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Glowie Edition


>Public Servers

>-Game Information-<
>Starter Guide
>Official Wiki
>-Visual guide to blocks, furniture themes, paints, and more-<

>-World Seeds-<

>-Game tools-<
>TShock - Server client
>Web-based inventory editor
>TerraMap - World viewer
>TEdit - World viewer/editor
>Omnitool - Creates world from image, unique world generation options

>tModLoader 1.3
>Mod List - Summaries of the most recommended/popular mods (mostly outdated)

>Prevent mods auto-updating
>/tg/ Texture Packs
>/tg/ Risqué Textures Archive
>Player Resource Bars and Visual Radar ports to 11.x (PRB appears to be somewhat buggy in MP, VisualRadar works fine)
>Autohotkey Terraria Autoclicker
mega.nz/file/fExgUaRY#0wfxlVdBLDYUMfrH-qfI_0CSWnUShbeNKxPQS7FPRMY (raw: pastebin.com/mPDZRst1)
>Particle lag fix (Mac)

>-Other neat stuff-<
>Fancy builds
>Best Adventure Maps
>Class setups

>-OP pasta-<
>Please use the info from this link when creating new threads

Didn't hear the minecart... maybe...
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Ah before i fall asleep, i updated the pasta in the tmodloader part. I forgot to remove the "#manual-installation" part of the URL before i made the thread. I changed it now.
If there's anything else that needs updating, do tell me what part and what the new info is. I haven't played in over a year and i'm not up to date on any new stuff, especially mods.
Now good night
>I haven't played in over a year
average /vg/ user
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Terraria bros..............................................it's over.
You know what isn't over? The wait for 1.4.5
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Remember to give a little leeway when containing the corruption. It likes to spread a few extra blocks.
I just drink biome sight potion.
any of you lads playing Core Keeper?
Is it september yet?
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>Honestly, ever since uninstalling Calamity, it's crazy how much less cluttered my game is. I can install like 5+ content mods and still not fill the void left behind, and that's a good thing.
I know Calamity isn't perfect, but what keeps me coming back to it is that everything it adds (and it adds a lot) fits together well and is relatively balanced. Whenever I mix most other content mods even if they all add up to about the same total content as Calamity it doesn't fit together, themes clash, etc.
What's coming in 1.4.5? Apart from obligatory waiting for all mods to update for it.
Character customization, more QoL, new equipment, weapon rework, more mounts, and option to mix special seeds.
God I love Terraria. Like 5-6 years ago (or more maybe) I distinctly remember something about how that update would be the final update for the game, but then they just kept coming.
>top right
>you are a glowing
typo or direct transcription?
I'm so glad tmodloader lets you play on multiple versions, so no matter how long the wait is, you can keep enjoying the game without your mods being broken.
What is this absolute faggotry? Why even bother bumping it like this, like who gives a fuck if its at the top of the catalog when its just a slower general?
Are you retarded?
the bumps are when it reaches page 9/10
he's mobileposting from work
It looks like fishing is going to become somewhat skill-based. That's long overdue.
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erm, isnt this a bit broken?
No, it's Warding. Accessories can't be Broken.
not particularly, the mana you get back doesn't offset the damage you take
that's not what i meant, tanking 1 damage for 72 mana? a lil bit sus with a right setup, like wooden spikes or smth.
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forgot pic
In most scenarios you won't be farming mana because you would just die trying, just treat it as a little kickback for whenever you make a mistake
hmm, you're right. then again it won't be hurt to have several back up mana sources, like king slime or eoc in hardmode.
you have been conditioned by modern gaming sensibilities to be adverse to fun and sovl
Magic has the worst armor rating (barring summoners who don't actually have to play the game and can just dodge around which offsets their even worse defense)
If you try to take hits you're going to get chunked and have to potion
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1.4.5 will have weather do more, like actual lightning strikes and possibly more.
Critters will be able to be placed on the ground, making some kind of object where they will wander around it like they were leashed and act as a decoration.
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My brothers been offline busy with life so I started Skyblock, how does my current Island look? accidently hit the queen bee so gonna have to build the boss summon item. I plan on making a few more houses for NPCs.
using rock for most of the building because of the underground gemcorns spawning lots of Cobblestone while tree production is so slow.
I was gonna dirt bomb it as there's 25 pieces using a sticky dirt bomb and platforms too get more dirt but I dont really think it would be that usefull as I'd also have to buy grass seeds from the dryad
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I also tried some of the other maps in the OP, they were fum. zombies wars and castlevania being 2 of them.
Wow, you're not biased at all.
based art but I still don't know what's going on in the bottom left, can someone (or the artist if he's still around) explain?
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I am of course but how is any of what I said biased
harpy splashing its wing in the water
that can't be it, it's the wing sure, but the thing in the background is a sky island with a wyvern flying away from it?
i think it's the bird bath cracking in the bottom right and the bottom left is a flying fish and a wyvern flying out of a tree because of the noise of the bird bath breaking
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chronicle /tg/s adventure
>new update will make thunderstorms actually dangerous
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Just got to hardmode. What armor do you guys use for Summoner/Mages in early-hardmode? Just the usual ore ones with the mage headgear? I've seen some recommendations of Frost and Queen Slime's. I'm currently using the Spider set.
spider's the best summoner gear until hallowed
for mage, the ore armor
queen slime's is classless armor, but ultimately not that good imo. frees up the slot you'd use for the shield of cthulu for something else though, maybe a 2nd emblem?
frost armor is for melee/rangers
there's an armor set for mages/summoners in the form of the desert set, but it's a gigantic pain in the ass to make because it depends upon getting sandstorms in the desert, and it's not even that good. wouldn't recommend

