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Twisted Wonderland, a rhythm and turn-based combat game featuring cute boys based on Disney villains, released in March 2020.

Riddle Birthday Campaign: 08/24
Master Chef Rerun: Late Aug
>Current Gacha
[Campaign] SSR Jade & Floyd Mermaid SSR: 08/16 16:00 JST - 08/30 14:59 JST
[Campaign] SSR Platinum Jacket & Broomquet Riddle: 08/23 16:00 - 08/29 14:59 JST

>Upcoming Gacha
[Event] SR Master Chef Riddle & Silver: Late Aug

>/twst/ pastebin (Please read the FAQ first before posting!)
>TWST wiki
>Official Sites
>Official Twitter Accounts

Translations of recently released content:

Previous: >>489542450
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>Rollo artist is starting a lawsuit in regards to an online event
I feel like I missed something
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The world is but a stage, why cry when you can laugh instead!
did something happen to sadokiri??
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I think some of their info got leaked (pic related is some of the people involved), they are currently locking their account for now as they try to get a disclosure request sent
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Fingering myself to Danganronpa 2: Gundham Tanaka Voice Files (Japanese), 0.75x speed for the sexo appeal.
Noooooo le twitterino stop talking about le twitterino noooooooooooooooo nooooooooooo this bad this terrible this horrible
looks like they're cancelling some web only rollo events too. bummer
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which one
anyone pulling for ridoru?
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Three bowls broken out of four?! That's insane, I'm sorry but also good to hear the one you wanted most is the one that survived... The crazy thing about these twst teacup+saucer sets is a local weeb shop in my area was carrying them in store, they do have a website and offer delivery but I could also just go there personally without dealing with shipping. So I did, paid for the box at the cash and everything. They were practically on clearance too, like around 20$ USD each (so 50% off from online retailers) and the store isn't doing exchange or returns for them. I was also tempted by Octa, but didn't like the color when I peeked in the already unsealed box. They still have every house minus Diasomnia, might go back if I like using them. Savanahclaw and Scarabia look best imo, especially with black tea which is what I drink most.
Damn those really are cute.
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jesus wtf
EN new update is huge
Rolled for Platinum, got him in 20 rolls. EN I'll probably skip.
Riddle talks about buying personal clothes in his new thing. Maybe personal clothes are the next series.
I haven't looked at the game files yet but from the website it looks like they added stuff through Crowley's SSR.
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Has anyone posted this forbidden Leona?
Holy shit hooksisters in shambles
Nope. Do you know how old this is?
I think this was from the latest main story based on the date.
Anyaway i got too excited and forgot to spoiler tag. My bad.
Is Leona the only one in the files?
Oh wait i thought i only found Leona, turns out i found others. Please wait for a while.
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Shit. Forgot to spoiler tag again.
Hey no worries. I think Jade has one too?
huh so it's back to halloween 1-2 where they have coordinated outfits
I guess it makes sense since I'm pretty sure the only other characters people care about are Sally and Oogie Boogie, who gives a shit about the mayor and that doctor
Oh right. I skipped it. I'm gonna extract it now.
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New hair for Jade. Also i think i saw little horn. Also possible SSR?
I really doubt we have 5 SSRs so which one of these looks less bougie?
>>491468768 (Me)
I'm going to guess the 2 ones with the dog are SSRs and that we haven't see the third one
damn sebek's got some nice boots on

The SSRs are probably the ones with Zero, but then there's only two.
Those might be 5 freebie units then? Otherwise it's probably Sebek and Leona for the SSR
SSR Leona my darling
bless you datamine anon this is so exciting
Savana finally gets a Halloween SSR
Leona, Sebek, Malleus, Idia, Jade
It's like Leona was asked to name everyone he would least want to go anywhere with.
It's too soon to now for sure, but would you guys mind if we only got two SSRs for Halloween?
One of them is Leona. He could be the only one and I would be delighted.
I wonder if that means this year's will be spread out over three years instead of two.
Twink Oogie Boogie really happening?
If it does then I will kneel to Yana.
>Malleus got free SR in 2020
>Got SSR in 2022

>Ace got free SR in 2021
>Got SSR in 2023

>Deuce got free SR in 2022
>??? in 2024

I wonder if this a pattern or it's just a pure coincidence
No more boys?
If Leona gets halloween SSR, he will finally sing right?
I can't afford riddle's card. Please post what it was about
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I'm too sleepy, I'll try again after a nap
Thanks again, datamine anon!
Maybe they'll put more during another update with new assets, perhaps for Jamil's bday?
If anything would be Jack skellington
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Twst usually never releases assets in advance, this one might a slip-up like chef Ortho.
>One of the unique foods mentioned in TNBC is snake and spider stew
We cookin' up Viper in the next Halloween update!

For some reason Crowley's battle event comes before Playful Land and the other winter events. Usually these things are in release order.
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oh never mind. Maybe Harveston rerun soon.
if it's a slip then how does intern-kun slip up five times? you're getting fired intern-kun
If they aren't translated yet I'm not sure they'll be happening soon
Ernesto Foulworth and Gino
probably in september?
are the flowy parts of Leona's outfit coat sleeves or the tail of a coat?
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>Leona now has three event SSRs (not even including tsum)
>Jack only has one and this could have been the perfect opportunity since this movie also has a character named JACK
I genuinely give up, this game hates him.
Please tell me they AT LEAST put the savanaclaw lore SSR and it's not Ruggie, at this point I'm just begging you.
He'll get a basic dream and no SSR like Epel because he's a first year and has weak imagination skills
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The same could be said about Epel, he has only 1 event SSR while Vil has 3 (again, not even including tsum)
This is not fair at all and it sucks. Couldn't they even wait another year before giving Leona another SSR? He got three SSRs in three years in a ROW. This SUCKS I hate this game.
Watch Ace and Deuce get dream SSRs because MC friendship privileges.
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>Sebek has the same hairstyle but with one white ahoge
Meh... Still prefer knight but I'm not complaining, every SSR is a good SSR.
Who's the third SSR? Hope it's Epel so Leona has to take care of two kouhais.
I mean there's only so much you can do with short hair, the other option is letting sebek suffer the fate of the flat/curling iron
I was gonna post about how his halloween SSR is either this year or next year since he already has an R and an SR but this argument doesn't even make sense since (guess who) Leona has two SRs in the halloween events.
Aniplex has their favorites and they don't even bother trying to hide it.
he might have better chances in 2025, now with Leona out of the way he can slug it out with Ruggie for a hypothetical savana spot and they both have roughly the same chance, also I don't think Trey, Deuce or Epel are aniplex or yana favorites, maaaaybe Jamil?
the big mysteries are Floyd and Lilia, preferably one of them gets the (if existent) third spot here
I thought Epel would be in list of Yana faves because shota.
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Ngl I'm still coping they'll give him an SSR this year, twst makes it fairly obvious sometimes who is gonna get the SSR, like when Ortho was picked bc of Pinocchio. They can't possibly make a Jack Skellington event without giving an SSR to the character named Jack. My bet is that they're putting Leona in the SSR roster bc aniplex knows he's popular and that's why he's paired up with two less popular boys (Sebek and hopefully, Jack)
Also, saying Jamil is aniplex favorite while some characters have 4 SSRs is insane, WHY jamil?
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Cool SSRs. Who's the third one? Riria pls
I think this thread's opinion in general is that it better be jack or lilia
I dare to think even floydsis think the same after his eelform attacked their funds
Imagine if it's Floyd, he would get 20 cards now
Funny how despite being the poster boy for TWST, Malleus has the least cards on both housewardens/overblotters. Having one less than Riddle.
According to >>491528853 Kalim has the most SSRs out of everyone in the damn game someone tell that boy to sit down
The race to who is gonna be first to break 20 cards. Vil, Rook, Ortho, Jamil, Jade or Floyd.
Whoever wins shall be crowned "Dev Favorite."
About the towers in book 6. Can you use e
TOS retry tickets on the individual levels?
Jade and Floyd are aniplex faves
Vil and Ortho are yana faves
Jamil I assume benefits from Scarabia being a 2 person dorm, each time a scara rep is needed it's a coin toss for him
and Rook...is just looming there...menacingly...
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He does but there's also that he got the tsum SSR (ryocho only) and the lore SSR (no one else to give the SSR besides him). Leona is going for his third event SSR bc aniplex chose him out of everyone else.
I wouldn't be surprised if Jack and Riddle get the new years SSR btw. I'm surprised Riddle has only 1 event SSR (of course, not counting tsum)
>Jade and Floyd are aniplex faves
You mean fan favorites.
Wasn't Leona chosen because he's the only housewarden without a Halloween SSR?
Hold up Kalim has the most SSRs and he's not even in the running for having the most cards overall?
I guess that makes sense. But it's bizarre. He got the lore SSR because he's one of the most inconsequential characters. Amazing that that has translated backwards into having the most SSR.
I still don't get why people say Jamil is aniplex favorite
He turns up in Yana's interview in the magical archives guide thing, apparently his design was one of the earliest to be realized. He's shown in an early selection screen menu and concept illustration for battles, the only character to show up twice in Yana's sketches.
And someone else, I think the composer? Said that he's their favorite character. But yeah I dunno about Aniplex.
They can't put another Dia because Sebek is there. Same goes with Savana.
The candidate is either Deuce, Trey, Floyd, Jamil, or Epel
I'm surprised despite being one of fan favorites and allegedly Yana's favorite, Riddle doesn't have many cards. He's in the same spot as Silver and only above Malleus among all the main casts. He also only has 1 event SSR too (not counting Tsum). I'm not surprised if he ends up having hometown event rerun SSR at this rate.
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Gonna be honest I feel like it would be way cooler if they broke this pattern. We expected only Jade's card on the lore SSR roster bc so far we only saw 1 boy per dorm, they can easily give another savana/dia character an SSR.
Personally I hope it's Jack because Leona and his kouhais are one of my fave interactions.
Epel only has the one SSR (hometown) so it might be him but sticking Leona with two first-years for Halloween seems rude.
I guess there's been no real logic to the Halloween SSRs, though? Vil/Cater/Jade, Riddle/Rook/Silver, Idia/Malleus/Azul, Ace/Kalim/Ortho.
Went from Housewarden/Vice/Rando to three housewardens and then one housewarden and two randos. The only consistency is they're always different dorms?
what would be ruder, Leona babysitting 2 toddlers or Jamil being thrown into the Sakura bug pit
This is a joke right.
Please tell me you're joking.
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Don't even dare to joke about this
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Anon I'm serious where do you got this please tell me this is fake I'm begging you
They were right about Kifaji ferrosis, I dunno.
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Ernestofags on suicide watch right now lmao

