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umm umm err >_< Edition

>Currently discussed servers:
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org/ (Vanilla+)
Crusader-Storm - https://crusader-storm.com/ (TBC)
Mistblade 2 - https://stormforge.gg/mistblade (MoP)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/ (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless Season, CoA+Wrath Alpha/Beta invites going, V+ server after CoA)
Everlook - https://everlook.org/ (Vanilla+)
Felmyst - https://www.felmyst.com/ (TBC no changes)

>Upcoming servers
Project Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org/ (Vanilla+)
TBC5man - https://tbc5man.com/ (TBC content scaled down to 5man groups)

>/wpsg/ Guilds
<Not in OP> - Mistblade 2 (Horde)
<TempleOS> - Crusader-Storm (Crossfaction)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>491130587
Where's her package?
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Remove <not in op> from the guild list.
last time i did that i got a 3 day vacation :(
why did you delete the <not in op> discord?
what about tauri?
Tarui plan is shut down. Sudusius won.
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pserver bros...
>body type C
Are there any private servers with an active pvp community other than warmane?
We still haven’t run that nigger lover Pearl out of town yet guys. He still thinks he can get away with grooming under the guise of his weak religion. My contacts saw him walk out of a warehouse in Glasgow with a box full of CP that we put a tracker on. The walls are closing in, Tieku, Torgra, Shenna.
Can someone loredump me in what the fuck is this pearl and shit?
lurk more
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Do not play on any private server. Frankly WoW is a waste of time like all games but other games value your time more. If you want an MMO play Everquest, WoW is a big piece of shit that game crapped out. If you don’t like Everquest but are mazed by WoW you never wanted to play an MMO to begin with, but an action rpg.
Grandpa EverQuest is not a real game
Evershart is garbage, Morrowind and Ultima are better.
what was the name of that dk in <sit on my face>
Hey guys Wall here.

This is the fierce guy i kicked from my guild 20 years ago on the Hjyaal Classic server who has been stalking me for 20 years since we were both 10 and i kicked him from my guild

Any post you see mentioning me in a negative light or calling me a schizo is either Fierce OR it's that cuck Alexensual


Hi my name is Zilhah and I am a medical professional. I have known Wall since Everlook and after consulting with him, I can say with certainty that he is not schizophrenic and the FBI really did capture him and use him as slavor labor.

That Fierce guy has made Wall look bad, but Wall is a good guy and not schizophrenic at all.

Zilah, a medical professional.
Hi my name is Chuck and I despise non-white people
Is Pearl still in Scotland? I thought he moved to America.
I'd like to become your friend, Chuck!
Based as fuck up until the Everquest part.
Mmos are designed to waste your time.
>old mmos were designed to waste your time because they thought that was good design
>modern mmos are designed to waste your time because that's objectively good design, ecnomically speaking
He never claimed they weren't thoughrarywise
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Someone has been logging into hacked accounts and spamming nigger for over an hour. Then a GM post this.
based. turtl now /wpsg/ approved?
i don't think pearl has posted here for weeks
don't think he/she plays wow anymore
world of warcraft private servers
Why would he stop?
>Crusader Storm
>15 people online
Time to go to Felmyst I guess
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Jesus Christ... Are we moving back to turtle?
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what would be best 5man comp to lvl while dungeon grinding on turtlewow? (going to multibox all 5) no duplicate classes. i was thinking:

paladin tank
warrior dps
druid heal

no hunters (already have one at 60). i was also thinking about switching druid for all human party but innervate and buff seems too good to pass up
any more videos of that dog?
Some chink obviously smeared the screen with something tasty so doggo would lick it. Chinks will do anything for tiktok likes
Wonder how she got that idea
I'd go with
>Warrior Tank
>Druid DPS
>Paladin Healer
druid dps might be icky as you need to be behind target at all times for good damage which is pain to do while multiboxing. unless you meant balance?
Ah, you said chink, not chick, my bad
But yjk
We never left.
>(going to multibox all 5)
You can only multibox two at a time. Any more is against the rules and they do check dungeons for cheaters.
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Hello folks, I'm trying to start a core 5 man group in TBC5 man that needs one or two more people to clear content. We are in need of a dps or two any class but play what you want. Planning on raids in the evening Euro time but we will play it by ear. Guild name yet to be decided
Be sure to announce yourself :)
thats cool. i dont mind getting banned after already playing this game for almost 20 years now.
retarded tranny server you should be glad if you get banned off of it
ill just wait for you to recommend me a vanilla+ with 500+ online. all pservers are tranny servers by 4chans metric btw
you mean they literally added 2 dungeons that look like they were created by a retard randomly clicking trash mobs unto a random patch of land
>500+ online
the pvp server is dead af and the main server is full of retards and chinks
>all pservers are tranny servers by 4chan metrics
COPE you fucking turtle shill idk why so many bots defend this shitty fucking server
>you mean they literally added 2 dungeons that look like they were created by a retard randomly clicking trash mobs unto a random patch of land

not true. there are class changes.

>the pvp server is dead af and the main server is full of retards and chinks

and the main server has thousands online

>COPE you fucking turtle shill idk why so many bots defend this shitty fucking server

i am not shilling anything i just asked you to recommend me a vanilla+ with 500+ online (you cant). no need to sound like a terminally online loser
>reddit spacing
get out


fitting in yet, brown tourist?
chink shill
Look Turtle Wow sucks but there’s nothing else until Epoch finally releases.
world of warcraft private servers.
agree but i still wouldnt eat shit just because i have nothing else to eat
Right but I want to play Wow and I’m going to play on a shit server when the alternative is not playing but I respect you for having some standards.
sis, that means you'd starve to death... i don't want that :(
>guy who spends 12h/day shitposting on a dead general gives advice about wasting time

Time to steal the gbank I guess.
What server?
dead storm
Well time to remove the guilds from the OP. They’re both dead.
op guilds are just cults of personality.
any good servers?
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>crusader-shit finally fixes the logging out bug
>to no ones surprise the population isn't even enough to pug kara
goodness is in the eye of the coper
i miss 'gasm posting
When is Mistblade season 3?
and also, what server do I pick for Warmane?
worgen males owe me
worgen males own me
i was so bored at work i watched this entire dogshit video
world of warcraft private servers
I'm sorry Crusader frens, but it's TBC5 time now :)
I dont understand TBC5man.
>no leveling
>instant 300 profs
>no attunes, no rep requirements
Whats the point?
playing world of warcraft is the point you bitter incel
>playing world of warcraft is the point
While removing like 90% of the game?
i don't think i can explain it to you without a wall of text that you are not gonna read
if you don't get it then it's not for you, get some friends
9 more dungs to spam. + classic dungs
Just take it as a dungeon/raid simulator I guess. The server sells it as what it is, and for people who are looking only for that experience.
You get to do raids and dungies unlike in sisterstorm
having fun in world of warcraft today
think i might get a little pawprint tattoo on me
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>You get to do raids and dungies
worst part of wow
you get to do raids (dungies, tbc) and dungies (tbc)
Some spic named Carlito is trying to groom you motherfuckers ( probably Pearl's nephew) into playing a DoA shitter funserver that only European shitskins will be playing. Get out while you still can.
WoW would heal if we could simply bring the focus away from the endgame. It's so simple but people refuse to see this
What's there to do outside endgame once you level up (once)?
Its not about engame content, its about INSTANCED endgame content.
Raiders have almost zero interaction with other people outside of their raid group.
WoW has conditioned the mmo playerbase for decades that instanced raids are the only possible endgame. It will take decades to unwind this way of thinking but I hope it can happen someday. Making the world more interactive rather than a list of quests designed to rush us to max level is where the changes should start
erp is the true endgame
forming your character's backstory and relationships over months of sloppy debauchery
My thesis for a GOOD MMO requires that the endgame is infinitely more accessible, and not the primary content, something Everquest had done in '99, but had begun to wane in when the poopsockers got a greater say in the direction of the game. Level 50 was the maximum level in the original Everquest, you could plausibly raid at level 35. Level 35 was an accomplish because of the difficulty of the leveling process, and gave one a decent idea of how to play the game, one that requires extensive cooperation (leveling, grouping, exploration, word of mouth discovery etcetera), and playing with your compatriots that have reached level 50, in a place like Kedge Keep, a raid zone, at level 35, makes raids a break from the world, which was the focus of the game, and relegates raids to a secondary activity that is done for fun and for building rapport with those you have played with in this world.
To go about doing this, I suggest a tranche of changes. Number one, standardize profession items (ore, herbs, skin) as drops from mobs. The mobs can be thematically appropriate to the drops or not, it doesn't really matter in a game where wolves are expected to drop gold. This is to make leveling professions, which would remain relatively the same in cadence, more convenient and less necessary to follow a line from a website telling you where all the nodes and, as well as allowing you to keep up with the profession, if you continue to grind these mobs, which leads into: 2. Have mobs in the overworld be more difficult to kill, and for support/healing classes, impossible to kill without the help of another. This is an easy way to encourage grouping, while allowing classes which excel at solo play, to thrive. This makes something like, within the example of WoW, a level 60 warrior a greater asset to a raid, in both dedication utility within the raid, than say a Warlock or a Hunter, which are rather easy to level because of their toolkit.
3: reduce the APM of the game, make autoattacking more significant for melee classes, and spell casts more important for casters, etc. Casting a healing spell as a priest, ought to restore most of the health of the target, instead of doing baby casts every 5 seconds because of the artificial need for engagement, make the rhythm be more like a cast a minute, this would also reflect the damage dealt by mobs, and the rates at which one regenerates health and mana, maybe halved, but without food/water to speed up the process, and requiring one to be out of combat for 10-20 seconds before the principal regeneration kicks in. 4: Instance raids partially, and do not instance dungeons at all. Have raids be big zones where trash, raid bosses respawn, at a quick pace, maybe have separate instances of zones so if it is in fact overcrowded, there are multiple "picks" to be competed over. The same for dungeons, remove the instances and you will see a greater amount of player-to-player engagement, where one simply has to travel to the dungeon / raid zone to find people to group with, without having to make veritable reservations in an LFG channel then take an hour+ to get there, you can just be there to begin with and find one another looking to group!
5: increase the size of raid groups and the amount of possible players within a group. This is a simple fix to allow everybody from 35-50 to get involved without having poopsock BiS gear. The xp rates and how it is divided between party members would be done away with, and the more people in your party, the amount between them would still be equal to just one person, thus encouraging larger groups and inclusivity, while also not limiting friend groups of 4-5 to just play by themselves. Dungeons would be more abstract and just have the area and mobs that can be pulled, so you pull based on the size of your party, but it would be designed around 4-6 players, so the classes can all be seen and a greater compositional diversity is allowed. A break away from 1 tank / 1 healer / 3 dps, which is silly and a result of the Tigule and Foror poopsocking days when they had begun to design WoW as their ultimate raid log fantasy. 6: Make learning spells more important than gear. A spell that you learn from your trainer, at level 20, ought to allow you to kill mobs at level 20, given you are in a party, no matter your gear ( a minimum of course, having a sword, some vendor gear ( side note, this would also encourage vendor gear) that allows anyone, as long as they have the skill to use their weapon, and SOME ( auto attacks are more significant than most skills in this matter, remember) abilities from their trainer, make them a good member of any party.
yeah but you'd play it for three days and then give up
i work for riot and our mmo will fix all of this
>reducing the APM of fucking Vanilla Wow
Huh??? You are retarded???
It's not condition as much as preference, most players realized they don't like fighting for resources in the OW, this isn't the old days where no one knew any better, there's a reason why any mmo that tries to pick up old mmo design just fails or doesn't get traction outside nostalgia and reputation
I'm just using it as an example of a MMO, this would not be reducing the APM of WoW, nor the APM of the toolkits of the classes of WoW, obviously designed around their manifest APMs
Obviously, all of my amendments to the MMORPG formula are correct, that is why none of you are contesting them. Thank you for letting me know that I am more intelligent then all of you window-lickers, and I have all of your IPs to ban you from my dream MMO project that is in the works.
I think you should never be put in charge or making a game more accesible
unironically true, if you've made long lasting friendships through an mmo you've beaten the game
sadly it doesn't last
people only want me for my impeccable lewd grammar
azeroth at war
open beta in a few days
Based on my erp experience half the people are sick in the head and can't hold any sort of stable relationship for more than week if it's not an extremely mundane one
i read all of that. i suggest you drop the everquest nostalgia and nostalgia in general so you will be able to see things without rose tinted glasses. The constraints not just of the technology back then should not to be mistaken for good design. i agree with more open world player interactions though.
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>still not implemented for some reason
fuck this gay earth
w-Where's the 4chan promo?
Wall and Zilhah are schizophrenics
Only cool kids get promos
>mount and a title
lol. lmao even
>schizophrenia is... LE BAD
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>be multiboxer
>do not understand basic economy
>cstorm is in the weimar phase
anon that's clearly so you whisper and offer
>nerfed tbc version
>obsolete at 70
>about 3 chars give or take with a relevant spec if you ignore above

