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#157: Dirty and Beauty Edition
Previous Thread: >>491568516

General for all things Kirby including the games, novels, artwork, and anime series.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Sound Selection and Complete Soundtrack on sale now indefinitely: https://valuemall.site/collections/kirby-discovery-ost

Official Kirby Website:https://www.kirby.jp/
Official Kirby Twitter:https://twitter.com/Kirby_JP
Kirby Novel Translations Masterpost: https://www.tumblr.com/nyaagolor/653089595149434880/kirby-novel-translations-masterpost
Kirby Anime Translation Masterpost: https://operationhoshinokaabii.tumblr.com/watch
Kirby Wiki:https://wikirby.com/wiki/Kirby_Wiki

>/kdg/ Writefag Masterpost
>/kdg/ Pixel World
>Elfilisanon's Cave Story mod demo
>Anime Box Set Booklet and Storyboard
no news make /kdg/ sleepy
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we're so cooked.
Workin' on an art piece now, hopefully'll be able to think up a green to go with it...
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>Tonight, I saw my bastard half in dreams again.
>As always, he remained out of my reach.
>I despise this constant teasing.
>After some long thought, I have deduced what part of me he is, beyond my physical stability.
>He is my compassion.
>Whenever I recall the past, there are always blank spots in my recollection.
>It was hard, to find rhyme or reason to them.
>At first I thought it to be my own feelings.
>But that was not right, for I can still certainly hate.
>Later, I believed it to be my joy.
>That too was incorrect, as I could still feel that when I saw those beasts following along with my plans.
>It was until I decided to recall my hunts that I realized what it is that I am lacking.
>I remember I could feel something, for the species I hunted.
>I believe I always ensured a few of them would be spared, if only so I could use them as a resource again in the future.
>Something is missing in that justification.
>There was another reason I spared them.
>I felt something.
>And yet, I cannot recall just what that something was.
>I cannot feel it again.
>As I understand it as a concept...
>It must have been compassion, that I felt.
>...What was it like?
>I despise being unable to recall it.
>I need to get it back.
>I need to get him back.
>I need...
>I must get my self back.
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...would it be surprising at all if I said that that was inspired by me strangling the Elfilin plush? Seethe rat autism is activated by the oddest things I tell you...
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It’s productive autism, at least.
Good job, ratanon.
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But anon that was a jpg
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the fuck you laughing at
Can someone edit this to give them swirly eyes and heart pupils.
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do triple deluxe and planet robobot make up a duology with just each other, a trilogy with each other + return to dreamland, or a quadrilogy with the 3 aformentioned games + star allies?
I'd say it's a duology since there are direct links where star allies is more of a celebration of everything that came before.

rtdl comes off as a "start of a new era" from the sprite based gameboy advance/ ds games.
Sure, they and RtDL make up the "Stilted Once-a-Level Gimmick + Floaty-Handed Bad Guys" trilogy.
I say a trilogy.
RIP, the previous thread.
Who's your favorite "boss rush" boss, Computer Virus, Adeleine, or Holo Defense Api? And what past bosses would you want to return for one of these?
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Finally found this out in the wild, haven't found the first of the FL novels though. I now own one of the two pieces of "merch" Elfilis will most likely ever get officially. Kirby's supposed to be beginner-friendly reading, so I hope I might be able to actually translate this once my Japanese is less dogass.
since the threads are slow I probably should get around to doing those morpho greens I want to do.
>morpho greens
That alone sounds compelling, go for it! You've got at least 1 person here intrigued
yeah I'm just thinking about what direction to take them, the first one will be an introductory of sorts.
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>I am the end of all things.
>...Yet I am cursed to be a mere observer.
>Forced in to this form as my duty to cast judgement.
>For that is the role of the reaper, my curse as it were.
>as autumn's drift into frigid winters, so shall I too reawaken.
>Some would think of me as evil, but I care not for such musings
>For without death, life would falter the balance must be maintained.
>I gladly accept such a burden as a duty.
>Even if that means I can only intervene when the time is neigh...
>So shall it be, the only thing I can do now is watch and wait for when the fabrics of fate and reality are woven so that I may fulfill that duty.
>At the very least, I can still take note of things that have come to pass.
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I dig it, I always felt the bug could use some more development. I personally always thought he'd be more... cutthroat with his speech, very "get to the point", but that more in-depth writing you present is making me reconsider, pretty good so far dude!
>mfw there’s not gonna be a new game until 2026 the earliest
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>Ah yes, the phantom of the crescent moon.
>He was a rather...enigmatic figure.
>that being wanted corrupt that paradise for reasons beyond comprehension.
>motivations aside, he was cut down by the very thing that granted the things he hated most of all:
>The fool was out of this depth, trying to sully only a small fraction of a power he didn't even understand, much less control.
>The monarch of the paradise even halted such an attempt.
>I could feel that fear radiate as that divine power was used to erase him from this plane of existence.
>I *almost* pity this being.