Next time devote yourself to a boy who actually matters
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Poor ernestosis! Thoughts and prayers we love you
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I don't want to hear shit from someone that can't even post pictures.
Sister I am not feeling so good...
The yumes are gonna be pissed. Like there was some "What? haha weird!" grumbling in reaction to Kifaji but as they say, Ferro was a invasive species in the yume ecosystem. Oldman Birdface was one thing but Ernesto Foulworth? That's a slap in the face.
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I'm sorry to tell you but only TRUE ferrofags will like his EN name.
DID YOU KNOW? The name Ernesto comes from EARNEST that fits his honest and cute personality, it's also an ITALIAN name, and guess what? HE. IS. ITALIAN.
It requires a HUGE brain to understand his EN name, and of course, it's obvious that you don't have a huge brain like I do.
I am sincerely SHOCKED how EN managed to give him ANOTHER cute name, WOW, I am simply GAGGED, please everyone, a round of applause!!!!!!
And besides, don't forget the theory of both Ferro (cute) and ERNESTO (carino [cute male in italian]) being fake names, now, please, ack yourself.
are these different ferrofags or did one ferrofag go through the five stages of grief in half an hour
It's just one
proud of you ernestosis you keep that energy alive you can do it

You guys are brutal kek
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so can someone help me brainstorm
I think they're wearing suits and over that a trench coat
but they have 2 types of shoulder pads? is one of these for the elbows? is it part of the costume change?
and no I don't think it's for each side, they have left and right versions of both
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Living la dolce vitta!
Life couldn't get much sweeter!
(Gay) Missionary sex with Riddle with the purpose of cumming inside till it overflows in rivers
Do you think I would tell lies about your favorite man on this site?
Absolutely dying to make a twt or tumblr poll like "so you guys know how Fellow Honest's name is literally two English words? No possible misinterpretation? Really obviously going to be named the same thing on EN, just like Rollo? Does anyone think they're gonna change it anyway just to fuck with us or nah?"
Just. To wallow in the "you need to give EN more credit they get too much hate they would never mess up such an obvious thing, Kifaji probably means something inappropriate in swahili and in this essay I will"
Localization really is a mistake. How will ENfags defend this?
I have the hair to pull off a Leona cosplay. I just don't know how to style it like him any tips for someone who absolutely has no knowledge on hairstyling?
rollofags win again
They'll figure out a way. They always figure out a way. "I actually prefer Stitch not being voiced! Less effort being put into the game is better, in my opinion."
Also I just double-checked and yeah the OST being sold in the US says "Fellow and Gidel" right on it.
I've heard the argument that Yana is personally reviewing and approving every single change made to EN but I think that's just the copium speaking. Or trying to blame Yana for EN's constant continuity mistakes, I dunno.
The separate entities of Aniplex and Aniplex USA have given us zero proof that they ever talk to each other at all.
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I finally able to update the duo magic after being overwhelmed by work. I added some stuff like mutual duo magic and chart for birthday only.
Also I did count how many SSR for each character. Kalim indeed has the most SSR. I think Leona will follow him after this.
Feel free to correct me if I made mistakes.
Here's the link to the chart doc:
Best anon is back at it again thank you for your service
Leona going for Kalim's SSR crown while Vil, Rook and Floyd are tied for second most, looks like.
No wonder Epel only has the one event SSR, Rook and Vil keep eating them up.
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Leona is lucky he's popular or else he'd get mauled for that upcoming 10th SSR
Meanwhile Shiruba has the least amount of SSR....
oh Silver...if only you had a home...
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octa...fiore? is this the first time they get paired together?
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Anon you're a kind soul btw, doing god's work is not easy.
Now please, enlighten us, who's the third SSR of the nightmare before christmas event? Please, at least tell me it's Trey, I need a good Trey card for my silk vil and lab rook.
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It's possible that datanon doesn't know, if they shared everything with us that they were able to find. Only 2 SSRs this year? Or a secret, third SSR that hasn't had its elements loaded in yet?
I can't believe we're getting an NBC halloween. And I just realized that Noble Bell College and Nightmare Before Christmas are both NBC.
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Oooh, right.
Btw, source of this pic?
It showed up on my tl yesterday and I forgot to save it for you, thought it was gone forever, and now it just showed up again. It is fate.
see the vision: 5 Jacks and 5 Sallys and then you can ship them together
and I guess boy number 11 can be oogie boogie
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Just realized I haven't seen any NTR material of Fellow fucking Yuu in front of Yuu's paralyzed bf, that's disappointing
Ooooh it's the ferro/crewel artist, thx anon!
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Anyone else having problems with the EN version after the latest update? game seems to get caught on transitional screens for me, which means I'm losing LP and stuff
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To anyone asking if i found other boys beside the five i found earlier, unfortunately no. However, i found a suspicious battle background.
We're going full-blown kingdom hearts this time, awesome.
Thank you for your service datanon!
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Considering the state of localization in other companies like Viz Media, Crunchyroll, etc, it's no shocker that the US publishers are not talking with the JP ones.
Are other companies this...blasé? About continuity and whatnot? It's like ChatGPT.
Is this level of quality the industry standard?
I feel bad for people on EN. Everything looks so amazing when it comes out on JP but by the time it gets to EN it's been bastardized into "this is it?"
Dunno Crunchyroll but I heard that Viz is doing a number on the manga changing how Grim's name is spelled from book to book, using honorifics half the time and half not, changing the names of UMs from one volume to another etc etc.
You look at all the effort going into characterization and consistency in the OG stuff and just none of that is translating to the foreign market because US publishers are lazy I guess who knows.
I was a tkrb fan and from my pov, twst is one of the ones with the better localisations unfortunately... It's not uncommon either for localised to en games to have several things changed/omitted/dumbed down.
Nightmare before Christmas should have been the first Halloween...
Where'd you hear that? Last I checked the heartslabyul translation was internally consistent with itself. I don't remember Grim's name ever being spelled differently or JP honorifics ever being used. I have all the books on my shelf, I may have to go back and check. I know the team localising was the same for each book, anyway, so I don't see why things would change between them.
After jp pulling stuff like book 6 having 213(niisan)chapters and starting Endless Halloween on the last day of October, I wouldn't be surprised if they delayed doing a NBC halloween event until we are deep in Malleus's ch7 dreamscape so they can make the nightmare joke
Do the outfits get names or just "outfit 1"
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Been slacking on my Vilfaggery lately
Are the other boogie kids there or only the demon one
I think we can be sure of a change if no more assets are uploaded during Ferro Day or Jamimi's bday, because if they're going to pre-dump the assets it'd be weird if it's only some of them
You mean ernesto day
Did they call him Grim
I mean Grimm
Nah, I would have made a post here if they did. Im out at the moment so I can’t check for any inconsistencies, but overall I remember the translation being more faithful to JP than EN was. Maybe the UM names used were the EN ones, I only remember paint the roses being used at the moment
will any boys be on the nice list
Finally got rollo, I like how grumpy he is.
Ernesto doesn't sound that bad. Is it a name people actually use this day and age?
But if you got an already English/Engrish name right there, why not translate as it is?
probably because fellow honest as a name sounds really dumb in english
The character he was based on was called HONEST JOHN. I think that's the point. If not only the villain it is based on, but naming convention being silly too.
I'm not saying it's the right thing to do I'm just giving you a reason why they'd change it
funnily enough I think that's the name of the villain from Coco, hopefully Ferro serenades us with some RECUEeEeEeERDAME
>see, if I was in charge this dream wouldn't be a "Nightmare"
>yeah sure Malleus
What if TNBC event is something similar to the Lost in the Storybook with Stitch? Technically, TNBC started as a book first before a movie.
Heard the grim/grimm issue from other people complaining and checked and it's true.
For the UM change it's cause Trey says Doodle Suit in vol1 and it's changed to Paint the Roses in vol4. And Deuce calls people "Mr whatever" in vol1 and 2 and 3 but in 4 suddenly he's just like "Trey."
They went from being closer to JP to being closer to EN. It's like they realized the EN game exists 3/4ths of the way through and changed everything. I thought it was a new publisher or something but apparently still viz.
>I don't see why things would change between them.
That's the point dear anon. There's no reason and they did it anyway.
You don't have to depend on internet rumors to verify though, if you own the first and fourth volumes, you can check yourself. This isn't like Japananese-to-English changes where we only have the word of fan translators.
Ernesto Foulworth sounds way, way dumber. And like >>491650578 says, it is already a Disney villain name. Also,
>They always figure out a way.
I see it's already begun.
>TNBC started as a book first before a movie.
Close, it started out as a poem. By Tim Burton. It wasn't a book.
Either way, it started as like a story in some text format before animation.
Love that self confidence anon don't let anyone dull your sparkle.
do you think we'd ever get a marvel event
Lost in the book with Iron Man
Deadpool: Lost in the book with Twisted Wonderland
Ok so I went back and speed read through the books now that I'm back, most of the changes seemed to have happened around book 4, prior to that the few honorifics used were English ones and the UM names were the Japanese ones. Grim vs Grimm seems more like a simple mistake than intent- the two times Grim was referred to by name in books 3 and 4, he was called Grimmy-boy (which is like Jim vs Jimmy) and Grimm. I think this was more an editing mistake rather than a conscious choice, but nobody between these books mentions Grim by name enough for me to tell. Or maybe they did, it's late and I'm tired. I think what happened was between books 3 and 4 Aniplex requested that they make the translation more similar to EN, because the first 3 books are more or less internally consistent, following JP, with most of the changes happening in book 4
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It's also Grimm with two Ms in his profile in the back of volume 2.
Basically it just sucks for the manga readers. People who haven't played the game being told that "doodle suit" and "paint the roses" are two different spells that do the same thing.
>a simple mistake
>an editing mistake
Personally, therein lies the problem, as far as I am concerned.
EN content should not be suffering from this many "simple mistakes." It's careless and sloppy.
JP makes its own mistakes sometimes but at least they get the character names correct. The bar is in hell and VIZmedia/Aniplex USA are limboing with the devil.
I wonder if Vil himself lives alone, he seems like the type to move immediately to "not inconvenience" their parents
He probably does considering it seems like he has no other relatives around aside from his dad and he hasn't mentioned stuff like a maid or butler.
Is there a link to the new bloom interview on youtube? All I've been able to find is the usual "here I am rolling for this card" stuff.
I believe he mentioned maids in Tapis Rouge when he talks about his dad being bad at cooking
yeah but I can't pinpoint whether that still happens in the present or they were talking about the past
like I can definitely see little vil berating his dad about burnt omelette
do they have an editor in the credits?
All four volumes say
English Translation: Alethea Nibley & Athena Nibley
Editor: Joel Enos

Someone tell Joel Enos he can't proofread for shit.
It's one thing when fan translators mess stuff up because you get what you pay for, but I kind of feel like a dumbass for paying for the privilege of owning VIZ media's mistakes.
Looked them up. The Nibleys are a pair of Mormon twins because of course they are, Joel Enos did stuff like Ben 10, sonic and a bunch of stuff I've never heard of.
giving a twst-related job to mormons is hilarious
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Suddenly stuff from tnbc started to show up in my tl...
the gllowies...they're onto us...
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I wonder if the tsum events will ever be reran
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stupid to ask this late, but you've been making these blingee-type gifs yourself right? I've been getting a kick outta them every time you post.
Jamil's birthday is next month. If the others don't get new card next month, he's guaranteed to be the first one to have 20 cards.
But Jade has two upcoming cards months after that, the (leaked) Halloween card and new Birthday card. So he will be on the lead for having 21 cards unless Jamil and Floyd get this year's Halloween card as well.
can you imagine if all get in this halloween? the dev trifecta
Yana runs off to England and the devs lock Vil and Ortho in the basement. She's gonna come back to 300 drawings of Trey.
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So those locations from endless Halloween actually exist and they would be used for upcoming events?
Endless Halloween was in the Spectral Realm so the backgrounds were reused in Book 7 when Lilia went into the Spectral Realm.
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>watching the new alien movie in the cinema
>weird, creepy, perhaps even a little ghoulish in it's creation AI or CGI'd facsimile of Ian Holm shows up
>He's called Rook
>I think to myself "wow, the guy from twst!"
This game has irreparably ruined my brain. Though Twst references it's predecessors a lot more gracefully than the movie did.
On the wikipedia page for the guy who was Jack Skellington's voice in the JP dub. He's also the voice of freaking Mewtwo.
He's currently performing on stage in Sweeney Todd. I wonder if they brought him on for this year's thing.
Yeah I’ve been making them myself. I appreciate you appreciating them!
speaking of, I think some people on twitter are also aware, I believe one artist was vague posting
Can relate, I can't look at any disney property now without thinking about twst and what Yana and her team can use and make better
Modern Disney is shit, this is no secret. They don't manage their IPs well and just 2 weeks ago there was that crazy headline about how a widow is suing Disney because their partner died from anaphylaxis from allergens at Disney restaurant, after being assured it was allergen free. Then Disney's response was basically "you signed up for the Disney+ free trial and therefore agreed to our terms of service that says you can’t sue us"