the multiboxer guy farms instances and buts trash greens for double vendor price in ah
he's stimulating the economy cant you see!!
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Should i broker all of this greens? :point_right::point_left:
Turns out there's one bugged rare that has 4 simultaneous spawns instead of just one right next to each other
yeah i figured it wasn't great in tbc, i assume he musn't know somehow
>broken rare
>he's broken
blasted lands? that one spawns 5-6x in a line around the dark portal. i killed those 2x each with each character. i gave mine to levelers and the rest to an enchanter.
Yeah, i was killing it a potential warr while upping mining but blasted lands sucks, also found a pletora of other rares, so many rares, this is bad...
Is Turtle WoW a bitcoin miner?
Epoch status?
>guy who spends 12h/day shitposting on a dead general
That doesn't make any damn sense. If he's shitposting 12 hours a day, then the thread wouldn't be dead. If the general is dead, then nobody is spending a great amount of time posting in it.
they said the server would be released this month but
Zillah has a medical degree and Wall de facto works for the NSA, albeit indirectly. Meanwhile you're nothing.
As the guy that's spamming, I just enjoy doing the dungeons and not all the other tedious stuff. I wanna kill bosses.
Whiter than you will ever be.
He gets banned after every post and then seethes 12/h day at the thread. Yes, he's too dumb to ban evade.
cutesader-sisters... is it over?
>finally reach last stand sector in FTL
>tab over to turtle wow
>guild cheering me on, been following my FTL progress
>inb4 "why not play turtle wow"
>content drought, don't judge
>back to FTL
>rebel flagship is a big MFKer hehe
>trying to take down shield generator
>game warns about an incoming powersurge
>"wtf is that?"
>tab back to turtle wow to ask guild
>only to see a level 60 fking loser druid ganking me
people always say turtle has such a nice community but idk anymore man.
not every jerk has a insatiable need to yell nigger and tranny left and right
rip in pieces sis
>getting ganked on a pve server
Something I noticed about Turtle WoW's Gilneas zone is that it's too player-friendly. The mobs aren't grouped up in that annoying vanilla way.
>first 2 chain quests that give gear in hellfire peninsula bug out and i can't get any gear past weapon and panties yet
ngl sisters i'm not feeling so great
Anyone ever tried the Firestorms Server? Is it any good? Just saw, that it's the only real server with Dragonflight?
What do you do while waiting for Epoch?
ur mom
I fail to see the fun, or what makes it interesting/better with the treat management and mana issues in classic/twow
It's just "wait for tank to press a few buttons while you play pocket tennis"
any other servers than troontle running 1.12 client? i am addicted to fucking broken lua mods that make my character play itself
worgen males hnhghhh
Tell me more about broken Lua Mods!
Project Epoch news update tomorrow :)
i will die in this pathetic world having never known the scent of a worgen male
Lazyscript let you bind everything to one button with conditionals. Making most optimal sequence as you gain new skills is another layer of gameplay to me. Warrior/druid becomes crazy fun with it.
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No, I will not read this. I refuse!
but anon loves reading images!
Look into PQR and branch out to other expansions. keep in mind it's bannable and you really should only use stuff like this for boring content you cba with.
>one button with conditionals
>is another layer of gameplay
you mistake autistic endeavors a with gameplay.many such cases
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based picture book enjoyer
>Essential filters for wpsg
What's wrong with discussing actual servers like twow, chromie and mb? The fact that there are mentally ill shitposters in this thread that bring them up shouldn't reflect on the quality of the server itself
>EJ's GM is one of the current lead devs
>He was also formerly a lawyer who worked with the DoD
what did uncle sam mean by this?
the panda is gone and both guilds are dead just like the server
if someone still want's to play mists for some reason just redirect them to tauri
But Tauri is also completely dead isn't it? Isn't it coasting at like 20-50 pop since MB launched?
>panda leaves
>/wpsg/ dies
just thinking about draenei girls right now. on the beach, bathing in the sun. i can only imagine the incredible sensation she feels when sunlight hits it hehe
both servers are dead but a least tauri has proven it has a dedicated small playerbase even during content droughts and it's piss easy to find a guild that will take your undergeared ass to raids
it's also a PvE server so players won't have a meltdown over being ganked
>20-50 pop
you should add an extra 0 and then another one when legion is announced
>joined a new guild a couple of weeks ago
>guild is extremely top heavy
>i have been pretty much ignored until a couple of hours ago
>guild is putting together a raid on horde capitals for the achievements
>me and 4 other newbies have been selected to create horde characters to scout the capitals
>officer threatens to kick us out if we dont do it unironically referring to us as slaves
>running to orgrimmar as a lvl 1 orc
>a dozen people dueling outside the gates
>the first lvl 80 i come across stops me in the tunnel entrance
>trades me 50g
>doesnt elaborate
>rides away
>go to AH
>tons of players standing around talking to each other
>chill atmosphere
>theres even a couple of players rp'ing

have i been playing on the wrong faction this whole time
the CIA helped make wow to keep schizo autists busy with trivial activities
Horde = Normal dudes playing edgy characters
Alliance = Edgy dudes playing normal characters
alliance will always be the pvp faction
one time I tried getting the black war bear on horde side we
>wiped on our way to varian
>wiped to varian
>went to IF instead
>were met with a wall of guild banners and a shit ton of defenders behind them just waiting to see if we are going to attack or fuck off
>we disbanded
the only time horde raids stormwind properly is when some autist streamfag mutliboxing 40 characters is there to help
>Unyielding Knight charges twice on me and for some reason this buffs its attack speed significantly
>Unyielding Knight dies
>Unyielding Knight (corpse) keeps giving me chase and hitting me wherever i go until i finally eat the dirt
maybe CS isn't so bad
worgen male just sniffed me
>horde good alliance bad
this but unironically
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been out of the loop for a while.
qrd on everlook?
what server is the current hotness?
any upcoming fresh™?
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>lunch current pserv im leveling
>do 2 quests
>feel emptier inside than usual
>close app

