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UNSC edition.

Previous thread: >>490648748

>Nebulous Fleet Command
NEBULOUS Devlog #34, Green Deck (fighter update): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM3_KxmVsnM&ab_channel=EridanusIndustries
>Galactic Civilizations IV
GalCiv 4 Dev Journal #67, Plan your Research: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1357210/view/4328605968622370115
>Distant Worlds 2
Distant Worlds 2, State of the Game & Roadmap (July 2024): https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1531540/view/4353375766573486163
>Airschips: Conquer the Skies
Airships: Conquer the Skies, update 1.2.7. :https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/342560/view/6464437551375326994
>Sins of a Solar Empire II
Sins of a Solar Empire II, Is out! : https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1575940/view/4372516065077757061
Sins of a Solar Empire II, exploit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c_GHo_a1Ck&ab_channel=StardockGames
Sins of a Solar Empire II, exterminate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssQCCHKxYY0&ab_channel=StardockGames
>Dune: Spice Wars
DUNC: Spice Wars, community update #3: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1605220/view/4344369662289739605

== Pastebins ==
Alpha Centauri (new 14/06/22): https://pastebin.com/QgEvG3ET
Free and open source games pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8nRQckSN
Stellaris: https://pastebin.com/hPfrhazx https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Stellaris_Wiki
Stellaris DLC guide: https://rentry.org/STDLC384
Endless Space 2 + Endless Legend: https://pastebin.com/yu57huWm
Civilization: https://pastebin.com/eeL9tyaW
/cbg/: https://pastebin.com/ZSLVg9kT
Workers & Resources: https://pastebin.com/XaWF8mE6
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Most Aesthetic ship design ever.
Covenant cucks cant compete.

Essential ship look for any space 4x game that has graphics, even in Aurora its nice to have UNSC ship image.
ENDLESS ships mog them
the orbital rotation shit in sins2 drives me up the fucking wall
In your dreams.
>/civ4xg/ managed to hit the reply limit
are we, dare I say, back?
Sins 2 really revitalized us i dare to say..
Wait, we actually hit the bump limit?
Holy shit!
Is there any reason to not just go full carrier spam in sins 2? PD doesn't seem to do much against fighters and bombers
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I for one prefer the Mass Effect human ships.
Because missile spam is even stronger than carrier spam.
I see missiles actually get shot down all the time
those have even less design variation than the UNSC ships
Too bright, too faggot looking.
Looks like a paper airplane.
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Embrace the path of missile spaghetti.
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Welp there goes my revenge...
At least these MSI fucks will get killed.
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Is there some mod that allows to automate pop shipping from planet to entire civ? I had the idea to make this into a proper breeding world that would just produce pops because several of my worlds are lagging behind..
There's a starbase building that makes it easier for your pops to move between worlds that also have a starbase with that upgrade on them.
But no way to actually designate planet to be "excess pops from other planets look here first" like in Aurora.
Wishful thinking, I'm afraid. But still, good.
Yeah, I like other Mass Effect ships as well.
Covenant ships look like flying monuments/futuristic buildings, they look cook at least.
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Well thank you..
I will surely not use my newfound position to totally abuse the power it gives me and to destroy my enemies, pinkie promise.
Covenant ships look like a children fucking doodling cricles with crayons.
I'm getting back into Stellaris after a long time away, and I'm curious what weapons are good now. I was reading that missiles are good now? That's crazy.
Yeah, impressive.
Dont die.
It's a base game feature, pops without jobs migrate out
I know, im talking about directing this migration a bit so they dont end up on planet that already have 40 pops and skip the 3-4 pop ones.
Then don't give those planets extra jobs if you "want" them to go somewhere else which inherently doesn't really make sense, pops a pop no matter the planet.
Distant worlds 2 is actually really hard on the higher difficulties
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Or just give me a button "priority migration HERE/consider these first" instead of expecting me to preplan 100years of development for 50 planets or trying to get me to some edict/planetary decision meta faggotry..
You have this problem precisely because you are "planning 100 years of development". Literally just build stuff as you need it filled and the pops move exactly where you want them or if you build tons of useless stuff that sits empty then it really doesn't matter where pops go because they will be productive everywhere.
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Lord knows I'm Broken the way I'm collecting all this Dust
You forgot the news OP. I always link things to the OP if they might be interesting for the news.

Civ 7 releases 11th of February 2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK_JrrP9m2U
>Sins of a Solar Empire II
TEC spotlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8mBx6udZuA
>Distant Worlds 2
Return of the Shakturi stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2234442117
Dev Journal 7, Sound Design: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1575940/view/4263306772078106748
That looks kinda cool. What game is this?

Menace - new game from guys who did Battle Brothers.
Unfortunately its a still stage, not something dynamic to build which is a shame because realistic space colonization genre is something that is severly devoid of good games.
No, my problem is that im playing a dumb fucking game that rewards prioritization for planets and lacks basic tools to utilize that prioritization.
But boy it sure has lot of content for late game that no one plays becuase the game runs like shit past 2300 unless you play some micro game of three neemies and 50 systems.
> Unfortunately
Make your own game then, some of us are looking forward to sci-fi battle bros
Nice, I'll keep an eye on this one. Hooded Horse seems to publish a lot of interesting strategy games.
But it does have that, like are you retarded or what?
Is Endzone 2 good?
>Hooded Horse
>Terra Invicta
>Manor Lords
God damn nice lineup.
>Make your own game then,
I would in an instant if i could.
>Capital Command
Damn that looks like something for me..
Please answer
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But I don't know anon.
nighty night
>tactical RPG
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no dying faggot
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Don't tell me what to do!
Any love for Timberborn?
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Dont die.
are there any good strategy games out there now?
I don't understand what game this general is for
4x games in general, retard anon.
4x games
RTS games
other strategy games that don't go in /gsg/
(hard to categorize stellaris, but /gsg/ doesn't want it, so it goes here)
Dune: Spice Wars
Distant Worlds 2
Sins of a Solar Empire 2
Galactic Civilizations IV
Nebulous: Fleet Command
I liked Knights of Honor II and Airships: Conquer the Skies too.
Master of Orion - all of them
Remnant of Precursors
Star Drive
Star Ruler
Star Dynasty
Dont forge those too.
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Good night.
Are there any portrait rehauls for the Stellaris toxoid races?
Maybe I'm just picky, but they really feel out of place compared to the rest of the portraits and in general just look very unappealing imo. Not in a 'this race is ugly' way, but a 'this art doesn't match the style of every other portrait and looks like something out of a shitty comic book'
>Playing Xcom
>Got to an alien terror attack mission
>1 human left
>Cannot find them
>All my commanders die
>"Whoops instead of the ten people you got on the ship, nobody did since your soldiers died trying to bait enemies away from the ship."
>All of Asia leaves right away
Canada and the USA went into a panic before I could find anything other there. But I wish it kept the people I saved as saved instead of tossing it away.
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Last second emergency bump!
Just replace them with cute anime girls.
I keep meaning to give this a fair shot, but the atrocious UI, lack of up-to-date tutorials, and asinine way it saves the game makes it needlessly hard.
>lack of up-to-date tutorials,
Learn by playing.
Its not that hard.
>asinine way it saves the game makes it needlessly hard.
The fuck does that even mean? Its literally one save done manually, whats so asinine about it?.
It saves into the same db file as all the game data, unlike every single other game ever made, meaning any update that touches it (even if it's literally one single line) wipes your save. Even if there's nothing actually save-breaking in the updates, you're still getting reset for some bugfixes.
So its not save system but coding issue.
Yeah shit happens, thankfully most updates now dont change the db file and are few and spread out and not mandatory so you can easily finish the campaign and then update.
And really thats the problem that prevents you from playing the game?
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Anyone here playing Retold?
How is it? Tempted to throw money at it.
It's a very minor thing compared to just how unapproachable the game in general is, but it's one of those minor things that just flabbers my gasts.
>unapproachable the game in general is,
Its not.
Its a great unique game and we need more of it.
Tweaking with the stupid UI makes me not want to play shitlaris
UI Dynamic Overhaul helps a lot but yeah.
The fact that you cant easily upgrade/build up stations in a non planet systems, cant mass upgrade shit throught the empire etc is such a fucking drag.
My God, I need a black gf
You need to be slapped, you racemixer.
She isnt even black..
black enough for me
Damn, you darkies are so racist that it's possible for others to "not be black enough".
How the fuck does this game run so shit? My processor is 7800X3D and still this shit game wont run?
Or, sometimes it runs great and sometimes it just lags behind. Is this common problem or what, since I don't have same problem with other games?
oops wrong thread
nuParadox cant code.
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What mods is this?
Lustful Void.
UI is from UI Dynamic Overhaul
that's a rump
I played xcom years ago but don't remember anything.
I want to paly it again, should I boot up 1 or go straight to 2? is the story connected somehow?
2 happens if you fuck up in 1.
In your opinion best 4X of all time?
Seven Kingdoms 2.
I would say Stellaris, but the DLCs really fuck this rating up.
Is that the girl from Resident Evil 4?
>Kahn emerges on the other side of the galaxy
>Fuck yeah, for once it's not my problem
>6years later
>Half the galaxy joined his cause
I hate Stellaris AI so much.
Ashley yes.
>get dragged in a war because i guarantee other Human empire and they have some huge uprising
>war is entering its 10th year atm because my ally refuses to actually enforce surrender despite 100% WE exhaustion on the rebels side
I hate Stellaris AI even more than you.
Distant World : Universe
Master of Orion 1 or maybe Civ4. But I like MoO1 for it's simplicity.
I really liked Sword of the stars.
Might not be the best but it left a clear impression on me.
It seems there is a new Master of Orion like space 4x. Lord of Rigel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggjDFtksz84
Man i wish people would take the MoO and make it more detailed and free like Aurora instead of copying this shit 1:1 like in Stardrive2 for example.
It was in early access for 2 years. Also it seems to be a flop. Still have it wishlisted for some reason.
Can you survive without planets in Stellaris?
Like say i have only one planet, no habitats, no rings, no anything else with pops and that planets gets destroyed by something like an event and i get left with stations, space ports and theoretical ability to build colonization/survey/constructor ships. Or maybe with a colony ship already built.
Will i get game over or will the game just allow me to continue?
You did the end of the cycle, didn't you?

