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#1845 - Headhunter edition

Halo Infinite's 13th Battle Pass, "Fleetcom", has launched

Halo Info:
>Latest Infinite Update (8/21)
>Latest Community Update (7/5)

Halo News:
>Fleetcom update brings Sandbox changes, VIP and Headhunter game modes to Infinite
>Paramount's Live Action Halo show canceled after two seasons
>Bungie and Creative Assembly veteran developer Dan Gniady hired as lead designer for next Halo game

Previous >>490897324
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Describe your reaction when you saw pic rel for the first time.
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Remove Sprint
They Won't, but They Should
Remove Sprint
I knew Infinite's writing would be shit because they literally replaced Palmer by someone even more woke.
post the screenshot collage
Palmer had an annoying personality and you just don't want to be around her, plus she keeps trying to kill Halsey. The new Spartan lady isn't the prettiest girl, but she doesn't feel like she'd backstab you the first chance she'd get. She would at least question orders. She is a bit soft for a Spartan though but maybe that's because she's older, like Din. Palmer sounds like she has something to prove so she just might be young.
The thing that annoys me the most about Halo 4 is the cutscene where Chief first meets Lasky. The spartans that walk past chief don't even give him a second look or even a glance, despite being missing for 4 years no one reacts in the slightest. Gay.
Palmer is in command of all Spartan IVs.
She is Algryna's superior.
That's actually fine.
They're Spartans. They're working.
They shouldn't be stopping in awe and getting distracted like a normal marine.
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You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1845

>Previous Threads
>>490897324 | #1844 - The Return of Achilles
>>490437026 | #1843 - Alcoholic
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>it's up to Treyarch to save CoD after Shartfinity Ward almost killed it
Black ops IIIIII doe'thougst'veverd
we lost to black ops 6 already, how does it feel
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we lost to Risk of rain 2 Seekers of the storm how does it feel
jesus christ not trying to be racist but why do blacks reek of monkey energy, it's almost uncanny looking at a black speak, you'd think it was a behind the scenes look of planet of the apes.
A simple, "Chief" or a nod should have been fine. Even Chief stopped to look at them and he was working too. But then when you play Spartan Ops all the spartan IVs are the stupidest buffoons you could ever find. How did any of them ever become Spartans.
Alright. Running more Firefight
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the custom browser
Team Changing is enabled. Play as an Elite or Spartan.
Elites have very rudimentary loadouts and handicaps. It's hard to balance firefight pvp, so this is sort of a test run.
These Elites are out of shape.
Reach a shit
we lost to niggers
I would give Elites faster base movement speed than Spartans, ditch the sword, higher jump height, remove active camo, force blue color on them, but remove armor abilities from them. The Spartans have more than enough tools to kill them. Elites should be fast and difficult to hit. Maybe you can nerf their physical health so it's just one melee when you kill the shield.
And add the Needler and Concussion Rifle.
Alright so
I had quite a lot of fun with that PvP Firefight.
Considering several adjustments.

>Spartans get no bonus life on an Elite kill
Currently, winning the match is weighted towards Spartans, and I think it's because Elite kills grant lives. Removing this will significantly up the tension for the Spartans.
>Further damage reduction for Elites
IIRC the Elites are currently doing 90% damage. On top of this, they only have access to two plasma rifle loadouts and an energy sword loadout. I may reduce Elite damage further, even as far as 50%.
If this sounds unfair, you have to keep in mind Elites have unlimited lives, killing them will no longer grant bonus lives to the Spartans, and as an Elite player you have your wits + the Covenant firefight waves at your back.
>More weapons for Elites
Something to work against vehicles. Possibly just a Plasma Pistol with its EMP, or a Concussion Rifle. Depending on how far I reduce damage, maybe a Fuel Rod.

I wrote all that, then updated the thread and saw your post
I'll consider those suggestions.
I actually had quite a lot of fun playing as an Elite as it was.
What I'm going for is for the Elites to have to rely on strategy and teamwork. Stick near groups of AI allies, double up on a single Spartan while avoiding Spartan groups, etc.
The next time I run it it will be tweaked, but I'll try to find a way to balance it.

It'll just take experimentation to find the right balance where it's fun for both sides, but personally I thought that was a really successful first run. I had fun playing both sides.
Nice work
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owari janai
The Endless has arrived
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Found this on the ONI database. Fucking insane.
indians are halo 5 fans btw
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H2A 'tana needs to go on a diet.
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Death to Kamala Harris, Walz , and his gay retarded autism son lol
secret service, FBI, and CIA aren't gonna like this post one bit nuh uh
Aviator you have to stop they'll kill you
lord schizo wont like the election results this year not one bit
Kamala Harris is Halo CE
Kamala seems like a nice lady
wow, amazing, two of the most untrue statements back to back, simply fantastic *slow clap*
>puts your mouth over a forklifts fork and nails the bottom of your mouth to the floor
>I proceed to lift the forklifts forks, ripping your bottom jaw off and tearing off part of your throat
"Fuck you"
This happened to my buddy once.
Halo Infinite fucking sucks. There I said it.
I ain't no fucking RACIST. The game is BAD. I will not play it EVER again. You cannot make ME. Fuck 343 in their ASSES.


how i eat twix
nate higgers
Dead general
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Should Halo 7 continue Master Chief's story and the conflict against the Banished and the Endless?

Or should it focus on the ONI facility underneath Sgt. Johnson's academy, where Iratus took over the Spartan armor?
no, no and no, go die you fanfic tier faggot
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Halo 5 fucking rocks. There I said it.
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>Largest halo 2 fan
Shut up jeet most halo 5 simps are Indian subhuman
That's right stay quiet you smelly jeeet
Left lol
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>S-Shut up
Lmao insecure manlet.
>most halo 5 simps are Indian subhuman.
Based on what? Your inane fantasies? Stop fantasizing about brown men.
Ahaha the jeet came back from pooing in the streets
Is this what Halo 5 looks like?
Yeah the whole thing has annoying Michael Bay lense flare
That’s is just a heavily edited picture. Pic related is how halo 5 actually looks like.
Running a quick game of my PvP Firefight mode.
This will not be a long session, I gotta go soon, but figured I could run a quick one.
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the custom games browser

To change teams, pause the game and click on your name. The gametype does not take into account your preferred player species when you enter the game.
Change the green one to purple
Holy Kek
CoD has won
Tried Elite damage at 75%. Too low. Not as fun for Elites. Will bump it back up to 90%.
Still thinking about Elite loadouts too.

Considered adding a 4th one with a Plasma Pistol, Drop Shield, and 3x Plasma Grenades.
Dunno how committed I want to be to the Halo CE roleplay element, but might even consider Armor Lock.
I really hate how all modern games look like retarded clown circuses
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Okay boomer, you really want the piss filter era back? God forbid games have a little color and life in them.



it's over

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Not so fast 5i55y.
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watchu pointing at BITCH?
I’ll add: this is a really tricky thing to balance. I’ve noticed the matches turn into PvP fights and the firefight aspect gets ignored. This ends up reducing the pressure on the Spartans: the initial waves are pretty easy, and the Main Waves are a randomized selection that varies in difficulty. Boss waves are fairly challenging.
If you only ever see the first two waves, and most of the 7 minute round is spent on PvP, there really isn’t much pressure put on the Spartans from the firefight waves, and they win by running the clock.
One solution would be to remove the 7 minute clock. This would make it so Spartans have to survive a full round, all five waves, with only 7 lives. However removing the time limit could turn a round into grueling, long PvP standoffs. The Elites need to be nerfed, specifically to prevent this gametype from just becoming a Slayer match, forcing Elite players to make strategic plays with the AI...

It’s a fun challenge trying to balance an Asymmetrical gametype.
>3rd person anomations not disabled
top cringe dumb niggerfaggot
Holy peak
5 on MCC when?
Running a game of Firefight
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the custom games browser
To play as an Elite, pause the game and click on your name to change teams

Still working out kinks, trying to find the right balance.
Eventually once it gets settled, I'll add new maps into the rotation.
Kys fags
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Is this the halo thread?
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Concord is raping halo
Starting another session. "COMBAT EVOLVED" in the browser.
Same deal as before.
Change to Elites team by pausing and clicking on your name.

Was testing Elites at 50% damage last round. Was awful for the Elites. Sword took two hits to kill.
Bumped Damage back up to 90%, but Elites also only have 90% damage resistance.

Also, time limit is removed, Spartans only have 7 lives, and have to survive to the end of the round to win. Elites win by burning the Spartan's lives.
Hopefully these new settings are fun, but this might be a case where I just got it right the first time. Maybe I'll go back to the 7 minute time limit + Elite kills grant extra lives.
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>comparing it to another dead on arrival game
Just realized the old session might still be up.
Was gonna wait until the old session died, but I'm itching to test new settings.
Running "COMBAT EVOLVED updated" in the browser.

Basically went back to the original settings.
7 minute round. Elite kills grant a life.
Compared to the previous session, Elites get a damage boost, and have a new loadout with Needler + Drop Shield.
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>Calls others niggers.
How about you learn to spell correctly first little esl BITCH.
New session up
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the browser
Added 4 maps.
No, Halo 7 will come out with a new villain we've never seen or heard of before and they'll be more powerful than previous characters and also have significant lore importance despite the fact this is the first time we're seeing them.
What’s Concord? The new piece of shit goyslop that only pajeets shill?
Raped by Sigcord.
show the camo
you now remember that halo infinite does not have assassination animations, a classic halo feature that we've had for years.....
Purely out of laziness. 343 already solved the debate between prolonged animations and a single melee hit in Halo 5 by making it a toggle in the settings. They just didn't want to spend time and money on making cool shit. Fuck 343.
My Halo headcanon is that nothing after 343i took over is canon EXCEPT the Mantis. I like the Mantis. It can retroactively exist in my headcanon.
>*lays canonmeat on the headcanonsissy's face*
it's true whether you want to believe it or not.....
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I remember when they added sprint to reach and thinking that they fucked up making the game a COD clone.

