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>Giten Megami Tensei's partial translation patch for PC-98

>Vengeance OST scans

>Atlus Game Music, a portal website dedicated to Atlus music related products, has officially launched

>Shin Megami Tensei The Board Game Kickstarter

>Patch 1.0.2 for SMT Vengeance in the works according to SteamDB, still no details about its content

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks is now available on digital streaming services

>Old neocities site containing info and useful links (no longer updated)

>Information about the schizo so people are aware to not interact with them in any shape or form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19l6oTnl9qU9mMLXh_Fuo60MUjzUVf1ln/view

>How to filter namefags with 4chanX: /^(?!Anonymous$)/

Previous thread:>>491670092
>Future heroine, regular human chaos hero and law hero all in the party at the same time as pascal
Tis not a possible scenario
hero brainwashed them
I never realised how much Yuzuru resembles Chaos Hero until I saw this art. I wonder if it was intentional like Walter and Jonathan.
Charm is literally a status effect/gameplay mechanic
When does p3 start talking about death like everyone says it does, I put 10 hours in it and it's just been straightfoward shadow hunt stuff so far. No, I will not go to /pg/.
I haven't beat it and probably will never beat a persona game, but from what I've read it's more towards the later part of the game
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When you say death do you mean the character death or the theme death
The character death doesn't show up until the last 2 months
The "theme" of death is all throughout, at the very start of the game you get told you will have only 1 year to live your life to fullest in that time. Like many things in persona it might be easy to just brush it off as just the standard mechanics of the series now but its not hard to see how the social link and calendar mechanics were specifically invented around P3's setting and story/themes and only hung around because they were popular despite actually gelling with the narrative less and less over time with each entry
What version are you playing? If you are playing Reload, play FES.
I dunno, call me stupid, but nothing about the game so far reads to me like they're saying anything about death. They use it as an aesthetic sometimes, but the game overall is really lighthearted with the mood and writting, so I figured it's supposed to be a suckerpunch kind of deal where you go in expecting a feel good social sim, and then they drop it on you later, like >>492289302 said. But that doesn't work for me because I've already been spoiled that the game is supposed to be about dealing with death and deadlines and that it ends with me dying.
I'm playing FES, tempted to download the mod that lets me control party members because as far as I'm concerned locking them behind AI is fucking sacrilege.
Once you unlock some tactics, it becomes much more manageable. There is a Mitsuru charm meme in FES, but that is if you leave her to act freely, when you unlock her, you can attack weaknesses with a hit weakness tactic you have to put her in and she stays with it. Once Fuuka is in the party you have to scan with her, since it makes it easier for the party members to attack correctly. But the Tactics system isn't going to be the best it can be until Mitsuru is unlocked.
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Maybe if you're only 10 hours in you haven't seen all that much character stuff yet but every single character bar a noticeable and odd exception (the green haired girl) has a backstory/plotline revolving around a personality shaping death and how they either do or don't deal with it. The main human antagonists are also related to death but in a different way.
They exchanged personas being attached to occult playground rumour based games like in 1 and 2 and instead the personas in 3 are associated with and awakened via confronting the idea of your own death, and thats why they have the super heavy handed symbolism of the characters blasting themselves in the head and the dark hour gives the unaware masses the temporary comfort of death while hibernating in those metaphysical coffins.
I'd recommend sticking with the AI party members, the game isn't all that hard and is pretty well balanced around that mechanic.
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Wake up
Not enough people talk about which personas they want to fuck.
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Persona 1 chocolate Ishtar
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Because most of them are pretty hideous, P1 probably has to most fuckable ones
I would fuck Tomoe
mostly the P1 and P2 ones
I'm caught between two minds when it comes to (Maya's) Artemis
She's hot in a way but I also think copulation with her is likely to result in snag related or blunt object related injury
Just take the diamonds off.
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But then you'd just be fucking Maya
Reload proves that Atlus shouldn't do more remakes. All hell breaks lose when they announce a nocturne remake.
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I think potential P1/P2 remakes that almost entirely replace the super unique demon/persona roster of those original titles with the collection of stagnant existing hd demon models they already have is quite literally my personal hell/nightmare scenario. And yet it is inevitably what will happen if they touch those games if they couldn't even bother to recreate half of the mere 30+ demons from P3 that didn't have up to date HD models.
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Atlus would censor a lot in Oldsona remakes.
I beat the game and The Answer on the hardest difficulty just fine with tactics. It kind proves JRPG fans are fucking retards because it's the most simple thing in the world to figure out.
>I want mitsuru to attack
>I can choose "act freely" or "attack their ass"
>choose act freely
>wtf why is she casting status ailments instead of attacking
I feel like the average JRPG player just refuses to engage with any ai party member mechanic, Soul Hackers gets similar critique
So why no demon party members in SH2? They were in the original. They have the models.
They were trying to go for the persona audience (but even that failed)
They were making an Oldsona like game but in the modern era.
Milady bros? (Do those even exist)
>That username
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We need to return to protagonists that are blatant plagiarisations of real people
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Alice miracle of the daat
>They were making an Oldsona like game but in the modern era.
Legitimately thought that I was the only one who noticed this. Oldsona if you love it or hate it, just doesn't work anymore in a time where people just want Nusona or edgy (garbage) like Nu-SMT. This is why things like "Persona 2 remakes" will flop unless it's heavily altered to include things like a calender system.
Maybe they should have also tried to replicate oldsonas great character designs, impeccable soundtracks and interesting story too because SH2 massively underperformed in those areas
The difference is that SH2 sucked ass and the older games didn't. Trying to say "people just don't like (x) anymore!" when the only example of (x) in the modern era is fucking bad and failed because of that fact is the same exact kind of reasoning out of touch execs use to axe projects that they don't think will print infinite money.
>because of that fact is the same exact kind of reasoning out of touch execs use to axe projects that they don't think will print infinite money.
Welcome to the professional video game industry. Video games outside of some rare exceptions like Kojima directed titles only really exist to be extremely profitable as the company who made it aren't trying to file for bankruptcy.
This is the only post in the thread discussing V/VV in any way. What went so wrong?
Nobody aside /smtg/ thinks of oldsona having those aspects. Seriously if you see what common man thinks of oldsona it's the polar opposite of what you just said so anon is right on the money there
Wrong, everyone thinks those things.
Normalfags and non smt fans prefer the P1 Psp soundrack over the original. If you look outside your echo chamber you'll see that
The biggest black pill for smt fags to swallow that despite selling well, V/VV isn't really a good game and barely have anything worth discussing when compared to previous megaten titles
did mentioned that i once dreamed about Alice?
How come Dx2 gets sonic as a demon but we dont?
He's literally an afterthought there and was pretty much added because someone told them to.
Fatlus literally believes that SMT doesn't deserve crossovers
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>mfw SMT will never be good again
There's a difference between a status effect and a full scene of schlocky shit like that. Atlus staff literally talked about how they feared IVA was straying from the "megaten spirit", you faggots are so disingenuous
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We need to return to characters in general being blatant plagiarism of real people
he's out of loop like him but not the one who gets bullied, at least for the majority of the game
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It's real weird that we have Gotou, Gouto, and Goto, and two of them are cats.
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pretty lady...
I liked this lilith design
Is there any really connection to the other games or is it just references
in smtv, once you unlock a route exclusive demon for fusion, does that carry over into ng+? can you continue to fuse them after?

also, does the trust/affection score or whatever you want to call it, from demon haunt, reset when you register->delete->resummon?
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Such a useful demon desu.