so that's how it ends
What's wrong with discussing actual servers like twow, chromie and mb? The fact that there are mentally ill shills in this thread that bring them up shouldn't reflect on the quality of the thread itself
What's wrong with discussing actual servers like twow, chromie and mb? The fact that there are mentally ill shills in this thread that bring them up shouldn't reflect on the quality of the anon itself
we are in the dark ages for private servers
>the new content in turtle is actual garbage and the server was hacked by an anon last month leaking everything
>crusader storm was DoA with population currently in the single digits because it was a buggy mess and there were 5 other tbc servers releasing around the same time cannibalizing each other
>the older /vg/ guild on mistblade died in ToT and the newer one just died this week so there is 0 reason to play on this jaja server now
>>>>paymane onyxia was dead enough and TBC is DoA
>chromie is reddit incarnate and small yet not dead and your only option if you want to play PvE wotlk soon™
>ascension is custom content memes taken to 11 with seasonal shit and classes picking their abilities like a roguelike but if that's your thing go ahead because even blizzard decided to copy shit for SoD from them
>can't say anything about everlook except it may be the infamous evergook I've heard about
>felmyst is the newest gummy rugpull that allows no addons
>cata athena is dead now
if you want servers that are guaranteed to remain alive you can try your luck on turtle for vanilla+, warmane wotlk as long as you stay away from icecrown, and tauri for mop and eventually legion
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I think i'm gonna go with tortillawow and クロムカーフト
does everlook has high elfs?
it the deciding factor if il go trutle or everlook
everlook is vanilla with chinks and cashshop
>warmane wotlk as long as you stay away from icecrown
How old is this bot's posts, warmane's realms are dead. Like 2016?
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do you have a better option for wotlk then?
yeah that's what I thought so stfu next time
Whitemane is the white man's choice.
Isn't that a cata server that's even deader than athena?
lol at any anon who joined templeos
lmao at any anon who pulled 16+ hour "work" shifts to rush to 70
rofl at pearl for killing every /wpsg/ guild he ever touched
pearl kept <not in op> going for almost a year howeverbiet
you mean lol @ anyone who fell for the CS meme?
It was Thor that killed TempleOS by creating a guild with less players than posters ITT then instantly abandoning it
The guild chat was constant bitching at how TBC is bad game design at the start and you missed out if you didn't see it
post more cope please
Pearl: Immortalized in this buckbroken general
(You): A random schizo no one will remember
Maybe try rolling a panda next time
i legitimately won't forget pearl and its ironically the shitposters that made it happen
glorious cope
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if u ask me it looks like pearl won
the cope overfloweth
I don't even know who pearl is but given how the anons speak about him, he must be big
if pearl won then how come i printed out an a4 picture of her and nutted all over it
an ocean of cope
pearl is a woman?
When someone did this for me i felt like i had won though
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Want to win again?
Why would you save that image?
the most cringe race on alliance side and quite possibly the entire game
I see why people hate that avatarfag
Actually no, it was nice on erp but it feels a bit awkward out of the blue. Sidenote: there used to be a local facenutter that would nut to your char on a 3 day based wait list, pretty cool dude but i could never get into it
We can erp first if that’s the case.
You mean this guy >>>/trash/68674194?
not sure where this thread gooin
post panda pearl to cure us of this curse
It's honestly been like 5 years since i've done any kind of erp, it makes the worst of me come out so no
It was some dude in another mmo (Tera), he had a couple of videos of him nutting to any female toon that asked for it in some random pornwebsite
>It was some dude in another mmo (Tera), he had a couple of videos of him nutting to any female toon that asked for it in some random pornwebsite
as far as i'm concerned, all of you are pearl.
nah post that tauren shaman doing rituals in barrens
>it makes the worst of me come out
What do you mean by this anon?
>it makes the worst of me come out
yeah same, i had to stop it before it got out of control
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how is skullcrusher doing ?
What does this even mean?
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Just killed Garrosh Hellscream on normal difficulty on private world of warcraft server "Tauri" on realm "Evermoon". As a reward I received a Korkron war wolf and an honorary title "Conqueror of Orgrimmar".
>mop remix was about to bring this mount back for free but 1 actual post op tranny bitched and moaned so much that blizzard felt implored to remove it
this is why private servers will always be better
Grats pal
where all the big butt night elves at?
i erp'd with the last one so hard they passed out and never woke up
i think tomorrow ill make a futa night elf warrior on turtle and level as prot
Are the rewards for leveling with half XP in turtle worth it? been thinking on what challenges I wanted to go with for my first char, vagrant looks nice until I remember I'd want to run dungs without being an absolute hassle to others
>wanting to level even slower in tranilla
there are better ways to torture yourself
it's not like you outlevel the zones before you are done with them like post cata
>it's not like you outlevel the zones before you are done with them like post cata
This is true unless if u want to experience every zone at certain ranges, at least the ones that make sense, but my point is that I don't mind levelling taking longer, I don't know what's there to look forward if the server is progressed.

Horde has some elitists in PvE though, especially Orc male/females and troll females can be utter pieces of shit but generally speaking if you wipe Horde just shuts up and makes the death run whereas the Alliance group in the same situation wouldve disbanded already due to some chucklefuck human male paladin starting to blame the tank or healer.

Most modern undead players are also actually quite chill imo.
is there anything to look forward to when slower leveling means you have to aoe grind for longer?
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aoe grind?
What else would you do at even slower xp rates when you run out of quests? Dungeons give shit for xp
I suppose i'd wait for rested exp and keep grinding whatevers
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>the modern undead player in question
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If it ever comes out, what class are you planning to roll on Epoch?

I'm personally torn between Druid, Priest or Warrior, probably gonna end up with a Tauren Druid tanking/healing every one of your dungeons while leveling.
Human male warrior :)
gnome priest
Im the pocket medic
>actual servers
pick one you fucking faggot lmao
>is a server, in the actuality
what's your argument?

>I want to suggest **allowing use of multiboxing tools** for pve with a continued ban for pvp.
>The argument I would like to pitch is that it would greatly help to fill groups for raids and dungeons. As it stands today some of us have had to play two characters manually alt-tabbing just to fill raid groups.
>* I support a continued ban for pvp (including wpvp) as it will have an unfair advantage over others. For pve however, there isn't any argument against allowing it other than jealousy.
>*Loot distribution is decided prior to a dungeon or raid, and often if not always the mboxer would only get to roll ms for one character, whilst the other characters are below or equal to other alts.
>*There isn't any unfair advantage when it comes to farming professions.
>* AFAIK there hasn't been anyone banned for multiboxing yet either, so there wouldn't be an issue with removing this rule regarding to that.

>I'm open to debate further on the topic. Wether you support the suggestion or not feel free to reply to this post
Is that from Skullcrusher?
cstorm death rattle
the idiot devs should have included all those QoL changes and extra xp rates from the start
most x1 autists aren't purists so you would gain more players than you would lose if you were a 5x from the start
nobody wants to slog through vanilla content at 2x and servers with dynamic rates that release info revealed that those manually lowering rates to x1 were in the double digits
textbook case of you think you do but you don't
it also took them too long to fix the bugs in starting areas that left a sour taste for many newfags
the website made them seem like passionate and ambitious devs but they blew their load too early knowing full well they would have to compete with at least 2 other upcoming TBC servers
oh and x1 in outland in shitty lvl 30 greens probably filtered the fuck out of those who got here at the start
you should have listened when you were told the server is DOA
I enjoyed my time there bigly but I think it's over, over.
:( maybe the tbc5 spic won after all
They were warned. They didn't listen.
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Is that the spiderman font?
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that was the worst attempt at a launch i've ever seen in any endeavor
based chef
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You just wait!, once this fellas get to 70 there'd be no dungeon or raid we won't set foot into
phew i logged off just in time to avoid being in the screenshot!
do challenges for the challenge and not the reward
Levelling slower is the opposite of a challenge because you get more gear
yeah s&s is just a slog and not a challenge but there's other challenges though like hardcore/vagrant/etc.
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...You guys weren't kidding when calling this the tranny server
all servers are tranny servers these days, the entire space of autismo media is full of them. what a world we live in
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...is that a tranny game or something? :s should I get a noose? or go for more achievements...?
idk but somehow retards made it into a meme that supposedly troons loves the game
i dunno why but it just occurred to me that with the turtie 2 client they could add graphical emotes to chats and reading that made me realize we could be seeing the trans flag spammed in world chat.
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they're just like me...
Will people be banned for offensive emoji usage
Never played AO, worth it?
It is a server and has been for years. Do you have any actual gripes with the server other than "muh shenna" or "i can't say nigger in the global chat?"
You truly are an addict.
WoW-Andy's after they been on a small holiday with the family so they can get out of their room for a week or two, instead of playing a different version/expansion of WoW every single day for the last 20 years
Not him. Turtle Wow is alright but the issues with it are
1) Content is too janky.
2) They fucked up with the Chinese surge.
3) They fucked up with the PVP server.
4) They fucked up with the hacks.
5) Server owners think they know better than Blizzard and you. They don't know shit.
The Shenna shit doesn't even register and if I want to say the nigger word I'll just say it on twitter.
Age players are still rampant on twow with futas. Nothing done. Tabc apparently is so intangled with a pedo from a another guild says sixteen year's old ok to date at twenty-three.

News at elven toxic raiding guild says pedos and age play is ok like Lions pride. Lith is part of this guild still spys on people in goldshire and other places despite being part of a supposedly erp hating guild.

Hypocrites and age players both flood twow. Shariah and red handed will fuck anyone. Lillycake on steam. These people are as degenerate as come with salrun.

Twow staff doesn't care about stop age player's or people who support pedos at all. No has ever gotten banned for RPing a seventeen year old or younger that said ok to erp on profile in goldshire on twow. It's disgusting twow is full of pedo freaks.
I still don't see how that makes it LMAO NOT EVER A REAL SERVER
Turtle Wow is a real server and players have real grievances with the server that aren't Shenna conspiracy theories or whatever.
You're the first person that I've ever seen raise legitimate criticisms against the server, all other posts are just "shennashennasheena TROONDLE TRANNY SERVER shennacrogge"
All of these criticisms have been said before by other people. I just compiled them into a short list.
If that's the case then I haven't seen them
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>roll on another FRESH
>pick meta race/class/spec
>rush to cap
>clear everything in couple days
>only raidlog after
>"why another server died"
They didn't even get to the raiding part this time before the guild fell apart because the FRESH server they chose had maybe ten people on it.
i just started playing there can i get a qrd on:
>They fucked up with the PVP server
>They fucked up with the hacks
>The Shenna shit
i saw the pvp server was much more deader than the main so i went with the main instead
>level on mopserv
>"brains" turned off
>5 minutes later
>screen grey wtf.png
>turns out im ded
>around 30
>ded agane
>corpserun, but this time focused
>dead again
>no profs, no first aid, nothing

I thought you start pay attention only in pandaland
You shouldn't be able to die while leveling in MoP
>They fucked up with the PVP server
For years people asked them for a PVP server. Torta considered one that would basically be one big battleground in Hillsbrad. This failed to materialize because Torta said PVP players were a hassle. Instead they introduced Warmode which didn't encourage PVP it encouraged ganking as the only people to take it were people looking to rush to 60 and they wouldn't even fight back if they could. A lot of cool PVPers like the entire Blacktooth Grin guild gave up and left the server as a result. Then they rushed out a PVP server when most the western players had quit over the Chinese stuff and Chinese players were thoroughly uninterested. They also failed to deliver anything interesting with the PVP server. It was just a regular PVP server with the same Vanilla+ stuff as the normal server but without crossfaction which was a big deal. Then there were the balance issues they introduced with things like Holy Strike but never addressed on the main server because "it's a PVE server" that also went unaddressed on the PVP server because lazy. It was just lazy. So players got bored and it died.
>They fucked up with the hacks
They knew in advance something was up and failed to act until everyone's info was released. They'd actually been getting blackmail threats according to them and knew something was up when the game tried to patch but didn't act on it because incompetence.
>The Shenna shit
You'd have to ask someone who cares because I don't.
> Willingly playing on a PVP server when there is an alternative
They were always a meme. Why do you think the faction split instantly becomes 99:1 on Blizzard servers? Nobody but a vocal minority of autists want to engage with the faggotry that is world PVP despite their constant screeching hence why most of the self proclaimed gank enjoyers refuse to flag themselves on PVE/warmode servers without a heavy incentive. This infuriates them so they join the vocal minority in begging for a server that forces everyone to be flagged because subconsciously they know they would never flag themselves otherwise
>ganking as the only people to take it were people looking to rush to 60 and they wouldn't even fight back if they could
just like on any other PvP server
>They also failed to deliver anything interesting with the PVP server. It was just a regular PVP server with the same Vanilla+ stuff as the normal server but without crossfaction which was a big deal
you cant do "interesting" aka "i dont know what i want now entertain me while ill be looking for flaws in everything with a fucking spyglass" because if you touch ANYTHING the whole PvP crowd will create tsunami of shit about balance/factions/classes/rewards/rep/gold
>Then there were the balance issues
wow was always unbalanced mess
What class/spec are you playing?