Kinda going for a somewhat tragic force of nature, somewhat inspired by majora's mask's ikana canyon a soldier with a duty that's fucked up to do.
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>The dauntless soldier of darkness.
>A mere fragment of a superior being.
>That one I can respect almost, as I see myself in it.
>...but such thoughts are a fools errand, as my cause is far more of import.
>Born from malice itself, it sought to bring darkness itself upon the land.
>A Shimmering sword of color was thrust into it's body, tearing it asunder.
>It was nothing more then a mere tool for it's master, cannon fodder, known nothing more then to blindly follow.
>What doe's a lord care for a pawn?
>If it had followed a different path, perhaps it might've been like that other one, the light born from darkness.
>Malice made absolute.
>This being only knew of hatred and rage.
>It sought to snuff out all light upon the world.
>Using fragments as mere means to an end, corrupting to further it's agenda.
>Despite all it's wraith, it fell to the combined power of those who carry light in their hearts.
>I cannot help but reminded of the aeon's long past...
>but such things should be left as they lay.
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>...The sheer audacity of it.
>it DARED to attempt to break the laws of death.
>if I were able to intervene at that time, I would've...
>No, I cannot speak with such regrets.
>Even after it's death, it still yearned to fulfill it's malefic desires, on a larger scale still.
>A fae spear of light finally put it to rest.
>This form truly is a curse.
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>The lying fool.
>He sought to use the power of those from times forgotten to usurp the land for his own bidding.
>With trickery and cunning he was almost successful, but the very cosmos themselves put a stop to that.
>Such devices are wrought with peril and bring nothing but misery to those who would wield them carelessly.
>I did foresee that one's death but not in this time or place.
>meddling with those infernal machines makes reality splinter in various directions.
>Such things should've never been built.
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>A being from a world parallel to our own, one where darkness was supreme.
>it too used soldiers of darkness only it succeeded in it's endeavor.
>...Is what I would say if it was content destroying it's own world.
>It sought to break into this realm and others, emboldened by it's success.
>It ultimately fell to it's own hubris, despite the splintering of realities...
>Still I can't help but think back to the days of yore...
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>The tortured artist.
>born from a twin pair of paintings.
>This one sought to alter the lands themselves into a twisted vision of artistry.
>As if attempting to mimic her creator without understanding anything.
>Both her and her sibling were ultimately slain, never having met.
>...at least they got peace in the end.
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>The false monarch.
>This being is rather interesting, if not a fool.
>With the power he usurped or perhaps that vessel made of the old ones, reality yet again splintered in various ways.
>one where he fell to darkness, one where he fought the darkness that once controlled him, one where such things never occurred...
>If I was a lesser being I would've surely gone mad trying to keep track of such things.
>But I have no such weakness.
>at any rate, in all such cases the darkness within that crown is ultimately defeated, it is but a mere fragment of something...else.
>My weapon function much the same way, only I can wield it without such weakness of the mind.
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>The vanity obsessed queen.
>A rather tragic fable...
>This Girl sought out absolute beauty, not being content with what she had.
>She happened upon a mirror in the land in the sky.
>her form bent into a visage of what she fought of as graceful.
>Her mind now twisted was no longer content with just beauty but power and seeked to stop the hero from below...
>But she was a naive fool, getting the wrong person and ultimately falling.
>She already had someone who cared for her dearly and yet...
>Contentment is a concept beyond mortals it seems.
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I also wonder what if Magolor won, what would happen
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that shit's adorable
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No sir, I don't like it.
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>The corruptor of nature.
>Now this one is a true fool, despite what he would have you believe.
>He happened upon a device he couldn't hope to control, much less understand.
>Searching for something beloved but instead fragmented his mind until he was nothing but an empty husk.
>His very soul was consumed by a half broken machine from those days long past.
>Those things promise dreams and wishes but only bring torment and despair.
>The clockwork stars are truly fearsome, one shudders to think about the one's capable of creating such devices that can twist things in such a manner.
>I of all people know what those mad men are capable of...
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>...Now this one, THIS one I can use.
>The strongest warrior, a most fitting title.
>He was once a hero that defended the land with the spears that bind the hearts of darkness.
>Though sadly though he was driven mad from dark influences and went on a careless rampage.
>Those interlopers thought it best to seal him away for good.
>But they couldn't hope to contain that forever.
>I hear him, across the void calling for death, a hero such as him deserves to have a warriors end, those echoed screams across reality cannot be ignored.
>His unyielding rage for those devices matches my own.
>This...is how I can unleash my power.
>I Desire to test my boundless abilities on the new Heroes of this world, it has been too long.
>The time is not yet right to reveal myself however, it's rather infuriating.
>But I am nothing if not patient.
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>The true ender of worlds.
>Sealed away for aeons long past by the heroes of yore.
>commanded by travelers of the cosmos, the heroes sealed it's heart away so that the worlds would be safe.
>In their arrogance the banished those who assisted them in their endeavor.
>enraged by the betrayal, the bishop of madness sought nothing but revenge.
>He gathered commanders born from tragic beginnings and sought to revive his god.
>Ironically it was taken down by it's inverse, that inverse that has sought to defend the land with his limitless potential.
>I've watched over this one for a long time now, the new guardian of this star.
>...The time is neigh.
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>I finally granted my old friend his rest.
>My only regret is not being able to act sooner.
>But such is my curse, my burden I must endure.
>I desired to test my steel on this new hero and his comrades.
>...I was not disappointed.
>Though it had been so long since I've gotten to fight in my true form, thus it hindered me somewhat, but in my position I cannot complain.
>it was merely a taste of what was to come.
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>I was pulled into the old world.
>The place those vile interlopers once dwelled.
>Now nothing but empty echoes of history long past.
>I cannot help feel their presence even here.
>The one's power they stole, it calls out for vengeance.
>Trapped alone in a world abandoned.
>It's power fractured by those meddlers.
>But it was not all for nothing, for the beast was cunning.
>It commanded the wildlife of this star to enact it's plans.
>The guardian of dreams shall yet again give me the opportunity I desire.
>But this time I shall be able to use my full force.
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>Our duel has left me satisfied, at least for now.
>But I was careless.
>That beast manged to covet a fraction of my power even after I consumed him for my own desires.
>Perhaps I too, am a bit arrogant.
>The beast klung onto it's fury until the very end.
>Surely it was going to be erased like the rest.
>But something happened that I did not foresee...
>it's other half sought to allow it to survive.
>The rage quelled inside.
>This outcome was unexpected, but it was meant to be.
>Even death must be halted for life, for that is the way of balance.
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>The guardian of the stars.
>A purity unyielding.
>He seems to be a constant across the realms.
>Even in realms wrought with reflected darkness and kingdoms of stone.
>He portrays a naive attitude but, I know better.
>One such as that Could of easily been...
>It's best not to consider that.
>For without light, shadow cannot be cast.
>He is the balance, same as I.
>His power able to match my own, even using it against me.
>Truly Someone I can respect, I shall always welcome a challenge from him.
>For if I am the bringer of death then he is the maintainer of life, we must coexist.
>but someday I shall need to bring an end to all things.
>for that is the role of the reaper most grim.
>Now I must slumber in this form...
>waiting for when I must ferry the suffering of winter into a new spring.
>Guiding those to the end.
>Nothing can truly last eternally, not even those who'd meddle with the balance.
>Watching, casting judgement on all who'd defy it.
>that is my role in the world.
>My curse, the burden I bare.
>But I must see it through until the end.
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That just makes me wonder how he's managing to do that
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I replayed Amazing Mirror after a long time, and I really wished it had local co-op. Were the CPU's always this dumb and weak? It seems like every time I call on the three to help me out with a boss they drop like flies. It might just be me, but Amazing Mirror seems harder than other games which makes it more challenging and fun.
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they should've put stone in FL and made it work like this
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>kirby cafe reservations need to be made basically a month in advance
oh. ok then. guess i'm settling for Petit then.
What is the context of this image?
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yeah that's not exactly surprising, you have to remember how stupidly popular Kirby is in japan along with the fact there's very few actual cafes (3 in total I think?)
2 "proper" cafes at the moment, Tokyo and Hakata (with Osaka coming in Fall), and 2 Petits, Tokyo and Osaka. From what I've seen, Petit seems much more... "lowkey", so it seems like a safer bet to go there if nothing else.
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It'd probably be a good idea to check ahead of time at any rate.
you could almost make a bootleg mint leaf with that.
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It's a shame you can't add new bosses to Star Allies, because this is just asking for a Kabula fight.
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Saw shops selling Kirby blind capsules...

