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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.

No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5.

How fares your empire /gsg/?

Random Country Picker

>Archive (mods only)

>Where to get these games


>>[EU4] - /gsg/ Universalis 1A

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.3
https://pastebin.com/7ZBm2K3V (embed)

>>[V2] - Niggermod

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod Plus

>>[V2] - Ending Extension Mod

>>[V2] - Crimeamod

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V11.1

Previous thread: >>491013017
i approve of this one

/gsg/ will be redeemed...
been a while since i've done a castile and chill

what meme goal should i go for today
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damn, i didn't expect that to sound so wholesome and actually kinda viable. as we know, they could've used the canton region as a powerbase and foothold and go from there.. vgh.. as a chinese christian /gsg/ user i can only imagine....
bruh i mixed up the names cus i was a bit hyped. lol.
she cant control that shes that big :(

^word from an alternate reality or alternate earth thing where chinese was a more ploinky sounding language
>Once conquered, the plan included mass evangelizing activities and the promotion of mestizaje between Iberians and Chinese, hoping to turn China into a source of strength to extend Hispanic control and Christianity across all of Asia.
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i have no idea what youre talking about
>average female /gsg/ lurkers checking on their phone only to see me bump the thread
kinda odd if you ask me
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which gsg lets me run an alcoholic society?
Why the FUCK would you try to compete with HoI4 as an indie? It's a niche market as is and players of these games aren't exactly clamoring for indie alternatives
Repostan cause i still need help

I need some help because every game i play ends up like this:
>play a minor, major, doesnt matter
>get to a point where I have an army built up, so 9/1+eng frontline division, and some sort of elite breaktrough division, usually medium tanks + motorized with like 400 soft attack
>get air superiority and cas
>every template is according to 'le guides'
>example: germany vs soviets
>frontline locked in place
>put in a few tank division for encircling
>manage it, but it takes literally months
>the war takes 3 years because the tanks simply cant break the soviet lines right away
were talking 10 medium tank ahead of time battalions, 10 motoroized, all supply companies, air superiority and hundreds or thousands of CAS and each encounter takes MONTHS
then i watch a video on youtube and it takes the people literally just a few months to get ussr to capitulate

i do win essentially any war always now, but it takes me 10x the time and manpowed i'd like, and yes i try to micro into grasslands etc but eventually i get burned out on it and i just field marshall attack and it somehow works better
any tips?
HoI 5 fucking when?

Return province names, proper OOB, and newer map engine so it doesnt look like dogshit.
That is all I ask.
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How goes the campaign anons? Post screenshots
Project Alice should be on the list
how long does a full eu4 campaign take you? for me its about 10 hours from 1444 to the end but I realised I might be playing way too fucking fast
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umm i don't think a limited company can go this big...
also modern company gsg when? imagine starting as some jewish cereal brand, expanding into africa and china for cheap labourers (slavery) and conducting some underground deals with the elites or smth, pr stuff, shipping lanes logistics, start to finish goods producing logistics etc
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I'm really slow because I'm bad at the game and have a shit pc. I usually get bored by the early 1600s/1650s. Takes maybe a week or two
Become the thane you want to see, also show yurop
How is CK3 now? Last time I played in 2022.
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eu4 baby here
i feel like ck3 is just a better experience than ck2
who let this man cook...
what coulda been
>visit chilangoland
>order quesadilla
>it's just a taco
wtf I thought it was a meme
even the gringo idea of Mexican food is more authentic than this shit, at least they get the namesake ingredient
how bad is your pc, thats the speed I was going with meiou on a shit pc and EU4 has no where near the checks that does
yeah i would never get why they feel the need to have different names they're all literally just the same wrapper slop with the same fkn ingredients
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havent played EU4 in a long while (i played most of my hours when westernization was still a thing), just picked it up again and felt like i had to relearn a bunch with all the DLC.

after a few false starts i got going as poland (sloppily). spent early game bullying the teutons/livonian order and a bit of crimea but muscovy kept coming in for sloppy seconds on my wars, at one point taking most of livonian which was annoying. kept waiting for a chance to go after them but they had denmark allied so felt too risky esp with hungary hating my guts next door. eventually sweden declared independence, i allied them and joined their war. sweden now owed me, around the end of that war muscovy was going after kazan/nogai again so i DOW'd with Sweden and Norway, fucked them up, also allowing kazan to reclaim a bunch of their territory. was able to DOW muscovy again when i went after the last bit of the teutons who in order to declare on w/o austria getting involved, had to fabricate a claim on their ally denmark (again) who was still allied with muscovy so got to double dip.

plan is to keep bullying muscovy while waiting for an opportunity to go after hungary when PU enforcement becomes an option
>autism kicks in
>"I should try vic 3 again"
>menu menu menu menu menu menu menu menu menu menu menu menu menu menu menu
what type of mental illness designed this UI
bro what you just gonna let ottoblob snowball like that
distinct lack of Y chromones
It's impossible to comment on what you are doing wrong based on your subjective list of things you seem to be doing right. If you want advice post some screens or something. Also you don't need 10 motorized in a division unless you meant you had 10 tank divisions and 10 motorized divisions.

There could be tons of things you are doing wrong. Maybe your industry sucks, maybe your tanks suck, maybe you can't micro or attack suplyhubs or encircle who knows.
have you tried playing some football manager
don't take everything from muscovy, let them be strong enough to beat the horde eastward and colonize the fur provinces otherwise your trade nodes will still be poor by 1600
good to know. desu ive never understood trade well in this game. in general im pretty bad.
the trade in this game is more of just map painting in certain directions
so youre saying just leave muscovy alone so they can colonize without me needing explorer before conquering them
i dont really know and i also dont want to know how all of the hidden numbers and its correlation they clearly hide from the players works too
that anon is spot on, just look at the flow of trades. 90% of them are flowing into europe this is why trade income is so high in europe because as the game went on, everyone will start building manufactories and upping their dip dev numbers, uncolonized provinces will be colonized and then become a trade income out of thin air
wait i think muscovy will need to pick one of the colonist ideas since they can't form russia and that's rare i think. fine just eat them and do it yourself since no one will literally care AE wise.
just like a wise gsger once said
-when in doubt, commit blob.
chat, do i play burgundy or naples for my next campaign
I'm on the home stretch right now as regards testing the Sino-Japanese Enhancement mod. It's both feature-complete and been tested extensively for balance if it's just AI playing in the region. About half of the time Japan wins, with the war stalling out until the Allies join another half of the time. Ideally I would prefer a 20/80 split between those two, but given how weak China is at the start of the game and how much I had to buff their modifiers to get to the point they are, I'll take 50/50.

