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Previous thread: >>491151561

Featured Game by Thumbnail: DoomRL

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q657rEkgfKs

>What to Play
>Individual Game Pastas
>Roguelike Archive (Collection of pretty much every free roguelike there is)
>/rlg/'s "official" Cataclysm: DDA fork

25 August 2024 - Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 released - https://www.shadowofthewyrm.org/downloads.html
23 August 2024 - Emerald Woods v0.4.5 released - https://blog.slashie.net/2024/08/23/emerald-woods-crafting-station-0-4-5/
22 August 2024 - Soulash 2 v0.8.7 Legacy released - https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2399160/view/4250921873106823316
20 August 2024 - Overworld v2.1 released - https://redasteroidgames.com/overworld/
19 August 2024 - Golem: A Self-Made Person! Alpha 3 released - https://surrealpartisan.itch.io/golem-a-self-made-person
13 August 2024 - Sphere v0.3.5 released - https://eversoar.itch.io/sphere
10 August 2024 - Terra Randoma v1.1.21 Achievement! released on Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1120400/Terra_Randoma/
9 August 2024 - Sulphur Memories: Alchemist 0.3.1 released - https://spellsweaver.itch.io/alchemist/devlog/779060/sulphur-memories-alchemist-031-is-out
9 August 2024 - Once upon a Dungeon II v0.8.11.0 released - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2204730/Once_upon_a_Dungeon_II
7 August 2024 - Revengate 0.12.9 released - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.revengate.revengate
6 August 2024 - Cogmind Beta 14 "United Federation of Derelicts" released - https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/722730/view/4353376861562155423
6 August 2024 - Zorbus r60.6 released - http://www.zorbus.net/

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

Roguelike Servers
https://angband.live/ (Angband and variants)
baby nights bloo bloo nights
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>thread posted 31 minutes ago
>no posts
>already on page 8
This really likes my rogue
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I don't get it
Your theoretical understanding of shitposting has increased to 1!
where is DCSS 0.32
I'm glad, DDA players and devs deserve to be ripped off.
How does theoretical shitposting help me survive the apocalpyse?
/vg/ moves fast these days
>I don't get it
you know what else you don't get
a refund
the future is now old man
Can I be a roguelike?
your mom was turn based, at least
>where can i stash stuff if ive gotten glotrot
Anywhere. Just mark the location in the journal becaus you'll absolutely forgot where you left your things. Glotrot is irrelevant here.
>and havent gotten proper entry to the bears yet?
You do not enter the gay bears, the gay bears enter you.
>im throwing away a lot of valuable items because i havent found uber yet.
Haven't found what?
>i dont care that much about money,
Retarded. You will eventually run into a merchant that's selling something good for very high prices. Always look into the lightest possible ways to carry the densest water equivalents.
Wtf happened here? Why did every post get deleted?
jannies being tarded plz andastan
>Haven't found what?
I assume he means ubernostrum?

I don't understand what's the issue with glotrot and stashing items either way.
When I play Qud I just use the two chests on Argyve's shop as my personal containers and regularly take trips to Joppa to stash stuff and then go back to adventuring.
Sometimes that happens to threads, I don't know why.
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I love our new janitor.
>25 August 2024 - Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 released
Has anyone tried this? Sounds like a neat concept and ambition to be honest.

Low key want to try out Emerald Woods too. Games who begin with the basic systems like that and then branch and grow into something more classical and adventure-y always makes me filled with glee.
>just use the two chests on Argyve's shop
You can get chests from snapjaw camps even before Argyve lets you use his chests. You have a decent chance of getting a least one free chest in the first new map you visit.
>Always look into the lightest possible ways to carry the densest water equivalents.
nta but do you have any suggestions
just started playing last night and I'm already bogged down by full waterskins
Haven't tried it but it looks neat, I like the tileset.
Back on the DoomRL grind again, and remember what happened when I went into the Halls of Carnage last time? Well, it happened AGAIN.
There's no lava pouring from the left, threatening to kill my ass if I play slowly.
I crafted the Cerberus Boots in case I was too slow and lava got to me, but I guess they just removed lava from the level? I even updated to the hotfixed version and it still triggered, what the hell.
nta but just pick a place you want to use as your base and drop all the stuff you don't need there.
Grab valuable items when you need to buy something. The very first thing you should buy at every new town is a recoiler.
>drop all the stuff you don't need there
items on the ground don't despawn or do I need to find a container?
I'm no stranger to doing this at least, same thing in underrail where you fill up a random trashcan near every merchant with loot.
Also I've got electrical generation, can I power recoilers with it somehow?
I don't recall items on the ground despawning but I haven't tested it over long periods of time. If you put them in a container they do not despawn for sure.
>Also I've got electrical generation, can I power recoilers with it somehow?
Yes, but you need the tinker skill (tinker II iirc) and you need to modify them with the "jacked" mod.
I usually finish this map with lava biting at my feet, but hey, a free BFG is hard to argue against.
I hope they fix this bug tho.
I read on the patch notes they fixed this piece of shit, so I'm thrilled to try it at least once.
Keep buying waterskins until you start reliably having a surplus of like 10 even after you buy everything someone like Tam (the dromad in Joppa) has to offer. And that's after you've bought everything you want from Argyve, i.e. probably closer to midgame. In the meantime buy gems and nuggets, in that order. Cyberware credits are a great way to "invest into" because they're either weightless or weigh next to nothing. Similar with some trinkets that cost a fuckton while weighing very little. Same with schematics.
Eventually you'll have so much you'll be able to spend tens of thousands in "water equivalent" in one go. Prioritise things with the worst density (water equivalent) to item weight ratio when selling.

>items on the ground don't despawn or do I need to find a container?
Don't remember but I think they never disappear unless someone takes them. Which happens very rarely, you'd need some pilgrim conga line to get into an area and walk over something one of them likes. I don't think they ever pick up or open chests but not entirely certain.
>Also I've got electrical generation, can I power recoilers with it somehow?
You should be. There should be an action on the action bar, I think. They've changed the UI since I've last played and the new UI is AIDS.
Nevermind, they only fixed the fact you can use a Firestorm modpack on it, but I don't think I'll ever do that.

Also, they added this little jab at you if you use a Sniper modpack into a shotgun, since shotguns have unlimited range and perfect accuracy always.
You still need to do it in order to make a plasmatic shrapnel shotgun, but still.
The Cyberdemon was a complete free fight, but he clipped me with a rocket before going down, so motherfucker denied me a medal just out of spite.
Now I'm pretty excited about this special level, because it's brand new and I have no fucking idea on what's gonna happen.
The House of Pain has a 50/50% chance of replacing The Vaults, and I don't know how the staff I have from the very beginning of the run, form when I beat the Chained Court will work in here.
So, I answered Yes to the guy telling me that I stumbled upon his magical realm and it seems that I'm gonna have to battle a bunch of waves to get some treasure or something.
The first wave is some Demons and a shitload of Arachnotrons. It's pretty rough, depending on your build. The corners aren't helping a lot since they're irregular, but it's better than nothing.
Let's check out the next vault.
What's the strat when it comes to fighting the cyberdemon? He always gave me trouble.
Shooting at it until it dies
You can easily cheese it by taking Dodgemaster and moving side to side to make it miss its rockets and blast it when it's recharging. Rinse and repeat.
I had no Dodgemaster, so I only managed to dodge most but 2 rockets.
Alternatively, get Berserker, ignore its damage and shoot at it until it dies.
Once you enter the next chamber, you're getting trapped in there with a bunch of nightmare cacos, and probably something else, I'll report if I survive.
It was Barons and Nightmare Cacos. It was a hard room, but not as bad as I was expecting. With another build it would be pretty hard, probably, but at this point of the game you should have enough firepower to kill things in here.
Let's get to the next chamber.
After every chamber, there's a set of large health globes in order to heal yourself to full after every fight.
Alright, time for the last one.
It's Archviles with something I haven't seen just yet, but it's probably Revenants or Mancubi.
Turns out it was all of them. The VMA trifecta gathers once again, but they all ate shit because I kill them by the dozen during the normal levels anyway.
Let's see if there's some other gimmick in here, because I didn't use the staff and this last room felt pretty underwhelming.
Never mind that, I missed a dude and that's why it wasn't advancing. Looks like there's a final trial, or maybe it's just the reward. But judging by every other level where there's a voice talking shit to me, I'm probably gonna end up killing whoever's behind this.
Alright, maybe demons aren't than bad after all. That's pretty good loot.
Why are tabbers so much easier to play as than spellcasters
So much for trusting demons.
...Oh, fuck; I hope they don't revive all the Arachnotrons I killed in this vault.
I killed everything, got some good loot and everything's nice, but what the fuck do I do with the fucking staff? It doesn't seem like it works in here, so I've been carrying this piece of shit for the whole game for nothing?
roguelikes are booooring
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Thanks a lot to the advice I got in the last thread
It appears that you can use the staff from the start to open up every door and backtrack or advance as you please, but since I did it all blindly and by the rules, I didn't even need to use it.
At least I can drop this shit and keep an useful item instead now.
Anyway, this armor is the best shit ever and I can repair it by just standing in lava, which I can do easily with my Cerb Boots. I still need to keep another armor for the Mortuary, since there's no lava in there.
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I've figured out how to play Infra Arcana
It had a use, but I probably had to use it before I cleared the whole place. I missed nothing, tho.
It's pretty cool how there's 2 Berserk Packs right before entering the Unholy Cathedral. Time to do the dew.
rip and tear your guts, m8
>Cyberware credits are a great way to "invest into" because they're either weightless or weigh next to nothing.
Important note on that though, since they aren't a "Gold text" currency item their price fluctuates based on your character's ego and your reputation with the merchant, so even with good ego and rep you'll be losing money by buying it and selling it. Still might be worth it if you've got massive piles of valuable shit to sell and it's driving you nuts, but it's not like nugz and gems where they always have a flat value
I don't know if I'm gonna be using the Azrael Scythe, but if push comes to shove, I can use the alt fire to deal with crowds during the Mortuary/Limbo if things get nasty.
>You equip an Azrael's Scythe!
>You don't have an Azrael's Scythe!
Seems there's something cool in here, or maybe shit. Who knows?
I love morbid air levers lol
There were Enviroboots.
I'm not sure if these are better than Cerb Boots at this point, since they have more of a speed reduction modifier and lack the other resists, like bullet, melee, shrapnel and plasma. But then again, I'm pretty sure boots don't actually protect you from anything but whatever's on the floor, so this might either be an oversight from the devs and does nothing, or now Cerb Boots also give you protection from attacks, who knows. Not me, because I don't really feel like getting hit and see if I receive less damage, at least not right now.
I wish this was Limbo, but it is what it is.
The strat in here is gonna be to fire as many rounds of the BFG as I can to clear the corpses and hopefully kill a couple of Archviles, leav some rounds to deal with the ones that get revived, clear the right wing first because there's a Nuclear BFG on that side and I can start blasting with it the left side once I get it.
Let's hope it goes as planned and I don't die a horrible death in here.
Nuclear BFG secured. I killed 4 Archviles on the way, so it means there's gonna be a really packed floor on the other side.
At the very least, I can blast them with this self reloading BFG.
the Nuclear BFG is good for its alt fire
Yeah, the place was overrun by corpses and I had to use absolutely all of the BFG ammo i hoarded up until this point, and even then I had to also go into the mob with my shotgun to finish this off.
I'm glad it's over. This was the only place I was actually worried about, and the rest of the game's gonna be a victory lap.
the armor it gives you is pretty good, IIRC?
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Yep. I really needed it if I want to go do the secret boss fight. Well, "secret", since everyone knows about it by now.
It's alright if you don't have anything better by this point. I wish it had better resistances, but with that armor rating it blocks a lot of incoming damage anyway.
It has always irked me you can't do the whole set combo if you kill every single enemy. Let me get the combo with the Azrael's Scythe too REEEEEEE
the other half of the John Carmack fight prerequisites is a bit more luck-dependent to find
Sure, but it definitely always beats carrying 10 waterskins around.
Nah, the other part is a guaranteed reward from Mt. Erebus/Lava Pits.
It's this shining ball, the Lava Element. It drops after you kill the Lava Elemental and it gives you a couple of rounds of invulnerability when you use it, so you can always go to the final fight if you find a nuke, or an item that can nuke the place, like a nuclear weapon or the Trigun.
Here's how it works: first, once you reach the Spider Mastermind fight, you do the alt reload on the nuclear BFG, then you pop up your lava element once the countdown is at 3 or lower...
You go to the corner of the map to reach the real final fight...
And then blast the shit out of John Carmack.
It's like a Cyberdemon fight, but with a lot more HP and he summons enemies every now and then, so either kill him quickly or have a way to do spread damage at hand or else things can get out of control.
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>last thread suddenly deleted
we dindu nothin
Got 2 Platinum badges from that run, and I was only looking to get one, so that's pretty cool.
Roguelikes and real life are both mostly boring, if played correctly. One plays the former to remind oneself of the latter. It rests the mind like a treadmill desk.