but in reality it made the game better
In your opinion, how will the MA5C submachinegun improve Infinite's sandbox?
Basically will it be a AR with faster TTK but at a shorter range than the AR?
It's not the most exciting gun, especially since there's no dual-wielding but it's better than the Bandit Rifle at least
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Finally, good decal, instead of a sticker. I'm getting this decal for $20, don't care what else is in there
They aren't adding the MA5C they are adding the MA5K
What Halo game is this?
That's not a Halo game.
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>They aren't adding the MA5C they are adding the MA5K
whoops yeah that's what I meant. Well, at least we'll be able to probably RP as a Ghosts of Onyx Spartan.
Bros do you like Corona beer?
offspring of AR and BR
Ideally, there would be assasinations and you would need to assasinate to get the guaranteed kill. A backpack should just be melee damage.
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Almost time for Halo.
So, a sibling of the Commando?
>AR = Unscoped Full-auto
>BR = Scoped Burst
>Commando = Scoped Full-auto
MA5K = Unscoped Burst?
This is a cool design ... to someone who knows nothing about firearms
but I miss when using the AR felt like you were using the Pulse Rifle from Aliens
(this only happened in one game)
the commando looks nothing like the offspring of an AR and BR
>This is a cool design ... to someone who knows nothing about firearms
343 designed a rocket launcher that actually made sense logistically and everyone hated it simply because it wasn't tacticool.
have a nice night halobros
>makes sense logistically
As sci-fi fan first I also don't like it. Logistics should be the second or third consideration.
343i have made some good weapons though. Halo 4 railgun is a nice design. Hydra is pretty cool.
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Of all the weapons they could have added and everything that's missing, they chose to add a DMR without a scope and a BR without a scope.
It sure acts like it though.
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3 > all
I hate how the Hydra has two modes of fire but one is clearly useless. So why not have the non tracking mode have some advantages? Such as the projectile moving faster or even doing a slight more damage.
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Bros, is it true that even Concord is better than Infinite?
Concord raped Infinite.
Concord consensualed Infinite.
Halo keeps losing... it's fans keep losing...
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Infinite hasn't been the same since Fortnite raped it.
Slipgate 2 bros...
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>simply because it wasn't tacticool.
Nah it was more complicated than that. People hated the halo 5 rocket launcher because it replaced the old SPNKR design. It was essentially just lumped into the large art-style debacle back then. Which wasn’t very nuanced it just boiled down into 343 bad, Classic ICONIC. So in turn people hated all of the new redesigns including the weapons. It got even more heated when 343 made the classic rocket launcher a legendary REQ along side the CE pistol and Halo 2 BR. Infinite avoided backlash by including some redesign for its classic guns as skins but kept the classic designs as the default skin.
I actually can't tell if that image is from a Halo game or not.
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Infinite hasn't been the same since Fortnite consensualed it.
Which Halo is the Dark Souls of Halo?
Halo 2 Anniversary on MCC? (It's darker than classic and the particle effects are more distracting, making it harder to see stuff, but it's the same base difficulty as Halo 2 Classic. And with MCC's bugs/glitches, it speeds up enemy AI behaviors that weren't present in the original release)
Splitgate was always a flash in the pan. It was similar to battlebit in that it received interests due to current dissatisfaction with the franchise it was aping rather than actual interest for the game itself.
Sorry Chud but this is a CE (Custom edition) general.
Halo 1 > All
It was nuanced the entire time. You must dispell the thinly, veiled contempt for the powerless.
It's over
>343 designed a rocket launcher that actually made sense logistically
Sure, if you don't think about the feed mechanism.
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no cover: the map
I hate Mint Blitz's voice
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That’s just the average halo custom edition map.
he's our boy
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>you can literally see where the sky box cube turns
it's still comfy
With MCC falling apart maybe I should restart my attempts to get a Custom Edition server up for /hg/
That’s sound cool. But I doubt anyone on /hg/ have any fresh CE PC CD-keys left. Since I remember reusing old ones made it so you couldn’t access MP.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark
I'd be willing to buy a few for some people
If I can get 6-8 people on it the rest could follow
>>infinite avoided backlash
>what is the bulldog replacing the shotgun
>what is the sidekick replacing the magnum
>what is the commando replacing the carbine and at the time the dmr
>what is the pulse carbine replacing the plasma rifle
>what is the plasma pistol still looking like a bad dragon dildo
>>infinite avoided backlash
It think you misunderstood me i didn’t mean that infinite was devoid of backlash rather that infinite avoided the same insane amount backlash as anything surrounding 5. None of the backlash infinite got was as bad as 5. Most people and YouTubers I saw were rather mad that it launched more barebones than 5. But saw it as a “return to classic gameplay” compared to 5.
>what is the bulldog replacing the shotgun
The bulldog is a different weapon and unironically better than the OG shotgun. The shotgun was just a counter to the sword after CE.
>what is the sidekick replacing the magnum
People hated the “generic” design of the sidekick during the reveal. Rather than it having anything to do with replacing the magnum. I remember most people came around to it during the open beta.
>what is the commando replacing the carbine and at the time the dmr
Most of the backlash for the commando was less about it replacing existing weapons and more of it not looking like a halo gun. Mostly due to not being a bullpup like most UNSC rifles.
>what is the pulse carbine replacing the plasma rifle
Eh most people i saw that were mad didn’t see the pulse carbine as a replacement rather they where mad that the plasma rifle wasn’t it the game along side it. But it pales in comparison to the backlash 4 and 5 got for the storm rifle.
>what is the plasma pistol still looking like a bad dragon dildo
Subjective opinion.
too many word
this is why you should never listen to mob mentality from fans
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CE > all
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It is known
The Commando is honestly fine.
I don't care much that it isn't as effective as other weapons. As long as it isn't useless.
My biggest gripe with it is that it's not visually distinctive enough. It looks very similar to the bandit.
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Halo tracks for this feel?
Heretic Hero
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>everyone hated it simply because it wasn't tacticool
Of course, they wanted to steal the CoD crowd.
Anime sucks
But take the (YOU) I guess.
Big Red went dark running an Ops mission in /codg/. He's MIA.
Murdered... by the Black Cocks
Underrated comment
Halo 2 just keeps winning
It's Marty's best work
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That's not anime tho
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Are you redy to get destroyed by Final Boss in Las Vegas?
Thanks for the 4chan gold kind stranger.
oh, ok
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oh I camelot
What a homo
2020-2022 was /hg/s camelot
This makes me want to run for Congress in Nevada
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In about 5 minutes I'll be running a custom game session in MCC.
"Combat Evolved" in the custom games browser.

Been doing some playtesting, lots of tweaks.
This is a Firefight PvP session on the map Installation 04.
Friendly ODSTs are turned on.
Elites have gotten significant buffs both to their base stats, and with their loadouts. Decided to break with my Halo CE devotion and add in Concussion Rifles and Focus Rifles.
Elites now do much more damage and are faster, but are slightly weaker than default, health-wise, making them glass cannons.
So far, in playtests, matches have been much closer.
May need to tone down the Elites buffs, but it seems to be at around the level of balanced fun/challenge for both sides that I'm looking for.

I've decided to run only Installation 04, because with the Reach Variant Tool you can get two Warthogs to spawn, and because of the ODST allies for Spartans.
I found out Elites can get AI elites to jump in warthogs by honking the horn.
I also discovered that Elites will trade certain weapons with the player: it seems they will never take human weapons or plasma pistols, but they will take Energy Swords, Concussion Rifles, and Focus Rifles (presumably they would also take Gravity Hammers, Fuel Rods, Plasma Launchers and other large Covenant weapons, but I wanted to limit the Elite player's sandbox to prevent them from being overpowered).

What I am aiming for with this gametype is almost a strategy game-like aspect: Elites can equip their AI allies with more powerful weapons and get them to ride in warthogs. Spartans can presumably do the same, and equip their ODST allies with their own power weapons.
The result so far has been some truly chaotic battles with a ton of fun plays.

Still more players than concord though
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>company names itself 343
>fucks up halo
Im not reading any post in this thread by the way.
Sharty O'Donnell was literally the guy that allowed Pete Parsons back into Bungie BTW
>pee poo pee wanted health pack regeneration back
hg deat
we all were xboxers
And that would have been a good thing
So does this mean...

Yeah. Master Chief won.
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good night
good night
Kill yourself
niceness will win over meanness.
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stfu dumb bitch
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pp grabber
You made the same post on /metal/ again
I just had a thought.
So prior to the Halos igniting, the prophets where up there but not super important, the ancient humans where #2 easily, pushing #1 as galactic players. And Forerunners of course had the power of the rings and crazy ass tech.

So, that means Elites, Grunts, ect where behind evolutionarily or technologically.

However, upon the rings firing, that leveled the playing field, by the time the covenant was forming, most species where exploring space to some degree, most had slipspace tech in some form.

where the forerunners...the good guys all along.
In about 5 minutes, running another session.
"Combat Evolved" in the browser

Firefight PvP
Pause game and click ur name to change teams
It's Over
the halo lore hasn't mattered since Halo 2
Even in 3 it was being skullfucked by needlessly complicated shit, and no I'm not even talking about humans and forerunners.
We need a proper restart that stays in the vein of the first two games.
3's story is the filter of Halo. If you don't get 3 you should probably stick to stuff that's your speed instead.
unironically I thought it was be a pretty damn decent Halo game, until I saw this. It really is incredible how easy it is to identify soullessness
Are books worth it?
Randomly evolving species isn't a noble act, especially if they have physical forms questionable for living a life worth living.
Female elite fetishists need not apply.
3's story is quite possibly the easiest story to "get" even if you wank the allegorical stuff and Marathon connections to oblivion
It's also a 6/10
Wish Halo players liked the objective modes more. Team Slayer is bland and boring.
I had fun last time i played this a few weeks ago. Thanks for the games. Maybe i will play next Wednesday.
wake up bwos
Shut the fuck up.
>*swings cock back like a whip*
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Based. Multiplayer is good, we need a PC PORT
The search for the endless continues
To find the endless, we must first find it's food
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>Are books worth it?
they overcomplicate things only to not end up mattering
I don't believe his claim
2 > all
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>Reach > CE
You want to know how I know you didn't get it?
It's on PC and the mp hasn't been good since the TU
I... I can't refute this
literally I can't. You can play H5F right now unless you're a mindbroken steamtard that also struggled with Hellsivers/PSN and MCC/XBL, and the game really has been a shell of itself since the TU
Consensual Halo Infinite Gameplay.
Yes, you are choosing and consenting to play Halo Infinite of your own free will.
It's the best Halo Multiplayer since Halo 3
I don't see the problem
What else am I supposed to play?
Master Cheat Collection?
Nah, I'm good.
Jokes on you, I'm waiting for the Black Ops 6 Beta
>the boys and I just got banned
>the boys and I
>"one player in your fireteam in banned"
I don't even have to investigate to know this is bullshit. The claim is literally debunked by the very screenshot he posted.
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Because you're easily impressed? There's basically nothing complex about the story. The best moment of it is the reveal of the replacement ring in the Ark Foundry which becomes a nice way to tie the conclusion of the series back to CE and complete the Biblical allegory (John uses the Halo he gets from the Ark of the Covenant to save everyone from The Flood). Oh and the ending which is pretty universally well-liked.
Everything else is pretty rote and some of it is flat out stupid. The Bias terminals and IRIS were pretty good but they're optional/external content. And besides, ever since 343 shat themselves, everyone pretends like nobody liked them back in the day.
The main thing propping up its story is the art and music direction trying to do the job the writers quite literally couldn't. There's way more depth to CE's riff on Marathon and there's way more depth to Halo 2's plotting and characterization. ODST also has a much stronger allegorical story too. Halo 3's story is very mediocre as far as Bungie's games go.
spot on post right here
Yeah, Halo 2 Develop.ent took its toll and bungie pretty much was never fully invested in the lore aspect of the ip ever again. They put most of their attention into the multiplayer balancing. They knew there had to be a story to conclude the trilogy, but that's the amount of vigor they approached it with; that they knew it had to be there.
It's kind of a shame.
Fall of Reach, The Flood, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, yes (skip Flood if novelized game bores you)
Evolutions probably, havent read yet
Comics: Uprising and Graphic Novel yes.
All the above: yes!
Genesis if you play Halo Wars
All the rest: uhh if you want to
nah, the books suck
no go back there
no, reach sucks
there are many good books
Halo 3 has a better story than ODST
reach a shit
reach isnt halo
>Halo is a biblical allegory
You REALLY didn't get it.
same vibe as the star wars sequel haters
I am going to literally consume every single spartan on reach
Silence hylic.
Amazing argument.
ty kid
reach a shit
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Two different posters anon.
>muh arguments
Frankly I have little desire or motivation to "argue" with you.
You simply are not worth the effort.
Debate is kayfabe.
African American twitter-speak goes straight to the filter.
reach a shit
It's pretty mediocre yes. Generic military plot paired with boring characters. The environmental storytelling was pretty good though. The way the levels got more and more apocalyptic-looking was done well. CE-esque, even.
Concession accepted.
And that is what?
I like the characters and storytelling in reach but not the story contradictions or gameplay or sandbox
Silence hylic.
plot is meh but storytelling is top tier.. at least reach has something going for it
>what is a Silence hylic?
I found the plot and characters boring. Not offensively so, but it just didn't elicit any reaction from me. I did like what development they had (Jorge an heroing after Halsey's death, Emile coming around to trusting Six, Carter's existential crisis as Noble dies off) but it really wasn't pronounced enough.
The Reach Elites really carried the gameplay. Much more fun to fight than Brutes to the point where I'd say it offsets the sandbox concerns.
filtered post above
Campaign gameplay is mid tier imo, not as good as original trilogy or ODST but still decent. The multiplayer is absolute trash.
For story/characters.. I like the storytelling and characters insofar as how Bungie showed how ready and willing they are to sacrifice themselves for what they are fighting for, making them live up to the name Noble. That is my favorite aspect of the game
Hush now.
filtered post above
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CE remake hint?
Reach is fine
Made by Infinity Ward
*Certain Affinity
*Id Software
It's coming out this year actually
halo general has a team working on it
Running a game in about 5 minutes.
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the MCC customs browser.

