haven't really used her since but I found her fun. Takes a bit more getting used to i because her hits are a bit slower but very satisfying. Someone in our guild plays scholar a lot and likes her.
would marry
kuno and then become a whore
Do NOT become a whore!
kill yourself
maybe i should start pushing higher tiers
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not dead
regional pvp rulesets
pvp friendly status for guilds (allowing decs freely)
reworked red player experience on NA, EU, etc.
introduction of new lawless zones
pirate region rework with recurring pvp-centric faction wars determining which spots receive bonuses
gahaz bandits special elvia/dehkia where players fight over caravans and primarily gain silver in trade coins and ulukita type loot
arena revamp with 1v1s, loser gets sexed
RBF restructure with sex competition to capture points
karma removed and sexual energy added, can only rape so much in the field before you run out
14 new sex animations
yarr but sex
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Someone give this man a job NOW.
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>Character that I spent 10000 hours getting stronger gets cucked by a camo red ninja
For C1-C7, your AP/DP contribute at 10% of their value, the rest of your stats come from lightstones that you get from questing through the Land of the Morning Light questlines. You can do up to C5 easily with Tuvala gear if you have all five lightstones, and you could do higher calamities if you want to challenge yourself.
Definitely, the rewards are worth it to do at least C4/C5 since they are still easy.
Is this game actually going to improve over the next year or so or is it (actually) over. I know its great for beginners and casuals now but the amount of '''hardcore''' players leaving now is unsustainable. As someone who also plays RS3 often its sad seeing the same issues here.
Hold on I'll check my crystal ball real quick.
baiting casuals worked at first but they went too far with i
should've stopped at dream horses
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>replace tet bs weapon with free pen bs
>keep it to try and pen and sell it then to fund other slots
>or sell the tet weapon and pen my sub weapon and never have to worry about that slot ever again despite marginal stat gain
the decision is obvious but it's enticing to think i could have a pen OH
I mean TET blackstars was a good stopping point because PA refuses to rework the awful mid game, so letting players kinda skip it was a way around that. Mid game still sucks ass though tbqh.
>zerks are reporting that the stamina nerfs aren't even noticeable
it's cooked fr
yes it will technically improve however there's going to be a lot of 'if's and 'but's

PA hasn't released something new in the form of content that didn't bomb one way or another, from questlines cutscenes R spam to the magnus to the more recent and still a WIP war of the roses. The dungeon is still incomplete and weekly gated, as are the boss rushes, and it's all niche content only a few routinely participate in. They go as far as removing content and never touch old systems that could be brought back up with a simple numerical increase. These are all pathetic blunders and it's hard to have faith in PA.
Then there's all the gear progression which stagnated for a long time and now it has been dumbed down. Progress is good i don't think anyone can complain, everyone likes new stuff and being able to move forward feels good, it would be all the more enjoyable if the road wasn't made of sandpaper and i couldn't see the precipice ahead. That's what crons do, they grind your spirit down piece by piece and all for what, endgame pvp isn't worth all the grind.
On the bright side they often do QoL updates so that's an improvement. Sure they might hold it hostage for a long time and release some when sentiments are low, sure they might add p2w elements to it, sure sometimes it's only more clunky screens you have to go through, but uhh... i forgot my point.
I mean I think most would agree that LotML has been a giga flop that used a ton of dev time. I'm surprised they put a lot of time into this, because IIRC bdo isn't nearly as popular in Korea as it is outside of Korea. Westerners give zero shits about the Korean culture and voodoo magic stories of their heritage.
I unironically suspect PA got subsidized for LoML by the gook goverment as a form of advertisement/toruism promotion.

Wonder wheter there's more about this somewhere, but I don't think it's something that PA would ever go out of their way to publish.
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I like Bongdong's story in Hwaslop valley...
how was the initial reception for Eternal Winter
i missed the release for that one
I think people would have been fine with it if there was more grind spots added
it's only noticable in long 1v1s against very mobile classes trying to kite or stall, and centaurs in pve
It wasn't a massive expansion, so most of it was fine. Alternate start was kinda neat. Artifacts were alright. Slumbering Origin gloves with Jade Forest was decent, but that's mostly it. Not much lifeskilling to do, some nodes/consumables, but a lot of the stuff was DoA, such as all of the non-Jade grind spots.
IIRC it was received well because labreska came with it, nobody gave a shit about the cinematic experience. NA/EU got it months after korea anyway so all the hype was gone.
sensible chuckle
its over
damn so they nerfed him in shit that doesn't even matter anymore? the devs really need to play their own game
Real shame about Murrowak too. Probably one of the coolest spots in the game, it actually gets you to be around random players without any pvp involved and you all work together towards getting the boss to spawn, yet it was never allowed to be good because it was basically an instanced spot. Now we're way past that and we have 12hr marni realms and 5 min channel swaps. I would have hoped we'd get more interesting spots like murrowak but I guess not.
trust the process
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Bros what the fuck happened to my doom horse did he overheat?????
Nigga looking crispy fr
Wizard should be able to cast resurrection on a fallen party member
blud is COOKED
berserk will save the game
im sad
sadness is a symptom of being gay
i gotta be the gayest motherfucker in the planet then
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don't be sad
get MAD