GnWn purchased Confusing Touch over SInv ring, since Yred counters invis. CT+polearm+evo staff+zombie synergy is so strong that most combat is trivialized. However, it's always advisable to beat difficulty levels sequentially, lest one be forced to backtrack.

In Heroes of Might and Magic 3, easier difficulty levels teach aggression. It's tempting to say that in DCSS there is no advantage to sloppy recklessness, but aggressive consumable spending is an important habit to develop.

The signal to increment difficulty is when it's too boring to bother playing. I still learn from the occasional non-trivial fights, but the pointless tedium is too great. At pre-Ru 1 I'll be conquering virgin territory with nearly the same difficulty, so I may as well restart.

By Lair:4 I've drunk 4 potions and used zero piety; I should increase the difficulty just to maintain the habit of spending consumables. 444 kills is a good stopping point.

The main lesson from this run is that Swiftness+polearm+Blink+Ice Form lets Gnoll handle Lair's zerg.
you fucking schizo
It's the jannies trying to stop me watching that 10 hour gooning video in my goonarium while I play my roguelikes, and they were successful because I never actually clicked it
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Why can't I properly carry weapons in dda? One pocket pistol and a mag in cargo pants? That's bullshit.
Sorry you hate realism.
Don't forget to turn off autopickup for pockets from which items can "fall out" when you are grabbed.
God damn bloated pearlfrogs punching through my 17AV, it's unseemly. Think I'll finally try Bethesda Susa now, do a bit of inventory management at bear central and then head off. I could technically get my gun rack going but that fucks my back slot and I assume I'll want a wooly ape fur cloak for more cold resist. Just not sure if I want akimbo masterwork chain pistols or one chain pistol and the eigenpistol, probably not a bad idea to have something with more penetration just in case. Could use the #7 bits I got to add sharp to my crysteel melee weapons but I'm not sure if I want to, my strength's low enough that flawless crysteel's not really different to me than folded carbide for penetration so it'd just improve my damage dice at the moment
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What the fuck
>things can overcome my AV, no matter how good it is
Told you. Same with DV.

Welcome to CoQ where everything if fine until it rapidly is very not.
>antisemitism rises
>"Why is antisemite IQ dropping?"

>Roguelike playerbase grows
>"Why are roguelikes dumbing down?"

It's all a mystery, because statistics are racist.
Got me beat for a turret party. Best I've had was something like 15 chaingun turrets. The only nice thing is a bunch of those will probably kill each other with friendly fire if you keep popping your head out and then ducking back and healing, just gotta hope they don't get one lucky turn of combat

It'll be fine, I just need EVEN MORE AV. Even though explosions ignore AV entirely so then I'll probably get swarmed by grenadiers
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Sacrificed an eye to gain wisdom
Mage melee rogue, must be all three.
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I thought a horn build would be pretty passe' nowadays but it still puts in the work. Got pretty far into bethesda susa.
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Kafkaesque roguelikes?
haha yeah
I managed to barely crawl my way through there just now. Had a few really spooky moments (And apparently Sad Angus was in this too, and I ended up fighting him, but sadly his sword exploded for some reason) but I made it out with some clone juice and a few laser rifles
I think jetpack bear has a bunch of clones lying around
I forget how you identify the real one
you can find clones in deep levels iirc but the real one is always in bethesda
Good, good.
Now go for Master and Grand Corruptor. It is going to be fun.
Grand Corruptor was easy as he suddenly went like "Hey about we team up to kill all them magicless subhumans". The Master ? Not so much, took like 40 minute real time but I ended up winning after loosing a life. I'm now in the far east, just passed the portal, I used my ... level 34 or 32 unlock point to get a 5th inscription slot for Dissipation as clearly it was what I was missing tackling on the Master I think, I'm using shatter afflictions, movement, reflection shield (503 damage blocked and is my contingency auto cast), healing (212 hp, 10CD), and the dissipation rune, I feel like I should drop one of them for a wild magical, most of my nearly dead moment were due to a silence or a confusion fucking with me, feel like healing is the least useful now it's very old and doesn't scale well ?
Nice work man.
You should probably drop healing for a mental cleanse to deal with silences
Healing has some uses against sawbutcher enemies since their silence can't be mental cleansed (it's a wound)
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I am so thankful for the controversy. I would have never discovered Soulash 2 without it.

Game is a real gem.
What happened?
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The peak Necromancer right there.
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1) Dev added marriage and children
2) One user asked for gay marriage
3) Dev said that wasn't a priority and would look at adopation or some other solution for players who don't get married
4) User threatened to 'cancel' him, other users demanded gay marriage be added before the war update.
5) Dev banned the user and told the people demanding gay marriage he didn't care what they want
6) Users and devs both called each other nazis and bigots
7) Whole drama doubled the daily users and lead to a spike in positive reviews and sales
wtf I love Soulash the second now
So, anybody here played Chrono Ark?
I just don't like deck builders
1) Dev added marriage and children
2) Dev added marriage WITH children
3) You can't procreate, you can only adopt so your point 3 is false
4) According to himself, the person who asked was very polite about it
5) Artur was already really disliked by other roguelike devs for being an asshole, that includes Zeno who normally stays out of drama
>2) Dev added marriage WITH children
Clearly he must be from here.
Is it a roguelike?
>64% to hit
>miss 8 times in a row
Wow epic
a valuable lesson that previous rolls do not affect current
there's no way tension doesn't affect rolls in crawl, you cannot convince me otherwise
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I've been going at this goddamn wyrm vault for the past hour and a half kiting the big ones one by one ... Got 4 levels out of it.
Did you like the spicy vault with level 70+ dragon bosses? Did you get something good from it?
2 more weeks (years)
(I need to finish my first roguelike)
trust me bro
t. cerebral dev
Angband homebrew of Project Moon when?
I believe in you anon
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All around fun fight, as time warden shalore I have a ludicrously large amount of options to reduce cooldown and flee so it was very very long but apart from a few moments it never got REALLY tense as they came at me one by one. But goddamn it spooked me when I fled the bonus vault, went to open the main quest related vault and then saw a level 91 boss wyrm in the entrance after it followed the sound of fighting. I'm really loving this game it has yet to reach the level of tense that my one successful full rune run of DCSS reached but every individual fight against a boss enemy is a lot less dull.
oh fuck forgot to talk about the loot, nothing good for me though, the Mnemonic ring, the 2handed sword Latafayn which seems real fucking strong on something like an ogre magic blade, and the face of fear helmet, a few randart including new gloves but that's all I equipped.
Damn, and now I want that. And it hurts even more understanding that this probably never gonna happen. Feels sad.
Not a roguelike, but yeah, played it quite a lot. It and ruina are the only deckbuilders that transcend being card-slop imo.
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Working on an NES roguelike.
I've barely cobbled together something that allows you to move around without collision and with a buggy unfinished vision algorithm.
I'm kinda hoping shadowcasting is feasible so I don't have to limit the entire game to 1-tile wide corridors and rectangular rooms.
You'll need an emulator to test it obviously.

My biggest concern is that the tiles and characters just might be way too small.

Woah, well now this is unique, first time I've actually seen a homebrew roguelike for the NES. Hope development goes well.
Soulful race+class
yeah well we will see.
everything is quite buggy.
I need to habve a deep understanding of shadowcasting to do something like that on the shitty NES hardware
I thought for sure somebody put a Wanderer game on the NES
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ah, I guess the Japanese ragulickers started on the Super Famicom
wow that's so true ponyposter, thank you for bringing this to my attention
also I'm pretty sure you would have gotten away with that, you didn't need to delete your own post
Why the hell does a roguelike need family mechanics
I don't suppose you have any ideas?
Honestly I don't know how complex you could make it before going outside of the NES's limitations. Also I wonder how the control scheme will look like, it's not like the NES gamepad had a whole lot of buttons to work with.
it's not so bad...
d-pad for moving about
B/A for searching and shooting
Start for opening the backpack
Select for look command (that or pause)
if you really need a "lock the controls so my cat doesn't kill me while I'm getting a chocomilk" you should bind it to START+SELECT
well it's turn-based so that won't happen lol
sounds like a vital contribution to the human race
Yeah, it does, actually.
a "pause" button isn't necessary but every button input can be life or death in a roguelike
not related but I'm also a bit worried about the gameplay.
the most boring part of roguelikes for me has always been the bump to attack aspect
so I kind of want to favor ranged combat more heavily, if the system can handle it
there's no way it can handle it my dude, and at least bump combat features positioning
diagonal movement won't really be possible due to the jankyness of the controls so ..fuck
it would make the gameplay slightly less responsive but you could add a frame buffer and diagonal movement just requires pressing two directions within two or three frames of each other
The tiles look good. Please post more
>frame buffer
input buffer
Spending consumables and remembering monster locations again; the proper roguelike dread
D2 sky beast spawned with full HD
feel death's scythe whisper past your neck to wipe away that smirk.
If only Hitler had Pokemon he couldn't have written Mein Kampf due to carpal tunnel
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see that circled corner?
just discovered if I go there then it tries to reveal too many tiles (i have infinite vision along x-y axis for 1-tile wide corridors)
so uhh the game freaks out (probably buffer-overflow + lag)

so im thinking, im gonna need to reduce vision to maybe 4-5 tiles ahead in any direction
Why'd no one tell me Qazal is a really strong god? It feels like most of my kills were his random cloud tiles dealing elemental damage
I haven't tried the new release but I have played SoW. It filtered the ever living fuck out of me, I doubt it's hard (or rather, particularly hard in terms of RLs) but something wasn't clicking. Couldn't even leave the starting area.
Qazlel has always been good though
Most people don't even know that upheavals radius increases to 2 with enough invocations and does crazy damage (3d30 maxed out) extremely cheaply. Plus loads of species have good invocations aptitude. One of the better gods to wear Faith with and just snipe everything remotely threatening.
Qazlel is the epitome of Learn to Swim Fast or Drown
If you can survive randomly pulling THE ENTIRE GODDAMN FLOOR then you'll find him incredible, especially with the free SH+Rmsl covering your ass, but unless you get necromut up and running you'll get deleted the moment you try going for the endgame since that's based all around LoS AoE bullshit
I always get extremely bored when playing as pump classes outside of say path of achra.
I did a 15 rune DsMO^qaz without lich on .32 trunk not too long ago, it wasn't that bad at all. Being able to two shot everything that has torment in spellset at edge of Los is really valuable. But I had a crazy Faith+Regen amulet.
Achra dev is just like Qud devs.
>I always get extremely bored when I pump
you need to goonmax.
Not until he's a pedo as well.
Do you expect me to un-play my 60 Achra hours because the dev doesn't disapprove of the gays?
>necromut up
help a newplayer out and translate pls
lich form
Citations for 4 and 5? We can see the evidence of the former post from the deranged bluehair shrieking on social media/steam forum.
Also if 5 is right then why is dev obligated to be nice? Business is competition not colluding circlejerks.
>Business is competition not colluding circlejerks.
in general sure. But the RL community is a niche community of people making passion projects, not businessmen.
Is it ever viable to build a melee character that also casts spells in DCSS? Seems like the melee and spellcaster play styles are so diametrically opposed due to encumbrance that I can’t figure out how to make it work.
it's easier to start with a spellcaster that melees things
Have you tried doing it on a class like Draconians? I suck at crawl and have never won, but I find melee/magic somewhat doable when you play a race that can melee competently but wouldn't have used armour anyway for one reason or another.