Every class basically has one "must-play" spec for leveling.
>wow was always an unbalanced mess
I disagree for vanilla, an optimal WSG requiring one of each class and the fact 7/8 classes made it to the 100k Mak'Gora tournament final top 8 proves it.

For PvE it's a whole other story because half the EQ designer sweats were all playing warrior and the thought it would be funny to make them completely broken at endgame with fury gains and AP.
At one point retail tried to give the lesser faction some stats buff to help with gankers. It got so out of control that 1 alliance fag would be as powerful as an entire raid group because he was the only alliance player in a zone full of hordefags. It was so funny seeing the gankers getting a taste of their own medicine and crying on the forums
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And in TBCC blizz decided to do nothing and horde 'won'.
After that they realized that without allys they stuck with 8-hours BG que time, blame blizz for not doing anything (up to "why wont you force alliance to pvp with us reee") and whine themselves same-faction BGs.
Overall, PvP in wow was always a big pile of shit.
>content on private server for a 20 year old game staffed by maybe 1.5 people is too janky but refuses to go play retail because its too "modern" and "soulless"
not my problem
>chinese flood server and get sent to their own chinese server away from the human playerbase so we never have to be in contact with them ever again
not my problem
>pvp autists screeched instead of going away to play a pvp game like doto or lego legends or cawadoody like they always do, then continued screeching after they got exactly what they asked for and realized nobody else gave a shit because wow is not a pvp game
not my problem
>normies unironically signed up to a private server with emails, passwords and fiat currency exchange details linked to their in irl life identity
not my problem
>server owners know better than me
debatable but i dont know how to run a private server and trick thousands of people into playing on it for multiple years so for now its an acceptable alternative
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Finished my script a few weeks ago but forgot to show it for the 1 guy that feigned interest
Is this 1.12 or 3.3.5?
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why i don't have the "what's new" panel on the side that shows player count?
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When can we play on it? You ARE gonna host it for just the /wpsg/ boys aren't you? Hell I'll even pay the server costs, WoW servers are piss cheap to host
I don't know anything about hosting but you can have the script if you want to, really easy to install and use as long as you have ELUNA+AIO on your server
>fat nigger turdle jannies still shilling their faggot server
just kill yourselves
>actual gripes
actually neckrope yourself you fat tranny faggot
the leak has outed how much of a nigger server you are and how much of subhumans you are, go fuck yourself
Nice, do you have a github or if it's short enough could you please post it on a rentry/pastebin? Thanks.
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What did the leak show
>get the itch to play vanilla again
>all servers dead
Time to bite the turtle bullet I guess. I ragequit the server years ago when they made 0.5x exp rate optional.
TalentFrameServer.lua goes into your server folder's LUA scripts director, the TalentFrame folder goes into your AddOns. Configuring it should be pretty self-explanatory, just replace the spell IDs in both LUA files. You can add more rows and columns if you want to, though I don't recommend adding more columns. There are also some other configs near the top (if you need items to reset, what item you need and if the talents should be reset if you reset at a trainer)
Sweet, I'll play around with it for a bit thanks!
No problem. I'm going out for a run now but if you run into an issues just tell me and I'll help you when I get back
>Leaked everything
Ooooo, like hwHat?
>1) Content is too janky.
Feebleness of the mind
>2) They fucked up with the Chinese surge.
>3) They fucked up with the PVP server.
i don't know what happened
>4) They fucked up with the hacks.
hackers deserve to have their fun too, dude be more inclusive for once
>5) Server owners think they know better than Blizzard and you. They don't know shit.
Now this is obviously true as any player and pdev knows they're better than blizzard daddy, anybody would make game good, while blizzard makes game bad therefore, i am above blizzard. It just so happens that i was born a lowly neetseant, incapable of coding and asseting wow perfection, destiny is cruel sometimes.
If luck ever smiles on us someone might be able to unveil the secrets to my wits but perhaps that's a story for another day
maybe you should care more about the lgbt diddling kids irl than letters that lead to nothing 99% of the time
>turdlejannies working overtime
Case in point niggers
You are the fakest posters in this general
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CS is saved!
whats the current xp/profs rate for dead man server?
i have a TBC itch
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>No has ever gotten banned for RPing a seventeen year old
Amerifat Karen detected
lmao which one of you fuckers doxxed anarchy admin
3x 1-60, 1.5x 60-70
profs are still 1x
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>profs are still 1x
fucking idiots
>trying to transfer some mats over from horde to alliance by the neutral AH
>before i can even logout to switch accounts some lvl 1 nigger in winterspring buys up all my shit

how can i prove this is a bot?
honestly, it's not like it matters at this point, the server is dead and anybody joining is dead inside as well
Given how most vanilla servers magically implode in release week these aren't you things you can just fix after release date
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>A lot of cool PVPers like the entire Blacktooth Grin guild gave up and left the server as a result
Spics are the most dumb players in this game holy shit i cant fucking take it anymore
I like Ascension a lot.
what server did you move to pearl?
>used RDF for the first time in my life
>we all port into the dungeon
>1 person and me say hello
>tank immediately starts speedrunning to first boss
>healer screaming oom
>tank dont care he keeps pull more packs
>make it to first boss
>easy kill
>4 people need roll on a str/agi back including the healer
>healer wins it
>everyone starts flaming each other
>one by one they all leave
>me standing there confused having expected us to full clear
>queue up again
>literally the same fucking things happens again but with different people
The solution is to roll a prot warrior and carry the dungeons
>1 person and me say hello
>tank immediately starts speedrunning to first boss
>healer screaming oom
he's bad
>tank dont care he keeps pull more packs
as he should
>make it to first boss
>easy kill
of course
>4 people need roll on a str/agi back including the healer
he's bad
>healer wins it
>everyone starts flaming each other
>one by one they all leave
>me standing there confused having expected us to full clear
>queue up again
>literally the same fucking things happens again but with different people
everyone's replaceable
I really want that legion server.
>there is now only one alliance guild on the gummy realm
yes anon i have "coped" and i am now playing on tbc5man instead
>just like on any other PvP server
That's the thing. They had the opportunity to do something different and actually change things up, but they just took the lazy way.
>if you touch ANYTHING the whole PvP crowd will create tsunami of shit about balance/factions/classes/rewards/rep/gold
>wow was always unbalanced mess
If you don't even attempt to address the issues of PVP in Vanilla on your Vanilla+ server then your server is dead, especially when some of those issues are caused by your own changes because you were making a PVE server and didn't care about PVP. Case in point Turtle WoW PVP is dead because they took the laziest way to make a server.
this is your brain on rdf slop
i want rdf next tbc fresh/spoiler]
Are there really no guilds or servers? Is it really over bros?
is there any thread approved guild on turtle?
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what goes on when 2 random people run up to each other like this and just stand there for 10 minutes targeting each other?

are they ERP'ing?
<Full Moon Company> if any of the people in it are still playing (unlikely)
>They had the opportunity to do something different
>then your server is dead
butbut historically speaking pvp servers were always more popular
>not at the very least sitting next to each other in an isolated spot
i doubt it
pvp servers were always forced back in the day because the developers knew what the majority wanted and how it would hinder the world pvp aspect of wow for a minority. then they started giving people what they had wanted and there was no going back.
Why would you need or want the thread’s approval? This thread can’t even keep a guild together. Why would you seek its advice on which guilds are good? Just join whatever group of faggots will put up with your annoying autistic ass.
Calm down.
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I like PvP servers. Literally filters any and all hugbox troons and low IQ shitters out as soon as they hit level 30.

Area is getting ganked by a max level? Just move or go do something else for 15 minutes. I personally don't need to talk to a therapist for five years when I'm ganked once, I just rez and move on. It's even more funny when 2-3 low levels group up and shit on the ganker like what happened to Alexsensual on his Hunter getting Gnomed.com

Sure it's unfair and has a lot of bullshit but it also builds tension which PvE servers don't have. One of my favorite WoW moments was leveling as a nelf druid in Ashenvale when I spotted a Tauren Druid doing a summoning quest getting completely swarmed by Furbolgs so I decided to help him out. We used everything, potions, kiting with roots, both in bearform scraping by with a sliver of health left each. At the end we targeted eachother, did a /salute and went our own way. Stuff like that doesn't mean anything on PvE servers. The good moments are exceedingly rare but they have far more meaning when 99% of players would've taken the free HK instead.