Wasn't there an anime episode about this?
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Is anyone else peeved by the fact that Nendo Meta Knight and Dedede are all chibi and squished while the others in the Kirby line are almost perfectly on-model? Particularly Meta Knight.
It bothers me a bit but if MK was on-model he wouldn't have the typical nendoroid cuteness. If Dedede was on-model he wouldn't fit the typical proportions nendos have. Nendoroids as on-model as Kirby's or Waddle Dee's are rare and almost only happen for cute mascot-type characters like Hamtaro.
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gradual soul reduction
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dumb image idea I just had: hyness treating gooey like the new dark lord holding him up in reverence.
Here's something I drew about a month before Star Allies came out. It's kinda close.
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All I got is this Metroid picture of the same scenario
Only now had time to read this, pretty quality stuff anon! It's very interesting to read about a more... "nostalgic", Morpho, thinking back to his fights, very nicely written too! Kudos
we need a hyness remake of that ASAP.
thank you, the way I wrote him was very much as a watcher like being, a force of nature that has a duty to fulfill to maintain things as they should be, his actions in he games aren't really all that evil or good, death may be grim but it is required to keep the balance of things.
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I am considering doing more greens maybe, hyness would be the choice he'd be written somewhat like Zant with an extra bit of insanity with a dash of plague knight of shovel knight fame.
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i want someone to make a fangame that's this with dream course's abilities
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tinker bell WISHES she was THIS hot.
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It's done
Too bad nobody joined
fuck, sorry man, i only now saw it, would be down to help with another though
I'll host another one tomorrow, I need to go to sleep now
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Being out of a computer hasn't been the greatest, especially for my productivity. Right when I begin to get a bit of my creative energy back, as well... Suppose that's how it is sometimes. Working to get it fixed, but that isn't exactly a cheap ask. Trying to move away from negatives for a second, Pansy is doing well, and I can still work on writing. Going to try and make progress on one this week, see how it goes... Until then...

