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Previous Thread:>>491802663
>Beginner's FAQ and Reroll guide (Read everything before asking questions)

>How to get the game
>Steam PC client
Google Play/Apple store/QooApp/Taptap
Or use the apk to install

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CounterSideGBL
Site: https://counterside.com/
Pass: Notsanae
Reactors: A LSY, Rosaria, Frederick
>Rate ups
SSR: Morgana
All raid/trimming gear stats:
Shop Guide for Global:
Gear guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1wrg8o2SPz59CC_oxBnMjd6SK3v41qVi66AhbsLuLpIg/htmlview#

>Global Consortiums
HildFriends, Prestissimo, RosariaPits, Lucklets(Rip?)

>Global Promo Codes
I am thankful for lani
I love hearing vtubers laugh, even thought I don't understand them.
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i'm gonna impregnate a jobber
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Good call. I don't have volcano so I gave her t6 maze cdr lmao.
>miscarriage since she jobs
If a shadow and a human have kids what happen
sinful body
happy end for humanity, therefore commence shadow breeding program
mors sexo
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Theorycraft how the due (Ecclesia and Revenant) will defeat Thagarion post EP12
what is noelle's endgame?
being impregnated by (you)
They'll find out that Revenant is actually a reincarnation of Renaldo from the great myth of Sir Renaldo who also got fucked up by Thagarion but actually Renaldo was the reincarnation of Thor from a Japanese light novel about Norse mythology who was also fucked up by Thagarion but actually Thor was the reincarnation of Hahaman (forma dragon) and he has the power to reincarnate into convenient plot developments and after 13 substories explaining all this they've already defeated Thagarion by using counter-antagonist-verse technology on Thagarion's possibilities so that she was never born, this then causes Ecclesia to get a job at a fast food restaurant in another world where Thagarion is her provocative kouhai, commence act 3 of the story.
bwo don't do drugs...
the ending will be: rev watches in horror as mors gets impaled through the chest by thagirion's arm. a blow meant to go for the heart like she loves to do, BUT mors dodged just enough to the left side to survive. mors pulls thagirion closer to embrace her, the arm still imbed in her body. she then pats thagirion's head, telling her how she has suffered enough that mors won't let this poor pagan child be alone any longer. they will shoulder the pain and suffering together for all eternity as sisters, the only sister she will ever need. thagirion starts to tremble and drops a singular tear, deeply down still being attached to mors. thagirion uses her free hand to grab mors cheek and makes her face her "i've been corrupted so much and my heart been stolen that i need more than a sisterly bond now". realization flashes on mors' face as she gently smiles and gets closer to thagirion's lips.
this is when rev steps in and kills them both before they can finish their filthy yuri scene.
she then walks out of this now collapsing dimension, spits in the snow and tells everyone how those two died happy and that they're in a better place now.
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I can fix her
i can fix you bwo
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i really like it when evil middle managment get's put between a rock and a hard place it's one of my favorite story beats
'I can't believe the evil demon lord that said she was going to destroy the world, is actually going to destroy the world'.
If in my marriage vow the girl said that i needed to have 2 more wives and i accepted, would Merlin think i should get 2 more wives because of the vow ?
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so what will catching up to kr actually be beneficial for anyway? I like that we have foresight and can save in advance for broken releases after they're thoroughly tested
you will have to pay up hyung-nim
1. we get to have fun with OP units while they're OP and before a nerf
2. we don't get cucked for half a year dreaming about new units and skins
3. we get to enjoy new stories and events at the correct time, instead of halloween in early december etc.
4. possible PVP tournaments between KR vs Global
prbly more
They never intended it to be beneficial for you the player, it's to be beneficial to bside. There will also be way more established whales so Global is fucked
i like how pretty much everyone wanted to catch up to KR for the longest time and now that it's happening it's suddenly a bad thing. try harder, doomposter-kun.
the only bad thing about it is that bside didn't give us free stuff like black tickets to actually catch up. it's only on paper as nobody (whales may not apply) could get that many ASSRs in that short amount of time.
It doesn't mean bside won't fuck up, but on paper:
-We get skins and reactors at the same time as KR instead of a month delay
-We get new stories at the same tier as KR
-We skipped past a whole bunch of passes with useless units
-We zoomed through a whole bunch of mediocre ASSR releases
-We won't be stuck in limbo where Swan is needed for new PvE content, but we're waiting 9 months for her to release

Yeah the pain of having no tickets and no fusions to upgrade all these units sucks, but nothing we can do since bside fucked us with no compensation. However once we're at parity things will go back to normal. Also, I personally don't care about foresight; it means everything is already solved by the time we get it, and that's just boring to me. I'm convinced Princonne Global died because being behind 2 years stripped all the fun of new releases.
>I'm convinced Princonne Global died because being behind 2 years
kys crunchyshit bootlicker
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gonna slap this into your face too, doomposter-kun as you're getting too uppity.
I didn't say anything back then because I liked where we were at. No cause to complain = you don't see us. While the ones who didn't like it kept talking about it.
That's generally how it works. Don't be disingenuous.
>steam numbers didn't matter until they showed we are rising
Sandy bwo, sandy bwi, the game is dying more with every breath you take and your little spergout accelerated it. Soon there will be nothing.
you weren't supposed to point that out sis
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let him have it for this month. history will repeat itself
how come the history is stagnant if we're dying so hard? both start and end are 900+
The game dying and /csg/ dying are different things. /csg/ is doomed, I don't think anyone will seriously refute that at this stage.
you're just assuming there are more of you than what i claim, making it pointless to argue about.
my cute little anon can't be this retarded, right?
we're swinging from branch to branch like the retarded monkeys we are. an actual dying game doesn't do that, they're falling from a broken branch and don't recover for small events. a little bit maybe but not nearly 1:1.
my bad, i didn't realize "anni" and "half-anni" are small events.
it's so easy to steer you towards a clear trap, because you got nothing else to cling to.
you just gave up arguing that we're dying to move the goalpost to semantics of how big the events are.
so we are going from anni to half anni but aren't dying. wow so horrible!
If, after all the collabs and merge and TWO anniversary events a year, we barely even climb back to our original number, what does that say?
that we are stagnant and not dying, the opposite of what you're trying to say.
Is Gremory grooming Momo?
If we're dying every month there's not a major event and only stagnant when we do, that's pretty bad.
Nice cope. Get a rope doomniggy.
nyes another yuri story in the makings
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counters for this feel?
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>pantsu see through
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is that a bit of bush or its just shadow
i hope she has a jungle down there
Man I love Kraken RNG. My clears vary from 50 seconds remaining, to not clearing, solely due to what happens during the first knockback.
So, should I start to scrap anything that isn't nat rolled? because storage is becoming a pain
Enough about yourself.
She goes back home.
It doesn't matter what we say, because you will obsessively check every single piece anyways.
I fucking hate that guy. I am convinced that he's somehow hacked my account and stolen all the latents that were meant for me and gave it to himself.
Do you look at who cleared your raids?
Yes. I like to imagine them giving me a handjob desu.
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No. I only put up, and hit, 150s so I just do whatever is there on my list until I reach 40k. I will prioritize in-consortium 150s, unless it's *that* guy, but beyond that I don't care.

