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Chase the Light in this Thrilling New Adventure!
A revolutionary line strategy gacha RPG that pushes the genre to new heights!

Waking at the Edge of a Dream

Farewell, My Wonderland Rerun

Dreamscape S8, Nikini's World in the Mirror - Poems in the Snow

Claymore / Mithra September Event ft. Wishlist

Starry Adventure: Heaven-Shaking Melody Rerun

Main Story Update

Free Hedy

Requiem Dream Outfit Vote

>Useful resources:
Tier List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NgfgLksUsKxjt4w8ilWBCtXAtOldBMh3qr7X0OhPiM0/htmlview

>Recent Quality of Life Changes

>Alt Launcher to Bypass DMM Region Lock
>DMM Launcher guide (outdated VPN required now)

>Reroll/Starter guides:
>Collection of in-game CGs, Story Sprites, and Emotes

>Previous & Upcoming Banners

>Autofishing Guide (Emulator):


Previous: >>488694953
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It's wednesday. Do your weekly sim room or else
what's the RRR after Rebecca?
Chen our dragon wife
At least I can put off codex until tomorrow
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where's her bikini
how does she still not have a skin after all this time
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ST is the one that throws me off. twice a month is cool and all but sometimes I just completely forget
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her boobs arent meant to be that big..
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codex resets tomorrow please remember to do it for tons of mats to upgrade your favourite character's refinements!
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I can't be lazy today...
I used to remember back when we had a weekly to do only 2 bosses. But everyone would do the whole thing at once bricking a weekly so it was removed.
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the cutest
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[Limited-Time Event]

Please recall that long-forgotten story.

The story of an ancient kingdom on the brink of disaster, and the arrival of a band of heroes—

9/4, 09:00 to 9/25, 04:00 (UTC+0)
Requiem my beloved
The more we see the past heroics of the Old Seal before they slowly descend into insanity, the more their end became tragic. At least they know have a chance in the modern world

So, where are their terminal updates?
Where's Mithra? Who am I rolling for
yeah it's odd to not see a banner character on the promo image...
based more silent hunters lore is always welcome
She's a courier and the event is spring themed. Forest teleporter incoming.
Also 3/3 on hag birbs being forest
last minute reminder to do your CODEX
I did it. it took 4 crappy auto teams. but I did it.

What I need to do is the event. I've heard that apparently the hard stages are actually really hard this time.
idk if i missed some missions or not but im on battle pass level 74 and i dont think i can clear it on time. is anyone higher?
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I'm also at 74 but I don't remember maxing out the last BP either
So it's probably for people who bought the bp with the bonus levels
I know I missed a few days and probably some weeklies too. 72 right now.

BP has always been very tight but usually I can get a full 80.
Claymore Phase 4 tomorrow!
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Looks like I've missed two days...
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We never got her swimsuit...
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I'm only at 19 of 25...
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how the fuck are they there already
of course it's dispatches
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Another login check... at least I can save 8 dispatches for it
Free her. I need the triplets
Depending on dispatch stockpile, that mission will take 23 to 25 days.

The fucked up one is the prism actually.
Natural Regen+Pillar is about 480 per 24h. That's 31 days.
Even if you use a monthly pass for another 1800 prism, that's still 27 days.
I'll just use some rechargers
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【Aurorian Preview & Ascension】

Mithra - Oathkeeper

Mithra, born into the Longinus clan, upholds a millennia-old duty to protect the secrets of the stars. Despite her quiet exterior and dark plumage, she conceals a sharp edge beneath her reserved nature.
yandere birb?
Did Zeta's artist draw her? That A3 art goes hard
>forest (probably)
>converter (teleporter)
>edgy mirror
Wait. We just had Connolly but shark. Now we have Nikinis but birb.
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Man I hope it's a forest converter. We haven't gotten one in ages.
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wtf guys im scared...
She just needs a headpat. Everybody loves pats
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Embrace your ambition, for it is as sweet as it is savage.
When the clock strikes midnight, I will help you obtain all you desire. But first, offer me your most prized possession.
—Remember, it has to be that which you cherish most.

This outfit can be obtained from the Divergence event. Use Divergent Force to imbue and get rewards. Divergent Force can be obtained by spending Lumocrystals or purchasing directly.