>party wide tetrakarn
>good force
>good elec
>luster candy
>qadistu magatsuhi skill is a party heal and ~2k almighty damage with a chance to charm

I liked having the 4 whores around more than I thought I would. Too bad Naamah falls off hard due to all the status resists you see in late game.
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Milk Truck just Arrived
Based, she never really gets art
Oh hey Metaphor is actually using skill names outside of the same ones they have been using for 30 years.
Why in the unholy fuck would you want Sonic the gay ass Hedgehog in an SMT game?
she should've been in V
Do you guys apply metaphysics from one game to all the franchise or go in a game per game basis?
Want to start Devil Survivor and got the NDS Rom. Apparently there's an Overclock version which is a dlc? Kinda lazy to setup a 3ds emu so is there much difference in vanilla and OC or is vanilla just good enough?
3ds versión has the true ending for three routes in the game
I said why not who.
Capitulate to Pleasure is amazing, super good for party bosses. Also great synergy with Eisha whose signature move becomes 450 BP on an ailment enemy
3DS version is better. Lime3DS is easy to set up so there's no reason not to play that version.
DeSu Overclocked is the one time Atlus managed to make a rerelease that can replace the original
DeSu 2 as well, albeit not as much as DeSu 1
We must pool our money together and buy sega stocks to control atlus game development
this is what TTWfag should've used his money on instead
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i can just make what i want instead
>Atlus declares bankruptcy to escape from yandere fans
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And then I'll drag Kaneko back kicking and screaming while he claws at the dirt so he can make Raidou 3 and then be released back into the wildflower field again. It will be very mid but at least the art direction will be done right, as demanded by my intense autism.

Wilder Sonic
Rumor Sanic
do all the smt4 bosses crumble when you put on the right colored clothes
Going to hold off on my Godborne run until 1.0.2 comes out. Hopefully from the navi poll they'll make all navis and maybe demifiend accessible from the start.
there's no way that the update will only include a new navi and that's it, right? Soul Lackers 2 got new demons after release despite flopping hard
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Beth art? Nice-oh
this won't change the fact that a twink skeleton mamudo'd me and two demons
2.7% chance
I don't think giving birth orally checks out anatomically
>there's no way that the update will only include a new navi and that's it, right?
Yes anon, that's all they're going to add since it's just a shitty lazy way to say "thank you" for buying their garbage. Otherwise they would have already announced a season pass where you would have to pay money to even use the new navis.
Didn’t it work like that in an Alien movie? I think Prometheus?
Eghh I don't like this one, the umbilical cord coming from the mouth is too grotesque, that didn't happen in the tamaki one when she started vomit birthing demons.
Why dead
Vengeance was dogshit and there's nothing else to talk about. I think it's best for /smtg/ to pull a /xgg/ by letting the general take a break until we get new information on something SMT related.
There's still Metaphor
or the right colored buffs
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I can only imagine how the boss feels in SMT IV, watching my fashion masterpiece.
Yeah but it's very obvious that some of our local autists don't want to talk about it, as they'll sperg out over pointless shit like trees. It's why /pg/ claimed Metaphor.
SMT x Dungeon Meshi
Sad, but can't expect much more out of smt fanbase gatekeeping and elitism
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Whatever it is you desire, shall be granted Summoner.
I always forget how big Strange Journey's compendium is, I played through this game so many times and feel like I haven't used half of the demons the game has to offer.
I'm trying to start using the special fusion system and it's miserable due to how many demons are in the game.
Made me realise my playstyle of barely recruiting demons like in V doesn't work when there is actually a decently large roster.
At least in SJ the compendium is as cheap as hell, allowing much easier fusion.
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Who's the artist?
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You must choose one, /smtg/.
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Shes BEGGING for it
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that's oomf!
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>tfw I didn't realise it showed the person who uploaded something when you share via google drive with restricted access
>gatekeeping and elitism
I don't know why that's still a thing when everyone and their mother played Nocturne, SJ, etc. You're not special for beating a SMT game anymore. Even children has beaten something like SMT 2.
I want to fuck Asahi
wonder if they'll reuse qadistu models in future projects or if they'll forever locked in vengence
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There's no reason why you'd make production grade models and not reuse them. 3D has high upfront cost for creating the models and low reuse cost. Whereas with 2D it's the same effort every time you redraw it. These 3D games are expensive to produce, so an easy way to cut down on cost is asset reuse.
Never doubt the Nipponese mind.
Are we allowed to discuss Metaphor here? New trailer dropped alongside previews and there's barely any discussion.
Feel free to discuss Metaphor but I don't feel any hype for it. It looks like a persona game with fantasy coat of paint
No. We decided a long time ago it will be in /pg/ before it's own general on release.
We may be buried as fuck, but there are limits even for the dead. Create your own general and see how it goes.
Of course you can.
Honestly why not, metaphor is an incest baby between SMT and persona, hell it even has press turns for crying out loud.
They're obviously going to reuse them since it's cheaper to do. This is also why we won't see Kaneko Lilith anymore, as VV Lilith will be used from now on her permanent design.
>as VV Lilith will be used from now on her permanent design.
Not true.
Once a weeb, always a weeb.
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Once an Alice, always an Alice
Cock craving slut
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It's true. Why go back to her og design when she has a brand new one that's drawn by the current demon artist? You guys keep thinking Atlus will go back to the Kaneko designs, but they won't. Especially when Kaneko's artstyle doesn't really fit in the current style of SMT.
unlike meta lucifer it's a demon design so it might be, but then again angel still used the old design in SH2
I think this is something they will decide on a game to game basis
I hope it is, it's her best design.
Kaneko Lillith will just be in Persona while mainline will get the Doi version.
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I feel like that original design is now officially just an etrian odyssey character since thats the only game she'll ever appear in
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Latest mod addition
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The devil works hard but the modder works harder.
this is so nicely detailed how the fuck
i wished she had more screentime
I wish she was in a actual good game with an development team that actually cared for their product
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Finally beat the first dungeon in NINE, because I understand the combat now. It's not an auto-battler, it's menu-based real time.

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks is now available on digital streaming services
are you they guy who was playing nocturne vanilla?
Yes. I was full from SMT after that, so I played some suda51 games, but now I want SMT again.
nice, post your progress and thoughts on it if you feel like it
Negotiation dialogue in NINE is great, the demons talk about music tastes and dating advice.

For sure, I love /smtg/.
Her old design is still in Metaphor, it's how she looked 12 years ago in the story
right is better
me when blind
Not really, she has the headband which is definitely a reference to that original design but to say the design itself is actually in the game is blatantly untrue, the hair isn't the same at all and she still has the new ears
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>not like himmie cuts
I'm a hime cut enjoyer but the art is a downgrade and the game looks like shit
I mean the Etrian rendition of her doesn't look 1:1 to the original either. The armor for example is completely different
>the game looks like shit
I agree. I'm just going to goon to the elf
I feel like most people won't care but I have to agree with the artstyle degradation point, I really prefer soejimas style from around a decade ago compared to what he draws like now unfortunately
I don't know if hes the one doing the games portraits too but likewise I think persona series portraits have honestly gotten worse over time, in particular the ones in P3R seem so weirdly clinical they're completely devoid of appeal to me
P3R portraits aren't by Soejima
They still got Soejima face
soejima hasn't done portraits since p4. how do you not know this
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I don't read the credits
May I return the question and ask why its knowledge I should obviously know?
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Those are new portraits by Soejima, they're actually a lot more like his older artstyle
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They should go back to the OVA aesthetics
catboy Jonathan
because it's expected for /smtg/ anons to have actual knowledge on the megaten series and it's staff than retards that complain about things they don't even know about
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Agreed. Bring back Hiroyuki Kitazume to do character art and designs
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hugging alice
pinning alice down on a bed
Undress alice
approaching alice
face to face with alice
start smothering her with my tongue
i lick her entire face and body like a wild wolf
and now with my cock
I could see your point if I didn't actively say in the first post I didn't know who does the portraits, you're acting as if I made an assertion he did and complained anyway. Also something something glass house stones, despite being a shill for it you didn't know soul hackers 2 also had timed buffs while bitching about SMTV's timed buffs lol
Outdated shitty art for boomers.
>Just humans with horns/long ears/animal ears etc
Every fucking time
>soul hackers 2 also had timed buffs while bitching about SMTV's timed buffs lol
that's because nobody here played SH2 so they wouldn't even know anything about its gameplay
So just like 90% of the classic fantasy tropes?
Bzzzt, wrong + You're a faggot
I'm at the end of canon of creation and I think smtv might be the most boring game from atlus I have ever played
Messiah Rider is much worse, but it is up there. The new path isn't much better
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How do I get Michael/Belial in Vengeance ? I'm on CoC, neutral route, and some NPCs are supposed to be in the Empyrean but they are not. I read you can pay them 666k macca for the quest, but they do not appear for me. Am I missing something ?
It's a full on quest thing, not sure if it is in the Vengence route
CoC Law path.
CoC Chaos path.
So you can't get the quest if you're on Neutral even with the 666k macca thing ? Annoying.
> game is about snakes and the dragonslayers.
> most famous dragonslayer of the western canon is a mere sidequest
Who the fuck wrote this game.
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I made a quick doodle since it's friday, Please excuse me, I can't into colors.
I like your doodle of the pretty animals
good post
In SMTVV does poison adept and poison master stack?
Give me the strat bros
git gud
I miss this artstyle
Are the SMTV models available anywhere? When I extract myself with umodel it's only exporting the textures before crashing.
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>"You'll play my game right anon?"
you're not as cute as pixie sorry
try a different haircut maybe
I beat Dagda in SMTVV and I'm trying to fuse him but I can't seem to figure out which demons unlocks his special fusion and Google has been completely useless, does anyone here know?
He joins the party
He did not, I got an oak staff.
Go to the diet building and send it into research, then you can summon him
I gave it to the guy. He took the oak staff. I still do not have Dagda. I cannot find the fusion requirements online.
>If you finish him off, the Nahobino will deliver a killing blow to Dagda. Danu will approve of your choice, and you’ll find an Oak Staff on the ground. After you turn in the quest to the researcher in the Tokyo Diet Building, you’ll be told that the Oak Staff can be studied. The item will be removed from your inventory, but by talking to the Head Researcher afterwards, you’ll see a new menu option. Select this, choose to summon Dagda, and the fearsome foe will instantly join your party. You’ll also unlock the option to fuse him.
>It's a random third NPC with no markings to tell you they have something new to say