if you're still unsure, you can check the class setup guide in the OP
Good night. Solar eclipse soon
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But how the fuck am I supposed to defeat a Dreadnautilus this early lmao
you don't, you use firecracker and abigail + spider armor + bewitching table buff + pygmy necklace to get 6 slots of abigail, then you kill queen slime until you get the blade staff, then you switch firecracker and abigail for knives and cool whip
Make a nurse box nearby, be sure to save your spawn point there. For minions, blade staff with cool whip is your best shot. Spiders could work, but you have to put walls behind your arena. Mother Spider sentry is good to apply venom Use your best food, and pots. Use cursed flame flask for your whip and manually apply ichor with Golden Shower. Ohh you might want to reduce spawn rate with peace candle and calming pot. Good luck and have fun
>lightning can strike you down during thunderstorm
This reminds me of Fargo's souls natural hazard, which is kinda nice to spice up the game a lil bit.
>placeable leashed critters
Now I can make a proper green house with butterflies around.
Haven't you heard? A picture is worth a thousand words.
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Oy Monkey
Leashed creatures are for mobile.
>just want a chill friend that loves building in terraria to play a long, comfy Calamity playthrough
>all my friends are toxic bastards who just wants to autistically barrel through every boss in 2 days every time we play
>if said friend was a cute and soft-spoken girl I'd also permanently cancel my suicide plans
you had me until calamity
it's like getting a perfect gf and then she drops that she's into star signs and crystals
how long are we talking here
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Not sure if you're trolling or not.
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We making it out of pre-hardmode with this one bois!
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I think the regular blowpipe has higher dps due to the RoF
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It's okay, beenades carry lol
I get it, you have to be contrarian because you're on this board but once you get used to Calamity its impossible to go back to vanilla or most other mods. Its not perfect but none of the other big conversion mods really come close to it.
>fargos: feels haphazard and balanced around retarded accessories
>thorium: this one is decent if you want to stay close to vanilla but doesn't really add all that much content
Nothing else even really worth mentioning.
you don't need to be contrarian to genuinely not like the mod
if the art actually was done in the same style, it didn't constantly fuck with vanilla/other mods, and it had more appeal than being overly indulgent deviant edge, I'd have a better opinion of it
> once you get used to Calamity its impossible to go back to vanilla or most other mods.
I got used to Calamity shitting the bed in multiplayer that its impossible to host it with other mods. Never went back to modded since.
Early game summoner sucks ass. Squirrel summon cant aim for shit and anything that isn't on a superflat surface is somehow beyond complicated. Anything that shoots a projectile cant hit the fucking target unless its like 3 feet close. Retarded when you get bosses that move faster than 3 feet per frame. Just give me more contact damage minions since Fagsol cant figure out how to copy vanilla imp/hornet ai.
If it wasn't for you, I would have never known Abigail could be upgraded, or that she gets a stats boost in Hardmode.
Have you checked out Mod of Redemption? I haven't played it, but it looks good visually. It might be promising.
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If you ever throw up a server, I'd be happy to play the low and slow game. I don't need to autistically rush through and get to the end credits.
I've played through Calamity about 20 times. The whole mod is a mess. You may argue that it's pretty and has alot to do, and is "le heckin wholesome keanu chungus" or whatever you modern kids say, but there's just so much wrong with it.