A dex focus also helps because the armour you would use isn't as heavy. Spriggan stabber with CC spells worked alright when I tried it.
The new Mountain Dwarves are built for it with their innate passive reducing encumberance, try it with the reaver start.
not gonna play this garbage until sonmeon er remakes the entire game in new UI
Actually now that you've mentioned it, family-related topics aren't properly covered in roguelikes.
I’ve only tried it with melee races that have xp boosts in certain magic paths like hill orc or dwarf, but it always ends up becoming pure melee because of heavy armor. Armor skill doesn’t seem to mitigate the encumbrance penalty enough to make casting worthwhile.
ToME's interface is sovlfvl thougheverially
uuuhrm no
wear one of the lighter dragon armors then
Also keep an eye out for artefact ring or scale mail. Also it's always fun to do an everything build with Chei but it's too easy to lean on slouch and ignore conjurations.
TeAE can pop off pretty hard, where they melee everything with long sword + shield and then airstrike/tornado everything else
go to bed grandpa
I cast singularity on your butthole
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based NES dwarven darkvision with authentic kobold wrestling. You dislocate a femur!
No, just wanted to put it out there for the people who dont browse xitter. Maybe it will make some rethink if they want to support the next game of that dev.
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Started on fire.
Every time I want to start a game of ToME I remember the early game popcorn dungeon grind.
>Put down character for the night
>Wake up
>Pick it back up
>Splat within 20 minutes
every time
Qaz is just a way for Troll to pull meat into corridors without walking
melee and stealth are diametrically opposed; armor skill does not reduce the encumbrance stealth penalty. in heavy armor, cast utility cantrips such as Blink. Scout in lighter armor and assault in heavy.
I only play groggy to learn to wake the fuck up or slow the fuck down
>"This person wrote a very respectful request for inclusiveness in the game" - Artur's reply.
>No other post other than the "respectful request" on the topic
>Banned for harassment
You can read the post that got this person banned.
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I hope you all die IRL (in roguelikes)
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
You forgot to mention that when the first gay marriage mod was made a few days after the update, he posted a hotfix to make marriage hardcoded. That was before the review bombing.
That's schizo behavior.
On one hand, based, on the other hand, what the hell is his problem?
he appears to be enforcing a lack of gays
Giving someone a stick to beat you with and then crying over it on twitter is unbased. That's literally tranny behavior.
do you consider mouse crucial for an orthodox roguelike?
I'm thinking that well designed keyboard control scheme is superior
but my ragu is going to have firearms
but then again it's not like a player is going to shoot non-liv entities very often so the (f)iring process could be simplified for the player by cycling enemies
mouse is heretical, if you include it you should be shot
Getting into Angband. Been playing Dwarveb fighter because I like being able to mine but I keep dying.

Suggested race class combo for Angband?
android rune knight
fuckin kek
fucking dope. best of luck.
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same. I never understood the demented mentality that considers Slay the Spire a roguelike.
Mouse gets in the way. If you can't control the entirety of game via keyboard it just feels wrong.
Everyone can dig. You don't even need to carry a tool long enough because you'll find some bullshit good artefact that can also dig before even reaching '500.
thanks m8
the Android Dosh Knight combo has been patched out of the modern *band forks because it didn't need to actually play the game
RIP good old android dosh knight
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1-3 Qud
4-6 Risky Rain 2
7-9 Darndest Dungeon 2
0 Goonstravaganza
really? not sure why I thought otherwise
Just bought the game to support not caving to the LGBT mob
someone read SJWAL
a warrior. formal recognition leads to adoption leads to abuse. he literally did it for the children.
>he literally did it for the children.
Yeah, to marry children...
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Wait a minute... where's the *pshhhh... nothing personnel... kid* move in here? Did they removed it?
Does Controlled Blink still exists in here?
The beogh change is so fucking cringe I don't know what to do with myself
a milf wife doesn't hurt a lad, and a fatherless girl is often better off going early to the wardship of her future husband than getting molested by her mothers' boyfriends
>Globally, one in every five girls is formally married or in an informal union, before reaching age 18. In the least developed countries, that number almost doubles – 36 per cent of girls are married before age 18, and 10 per cent of girls are married before age 15.
On the other hand, let's ban being poor; it worked for the communists. The destruction of female chastity in the USA hasn't had any negative consequences such as accelerating the collapse of the empire due to male indifference, right?
fork it
Seems like someone on the dev team really, REALLY liked Shadows of Mordor.
>you can just identify as an orc now
Wtf dcss devs trannies?
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What the hell is happening?
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Looks like it was just a shaft. Why did they framed a surprise shaft as if Satan himself made the crack?
Anyway, while I'm sad about them removing the edgy teleport from Dithmangos, This ability seems pretty fucking good to compensate.
Reducing your LOS to 1 for a while sounds incredible to ninja some runes, and even more to just yoink the Tomb rune and get the fuck out. It's just a shame that after every new version, my quest to kill Antaeus with a single stab gets harder and harder.
wish baby nights had more of that instead of buildable laser guns and magnetic guns
>why I thought otherwise
probably thinking of nethack, dwarves get 1-turn digs
oh hey i remember you, guy-who-stabbed-antaeus-with-the-dark-maul
i think the trap change was an eventual decision after years of having removed the traps&doors skill, so you still get trapped tiles to use or fall prey of (but you knew about them so it's b a l a n c e d), and also the old sudden dickery
i think it's a retarded change, but hey i'm not on the devil's team. at least the guaranteed traps are just shafts/tele/mark
I don't think I'm enjoying qud
There's so many changes the game seems alien to me now.
At least you can still stab things, so that's a plus...
Well, Antaeus woun't stab himself so I gotta start adapting to these new changes and get to his ass ASAP.
hidden traps triggering on exploration is the correct solution; exploration is a choice with rewards. zot clock is redundant with piety decay.
Yes, please, we need LESS features. Features are bloat. Emptiness is bliss.
>you can still stab
You sure can, you just need unrandart luck
I'm playing a spriggan for maximum stabbing from the start, but yeah, stabbing some of these mofos like TRJ is gonna be a pain in the ass, but I hope the new Dith ability to close LOS goes for long enough to get in and get out.
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>shapeshifting skill
I liked that martial art god for peak ninja stabbing moves
Honestly i've noticed stealth doesn't carry you as much as it did before, even with ten pips i had shit wake up as soon as it got in sight
i'm guessing it's mostly to play transmuters of trog, but now transformations last forever until you change manually
I haven't tried the Wu Tang clan with a stabber, so I don't really kow how good/bad it can get with it. I might try it later, since I was only using Dith for the shadow step and it's already gone.
That's why I go with spriggan, since they can easily rech 27 Stealth without investing much exp on it, and now that umbra is no longer a thing, every point counts.
I had no idea they made transmutations their own skill now. Sounds good for melee dudes, since they don't need to dabble into magic now.
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There's a lot of new uniques with new attacks nowadays.
I didn't read what this one does tho. Just stab if you can stab.
I agree; replacing complex hunger with generic Zot clock was wrong. The solution to elite tedium is a difficulty setting, not random difficulty spikes to break streaks.
I only play roguelikes because I’m too dumb/ADHD for Dominions 6
But dominions is easy, anon, are you stupid? Are you retarded?
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Good news. Looks like the new Dith ability goes for long enough to move quickly though a dangerous place.
Bad news is I'm stupid and stumbled upon a dude when I had no LOS and woke up everyone I wanted to stab.
Moral of the story is: if you want to stab, wait until you get some LOS back.
You don't have to be a psychotic eastern European rapist to play roguelikes, but it helps!!!
Well if you know where stuff is can't you ctrl+direction to attack outside of LoS?
Would that work for stabs?
I didn't try, but I doubt it would count as a stab, since you don't know what you're hitting, if you can even hit it at all.
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>take several month break from roguelikes
>can't even get past the second moon in jupiter hell any more
Doomrl is better kill self
no one likes your dinosaur games any more grandpa
>can't move diagonally
Jupiter Hell is objectively just a worse doomrl
This has been debunked by True American Patriots
no one uses 10key or gay vikeys any more grandpa; I play with a controller on my couch
Quasimorph mogs both
beanbag on bed is superior to couch
mace is superior to +2 dagger
step back when the slow worm doesn't attack
When does Path of Achra stop scaling? It's gotta be cycle 20 or something, right?
also: it's now called Jupiter Hell Classic :^)
DoomRL doesn't exist grandpa. get on the right side of history.
I'm going to kill myself and then you
lol, lmao
But wait! All improvements will also be backported to good ol’ Doo^D^D^D DRL, which you can test RIGHT NOW! Head to the downloads section to jump right in! Note that you might need to download the installer from github if your antivirus flags it. Oh the pain of modern direct app development _.
It's actually good news anon. I enjoyed DoomRL way back in the day and I also enjoy Jupiter Hell. Jupiter Hell enabled DoomRL to come back :)
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so here's the Dev's design for a gyrocopter
they have also chosen the inline 4 apparently, and built it out of aluminum instead of wood
Really? What was the license of the original?
>car alternator
>car battery
Should be motorbike if they're going with alumitism.
>light wheels
Should be something like casters or bicycle wheels. Muh weight!
>stow board
Doesn't it weigh like 20 kg?
>vehicle tank 60L
Plastic jerrycan.
I don't mind if there are mouse controls so long as they're entirely redundant to the keyboard, the keyboard is the intended control scheme that the game is designed around, and the mouse is able to be completely disabled so that I can click wherever I want without having to worry about accidentally killing myself somehow (to get focus back after typing a note in notepad or something).

Took you long enough to notice.
motorbike wheels are light enough, you gain 4 kg going to bicycle wheels and I'm pretty sure it's measurably worse
seat with 5 point harness
as you said, electronics control unit
>car alternator and battery
motorbike alternator, small storage battery
>stow board
it weighs the same as a shopping cart basket (6 kg) but stores ~62L vs 150L
>vehicle tank choice
200L: 20 kg, 10 L/kg
100L: 12 kg, 8.33 L/kg
60L: 5.67 kg, 10.58 L/kg
20L: 4.82 kg, 4.15 L/kg
10L: 1.59 kg, 6.29 L/kg
2L: 0.8 kg, 2.5 L/kg

not the worst choice to make in my opinion
I'm using the 20L right now, which I guess is suboptimal
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Behold, I give to you the roguelike that conquered /rlg/ like a male conquers a woman by taking her virginity.
it was okay
cardinal movement restriction kills me
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the foopter cometh

I now have multiple military helicopter rotors
it's time to repair that half of a helicopter I found on the hospital roof or whatever
>Make a heavy giant spiked club
>Figure i'll die due to missing once and eating shit in the 2.1 turns it takes me to swing
>Ironically enough splat while not wielding it due to nessos hitting me six times while going up stairs
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rotors are so fucking heavy jesus christ
they have a chance to spawn in the crates in the military helipad even if the helipad itself doesn't spawn any helicopters
so, once
>beanbag on bed is superior to couch
he is wrong about many things
A couch only has room for a controller and gets uncomfortable after half a day, especially when computing. A bed with beanbag for back support has room for keyboard on lap and mouse. Strap an iMac to a chair and draw it alongside for 24/7 rogueliking.

Not sure why this isn't standard practice; maybe people don't intuit how to arrange small pillows for elbow and leg support. Chairs are bad for you, whereas a bed supports a variety of postures, such as crosslegged with pillows under each knee.
funny and true
Learned my lesson from the Sky Beast, and slew D:5 Sigmund crisply:
- retreat upstairs
- equip rF+, quaff haste
- descend, he's distant cuz ranged
- sling vs spells, didn't need to quaff 2 curing
- stepped off to lure him upstairs for emergency teleport option
- slew with upgraded axe
Confuse makes him dangerous to park or skip; blitzing was cheaper.
> Hey Artur thank you for your hard work. I'm a queer fan of your game and wanted to ask if same sex relationships would be possible in future updates. I know other devs like the ones who made medieval dynasty said they considered it too late to put it into the game. I just wanted to see if it was something on your radar or if it would be safe for you to implement in the future.

DEV reply
> Thank you for your time and dedication to this game and this community!


> The main purpose of the family system is to create a legacy through children,

what game?
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This run is loaded but I will still throw anyway.
fault; should've fought him downstairs cuz polearm

Missing Eye affects early game most severely due to dearth of options, but (if like Inacc) is a 25% reduction in AED regardless of weapon skill. Gnoll of Yred is already built to mitigate underpowered ballistics and melee with support magic, so this is fine. Sacrificing a skill is much worse, since fixed Gnoll training continues wasting XP on the sacrificed skill, and can't compensate. A sacrifice of Evo, for example, starts negligible and grows to crippling.
I guess Missing Eye is the best resistance training to prepare for online play, since it doesn't alter the build, just teaches caution. Lucky
Greatswords cleave, not axes
I believe in you
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Looks like they also reworked the Labyrinth. Now it's a series of gauntlets with some decent rewards in them before facing the minotaour and getting the jackpot.
its been like that for a while no
>7043 games on steam
I want to magdump someone
look at the chuddie getting mad
so uh
>Mount of Dirt
full of dermatiks
anything interesting at the bottom or am I killing bugs because I enjoy killing bugs
I got looked at by an eye earlier and now I'm too sad to punch bugs, which sucks
okay killing creepy parasitic bugs was a waste of time but that's fine
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I've never seen this overworld tile before
called a "standing stones", there's a brazier and some spiced mead, which I'll be taking
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No idea, I just learned about it yesterday.