Happy Friday, /kdg/. Have a good day and a better weekend, I'll see you next week.
my condolences spider anon, good luck getting that figured out
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someone will make a functional Karby, mark my words.
We already have carmouth cakes, it's only a matter of time.
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the real challenge would be making the big rig.
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shit happens
have a new spider
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addy im watching your stream why you not tryna laugh bruh thats disrespectful as shit bruh
>it's adover
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This is a Taranza general now
Ah yes, the caped cuck himself.
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At least get new material
Let's try this again
You know what they say. If it isn't broke don't fix it.
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Good job anons, thanks for joining
nice work, fun playing anons
i am not about to let a kirby general die
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one thing about recent kirby games that i dislike is that they have the exact opposite problem that mega man games do:
in kirby games, you defeat a small enemy or miniboss to get a single power that has a huge array of moves and can be used endlessly, but you can only hold one at any given time
in mega man games, you only get a new ability after defeating a huge boss, but said ability having only so many uses, and just one to two functions tops. the only comparative upside is that you can hold eight powers at once, being able to switch between them all
i want a game that goes in one of those directions or the other; i want a game that gives single-function limited-use powers one at a time from small enemies so as to keep the player switching, or more preferably, giving players a growing collection of unlimited-use, multi-functional movesets, earned only as rewards from major bosses that can be switched between at any point
milky way wishes came close, but still had a drastically short campaign and locked abilities as treasures to be found in levels instead of rewards from defeating bosses
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they have flirted with some of those idea's what with squeak squad's scrolls and forgotten land's upgraded movesets
not really what i mean
in nearly if not every kirby game all the abilities were unlocked from the start thanks to the chance wheel you get from swallowing two enemies at once
i'm talking about unlocking and gaining abilities you can switch to at any point after overcoming a major obstacle in the game
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to be fair chance wheels aren't exactly common.

