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Previous Thread: >>491901772


LATEST APK (22/08/23) (replace ! with y)

OpenMystery is an open-source PC port of H*gwarts M*stery, made in Unity.
It runs like an emulator, and is developed using top-down reverse-engineering methods.
Thus, via control of the engine, it can remove the annoying mobile mechanics.
It can also play new content (the main quest, TLSQs, SQs, quidditch, creature quests, dates, etc.) whenever the base game updates.
Please report any bugs you encounter.

>Setup Guide

>Modding Guide


https://imgur.com/a/FIEbRyy (broken)

>Blender Models

>Related Games
>>HPHM Visual Novel
>>Unity game
>>"A Very Meru Christmas"
>>Pokemeru mod (download pokeabby in f95)
>>ClumsyDrawfag's Visual Novel: "An interaction with Merula"
https://mega.nz/file/i7ZyUJ6J#nGp2fzVh64ZyHMNV2Cf8BXEviDXLJi0kv2ZBrL67yWs (broken)

>Our boys, Bep and Love5tar
dude, i know time zones are a thing, but you gotta wait a bit longer before creating a new thread, everyone is asleep in the west side of the world
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everyone is still asleep...
what i would do to those two
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link full plz
The fuck is going on with threads lately?
lurkers forgetting to bump during euro hours
The spic neets aren't keeping the thread alive
the spic neets are sleep at that time, the euros are the ones fucking up
Euros neets don't wake up before noon, it's the spic's hours.
it was around 4am at the time of dead, no spic neet is up at that hour, at least not the ones lurking here
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Now whats your excuse??
whats yours for keep coming here?
Sorry, we have a game to play.
I'd say 'unlike you' but let's be honest, you don't even post on /hpgg/ either.
All the MA fags are committing suicide so we can take /hpgg/ back
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Artist name?
get in line
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that puffskein just huffed potion fumes
I know there's a lot of new games but always remember to leave a bump specially around 8am-10am Eastern Time
Full Marks...again
Merula too pretty compared to the original game.
what is the point of this stupid memory book if failed tlsqs dont get added to it? im missing like 5 now because i was too busy to do them and i want to redo them but they just wont reactivate at all
they are adding them in a future update along side the option to replay them to get rewards.
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What original game?
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I read it on the JC discord
I hope that if JC reads all the complains about the eye colors needed to be fix they also read my complains about Skye's hair to be fixed.
So proud of your courage to stand up for what’s right! The times are changing, but TRUTH is eternal. Thank you for your conviction and bravery.
It's just hair...
VERY ugly hair
True but it's still Skye
>frosted tips
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maybe she changed, we haven't interacted that much with her
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Imagine going for your nightly walk to stretch your legs and you find Chiara just laying on the floor haha
The MA fags aren't the ones we have a problem with, dumbass.
I would be warry she's probably playing dead trying to catch a poor student
They are quite the funny bunch
No one has a problem with you on the other general, you are the only salty fag
it's rape wizard time
Afraid she was already used fren
i don't mind sloppy seconds
i date penny after all
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My wife
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>He's taking a long time with my shoes...
Well it's a long walk to the bathroom and back
We always talk about how crappy this game is, but it doesn't die, and other Harry Potter games and Jam City games die. Guess we're immortal.
kinda like cockroaches.
Considering she's quite young in there, it'll take her a few years to realize it wasn't just water, and that she just put on the cum shoes.
I'll take it