Incredible game
Yeah it's pretty weird with many things in the game.
>Annoying quippy floating companion like Pixie/Amanozako/Navarre
Why is this game just a slop combo of shit from all the other Atlus titles?
I love V, great game
I think i will commission porn of asahi
Touch his neck spike and he'll get submissive and lose all his HP... maybe.
This isn't unique to Atlus titles anon. Every modern JRPG since the late 2010s are required to have a extremely annoying mascot companion character.
Metaphor is a return to form
The form being SH2 and TMS
the form being Nocturne, SJ, DDS and DeSu2
All the vids of people claiming Metaphor is GOTY feels like shilling because Atlus paid them to say it.
It is 100% shilling
I remember Nyarly mentioning in a previous vid that he was disappointed that it looks like a persona/SMT rehash hybrid instead of something completely new like they promised. Only for his comment section to get mad and say its fine that Atlus plays it safe and pumps out shit that adds nothing new.
Where the fuck was all of this complaining about shills when VV was new
We literally had someone that teased that VV would have the Qadištu before we even knew they were a thing in the game
But those games are good though?
Nyarly got filtered by the first real boss in Metaphor because he didn't jump to the back row when the game told him to. Because the fairy navi doesn't repeat to you that the big attack is coming or to change the rows
How come they don't use the other Abaddon design these days?
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>How do we convince the most amount of people to buy metaphor?
>Oh, I know! Post about it on 4chan's /vg/'s /smtg/general!
it wouldn't be that far from reality considering the vengeance baseball truck
Can't be bothered porting the model when the other one's already there
The archetype designs look really lame so far. Just fucking boring looking but atleast they aren't as overdesigned as Soejima personas.
No, I don't care about Metaphor: ReFantazio.
The vast majority of "shilling" here is ringoschizo baiting for (You)s. If you go to any /v/ thread about the game, all anyone does is shit all over it.
whats the point of a healer girl when they just get their boobs blown off in the first turn
am I missing something
It's very easy to explain, anon.
>P-Studio wanted to use SMT 2 Abaddon for Persona 5, so they decided to make a model of him
>The development team behind V doesn't want to waste resources on creating a model of Abaddon in his Nocturne design when all of that budget could go into an new Doimon
>So they just take Abaddon from Persona 5 and just put him in V
This is also why you'll never see Orochi stray away from his shitty SNES design until P-Studio makes a model of his SH look.
That's just bad RNG fucking you over.
Healers are pretty essential, and many of them high have magic stats as well.
But /v/ literally shits on anything that's not made by Fromsoftware. Don't you remember when they called DMC V "fucking shit" despite it being a really good game?
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>Spell fusion/combo
we are so back
I remember /v/ sings Devil Trigger and that automatically overwrites any shitposters oppinion.
Speaking of singing, has anyone archived the /smtg/ sings A Lone Prayer video/audio? I know it's been years, but I'm still hoping anyways.
Goofy ass skill names.
>Can't be arsed farming essences to beat demifiend in NG COC, keep him for Newborn NG+ COV

Am I weak /smtg/ ?
>I remember /v/ sings Devil Trigger
That was post-release for DMC V when the board finally moved onto something else to obsess over. But otherwise, there's more countless examples of /v/ just shitting on games for the sake of it. BotW, Doom Eternal, Witcher 3, Bayonetta 2, Final Fantasy XVI, just to name a few.
Yeah because it generates attention and (you)'s. You would have to be a moron to think that board collectively thinks the same. Just enter a thread and examine the arguments. The ones arguing in worse faith are the ones you shouldn't acknowledge.
They're loan names from digital devil story or something, Hashino was digging really deep
I do think Metaphor will be better than VV purely from a gameplay and writing standpoint, because nothing can be worse than ailment abuse and someone complaining about how cars kill people
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Cute witch
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Can you stop blaming me for everything? Take your meds.
The hard mode adds an extra press turn to most enemies it'll be great
>ailment abuse
what is the problem with ailments? i'm not pro enough to have discovered this abuse. is this just in VV? i've played V but not VV yet
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Need more simple designed heroines. Or women in robes. Either one really
You can lobotomize most bosses by using ailments (seal is best) with a high ailment potential demon + loa in the party
You know I'm right.
ah. well who wants that ugly ass skull in their party, taking up a hot bitch's rightful place. problem solved
Don’t be a bitch and use the skull
god i wish i was ||her||
i do find it kinda funny soul hackers 2 couldn't bring back any mechanics from SH1 that mattered but metaphor is dredging up everything from the back-row system to fusion spells
Hashino was the last bastion of old Atlus and it shows. Reload doesn't even have P1 and 2 DLC costumes but Metaphor does
i don't want to use the skull. i barely use seal anyway, where's the fun in that
Will Hashino work on SMT6?
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lol no. SMT is something for the new staff members to play with, not actual veterans
I can tell this is the guy who did the Tamaki slime art too
You say this every thread, and I'm closer to your house every time you post it
I ended up just giving myself and another demon media
worked good
I did the same thing. Why bother beating Demifiend if you are going to go for a second cycle?

Do try to beat Masakado tho, he can only be fought in CoC.
Are you ripping this from the phone game or what
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We're never going to see her again, which would be okay but we barely got to see her in the first place
*anime tropes
>tfw Lord of the Rings was anime all along
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elves aren't animal hybrids
but the lizardmen in Conan are
Do you guys think we will ever get the mythical Law Demifiend equivalent?
I guess Nahobino is suppose to be that
We don't get anywhere close the emphasis of the TDE in V.
I see more of DDS desu with the 3 party system and the transformations
I want to make a Hydra ailment build but i dont know the numbers on how often it can crit or status poison
Or what skills best synergize with it
>vengeance baseball truck
The what
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Just realized TTS and Nemissa are one of the exceptions when it comes to heroins
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Thighs are a necessary part of a mainline heroine I guess?
Page 10 it's so over
I want to jerk off to this
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Been reading the Raidou manga. Only a few chapters in but my thoughts on it so far is that it really is a product of its time, the OCs in the manga don't impress me and are a little too much like generic anime caricatures for my tastes, and I feel like Raidou actually acts too robotic but I find it hard to explain what I'm trying to get at. I do like the art and action scenes at least. However, Kushinada is honestly kind of a cunt. That's all, thanks for reading my blog.
you mean christian law and we won't it's conceptually too controversial
I feel about MegaTen going 3D the same way I feel about Sonic going 3D.
SJ was a breath of fresh air.