To change to an Elite, pause game, click ur name
The next Halo game is being developed by Type-Moon.
The next Halo game is called Halo 8
343i will reveal that all seven main series titles will tie in and that "everything has been leading to this"
There will be missions where you play as Atriox, Locke, Arbiter, and Jun respectively, in addition to Chief who will have the most playtime.
The Prometheans, Flood, Banished, and Xalanyn will all feature as enemy factions, with the Precursors taking point as a looming threat.
Missions will take place on Zeta Halo, Earth, Sanghelios, and the Ark, as well as other locations including a human cruiser.
no, there will be no forerunner tank.
The game will launch on Game Pass day 1 but will be available to purchase on Steam and PS6 as well.
i'll buy this day 1 if they are ridable mounts
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fascinating interview
>makes the best Halo game
>fucks off immediately
Holy chad
Fun session
Balancing is mostly settled. Seems to be about a 50/50 win/loss ratio, of course depending on the skill of the players and team composition.

I could probably run sessions with the gametype as-is for weeks. Every session has been fun and unpredictable.
However, I have discovered something about the difficulty modes...
I run the sessions in Normal difficulty (however both Spartans, player Elites, and firefight waves have tons of subtle modifiers to damage output, damage resistance, health, and so on - including bumping the Firefight wave enemy damage up to 150% to more match Heroic difficulty).

I have two things I want to try to accomplish moving forward:
First, I have discovered that on Easy difficulty, the AI ODST allies will actually leave the central tower and go out into the field to attack Covenant. This is preferable.
It's a ton of fun to get non-player Elites to jump into a warthog with you, and Spartans should have the ability to do the same with their AI allies.
Second, I've also noticed the ODSTs are extremely weak compared to the firefight wave enemies, which is also not ideal.
Changing this state of affairs will require completely retooling the firefight wave and player character damage balance.

Not only will I have to compensate for Easy difficulty (apparently on Easy, Spartans have 200% damage resistance by default, and the AI have their intelligence nerfed), I will also have to maintain the "Combat Evolved" weapon balancing I'm aiming for, keep the player Elites at their appropriate level of balance (Fun, ideally), while also trying to find a way to buff the ODSTs, which cannot be adjusted directly.

It does seem possible.
Spartans do 110% damage, to get their weapons (especially the Magnum) to match Halo CE's values. But this same effect could be accomplished by setting Spartan player damage to 100%, and setting Wave enemy damage resistance to 90% (currently at 100%).
Got my work cut out for me, but this is a lot of fun to do
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>you didn't watch the interview
Posting this for everyone elses benefit, not yours, but Seropian straight up cops to being a project manager at Bungie, and (late in the interview) overtly admits to wanting to do as little work as possible. He currently works as a consultant, and overtly says "[I want to] do as little work as possible".
He also outlines his roles in the Bungie games and, assuming he's not understating his involvement, he apparently, besides being a company manager/producer, did some sprite art for Pathways Into Darkness, did the music and the player manual for Marathon 1, plus designed a few levels (they had an in house tool for creating levels similar to creating Doom wads - tools which they later released to the public), he placed lens flares in ONI, and that was apparently the extent of his involvement in the actual development of Bungie games.

Was he good for Bungie? Yea, he hired good people and he managed the company (relatively) well (who knows what exactly led to the Myth 2 installer bug being shipped, which cost the company a million dollars - chalk it up to a comedy of errors).
But by his own admission he apparently barely did anything with Halo.

There's also some heavy irony in his talk about wanting to make games with soul (something everyone would agree is commendable) while he went on to work for Disney, worked on a Battlefield 4 mobile port, and some mobile game projects on the Fortnite engine.
I respect his desire to make soulful games, but those projects sound about as corporate as you can get.
>I never played the Bungie games before Halo
Did I miss something? Marathon 1 and 2 is free on Steam, but how to get the others?
Smartest halo enjoyer
Marathon 1, 2, and 3 have been free for ages on Bungie's open source engine
The first two were ported to Steam literally in the last few months, and the third is coming to Steam soon.
Pathways Into Darkness has been ported into the Aleph One engine. Not exactly the same experience, but it's playable on modern systems (I'll mention I think the game would probably seem pretty rough gameplay-wise for modern players, but the story, about an expedition into a Mayan pyramid, where you can talk to the corpses of dead explorers, including a Nazi expedition team in search of a powerful unholy artifact, is fascinating and terrifying)
Myth 1, 2, and the awkward Myth 3 (not developed by Bungie and a bit of a mess) are abandonware. It was actually fairly easy for me to get a copy of Myth 1 running with no tweaks on Windows 10, but there is also a port of Myth 1 into the Myth 2 engine and that seems to be the way people prefer to play it.
ONI is also abandonware and has a PS2 and a PC version. PC seems to be the preferred way to play, given the advanced hand to hand combat system being easier to control with m&k.
Alex Seropian's game GNOP! and Jason Jones' game Minotaur: The Labyrinths of Crete are also abandonware, but are built for Macs from the 90's and so are difficult to get running.
I'm sure I've seen Alex's game Operation Desert Storm floating around, but same story. Difficult to get running.

Chronologically it's Minotaur, GNOP!, Desert Storm, Pathways, Marathon 1, 2, 3, Myth 1, Myth 2, ONI
Marathon and Myth are generally the favored series.
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>EA closed his company just like Lehto's
Is this the ethernal cope for ex-Bungie devs?
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samefag, also just wrong
Halo 2
>is that a man or a woman?
Halo belongs to Jason Jones, not (((Microsoft))). The name of the first game is simply Halo, or Halo 1. 'Combat Evolved' is just a subtitle that Microsoft slapped on the packaging, Bungie and Jason were never okay with it, in fact they hate it.
Right before production, Jason sneakily changed the code of Halo 1 to make the M6D pistol far more powerful without telling the other devs. That is the most based thing anyone has ever done within the context of video games.
If you disagree that Halo 1 and Halo 2 are the best Halo games, you are filtered by the M6D and BXR. Seethe.
>forerunners (humans) activate rings 100k+ years ago
>few survive at shield installation
>re seed their species on Earth
>eventually Librarian (one of the survivors) visits Earth hence Halo 3 terminals
its not hard
Halo 1 = Halo 2 > Halo 3 > all the rest
2001-2007: canon
2008-2009: debatable
2010+: not canon
Worse pvp of any Halo: Reach
Faggot that keeps calling Halo 3 'odd' while being intentionally vague: Biggest faggot to ever defile /hg/ with its presence
Waifu tier: Miranda
Reach is not Halo
The ONLY way to save Halo:
>fix MCC glitches
>give MCC a Halo 3 style party system
>make new DLC maps for Halo 1, Halo 2, and Halo 3 (including old cut and unfinished maps and entirely new maps), sell these to still have income from Halo, give players a toggle option to be classic maps only, new maps only, or both in the match composer
>COMPLETELY stop working on and giving any attention to any new games
Literally the ONLY way to save Halo, if 343 is to save it.
Otherwise the only option is to ditch 343 and use 3rd party matchmaking services such as Insignia and Sunrise.
Settle down, ok?
Halo 3 deserves better.
I just want you to know that this general is garbage.
It's really not that bad compared to the rest on this board
Halo 5 is on PC
Halo 5 Forge =/= Halo 5 Guardians dumbass
>I want to play the campaign
There is nothing of value missing from Halo 5 Forge. The game's remaining strengths post-TU was exclusively in it's Forge and custom game capabilities.
Warzone is lootbox slop where you choose what weapons to spawn in with and no weapons on map (not Halo)
The campaign is such an abomination that even 343 doesn't want you to remember it
Matchmaking is worthless post-TU
if you're hipster enough to disagree with any of this, then you are also crazy enough to but a cheap Xbone or series S off Craigslist and decide for yourself.
>The multiplayer is absolute trash.
How come?
the ground pound was fun but otherwise yeah
They don't have the power to do it
Who cares? The game is 14 years old.
People have made their minds up about tit's the same popular game on MCC. There's no reason to dogpile on the few that hate it.
>The Year is 2012, The husk of Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games have released a glorified campaign expansion and multiplayer patch sold as a full game, and the fanbase is abandoning ship for Battlefield 3
Luckily, Treyarch has come to save the day with Black Ops II. CoD is back baby.
>The Year is 2017, the husk of Infinity Ward has hemorrhaged players due to negative reception over Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered being locked behind a bundle
Luckily, Treyarch has come to save the day with Zombie Chronicles, providing Black Ops III with the definitive content experience. CoD is back baby.
>The Year is 2020. Despite everybody being stuck at home, the huak of Infinity Ward's new Multiplayer and Spec Ops have been abandoned in favor of "We Want the Fortnite Audiance!" Meanwhile Raven Software has struggled to complete the next game on time
Luckily, Treyarch has come to save the day with a more traditional multiplayer and Zombies experience while overhauling the campaign to be a sequel to the original Black Ops. CoD is back baby.
>The Year is 2024. The husk of Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games have released a glorified campaign expansion and multiplayer patch sold as a full game, and the fanbase is abandoning ship for... huh, this one sounds particularly familiar. Weird.
Lucky, Treyarch has come to save the day with Black Ops 6. Proper multiplayer, proper campaign, and proper round based Zombies, all with a kino coat of 90s nostalgia. CoD is back baby.