better a living cockroach than a dead one, we take those
after the 6th time during that week she must know.
She knows and allows it? what a horny witche
Like she could stop mc
All witches must stand up for their shoes
Then all will lose
And then they all end up with the cum shoes, which if you think about it is not that bad considering the plethora of possibilities the wizard world offers. He could force them all to eat love potion-spiked muffins or something, but no, what a considerate lad he is.
Based and hot
Congratulations to MC and Chiara on their wedding
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Double wedding
I think mutual assured destruction applies to wizard and witch relationship that's why they have deterrence
me in hufflepuff and skye in slytherin
that's 1st wife, Chiara will be 2nd
would green skye bully mcpuff?
Skye doesn't bully just ignores
that's a form of bullying
only if you are a pussy
me and skye playing halo 3 odst on the xbox 360
Quidditch next week I feel it my bones
skye says she had fun and pulls out a copy of halo infinite and says she'll stop being friends with you if you don't play this game with her right now
she would be like 40 when odst comes out
childless cat lady skye
wrong but maybe next month
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Your bones are wrong
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need MC wearing this shirt
Is Merula x GryffMC the most wholesome pairing
No, Meru x RavenMC is the ultimate pairing, and is the canon for openmystery (seperate canon to hogwarts mystery).
Lot of witches will think he's talking about them, might start a war
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More like I'm gonna make you a sandwich.
I don't think a male Ravenclaw mc would be dating witches
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>it’s canon for openmystery
Mother fucker, since WHEN?
Morning bump
I have a job interview in an hour, keep it alive while I’m gone
Cat Bea
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Ok JC I sea you.
I'll draw some tentacles, you just had to ask
those are some BIG tentacles...
Since version 4
They could at least give the characters some underwater outfits
Reminder that the booru, uh, exists
Make 'em Jane's, been literal years since we got new (non-AI) Jane content
abducting horny witches, the prude prefect revenge...
something something beach tlsq
I don't think swimsuits will look good in the models, it will just expose how bland they are.
well maybe its time they make new models, either that or they´ll make full body swimsuits and call it a day
whats the most exposed skin a costume has allowed us to see anyway?
>great hogwarts cookout
>no competition and everybody wins
I think sundresses for the girls show the most and it's not a lot.
the eyes are now fixed, that was quick
And it took them 3 months to fix the missing upper teeth, new team working fast
who was missing their upper teeth? i dont think i noticed that one
now i'm getting constant "lost connection" shit
I believe it only affected male mc's maybe that's why they didn't fix it quickly.
huh, yeah i never noticed that
it was a while back but it lasted for a long time for such an obvious bug
Tulip my beloved
OpenMystery doesnt require internet connection, silly.
not even close, if anything its probably the worst one, too much conflict, not enough romance
you do need to update it from time to time
good prank, bro
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I KNEW it was a parasite
if you were to remove it, would Merula's behavior change drastically?
If she had it since birth I'm afraid you will kill her if you attempt to remove it.
It's a beneficial symbiotic parasite you can't live without. Like your eyes.
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>the reward is a squid themed chair
Girls love tentacles.
I'll invite all the witches to sit on it and watch in amusement as they squirm
dating tulip would be a good prank if you left her at the altar
Classic prank. I bet she'd love it.
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>Merula, Year 1
looks more like age 7
Have a seat lass while I get ready for our date.