Most people on PvE realm are complete autistic cucks too, the literal no-fun allowed crowd. My favorite was always RP-PvP servers because they attract the "characters", the weirdos, the mentally ill. Aka the fun fuckers.
Based especially the part about RP-PVP
nobody asked. go play on a cuck server if you enjoy being told when you are allowed to play the game by another man
Pretty sure this has more to do with all recent vanilla pvp servers failing to release with any sort decency and turtle by pure lucked getting pitched by classic as vanilla+, granted, they probably earned it but not for being a pve server, had it not been a pve server, pve enjoyers would have coped into playing it either way as it always happens with the exception of a tiny minority. If pve was somehow a preference you'd see it replicated in plenty of servers of varying expansions but that's not the case.
I think the truth lies more in the middle where having pvp be a rule of the world is desired but all the degeneracy that comes with it isn't. Now, if pvp is opt-in then it becomes idiotic to purposely put yourself at a disvantage just for fun
>99% of the time its tedious unfair bullshit
>why dont people want this though
Why are you crying about pvp servers? Just play pve.
poorfags love pvp servers because they can grief the players who can afford another monitor on which to shitpost on wpsg
I just wanted to know what the thread considers to be good since it likes to bitch by about anything
Nothing is ever considered good in these threads.
>idiotic to purposely put yourself at a disvantage just for fun
i.e. leveling on a populated pvp server without poopsocking from launch
Pve is boring. Pvp is fun.
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The solution is simple: Just purchase the War Within™ Elite Edition, together with the 12 month subscription! This will grant you the exclusive Plappy the LGBTQ+ Parrot pet and Knotty the Furry Faggot Dog mount! You know you want to! Your New Adventure In The Fresh Metzenian Azeroth Is Waiting. Join Us. Be Happy Again. Make New Friends And Run Mythic+. You Know You Want To...
Only contrarians speak ill of Gamer District
i roleplay as racist night elves and i kill anyone on sight that isnt a tauren
Because no one ever poopsocks in a pve server? huh?
getting ahead doesn't give someone the power to halt your progress for 80% of the game on a pve server
>do something different
like what
>address the issues of PVP in Vanilla
>Area is getting ganked by a max level? Just move or go do something else for 15 minutes.
And what if every 30 area is being ganked by 60 for hours straight?
Did you end up doing anything with it? I posted it on a modding disc a few weeks back but didn't get any real feedback
You're supposed to be a NEET who doesn't care what you do with the hours in your day because they don't matter
lol shut up bro wpvp is based bro just adapt bro just wait your turn until you're allowed to play
sometimes i can’t help but shake when i think about worgen males, they’re on my mind all day long…
No don’t gank me I have to speedrun to max level for the billionth time it’s not fair if I die in a video game
I don't disagree with this but the solution shouldn't be to remove an entire aspect from the game
Niggers literally launch a pve game, log in to the pve server, dont queue for pvp instances, refuse to enable pvp mode and then complain they arent allowed to pvp
Help I’m being pee vee peed
congratulations you just figured out human economics 101
tf r u talking about
nobody wants to play pvp
only win pvp
>wpvp is based bro you're just a pussy
>Plays on a 90/10 faction pop server
>only ganks people 20 levels lower than them
>only gankes people trying to get on boats/zepplins/travel areas
>the second an equally leveled enemy player shows up they run away
Many such cases
>wpvp is based bro you're just a pussy
this is true
>Plays on a 90/10 faction pop server
literally never happens in psevers
>only ganks people 20 levels lower than them
not always the case
>only gankes people trying to get on boats/zepplins/travel areas
>the second an equally leveled enemy player shows up they run away
strategical retreat as per usual
>literally never happens in psevers
nigga almost every TBC pserver is at least 65/35
>wpvp is based bro you're just a pussy
>almost every (bad) TBC pserver is 65/35
not my problem
i just always play biggest faction
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>1 max dmg change
>twice the mana cost
was it always like that or does turtle sissies got some explaining to do?
wowhead says the numbers are off by 1-2 but overall that looks about right
rank 1 stops scaling up at lv7, whereas rank 2 scales up to lv16
i'm guessing you're 10 now
You must be new then. People have criticised turtle for ages. We just cba typing out the long list of why the staff are incompetent and shady every thread.
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>spells scales with your level
was this always a thing?
i was always sure they are static hence unlocking ranks of same spells as you level.
damn do i feel stupid now i have been playing this game forever.
>was this always a thing?
Yes. And it took you 20 years to notice.
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...spells actually scale with your level?
it's not every spell that does it, there's both skills that scale with level and skills that don't (consecration being one example in Pala)
Literally never happened.
A bit, yes. Most do some base damage/heal+something*level. I mean, I learnt that checking info about WoW before it was even released, I played other MMOs before like RO and always liked to know the formulas for stuff.
maybe type it once and save it
you know how computers work right anon
i imagine it was added in beta or very early patches, because it helps the scaling problems that casters have at low levels, since spells don't upgrade every 1-2 levels like gray weapons do
I'm looking for a good TBC server.

I know there are few in the server list but I'd love a PvE realm where they are progressing. Normally I would stick with the one I have (Crusader-storm), however, what I dislike about it is that both faction can interact with each other (send mail between Horde and Ally, AH, etc) and that it has 2-3x XP; would love a 1x XP rate

Is there any server like this?
Project Epoch news:

>The Water Elemental summoned by frost mages now has a new ability, Slush Sluice. This ability channels a beam of Frost damage at the target, dealing minor damage, and causing all Frost attacks landing on that target to consider the target as Frozen. This spell lasts 9 seconds and has a 16 second cooldown.
Lol. Lmao.

Looks like no open betas until at least end of september/early october.
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>missed the lobby
another day without a worgen male
okay so project epoch 2026 right?
that roadmap was bullshit then
why do they keep fucking with the classes when the server isn't even out yet?
feeling bad for my cstorm ppl. those delusionals want to try gruul . somebody put them out of their misery already.
No worries, Zeyf will just multibox 20 hunters+warlocks. All the online characters left on the server are already his anyways.
hey no i'm not zeyf :(
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Lmao Illenia is literally one of Zeyf's multi-boxxed characters
Zz too, literally half the raid is just one guy lmao
Why does outlands feel so empty in comparisson to vanilla zones, specifically the earlier ones? It always feels like exploring is not worth it and everyzone is too big for little reason
it was designed on the seasonal treadmill model
i.e. every player on the server in hfp on release
What should the solution be, then?
it's different when you play a populated tbc server. usually lots of people farming elementals, around dungeon entrances, questing, or farming rep marks.
Designed for flyigg instead of ground mounts. A huge problem on TBC servers is that 99% of people will have to slog through Hellfire with their 60% regular mount.

There's a reason TBC servers always fail and that's a huge part of it, together with the same railroaded questing which you HAVE to do for the rewards and chains.
>populated tbc server
Excalibur's population was (RIP) decent, as far as I can recall.
>PvP is more popular!
I'll be honest, I kind of wonder if there's a bit of chicken-and-egg thing going on here. I wasn't interested in WoW when the first pservers went live, but if the early ones were more PvP it seems like that would weight the pserver pop as a whole towards PvPers (plus those who chose to tolerate it), which means later generations would cater to PvPers since it's "more popular"...amongst pserver players. People who didn't want to roll on PvP servers basically didn't have any options, so they never joined pservers in the first place, which meant they weren't there to be counted.

(Also, I wonder how much of the PvP server pop is bots/multiboxers - I know a lot of servers lie about their population, and it's very difficult to assess how many actual, real players are on a pserver at any given time).
Fuck why are they doing this? I could have sworn Epoch was originally TBC classes in a Vanilla world.
People pointed that TBC classes are boring and, instead of use WotLK ones, they decided to add custom and retail spells/skills to TBC classes.
To me TBC just makes sense because it's the least amount of additions. They should have started with that then added more after launch. Doing this shit will just delay the server more and create even more bugs.
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Retail won
But turtle hecking custom dungerinos
player housing in what server?
anyone wants to do some heroics on retail?
wallcraft and landfall
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Without shitposting, what do you think of these changes, will they be good or bad overall? The introduction of a new tier..how will it be for balance and are you for or against changes to old dungeons? And thoughts on the rest of roadmap? Don't really think the 2.0. counts since it will be optional graphic update. Post yer thoughts & predictions will it be slop or kino

And what changes would you like to see the devs try to add sometime in the future?
I think I don't wanna play on a server where the staff treat their user base like cattle, only wanna "optimize" their cashflow, spent 25k dollars on advertisement in China and generally are utterly technically incompetent. The fact they're still running on 1.12, got hacked by a legit schizo from here and still have gazillions of bots farming every item under the moon under their map has made them the laughing stock of the private server community.

Shenna and Crogge can go fuck themselves. Their shilling might work on reddit, but not here.
The Raid tiers will be ok if they keep the power boost minimal, otherwise there will be a bigger gap between fresh 60s and t4 geared guys which could cause problems for PvP especially. Also making rolling through "old content" and farming much faster and affecting the economy as a result. They can fuck the game up if not careful.
Idk about class changes, not specified. Customization and alt sets for different specs sound good.
New bosses for old dungeons is fine as long as they don't stick out I.E. making them flashy or giving them OP loot. Turtle so far has been ok with custom content balance. QOL shit listed is good, idk what they mean with pvp, economy and survival updates, again it's not specified. New zones...the ones they added so far are decent, some I liked some I found meh, but not bad.
Idk what it will be overall, I think devs do an ok job with new content, but I don't think it will be kino just decent enough, it will be mogged by vanilla raids.
yesterday i saw warrior named Hadrianus
was that HIM?
I think there's nothing wrong with these changes and content and all it matters is the execution without changing what wow fundamentally is, at least they seem to want to keep it closer to vanilla but there's like no good answer to what do with gear if you want pvers to get to do something once they're fully geared or near that point
i think you are an xxl-sized fat faggot and i hope your server burns down
Just hearing about this now and the concept is pretty fucking sick, only one dude talked about it and he took his shirt off mid-stream.
>titangrip warriors
>dual wield paladins
>amateurish and weird talent choices
I've been on their discord since day 1, and i've tested earlier versions. Can't say i'm very positive about this server sadly
Imagine the fucking statbloat, we're fucking tbc now
all these changes and yet furor is still in the druid talent tree
>warlock talents all over the place
>still need 5 points for instacast corruption
No love for locks = Shit custom server.
I think the raid tiers are risky due to power creep, they need to fine tune the gear so the balance is preserved. But idk what the other mentioned updates are about, what they plan to change about economy etc. Can't form an opinion if I don't know what they plan to do.
dual wield paladins are incredibly based thoughbeit
*assuming they dual wield sp weapons and do massive holy damage from melee range
The Scythe of Elune better not be a fucking trinket.