I would not mind some sort of unlocking system akin to fighting bosses so long as there's not too much backtracking or tedium involved, maybe that sort of thing could open the door for metroid-vania like mechanics keeping in mind it is a series for beginners.
i'm not accusing you of saying amazing mirror was bad, but the source of the majority of its complaints was losing abilities in one hit and backtracking for them; given that the ideal game would be based on the kumazaki titles and only knock out abilities with notably strong hits, that won't be an issue

but note that as soon as you hit the big switch before king golem (the whispy woods clone boss in moonlight mansion) you can do the bosses in any order, even being able to collect every single other treasure in the game before fighting one of them was an option
so if certain sets of abilities were either locked behind the bosses of each zone, or found within the zone itself by beating minibosses or solving ability-unfocused puzzles or platforming challenges, it would add an insane amount of replayability to the game by delivering a different experience depending on which zone and set of abilities you go for first
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that'd work, you could also go real crazy and add boss/enemy weaknesses that deal a little extra damage like how star allies sort of does that with it's element system, but that might being going a bit too far for some.

Perhaps a system like castlevania where you can gain souls/essence to level up powers (either by fighting stuff that has that power or just by using it enough) or if you wanted a ton of choice make something akin to a rouge-like/lite where you get random powers each run with added passives.
I like Adventure more than Dream land 2&3
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I really wish I were more ashamed of myself than I am.
Oh well.
The wonders of being autistic.
Kirby drink was nice, guava and strawberry (wanted to get the Meta Knight one but it was sold out), will report on the lychee pudding and mini carmouth after I eat them.
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people buy far worse/weirder shit and if you enjoy it there's no shame in such things, it's not like you bought a fucking body pillow or anything degenerate.

that's a pretty good haul also I see that drawing you snuck in there.
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Adventure is pretty straight forward compared to those 2 so that's fair enough.
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It just felt fitting to include it, honestly.
Forgot to take a pic, but it seems some places started doing RTDL DX gachas since last time I went to downtown Osaka. I think it has standard Kirby, Sword Kirby, Sleep Kirby, Sand Kirby, and Magolor.
>you could also go real crazy and add boss/enemy weaknesses
that'd be too much, i really dislike how mega man games encouraged you to follow the same boss order every playthrough thanks to their weaknesses, rather than making the weapons effective in every scenario
the most i'll be okay with is adding like +1 or 2 damage against bosses with logical weaknesses, in the vein of how super star's frosty took one less hit to kill when using fire