Uuooohhhh ToT
Cute and funny!
Little Merula trying her uniform to show her parents
I'm sure the dementors at azkaban were thrilled by it
Total Dementor Deh
dementors have a purpose but they should really be reserved to the high level criminals not everyone who goes into Azkaban.
Why boots so sexy
cuz there is something wrong with you
they simple are
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drugging penny
graping Penny
Adult Penny should wear heels
why? she already lanky enough, thats only gonna make her look even more
Only Tulip and maybe Ismelda can pull them off with thei current getup
>Tulip with their current get up
not even Andre is that design blind
I honestly forgot what young adult Tulip wears
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absolute garbage
very zoomish
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Andre needs to design her some new clothes
still wearing the fucking dungbomb
is her drug
would be okay without the jacket and the jockey boots
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the fuck is happening here?
Ben autism kicking in
Oh no, he's about to get edgy!
He is one of the few who actually hurt Rapepick, he's dangerous
Who else actually managed to land a hit on her?
my dick
>there is at least 1 MCxRakepick fic in the mega
I wonder if it was written before or after her betrayal...
I know there's one where she teaches Merula and MC about sex individually then sets them up so they can try it together.
That's why I wanted Ben to remain our eternal shield, but instead he breaks his supposed promise in a few weeks and never cares about protecting mc again.
I wonder how booruanon is doing
Speaking of, does he own both boorus? If not, how is the old one still up?
Everybody cover, his edgynescreates cringe instead!
Sounds like /omg/
>instantly goes for it
What’s the mater? Lost your friends to roleplay with?
Rent free
>says the guy lurking the thread just to start shit
Lmao even
Can someone please post more full-body screenshots of Beyond characters? I need them for reasons.
"Eat your vegetables!"
those are a bit harder to find since not many people are in the Beyond section of the game yet, there is not much of those online.
i´ll try to get some later but i dont guarantee anything
Thanks in advance anyway
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...is it in the mega?
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>Merula, Beyond (after fixing her hair)
She stole Ismelda's dress...and boobs
Merula is a petite witch
>JC will never make character models that look this good, not even talking about the boobs, just good in general
They need a little inspiration aka money
wasnt there a report posted here not long ago about they made millions?
it's not a money issue, JC has/had a dating simulator game that has characters with actual sex appeal
>JC has/had a dating simulator game that has characters with actual sex appeal
what game?
guess they are unable to translate that appeal from static png´s to 3D
also, i suspect WB might be stopping them from doing anything remotely riske in the game
I for one kind of like frosted tips Merula
minor spelling mistake
Looks gay focused
they are not that bad but they could've done them better
nta, but agree.
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Her only mistake was to trust her aunt, nobody expects family to be the ones that betray you until it happens. Sadly it happens a lot.
Penny flatter than a loli
If Penny was any flatter she'd be concave.
well she's flatter than Bea
Bea is just overall superior. Why can't we date her?
Alright fellas who is sitting in the funny tentacle chair
>tentacle chair
That's Jane throne of course.
Bea, she loves the squid
Because she's 3 years younger than MC and that's a no-no for woman running the team.
have you done anything with Tonks? i feel like she is missing from your collection
You can use the openmystery model viewer or poser tool to spawn them.
I'll make this one the first then.
awesome, make sure she has modified her body to be as THICC as possible
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Wonder if that a chrip like a bird or like a squirrel
fish make noises?
Yeah, they chirp.
my padre looks very black despite my mc being white is this a bug
he looks pretty funky in the shadows for some reason
>look it up
>its true
i dont know how to process this information...
must the a curse
That they do, as someone who wanted to be a marine biologist for 14 years, fish make crazy noises.
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He used to look red
El diablo!
>MC's mom fucked a demon
would explain how MC is so powerful
MC´s mom a freak!
And why she keeps running away
>After the beach tlsq
>the chair is just Jane
thanfully that curse was broken
was it really?
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New piece is out
Love Penny losing IQ points
Even more? She keeps going like that and she’ll end up like a tomato
It's the fate of all gooner witches
It is a weird compromise where both acknowledge they are dating but still don't act like a couple
Or a literal potion dispenser.
Can't wl the p
Merula Snyfe
You what?