Japan and Yana save us...
vil still has a role to fill which is being one of trey's multiple wives
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Who has the best expression?
I get that the light magic trio don't look super villainy, but Ace doesn't either. I wonder why?
>Who has the best expression?
Either Leona, Ortho, or Mal. Tough to pick though since several of them use really similar poses (Floyd, and Azul stick out because they're adjacent)
They're all pretty good. It's easier to pick my least favorite, which is Kalim. The evil smug look doesn't fit him.
Choragon is winning the big leagues
can you imagine if twst ever got a live action
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Cute hair. Thank you datamine anon
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I can't post Idia and Sebek because filename too big but here's a screencap.
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Is that like an emblem? Looks like it's from a school
sebek's getting one of the ssrs huh?
I feel like idia is the one that benefits from this set the least, his groom card had a really similar vibe
also any hearts that gets this outfit as well due to their halloween 1 outfits
everyone else looks so cool, especially jade and sebek
Sebeksis...your boy completed his goth evolution...
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he looks amazing... the perfect mob boss
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Oh my god they finally gave us high-ponytail Leona I am going to scream
wasn't magshift leona a high ponytail leona
We need more ponytails.
I don't think I can afford both Ferro (cute) and my lion this year, Ferrosis forgive me
before making a decision I think you should see if they rerun Rollo this year, that should give you a forecast of Ferro's fate next year
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sebeksis what do you think of tanbek
I wonder if this is from before or after the recall where they fixed stuff like Leona not having his scar.
That's what happens when Disney is in charge of its own quality control, I don't remember ever seeing anything about those D100 cafes. Wonder if they flopped.
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Anon... No...
This is a gacha game, if Ferro (cute) will make you happy, why not test your luck? He's so generous I bet you will get him in 1 ten pull, no, in 5 single pulls at most!
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weeeeell anoooons? are you eating healthy?
Thank you so much anon! I have no idea how to assemble them because i don't have the program so these are highly appreciated. Jade and Leona looks amazing especially.
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>EN pals are complaining about a huge update
dataminer anon by any chance do you have access to the EN version of the game? would you happen to know wtf was loaded onto EN pals' accounts?
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The only person that appreciate his fanfic?
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We know the Harveston rerun is coming, and maybe the heavy download was Crowley’s battle map?
the strongest mischaracterizer in history vs the strongest mischaracterizer of today
Mc tonight?
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>Remembers the chest hair Ferro (cute) art exists
>Spent the last hour looking for this
It's so fucking worth it.
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I wonder if it's both new halloween events
Like Playfulland and Nightmare together?
I kind of doubt it. This is the same thing they pulled last year: Halloween rerun in August, then bunch of silly shit, then JP’s Halloween menu from the previous year.
then how did it get so heavy, is the optimization shit?
I dunno, wasn't the Crowley map a pretty big install on JP, too?
And it's been put on there simultaneously with Harveston. Look:

And EN's server has always had more issues than JP. EN people have that message at loading screen and everything, "we know loading is taking forever, cry about it," that JP doesn't have.
Not sure if that is because EN's server is actually slower or if it's cause EN players are just more impatient, though.
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Can someone that plays both versions compare
Do you think that twst world has it's own version of that horse girl mobile game?
The message wasn't there when EN first launched and they put it in later.
I can't check because I don't have both versions so I'm just making stuff up, but I wonder if one possibility is that a bunch of JP server players moved to EN, recognized that the server was slower, and started bitching to the support line about it.
So sort of a combination both of being slower and people being impatient about it.
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Less money invested in server infrastructure, I'd hazard a guess.
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Anon you have to click on the image to load the full size image on pixiv anon you're only saving thumbnails
data anon was anything added this update?
For jp? nope.
poor EN held together by duct tape...
Not them but sometimes the full image is like 10MB so I just save the preview to share here...
what are they going to do to that poor fairy...
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i need to know the other horses' names, malleus please hurry so that we can get to other clubs
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Probably nothing. People tend to ignore Malleus for his poor personality.
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floydsisters, would you take advantage of retarded floyd when jade isn't looking?
I loved Floyd's "you see this shit I've got to put up with?" energy of that installment, top tier.
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So much time and effort is put into the localization of EN. Never doing things like misspelling constantly repeated words that the game itself made up.
Twice. In the same vignette.
does anyone have this mc's list?
these jewels are pretty reasonably priced, mostly because they're made of zinc alloy, brass, resin and glass, but if you only buy them as display pieces I don't think it matters
I'm just using kamigame
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they didn't make an effort with octa...
The Leech earring gems should have been their eye colors.
I really like Jack's earrings
Looks too much like costume jewelry for me, unfortunately.
yeah some pieces puzzle me, like the lime green triangle in the bottom part of malleus'
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what arc comes after emerald witch?
Silvers gonna be 100% Samson
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so what do we think of the real life versions
they copied azul...
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I'm so excited for halloween! I can't wait to meet the new member of the SPECIAL club!
Btw this probably won't happen but what if both Ferro (cute) and Giddel (also cute!) get a card instead of just Ferro?
I mean I assume both will get something, the big question is whether they'll get a card each or if it's a 2-for-1 deal
If they aren't a 2-in-1 deal then I imagine one is the SSR and the other a SR
2 SSRs, spend now
if they had different attributes what room style they'd like?
I think Ferro would love an awful combination like Elegant/Pop
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They both deserve to be SSR, but it's probably the 2 in 1 card deal.
His furniture is unique/cute.
Fully voiced SSR Gidel story, except he doesn't talk at all
Why even change it
Deuce my beloved.
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Next month's Kyoto animanga expo thing is starting to worry me. Most are thinking it's gonna be about twst anime because it's an event for animanga but what if they're just going to show the Halloween event and we don't even get an abema stream...
It'd be a weird choice of time/place to announce it, but I guess it's not impossible?
The Halloween event announcements have gotten simplified more and more since the first one (full VA cast -> some VAs -> a few VAs), so I don't think dropping the whole Abema announcement thing altogether would be that surprising.
But I dunno. I'm team anime-announcement.
Makes more sense to do it there than some random american con like people guess every year.
I also wonder if they're gonna drop it on Disney+ worldwide simultaneously or wait and see how it performs in Asia before releasing it in the US. Aniplex USA is so scared of normies they hid Rollo from his own banner.
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Where's this from?
That’s old news. Maybe the girl sharing it on Twitter today isn’t answering where she got it from cause she doesn’t want people to know it from a Disney+ rep’s interview from back in May. That screenshot is literally the only point in the whole interview that Twst is mentioned.
They'll censor Rollo with the mosaic effect
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I love how this artist draws the eyes
Last year we got twsfest which it announced the name of the event and ferro/gidel, this year there could be a chance they do the same but with only a few vas on there. Also maybe a sneak peak of the new bday batch?
>x5 battle
>no SSR gems
>4 SR games
They could stream it on youtube to be kind to us...
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I see everyone is rating the novel tls good, is that true for whoever owns a copy?
is that neige's heart or rook's?
Mine, anon. I gave it to him four years ago.
do you think they'll anime-fy jack/boogie/sally or will they just copy paste them?
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It's better than I thought it was gonna be.
The translator is some lady called Jocelyn Allen and I looked her up and she has done a ton of books including stuff like BL, so already better than the mormon twins who translate the manga.
Translated stuff can sound "off" a lot but it actually reads like its own book.
I was ready to bitch about it but can't find anything yet.
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>Vil and Rook's first meeting
any positive highlights?
I like how they didn't try to make the MC american and they left in all the stuff about how he's speaking in Japanese etc. It's kind of as literally translated as it could possibly be in my opinion.
Cater saying "Riddley" is dumb, though.
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something's wrong...
As a Spanish native speaker, I find this very funny.
Guess they wanted to make them sound more "Italian-ish"
Then there's hope for the other novels
I think so, yeah. They're at least putting in the effort to portray stuff like Cater's nickname thing instead of just erasing everything that doesn't perfectly fit into American English like the EN game does. They don't even use "freshman" and "sophmore" like the game they use "first year" etc like fan translators use.
We need the second novel translation like yesterday, I want to know what they will do to the food.
That actually sounds pretty nice. Guess I'll buy a copy.
Ernesto loves pizza
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why did ferro make them a matching pair
Trying to guess at who belonged with who. Leona's shirt is basically a cleavage Trey.
>cater's feather is frazzled
>vil's feather isn't
what's the symbolism
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I know he cheats on you, Azul. Calm down.
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would vil want to marry straight out of high school or when he's older
In typical Hollywood fashion he might already be once-divorced
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He was only married for a few hours...
They're rerunning Rollo. Half the comments are people like "Fellow!?" and the other half are people bemoaning that the twins took all their money.
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Rollo my beloved
People can wait two days for the Fellow preview pic.
I would be a waste if they do something like Stitch but hopefully they just Yanafy Jack Skellington since he's the mc or the story. Sorry Oogibogiesis but Jack is more evil than him.
hopefully the sisterwives don't decide to drink the coolaid...
this is their punishment for being greedy with the eels, twst's biggest theme is monogamy
who will jack be shipped with
Cay cay cannot be underestimated
rollosis what are good teams for your boy
why couldn't we go to vil's dad's house...he could have shown us the baby pictures...
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The people YEARN for the cute.
How tf is Jack more evil than oogieboogie? He was delusional at most
fellowives...your boy is missing in action...will he survive the war?
He doesn't want you to see the bodies
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Adding to the bingo:
>He has freckles but he uses so much makeup that he hides it.
>Contact lenses, uses glasses in his daily life, alternate outfit is him wearing his glasses.
He's trying to come up with a new fake (and cute) name to deceive the ENtards!
can you imagine if the bridge of his glasses broke and he had to fix it with duct tape
Are there any special titles or things limited to the masterchef rerun? I've been slacking and haven't made a single dish yet.
is vil's mom one of them?
just the usual 3 keys and the konpeito, but this rendition of the event has a boost on how much skill percentage you gain with each dish so you can breeze through it
Why would you kidnapp Santa Claus without any reason and scare kids on Christmas?
a giggle
So if datamines already found a bunch of future Halloween shit but no Ferro does that mean he's not gonna be playable?
Ferro is an old man with a rusty body, he takes a while to walk places
Everyone's expecting Ernesto assets so they added new Halloween stuff while we were distracted.
I guess we'll know Thursday or Friday
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I stopped playing for a while but came crawling back with the current event banners and I must say…