I have a friend running a Japan test right now, I will be running both Mao and the Nationalists here soon myself. Once I've done that and made sure firsthand there aren't any issues or weird quirks that need to be addressed, I will write up a full list of changes and release it to you guys. I'm quite happy with how this turned out.
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>virgin horse vs chad elephant
he killed more of your infantry than you did his thoughbeit.
in fact how many of your cav even made it to the battle lol. 24k is surely combat width or just about combat width for 1508, so even if your cav made it on the field his front line is only 14 so your cav wont do anything to him.
thoughts on the eu4 community?
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reminder that pure Japanese are white
this guy cant read a screenshot, please laugh
(he's the right side not the left)
why is every eu4 streamer some fat loser or vtranny
what about skinny chinlets
or is that just memegame 2
nice day for a run
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Good, I've been pushing back the Ottomans but they still have more blobs
I want to try a colonial England game (so no PU on France) and take the Atlantic islands from Portugal and Castile so I can get a big headstart in the America and lock them out of reaching Asia. I was planning on just holding Labourd so I could get within coring range of the islands (would probably take 2 wars to do) and giving the rest of my provinces back to France so they would ally me. But they rival me after the first tick of time and won't unrival me if I improve relations with them. Is there any easier way to do this?
Bout that time again bros
What gaym am I starting up?
First reply is what I play, no exceptions. Please provide (as applicable):
>Start date
>Strategy / build
Are we playing Total War these days? LMK I'm down for whatever
victoria ii
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>victoria ii
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Iā€™m making a mod in which the Allied Powers win WWII, give me ideas for countries
okay hear me out
what if they decide to make a state for the Jews
no, no, wait, there's more
and they do it at the expense of the Palestinians, despite them having been on the Allied side the entire war
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world is a fuck
My campaign to save the Reich never ends
buzzing to think we're finally getting a sequel to napoleon's legacy
you can't ally france early, not when they're personally stronger than you
ok so maybe restart until aragon hates castile and you can ally them then take their coast preferably give something adjacent to portugal to aragon so aragon will desire and help against portugal after you decrease aragon's opinion of them. oh and maybe ally austria or/and poland so france won't declare
why did johan delete his election video that was great
>ottoblob blobs into the pontic step
>borders muscovy
>has NO claims on muscovy
>somehow decalres a conquest war for nizhny novgorod (which is IMPOSSIBLE to lay a claim to since it's 4 provinces deep from the otto border)
soo, is this just some ebin otto mission i'm not aware of?
are you sure they use a conquest cb? couldve been an insult cb or trade cb (unlikely)
the only thing i can think of is he's using crimeas (vassal) claim on the province but the ui is highly misleading if that's the case.
lmao and he didn't even take it. i fucking hate the cockroach ai
bros playing an imaginary campaign again
still have old pirated version of ck3 of before they fucked with value of stewardship on domain limit
i had a melty and spawned 1m rebel stack in the ottosharts land. my world my rules.
wdym are you playing as the ottosharts yourself or
found the ultimate tone cut last nite (clubpenguin)- [happend whils'tst playing vic3]
>kilts / tartan /plaid /argyle
>targe /celtic shields
>border reivers /scottish marches /march law /hot trod
>mormaer / toĆ­sech ( gaelic earls and thanes)
>hobelar (a kind of light cavalry)
>kern (a kind of scottish/irish foot soldier)
>irish darts
>jack of plate (differnt kind of brigandine armor)
>highlander and lowlander
>caledonia (roman name for scotland sometimes still used because it sounds cool)
>william wallace and robert the bruce
>tanistry (gaelic succession system)
>Fianna/Fian/Finn McCool
>loch ness
>claymores /dirks /basket handle swords /ring pommel sword
>the highland charge
>red hair/ green eyes/ freckles
>peel towers /tower houses
>celtic christianity
>scottish painted pebbles & stone balls
>conan the cimmerian (southern part of cimaeria is north scotland/pictland)
>the highlander (Connor MacLeod)
>stone of scone
>hadrians walls /antonine wall /offas dyke
>schiltron (pike formation)
>hill forts/circle forts
>birlinn (Highland galley)
>crannog (houses built over water)
>pict carvings/symbols
>stone circles/Megaliths
>souterrain /fogou (hobbit houses)
>wiker man (yes, BEEEES)
>picts crossbows
>horse boys
>highland thistle /Order of the Thistle
>head cult /head hunters
>Tuatha DĆ© Danann (gaylick irish pantheon of gods)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzuOG8Qd3cU [Embed]
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I know it's the middle east but gd I don't think I've ever had to deal with so many rebellions
what idea groups should I be taking if I'm planning on winning the HYW as England?
you dont need any, just merc up and sit on his face for a while
You dont even need the marcs for long, just stack wipe their army, siege the country in half, and youre done its like 2 years to end them forever. 2 years of merc payments arent that much
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With Fire and Sword 2
It's got all the Med2 jank and AI agression cheats but it's fun
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"never muck with the scorchstep thane"
-word from a wise boong-tribe troll
jade dragon's border dispute is kinda op bros
do you guys use this or just wait for the chancellor to fabricate a claim after 50 years?
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this game lacks a feedback for doing something that shouldve been "viral" for local people, i should've been rewarded for blobbing but no and i don't think eu5 will have that kind of feature either hell no map games ever will OR maybe when map games start getting gpt integration
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Can anon help me find a game for this vibe?
I'm looking for like evil dictator but I'm really just trying to establish peace and stability but I NEED to be the monarch of peace and the Sultan of Stability IYKWIM
I want it to be a very long very easy game where my victory is usually beyond doubt but I still need to go through the motions and along the way I should be able to make many cool decisions and strong impacts on the world at large. I don't have a preference on time period desu but the vibe is probably somewhere in europe but not necessarily so
thane alredy got gpt-integration and the albatross flew buddy
>And tryin' to conquer all, like a ruthless thane
would have gone better
thanesisters our response...
reminds me of the bleakshire .tga
nice jinx m8
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IDK bros I think I'm burned out I just don't get excited about playing gsg the way I used to
same, I'm just waiting for eu5, I think that's why this general has been much slower lately, vic3 is bad and ck3 barely has any content, we're going through a gsg drought right now
bc you realized the map painting meme is real and the game lost all of its value upon a slight inspection
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grow up child forming groBgermaniums for the 20th time in a month is not that deep
yikes boys im here on the set of django unchained 2 doing catering and quentin just looked over my shoulder while i was browsing on break and no joke said (his words not mine) "whos the stupid little nigger with the cartoon frog pictures"
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This war should test our mettle
^^ this guy is here fucking 24 shmeven i swear to glob