>doesn't fit even with vanilla
>is incredibly bloated with excess crap it doesn't need, like cosmetics
>tinkers with a ton of vanilla recipes for no reason
>has a ton of balance issues, but the dev is too busy respriting DoG for the 50th time (and yet his ugly pet Yharon continues to look like a dog shat him out after eating a hot pepper)
>takes up more memory than every other mod in my mod list (20 count at the moment, including all other major content mods)
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do you remember? I remember
was this the hero meltdown or the stream where cenx told the speedrunners who were asked to stream terraria to stop using speedrun strats
what's the hero meltdown?
here's a supercut of it
really popular terraria youtuber (named hero) gets early access to 1.3 to stream it, has mental breakdown on stream and loses his shit. I remember hearing that red was literally in the stream chat asking him to stop. anyway it was eventually revealed that hero had some brain parasite that made him like this
i thought it was mold in his brain and it was making him lose his memory
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Good times.
I miss theweaver
bro jumped on the fnaf train and then disappeared off the face of the earth afaik
>fighting autism and rectumaser on a skyrail
>spazmatism enters phase far before retinazer
>chases me closely so we have to leave retinazer behind
>so far behind that it instantly despawns as soon as spaggotism is dead
does the skelly prime fall down the hellevator to despawn his arms trick still work
only one way to find out
I fought them again, got bad spazmatism cursed fire spread (many of them went straight and up blocking me from not jumping and from jumping) and muscle memory alt+f4'd after I died; my nurse died to a zombie spawning in her cage somehow and if I were to wait for my health to regen there wouldn't be enough time to fight
basically, it was decided that I was done for the night through no fault or decision of my own
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owo wat dis?
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I'm torn between dart rifle or pistol, which one is better?
their dps is pretty much the same - one gets it from dmg, the other gets it from RoF
rifle is better for stuff with defense, pistol is better for groups
I was thinking earlier >>492463952 what the hell is RoF, turn out it was rate of fire. So basically gun for general purpose and rifle for boss fighting, right? Anyway thanks for responding my dumb question.
all good; honestly they're interchangeable, it's just personal preference since they're s'pose to be essentially counterparts to each other
crystal and ichor darts are really good and cheap btw
Despite all those issues its better balanced than any other content mod though. The fact you played it 20 times speaks for itself too.
As for not fitting with vanilla I don't really think that's a problem. It adds so much that it ends up taking over completely, and the only issue arises when you add one more content mod to the mix (unless that content mod is very vanilla itself).
Also can't really argue with Fagsols priorities being skewed, I wish it had different devs or that there was a better content mod out there (that worked in multiplayer at all) but to me there isn't.
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is fargo eternity mode any good or worth playing?
do you like eternal grinding?
that bad?
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kinda? some overhaul they did kinda annoying tbqh, like submerge into corruption water burns your hp with cursed flame or underground hallowed flip your gravity.
the retard "dev" who discovered how projectile spawn works puts that shit in everything and calls it "unique ai"
pajeet levels of copy paste from example mod ensues
*forgot to mention this is Fargo soul standalone crafting tree. if you have Calamity, Thorium and/or Shadow of Abbadon instaled they added extra recipes from their aforementioned mods.
>the fact you played it 20 times speaks for itself too.
Nah, that pales in comparison to Thorium and Redemption, which I've played since the inception of Terraria modding in general. If I've spent a hundred hours in Calamity, then I've safely spent 1000+ hours in Redemption and Thorium.
thought only cacameme was supported in 1.4
fuck I miss butterfly farming for thorium souls, it was so aggravating and bullshit and totally random rng and whenever a hornet sniped the bee butterfly I needed I wanted to punch a hole through my monitor but damn it was so satisfying to finally get them all...
thorium has gone through many debloating updates at this point; the butterfly staff is no longer a really strong but difficult to acquire weapon, now's it's easy to make but very lackluster
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One down
this was before the butterfly staff iirc
unless it was added alongside the butterfly attractors, then I guess not
what I'm talking about is when fargot's thorium souls required you to get thematic butterflies for enchantments and such
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All done!
Does snowball cannon counted as specialist weapon or gun? Fandom says it's a gun, but official wiki says otherwise...
it doesn't use bullets so I'd say specialist, like the stynger
what the dog doin
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no you dont
Should've been the final boss
Why? Moon Lord is fine. Lunatic should be more difficult than he is, though.
I wish there was an option to create a new player/world already set in hardmode with some default inventory.
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>Yorai the Princess has arrived!
i just made a backup of my 'starter kit' for doing a few iron man runs, just duplicate the file a few time, still gotta generate the new map, but thats pretty quick, and you can batch them out pretty easy.
i havent played this in forever
are they still working on terraria 2? I remember the trailer for it looked awesome but man thats been awhile
allegedly, but it's more likely 'terraria 2' is just going to be more terraria support
maybe we'll get an actual sequel when red's kid needs to go to college
the trailer you saw was for terraria otherworld, a canceled game that was outsourced to a different dev. there's a specific name for what it was that i'm blanking on due to lack of sleep; sidequel? offshoot? idk
ah damn and yeah otherworld that rings a bell
and shit that fag has a kid now? man time flies I remember pirating the original terraria that had the final fantasy 2 type sprites with 1 leg and watching him and blue do a play thruogh before it became publicly available