I also remove high level partners that only ever put up low level shit. Bruh, your account is well over level 100; it's time to stop doing raids meant for children.
t-that guy?
That pacifist who keeps pretending he does his boss hits, but is obviously just autoing some ungeared team from his scores. You know who you are, we all see it, but /csg/ is so dead you can get away with it.
>I'm convinced Princonne Global died because being behind 2 years stripped all the fun of new releases.
You have the right source of the problem but the completely wrong conclusion. Priconne Global's profits were damaged by everyone knowing what was coming up, who they could skip, and who were the most meta characters they should save for. That's why any gacha with multiple regions managed by a single publisher wants them all on content parity: delays mean reduced profits.
But the main reason Priconne died was because CR is greedy and incompetent.
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>it was just a plastic frame around a normal gun the entire time
Who the fuck monitors coop hits that autistically? Sure, I take a look and make a mental note of the worst performers, but to actively think about them, and go to the extra effort to avoid their raids?
Where do you think you are?
she is guilty of charming me
Fucking gooks I swear.
Reminder that there is literally no point doing good hits vs bad hits vs not hitting at all. At least with every other pve content you get token drops or ranking rewards or whatever. Coop has nothing for hitting the boss. It's the most pointless content in existence
>I also remove high level partners that only ever put up low level shit.
Maybe I should start doing that. Well.. there it goes my "only csg" friendlist.
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lily sexo
Oh shit I didn't know the final anniversary award was a selector Awakened, they even put the Dino in there...Idk if I should bite the bullet and get Jisoo/Binman for the unkillable wall or what
It's a selector? i swear it was going to be another shit rng so i didn't even look at it yet
With Solicitatio confirmed as Audra's original sister are they going to give Nervier an origin too?
I want to make Yuppie my wife
they should add numpad keys for each option
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doombwos wtf is this????
this is what our anime adaptation is gonna be
Yes and it's going to be AU Mika Star from the Awakened Naielle event.
half anni
then we get another 6 dead months
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i can sleep peacefully then
You guys actually thought anyone here was excited over a bunch of testimonials?
Who do I marry next?

Kim Chowoon, Revenant, Jin Bora, Gambler, Nicole, Joo Shiyoung, Alex, Gaun, Veronica, Edith, Xiao Lin, Esterosa, Elizabeth, Karin or Lily?
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>u so cool sis
>tnx u 2
She says as she runs around drunk and naked, with that body.
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>everyone has to skip mavka and mordred to potentially get swan and tbe broken defender
That's why the turbo speed sux
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I didn't skip Mavka, I just failed to get her
jokes on you i got both mavka and mordred and have enough to pity swan
notNicole is cute, but otherwise doesn't seem all that good. Her kit it way too focused on countering specifically CO strikers (aka dinosaur).

Mavka is too fragile to be used in PvP.
A pull a day to keep the bad luck away
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I only skipped dino and didnt buy the BP for ray, have every other awakened even with turbo speed
I have a sneaking suspicion bside doesn't really know where to take unit kits from here, considering new assrs have been strong only through either some broken mechanic or inflated stats and new ssrs have been forgettable and complete shit unless they also have a broken mechanic (sanae).
It's like they're running out of ideas for what to do
they can't even make good primary SSRs anymore, only supporting roles
Swan is shit in pvp too outside of countering lyud so if pvp is all you care about shes not a big deal there
Swan is so good in PvE that it doesn't matter if she's useless in PvP.
Mavka is powercreeped aSEO in PvE, which is decent, but she's not required anywhere unless you're in a whale consortium that will kick you for not one-shotting co-op.
They can't make good SSRs anymore because of the direction balance went; ie ASSR:Side. If a unit's kit isn't entirely based on buffs, debuffs, or healing it's DOA.
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how many t7 maze counter pieces are you guys at?
Three full CDR sets, plus a handful of separate cases and weapons. I have one more full CDR set to upgrade, and then it's just a few loose ASPD/ATK pieces. I'm completely done with Trimming at this point, so it's pretty low priority.
When will they release a tower unit that does damage on collision based on SPD that keeps circling around the deployment point, like Lara or ATAC-130. So all those SPD pieces are useful.
Or a Siege unit with stealth that goes to the end of map, end his stealth, turns around and starts attacking the backline.
Next they'll make an elysium siege unit that is stationary.
A pipe organ that attacks your ship directly.
Maestra rework
this image is when you know you've been playing and spending on this game way too much
So merlin is the one that started the events that lead to rita turning into ministra? Since thagirion is an empty shell trying to recreate the feelings for her sister so she is making several of them
>Swan is so good in PvE
People keep saying that, but is it just raids?

Do you use her in... DC? Volcano? Last stand?
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He has ninety (90)% def break and 30% damage amp on her special, another 50% damage amp on her ult directly, and then another 15% damage amp from her enhanced attack after ult. You use her against every single boss until eos.
Well then I would like to know what have people chosen for their selector Awakens?
I didn't redeem it yet, waiting for consortium buffs.
I got Jia and VP from testimonials and Ecclesia from selector, no dupes.
In pvp there could be a unit where on deployment it pulls your backline units back to the ship, since overextending is a problem and a LS counter. Just one idea though
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Bad Luck For A Year
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That's illegal.
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merlin is also the one who nearly got mors killed in ep 11 because mors didn't knew what merlin did and thought that thagirion was still able to feel things
Mors dieing would've actually been good.
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i want to hug momo too
Mors liveing is even better
Spoken like somebody who never read all the "required" stories.
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>giving a dead a backstory
Let her stay dead.
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This is the most conflicted I've felt playing this game
You haven't done any stories?
night bwo,sluv you all
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turning King Arthur into a loli was not in my 2024 Bingo bwos
cunny arthur.... not the first time ive seem it still welcome
I have done a few, but not enough to meet anywhere near enough of the characters.
Alex then lily
Why does it feel like snipers just kind of suck ass in this game
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next sniper is gonna prevent/remove immortality trust the plan
A!Trash will be a sniper who throws all of her old swords while her massive tits bounce around to knock away melee attackers
>Massive Tits
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did my bwo stutter? they made her big before and awakened trash will be even bigger!
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Uhhhh BASED???
Glass cannon class that throws all their damage at Defenders, who are naturally strong against them and have MDL. Bside obviously envisioned a meta where Strikers would be the front line more often, but they just hide behind defenders or barely get used at all beyond Sysop procs and terror. Bside just made it worse with ASSR snipers that 1-2 shot strikers, making them even more useless, and had to give all the relevant strikers invuln/immortality.
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rangers are snipers and defenders are strikers now
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me watching kot oneshot a.regina right before my ship gets destroyed
>He still doesn't know.
Worm and Tyrant ar CO's right? So Mordred should be useful there right?
I imagine she's good for both. Probably does more damage than any other sniper because of her bonuses.
Inhibitor's the only raid which isn't a C.O
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I could forgive simply boring designs, but then you have shit like Morgana and Drek who are both 4 cost snipers that do less damage than lower cost units and barely have any utility. I feel bad for the live 2d guy making these models for absolutely useless in-game characters.
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tallie is so hot i hope she gets captured and violated in a doujin one day
>striker does bonus damage against ranger
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and then she was never seen again
prydwen overhyped eve like hell, she's hot but honestly not really good in pvp at all.
Why the f did they put her to SS rank. outside of her release she's been free almost every other week.
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why do they keep calling her sigma lady. google translate?
That's a Mone thing.
what would you translate it to? Sigma onee-chan?
her mom did it too
I thought it was a misordering cause you know how asian languages have the title at the end meanwhile in english its in the front.
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huh do terrorism runs in the family
Is there even one r18 counterside doujin out there?
two of em
This but Sonya
I..I'm not t-translating those!
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how can anyone compare
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wtf the duck is sentient
who the hell is kot? carmen? alice?
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it would feel so good though, bwi
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i think they prob skipped a QA read through.
Carmen one-shotting aRegina?
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This hits hard, but she is in a better place now.
shame by the time she's ever put into the game it'll be as an operator or an old hag.
She's already an old hag.
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how old is mors
Younger than (you).
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I'll give it a pass if they fix this.
There is only one cat bwo.
who is it?
Do the story.
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>didn't get the job
is it rare for a company to hire someone who already has a WFH job?
you're not suppose to tell them, bro.
ok, I'll just put resigned on it next time
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behold, there is a new cat in town
Useless Cat
Dev notes. 120 is coming...
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120 feels grim.
Gyaru Ciel tho.
>stats are going up by nearly 20%
What kind of bullshit content is gunna justify this?
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Welp it's time to just like not play for a while.
but those always have been a skin, what are you angry about?
Looking at KR notes it seems like there's no awakened this month so once we get Swan we're only 1 awaken behind KR.
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level 120 big sis...
a whooping 125 fusion cores to get 1 unit to 120.
what a steal, thanks greedside!
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can we slow down with the increasingly brown to black characters, bside? slight chocolate is fine but wtf is this, next stop is sub saharan africa.
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looks like bside got the memo that 2 ASSR was a little bit too fast. guess we will be caught with KR by november.
Dios mio la creatura...
negra suprema
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even BBC can't compete
Aieee I need a White Thing right now!
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may it cleanse your eyes
>CEOs can craft 15 [S-Fusion Cores] per week
>150 fusion cores per week
That limit is completely meaningless when it's so high, no one but whales are getting 150 fusion cores a week.
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It's a whale game now. A 110 team isn't going to stand a chance against a 120 team. Not in PVP and not in any ranking gameplay mode.
>>150 fusion cores per week
Anon, your math skills...
what kinda gacha introduces such whale favoring changes before it's 2nd anniversary???
Fortunately for me the argument is still true for 75 fusion cores a week.
and that is only SR Hild, someone like curian goes from 11.7k to almost 14k ATK. quick math not the actual ones they use.
yeah that fusion core challenge gives 18 (best case) a week 72 a month, which is a joke compared to what we need. 100 to 120 is 200 fusion cores...
further quick math applied assuming you have a 110 16 raid team already you "only" need 2 years and 3 months to get all the fusion cores from that farm to get them all to 120.
one that wants to get as much money as possible from the still existing playerbase before it shuts down
Bullet shilling Mordred right as we get her.
I think the only bit of relief in this regard is that because a single level takes 5 SFCs and you can "only" make 15 a week, it means it'll be 13 weeks after the update before the first full 120 team can be made.
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This is with one level referring to the upgrade sets of 2 levels, that is.
by normal means, don't forget that bside is selling special fusion packages
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Oh yeah never mind that then. Whale game it is.
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is it doomposting time?
it's nyover
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i did some quick math and we are cooked
Wait a minute, that's not Ame
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nakadashi mumei
more upsetting is that anila hard counters yoom.
they know the azurlane-but-farming is coming for them.
Depending on the stat it's between a 15% to 19% increase in stats from the new 110 to 120.
Now imagine binman at level 120 with 4,000+ evade.
i'm gonna groom your field bwi
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how deep does your plough go?
12 inch for some nice deep potato farms
Oh,it's that time we pretend the game wasn't a whale game already
maybe we should stop pretending that we can actually stand each other
I can't stand you away from me bwo *smoioch*
this is going too fast, I really love the enemies to lovers trope
Should i start with strangling next time
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yes angst is the best
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>the dev notes were so bad that bwis seek an outlet for the stress which turns out to be sex with each other
we're truly a bonobo society
shinsekai yori anime was fun
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gotta love the tragic tale of humanity there
I know everyone is hyping Swan but will there actual new PvE content she will be needed for or it's just a min-max bullshit for already solved content
i wanted to have cantus i totally wouldn't se people on blue fire
Considering the 190 raids and danger close thing and they also mentioned adding more dives floors and shit
>As previously announced during the 1st Anniversary broadcast, we plan to send appreciation kits to CEOs who achieved the highest level in 2023 and topped various content rankings in the first half of 2024. We apologize for the delay in providing updates regarding this matter, even though the first half of 2024 has already passed.