But the answer to your question is yes, you can continue after the giga space apocalypse you caused.
No it was purely theoretical question.
>implying i would ever play for long enough to trigger End of the Cycle without my restartitis kicking in
Plus EOC leaves you with one planet after all.
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>200 hrs in stellaris
>have never played as anything except a randomly generated empire
>not even bored of the game yet
Is there something wrong with me or does anyone else play like this?
>never got bored of endless slop with no value
I mean its how it works i guess, no one gets tired of eating fast food after all.
Based. DWU was king for the longest time. Do you feel like it’s still the best though? I think by now there might be a couple that have surpassed it though.
You are just afflicted by the same condition I am.
t: over 5000 hours in Stellaris at this point.
You are clinically ill.
You should try Rimworld if you like colony-builders. I have 1000 hrs in it but I’ve never done any roleplay, I always make the same oppressive genetically-enhanced slaver colony.
Random empires aren't any less fun than custom made ones, if anything the core fun can be higher with those. I would even recommend it for few games just to get used with the game but at some point it becomes more fun to larp with an empire of some kind.
I want to get back into Stellaris, but last time I played every AI empire kept spawning in a ~5k fleet (with ACOT defines nerfing fleetpower numbers) every 5-10 years, making them hyper aggressive towards anyone else and destroying their economies because they were often at double their fleet cap.
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With 200 hours you probably haven't seen all the events loads of times. The game itself is quite shallow and the events hide that for some time. Once you start to recognize those the illusion falls apart for some. I went on a couple of years hoping they would add some depth to the game. Gave up after the federation dlc.
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Sins of a Solar Empire II, v28.10 Update Notes: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1575940/view/4611210477261139745
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Should I buy Millenia? Or just wait for Ara?
Buy Sins. It's already out and fun.
I have Sins 1 but I didn't really like it. Sci-Fi is really hit or miss for me and hard to get in to.
Dune: Spice Wars is on sale that is a good strategy game, but it's real time and not turn based. Stars in Shadow is also on sale, I liked that one too it's a MoO2 game with some unique twists but it's sci fi. I haven't played Millenia so I don't know if I can recommend it.
what's the meta ship build for stellaris now?
That is only important for multiplayer.
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Good night.
Almost every game from Paradox has very serious problems with minimizing windows. If you Alt+Tab a couple of times, you need to restart the game, because it will start to lag heavily on any hardware (due to leaks)
I thought you'd say uninstall.exe
I like it when games have limited, finite resources. It makes decisions on how to utilize them more meaningful, or how to best bleed a superior opponent's economy dry. Making sure each bit of food or clump of ore is used to its fullest extent, because you're not getting it back, is a big part of the challenge and entertainment.
That bloody town.
I hate it. I find it stressful, because I always wonder "once the enemy is dead, what happens"?

Also, returned to Starcraft 2. Forgot how fun coop is.
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What's this?
I like it when games are unlimited, infinite ressources. It simplifies the strategic aspect of obtaining ressources, while making the remaining ressources (time, mostly) much more valuable.
I hate real-time games, they focus on creating a stress-filled environment in which you have to make a decision as quickly as possible
My moded version of DWU is the greatest 4x of all time it has no peer
I actually like a good chunk of ideas that Civ7 is trying to do, not sure how long to wait with playing it after release due to discounts.
At minimum a year for the silver edition of the game + "season pass" dlc/expac + leaders. If you can stomach waiting longer for the complete edition there's that too.
for me it still is, it has logistic autism and the sense of scale is good unlike most 4x
haven't tried DW 2 cause they added fancy graphics and this shit makes my craptop melt
I'll probably wait that long, I think they will fix some of the bugs and other stuff by then.
i'll bump for the guys using this
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I need more games with cannons. Maybe I should reinstall ARK.
Good morning!
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Morning, gaylords, faggots, and tourists.
Play Seven Kingdoms 2, since I can't anymore.
Wouldn't that be 14 kingdoms?
The technocracy screwed me, by the time it came to war they were just so far ahead and steamrolled me. Time to try the gizurians next I guess humans are too squishy
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This video came out:
And no, it's not me getting spanked by my girlfriend.
You have a new girlfriend? Or did you get back together with your old gf?
Neither. I'm still lonely.
But check out Industrial Annihilation.
>tfw was in france this summer
>didn't go tap spider

This is generally a bad idea, I doubt they can manage to pull it off. RTS just can't be mixed with complex economy because it makes the whole game to walk a very thin edge between the economy micro and unit micro. There's a reason why pvp in factorio for instance is dead on arrival.
Your loss.
And I dunno, I'd like to see a survival mode.
The concept is fine for a pve game, just not a 1v1 pvp game
Mmm. For casuals, maybe, but I'd like to see competitive gameplay. People got wild with SupCom after all.
Not going to be competitive gameplay when the game is dead on arrival
True. I'm not seeing a lot of competitive games about SEVEN KINGDOMS 2. Then again, it doesn't run since I changed my graphic card.
I earned the right to play Elden Ring and Monster Hunter Rise, but I lost Seven Kingdoms 2...
Looks like a cart/wagon.
Ha, ammo replenishment mechanism?
I think it's just a scenery prop. I could be wrong tho, been a while since I played Bonerlord.
I hope not, I hate when stuff is just here to look cool, instead of having an actual reason to be here.
What mods do you play with? I have graphical enhancement mod for the cursors and planet/ruin portraits but never tried anything else.
>25% bonus at high tech research
But it doesn’t actually specify what high tech research is
It shows it in the research
It's just a cart. Siege scenes are often filled with things you can use for cover.
Is Terra Invicta good yet? Or at least not frustratingly busted?
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Its still trash.
What's the appeal of Age of Empires 2 compared to 3 and 4? It consistently has more players than the other two combined
Boarding or raiding?
I think it’s a destroyed siege engine
Nostalgia + cool + broken in and out to a point that people have weaponized it + better.
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Good night.
Boarding to get a fuel source closer to the enemy.