Which one of you Daniels started this shit rumor?
deeply looking forward to shadow and smite gear for priests

I think Gilneas was pretty neat and look forward to what else they do.
I'm wondering when that one Anon will drop all that he got so someone can make a second TurtleWoW with less Shenna.
How about getting rid of the pedo's and such off the server, along with the pedo sympathizers?

Turtle wow is worse then Moonguard. Hell turtle's Goldshire allow's kid ageplayers. It appear's no one trie's to fix this when it come's to the big thing's.

Tabc you actively defended a pedo you are part of this. There is nothing based about defending the guild you were so interwined with that you didn't care he did something with a thirteen year old beside's sixteen year old!

All Raiding guilds, and merc/elve rp guild's on the game are kiddie touchers! Degen's go home and blow your brains out goes double for tabc and shirah.

Your all a bunch of nigger faggots and not based at all.
i have pictures of shenna on epstein island!!!
how big is shenna's cock.................................................................?
isn't shenna a femenine name? so shenna must be a female (female)?
I only care about open world group content.
Faction leader loot and PvP towers could be good but will probably be irrelevant because it's a PvE server.
Everything else on that list is irrelevant to me. I don't want to run more fucking instanced content.
Another reason to kick every paladin from my groups, now they'll need on my fucking priest weapons as well :^)

Because the trinkets, jewelry and every cloth piece for quote "I need it for my off spec xD!" wasn't enough. Now not just warriors will hate you with a passion, it's every caster in the game as well. Might as well let them dual wield staves and wands, let's use fucking bows and daggers too, see how it ends up.
>Cho'Gall's Curse of Enfeeblement
>Reduces the attack speed and casting speed of an enemy by 30% and healing taken reduced by 30% for 2 min. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target.
i guess this is a pve server because battlegrounds would be terrible with this shit
>comes in
>drops player housing
>disappears for almost a year
Por que?
the spic got $5k in kickstarter money and fucked off.
don't blame me, if it were up to me priest would be the strength cloth class
Goddamn, that's fucking lame, I'm fucking bummed, I just like the Player Housing.
>don't run in my fucking house
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I wish priests were able to use bows like hunters. Cloth gear + bow is such a kino combo. Makes sense lorewise for races like nelfs/belfs too.
>the radio is called LG87
Does this mean lgbt or is it a coincedence
>want to pvp
>but casually
>but want to win
>but everyone is retarded
i cant wait for these tards to ruin the classes
they literally dont know how the game works
its going to be a massive clusterfuck
literally how it works in any game made for pvp
I rolled a human on Mistblade for the PvP meta and now it's useless due to the racial change I fucking HATE playing poopiepants humans why did they do this?? Fucking tranny PvE bitches now fucking tranny blood Elves can use my free trinket KYS
I thought that void elves had tendril options for their hair but I can't see any of that in the cc
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Buy The War Within
if buying it would spawn her in my room and made her to footdom me i would still consider it
I'd buy it if it was a single player game that you could mod and play locally
what a saturday night that was
Why are two dead guilds still in the OP?
it's the same thread as the last time you said that you dumb gorilla nigger
What do the Greeks have to do with it though?
play BGs, ask for lead and call things out
I did my silvershard mines quest because some rogue carried 4 undergeared people against a bunch of autists that play pvp all day because he simply called shit out and told us which cart to capture and when to abandon it
It was incredibly close too like a difference in points less than 50 at the end

or just become another griefer and gank only when you know you will win like the other shitters too shit for instanced pvp
When is the next big turtle patch that will bring Kara?
>want to buy green BoEs for HC
>AH on Draenor is broken
Where is everyone playing these days?
Turtle Wow.
The war... The war is within me...
No, legion soon.
Play on tauri.
imagine we get wod and blizzard says all changes and does all the changes (good changes) and the expansion is like finished and everyone loves it and retail wins again and everyone's happy
based.fuck astroturfing shills

might play legion but done with /wpsg/ guilds
I saw, but did they declare a month they'll release it in?
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I did, got nothing left to do though
>SoO Hc done years ago
>BGs are boring solo
>zero interest in arenas
>close to 280 mounts, fuckton of pets
>leveled, geared and sold about 13 characters over the years
>gold cap on Evermoon, 2x gold caps on WoD for legion spooder mount
>don't really care enough about challenge mode to find 4 monkeys to do it with me
last time I checked (a year ago) there were no worthwhile guilds either, horde had Spaniard guilds and one international which kept gooning to retarded logs
Alliance was on the whole other level, asking names, country and age fucking creepy
OnlyFangs on 1st of October!

Gonna be helping out my girl Emi and my boy Mizkif with mob tagging POGGERS can't wait KEKINSANE

Hardcore HYPE! Hardcore HYPE!
How did you get so many mounts? I'm struggling to get to 150 mounts cheevo
But I already have my 80/85 twink gear on Stormforge and Tauri is a lowrate server so it would suck to reroll
aside from doing every dungeon and raid (solo or with group) with mount drop I also checked character AH regularly
it was really good couple of years for this sort of thing, exchanged my gold for credits and bought a character for like 20k which had fuckton of mounts
the hardest to get were ToC limited trial horse and vanilla pre-epic mounts
I need legion. I need my fix. Don't make me buy war within.
as long as i am having fun doing that i am right
dude was born to script mobs be he wastes it autoplaying autoplay games
I wish I knew how to bot, botting is so prevalent in the old MMORPG Tibia that some private servers even offer botting scripts or have bots built-in to their clients. It feels pretty neat to tweak and optimize a script to automate the grindy parts of the game for you and then manually play the fun parts, all while knowing how much progress you made while being AFK.
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Do it. Embrace the void.

Buy the War Within™ Elite Ediyion. Buy the 12 year subscription too.
just sit on my face and i beg you, please, let one rip.
Anon, no!
What's so bad about /wpsg/ guilds?
they will footdom u
think about a guild made up of the people posting in this thread, anon
do you think that type of guild works?
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Not worgens either, anon!
she looks so happy... giwtwm
never ever play anything with 'people' from 4chan
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epoch dev log june 2024
>2602 issues closed
epoch dev log july 2024
>1333 issues closed
epoch dev log august 2024
>510 issues closed
>2599 issues still open
Anyone playing on Felmyst?
yes mistress! *buys the delux edition and kneels*
handful of decent people
majority soulless husks that throw sudden autism shitstorms when you pass some vague invisible trigger
one or two genuine schizos
>throw sudden autism shitstorms when you pass some vague invisible trigger
hey that's me
>weekend evening
>25 online
is it time to truly kill and bury it?
It was probably always like that, the number's lower because the bug that kept people logged when exiting got fixed
what other options do i have if i want to play TBC right now? paymane?
tbc5man its tbc content but all the instances are scaled down to be clearable with 5 people
tbc5, felmyst with no addons
what will trigger gummy's autism this time?
>wowhead or comment says drop rate is vretty g ood
>farm the thing, the drop rate sucks
every fucking time
>play BGs
I do, why do you think I said "casually" and "everyone is retarded"
bgs are for casuals?
thats why you play tard wrangler
What part of
do you not understand?

You guys are also retarded I'm done with this conversation
>comments from 17 years ago
>drop data even older gather by clients and merged from different sources with obvious errors
>cant into probability

just kill 1000 mobs and make a comment yourself
The droprate set in that server's database might not be identical to the retail droprates, a lot of the values are just estimates.
how hard is it to press the button that automatically does a /rw GO LM or /rw DEF BS? fucking queue AV if you are too stupid to not drag your team down because you can't look at the map
Tbc5man is the best option for tbc at the moment. Quit wasting time on Cuckoldstorm and play there.
once i hit 70
Personally I'm rolling on paymeme until the next fresh releases
turtléwow's hitting tbc essentially
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sweet sack of mines
Hi Chuck, I'm Doc Brown and I want to tell you that in the future you get SRS and start calling yourself Sneed.
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is there a lot of custom content along the way to 60 on turtle or does most of it concentrated at
the endgame?
just finished the high elf starting zone and it was bretty good.
>majority soulless husks that throw sudden autism shitstorms when you pass some vague invisible trigger
name them and give examples
>keep wiping around the third wave
I tried the Goblin starter zone in twow and holy fuck is it a steaming pile of shit
so same as the original then
uh no the cata starter zone for goblins is based.
I meant Turd-wow original in stonetalon mountains
>starter zone is only appealing to drug addicts
I'll pass.
where do you think you're?
Kazan should have been a city.
imagine being so insufferable you have to larp as someone else from a different guild
imagine failing to kill two guilds and leaving in shame only to try again later and fail a second time
LMAOing at your sad life
a shithole infested with newfaggotry
the thread schizo tried to erp with pearl and freaked out when he was rejected
>t. in the know
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nobody enjoyed playing with you schizocringe
both guilds talked behind your back from the first day and only tolerated your presence because you brought a body to the raid
you were used like a cheap whore and you knew it so you left in shame 3 times before you could be discarded like one
end your pathetic existence already and make sure to stream it so everyone can have a laugh at your expense one last time
>Broke up a toxic WPSG guild
This guy sounds pretty cool.
Twow is malware and 2018 though 2022 on twow chat logs on IP is leaked good job keep having people play it so they can keep being hacked.

Still a pedo server to with active age players at goldshire and people who excuse real life pedophilia including the biggest raiding guild on the server that covers for it tabc.
you didn't break up shit you spastic nigger
he tried and failed twice
thrice if you count templeos lmao
templeos was his own guild
he abandoned it after a day or two
he couldn't kill not in op so he created his own guild thinking it would be easier to kill lol
he was wrong
wdym ip, those things change all the time for most consumers
Me too.
>do you think that type of guild works?
Did you ever see the old webshow called the guild?
Like this but slightly less tolerable.
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is there any auto sort addon that work with bagon on turtle?
sortbags + cleanup are the only ones i found on the wiki but they give me a lua error and don't work.
all the others come with different bag addons or require to run a command for it and are shitty.
am i really going to be forced to use pfui just for this feature?
whats the deal with twow pedo schizo? who gives a fuck if some discord tranny grooms another 16 or 17 y/o terminally online degenerate. they were lost cause anyway if they play wow as teens in 2024
just keep your bags clean manually, autosort creates bad habits
this post made me realize I'm 27 and not 13
I just wanna say that I’ve never played WoW before outside of getting a gnome mage to like lvl 10 at my friend’s house almost 20 years ago. Turtle WoW is what got me to finally play for real. I’m still only lvl 22 right now, but it’s been a blast the whole time. Just did a dungeon last night with my brother and my best friend and it was so much fun. The community feels great and the world feels alive.
LOVE turtle wow.

downloaded retail and played the free account for a bit, they do level scaling now. You basically can go anywhere you want and all the mobs are just your level. You also level extremely quickly, had 100% mounts at level 10, etc etc. What a joke. I hated it. Whats the point if it's all so easy?