I've been going through some of their voice lines recently and they may be the sluttiest characters. There are literally sex-related double entendres. EN is completely ignoring them but it's no wonder those two are the most popular characters on JP.
Can you give me a concrete example, please?
||didn't roll them bwaa||
I get why Jade imagined Floyd as a simpleton, but why did he imagine Azul as a dramatic clumsy pretty boy? Shouldn't he have thought of him as something like Mort from Family Guy?
The most recent one is Jade's "deeper" comment in his eelshape card. You don't need to watch too much JP porn to recognize that one. It's not even subtle, love it.
Internal texture. Cater is a more high-level toy than Vil.
he had shipper googles on
He makes a comment about how he likes that Floyd and Azul are helpless without him. It seems he likes them being dependent on him, and for that Azul needed to be comically bumbling.
jade will break your legs then take care of you
Possible news? Idias va is here
Idia's seiyuu...in something twst-related?
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we might get another MYSTERIOUS SILHOUETTE
The tweet says they’re gonna have ALL the VAs show up on a rotating basis, so a different system from usual. It says they’re gonna talk the characters and story, so maybe something like the talk with Midorikawa and Kato last month.
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Brazilsisters... how are we gonna save art now? Pixiv sucks...
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cater...your forehead...
wait what happened to brazil/pixiv
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>Xandão (prime minister of brasil) is mad about elon and X being so carefree about nazis/racism/every kind of prejudices
>Basically tells Elon "You either fix this in 2024 hours or Brazil will suspend twitter forever"
>Elon has an immense ego so he makes an AI pic of Xandão behind bars and a toilet paper with Xandão's name on it.
Elon will probably give up bc literally everyone in this country is on twitter so he still makes a lot of money bc of this country but it's still worrying ngl, I hate using pixiv.

Twisted Wonderland Ferro a cute Ernesto Carino
You either fix this in 24 hours*
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This is such a scary-looking Cater.
Buy a VPN if you're worried so much
I forgor about this game
wtf man that's scary
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A tuk tuk?
Yeah man a tuk tuk
He’s just a little guy
Creepypasta cater
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well anons, yana fixed the art, NOW BUY
Tempted just so that the Yana-art can outsell the horrible “official Disney artist” merch and they never ever try something like that again.
twisted wonderland cursed save file where cater kills everyone after you don't pick him as the initial card
Unbelievable. No way cater could kill more than half the cast at most
he has creepypasta powers now, he'll trap malleus in a save file called DEAD
but twst doesn't have save files
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username: YOU
nickname: DEAD
I will save him
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I always forget her username, please help an anon out
Same username on their Bluesky account and tribbb on Plurk.
wtf is plurk
Social media website from Taiwan that acts similar to Twitter. Sending out messages/plurks via a timeline on top of the screen. Chinese and Taiwanese artists have been using it long ago before Twitter became massive.
But boys can't have babies...
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Page 10? unacceptable
News soon...
Remember every yen you spend on Ernesto's banner goes to funding his magic school
Can cay cay handle real honest affection
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Yes but he'll get immensely possessive and try to hurt anyone who looks at his celebrity boyfriend
Even trey?
Trey needs to get his own man before cay-cay goes a little cray-cray
cay cay will get passive aggressive whenever vil does a lewd ad but he thinks finally meeting vil's dad it "too much commitment too fast"
I just remembered Ace talking about how his heart was fluttering to meet Vil's dad.
Cay-cay is gonna have an underclassman for a father-in-law.
don't worry, they only have to worry until ace becomes 25
cay fights on magicam comments with vil fans that don't like him
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I think he could be a good leader
can you imagine if cay becomes a celebrity as well and becomes even messier
Are we supposed to get news tonight or tomorrow
Probably tonight cause Aniplex is serious about their weekends and holidays.
dorm malleus and Lilia drained my void book savings, this is the first time in my save file where void is my lowest count
>ssr perfume needs 40 masks
>only have 33 from missions
shit did I miss a round
Probably. There were two rounds iirc
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Finally had another twst related dream, although I can't remember most of it but the end. Just cuddling with Silver until we found a comfortable position to sleep. But instead of going into a deeper sleep I woke up pleasantly refreshed. Literal start to the day with a smile.
>in September of 2024
We are so back...
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Just a few more hours...