There is a reason for that to be there, it's cover from arrows. There could be multiple reasons for a cart to be abandoned there.
What the fuck kind of architectural style is that? Looks vaguely African/Middle Eastern, but quite outdated, like 50 years old or something.
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Nah it's a bit like traditional south american style.
Oooh, okay. I kinda like it.
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This is the upgraded version. Also good night.
Looks pretty nice.
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I am become grids.
what's up with the interchanges on the right?
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The base map here tries to replicate Minneapolis so I would consult MnDOT on what this shit is
Damn. I been doing shit on this Stellaris Playthrough. Playing in a tall empire style. Empire collapsed twice with two rebellions. Went to war and lost due to the enemy being part of a Federation. The future looks grim for humanity in this galaxy
Millennia is 50% off. Has anyone played it? Is it worth $20?
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What the FUCK is this monstruosity
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want to ask if there's way to convince ai to switch sides to me?
they need to be disloyal so that -1000 goes away
there's a meter or something for loyalty
I don't remember the details on what makes vassals more or less loyal
Wondering the same. Thinking of getting it, but Ara is only a few weeks away.
What’s the most interesting race to play in DW2, I always just go humans because I’m unimaginative and autistic
I like Mortalen. Mostly as kingdom or republic. They have most of their weapon hardpoints in the front of their ships so they are very aggressive. They're also one of the races the base game shipped with that have been updated.
Better gameplay and aesthetics.
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Disregard unemployment, acquire grids.
Does cities skylines just not have road tools, like why would you make it so fucking ugly?
Grids are so fucking ugly man
Half the reason manor lords is currently my favorite citybuilder is that you can easily build fairly natural looking towns instead of gridcore bullshit
After discovering workers and resources I’ll never touch cities skylines again, W&R just totally mogs it out of existence
It's a city builder for autists
>sins 2 let's me play as space wizard cult and fancy super high tech aliens that can eat planets for cash
>always end up playing as normal human dudes because nothing beats the magic of the military-industrial complex and hordes of garrisons/insurgents
why am I like this
When you have Gigaengineering mod for Stellaris is it possible to build something that has unlimited space for pops?
I dont want to genocide aliens so my plan was to just build some megastructure and house them there on utopian/bliss standards while i colonize their planets and the entire galaxy.
I don't think so, closest you can have is the frameworld start as a rogue servitor
But I don't think there's anything stopping you from simply building tons of habitats or ringworlds to house aliens
Seems like Birch World is something im looking for.
Habitats and Ringworlds arent the answer here because they have finite space and im looking for max one system per species.
Why not just use slaves/privileges?
Because i dont want to.
My ultimate plan is one system per xenorace and the entire galaxy colonized by humans.
massive censoring to the point of removing multiple units outright
Like what?
The Egyptian mercenaries used to be Nubians. Now they aren't anymore.
What are they now, then?
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They are white, fat, balding, and wear a nazi armband, and their model include their boss riding on their shoulder and holding a loli in front of her with a fishing rod.
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I feel like what you are telling me is infact not true, anon.
Would you really do that, anon? Go on the internet and tell lies?
Answer me, anon.
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Are mods for Stellaris completely account locked now, or can i still circumvent this shit?
Wdym? Just grab mods from Skymods.
I can still add you know what mods without using any paracuck accounts or shit.
>itt scrubs getting filtered by grids
Grids are peak soulless
Will AH ever fix the Purifier? That thing has been bugged to shit since it released
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B-but I literally can't build anything but grids in this game.
Play a better game then.
Out of curiosity, are Front Mission 4 or Dual Gear /civ4xg/?
>t. filtered
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No I still like this game.
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Oriental Empire is better.
Anon that is a completely different game. I like Oriental Empires too.
What the fuck is the point of the Vasari Alliance, they're just worse than the Exodus in every way that matters
got my first culture victory as france gotta be my favorite victory followed by science as korea
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Am I missing something about the other two factions or is the advent economy just insane? Getting this much money with tier 2 tech far outpaces anything else I've been able to do. The TEC have to invest so much more to get similar returns, many thousands of credits buying trade posts.
Yeah it is powerful, but desert planets are fairly rare. TEC is also more flexible, they can convert their trade into any resource at will
>grabbed White Phenotype mod for Stellairs
Game time.
Isn't it banned off the workshop and nexus?
I got it off BasedMods.
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Wonder if the AI is a nonfunctional mess like SE5
I wish SE5 wasnt such performance mess and so fucking tiny..
Which fucking Stellairs mod adds MORE building slots to planets? I dont mean mod that makes Housing disctrict unlock more slots, i mean planet having more than 12 slots.
And one of its submods
Is it worth grabbing the Civ VI full pack or is the platinum edition enough?
I think the full pack has some pretty good wonders like temple of Zeus, so you might want to research.
I bet you hate walkable cities too you pleb
The humans have the most aesthetic ships by far. Vasari ships are okay in an alien sort of way, but Advent ships are completely hideous. If they want us to play other factions they should at least make them look cool so I can feel like I’m spreading a superior culture and not some gay empire.
In CS you play the government of a free nation. Just build roads, zoning, utilities…”free market” handles the rest. In W&R you play the government of a communist country. You set up EVERYTHING for them.
If you mess up in CS, some building will become abandoned, people will move out, then once you fix the problem someone else will move back in. If you mess up in W&R, the children will not survive the winter.
One of my first DWU games back in the day was Mortalen role playing as The Race from Harry Turtledove’s Worldwar series. Conquering stupid aliens and making them pay homage to spirits of emperors past *looks at floor*. Good times.
One thing I always hated about Sins 1 was how “balanced” every game is. Every player starts on the same planet type. Directly adjacent to a couple of asteroids and a moon, with a volcanic/ice planet exactly two spaces away, and a desert planet followed by a Terran planet. Is sins 2 more random or is it still bAlAnCeD for multiplayer.
What game?
How the fuck do i get more workers in Stellaris? Every pop that grows seems to grow fucking specialists...
I haven't played in a long time but new pops will autofill the highest class available. You need to disable the jobs manually, or just not create them in the first place if you're creating a primary resource outpost.
No. Yurop cities are perfectly walkable without being gridslop
Aw fuck..
Use slaves or tier-1 robots. Can also use tier-2 robots, but they'll work some specialist jobs too.
.......don't create specialist jobs?
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How do you feel about overhead trains?
Kino asf
So whats the verdict on Civ VI now that VII is coming?
What's the purpose of scientists in Shitlaris after the early game?
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>Payback humans
>meet early space age pre ftl's
>situated in a crucial junction potentially blocking expansion
>sabotage their first FTL ship to stall them
>they nuke themselves
Oh how nice.
Space rifts.
>sabotage their first FTL ship to stall them
You can do that in default? I usually just annex them cause why not.
>rogue servitors can invade pre-ftls and forcefully pamper them
what the fuck
imagine being some bronze age fuck, you get invaded by magic metal dudes from the sky that force you into pleasure camps and make you eat icecream
...oh nooooo.
>be me, farmer
>life sucks but life is life
>king demands extra tribute this year
>work my second ass off trying to harvest everything
>loading up the slugcart at the end of the day, look up at sky dreaming of better life
>suddenly the stars start falling and landing in the city
>one star lands on my fucking house
>star is made of so much metal and is covered in glowing jewels grander than even the royal palace
>it opens up to reveal some metal squid thing
>it walks up to me and grabs my left bender
>I shit myself and repent for everything I can think of
>the squid talks and says I have nothing to worry about anymore
>one year later
>I've been taken to an entirely different realm, every surface is covered in pristine metal and even more glowing jewels, some can speak or form moving paintings
>sitting in my own personal palace grander than even the king's
>every meal is a feast fit for the gods themselves
>the squids are teaching me to read and giving me a scholar's education
>a feline servant empties my cul-sack every night and tells me she loves me
>there is nothing left for me to want
>...so now what do I do?
So that's why Flintstones was followed by Jetsons...
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Need more FPS/RTS.
What's your go to CIV 4 mod that you always go back to.
Civ4 sucks
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All of the enemy types in Xcom are fine to deal with, some are more annoying that others. This fucker is always annoying when it shows up. Because of the panic it causes and how it will always position itself to kill one of your guys or remove half health.. The normal one having grenades forces better positioning. This fucker you cannot out position. Even if trying to get better positions, it bolts to your ass. Either it dies when discovered or one person is being fucked.
I thought you liked getting fucked, though.
When it's one or two, it's fine since it forces you to change all your plans. Some of the missions have what feels like 5+ of them, where them killing one or two soldier at a cost due to a bad starting positioning when walking in on them makes it annoying to slowly walk around everything with overwatch spam
You need more weapons, then.
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good morning
So don’t accept a peace treaty whilst your planet is under the process of being invaded, I thought they’d pack up their shit and get off my world but instead they carried on fighting and now I lost the colony
>come back to Stellaris
>can't find an update human phenotype mod
I hate this
>human phenotype mod
Splitting human portraits into different sets by skin colour. So you can play your hyperborean space empire without any undesirables showing up.
you WILL be cosmopolitan and you WILL like it
this one?
In Stellaris is there so difference between ocean and continental worlds if both are 100% habitability for me?
Im trying to decide how to terraform Mars..
In dw2 I like to control my own fleets, but during late game there’s just too many and too much going on so I usually set them to automatic. But then my best fleets will fly off to some fuel station she’s away when a colony is under attack
"A planet's type also affects the set of possible planetary features and blockers it may have. Each of the three climate categories has a slight bias towards different resources when it comes to planetary features; Dry worlds (Desert, Arid and Savanna) are somewhat more weighted towards Energy Credits.png Energy deposits, Frozen worlds (Arctic, Tundra and Alpine) are somewhat more weighted towards Minerals.png Minerals deposits and Wet worlds (Tropical, Ocean and Continental) are somewhat more weighted towards Food.png Food deposits. Continental worlds in particular stand out, as they have a much stronger bias in favour of their preferred resource than the other types."