On a different note:
>Blorkula the Orcula
Uniques are evolving now.
Reddit: the roguelike
Redditlike, even.
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you know what I saw.
Standing stones? Like stonehenge?
Get outta here, /rlg/ is a francoist general.
A rainbow shirt?
something like that
it was just a bunch of boulders
big ears for such a tiny ugly woman
yeah she's 90% ears
>yellow fever spammer gets banned
>people start talking about actual roguelikes
>he comes back
>everybody stops talking about roguelikes
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you know what to do
that one's really situational but also really strong
I found it on depth 1 as a war veteran, I had to leave it
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>acquirement offers this when I'm playing a spriggan stabber
This is fucked up, really fucked up.
staff of air is pretty good iirc
I guess. Not that any of the other things will be good for me anyway.
money is never bad
I'll take the money instead, since I really can't change my build just yet.
money is **always** bad
yeah but it's good to be bad
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What's this gem thing?
I've got one after clearing the last floor of the Lair. Is this just an optional sidequest item or something?
you have no money
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this is my first time in a prison, what am I in for boys
Ass rape.
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I see
Prison lab starts in DDA before BN was even a thing were decent. Somewhat lower chance of cool shit from my experience (might be down to RNG) but much better progression pacing because you're "guaranteed" to leave unless you do something stupid, as opposed to
>oops, it seems like you didn't get a .308 gun to drop!
>and don't have enough materials and/or food to craft shit for weeks until you make a pickaxe! >better luck next time!
I'm not starting out in a lab, I've just got a mission to go do the lab in the basement
>I'm not starting out in a lab
Obviously. I'm just reminiscing.
Ah okay
I'm also not starting out in a prison
are these electrical signatures going to be turrets, bots, or shocker zombies?
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I love getting a ton of level 9 spells on D:4

certain branches have gems at the end, they disappear after you spend a certain amount of time in that branch. Doesn't do anything tangible for you I think.
play a roguelike in the roguelike thread
Alright, I'm gonna ignore those gems then.
think about the points though
>potion of exp in my first tournament game
time to splat
>open bright nights
>find radio tower on the overworld
>literally can't walk into the tile
>stumble back like I'm drunk every time I try to enter it
>boot up tranny days ahead instead
>enter vehicle
>game hard crashes
>this happens every time I enter a vehicle
wow, cool roguelikes
>literally can't walk into the tile
>stumble back like I'm drunk every time I try to enter it
turn off autotravel
If they are moving they are not turrets. Otherwise impossible to tell. This mode of "vision" was introduced long ago but it still doesn't differentiate between things of different types or at least emission strengths. At least DDA is already starting to go full retard on this too by no longer showing manhacks so I expect great (=terrible) things in future.
they were all shocker zombies
the prison maps don't change, which is why I was asking
I already uninstalled them both
skill issue
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on the other hand, these look like turrets or other bots
I seen a galgal and I runned, be not afraid my ass
they were broken cyborgs
why does BN have zombie reviving, which is IN THE GAME LORE, turned off by default
There are sometimes labs under prisons. They change just as much as other labs or close to that, aside from the surface floor.
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the surface floor is always the same? guaranteed bionic installation couch???
I'm joking, but the map/mission indicates I need to get to that square in the top left. I'm going to assume that there will be stairs for now.
>the surface floor is always the same?
Not 100% certain, I think there is some variation.
>guaranteed bionic installation couch???
Yes. The whole Autodoc setup, with some very likely CBMs too.
I forgot how much I hated fighting critters with the SMASH special attack in tight lab hallways
I already had access to a few augmentation clinics and hospitals so it's not a big deal but that's nice to know I guess
Wait, there's a tournament going on? If we have a team, count me in.
I'm compiling DDA. let's see if that fixes that crashing issue that the bin was giving me
do not do this
you were experiencing this bug
it's been fixed in the latest experimental
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too late
>comma bound to anything but "get item"
jesus fucking christ what kind of gutter trash designed these keybinds?
they fixed it
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>it was ever a problem in the first place
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>Find the location of a legendary armor merchant while digging around in the trash and get excited
>He's 4 parasangs away from the grit gate
>Just sells super basic shit, his high ticket item is steel plate mail
2034: Goths sack DC
Mercator effect
underripe banana
>100% tournament w/r
Time to retire.
I love Frogcompos, but it's dungeons are too fucking big. It wouldn't be that bad if it had autoexplore but the sprawling fucking levels puts me off, but it also has some of the most fun classes/races in RLs
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>compiling DDA
maybe I've grown used to it, but the UI is the least of my problems with TOME
>what am I in for boys
Post hand and I'll tell you.
it didn't fix the problem either :/
game fell to shit once they let trannies work on it
Nothing wrong with that. It just makes mustard gas.
Good night, /rlg/
Good night, anon
Come on nigga, invite me to your team.
I forgot to make a throw away so no.
After a long break from Jupiter Hell I have been messing around with it. The new updates are pretty nice, however I got kicked in the balls pretty hard during my last run.

The Harbinger Throne hit me for 85(!!!) fucking damage when it exploded on death. Important to note that I had the Archreaver Claw (+2 armor), three stacks of Tough as Nails (+3 armor) and red armor (+6 armor) on top of taking reduced explosive damage and 50% fire resistance.

I'm usually not salty about losses but what the fuck man. If this character took 85 damage, with the maximum or near enough amount of reduction, that is going to 100% splatter any melee character who makes it that far. The only realistic survival scenario is taking Survivor, which is kind of a bunk master trait and wouldn't be one a melee character ran with.
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Are you really that scared someone will see your username? lol what a gay

Well, fuck it. I'm gonna make a team if anyone wants to join the tourney.
Now, what would be a good name for it? And I mean an actual name that's not gonna get banned the very moment I submit it.
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Forgot screencap.

The damage log is literally
>9 damage
>10 damage
>85 damage
>when it exploded on death
Wait, can it do damage after you kill it and take your victory away? What the fuck.
team riggly
did niggardly
lost biggardly
Yes, refer to the screenshot above. The game obviously ended immediately but the sequence of events was landing a killing blow on the Harbinger Throne and then taking 85 damage. Given the really low amount of damage it did in the previous turns I doubt it had an extra regular attack that could deal more than 8x damage total. Also, to reiterate, the amount of damage resistance on this character was nuts. That would have been more than 100 damage without the extra 5 armor from Reaver Claw and Tough as Nails.
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I've found this on the wiki talking about it. It doesn't make it less fucked up, but at least seems there's a countermeasure against it.
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It also seems the damage is slashing, so that's why the fire protection did nothing to mitigate it.
Like I said, it's a highly dickish move to put that as a move, but at least now you know about it and how to counter it, and knowing is half the battle.
The other half is splatting a shitload of times to bullshit like this.
Is there anywhere that anyone posts Approaching Infinity daily codes? Steam has a thread about it but it’s fucking moribund
I am actually mad now. I'm posting my scoreboard just so nobody thinks I made an amateur mistake here. Three of those wins were melee characters that would have been instant losses if this mechanic existed when I played before.

Generally I like the devs and I know they used to monitor this thread but that was a bitch move. Melee characters already have a rough journey and most of the newer monsters like Medusae and the Butcher boss are uniquely awful to them. Making the Harbinger also just have an instant-kill for meleeing him that you will only know about from the wiki is rookie game design and it's surprising to see that added this late into the game's development
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I'm gonna name it "The Aralgean Curse" if nobody else has a better suggestion.
Not sure if you can change the name of a team mid tourney, so I'll wait for a bit to see if someone else pops up with a better name, but do it quickly cuz I want to play some Nemelex' Choices before someone else snags the wins.
Yeah, I also think it's really stupid you need to know about this bullshit beforehand, so my best bet to see this chnaged would be to go directly to their discord and send them this feedback.
For now, just remember to hold shift when meleeing that fucker to stay in place instead of clipping thru it and get megapunished for not reading the wiki beforehand.
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I'm just gonna go with that name then.
If you want to play some tourney games, add this line to your 0.32 rc file:

# TEAMCAPTAIN TheAlmightyOne

Also post your user in here so I can add you to the team. I can only add 5 people, but I really doubt I'll even get one other guy to play with.
Anyway, I'll go play some Felid Alchemist games and see if I can win one, even if I don't even know what an alchemist does.
play coffeebreak mode
We'll win best captain, AND best taste
(for not participating)
As much as I like weird bullshit in roguelikes and even like Jupiter Hell itself and much prefer the new boss over the old one, that is crap. Jupiter Hell in general encourages wiki use more than it really should for being a quick combat ragu, it still annoys me looking up the rewards for the different branches just because I can't be assed to remember them or jot down notes. Sorta reminds me of Darkest Dungeon 2 in that way, in that some of the lair bosses in that have some very specific loot that can be completely worthless for some parties and run-defining for others and fuck you if you don't make a note of it or check on the wiki to remind yourself where that specific loot comes from
>just because I can't be assed to remember them or jot down notes.
skill issue
just use the mod that integrates wiki help into the game's info screens
it's in the workshop
nearly every time i make it to the rust wells in qud i get stuck at the bottom with no stairs
hitting the walls and guessing the right direction takes forever
Huh, nice. Bit annoying to check but certainly less annoying, thanks anon
Anon you maniac why are you diving down the hole if you haven't got flight? Take the stairs down if you gotta, then at least if you get weird map gen it's easier to dig into the hole than dig randomly to try to find the stairs

You could also wish for a pickaxe just so the random digging is a billion times faster. Wish command is something like ctrl-w or shift-w, I don't remember, but you've always got access to it since Qud does shit the bed on occasion. And a pick axe isn't valuable at all and can be found early game anyway so it's not much of a cheat to give yourself one
>Anon you maniac why are you diving down the hole if you haven't got flight?
I'm getting tired of the early game quests so I jump off the cliff to get the 100 strands thats usually there and leave for the next rust well to do the same instead of exploring the whole place
thanks for the pickaxe tip
also I think the build I'm trying to do is bad but I'm not giving up
you're welcome. it doesn't stop splatting.
There is the guaranteed wire down there and usually a few decent pieces of loot, but if you haven't got flight then you still gotta deal with the pain in the ass of climbing back out of the rust wells. And if you go down via the stairs you can potentially find all your wire before reaching the bottom (Not often, but not impossible) so then you technically don't even need to get to the bottom of a single well. Another thing you can do is check the surface of each rust well for any wire lying around because you often won't get the full length just on the surface but you can check the surface of two wells, then when you check the third you can start to delve if you need more, and you'll have hoovered up all the easy wire at that point
Early game large shield is for scouting in stealthy light armor (if no spells); doesn't affect encumbrance.
By D6 difficulty feels "Normal" rather than "Hard". Just found Confusing Touch, which drops it to "Easy".
Assault mode now wears heavy armor with no shield. Applies CT with dagger, then Sigmund's +4 scythe of flaming.
Inaccuracy mitigated.
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Yo! New guy. Join my team, or else...
I'm a conscientious objector to gamma's funk

Confusion stabs are strong enough to skip the scythe and wear a shield. Shieldless scythe mode is for later with Yred zeds.
So scout mode is leather+shield. Cast and apply CT at reach with 1h polearm, stab adjacent, and sling at range.
Assault mode is no spells, large shield and plate. 1v1, the protection offsets the encumbrance damage reduction vs a yak.
SH fails vs multiple foes, but the weapon damage reduction is proportionally much smaller than the blocking difference between large and normal shield.
Guess that makes large shield always better if no spells.
Alright, I can respect that.
Huh. I just realized I could add sharp to my vibro-weapons, which probably would make them better options for me because I don't have the kind of strength to even fully leverage folded carbide. Two guaranteed penetrations is probably better on average than having 8PV on my non-vibro shit. Got a ceremonial vibrokopesh off some goatmen in a historic site
name is iwillsplat
I suck at dcss btw
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Doesn't matter, what matters is having fun.
Remember to play in 0.32 and not in trunk if you want to score some points.
Update for other Qud noobs such as myself: this was VERY VERY GOOD
I will buy Achra because you posted this
I can't get far enough to find whatever a vibro weapon is
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>Enter a historic site, it's some Golgotha-like bullshit with hellish vents and conveyor belts and some 5 goatman clipclops in this first room
>Get into a corner and ready to fight
>Don't notice the rhinox sauntering up as I'm fighting goats
>Rhinox charges me through the walls and into a cave system in another parasang, going from around 160hp to 15
>Putus templar in this random-ass cave leaps to my defense as a trve 90% machine human being attacked by godless mutants and abominations
>After the rhinox and goats are killed I surreptitiously buy the butchery skill and do a quick look around for any reinforcements
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Dare I?
That looks pretty cool. can you dual wield them?
Man, I'm too stoopid to play a Felid. I should play it as a spellcaster next time instead of half assing it and try to go for a stabber or a transmuter when I'm starting with poison spells.
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>dwarf farmer
>taking it very slow and steady, farmers gonna farm
>after finally killing enough rabid dogs to get courage go and get backstabbing, tactics, and two-weapon combat from Bart then use the potions and scroll of education I'd been stockpiling
>two duds (backstabbing and metallurgy) plus disarm traps, meh
>continue playing, using a magic writing set I found early on when I have enough mana to write more education scrolls and trying to max out as many skills as possible to minimize duds
>eventually get alertness with the last education scroll
>have to write important, time sensitive email, minimize ADoM and pay attention to irl
>computer freezes
>nothing I can do but restart it and hope for the best
>last backup save was shortly before I read the alertness education scroll
>this time it increases tactics instead
Alertness can't even be wished for, and I've been saving up a bunch of kobold shamans and other such spellcasting monsters in various places just to help me train alertness with maximum efficiency. I'm so annoyed.
>>computer freezes
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>wins Angband
>title drops
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>elf killed Morgoth


>There was never any hope in the war against Morgoth. It was doomed before jt even began. Mandos himself said so when he appeared before the Noldor in their flight, and announced the consequences of their own folly to them, before Fëanor gave him the proverbial middle-finger.


roleplaying Feanor's folly is for fools. One may as well nuke Saturn.
sometimes I forget there's unironic basket cases in the basket weaving forum
Sucks to lose alertness, but god bless ADoM having backup saves at least
>/tv/ poster in rlg
>bunch of pedophiles in rlg
>500 HP
>560 P
>not even level 30 as a dwarf
boy's farming alright
kino indeed
Holy shit, an /rlg/ DCSS tournament team, I would actually join in if I could gather the mental fortitude to actually play modern DCSS.
How should I be balancing AV and DV in caves of chud?
DCSS has guns now? And mecha. The uneven tech level breaks immersion. Fantasy and sci fi must be merged with care to avoid comedy.