But I'm sure the other studios will get it right next time.
Um... based...?
Guys help me out, I genuinely can't tell if that's based or not.
I wish Halo had rotating developers so we could have developer wars.
Look at the dire state of this place. Grim.
No Grim doesn't post here anymore.
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it doesn't seem dire to me at all tho
>Dire and Grim out of nowhere
Thanks, gents.
>not canon
Were it so easy.
Halo Reach was written by Bungie and is canon.
Fall of Reach was not written by Bungie, was retconned by Bungie, and was never canon.
Halo Reach is shit
Fall of Reach is not shit
>hates Bungie Halo
>loves bookslop
Did any of you guys actually feel bad for any of Noble Team, or was it jsut another Halo game for you? I don't think we had enough time with them in the story for it to hit nearly as hard as when SGT Johnson, Miranda, or even Dom from Gears of War went out.

I did feel a little bad for Kat. Her death upset me because of how she went out, it seemed like such a waste and didn't make any sense how she got killed by a single needle. Even with the explanation about her not getting her shield up or whatever sounds too dumb. These are super human professional soldiers who have had some of the best training and equipment humanity had, but she couldn't be bothered to put her helmet on or activate her shields in an active combat zone? Noble Leader didn't upset me as much but I did feel some morale loss after he went out, and it was sad to see him at death's door but at least he went out with a bang.

Jorge's death felt rushed and forced. The timer is fried? Come on, the devs just made that up so he could have an excuse to sacrifice himself. And he was too quick to give up and go directly for the suicide bombing plan. It sounded like he wanted to die. I wish he stuck around. Emille's death was also forced. He moved way too slowly and had almost zero awareness. What happened to his motion sensor? He's got a shotgun but just a couple of Elites still managed to close the distance and get the drop on him? How does he not have two eyes in the back of his head? The guy specializes in CQC and never takes off his helmet. Even if he was on the turret, he still shouldn't have completely lost all sense of situational awareness.

These deaths were forced, not consensual.
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oh wow same digits
Eh, not really. Their earlier games were the kind of games that had cool or interesting ideas, and even some interesting stories, but almost all of the stories were relegated to giant walls of text, very obscure or secret in-game “terminals” (for the lack of a better term),, or those “You have to read the backstory on the website for the game that became almost defunct a few yyears after release and home the Wayback captured the relevant page”.

Like, the story behind Marathon sounds cool, and it’s even connected to one of their prior games, but, at a certain point, the game(s) kind of become “Follow The MiniMap”. And Myth has some pretty neat animated cutscenes, but the gameplay is kind of your run of the mill 90s-ish RTS.

And ONI is basically Ghost in the Shell, but American. Has some neat artwork.
>consensual death
Matchmaking is fine you are a retard. Warzone is good for what it is, there is no game that offers the same experience (lootbox shit is gay tho). Will never forgive 343 for abandoning that and making the shit heap watered down Halo 5 that is Infinite multiplayer.
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I miss the show.
COD has slaughtered us badly... Halo will NEVER recover from this...
I'd rather be as dead as Halo than to suffer modern COD.
Technically speaking, Jorge and Carter's deaths were consensual. And we don't even know for sure that Jorge actually died. If he put on his helmet at the last second he could have timeskipped to Feudal Japan and survived.
>Halo 1
It’s CE bitch.
>Halo 2
It’s halo Two bitch.
>Official release build Halo 3
Its “pimps at sea” beta build Halo 3 or bust bitch.
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Couple of questions.
1. Is it possible for someone with no modding experience to become the design director of a mod just because he has good ideas?
2. If a mod were made for Halo 3 and uploaded to the Steam workshop that depicted the Flood-Forerunner War with Forerunners as humans (as was originally intended), would 343i take the mod down/even file a cease and desist, or now that Frankie boy is gone would they no longer care?
3. Would using the model from Titan in pic related and having it fire that red plasma the Sentinel Enforcers fire in Halo 2 make for a good weapon?
4. Would a mod with Flood as the only enemies and sentinel beams, enforcer red plasma, enforcer rockets, and energy staves have too small a gameplay sandbox to be enjoyable, even with top tier map design?
>halo isekai
oh God
But Halo isn't dead. It's undead.
Halo's dead and the fans killed it.
Frankie killed it.*
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an ancient evil awakens
I don't join reguloid lobbies but
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>cancer era
>"ancient evil"
go back to your forced wiki
...oh wait
>1. Is it possible for someone with no modding experience to become the design director of a mod just because he has good ideas?
It's possible but generally you will find you'll need some degree of experience before being put in charge of a project. I wouldn't bet on it.
>2. If a mod were made for Halo 3 and uploaded to the Steam workshop that depicted the Flood-Forerunner War with Forerunners as humans (as was originally intended), would 343i take the mod down/even file a cease and desist, or now that Frankie boy is gone would they no longer care?
Lol 343i doesn't take down mods. They don't give a shit about MCC.
>3. Would using the model from Titan in pic related and having it fire that red plasma the Sentinel Enforcers fire in Halo 2 make for a good weapon?
Depends on how it plays
>4. Would a mod with Flood as the only enemies and sentinel beams, enforcer red plasma, enforcer rockets, and energy staves have too small a gameplay sandbox to be enjoyable, even with top tier map design?
Depends on how it plays
It's weird.
Halo 2 has really linear and enclosed segments throughout.
Yet it's such a joy to play through from beginning to end.
Halo 2 is far and away my least favorite campaign of the original trilogy. I can't quite place what makes it so inferior to CE and 3.
i cant believe how fucking dead this series is
i feel like im trying to keep a dead puppy alive when i play halo 2 or odst or whatever. feels so lonely wandering the campaigns
>halo 2
>i cant believe how fucking dead this series is
Why? It's not like it doesn't make sense. The last culturally relevant game was Reach and even the community is divided about it.
That was 14 years ago.
>i feel like im trying to keep a dead puppy alive when i play halo 2 or odst or whatever.
You're giving yourself too much credit. The open secret is that MS has been keeping the brand on life support for the better part of a decade now.
I'll play through 2 over 3 any day
It insists upon itself.
Post a game for every /hg/ anon
I'll start
gaylo 4 spelled the end of halo
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no way
>but she couldn't be bothered to put her helmet on or activate her shields in an active combat zone?
She had her helmet on. Her and the rest of noble team couldn't reactivate their shields because they got sapped by the massive radiation spike from the glassing beam.
The game does not make this very clear.
It's pretty obvious the way they wrote it was "and she'll die here for dramatic effect" and forced it it regardless of whether it fit with the established in-game rules or not.
It was a beam rifle, wasn't it? Obviously that is a 1 hit kill in the head. Have you never played Halo 2 Legendary?
Been a long time since I played but he was manning a turret for a very necessary purpose, he got surrounded, kept manning turret as long as able, then took down his attackers as he died?>>491986670
Not really, he was fatally injured and was about to die regardless.
How long has it been since you played the game? Beam Rifles aren't even in Reach
Many years because reach a shit. except like 2 years ago I played a single match of reach for the fuck of it, and was reminded how much I hated it
reach game is kakefeb
Makes sense actually carry on
Han shot first
retcons are not canon
kys urself
Reach is not Bungie Halo
>likes sprint
>likes DMR
There is nothing more satisfying in Halo than a solid BXR kill
>Not really, he was fatally injured and was about to die regardless.
I don't know. In the books you could fill a hole in someone with some bio foam. If we're going specifically by the games, then there should have been several first aid kits on board to get Carter back to full health. He stiull could have survive but he chose to sacrifice himself to clear a path for Noble 6 and Emile.
>Been a long time since I played but he was manning a turret for a very necessary purpose, he got surrounded, kept manning turret as long as able, then took down his attackers as he died?
I think part of it was a problem with the mocap animation (In Reach, it made movements more realistic, but they are way too slow and lumbering for a Spartan, it's not just this scene), but he really did move extra slow for a Spartan and was practically celebrating after he killed the first Elite. And then the other elite got him from behind, but he should have been paying attention to his tracker, and he should have known the Zealot would have had a buddy around based on previous encounters with them.
>It was a beam rifle, wasn't it? Obviously that is a 1 hit kill in the head. Have you never played Halo 2 Legendary?
No it was a Needle Rifle. You can play the cutscene and even hear the whistle sound and see the pink particle effect as it hit her. It just went straight through, though. In Halo Infinite, there's even a reference to it with a needle from a needle rifle stuck in your helmet as an attachment for your Spartan.
>She had her helmet on. Her and the rest of noble team couldn't reactivate their shields because they got sapped by the massive radiation spike from the glassing beam.
Whoa, so they could have killed any of Noble Team at that time? Imagine if Noble 6 got taken out right there instead. Wonder who Cortana would have chosen to deliver her.

What bothers me is how the Phantom and the Elite's shields weren't affected by the glassing if they were that close enough to shoot at them with small arms from an aircraft. All that radiation would be still in the area and yet they're hanging around at such a low altitude.

Chief basically outran a glassing beam in Halo 2 but they didn't show his shields being temporarily disabled. And why would the radiation only affect the shields but not the rest of the suits' electronics? It's powered armor.
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>Reach is not Bungie Halo
what's this
Delete this. NOW.
holy fuark i can't believe this was made by the same developers of destiny 2: lightfall
they improved so much over the years!
I think I'm just getting started.
Anybody else /toy/ here? What are we thinking of the new Jazware figures?
They're not bad, models are good, but I wish they did an oil wash and had more chrome looking visors.
HALO. Not for angels.

This is no place for subtlety, no place for pity. This is a place where aliens want to turn humans into a bad memory. A place where strategy matters indoors and out, where your weapons and vehicles are both human and alien. Your enemies are as numerous as they are ferocious; their attacks are devastating. Survival is not guaranteed. You face opponents who have never known defeat, who laugh in alien tongues at your efforts to survive.

This is suicide.

This is a place for carnage.

This IS Halo.

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an ancient idiot seethes
Hey that's me!
I love being part of history :D
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>80% new af
>90% dead anyway
discord'll do that
Discount Tartarsauce
for a second I thought chief was grabbing something else
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maybe I'm just shit but I feel like 8v8 and 12v12 in infinite is broken because the maps are too big as a consequence of needing to have muh sprint in the game to cater to the all CoD and Battlefield kids. Aiming in this game also feels whack. I can aim beautifully in MCC with a controller set up but trying to aim in infinite feels fucked up.

any advice on how to git gud? I just am tired of getting ganged up on by 3 or more enemy players.
I've probably played through 3 probably around 50x as much as 2, if not more.
>literally just the ALIENS gun
Australian accents are the best you take that back bitch.
12v12 is too much for matchmaking
it's great with only friends

8v8 I think works well in Infinite but that's just me.
oh thats easy to answer: the devs didn't play-test the fucking campaign properly (because Halo 2 was rushed) so playing on legendary in 2 feels like the video game equivalent of passing a kidney stone.
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I don't like Marty O'Donnell OR Frank O'Connor.