That's what Stellaris wiki says, had a feeling there was something like this going on, but wasn't certain.
Kinda makes sense i guess.
So Ocean it is.
There's few mechanics that interact with ocean worlds specifically or wet worlds in general (though both continental and ocean are wet in this case) like aquatic/hydrocentric, otherwise they are the same. Shouldn't make a difference if your or one of your slave pops doesn't use these.

Make a flagship fleet that you control manually and have the AI control smaller fleets

Normal terraforming doesn't change most planetary features. Planet won't reroll just because you terraformed it.
>playing Payback humans again
>MSI spawns pretty close to me
>only one alien empire between us
>its a fucking Scion
Urbek: City Builder. You have to manage resources in this game. Housing gives you unskilled labour. Higher tier housing (in range of a school) gives skilled labour which unlocks better buildings. There is no traffic simulation you just have to manage the resources.
>no traffic
Do you have to provide services (like groceries) within a certain radius of every house?
Yes but for food for example you have lots of options. Fishing houses provide their own food, you can have all sorts of local markets if you have farm fields or fishing villages nearby. You can also have a mini supermarket at first but that building is less efficient that local markets. By the end you unlock the supermarket that also doubles up as a hardware store.
personally, I just want the black girl portraits to look better
nubian princess, not deep south fried chicken gobbler
Well what if I want to play as Yakub and his space empire of black people only?
>decided this time i wont be a cunt and invade preFTL's
>just study them
>just watched third world nuking itself to oblivion while two others are in the middle of world wars with 50% devastation each
Jesus thats depresing.
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>1 gaia
>2 tundra
>1 savanna
>in one system
We eating good tonight, bros.
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Been playing this
Lost on Hard difficulty a few times (not a full loss, but my army wiped and was gonna lose cities, so I left(I don't reload, if I lose I start a new map)) most recent time I felt like I kept up and could have won but I made several mistakes in my war
Any tips and tricks on how to get gud?
Been playing as the firekikes. I keep restarting my maps because I NEED to have a volcano, lava river, and the kazanji. Those 3 are required for my autism roleplay. I also need some anomalies, because if I don't have any it will take forever to get my city properly set up
Basically my strat is
>get an early second city
>rush the megapole
>build up army using said megapole
Dust and Sci were my bottlenecks this past run, where I got further than I had yet. I managed to take two cities from an ai, but then my army wiped, so it likely would have not went well, but I still managed to face off against most of his forces, only losing at the end
...what the fuck game is that
It's endless legend
I forgot to say in my post
Ha, no. My bad, I should've recognized the style. Sorry, haven't tried any of the DLCs, can't help.
AI Kapaku are always shitting on everyone.
How can I be like them
I like the firekike playstyle
Last game I had the opportunity (but didnt take it) to volc-form an enemy city before he (rightfully) closed borders on me
This is my land
The endless gave it to me
So which 4X has the best enemy AI?
Galactic Civilizations
>play TEC enclave in sins2
>build autistic defenses with star fortresses everywhere
>the AI literally never ever attacks
Why even have a defensive faction then?
Jesus christ Stellaris is dogshit...
>take Payback origin
>slog through the game
>encounter MSI
>slog through the war with them
>get shitty one pic "event" at the end
>now i have to organize like 15 former AI planets with their dogshit builds while also purging/resetteling pops and thinking about how to utilize them
Yeah no, fuck that noise.
>Jesus christ Stellaris is dogshit...
Even with UI Dynamic Overhaul the ui and most of its features makes me want to kill myself.
It's almost like Stellaris' gameplay is shit.
Install SzepysAITweaks. https://mod.io/g/sins2/m/szepysaitweaks
You are supposed to leverage defenses to attack elsewhere or use them to reinforce your fleet in a defensive battle, the idea that AI not suiciding into defenses is bad is just baffling.
What is this game like? I'm an old fan of both games, will I like this? Is it good on its own or just nostalgia bait?
Isn't that just clonk for ants?
Is there a fun 4x game that lets you play a machine empire?
Star Ruler or Star Ruler 2.
lmao even
>The Settlings
The Settlers + Lemmings?
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Aurora with some RP and flair.
DW too.
Shitlaris is probably best for machine empires but the game is fundamentally broken.
Distant Worlds is a bit... strange.
Why? its a pretty bog standard space 4x.
I love the hyperdrive thingy and the overall mystery with all the ancient ruins and wrecks - makes for a great "After the collapse" scenarios.
Yes. The account is very vocal about the cpmbo
Going to get the mod to take independent colonies out, annoying you discover one of your race and they isntabtly join you but they are millions of light years away and all your freighters go on fuel burning missions to get there which takes years
In Stars in Shadow you have a dlc that adds a machine empire.
>the idea that AI not suiciding into defenses is bad is just baffling.
The super passive AI genuninely is a huge problem in Sins2. Low difficulty AIs just don't attack ever to ease you into the game, high difficulty AIs only take fights they absolutely they will win in a crushing victory. So in the lategame when everyone is at full supply they just sit over one planet jerking off because there's no fight that they can win hard enough to make them move.
I was promised epic space battles, instead it's early and mid game skirmishes into nobody doing anything
Tartan Cruiser reporting
Still lookin for that good spawn, bros
This is the worst part of 4x games
My autism wont let me play
As a pessimist, is Sins2 actually worth it atm? It is obviously better than what HW3 is to HW2, but Sins2 so far looks to me like some remaster of Rebellion rather than an actual second game in the series.
There is only graphics as the major improvement over the previous game. The QoL, Gameplay and faction variaty/balance have been hardly touched (trade\destruction\voodoo being the only trully noticable alterations). It looks far more like another expansion pack rather than a next entry in the series (unless there is some massive internal overhauling which will allow the game to do some far more impressive shit in the future compared to I/Reb).
I haven't played enough of sins 1 to know how it's different. Stardock has some videos on their youtube that talk about these differences. The game is made to use more processors now so it's more future proof.
DO Sins of the Prophets guys said anything about making SOP2 for second Sins?
That mod was amazing.
Don't know, some people say sins 2 is made mod friendly but I'm no modder so I don't know.
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I can open a lot of the files with just notepad++ and it's very human-readable, so I'd bet someone that actually knows what they're doing would have a pretty easy time doing what they want.
Im not a big fan of Sins but SOP is actually quite good.
nighty night
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>Hate ES2's combat and Endless series' Quest bullshit, and overall the series is grossly overrated
>Don't play paradox games at all
>Distant Worlds: Universe is cool, but a bit daunting when I start to turn automation off
>Shadow Empire is cool, but I'm not feeling like playing hex&chit wargame rn
>Played SMAC to death, can't seem to get back into it recently
What can /gsg/ point me towards at this point, what's left to discover? Time to learn Aurora?
it's all on a new engine that makes better use of modern hardware, so I imagine things could get really crazy later on down the line
for the most part though it's pretty much an overhaul to the first game with a bunch of nice quality of life improvements
get it on sale if you're not 100% on it
So we a dead thread again?
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It's night in Europe. I'm going to sleep, good night.
I just wanted to talk about endless legend :(
Then please do so.
We really need more discussions here.
Here are my posts
I dont have much more to add to them because I'm still restarting games to get a good spawn
What's that? Looks very realistic.
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What should I play if I'm a filthy casul but want something slightly less casual than Civ? Thinking of just going back to IV and getting some mods.
Name? Looks like a fun indie. UI looks like a mash-up of Millenia and Ara.
The ai in Imperium greek wars is pretty gud
iirc it doesn't even cheat
That's civ4.
Oh my bad. I haven't played Civ4 since the 7th grade, forgot what it looked like.
Wait a minute, this isn't Civilizations! This is anal sex!
Me neither, but it's more likely you played too many similar games to get confused. Civ4 is firmly lodged in my memory since like 10 years of me stopping to play it.
The, roads, the mines, the cities, unless modded i'll easily recognise Civ3/4.
I wish Age of Empires 2 got monsters skins. There's just something I like with assymetrical strategy where one side has barracks, military training, crafting, and the other just kills.
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And no, Diplomacy Is Not An Option doesn't count. Through I should replay it.
>80% chance for me to hit commander
>Fails 5 times in a row
>Sniper gets mind controlled
>Crits and fully kills a heavy when it only had a 15% chance from that distance
That was fucking bullshit.
Yeah, and?
>he didn't have a plan Z
your fault
I had 3 guys trying to cover the flank, and it took 5 fucking turns to kill the one fag who got behind the group. The enemy destroyed all of the cover in the main entrance, so I went in the side entrance, where I discovered a fucking miniboss tank that killed everybody else that remained before I could react.
Yeah i bet you had 3 guys convering your flank
Fucking homo
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so apparently civ7 will have denuvo, which is a shame since I refuse to buy any denuvo bloated game and refuse to pirate any game without it.
Good morning.
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What an odd thing to add to a game series that gets modded a lot.
Based same timezone anon
Is galactic civilisations 4 good
I don't. I appreciat some parts of the desing, but overall it looks tacked on. Flimsy. Structurally weak.
Please respond
I have no clue, only game in the series I ever played was 2.
It was pretty good.
What about airships conquer the skies, it’s my birthday and I’m looking for a new 4X to play
Haven't tried that one either.
What 4X games have you played so far?
Also, happy birthday anon.
Thank you, all the civ series stellaris and other paradox titles although I think they are grand strat. Distant worlds 2 which I think is brilliant probably the best I’ve played but I’m burnt out from it, shadow empire I really liked aswell but I spend more time rerolling planets than I do actually playing
Master of orion 2016 could be something you'd like.
How about trying it?
Happy Birthday! Remnants of the Precursors? I think there's some mod that changes the portraits to something more palatable.
Thanks I will check it out
Yeah I’ve looks at master of Orion before does look up my street
The original Master of Magic. Don't play the new remake.
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I wanna do things to Tyrande's ass.
It's an independent freighter above a desert world in Distant Worlds 2.
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Speaking of Distant Worlds 2, the Return of the Shakturi dlc will be released the 24th of October.