Blind-equipped amulet since Harm acceptable with Confusing Touch and Yred tanking. Was magic regen.
D:6 found Yred.
Found two unknown magic daggers and Poison starting book. Gnoll trains Throwing anyway, so decided to blind equip: +2 disto dagger.
Risked it cuz build so strong it was boring, and had to uncurse anyway.
Right call with Harm; wrong call with disto? Control and flexibility are better if strong; disto is spiky chaos for the weak.
Then again, disto poison and zeds have great synergy. Expect minimal downtime to snowball piety and pets to counter remaining threats.
Normally disto sucks because it creates space but denies launchers. MP regen amulet + Poison spells substitutes launchers, and does enough damage despite mediocre spellpower.
Assault mode is now broken, but Gnoll takes too much damage in assault mode anyway; better to stay slippery and break up packs. Using assault mode on orc vault was a mistake; they're low HD and thus vulnerable to CT. Assault mode is only for scouted hard targets. Scouts escape; tanks can't. Thus scouts should crack blind vaults.

Outcome: disto made the build so stupidly overpowered it's fun again. Cleared D8 so fast I gained two pips of piety in one floor. Must be my strongest Gnoll despite Missing Eye.


Gnoll should skip other two-school elemental+evocations damage spells for Poison, due to synergy. For example, Poison Vapors triggers a foe to step into a Conjured Flame. Gnoll starts Wanderer instead of Venom Mage because Gnoll gets twice as many skill levels as Octopode from Wanderer, due to distributed training. Wanderer's unfocused downside is redundant with distributed training.

Disto might work with Zin Abyss too... suspect it's the default Gnoll brand. Mitigates squishiness.
Guns? Since when?
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Wizardry is roguelike-adjacent so this is on-topic.
video games are a jewish plot, who would have known ?
your mom's roguelike adjacent because everyone had a turn with her
if adult men didn't love little children, single motherhood would occur 100% of the time
If my grandmother had wheels, she would be 100% bicycle.

Even with all those advantages, still had to retreat from Minmay's D:9 Bailey with losses, due to Orc Knights and Warlord. Perhaps I was too aggressive, but I suspect the tranny dev overdid it. Or perhaps the tight layout fairly countered the Gnoll build, with Orc Knights shaking off Poison Vapor, cleaving zombie crowds and out-hitting Confusing Touch. Anyhow, a worthwhile trade of consumables for piety and XP.

Guess I should've kept the zombies locked in the first room. Read magic mapping and sweep both wings, prioritizing force conservation. Then immolate the warlord. Only use Mephitic in the first room, to avoid waking. Could've worked... maybe.

Instead an axe knight slaughtered my rear while I was away; sloppy. Rolled poorly with Disintegration but got lucky with Teleports, not realizing the danger.

This is generic Bailey advice; I just forgot what one is.
successful marriage hinges on pedophilia
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Crazy how you never got married then
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Hey there guys, a while ago I posted about my game, Shadowed. Well the store page is up now and you can wishlist it, it should be out in a few weeks:
I'm sorry for posting so little. I was really hoping that more people from here would actually play the alpha test when I posted it but almost nobody played it or gave feedback so I just sort of didn't bother. The state that the game is in now is MUCH better than the alpha, it has full sound and music, 3 of the planned 6 classes, a lot less jank, spellcasting and stealth is mostly in a good spot, and much more. Unfortunately it has to go into EA due to stuff that's been happening IRL, but it also really needs a lot of feedback and the earlier version didn't get any so I'm hoping this one does at least. My vision for the game is pretty much "Infra Arcana but with ninjas and more depth and polish", and I know IA is popular here, so I hope you consider giving it a shot.
Also I'm posting this about an hour before I go to bed but I'll answer questions now/tomorrow if there are any.
its all bad
the comic sans text
the ugly tiles, the ugly dimensions and proportions
ugly enemies
ugly ass particle effects
I don't mean to be offend you with this, but are you sure you posed about this before in the general? Because I check it frequently and I do not think I have seen it before, though it could be that I just somehow managed to miss it. In any case, it does look interesting, I can certainly see the IA inspiration. How difficult would you say the game is? I ask because I've played IA before and while it is interesting I also find it to be very hard, to the point where I never managed to make it very far. If I get some free time I might give it a go.
I posted about it something like 6 months ago I think, it's crazy how time flies. It's in the archive anyway.
As for how hard the game is, it's really difficult for me to grasp that because of dev bias, which is part of the reason I want feedback. It does have a tutorial and some very extensive help files, but the starting zone may be tough for people to deal with due to large numbers of weak monsters that roam around and can surround you. And the difficulty ramps up a lot later in the game.
I see, well it makes sense that it would be a bit tricky for the dev to accurately rank the game's difficulty. Another question, what's the initial price you have in mind for the EA release?
$14 USD or so, and it may go up a bit once the game is released fully. I just got that number by seeing what other roguelikes were doing on steam, and I think this game has a fair bit of content.
Also I forgot to mention earlier that my goal for the game's difficulty is an "easy to learn, hard to master" kind of thing, where I hope it could serve well as a person's first RL, but with the last few levels being so hard to beat that only skilled players can actually pull it off.
Doesn't seem like an exorbitant price, I'd recommend putting in regional pricing too unless you think it will affect your revenue negatively.
>my goal for the game's difficulty is an "easy to learn, hard to master" kind of thing, where I hope it could serve well as a person's first RL, but with the last few levels being so hard to beat that only skilled players can actually pull it off.
That sounds like a fairly good balance to me, just hope the progression difficulty isn't too, I don't know, abrupt?
What are you laughing at you retarded nigger
Steam handles regional pricing on it's own, I wouldn't have a clue what I was doing if I set it manually anyway.
And yeah, it's not supposed to be too abrupt. The level progression is forest->garden maze->castle->slightly demonic castle->hell->final boss. I'm a bit worried that the forest might be harder than the garden, but outside of that, I think it should work well.
what's the latest newest classic (ADOM/Qud-like) traditional roguelike?
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Do it. I prefer to play other forks or .15, but trying new things is alright too. Since there's so much new shit, this is almost like a new game for me, so come on and back us up. Let's make this place's name be respected once again.
The game in its current state leaves me sick to my stomach, I remember playing 0.29 and that attack of opportunity shit left me like this
I'm really disliking the opportunity attacks, but getting out of my comfort zone is also refreshing, for a change.
After the tourney ends I'm gonna go back to play other things, not gonna lie, but for now it's actually fun to just explore a game that's so different from what I remember that it might as well be a new one.
But if you don't feel like playing it, I can respect that decision too.
what the fuck is wrong with nu-crawl?
how do people unironically enjoy this trash?
why is it every time tranny devs get into a game it goes to ruin? why do people keep letting them in?
I wish they made some way to turn it off, even if it requires to specialize or sacrifice something. I know Wu Jian disables attacks of opportunity when you use their abilities, but I wish it was permanent.
Here I'm wishing they remove it on a later version, but for now it just means I need to be completely sure I want to engage in a fight.
you know it's funny that whales' github has other games like unfinished cataclysm sequel some strategy games and even couple other rogelikes
be it someone who liked fantasy more we could have had body and soul: metaphysical time ahead or something
core gameplay hasn't changed much since then, we're still playing an odd 12 year old roguelike just with a tileset and brutalized code
I've always thought about the possibily of making a dark-fantasy, roughly medieval Cataclysm game.
isn't magiclysm basically that
how would that work, shift crafting to innawoods and magic or something?
I don't know, I have no idea. In any case Magiclysm just puts magic into Cataclysm's modern setting, which isn't what I was really thinking about. For me I was thinking an actual medieval setting, think, I don't know, Evil Dead II, maybe?
Army of Darkness anon. Evil Dead II is set in the cabin still.
t. my wife is obsessed with young bruce campbell
Oh shit, you're right, I always mix them up
>t. my wife is obsessed with young bruce campbell
Can't blame her, his face was literally chiseled by angels and he appears in every single Sam Reimi movie. A winning combination.
So UnReal World but with magic and presumably civilizational outposts
Speaking of old horrors, Hellraiser V: Inferno was the best in the whole franchise, if you don't count the first movie.
Nuts to Hellraiser('s sequels), you know what roguelike is kino throughout? Phantasm
did you ever play the newer roguelike that threw back to old RLs like Phantasm called "The Void?"
Indeed, I also liked how they used the same actors through the whole franchise, for 37 years.
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>magic gunpowder guns
>Not fantasy
Fucking hell. Early guns (magic infusion optional) is typical fantasy the moment you move beyond LoTR
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I haven't. Is it good? I haven't been playing many newer roguelikes lately. In fact I've been slacking on roguelikes at large, got probably a year and a half of Joe Bob's roguelike streams backlogged to watch at some point

That's one of the best parts! And how one game goes into the next, and just how fucking weird and silly and fun they are. Even with the last one being weak it probably ended up my favorite roguelike franchise, even though none of the individual games reach the same heights as ones that spawned other franchises
>I haven't. Is it good?
it's one of the better new roguelikes you could watch. unironically emesis blue is one of the best roguelikes I've ever seen modern or not, amateur effort or not, while we're on the topic
>it's one of the better new roguelikes you could watch
you gotta stop doing that shit dude
That sounds like absolute crazy talk but I'll give it a whirl here at some point, and add the Void to the list. SFM TF2 roguelike sounds wild, I could see just SFM in general but keeping it TF2's the really surprising bit
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Doomed could have been a perfect class in Tome except it is aggressively marketing the summons, which require too much effort, skill points, and time to get good.
Don't use them. Ignore those dumb summons.
Use your jazz hands to Scanners the shit out of your enemies.You get a mind bomb to clear rooms. You get a barrier. You get a knockback mind smack. You get multiple longterm anti-boss skills which debuff, do damage or status effect them. You can call for a smokescreen to suffocate your enemies, triple your speed and deal bigger damage to enemies in it. You get a HUGE bonuses to critical strike damage multiplier. Your jazz hands lower enemies resistances and allow you to parry attacks. You also get almost infinite energy while you fight with mind feeding, which also steals damage, regeneration and resistance bonuses from enemies. Doomed is just cool, ok.
I'd like it more if the shadows weren't just lame balls of darkness
there's already a cool looking sprite for shadowy creatures in the game, use them
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>Manage inventory to get within carrying capacity
>Take one step
>Pile of loot, says I pick up an ontological anchor which only weighs 3 pounds and should be easy to drop or scrap
>Inexplicably 20 pounds over my carrying capacity, no normality gas fucking with me or anything, didn't pick up any liquids, for the life of me can't figure out what the fuck just happened
I've been slowly looting this place for hours which did let me buy a timecube which is cool, but the constant trips back and forth are getting a little annoying. The lesson is probably just let go but FUCK YOU AVELLONE I NEED ALL THE MONEY
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killed this benchod bastard that owned my last character
got to a higher level and found some better gear before attempting it this time
>why do people keep letting them in?
Catastrophic testosterone decline
also explains why pedo guy is excited about bonobo parenting strategies (it takes a village... orgy)
roid-raging chimps play cannibal genocide tru-DCSS or DoomRL, depressive orangutans play with dolls in Cataclysm, girls play Qud, pedos play Elona and tranny bottoms play nu-DCSS
forgot to mention tomeGAWDS
casual sex-havers
Good night, /rlg/
I somehow misread that as "your reputation has increased from 215 to 215" and I was wondering why they were notifying you of that when nothing actually changed.
In my experience either the grand corruptor gets locked down with status effects on the first turn and he just dies or he 2-shots me
For future Master fights, have any pickaxe in your inventory and use the dig ability to make zigzag tunnels so only him and the elder vampire summon ever have line of sight on you
also helps for urkis although it's only really needed on nightmare or higher
what the FUCK
I know it's normal/adventure difficulty but still

It is weird how the shadows are passively summoned and cost a resource that naturally decays
I like tome having 20 different mana bars with different in-world mechanics but some of them don't work
Vs high-HD meleeists, Gnoll should use distortion, not Confusing Touch, to create distance or roll a lucky banish.
Confusing Touch is weak vs high-HD meleeists, who outhit it and are still dangerous when nearby, even if confused. It also lasts a shorter duration.
CT counters low-HD casters, silencing them. Gnoll should charge to confuse them, rather than lose the ranged trade.
This lesson was not apparent until I started playing on higher difficulty. "But combo selection is the difficulty setting!" Yeah til Lair. Any combo can be salvaged, but Ru sacrifices are forever.