Bside hire someone to manage your shit jesus christ
I don't even have a full 110 raid team...
I dropped it after everything became gay and lame after the time skip and the only thing I know about it after that is Squealer did either nothing or everything wrong.
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i'm sure you will be glad to hear that bside, in their infinite wisdom, made that cost fusion cores too now. rearm data is no more.
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nigga, they went full jewside...
i mean we already knew that
sure but it's still silly that nearly everything costs fusion cores now, even if rearms are pretty much dead.
Yeah, it could be changed but it would need people here also going on arca posting complaints about it for them to maybe change it, could just translate using chatgpt and stuff
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I already rearmed Kaci and Chinatsu, I can do one more in 2 days. Do I do a last one or wait for them to convert cause I already got all essential out of the way? I'm only interested in pve.
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do it before the change as 80 rearm data gets you 8 fusion cores but it costs 10 then. it actually got more expensive if 1:1 translated to 100 rearm data needed for 10 fusion cores.
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everything is fine
i will get 120 characterws and i will still avoid brita 130+
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Is that a tournament?
Cute red head
>set Ecc as leader
>auto pilot activated
>nicole btfo alex pos
>hahaman btfo rosa fags
so this is the power of 1000 HIT
>Anticipating a high demand for Fusion Cores due to the employee maximum level expansion, we will be updating the Fusion Core Resource Challenge for Fusion Core to facilitate smoother acquisition.

>This challenge will be held thrice weekly: Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. CEOs can obtain 1-2 Fusion Cores each time after clearing the challenge.

If it's max 3 times a day kind that's only 9~18 weekly, at least a month just to get one character 100-110.
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nyes it will take 3 months for normal mortals to get one unit to 120. hope you like~
pay up hyung-nim
>new artist is here to stay
pure pain
I really liked the old style
Note that they actually made SSR rearms cost way more. Right now it's 80 data instead of 10 fusions, but after they change it you can only convert 80 prime data into 8 fusions. Whales and super oldfags that bought every rearm get free fusions, but everyone else gets taxed more fusions (or will just never ever do some of the rearms).
there's a new artist? We did have the artstyle switch on 6 months SEA post launch, did we get a new one?
Only bside could take something that needed a cost decrease, and made it more expensive.
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everything about this fusion core change stinks.
- the challenge to farm them doesn't give nearly enough to keep up with demand and sounds like it has a random 1-2 drop. if you're unlucky you could get less than 40 a month.
- 125 fusion cores for 110 to 120 is way too high, keeping it 75 would've still kept it far away and as a goal
- the dick move to sneakily make rearms more expensive
- selling packages for those special fusions (already got leaked) that are timegated for everyone else
the new age of jewside is upon us
>last squeeze before eos
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to everyone bitching about the new changes, would you prefer the game die instead? I'm not a fan but I also haven't spent anything and I'm sure most of us are so it's understandable why they'd look for new areas of revenue because the game is barely making money. yea it sucks, but it's what they need to bankroll the game.
squeezing everyone harder will just make more leave or consider not buying at all as the scale is hopeless for small spenders.
in the end they lose revenue by being too greedy. what we would've needed is making the game friendlier to newcuties to actually keep the rare new players instead of them leaving after 1-2 months when they hit the fusion core wall.
They're going to kill it anyways if this goes through. Non-whales might as well just move on now.
>125 cores from 110-120
>200 fucking cores to max out a unit
Holy FUCK what were they thinking.
Either they backtrack like when rearms first released or they actually kill their game for real
I've spent about $200 on the game since launch, mainly on the subscription. That subscription isn't going to do shit for me to keep up with the whales and I'd need to throw down significantly more to be even slightly competitive. I was in the top 30 of last stand a few seasons ago; that's never going to happen again after this update goes through.
This does not encourage me to keep spending at all. All it's doing is creating further divide between whales and everyone else.
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>Holy FUCK what were they thinking.
that's fair, but I'd argue they've been generous for a while with the changes, mission rewards/SSR pool revamp so it's okay for them to get a bit greedy. None of the content (beside PvP which has always been whale territory) actually needs 120s anyway.
I mean, I get that this might turn off everyone beside the whales but when they're stuck between a rock and a hard place it's hard to really blame them.
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>None of the content (beside PvP which has always been whale territory) actually needs 120s anyway.
>As previously announced, we'll be implementing an update in September that will raise the maximum level for employees to 120 to better match the difficulty of new content.
Problem is it's not just pvp, almost all meaningful pve content in this game is competitive too. DC, last stand, coop etc
This pretty much kills all forms of competition for the f2p/dolphin, there's genuinely not much point for them to play in the endgame anymore (even less than before)
>so it's okay for them to get a bit greedy
no it's not. you're not going to sell more cars by making them more expensive if you were already struggling to sell any at all. you make them cheaper to compete in a larger low cost market or find a niche that they're fine to be expensive in that people would seek out. bside is just smashing their head against the wall with this, stubbornly refusing innovation in either direction to get a few cents more in the short term but way less long term cash.
but that is what's it about i guess, the last milking before EoS as project star is coming closer and closer.
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>hopecucks got too cocky
>SRs only need 5 SFCs to max out
Admin Riflemen will be kings again for a few weeks
bside should just hire a /csg/ advisor, any of us would do a better job at running that company than they do.
This is not even the usual shitposting, it really seems like the pre EoS milking of whales because this just makes new players even more behind and less likely to play. And they made the art shitty too when that was one of the last big draws of this game.
Any time a game doubles down on whales instead of trying to gain more new players, means the devs don't see a future for that game worth investing in. Anyone know if they actually announced anything for project star?
>Anyone know if they actually announced anything for project star?
they announced it to be out in Q4 2025 and that there will be more news coming "soon" on some korean dev event.
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>daddy PSY how do we make more money? all the whales maxed out their units already and won't spend much more...
>easy kiddo, just increase the level cap to make them spend for the same shit again. next you introduce a higher gear tier and repeat when needed.
>wow thank you daddy PSY, love you
i'm sure he is behind that one, he already made a similar decision for the hololive collab. money first instead of more players policy. random skin ticket and too expensive overall for what it was.
it was already hard before but I think its legitimately impossible to recommend anyone to start now
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There is one way to fix this