Divergence event: Sep 4 (after maintenance), to Sep 25, 04:00 (UTC+0)
Holy tits
She's larger than Azure
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Man I was hoping for a different outfit at least. It's basically the same but pushes her breast sliders to 100 on a 10 scale and they called it a day.
I'm gonna get this just so she's not upside down
it's the only reason i'm considering it
the animations will be make or break
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New Outfit - Crimson Indulgence

The blood rose symbolizes the moment in which a hunter is finally unleashed. Will I seek vengeance as my first act of freedom?

No. That would be far too vulgar.

What I must first seek is joy... And indulgence.
cool, but I like him more as a badass combat butler. Just another edgy boi is nothing special.
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New Outfit - Vigilante's Salvation

My faith doesn't lie in vigilantism but in redemption.

I've traveled through cities and the wilderness.

Waiting to see the truth with my own eyes, to discern good from evil.

Once I find myself, I'll come looking for you next.

*Obtained from the free version of the Special Event Book.
I have never used her
She was pretty popular in low star clear teams (well until most bosses became immune to dots)
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I remember when she was slightly helpful if you didn't have odi
Also isn't she the last 4 stat without a skin?
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Corax is the 5* skin
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i had to dip into my lumamber for bt3 rebecca
i will never recover
Bwo... that was for Mithra
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Just cleared H6 and I don't think hard stages were that hard this time. You just need to check the stage characteristics and build the teams accordingly. The biggest challenge for me was clearing H5 with thunder teams and then realizing that I had to use forest instead...
Yeah I auto'd everything except one stage in H6 because I wouldn't meet the turn limit otherwise
The stages in barton's dream thing were way more annoying
The most annoying thing about Barton's Dream was that they've decreased damage from actives for some reason.
easy skip
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>a but over 5 hours left in the event
oops. time to speedrun
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i fully auoted them like usual hehe..
H5-1 was annoying but fine. I just brought Sikare for easy shield breaks and auto'd it.
I did two H6 stages manually and got them first try. As usual I saved way too many good units for the easiest stage.
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I'm confused by the end of the event, is Maya originally a cat?
I think it is Jeno or Elvis. Because most of story resemble previous even. Boy and cat, dream city, mosters that attack it. But i kinda skipped first half of event. And cried in second half a bit.
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Mithra is officially Forest
Sheol Rerun
Who we gonna go for
For me it's Ruby Batia/Rinne Lenore Tiare
i dont own:
water: maya, wilhelm
fire: zhong xu
thunder: tiare
forest: jeno

and i will lock in wilhelm because he seems more interesting from a kit perspective to me
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After seeing how good rebecca's mbt is...
Rebecca, Batia, Chen'ni, and idk for forest no one really benefits from BTs and I think I have all of em
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Maya, Batia, Jeriah, Rachel
Any clue who is Sanae's artist?
Found them
Did Lilica, Sanae, Carleen2, Dawn, Bonacie, and all the Dragon Maids
And the exact post with the sketches
drew all the good girls... and bonacie
Based anon. Thank you.
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I want the cutest most frilly outfit for the girls.
They fought long enough. Let them be cute
Any news on Mithra's kit?
6* Nawoxew
Sewect tiwes instead of wandom
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does that mean more enhanced tiles
im missing 200 points from the battle pass final level..
I've missed at least one day (maybe two) and still got it today
i prob forgot to claim for a day then...

just tell me if new birb is bt3 preemp
the cwassic

bt3 pweempt
mbt +1 tiwe
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>likes tweety

it's wishlist so it's fine but bweh
she's going to be glued to goldie no matter what
kit koko

the bird. 2cd, select 6, convert to e tiles.
Where's her teleport
Seems insane if you have mbt goldie I guess to match the cd
Pretty bad if it doesn't convert the color of the tile imo.
Variant seems to be kinda useless since the amount of tiles you get is lower (24 vs 20 tiles at 10 rounds, 42 vs 40 tiles at 19 rounds)
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blessed tweety enjoyer

Genewates Fowce Points. (FP)

Skiww 1-
Detach fwom the team and connect independentwy spending FP to move.
Weaves an afterimage at the end tiwe to use as the stawting tiwe for next cast.

Chain- 12 tiwe diamond and genewate 4 FP if Detached.

Equip- Fow each FP spent, gain 1 Staw Fowce. Up to 99. Each gwants 0.9% Damage.

BT3- Gain 5 FP per turn.
BT6- Skiww 2- Return to the team and deal damage along the way.