stayed up all night playing it with my cousin slowly making progress then woke up the next day to find one of our friends figured out you can dig straight down and get endgame items right after starting
sounds comfy
game has obviously changed a whole lot since then, it's definitely up there in top 10 vidya of the past 20 years
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Worried for a second I invalidated my run
Taking the plant for a walk.
I hope they never make a sequel, considering most of the allure of the game comes from mods that took years and years to get even to this point. Just need to look at a game like Mount&Blade/Bannerlord to see that just because your game has a strong modding scene doesn't mean it will carry over into the sequel. I'll probably be an old man by the time Prophecy of Pendor gets remade for Bannerlord (if ever).
Actually just started MoR last night and it seems promising, would you say Thorium would fit together well with it, thematically and balance-wise? Been a while since I gave Thorium a go.
Not that anon but yeah, thorium works well with it. You could also give spirit mod a go with those 2 if you want.
Ironically I don't read enough manga to know if it's a thing there, but I tried to emulate the anime thing where the camera pans away during the event to leave it to the viewer's imagination and to save time and budget. I probably should've put some sfx or something to show the sound scaring off the bird and wyvern, but I don't like writing.
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But that's forbidden!
my wife the guide
Do you have fireworks for sale?
Gotcha; don't sweat it anon, art is hard sometimes
l e w d
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Anyone do multiplayer here?
only when the planets align
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I read someone asking about "comfy" gaming or whatever the redditor term is ;3c

but yeah is there players here who arent like that "one guy"
ie. we all know that goes to play a game with friends and hes off running around playing dnd/ bg3 by themselves.
I used to be in acg so I know all about playing games side by side and not together lol
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>cavern layer counted as 'surface'
>truffle npc still needs true surface mushroom biome in order to move in
Zenith seed is sure weird... On other hand, there is no daytime eol either so no terraprisma?
every time I've played terraria with 4chan, it's mostly been the one guy experience, i.e. everyone goes off on their own to explore and build a house, but comes together to fight bosses, and there's a communal base filled with goodies to help new players catch up.