Does anyone else acknowledges it or are we still a secret to everyone?
Slept Merula
Witches hips
Are they big and powerful?
This looks good! Nice job as always
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Since the pixiv releases are usually pixelated, do you release them somewhere uncensored as well?
Oh yeah I forgot to do that.
I’ll never get over that interaction with Merula…
Doesn't pixv allow porn or they cracking down on that?
I don't think they have told anyone yet but Tonks and Tulip know so they don't care if anyone finds out
>The ones that are the most likely to get us into their bullshit are the ones who know
fucking hell...i can already see the very few adult romantic TLSQs getting ruined by their stupidity
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I'll post uncensored images on the snyde booru sometime tonight
You will take the balloon and you will like it
not October yet
The ones you don't date have to know as well, right? It makes it a bit weird
Fucking the lesbian out of Tulip
She's not gay dammit
Don't deny the truth
>check the cover of that upcoming quidditch game
>it has a Liz carbon copy front and center while Harry is behind
that game is going to bomb hard.
Reminder to upload stuff to the booru
Anyone know how to do child posts on the booru?
Someone usually does it from me but I feel bad that their picking up my slack.
>go to the post you want to be a child
>edit it
>enter the parent post's number in the parent field
Damn that's so ass from instead of for and the wrong they're.
Gotta commit sudoku now
I'm trying to child post a post which already has a child post and it seems I can't because of it, I'll un-child post it and see if I can, if not, sorry for the mess.
Never mind I managed, everything's in order now.
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Don't let her near the first years
she does give me those vibes...
Who broke her leg?
I saw the gameplay and I wasn't impressed, looks like a phone game rather than console/pc game
They are finally reactivating the Rath friend side quest next week.
That one anon who was waiting for years must be really happy
They're probably dead now
May he date Rath in heaven or Skye in hell
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>Mum would prefers to spent time with her nephews rather than her own offspring
hate MCmom like you wouldn't believe.
MC needs to give her some proper correction for her absence.
Yeah... 'cousins'...
This. DESU
he'll invent a new deletus
mater deletus
what chapter?
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the most recent one
>Even after leaving Hogwarts mom doesn't bother to pay mc a visit
Nice art
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BEEG CHEEN but still cute
Would smell
i bet she smells of cheap cologne and b.o.
she uses what penny recommends
I knew Penny used friendships to sell beauty products
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Reminds me of something...
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seems like most of those are easy to fix
griffin would be the one who would know about that
Well if they fix everything at once they wouldn't be able to milk those announcements
He gets all bugs fixed and he's just one man army.
Makes you wonder about the quality of employees at JC
the difference is that Griffin is a competent person
Aren't indians supposed to be good at computer shit?
Not the cheap ones.
Finally finishing year 6 hoping year 7 goes faster
lmao, put back your tripcode
It won’t…it’s such a drag, I just finished it and it felt like the longest time
>ynr legitkeks
>implying I don’t have OM installed
I play both nigguh
I really like her vibe
>>implying I don’t have OM installed
I'm not implying that
I'm saying that if it's taking that long for you to get to 7th year in OM, imagine how long it takes legitkeks
So what are doing for thread #50?
Shooting at each other in a parking lot.
Shouln't we do an art compilation like the /hpgg/ 500/1000 etc.?
Dont die
Awesome, let’s star with you
I was thinking about the same thing
Skye but with sandals
Speaking of, PSA please upload to the booru
I'm hoping most anons here aren't of African origin
Holy shit I just got (You)'d by Love5tar
Is this what it's like to meet a celebrity?
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would make Ismelda look like a disney princess
the place where the giant squid lives is full of muggle ships, wonder if they kill them all
;p I started drawing then forgot I'll do it tonight.
Nah, JC will probably say that the squid is actually pretty tame and all of those boats were accidents
Can’t have too much intentional violence
Something like "the squid was actually trying to help the sailors" or something
Sounds like squid propaganda
I want to shake Tulip's hand and break it
rip her hands out
Is amputation a prank too far?
so if normal puff jane paralyzed you if she were to catch you snogging with a girl, what would slytherin jane do?
straight up kill you
with limb regeneration? no
skin you alive while she rapes your gf/bf
I feel like Snek Jane would punish everyone else to turn the whole house against you.
she would never perform anything close to lewd no matter the house