>Distant Worlds 2
Oh, okay.
Airships is great!
but you need to have the mindset that the game is built around the shipbuilder. The campaign is just a vehicle (pun intended) to play with the ships you have designed.
Galciv4 is great but like the other anon says Airships is also a great game. The strategy part is pretty simple and straightforward but the shipdesigner has a lot of depth. You can also make landships and design static fortresses. Airships doesn't have any exploration you just have the map with all the countries and special interest points.
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>idiot walked in artillery
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I'm horny. Time to play Planetary Annihilation some more.
One day I'll install SupCom FAF.
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Planetary Annihilation's reliance on artillery and how spammable it is makes any attack really difficult. I feel encouraged to spam artillery on my own and bombard the enemy to death.
Basically going WW1.
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>enemy walks in my artillery
So why wasn't this game successful?
Elliot you IDIOT
Good question. I'm not sure, it has potential to be interesting, but something is lacking that I can't put my finger on.
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Here's why I'm not able to enjoy endless legend
>playing as kapaku firejews
>austimo roleplay dictates that my spawn must have the following:
>volcano with a lava river (this can become overpowered midgame with a tech that gives bonuses to lava rivers and the normal rivers one (I think) though I mainly want it for the aestheics and roleplay)
>kanazji faggots either in or around my spawn (preferably in)
>some anomolies that make my city not suck balls immediately
>these three are requirements for me to start playing the run. Other things like strategic resources are secondary cause there's more than one way to get them
>finally, I need to build the megapole wonder
>only then can I continue the game
I've had several decent runs at it, but it takes forever to keep restarting when I lose
I hate this game and I hate myself
TL;DR but if you hate it, can you play something else?
It was a success, for an RTS game. It's not like people hated the game (it's 84% positive on steam), it just wasn't an all-time classic like its predecessors.
To name all the things I don't like about it:
The aesthetic they chose looks lazy and low-effort in-engine, other games have pulled off low-poly aesthetics much better.
It shipped with only one faction.
It doesn't run particularly well because it's built on opengl - in retrospect the decision to make it linux-compatible ironically probably hurt its linux performance, it'd certainly run better on wine+dxvk if it were a dx11 game.
The balance, especially the economy balance and pacing of the game is subpar, it's much quicker paced than TA or SupCom.
Flow-field pathfinding looks like total shit. I get that it performs well but it just looks bad, like units have no weight; which leads into the final and most significant complaint for me...
The physics have just no weight to them and it feels very wrong, projectiles are too fast and seem to have no weight, units push each other around like they have no weight. I don't exactly know how to describe it but SupCom nailed the physics perfectly, everything has weight, units look big and heavy and they have inertia, artillery "feels" powerful, etc.
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Another happy landing.
Oh I forgot one more thing, Galactic war was added in a placeholder state and never updated, I had hoped it would have been a serious fleshed-out Total War style campaign. Multiplayer galactic war (like the TA boneyards) was never delivered at all.
Does it still run like ass?
Not on my machine.
just play as normal humans and don't do too much autismo roleplay
Good night.
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Good night.
Not possible man
Why can't you just play the Vaulters?
Autism too strong?
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I will once I manage to win a game as the kapuku
Giving up now would feel like giving up
Update btw, i got a pretty good spawn that fits most of my criteria. At around turn 75. I'm doing fairly well, so far I'm at peace with the dragon fags (who wanted me to give them glassteal for peace but I told them to fuck off. Then they forced it)
They kinda forward settled me, which annoyed me greatly, because the spot they chose I was eyeing and it had something like 6 anomolies all close together. BUT I managed to settle two regions right on the border envelop it really well with good placed cities. I volcanoformed right on the spots too and they got upset (lol get fucked)
I really hope I don't mess this up because this is the best looking spawn I've gotten
It's basically atop a big plateu with volcanos spewing out several lava rivers into the surrounding regions. Looks fucking kino honestly taking a shit rn but I'll post a screenshot in a minute bro
Can't you just reload from the start of that spawn if you fuck up?
Or are you against savescumming?
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The purple city on the left is the one they forward settled on me. It was one region away from their city (the region above which I colonized immediately after)
And right next to mine. Massive dick move. 4 anomolies within the settle tile and 3 more easily gotten. But it looks sick cause my lava rivers are flanking with a city nearby
THIS is why I wanted a good spawn. For the map to look like this. So I can paint a story in my head beyond the normal quests. THIS is what my autism likes
If I lose this game, I'm going to uninstall
I'm really don't like doing that. The only time I do is after I lose I might play on to see if I can learn anything from trying different tactics in war or something, but I always count that as lost and restart a different seed
What are some mods that are a must to download for Stellaris. I remember vanilla being fucking retarded at times. I haven't played since 2019.
>What an odd thing to add to a game series that gets modded a lot.
Maybe it's one of those things where they remove it a set time after release.
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here's some mods that were small enough to keep after deleting stellaris, in case I wanted to dive back in
(so no ui overhaul, no gigastructures, etc.)
the moonrune+number mods are the megumin-thumbnail mods from
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oh, here's the .mod filenames
that should have everything
it probably won't all work together, so don't just download everything
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don't touch the spider...
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What is the best difficulty to play on the definitive of AOE2, 3 and 4 in terms of AI that can hold its weight without blatantly cheating like cunts?