R1- Staw Fowce boosted to 1.1% Damage
R2- Chain Tiew 4. 2 Cwuster and 5 FP
R3- Gain 2 Staw Fowce per 1 FP
Whoa that seems... weird
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bwos what the FUCK

(apparently it was just logs taking up like 400gb)
Huh. Not sure what I expected.
Self buff looks strong. Super consistent damage.
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Bwo... Alchemy Stars 2 is in there
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Check out this folder. Alchemy anti cheat likes to shit here by 70-140 mb files every time it has worry about network. I denied writing anythign in this folder and game is fine.
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After all this time I still don't know how to use dream orbs...
1 red and a bunch of green. I like chromatic or dark for the red
nooo i'm off by one day
lv79 500/100
I've spent luma to get that last level before. I'll do it again if I get lazy and miss a day
I guess I missed more days than I thought
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>ryza's doubling dark red effects works with dark orbs
welp. That's 50 orb triggers every turn.

Honestly. Orbs are fun, but having them reset back to Lv1 is not. Redo the mode a lot. Let us have fun at the end.
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>8 hours of maintenance
I'm gonna sleep. wish list gambling can wait
Yeah what the
Why is this one so much longer
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god i'm tempted because she's not wearing glasses here
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Holy cute
feetdog strikes again
Me if I don't pull birb
>wake up
do i skip or save for anni 3.5
Dear Navigators,

Due to technical reasons, maintenance will be extended and is expected to end at 14:00 (UTC+0).

In the event of an earlier maintenance end time, Navigators will be promptly notified.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused!


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oh what the hell

still 20 minutes
I'm in. The game is still broken in some places so I used up prisms and logged out for the time being.
>40 pulls
>30 pulls
thanks wish list..
>claymore has maya voice
and yeah. the game is real buggy still
i got logged out the moment i was pulling... i didnt see what i got... nyoooooo
congrats bwo
Dear Navigators,

Alchemy Stars will be undergoing emergency maintenance to resolve some technical issues. Please stay tuned for further updates regarding the server reopening time.

We seek your patience and sincerely apologize for all inconvenience caused!



i bought the vice bp skin with the bp currency i hope i dont lose it
Maybe because Global had free MBT Casta in the shop but CN had nothing?
save for cawwadooty
But that's only in their game...
God how long is this maint
Okay what the hell. 12.5 hours of maint and counting
I snuck in just fast enough to grab sexy birb but couldn't do dailies
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pajama navi will fix the servers
please let me roll
Don't tell me it's going to be 9 more hours... I've only slept for 3 hours because I was finishing with the dream stuff...
My dispatches have overcapped... my old seal...
free 10 pull and wishlist is useless to me once again...
I can't beat the aurorian trial lmao
from aurorian trial bird looks completely useless
6 tile converter for goldie but like... the trial showcases nothing at all.
>e-tile is a mechanic that's famous for its synergy in forest
>aurorian trial has her alone
You can do so fucking much man
Goldie, Minos, Jeriah, what have you. Stuff like this is supposed to get you to pull for the character and if I didn't know how crazy 2cd 6 pick and choose etiles were I would stay far away from this bird.
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It's over..
Mithra's equipment skill is still not fixed, making her trial quest still undoable.

Man, she is so bad that I won't bother to roll for her
is that why i can't do it
i thought i was missing something lol
The chain reduction when generating enhanced tiles did not work, which is why the trial is unwinnable.
all i hear is more apologems coming my way
It better be. Mithra is a pretty cool character, but her trial is not doing her wonders to lure people to pull her
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step by step guide
A shame the event story, which is pretty good will be overlooked due to the long maint. and how stuff is still not fully fixed lol.
Nope, my starting board already differs from the video's
But it doesn't only work for Mithra's test or also using it with your teams?
Trial, not sure about how it is when you have a team
yes it works
He looks so hot as a corpse in a suitcase
>claymore's best use is spamming 1 tile chains with 1 vis
>bethel can spam frankel over 5 times a turn now
is it just me or does claymore seem hot trash from the trial? all that hype over nothing...
All his power is locked behind his ramping equipment.
He's e1 R0 in the trial. So his equip caps at 30% instead of 110% and it ramps half as quick. He doesn't have 2 cluster chain until R2

Also he can trigger Aurora Time with a 15 chain. So Siobhan and Lola can get their AT bonuses for free. And that one boss that gets much weaker during AT is free now.