i mean i invented the waterful nahobino but you guys wouldnt listen
oh i prefer how he acts in the novel, the manga is mid and spoilers his fakeout death is also lame
What stuff does the SJ Redux add over the original? Is it better to just play the original over it?
it modernizes the game but its kinda disappointing some of the added stuff is like not very well thought out
I feel that Atlus struggled almost the same as Sega
I read it before and yeah it did not really keep my interest
It had some good ideas, like that Abe no Seimei's descendant is a character who does omnyouji shit, but could be execute better
>it really is a product of its time
Weird to hear this said about 2009
Nocturne = Sonic Adventure
novel better, feels like the first game, honestly the second game is peak but ore flawed in the story at times
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>only one more fucking cycle until I have this stupid plat
imagine forcing yourself to play a shit game for the cheevos
what is this, 2012?
>imagine forcing yourself to play a shit game for the cheevos
I do it all the time so I can easily imagine it.
nigga you have GOT to find a better hobby
even shitposting is preferable to that brainrot
I refuse. I WILL platinum the games I paid for and I WILL complain how shit it is to 100% them afterwards.
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which way, Son of Man?
I love it whenever Yoko says some edgy shit and I immediately contradict her to make her clam up.
>not saying some edgy shit back to make her clam all sweaty
Do stat bonuses from the 'prayer of' miracles affect levels gained from unforgotten memories during fusion?
>question about V/VV
the way of PM Koshimizu
okay I can respect that even if I ain't gay
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Dx2 is adding the alt design for Pixie
Time to do the POS demon's castle one last time. Pray I don't fuck up the last wind puzzle part again, this time.
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Up till now they've cockteased me by having her as a character in the alternate mode but not actually summonable
Actually my favourite pixie design, lets fucking go
Not even. Nocturne is Sonic Unleashed.
Everyone hated it at first but nowadays it's beloved by most people.
Need the modder to put both DS1 Pixie and SH Pixie into VV and then give them a special group magatsuhi since hes in the habbit of making unique magatsuhi skills lately
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Also the Dx2 original guy is going to be summonable now instead of just a boss
He was in the OG but was password only.
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That's what always happens in gachas. Eventually you run out of stuff to implement and start implementing original characters and alter spam, so you have alters of every character from summer alters, to dancing alters to mystery alters to alt universe alters
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and with that, V/VV has officially lost
actually not a bad design but would be better if it had tiddies
who designed it anyhow?
VV never won in the first place when we learned more about the story and CoV's content.
Probably the guy that also designed the humans, but I could be wrong
I like how VV made everyone like him
You will never be Japanese
thank YHVH for that
you faggots keep posting this as if it's an insult
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SH Pixie won't get in because she has no animations, because she came from SH2 which didn't give any animations to any demons who weren't bosses or random encounters. Thats why nemissa won't be added either, despite being DLC they made you pay for she has literally no animations other than an idle. Aren't atlus truly just a wonderful company
i like to think im apart of the secret isoslavic race, the icelandic vikings that had sex with slavic female traders adn created ubermenshc isoslavs
You don't have to be japanese to know that Nocturne wasn't well received by fans at launch, retard.
He's literally quoting an interview backed up by facts.
I don't think it has to do with animations and more so lack of interest, considering nobody actually bothered to research SH2 files yet. You can't even find any documentation of it's unused content online.
I bet your god taught you that you mean something, that you’re here for a reason. My god taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all. He taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to.
is this a pop culture reference?
dark law aligned anon
the creator of wizardry series has passed away
memory eternal, may the lord have mercy on him for all eternity
And what does this have to do with SMT
wizardry is the main influence for the original gameplay loop of NES and SNES megaten
also this
Almost every japanese dungeon crawler is a wizardry ripoff.
I may finish reading it just to see it through since Raidou content is Raidou content, but I'm also going to do what everyone else seems to do and maybe pretend it doesn't exist once I'm done with it. It kinda feels like a big filler arc as a whole manga if that makes sense. Not missing much by not reading it, I guess?
>Weird to hear this said about 2009
You're telling me, I was in high school when this thing was released so it makes me kinda nostalgic for anime from the 2000s. But it really does have those vibes that make it feel like its a little "aged" so to speak.
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novel better
Light Chaos
I saw
Productive version of this post: If Dragon Quest was influenced by Wizardry and Ultima, Megami Tensei was influenced strictly by Wizardry. It advertised itself as having bigger dungeons and more monsters than Wizardry, demon recruitment I think was a compromise for not being able to roll your own party like in Wizardry. The game also had a primitive alignment system, Good, Evil, and Neutral. A character of a certain alignment won't be in the same party of another. This all stems from D&D, and in turn Elric and Three Hearts, Three Lions. But I think it's safe to say SMT got it from Wizardry.
There's a strange synchronicity here, Wizardry IV had you play as the defeated villain of the first game, and had to rely on the monsters you summoned on each floor. This was released just a few months after MT I.
Atlus published some Wiz games here too. And Dark Spire which was just Wiz on the DS, that was my first Atlus game.
What do I look for to see Nahabino Abdiel booba?
it's dazai only
>but I'm also going to do what everyone else seems to do and maybe pretend it doesn't exist once I'm done with it.
I know there's at least one piece of Abe fanart that's meant for women to jerk off to
>You're telling me, I was in high school when this thing was released so it makes me kinda nostalgic for anime from the 2000s
I'm slightly younger and 2009 still feels "new" to me.
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Finally, I can go back to Rise of the Ronin.
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vgh, sovl
Atlus hire Itsuno for Raidou 3
how based is IF on a scale of 1-10
scale is 1 for awful 10 for amazing
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smt1 on a 4:3 LCD is the closest i can get for a "true" 90s smt experience but outside of smt1 modern monitors feel too good and 4:3 feels wrong
I just finished my first CoC playthrough, should I do CoV on newborn or reborn ?
How many new fights / new content are there in CoV ?
I kind of want to play newborn to not obliterate all challenge, but at the same time, it feels like a waste of time if 90% of the fights are the same.
Only the third area, the rest is minor fight changes (instead of fighting a certain boss, you fight a new one at the same exact location, etc) outside the end which has 2 new fights depending on the route. I found it disappointing since 90% of the game is the same outside the new area.
I guess the third area is good enough to do newborn, and that'll give me an occasion to actually use some of the new CoV exclusive demons
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Guy who had a major part in blobbers died, press F to pay respects.
>omega westerner trying to act as if he was born in the wrong generation posting 80s and 90s manga/anime pictures while also acting all pretentious and hyperbolic on top of it
lol you will never be old, zoomie
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F, I'll spend the weekend trying to beat Proving Grounds in his honor.
I prefer Might and Magic anyway