now this is actually devilish
Isn't this what the slytherin prefect tried to do at first but then changed his mind
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that bitch is lost
Yeah lost deep in MC's cock
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afraid so
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Straight from MC's potions notebook
But where are the fairy wings?
they are there, they are just not to scale with her regular body
That's the care of magical creatures notebook
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How sweet
Vote Merula for school president
Needs Bea
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She gets my vote
Well I guess we know how's 'disappearing' when the new regime starts.
Man face
She might play the authoritarian but she's actually quite libertarian
isn't head kid the equivalent of that? that shit isn't put to vote
Night of the Living dead with Chiara
Watching the movie or surviving a zombie apocalypse?
The later
>she gets biten
>you now have to deal with a fucking zombie werewolf every month
Done! if I messed something up my bad.
should be uncensored but im sleepy so might not have verified all of "em
hot damn
>implying I wouldn't blow her brains out the moment she gets bit
If MC went to Egypt with the Weasley's how come they don't show up in the family picture that harry sees
mass obliviations
Are they that ashamed of mc?
mc is the one that did it
He really takes his janny job seriously
Whats a muggle thing that is sure to impress Merula?
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This with Tulip
I rather do that with Badeea, hell I’d take Corey even
More general question:
Which of the wizardborn characters woul be interested in learning about physics/technology?
They will probably laugh when you explain it to them
Adult alanza
If she's impressed by phones, then the internet will blow her mind
she just says "it's very convenient" doesn't look that impressive to me.
need catgirl chiara for irony
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quidditch returns
It's time
No quidditch? Poster btfo
he would seethe at my woodchipper
how much you wanna bet it does not include anything for Beyond
I doubt they would make such a big deal of it and keep Beyond quidditch content out of it.
i dont know, sounds exactly like something they would do
Oh my sweet summer child...
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Just remove the thiccness
Penny is way to flat to be Rapunzel
Bea then, she got all the good genes from mom
ahh, found it, not a chapter, its the sidequest when Ruby feels nostalgic for ilvermorny
I'm starting to hate Ruby, I know I shouldn't but damn she's annoying
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Sat down last night to draw tonks sitting on a funny chair but ended up drawing Liz's big juicy black ass instead.
well, lets see it
It turned out pretty good so I'm gonna fully render it first.
Tonight I WILL work on the chair.
Whoever is shaving Skye's left side needs to be stopped the prank isn't funny anymore
Clearly we're not fucking Tulip hard enough.
i knew that had to be a cruel joke
she did it anyways?
It was either that or her panties
why not both
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is quidditch actually fun? genuine question
not really but it's a nice break from clicking
huffgirls trapped in a photograph
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SkyeXL model soon
damn, looking good
before the shaving...
I'll continue to spam JC until they surrender
I kneel.
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delet dis
Only way to keep them safe from the reckoning...
Jane please...
Hufflepuff will rise
is Jane a possible school shooter? should she be in a list?
They already sent her to Azkaban. She's fine.
i wouldnt trust her anyway, you have to be pretty fucked in the head to be sent to azkaban
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Want more Beyond content
What would you want?
Meru meru!
Nothing in particular, just fanart/fics that acknowledge its existence
Is it possible to search by picture dimensions in the booru?
Little Meru is so cute I want hug her
Had a weird dream about Chiara, she forced me to dress like a wolf before going out together and surprisingly it wasn't that bad, am I a furry now?
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>Blocks your path.
Muevete puta
And people used to think she was mom lol
Its already over for you.
Gee I wonder if this artist prefers tits or ass
Couldn't tell ya
That shit looks like a drawing of Legoman
>deleted between these posts
I wonder if it was by Love5tar himself or the jannies
I guess that answers that question
Merula with a femboy twin brother
Newfags dont know about futa Merula
More? Futa penny
no idea how they ever got to that conclusion, honestly
well duh, they are jannies, they have no consistency whatsoever
Assman all the way from the tip to the base
Some flag reports everything here
>it got deleted too
jannies must be on their periods i guess
Lambao 300 lb+ mods seething
Someone's certainly mad ;)
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Lovestar is mad
giant squid please rape tonks
fertilize your penny
puffskein to onahole
first spell i would learn
You don't need a spell to do that
>merula and mc returning to Hogwarts together
based and canon
this is the second time in this thread even that youve made this joke and its just as funny

