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Ace Combat General #1044

Grun edition
Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coGVpUFf9LY
Previous Mission: >>490014529

>/aceg/ Emulation Guide
>Official /aceg/ multiplayer guide
>/aceg/ livery and emblem pack
>Ace Combat 3: A New Translation
>Encyclopedia Strangereal
>New /aceg/ MEGA
>PA Twitter (JP)


Shootout Saturday is back! /aceg/ rooms are open every Sat at 2030 CEST/1430 EDT, with only three rules:
>put on an /aceg/ tag in your name before you boot the game
>in Roca Roja, use only air-to-ground weapons in the tunnel

The modding guide and material are in the open!

Project Wingman:
>Store page
>Skin/texture modding guide
Update never.

Misc Stuff:
>/aceg/ Collage
>/aceg/ Story Archive 2.0
>Razgriz Patch Guy
>Ostrich's Mods
>/aceg/ Assault Records
>ACX / ACJA Online Netplay Guide

>What happened to Sean Ryan (Pixy's actor) after ACZ:

>/aceg/ Permalink:

Because it bears repeating:
>Skill and guts are required here
>Be a buddy, not a border
>All planes are beautiful dreams

>Has the Project Wingman update dropped yet?
It's a long story. (It's bleak)

>Is there any AC8 news yet?

>Has a PS2 trilogy remake been announced yet?
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first for big planes
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third for https://youtu.be/MTIhlf85zTc?t=48
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Fourth for fifteen minutes to the Shootout!
Such a sweet plen, even if realistically it probably doesn't make much sense. I'd remove the canted wingtips for a remastered version though
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>even if realistically it probably doesn't make much sense
Don't think X-36 had the canted wingtips, plus it was single-engine and had 2D vectoring instead of paddles. Plus the whole nevergetting past the RC plane stage thing
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The shootout is on, buddies! 2500 cost, put on your tag, follow the rules in the OP, and come have some fun.
Thanka for the lewds anon
Remaking the room since it looks like people are getting errors while joining.
what does any of that have to do with "realistically it probably doesnt make much sense"
>no one can join my room
>literally cannot join any room
What the fuck is happening
What's going on? I can't seem to join any rooms
The fucking game's servers are shitting the bed, two randos managed to join my (/aceg/ typhoon) second room but no other buddies managed to, they all got errors
I saw /aceg/ L. 's room earlier but couldn't join in
I don't think the servers are in a healthy enough shape to play this week, maybe we should call it for the next one.
Is there someone to which we could shoot a message on twitter or something?
Guess it's time to read the entirety of AC7's credits to see which studio Bamco outsourced the game's multiplayer to.
Can any console buddies verify if the console lobbies are acting up too?
VGL RTTC3 continues on as /vhr/ takes on /cygames/, see you there
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what if lindwurm but AEW and also with a large chemical laser pod in the nose
<< The Estovakians thought they could get away without any retaliation for manipulating online discussion of the war! >>
>come home late as usual
>log on pc
>refresh /aceg/ to see if buddies are still on
>read about servers shitting the bed
Damn, sucks. Hopefully next weekend the curse doesn't strike.
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Art's cute as hell.
Ukrainian 40th Tactical Aviation Brigade now unironically has an Ace Combat-derived meme as its title, as given by the President.
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In case anyone's curious.
It's for independence day stuff I think
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Kill this man!
I just thought it was interesting.
>Ace Combat-derived meme
Made up by War Thunder youtuber so he could sell merch?
>Ace Combat-derived meme
I don't get it, what does it reference that is ace combat related?
Maybe, but the "ghost of X" seems pretty clearly derived from AC. Also, wasn't it from some random Twitter user originally?
NTA but even if it isn't it's pretty much a freak parallel to what happens at the end of AC5 after they declassify the Belkan stuff and give them their title officially, it's kind of funny
Yeah you become the ghosts of rasgriz.
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you must fly better in the electrosphere anon
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I really hope that future games diverge from AC3 as much as possible
go with "it was just a simulation" or something
nations are interesting
megacorps are boring
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fulcrum-chan looks good in black with the ua flag trim. not a fan of the ripoff call of duty ghosts insignia though
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Yeah they should have gone with the normal Ukrainian insignia. Still looks nice though
It was a DCS joke post so I don't know why we're calling it AC related
the only Yukes I want to hear about are Yuktobanians
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Battletech crossover when
All we know is that usea has been megacorped maybe other places are normal.
With those ugly fucking plane designs? Hopefully never.
>the entire world has fallen to the control of soulless megacorporations
>only Belka remains independent
Ace Combat corporations are just as interesting as their nations, especially since the big ones are the remnants of the latter subsumed into a corporate structure.
but I don't find that interesting
>Belka protagonist game is the one where you fight the corporations
Well, considering AC3 organizations and personnel are directly referenced in AC7 and AC3 was shown to be part of the official Strangereal timeline, I think you might be shit out of luck regarding that.
return those goalposts to the combat area
What goalposts? You said you hope AC diverges from the AC3 timeline as much as possible and I posted why I think that's wishful thinking.
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Anyone up for some edf6?
Not him but I think moving towards or after AC3-time is highly unlikely. I think they'll try to keep the franchise successful by making more of the same, not by doing a "risky" setting with weird looking planes/ a more modern roster. Yes it got referenced plenty but there was also no shortage of references to almost all other titles. Therefore I think you will be the one shit out of luck
I think we'll all be shit out of luck if we never actually get a new game
Every mainline strangereal AC game barring Zero and 3 has taken place a few years ahead of the last iirc
No reason to expect 8 to be any different
I actually would love a game from the side of a corpo.
Something like, a nation-state experiences instability, GR decides to take the opportunity and invades it. You’re a merc that wants the piece of the cake being cut.
PW but corpos instead of the not-UN
PW but good
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There’s still a decent amount of wiggle-room left
I fucking love Ace Combat so much holy shit.
>dumb planes doing stupid things and saving the world
This shit has no right to be this great.
Fuck me it's so good.
Redemption by blood. Yours or theirs.
I want a full on 20-ish year war that leaves the nations so depleted thecorpos can swoop in
one could make the argument every war post-Ulysses is just that
Though instead of actually becoming some kind of a warlord in the end, I think an ending where the main character gets betrayed or something and eats shit would be more fitting.
I’m tired of 1) good endings 2) your side being always the morally superior, idealistic one. I’d like a simple story with merc wanting money and power, sorta getting it, flying too close to the sun and either losing it all or straight up dying.
You and me both
Through rad planes, unity
you should try Lethal Skies
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Today's my Birthday! A victory sure would be nice!
(Can i have RAAF pictures pls)
Why does this look so lewd
Return of operations and other mechanics from 6 and the F-15EX is the cover plane. It would be like pottery. Brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.
Give it Zero's aces, skins and assault records and we are golden.
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Sure thing.
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Dreamed they added the F/A-18C to AC7
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Mage should've started with F-5s and Golem with legacy hornets, with some dialogue about how the OADF's IUN PKF (ah, government) detachment squadrons get all the old castoff equipment to foreshadow UPEO facing a similar issue in 3. Mostly, this would serve to have the F-16 not be a shitbox starter when it should at the very least be around the same tier as the F-14, Mirage, and MiG-29. I will always be mad, and no the F-16XtraLarge and an F-2 with CFT are not adequate compensation.
here suh, have a good birthday
Legacy Hornets should've definitely been in the game since we still have F-14Ds around
What I'm mad about is that the F-16 would beat the everloving shit out of almost anything in a rate fight, but 7 makes it handle like a bus just because it's a starter.
I swear someone must have mixed up the flight models for the F-16 and MiG-21 at some point in development.
>Ace Combat megacorporations are just as interesting as their nations
NTA but while as a relative newnugget I think that so far Ace Combat 7's nations as well are hobbling in terms of having strong feeling identities partially being such a weird potpourri of real world identifiers and made up shit, the concept of plotwise pitching a large nation having continent-spanning military forces up to and including superweapons is more believable than doing it with a megacorp.

To me the game does bad job in terms of making me care about the overall setting and the geopolitics of it all BUT they [in AC7 at least] DO do a good job at making me invested in the action and it's context on the level of the military unit I am attached to, the forces I am fighting with and the mission command and control staff. I'd like to see better worldbuilding in AC8 or at least being able to access newspaper clippings / online articles or clips of tv reports etc to get a better idea of the world [or something like wartubers etc] but kinda honestly I'll use my imagination and go with the gut feel about irl geopolitics but give me story and flavor of what is happening inside the unit we're in. I want hangars and briefing rooms and us to have our own bunk area etc even if it's all menus.
I think the problem of nation vs corp would be much easier to resolve if there were more space dedicated to the worldbuilding, instead of making thinly veiled analogues of real nations or giving so little to each nation that people can only see them that way
>lol Osea is le US+Japan!
>Belka is nazi germany/da joos
Erusea being mentioned as having many different ethnicities under its flag and not being easily slotted into a real-world analogue is a step in the right direction, at least
When it comes to the corpos, they thankfully have a good amount of backstory, but players know absolutely nothing about it unless they go and dig on the internet
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>lol Osea is le US+Japan!
>Belka is nazi germany/da joos
You can blame AC5 for this.
In fact, it's wild how many of the franchise's problems can be traced back to 5.
Any of you buddies got that comic strip edited to say "have you noticed I look a lot like Yellow 4"?
>not being easily slotted into a real world analogue
>a step in the right direction
Gonna completely disagree with you there. Real life modern era geopolitics is imo way more spicy and gives their analogy nations instant worldbuilding just add water without sitting you through long historylessons of Makebelieveland.

Especially since as a fighter pilot you're neither a policy maker nor someone who's making contact with the enemies or civilians on the ground it would be better for immersion to be able to have an immediate understand who's who and what is what. Ace Combat 7 especially had me confused from the start because the cutscenes follow Avril instead of our own nothingburger of a ''character''
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nvm found it
Ignoring real world geopolitics gives them the luxury of exploring broader themes like the effects of war on a civilian populace or the steady replacement of humanity with technology without having to deal with real world politics. They already made multiple "real world" games and nobody cared because that's not the appeal of Ace Combat. There's already a hundred "USA vs. designated bad guys" games without shoving Ace Combat into it.
Imagine using that excuse for literally any other video game. "I can't get into Dark Souls because it's all about the lore of Makebelieveland, why can't I play in real world medieval Europe like all these other games." Absolutely embarrassing desu.
>like the effects of war on a civilian populace
Like AC04 and AC6?
>or the steady replacement of humanity with technology
Like AC3 and AC7?
The broader geopolitical happenings never got in the way of those themes. In fact, in AC6's case, I feel like it was the other way around: too much time was spent on the mother and daughter, and not enough was left for the history between Emmeria and Estovakia after Ulysses.
tl;dr: Play the other games.
I could also mention that the deeper lore of AC04 was only mentioned in Japan-exclusive material, and that the story focuses only on Mobius 1's and the narrator's experiences with the Continental War.
>namefag is illiterate
Many such cases
"da weel world" is way more limiting in an artistic sense
they should include an in-game "world bible" that lays out all the strangereal terms and organizations and basic timeline of the main line entries
would help reduce confusion from all the acronym spam
AC3 had this. Yet another innovation not carried forward
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There wouldn't be any incompatibility in merging 6 and Zero.