It's not a bad way to play by any means, but ppl generally don't 'pair up' from what I've seen, if that's what you're asking
armored core general?
>On other hand, there is no daytime eol either so no terraprisma?
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Hey, they were right. Aint no way im fighting this bitch on low gravity surface lol
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ah, gotcha.
I wish games figured out the offline thing, the only games that do that are like hotseat games / Neptunes Pride

when Im playing with my brother its the same besides when were just sitting around chatting, we have a new trophy room for that
no but yes as I used that one, but I mean Animal Crossing Gen lots of side by side play with no hangouts besides for clique users
you can try using the turtle mount, that might help for mobility under water
I see
Yeah there's no cliques here thank god, we're all just autistic and not the best at socializing
yeah so if anyone reads this and is look for casual gamer friend for terraria hmu
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Fuuuukin siiiiiiik, nj
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>not even 30 minutes
>page 10
Gachafags are less than human
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how do you guys usually coordinate multiplayer playthroughs? do you pIay once a week during the weekend? do you keep a dedicated server running and fight a new boss every 2 weeks? I enjoy multiplayer a lot but i do not have the free time i used to.
I don't play multiplayer
>how do you guys usually coordinate multiplayer playthroughs?
we don't anymore, /vm/ has had more multiplayer playthrus than us by like, a factor of five at this point
there's even one up right now, they've just recently entered hardmode
>do you keep a dedicated server running and fight a new boss every 2 weeks?
this is usually how it's done, but progression-based bosses are done every 4ish days
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How's the Orange Zap considered the best weapon Pre-Mech with this abhorrent rate of fire? I do more damage mixing the craftable 3 books, and use less mana.
Zapinators has a chance to do silly quirky things like 10x damage or 10x knockback.
I remember there use to be a big tiddy sprite mod on the workshop that was labeled as a /vg/ mod
does it still exist?
no, it's been scrubbed from the internet for being low quality coomer shit actually
I am belligerent
I pulled a particularly troublesome nose-hair and I found a new stretch that makes my arthritic shoulder click
How are you doing fellow "this shouldn't be happening to me yet I'm still young" anons
sleeping, take over
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ugh, pardon me
What's the stretch?
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making a cool and awesome base just for me
npcs go to the commieblock iranian slum
I just meetup with my friends when I can and play with them :) Ive left allot of my free time open in case people want to game as its my favorite passtime but I have my hobbies as well.
ok but have you used vm, Its like b in quality
aaaah shite
I lean back in my chair, bend my arm at a 90 degree angle so my forearm is pointing towards the sky, and I try to only minimally engage my shoulder muscles to slowly rotate my arm up and down, and front to back
Yes; what have you been browsing to get that impression?
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Um, should I be concerned? Corrupted walls couldn't spread into blocks, right?
no shit retard, which thread(s)
Pretty sure they can't, iirc they're just a cosmetic effect of the blocks nearby getting corrupted
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Is there a way for me to crimsonfy the corruption without the Steampunker jizzer thing?
buy crimson seeds from the dryad in a graveyard biome, make crimson dirt farm, use the vertebrae and mushrooms to make evil powder, then use that on the corruption? you might also be able to do some fuckery with shimmering cleansing powder?
>make crimson dirt farm
make a mob farm on crimson grass*
sorry, tired
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I chop that thing's disgusting head off with my BUIG SWORD
Same but instead of chopping off her head I shove my "BUIG SWORD" down her throat, if you get what I'm saying
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the raria
i play this >>492955005
i am enjoying infernum
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good, but never enjoy regular calamity.
why did u save a thumbnail
idk, I saved it like 4 years ago
Fuck that fat pig piece of shit
very nice... let's see /gsg/s waifu
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Women are built different in Algrey Fortified City
what's a gsg
We barely keep the gen alive and you want us to keep yours alive too? Isn't that asking much? Either way, Mods should make a Gacha Gen board or some shit.
>Mods should make a Gacha Gen board
That would be a good change, y'see. And that means it will LITERALLY never, ever, happen.
honestly it is really strange that the rule of /vmg/ was literally just "no generals" so nobody uses it and people just post non generals (and generals) on /v/ and actual generals on /vg/
so two boards get shat up instead
Bros, let's say you somehow drained your ocean. how would you, hypothetically, refill it? Just asking.
plug the drain, set up a standard water duping grid above the basin you want to fill, put an outlet pump at the top of the grid and an inlet pump at the bottom of the basin, hook them up to a timer, then afk there to make sure the water pumps stay loaded in
it will be a long and tedious process since red made alt+tabbing pause terraria unless you're hosting, but I guess you could host a friends only server through steam and go offline to make sure nobody joins while still being able to alt+tab
infinite bucket and a rock on my mouse
F for /&tg/, F for any board not gatcha
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what a waste of bandwidth
answer me you fucks
lmao no you'll just get banned lol
personally I use
tweezers; to keep a key pressed down by inserting it under the other key and then letting it open up so it presses a key down and keeps it pressed down