I genuinely can't believe they didn't give global any black tickets we are just fucked on ASSRs now
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>game will EoS before I can marry renee
we need a final solution if you catch my drift
Obviously whales will have a massive advantage in the short term, but won't things equalize over time as f2p/low spenders get their 120's for core characters? Seems just like when other gachas adds a new system to power up units further.
the problem is that this "over time" phase is years and we don't have years
It should be very obvious by now bside is in full whale hunting mode. They don't care, the game will probably eos in a year.
all things considered, f2ps would take around a month and a half to 120 a unit, that'd be just around 10 units a year with the anniversary and half anniversary gibs. that just barely covers the amount of awakened units released in a year
At this point, anyone who enjoyed pvp and pve need to pick a side. You need to HARD INVEST in only one to barely keep up. You can't really do both anymore.

This is assuming they're making some ultra bullshit pve soon to justify these monstrous amounts of new stats, which everyone can kinda see coming.
>that S-Fusion core limit wall
Talk about extreme early access P2W. Good luck F2Pers. Now you really won't stand a chance being competitive in any game mode. This shit would of drove me crazy if I still played.
A f2p player could make one single 120 team in 10 months.

Now imagine that in pvp.
Assuming the rate of content stays as is normal for KR, they will be adding new meta characters faster than F2Ps can upgrade them. If anything the gap will only widen over time, not shorten.
The next batch of dives is going to make release dive 50 look like a fucking joke
>most players clearly will not be able to keep up with the new leveling system
>people who still try to pvp will likely have one or two "main units" in their pvp squads since they'll be the only 120s

>hahaman + 6 healers will become an actual pvp team again
This was already the case honestly. Checking volcano latents and I'd roll anti-counter and def pen gears but only have gold bins to tune one set.
You really only need one anti counter volcano set for pvp, outside of some extremely niche setups
You're kidding but I could kind of see it.

Also might see a brief comeback of e1+sigma, since NO ONE is going to make niche anti-mech units their first 120s
the biggest joke is believing anyone in the tops are anywhere close to being f2p players
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Level Thunderbolt to 120 in the first week.
I know you have many questions, but please trust me and believe in my plan.
I assure you that everything I plan is justified and I'll explain everything at the right moment.
Only Irians may bring terror to Iria.
Honestky hilarious people sperged about new origin when most of it was just adding a tiny bit of grind and a dumb looking ui, yet people treated it like the apocalypse

This is ONE HUNDRED times worse than new origin because you can't "grind" this change, you can only swipe or cope
Don't forget Rhino is an SR
Shut the fuck up Lutfi, Gloria Forever!
Kill yourself, Lutfi. You fucking failure. Dantalion is right, you are retarded.
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et tu, bside?
jokes on your rebecca is my waifu!
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bwos, I need a good teriyaki sauce recipe
can someone give me a recipe?
don't worry bwos, they'll buff ships too
5 SSR -> 100 G RData
5 SSR -> 10 F-Cores (+75 Ownerless Cards)
Rearms cost 80 G RData

Rearms cost 10 F-Cores
New Challenge: +3~6 F-Cores p/week

10 G RData -> 1 F-Core
02 G RData -> 1 Fragment

Yes, rearm will cost +2 Fusion Cores, but is easier to get a F-Core than a SSR Dupe..

TIP: Exchange all your non gacha SSR for gold data, instead of 15 Ownerless Cards you get 2 data, 5 making a F Core

As always the bottleneck will be Catalyst..
People sperged about new origin not because the changes were so devastating but because it was just bad enough to kill all the momentum from the game's "rerelease" and the best chance to get tons of newbies. It basically sealed the fate.
More of a "what could've been", now things are already dire and it's just another nail in the coffin.
I've always been a pvp chad since that's where the replay value is, in which case the new defender is apparently the go to
>Oh you wanted to play rush/terror without full 120s?
>That's too bad the ships got buffed to withstand 120s so you 110 terror team is now dead.
is rearm data turned cores better than imprints? I have a grinded a lot over the course of a year but didn't actually summon them until now because I still have better units to focus on but now that you bring it up this is the only time we'll get cores for it so is it better to convert them all since they're farmable later anyway?
That's your call, I wouldn't because If I needed them in the future I would've to farm them again.
10 Prime Data = 1 fusion. Selling farmed units gives you basically nothing (compared to gacha SSRs giving you 2 fusions), so yeah you might as well convert them into data before they remove the option.

Also you may have a hording problem.
He's just a big Mason fan.
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It looks like some Evening Elvan
i wish she looked like that
the rearm change is the one good part
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Is female C.O. breedable?
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>Going clothes shopping when you're blind
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you can thank the others for that, they put her into all kinds of dresses
I now realise that the entire reason the Alice backstory existed was to explain why Carmen is a cat
Hey, there was also like 1% of the story on the machine god and spaceships.
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vivian or sysop with AOE red?
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Sometimes I think, why do I even try?
It's a secc or succ world out there.
Tryharding in Last Stand is worth like 100 quartz. I can't be fucking bothered.
Which came first? evebathwater, evehandholder, or our own eve from pres?
I'm sure there are more eves but those are the only ones I remember seeing in the last stand top 100.
>The stat calculation formula for Limit Fusion stages will also be adjusted along with expanding the maximum employee level.