Just look at her. You can't say she doesn't scream "cover art". IT'S HER TURN!
>Ignoring real world geopolitics gives them the luxury of exploring broader themes like the effects of war on a civilian populace or the steady replacement of humanity with technology
>Hey, the games do in fact spend less time on geopolitics to focus on the themes you've mentioned, you should play them
>You're illiterate reeeeeeee
>other guy: "Games should focus more on real world politics."
>Me: "This is what the games do instead of focusing on real world politics."
>You: "The games do what you're saying they're doing which is proof you don't play them."
Yes, you're illiterate.
That approach is fast, but it's unoriginal and lazy. Given the world's history, it would also clash with what we already have. Strangereal's political scene is already well-established: between a two-and-a-half-way Cold War resulting in a near-peer conflict, the huge upheaval caused by Ulysses, and the Lighthouse war, that's more than enough to justify spending some words on fleshing out culture and at least a hint of history. Even Emmeria had a bit of that with the Golden King.
Agreed, plus maybe have a bit of incentive to read it so that even someone not exactly interested in the world will do it.
>Agreed, plus maybe have a bit of incentive to read it so that even someone not exactly interested in the world will do it.
make it some kind of unlockable for doing certain stunts or achieving mission clear times
I'm very sorry for not noticing your vague implication, Anon.
This is the appeal of Strangereal IMO, the unique political circumstances of having a giant asteroid turn half a continent into a crater field leading to 20 years of instability from the refugee crisis. The multiple anti asteroid weapons being reused for war, the corporations picking up the failed pieces of Erusea/Belka for their own gain and the conflict that brings with the remnant nations that were unaffected by the upheaval. Way more interesting than rehashing WW2 but with fighter jets.
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Not discussion about how much you like tugging your pp? Oh, wait, it's the Ace Combat general. They don't take a steaming dump on the topic here because they actually like it
Mad about a lot of generals being terrible. /aceg/ is proof that slow/"dead" is infinitely better than fast as long as people actually like the topic.
I think At Skies Edge is COOL
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Every time I use stall turns in multiplayer I'm afraid people will think I'm a cheater or something
Eh, I wouldn't worry so much about it if I were you. It's not like they'll do worse than call you bad names over the internet.
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just beat AC7, my first AC. game kicks ass. thank you for coming to my ted talk
Congrats, buddy. Remember to avoid multiplayer like the plague.
Happy to hear that, buddy, what's your planefu?
Come on, MP can be fun. He just needs the parts to actually play on the same level, and besides, it's full of nuggets with almost no parts these days.
Nobody else remembers the co-op DLC missions in 6. A shame most people sucked. I only completed the Chandelier mission once with a few friends, and I was the one who flew into the barrel.
Completely missed my point. I'm not saying Strangereal should be 1:1 real world with the same political trappings I'm saying that what you see of Strangereal's politics or learn about the countries in AC7 is quite lame and leaves a weird taste in your mouth. Like EruZZia is very clearly an eastern block analogy but without any of the eastern block flavor and you don't even get any real idea why they launched the attack excep you get some inner thoughts of Avril talking about prison riots where prisoners shout ''Osea sucks!!'' after listening to the Princess's speeches and... we don't even really get a clue what she says.

Would've been cool to be able to even read like newspapers or online articles about the goings-on during the war or unlock newsreels / propaganda etc.

I acknowledge I'm a newnugget but this should have been accounted for because AC7 was I'd wager most players' first one and they didn't even give text tl:drs or an ingame encyclopedia about the short history of Strangereal, the countries and major events of the games? Hopefully 8 will rectify this.
>Dark Souls
Played all of the Souls games, their stories are serviceable fodder for hack and slash shit that they are but their worldbuilding sucks ass when it ventures outside the core setting.

That's all cool and all but they need to actually present it better in-game. There aren't even good wikis out for AC it seems like normally when a game is shit about showing it's own world or leaves a lot of stuff out I don't mind being a wikipedo but AC got fucking nothing almost. They really need to give a story recap like that MGS2 extra in the form of a fictional book that recaps mgs1
maybe the a10 since it let me get slow and surgical on the ground but i pretty much always changes planes to use whatever would work best for each mission. also not sure why they restrict emblems/skins until youve beaten the campaign (or why they dont tell you that anywhere)?? will definitely be slapping waifu emblems on everything in the future

id like to have seen some more bombing focused planes and missions, they got me excited when a B2 showed up for 2 seconds in a cutscene. never felt like there was a good enough reason to use bombs instead missiles especially since it was a safe bet that there'd be some asshole jets or drones showing up at the end of every objective
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>Like EruZZia is very clearly an eastern block analogy but without any of the eastern block flavor and you don't even get any real idea why they launched the attack
Or maybe you're making your own assumptions based on real world politics even when they don't apply and letting those assumptions deafen you to what the game is actually saying. Stop thinking smaller picture based on your assumptions and think bigger and broader. Ignore the trees and focus on the forest.
Remind me to put the specific Xenia build needed to play AC6 flawlessly in the next OP, buddies.
>Like EruZZia is very clearly an eastern block analogy but without any of the eastern block flavor and you don't even get any real idea why they launched the attack
erusea is more like if france experienced its 18th/19th century upheaval in the late 20th

Yes, I'm reduced to making assumptions because AC7 doesn't do the best job to explain it's setting. Oh well.
you could always play the older games...
>you could always play the older games
That's the near future plan. But I do hope AC8 improves on making the setting more tangible like I think they did really well with the DLC missioms for 7 at least.
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Please don't make assumptions about an entire overarching story while only having read the literal last part of it
The game literally tells you that Erusea sees the space elevator as Osean economic dominance over the continent and launched their war to protect what they believed were their own interests. This is made tragic by the game also telling you that the former Osean President legitimately wanted the project to bring prosperity to the entire continent, Erusea included, but Erusea was too paranoid to listen. The crossroads between paranoia and trust is the meaning behind "Harling's Mirror" as discussed within the game. The game further contrasts Erusea's attempts at maintaining their own independence with the separatists led by Sol Squadron who end up using the chaos of the war to break free of Erusea. Finally, Erusea's desperation despite being in an underdog position led to them pulling out all the stops, including going all-in on AI drone warfare, which ends up slipping out of its control and threatening to plunge the world into perpetual computer-run war. All of this is told to you in the game itself and you don't need an in-game encyclopedia or playing previous games to understand it.

The overall message of the game is a humanist one: humanity needs to work together instead of constantly fighting each other over dwindling resources, and war cannot be left to amoral computers who do not care at all about preserving humanity while pursuing their objectives. It's a very milquetoast "near future sci-fi" message, but that just makes it the more ridiculous to miss it. All you need is to not make baseless assumptions based on real world politics and actually pay attention to what's plainly in front of you.
Yes that's the gist you get when you have played the entire game and ruminated it a couple of times. Your perspective has been warped because you've been so thoroughly marinated in Ace Combat lore.

What you just wrote there is not what the average Ace Combat players walks away with.
The message is that Eruseans are retards, they dtarted every war, lost every war, and were paranoid of someone else starting another war so they started it first.
7 was my first game and that's what I walked away with after beating it twice (first to get used to the game and second to pay more attention to details). If you can't do that then it's a problem with you, not the game.
It's drilled on and on and on. There's even a mission called Harling's mirror, isn't it? Anyone with the abiluty to understand even the slightest bit of subtext can understand what it's about. Same with the "creations turning against their creators" theme
>April builds plen
>Plen leads to her going to jail
>Osea builds elevator
>Gets attacked for the eñevator
>Arsenal bird to protect osea
>It becomes their main threat
>Osea flaunts their IFF system
>It turns on them
>Erudea builds drones
>they turn ok them
>Erusea creates sol squadron
>They turn on them
>What you just wrote there is not what the average Ace Combat players walks away with.
the average joe q public "gamer" doesnt even finish the campaign of any game they buy, most of them skip cutscenes and play on they phone while the briefing goes on
This lmao, I noticed the "complete mission x" achievements had like a 60% completion rate for the very first ones and where I'm at right now they're down to 40%.
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When you consider how cheap AC7 sells for at least for the Steam achievements the completion percentage is really good actually. Check out random games' completion percentages and often you see that when you get to like 70 percent of the game the people continuing start to be in the single digits. A lot of people just run out of steam to continue.
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Is the one in current MEGA doesn't work?
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I want just one single gimmick mission where we fly a gunship and get to BRRRT the fuck out of ground targets.
Sharthogs need not apply, I want something actually functional and not a meme.
go play call of duty
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kids these days have already forgotten the cursed modern warfare era where every single shooter under the sun had to shoehorn in an AC-130 mechanic
Good thing we managed to stay above 5000 feet or that laser would have taken us out too!
The AC120 is such a shit idea I can't believe it saw real combat
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<<Status report! Did everyone make it out in time!?>>

<<What the hell kind of attack was that?!>>
Okay but where does invading and occupying the entire continent come into that? Erusea is, by its very nature, an imperialist country that expanded greatly by absorbing neighbouring nations in the 19th and 20th centuries. When it lost many of these countries after AC04, such as Selatapura, they got seriously assmad and had multiple uprisings dedicated to trying to get them back. When the Space Elevator was built in Selatapura, they claimed that it had been built on THEIR territory, because they used to own it a few years ago, and chimped out.
Basically the same deal as the Belkans.
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>inb4 I already did that and I fucking forgot
Early onset alzheimer's :^)
Harling's mirror is a cutscene, not a mission, but yes there's a full cutscene dedicated to Avril and Rosa talking about it.