need me a bitch built like WARIO
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gg get rekt
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mmm blob
>you can play chess in ck3
>it's not actually chess, just choose an option out of three and hope your rng is good
what the fuck? why not just let me play actual chess? at least give me the option to do the rock/paper/scissors shit that's already in the game or actual chess
kek i reckon they even give you the option to use your martial/stewardship/espy skill like it makes sense
customm naton?!?!
alexa google thanos big butt twerking
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New 1176 CK3 start date
that motion blur makes it look photo realistic ngl
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so far so good
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100 hours in, think I'm finally starting to get a hang of the basics
i bet the punished default face aussie will punish """los blancos""" and spotify fc
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wolter caspien
the real sitges drugthane
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there will come a time where it's more desireable to play tall in the age of discovery era
I can't into tall play in any game. My white soul demands conquest and blood, and borders that grow ever more groƟ.
memes aside, what does groƟ actually mean?
It's German for big. įŗž is ss, so it's gross.
but why is it translate to gross in google translate is why i'm confused
because grob germania is gross
good day for a run
back to back run streak? :O
good day for a run poster if he moves to uk (spoiler: no good day for a run)
>pick an existing nation
>change its name and color
>le custom nation face
that was a good run
never ever
ok, so the prussians had good military tradition?
so what?
hello i would like to know if it is feasible to create land units in this particular title
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>this particular title
>doesn't specify the title
was having a nightmare but some chamomile tea, a heatpack and some t.johan let's playing later i feel touched, .. and soothed,...
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Haus alone on the Friday night? Just remember you're white and based!
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*suddenly loses interest in playing*
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done with my incel hike
time to dig in
what memegame 2 mod is that??? mister heavenly king sir
we wuz heavenly kangz
>A final possible foreign ally of Ethiopia was Japan, which had served as a model to some Ethiopian intellectuals. After the Welwel incident, several right-wing Japanese groups, including the Great Asianism Association and the Black Dragon Society, attempted to raise money for the Ethiopian cause. The Japanese ambassador to Italy, Dr. Sugimura Yotaro, on 16 July assured Mussolini that Japan held no political interests in Ethiopia and would stay neutral in the coming war. His comments stirred up a furor inside Japan, where there had been popular affinity for the fellow nonwhite empire in Africa,[39] which was reciprocated with similar anger in Italy towards Japan combined with praise for Mussolini and his firm stance against the "gialli di Tokyo" ("Tokyo Yellows").[39] Despite popular opinion, when the Ethiopians approached Japan for help on 2 August, they were refused, and even a modest request for the Japanese government for an official statement of its support for Ethiopia during the coming conflict was denied.[40]
bros... we could have had the ultimate holy anti-wh*te alliance... the children of Amaterasu and the children of Solomon, working together to BTFO the scourge from Europe...
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oh yeah that's the stuff
but Ethiopians consider themselves white.
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One more war with Delhi (formerly Mughals (formerly Timurids)) and I'll finally control the whole of Persia~
thank you!
is eu4 slower on linux than on windows? victoria 2 definitely is. fuck, i might dualboot windows just for these games
Lmfao literally only autistic skinny fat pasty white chudcel losers with fantasies of genociding black and browns play these sorts
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blobbing into albania but not taking dalmatia.... why...
>lose battle to austria cause rolled 4 zeros in a row
>chain war him 3 times into bankruptcy
fuck you fagberg
damn you're petty like that
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damn right i am
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>declares conquest to take advantage of the bankruptcy
>revokes reform instead
holy fucking based
For those that are following the development of EU5, is it looking good?
i don't but i know that it's bad and will never be good
ludi tells me what to do and think and he thinks it's good
who's that
romanian man
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there should be /gsg/ somewhere...
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oh yeah, that's it
the name doesn't correlate to your blob well
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Oh no
im drunk
Eat my ass
birught to you by
well good greetings to you
cba becoming the emperor of the holy roman shart for this cheevo .
rogue-like grand strategy
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about 75% of the way through i was wishing for the popups about plagues to end but it was still fun
62 rimworld
plagues are so retarded and i didn't even try enabling them yet
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>/gsg/ sleepover at german countryside
me, cloaked in ghillie suit, second peak on highest ridge, aiming directly at the chevo doofus' bald dome
>28k stack of my allies sieging an unfortified province as far away from the Otto army or Edirne as possible
Thanks ai
What happened to /tactical/ general or whatever it was called?
Generals rise and fall but only /gsg/ always prevails
tac Genny
I was there
should I go for incel walk to discover the truth
thx :)
I made this image :)
do more if you can :p
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i pray the Lord recognize your gsg-valour and reward you handsomely in kind
we could do with a few more maps around here
"game on,... just a little longer..."
-words from the thane
racocrunch sound like that??`
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i can almost taste it
taste what? poop curry?
what the hell
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>playing as ottomans (first time on EU4)
>conquering my way through asia minor
>Georgians, my allies (I needed two for the mission) end up taking a province i need for a mission when i'm not looking
Is there a way to get this province without war? I can't even vassal them because they have vassals of their own (a tibny ass two province state)