I admire your dedication to your man. It's too early for card info, but I hope he gets either good card or one with something fun and new with his magic like blind debuff on M1.
EN side schedule. Harveston, main story update, Sweets Masterchef, and Halloween 1 banner?
I've been spamming those damn cabbage rolls all day, but is there a more optimal option to choose for the 6 hr sleep time?
That’s…quite a grab bag of random stuff they got there.
>We will be giving another ten pull set on 8/30!
>Banners finish on the 29
I'm gonna be honest I love seeing Jamil, Kalim, Ortho and Idia with big noses not bc of cultural representation but only bc big noses are cute
after this only 1 master chef left right? are they going to have to spam main story and club cards now?
Crowley battle map up and coming too
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what do you think of these platinum pins?
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fat fuck stop stealing crewel's food
He's making sure they've been made to a good standard... How kind of him
There you go ferrosis
I can't afford both the fox AND the lion twst pls
this game made me a furry apparently
wow he's ugly innit
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The birthday bloom set appeared in the JP annis, right? Thinking of pulling for Ortho
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Thanks Elon
Enjoy your ugly pity card, you'll never get another one ever again
No new bday theme?
I was gonna post a very long speech imitating celebrities winning oscars/grammies but I'm just so happy that I can't think of anything else except him.
I love it, I'm genuinely shaking bc it's just that good, I feel so happy that I can't stop shaking.
1 entire year, and it was worth it...
In this entire year I spent a huge ammount of money in yume commissions, wrote my own fanfiction, didn't even dared to pull ONCE (after the Anni)
But it was worth it, it was all worth it.
Life is truly fun and full of joy.
There's nothing uglier than the vulgarity of bitterness.
Happy for you Ferro (cute) sis! You've earned it
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>Club Ruggie pulling time.
>5 SSRs including dorm Ruggie appeared, but not his club card.
I swear that I'll get full uncap on Cater's dorm card without even caring about him, wish there was a way to throw away useless cards to make perfumes.
At least I'll get the rest to hit hard pity next week with the weekly missions so I'm not that mad.
You're beefing with the same person that said they're fingering themselves to danganronpa voice files, get a job
fellowsister can't get a job, it would make their boy sad
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The ammount of bots in Ferro (cute) post is funny ngl, even bots yearn for the cute.
I genuinely love you guys, I barely talk about my autistic obsession on him with my own friends, so it's nice to know that there's also a place that I can just talk about how much I love him.
His seiyuu did an amazing job come on now
Next next halloween, zootopia event to target this anon
They turn Ace into a fox I WILL die
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There's another free 10-pulls on the glomas banners on EN you can get. I tried to use them to get Rollo, but I, uh, didn't quite.
I want Rollo to lick my collar bone.
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And his fluffy tail will have glitter
So guidel and ferro will show in the homescreen together?
Maybe we'll be able to switch between them
I better not see any visiting redditors looking for the datamined stuff
I don't think any Tumblrites/Redditors/Twitards ever go here in fear of spoilers. There would have been major talk about TWST x TNBC on either sites.
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Didn't realized how long it took for a card to get released in high quality... toboso yana im crying please my dms are open just send me the png
Hang in there sis. It'll only be about a week, maybe sooner if he gets a subway ad.
I did see someone who I think was vagueposting
It's pretty rare for us to get actual unreleased future content like this stuff and Chef Ortho, isn't it?
It will be today right
yeah their previous modus operandi was dump everything during maintenance, the only other exceptions were some early freebie SRs groovies
It is rare
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Around the world!
Maybe it'll be the norm from now on
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Forthright Chap
Real talk, besides ferrosis, who else is going to roll for him?
Me. If he's good I'll max him out.
One of my favorite memories in this general was experiencing the new Book 6 towers together and asking datamine anon if OB Idia was even in the game after discovering the recharge timers.
Was Kalim the last banner of playful land, I feel impatient and want to roll for him immediately
Yeah, last. Ace, Ortho, Kalim.
I've been waiting for the same year as ferrosis but I hadn't been counting on a Leona SSR for Halloween. Might have to wait until his rerun.
It hurts.
Furries team up to torment you
Fellow Honest stating his own name before his attack
Countdown until Ernesto. It was a good run.
The next few months might be bad for the furries. Magift club cards earlier this year, Ernesto, Halloween Leona, and then Savanaclaw up next in the main story.
>Savanaclaw up next in the main story.
Send cash my gacha boys are starving
do you think it'll happen in november
Which means Heartslabyul gets released around Christmas season. Of course THEY would get the holiday and month that's more important.
Seems possible. Ferro (cute) to Leona to Ruggie is gonna be murder, assuming it's not Jack that gets the first furry SSR.
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this year's event will be extra spooky
Is Spelldrive Ruggie any good? I'm trying to get an SSR card of each character.

Does Pity Systems carry over at all in this game?
If anything will be Savanaclaw until December, they don't update main story while we have Halloween event ongoing
I am thinking of picking up some. I'm shocked they didn't rerun the birthday suit pins. Probably one of my favorite pickups.

Captcha RM G00D
I guess that depends on if we have the halloween event stopping with Halloween.
EnHallo went into November but that's because the storyline was "halloween is still going even though it's november."
Guess it could happen again, though.

Wait, is the next event that Paradise event? The one based on Pinocchio? The theme park that utterly scared the living shit out of me as a kid and they fucked up like everything else in the live action remake?
I am once again wishing that Savanaclaw's symbol wasn't just scar's dumb face. I want something I can wear in public that won't have people going "oh hey that's Disney."
Theres no shame in liking Disney, unless you like their live action remakes

Honestly I had the same thing with Sanrio until Gude-Tama, Aggretsuko, and Hello Kitty Island Adventure
Damn spoiler text fail. Anyway we're talking JP, not EN. EN's next event is playfulland.
I'm talking EN server. I don't speak or read a lick of Japanese.

Is that a Halloween movie, a Christmas Movie or both? I've had that question for a while
Yeah Gude-tama is good stuff.
My thing is I don't actually like Disney. I wish the game wasn't Disney. I am lowkey annoyed that Disney is in anyway associated with a thing I like so much.
I'll give them money but my merch is stuff like the bags and stuff that you can't tell what it is unless you already know.
Yeah EN, when does it start?