those pieces of shit gooks. add another multiplier onto it why don't ya to make it an even bigger difference.
nothing worthwhile, the only content that needs good gear and optimal teams for is dives and relics both of which can already be cheesed to floor 20 without swan. Volcano especially has the hardest map done just from having aspd dino gear.
Raids is the only other place but highscoring there is meaningless
I want to strangle that loser on reddit who said lol why would they put less effort on counterside just because they're making project start ofc they want to keep it running to fund it.
Its pretty clear we're getting milked before EOS.
I've spent a few hundreds on the sub across the years, If pvp becomes unplayable I'm stopping, I was already pissed off by them timegating the skins on desktop trophies. 120 is about a 20% stat inc over 110 and in this case its pretty blatent p2w unlike dupes that were still p2w but small enough that people overlooked it.
they advertised a new game in the middle of an anniversary then added in a dupe system that overshadowed the whole anniversary. The devs are fucking retarded.
This is much much worst but that was also pretty retarded.
Nah, they'll just roll out Trimming 2.0 with tier 8 gear.
150 ships and time gated ASSR ship parts soon. The ASSR ship parts will only become available from Dive 61+, which will require your front line and DPS to be 120'd to survive.
they fucked pvp by making awakened units inhumanely powerful statwise whereas before they were situational.
They fucked pvp some more with ship latents and dupes that effectively added an extra accessory slot to a character.
They triple fucked pvp even more now with this level cap.
Can we please stop getting fucked, I'm not giving you your fucking money bside, unless you release a naielle awakened summer skin but even then don't expect anymore from me.
>Raids is the only other place but highscoring there is meaningless
The only thing that matters there is getting >50% damage done and letting other finish it or 1HOK it. We will see when the new difficulty comes how good she will be.
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this is how bside treats us on their deadass game.
t-trust the plan this isn't the first time they went full retard on a new mechanic, they will walk it back just like last time
whether the playerbase will survive till another walkback is another question lmao
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everytime they walk it back we lose a limb, we're already standing on 1 leg with an eye patch and hook for an arm. What are they going to take from us this time.
fr fr sheeesh do NOT let lil bro blud cook skibidi jjk csm :skull:
your dignity
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hahah... if only it were so cheap.
I mean at the end of the day even if it gets worse as far i'm concerned it still better than the others gachas i played and if i quit this i quit gachas so not really a loss in my life
Oh yeah, bonus thought that I'm sure bside planned for; if you already rearmed a SR (which turns them into a SSR) the fusion cost to 120 them will be 125 fusions. If you want to 120 them It is actually cheaper to just sell the unit and start over, 120'd them while still a SR.
brown dust 2 added a new awakened feature for a significant stat upgrade but at least for them it doesn't take away from existing resources.
so much for unit diverty, literally can't build funsie units anymore just gotta focus all in on stupid meta units.
you tried to make it sound better but it's dogshit all the same
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The slow decay of every gacha that I get into is pushing me back into real games.
I will miss the coom tho, fr fr no cap.
Ahahaha no fucking way it just gets better
Bside clearly doesn't play their own game so I'm 99% sure this will be the case
both bad one worst then the other. Also i forgot the most important part that bd2's pvp is kind of a joke, for cs its everything.
This whole business is stupid to be real. This sounds like the devs went with the most ridiculous and awful sounding changes they could come up with, that everyone would obviously hate. Increasing the rearm costs for absolutely no reason but spite is a dead giveaway. Then they'll announce they've 'heard the community', change it to something 'more reasonable' like 75 fusions to go to 120; thinking retards will praise them and make 'DEVS LISTENED' videos.

It's all so tiresome.
I would kill for an armored core dlc
>Increasing the rearm costs for absolutely no reason but spite is a dead giveaway.
Explain to me like I'm a retard this. Because I only see they replaced the need of 4 SSR units to 10 F-Cores...
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>10k elo
>we agree to push mid to b
>i smoke window and connector
>3 of us in top mid, no enemies
>they just behind the boxes until the smoke dissipates
i've literally had this exact thing happen twice
what rank do i need to reach were people actually execute
i have shit mechanics but i love the tactical aspect
but everyone is just potato
Well she's broken in both.

Kind hard to fuck with a goddamn 50% aspd buff for the whole team
4 SSR dupes sell for 8 fcores.
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>Let me use 600 Blue Tickets to get a SSR so I can destroy it to get a FCore to rearm an unit.
So sorry whale-kun, I didn't realize fusions were nothing to you.
What's the best gear for shepherd
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Sorry whale-nim, I didn't realize blue tickets were nothing to you.
Swift ASPD.
I don't even know why they announced this train wreck. Both KR and Global communities are on fire and not a single person thinks this will be good for the game, if not outright cause early eos. Did they honestly, unironically think people would be okay with it? Even if they pull it back and change it now, people won't forget the attempted jewery.
What are the best stages to spend eternium massively for the anniversary tasks and dont end up with tons of useless units and gear?
Trimming, gear mats challenge, credit challenge.
How do you not know this, did you just start playing yesterday or something?
>useless units
is that really a bad thing? you can throw them in the blender for business cards
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>business cards
even more useless
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Why are these option available in the collection but not in management?
night bwos,luv you all
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The UI need some revamp, I myself would prefer if the filters were outside of the menu, just the type of unit icon is enough, same to flying/ground and see only locked units by default.
Right now we are waiting for the final Eternium discount to go ham. Why waste now when you can do it later? Also Credit Challenge and Trimming are currently the most valuable.
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fauna save us
Acquiring dupes isn't by choice
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Something like this
Is Shepherd's tree related to Avalon's tree?
Just finished reading Debtcade. Credere has some banger lines.
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credere demon lord confirmed, only they get that old
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Now show her the magic trick with the pencil
The more I read the story, the more I see the similarity between Shin Jia and Tammiel
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/ourgook/ weighs in.
>all his 1200 fusion core savings are barely enough for 10 lvl 120, not even a full raid
yep it is that bad. i hope KR is sending trucks to force a badly needed change of requirements and/or fusion core drops from farming.
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i want to bang credere for a thousand years
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so, what's up?
touching yoomdog
Winner of Adminbowl
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it's her tits
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I love regina and her massive cold milk factories
>ice cold milk on demand
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yoom's tits
>her mom did it too
her mom is copying Mone, she has the mind of a child
finally, took them long enough
anyone know if discord cucks talk about wanting black characters ?
new origins fucked with so many systems and they had to undo most of the changes because they made playing a pain in the ass
this is a tiny change in comparison unless you want to compete for rank 1 PVP (you won't)
Yeah they like Nigger king and Cuckyoon+Mina ships
variety is the spice of life, my friend
don't worry, the majority of characters will still have the same anime skin color as 80% of the other characters so there are still plenty of cute waifus to choose from if you can't handle dark chocolate
so now that we have basically fully explored their world: Maestra's Elysium was literally just a bunch of literal whos from a dying world that have basically no connection to the Qlipoth game - other than losing it
it sucks they were dealt with so quickly but it's kinda understandable
it also explains why Hild is so racist against Exiles, they seem to fuck shit up badly
We'll probably what admin and the fenrir were doing in Elysium during the main story just like they peaced out of Arcadena when shit hit the fan.
I think you are missing some words.
But it has been established since the very beginning that Admin jumped worlds hundreds if not thousands of times already, leaving all those worlds to die.
However he decided against that when the Administration Failure occured, betting everything on being able to win in this world. And it seems now it's too late to jump without losing most of his terrabrains and possibly even more.
Bside separating from Nexon killed the game.
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>But it has been established since the very beginning that Admin jumped worlds hundreds if not thousands of times already, leaving all those worlds to die.
and one of those worlds was Elysium as Mina has a tactical memory of it
pretty sure Admin was in every world that was destroyed by the Qlipoth game as it is a game between him and Tammiel specifically
the world of Karin and big sis for example seemingly has no demon lords but also no Administration; Admin never touched it and it is getting wrecked by category 4 COs as colleteral damage of the game without being part of it
which means Admin was also likely in the world the Strega witches are from since it was destroyed by demon lord Serapel
Can't imagine the level of jewery we would've been at had they not.
If nexon had stayed i wouldn't have all the awakeneds currently without spending more than 5 a month for some pass
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>all except the last two ASSR and most SSR
>except a few chapters story is beatable with some random units you like
>most skins are only a few bucks if you have the subscription
we are having it pretty good by gacha standards
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>we learned wish granting "faries" are real
>the demon lords take part in the Qlipoth game because Tammiel promised to grant them a wish, meaning she could be some kind of super "fairy"
>Shin Jia has a heavy fairy motive and reality-bending powers
you might be on to something, Admin might have build his own Tammiel as a counter
Don't forget that jia is told to not use much of her power as a fairy because she start losing her humanity but if we assume that all of this is real it would imply there was threat that made thaumiel had to rely on those powers
at least love and deepspace treats me right
good thing you have stockholm syndrome for it bwo
best skin
If they ever finish this convoluted story it's just going to be Yoom getting super powers and getting all the credit. Also I can only imagine how many random characters these writers will kill off to get there, just because.
The CEO also spilled the beans about Qlipoth game to her at the end of her event so she must have been heavily involved in that.
And her bad ending skin just makes it more obvious that she 'might' be an incarnation or alternate version of her considering how badly obsessive Tammiel is for him.
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i love jks
>giant futanari cock rape
would be a good doujin. the new fusion core revenue will pay for it.
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have they ever hyped up the the Maestra to be anything else? even the little gremlin with super hate on her admitted that the knights of redemption are a bigger threat and those are lead by the runt of the litter as far as demon lords are concerned and Maestra considered having a demon lord's(edel) backing to be amazing and worth fighting a former apostle for