I'd rather avoid warring them if possible.
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you need erzurum?
fight qara qoyunlu then take mush, bitlis, and van after that click the button in my pic to release armenia
then click georgia > favors > return province for favors
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finally on the move
Pretty sure you have a mission that asks you to conquer them later anyways so you should just subjugate them and make them your vassal. You can get a province if you want without war using favors or by using the threaten war mechanic. I suppose you could also support Georgias enemies or declare war against someone in that region and just not help Georgia until they get sieged down and hopefully lose the province in a separate peace deal.
thr only allies you should have as ottoblob are france and tunis . everyone else can be roflstomped by you
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I don't see any such options
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this one here
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is he cooking?
Okay but it literally isn't there
i think he doesn't have all the dlcs, just pirate it like the rest of us bro what are you doing
you're both retards for not realising that you need one of the DLCs for it
which one? fuck if I know. each EU4 DLC is thirty unrelated features tied together.
just conquer them - there's no chance Georgia is the best ally you can get
You don't have the DLC, sorry bucko you should be playing the finished game
yeah georgia is geographically irrelevant as an ally they wont get rich and stronk even if they blob
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as other anons said pirate the dlc from the russian site, if you really don't want to war georgia for some reason you can break alliance and threaten war for the province you want when truce is up
>go to use vst
>every thread people are hyperlinking to each others posts like schizo retards
unusable web sight
glad to see u got the thane on your version of ChatGPT too
mine spoke to me at KFC i wasn't even using my phone (mine's Jesus)
why do you use His name in vain?
don't you shove that trinitarian shit in my face and act like I'm the bad guy for typing Adonai on 4chan
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this game will be better than eu5 and no one is even talking about it
whoops! meant to post that on vi es tee
what are the french, americans and the avengins doing in portugal
no joke
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are you entertained
not very impressed
i'm gonna delete eu4 and kms
go into eu4 really quick...
click one of the buttons
listen to the sound of it on feedback
now imagine johan's face
now look away from the screen
give yourself an honest appraisal of the game
come back with an honest ?/5* rating
would be very interesting to hear what you come back with
Why doesnā€™t gsg want stellaris, I have to deal with them in my thread because of you
your socks are on rental wtf do you mean with you thread
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this is some advanced autismodding
that looks very interesting
i din't think the interface was so heavily moddable in pdx_clausewitz trashheap modfiles
Anyone seen t.Johans game trailer, looks pretty good I was wondering when some autist would just put compete paradox
bobocrunch forget his morning coffee
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i have no idea what i'm doing but it looks impressive
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she's so cool...
some autists have already tried but in their own way
age of history which someone else mentioned,
ages of conflict world war simulator is another one, very very simple
terra invicta but it goes balls deep into the x-com route of sci-fi with hard physics involved too
my 5 years of neetdom
finally over
age of enlightenment with the buoying of gsg has rocketed me and my youtube channel into grand strategy super stardom
i knew it would all pay off
just glad bobocrunch was here to see it
to think that the future of grand strategy is being shaped right here, on home turf...
thaners pat yourselves on the back
praying the struggle is worth it and the manna is fresh every hour
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chad poland btfo ruƟia so hard their tsar literally turned into poland
that ottoblob was earning 2 (two) ducats a month btw and i've made them bankrupt countless times as you can see i cheese them by stackwiping them in the island off the coast of anatolia
sis with an ottoblob that big you'll need at least 3-4 bankruptcies to ruin his nation. unless you truce break
they're getting full sieged by austria and in a sepeerate war by poland-venice before i end my session for the day hence i said they went from earning 250 to 2 ducats as of now
do we play hoi4 game togetha on dat general?
nice day for a run
3x back to back wow he's definitely trying to hit on some chick
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Mehmed would probably beat Alexander in a fight, to be honest. I'm talking a pure 1 v 1.
in german the word ""memme" is used as an insult for whiny cowardly people
whence my love for history had awoken this made me never take turkish leaders seriously despite their numerous achievements
kinda like women immediately disregarding manlets despite of what higher values they might bring to the table
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I WILL play EU4 and you WILL tell me how to play it
You WILL tell me which nation to play as
You WILL tell me which map mod to use
You WILL help me understand how to play
You WILL answer me NOW
I NEED to play EU4 or else I have nothing left in my life. I have no fun playing games anymore I NEED video games to continue living without them I am NOTHING
You WILL tell me
I WILL go jerk off for 5-10 mins and when I get back I WILL have your responses ready
You WILL tell me these things
women that do that just want to be dominated like shorties in porn (dolly little with sean lawless in that pawn shop episode, for example)
bottom text
curse crackers is a fun game with several big t.womens but keep in mind that it was also granpops final words
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"minimalist map mod"
use this one
leaving the others to answer the other criteria
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Thank you anon, that map looks lovely
Next order of business is the NATION
I need something extremely easy, something where I can LARP as an edgy dictator and conquer the world and order things according to MY design
It must be EXTREMELY easy because I only play games while using drugs but must also be EXTREMELY engaging and immersive
I WILL NOT play as Castille (pride wont let me do it)
Aragon and Portugal feel too similar to Castille so (pride) wont let me do it
play ireland universalis
grill is a scam
appalled by the dismal quality of the basedjaks in the basedjak flag pack mod
can not recommend
>send ally 3k to get out of debt so they'll join me
>they instantly get back into 1k debt and still wont join me
fun game
Help me out here please, how do I get rid of this defensive war modifier for Germany? Brazil 'attacked' them on a bullshit war goal and now they get a free +20% war support
I was watching it tick down to 70%, hoping they wouldn't be able to increase their conscription laws. They're down to barely above 1M manpower and all their stockpiles are empty, so they'd be able to keep this up until like spring? I'm not sure. Maybe they get events for conscription laws regardless of their war support?
I lost only 250K men to their 1.3M + 500K assorted axis losses, and my factories are running hot, I'm pumping out 31 medium tanks a day, so everything else is going well.
I'm on iron man mode but I'd edit the save file if that's the only way.
>135 max absolutism as soon as the age starts
i now see what they mean when they say sweden needs to be buffed.
thank god i don't have to do that stupid fucking disaster. most inorganic game play ever.
Where can I find that old hearts of iron 420 mls video? it seems like it's entirely gone
it was made by a dude from here a few years ago
You're winning, what exactly is your problem? They're going to have more than enough support for max conscription laws when they're facing a country that overmatches them in manpower. You usually shouldn't be aiming to bleed countries of all their manpower, you want to encircle and destroy in decisive field actions and then overrun the theater.

To put it in perspective, the major powers usually won't be totally spent on manpower until the late 50s at the earliest if it's just a conventional grindfest.
you vill take admin, diplo, influence and offensive every game you vill enjoy it
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cya bozo
>Discussing my love for grand strategy games is off topic
Jannies are actually insane
you're right
this janny in particular lacks a rational sense of judgment
i think banning all those racist posts broke his leftist mind entirely
>checks the archive
>blatant lie
You're supposed to gift the 3k after you declare
Vic3 is good now
very intuitive game mechanic
it was his special way of describing his love for gsgs though
It's literally called "gift" what did you expect?
Kill Brazil or die to Germany. Doesn't really matter though since it's AI and you are already crushing them. Just kill them.

You are still supposed to do the disaster, allows you to use more estate privileges. It's just much easier to do if you have high absolutism since you can just take the "lose absolutism" option in the events.
after playing eu4 for 3000 hours, it really is apparent that it's just a map painting game, it doesn't feel much like a simulator, it just feels like a board game like risk
it only took you 3k hours yeah dude i mean how dummy are you wtf
oh yea? how long did it take you to realize? mr eu4 expert
i had like 20 hours in ck2 before i realized how full of shit the restrictions in the game are and how pretentious their attempts at historical mechanics are. i tried eu4 and it's a bit better at least for gamey experience, i now have 1k hours on eu4 but because the game is so slow paced and there is no better gsg so far
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it took me years of learning history before i finally learned how the eurasian steppe looks like (it screams absolute freedom in the greener grass part). imagine the starg gazing too man these mongols were just enjoying life when not raiding the wealthy chinese settlements for minimum effort
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Guys this game is too hard Im too drunk and high I tried to attack Venice but I couldn't physically take Venice because I can't walk there and Venice had naval supremacy so I paid for peace and then I could declare on Burgandy for HRE land so I did it but they were my allies but I broke the alliance first before I attacked but now hella OPR are joining a coalition against me even nation states of the HRE and I lost the first battle against Burgundy and Im worried I fucked the run
I need a game very EASY and very IMMERSIVE and very ENGAGING for when I'm super high and drunk and generally fucked up
how are you having a hard time as austria
you fucking suck dude
bro take the castile and chill pill