Turtle wow is the way wow was meant to be played for sure.
I absolutely hate scaling. It completely removes the sense of powering up. I wanna be able to come back at level 60 and walkthrough stuff that gave me trouble at level 20. It’s like half the point lol
as someone who has been around the pserver scene since 2010, i need to say that this server has the closest feeling to the tight knit communities back then

idk what it is, but this server has been run in such a way that the community still hasn't turned dogshit after years of running. the twow team is definitely doing something very right

i'm not playing atm because i run through circles of motivation for WoW, but i hope to continue to see this server thrive if i ever hop back on
I am really grateful for this server, too! Played Retail Classic Era WoW and Turtle is just way better - also how they implemented HC into. Big kudos to the dev team (I know they read this thread)!
If only it was pvp server it would be greatest thing post nost..
Turtle is the best wow I’ve ever played
Its too good! Im trying to start a career cant afford such an addicting server
>I wanna be able to come back at level 60 and walkthrough stuff that gave me trouble at level 20.
exactly this. plus also it gives kind of a path to use to know which zone(s) to go next etc. it was a convoluted mess when I played for that 3 hours I did. I dont see the appeal at all anymore.
Can't wait for graphics update
It's a nice feature but that's not really that exciting. New content is always what keeps the game alive.

And tbf I'm more hyped by the fact that we could play turtlewow on android, I have some handheld devices I could use ! Farming or questing on the couch seems kinda chill.
Retail feels like private server back in the days, turtle is like old retail with benefits
ESO has the same problem because of the changes from One Tamriel to it's open world. Scaling does nothing but make you feel weaker the whole time. It also removes the sense of "oh shit I probably shouldn't be here right now" or "Let's not stray too far from the road." The sense of danger just gets removed completely, and left in its place is the sense of "great I can't walk through this area without all of the mobs trying to fight me because we're the same level".

I like being able to walk through an area and know that i'm not going to need to be bothered every 5 seconds by a mob that wants to fight me.
>I like being able to walk through an area and know that i'm not going to need to be bothered every 5 seconds by a mob that wants to fight me.
hadn't even thought about that. agreed. Once I get done with the zone, I should be higher level and mobs shouldn't bother me. Not every single time I walk back I get attacked by MY LEVEL mobs. Its just so game ruining IMO.. Level scaling has ZERO benefits in my eyes.
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Where did everybody go?
Turtle is wow heaven - there has never been any better wow to exist and the integrity of their vision is unmatched anywhere. Just play it.
Jay fixed people staying logged when exiting, you're seeing the real pop fluctuation now (10-30)
>It also removes the sense of "oh shit I probably shouldn't be here right now" or "Let's not stray too far from the road." The sense of danger just gets removed completely, "
This is exactly what is missing in modern MMO's. IMO this is one of the most important aspects of an MMO and its very much overlooked now. Wow Classic and MMO's made during that time felt like a big, real, breathing world that had rules and consequences. It didnt just feel like a "game", it was immersive.
I feel the same way. I was playing WoW back in 2004-2010; after WOTLK I had quit the game - for me cataclysm ruined whole time I was in the shower and then I'll be home in a bit I think I got it from the sellers side of the time you get here.
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By the time they are done it isn't even going to be WoW anymore.
Just returned to Tel-Abim (PvP) after leaving about a month after launch. Now lvl 54 on my new main and cannot wait to get into raiding and lvl 60 PvP. Already got a guild invite and a raid spot lined up with plenty of folks offering to help get started once I hit max level.

Really encourage folks to play on the PvP server - max level pop is good and leveling has been great (admittedly difficult to find dungeon group and times, but haven’t had any issues lvling solo and running occasional dungeons). Lvl 55-60 dungeons are much easier to find groups for!
There's something magical about Vanilla style wPvP. Like, doing that and old raids is just peak Warcraft.
I totally get that! Vanilla World of Warcraft had a unique charm with its open-world PvP and classic raid experiences. The thrill of encountering other players in the wild or strategizing with your raid group in those challenging dungeons really defined the game for many people. The sense of community and the raw, unfiltered adventure really set it apart from later expansions.
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buy an ad.
Started turtle a week ago, having a blast. Tried sod today and it feels dead in the low levels (thats where i love classic), its like playing retail or cata on a vanilla client, everything is tooo damn easy, you one shot mobs (tried shaman).

Now i log in again in turtle and i never wanna comeback, it has vanilla vibes, community is friendly, there is people everywhere where you can group, idk how to describe that feeling.
Hell yeah love it freakin hard for me tho, I do like that when you aggro more than one enemy your in trouble lol. Atleast for me anyways it’s also why I choose a class that can heal (Druid)
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So the pedo tranny bot got replaced with a turtle shill bot?
Is turtlewow New player friendly?
Never played WoW in any shape or form. Only know about it through big and small content makers who talk or still play it in videos.

I've always wanted to try it since it was one of these big stepping stones in MMOs and lived so long. I've tried to get friends who've previously played it to try it with me. But they either hate wow or blizzard for something or another. And with original wows many subs, dlcs, and hours of story and quest I'd rather not take it all on alone and waste my money.

But from what I hear Turtlewow is a free, player run private server? I wouldn't mind trying this version of the game if so, even just to taste a bit of the WoW history I was to late to be a part of.
It’s perfect for new players! I’m new myself and having a blast! Just look up some basic levelling guides for classic wow and you can’t go wrong
Yes, Turtle WoW can be a good starting point for new players who want to experience classic World of Warcraft without committing to the official game. Since it's a private server that focuses on a nostalgic experience, it offers a version of WoW that resembles the game as it was in its earlier days, but with some custom tweaks and features.
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something i never see mentioned is that turtle actually has the best (though not perfect) database, especially now that wowhead is pozzed with sod shit
you can actually search for item in x slot with y stats from quest, etc. and it works, unlike all the popular classic wow dbs
looks like it
nobody in their right mind plays this shit after what happened
It's just some faggot "trolling." He doesn't actually play on Turtle Wow or private servers at all.
Turtle is the best vanilla-ish server for new players but only because other vanilla servers are fucking dead or occupied by China.
Unfortunately, Turtle also has lots of custom content that's noticeably worse than OG content, so new players are left scratching their head why the quality varies so much. Vanilla also has highs and lows (like Elwynn vs Durotar) but on Turtle it's a rollercoaster.
"look up some basic levelling guides"

Nah. Take your time, enjoy all the content Vanilla WoW has to offer. Explore the world, try different races and classes and see qhat fits you. Use the time it takes to learn the game and your class.

You're not missing anything, there's an entire world waiting for you outside the raids at max level!
Do not lie about me! >:(, I'm doing those two things you claim I don't
As a player of long time myself I'd say following a leveling guide wouldn't necessarily invalidate the exploration experience. Since I came from Retail I am surprisingly unfamiliar with a lot of the Vanilla leveling zones and whatnot and sometimes I do get stuck, not knowing what areas I can travel that are my level. Since I started following a guide (albeit vaguely, not really following it step by step) the fun of exploration isn't going away ;) it's just a different way of experiencing the game.
Prove it.
Well, in that case you can just download pfquest, and the map will tell you where there are quests for your level, allowing you to chose for yourself what to do and when.

A leveling guide will just tell you "go here, do these quests, farm here, skip all this, go here, do this, farm this, go here" in order to maximize your leveling speed, thus limiting your exploration in favor of fast leveling.
I don't see why I should as I never lie
Thanks for proving me right.
But you have no proof?, your own argument defeats you as the question to wherever I do or don't hasn't been answered in either way
Nobody asked you any questions. You were told to prove it and couldn't because you're just making shit up.
Once again you're talking to yourself
I'm talking to you and I am not you.
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You're clearly not talking to me
I am replying to you right now.
news to me, but I play on Lordaeron with the other poopsockers.
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anti-turtle cisters...
Retards in world chat literally can't stfu about politics and culture war shit.
Some people are so brain fried by online political echo chambers that they can't do anything anymore without injecting politics into it.
I remember that world chat was generally cancer and shitposting in private servers when I palyed (early 2010s) there was trolling on the topic of politics occasionally but it wasn't this level of obsession and it was just one of many shitflinging topics.
type "grow a thicker skin" and watch GM have a melty over it
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They put something physically on the screen the dog likes and is licking off, for the video. Incase you didn't get it, dogs can't really see or understand images with no scent like that.
Torgra confirmed tranny
>craft weapon for BiS
>missing equip ability
my you're gay one!
wash yer cock!
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what made you choose your faction?
social factors such as friends?
racial bonuses suited better toward certain content?
pure A E S T H E T H I C?
big elf tits
always a laugh when some high elf erp grownman player goes off about "degenerates" in world chat
i play alliance because the cities are better.
always found that alliance players are better at the game
straight posture
actual cities
worgen males
if only they didn't have an extreme case of gamer neck...
i wanted to erp as a tall pretty lady with a giant pepsi and only one faction has those
Is it normal for Turtle WoW group finder to be dead as hell?
Horde have less drama, alliance sissies literally rage quit the game if they wipe once.
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Almost there.
It was based the first time you play, after that it was shit.
Same with the worgens.
Kezan is kino every time from start to finish.
Lost isles get boring fast
Yup, Lost Isles are ass.
at least it's based once, regardless. can't say the same about what turdle made for them.
>Want to drum up interest for server
>"Let's add a bunch of races that barely even have animations."
>people lose their shit
Azeroth at War?
not the biggest red flag for me, Dev is the same faggot who tried to start Warlords of Draenor server twice with donations active and went awol twice as well.
How would you fix CS?
you can't jay, it's dead like so many other servers that never got off the ground and never will
it is over
players of private servers grew older and as you grow older politics become a bigger interest to a person. pair that with the fact that politics are much more important these days because you got people with a severe mental illness trying to force themselves and their gender identity on one side of the spectrum and those very same people are prevalent on the private server scene.
>Fuck off with donations
But yes, I feel like so many servers do this shit to entice idiots, but in reality these races are broken.
Hell their fucking gobbos don't even have customization, just put in the Cata gobbos at that point, I was excited for Kul'Tirans but the fact I won't see fat-assed female Kul'Tirans is so stupid.
>as you grow older politics become a bigger interest to a person
i mean what teenager in 2010 would care about politics. most people from then are now mid to late 20s.
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help jay! (not me)
At this point it doesn't matter what he does because people won't give him a second chance
there is no helping it
>TBC server
>force people to do all vanilla leveling/profs
you guess
professions aren't even that hard, it was slightly annoying because no real AH economy but saying that this killed it is retarded
Didn't netherwings and karazhan do this? I get it if a small server shouldn't even attempt it though
>professions aren't even that hard
if you're poopsocking and even then theres enchanting
average vanilla levelling enjoyer
no? you can poopsock and do it in a couple of days and it isn't that hard
or you can play casually and do it in maybe a week? still not that hard