The 3d environment isn't very intuitive for human or AI and while cool gimmick hurts the game on a gameplay level. Like if you look at the above screen it's very difficult to figure out at a glance what's going on (besides the big explosion at the center) and what is where. There's camera issues associated with that as well. The 3d environment also means maps just can't be that interesting as obstacles have more routes around them which means that for them to have the same impact as 2d obstacles they have to be massive which isn't appealing so maps are mostly open and space is just open. The game and it's gimmicks work better once you leave the planet and start throwing moons around or fighting other planets but then the gameplay collapses for other reasons, namely the fact that vast majority of structures and units are planetary based and space is dominated by a handful of units. If you haven't played I would describe this stage like if supreme commander had map so big that only air units mattered, like imagine how bad supcom would be if navy and land was completely irrelevant and the only thing mattered was superweapons and airsuperiority fighters.

The units also look like toys and not in the "this game attempts to be like toys fighting" like one of those little green men games but because the devs correctly in my opinion figured out that no one wants to be zoomed in because you simply can't see anything relevant due to the 3d map and performance issues. So everything is low poly but in not so great way. The artillery anon posted looks bit like Mavor from supcom if the mavor was faraway which would be fine but this is already zoomed in. It lacks the grittyness I would expect basically.

It's not bad game, but it's just not great either.
spider has a great butt tho
An update incase anyone is intrested
>blue empire somehow stole the golden land from purple
>I declined going to war alongside purple, who asked for help, because I wanted to "clean up the scraps"
>city was blue for a while
>eventually purple declared war on my and tried to take a northern city. Failed at great cost to both sides
>blue almost immediately declared war, too, and attacked from the golden city
>had to swing my entire army around and defend
>they took one of the twin cities for a while, but I took it back AND managed to snag the golden city, which I immediately volcanoformed
>in the middle of this, a fucking third empire from literally across the ocean declared war on me for seemingly no fucking reason at all (bullshit game) and razed one of my coastal cities
>got further in the victory quest than Ive ever gotten, but now I need to, guess fucking what, defeat armys of traitors
>still at war with blue and light blue
>purple I have a truce with, but that's probably gonna break soon as I see his armies on my borders
The writting is on the fucking wall bros... there's no way out of this for the firejews oy vey we just wanted to set the whole planet on fire why are you oppressing us
It's such a shame, because I will NEVER find a seed as good as this ever again for this type of empire/roleplay. It's literally perfect, but I can't win like this. I'm in last place with an army in shambles
War has been my downfall EVERY game, despite feeling like I've gotten better at keeping up. There's just no way to keep up when three fucking asses declare war within a season of eachother.
I'm playing on hard. I don't wanna, but I have to go back down to normal. It just feels too unfair man. I'm not good enough at the game to beat it like this
I think I'm gonna take a long break from these firekikes and come back to it another time. Gonna try playing as a different empire on normal to see if I can win.
Gonna save the seed tho
Here it is if youre intrested
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Isn't writing on the wall a good thing for Jews?
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Also I'm not sure if you need any of the other information, like the world shape or whatever to get the same map, or if inputting the seed automatically does that, idk how the seeds work
I hope I can have this seed again on a future run
Also, I'm playing with the community patch that apparently makes the AI harder (actually competent) is this why I'm losing? I won one game as wild walkers on normal before installing the patch and that felt really easy (but I didn't encounter any war at all really)
Anyways if anyone wants to take a crack at a kapuku run on this seed I would be very intrested to see
It genuinely feels like it was made for this empire. 5 volcanos atop a plateu each spewing a lava river out
Unreal spawn. Just a shame it's too hard/ I'm not good enough to win on this run
What the hell
I just started a game with the same "seed" and got a completely different map
Is that not how seeds work in this game? Can I never get that map again? I didnt save on turn one, fuck
Having never used the seed option maybe you need same map options for the seed to work?
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>play vasari alliance
>it's a map with all of minor factions
>I'm the king of influence
>bait enemies into attacking me
>snipe their capitals with pirates and phase raids while their entire fleet is six jumps away fighting my fleet and trapped by a phase jump inhibitor
Such a devilish faction to play when you get minor factions
Too bad they're objectively worse than vasari exodus without minor factions around
I didnt change any of the map options tho
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Game: Sins of a Solar Empire
Pic: Kaichou no Iinari
I think I might have forgotten to click "user" seed instead of random. Dunno, cant check now cause I changed all the settings for my next game lol
Gonna try out the broken lords
Can I get a retard instruction on how to get a fleet to jump together? I can't find the button.
Now that the whitecel rage over the black woman has settled, can I get some honest thoughts on gameplay in HW3?
It's dogshit. Unironically.
Amizingly enough, it's still shit!
Worst one out of the entire series.
Flying through mega-structures is a poorly working gimmick.
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My overhead trains are starting to see some serious use.
Maybe I should add some other transit options.
She might eat you...
x4:foundations but good when
Just launch X3 again, like everyone else.
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Anyone get this game that just came out in EA? I saw a video on it and it looks pretty good
>something of a cross between a citybuilder and a 4x
>has elements of games like banished and Civ, etc
>looks to have some very indepth systems perfect for sinking autism teeth into
>very pretty artstyle (with an experimental version that makes it all look like a painting)
Looks pretty promising
How's civ 7 looking? I'm not going to play it, I just want to know what's going on
It's shit
Bad enough to kill this thread.
*kills u*
Not looking good, it seems they go scared of humankind and preempted by stealing lot of the bad features from it. I do have to say that it's probably the game that's taking most risks in terms of new mechanics in the series but not sure if that actually pays off.
right click on the movement buttom in the bottom right corner sets fleets to fleet movement
Why would they be scared of humankind? That game sucked
On the note anyone playing civ6 with the announcement? I got it and all DLCs dirt cheap on sale, havent played civ since 5 and I think I like this one more, the districts are a cool mechanic, and the environmental dangers in the gathering storm expansion feels really fitting to a civ game. Now I just need to git gud, I always suck at civ titles
Everything they've shown so far has looked great.