Small stick / wedge; to slide between my mouse buttons to keep either left or right clicking if I need it for afk farms.
/vmg/ should indeed turn into a general board, it's a deserted place atm. Most mobile game threads are made on /v/ and /vg/ anyway.
>wanted to start a new playthrough
>sidetracked by a 100 hour long playthrough of Mindustry

when did they add the pin-up druid art?
they didn't
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that's been in there for ages, it's based on one of those funny old frescos the greeks or davinci liked to make in ye olde MSpaint
If you want to do holiday events in Terraria, do you have to modify your PC's date?
either that, or a mod that can force seasonal events
would a mod like that have to go through Tmodloader?
that or complete frost/pumpkin moon, but that only gives you an in-game day of the event
it really should last an in-game week
doesn't thorium or fargo's force both events? some commonly used mod does, but i never narrowed it down. maybe it was imksushi?
I actually know very little about the content of mods as I've never played a mod
the closest I've gotten is something called Terraria Tweaker, which is independent from TML, but has an option to activate events at will via chat command, among many other things
Yeah, one of those mods enables holidays if you beat the moon events (frost and pumpkin moons).
no I mean one of them starts with them on from the start, like in pre-hm
I don't recall which one does that, but yeah I think I know what you're saying.
You can toggled on Christmas/Halloween even on Fargo's mod configuration.
Spooky mod is perma-halloween by default.
probably fargo's then
never used spooky, heard it was bad like tremor
There's lightning strikes now?
Yeah, Fargo's souls and overhaul mods have it.
I don't play mods
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Wouldn't it be easier to just use lava and stand next to it, as usual?
Wrong thread?
I'm thinking of making a space station. Any cool inspo you'd like to share, or any tips on how to deal with Harpies and Wyvern faggots?
Make sure you got tons of walls that act as windows, and make them slanted so it resembled the US space shuttle.
what are the odds random enchanted sword on mushroom biome?
build on the middle of your map, peace candle, sunflower and several npcs should be enough to reduce spawn rate.
standing still reduces drop rate
How do you fellas usually plan out your constructions? Pixel Art programs for the overall architecture plant and color theory? Or do you just do it all in game by eye?
>arhitecture plant
>color theory
nigga just place blocks
Free-ball it.
but tbf I'm not making Grand Sized Architecture
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I hate duke so much its unreal
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damn brother, you got one big plug
I said it once, Im saying it again;