It's pretty funny seeing those stats. Especially when you see the massive drops after hard or unpopular sections.
This must be one of the most retarded posts i've read on here in quite a while
>Erusea sees the space elevator as Osean economic dominance over the continent
You made that up. iirc economic reasons are never mentioned in the game/cutscenes. Even if they were, it would be irrelevant because it's literally the exact same deal as in ac4 again. They even use the exact same trick again where they show you the superweapon range on the briefing maps. Let me give you an analogy that even an american might understand:
Imagine if CHINA built a a large port somewhere close to the United States of America™ (god bless them), let's say on cuba since they're dirty commies. China also installs cutting-edge long range missile batteries that are able to reach washington dc so they can "protect the port". America is upset until china's sympathetic supreme leader ching chongpingpeng explains that he has good intentions and is only trying to realize his vision of world peace and cooperation, which he calls chongpingpeng's mirror. The americans are understandably moved by his sincerity and comradeship and decide to accept the situation

>This is made tragic by the game also telling you that the former Osean President
It's retarded. Harling was written by someone retarded and his actions don't make any sense whatsoever

>All you need is to not make baseless assumptions based on real world politics and actually pay attention to what's plainly in front of you
funny how you completely missed the entire premise of the war when it's lifted almost 1:1 from ac4 because osea resembles america. They realized they made erusea too sympathetic and had to include them killing children on taylor island to compensate for it. It's about as subtle as a brick, it highlights again how much better written ac4 is

Erusea and belka are fighting 19th-20th century wars in the 21th century, which is why they always lose
> The game literally tells you that Erusea sees the space elevator as Osean economic dominance over the continent and launched their war to protect what they believed were their own interests
It literally is not? Even in first mission radio transmission from princess says that Osea occupied Selatapura, which is rightful Erusean clay, or something like that.
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Do you think we're ever developing any thrust methods better than jets and props? Ionic thrust seems like a no-go, at least for now
Eren Yeager after joining the PLAAF
Post cool liveries
Do you think it wags its tail when it's happy?
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>get license to have fighter-sized aircraft in your fighter jet game
>don't make it playable
6 and 7 both squandered the Harrier. 6 even did it to the Phantom as well.
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god i love the viggen
There was one in ACAH and it was D O G S H I T that violated every single rule of AC-130 levels
BF2042 has a version of that livery for the F-35.
I like it, very John Player Special
You wouldn't seriously take an imperialist aggressor's casus belli at face value, right? Surely, right?
>Osea occupied Selatapura, which is rightful Erusean clay, or something like that.
Selatapura is a sovereign nation state post-AC4, the ISEV is an Osean-backed project on independent (formerly Erusean) clay next to Erusea.
I mean, uh, depending on which terms Selatapura got its "independence" :^)
That's the thing - all that stuff is only hinted upon in earlier trailers and mission 1, after that it isn't elaborated upon. Might be some shit like "self-proclaimed independence but not recognized by Erusea", but that was just fucking forgotten.
Erusean foreign policy is pretty much identical to that of Russia: constant seething about being entitled to other people's land because they used to have a flag there, with occasional chimp-outs to try and get some of it back.
And then they wonder why nobody likes them.
>Dear Eruseans, I assure you, the two giant autonomous drone-carriers circling above half of your country is crucial to security of space elevator
The sheer fuckery that the Usean continent is capable of creating (Continental War + two different Free Erusea wars within 10 years, and the explicitly anti-Osean conflict in AHL), plus the fact that cutting the ISEV's tether would be a Ulysses-tier disaster, gives at least some justification to the creation of the Arsenal Birds. The Princess also complained about the ISEV's existence, not the ABs, despite the fact that a project on that scale would boost every economy on the continent. While the ABs do help with Osea's longtime desire to have influence over Usea, there's more to it than "xaxaxaaa global hegemony ))))". Moreover, the main instigators of the conflict in AHL were the Eruseans (plus other nations) for the explicit purpose of not wanting the southern nations on the continent to sign a pact with the Oseans, so Osea does have reason to invest in protecting the ISEV against a longtime rival with a revanchist worldview.
> plus the fact that cutting the ISEV's tether would be a Ulysses-tier disaster
Not exactly, space elevator would drift off into space.
I also wanted to write something and how whole plot and motive of one country attacking other boils down to "lol Belkans again!" once again, that it got me so disappointed in story of ac7 that I forgot what I wanted to write exactly.
Which AC6 version should I use for Xenia, Europe or USA?
fuck off your your random seething about Russia in a video game thread about a fictional planet where Russia doesn't even exist
take that shit to >>>/pol/
I just realized that part of the reason why Pixy is Solo Wing is because he fights Garm (mistranslated into Galm)
>Then shall the dog Garmr be loosed, which is bound before Gnipahellir: he shall do battle with Týr, and each become the other's slayer.
>Týr sacrifices his right hand to the monstrous wolf Fenrir, who bites it off when he realizes the gods have bound him. Týr is foretold of being consumed by the similarly monstrous dog Garmr during the events of Ragnarök.
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*bites you*
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aircraft carriers are cool but underground airbases/planes operating from tunnels make my privates feel funny
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'sup /aceg/. The Ace Combat artbooks that have this cover should be the translated ones, right?
>got this game recently from the sale
>realized one of the planes from an old mmo i used to play looks very similar to the xfa-27

Love the game. Wish it had a map editor like Freespace 2. Custom battles could've added a lot longevity.
are you trying to buy it online or something?
just message the seller and ask them for a picture of one of the pages inside
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Take a look at the aircraft that Erusea primarily uses.
aircraft type is meaningless in strangereal, every nation uses everything from flankers to mirages to eagles
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Where do you want the next game to take place? Seems half the games take place solely in Usea
Verusa/Sotoa, mostly because we've seen jack shit of them, every other continent has at least a bit part in an AC game
That New Zealand copypasta in the south.
Best part is that this is pretty much exactly how it happened
155mm gunpod SPW when
I want to know what's happening in the Verusan continent, especially in Sotoa and that not Europe thing
We're gonna BTFO those BDFags once and for all.

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they really got everything in akiba
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I think you mean Australia.
Nah it just does that
Anywhere that hasn't been touched in the earlier games and could use fleshing out. The more flavour a region/nation gets, the better.
What's in Anea and Wellow (notGreenland)?
Emmeria and Estovakia, AC6
Nothing so far IIRC
Is there a way to play AC6 online through Xenia?
Air Vikings
No longer do they use longboats they use airships to raid with.
Best one I've seen
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>We surrender.
Is this nigga for fucking real?
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The original
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You wouldn't misidentify a civilian airliner and target it with anti-aircraft weaponry!
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I am completely and mentally stable.
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No, she's going to the gym
You think Chopper would listen to System of a Down?
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How do I change Xenia's controls so that I can play AC6 on M+KB? I don't see any relevant option in the menus.
>inb4 get a controller
I want to play this way, as I play AC7.
tough titty, buddy
play ace combat how god intended
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You need to change keybinds in xenia.config.toml, it should be Xenia folder in your Documents folder, or in a same place where Xenia executable is. You will not get to use mouse same way as in AC7 tho, for that you might need some external remapping tool to emulate xinput device
Is there any tangible added value that it would add me playing AC7 from a lore and story point if I play all the other titles before?
It’d probably be fine to just play the ps2 games (4, 5, zero). I’ve heard AC7’s story can be confusing to newcomers.
Well naturally you know what is going on you know what names places & people are/mean. You also see small bits of setting up for AC3 being put into place.
Would the Raptor qualify as a modern HMS Dreadnought?
>first of its kind
>refinement and combination of multiple pre-existing cutting edge technologies
>on-paper capabilities made it potentially invincible against anything else around when it was brand new
>started an arms race in rival powers to create their own equivalents
>functionally revolutionized its combat role
>did not actually do much of anything during its service life
Well, strategic weapons are best used as deterrents. And I'd say the Raptor is a strategic weapon
Dreadnought was outclassed a few years later, the only comparable adversarial fighter to the F-22 is the J-20 and that came out over a decade later, and it has in no way eclipsed the F-22 the way later dreadnoughts class battleships did to the first.
Would the F-35 not count as outclassing it? Sure it's not adversarial to the F-22 but neither was the first bong aircraft carrier to the Dreadnought.
They’re designed for different things, F-22 is optimized as an air to air fighter, while the F-35 is more of a generalist. The first aircraft carriers also didn’t outclass contemporary battleships, mainly because early aircraft were kinda terrible.
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Post all the images you got with plane at rocket launch F-22, F-15 who else took their picture with a rocket at liftoff?
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here's a phantom chasing a gemini rocket for the hag lovers
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F-86 Sabre
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Does it count if the plane is also the rocket?
Cool, do you have a longer version?
What is old is new again
Those are cool and those whacky cold war idea we all enjoy but looking for plane flying at rocket launches.

So post more if you got'em
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Full rafale https://x.com/Armee_de_lair/status/1814178364225446277
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Started AC5, seems like ammo management is more important than in 4, haven’t had any missions with a return line yet. Not sure what to think of the plane unlock or wingman systems yet.
>seems like ammo management is more important than in 4,
>haven’t had any missions with a return line yet.
I honestly can't remember there being any
most missions are more structured around some event that's happening in a particular part of the map, as opposed to just a big "shoot stuff and rack up points" mission
>Not sure what to think of the plane unlock
you can unlock a few planes over the course of the campaign, but that exists mostly to encourage and reward repeat playthroughs
if you want to unlock EVERY plane, it's going to take a while
>or wingman systems yet.
try using it
wingmen in AC5 aren't as devastating as the support system from AC6, but they can definitely put in good work either protecting you or destroying targets when they're about to escape or the mission timer is about to run out (and it's usually pretty hard to notice unless you're watching them)
>seems like ammo management is more important than in 4, haven’t had any missions with a return line yet
There are no return lines in 5, so you're gonna need to put your gunnery skills to work.
>Not sure what to think of the plane unlock or wingman systems yet
Unlocking planes in AC5 is mildly annoying, but it didn't bother me that much at the end of the day.
As for wingmen... They're bad. If you really want to use them, you'll need to give them the best planes available AND micromanage them with the 'Attack' command for the entire game. Even then, they'd probably get less than 5 kills per mission combined.
Who's got Strangereal's best warcrime record?
Belka only did the nukes and maaybe V2. Erusea's got a whoke laundry list.
>ammo management
The game has two destruction missions where you WILL run out of ammo and are forced to use your wingmen to complete the mission update. So remember sometimes you need to tell them to attack the same target 3 or 4 times before they decide to attack it.
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belka didn't even launch V2. AWWNB was independent, belka just built the thing
meanwhile erusea did yamamoto's dream and pearl harbor'd all of osea's carriers without losing a single human or formally declaring war
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how did he check the number of missiles cipher had
Binoculars taped to his eyes.
binoculeyes realize real lies
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Gotta wonder why nobody else has gone for ADMMs yet.
They're impressive but they're also just as dangerous as any other missile. If the first one in the volley misses, so will the rest of the volley. They're lethal as hell against NPCs, though.
I struggled to S rank Ten Million Relief Plan on Ace, then a week later the CFA-44 dropped and made it child's play.
Whoever thought people should be allowed to use Darkstars in multiplayer was fucking retarded
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Should I 1v1 myself?
Turns out Large Flap does something else entirely and I'm retarded, quickly rewriting the guide to compensate for my retardation
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Will also add some builds Flanker made and will update the Typhoon one.
Darkstar is only slightly less egregious because EML is still allowed to function as it currently does. PA can't balance for shit.