And his ghost resets tiles so you can build a path by having claymore walk first

also bethel's best friend >>493215434

He's interesting if nothing else.
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she deserves it all
Claymore and Mithra aside, I have a question about refines.
1) The update says that Mu Yuebai's refines have some abnormalities but mine doesn't even have refine options in the first place
2) I just found out that Beretta has refines but thier descriptions are filled with ERR stuff so I have no idea what they do
Same. Bugged as fuck

the info was tucked away in a cn news post

>After this update, Equipment Refinement will be added for the following Aurorians as follows: Beretta and Mu Yuebai.

>R1: Australis Booster (Equipment Skill) - Plants an Australis Spear on the target for every 4 normal attacks (up to 99 per target).
>R2: Borealis Resplendence (Active Skill) - Increases the damage factor to 100%-120%.
>R3: Borealis Resplendence (Active Skill) - Recovers 15%-22.5% of the damage dealt as HP while dealing damage.

> Mu Yuebai
>R1: Serpent's Constriction (Active Skill) - Increases the damage factor to 400%.
>R2: Serpent's Constriction (Active Skill Variant I) - Activate the Active Skill with only 2 Serpent Flare without triggering the Equipment Skill: Moonglow Relict Arts.
>R3: Serpent's Constriction (Active Skill Variant II) - Activate the Active Skill with only 2 Serpent Flare, only triggering the full-screen damage effect caused by the Equipment Skill: Moonglow Relict Arts.

Beretta is better when she works, but doesn't fix the problem of killing the mob before pulling the spears doing nothing
Yuebai's Variants are actually pretty good. Just lighting 2 flares is easy compared to all 3. Biggest glow up through refines in a while
Tier List Team also did their calcs on R0 Claymore.
At R0, doing the 1 tile spam trick, the only unit who does more damage than him is Victoria Elegy.
And like Elegy, this damage doesn't care about the board state. It's very consistent.
Claymore need to get all the crests upgrade to be good I guess
i forgot how much you need to mbt an old seal but i sure have a lot from events at this point...
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Claymore Bethel Axelia Jeno Victoria
Finally. A full rainbow team.
Yeah Mithra's trial is ridiculous. Her equipment kinda works (you're able to activate her chain below the cost if you step on enhanced tiles) but I was under the impression that she should hit more than two enemies. Anyway I either run out of rounds or die because of low health.
I'm also pretty sure that the enemies in our variant has a lot more health compared to this one (they are usually much weaker in trails)
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My best result so far (was even able to hit aurora time twice)
i just realised i got mithra from the wishlist system. i will spend my yellow flares on tiare
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This codex boss nerfs Vic:E's damage quite a bit (by 90% I think?). It's still not that bad since you can just use a solid thunder dps and still get a nice number overall thanks to activating aurora time every turn.
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I wish tweety was my senpai
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>almost forgot codex
>an hour left
account isn't totally bricked
>mithra trial is actually possible now
finally those 50 ambers are mine
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Nooooo I wanted to power through it...
no one reminded me to do codex...
They finally fixed the bug with Mitra's skill AND reduce the difficulty of her trial.

While she makes a great teammate for Goldie, she is pretty bad on her own. The trial should teamed her up with Goldie instead
sorry bwo... I barely remembered with an hour left.
I missed ST too

I tried for like an hour. My best was halfway through wave 2, but the 3 large enemies were just impossible
You can't, that's the problem. Unless you are playing on the CN server, which is actually possible. The joke was that it is the hardest content so far lol
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I've been having a lot of fun using her with jeriah too
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i also tried bruteforcing it though maybe I had a chance getting to wave 2 with ~50% hp left
but nah, it was just more fatties
Those are still broken though...
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As a classic fan, why this gacha seems to have so many bad guys? Atelier never had a lot of villains (well, excluding the PS2 era).
nevermind posted in the wrong thread lmao
my fishy wife deserves justice
g unitizers
Mu refines...
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Did they broke colossus?..
works fine for me?
Endless loading on my bluestacks after update. Incredible.
works fine for me on ldplayer
mumu working for me
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Working fine on iphone8
i cant open it... my claymore phase 4..
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my favorite day of the week
i think this is the buggiest patch in the 3 years ive been playing so far, im worried about the future of the game...
It seems useless idiot Mithra killed the Colossi. Literally bricked accounts that pulled.
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I legit thought this was tearlaments kitkallos for a second here
cute fish
if you trap someone in cloud gardens then they won't show up in the colossus
i did that and i still cant access it... my dispatches and data discs...
Mine works fine. Maybe because I still haven't managed to summon her.
I have her at BT3 and mine just works
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Have you met her at Colossus immediately?
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