Frankie boy is very clearly a talentless hack responsible for a majority of things that went wrong with the franchise,
Ignore the cringe avatar and set the video to x1.25 speed; the guy has done his research.

Marty Mart blatantly plagiarized Halo's main theme from a 1993 song released by a small Death Metal band, whose lead singer died in poverty of a treatable brain tumor just a month after Halo: Combat Evolved's release,

I like Joseph Staten and Eric Nylund, though. Don't know enough about Robert McLees, since I don't know if he knew about Frankie's Terminals sabotage, but I like his wife Lorraine; she has a good eye for rule-of-cool.
>Youtube video essay
Post discarded
>You can't make me learn!
Post discarded
The beginning of the end...
Owari janai
filtered that blog post
filtered post above
>First game Frankie boy has a role in outside of janitor
>Already starting to mutate into 343 abomination; barely restrained by the remnants of Bungie
It's amazing the amount one man with no talent can do to destroy a franchise.
Joe Staten and the McLees family held him in high regard.
Was that when he was just mopping floors or after he sabotaged the Halo 3 Terminals?
wait is Frank Oconnor the one who played that Beemus janny guy in Forward Unto Dawn?
There is literally nothing wrong with the Halo 3 terminals and nobody had a problem with them before the Forerunner books and Halo 4 released
The only line in the terminals that hints at humans and Forerunners being separate can easily be rationalized as the Librarian just speaking in grandiose language
>think part of it was a problem with the mocap animation (In Reach, it made movements more realistic, but they are way too slow and lumbering for a Spartan, it's not just this scene),
Yeah maybe. Even worse in the shitfinite opening when Chief fights covies and Atriox
>needle rifle
Oh okay, thats pretty dumb then. Should have made it a jackal sniper with a beam rifle
Eh, I definitely got the impression that
>my injury is bad, gonna die, may as well do what I can to buy my bros time
Stop giving a fuck about shitfinite. Play Insignia/Sunrise/MCC
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He overstated his importance to Reach there. He left early in development with only the early drafts he co-wrote to show for it.
>having 23 friends
whoa get a load of this normie
>filtered by jackal snipers
Jason Jones, Max Hoberman, and Hardy Lebel are based
WHO added armor abilities, sprint, DMR, and animated assassinations to R**ch?
Who removed the BR?
Who ruined the Wraith?
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>Bungie Halo
>343 Halo
Not canon
VERY VERY not canon.
Strike YeezeID’s name from the library of the Regulars. Let no record remain.
Sage Merrill
Bungie collectively grew sick of the BR. ODST didn't have it either
I liked the Reach wraith
>Sage Merrill
Is it really his fault? Sprint/armor abilities AND DMR? All him? Do I finally know who to hate?
>tired of BR
At least ODST replaces it with a decent magnum, not a shit tier DMR that belongs in Call Of Duty
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>not a shit tier DMR that belongs in Call Of Duty
>That pic
>Joseph Staten, lead writer of Halo 2, goes out of his way to adapt and overhaul the script to take into account Nylund's books
>Concepts originating from Nylund's books such as the ODSTs and Prophets are added
Staten absolutely respected the books.
Also, "Bungie" oversimplifies it, since Frankie was fucking shit up well before 343 took the helm. He wrote like 1/4 of the Halo 3 Terminals, and they not only contradict the other 3/4 of the Terminals, but the entire franchise to that point and until the point 343 takes over. Those abominations are in a Bungie game, so by your simple logic they're "canon" even though they contradict everything else.

It's more like this,
>Eric Nylund & pre-343 Joseph Staten
>Robert McLees, Graeme Devine & Peter O'Brien
>Frank O'Connor, Tobias Buckell, Jonathan Goff, Kevin Grace, and everything after 343 took over (except the Mantis, designed by Gabriel Garza)
Not canon
The books aren't that good. You need to read more than outsourced video game tie-in YA novels.
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>halo 5 is on PC bro go play it
>what do you mean 'matchmaking' 'warzone' or 'campaign' all it needs is customs
What is in his hand and what does it have to do with DMR?
Real server browser would've improved it tremendously
>Jason Jones, Hardy Lebel, Max Hoberman
>William Dietz
What do you have against Tobias (The Cole Protocol)?
>What do you have against Tobias (The Cole Protocol)?
He's the one who made up the bullshit about how Elites would rather die than use human weapons. Obviously from gameplay that isn't fucking true.
I think one of the books said that about jackals. You sure he said that about elites?
Also, his book came out before Reach, and we didn't see elites with human weapons before Reach, so not his fault even if so.
Is that your only complaint?
The more they wrote elites the more retarded they became.
>can't maintain their equipment
>no doctors
>die rather than defend themselves using a human weapon
I remember thinking it was said about elites and then playing Reach and thinking about how Reach doesnt line up with prior story since elites use human weapons and I think that was long before reading Cole Protocol so maybe a Nylund book said that idk but then more recently I remember reading (maybe a book I was rereading or maybe Cole Protocol idk) that jackals dont use human weapons and I was kinda surprised cause I was pretty sure it was elites not jackals I had read that about before
idk lol
>>can't maintain their equipment
I agree some of the stuff about elites has gotten kinda dumb but what?
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>Reach is le bad because it doesn't line up with the books
>The books don't even line up with the games
No, Reach is bad because
>gameplay is bad
>visually ugly
>firmly planted the seeds of halo's irrelevance
Hope that clears things up.
It seems I recalled incorrectly; it's been some years. I also recall seeing other says the same over time, which strengthened my misremembering.
HOWEVER, what he DID do was be the first one to make up the shit about elites not using medics. Will post that page below.
>we didn't see elites with human weapons before Reach
You could pick them up as the Arbiter in Halo 2 and trade them with other elites.
Likewise you could trade human weapons with elites in Halo 3.
>Is that your only complaint?
It's my only objective one; the rest is subjective.
Are Halo 1 specops elites black or purple? Everyone says black but I think they are very dark purple, so dark it almost looks black. Then blind idiots say they are black.
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Here's the page where Tobias invented the no medics thing.

Nylund's books line up with the games. Most of the stuff in Halo 2 and 3 originated in those books.
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>yeah i play halo 3 and love bungie games, how could you tell? and yes I support marty for congress
>gameplay is bad
It's fine.
>visually ugly
>firmly planted the seeds of halo's irrelevance
That was ODST.
Fair complaint
>Halo 2
Not really a valid argument. You CAN kill marines when you play as Chief. You CAN teabag grunts. You CAN waste 2 hours flying around looking for skulls when you are supposed to be busy saving the galaxy. You CAN use human weapons. That doesn't mean any of that canonically happened.
>Halo 3
Humans are no longer enemies of elites.
Anyway, all kinda moot if the books just said that about jackals but I thought a book said that about elites too. I don't remember at this point.
They colour is set to black but they use a purple-ish cubemap.
I say they're black.
Oh and on maintaining weapons. I don't know that there is any rule about maintaining, only about modifying. And thats a rule implemented by prophets, not elites, and prophets have plenty of crazy expectations, so I dont see much problem there
>Fair complaint
>Not really a valid argument. You CAN kill marines when you play as Chief. You CAN teabag grunts. You CAN waste 2 hours flying around looking for skulls when you are supposed to be busy saving the galaxy. You CAN use human weapons. That doesn't mean any of that canonically happened.
>Humans are no longer enemies of elites.
>Anyway, all kinda moot if the books just said that about jackals but I thought a book said that about elites too. I don't remember at this point.
Fair. Again, I misremembered, anyway.

The other anon brought up maintaining weapons.
So, yes.
Holy autism.
Yeah I remember that no doctors stuff. But apparently some other source (other book?) contradicts that. Dont really remember.
>colour set to black
Are you sure? How do you know, did you check game files? I am genuinely curious.
I looked this up and apparently it is related to textures? Why would this affect color? If the elites exactly as they are in game were encountered outdoors in good lighting (say, on mission 2 or 4) would they still look purplish?
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I hated Halo: Reach when I played it on Xbox 360 when it released, but I quite enjoy it now that it's on PC. I think not having sub 30 FPS and forced hideous motion blur goes a long way in improving the experience.
I still don't like armor abilities or how the game will arbitrarily take your power weapons from you mid-level just to have some first person cutscene, but the multiplayer is actually very, very fun.
>take your power weapons from you mid-level just to have some first person cutscene,
wait what it does that? lol
Yes. On Tip of the Spear, they give you a bunch of power weapons right before a vehicle section. At the end of the vehicle section, you take out an AA gun. After you take out the AA gun, you'll likely still have your power weapons, but they'll put you in a Falcon, which crashes in a first person cutscene, and takes away your power weapons just so they can animate Noble 6 lifting up an AR in the cutscene.
It's happened to me multiple times because none of the other games do that shit and I forget about it. I never get to use the plasma caster on that level because I don't need it to destroy the AA gun and instinctively hold onto it.
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>Are you sure? How do you know, did you check game files?
>I looked this up and apparently it is related to textures? Why would this affect color?
They're a cheap way to represent reflections.
Interesting, thanks. How do you access these files/data?
The upper/lower color bounds being set to 0/0/0 is what sets it to black armor, correct?
Are the purplish cubemaps used specifically because those elites are only encountered in purple areas (covie ships) hence Bungie figured it would make sense to have purplish reflections, or what?
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>How do you access these files/data?
Mod tools.
>The upper/lower color bounds being set to 0/0/0 is what sets it to black armor, correct?
>Are the purplish cubemaps used specifically because those elites are only encountered in purple areas (covie ships) hence Bungie figured it would make sense to have purplish reflections, or what?
All the elite ranks use the same cubemap but in different colours, so they probably just wanted to keep them looking fairly consistent. Would have looked really dull with a near black or dark gray cubemap too.
>All the elite ranks use the same cubemap but in different colours
Fuck I meant to say the elite ranks that use the same model use the same cubemap. The specops and zealot use the old elite model while the minor and majors use the newer one.
I forgot why, Marcus told me awhile ago the reason.
Interesting, ty for all the info. So zealot uses the same cubemap as specops but in a different color?
Oh nvm this question, I get what you mean about same cubemap in different colors now that I looked closer at your last pic. Ty again for all the info based anon
Anything BUT 343 please.
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I miss Y
little baby yeed will forever live in our hearts
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anyone that says that elites disparaging human weapons is a book-only thing never played Halo 2.
"Even as trophies these weapons are worthless!"
bro what the fuck
There are so many ways in which the early Lee Wilson/Joseph Staten storyboards improve upon the story.
>Johnson and Chief preparing to drop on Regret's ship before the slip space jump
>The Covenant already having been at and set up on Instillation 05
>The Arbiter failing to capture Miranda and Johnson before the Great Schism
>The whole Arbiter vs. Chief, Johnson and Miranda vs. Tartarus and Brutes vs. Flood Hulk scene
>The Gravemind having to form a mouth out of a tendril to talk rather than just being a giant not!plant by default
>Mercy's death
>Cortana's terminal getting shot as Truth is fleeing, which is what causes Chief to have to leave her behind on High Charity
>Second award ceremony with Chief wearing "something nice" and no cameras, looping back to the opening of the game
>The humans are Forerunner reveal
Pretty much all the stuff that never made sense in game can be explained by them. I can get some of this stuff being cut, like Mercy's death; the Regret fight blew and I don't think they could make Mercy and better or different. But the stuff like Cortana's terminal getting destroyed? Why the fuck cut that? She has absolutely no reason to stay behind on High Charity in the final game. It's so much better and so much more of an emotional gut punch.
I don't think it will improve the game. It's already full of spammy guns, what would an SMG-class gun add? Just a damage/range tradeoff is really lame when the AR already shreds people up close. And they can't even go in an interesting direction like CMT's rendition of the gun because the Commando already exists.
Seems like something that was meant to be an AR skin, but got changed into a full weapon at the last second when they realized they've only added 1 new gun all this time.
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So, it's not just Tartarus and Miranda? Even the other Brutes want a piece of Cortana's humanoid ass...
Why are Brutes so obsessed with our women? I mean, I love our women too but don't they have their own females?
why is gaming so dead and empty now? wtf do people even play these days
In another universe, Halo 2 was completed and on time. There was no Halo 3 but it had all the features it was supposed to have and didn't need a sequel. Even the stencil shadows were restored and could run perfectly on the Xbox. And Bungie was able to stick together and they continued to make quality games. We never got Halo Reach either because everyone was satisfied with the core gameplay of Halo so they didn't need to add flavor of the month gimmicks to compete with Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. In fact, in this universe, Modern Warfare didn't have sprint either. In fact, sprint doesn't even exist as a video game mechanic in this universe because all the devs realize it's pointless and just slows their games down instead of actually making it more fast-paced.
>wtf do people even play these days
I can't speak for anyone else, but in the past week or so I've played Halo: MCC, Halo Infinite, Resident Evil 0, Lethal Company, Soul Calibur III, Mario 64, Rabi-Ribi, DNF Duel, Gears of War 2, Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, Wave Race 64, BattleBit Remastered, Bayonetta, and Heroine of the Sniper.
>gears 2
How have you been playing Xbox for this long and don't have a decent Halo friends list?
Even if you don't, you can usually fill up a BTB game with friends of friends.
If you're a steamtard newfag then I guess that would make sense.
are you retarded?
There would have always been a Halo 3 because there's no way Microsoft was not going to have a 360 installment
filtered post above
just asking
>what do you mean 'matchmaking' 'warzone' or 'campaign' all it needs is customs
The problem with Halo 5 PC is that the customs scene has also dried up.
The problem isn't that lootboxzone or the worst campaign in the series isn't there.