The TerRoguelike mod would have been 100 times better if it used base game items and natural generation of the dungeon
I'm not sure that's a thing, I've only heard of standing still reducing spawn rates for mobs like the chaos elemental. Also I'm not sure that minecart movement counts as "moving" since there's no player input past getting it going in the 1st place
I hope I'm wrong though
I beeleeb in u
well red keeps fucking with the game every update so im probably wrong
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What's your achievements at?
I use the smartcursor to place walls. Then I add blocks to edges of the walls. I eventually add slanted roofs.
103/115. Missing a few bosses that didn't count on steam when I fought them. Presumably some jank with multiplayer and the 1k+ hours of playtime missing. (I should have 2.4k hours but only have 1.2k?) Along with some other odds and ends.
so you guys wanna play some mp so we have stuff to post about?
For some reason, a bunch of mine achievements didn't trigger in the past. Bullshit I say.
they almost beat the game though, they're in late hardmode
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impregnating my partygirl/zoologist/harpy wives
No, only dead thread, social interaction and cooperation are sin here, this board is for gacha only
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at this point I'd love to, all my friends have disappeared
lets say I have an image I want to turn into pixel art
how do?
I have .gimp and paint
Depends on what you mean by that. Like, a normal image? Or a screenshot from Terraria? You want to pixelate it? Increase the size of the pixels?
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a normal image, let's say something like >pic related
how would I prepare it so that I have a reference to follow when making it into pixel art in terraria
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crusty eyeballs
I see
Something like this?
Or what?
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Is it weird that I'm making a nice house next to a pound for me and party girl?
princess love
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I meant more like how would I use gimp or something to pixelate an image down to like 16x16 or 32x32 or 64x64 so I'd have a direct ref to replicate in game
AI slop can suck a fart outta my ass
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The mod listed on the OP seems to be 4 year old.
What are the must have mods these days?
I mean the updated list hasn't changed much
everything else is either mediocre, in a state of development, or breaks in multiplayer
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I don't like Harpies
I like Harpies but the cloaca-obsessed furry-adjacent weird egg-fetishists that surround them are a real turn off
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>It's a user changes his texture modlist and fucks with the feel of the run episode again

Alright that's it; No more being a lazyass I'm making my own fucking texture pack. Getting sick of this shit.
How would you fellas feel about a mod that adds random NPCs, that work similarly to the slimes? So they get their own houses, but you can only speak to them and they just mostly walk around your town. And they're randomly generated from the player character creator.
presumably there's an upper limit so your game doesn't eventually reach the entity cap
cuz I don't think having randomly generated 'tamable' npcs is a thing that's possible
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My own can't live without mods no matter what content mod I'm running:
Magic Storage
Magic Storage starter kit (not grinding for diamonds to even get storage going, especially in multiplayer)
Autotrash (game literally unplayable without this, cuts down on inventory management by orders of magnitude)
Better Caves/Verdant Mineshaft (makes early game exploration a lot more fun)
Fargo's Mutant Mod (all the QoL I feel is needed, like permabuffs for 30+ stacks, etc)
Boss Checklist and Census (fun to consult and look at to guide progression)
No Pylon restriction (I don't like wiring or waiting until HM and I hate managing happiness and building multiple bases for every place I want to be able to teleport to)
Just make them spawn and wander around similar to critters. More likely to spawn in "towns" when there are 3 townsfolk.