as for KSA's imbuement system, that's another level
if the game is multiplayer than you'd still rarely find four kirbies on the same screen what with how big the game's map is, so there'd be very few times it could be used in the first place
and besides, if you already have abilities to switch to that can solve the elemental puzzles you need them to, then any imbuements would be redundant
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Kirby’s Friend Group:
>Animal Friends
Kirby’s Love Interest
Kirby’s Frenemy
Kirby’s Rival
>Meta Knight
Kirby’s Best Friend
This is indisputable.
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Kirby’s Friend Group:
>Animal Friends
Kirby’s Love Interest
Kirby’s Frenemy
Kirby’s Rival
>Meta Knight
Kirby’s Best Friend
This is indisputable.
kirby's best friend is bandanna dee
coming from battle royale and forgotten land
gooey was the friend that kirb was really close with but then grew apart from over time
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>Kirby’s Love Interest
Finally someone understands the true OTP of Kirby. KirMato.
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Agreed. Everyone knows everyone is Kirby's best friend.
the arrogance of bandanafags even though their character has already been boxed and is no longer receiving merchandise or being shilled (a random ass waddle dee took their place)
still appeared in FL and will continue to appear in more games. the thing that actually matters.
Women don’t play games, they buy merch and draw ship art. Merch brings in their revenue, not the games.
The games haven’t mattered since Super Star Ultra KEK.
go to bed bandanaschizo you're drunk
fair enough.