What's the change?
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>asked him about it two days ago
>still no answer
Are cruise missiles significantly slower than regular missiles? They're still rocket-powered right? Why do they get intercepted so often?
Define "regular missile."
Cruise missiles are designed to travel long distances with high precision, therefore they're used more, therefore they're intercepted more. Short-range missiles are useless for that purpose, so they're not used, therefore they're not intercepted.
some cruise missiles are powered by a small turbofan
"catch up to a plane fast" regular missiles.
>They're still rocket-powered right
No, the overwhelming majority of cruise missiles is turbojet/turbofan-powered, and most are subsonic. They're also used to hit valuable targets at long ranges, so that's an additional incentive to shoot them down. You can infer the direction from which cruise missiles will come, and therefore strategically place your GBAD assets and put planes on CAP where you suspect the enemy will send them.
How does a cruise missile intercept usually go? Do they fire missiles at it from head-on? Do cruise missiles have any kind of countermeasures like flares or "dodging AI"?
"Catch up to a plane fast" is short-range by the standards of cruise missiles. Even BVR is medium-range at most.
>radar of some sort picks up the missile in flight
>target is confirmed to be a cruise missile
>interceptor missiles are launched (usually a single one, unlike tactical ballistic missiles, where it may be necessary to ripple-fire them to further increase hit probability) from whatever range they're rated to be used at, considering launching platform (if using the same missile, it will have a longer range when fired from an aircraft, as it inherits the launching plane's speed and altitude, meaning more energy and thus range) and the angle it's launched and the target's direction (basically every missile in service today is all-aspect, meaning it can lead the target from any angle; if something is heading towards you, you can fire from further away as it will make your missile's job easier)
Regarding cruise missile evasion, the best approach is to know the position of enemy air defence assets prior to launching, then programming the missile's path using waypoints to avoid the engagement evelopes of those AD systems. If something capable of engaging it pops up during its flight, some modern missiles possess sensors capable of realising they're being engaged, recognising what's looking at them, and change their flight paths to avoid the enemy system.
So basically cruise missiles are playing the "fly towards the Lighthouse while dosging radar zones" mission IRL? That's pretty cool.
Yeah, and more modern ones can do it more actively. Stealthier ones could even be used to flip the table and actively target known GBAD positions.
We've come a long way from throwing Phantoms at radar stations and hoping they dodge good
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just learned about this thing and it should be in ace combat
>The Lockheed CL-1201 was a design study by Lockheed for a giant 6,000 ton nuclear-powered transport aircraft in the late 1960s. One envisioned use of the concept was as an airborne aircraft carrier.
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apparently it basically is. damn this series rules i gotta play more of it
There's like several versions of those in the games.
I always wonder where these flying nuclear reactors would get water. Don't they need a fuckton to function?
It will simply suck the water out of the air
Is this the so-called "unknown technology"?
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Looks like it might be closed cycle
Got to wonder how those phantoms would be rearmed. Maybe they just don’t, but it’d be funny to imagine them dangling some poor mechanic under the wing, holding a missile in their arms.
Whatever you do, don't stand near the pipes. Or the engines. Just don't go past the middle of the plane really
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>What's the change?
Consider pic related.
>what I thought it meant
You lose more airspeed when you turn.
>what it actually means
When you stop applying pitch, the plane stops pitching faster compared to a stock plane.
No? They're very French-coded as an earlier buddy stated, down to them actually being *the* continental hegemon. Some of their liveries even say "Armée de l'air" if I'm not misremembering.
Ohhh you're that kind of retarded

You might be able to pull off a peer-to-peer connection through Xenia Canary. It's untested for AC6, but supposedly works for Assault Horizon.
all of this cringe can be traced to redditors trying to force those shitty fucking countryball memes into ace combat
Were Erusea French coded back in 04? I only noticed it in 7, but I didn't play AHL.

So it was a placebo the entire time? All least it frees up more slots for other parts.
I really love that thumbnail they used
This is how the protag would arrive for the final mission an a cold war AC game.
>But anon the first airships didn't show up till 95
>Don't care rule of cool overrides that
>Were Erusea French coded back in 04?
Not really, they hadn't any coding in AC at all. Feels like something was in Yellow's outfits tho
I'm ashamed to admit that yes, it was a placebo.
>Some of their liveries even say "Armée de l'air" if I'm not misremembering
IIRC every Erusean livery said FEAF (probably Federal Erusean Air Force; for some reason the aces had the Free Erusean roundel, but Free Erusea didn't exist yet), but we need to look at each one.
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No kidding
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>this fanon map of Strangereal that came out of someone's ass is STILL the first result on google for "map of Strangereal"
>islamic europan union
>Islamic European Union
By this point it's about 15-year old bait. Whoever created it was a master in that craft.
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Might be a bit of a reach, but
>You're not going to believe this, Jean-Louis! All of them have ribbon insignia!
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When PA makes a '40s era game.
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cruise missiles are really big, generally subsonic, and mostly operate with powered flight and jet engines, whereas ballistic missiles are really small, really fast, and only burn the rocket motor for a comparatively short portion of the flight time
polandball is just hetalia for paradox grand strategy players
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Thailand couldn't afford F-35 so they bought Gripen instead
Yes you heard me Gripen-chan finally made a sale and its not used ones its new E & F models
so hetalia but 30x more faggoty
yes but like they are still in denial of being gay and vent by getting into niche esoteric extremist political ideologies that do not actually exist
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Do you think X-59 might show up?
Like the X-29 its looks very future plane and seeing as how X-29 were combat planes used by many countries I could see it being the replacement for it
No, unlike the X-29 the X-59 is a bespoke design built around point to point supersonic flight. There's zero combat utility to it.
If Strangreal can turn a light bomber into a fighter they can do it with the X-59
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I said foreign policy, dipshit, not culture. I don't think those cunts even became French until 7.
and you're still a dumb NAFOid faggot trying to drag his seethe about russia into ace combat
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>Implying that Ace Combat's geopolitics are not designed to mirror those of IRL
Even if it does, it'll be finagled as a recon plane you have to escort or something, like the U-2 in Safe Return. Very unlikely to be playable.
>Implying that Ace Combat's geopolitics are not designed to mirror those of IRL
They're not.
Ace Combat is not some video game equivalent of a roman-à-clef.

There's a really perverse urge that I've noticed among people of a certain mindset where they cannot stop themselves from looking at any piece of fiction and then immediately deciding that every character, element, faction, and plotline is secretly supposed to be mirroring some real-world person or thing.
They can never just accept that a piece of fiction could be fictitious. Fiction can never just have its own world, with its own politics, shaped by its own history and cultures and resource constraints and other motives.
No, those things always have to be a veiled reference for some real-world thing. They just HAVE TO force the square peg into the round hole.
And they can never let themselves notice all of the stretching that they're doing to try to make their allegory fit. Any parts of the fiction that remind them of the real-world thing are magnified in their mind, no matter how small, superficial, incomplete, or ABSURDLY BROAD those details might be -- while any parts that don't line up with the real-world counterpart (different history shaping the world, different people with changing how events play out, different motives like a fucking asteroid impact, etc.) are simply ignored in their final judgment.
Insultingly, there are almost always a dozen other analogues from history that would fit much better than whatever they've chosen, but they never even know about those other examples because they literally only ever know "hurr this is just like the Nazis / USSR / Trump / thing I hate."

I don't know if they're just wired to notice patterns everywhere, even when they don't really fit. Or if they're so hung up on certain real-world topics that's on their mind that they then try to force those topics into fiction.
But whatever the cause is, you people have got to fucking stop.
its even funnier because this dude is convinced that the only instance of an ultranationalist revanchist movement invading a former territory happened in 2022, 3 entire years after the release of AC7
>"So, ISAF is a group of countries in Usea. It exists next to another country called Erusea. Erusea is a bigger country. Ersuea is a powerful country. Erusea decided to invade those smaller countries in ISAF. So, basically, that's wrong."
>Implying that Russia's only done it once
shut the fuck up about Russia, AC4 is clearly about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
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If they ever do a plane unlock system like 5 again, it’d be cool to see the F-18 HARV in the hornet tree. Basically an F/A-18 with thrust vectoring
I want every prototype ever to be included

the other NATF
bring back the MiG 1.44
both F-15S/MTD and F-15 ACTIVE as separate planes
the list goes on
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Osea truly is a special place.
>haven't played AC7 in years but watched top gun again so now I have to replay it
>Jump into online and do my usual thing
>MiG with as much speed as possible and those missiles that track but you have to keep aiming from a long way away
>spawn, fly into orbit and away from everyone, go slow and aim at the spinning ball of dog fighters
>half way through a match half the lobby is chasing me as i fly away tracing circles around the map
I wish I knew how to play properly
You've got the fundamentals of a sniper player down. Tack on Stealth Coating and learn how to maximise stealth OR gear yourself for close range fighting when you need to defend yourself, and you're golden.
And in all honesty, the sniper players I've seen score the best are the ones that die easily when chased, but (1) rack up more points than they're worth per death and (2) die to a different opponent each time so no single player gets close to matching your points total. Success in large BR rooms comes down to fighting smart moreso than raw dogfighting skill, unless you massively out skill or out spec the entire room.
Guess its time to grind out stealth next then, might as well go full annoying long range sniper
It's worth noting that the Fishbed (if that's what you're flying) is actually one of the most maneuverable aircraft in the game.
Keep the engine parts, slap on Superior Maneuverability and Pitch 2 or 3, and you can keep up with top tiers in dogfights.
He was from the Texas part of Osea
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>I'm the only person in the room with a nugget
>figure that since it's only a nugget with very few parts, I can safely bring my fair Mirage (picrel)
>he starts the match
>CIC PSMing TGM Hornet with drifting missiles comes in
>he still fucking dies to me once
Did you play another round with a not fair plane and hound him the entire time?
My usual Typhoon, and I got him twice. It still wasn't enough, and there's not much I can do even if I use a better plane and stall turns, given that he can
>outturn the Typhoon at any flight regime since it's the TGM Hornet
>PSM chain
>drift missiles using PSM's momentum
>always point his nose on me and fire his gun
I'm pretty certain that the Mirage being that slow actually worked in my favour in that match, he seemed almost thrown off and I could use that to my advantage.
Zoom & Boom with Darkstar?
That's cancer. We don't do cancer.
That is very true but sometimes don't you just want to go alright well you fuck and everyone else in the room too?
Stealth builds can do that while being more balanced, since you'll always sacrifice a mobility part for Stealth lv2, making you a sitting duck if someone discovers you.
That is worse than admitting defeat in my eye, it's like wanting to win so badly that you pick the option that just can't be killed short of dedicated anti-Darkstar builds if you're even halfway competent with it.
Ok fair point I can understand that.
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Big Fat Fucker
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so big it slows your game down when it's onscreen
Thats ok one shot is all I need to kill 90% of the map in one go.
Think I messed up my ac3 saves since this is the first time I’m playing a dual disc game on retroarch. I guess I’ll watch the true ending on YouTube once I’ve finished the last 2 endings.
?? what did you do
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Didn’t know they adapted the Mitsubishi X-2 for Infinity. Kinda looks like an F-22. Bit weird to have external missiles on a stealth fighter
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>Kinda looks like an F-22. Bit weird to have external missiles on a stealth fighter
Things happen. Though Worst Korea does eventually intend to put in an IWB.
.... Seems like a bad idea to color the bottom of the plane green, doesn't it?
... Doesn't that already exist? Or am I thinking of the Kfir F-21?
I did not know, thats good to learn.