Doesn't matter though, it will never get ported again.
It would have been Called Halo 3: ODST.
Anybody with even game pass basic can play Gears 2.
I'm sorry I called you retarded.
possibly this but like ODST the mp would have been standard spartans
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you can maake this universe by making your own version of Halo 2 if you believe in yourself bro good luck!!
In another universe I did make the perfect version of Halo 2. Sadly it's not in this universe.
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Fortunately, the perfect Halo game already exists in this universe.
but in this universe you will in the future bro
Correct and its called Halo 1. Well actually there are two perfect Halo games in this universe, they are called Halo 1 and Halo 2.
Halo 3 is based its not perfect but its based
So is Halo Legends
it's a shame this never git Remastered.
It really is the best gears game.
Gear 2
Halo 1
Call of Duty MW2
The holy trifecta of perfection.
Treyarch CoD eats Halo for breakfast.
The other ones are worse though yeah.
I love Miranda Keyes
For me, it's:
Gears 1
Halo 3
Mario Kart 64
No wait, completely forgot about BLOPS, I change my answer from MW3 to BO2.
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Bungie bros...
So the fates of /ourheroes/
>sentenced to working at nuBungie
>sentenced to working at 343
>randomly laid off
>fired for sexual misconduct
>mindbroken by Israel
>joins new studio, releases a flop
>makes new studio, flops before release
Is there anyone left from the OG days that isn't part of an extended humiliation ritual?
no there is another
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I mean, even at the end of the Halo 2 storyboards, there was still room for a sequel.
The Flood and Cortana were both on High Charity, and the Keith David audition lines leaked in the the Halo: Reach DLC have the Arbiter state that the Covenant is still in a Civil War,
>Now they shall have peace... while the fires of civil war burn throughout the Covenant. Come. Let us make haste. It stands to us to put them out.

A Halo 3 following a completed Halo 2 would still see Chief return to High Charity to rescue Cortana, and would see the Arbiter embroiled in the Covenant Civil War, at the bare minimum. Not only that, but I don't know how the Flood would be stopped in this case.
>lost his congressional race
I am pretty sure Hardy did not run for congress
what did he mean by this
We get it, you hate Halo.
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Marty O'Donnell will be challenging Sigmund for his seat in the /hg/ senate
He will have the same success he did in his congressional race
Someone with mod tools please post the armor color code and shader info for H1 stealth elites (when not camo obviously)
They look silver with bluish reflectivity and I am curious if it is straight silver armor with blue shaders or if the blue is part of the armor
sweet little bumble bee
I know what you want from me
doopidoopidoo lala
doopidoopidoo lala
In the tv show why did they make Jacob Keyes a NIGGER? if they want a black guy why not just do Johnson? that would make fans happy but instead they do nigger Keyes instead to make fans MAD
Settle down Dank
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>Reach > CE
I will admit
I hate Halo Reach
This is ironically the problem >>492163523
There are so many games to play, people are spread out into tons of small communities.
Gone are the days of everyone playing tentpole games with massively populated lobbies.
Leaving for /codg/
Fuck all of you.
It was only a matter of time before this happened, but I refuse to get a tripcode.
The only games worth playing are Halo and SSX. Formerly RuneScape but Fagex ruined it.
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What's next for the Endless?
Gen Z is trying to cancel the Endless?
Whats an endless?
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>S tier
Reflection, High Noon, Solitary, Battle Canyon
>A tier
Zealot, Penance, Powerhouse, Countdown
>B tier
Breakneck, Boardwalk, Anchor 9, Ridgeline
>C tier
Condemned, Tempest, Breakpoint, Boneyard, Highlands
>F tier
Spire, Forge World, Sword Base
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I guess some kind of explanation is in order. This is the Endless, a new ancient evil revealed near the end of the first Halo Infinite single player campaign titled "Become". The Endless is a species of alien imprisoned on the Zeta Halo ring (Installation 07) by the Forerunners. On the ring is a location known as "The Silent Auditorium" in which The Forerunners would pass judgement on The Endless before their imprisonment. The Endless as we know it is similar in appearance to those of the Cambrian Explosion approximately 541 million years ago on our own planet Earth. Pure speculation at this point, but this may be a new hint connecting Humans and Forerunners in the Halo series. Anyway, the only remaining member of The Endless that we know about is The Harbinger, who joins a faction of former Covenant known as The Banished, lead of course by the Brute War Master known as Atriox. She does so with the secret plan to use The Banished and their hold on the Zeta Halo ring to free her people from their ancient imprisonment and unleash them upon the unknowing Galaxy. If you want to learn more about The Endless and what happens next in their story, you can find out soon when Halo: The Endless releases on Xbox One, Xbox Series consoles, Playstation 5, Steam, and Windows platforms as well as releasing day one on Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass PC. If you wanna talk about this more you can add me at GT: YeezeID, I'll send you an invite to my private discord server where we can continue this discussion. Y'know, just us. Haha if that's alright of course...
>shit tier
>catastrophically bad
>fucking ugly
Yeah I think you got the s, a, b, c, and f letter ratings right
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Forge World unrated because it can have great maps on it.

The best maps in Reach are from Halo CE
I cant get on xbl rn. Discord name?
>banished led by Atriox
Atriox died, they are led by Escharum
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Shut the fuck up Tremonius.
>plebbit is dead
/hg/ won
Here from r/Halo, can someone post today's shop?
Go back
Haha wish I could! It's down at the moment.
Go back and wait for it to come online
hi JJ
Oh hey
i like watching halo speedrunners on twitch
watch pvp instead
Running Firefight
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the MCC customs browser
To play as an Elite, pause -> click ur name -> team change
We will NEVER get assassinations
To be a true Halo fan you have to hate R***h.
Good. Keep that reach shit out of Halo.
Remove Sprint but keep drop slides, it would be KINO
Best way to find Halo MCC coop players?
Looking to do legendary on all of them.
"Halo Classic Hub" on dickcord
this list is solid
you are solid
Halo 2 is the worst Bungie game because it’s unfinished and it’s too hard. I’m being 100% serious.
>filtered by jackal snipers
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halo 2 legendary difficulty is so overblown
You mean people make it out to be harder than it is? Yeah. Fighting Regret is kinda hard the first time or two but its plenty doable
yeah that's what i meant
even jackal snipers are easy to deal with. just dont run out in the middle of the street.
Yeah, easy to die to jackal snipers but easy to know where they are and snipe them first after respawning. To do jackal sniper levels deathless would be hard without memorizing really well though
Yes you can master H2 Legendary
The complaint is that it's not fun to play which is agnostic of its difficulty
Yeah sure you can hide behind cover taking potshots at Jackal Snipers or sword fly across shit encounters or cheese every Brute encounter with dual needlers but that isn't fun combat wise
>filtered by jackal snipers
Yes filtered by shit encounter design indeed, I'd be concerned if people weren't
skirmisher clapping her cheeks yum
they literally shoot you through walls. michaelsoft’s crunch literally left the legendary difficulty broken.
>filtered by jackal snipers
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>Cortana is brat, Miranda is demure, Sgt. Johnson the Rizzler is crin-
You bolt awake in a rapidly descending drop pod on Earth. Destination Old Mombasa. It is 2552. You are a squad leader of Hell Jumpers. The city is under siege and must be stopped. Hingeheads must burn. Light them up.
does the AI gunner on a warthog in 3/odst change target to whatever you're honking at or am i having a massive case of placebo? feels a bit inconsistent but the amount of times it's happened makes me think it might not be a coincidence
Have you noticed the distance or the aggro of the enemy at the time? If it's based on either of those, I think the fact that you also notice the bigger threat and try to honk for it might line up with the Marine AI in determining a target. Sometimes they'll be firing and then suddenly switch targets to the enemy I want them to fire at and I've never even thought of honking to get their attention. Like it just so happens that what I perceive as the biggest threat happens to line up with what Bungie progammed the Marine gunner's immediate threats.
Running another Firefight sesh
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the browser
To play as an Elite, pause -> click name -> change teams
oh! my bad, i thought gears 2 was a 360 exclusive. you can play it on pc too?
>that isn't fun combat wise
This. There is basically only one way to fight enemies on legendary in Halo 2, but in 3 and CE you can be more creative because you have more room to breathe and you can use more of the sandbox so it makes encounters more freeform and encourages experimentation. There is only the correct way and the incorrect way to play Halo 2, no other options.