I suppose technically you could class fighters 2 as a rouge-like
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I hope the demand for a Gooey (or better co-op in general) was enough to make him the player two of Forgotten Land's sequel. Time will tell.
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After playing and finishing Amazing Mirror two times this week I really wish some of the modern games took after the aspects of the games that makes it more difficult and challenging. It might just be me but going from Amazing Mirror to something like Star Allies or even Return to Dream Land feels like experiencing a major difficulty decrease which makes me believe that for some ungodly reason Kumazaki decided to make the games easier. Any ideas as to why? At some points, I did find Amazing Mirror infuriatingly difficult like the lighting fast respawn rates of the enemies and how closed in some areas were with the excess of lighting fast respawing enemies making for some incredibly bullshit moments like the way Blippers move faster than you do so you can get swarmed but at some point I found stuff like that in the games really fun too. I know this sort of thing only works best for metroidvanias but I wish some of the exploration and style of environmental puzzles carried over more to future games, there's something about the way you can explore and map out routes without collecting the actual maps that I found really cool. I had so much fun with it, and I hope Amazing Mirror gets a remaster after Dream Course.
>Women don’t play games
But Anon, without the games how would there even be shippers? Just from Amazing Mirror alone, I can imagine three different dynamics and five different stories.
I have one question for you
Why did you play Amazing Mirror twice?
I played it once with my brother, again with a friend in rapid succession. I might play it again to see how fast I can beat it.
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Gooey still canonically lives in Kirby's house with him.
i wish mass attack was a pikmin game with kirby elements instead of a kirby game with pikmin elements
Mass Attack is a great game.
You don't have to live with your best friend.
Maybe not, but Kirby does
Sometimes I imagine that Kirby keeps Gooey near him because he's Dark Matter and wants to be able to put him down Old Yeller style if he begins to act weird.
Who do you think I am, Kumazaki?
i know it is
and i know it's a solid return for the squeaks
but i still think it would have been better as a pikmin game
Forgotten Land's boss requirements are solid evidence that Waddle Dee Mass Attack would've made more sense.
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instantly shit
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One last smaller jig for the week
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji5hDar9lYk leaked final boss theme for kirby’s next game
Well done anons
Would you guys like daily jigs (maybe with less pieces) or do I keep it to weekends only?
was fun anon
whichever you prefer, can't promise I'll make many of them though
*make many of them if they are daily
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fuck powerscalers
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Kirby has toon force, friendship, magical girl/shoenen anime bullshit with eldrich powers.
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I have a question.
Why does Kirby's Dream Land 3 (1997) not have custom sprites for Kirby's forms, when Kirby Super Star (1996) had them?
Probably would have been too confusing with all the animal friends.
Plus, since it’s the third entry in the Dream Land subseries, Kirby not having hats would be consistent with the games (Dream Land 1 and 2) that came out before it. That’s my theory at least.
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Currently throwing away draft after draft of a fic I'm writing, because I'm still not happy with it.
If this general actually made OC it wouldn’t be perpetually on page 10 and then dying at night.
The general dies because all the OC makers are shippers and they don't want to make things for a general that hates them.
Don't use my legitimate complaint about the greater fandom as a whole for your schizo shitposts. The shipping that goes on in here is usually straight, anyway.
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Trying out a writing another fanfiction that's about King Dedede starting one of those American styled prank TV shows on PPPTV after learning of Meta Knight's popularity as a radio host.
I'm going to start working on inking pic related, and then I'm going to go back to working on the roughs for my comic. Side note, should I enlarge Vul and Sailor a little more here? I asked some people and they gave mixed responses. I already know what I need to fix about Meta Knight but for Vul and Sailor they look off and I can't quote place why.
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but more importantly, he's our friend.
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Mmm cherry, strawberry, grape, lemon, lime and blue raspberry.
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obligatory crystal pepsi joke here.
Half right, it's not even the shipping, this general just constantly insults and chases out its OC makers for no real reason, then acts surprised when they're dying regularly. It's like an abusive relationship and honestly rather sad.
"This general" doesn't do anything to it's OC makers.
A couple of schizos who want the place to die chase them out.
Non-shipperfag here, I draw semi-often but since I post on my own art accounts elsewhere I don't post here because it's indirect advertising, some anons post my shit here anyway
I've drawn oc for the general before like pic rel but it's been ages since I last did the dedede fucker era killed my interest, nowadays I just contribute to the occasional collab but I might draw again when the time is right
It's weird how the general just tolerated and encouraged those two at the end of the thread and whenever their conversations about Kirby dominating Dedede spilled into the main thread.
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As you can infer from my posts... Too busy to work on any OC proper, sadly. If I do end up doodling Elfilis again sometime I'll probably post it here, life's been hectic.
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goo'd heavens, would you look at the slime!
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I'm finishing up an animation i showed in this thread like months ago if that counts lol. And the usual random star allies modding shit i post. Really need to fill up this room though, it is empty as hell.
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currently thinking about the funny purple cult man for more upcoming green texts, probably going to hold off until the next thread.
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Fuck you.
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we need the spear gang: bandana, zan and elifis
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Yeah Vul's size is odd it'd be hard to grasp how tall he actually is since he has like one fully body sprite, though for that drawing he seems just a tad too wide and the beak is a bit off?

Sailor dee's hat is a bit too low/big on his head that's most likely why it feels off.
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Kirby’s best friend is either Goeey or Bandana Dee, right? Who would Shadow Kirby’s best friend be?
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>Shadow Kirby
>having friends
Shadow Kirby hangs out with Dark Meta Knight but if you called them friends the two would just call themselves associates despite hanging out 24/7
I personally really enjoyed Skirbyanon’s idea of him being close with Marx since they’re both pranksters but he’s unironically probably friendless kek
I like that take too. A lot of schizos ripped on Skirbyanon for having an “oc” in the past but the Fighters 2 Kirby manga got translated and Shadow was basically an overconfident loser who, despite tricking Dedede and MK into putting on the evil crescent masks (very Marx-like), he got punked and humbled pretty quickly, and had a lot of “I’m compensating for something” energy, pretty in line to Skirby imho. I think Skirbyanon’s autism was very in character so I 100% trust his judgment on this one. There’s like one singular piece of Shadow with Marx, Magolor, and Gryll that I can’t find and I think that “trolls who are not exactly buddy buddy with Kirby but not on bad terms either” energy is definitely his friend group, although Magolor is a bit of a toss up.
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banana dee (as opposed to his brother bandana dee)
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Thank you Anon. I slimmed him down, and I realize what was off about his beak. I made it too duck-like and flat, so I changed it to something more on-model with a hump. This is what I love about this place, I can always get straight advice here.
Yeah that looks alot better
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Rate Adeleine's new hat
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needs more particle effects.
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fake fan
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the real fake fans are the friends we made along the way.