Read two Acquirements to gain Skald and Inner Flame spells, a massive upgrade.
Infusion is great with MP Regen. Song of Slaying only ticks from direct martial kills, synergizing weakly with the build, but substitutes for axe cleave, and beats self-Mephitic when cornered.

Yredists should lock zombies in safe rooms for recall. It's a waste to have more than one or two following, since they're bad at retreating. Zombie mobs guarding in the open get defeated piecemeal.

>still no 16 hour long youtube video about some turbo autist getting all the achievement in tome
What is a man to watch?
Presumably looted the second acquirement off an orc who carried it out of the end vault, allowing read ID. Bailey was definitely worthwhile, and exposed my error of using CT on brutes.
Lair 1 was easy, but since no rPois or hydra counter, doing D:10 next. Inner Flame is easy to use in corridors; every zed's a bomb.
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roguelikes for this feel?
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>I know it's normal/adventure difficulty but still
Vor Armoury is a silly place.

There are at least two spicy ones:
>Fast Curse Dispel
You need to kill the mad carpenter and save EVERY single lumbrejack. You can get incredibly fast or just teleport to him, but the game will definitely spawn one guy near him and you fail. Requires pure luck.
>Never Look Back And There Again
Allegedly impossible to get in the current version. Start as a Sun Paladin or an Anorithil, do not complete the naga tutorial quest which teleports you to the first continent. You need to fight the orcs and beat the game now. While every single encounter is Level 35+. You get no escorts, potions, no fortress,no random dungeon, no super merchant or item reroller.
>Allegedly impossible to get in the current version
Impossible because it's too difficult or because there's some kind of technical bug?
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I'm gonna cum
nah thanks I figured it out
>generally I like the devs
Kornel is a faggot cocksucker but yeah he's alright aside from that
to be clear: I like the guy
Hard. Incredibly hard. You would be level 4-5 without beating the naga boss.
And you are supposed to play the second continent's content. While every single dungeon is Level 35+. It also allegedly requires you to drown the paladin waifu so the orc bases would even spawn on a map.
>Allegedly impossible to get in the current version
This guy plays Madness too btw
killing Morgoth is a bug
>almost nobody played it or gave feedback
Fuck you, I played it.
Soulash 2
Lovecraftian roguelike where you play Lovecraft's cat when?
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I've played many roguelikes but I've never managed to enjoy ToME. I don't know why. I still don't enjoy it at all after 120 hours. It's not fun in any way, the builds are boring, the game feels extremely rng dependant and I didn't have a good time. I do like drybe's videos on the game.
Majority of classes are simple bump into enemies and others are full of unnecessary complex bullshit which requires a lot of setup and luck (like Corruptor's Worm which can deal like 20k damage but requires a lot of stuff to pull off).
Alchemist is like a bottom of a barrel, you need escorts so you could learn some actually useful skills. Bulwark is plain shield man with shit mobility and damage. Wyrmic is bloated and useless. Summoner just stands there and waits. Forbidden cults classes are meh too.
On other hand, some classes are fun and flexible like Cursed which can be a two-hander, dual wield or with shield. You can also run mindstar-psiblade Cursed with a lot of fun options. Archmage is incredible flexible, you just pick your favourite element and go nuts. Necromancer has three minion types but can also be a pure damage dealing mage or debuff/status effect detonator. Doombringer is also has a bunch of variety with builds.
>Felid Berserker
I am not sure if this is viable.
technically winnable, definitely stupid
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I always loot thigh high leather boots in cataclysm
not only because they give a huge amount of leather per disassembly when repaired (20+) but also because I like giving them to my milkmaids because they make my pp the big pp

I will never know if that poster is AI or just insane, like >>492545332

I'm leaning towards marge's AI shitposts though
Who prefers the old minotaur's maze to the nu-DCSS gauntlet?
at higher difficulty the food pressure could matter. Abyss is mazelike at times but not as good.
I just started playing DCSS today with no prior roguelike experience. I got up until the beast lair and got killed by a hydra. I know that if you cut down a head another should come up but how am I supposed to deal with it? Also, am I allowed to throw potions or not?
You can either use magic, ranged attacks, use a weapon that doesn't cut off heads like a mace or hammer, or, alternatively, just out DPS the thing and kill it before it grows enough heads to kill you. Flame weapons also don't make it grow new heads so a flame axe, sword, etc. should work. And no you can't throw potions.
margaret please turn off your autobumper
Thanks anon, I know a few people did.
Thanks. Too bad I can't throw potions :(
wyrmic is good, just very gear dependent. The breath/casting skills are a trap, it's a melee class with long ranged aoes that count as "melee" so something with a nice proc on hit like blighted maul can delete a room
I'm this anon. Also, should I go to the beast Lair later or should I go in immediately? I had a pretty good run.
Is qud having issues with guaranteed generation spots? Recently had this run where a legendary mechanimist only had vinewafers for sale, and the asphalt mines corpse had nothing.
It's probably easier to go into Lair whenever you find it instead of going down the main dungeon, since the late dungeon floors start getting pretty difficult.
I've found Wyrmic fine, and the general consensus I've seen in ToME community is it's a pretty solid package. What's your issue with it?
>lot of feedback and the earlier version didn't get any so I'm hoping this one does at least
Short attention spans here brother, remember to post it again when it's been released or a few days away
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Oh, this little game. Almost figured it was abandoned as the itch page haven't been updated in a millennia. Happy that wasn't the case as I enjoyed it. Sorry about the lack of feedback, it was just a bit too janky at the time to really get invested in and dedicate a lot of playtime to, at least for me. It is a cruel irony that you need people to engage with your work to get feedback to make it better, but people generally won't give you the time of day unless you already have something that is sufficiently good that such feedback is less required. The catch-22 of development. Glad you soldiered on, I'll look forward to the EA launch.
What's a good way to play a summoner in DCSS? Do you just spam summons and poke every now and then with a polearm or do you summon things and also cast other spells?
you melee things until you need to escape and then you summon a critter to swap places with so they can bodyblock for you while you escape to the stairs
Aright, so I shouldn't invest on INT and go for STR instead, right? Since I'm gonna be more of a melee dude rather than a caster.
no that was a joke, they just nerfed summoning pretty hard at one point
RIP summon butterflies
So... do I actually invest into INT and just let the summons do everything or what?
you should invest into Dex
what race are you even playing
Mountain Dwarf. Says it can cast spells in heavy armor, so I wanted to see if I could use it as a summoner. I haven't commited to anything just yet, so I could pivot into either just a normal melee dude or a normal spellcaster, but I wanted to see if I could make it a hybrid character.
wade in there, summons will be mostly chaff to keep the heat off of you when doing dumb things like fighting in the open and the aforementioned corridor swap bodyblock trick
you're probably underinvesting in dex for real though
Ok, I'm gonna level up STR up until the point of being able to wear fire scales armor and then pump up INT after that. Wish me luck.
what's the natural progression for dorf anyway
Beard comb over
Foot warmer
Homegrown cloak
Even after all the constant necromancy tweaks in DCSS, it's still a garbage clunky school
I don't know why they're so hellbent on making it as gimmicky and unusable as possible, from being worthless vs undead unless you're lucky enough to get their single anti-undead spell, to all the BS minigames like the new bone shard "ammo"
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he will never be useful
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aw shit, rare item
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a relic of better times
I was pretty sure they were basically minotaurs without horns, but I'm not sure now that their only abilities are to cast spells better in heavy armor and to be able to upgrade randarts so you can actually use those -6 Gloves of Dickery (+rF+++ rC+++) if you have enough scrolls to repair them.
strategic decision, build-dependent
I can't believe he does it for free, sheesh
what the fuck
11 years ago
there was no json items at the time, even
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CDDA related question here.
I came back to this game after roughly 3 years (I quit CDDA for rimworld about the same time UndeadGuy stopped maintaining his tileset after the tranny debacle) and i'm currently playing 0.G build.
What the fuck happened to the game? Why are there giant ladybugs? Why does my character puts his STANAG mags into cereal boxes instead of his cargo pants like in preious versions? Why did car maintenace get so tedious with welding rod requirements? Why is every NPC still a 25 year old with the same blood-type? Why is UltiCa still maintaned? It's garbage. Why are structures like horse ranches and gas stations still super-safe to enter? Who the fuck are the exodii?
just play Bright Nights instead, its more fun
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Am I doing these macros right for mapping spells to the number keys? They seem to be working but I also keep getting an "unknown key" error
>Multiple goatman clipclops spawning with step sowers
>step sower please I'm stuck
It's not that I'm stuck, it that every single corridor is completely filled with goat shit so I have to dig through multiple floors of dungeon which turns it into a nuisance rather than pressing auto explore and gooning as the anti-gravity boots and rainboweave cloaks roll in
>Fullbody fursuit
>Price $145
On what fucking planet
a post-apocalypse where there are more fursuits than furries left and where said furries can actually become hulking werewuffs with turboknots
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Our quest has come to an end
summon to regen MP, polearm till hit, back up to regen HP. Demigod has lowest XP penalty
all advice is for v.23, not nu-Crawl
balanced stats
obviously it's gay without corpses
I'm almost sure it still plays the same in the newest versions. Thanks for the advice.
"progression" specifically refers to the stat progression via levelup
Oh, sorry.
Here's what the wiki says about that
>+1 strength or intelligence (equal chance) every 4th level
So they go in what I was already investing in.
what's your dex
10. I forgot what it does, so I haven't been investing into it, but I might start doing it once I can cast summons reliably.
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RIP, my best run but mistakes in build and itemization caught up real hard, none of the orc prides bosses felt within my reach. Still this run unlocked Paradox Mage, Necromancer, the poison skill tree (?), Corruptor, Ogre, Reaver, Skeleton, Necromancer, Anorithil (Sun/moon mage IIRC ?), Sun Paladin, and Doomed. Think I'm going to graduate to roguelike difficulty, I've explored most of the game and this character got further than he deserved honestly.
10 is enough I guess
I remember I did a run once with a poison rogue and it was pretty fun to see entire chambers exploding in venomous bursts in a single turn.
It was a rough way up to that point tho.
My dodging ability is at -2, so I've been neglecting it, I'm gonna start pumping it up once I get polearms at a reasonable level.
Anything else I should be wary of?
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Also the top tier spells, Revification and Death's Door are functionally useless because of the existence of lichform, which you now don't even need Necromancy for. BVC and Haunt are a really powerful combination that I like using but I don't really feel like a Necromancer for spamming it. Haunt deserves special mention for being basically a free win as soon as you get it castable even after all this time though.
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I can't choose a god on forbidden altars, I'm pressing enter but it doesn't work.
>forbidden altars
That might be your problem.
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>find this in D:9
>only have -2 in Polearms
If I was a different race, I would've switched to this shit in a heartbeat.
Good night, /rlg/
>weak base weapon
for D:9 it's a good find but it's not a lategame weapon for sure
I know that shit doesn't scale well after mid game, but it's decent at the start and it's fun to see its instagib activate every now and then.
Should've had positive luck buddy
I remember making good use of reviv back around .16 or so when speeding through zigs, how did it get fucked over?
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>randart scarf
you don't see that every day
should i? i got plenty of rocks to go through
I wouldn't touch that shit unless you really know what you're doing, and even then it probably would be a bad idea.
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is it usually worth it to dupe these? feels like it would just be better than duping any sort of eater nectar related object
Reminds me of Fallout where you could critically fail at throwing a grenade and blow yourself up due to low skill.
>farming potions of ultra healing in the village dungeon
>accidentally press the wrong button
>kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
Or at least the gander without which the goose won't lay? I had a fire beetle I'd named Pincushion that I was luring over a spear trap so I could bookcast cure light wounds on it go a few steps to tell Jharod about it then repeat. Oh well, I'll find another suitable monster at some point, and I wasn't sure how much longer I should keep at this anyway, so now that question is answered.
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Good lord this is three times worse than the vault welcome commitee
At least they're still asleep.
The thing about DCSS (most RLs really) is you need to accept that 80% of enemies are numerically superior to you. 8 headed hydra? 5 death yaks? Any unique after the first 5 floors? You'll just fucking die if you enter melee combat. You spend consumables to buff up enough to fight, or you run away, and manually mark travel exclusions around anything mildly dangerous
get crackin. fried squid is on the menu
quaff resistance and let chain lightning kill the tentacles
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Playing URW and wish sleds were a thing in ancient russo-finland
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I was wondering why i hadn't found a bardiche yet
Who the FUCK needs a shield with this i do i need a shield but god damn do i want to use this
wait until your polearms skill reaches 2h level
good with TSO (a DCSS god btw janny)
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>Play cataclysm
>Hobo stove requires alcohol (rather than anything flammable)
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Is that the consumable that has a 1/3 chance of making this happen to your character?
That would be an actually good idea desu, i've been going ely so far and she's saved my ass more than a dozen times already, twice directly and a lot more by spamming healing
I was planning on swapping to gozag later to gamble, but maybe TSO is the best call
This should be Makhleb's secret ultimate that only Felid can survive using
Gozag's late fee is brutal. Go Zin Slime-Abyss then TSO till Zigs and Zot.
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>Go Zin Slime-Abyss
I love how zin's piety works, i lost a pip whilst fighting TRJ and got hit by three malmutates in a row, getting both -scroll and -pot motations at max
Had to quaff cleansed !muts to get rid of em, but SOMEHOW i lost both AC boosts and my clarity mut before either of the negative ones, fucking hell
On the other hand i found the hat of bear spirit, and damn that's a lot of hp
That is one extremely healthy giant woman.