So, Halo 2 Legendary would be like playing Resident Evil 1 Remake speedrun. You do it to practice mastery of the game's mechanics and get an accomplished feeling out of beating a steep challenge. Halo 3 Legendary would be more like playing Elden Ring. You can make the game as easy or as difficult as you want by choosing your own playstyles and builds, and you'll have fun whether you play efficiently or 'inefficiently'. The game isn't so hard that you can't experiment or trying something different. You have more tools to work with. Your fun comes from experimentation and being creative while still having some challenge.
reminder that Brute spam-posting is done by NEET Discord Trannies
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Bungie sissies?!
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>Marathon director Chris Barrett was fired after an internal misconduct investigation at Bungie, according to a new Bloomberg report citing sources within the studio, who say that at least eight women came forward saying that Barrett behaved inappropriately toward them.

>The new report says that Barrett "called lower-level female employees attractive, asked them to play truth-or-dare and made references to his wealth and power within the studio, suggesting that he could help advance their careers." Barrett also allegedly befriended women in various department and sent them a "barrage of text messages that blurred the lines between professional and personal."

>Internally, Bloomberg reports that Bungie employees weren't told about the circumstances behind Barrett's firing, believing that he was on sabbatical. Later, some discovered that his accounts had been disabled.

>Barrett said in a statement to Bloomberg, "I feel that I have always conducted myself with integrity and been respectful and supportive of my colleagues, many of whom I consider my closest friends. I never understood my communications to be unwanted and I would have never thought they could possibly have made anyone feel uncomfortable. If anyone ever felt that way about their interaction with me, I am truly sorry.”

>A Sony Interactive Entertainment spokesperson said the company takes "all complaints of misconduct very seriously. It is our policy and practice to investigate every complaint promptly and take action based on the findings of our investigation.”
I thought the Marathon director was the Valorant guy who was turning it into a hero shooter?
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Marty I don't think that's how you respond to your friends being accused of sexual harassment.
Very based.
surprisingly good AI by bungie standards
people always praised halo for its good AI but i was playing odst and chieftains will basically never attack you until all their teammates are dead
I think that's for gameplay/pacing purposes. Bungie wants us to treat Chieftains like bosses, so it makes sense why their combat would be saved for last, at least for a first-timer's playthrough. The rest of us having played Halo 3/ODST already can just use this design aspect against them to sniper/rocket them before we even get near them But they're always there if we want to treat them like a real boss and fight them the legit way, so I like that we have this option. It's cool how this is really emphasized at the end of the Ark mission, where even the other Brutes line up to watch as their Chieftain dares you to fight him in one-on-one combat.

It's great because even when they turn around and attack you for killing him, from a lore angle it works because it's like they all want a piece of that glory so they want to be the one to kill you now. And from a design perspective, it's just a neat encounter and a cool way to end the mission fighting a pack of Brutes after you take down their Chieftain.
honestly Sony taking direct control of the IP and continuing to work on the game would be the best case scenario for Destiny at this point, theres an alternate timeline where in 2007 Microsoft greenlit Destiny and Bungie stayed with Microsoft, and then put the section of Bungie that were still interested in Halo as the leadership of 343, that way theyd have two massive IPs for Xbox, but alas we live in the bad timeline.
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Every time you eat a moa burger, you're killing one of these guys
your a tranny just like the Escharum posters, im getting really sick of /vg/
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>The complaint is that it's not fun to play which is agnostic of its difficulty
to each his own
See >>492108201
Don't expect better of someone who plagiarized the music of a man dying of a treatable brain tumor.
>filtered by jackal snipers
Why does it matter that its treatable? Are you saying Marty should have paid and he only died because he couldn't afford treatment?
He only died because he couldn't afford treatment. Marty making money off of that makes it even more horrible.
Euros get free healthcare, and amerifats basically do too, still get treated then billed even if they cant pay. How does someone outside of china/russia/africa die of treatable medical issue in current millenium?
>amerifats basically do too
Now maybe.
>current millenium
It was 2001; barely the current millennium.
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Sprint would be fine if it was an ability/optional thing unlike games post Halo 4 which make it a dedicated botton.
I for one would love to see both classic 3/Infinite equipment at the same time as Reach/4 abilities, even some Halo 5/Infinite stuff is fine, I think if you are going at normal non-sprint speed a slightly slower slide would be fine, but it should be expanded upon, it is stupidly ironic that the trailer/first scene of H5 has spartans going down a hill with momentum, but in game the slide nor the booster thingy preserve momentum, not even in Infinite.

Combining the grapple with the boost thingy in campaign was the most disappointing result out there the moment I notice any speed you have with the grapple gets cancelled by the boost, one of the things Bungie fourth pillar/equipment shit has is that it all interacts with each other, map elements, or has extra uses, like all the rolling equipment and mines letting you have a second jump, 343 has never been able to replicate this.
Just ignore that raging authoritarian libtard.
Reach had the worst iteration of sprint by far, even Halo 4's version was better
People who don't take care of themselves deserve to die in a video game.
Halo 3 specifically.
Um okay
Johnson is a black man. He is not a nigger. Know the difference.
im playing halo ce
Just saying, it shouldn't be my job to fund your Healthcare because you're unhealthy in the skyline segment of NMPD in Halo 3 ODST.
That guitar riff is excellent.
This isn't about healthcare; this is about Marty making millions plagiarizing the work of a man who died in poverty of a treatable brain tumor.
Whether or not you believe in healthcare, making bank robbing the work of a man left to die penniless is degenerate, scumbag behavior.
Did Marty know?
Yes. Non-vegans specifically, since non-vegans have exponentially higher rates of obesity, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
He blocks people on twitter when they ask, so...
based vegan
Has he ever acknowledged or said anything about it?
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No. Just blocked people for asking.

There was an old thread about it on Bungie.net, but the mods SHUT IT DOWN,
You should learn how compositions work my dude. If you failed music class in kindergarten, let us know, and /mu/ will explain it for ya'll.
Try explaining it, then. Because anyone with ears can hear it's plagiarism.
This just in, Kayne West is a FRAUD.
Y isn't gonna like this one bit.
What a fag he was
You’re not gonna like this, but Halo plagirized Aliens.
Also Star Wars plagirized Flash Gordon.
And the propaganda engine of Rome plagirized Plato when they wrote the Bible.
No... No... It can't be...
That's not plagiarism, that's inspiration.
Taking the main guitar riff of a song is plagiarism.
Halo unironically plagiarized Starhammer
Halo plagiarized RingWorld.
On December 18, 2001, Bungie's Truth and Reconciliation site posted a fan-conducted interview of Jason Jones. Jones cited Starhammer, by Christopher Rowley, as 'one of the best bits of space opera of all time', in response to a question asking about literary influences on Bungie storylines. Starhammer deals with (peripherally) a species known as the Vang... a species that should seem eerily familiar to Halo fans. Other plot points should hit home, as well.

Humans civilization is dominated by a more powerful (but stagnant, scientifically) society known as the Laowan. The Laowan are blue-skinned, cruel, and caste-driven. Human resistence fighters have discovered the existence of a long-dead race which created a super-weapon; called the Starhammer, it creates a gravitational disturbance in the center of its target - a small target, like a starship, will have its engines imploded; a large one, like a star, will go nova. It works instantaneously over any distance.

The weapon was developed in response to the Vang, a parasitic race which has several forms; the Military Form begins as a wormlike creature which can grow tendrils at will, and invade the body of its victim, overtaking the nervous system and turning the victim into a zombie. Killing the undead result isn't an option; it needs to be pretty much vaporized in order to render it harmless.

The structure housing the control room for the Starhammer has been infested with Vang that have long since killed all the Batrachians (the ancient race which created the Starhammer), but have lain dormant for eons, waiting for new food sources. Their presence actually ensures the success of the human effort; the Vang are awakened by the pursuing Laowan, and zombify all the soldiers that enter the structure; the Batrachian robot entrusted with protection of the installation is finally able, after untold years, to exterminate them after the humans take over (he wasn't allowed to leave the control room without orders).
There are two other Rowley books centered on the Vang; These are 'The Vang: The Military Form' and 'The Vang: The Battlemaster'. These books take place thousands of years after the events of 'Starhammer', but give a much better view of the Vang.

'The Vang: The Military Form' occurs 2000 years after the fall of the Laowan empire; a lone Vang Military Form, marooned in space for half a billion years (and totally unaware of the destruction of its home planet), is discovered by poaching miners in a remote system. It kills the first, parasitizes two more, and then makes for a nearby inhabited planet, Saskatch, where it quickly takes control. There is no easy way to stop the invader - it takes over host bodies as it defeats them, and so the only real solution is space-based razing of the planet, with everything upon the surface being killed.

'The Vang: The Battlemaster' takes place another 2000 years past the destruction of the planet Saskatch, and looks at yet another form of the Vang; the Battlemaster, rather than infecting hosts one by one, is capable of simply ingesting vast quantities of biomass (possibly limited to sentient biomass, but the evidence is unclear) and creating whatever forms are necessary for the tasks at hand. Again, total destruction from space is the only functional course of action.
Romans didn't invent Christianity
Christians don’t like to hear it, but it’s true
There isn't a single religion on the planet created by a government to control people. that shit is the most retarded "conspiracy theory" of atheists.
lmao, wow
You’re so fucked
Religion isn't Halo
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2 n*ggers. 1 a monkey, the other a squidhead
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Master chief says yes to believing in the Holy spirit and all atheists will burn in hell
343 is 7*7*7
The Ark
The Flood
John 1:17
7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
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Anyone else really hate Indians?
>Have a unique smell to them that is revolting
>No concept of hygiene
>Shitting in the streets all the time
>Eats curry mixed with cow shit
>No concept of respect, will always sexually harass women
>country they come from is a genuine shithole
>ruin any community they are a part of
>annoying unintelligible accent
Need I say more? We'd genuinely be better off without them, I'm glad indian hate is spreading on twitter, these sub-humans don't deserve respect and frankly deserve to be deported back to their quarantine zone known as India or round them up and start killing them one by one. Literally no one would be opposed to this.
Behead all halo 3 and Indian people
The Ark of the Covenant was used to destroy the walls of Jericho by encircling Jericho once a day for six days, then seven times on the seventh day, along with seven priests blowing horns.
The Ark and the seven Halos.
>343 is 7*7*7
This is one of the funniest ones to me.
There is nothing in the christian bible about the number 7 being particularly significant to the religion. At most you have the seven seals in the book of revelation, or the 7 deadly sins (which are a catholic invention), but there’s otherwise no real importance to the number 7.
Where the number 7 *is* significant, is in occult lore, apocrypha related to angels, kabbalah, alchemy...
Early Bungie writer Greg Kirkpatrick kicked off Bungie’s number 7 memeing, and he was influenced by the kabbalistic short stories of Borges, and possibly by his own occult practice.
>There is nothing in the christian bible about the number 7 being particularly significant to the religion.
A week is 7 days for a reason
Pick any other number from 1 to 10, go to the same website, and post the results.
That website is Christianity.com. They don't have pages about the other numbers because they aren't significant, unlike the number 7.
And it's not the one you think it is.
Yes it is.
Constantine made the 7 day week standard because he was Christian.
Well I just searched "Significance of the number 2 in the bible" and got hundreds of results of christians sites with interpretations of the number 2.
Religious people attribute significance to every number because they hate the idea that numbers can have any significance they don't understand
God made earth in 7 days, not 2.
Christianity was a tool to unite the Roman Empire under one spiritual-politic banner. The 7 day week was already practiced, originating from Sumeria, Constantine just put the christfag label on it.
Much like Christmas being celebrated on Yule despite having nothing to do with christ's supposed actual birthdate, or Easter as the celebration of christ's zombieism being invented as a replacement for a pagan holiday celebrating a goddess of the spring Eostre (they couldn't think of a pithy christian name to replace the name of the actual holiday with).
Also the days of the week are named for pagan gods. Most obvious one to moderners would be Saturn-day.