Anybody know what the track at the beginning of the video is from?
Yes I know, very cringe and gay and whatnot.
not smt, pretentious westerner wannabe oldie unpedo
Kill yourself
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she has a dick
>can reproduce
The perfect woman
you will never be old.. also alice's cute face
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death to bisexuals
death to queers in general
fuck all of you
Soejima face
They have less presence in battles than personas.
well it is called Soul HACKERS, not DEVIL summoner
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which SMT game is the McChicken of the franchise?
Hydra doesn't really benefit from it's own abillity because it has garbage magic. The abillity is good paired up with Mastema whose magic attack Great Lament gets ailment chaser
Why didn't VV bring back evolution?
It's a shitty mechanic. Special/sacrificial fusion literally does the same thing and is already attached to the main mechanic. I think everyone felt a chip on their shoulder form when Jack Frost """evolved""" into Wendigo in IV.
Rushed job of a rerelease
>Frost evolving to Wendigo
This is the SMT equivalent to FE awakening having Chrom NTR your protag if you pair with any female.
>Succubus is a hot woman like expected
>Incubus is just some goofy gremlin
I hate her Soejima face in V
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>cute spirit of winter evolves into the spirit of wintertime starvation and cannabalism
what did you think Jack Frost was going to evolve into?
Literally any of the dozen demons in the Jack family. King or Frost Ace in particular would be good.
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It is strange how Jack Frost's mascot status overrides his mythological one.
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He'll be back
Where can i get a varna from dds series tshirt? i really want a cool looking varna tshirt and walk around with it.
Wizardry is so beloved by the japanese I forget its a western series.
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It's better this way
If kaneko let himself unleash the sexoooo of men he is indeed capable of then smt would be nothing but fujo bait
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a try for buzzword post
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I want one too
>I think everyone felt a chip on their shoulder form when Jack Frost """evolved""" into Wendigo in IV.
I don't. Fuck Jack Frost stupid little faggot and his faggot tail I agi those fuckers everytime I see him Mokoi is MY mascot
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i'm finally playing vengeance, currently at the school level, when do i even get the new beano form? Other than yoko and the demon strumpet almost everything seems the same story wise
third area and you lose it near the end
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kino game, this level can be BS
The game is mostly the same outside of the third area and a small section during the final dungeon. Don't be surprised that they didn't bother making many differences due to laziness.
Shut the fuck up, Avery.
Is this really an avery adjacent opinion? Going from the freshness of shinjuki to an even more rushed version of vanillas taito is so lazy and disappointing on the face of it I find it hard to agree with the idea that calling the shit spade a spade is schizo-core.
what is the uniform Yoko is wearing here?
why are the girls in Tokyo Revelation so cute?
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I wish succubus we're real
why doesn't she just do it herself?
>Muh boogeyman
Now this is an averypost
She later talks about being your demon queen. All the snake girls are big into Bino
they want that big BVLL GOD cock
>this level can be BS
It's fucking maddening if you're going for the Hakke Route, by this point the only bodies you can use are Andrey and Lee Fei Shan, both have barely any health and deal barely any damage, a single hit from the nazis will take 1/3 of your health bar. On the other hand you can try your luck with the gimmicky enemies of Istanbul, it's the hardest route by far.
You do get two paths for that section of the game with going to the north or south, since it's a loop. Unironically you could grind and go to the south where the enemies are slower (but stronger) and fight one of the other blademasters, which is better than anything else at that point so you can deal with it, but any fight until you get one with them requires more skill due to needing to put in more hits.
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
Looks like he reused the cadenza animation from reload to give sati and parvati a new fusion magatsuhi
All of these demon mods and none of them actually improve the game
Didn't need it.
can't improve on perfection
V/VV can't be fixed.
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>Shit AI
>Terrible dungeons
>Awful environments
>Atrocious writing
Ishtar Innana fusion spell next unless coward
wrong and dumb
...I just realized that those group mag skills are fusion spells.
3 of the 4 things you listed apply to nearly every smt game
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tfw when a 2024 JRPG has worse dungeon designs than games made in the 90s
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The blasphemous might of the nahobino...
I can't understand exactly one thing in life. How can one play this garbage series when games like Slay the Spire exist?
Slay the Spire gets boring after a while, since there isn't enough variety after the 10 hour mark.
I don't play indieshit, simple as
so many games are better than fatlus games now in the same genre, it's not even funny
>not a first person dungeon crawler
what does this have to do with SMT?
The indie scene made a actual SNES SMT title when Atlus hasn't in literal decades
If we’re being honest, V’s dungeons really aren’t that bad in the grand scheme of the series. They’re not good but people seem to forget just how shitty the older games’ dungeons were.
A lot of them are just generic mazes devoid of anything except enemies and the occasional treasure chest.
I remember when I was in high school a teacher once had our class draw up D&D dungeons and many of the dungeons were exactly like what you’d see in the older SMT games. Consider that, an RPG series with dungeons that have the same level of complexity as those made by a bunch of kids who couldn’t even tell you what D&D meant before that day. Embarrassing.
Apparently nothing, since STS has an actual combat system.
press turn is unironically better
>A lot of them are just generic mazes devoid of anything except enemies and the occasional treasure chest.
Yes but those dungeons usually have some sort of gimmick to them, which make it memorable. V's dungeons are just poorly designed in a way that they're not memorable at all. Nobody is going to fondly remember the wind puzzles, the floor switches, and the "My ever first dungeon" tier enemy placement.
Would like to see them bring back brahma
the sand nigs will riot
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I'm on the fence on buying VV, on the one hand I'm aware of how flawed OG V is, and how VV is more or less a bandaid on it's glaring issues.

On the other hand Agrat makes my dick into diamonds like no other demon could...
Just watch the porn, it is unironically only one new area and a couple of smaller changes, it's the same experience for most of it.
I really hope this post is a joke. If not then just put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. What an utter joke of a man to have any decision he should make be swayed by the allure of fictional pussy.
Nope, not joking.
I haven't played Base V either, so I'd be going in blind as a bat.

But then again I could use the money spent on this game on a better one...
If you didn't play base V, you will enjoy VV more. Since most of VV is just V but with small changes. It's still the worst mainline. If you have the money, pre-order Metaphor.
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I'd tell you "DO IT FOR HER" but honestly just buy a better game you're more interested in, the porn will be there for you whether you play her game or not.

I will tell you that she's real cute though, she talks very politely and is sweeter than her fellow Qaditsu who are just trashy whores.
Japs so far care more about this than western outlets. You're fake weeb and fake RPG player
it's legitimately sad how bad this game's models are
General full of posers
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I dunno guys... I might cave in...
That's because they're directly ripped from P5. You could say it's budget friendly, but it makes the game look more ugly.
it's a fun game
Wonder how long it will take for them to put amon ra in DX2
If you're going to cave in then just emulate the Switch version or wait until the game gets cheaper. It should be available for $20 or less in 2-3 months, as right now the current price for VV is $40(Which is still too much for how lacking of content and flaws it has).
>wait for a sale
Might wait until it goes on sale on the switch or physically in that case...

In the meantime I might be able to starve off my horniness with porn and occupying my time with DDS then...
Ashes ashes we all fall down
Have they called a skill Divine Electrocution yet
That just sounds right you know?
need Demiurge bf
I hate the Demiurge
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man it's so dead in here
I don't know where they are.....
Need Demifiend bf
Buying a japanese dictionary and using it to play through an untranslated game, good idea? Bad idea?
bad idea with rpgs it'll take you 5 hours to get through a game's prologue alone.
good idea with games that don't have a lot of dialogue. i'm reminded of that jack bros platformer atlus released a few years back. that would be the kind of game that using a dictionary would work with.
>good idea with games that don't have a lot of dialogue
I was thinking of using SMT 1 for this, most of the dialogue in that is only two or three text boxes long, and it shouldn't be a challenge outside of negotiation. Maybe I'll try it with pokemon, someone told me those games have really simple japanese since they're made for children.
I been busy with Mario Odyssey. Infact, I just managed to 100% it couple of minutes ago.
even smt 1 has too much dialogue for this kind of thing imo. think about the beginning of the game, you get 5 minutes of text before you even leave your house and then you go to get coffee and fuck - there's like 15 people you can talk to.
unless you already have a grasp on japanese or can instantly memorize what you see you're looking at referring to your dictionary for every line of every text box for all of those characters. even for a native able to instantly recognize what's written this start would probably take ~20 minutes. consider how much longer it would take with you looking at the dictionary so often and you start to think maybe that 5 hours thing i said before wasn't really an exaggeration.
obviously it'll get better as you progress through the game and it will help you learn japanese but the point is it'll take such a ridiculously long time and there's an argument to be made that your time would've been better spent learning japanese in a traditional way so that you could play untranslated games at a much faster pace going forward.
if you're still down for it, go ahead. but for me at least i'd never do it with an rpg.
Behold, the Burning Men's Soul of /smtg/:
What's a good build for Trumpeter in VV?
I used him as a 4xbarion user for random. Although he ended up as just backup for demons that got past mot/abaddon yabusame.
How do o get the red big bang enemies to appear?
just bee urself
I dont get it
sometimes things don't make sense
What if the next Heroine was a slampiggy
Is nebiros useful for anything in the raidou 1 game? (Aside from getting alice)
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>fat chicks in smt that aren't old ladies or gags