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You should join Jealousy...NOW!
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It means
Hi sad
Im sadist
>it's all niche content only a few routinely participate in.
can confirm. don't do boss rushes or dungeons
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It's never too late to make the right decision and finally join Jealousy.
Kill yourself.
I burned literally 90 harmonies in one siege...
All these items are going to crash on the market
still not touching group content and it won't be near 11b when the price on all drops will go down faster than your mom when she sees a dick.
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I only needed 20 but we lost by 3 minutes because nobody showed up for siege
I got gangraped and we still won. I just kept int-ing bases with peggy and forcing teams to come back to chase me.
Dead game, hard to find recruits and most don't care to log in anymore, especially for uncapped content.
Thank you for your service.
based objectives suicide diver
Honorary japanese
guys what does the berserk colab entail?
big booty bitches
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a moment of your attention please
thank you for your attention
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You're welcome

console bros...not like this...
Is there a crystal that I should get over the others?
Was it ever alive?
The below 3 can be obtained through quests and that's only if you don't already have a set of Rebellious Spirit Crystals.
Really, in the end it's about love. Love for the game, love for the players, love for your guildmates
>Red PVP Guild on EU is apparently 0-2 in guild league, lmao
>guild league arrives
>pvpers generally forced into arsha
>reality setting in most "pvpers" are terrified of uncapped
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LOML 2 coming right up!
>more organized content
Nah let me do some matchmaking shit with randos instead or something that is jump in jump out and not le coordinated le commitment required gaywad garbage.
who cares about console, it's just blacks and wiggers lol. PA doesn't support them because niggers are poor and don't buy enough pearls
ah yes anon people are definitely terrified of uncapped pvp, certainly it has nothing to do with the several hundred hour grind required to do it
>not group content
the permanent excuse
things could be worse
could be playing Elsword
'member Grand Chase? I 'member...
huh didn't know season characters lose season status after a period of time
could have sworn my scholar was a season character when i took a break
weird hill for your scene to die on kek
What MMO will you guys play when BDO dies in 2 weeks?
maybe maplestory?
friends have been bothering me to give warframe another chance, if that counts
War thunder!
not real MMOs.
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jesus fucking christ dude
gonna poke someone's eye out with those pokey sticks
Tekken 8
i took a break from BDO to play some POE. Now i'm taking a break from some POE to play some BDO
not real MMOs.
BDO isn't a real MMO.
what even is an mmo these days
cyanide pill
CM blatantly abusing his powers on stream is funny as fuck lmao
>nigger neptunez red player gets sent to the valencia jail by our lord and savior osku while he was trying to grief pve players at dehkia crescents
>nigger is too dumb to figure out how to get out of jail, literally cries out of frustration, and claims that he is bugged and can't leave
>CM_Ronin comes into the chat to ask what's going on
>gets bullied and called out by the nigger, threatened with a ban from the niggers chat
>literally was intimidated like a pussy to give a nigger a get out of jail free card for being a nigger
>gets sent to jail again
>gets tp'd out by a CM again because too stupid to escape imprisonment the legit way
these are the community managers for NA btw
Instead of a collab w/ Berserk that no one cares about anymore they should collab on one of the more popular hentais instead that are still going
Such as?
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What in the fuck is this Zerker?
I have 1007 AP but i only pull 12k trash loot at darkseeker's retreat on my succ woosa, the fuck?
>it's only noticable in long 1v1s against very mobile classes trying to kite or stal
You don't actually believe this
Yep, Ronin is emblematic of the problems going on with player to studio communication. You have people like that acting as a liaison and spends his time toying around with the worst kinds of PvPers. Nupetunez made a career out of getting people to call him nigger in-game and report them. That's all he has done for years. Get people banned in open world. And we wonder why the PvP scene went to shit.

We wonder why things are so fucked. He should've been banned long ago and Ronin shouldn't be working for PA, full stop.

I understand your frustration with the state of player-to-studio communication in Black Desert Online. It’s disheartening when the actions of a few individuals impact the overall experience, particularly when it involves moderation and player behavior. Ensuring fair treatment and effective communication is vital for a healthy game environment.

If you feel strongly about these issues, it might be helpful to raise them directly with Pearl Abyss or through official feedback channels to seek improvements and accountability.
Don't forget how Nigtunez himself called someone a gook and then backtracked saying it was "mook" or "i didn't know the meaning!"
The whole thing looked like a south park's Eric Cartman skit, it was surreal. >No it was a question i was saying "gook?" lmao
40 mins at Sherekhan Night and I get ~800mil total silver, not a bad rate if I do say so myself. Just a shame it took about 1k energy all in, I can't do that too frequently.

W0w, 800m1l 1n 40 m1ns 1s 1ns4n3! 7h47'5 4m4z1ng l00t! 1 c4n d3f1n1t3ly $33 h0w 1t'5 w0r7h 1k 3n3rgy, bu7 7h47'5 4 l0t 70 k33p uP w17h.
nice. i was there last night. managed to get about 5 dragon fangs when a guildmate suggested running a couple of the statues at once. Used about 400 energy I think. Forget how long it was but i didn't get close to that much in silver.
this game has like 1-2 years left i feel unless devs are willing to put out radical changes
shit seems quite dire
im sad
The new Radical™ Snow Zone Part 2 to be released next year will save the game.
i can read this but i'm pretty l33t
would be cool if they added snowboarding
They were going to and then removed it. Shai's florang boarding skill is from recycling those animations.
new baker needed
huh, interesting. would be neat if they added something silly like a few snowboard tracks for time trials or something to go do when you're bored.
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it would, admittedly, but the game already has like 20 abandoned systems
adding another one they will just abandon as well won't change much
Is it a grinding game when there's nothing left to grind for?

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