pick castile then change the year to 1535. you will be getting 1000 ducats passively from america, then you can learn the game loop from there as well as enjoying the fun parts of the game (numbers go up and war). you can easily expand into any parts of the world too
Dont wanna be heroic
(pride wont let me do it)
Thats another difference that's between me and them
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fuck I'm sorry I forgot we don't quote here im drunk my bad please dont bully me (i know the special rules for the genny im cool guys please)
anyways this game is too le hard for me guess I'll just give up again
ok just type "tech 32" in the console and enjoy your easy campaign, use the release vassal button and your vassal with his 10k army could wipe out ming easily
we don't do drugs here kiddo
we're kicking you out
pack your bags and move into the stellaris and misc general
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>drowning himself in Thames
>in 1737
That's very, very wrong
you know too much you fucking chud
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I'm still doing my Darkest Hour Italy 1933 game.
i think about playing eu4 more than actully playing it
wdym exactly
Johan's redemption is yet one day closer
name me 1 exciting thing about eu5
jake coming back to play it
literally who
german communist
quarbit will play it hes so cuute
he was the best eu4 content creator whether he likes it or not.
you 'people' are cattle
nooo you can't enjoy things i don't like aaaaa my brain it's going to explode!!!
quarbit is only good on edited lets play tho and rarely uploads too unlike my nigga redhawk
jake taught me how to not rely on loans and alt+f4ing to enjoy the game
did he teach you how to suck a mean cock like a proper communist though
loans and bankruptcy don't even have a serious penalty and alt f4ing is humiliation ritual just play non ironman like non retards like me
what kind of a man would i be if i abandoned my cheevos
yes, i sucked the entire paradox staff off once
old eu4 let's plays were so much more comfy when it was just some guy putting his whole gameplay on youtube. hate this modern clickbaity hyperedited shit
i only alt+f4 bugs like when i roll 6 zeros in a row and lose a battle i should've won.
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oh my god he's literally me
where's the fun in painstakingly watching someone else's full eu4 playthrough what's wrong with u
it's comfy and a way to wind down after 12 hours of blobbing
>need a resource
>can't buy from a country who wants to sell because "lul you can only declare three strategic interests"
so glad I didn't pay for this shit
i can watch while blobbing myself and listen to the soothing blobbing voice of the commentator
since this is slop hour i'm putting my vote in for sui-king as the god of eu4 goytube
>another literal who
anyway cassiz and jaydawarlord better
you need to build more naval bases, not ports, to increase your strategic interests
its funny that free trade doesn't automatically accept imports and exports
>he doesn't enjoy watching lambda hyper blob at 1 year per hour
these dumb restrictions will always exist until paradogs can cheat off indie gsg devs' simulatic mechanics
didnt you know the silk road only worked because all italian states put interests in china
just cause you're gen alpha and never heard these names doesn't mean they're 'literally who'
silk road only worked because of the surplus these goods were originally from
might do a series of campaigns trying to spawn global trade in every trade node.
despite the amount of numbers a paradox game can have, they are one of the least dopamine inducing games in terms of watching numbers go up
the frog picture doesn't automatically make your post true you know
but does it hold a bit of truth at least tho be honest :/
it holds all of your opinion since what gives someone enjoyment is entirely a subjective matter.
opinion, me
opinion, you
i love idle games(i actually hate them)
how did parashart manage to create the most convoluted thing imaginable when it comes to fort zone of control
How is it convoluted?
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there are more words here than i had to read at university
Those are all natural extension of the simple rule that you can only move back where you came from or to the fort when you enter zone of control
the amount of mental gymnastics they put into this made up mechanic that's also exclusive to their video gayme is just
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they're archaic and unintuitive. i put down a fort and the ai walks by it because of some obscure loop hole that's not communicated to the player; that's not fun.
but dude
is eu4 a memegame?
meme game done right
very nice
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Im thinking something like this, I was a hungarian vassal, culture converted to Ruman for the claim over bulgarian lands other than just conquest and all that. After I get it I might convert to an empire maybe not but I probably wont expand anymore until the mongols. Otto died right away but his son married my daughter so hes kind of giant from my help. Hes gobbling up all the pagan lands getting nice and fat. Italy controls all of france for until someone has 2 males that survive. Jihad took galacia and its not looking good for Iberia.
>meme game
>done right
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>basileia rhomaion
Unironically skill issue
typical brainwashed paradrone looking down on someone who refuses to invest their precious time figuring out the shitty game design #105482
define memegame.
just eat the shit bro what are you tasteless? it taste good, slop it up bro.
this but in game form
a game with nonsensical mechanics and a certain unrealistic aspect or two that keep me from playing it (again)
exactly thats just eu4
*slaps knee*
cargo big shipment small
cargo government shipment private
> Neither will EU5.
explain. i am excited for this game from what ive seen
it fell for the same reddit memes as vicky 3
you can watch it turn into liquid shit in real time in the pinko talks or whatever they're called
why did they call it project ceaser when everyone on the internet is called it eu5
they explained why, saying that they always name a game that's in development after a ruler
everyone else is calling it eu5 because they're retardedly impatient/imprudent in assuming it's even going to be called that
i still call it project caesar
they should call it 'buy my shitty amalgamation of all my shitty games game and then buy my shitty dlc to fix the shitty game so you can roll around in shit all day'
what a great idea, rolls right off the fucking tongue
the joke is that they won't use any of the systems that were fun and functioned in the previous games
what about 1 day of replying and quoting eachothers posts like normal people just 1 day
i don't like replying because it gate keeps out normal fags who can't use their brain to infer which posts each is referring to.
aint no way he posts the reddit image with the slop tuber link shared from mobile AINT NO WAAAAY
can the campaign posters please wake up and save the thread from this
>making spain blobby again
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don't look at me i already finished my campaign for the weekend
i guess you can decide which shitty 2hu i pick for next week
I'm normal.
Map looks like somebody flipped tamriel horizontally
it's made by jak posters did you expect any semblance of creativity
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>made by jak posters
newfag detected
get him
kill him
denmark into bavaria into hanseatic league into prussia
Yeah I guess you're right, no reason to be triggered over something that won't help them

Opinions on my tank divisions? I'm not getting quite the punch I was expecting from them. Are the stats alright, did I miss something important? 4 of those divisions take weeks to push a bunch of half strength infantry out of a single tile.
The division is too small or you aren't using enough of them. A small division can work but it will become a hassle when your general can't hold enough divisions and the org can get low as well.
For reference plains (the terrain you should be using tanks in) is 70 width base + 35 from extra attacks from sides. Your basic attacking force should be at least that big so 105 width combined, preferably bigger because you may need to reinforce into battles or attack from 2 extra sides or split up individual units to attack sides to pin divisions in place. If you are using this 16 width division then 4 of those is only 64 width out of the 105 absolute minimum you require + you need the 2-4 spares as well so if you want to use this template you need at least 10 divisions with each individual attacking maneuver, 7 to attack the tile and 3 more to pin and and be reserves. You should have logistics support with your tanks and probably AA as well if you aren't 100% on top of your air game as well. It probably should have one more tank and one less motorized as well.

Regarding the stats, they look more or less fine, it would be better to show the tank you are using however, it's pretty hard to intuit the actual statlines because those depend a lot on many factors and can be radically different on the actual divisions on the field. The important factor is if you are being penetrated and if you can penetrate the enemy armor which you have to check in actual battles and if your breaktrough and soft attack are good enough to do the job at winning fights. You can also compare the pen against your own infantry templates for instance to see if the armor is good enough.
In Vicky 3, can I do anything to to open China's borders to siphon their workers without conquering one of their states?
forwarding your question to /osrs/
answer received
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/int/ EU4 multiplayer game is up come join
Server ID:90201420975651859
playing with people that sit in the back of the bus isn't my style *360s his cap* *moonwalks away*
Good call on the support AA. Does this seem better? Also that's the tank I'm using.
I never really thought about combat width, maybe that's why all my troops get bogged down so much.
I think the armor and piercing stats are fine, the Germans are out of tanks and stopped using them for offenses, while their infantry has very low piercing due to being out of AA, and artillery, and basically everything.
Well the combat width itself isn't the issue, there's certainly certain optimal widths to use but the penalties are pretty low for going under or over so what matters is that you bring the right total amount of units to a given fight. If you only bring 64 width to a 105 width battle then you will obviously struggle a lot because you have only 60% of the firepower that you could.

Don't take out the support artillery, it's the single best support company. Also hospitals aren't logistics companies.