it's just that the Qlipoth game as a whole operates on a scale that people who can wipe out humanity can be bit players
Maestra is just a higher ranking shadow, a demogorgon.
>have they ever hyped up the the Maestra to be anything else?
not sure if they ever did explicitely but they did so implicitely - the Elysion Philharmonic has 5 SSR or higher units, making them the biggest faction without low rarity units
they also were insanely present within the side stories, they had their fingers in Horizon's story, Curian's story, Revenant's story (of course), Mors' story, Regina's story and Alice's story; they have fought against the Administration over the course of 20 years and were usually treated as a high priority target.
The only ones more active then them is the ESPR and they have one of the potentially strongest demon lords on their side.
Meanwhile Nehemoth was encountered once and then died. Sure, it was a long, looooong encounter but still only one. And you have Rosaria and Serapel who are apparently just chilling even though they are a thousand times more relevant than the doot squat.
It's just surprising Maestra's group is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things after they have been so present for so long.
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T6 her
I'm poor...
time to quit then, f2poors gonna get assraped by bside
huh? Since when this game wasn't a whale game?
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best loli unit
loli is for cute, not for fight
>they also were insanely present within the side stories, they had their fingers in Horizon's story, Curian's story, Revenant's story (of course), Mors' story, Regina's story and Alice's story; they have fought against the Administration over the course of 20 years and were usually treated as a high priority target.
>The only ones more active then them is the ESPR and they have one of the potentially strongest demon lords on their side.
They were being controlled by the ESPR. Shena was working with Jehuty, a Jehuty member was sent to find Medius' cymbals (until the brothers got her), the music to awaken Nequitia was with a member of ESPR and Luna's was with Regina because she was just useless and would get in the way others. Nequitia just acts like a dog when Regina orders her. The Bunny was just a revengeful idiot who had no business being near them but went anyway and the only reason they had an advantage was a deal with Asimov. In fact they wouldn't even exist if Mordred didn't won against Thagirion as she had ordered Marquis to destroy them before they awakened but he was freed from orders and didn't finish the job.
Didn't Serapel get vored by a triggered Edel a few minutes after she appeared?
Serapel got bissected by Rosaria.
Wait so even if you deploy a unit behind Mordred, she will still ignore everything and just focus fire on whatever striker is on the field until it's dead?? oh she's better than I thought I need her
yep, Mordred prioritizes strikers. seems pretty busted.
Dracasia was just a test.
What do you even use these operator selectors on when you already have Olivie, Sysop and Vivian sorted?
idk i dont have any of them sorted
Sigma? I have a maxed Jung Dain and would not recommend.
No, she will attack the nearest striker on range. If no striker, the nearest unit.
Whatever looks nice on your home screen.
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nice forehead
Is it nyover yet?
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I'm eosing as we speak, bwo
Bside is currently deciding if they want to kill the game or not this coming month.
Dunno, but ain't paying more passes for the time being.
we beyond the nyend
Sasha ASPD or Sysop AoE DMG RDC?
do you believe in the power of ranger rushes?
swan song soon
Mmm, Twins + aKarin + Kyle
The selector doesn't have Sasha on it if that's what you're asking.
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yeah they never put the lastest released unit/operator
Yuppie was on the shop before even getting a banner.
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Intern-nim forgot that adding an operator to collection before you run the banner still adds them to the planet points shop.
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tits too big but thanks for the cuopon
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night bwos,luv you all
Got an A.Hilde from my ASSR Testimonial i'm bricked.
She was blind in the past.
Yeah the espr plot is kinda giant for a faction that so far has only shown up once in a mainstream story

You got the horizion trilogy, like you said iron knight and the entire gronia civil war in which they are the behind the scenes masterminds
Then You have the church supplement story and the 3 stories in which they are the main focus

That’s like 11 (12 if you count goodbye tanarbin which I wouldn’t as maestra has cut ties with them at that point. I am also not counting the oz stories as the sword has no direct connection to espr or edel right now nor lambda showing up as ozys lawyer) out of 37 substreams and 2 supplement stories (church and twins) in which those guys are at fault for the story’s conflict and according to the church story they been doing stuff like that since at least the time of the black plague
Was that the only story you did?
Don't forget infiltrating the US military and government, almost killing the president, messing with the qlipoth game and using all of that just as cover to attack prydwen and infuse some monster on Regina. Then Regina says she'll be a good girl and Edel drops everything and just go home.
dumb blind bitch
Kim Hana increases the skill haste she gives with more copies.
That’s their one showing in the main story as mentioned and the second half of the second event in which they have a min role