Please stop existing.
Your god is an evil entity who hates you and all human life.
I haven't played Halo: Infinishite, is that yellow player in the sprint animation?
It's also very funny (read: hopelessly depressing) how abrahamics can come away from a game where the main antagonist is called the Covenant, overtly depicted as false prophets, using their religion as a tool to enslave other races, and who will genocide humanity for being living evidence of their lie, and think "Yea no this is a Christian game"
>Christianity was a tool to unite the Roman Empire under one spiritual-politic banner.
Just because it was effective at strengthening the empire, doesn't mean Constantine didn't believe it himself. His mom was a Christian.
>The 7 day week was already practiced
Yes, because of Christians and Jews. Especially in the eastern Mediterranean and Asia. Has nothing to do with Sumerians. Sumer was a nation that had been long gone well before the Roman Empire was ever a thing.
>Much like Christmas being celebrated on Yule despite having nothing to do with christ's supposed actual birthdate, or Easter as the celebration of christ's zombieism being invented as a replacement for a pagan holiday celebrating a goddess of the spring Eostre (they couldn't think of a pithy christian name to replace the name of the actual holiday with).
No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth and death. He wasn't a well known figure until well after his death. His date of birth was chosen by a pope due to that date's astronomical significance.
>Also the days of the week are named for pagan gods. Most obvious one to moderners would be Saturn-day.
Pagan leftovers
>Please stop existing.
You just got blasted
You are a being of hell and are creating hell.
You will live in hell forever.
Okay, gnostic
The Bible talks about false prophets all the time, especially in Revelation
René Girard talked about this.

Few understand it.
Right. Because "False Prophets" are whoever the jewish priest class found inconvenient.
This is cope
No one ever sat down and said "how can we make this weird religion in the east of our empire into a tool of control"
Halo is gnostic.
Or was, before 343i.
Isn't it funny how 7 and its multiples are related to destruction in the Halo games...
Are you guys the same anons that spam the Escharum memes? Why are you guys acting normal now? Or rather, this is how you should act when discussing Halo. This is way more interesting to follow than your usual unhinged stuff.

This is the kind of nice Halo discussion we should be having in these threads. Good work. Please continue to post like this, and less of that weird niche fetish shock-value stuff you usually do with Escharum.
That's exactly what they did, 300 years after the gnostic cult of christianity had spread through the empire and was making the plebs difficult to control.
So they integrated it into their control system. Used it to justify Roman conquest.
>"we need to go spread teh good news to those pagans on the continent ... no it's not because we need new taxpayers to prop up our dying empire. Stop thinking about that kind of thing, heretic."
No, if I can't explain it to a 5 year old (read 18 year old anons) on here, I'm faking it and so are you.
Funny how Atheists are ADAMANT that Christianity HAS to be entirely dishonest at its core and there can't be any possibility that it wasn't invented to control people
>Anyone who dislikes Christianity is an Atheist
May you become your own strawman.
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All other AI wear clothes, is 'tana just a nudist?
In about 5 minutes, starting up a quick game of Firefight
"COMBAT EVOLVED" in the browser
To play as an Elite, pause -> click ur name -> change teams
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What was the Covenant tax's policy?
Is it over
Say something nice about the 343 games

>Halo 4
>Halo 5
>Halo Wars 2
>Halo 6 / Halo Infinite
Mantis and the new UNSC weapons were cool.
Launch Breakout was fun.
>Wars 2
DLC characters like Colony and MechaJohnson are the coolest shit 343 has ever done.
The grappling hook was fun pre nerf.
>Halo 4
Really good map layouts. I also like some parts of the soundtrack. Regicide, Riccochet, and Dominion are great game modes.
>Halo 5
Vanilla Breakout was clutch.
>Halo Wars 2
I'm just glad it exists. For over a decade we just thought the SOF would never return.
>Halo Infinite
At this point the mp is really solid. Also thank you for finally letting us use more than 16 people in customs.
Lasky is cool. While the gameplay sucks overall, CTF on Harvest 8v8 is fun, and SWAT is alright, and it brought back the BR. Some of the Chief-Cortana interactions are kino. Exile is a cool map that should be ported to the original trilogy.
PVP can be quite fun (unlike R**ch, 4, and 6), even though it is not remotely as good as the OT. Brought back good weapons such as H1 pistol and H2 BR. Nothing good to say about the campaign. I guess Vale is kinda cute.
Didn't play.
Not really anything good. Um.. at least prometheans are not the main enemy, no armor abilities, and it has the BR. So the only good things are that in some ways it is not as bad as R**ch, 4, and 5 (but in other ways is worse). I guess the BR is pretty fun, the razorback is fun to drive, and some of the maps are pretty good
If you really want to praise the 343 games why leave out the best one (2A)?
>inb4 because 343 didn't make it themselves they contracted it
Okay but didn't they do the same with HW2 and maybe even 6?
Imagine being such a cuck that you refer to Halo 1 as Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 6 as Halo Infinite.
too obvious lil troll
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I bought this off Amazon.
Needed a 5th controller for when the boys come over in a month.
Transparent tech is based
I like the d pad
Couldn't be me!
based if true
gay if fake
battlebit died because the maps were fucking garbage
stupid ass devs...
What am I supposed to be parsing from the picture?
the regulars are returning
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No. There are certainly aspects taken from it in the same way there are aspects taken from a Starship Troopers and Alien(s), but no. Starhammer is about a human (Jon) who is a sex slave to aliens and then he escapes and then it turns into like a space detective novel for a bit. Obviously there's more to it than that, it turns into something larger as >>492327215 says. You'll see more tidbits that Bungie borrowed here and there. But reading it I felt very little connection from Starhammer specifically to Bungie's Halo games. The later books I got a vibe but still less so than other more obvious influences. Halo is a frankenstein monster of dozens of different science fiction influences brought together with intense biblical themes. Halo CE is maybe 1-5% Starhammer. 5 if I'm really being generous. Also the book is just okay as far as 80s science fiction novels go. That's why it has been out of print for so long. Jones just likes obscure stuff because he's a hipster doofus.
Johnson is a black man. Tartarus, however, is a black NIGGER.
He's a Jiralhanae actually
Yes, that's what I said.
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Re-installed the game because I heard firedight was added.
I was lied to and my night has been ruined.
I dare anyone to defend this slop
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the mp is fun
>checks calander
Yop, time for my yearly CE playthrough.
On Legendary of course.
The game just doesn't play as well on easier difficulties.
>what fucking mystery
The Endless of course
based, but please call it Halo 1
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>who is this for
chill lil schizo
Both work fine
343 Rizzy is a respected member of /hg/
The Library is my favorite mission of CE and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
Gravemind is my favorite mission of H2 and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
I like the Ark significantly more than The Covenant and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
Long Night of Solace is the most overrated level in the franchise and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
We can go gyatt for gyatt fuck that we can go rizz for rizz
they're both about as good
>343 Rizzy is a respected member of /hg/
How many actual anons did he finish ahead of on the scoreboard?
>Gravemind is my favorite mission of H2 and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
I'm going to hit you with one of my weird ass opinions.
High Charity is my favourite mission of H2.
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It has to do with the aesthetics-based storytelling, right?
imo that's the mission's main strength. Ther isn't another level in the trilogy where we really get to see the Flood slowly corrupt an environment to the same level of effectiveness in my opinion.
Library is good but not the best.
Gravemind is indeed the best.
I prefer The Covenant because I like forests but they are about equal.
Reach as a whole is overrated.
Treyarch under fire uh oh
CoD will never be good again until CoD HQ goes away
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If the shoe fits
el1te gamers
Honestly the "INFINITE BAD WHY YOU PLAY INFINITE BAD DEAD GAME!" crowd is really fucking annoying.
But Infinite is bad and dead. Retard.
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yea yea
Alright listen'
This one goes out to all my /hg/ anons
If you're here tonight
Well, you know how we bout to do!
PO PO HAS ARRIVED, THEY GON GUN DOWN THE WHOLE CLUB because one of us is black and another one of us is secretly black and it's hard to tell the difference in the dark
Halo 6 is bad though dummy
>this pasta is 5 years old now
I hate time
you cannot stop what is coming
(it's black ops IIIIII btw)
>dank & co. abandoning halo for cock of doody: black cocks sex
I'd expect nothing less.
Okay, which one of you anons posted this?
me :P
I said dont @ me, bitch
Stop getting filtered by Halo 3's jackal snipers.
>censoring timestamps
no one is going to dox you just because you let people in /hg/ know your timezone faggot
Steam forums are for higher quality discussion, not shitposting.
name a SINGLE instance
What kind of a name is Soap anyway
it's my name
How'd a muppet like you make it past selection?
His last name is shampoo
Sir! I exclusively play Treyarch CoD, sir.
based and spiderman pilled
>Soap was dropped in MW3
what did Treyarch mean by this
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His name is Johnny
Based Black Ops 2 enjoyer.
>kills first elite
>slips on bar of soap and dies

Directed by Marty O'Donnell and Jason Jones
Johnny 117
And the Lights go out
And the lights go out
>The Discord
>Reguloid TygerPacha15 (exiled)
>November 15, 2085

Aside from the fact that I'm still alive... none of this surprises me
Shitposting has gotten stronger
But the memes got more forced
We advanced phoneposting
Entire AI posting algorithms
And no one ever asked...
What happens, when the troons steal the keys
When the things we made, to gatekeep /hg/, are turned against us
That's when they figured it out
That they'll ALWAYS need oldfags like us
Those who are willing to post Halo
When others cannot
we don't discuss Halo here though'bei'st
we do discuss CE and Reach
That's about it
every treyarch game gets worse (except CoD 3)
I... CAN'T refute this?
Spiderman 2 the Movie Game was better than Spiderman 1 the Movie Game
I unironically disagree
That stealth mission where you have to evade the killer robots is one of the most intense things I've ever played
"Grab my rope when you're ready"
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
He didn't say that
>Blue Sky
>Mad L3p
>Backup Beast
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