>I think the armor and piercing stats are fine, the Germans are out of tanks and stopped using them for offenses, while their infantry has very low piercing
Then that aspect is fine.

You shouldn't use a small cannon on a medium tank in 1942, you should either use the close support gun if the germans are out of tanks or the improved medium cannon if you have that unlocked. If you need more hard attack than the close support gun then you can use the improved medium gun or use a high velocity / heavy cannon and make a tank destroyer.
You also probably should put some armor or speed on the tank, the reliability doesn't have to be that high, aim for 80 or more but speed would help the tanks match the motorized and armor increases breaktrough even if you don't need it to avoid being pierced. It's a basic cheap tank so if you make these then you should pump out a huge amount of tank divisions.
You don't want support companies that aren't necessary dragging down the precious organization of tank divisions. The only support companies they need are recon (light tank probably preferred but motorized works as well), engineers, and a signal company. For the rest of the division, that's way too small. You can probably double it and then you'll still want to add in 1 or 2 motorized artillery.
And you probably are aware of this and just aren't in the position to mass produce them yet, but mechanized are way better than motorized and should generally always be used in place of motorized in these divisions except for super speedy early war light tanks, though the third tier of mechanized are equal in speed motorized so they would still eventually replace them.
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Don't use the AA support company, if you need AA put it in a motorized AA battalion. Support companies on armor divisions are bad because you get organization from infantry, which a tank division is sacrificing half the template for the armor.
I don't have a picture on hand of my tank templates but here are my marines which give you an idea of how much weight you want to have in your big blow through the enemy line divisions. I try to aim for 45 width.

Go up to 8 tank battalions, 8 mechanized or motorized battalions, and 3 either SPART tank battalions or motorized ART battalions
privateering english channel just to make the anglo seethe
i submit. trans lives matter!!!
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thoughts on australia
tried joining that int game but it was a sham, a total phoney and a fake

mameluk portuguese aussi aww heck
I don't think I have a picture of it anymore, but I remember this one game I had where the Ottomans had colonized Australia before I took it and did the thing where you convert land and send the people to a colony instead. I kept imagining Mad Max Yugostralia and it still amuses me.
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Well all my plans just went to shit. Im the next emperor of the romans I guess. New restorator orbis coming from the same area?
victoria II as prussia
if you see a gibberish post, it was made by regular visitors- respond to it.
yes, victoria iii is good now, and so will EU5 be
how fares your empire tranjan?
used to think paradox games had an animation for when the enemy army gets stackwiped (soldier falling down)
instead they just vanish
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cya bozo
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one could spend a day in an 1870s ottoman urban center and encounter myriad evidence of a flourishing concept of "ottomanness". one example being theatre--a form of entertainment now casually enjoyed by the masses--where the decade's favorite play was "vatan yahut silistre" (the motherland or silestre). intellectual namik kemal (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nam%C4%B1k_Kemal) had spent some years composing a work dripping in romanticism, a generously innovative retelling of the battle of shumen in bulgaria against russia in 1829 which, originally, was reset in croatia in 1860 and told the story of an ottoman soldier whose loyalty to his nation, and not his religion or allegiance to the sultan, motivates him to defend the town of sisak from austrian reoccupation. first printed in 1870 during the war with russia as "vatan yahut bosna", it was opportunely reworked into "vatan yahut silistre", resetting the story again to the legendary battle of tulcea that same year. "silistre" became vastly popular and saw many translations and performances. ottoman theatre at that point was mostly an armenian enterprise, but was picked up by native turkish, albanian, and arabic speakers in their own companies, which mirrored the parallel and collective partaking in of all endeavours across ottoman society in these times.

nonetheless, ottomanism would prove to evolve, as future historians would track a waning enthusiasm among christian minorities roughly proportional to the presence of muslim middle classes across the empire.
you're probably thinking of the sound effect
>johan's boyfriend is also a cuckold
good mooorning gamers
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to commemorate my first 1821 as great moravia
cool drawing
incelwalking to do my incelgroceries
buy some papaya
i love blogs so much bros
go to mememarket get epically memed on
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one more moravians
wait you made those 2 or what
the environment looks really good ngl, i love your color palette of choice
i mean i know we're not supposed to criticize our janny overlords but why are they so obsessed with moderating a shitty thread on a shitty board on a shitty site that only 30 year old virgin men use what's the point of all this moderation
stfu and stop ban evading, thanefag gibberish spammer

dont just paint maps ;)
Why is this supply hub not supplying? I waited for the railway timer to tick down after capture and it's been almost a week, it still says it's not connected. Does the supply hub itself have an invisible timer as well?
Needs 7 days for the railway to connect, sometimes the icon doesn't show on the rail line if you just capture one piece of it.
im playing ck2. going to try out a big head dynasty minmaxing learning. is it doomed from the start or nah?
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the difference in how tech works means that learning is generally more useful in CK2 than in CK3
(this is without counting the Hermetics. if you factor in the Hermetics then a learning-based playthrough is completely fucking busted)
It showed the icon on the railway I captured, it ticked down days ago, and still nothing happened.
The railway could also be disabled or bombed out, check your repair queue. Also it may just not be connected to the network, check that the railway actually goes directly between those provinces.
if my last words isn't
>gsg.. my beloved...
i'm not dying
I cant borrow florins from jews in CK3?
Just got HoI4 and wanted to check out /gsg/ resources on it and holy shit is the OP paste out of date.
all you need is the wagglebin
OP is a troll, sorry about that
Every West African state will become Sokoto. It is fate.
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Could someone please spoonfeed me? I have no idea what that is...
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It fixed itself the day after, I think it did have another timer I couldn't see.
Also new tanks coming up
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We join the Axis in October 1941 for the European crusade
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damn lithuanians and their revolutionary thoughts. i'll make swift work of this.
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Game is up right now
Today we are playing in East Asia
Server ID: 90201444781458437
Does anyone remember what the East Asia meta is?
No seven kill stele?
I wanna do the empire of mann cheevo by starting with a thirteen colonies larp but the early game sounds awful
Lithuanian culture - eradicated.
Revolution- dismantled.
Lame ass mechanic but I guess <1% of players even get to this point of the game so oh well.
Man it's so cursed when poland takes neumark instead of brandenburg.
>AI gb sends his fleet of 100 trade ships at my heavy/galley fleet
>lots of them aren't even fully upgraded
why is the ai like this
This is the first encirclement of the war, from both sides. In the beginning I managed to do retreats without being encircled, and until a few months ago the front barely moved at all.
Thanks for all the advice on how to do tank warfare
okay but nobody can't see it because the post is so old
zero thoughts
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wondering where gbs death stack was kek. i think he's just been chasing the spanish the entire war. at least, that's what i like to imagine.
someone removed my post
i am devastated
it was me
I'll put it back in exchange for a nice gnashing of my gash
god victoria 3 is so bad
why do i keep playing it

also had germany form in game for the first time
game runs to 1936 but like after 1900 there is no point to even doing anything
the infamy limit means spend 5 years taking a single state
You gain more in natural pop gain than any conquest, and those provinces won't be worth shit for a decade+ due to radicals