Is there a quick guide to all the planes somewhere? The ingame stats and bios leave much to be desired.
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Man these all really do look alike
>buying planes in 2024 when we're entering drone era
AC7 got it right they just got the type of drones wrong
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She had her first flight last year

Even the Turk one too
Pointy nose is cute.
If I pop the hood open, will I see a monkey in a fez pedallng to keep the engine going?
Lieutenant Maynum is doing his best, damnit.
2 engines
2 monkey's
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Why do I hear this song when I look at these?
Where does Turkey stand in the modern geopolitical landscape? They're NATO, but they also have friction with other NATO countries right? Which side do they support in current evens? Who's going to buy these?
At the time of AC4's release Russia hadn't started any of its wars because of a refugee crisis, economic crash or foreign-funded space exploration and energy projects. Just accept that this is a work of fiction.
Good question they still hate the Greeks that won't change.
The wannabe sultan is getting older by the day and he knows it.
Russia is a limp dick so trying to play both sides doesn't have nearly as much value as it did 5 years ago.
So it appears they are slowly returning to the western side completely its just a slow process for them.
>Age of drones
Has seen video of a door gunner shooting down a drone. The age of drones has come but it won't remove the meatbag from the sky just change his role in the sky.
aircraft carrier
aliexpress quadcopters with gopros and/or mortars duct taped to them aren't gonna help you achieve air superiority unless the opposing force's air assets are limited to one guy who can throw really far
I don't have the link on hand, but the multiplayer guide in the OP has a link to the spreadsheet with real stats. As always, the stat bars in 7 are bullshit and don't accurately reflect real performance.
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Hornets flew by my university today.
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Found out Antonov attempted to enter the KC-X competition. Would've been pretty interesting to see a former Soviet design bureau manufacture refueling tankers for the USAF.
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Its time (well close enough)
How did you identify him as a nugget if he was CiC rank? Unless he had a low rank but played like an experienced player, because of course there are 'people' who use smurf accounts in AC7 of all things.

Yeah, if I see someone wheel out an EML aircraft or a Darkstar, then that person has already lost the mental battle, regardless of what the scoreboard says.
I don't think the powers that be would ever let it happen
Why do they hate the greeks anyways? Usual border shit?
Not the anon, but there's the usual maritime border shit over fish and some other gaffs over historical stuff, but it's probably the entire situation with Cyprus that's a massive wedge between the two today (and also the single thing that categorically assfucks any Turkish ambitions towards EU membership).
Byzantines and Ottomans
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Nevermind, I'm retarded, I only just realised the CiC was a third player who joined later. I forgot that nuggets still run rooms with hot join enabled.
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I wish this would be an official skin.
>which side they support in current events
The answer is always themselves. They landed in a great geopolitical spot to control access to the Black Sea and also between europe and middle east. They take turns playing good boy for NATO to get fighters to bomb kurds with, giving weapons and other support to ISIS, doing deals with Russia and other autocratic states and their own ambitions to be the big dog watching over the ME like Russia is to the former USSR.

Don't forget Turkey constantly blackmailing EU countries with the rapefugee issue.
iirc the coasts of turkey have been ethnically greek since forever. I don’t exactly know how and when it happened but now they’re populated by turks. The islands right next to the coasts are still greek though, which cucks turkey out of a lot of maritime territory. There were also ethnic conflicts where the greeks first lost the turkish coast (don’t know when this was), threw turkish communities out of crete, to which the turks responded by occupying and colonizing half of cyprus. Gas fields have also been found between crete and turkey, so there are a lot of maritime border disputes between them. It’s crazy to me that they’re both in nato desu
No, we /GCAP/ in this bih
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which one of you was this?
If anyone wants to join, I'm opening a room in MP.
>you posted that just as I started studying
It wasn't a case of "they couldn't afford it", it was a case of the US not wanting to sell it to them. Thailand still does a lot of military exercises with China. Even now, they are barred from using American aircraft during air exercises with China, even to the point of barring their F-5s from flying with them.

The actual competition was between the F-16V and the Gripen E/F.
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What happens in Strangereal version of Europe?
>Who's going to buy these?
>Where do they sit in the modern geopolitical landscape?
I don't know. By themselves like any other non-empire larping nation.
>They're NATO, but they have friction with other NATO countries, right?
Their admission into NATO was a big brained ploy to get both Greece and Turkey to not assrape each other and turn the Aegean sea into a wasteland.
>Which side do they support in current events?
IDK. Whoever they feel like as do most "non-aligned" nations.
Italian bistro
They've probably got Strange!Poland in there.
I wonder what kind of Phriday it is today.
A spooky one perhaps.
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I've thought of a few builds while I was away from home. First up: a no-Data Link MSL Mirage.
>Acceleration 2
>Max Speed 2
>Pitch 3
>SupMan 2
>Airbrake 2
>MSL Damage 2
>MSL Speed 2
>MSL Homing 2
Keep in mind that Standard Missiles are still awful, despite the upgrades. The only reason this build is semi-viable is because the Mirage is actually very maneuverable and quite fast.
>But why would you remove Data Link?
I don't like looping missiles.
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Second: PLSL Su-57.
>Acceleration 2
>Pitch 3
>SupMan 2
>Airbrake 2
>Gun Damage 2
>Laser Hitbox 2
>Laser Damage 2
>Score Bonus (Fighter)
The Su-57's stats are high enough to forego a fifth maneuverability part, but the limited amount of part points the plane gets prevented me from running 4 weapons parts.
>pls use data link
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Last, but not least: HPAA F-15 S/MTD.
>Acceleration 2
>Pitch 3
>SupMan 2
>Airbrake 2
>SPW Damage 2
>SPW Speed 2
>SPW Homing 2
>More SPW 1
Like the Su-57, it only needs four maneuverability parts. More SPW 1 only brings the HPAA count from 22 to 30, but it's more than enough to kill anything that moves (in 5 minutes).
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Bong RAF F-35B performing a Short Take Off. Took off in under 1000ft.
I wish they'd just get A models already.
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Cute Trigger
The Shootout WILL happen tomorrow, and I have willed it.
Phank God It's Phriday
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>Last part is an MRP bonus, not a score bonus
Doesn't matter much, since the build already works fine, but I switched it with that one part that locks your gun on enemies like in ACX.
Sad day for F-16 enjoyers
What's the news
>no pilot error
they definitely shot it down, and by "they" I mean Ukrainian patriot operators
>the joke is porn
probably someone from r/AceCombat
Unconfirmed rumors say it got friendly fire'd down, and that's why they fired th ehead of the air force
>tfw all of my country's Vipers got shipped off to Ukraine because we wanted to switch to Battlepenguins
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It’d be funny
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This thing lives rent free in my head. It's just so fucking funny
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So /aceg/ what is your favorite leitmotif?
For me, it's PW/Calamity. Especially when it play to completion in Presidia
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Finally done with all Electrosphere endings, it’s certainly quite a leap from 2, but I can see why it wasn’t that successful. It’d be interesting if a future game took place during these times in the real world, dealing with what choices Nemo makes once it has freedom. Kinda funny that the whole game’s premise is a dude tormenting and driving to despair a simulated version of the guy who cucked him.
Nemo is not Dision
Unless I'm grossly misremembering some plot details, Nemo is just a virtual hitman cooked up to kill Dision regardless of circumstances
Probably the one from Frontline 59 but I have a hard time deciding if it's that one or the one from Ace Combat 5.
Yeah, it’s repeatedly killing and wrecking the plans of a virtual Dision to train for the real thing. Basically tormenting a simulated version of him over and over.
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IS THAT A SEX JOKE?!?!? THIS IS THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN! I'm totally not the most obnoxious form of casual!
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Yeah Trigger WOULD fly this twin-engined suicide note.
The fuck's wrong with you dude? Chill.
Riverfire happened today. I swear, one of these years I'm going to go to Brisbane and actually watch it...
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hope you all had a good 31st
I got photos of their practice runs but couldn't make it to the actual festival. Pain...
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this looks kinda ass
gotta be bait
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ADFX-10 mod is out
For low altitude ops in hilly terrain it'd make sense
I'm being 4chan culture!
Two hours minus ten minutes to the Shootout, buddies!
plz no bully me
<<It's time.>>
Hop in the room, buddies, the Shootout is on! Rules in the OP as always.
No bullying will be done, buddy, this is all in good fun.
I'm having dinner, so I'll join a bit later.
(You) will be relentlessly bullied, buddy, this is all in good fun.
Is the room already full?
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What's your favorite air force mascot buddies?
There's a spot open!
Two spots are now open, buddies. Also, /aceg/ L., those were some good kills but I think you kind of gave up on that last duel.
I'll do one more, grab dinner, then come back.
I take that shit back, L. got a fucking masterful kill on me.
I will host a room in about 4-5 minutes
thanks, I'm testing out new builds. my respect to you and /aceg/ F., great flying as always
If it gives you an error try rejoining, the room is up
the Dr is 8n no bully
damn you karma
I don't like how defined that crotch is
Any slots open, buddies?
oven bird, I don't know if you're one of us, sorry for "stealing" your win
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That was fun. Two slots available!
How else are you going to tell he's male?
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And that's a wrap, buddies! <<The new recruits certainly pulled their weight too.>> Hope to see you all next week!
Don't worry about it, Phantasm. You did damn well even with that plane

Smooth flight as always, buddy
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Here's a little extra for you buddies: an Su-37 mirror match against a PSM user.
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I'm entertaining some ideas for the /aceg/ Gripen, should the livery be camo/combat use or airshow/flashy?
Are you talking about a guy or did something happen
Here's the funny thing about Turkey. They never do what you expect them to do. Erdogan knows his ass is grass if thet country goes westward again. Besides aren't they making deals with the Chinese?
Doesn't everyone make deals with the Chinese?
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Finally pulled the trigger on getting AC7 since they put it on sale for the Switch after the bullshit they pulled of having it be digital only and full price.