If you can, look into how to increase the entity cap or recreate a new npc entity system.
Scale image down to lowest resolution you want. Zoom in (or resize it back up). You now have a pixelated image.
I never really "finished" terraria because eventually its extremely overwhelming, from finding items to finding bosses and stashing items, maneuvering through chests etc.
How do you deal with that, or its something u learn from just playing the game from the genre.
I decided to play core keeper and im having fun but definitely having same terraria issues
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>finding items
Fishing, mob farm, shimmer.
>finding bosses
Never had this issue as long you know what you're doing.
>stashing items, maneuvering through chests
Sorting your chests from the start. Material goes here, ores/ingots go there, seeds here, herbs and pot mats go there. Food here, exploration pots here, battle potions there. Woods here, stone here, sands here, ices here, muds dirts and clay there. Sell excess loot. Or, just use magic storage mod if you're too lazy to sort your chests.
what if the image isn't a square
man, was just reminded that the current state of avatar is super depressing
has any mod sought to try to turn bending into its own class?
so uh
how about that minecraft movie trailer eh
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terrarias never going to get one but i'm fine with that. Also, why the fuck does jack black just play himself every single time he's in a movie? It's the same shit with the rock, he just himself and not the character. They really couldn't give jack black a haircut to make him more like steve? Or better yet, found a completely different actor that fit the role better? Movies gonna bomb, just like so many other films that have come out recently. They did that "it isn't for you" thing so now you know they're going to do that "why didn't you go see it?" thing.
he's just himself*
no matter how bad it is, it's not going to be possible for this to bomb due to all the kiddies screaming at their mom to take them
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Probably. I've gotten so used to seeing things that suck so hard, they completely flop. I can think of so many examples at this point; forspoken, concord, alan wake 2, acolyte, dustborn (I dont know if this really counts since it was still funded by tax dollars because the governments of the US and the entirety of the EU just hate good things) the list just goes on, man. Like seriously, look at this shit. https://thatparkplace.com/after-alan-wake-2-failed-to-turn-a-profit-games-senior-community-manager-calls-for-bigots-to-be-removed-from-gaming-communities/
yeah creators, just blame the consumer, that'll solve all your problems. I'm so sick of this shit.
>only know about dustborn and concord because 4chan wont shut the fuck up about it in every thread
>literally 0 clue on whatever the fuck everything else you posted is
feels good to not be mentally ill
>I live under a rock so I'm happy
name every person in zimbabwe that got aids last week
whats that, you cant?? bro you live under a cave this is very crucial information that all true philosophers know about!!!
Only faggots don't quote the posts they're replying to
ie the Miku Sekai general
uh bro don't you know that red is a libtard longhoused cuckold faggot and will bow to his retarded wife and insert 'current thing' into terraria in the next update (coming september 2017+10!)
you need to know these things so you're not left behind and understand the cool awesome xitter humor!
>name every person in zimbabwe that got aids last week
if you're a clueless faggot you're not forced to reply, you can lurk so you know what's being talked about instead of throwing a temper tantrum
well I'm not a clueless faggot so I am actually forced to reply
not that I'll be replying, in any case
now that you're here red do me a favor and revert the reavershark and crate changes
posting on /v/ should just ban you from posting on /vg/ or /vm/ for a day
Posting on /vg/ should ban you from posting on /vg/ for an hour.
fishchads run this world
my rod: cast
my bait: master
my angler: gear is on
my reaver shark: unnerfed
my crates: all fished before I even beat EoC
inshallah the infidels at relogic will be struck down with divine force
Talking about trans. What will be the purpose of the Gender switch potion in the next update? Shits so silly/stupid.
probably just lets you re-select the oof sound effect
this guy playing vanilla lmao
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My World got fucked and now there are a few Quest fish that are unobtainable, it's pretty annoying. Also the Angler refuses to give me the accessories to complete the fucking pda.
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>a few Quest fish that are unobtainable
How so? Should be easy to fix
how the fuck do you obtain souls of light in pre hardmode in calamity :(
>soul of light
if you want them that bad either rush to hardmode or just cheat
smartest cacameme player
seeing these fanarts make me think of cool and scary terraria would be if it was 3d. some of the shit in the game could be nightmare fuel if it wasn't in the cartoony pixel art style.
no like cheesing them ofc i could go to hardmode or cheat but i dont wanna
hey guys how do I get chlorophyte gear in pre-hardmode? (playing calamity)
I just killed the Queen Slime and the whore didn't drop me SHIT what the fuck?!
Summoner sucks absolute ballz. I'm legit thinking of jumping to Mage.
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just finished a summoner calamity playthrough, it was fun. what other mods does /tg/ recommend?
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Be honest
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Beat ravager, then shimmer the drops
Sky fracture is good only because of it's range or am I missing something?
Yeah, but it sucks. I prefer cursed flame and golden shower for general purposes.
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> Party girl criteria 14 other town NPCs are in the world. Note that while the Old Man, Traveling Merchant, and town pets count towards this total, the Skeleton Merchant does not.[2]
Does the wiki wrong?
Maybe you were an NPC all along
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12+old man + travelling merchant is 14

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