plus the game runs so slow, you'd think they would spend a little time before raping your computer with retarded migration mechanics
what exactly were you expecting from a sequel to a memegame
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finally figured out how i'll make my gsg map. i'm so back. progress tomorrow gnight gamers.
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All it took was a single religious revolt to end the romans. Guess Im restarting AGAIN because the byzaboos cant just chill for 5 seconds
why is it a problem if Byz dies?
The problem is its supposed to be a crushing start trying to make everyone happy and growing. Now I have free expansion to the south, I was already about to start taking bites out of bulgaria but now if I reconvert to orthodox I can probably mass vassalize in 15-20 years to the rest of them after eating the european side of the empire. Last game I was voted in as emperor this one I can conquest and reform the empire I just want a stressful game where I have to make both roman empires relax while I build my own between them. I unfortunately approved the nomination for emperor last game before the arab empire collapsed so I would have literally taken everything down to egypt again. After a while you see the patterns and you dont have to play it out because there is 0% chance youll lose and this is one of them. Ive already won and I dont feel like spending 4 hours microing wars to make it a reality. Im pumping the game up to very hard next run, that gives vassal opinion bonuses. Maybe half vassal slots to compensate.
They can keep Poland, I'm going straight for the juicy bits
I didn't even expect to break through that easily, maybe it was the upgraded tanks? I just cut through their line in east Prussia like butter. The only thing holding me back is the timer on the railroads now, but even then the ports give me instant supply so I'll continue along the coast and see if they mount some kind of defense or if that's that.
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this is still the best germania i've ever seen
Not groƟ enough.
the natural western border of Germany sits at the Meuse-RhƓne line
atlantic sea you mean
no I mean the Meuse-RhƓne line
you want to pollute your grobgermaniums with the Fl*mish and the Bretons???
why not? jews too
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Testing on the Sino-Japanese Enhancement is going well so far. Aside from some minor bugs and some extra things that deserved modeling which I thought about mid-test, there haven't been any issues. The surrender event works properly, and this is an immediate postwar situation for a victorious Nationalist China. An event fires shortly after this which gives the player the choice of what to do with Korea and gives dissent if you choose not to release it, so holding on to Korea isn't free. Notice also that Taiwan and Jeju Island are retained by Japan, to represent their naval superiority. It's an uneasy peace situation, setting up for a future wardec.

Still testing the events for the Chinese Civil War, which does have modeling in the mod. I won with the "best" outcome (Shanxi Clique survived), so the communists will be neutered, but the nationalists get penalties even in the ideal situation, to represent defections. I will test this run to unification, then play as Mao and (hopefully) win as him so I can test if the modifiers for either the communists or nationalists are too punishing. Once I've done that, the mod should release in a 1.0
Breakthroughs tend to happen all at once. Once the enemy runs out of equipment or you make a big encirclement or something and get going the line stretches and units lose entrenchment and good defensive positions which makes the next win easier. That is if you have more infantry than the enemy of course.
They'll have to pull men from the southern line which would then lead to that being under defended as well
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh dude -________- sprudlo spader is for fuckin kids dude -___- like what is benis is this some freakin kindergarten or what BOOM memed on -_____0. Willies are hella epic whathe fuck is waglle ur bemis even supposeda be. -__-. Go back to flippin finnerland with your kiddy bear me me kid.....
the favstiam sovl overtakes me
*makes your germany bigger* ohayo (^_^)/
i want you to DIE
pretty epic wise-foolishness post,.. screenshotted
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why aren't you replying to me
kanker tranimer raus
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>have claim on egypt
>utterly destroying the mamluks
>mfw can't annex them all at once and have to go through multiple wars because "hurr durr, war score, you can't go beyond 100!"
Any way to fix this? A mod? Something? It's ridiculous that i can't take the land of this enemy i've so ridiculously beaten. I can occupy his entire territory, but i have to give up 90% of it because asking for more 'goes over the warscore!!!'
average blobber getting memed on experience
Any way to fix this? wait for my game :)
your best bet would be giving your country custom modifier with -99999% province warscore cost
there was a mod on workshop that made every province cost 0 ws, but instead you would pay with more ae and oe. sadly ai can't comprehend this behavior as well as your whole country would collapse when you conquer some stuff even faster
the shape is peak aesthetic
Kinda looks like it's taking Russia's short fat cock desu.
that's normal
grossgermania is a girl, hence the feminine name
>shapeless blob
>peak aesthetic
it has shape
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part of johan's soul-body knows that one of the only meaningful utilitys of his new game is simply to provide a fresh canvas for the budding albatross.... and yet, whether consciously or subconsciously, he still builds it
in this case, unrealism becomes the meaningful argument
(pray for meneth)
are you okay schizo?
thread so bad I
is he ok o.O
he saying your game looks like your life
underdeveloped low effort SHIT
fertilizer for the geeusgee
thread so bad you turned into a subhuman?
you have my condolences
i'm sorry but
saying gsg is the platform you're going to launch your game from is like when your parents thought you were the platform they were going to launch a successful life from
why the mean words :(
tranny janny swooped in real hard
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how god is ck3 and vicky3 these days?? honestly vicky 3 lost me the moment you couldnt move armies around
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but uh anyways
it's crazy to see that someone would want to be the representative of grand strategy gaming and be given full moderation keys to do so
and then produce a thread of this absolutely abysmal quality that no one but the same 2-3 spammers will continually use even after months of attempted fine tuning
it uh boggles the mind
anyways if you made those paintings those were nice good work there at least
>gsg still does that autistic little tantrum of replying to someone without quoting the post

eu5-ck2-mote alliance
a *open parentheses*you*close parenthesis* is like good pusci, it is not to be handed out willy nilly

bobocrunch is back
thane needs your help
save our dying board
thanes all died out, not sure what you mean by cooking though
i've been here since liquorposting, what could of been memes, chinlets, and la plata posting, kiddo
theyre all me
havent played eu4 for like 3 years