I've accumulated 19 rations by D:10, allowing a stealthy playstyle that prefers damage to spending rarer consumables. So pre-Ru 1 isn't genuinely difficult yet, just novel and educational. The devs removed food to disguise the fact that lack of difficulty setting permits an arbitrarily slow playstyle in which boredom is the real cause of elite death.

The low MR of most Yred allies makes them perfect targets for Gnoll's low-spellpower Inner Flame, and the enchanted weapons from wight followers are also welcome.

Memorized Olgreb's Toxic Radiance over Confuse to compensate for lack of axe. MR wands are stronger.
Are you trying builds or something?
Anyway, are you interested in playing the tourney? I'm only playing Nemelex' Choices and splatting like a motherfucker, so we could use someone else to gather points.
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What in the Shining One FUCK was this unique
>Introduced in 0.29
>She can hit for FUCK elemental damage, and also FUCK opposite elemental damage if she hits
>She can also just trap you in a lava pool for even MORE FUCK DAMAGE
She was down to no HP and i died in THREE
Three hundred and change HP GONE
uhhhhh sure i'm playing on the rlg shared account tho so be mindful of that
have to in order to increase difficulty with a Ru sacrifice
also I like to check HD. will play online if I win this one.
> N.K. Jemisin, "The Fifth Season". 2015.
Sure thing, what better representative for s than the shared account?
Just do the thing in the rc file and we're cool.
Well, done for the underhound server
Now explain what the nemelex choices are
That led to this, /glg/ gold. Roguelike knowledge leading to a successful pivot down a divergent skillset, thank you anon
you know, I used to wonder if you guys pretended to be enraged at things you didn't like at some point but no
Inner Flame is still great vs Red Ugly Things. Its speed makes disto less effective, but its HD is ridiculously high (12), so forget CT.
The world must look monochrome with only two moral axes. You will never understand.
>The world must look monochrome with only two moral axes
and yet you focus on the 100% black one
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Roguelikes that feature vehicle combat?
Focus? No. Grandpa did, but he lived in a Southern city... If you like 'em, try it.
What do little girls need human rights for ?
To avoid being aborted by their mothers.

Queen of Cocytus
Not a rogue-adjacentlike
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I prefer uohlikes or ToTlikes
I prefer not asking
he's a schizophrenic
Tum tum...?
I prefer cun cun.
Is UnReal World fun
's alright if you like survival sims
Another game breaking bug. This usually kills me but this time it didn't, so I can actually explore what is going on.

Basically if you become encumbered midway through working this sets off a cascade that downs you and brings all your stats to zero.
You can stand up, but your stats don't recover, and if you move your STAM goes to zero instantly no matter how much STAM you had.

Dropping everything your wearing doesn't change this, ass naked you still go from full STAM to zero STAM INSTANTLY.

I suspect this is because some retard decided that zero should be a numerical value, zero strength is literally zero strength and this sets off some kind of loop with fatigue, essentially one debuf must be x*stam and if STAM is zero you get stuck in a loop
Started 5 hours ago
Strength -22 dexterity -16 intelligence -18 speed -36

Weakness? Could this be radiation?
Unsure if there was just marginal radiation wherever I was downed or if I suffered some kind of radiation cascade while working.
maybe you're just "exhausted" or whatever
drink some gatorade and go to bed
Shit advice, just took a ton of damage from waiting. Probably radiation killing me, unsure if this is a primary bug with radiation or if I just got irradiated because I was in a downed loop
Hidden mechanics just don't belong in roguelikes.
Always frustrating, never fun, stops players learning.
radiation should display "irradiated" in your status effects
Checked notes, some retard changed it to be a hidden mechanic and just to be a colossal faggot didn't put a warn flag on it either.
So if you try to carry out a task in an empty field that's got a tiny bit of radiation, the game just inflicts an hours worth on you instantly with no warning killing you.

Because it's a hidden mechanic I still can't tell if this is a bug, if I was irradiated because of the downed cycle, or if I was stuck in a downed cycle because of the radiation. It's incredibly unfun to be killed by a hidden mechanic, I just want to uninstall. If I can't work out how to avoid this death in the future why even start another game? Am I just meant to pray this doesn't happen before I've found a biomiter and wear a badge 24/7 in case I accidentally step on a irradiated bit of dirt? Like an invisible land mine.
have you checked your radiation levels with debug?
Wouldn't you receive a lethal dose of radiation before noticing biological symptoms anyway IRL?
stick to baby nights if you dont want realism
Who the fuck are you, you make these autistic comments about white nights for months over and over. What is your problem? Bro nobody cares
>morale is too low to dodge
Who the fuck did they let at the core code this is retarded as well.
but posting contrarian comments about things people like is the only way I can get (You)s
You're just toxic, people like you got us all banished to a gen in vg.
White nights right nights
banished from where?
Not going to stop talking shit about your dead fork which has no content
I come back to it every half a year or so to mess around with a new character but tend to fall off after a year or two in game from lack of other long term goals after the initial setup. Like the other anon said it is a survival game first and figuring out the ways to do so is pretty fun for a while. Logistics on finding food, hunting, and trapping is neat but its all front loaded to where I find most of my fun here personally. Planning and thoughtful action in regards to how long things take (time for food spoilage, overworld travel time for hunting/trading runs, building a home) is like the core game for me. That said I've always wanted to head out to hunt njerps but with how seemingly punishing combat can be rng wise, the idea was always a goal for late game to me and the thought of losing a character I've sunk 20-30 hours (or more) into from a stray arrow shot in the head isn't that appealing. I'm probably just bad though.
i played the dead fork for 5 minutes once and it felt exactly like playing a dead fork
i mean i have my own dead fork, with the stuff that i like in it but i dont go around telling other people to play it because that would just be wierd
see my comment>>492177158
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>Not going to stop talking shit about your dead fork which has no content
You get more points if you can win a game with any of the choices in here:
They change whenever someone wins with them, so they change often. It's nice to try them to know how all races and background work, at least for me.
baby nights
tranny days ahead
it's truly over for us cataclysm bros there's no good option any more
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>An actual game

But the combat is still poop
until you faggots have content and add pockets I'm not interested in your shit fork. I accidentally installed it once via the catapult launcher and it felt like cataclysm for retards. that whole "autotravel" debacle another anon posted earlier ITT is a nice example of the clusterfuck your fork is.
play a real roguelike?
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>until you have content
more than dda
>add pockets
he doesn't know about BN's pockets XD
>I'm not interested in your shit fork.
same t b h
>that whole "autotravel" debacle another anon posted earlier ITT is a nice example of the clusterfuck your fork is
already fixed, when was the last time the dda steam version updated?
>dda steam version
keep arguing in bad faith kid. the objective truth is your fork plays like a game written for retards by retards. that's why you're hellbent on making it as shallow as possible. see: the obsession with "video game" on your oldformat shitmeme
Unlucky, she most often shows up in the depths or zot and she's deadly even there. Don't ask me how living rock is female though.
Yes it’s fun. After 200 hrs I’m not sure I can recommend it.
The hunting and animal mechanics are absolutely unmatched. There’s nothing more fun then landing a good arrow on a caribou and then beginning a wild chase through the woods catching glimpses of your prey and spotting blood trails before finally catching up to an exhausted animals and cutting its throat. Or losing it forever. Then once you get a hunting dog it becomes easier, but still fun. The butchering and hideworking of the animal comes next and is complicated, realistic, and fulfilling.
Every other aspect of the game suffers due to the realism though.
Long, boring winters.
Annoying to trade for new items. You have to enter every house in every village and (L)ook at every floor tile to see what’s on it, then pick them up individually and barter for them. You have to physically note down what’s in a village if you want to remember, there is no trade interface whatsoever.
Combat is brutal and unforgiving. The game is not really meant for it. Enemies only attack in groups and they basically just kill you if you don’t cheese them.
So eventually you get bored of being a mountain man just hunting and trapping, but there is not much to do besides that.
military base overrun start, 3rd day, have some MREs & water in the motor pool
breaking into metal shutters with torches reveals drones that pretty much instakill, will applying military cards onto the doors cardreader disable these drones like it does to turrets?
also any tips in general
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diogenes is an appropriate picture because your game is about as deep as his philosophy -- not very, if that wasn't implicit
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mfw playing BN
>could post this morning just fine
>suddenly IP range is blocked
>have to use mobile data to post
Roguelikes for this feel?
>Roguelikes for this feel?
Liberal Crime Squad
Net hack
They should make a *hack in an actual Cyberpunk setting with hacking as a game mechaninc, call it NetHack or Net-Hack or something.
achrabros HOW WE DOIN!? died twice in a row to final boss so i went for something brainless, executioner was precisely that, this was nowhere near optimized and still tore through everything.
also i just noticed i had the turban equipped that was a mistake ROFL
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If Trolls didn't have such an abysmal Stealth aptitude of -5, I would've gone full stabber when I found this Assassin Hood.
Nice work.
congrats. never played that game myself but most posters ITT are subhumans who have never won a single run so you're the CREAM OF THE CROP
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Honestly I'm kinda surprised there isn't more sci-fi/cyberpunk ragu out there. Wouldn't need to be open like ADOM/Qud/etc, make it so you're a wagie who got out of his cagey at the bottom floor of a corporate arcology and you have to fight your way to the top as a megadungeon
This but unironically
Pretty sure it's one of the DDA devs, I know they lurk here because I've posted stuff in the past and they nerfed the shit out of it not long after.
That or that one reddit stalker, fits his autism.
>Pretty sure it's one of the DDA devs
Maddremor stalks the BN discord like a psycho-ex gf
if this is true I just want to let it be known that the DDA tranny devs have directly resulted in a trend of poor quality merges to the game. I believe it is entirely reflective of their character
been considering making a roguelike for a bit, how would you feel about some of these mechanic ideas?