My first impression is I wish there was an in between option for standard and expert since the former moves like molasses, but the latter gives me whip lash.
Also They give you the Morgan at the beginning, I couldn't resist using it.
It's probably giving you whiplash because you're using the Morgan right away. It's better off to use the starter planes as you unlock them to get used to the controls.
no i mean for air-to-air
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Can you please explain to me how you got the final ending? I've finished every route on one profile and sort of left it after that since I just expected it would start up on its own.
At least you're trying Expert controls. My friends and I tried to introduce AC to another friend via 7, and he just tore through the campaign using Novice controls and the Raven, then complained it was too easy and wasn't worth playing.
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Interesting that every single player game in the series since AC2 has only had 3 classes of aircraft (besides a handful in AC3). It’s probably unnecessary but what classes do you think could be added? Interceptors maybe, for more long range chase and high altitude missions. It does have a similar issue to attackers where dedicated interceptors aren’t a thing anymore, but could used for an earlier, Cold War like time. There’s also strategic bombers but it’d be a bit ridiculous to let them into missions that require dogfighting
IMO instead of the rather archaic system of (pure A2A/pure A2G/multirole), classes should instead be strike fighters/electronic warfare/multicrew bombers.
the issue with bombers needing to deal with enemy aircraft can be solved by just bullshitting a pair of standard missiles equipped on external pylons or inside the bomb bay
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I once watched an F-111 do a dumb-and-burn over my school one December. Shit was awesome.
I think We should nuke Usea from the face of Strangereal
Looking forward to AC8.
Theres a 20 year time gap between Skies of Deception and AC3. I think AC8 will show off how national goverments failed and corporations rose up to replace them
I will say I was demoralized after grinding off mission 11 where. I crashed into a ship in the final 10 seconds after getting S rank points because I using my guns and missiles to take out and wasn't able to pull up at the last second.
AC3 was all a simulation, so they can always change what they want.
I honestly can't reasonably believe in any setting where corporations replace governments because any corp interested in governance-related activities is fucking retarded and about to bankrupt itself.
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How Erusea didn't get its shit pushed in diplomatically for committing a two-in-one war crime (Attacking from civilian-marked vessels, attacking prior to declaration of war) is beyond me.
Its wild to me that in a campaign mainly game they have never done coop. And the only time they did do it was a horribly mixed pvp/pve style.

AC is screaming for a coop campaign and coop missions.
Game ends like right at the end of war, and Erusea with Osea is in a fucked up state, and the last survived Erusean leader is just chilling at the ISEV, which don't even belong to Erusea
That continent is well done, you are not bringing any post-war talks there
Erusea is fortunate enough to exist in a world where, except for blatant psychos (like one of their own submarine captains), everyone is too scared to use nukes. Of course after fucking around, Erusea still found out, even if it took longer than it should have because of Trigger being sent to the penal squadron.
AC3 was a simulation based on the reality of the world of AC3
Strangereal is not a particularly realistic setting, which is fine because thats boring.
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people are always waffling on about AC being all WW2 dogfight range but the games still have a lot of BVR combat in them, you can snipe enemies from miles away with like HVAA or LAAMs
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Don’t know if it’s canon but the gba game takes place 12 years after X and General resources already seems well established with its own military
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Just emulated 4, 5 and Zero thanks to the guide linked here and also played through 6 on my Xbox. What a series man. 6 gets too much hate, the story and voice acting is complete dogshit but it's a solid game.
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Mobius 1, engage.
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6's gameplay and Zero's story would make for the ultimate AC.
We are officially at TGS month.
Question, are ICBM's speed in mission 14 scaled to your plane?
I barely made it using the Raven, so I can't imagine this working with an AC-10
Have you tried ACX? It’s on the PSP, but still pretty decent.
Going to play through it next man, will be a new experience as I never got to play it the first time around despite owning a PSP.
I don't think so, you can overtake them easily with the Darkstar and probably the MiG-31 with go fast parts.
nah the A-10 is just a meme pick for most missions in 7
The A-10 is the greatest fighter jet possible, it cannot fail it can only be failed. If just one A-10 were up against all 1000+ F-35s it wouldn't even be a contest, the A-10 would win every time since it's got the GAU-8 and titanium bathtub.
Top Gear Summer? But it's autumn anon.
this implies that there's a C-10
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We're going to slap some rocket jets on this baby and rule the skies.
try the ac2 its really shitty all around but its very long ranged and you dont need a lot of damage to shoot down a missile anyways
Had no trouble with my Typhoon.
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It’d be an attack variant of the KC-10 tanker, which is a tanker DC-10
Maybe something apocalyptic would happen (again) to Strangereal that would render governments ineffective in the face of the crisis which allows corporations to take charge of the situation.
Hello buddies.

Working on cutscenes now. This is the last thing I want to add mechanically.

Currently I'm shifting over to bizdev, budgeting and legal stuff, which is much more aligned with what I do professionally - figuring what is or is not realistic from a content and quality perspective, that kinda stuff. So ASE v0.10 will probably be the last update for a while, and I'll push it once I'm ready to commit to production.
>voice acting
Just the woman and her daughter. The rest is standard "hire anime voice actors/English voice actors for Japanese games" that the rest of the series does.
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Talisman is pretty poor too desu
I meant Shamrock
A necessary step, and one that will ensure the game can go on. It's great, buddy.
I like how the text pops in.
I'm also gonna send this to a buddy of mine because he likes lava.
Good luck man, I gotta give one of your builds a whirl sometime.
Thanks buddies. I'm pretty stoked to finally get back into my comfort zone and have a few talks underway already. Fingers crossed it goes well.

hope your buddy enjoys the lava
>Starliner is making weird noises
Did they send Nemo up in the wrong ship? Or are stealth demons trying to break through to our reality again?
Shit, I forgot the aux plugged
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reminder osg cc is full of reporters
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Who are the other 3 people in the Prowler?
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When will we get one of these
oh good, while we have gotten all the worst parts of science fiction dystopias without any of the cool parts, we're also on the space horror timeline https://twitter.com/SpaceBasedFox/status/1830180273130242223
nah, it's working as intended, Boeing-certified.
all me
ECM Which stands for 'Extra Crew Member.'
Willing participants in the November City Stadium ritual.
So is multiplayer in 7 worth trying if you're not good at the game?
Or would you just get destroyed by people who play it 24/7?
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There's a large amount of novice players, so you wouldn't be constantly getting destroyed, but MP is poorly balanced and if your flight skills are poor you can expect to be stomped by someone who simply has a better plane than you. Refer to the guides on how to build planes for the mode and just try to play for fun.
In what way? Other than going to full-scale warfare, real corporations have already covered basically everything they do in AC3, though not to the same degree. Corporations providing their employees with public-housing style apartments has been around in Japan for a long time, private and privatised space agencies are only getting more common, the internet is more or less entirely centralized and corporate, and on the more boring side of things: Serco has handled the day-to-day running of prisons, schools, trash collection, border controls, welfare, etc on behalf of the UK government. Looking worldwide, it's hard to think of which government related activities have never been contracted out at one point or another.
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Thinking back about AC04... wasn't there some weird obsession with christianity back in 2000s Japan media?
Catholic imagery looks cool and unique/edgy when you are raised in a culture where Christianity isn't The Man. That's why every chuuni character in anime has crosses drawn in their design
I'd like to see their take on Orthodox imagery.
Whatever happened to encycstra? The site's up, sure, but it hasn't been updated in a while and their twitter's been dead since 2021
The parts make a world of difference. If you don't have level 2 parts you're a target dummy.
If it wasn't for saturday shootouts I wouldn't probs even touch AC7 mp.
Spooky fuckin' plen
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>I honestly can't reasonably believe in any setting where corporations replace governments
This has been reality for decades. And just like AC3's USEA we have nations in name only.

It's not a far-fetched concept or even sci-fi. The writers didn't guess, they knew.
a plutocracy is not the same thing as a corporate entity literally being the government
I hope AC8 is 70s or 80s desert kino in Sotoa and the starter plane is a MiG-17 or F-100
Democracy is an illusion. Billionaire CEOs are the new feudal overlords.
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They still operate through national bodies and organs though.
Disney doesn't have their own legislative body that they hand off the duty of lengthening Mickey Mouse's copyright to; they lobby the US Congress.
Chiquita Banana didn't suddenly decide to take on the role of the entirety of the Honduran government when they set it up as a banana republic - all that shit (and the immeasurable foreign debt that they used to further strengthen their grip over Honduras) was left to the junta they set up.
They didn't even operate their own in-house militaries; in Honduras that was managed by the junta, in Colombia they hired the local paramilitaries.
The meme of 'we're already ruled by corpos, AC3 was right all along' rings hollow when AC3 presents corporations as nation-states in their own right completely supplanting the concept of a 'nation', whereas the current dynamic that we're witnessing today (and witnessed as far back as the 1910's, because none of this is new) is that of national governments over-representing corporate interests.
You need to unlock the parts in the guide in the OP and stay the fuck away from 1v1 lobbies (1 person, hotjoin off). Do that and you'll be able to enjoy MP.
if you're gonna try out plane museums in japan, don't go out of your way for tokorozawa
nothing much there
Even as an experienced but not amazing player, I hate 1v1. You either get some shitter who quits after two minutes if they're not winning, some metafag who lands a single hit with SASM/QAAM/LAAM then runs away until you quit or run out of time, or some chain PSM fiend that you can barely land a hit on. Finding someone who's around your skill level is pretty difficult.
I somehow enjoy those, but yeah, that's all there is to them.
>First possibility
I run into a PSM tryhard who doesn't know how to use guns, and evade 98% percent of all the missiles he throws at me.
>Second possibility
I run into a PSM tryhard who does know how to use guns, and get absolutely obliterated because he can turn himself into a levitating turret.
Almost all the 1v1 lobbies I've ever been in were PSM users, and they are a mixed bag.
>if they don't know how to chain
About 50% of the time I manage to beat them by applying the advice in the guide. A good chunk ragequit upon either getting shot down or not managing to get me once within the first minute of the match.
>if they know how to chain
I managed to shoot down a few, probably because they underestimate me, and afterwards they just redouble their efforts and win by virtue of using a playstyle with zero counterplay if we don't count Sp.Ws (and they can use those too, so that's not really relevant). I'm not going in lobbies hosted by well-known PSM chaining users because that's just going to be tedious.
>can out-everything my plane at every flight regime
>perfect accuracy with guns by virtue of being able to move their nose in whatever direction they please, instead of being bound to angle of attack/pitch authority/physics
>can chain to reach whatever angle and position they please, making efforts to use positioning to your advantage moot, and letting them attack you with whatever they want
>if they use missiles, they can use their plane's momentum to make them drift and hit from angles that just wouldn't work
It's an exploit and no one will convince me otherwise.
I thought national governments still existed in AC3, but were just irrelevant and powerless when looking at where real power lies. Maybe with public spending at like 0.5-1% of GDP rather than 30-60% as now. Not so much corporations replacing the state as displacing it. GR probably doesn't have a legislature, it's just that you don't really care about the irrelevant USEA government when you live in a GR dorm, send your kids to a GR school, have health coverage and unemployment coverage from GR life, have most law enforcement conducted by GR security, and expect to retire on a GR pension.
>It's an exploit and no one will convince me otherwise.
It's amazing how AoA in Project Wingman is more powerful than PSM, yet also far better balanced.
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You must have missed a route the true ending appears when you complete your last route. So which routes did you play and see the ending to?
While PSM in AC7's campaign is complete overkill against anything the game throws at you (see >>492653106's friend),
What really annoyed me about my friend playing AC7 is that he claimed that he got S rank on every mission on Ace difficulty on the first playthrough, but to my knowledge you can't actually access Ace until second playthrough. When I pointed that out, he revised it down to S rank on every mission on Hard difficulty, while mentioning that 'the infinite gun ammo makes it really easy', yet you don't get infinite gun ammo on Hard or Ace...
To be fair the Raven is the superboss unit, of course it's gonna faceroll the game
IMO Darkstar feels the most like a proper superplane out of everything in 7, but Raven is up there because QAAM+UAV can carry nuggets.
Anu DLC plane will stomp the campaign, yoy're comparing a medium nuke to a big one, it's all overkill. IMHO Darkstar gets a pass because it's the final DLC plane so they said fuck it, have fun. They were probably contractually required to make it good too, and it's a superplane IRL so of course it can FTL in atmosphere
The Raven may have been in the game since the start but Top Gun brought the real super plane. 4 PLS are nearly as much overkill as the TLS was in 5 & 0