are the newer dlcs any good
same as any general that stays afloat in this shithole gacha board retard
roughly 100 ips spread across the timelines and popping in and out over the week
i was here before you were here kiddo
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wow the shitty captcha just saved me bigly
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i love my jews
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found a new ally in our epic struggle to stay afloat on the gacha retard board https://boards.4chan.org/vg/thread/492223221#bottom
not afraid of any bullies
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wow the shitty captcha just saved me bigly
i am becoming the ultimate gymcel
imo all history and geography is on topic for grand strategy even if it does not tie into an existing campaign or game in any meaningful way
hey wait there's gaming too
but that means...
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eu5 is real
careful man you can't just bump into people nowadays
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project caesar is a pretty cool guy, eh comes out in 2026 and doesn't afraid of anything
why does the sun sap my will to live
literal troglodyte
if 100 people made this thread
how did skyscrapers get built
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i'm living on the edge as well, i don't even like the thrill that much. it's like my mind and heart told me to self destruct, my survival instinct has been gone and i'm tempted to indulge more often than not
good day for a walk
why the fuck does he have a chin
someone just tried baiting me with a phishing link on steam
imagine if they stole my mappies
give them my number
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used mission CB to PU hungary, seemed risky since king is an old fart, but i got relations positive before anything bad happened. is that all it takes to avoid losing them on succession?
if you're not looking at their rebels and they take their capital and change their dynasty i guess but otherwise you should be safe
>get indebted, repay with conquest money, hyperblob for the first 30 years
>become untouchable
>get bored because no challenge
how do you even get to 2nd era in eu4 without getting bored?
Start as a small/weak tag, don't blob, or be aggressive enough that the game retains challenge.
Or just play MP.
>be bad on purpose
but then otto/muscovy/fr*nce eats me instead
besides what would I even do if not blobbing?
Fighting for things that aren't land.
quick someone post bestgirl
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here you go
>posting tranime
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>abusing zone of control
disgusting lowlife -_-
hihihi he has no chin
why are you people infesting other generals and posting off topic bait in them
what do you mean by you people
i never posted anything in your bump general
he means rtwp subhumans
rude if so
: ā—‹ )
why are you crossposting
heh, guys i think i think it's time for castile & chill again
*alt-tabs to minecraft*
alright fine you've twisted my arm... i will post mappies henceforth
Scandinavians created the Rus, they settled the Normandie (that's why it's called Normandie, after Nordmen) and later conquer England and even before with the Danelaw. They've been major actors during the reformation age and have birthed many successful scientists and intellectuals throughout the late middle ages and modern times. I don't get why it's popular to shit on Skandinavian history, they've been arguably more successfull than us Germans with their empires and held much influence throughout the centuries. Is it because you're stuck in your Romaboo phases where your image of anything norse of the Rhine is mud huts and barbarians?
vikings were S tier
modern scandinavians are F tier
Is Vicky 3 OK yet?
Ck2 hates me. Just had a 5.7 health character die at 39 so my realm could be fucked up while my kid was still 4. If its not one thing its the other. $5 says hell be a lunatic in his 20s.
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There were a few small bugs in the civil war setup, but I've gotten them fixed. Everything's looking good now. Built some industry while I was waiting for my officer ratio to even out and apparently it got high enough that France thinks I should share, which I've never seen before. I'm not even in the Allies.
why isn't there a "would accept proposal if gifted" option in ck3? wasn't it in ck2 or am i misremembering?
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They should have been given Taiwan
a better question would be why is the character finder so shit
skill issue
why dont you just play it and judge for yourself
Hey, /gsg/. I've been thinking of pirating Crusader Kings 3 to try the AGOT conversion and was hoping to get people's opinion on the mod. I don't usually play games from this genre but I did enjoy playing CK2 when it came out.
if i gave a shit about mods i'd give you my opinion on it
but, alas...
Personally I would still recommend the CK2 version over the CK3 version. Suffers from all the same faults as the game does moving from 2 to 3 on top of the mod just really not being all that fleshed out and developed yet. The progress theyā€™ve made is decent but itā€™s still a long ways off. Especially if you like playing anywhere outside of Westeros, because they currently only have Lys, Tyrosh, Myr, and Pentos.
Stick with CK2 unless you really really want 3d models and fart humor
I replied to you.
>Hey, /gsg/. I've been thinking of pirating Crusader Kings 3
why do i feel like this guy is into little kids
that's unironically a common occurrence among some that sometimes frequent here
is mountain blade bannerlord good yet
dominions lite you mean
yeah I read that it's basically barebones, but I thought that was warband too
I guess I should try it out anyway
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The AI is so fucking retarded in this fucking game I attached myself to an army because I have 2K Leon has 5K Galicia has 5K and Islam has 9 K but my fucking idiot "allies" just sat in a low supply cap region until half of us starved to death and now Muslims outnumber us again
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I tend to really enjoy the early game, going to tourneys, leveling your character, courting noblewomen, building up your party of companions and troops, and then snowballing into a powerful mercenary company. But after that when you've got land and you try to form your own realm it just becomes monstrously tedious. I just want a mod that has some detailed questlines which are completely possible in the engine but no one has really done yet that I've seen.
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Why can't I just control the fucking army OMG
umacalm actually i'm stoic as fuck
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What's the pro gamer move here bros?
I'm Navarre, My son will also inherit Lower Lorraine from his mother but I can't swear fealty to France because I'm also a King and he's also a young child so I don't think I'll be able to escape over there fast enough.
Should I swear fealty to Umablob or will they just take all my lands?
Also I bought a favor (fucking 600 gold) from France but he won't give me an alliance for it.
nocb byzantium
just make the french kid like you omegalul
>bro can't even manipulate a stupid child
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Are we autosaging?
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Apparently no.
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1mtbabs i don't feel so good...

what can i do with mass assault/left? the supply reduction is nice but what do i do with those infantry bonuses? endless assaults?
Amazing things
i deserve to be raped
whats a good gsg for this feel
play Ryukyu
Save money for mercs, thats it. You can win a war with1.5kand you can save that up during the truce times
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>give me my pharmaceutical grade amphetamines
>if you refuse I will hurt myself
>I will hurt other people
>I will damage your property
>I will fund criminals
>I will become a drain on society
>I will continue to contribute to a small oligarchic cabal that profit off of my addiction
>if you question the existence of my underlying medical condition that results in a chronic dependence on amphetamines I will call you a crazy person
>clearly I, the person addicted to stimulants, am the most sane one here
>subscribe to my patreon
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fuck you it's just a prank bro
the rats were innocent they were being used by the fleas
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I can't remember the last time I lost a war
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>My lords, ladies and gentlemen, it has been my lot in the past to wield a not inconsiderable power. Nay, governments have been swayed, policies defined, and revolutions nipped in the bud at a word from me in the right place and at a propitious time. Hardly surprising therefore that this community should find a use for me. Not all together by accident that one night I should be ABDUCTED and wake up here amongst you. What is surprising...is that I resisted for so short a time. A fine tribute to your methods!
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game is up come join
Server ID: 90201492859134983
no password
you need to download the anbennar mod from steam workshop
no you dont need any DLCs to join the game
yes you can join whenever you want i will instantly accept all hotjoin requests
they stole the badge idea from alby
i gawed
literally who?
what is an agricultural machine?
what your mother calls me when i'm plowing her
My mother would never use african she is much too fond of a certain n word
Needs more force.
What gsg should I play during my goon session? My attention span has gotten to the point where I need to play a game while looking at porn or I'll lose interest and get bored
you're too retarded to be helped it seems
Stupid allies always in debt and never able to join my wars but then they do their own damn wars anyway.
oh wow i thought i deleted my shitthatbigsays compilation but it turns out i had it in another folder that wasn't deleted
i'm so happy
What's your adventurer gameplay for CK3? For me? I'll be starting in West Africa and keep going East, with each generation, becoming more and more mutty until hitting India, going North through TIbet, then Mongolia, then back west and loop around creating the ultimate beast.
Johan delivered yet again.
You may not like it but EU5 will be a gem.
>Playing the Medici Banking Dynasty in EUV and saving EVROPA from debt slavery with FAIR AND HONEST banking practices, respected by everyone
Vgh, cannot wait for Johan's masterpiece.
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