>clothing straps/pockets and backpacks holding inventory instead of a standard inventory
>vehicles/mecha/planes/starships having different parts/sections you can repair/modify for custom stuff
>limited ability to call in support that hits coordinates at varying accuracies (support drop, artillery fire, etc)
>grid scale difference when you are in vehicles
I'm feeling inspired by gundam/muv luv.
fuck yes hope you finish it
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Almost thought this was a DDA shitpost from just reading the first two ideas. I generally find that non-standard inventory systems that are more complicated than just general inventory and quick slots are just a way to add more micro-management to almost no gameplay benefit. The other parts sound fucking sick however. I'd kill for a good mecha RL.
Is Tangledeep a good first roguelike for someone that has only played Shiren the Wanderer and modern 'action roguelike' type games?
Witnessed, and repeating digits such as those warrant an answer but I've never actually played Tangledeep so I have no idea. I apparently own it but never booted it up, no doubt got it during a debauched evening of furiously rogueliking myself and then forgot about it the morning after
>good mecha RL.
end-game CBN deathmobiles are mecha
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We'll all enjoy the show
when your walls fall like Jericho
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second time ever making it to Zot
would an amulet of reflection be better than acrobat?
Yes. Acrobat is only good when you're running away without engaging in combat, so it might be useful for when you ascend, but reflect is just better in any other situation.
can't do strategic fires to level buildings from across an overworld grid
>play dda
>feel bad
>play bn
>it feels even better in hindsight
Sounds boring. In v.23 Reflection needn't attune, so wear Acrobat and switch if trading at range.
Now amulets take 10x longer than rings, which is stupid. It's jewelry, not a breastplate.
This nerf reduces operational build complexity and breaks immersion.
I honestly don't care a lot about that. I just adapt to the new verion and play the old ones if I want to relive a build I liked from them. Not saying you're wrong for not enjoying the newer versions, I just don't agree with your opinion.
Bro the Gearhead?
I was just checking whether someone would correct me, since I don't play nu-Crawl. It suits low-T gen Z; enjoy.
>respond in a moderate manner to yet another "old good new bad" post
>get insulted anyway
I honestly don't know what I was expecting.
My fault.
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I did it. Never actually beat Crawl before.
Obviously not all nu-Crawl players are low-T Gen Z. Most gamers chase novelty, so they will inevitably play the latest version. There is no need to harass such people about their preferences, when the trend is inevitable.
Nice shit, homie.
Chalk one for the home team.
Sounds similar to Neoscavenger. in a good way.
fucking filename got me.

what game is this actually?
Breaching a vault with Yred:
>stealth scout sleepers
>step out of view
>recall-abort 3 "volunteers"
>retreat them forward
>Inner Flame them
>order "guard"
>Yred's are the only allies who will fight offscreen, besides Fedhas
>they wake the vault while you pick off stragglers
Works on sleeping uniques too.

Weaker and riskier with Beogh since he randomly gifts followers, they won't fight offscreen, and friendly fire causes penance.
Dcsshizo hours
best nights
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How do I actually focus on the game after the S-branches in DCSS
It just gets mind-numbing at some point, there's a crapton of enemies and you aren't really developing your character anymore so it feels like a chore
I just tab/macro till I (probably) die, and if I save the character for later I'm just gonna start a new one instead of finishing that run
raising the difficulty is the only cure for boredom
Playing mummy or felid or something?
My rule of thumb is that if I'm not having fun with a character anymore, I just rush the orb and get out if I can or die trying. At the very least that last stretch usually gets stressful enough to make me feel something again.
If that's difficult for you, sure. I wizmode Ru sacrifices then abandon on turn 1.
I electrocute my balls and drip acid on my head every time I play roguelike, you are not even trying bro
Fucking casual
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>floor with Lair entrance
>flooded with uniques and OOD monsters
>already killed a cyclops, a centaur warrior and an elephant while escaping from a catoplebas and 2 uniques pelting me from afar
>the other stairs leave me in front of an ugly thing if I want to go back to that floor
They really, REALLY don't want me to get into the Lair, huh?
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It's fun and I hope more people play it
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Is there any way to move this info window so it doesn't block the hotbar?
You could scale down the UI or change up the resolution of your screen if you want more space on the screen.
Compared to chess, DCSS is about as casual as checkers. (Malcolm tried to make grandmaster and couldn't.)
Hence why I only play tired. The fuckups are soothing confirmation I shouldn't be working, and the tedium encourages me to fall asleep pondering some inane quibble.
I guess the only way to make it fun while awake would be to play next to a sleeping girl you just fucked. Or two.
quaff till it's not ugly
I don't think even after casting Alistair's Intoxication 5 times straight I would be able to see them as anything but Ugly Things.
They change hair colors so much they even evolve into Very Ugly Things later in life, that already says everything.
play a spellcaster and always have another spell to be working towards
even when you're blowing up Hell you're working on heavier armor and large shields lol, there's always another upgrade
play on a 4k monitor
kek... good advice
It wasn't me
I didn't duet

Distortion solves Gnoll's inventory overflow, and Throwing is surprisingly effective even with minimal ammo.
Tomahawk sleepers instead of stabbing, and throw stones as filler.

Too long I spent thinking it had to be Ashenzari.
Flavorwise MuNe Yred and GnWn Ash fits, yet it's the reverse.
XP transfer allows Mummy to adapt to branch vulnerabilities, by e.g. abandoning Poison after the corpseful branches.
100% accurate
Go back to scored homo
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woot subway network
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hot diggedy dang, my mission to collect every martial art is progressing
Now that's what I call a roguelike.
“It’s like catnip!”
— Groomer Magazine
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Good luck on your journey
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the weapons for it are some of the best weapons in the game, so
it's probably no Medieval Swordsmanship but
good morning /rlg/, what are we playing today?
looks like it's just a bunch of extra dodge attempts and an accuracy buff for dodging things, and then crit stuns and crit downs and bonus damage on stunned or downed enemies
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My dick.Im playing with my dick... And cataclysm (real fork)
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Crushed the Lair:2 stair rush with quaff Agility, Olgreb's, Infuse, CT and Disto. Didn't have to go loud or Drain Life.
Agi was maybe a waste; I thought it was the Lair:1 entrance. But I should be looking for opportunities to spend, and this was one.
CT on the Spiny Frog was probably wrong, cuz high HD and already injured by javelin.
Minimal damage. Cleared D:11 and bought ring mail before L:2, which proved its value immediately.
Took 50% damage from a Cyclops on D11, but that was controlled, deliberate. Minimal damage on L2, but already quaffed a rare potion, without even meeting the worst. Nothing spent on D11.
The Agi was only optional because I was on a stair. Conclusion: retreat and try D12.
Guess I'll memorize Petrify over Confuse to counter Spiny Frogs, since it's two-school. Debatable in the open, but great for blocking tunnels.
Outcome: Yep, D:12 is trivial, and the walls let me go loud. Petrify helps slow down brutes too.
Word words words and 0 substance nigga, post something interesting next time you blogfagging
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very decent tileset
picked up
>Infra Arcana but Polish
You came to the right place.
oh that is a good looking tileset
I'm watching your trailer and it appears that you've gone for only cardinal movement, with no ordinals? You will pay dearly for this
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I think Quasimorph should have been included in this "Space Exploration Fest"
Etrian Odyssey. Sometimes you just want to go into a trance dungeon crawling for hours grinding gold and xp and autistically mapping in a fug of your own farts
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I never did like Gnolls
I'll have to check out a door in the woods one of these days
WHATUP ACHRABROS!?!? i am very happy with how this one turned out, was a blast to play. really got a lot of mileage out of crystalform here and Uspori was surprisingly decent. the familiar it gives was tougher than expected, and the paralysis debuff was useful at keeping stuff away from me while i stacked insane amounts of freeze and plague on everything. dipped into martial for poise as an extra defense layer and another way to stack to the ice familiar up, which was impossible to kill through the healing and dealt super high damage. felt pretty sketchy until i got 25 minimum speed but overall a 10/10 build
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more thoughts:
Ikshana is pretty meh but the summons were decent for helping to stack plague from behind my main familiars. i went with Ihra which served its' purpose of lightening the Kairos skirt and protecting me from ranged enemies while i waited for them to die.
>Why does my character puts his STANAG mags into cereal boxes
actual skill issue, you can change defaults.
How much the actual game changes form the demo? I'm tempted to buy it, but the demo made me realize I'm incredibly shit at building characters.
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>find all of this incredible loot before even reaching Lair
I started as a human shapeshifter, but it would be unreasonable to stay in that path after getting all this shit. And I'm not that far into the game, so I feel like it's not even an issue to completely change the focus of my build.
I wish I picked Oka or Trog for this run, but looks like I'm gonna have to stick with the Wu Tang Clan and see how good/bad it is.
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Skill issue, works for me
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it seems to work in any box, and you can put multiple item types together
Hey just wanted to chime in. Don't think I saw your post either, man, but no worries - it pays to repeat stuff in here, ensuring it makes its way into the OP somehow. Looks great! I'll try to check it out later
>15$ for slop
kys nigger
I found some Garl Gustav smoke rounds
I think these are completely worthless considering I've never even seen an M3 Carl Gustav
wow, that's so powerful
>Post-apocalyptic survivor-made-wizard
>Struggling with finding material on magical theory
>Only managed to find in-depth manuscripts revolving around transmuting and shaping ceramics
>Gorgeously decorated terracotta everything
skinner box roguelike where you play as a lab rat ?
/rlg/ is STRAPPED
Ihra with kairos skirt is a sick combo.
The most powerful aspect of Ikshana is that prayers recharge on step, so you can use them a lot. Pair it with a build that triggers effects on prayer.
I still really dont like summoning since it scales badly and turns take a long time.
I love it. It is the most sovlfvl game ever made. However it does suffer a bit of a lack of long term goals beyond surviving. You have got a miriad of ways to survive but once you have got it set there's little to do.
You can build a larger cabin, a longer trap-fence, accumulate more and more wealth, build a summer retreat at an island if you want, etc... but at that point you are just roleplaying.
Mind you, you have many wonderful hourd when you dont fully know your way around and you struggle for every piece of meat. And walking through a forest or traveling around is beautiful. I fully recommend it. The only issue with the game comes when you have already mastered not dying of frostbite on your first winter or not being mauled by the first bear you see.
Rng can be nasty in combat but there's a lot of control you have got. The main point is to pick your fights. Dont be silly and engage a fully rested and armoured Njerpz near his camp where two more buddies can show up quickly.
Youset up traps, you pick them one by one, you run away, you always use ranged weapons (arrows or javelins), etc...
Not him, (and sorry for off-topic) but could you explain a bit about the whole appeal of the Fate thing? I've wondered several times about why it became so popular.
Yeah what this guy says:
It has a lot of sovl, but lacks in breadth. (Also, I find the rl photo portraits atrocious)
Legendary mythological beings reincarnated and fighting each other + cute girls + endless text about what it means to be a hero, what's there to not like?
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I'm a DDA player IRL
One of these is not like the others, can you guess which?
three of them plug round holes in people and one makes vertical slits.
the GIMP pepper
that or the stupid fake sword
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I can assure you it's full tang and the steel is of an acceptable quality. I consistently get the first foot into practice dummies made of (admittedly soft) wood.
actually killing the game's lore and denying characterization to NPCs
truly there are Tranny Days ahead
what's a broski ?
I actually just saw it got an update. I played the last version a bit but I can't say I am all that familiar with it. The writing in the game though is phenomenal. I will be checking out this release at some point. I realize its supposed to have sound effects and I never had any when I played, maybe thats part of the update, or something was wrong with my install idk.

Im always glad to see something different discussed here besides the same 2 or 3 games over and over again.
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I don't know if this is gonna be a blessed or a cursed run.
A bro you share your brewskies with
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Time to find out if this is indeed a blessed or a cursed run.
It was a blessed one. There was a 50/50 chance of getting loot or getting fucked, and I'm still alive.
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Roguelikes for this feel?
Thanks anons.
It does have diagonal movement, I guess I just didn't really do it in the trailer.
Yep, I'll be doing another round on release. 'll probably hang around to check for feedback as well.
What if it was kino and not slop? Or slopkino?
>has diagonal movement
>doesn't diagonal movement around corners while walking down hallways
fault, I can no longer trust you to be competent
> Word words words
When you don't know the answer, solve smaller problems until you do.
> 0 substance nigga
Meanwhile ya'll continue to splat. Noob deaths spike at Lair because it is the first instance of branch operational choice. Like much of DCSS, the difficulty is frontloaded: The incentive to alternate individual floors of Dungeon and Lair is stronger than for any other branches (excluding end-floors). Dungeon's difficulty curve after D8 is extreme, but Lair's qualitative shift counters many builds. I doubt the meta addresses this.

I sequenced Lair floors poorly last run, so paid extra care this time, and succeeded. Lair 2-6 floors should be pre-breached, I think, to let foes awake and wander, making it easier to fight from stairs instead of getting cut off when stealth fails. Beasts cannot pick up items, so there is no downside.

Gnolls should be the most popular species, since distributed training makes them the most beginner-friendly. In v.23, Gnolls had 609 wins and 2,268 1-rune games, a 27% winrate. The most popular class was Skald, and god Chei. Amusingly, Gnoll was the top race for Chei, with Naga third.

There were 34.3k 1-rune games total, and 5.8k of those were Minotaurs. So Gnolls were twice as popular as the average species, but 2.5x less popular than the top species.

Nobody figured out Gnoll Wanderer of Yred is optimal; it has only 5 single wins from different players, none good. The cognitively and tactically lazy solution of Chei punching prevailed.

Hardly surprising, considering the correct build is the most bizarre and arcane in the game. It takes a long time to properly graduate from Gnoll.

Just realized gunrunner has a massive flaw. Even if it lets you shoot fast between steps, shooting still nukes your dodge.

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