...but actually it's tumblr rejects.
>spider fulfills his femdom gangbang fantasies
>tumblr rejects
dream buffet uses the same level format as FL so gonna be doing some level editing :)
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It's Kirby Time
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Disgusting rat
had to update my FL level editor but it works
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Put in some Mario Kart tracks
Wade get the fuck out of my Kirby game
Gonna try this, there's no stage select for the game for some fucking reason but ill just put it over the training stage, that should work fine
Every post that insults Kirby is written by Kracko, Marx, or Shadow Kirby
Every post that insults Bandana Dee is written by Meta Knight.
Every post that insults Gooey is written by Bandana Dee.
Every post that insults Elfilis is written by Drawcia.
Every post that insults Elfilin is written by Elfilis.
Meta Knight is based?
This should be interesting
Yeah this wasn’t an attack on the haters. They’re all based. Except Bandana of course.
obvious bait is obvious, remember not to fall for it
almost got it, put the map too low
>Bandanaschizos immediately start seething
Dead ass it’s like clockwork at this point
called it.
>Extremely light and obvious teasing is considered bait for these tumblr rejects
Ado fans and Bandana fans are birds of a feather.
now we move on to the part where he has a melty because his shitty bait was called out
Calling attention to the troll, even without giving them a (You), is still acknowledging them and letting them know you’re watching, which is all they need. An audience.
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kek, rip Kirby
>The type of tired sleep won't fix
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>show is called knuckles
>focuses on some literal who side character nobody cares about that makes Chris from Sonic X look well written.
>self insert fan fic tier writing
>"muh 6 gorillion"

thanks, paramount
But hey
Knuckles got the Flames of Disaster, so they don't have to explain why his fists are on fire in Sonic 3!
That's something, right...?
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either Jim really carried the movies to be actually good or the show was just a thinly veiled excuse to virtual signal and cope with the writers daddy issues.

anyway, back to the Kirbo.
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Kirbo's a good boy.
collision is being annoying but almost got it
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It's looking good, hackeranon
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i would like to see a kumazaki-engine adventure remake with call-forwards to the rest of the series
fighter replaces throw, suplex replaces backdrop, wing replaces burning, bomb replaces freeze, everything else sticks, ball and light included
fire lion gives fire, mr. frosty gives ice, rolling turtle / phan phan is replaced with iron mam
jet, mirror, and ninja return in extra mode, replacing some regular mode enemies
ability room is unlocked upon campaign completion, extra abilities are added to both modes' ability rooms after both campaigns are completed
is it weird i'd rather they not? Like, i dunno, Adventure just holds a really nice place in the franchise as a midpoint, I feel like modernizing it would take away a lot of what makes it special, unless they go the extra mike to make it faithful and dont just generally hd-ify the graphics. Like if they kept Kirby as expressive as he is in those games, the limited moveset, but just made the graphics pretty (and stylized) I wouldn't mind, but I dunno if Hal would do that. Not to say I find the modern kirby style sterile, but Adventure just has a certian look to it that's hard to capture in the way current Kirby does its graphics, even Nidl didn't do it for me.
well, adventure was still the first game in the series to introduce abilities in any form, and nidl's recreation was only middling at best
i mean fuck, they outright removed the HAL room

if adventure could get a remake in the same way that super star did, it would be fucking spectacular
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It's still there.
You just can't get to it.
They are not permitted to touch Adventurekino, Sakurai-sama would demand immediate seppuku.
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>rkgk for yaoi fans asking taranza-kun to take off his clothes
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least terminally online yaoi fan.
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sex with zan partizanne and nobody else
All things considered this is relatively tame.
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