not a thing unfortunately
>having to press triangule cutscene dialog because it isn't treated as actual cutscene.
>having to see the same tutorial boxes in Minato even on godborn because you clearly don't know how to jump
I really hate how they couldn't make NG+ a smooth experience even with the godborn being the greatest NG+ idea.
don't they null phys or gun or something innately
Holy fucking garbage
>even with the godborn being the greatest NG+ idea.
Stat inflation and nothing else is retarded
> law choices are all about how you want to force people to act fair to each other
> Yuzuru complains about god creating unequality because demons are killing people
> The reason why demons are killing people is because god was killed
Why no character ever points this
"Ur durr god meanie" makes no sense when everything bad that's happening to the cast is a result of god dying.
But god created the separation of demons and people in the first place when he banned nahoninos and horded the throne
How that's particularly bad.
All the Nahobino wannabes we met are warlords waiting for their chance.
Even the game itself agree with this, with both Law and Neutral endings keeping the Condemnation in place.
and still is the best NG+ mode for any SMT
God = The Great Will -> Not dead
The god of law = 'God' -> Is dead
No, everything bad that happens in VV is because marduk seized the throne oppressing the demons and the mandala ensures that no world will ever be free from the meddling of the Great Will (until you break the cycle)
>until you break the cycle
What cycle.
Law ending in Vengeance breaks the cycle but it looks like a pretty regular return to the status quo with the plus of Tao being a nice Goddess.
Chaos Ending break the cycle in the sense the throne isn't there anymore.
Neutral ending breaks the cycle by being even more murderous than Marduk and the God of Law at their worse
The cycle is the mandala system, the one that the GW wants to preserve.
What even is the Mandala Cycle.
Why I am supposed to care
Everytime Atlus brings up the Great Will in mainline, the story just falls apart, like what the fuck are we even doing?
The Great Will is interesting as a philosophical idea, but turning it into a full villain that Daddy Lucifer is meant to oppose just make it boring.
Mandala system is independent from the throne. When someone takes the throne, they become god. But the Mandala shit is the curse which ensures that each cycle of creation will result in the same outcome - an outcome that is desirable to the GW (aka multiversal shit). The GW sends Mastema as an agent to ensure that the mandala is not changed and remains intact.
>But the Mandala shit is the curse which ensures that each cycle of creation will result in the same outcome - an outcome that is desirable to the GW (aka multiversal shit).
And that outcome is?
>The GW sends Mastema as an agent to ensure that the mandala is not changed and remains intact
But the COV Law ending where Mastema wins BREAKS the cycle. That's why you get the Satan fight by picking it
>And that outcome is?
Something something the ruler becomes dead and the world falls to ruin.
The only curse mentioned in Vengeance is the one marduk made to ensure the throne wouldn't work for snakefags.
That's definitely not what mastema wants to do
Or any Law aligned character.
Law is split into factions this time following the death of the God of Law and Mastema serves the Great Will directly NOT the god of law. That's why he has special rights this game like being able to command demons and is treated as a higher being that the goddesses of creation.
That's my point. Not even Mastema wants to do this
Nah he is there explicitly to enforce the mandala as he sees a threat to it if beano sides with Yoko and wants to install a more obedient ruler who will play within the defined sandbox. This is the only reason he steps in.
It basically devalues what the characters are doing in the context of the story, because the Great Will is just going to get more servants and avatars.
What if Sahori but fat_?
Doesn't help the Great Will now is just "why bad things happen".
Which is repetitive because YHVH already was a Demiurge figure meant to answer that
Smt doesnt like lolis anymore.. we lost
Agreed, it's really redundant if the Great Will is also evil on top of avatars going rogue. They should have just left it at avatars going rogue.
loli are slowly becoming eradicated from Japanese media due to Western sensibilities
it is what it is
I don't even think it's meant to be a case of "avatars go rogue" but YHVH calling himself a avatar because he is the Demiurge figure.
I blame Nocturne, they introduced this stupid idea of "Law as mindless obedience to the Great Will which is whatever Bad thing happens on this game".
wait, the series is bad now because Nocturne did some retarded shit 20 years ago?
Bring back that retarded shit they did 20 years ago and making it the fondation for a new entry in the series is a terrible thing to do, it was a mess back then and it's an even bigger mess now.
Yeah, as in YHVH gnostic demiurge that created the material universe, but the Great Will is God with a capital G. That sort of story does make sense to me.
>I blame Nocturne, they introduced this stupid idea of "Law as mindless obedience to the Great Will which is whatever Bad thing happens on this game".
Sahori route mod coming SOON
Bullied so much harder than before that she agrees with Lahmu no matter what Tao says also lusted after by Dazai because he has a chubby chaser look about him
She has a big ass now, that's all it takes to be on Dazai's radar.
>The Great Will is also evil

Holy headcanon batman.
I’d dig it
Can you even list any examples of the Great Will acting neutrally or in a good way? Seems to me like the Great Will acts as a catch all for everything that goes wrong, nowadays.
When will the ‘Great Will’ be revealed to be the player the entire time?
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i am in love with Zelenin
>le great will shows up
>handheld gaming device's camera turns on showing the player
SMT would never...
Last bible had the Great Will being a giant eye ball, but I think it was just a fragment of the Great Will.
Throwing down some bravely default bullshit, but with how vague the Great Will is and how otherworldly it is (sans apoc) it would be neat that the entire GW and the mandela cycle was instrumented by you, the player, because you’re playing the game that forced these situations to occur. Just my 2am schizo idea anyways
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>all demons and angels shall serve me faithfully
Bravely default is always so based in the plot twists.
makes me think about how in Elder Scrolls lore, you can argue that loading/saving files is lore friendly because of CHIM.
Where is my law gf?
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honestly not big enough
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True Satan is so big he clips through the demon haunts lol
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/v/ (and many forums and social media after RE7/MH World both games that ruined the Game discussion harder than RE4-6) suck Capcom cock hard as fuck.
They even pretented that exoprimal was fun when the threads mocking about ir started
The things that people outside /smtg/ talk about oldsona
>Broken mess
>Shitty combat
>PSP version of both P2 being better
>Bisexual and gay
>Good story
What oldsona fans talk about oldsona
>EP ruined everything
>Maya turning into a Silent protagonist was stupid
>OG P1 ost and OG P2 combat pace was better than PSP version
>Elly, Maya and Ayane scenes
>Tadashi shop song
>Fattie alien reference scene
there's like 20 people posting in these threads
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There's also this for shop themes
SMT6 2023
/v/ unironically has a lot of actual capcom shills.
It was extremely obvious when DD2 released but you'll still have fanboy defending them no matter what.
The Great Will is the developers. That's why YHVH and Lucifer are their avatar. The DM's avatar is the final boss. The Great Will sends the messiah (the player) on a quest to solve the Law/Chaos problem of the day.
We will see, the island of moonrune will not perish tasty kunny
Is that a poop knife? Is that a motherfucking poop knife?!
Honestly thinking about trading in my steelbook edition of VV to my local gaming shop. I already 100% it and starting to regret spending full price on the game because all the anons here told me that VV fixed everything and it was a "must buy".
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>The Great Will is the developers
>Abdiel is that one coworker who just wants to blindly forge on ahead without double checking their work
>Mastema is that one backstabbing coworker who is trying to rise through the echelons
>Metatron is that one soulless workaholic colleague with no personality
>Uriel, Gabriel, Michael and Raphael are that one clique that is constantly gossiping around the watercooler
Intern-kun is the normal angel.
get metaphor.
I find it hard to believe you didn't enjoy it at all, but it's your money do with it what you will
why are you such a shill for a game that isn't even out yet
>from the meddling of the Great Will (until you break the cycle)
>free from the great will