But yeah espr would be terrifying in a more standard urban fantasy because not only have they the money and influence to mess with entire nations these guys play shadowy master minds par excellence in one moments and then go fuck secrecy! when it suits them only to then disappear again because let’s be honest if regina didn’t wanted to punish the deans involved in the attack of the states nothing would have happened to them the whole “they want blood” would mean nothing because they can’t get into espr’s pocket dimensions without the help of administrator who possibly can’t even provide that help anymore after the his wife showed up and messed with his pc set up
and I haven’t even touched upon edel
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>I now realise that the entire reason the Alice backstory existed was to explain why Carmen is a cat
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boycott bside
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>Melee Ranger
I can see how that could be a problem.
her perfect evasion lets her survive longer than most strikers and even many defenders against most enemies
>In fact they wouldn't even exist if Mordred didn't won against Thagirion as she had ordered Marquis to destroy them before they awakened but he was freed from orders and didn't finish the job.
I'm dumb and didn't realise they were talking about Maestra. I thought she was referring to some random paladins/helgons waking up as strong shadows and that the philharmonic already left the world before Elysium fell.
But looking back they literally had no way to do so before their world was completely destroyed and became another part of the counterside, which I assume makes dimension travelling easier
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Oh it's you again story spammer. Got the itch to shit up the thread again huh? Die.
That would've been such a heartwarming event, too bad it's left as subtext.
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What the fuck is this?
she's naked!
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wyell bwis, despite the fusion core debacle we are still rising. revenue shit or hope posting starts in 8ish hours.
They posted her image in the previous parts.
i meant the placeholder woman
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This is Carmen before getting Alice's body, we have no idea what she looked like.
Afair the Carmen you saw before that was a vision of the future from when she already got the body we know.
Total missed opportunity not having original Carmen in the game. So sexy we (should've) made her twice.
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Counterside? More like sad inside.
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>unlimited cum works
looks like you're suffering but fear not mors will squeeze the plague out of you
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It was said at the time that Seo Yoon's spear gave her the advantage over Yoom because of its anti-divinity property and later on she also oneshots Lucrecia with it but then later it's said that anti-divinity armaments are keyed to specific qlipha. I wonder if that's a retcon or if her spear is also anti-everything like Yoom's sword.
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Why can't she keep her promises?
being Nicole is suffering...
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Everyone is suffering.
sucks when your power is faith based mors is forced to act in a way that the masses can trust in
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Who's more boomer? Hild or mors.
more morsex please
Mors is more open to tech while HILD isn't.
Also as that side story had revealed. Mors guide humanity by God and HILD is the punisher of God
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as you wish
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there can be only one...
thanks bro mors is so sex
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i'm sure she greatly appreciates your overflowing faith
is this how a pope should act?
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plushiebwo, my parcel has arrived, the diva one is still on the way. What's your new plush haul?
the battle version of this skin and Alice look even hotter to me than their high res version
I may like balloon tits a bit too much
every demon lord so far is a obsessive bitch or a pussy and then there is rosa being the cutie she is,what's her secret?
HILD Obsession
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may i interest you in pirate titties?
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credere's death animation is really funny
Rosa found the joy of humanity.
isn't she addicted to telenovelas?
I makes sense in the story ending.
miggu, please but your legs and skirt down this is very unbecoming of a lady
yes, very much so
I had to roll for her despite her not being great
doomfags in the mud
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>we keep gong back and forth between 180k and 300k no inbetweens
just further proof that they make the numbers up at a certain point, only the top 20 get proper research.
also holy shit /zzz/ ain't feeling so good.
>love and deepspace
What the fuck I thought it was a meme bros
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honorable mention as they're not on the combined list, may they rest in peace.
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i'm surprised that sword of convallaria made 8 million, i thought they would be more niche. turns out they have 5k average players on steam, more than we ever did... it's just not fair
redman...please have mercy
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I think project star should just have counterside characters but go the love and deepspace route
>yoom pegs me
Yes please.
Never heard of love and deepspace. Are faggots really spending that much?
it's women its a reverse harem
hai dozo
also obligatory filename
All Eve's summer skin
how will i make fun of doombwos if the numbers are made up???
Its a niche of a popular genre anon, srpg either have what War of Visions or FEH since years
>#1 mobile game is called 'AFK Journey'
>#2 mobile game is homosex
Mobile games have done so much damage to the industry.
so what you're saying is bside should scrap project star and make a srpg instead?
Seeing as no one has heard anything about it in years now, I'd doubting it got off the ground.
AFK journey is pretty much getting all twiiter schizos,furries and mental ill considering it's a complete tumblr-tier down to the design

Just make a dungeon crawler,would totally suceed haha....
Counterside, but done like Super Robot Wars. Game practically makes itself.
End of Service will come next month I'm sure of it...
No memes, what they do with this 120 update will decide things.
eh,i think it will stay the same course
There is one difference, I am quitting.
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you're not going anywhere, bwo
So, downward trends until anniversary giveaways revive the dead for a month? What happens when they don't wake up?
you say that everytime just say you want some hot sex with the bwos already retard
>Don't want to spend money if the 120 shit goes through
>Credere is a pass unit
Bwos, most of you aren't even PVPfags, you just hit sandbags, let the PVPfags worry about it
do it for her. one last ride till the lights go out.
I liked actually being able to conceptually compete for PVE ranking rewards
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But how will I beat the new lv350 Kraken that has the same rewards.
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Does this mean its not nyover yet!?
the lvl 120 fusion bomb dropped 2 days ago and had no influence on that revenue yet. EoS by christmas is still a go.
It didn't drop 2 days ago we have know about it ifor a while
not the exact details about how expensive it will be
I just hope they'd release main episodes faster, how hard could it be when it's mostly text no va or animation instead of a sub story for every released awakened
yeah, at least i expected it to be way worse
also the the formula change with 20% increased stats 110-120
but why?
substream is way more interesting than Yoom's depression simulator
we just had an absolutely kino last stand of humanity - including the deaths of Nicole and Momo - and got to witness the destruction of a world
meanwhile everyone with main character status in the main story has infinite plot armor
I like the main story and i like yoom
i like (You)
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It seems more like Mistleteinn was keyed to a specific Demon Lord initially (most likely the Demon Lord related to Hilde's world), but the Alternium Reactor turned it into general anti-Divinity.
Project star will have... CHESS MAPS?
Trying to do well in the semi-competitive (semi because you'll never beat the top whales no matter what you do, same as PvP) is pretty much the only reason I'm still here. If these changes go through and I feel like I can't do new PvE content without paying I'm done.
>i quit
stop being a crybaby. you niggas are "quitting" every month
can't leave the game running 24/7
comes from the same folktale I think
What does this mean?
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behold, prydwen did some PVE tierlist changes
>Plaga D - S
I know her skin is great but I didn't think it would give her a power boost.
...and other statements no one has ever uttered lmao
prydwen prbly doesn't even know why they put her at S, as the review on her page hasn't changed at all (yet?).
but we know that she is getting used now because of ministra being used pretty much everywhere and she helps her being more effective + the ATK and crit dmg buff for everyone. a buff that she always had but with recent reactor and new OP units she's now worth the slot.
other things on that list that stick out is eve being downgraded because mavka and mordred, but mavka is ranked at A... and finally putting AMors higher which should've happened half a year ago already. she should be SSS tier even as she is used everywhere.
>Eve is down from SSS
Who outshines her?
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mavka and mordred in very specific situations, supposedly at least. eve will still do more damage overall but the gap isn't twice as much anymore but "only" a few million. which was enough to put her down, while mavka is still ranked as A and not very useful. just prydwen things.
Aren't censortower numbers made up half the time because they can only track one mobile platform?
that and they do guesswork math with download numbers and get the revenue that way. if we had a whale that put in 1 million every month then that would not show up at all as they can't see real revenue.
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when numbers good then we alive and thriving, when numbers bad then they made up, simple as
I still don't get what's so great about jack-o. aside from mediocre stats and lousy range even her dive blitz is rng dependent.
Her pussy is otherworldly
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In the midst of doomposting, bans!
surprised to see that chinatsu is free, isn't there a huuuuge healer hate?
Laika real
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Their Alice rating on release was amazing bait for new players. Where do you use her? Last Stands with ranger bonuses? Inhibitor speedruns, that only work with autistic Lin Xien clone branches and god gear? She's an A at best.