>Hopes for 8 TLS (Falken only) & Burst missile are back to their original glory.
>A new plane shows up with 4 PLS to replace the can't use again Darkstar.
>Fenrir comes back with its proper missile & can now use its VTOL function
>superplane IRL
please keep talking glowie
Well, it's either in the works or simply collection of rumors like the F-19, either way we won't find out until 20 years down the line. Doesn't help that they played along with the rumors and put it in a movie, and I wouldn't be surprised if Lockmart CEO sees all the good publicity it has and orders his engineers to makr it a reality, since it'll be easy to sell
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The Darkstar was designed by Skunkworks. It's (supposedly) fictional but some people believe its design may have been informed by the SR-72 program.
Allegedly the Chinese reoriented a spy satellite to get photos of the Darkstar prop during filming. Implication being they thought it was real.
Personally, if the SR-72 does end up like the Darkstar, I hope they put weapons on it too, like they planned for the YF-12. Just for a laugh if anything.
This is all rumors of course, but isn't the SR-72 supposed to carry hypersonic missiles?
A plane like this has been conspired/theorized on different technical levels since the 80s with the Aurora, personally I just want to see it happen by now. By the way >>492994954 there is your Darkstar replacement, we even get a AC3 reference to boot.
VTOL would be completely useless in an AC game
it would be a cool gimmick that enhances the feeling of fighter piloting
Yeah but it'd allow for playable Harriers and Harriers are cool
I've done all of them - on the same profile. UPEO, Neucom, Cynthia, General and Ouroboros.
It just starts up after you finish the last route?
I'll replay Neucom then, maybe I did that elsewhere hoping it's enough to just have everything on the same memory card.
I was thinking its main use would be in free flight and when just goofing off on easy for its main uses. As well as some group fun in MP
You did BOTH of those routes correct?
>Yeah, uh you know, Casual Easy is basically the same as Ace
The Rafale outturns the Raven at every flight regime if the Raven doesn't PSM, it's QAAM that carried anon's friend
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hello, i like ace combat a lot
Of course
Ok well then the only answer if you missed a route somewhere. Yeah everything has to be on the same save file that why 3 gives you 6 save slots so you can save each route point and have a full clear on the last slot.
You are a buddy and welcome here
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thanks. i still need to get all the achievements on 7. for the frequent flyer im still missing like 30k i think. thought i would have had it by now since i have all the other campaign achievements...
>frequent flyer
Yeah, that shit takes time to get
>MP achievements
Look at the guide in the OP and follow its advice, the basics and the builds in it are enough to stomp most people and will give you a fighting chance against experienced players
We host matches every saturday for fun too
>frequent flyer
That was like the last one I got but at least it requires you to do nothing but simply play the game in any SP mode you want.
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Anyone else find themselves checking flight radar when they see a plane fly over your house?
What a strange thing on F-22 external hardpoint what is it?
electro optical targeting pod iirc
I see
Hmm in 8 that could also work as a PLS pod for F-22
thats retarded
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Why? That would pass as a logical progression of the tech by making the weapon smaller and more streamlined
because PA has never used a model for anything other than what the IRL thing does, ie the TGPs in 7 are only added onto planes with A2G SPWs, they arent SPWs themselves
Fair enough but if I was to add in a newer version of PLS then something along those lines would be a very good choice for a new version of it.
The game gives you access to a free mission selector after getting all endings

Tinfoil hats on
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One guy at work has a flightradar open on his second monitor at all times lol
Does he obsessively check every single plane that goes over his house? Then go to jetphoto to save the images of the plane that just passed over his house?
Anon, I think you might be on a government watchlist
We post on 4chan we are all on a watchlist
Yeah but they make the interns check those. The guys who track planes get moved up to the actual five eyes lists
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Well guess that guy at anon's work better be on the look out for odd glowing individuals sitting at tables during lunch break.
I'd like to see it in 8.
What if Kono hasn't announced 8 because he's waiting on the PS5 Pro?
Why do I get slight smile when playing AC4 and I hear the ground troops yell fix bayonets!
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I'll never not love how fucking futuristic it still looks even though it's decades old at this point.
I sometimes check flightradar24 whenever I hear a helicopter flying above, most of the time its just hospital helicopters or occasionally the police. You talking about people who constantly track different kinds of planes in different states at all times with a heavy focus on AFBs and shit?
biomimicry design is timeless
I bet handling her takes a little getting used to, but once you get her she gives some of the smoothest cruises in the sky.
Its why AC3s original plane designs are so iconic and timeless. Western scifi fighter jets were still doing that hokey old "brick with two cardboard sheets for wings" shtick in the 90s, meanwhile Japan was fucking cooking with dolphin inspired planforms.
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Weird looking dolphin
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honestly surprised these kinds of videos are still running with vaguely coherent concept art and haven't been flooded by ai slop yet
I don't know. She's one of those planes that would implode without fly by wire, so it depends on how subtle the system's corrections are. Maybe it's constantly jerking the plane around with tiny movements, but enough to make it feel bumpy
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woah wtf, youre making your own ace combat game?!?!? thats awesome
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i love my ACbros so much it's fucking unreal
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>That left stabilizer
I dunno man, looks like AI to me.
That is AI. These videos have been flooded with AI bullshit since Dall-E became available to the public.
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Yeah but at least they looked cool in space battles
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I honestly think AC3's plane desing are dogshit, especially Neucom's. There's some neat stuff, like the fact that all the aircraft designs are simply better than the current ones, and even super planes are surpassed by middle-of-the-road stuff like the R-211, which looks like the Morgan if it was a sex toy. But I'm not impressed by the "slap some canards on it, call it futuristic" General Resources designs nor the "iMac G3 are the future" look of Neucom's.
>Since yesterday, the rough song for the new ace has been repeating in my head and I can't stop it. Lalala---lalala, la la la la la
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>slap some canards on it, call it futuristic" General Resources
The Future is yesterday
I will take GR's "canards and 3D TVC on everything" over Neucom's dolphin porn, not because futur but simply because its dumb cool.
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Some of AC's designs could look real good in a soft sci-fi setting.
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Belkans don't care about rules or combat zones they fly free as a bird.
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>AI can't cross map borders
Thank you for your foresight, Namco programmer I'll never know the name of.
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Kill b*lkans. Behead b*lkans. Roundhouse kick a b*lkan into the concrete. Slam dunk a b*lkan baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy b*lkans. Defecate in a b*lkan's food. Launch b*lkans into the sun. Stir fry b*lkans in a wok. Toss b*lkans into active volcanoes. Urinate into a b*lkan's gas tank. Judo throw b*lkans into a wood chipper. Twist b*lkans' heads off. Report b*lkans to the IRS. Karate chop b*lkans in half. Curb stomp pregnant b*lkans . Trap b*lkans in quicksand. Crush b*lkans in the trash compactor. Liquefy b*lkans in a vat of acid. Eat b*lkans. Dissect b*lkans. Exterminate b*lkans in the gas chamber. Stomp b*lkan skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate b*lkans in the oven. Lobotomize b*lkans . Mandatory abortions for b*lkans. Grind b*lkan fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown b*lkans in fried chicken grease. Vaporize b*lkans with a ray gun. Kick old b*lkans down the stairs. Feed b*lkans to alligators. Slice b*lkans with a katana.
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>Where we're going, we don't need runways
Huh I wonder what kind of setting AC is
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What’s this vtol jet at the beginning?
judging by the polycount, it's probably just some model the creator threw together
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Actually, upon further research, it's the "Turbokat" from SWAT Kats
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Bit weird to see in AC but alright
Why? the TurboKat would fit perfectly into that world as some sort of custom pimped out F-14 that some stupid rich dude paid a Belkan aerospace company to build for him.
Always love his stuff haven't checked in a while so I missed this one.
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Just because it’s from a series with anthropomorphic cats
the only good thing about swat kats is callie briggs being a smokeshow, but i guess /co/ types are so starved for anything that isnt animated sitcoms for 60 year old dementia patients or peepee poopoo weed stoner fart joke [as] slop for xillenials
Because FPV drones ain't a thing yet. Those things have sent many an infantryman to his grave.

Or you know the music the plane yeah nothing
Whats with the epic retrowave VHS tape filter? This guy knows that AC7 is set in 2019, right? There are smartphone ads in some maps, even.
I sorta wish to know if Astro Bot will feature any Ace Combat cameo
People coping that they didn't live thrugh the 80s. Then again most late Cold War military personnel would into rock and heavy metal mostly.
Using that filter for the 7 ones is a good way to hide any imperfections or low poly models/effects he uses.
I just finished 7's campaign.
My most notable parts were
Spending too much time downing fighters in 444 to the point the bombers made me fail, but then I got to hear all of Spare Squadron cheering.
The double KO against Mr X in Lost Kingdom where we shot each other down.
Dying 30 minutes straight trying to do the tunnel portion of the final mission
Plot wise, do Sky Keeper, Knocker and Clown ever come back? Or are they just forgotten?

Also the high risk, high reward Maneuver System from Cross Rumble really spoiled me since, since having to break off from targets to dodge missiles is really time consuming.