I like Tatsuya fightning scenes in his extra stories in EP
Re:Creators moment.
Yeah. Nocturne is the entry that introduced the concept of "Great Will as Law".
In SMT I and II, Great Will was just how Law characters described the universe and laws of nature. Chaos characters said similar things but using Nature instead of Great Will, which reflected their inclinations.
Nocturne appears and suddenly the Great Will is a actual force that destroys universes just because.
In fairness,the conception in Nocturne is a forced one done by Hikawa ritual...but then Maniax comes and acts like if it was ALL on the Great Will, who summons all sorts of Law demons as its minions.
Why do people love this stinking demon so much
me like gorilla women
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the models from the mobile game are surprisingly good. Their biggest problem is that the textures are low quality (like hair textures for example).
V never won. When a gacha has more soul than your game you know it's over.
>the models from the mobile game are surprisingly good
Early models were pretty bad.
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I checked them and you are right. I don't know if it was because they were recycled from the console games but aside of the new ones they are quite ugly. Arianrhod looks good (even if she still has texture issues) but Mastema is kinda ugly.
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Since Yuko is the team manager of the swim club, do you think she supervised Makoto Yuki and the other boys whiIe they were naked in the locker room getting ready for swim class?
God her reload portrait is so fucking bad it actually pisses me off
What did they do to her
I don't care about Metaphor ReFantazio
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Dunno, what I wanna know is why it takes so fucking long to level up personas in this game
Level scaling for personas.
I wouldn't mind it if the game didn't force me to get tired and leave tartarus, shit mechanic
Every persona game has it, with the tired mechanic, all you really need to do is get to the miniboss. If everybody is tired then leave for the day. If not then save and attack. You also don't need to grind with a single persona, as the game heavily wants you to fuse new ones for minibosses when needed. Like Narsissis for the dark knights fight, since they are weak to charm.
I care for Metaphor: ReFantazio a lot.
Why are you grinding though? The game at no point is hard enough to warrant that.
Because she's literal coomer bait.
Good. Lazy mans way to learn japanese, not fast but it works.
Based. I think it is good to recognize the distinction between pre-Maniax lore and post-Maniax lore.
>NINE wasn't some interquel people made it up to be
>It was actually an AU all along
>This is why Atlus practically ignores it in terms of mainline celebrations, because it's not mainline nor canonically takes place in the SMT 1 & 2 universe
You only just figured it out? Are you stupid? None of the endings lead into SMT2, I thought you were a bit NINE fan? How did you only just now learn this?
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>expecting NINE fans to know anything about a game they haven't played
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>You only just figured it out? Are you stupid?
Sorry for barely having any knowledge on a game that doesn't have any fan-translation and isn't documented in the megaten wikis
He didn't play soul hackers 2 either despite making it his entire identity, (he slipped up when talking about how no game with V's timed buffs could be good because he didn't even know his precious SH2 had the exact same thing) does it really surprise you?
>NINE has posers that pretend to like it because literally no one has played it
imagine me shock
The current idea of the Conception is a Maníax invention.
If you played the original Nocturne , Hikawa is explicitly said to be the guy who accelerate the Conception which is supposed to be a cosmic event that happens when a universe is already dying
Then Maniax says this actually was the Conception goal all along?
me think you retard
Bro I'm just researching japanese only smt games out of bordem
I'm not whoever you're talking about
>Some anon is trying to learn more about NINE
>Automatically assume he's the schizo
Peak retard hours.
There's no mistake though?
There are only two people who care about NINE in this general and one of them is the schizo.
Have you ever consider that maybe there's more anons that's interested in NINE lately?
>Noooooo you can't bring up obscure stuff please keep talking about V and Yoko
nine unironically has better writing and uses sophia properly than vv lol
ah man why does he has to make grammar mistakes so I know it's mental illness instead of actual nine discussion
specially now that crt anon is playing it, this faggot singlehandedly ruins the discussion of any games he takes "interest" in
Str,Mag,End,Agi or Luck?
His grammar has not improved over the years and he frequently makes the same mistakes. It's sad how easy it is to identify him sometimes.
If you actually want to play NINE, follow the guide for the one translated route
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>Complains about grammar
>Can't even type "Specifically" right
I'm beginning to think you're the schizo trying to start up shit.
He said specially, which is a common shortening of especially, not specifically you moron
Your lack of understanding in spite of your critique paints you as the retard in this interaction
honestly kinda impressive you learn a thing or two being online for so many years
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You drop out of your moms pussy with this level of biting intellect or does it come to you naturally?
what the fug
he has a pass
Cope. Rarely anyone uses "specially" unless they're trying to be a special retard like yourself.
This is bait
qrd on Bravely Default's twist? I thought it was just the flying onahole tricking you into destroying the crystals
So you've moved the goalposts from it was the wrong word to "i-its not used often so I don't accept it"?
Stick to your shitty game reviews chump
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I like how this entire mess began because somebody shown slight interest in nine
P2 EP, nine and SH2 are games you cannot discuss anymore
Why would I make reviews when I'm not some journalist? Fucking retard.
>"Hey guys, I just discovered something about NINE!"
No wonder why most anons don't even bother coming here when you guys act like this
tranny is big mad
I wish SMT NINE were real.
I like how in the OG SJ you couldn't even tell she was huge, like there was no object near her sprite for comparison
>Better environmental design
>Better music
>Better story
>Better designs
>Better character development
>Introduced the modern designs of Alice, Pixie, and Nekomata
>Better gameplay
>Literally nothing else
NINE wins
let's just agree they're both better than shitgeance
That's debatable, since NINE so far has better music and character designs.
Was VV really not that good?
Even with some of the good changes, it doesn't help how small it is compared to most of the garbage being the same
Yeah. Pretty much everyone outside of newfags found it disappointing, to the point they're calling NINE better.
>True Satan
kys Vesk
I'm not a woman
I'm a woman and Vesk is based.
Isamu's imouto...
Vesk says NINE is good btw
it was fun and had good story ideas
it's good it's not perfect, mostly for a lot of issues baked into the game for development issues
why'd she do it?
Because you're a tranny schizo that gets off to lolis
Sure, when the game gets rereleased in 2027 with all the content that we should have gotten day 1.
>t. tranny schizo that gets off to lolis
jelq'ing to Chiaki rn
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any more like this?
what does /smtg/ think of Samael's sluts? (The Qaditsu)
Nothing characters
The best one is the scary one with the black face. The rest are generic coombait
where Snake Wife?
>What if we took the divine powers, made them all chicks, and give them less screentime
in terms of being implemented into the game better than divine powers
the qadistu sucks because they were clearly added at the last few months of development
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they are kinda cool
the VAs in Nocturne HD are so badly miscast
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Based eishetbro
In ten years people will look back on VV and wonder why did they like a shitty game
Did they change how buffs work in DDS2?
In ten years people will look back on VV wondering how the company that made such a masterpiece is making the "shitty" games it's making in 2034
I love them, feels like ages since we've had a proper set demon like the archangels.
>four heavenly kings and four horsemen don't count
In ten years people won’t even think about VV because metaphor will have been so successful that atlus will finally forget about smt and just make persona/persona rip-offs for the rest of eternity.
btw im trans
Mod When
Yeah that's what I mean. There hasn't been a four series like that in a long time.
Anon the kings and pale rider are over 30 years old and the rest of the horsemen over 20
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>3 physicals elements
we are so back
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I forget how old megaten is sometimes forgive my retardation
still not buying it
I just can't bypass how seriously bland the archetypes look unfortunately, mechanically its got a lot of stuff I like but aside from the big bosch inspired boss monsters this game is not even remotely appealing aesthetically and design wise
I'm not playing your kusoge, Fatlus West employee.
Does Metaphor have PHYS skills tied to HP instead of MP? If so then I'm buying it.
I'm not interessed in playing a reskinned Persona.
These are the same people that paid full price + tip + tax + DLC for a shitty rerelease that barely did anything worthwhile btw
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It does you can also choose the MC base stats and level ups like SJ+VV
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Could they have not waited for a sale? ARE they actually retarded?
>samefag replying to your own post
what smt characters are they?
Does increasing your INT actually increase your canche to recruit demons in the snes games?
Its pretty hard to recruit if you don't have at least like 12 int
There's a class that has HP costs for skills.
>Perfect Punch 42HP (Probably % Based) Deals weak Strike damage to one enemy. Power proportional to caster's remaining HP.
>Skull Cracker 61 HP Deals weak strike damage to one enemy, May inflict Forget.
Was there any notable JRPGs in 2021?
Alright, thanks
the more i read about metaphor the more i want to play it
I wanna see how the Summoner/Devil Summoner will work
We talk about how the Qaditsu are underused.
But damn Bethel is just as bad. They are also in the cover but unlike the Qaditsu, they aren't even during the story.
They just are there, LOSING a war until the Nahobino arrives. Then bitch out and reveal they could have won anyway and die as mid bosses.
I’m so tired of talking about V can we talk about a good game instead?
V/VV is a lot of fun and there are countless hot sluts, you guys are just shut-in weirdos
Let /smtg/ sleep please
QRD; the real world and its occupants (us) are nine dimensional beings and the game cartridge is a pathway to another world. We empower protagonists by playing them.
We are beings that an SMT MC would fight as a superboss
The sleeper must awaken.
Joe Biden, wake up...
Shin Megami Tensei V is the only one
Anon, YHVH DIED 18 years ago. And Lucifer left the armies of hell leaderless, hunkered down in Chiyoda. The point of the conflict is that even though by all rights the fight should be over the battle continues pointlessly forever. It is a symptom of the doomed world and of Mandala. Bethel's efforts in V are all about maintaining command of their own and keeping everyone misinformed as to what transpired, keeping the empty throne empty until YHVH can respawn
tales of arise
god the heroine in that game was so sexy
This guy has slightly redeemed how boring this game is just a little bit.
she looks generic
fuck you, retard
Imagine simping for some mid bitch from a Tales game
I'd rather simp for her than an MegaTen girl from the last 20 years.
>there are countless hot sluts
If I want sluts then I'll just watch porn. This ain't "The Guy Game".
Tales of Arise was genuine kusoge. It's baffling to have to explain that to someone at /smtg/ but I guess that speaks a lot.
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Yeah, but if I'm gonna be playing a megaten game for hours on end, let alone a boring one I should at least have some visual stimulation to keep me from passing out...
>genuine kusoge
Damn, just like V/VV
What was his fucking problem?
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>*Stares at you*
He was just doing his job.
He was in a bad game
What that eye do?
no you don't get it, it's the perfect game for me. i find the rpg system pretty flawless, it's just boss fight after boss fight, and the fanservice never stops
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I ask this question to myself every time I have a lucid dream and Mastema randomly shows up to give me a hug while I'm teleporting out of a mirror or some shit.