also what the hell i got a warning?
too based
stop futa hate
hope is just one off, i don't want to live in egypt
well, there is a locked area in the map in Beyond thats right over Egypt, its definitely a permanent area
yeah but I hope it's just for the weasley shit and not something that is recurrent
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me and skye
i dont know man, if it got a whole ass space for itself in the map, that sounds permanent to me
y r u gay?
which one are you?
Now and then I google openmystery on youtube and google to see if anyone ever played it or reacted to it, but its never happened.
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Bunch of beta hm stuff.

It looks like a joke game
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Beta Merula found!
she cute
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>no one really likes her
what is this?
he sort of said what it is
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>shoes were going to be separate from pants
they should've kept it that way
Ravi was actually repurposed into both Rowan and Andre. Andre always being Ravenclaw like Ravi and his textures are still called "Ravi", so his model is probably just a modified version of this one.
Sounds like a more interesting character than both Rowan and Andre
Thats what I was gonna say, both penny and rowan have more interesting designs in those paragraphs.
Merula was proto Tulip
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"Ben is being a little bitch."
if only we could have this version of the game, i would pay TOP DOLLAR for that
kek based London
if only we could summon props in OM´s model poser mode, i would create a small comic strip based on this
She looks a bit chubby
1st year pls understand
thanks thats high praise
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>this was deleted
>it's just a screenshot of the current /wfg/ OP, which is STILL UP (>>492885659)
Jannies be consistent challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Merula Valkyr when?
cutest smile in all of Hogwarts
might be related to the age
Still doesn't explain the inconsistency
either it's sfw or it isn't
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Tulip does NOT have tits that big
How do you know?
Body-altering potions need to be banned
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SkyeXL model is up, in the same place the previous model is. I think my next update will be peni.
great job AInon, i still owe you some Rath pics, i swear, i´ll do them eventually
Thanks, I look forward to it, she'd be the first one I'll try the muscular tags with.
thanks it works great
Prove it
He is just samefagging
i dont know how that AI thing works at all, should we include a link to it in the OP? do you need to install it or is it all in a browser?
Is this Beyond Penny?
You can install it if you have a 8gb gpu and get endless generations, or you can use a site that allows a few generations per day for free like civitai. As for the an op link, if the rest of the thread is fine with it sure, theres me and other anon making witches models.
no, thats penny in her summer festival outfit
this is Beyond Penny
need to finger this witch
granny pants...
>t. Merula
>t. Futa Merula
You really need to come up with new ideas, anon
We're all making fanart for the thread #50 compilation, right guys?
Are you?
Yes actually
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Need more witches in sandals
not enough polygons, you´ll only get lego shaped shoes
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Unofficial measurements
>bust sizes tied between Chiara (understandable) and Bea (im sorry?!)
>Bea is taller than most witches
this thing makes no sense
Did you generate this with random numbers or something? Absolute horseshit.
show us the quidditch girls coward
How the hell does Liz have the smallest hip size. Also Bea tied with Chiaras bust is insane.
just what is the Haywood family feeding Bea?
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>Liz and Badeea not having the biggest hips
>Ismelda and Tulip not being the bustiest
>Merula not being one of the shortest witches
The Chiarafag who made this has gone too far
Tulip isn't the bustiest, which retard wrote this comment, Chiara's always been in top with Ismelda.
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Official measurements:
I totally forgot those two existed kek
im ok with this chart
How could you
to be fair, everyone forgets about them
Patricia Rapepick
what about her
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will put skye's socks inside that watercooler
She's my mommy
pretty comfy, ngl
It has a changing room and a couch...quidditch players are the ones who keep wizard population alive.
sexo on the couch, on the bench, on the furniture, and even bending her on the broom stand
just don't break the memorabilia
still wondering what OTHER sports exists in the magical world besides quidditch (and no, im not counting variations of quidditch)
>that bright blue drink
We found where Skye's hair went
dragon racing
>she paints her hair with gatorade
does quidditch really pays that little?
she plays for the family team, she doesn't get paid
other way around, her natural blue hair is the primary ingredient for gatorade
would drink
need more DEI witches
no we do fucking NOT
With a black, a pajeet, a mongolian, and a brazilian, they're pretty DEI as it is already.
what about Russians, Italians, Scandinavians, Central Americans
we are getting some tlsq with some of the russian school soon-ish
Need more asian pranksters
Penny belongs in Concord
nah, Penny still looks good enough, andre´s cousin tho
that character belongs in the trash
my point exactly
Are we visiting the school or are they visiting us?
looks like they visiting
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Gata puta
tu gata
I'll assume that tail is a buttplug
I wanna pet that pussy
Wouldn't that break canon?
Woah... Cute
Maybe? I don’t know, why would it break the canon?
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Everyone still sleeping?
I was working on my art submission and forgot to bump, so thanks
My ass hurts so I'm going to the ass doctor
5 more minutes…
>6 Merula
>2 Chiara
>1: Skye, Jane, Other (can that anon please state who it was here?)
Merula queens rule this general
>Source: crack pipe found in trash can
was there ever any doubt?