free yourself from the mindset of everything must be maxed NOW!!!
it's missing the moment when I kill vancleef and climax over his dead body
my main issue has been dead economy to level JW, and i swear lvlling mining was easier in other tbc servers
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stop poopsocking RIGHT NOW
this but unironically
I don't play wow, can't get more casual than that.
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Wdym? vmangos and custom content source code was already dropped in the leak. Sadly it's just a folder dump and doesn't include git history.
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i wish i was her so bad...
the look on her face conveys satisfaction. i guess it fits, haven't seen her hrngrngngnh for worgen males for a bit.
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literally both the thread and whatever server that is
so that's why my other 4pals are pushing for tbc5, they just got tired of multiboxing
Bro it's all Zeyf, the guy is literally botting 10 characters on the server. You're playing with at most five other people on the entire server.
where the FUCK is Epoch!?
They have 2000 open bug reports to work through, meanwhile they're doing shit like this
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i have to say it fellas, if i'm going to simp and i AM going to simp, i'm going to simp for a real queen. for me, it's SoD's Nora. slavic women with oval shaped heads do not compare.
pearl is my queen
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what was the exact moment poopsockers gaslit everyone into thinking that metaslavery and nolifing is the best way to play?
vanilla basically
just the sheer amount of grind you had to do for AQ is already up there
never happened, it's on the game design and human nature
You what now? beep boop
me voy a dormir en la cama y el otro día me to do it again soon and I will be there in about it and I will be there
so how caught up are these private servers with recent updates coming out
Do you not like my bank alt?
everyone who doesnt agree with me is the same person and it's a coordinated attack
Gods I need a fem human... Sadly, they don't exist irl
>slow and steady
>boaring adventure
>white items only
peak gaming
and he picked a mage
are balance druids any good on turtle? or at least viable?
can you level as one?
is turtle pvp still dead? I can't find the population graph on the site.
how do I fix getting lost when the minimap is displaying, whenever I have it on I get lost way more often and take much longer looking at the map to redirect myself. I want to use the minimap for pointers
Makes are so OP in tannilla that isn't even fun. With enough patience you could level to 60 without even taking damage.
got my account banned from tbc5man for sending a modmail :/
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dunno about viable but they're not bad levelers, pretty safe all around just a bit too mana intensive
I read the thumbnail as REDDIT HOMO!
in general:
use an addon if vanilla is too limited.
lock minimap to north. use one that indicates the direction you are looking at. adjust zoom levels according to situation or leave it at max. remember arrows point to hubs. i use both maps regularly because i suck at spatial cognition.godspeed boy scout.
You'll drink after every mob.
You can't use your best CC in instances, buildings or caves.
And worst of all, in order to heal you need to pop out of chicken form.

You'll level half as fast as a Feral druid and 5x slower than the shittiest Hunter and Warlock. Bee urself, but don't overdo it.
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damn that's sad.
i really enjoyed playing one at the start of SoD.
Maybe then you should SoD off, dumb frogposter.
Thanks for the free Ip! Next hack will have your name and password!
Yeah free malware and people who defend pedos. Quite the life on twow. Feel free to keep giving them your ip.

I assume your bank account is at zero and it's worth it if gets hacked again that will be up just like the rest of the logs.
I'm happy Turtle got hacked. Now they can actually improve. My creditcard information is safe with them, they talk to me on Discord, they're my friends!
It got hacked. So much for heaven so long as you don't have money in your bank account.

You don't mind your ip,logs, and more being known. Turtle also has pedo defending and actual pedos who erp on the server.

I can name Salrun an ageplayed elf. Feel free to join that degeneracy. Be the good little cattle you are.
Thanks for the ip cause you have malware on your computer! Once something has been hacked once it's not hard for it to happen again.

So feel free to keep giving the cash you are and the degeneracy while your info gets leaked out.
Yes such a shizo also the fact the game is acted easily can know your address though that to. I guess you just like to touch little kids?

I guess you just want someone to be touched like you were as a kid? You do realize a thirteen year old was mentioned as well. I guess you are likely already touching them with such a defense.
Twow is a pedo server that is worser hellhole then moonguard. Tabc has actively defended one such pedo.

Saying based about that is the biggest raiding server, also it's been hacked so thanks for the malware download.
No they aren't. You are just cattle. Shenna doesn't give two shits expect your a paypig, and your playing on a server with ton's of pedos.

I mean there is one person that is actively in goldshire that is from the rp area named shirah. Happens to be quite the pedo themselves, but there not a real woman. I mean supposely if they are there a chink.

Big whole degen bag there. It's worst then second life can be hacked again and no the credit card info isn't safe. You got to be a dumbass for thinking that.
The War Within is very solo friendly and I love it
Being able to do delves solo and still get high tier loot is great, and doing the follower dungeons is soooo much better than playing with people. I hope you plan to bring it to Heroic and Mythic as well and maybe even LFR
As long as we can play the game and do the same kind of content (Dungeons, raids) as everyone else but not having to deal with actual players. More of that please <3
Does anyone have that reroll weakaura for ascension wow
>schizo shitposting turtle wow on cooldown
Is this all the thread is anymore
There's also that worgen poster.
I'm looking to get back into turtle wow. Haven't played much before but I know a bit about the server. Cand I find argent dawn type rp in this server? (Meaning rp guilds with events and stuff) Also is there any way to do transmogs? Because I feel they're an essential part of rp. Thanks in advance:)
I can’t find this information anywhere and it’s got me wondering, will turtle wow 2.0 begin as a totally new server or will current server progress and characters be ported over?

I was going to start a new alt but I’m super slow at levelling and don’t want to progress a new character all the way to raiding if it’s all going to be wiped sometime into 2025.
no one rps on twow anymore
How's the population in turtlewow? Also is it toxic? Because I hate retail, it has become queue simulator and there is no communication with people, it's all spam dungeons run like hell pull everything finish, leave and redo with others.
turtle advertisements, war within advertisements, turtle shitposting, and worgen posting. that's it.
"2.0" is just a new client, not a new server.
>tfw want to RP
best RP servers?
>inb4 epsilon
lots of people, very diverse
it's fine
>no communication with people, it's all spam dungeons run like hell pull everything finish, leave and redo with others.
still around but not as bad as it is on live servers. i've had many positivie interactions with other players
One of you fuckers better have some info on a fresh classic server before i go ape shit.
after playing the beta, the dual wield on paladin is just to do more aoe with double seal of command splash
as far as i can tell it doesn't do anything else
uhm uhm, landfall classic server just dropped!!
It sounded good 2 days ago, but the dev keeps changing the rules for the worse.
Nah people still RP.
In all seriousness how are the paladin changes on Turtle? I have the paladin itch again but SoD completely just ruined it for me cause they just threw later retail abilities on top of vanilla paladin.

Im not looking for end game viablity just a playable spec either ret or prot where im not just autoing for 30 minutes
worgen males owe me
now you get to press crusader strike too and act as free mana regen for your party!
Ret/prot aren't astounding on turtle.Brownies are still king but they are indeed playable and the changes they've made feel more in line with Vanilla than SoD

SoD runes clash with the barebones vanilla talent trees and they went overboard. There's no reason a vanilla paladin should have Divine Storm
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>get the vanilla itch
>know i'm gonna quit at level 45 again
when's next fresh boys?
personally I don't care I enjoy going from garbage spec no one wants to op.
based ESL truthsayer
have u ever tried not quitting at 45?
You might have better luck looking for a tbc server than vanilla at this point, turtle literally won
>have u ever tried not quitting at 45?
the game is shit
endgame is death and trannies
I'm not getting if you just enjoy the fresh experience while levelling, or if turtle bad or vanilla endgame is dead and filled with trannies somehow
The gaming in question
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Fax, its always been about the leveling and ganking / getting ganked / having skirmishes whilst you level.

THAT is WoW, and no retail tranny can tell me otherwise.
The pserver scene seems pretty dogshit atm
>low pop
>cliques and trannies
>retail is somehow even worse
I just want to play some wow man
the pserver scene became entirely dependant on whatever blizzard is releasing as "classic", it's literally over
>low pop
how low it should be to be considered 'low pop'?
cause nost started this bullshit with "NOT 10K AT 4AM IN A WEEKDAY DEAD SERVER"
>cliques and trannies
this is just how people play games now
>how low it should be to be considered 'low pop'?
anything less than 4k at launch = low pop = dead server, nta
^delusional freshie faggot
Azeroth At War seemed interesting until I found out that there's no RDF and they use x1 Vanilla rates.

Why do people insist this kind of Vanilla shit is still fun? It might have been the first dozen times, but after so many years of the same Azeroth playing at a snail's pace is just exhausting now.
>playing wow in 2024 without discortd clique of neets who online 18 hours every day and can run dungeons with you
du ok brudi??
I'm happy Pearl killed all of your guilds, maybe you guys will find something better to do with your time.
>maybe you guys will find something better to do with your time.
>he is not aware
I don't think Pearl ever played on Evermoon, our guild killed itself thank you very much.
Like spending all say seething about some random furry?
i joined a different guild and that's about it!
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