>Eve on the same tier as Alex and Kaci, who literally do not get used in any endgame content because Ecclesia exists
This is pure bait.
it's almost shocking how little clue they have. almost
Yeah, but what the fuck did AFK Journey do to gain that much money?
CN release. No wonder devs bend over for the chinks, they spend.
chinks really have no standards
so much boobs in the skin shop haha
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this month's boobs will be good too
Indeed, them's trying times for fellow ass connoisseurs.
There's just something about seeing a serious character turned into a huge slut. Now do slutty jk librarian Biblide. And give her a non-meme reactor upgrade.
Where has all the ass gone too?
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what do i use all this exp for
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plaga is good because she gives more cdr to your raid team
she is good for raid, but mavka is stronger
You could convert it to Operator XP, but that requires Conversion Approvals better used for upgrading Adv Gear Materials to Elite
Convert to operator data when you're ready to clear the shitty 'have three lv100 operators' mission.
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first time i seen a double character interaction and of course it's luna bullying
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Even the game is calling me an old fart. It's time to retire.
you aren ot old bwo.... just above averange age
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I will exonerate her.
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are people from elysion just massive jobbers?
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Elysion literally was corrupt the moment Mors went on the pilgrimage to defeat the demon lord and didn't last for a year of winter.
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Their church were crazy back when Nequita was still a child and the crazy was just passed on to her. Utter corruption was only a matter of time. Ecclesia found them -two- girls who became Antagonists and succeeded in slaying Thagirion and they still managed to just kickstart a new Thagirion to kill themselves with. It's just kind of inevitable when you don't have a Yoom to chomp the Demon Lord... but the way they manage to have it happen just speaks volumes about how rotten Elysion was.
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Is morgana retardeD? She is not regina why would she be cold haha....
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Morgana's mom died and she only had one small horn. Momo has two massive horns and a pointy tail.
I don't understand the 'lets blog the story that everyone already read' anons.
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It's okay to admit you are autistic. Nobody will judge your attention seeking needs.
the arrow being placed like a horn is pretty clever
So who si the reincarnation of the king of avalon?
morgana and then momo
this might actually lead somewhere else too because prywden is looking for excalibur right now
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But thats two different people in the prophecy, it fits better that the kid that Morgana shoved in the avalon gate to be the reincarnated king, because he is the one that was going to lead the remaining kids(?), morgana on other hand dies and now Merlin is trying to turn her into a demon lord of sorts as momo
It's not exactly clear that Momo is Morgana's reincarnation. We had 2 Karins together at one point for example.
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Nobody knows what the Promised Land is because the only one survived never went to it.
>2 Karins
It was the same Karin in two stories.
Merlin didn't know where the gate actually lead to she called it promised land because it was supposed to be somewhere beyond the prophecies that were made and the plague

He means notmaria
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Quick Rundown
Every human in that world is dead.
Thagiron is alive so that devils can live and Albion don't collapse.
All the devils are free from Thagiron.
Mors, well who knows how she left that world.
Gremory has the MENTAL PRINTING of the previous antagonist.

Elyson Story Arc Status: Inconclusive
nta, She knew when Mordred told her that its just Elysium
>>492772389 just after this event
>Gremory has the MENTAL PRINTING of the previous antagonist.
Gremory is probably like Paradox who is able to remember her past lives.
Isn't gremory just merlin under a diifferent name? They are the same person down to their likes
steamkeks and doomposters are very silent after the ALIVE game status was confirmed. Their silence is deafening.
125 fusion cores a week
nta, yes just re-read the epilogue if you want to check it
get good and start maximizing those world maps
Shadows can travel between counterside and normalsides at will, bit stronger ones cause explosions, elysion got dragged all the way down the qlippa dimension so mors could have left at any time after it became a counterside
Consortiums are very silent in general after more and more people quit. Their silence is deafening.
Wait was laikas reactor better than rosaria?
She's basically another Rivet now, doing the damage of a 3-4 cost for 2.
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night bwos,luv you all
good night, anon
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too busy sucking sandy's cute cock pls understand
McElysium Burghermonica
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just fought the new sanae for the first time and my kot couldn't kill her. anyway I should just probably pick ministra here right?
for pretty much everything PVE nyes, PVP prbly AYuna and she gets the new whale skin in 22 days
They should've been skins...
that's it bwos. bside killed my interest in the game. in this week I am doing all the remaining substories and events that I have left, to "complete" the story for myself, and then I am leaving. It was a good ride, but those changes just won't let me keep up anymore.
If you're here for the stories why do you care about lv120?
>He still hasn't completed episode 11.
You misunderstood. I was here for the entire game, I was using all the game modes. I am just saying that before I leave I want to complete the stories I haven't finished so far
they can still take it back or change values, it hasn't gone through just yet. wouldn't be the first time that they announce a big change and then take it back because of backlash.
I'm hoping for it, I love this game, but with the amount of time and money I can spend on it, I won't be able to keep up anymore. Sure, stories are fun and good, but if I suddenly am knocked down a bucnh in both PVP and PVE, then I don't see a point anymore. Let's hope, bwo.
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it's gonna be fine. bside can't be that retarded or greedy.
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Oh Yuna is the new whale skin target? Poor choice considering she already has the best skin
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It does seem strange to give it to someone who already has skins including a collab skin but it's hard to see anyone else fitting the silhouette.
classic Austrian genes kicked in
You're probably right although I feel like A!Horizon coulda done the "angel with a sword" thing
I really want a skin for AHori but I don't wanna get my hopes up.
Man Morded is cracking my skull open in pvp, I really dunno if I can skip her
If pvp is a prio, you should. Swan makes your raid damage go apeshit, but that... technically doesn't matter at all? Not like anyone struggles to kill kraken. She'll probably be extremely good in all the bullshit level 190 content coming up though.

The big one to miss is the defender though, since she's omega god tier in pve AND pvp
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there is a very tiny chance for it to be mavka but pic related is the only hair part that somewhat fits.
so far bside has released the prestige skin for "new" awakened units on global. AJia, ARegi, ARosa and AMors all came either at the same time or shortly after the unit itself. AYuna would break this streak which points more towards mavka again who also has a sword. would still be an odd combination as 99% of the time mavka has no sword and no familiar.
but we shall see soon.
>no familiar.
would be cute to make her a tiny bird
I feel like the interaction between Mordred and Yuna on the field together is sketchy, Mordred doesn't seem to be doing no damage to Yuna as if the bird is getting targeted instead
The Promised Land is just "where we can go to escape the plague" which for someone who knows what that actually means is "some other world that isn't already on its way to falling into the counterside". That's why Merlin and her researchers have to check the conditions at every world coordinate they find.
That was same-world travel, she can guess because there's going to be a limited number of places where they can get viorite and happens to really stink of the plague. "The Demon Lord farted really hard here. Must've been a highly populated/important place that's been attacked."
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Im running soulless Ayuna/Amina albion cheese this week and sometimes mordred wipes out my team in like 8 seconds and other times it doesn't feel like she does anything, I don't really get it
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hmm now i'm starting to wonder if bside fooled us with the bird and the top left hair strand bit being a 100% yuna thing. going by mavka's ingame model it would actually fit everywhere. even with AI enhancement to actually see shit and the hair moving around from battle.
it's prbly still yuna just with slightly changed hair between skins, same as ARosa's changed by a lot in hers
The thing about that is it would be a non-loli version of Mavka which is the biggest downgrade you could possibly do. I wouldn't even pay for a quartz skin like that let alone a whale skin.
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gotta put those tits to some use, she's finally getting them.
might still be loli mavka though as yuna is 160cm tall and mavka 164cm. in mavka's ult cut-in she has a normal length torso too.
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>>492833797 (me)
said cut-in for comparison. having her sit down wouldn't change anything.
Finally, Mavka feet.
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this event was, as the kids say, pretty kino
also how could other people interact with regina's tulpa?
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i'd still give it 80% for yuna but there is a chance for mavka feet, nyes
Mavka doesn't even have feet
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i dunno why they switched the 2 bottom hair strands (tiny-tiny-big) around on the awakened version, but we're going back to OG yuna's tiny-big-tiny combo.
i rest my case here (again), it is yuna.
a-anything is possible for angels!
Its HIld you retards
Well, if everyone else can see/interact with the monster chasing her, then they should be able to do so with the -other- manifestation.
But your case has now exposed a new overlooked detail: the ahoge.
holy fuck looking at those changelogs there is no doubt why hild leader dropped the game
>But your case has now exposed a new overlooked detail: the ahoge.
awakened yuna never had one, prbly gets burned when she transforms.
hild feet...
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i'd buy it
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Burned away... like all the mint choco fat.
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she took those pics for (You)
now say ahhn~
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i finally saw an ad of AFK journey and i know why chinks floked to it, those retards
Ramgods stay winning.
what is the name of that place? pussy pits?
ass fang

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