Very nice, I've never played the Kapaku. If you want to learn the game I suggest playing the Wild Walkers, they are the industry faction.

It looks kinda cool but I'm not sure it is actually fun.
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Nebulous: Fleet Command Devlog 35: Strike Package: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA1_SUYpvco
>We carriers and fighters now!
is techmaxxing still a thing in stellaris?
i for one like the asari ships
>caves in
>buy Tychus for Starcraft 2
>tries him in Hard game (casual and normal are dead)
>partnered with level 1 Stukov
>can't make a dent in enemy defense
>we lost
nighty night
I plead guilty, I like RTS factions that are really out of the boxes, like the ship in AI War.
Have you tried playing ASSFAGGOTS? That's the closest thing to playing Tychus in SC2 coop.
Why would I play with your brothers?
What's bad with it
God I love Stargate(about to finish Atlantis tonight, just watched the last Sg1 movie the other week)
play shitlaris
Play aurora 4x
Play Seven Kingdoms 2.
Play endless legend
Play Factorio. It's technically a 4x.
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Play the Shining and help me figure out what the bathroom scene means.
Been stuck on it for 20 minutes and I don't understand.
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Good night.
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Same. Night.
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Thank you, it's a fun game
missions are bad, absolutely sauceless. They take 20x time to complete if it's the first time because quest descriptions are vague and most quest markers are missing.

Whole game is just playing sim city with your stations until you can attack move the khaak and xenon with your fleet of capital ships
I never got into Civ games till 6 and with all the people mentioning 5 since 7 was announced ive been trying it and its been really fun. I do have one question, how do people generally use the great scientists? Do you put the improvement down or do you just want to spam out the big chunk of science?
I asked this last thread or so, but what are the go-to mods for Civ 5? Civ 6?
so i got a random mood to try out phoenix point to see what its about (steam has demo so i went there since i didnt wanna crack the entire game if i wouldnt like it)
can someone fucking tell me whats the point of Vyara Sniper rifle? firebird sniper seems to have better stats in every category where there is a difference is it really just suppoed to be a shitter easier to craft version of the weapon? or is there some unseen benefit to it?
To snipe vyeras.
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Started playing Stelaris for the first time. I have no idea what I am doing. Am I doing ok? How do I get a better military, I discovered 20k combat strength pirates very early on, and it took me this long to get 2k combat strength to take out one 300 combat strength enemy ship that killed one of my research ships.
How do I git gud and when it it become less "staring at a screen while clicking researching areas" to something more in depth?
Hey, /civ4xg/, is this the right place to post about Crusader Kings 3? I've been thinking of pirating to try the AGOT conversion and was hoping to get people's opinion on the mod.
Nope, that'd be >>>/vg/gsg/
Apologies, I'll try there
Have fun.
Godspeed, you poor bastard.
I have 1010 hours in Stellaris and not only have I never finished a game (and only reached the crisis like twice I think), I don't have a single achievement.
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>be me
>broken lord
>don't like having to drain energy from innocents to stay alive
>feels bad man
>but harvesting dust can be pretty hard
>meet sister of mercy
>she's nice
>she's pretty
>she believes in me
>suddenly no longer a pain to harvest dust
>no longer lonely
>she fixed me
>she saved me
Stargate is P90 supremacist show.
Play CK2.
Off to work...
The 20k pirates are an advanced pirate faction, you aren't supposed to be able to fight them until later in the game. Just try to keep pace with your neighboring regular empires and you are good to go. Some basic tips is to make more fleets than one, build space stations and fill them with anchorages to increase your fleet capacity and try to specialize your planets as best as you can.
me not that kind of orc
Remember, it's not a human rights violation if they're not human. White phosphorus sticks to squids.
that's gotta hurt
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Blogpost about my current run. Huge map, 450 turns (probably a mistake to make the game that huge, but whatever lol)
>playing Broken Lords
>keep restarting until I have a spawn next to (not on the same region) the Sisters of Mercy that has a decent place to build a city
>(also wanted to get haunts, too, for roleplay, but that was secondary if I found a really good SoM set up)
>spawn in
>region is very good. Desert with a river. Several anomolies, but they're not that close
>wouldve been an OP spawn for BL, but fuck it
>deliberately travel to the other region to found my capital
>this is because the faction you start with always has just one village. Near by regions usually have three
>go to the SoM region. There's 3. Fuck yeah. Settle right between them
>this means my start is slow as they were in a jungle (no dust) but I had decent sci & prod
>doesn't mean my BL's are helpless, tho
>pacify the bitches and immediately get 3 extra pop
>region right next to this one on the right has the same biome and haunts. Fuck yeah. 3 again. Same schtick
>now have two early cities with 5 pop at basically the start of the game
>the cities are not that great, still struggling on dust
>anyways happened to settle into a region right next to Wild Walker
>thinking about peaceful growth (lol realize immediately they would not miss a chance to kill me)
>I like to roleplay as a good guy, so I prefer not attacking first. I try to bait them into attacking me.
>not this time
>these fucking treehugging cunts went to a neighboring region and KILLED a Sisters of Mercy village
>there was another one right under the one I settled in. Didn't realize until it was too late.
>they killed them
>they killed my beloved Mercysisters
>prepare for war
>in the meantime settle my third city on my original region which was north
>three cities while this dickhead only has one(he settled another as I was about to strike)
>you shouldn't've killed my hoes and bitches, faggot
>easily take his capital as penance for his crimes (this fucker also killed other villges in his own land like a tard (I NEVER pacify with violence. Always diplomacy)
>take his second city and eliminate him from the game
>gonna buy a wild walker hero to show they've been tamed
>colonize the second Sister region and rebuld their village. Now have 5 (five) Sisters of Mercy villages in my empire
Currently building up my empire. I'm not alone on this continent. There are kapakikes and some kind of flying seal faggots to the north. They're still far away but I wont let my guard down