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>get to the fairy village
>glasses dude suddenly decides he hates Law now

Did I miss something
yuzuru is the most straightforward character in the game. he literally says outright why his views on god and the world as a whole change. try paying attention to the cutscenes dude.
Something something muh sister, that's basically it.
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Sounds fun, I'll try to have a lucid dream one day so I can find Raidou and get ignored by him and then get killed by a Preta or something. It'll be great!
need moar Machine race enemies
>He expects SMT fags to actually read
>t. schizo
for some reason whenever i see some queer talking about raidou i get an intense urge to beat them to death with a blunt object.
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WHY THE FUCK ISN'T HE THE PROTAGONIST? I want to drop SMTV alone on this fact, you don't present a character that fucking cool killing demons and try to pretend he needs to get absorbed into my femboy tranny character, HE should have been the MC. Legit felt like mocking the players
>See this jacked superhero, possibly veteran of a thousand fights who can easily solo these enemies? Haha no, he totally needs YOU to save the world, say goodbye.
did the other proto-fiends you find pieces of around also look like Aogami?
were they also based on Susanoo?
if only there were a character in the game that explicitly answered these questions....
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Playing as solo aogami would require an entire story-rewrite because of how important the nahobino is to the narrative. At the very least though I agree that the femboy protag is cringe. I wish the nahobino form looked more like aogami.
I played V when it came out and don't remember shit. I know that the PM is also a Proto-fiend but is Tsukyomi.
I also remember an anon here saying that Amanozako is made of the remains of an Amaterasu proto-fiend but I'm not sure if that was just headcanon
Aogami is part of the mass produced line of proto-fiends so they look just like him. Actually if you look at the husks around the map you can see that too. Yes they're all based on susano-o. Amanozako was made with the remains of aogami-type proto fiend.
so any one of them could have fused with Young Man?
Yes. Koshimizu even says his model of proto-fiend was basically retrofitted to use the aogami-type's fusion system which is how he can fuse with you in the first place.
So presumably fusion with any model with this system (which would be any of the mass produced models) would work.
Yakumo...had a hard life.
Boo fucking hoo.
yakumo is a chud. he's basically the elliot rodger of smt - he could've easily just lived a peaceful life having sex with nuwa every day but instead he decided to lash out and kill a bunch of innocent people because of his grievances with the world.
Characters in a dream don't appear because you find them there, they appear because you expect them to appear with those motivations and with that backstory, which in turn causes them to appear directly and to remember everything from canon.

There is no spoon and when you bend the spoon in your dream, in reality it is just you who is bending, not the spoon.
>the stripper back arch
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This is more /x/ territory than anything else in this thread which is weird considering its a general about a game series focusing on demons that vary from cryptids to myths and legends. Ironic. Does /x/ even give a shit about lucid dreaming anymore or is it too deep in schizocore conspiracies these days? I don't go there anymore for a reason.

I thought only women liked Raidou, from fujos to yumes. All the men who like him are shitposters or normies. Are the queers in the room with us right now?
Raidou's design looks like the sort of design for a trad husband that a japanese nationalist would come up with. I bet those games are completely banned in SEA and china.
What's with SMT fans and them wanting the series to look photorealistic like GTA?
>I'll try to have a lucid dream one day so I can find Raidou and get ignored by him
Good luck

I have lucid dreamt and done some degenerate stuff. I don't know why I stopped practicing it, I enjoyed it.
That makes no sense. He's wearing a schoolboy's uniform and he's scrawny as hell. What kind of woman would find that to be an ideal husband?
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Japan loves noodle people.
Someone really wants to kill this thread for some
reason, they drive out literally everyone that doesn't just shitpost about how much they hate smt or some irrelevant discord shit about people I never fucking heard of. Always tons of samefagging and false flag for years too
Don't know why SMT attracts this type of person but many such cases
Fan games status?
I’m currently remaking ronde in unreal engine. No i will not be making the game any better than it originally was. Yes I will be releasing it for full price on steam under the title “rondo”.
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>Yoko headlocking Tao with her thighs all the while the Nahobino is fucking Yoko
Literal xoomer nigger taste and BIG yikes
Hagniggers have no standards
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25% complete so far, in my brain
I'm so close to actually starting it don't worry
>This is more /x/ territory than anything else in this thread which is weird considering its a general about a game series focusing on demons that vary from cryptids to myths and legends. Ironic
I love that shit but Atlus seems to not care about it as much anymore and this general is mostly shitposting, and you don't want shitposters to start talking about this. Also it'll just be us wishing for new or obscure shit that Japanese guys at Atlus would never know about
>I thought only women liked Raidou, from fujos to yumes. All the men who like him are shitposters or normies.
Everyone likes him, he just looks cool
Why would i watch porn if i can have hot sluts in my smt game?
Time to save my post for the next thread in hopes people read it but they'll just scroll over it
The reason they can't take the students out of the fairy village is that the angels intend to kill all of them to maintain the secret of the condemnation. All the kids are real human beans born after Shekinah Glory with knowledge in their soul. His sister is a political hostage.
not making one until page ten so post it now and repost it in the new thread
how i'm supposed to know which is your post
I want to stall time because I'm lazy and will have to find examples and don't wanna check my source, and need to sleep for work but okay
Steal this and repost it in the next thread
His design is supposed to evoke Yasunori Kato's Japan army look, which is easy because the Taisho era schoolboy uniform was based on military uniforms. In a way it does give off a imperialistic vibe to Japanese people.
>He's wearing a schoolboy's uniform and he's scrawny as hell. What kind of woman would find that to be an ideal husband?
Women love this shit
The Taisho era is heavily romanticized in Japan for several reasons, things I'm too gaijin to explain. Some of it was because it was more liberal and relaxed than previous and future decades. There's a gloomy and gothy perception Japan has of it.
Japanese women have found 1920's boys hot since at least the 80's. There was a popular shock comedy play then involving Taisho schoolboys torturing each other and girls loved it,Maruo Suehiro drew some ad flyers for it
Also there should be a 1960's Devil Summoner. Raidou may or may not be in it. There should be any future Devil Summoner involving the Kuzunoha, Atlus.
Steal this post too
Actually don't steal those posts, let them die with this thread
I can hear them in the floor
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Anon what
too late we're having a raidou edition now
me on the left

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