I hear Asim's card is busted AF
Oh my bad.
Have you never seen it? It's kind of both. It runs the gauntlet from September to December for Disney, one of their biggest moneymakers.
Playfulland (pinocchio) is probably coming in October, it's not on EN's schedule for September.
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I got 30 pulls worth, I need to start saving for more before the event starts
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Sounds like that anon needs more Fellow in his life to me ferrosis
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something something exposure therapy
Me. Gonna max him too. Just like Rollo.
They'll be roommates and best friends, I'm sure.
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Will they make another song like Make a wish or Rave up for this new Halloween
NBC has a lot of good songs, it won't hurt anyone if they new ssrs sing one of them...
Oh my god oh my god oh my god we're gonna hear Umehara sing as Leona I am going to scream
>Umehara sing as Leona
wait I thought umehara just used his normal voice for singing, at least that's what I heard from a leonasis
To be honest all of Umehara's characters are just him using his normal voice. He's like Kobayashi Chiaki in that way. That's just how he sounds, the sexy nerd.
But this will be the game saying that Leona is singing to us so I'm counting that "singing as Leona." Gotta take what there is to get.
His appearance on Twst radio is gonna be interesting cause I strongly suspect that the guy cannot care less about that character or this game.
I think he pulled on the gacha once?
Does pity carry between event banners?
I ask because I can't decide between Playful Kalim or Applepom Epel
Nah those two aren't going to share pity.
then which one do you recommend?
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If you think about it, that bitch ass cricket was racist as fuck
>Pinocchio, do NOT trust that fox and that cat
>Just don't
Green cunt. Kill yourself. I hope a praying mantis eats you for dinner while pinocchio is having fun with the fox and the cat while you are melting away in the praying mantis stomach.
On the plus side, in the original book dying is the first thing that the cricket does (cause pinocchio kills him)
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He deserved that.
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Book 7-10 spoiler
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Kalim almost completely powercreeps pom
Because a return back to Diasomnia story on January would be kind of ironic in the sense that Lilia's birthday is on the start of the new year.
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I need mad titties rn or else I die
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Imagine having to deceive some random teens bc Ferro (cute) is sick.
He would be sooo proud of (you), (you) actually managed to dollify innocent teens!
How will Idia celebrate Miku's birthday?
he has to escape brazil first since he can't post from there anymore
But I need to gamble...grrr...
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do you think your boy still keeps his childhood plushies
I hate when artists draw Ferro (cute) in savanaclaw instead of Octa or Pome.
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He's never getting into Pome with those raggedy ass trousers
do chef tokens get saved like the exam ones or do they reset?
They reset
no...I can't stock pile for rookcate...
the minimum requirement for octa is being able to read
Clothes DON'T make the man sometimes.
Excuse me, he already knows the whole alphabet, that's PROGRESS!
What can we expect about ferros profile
It'll tell us that he's a murderer and rapist of women
Dominant Hand: Right.
Homeland: Shaftlands
Club: None (but Giddel is having fun in the game board club)
Best subject: Art/Music
Hobbies: Watching tv shows about celebrities
Pet peeves: Rich people
Favorite food: Cheeseburgers
Least favorite food: Instant noodles
Talent: Sewing
His star sign?
Betting on Gemini or Scorpio.
If any of this is wrong you're a fake ferro fan btw
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my guess was that his best subject was PE because he's good at dodgeball
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I know everyone shits on EN but I really like how they translate the master chef event names
Hot, steamy, sweaty, bed-breaking sex with .... _ _ _ _!
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The EN event titles are nice and catchy. Terror is Trending is one of my favorites.
when do you think we'll get jackvil's?
does vil truly like the flimsy elegant stickers I put on him
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what are gidel's favorite and least favorite food
Ferrosis the tokyo station ads are up
Favorite: Cookies
Least favorite: Spicy foods
Anon please share them... I can't use twitter...
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QM always has the best quality pics but they're being saucy about posting. This went up an hour ago but still waiting for the rest.
Look at those chompers. He's got some real nice teeth there.
Why are nips so weeeeird? Just take a pic of the whole art...
His fangs are adorable ngl, probably my favorites along with the eyebrows
He’d want you to put a ring on his finger even more. His biological clock is tickling. Would (you) marry this hag?
maybe she got arrested after going through that walkway over and over and over...
perhaps she's a yume that suddenly got territorial over her hubby
Four hours and still nothing.
QM come on we are counting on you
no one told her the ferrosis called off the suicide pact
Interesting that ferro announcement was normal compared to rollos, I would have expected at least one person bringing up the fact he's a human trafficker but I guess being against fae with horns is more problematic
The drama against Rollo was all stuff that people made up in their head.
I remember seeing people analyze everything to death that came out of JP cause they couldn't understand it. "He is holding his handkerchief up to his nose when he talks to Jamil HE'S RACIST oh wait he also does that when talking to literally everyone nvm."
They wanted to be angry about Rollo, so they were.
They don't want to be angry about Fellow, so they're not.
That's sadly all it is.
Why he only gets eyepatches in Halloween
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Here we gooo
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I want to touch his ears
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No idea how they get such nice shots. I wonder if they chose the location for the ads intentionally to try and dissuade people from taking photos and getting in the way when people are trying to commute.
They're so big, must be because he loves gossip
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Like seriously how is she getting those pictures they are on the far side of two moving sidewalks, in Tokyo station. I am appreciative it but also very confused.
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>Enstars newest event features a doujin between two characters that got so popular that people started wondering if the two idols were actually dating after all
Can you imagine if Vil suddenly dropped the bomb like "Yeah people drew me naked with some other celebrity, that's actually pretty normal"?
Maybe with video?
We're playing twisted Nunderland, that would cause rioting on the streets
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Everything is perfect, just as I thought.
I love his chompers, I like the expression and the poses. Wish Giddel had a different pose instead of just standing there maybe? The groovy will probably fix this tho.
My favorite detail is the eyebrows, they are so big that it's getting out of his face, so fucking sexy. Yana NAILED this.
Trial and error i assume
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vil should forcefully change idia's wardrobe
Please don't bring up idolshit game here. Thanks.
I was going to joke that viru cannot be a nun because he showed ankles but apparently some summer nun uniforms do show ankle
What about his belly, that's more scandalous
Leona saw his vagina bones...
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I'm not talking about idols, the question was about Vil, the source of WHY I'm making that question is about an idol game. The question itself is about Vil, dumb cunt.
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Idiasis can your boy tie his shoes
Don't care. Idolshit is cringe.
Also why are you Vilposting while avatarfagging as Ruggie? Post pics of Vil if your going to talk headcanons.
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>Don't care. Idolshit is cringe.
Then what you're gonna do about it?
>Also why are you Vilposting while avatarfagging as Ruggie? Post pics of Vil if your going to talk headcanons.
I love Ruggie, I am going to post Ruggie pics even if I'm talking about other boys and/or other events, it's not that serious.
And like I said, it's a question, and no, it's not a headcanon. It's just a random scenario for anons to talk about this scenario and laugh a little.
Words don't need to have meaning nowadays I guess
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>avatarfagging is when someone post pictures of a canon character of the game
How low did we get?
this is how we introduce a halloween boy in the future
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My boy's splendour is simply unmatched. Even the fans of lesser boys feel the need to discuss him.
>/twst/ is so dead that we have unironic frogposters
Damn. Literally nothing interesting happening despite the announcement.
Why can't the ip blocked vilfag be more like you? So classy...
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>lesser boys
You have a lot of guts to talk about this when Vil is only popular in the server that classifies him as a tranny.
Even if he isn't my number one I do have a soft spot for tall beautiful blondes.
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Don't throw stones in glass houses, ruggiefag. I've seen plenty of posts of your boy with those unsightly scars across his chest.
Based Vilfag being generous to the plebs
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I don't interact with that one server and neither its playerbase enough to actually find pictures of my boy like this. I feel bad for you, it must suck looking up fanart of your "boy" and only being able to find trans headcanons and pictures of him being a poon.
Not only that but finding pics of Ruggie as well since he's way more popular. It's okay, we all have our crosses to bear!
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>vilfag vs ruggiefag
Couldn't at least be a leonafag instead? It's lore accurate, like the idiafag vs malleusfag...
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See, I don't actually have that problem. Spastics may refer to my boy as a she, but actual pictures are rarer than those of your boy suffering it. Not that I'd wish to expose you to it, I respect you and this thread too much. But it's ok, I know you're just envious of the merch my boy gets. But it's only natural that my boy being the far more important character to the game, he'd get more than yours, wouldn't he?
Also I think I really have enough pics at this point, I'm not sure how much more my poor drive can take
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Not only him get that kind of treatment though. Even Trey of all boys. And you know is a loud minority.
idia is going to see all of ortho's plays, it doesn't matter if they start out early
Leonafags need to be wary now that their boy is coming for Halloween with an SSR. What I mean is that another wave of retards complaining about not being black enough is coming for either groovy or initial card.