Pic rel was an image I requested some drawfags to make in the draw threads on /v/
Haven't gotten a reply unfortunately
is stellaris older than steam reviews because the early dlc has no reviews
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Who are the tegaki? I haven't seen them in game
Are they from endless space?
Yeah I just started playing it recently
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>age of mythology isn't even out
>already has a DLC that sells you AoM vanilla portraits
It was released in 2016.
When did steam reviews become a thing?
Serious question btw, I can't remember when steam reviews got added.
>game still not out
>when we're already the 04/09/2024
Gotta wait for Amerilard to get their asses off bed and get to work, huh.
wayback machine says the steam review announcement page goes back to 2013 https://store.steampowered.com/reviews/.
I'm intrigued, it looks fun
>Broken Lords
What is that?
Maybe but Denuvo costs a lot of money. Sometimes I wonder if it's to placate investers because of muh pirates
Endless legend faction. Their gimmick is that instead of using food like normal factions they survive off money which makes them great in usually not so hospitable areas and money is already a resource you want in that game. Very fun faction.
Personally, I survive off Sister of Mercy pussy juice, but that's just me
I dub thee, Thirsting lord.
Buckbroken Lord
That suburb looks a bit non communist to be honest. A bit bourgeois.
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The dosh lords.
How do I download aurora 4X?
I can hear this post and I haven't played Age of Mythology in over 16 years.
>TEC Enclave is supposed to be the defensive faction
>Advent can build a ship from the start of the game with an ability to perma stun any and all orbital defenses
These game designerns are on crack
nighty night anons and spiderfag
I was about to buy it just on art style alone since I was looking for a nice little citybuilder but I got angry at the fact it has two paid dlcs that really look as though they should be in the base game. Indies are getting uppity recently.
Recommended Civ VI mods?
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Me, I've been having a blast both playing and watching. It looks and sounds pretty good, balance is overall great unless you're a top50 player, then some god MUs kinda suck. Some campaign missions got updated/are harder now (like mission 18). Over 20k players playing right now and it's only gonna grow during weekend when the old fellas get off work. Most of the complaints are about irrelevant stuff.
Excellent remaster, if you thought AoE2DE was good then this is even better.
The new standard for remasters has been raised.once more.
as long as I don't become another skull
Sins of a Solar Empire, The Vasari Spotlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51V6qnla72I
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Good night.
Good night anon.
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I've lost bros.. not because I've made any mistake myself, I actually managed to conquer my entire continent. 3 empires fell to me. But little did I know some fucking dickhead cultist on the other side of the world building a giant hole or whatever
Oh well
I'm happy with the way I ran it mostly
Was a cool set up and stuff
Definitely played way too wide, but I just cant bring myself to not colonize or not keep the cities I take. I my head I'm integrating these other empires into mine, not just killing them, so it doesn't make sense to not play wide
I think I'm gonna try another run with BL again, on a smaller map and faster game. I want to actually complete the fucking quest for once man. This last time it was bugged and it gave me a location to go to on the other side of the map despite saying it was in the same region as the city it told me to capture. It happened because there was no temple there, so it just put it at a random available temple, which happens to be across the ocean. Gay.
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Here was the core of my empire
Left was my capital with 3 SoM factions
Top was where my original spawn was, but it was actually my third city. That place was making close to 1000 dust per turn by the end, and it wasn't even properly set up with pops
Right was the haunt city, which ended up being mostly useless
Is this game fun? I've been eyeing it for a while
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All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others
I think it's pretty fun
It's a pretty standard 4x game but there's enough uniqueness to make it stand out
The fantasy/scifi setting works very well and the factions are pretty cool and have distinct feels. Though I've only played a few games so far
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>accidently nuked the hagia sophia
Uh oh, is Firaxis going kill me now?
An XCOM-like in the Half Life universe would be pretty neat.
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Pretty boring game. So far all I have been doing is building up the military as much as possible without going too much over the limit and doing stuff with the market. Am I playing the game right? My military at this point is on par with everybody but the guardians, who get mad when trying to colonize some planets. Am I missing anything and how long do games last? The only thing interesting is that one of the star systems I own keeps having pirates spawn. I don't have any of the DLC
If it's like Long War then it would be insane.
I had a dream of my dream strategy game, but then I forgot it.
Then I had a dream of sleeping with Eva Green.
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You have better dreams than me.
>without dlc
you gotta have the whole thing at least (and it's still meh even then)
pirate it
don't ever buy a paradox game
Does it get more interesting?
Your problem is that you're approacing it from a mechanic standpoint (It's a very basic 4x) without all the dlc which is essentially necessary to play with (fundamentally bad game design)
As much as I fucking hate parakikes' monetization (BRO YOU CAN PAY MONEY TO NOT OWN THE GAME!! BASEDFACE!!)
the actual purpose of the dlc pass is that you have to buy it for a month, try the game with ALL dlc to see if you like it, and if you do, cancel the pass and buy the dlc on sale. If you don't just cancel it
Or you can just pirate it all lol

But what I meant was you're approaching the game from a mechanic standpoint but stellaris is at its best (and its only good) when you specifically go in with the mind to roleplay a created empire. Ive had tons of fun with it but all of that fun came from the stories I made up in my head over how I did things. The events are decently written themselves, but the real fun comes from creating a spiritualist empire and cracking the homeplanet of a fallen materialist empire as divine punishment for their atheism(retardation)
you either gotta like min maxing planets or RP to like the entire game

the beginning and end game are more fun than mid game
Is x4 foundations the one I want? There’s so many iterations of x4
What's our average ELO in AoM Retold, bros?
>me in my city that makes 1000 dust per turn
I like the more relaxed take and it looks like it's aming to be something of a puzzle game where you just try different paths to get the best outcome. Personally, I dont really care much for high scores, so I hope there will be some other kind of long term objective in the game by the end
I just watced a couple yt vids on it. Seems like the game works best aesthetically when you focus on a specific path with specific buildings, but kinda looks wonky when you try to max everything out. One guy finished his era with all of the wonders built and it just looked bad to have 6 massive buildings all right next to eachother
>posts you can hear
So what?
I'm don't have a thing for wood specifically - many sorts of monstergirls are appealing to me.
I got killed by easy AI.
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For me, it's wights.They're just hot.
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Begone! Osiris is my man!
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New icons are kinda sick, but I'm confused this isn't a mummy-related upgrade. It's even called "Vallée des Rois", for fuck's sake.
Valley of the kings is the place where Egyptian royalty started getting entombed in after they realized that xbox-huge pyramids were like a beacon to tomb raiders.
Exactly. So why is it an upgrade for normal barracks, instead of mummies.
Oh okay, I misunderstood your earlier post and thought there was a game update called "valley of the kings" that added egyptian stuff.
Oh, my bad. It's an upgrade in Age of Mythology, you can see the icon in >>493254059.
And it confuses me that Thot get an upgrade named so. I mean, I get the Valley of the Kings was probably protected by elite, uncorruptible soldiers, but still.
I think there is a way to check victory progress of other factions.

I think it's fun. All the factions play very different from eachother. The art style and sound are amazing. The gameplay itself appart from the factions playing differently is pretty standard. If you're not sure get it on sale. Most of the dlc's add new game mechanics and a faction that excells at using those mechanics. the newer dlc's just add new factions to play with.
Cosmic Storms is probably the most meh expansion concept the Stellaris people could ever come up with.
If he's beaked, he's a THOOOOOOOOOOT
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Yeah well you tell that to his face.
Seriously I dunno who the Egyptian Titan is, ingame encyclopedia says he might be Geb or Nout, aka Earth and Sky.
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Do you even skipan?
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Oh no.
He's in.

Also it'd be nice if encyclopedia explained where these are trained or how they're obtained. I have no idea if the hecatonchire is Greek or Atlantean.
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Do you know how long it took us to neutralize your greatest ship?
In FOOOOOOOOOOOOUR minutes, the Infinity, mankind's FINEST achievement, became a memory.
/hg/ is leaking
From the forum
Idk, there was one popup that said they were close to wonder victory at which point I moved my army towards them to try and stop them, but there was no chance
They had atleast twice the forces I did since they conqured their entire continent with the factions they mind controlled
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel there desu
Pumping out XCOM troops to flood my enemy's capitals in an information age world war has been a strategic mistake. Without rocket artillery right behind them I'm losing troops as fast as I can make them. My rocket arty/mech infantry army is still halfway across the continent bogged down in another battle.
How do I recover from here? Rome is my next target and they're pumping out jets like no tomorrow. It'll simply take too long to push out mobile SAMs and get them to the front.
>TEC AI falls over against Vasari and Advent AI of the same difficulty every single time
If there's a better argument for a buff I've yet to see it
>Sins voicepacks for Advisor
Finally a Stellaris mod worth a shit.
I don't get Shadow Empire. I have an entire cabinet comprised of the best and brightest in the nation. Why do I have to personally micromanage so many tiny specific things across wildly different situations and levels of importance. Has my society not invented the concept of delegation?
>the best and brightest in the nation
It's based on Russia/Eastern Europe, so even that...
I mean sure they're probably not the best out of everyone ever, but they can learn fast and implement policy well, so I'd assume I shouldn't have to tell them how to put their pants on and that soldiers need ammo or else their bang sticks can't go bang.
What difficulty do I have to play on to experience a grindy late-game war?

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