I'm going to start aiming for S ranks, but what parts should I use? I bought a good majority of them because I've been grinding Anchorhead Raid. It's a given I want increase missile power and decrease reload time, but there's so much good stuff, what are some of the better sets?
I would take a few LODs over the immersion kill of some guy lugging an 80s era film camera around an airshow in the era of smartphones.
Seems he did do one with the VHS filter turned off ironic enough its AC0 the one where VHS is correct it lacks. Everything feels kind of plastic to me
Good fast pace Excalibur battle however
Or the animation and fight scenes, the show was pretty cool.
Yeah, always loved watching it so much so I bought it on dvd a few years back sorry no blu upscale just good old 4:3 480 video
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AI should've stopped at text generation, nobody can change my mind on this.
If AC8 is in Usea AGAIN I'm going to fucking lose it.
>Plot wise, do Sky Keeper, Knocker and Clown ever come back?
No. Wasted potential desu, would've been interesting seeing them in the final 2 missions or something like that.
Another symphony but only for Ace Combat 2 music, the work they did for Lightning Speed and Warning Line was great.
Kono has spent the last 3 years making random tweets about Sota. We know where its going to take place. What we don't know is who is invading them.
>fighters in 444
If you shoot down everything on that level you'll hear unique lines form Bandog & Spare.
>break off from targets to dodge missiles is really time consuming.
Missiles are super easy to evade in this one. A quick high G turn will make them miss or wait till they get close and turn sharp also gives a miss. IF the missile is approaching form head on just "graze" them. Shame you don't get graze points in this series. Yes a quick tilt left or right depending on missile approach at the right moment will cause the missile to zoom past you and miss. Hence graze
All else fails you have flares

> It's a given I want increase missile power and decrease reload time,
Not really the SP parts don't offer enough of bang to make it worth using them on normal missiles. Now SPW parts then they do have an effect and are worth using on certain missions/weapons only. Most of the time you don't need missile power & reload parts at all. Add them if you have a spare slot but not really needed very often.

If your taking LACM then missile range up & faster reload is a must have.
You want more ammo parts and for bombs you want bigger blast range. Remember dumb bomb range is unlimited so don't worry about range parts unless your using GPB's or bomblets dispenser

For SP I go for a general use load I have speed, mobility, queen custom on everything. Also more standard missiles & SP missile parts(*) and that is all you need if you got a slot left over put whatever you want.
If your using lasers or railgun always equip all 3 of their parts.
Bombs should always have more blast range more ammo added and more power too since you'll have the slot open.

* Certain DLC planes only get 4-6 extra SPW missiles so that part is worthless on them.
>A quick high G turn will make them miss or wait till they get close and turn sharp also gives a miss.
I wonder what I'm doing wrong, I try that and keep getting whacked.

>Not really the SP parts don't offer enough of bang to make it worth using them on normal missiles.
Wait, what? So parts for normal missiles aren't worth using and you should focus on special weapons only?
>I wonder what I'm doing wrong
Your timing is just wrong you just have to practice it until you learn it
Wait till the missile is almost on you then do it but again you have to time it right or it won't work.
To soon the missile now has a 50/50 chance
To late and you get whacked

>Wait, what? So parts for normal missiles aren't worth using and you should focus on special weapons only?
For normal missiles
The power part still takes 2 missiles to kill with. Its only use would be on targets that require many hits like the AB, a certain scripted boss, Cruisers & the lone carrier in the game. Otherwise they have no use for the rest of the game. So yeah rather useless part outside those few times.
Now the other normal missile parts can help
the better homing works
the faster speed works
Faster lock on outside of fighting the Twins & the Raven has no use.
More ammo for normal missile is the only thing you want all the time. Everything else depends on the mission your playing. Yes use SPW parts they have a real noticeable effect.
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>it took me 15+ tries to beat mission 9 in AC7
i just felt like i lost a tiny bit of focus after the first two tries but somehow that made me completely start sucking instead of sucking just a tiny bit
i didn't know where to go most of the time
i'm retarded, aren't i
Didn't take long range missiles did you?
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i don't think so
Okay, good to know, are there any special weapons to prioritize? I noticed the QAAM got heavily nerfed.
The SPW you take depends on the mission your going to play the only do everything SPW in the game is the PLS.
Okay, preferred special weapons for Air-to-Air missions and air-to-ground?
Well I never worried much and just fly what I want and use what it has.
If your going for S rank then dumb bombs or XSDB for ground missions. Mission 9 & 11 gets LACM with range & reload parts.
Air to Air PLS, 4/6AAM with homing & lock on parts. SAAM with homing & speed part for First Encounter to end that scripted fight as quick as you can and to end the drones faster
equipping the anti-cloud part may be very useful for you on that mission.
Even then, PLSL isn't ideal for some missions, like the second half of Pipeline Destruction. But I've found LACM carries where PLSL can't.
I find it funny that the mission timer immediately fails the first half even if the damn dust cloud's edge would still be 50km away from the port
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I miss old game ads.
>I'm going to start aiming for S ranks, but what parts should I use?
>what are some of the better sets?
Refer to this post:
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Wait shit I didn't check the actual image before uploading I didn't realise it was bloody Battletech. Still relevant I guess.
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New (old) AC game
its great for the 2nd half of Pipeline you can down the drones + ace with ease and take out the trucks with missiles. The only level where its not great is First Contact to many clouds
Having rival drivers talk shit to you and their teammates is kino as hell and I wish more racing games did it, so long as they're somewhat professional. It wouldn't work for me with a street racing setting.
Love mission 11 in AC7 so much.
How many times have you played it then?
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I should play AC6 some day
How well does it emulate in 2024?
oh man, these are great
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Trying AC3 NA, feels utterly soulless compared to the JP version
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I wish they'd bring all those ACX fictional planes back. Give me Apalis and Cariburn instead of 18 variants of Su-27
At least there’s mods for that
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Given your playing as an AI its fitting really
This makes me kinda SORTA hopeful that we might get a trailer soon. I recall that AC7's soundtrack went through a few changes over the development cycle. Please for the love of all that is holy and sacred, please give us a fucking trailer. Shit, even a single screenshot of the title menu or something so that I can be sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that the game's not stuck in dev hell again.
>implying street racer cowboy bushido wouldn't be the sickest shit
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Did someone say put all 36 Flanker variants in AC8?
Hey I know that eagle
But... wasn't Shawshank a US prison?
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You will not survive the winter and Valhalla will hot have you.
if you have a decent pc you can emulate it fine. But it runs at 30fps, i wish there was patch for it to run at 60fps though. When i played through it I actually felt for the first time ever in videogames motion sickness trying to track really fucking fast drones that are in that game. Nonetheless its good
I mean, considering the US prison system, comparing it to the death star is not an unreasonable comparison.
Aren’t there ways to for it to run at higher fps? It does seem affect plane acceleration but 60 fps might be okay https://youtu.be/EAq37K_2GcI
The 1 year anniversary of Frontline 59 is coming next month, wonder if it's a timed exclusive and they'll release it on PC soon or if it'll stay there forever. I guess it could also be one of those games that's stuck on PS for a long time until a Sony executive remembers it and realizes it's more profitable to sell it on PC after so many years.
let it go bruh
I can't
<<Learn to accept it, kid.>> Arby took the Sony money and ran.
Holy shit, I remember seeing this ad so many years ago and only just remembered. I think it was in Gamepro?
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I would like to report that the AC reference in Astro's Playroom, which had a Nosferatu (a plane that has never seen a Playstation console and was never touched by Phoenix) sporting a Scarface livery, has been replaced in Astro Bot by a Wyvern (also never touched by Phoenix) sporting a Scarface livery.
maybe concord flopping and astrobot being a success will get sony execs to stop being out of touch retards (lol)
Isn’t the Nosferatu in AC7, at least as dlc? What plane would’ve been better, the XFA-27?
>Isn’t the Nosferatu in AC7, at least as dlc?
Yes, also was in Infinity and ACAH, but it debuted in AC6, an X360 exclusive. XFA-27 would have been better because it's a first original plane of Ace Combat, and it's best of Phoenix's planes
Yeah, the XFA-27 would make more sense as a PlayStation mascot representing AC, but the Wyvern or Falken would be decent runners up.

I didn't pay attention to PW until after it was released. Didn't it start as a PC passion project?
yes, but the big DLC updateTM was playstation only
That's disappointing.
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>one guy with a vision (exceptionally rare these days) makes a game just like the game we loved playing as kids
>instead of making a sequel, he does this
can't have fucking SHIT in this life
Honestly I forgot it even existed desu
Cute little plane
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Its a few hours early but she's got a fuel tank with her.
I hesitate to ascribe to malice what can very easily be attributed to incompetence. Whether Sony's or Arby's, I can't say, but come the fuck on. Why would someone do all that, and THEN pull some dastardly shit? Why not just fraud a kickstarter from the jump? Just pump the damn breaks, my guys. OP there had a pretty reasonable take, it's probably just hung up in some contractual shit, or porting it is weird. Wasn't it also fully VR? What kind of hurdles does that pose, going from Sony's VR system to whatever would be on PC? I ask this honestly, as I don't know.
>It wouldn't work for me with a street racing setting.
I thought it was the coolest shit back in NFS Carbon
I mean, all the assets are already there. The models, the sound work, the AI scripts. Porting them to PC should be a waalk in the park, beacuse the game enginealready runs on pc. It was designed for pc in the first place! The only explanation iscontractualshit, but that just means he was either greedy or stupid enough to accept it
I just want a proper follow up patch for the PC version. I recall something about a highly anticipated version 1.5 that never arrived, but now there's a 2.0 in beta with less stuff.
I just mean like I don't know mechanically how VR systems work, it seems like it would have to be a different framework. While the base game systems might work about the same, I don't know if PSVR is proprietary enough that its interface differs a lot from whatever you'd use on PC. I'm not sure it's as simple a transition as just projecting it onto different screens, because you have to take into account inputs, and probably that there's more than one VR system for PC you'd have to account for? At the very least I think there are hidden hurdles we may not be privy to.

There also might be hurdles Arby didn't account for. That's what that sounds like. You get ambitious and shoot for the moon and you don't really manage as much as you wanted. And god only knows if Covid impacted anything. I don't know. It could be a circus run by clowns for all I know but I don't sense supervillainy in it, is all I'm getting at.
10 years, since ac3 is a simulation run in 2030 projecting 10 years into the future
It's also entirely possible that the events of Electrosphere only really effect Usea since we get very little on the other continents
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What could’ve been for the FB-22
Finished AC5 last night, haven't played it since the PS4 re-release back in 2019
>noticed even more dumb plot holes
>enemy AI significantly more incompetent than AC4
>ace fights are almost on rails, enemies rarely break formation, if you outmanuever one you usually outmanuever all of them
>enemies eating xmaa on the canyon dogfight because their flight paths are almost scripted
>no return lines in missions with tons of ground targets is a dumb design decision
Still the game I like the least from the PS2 trilogy, gonna go for another playthrough of AC0 next week
Why is Germany a cat? I could see them being a black eagle but what connection does germany ahve to cats. The only thing I can think of would be the use of big cats to name thier tanks
Appreciate it, I am cheesing by using superplanes, but it's been a steady stream of S-ranks.
Also ran into a few named aces as well, still don't know how they spawn, but I figured I'll play through a few times before spoiling myself.
Well you literally just fucking stumbled over the reason.
Some aces have very obtuse requirements, like flying through certain places, others are counterintuitive like willingly taking damage, just save yourself the trouble and use the wiki.
I still remember the 'elite Belkan aces from the war 15 years ago' constantly dying to head on XMAAs. Meanwhile basic shitters in ACZ will dodge those.
Baking the new thread!
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>my favourite squadron?
<</aceg/, launch!>>

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