I mean I guess I wasn't expecting to see Chiara be more popular than Penny or Tulip
i used to think that Penny was higher in the list, but it looks like i was wrong
Nobody likes Penny
I like Penny, I just didn't see the poll before it closed.
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chances of a new Halloween TLSQ this year?
Astounded at the juxtaposition between the attitude of the pose and the nothingburger facial expression
Chances? There's one every year
It's about vampires, so much I expected to be shit
ah shit, victor is coming back? great...
he needs something to do
>its live
that's like the 3rd tlsq in a row
and it took all three for me to level up a single level
damn they really need to increase the amount of points earned per star
>Merula wrote to some russian student claiming WE are the most powerful wizard at Hogwarts so the russian guy is looking for us
im gonna predict the rest of this TLSQ and say that we are gonna have to prove to him that we are not Merula and maybe we´ll have the chance to throw her under the bus or take the L to feed her ego or some bullshit like that
A good story would be beating him up and actually claiming to be the most powerful wizard, but JC is too boring to do something like that.
i agree, but i always try to pamper and side with Merula, mostly because im hoping it gets referenced in the future and we end up with more interactions
wait, so all ismeldafags are gone?
I do too and it comes with the benefit of watching the other characters seethe when you side with Merula. Especially Ben, love making that shitter cry.
Ismeldafags usually have another main witch
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>having more than one witchfu
if i werent already down bad for Merula, Ismelda would have been my next choice
harem is very common
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its almost here!
the best combo
Fuck off
If you are brown or yellow
no u
we love spooky month here
For me? Penny + Merula
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Want to see something spooky??
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by allah
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fuck ben
Bean is vicious
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>fork hand
can't unsee
too beautiufl to be Badeea
she's pretty
need fashionista witch
Isn't that Andre
he isn't a witch
QC's artsyle looks like a nextgen Hogwarts Mystery
It does look very similar
huh, yeah, i can see that, maybe AInon could use it to train his models?
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they somehow look more soulless than HM's
jesus christ its all weasleys
Potter looks pretty decent
the Weasleys tho...
It's always the eyes, almost like modern devs don't have souls themselves
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Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I believe the peniXL lora is ready. There's some things that could have gone better in training I admit but overall this is a model that can be worked with regardless. I'll have to prompt 20 sample images now and it should be up and ready to be used, like with the Skye model, I'll leave some tips in the description to circumvent the problems it has.
ay, thats looking pretty good, nice job!
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This but Ismelda and Bea
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hell yeah
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is it from the booru? cuz if not, i can upload it in a bit
It isn't there so go ahead
May as well do both versions though, and get them directly:
Huh interesting
>not listing the sauce
btw are you uploading the 3d stuff you did?
Making Ismelda take a shower but also making her cum multiple times so her brain relates pleasure with taking a shower.
forgot about the sauce, my bad.
and yes, i will upload it, eventually
That's a weird prank
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>Alternate universe dork Merula
Extremely rare Tonks feet
"First days of transition" Merula
I know you want Merula to peg you but keep your fetishes for yourself.
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is that barnaby?
it fucking better not be
Is male MC
Too chad to be MC
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man, it got suddenly very hot in my area, i wonder how witches deal with the heat
reaching the final 50 posts, post ides for new thread
>post ides for new thread
I like Visual Studio
I'd say quidditch related because of the new game, but since its the 50 I don't know
Young Adult Skye with hair fixed
They blast each other with freezing charms, very close friends do it while naked.
Bald skye
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sounds cool
unless your friend is Ismelda
what does she do?
stink you up
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Still would
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wonder who is this new witch...
I wonder if MC actually didn't know it was Merula during the ball or was just pretending he didn't know.
for the sake of what little, almost non-existant respect i have left towards JC´s writers and MC as a character, i sincerely hope he was just playing along...
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Supposedly it was supposed to be very dark even if it didn't know in-game
forever depress that i´ll never own this hat
JC will never be able to top the flying sandwich hat
They need a merupuff hat
Merupuff slippers!
but there's only 1 merupuff...
Clone spell
My friend Tulip is a frog
BREED Merupuff
So do I have to restart my progress if I'm going from mobile to open mystery?
basically but you can play any part of the game
yeah, what >>493354502 said, i installed OM and went straight to year 6
Meruclaw should've been a character, that backstory and goal is cool
i can see all of them working, hell, all of them being sisters woulda been a nice option too
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here is for heading into the 50th thread with good luck and more to come!
Now that would've be good waifu war
Good thing puffskins have hard hides because it must be quite irresistible to kick them
i want to squeeze one while i sleep
You need real friends
I refuse
She's real to me!
no deh
Double Deh!
triple deh
He said no deh
Cooking new thread, stay tuned

New thread
disregard trolls
time to move, people!
bump to make sure it deh's

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