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It's insecurity. Or narcissism. Or both. A desperate need for acceptance, and belonging. A need to belong to a "tribe", whatever that tribe may be. And where's a character they like, the want that character to be part of that tribe, or else they feel they're not allowed to like them. Pride flags are essentially a crude imitation of nation flags, but the bonds that form a nation such as shared blood and culture are replaced with things such as sexuality and attempting to imitate the other sex's societal roles. So I'd perhaps say the whole claiming characters as trans thing is a very twisted reflection of nationalism in a way. The ethnic claiming is obviously a more traditional version. But that's just me making my observation, I'm no psychologist, and I fear I'm not eloquent enough to convey my points clearly sometimes.
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Oh, thank you. I wouldn't want to suffer the same exposure therapy you did.
>I know you're just envious
Not really, I'm not the type of person to envy someone, unlike... you know... the character that almost killed an innocent guy because he lost a ripoff love live, yeah, no, I'm not that kind of person.
It's far better to be a less important character to the plot than being awarded with the title of both worst reasons to OB and being the main villain of the worst chapter overall. It would ruin Ruggie's perfect character, you know what I'm saying?
Unrelated but it's so fun to argue with someone that knows their shit, you're fun, I like that. Now I know how those teens that defend kpop idols on twitter feel like.
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Worst chapter overall? Ha, that has to go to chapter 2. The one where your boy is betrayed by someone close to him... Perhaps an experience we share all too well...
You're alright in my book, ruggiefag, and your boy's pretty good too. Just not as good as my boy ;)
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irrelevant. he wears shoes he can slip into without tying whether laces are involved or not, just like me actually
but what if ortho wants to wear trendy shoes...
If twst Jack is the next playable character, who are your top seiyuus suitable for the role?
Mamoru Miyano
I'd probably have to go with Taito Ban, coz he's been voicing him for the past 4 years.
I love how we theorize mamoru miyano for every single hypothetical character
>ferro? mamoru miyano
>hook? mamoru miyano
>yzma? mamoru miyano
>not-wolf jack? MAMORU MIYANO
eventually we'll get it right, I know it
the type of clothing doesn't matter, only the drip does. refer to rabbit gear, there's no issue when they can just browse all the trendy shoe catalogues online, then 3d print and spray on whatever ortho liked best
I feel like it's kind of weird that Eguchi Takuya hasn't had a cameo yet, but Twst has been going for oldschool cool recently so maybe he's too new-gen
what if vil turns him into a hypebeast and and suddenly he feels like he NEEDS air jordans
Leonasis how is that wallet looking
then i need to consult a vilsis expert first. would VIL SCHOENHEIT get involved with anything hypebeast adjacent? the scenario cannot move forward until that is decided. my personal gut feeling says no, queenboy is a trendSETTER, i also struggle to picture him with air jordans. but i am only an amateur vil enjoyer, not a veteran vil connoisseur
Not good, anon. Not good. I was doing calculations last night on whether or not I really can't afford to drop $100 on a damn disney anime boy jpeg. If Leona was first then I might be able to try to Fellow but the lion has got to be the priority. Fellow might have to wait until 2025.
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Vil would not be involved in hypebeast stuff. He would not follow a trend based off acquiring pseudo-luxury brands in an attempt to flex wealth. Obviously.
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does anyone else get nauseous and jittery looking at vil? sometimes when I look at him I think it induces ovulation. I think he'd be a bad boyfriend.
I don't think he'd like hypebeast stuff or any fake luxury for that matter, he likes expensive stuff only when it also feels expensive, sweatshop stuff won't do
though I do think he'd find any bootleg appalling, Idia is getting nagged for sure
do you like other furries or just those 2? would you be in trouble if jack or ruggie got an SSR next year?
Viru hansamu? Moa raiku, uguri asu faku
Roro Rimao
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skirting the edge of funko pops
I love me some Ruginald so yeah I am nervous about the upcoming Savanaclaw arc in Book 7. Not a jackfag so I’m fine with skipping his.
jade sucks at character analysis
How Tim Burton would feel that Jack skellington will be twinkfied
He might not be, like how we didn't get Esmerelda or anyone in Glomas. We might just get Oogie Boogie cause villain.
I would hope it will be Boogie plus Lock, Shock, and Barrell. Basically an entire non-NRC house.
is there any ssr ruggie could risk getting? hometown event in the slums? tamashina rerun? trapped in the book with uhh...duffy?
one of those kids was in the datamined background so no twink ray for them
>trapped in the book with Duffy
Oh god
And yeah I could imagine Ruggie getting the Tamashna outfit and joining the ranks of Vil/Jamil with their “you don’t even go here” SSRs, would love to see him that.
Got 100% on all the dishes except for the stew, ran out of meat at 94%
ruggers will get to interact with the cute plushie he couldn't afford as a kid
jamilsis if your boy gets the SSR for this event is that a good thing
Every Jamil SSR is a good SSR
He can be the giant orange snek that eats the Christmas tree
Why they have to make mc really fast
He wouldn't be able to keep up with the boys and take pictures if he wasnt
This one took me a minute
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Do they know italian
We didn't see fatzul...
Let's hope the manga makes it up. If we couldn't see it in-game, may as well in other materials.
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Of course! It's their mother language!
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Leona groomed Vil?
It's always the other way around
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Who do people think will get the next Teacher SSR? I hope either Vargas or Trien are defense powerhouses.
he pursued him to get back at his ex fuckbuddy, the previous pome dorm leader, but he caught feelings later on
>inb4 ferro is from new jersey
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I love you funko viru...
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Knock knock, whos there? page 10
I need the new recipes
guess the remaining teachers style preferences
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Would he wear Balenciaga?
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Only to show his tacit support for touching little boys.
I wonder what they'll do once we run out of staff to make playable. I know they could still just make new boys inspired by villains but it's weird to remember we only have like 5 teaching staff characters throughout the story.
teachers in pajamas
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can you imagine if he gets shadowed
>big censor bar over him at all times
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I really enjoyed their interactions last update
Jamil is so funny. He is literally the comedic relief, I love him.
he's too ugly
this is malleus' fault for drinking the child potion
that 4koma where he wanted to eat some curry was hilarious as well
Something something "a carrot is talking to me," with his deadpan face. I love him.
is it just me or did they reverse the gem boost?
I wonder how kalim feels whenever he sees jamil eating curry
I wish he had any interiority at all. I want to like the character, but we've never seen any proof that he's capable of thinking anything at all.
I'll get over the fact Kalim was the one that got PTSD from Jamil almost dying from eating poisoned curry but Jamil was just "well i still like curry".
It's kind of hilarious that he was more traumatized from finding a bug in a piece of fruit than he was from almost fulfilling his duty as Kalim's meat shield.
"Poisoned to death? Sure that's my job. But I did not sign up for bugs in my dates no thank you, never again."
I kinda wish the "a scaraboy gets poisoned in book 5" theory was correct because it'd be comedy gold
>"I can't believe I got poisoned from curry again, well it probably won't happen a third time"
what's wrong jamil-kun, eat the oogie boogie cookies
Oh my god maybe Jamil should’ve been the Halloween SSR
Over in 5 minutes when he burns everything to the ground
when jamil wants to burn everything to the ground it's endearing but when rollo wants to do it it's criminal, such double standard
Oh man does this mean Leona being terrorized by children
This happens a lot to be fair
From Leona's perspective the whole twisted wonderland is just "that time I was terrorized by demon children."
Their cheeks are enormous
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Cater should have been the third SSR
Will we ever have another pair with as much chemistry as them...
Poor idia, why did you have to genocide his brother
He already got his halloween ssr card though
actually does candy exist in the halloween world? I know that's the premise of halloween and there's some kids but iirc their idea of candy is gross stuff
can any jack (skellington) fan lore check me?
No Lucius no pull. I also want Trein tho
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The cat will be the one throwing the attacks
he still has a chance I think?
ferro's card is right after master chef right? do you think more assets might get dumped in that update?
Yes and probably not
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Lore accurate Trey
and also the one that gets in room fights
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how would he look with a mcdonalds look
You ever see a ship art and you're like well that makes no sense and is not at all my thing but gotta respect the skill.
that's why I'm always open to new ships
Content please....
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Yes yes, a tuesday
Pass me the cute
this master chef is so hard compared to the last one
why is the garlic and meat used in half of the recipes
So is it safe to assume most of the JP artists have moved to Bluesky or Threads?
is there anyone here autistic about a specific ship? like you can only see a character with another specific one?
Imagining Azul with anyone but the tweels doesn't work for me. I dunno why. I can understand Jade/Floyd fucking half the school, but can't get on board with Azul and anybody else. Which is a shame, cause the Azul/Jami and Azul/Rid people look like they have fun.
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do you think azul feels fine about jade and floyd being whores or does he get jealous
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>ferro suffering and giddy thriving
funniest outcome
no because they're soulmates
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is ferro's makeup cheap or did he splurge on that
Next thread will be Jamil or Ferro?
>one of the small artists I liked nuked her account, not just stopped posting, not just locked, the whole account is gone
Maybe wants people to think that he’s secure enough to not care but secretly jealous. And the twins know. And they think it’s hilarious. Cause he’ll die before he admits it.
I’ve been thinking about a fic idea for ever where the twins shag cater in the shower but then all three of them sleep in Azul’s bed cause it’s biggest and Azul wakes up like “goddammit we talked about this.”
would cater be fine with being used for jealously purposes, because I'm pretty sure he'd figure it out
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I might be unavailable to make the thread during the next few hours, if that's the case here's the OP
Twisted Wonderland, a rhythm and turn-based combat game featuring cute boys based on Disney villains, released in March 2020.

Spice Master Chef rerun: 09/02 16:00 JST - 09/09 14:59 JST
Playful Land rerun: Early Sept.
Jamil Birthday Campaign: 09/12
Ace Birthday Campaign: 09/23
>Current Gacha
[Event] SSR Rollo Flamme: 08/30 16:00 JST - 09/09 14:59 JST

>Upcoming Gacha
[Event] SSR Fellow Honest: Early Sept.
[Campaign] SSR Platinum Jacket & Broomquet Jamil: Mid Sept.
[Campaign] SSR Platinum Jacket & Broomquet Ace: Late Sept.

>/twst/ pastebin (Please read the FAQ first before posting!)
>TWST wiki
>Official Sites
>Official Twitter Accounts

Translations of recently released content:

Previous: >>491437054
Hmm good question. In my idea he’s never thought about it cause all the third years sleep around with each other already and he just assumed Azul must be cool with it. It might be interesting for him to be like “wait did I just get roped into some weird cuckold fetish thing, is this a mermaid thing, what’s going on.”
Love you OP anon. It’ll be funny if everyone tries to make the next thread and we end up with like three at once.
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New Thread
Can you eventually exchange lower ranked Perfumes for higher ones? Feels like you'll eventually get tones of R ranked perfumes but nothing to use them on

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