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We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use links below to keep playing the game without a M$ account.


>Play modded now!:
https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC [offline poly fork]
https://github.com/antunnitraj/Prism-Launcher-PolyMC-Offline-Bypass [offline prism solution]

>Get mods:

>Useful Curseforge Search
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Optimization mods:

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers (Do you have a server up? Add it to the OP!) :


Last one: >>491899868
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Any colored redstone lamp or more red equivalent for Fabric?
Are toymy's still allowed? It seems hostile posting that stuff here despite it being in the pastebin.
just ignore faggots
Why wouldn't they? Just don't put a trojan in there
Of course, just don't go out of your way to complain about "zoomers on your lawn" or "gtnhtrannies"
no we're deleting all the packs from the pastebin and banning making your own packs sorry
every link is going to be replaced to a different version of gtnh as a personal apology
i mean
if we're going to be really gay and use sex analogies for everything gt5 is an autistic german's abandoned sloppy seconds
and therefore gt5u is the wife's son
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and gt6 is the chad tarzan who was left to live in the jungle and fend for himself against the wilderness for 10 years while nobody had any news about what happened to him

I guess that works
I like the fact that greg managed to get rid of th ic2 dependency and just made his own stand-in game

I do think some of the stuff is poorly expanded on, like
what the fuck are the bumbles
why greg
why must I clean the dead drones manually
why can't I open an advanced bumbliary OR THE BUMBLES GET PISSED AND STOP PRODUCING

other than that it's great 10/10 mod
i really dont care man
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I think I remember that base?
toymy cucks not welcome, greg up or greg out.
fix reikapack pls
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Playing ATM Skyblock. I'm new to this, how are you supposed to make more dirt? sieving dirt for pebbles to turn into cobble to then turn into gravel to mix with dirt to turn into coarse dirt and then dirt doesn't seem to be a positive feedback loop.
Does Tectonic actually make the world generation look like there plate tectonics/continents going on?
crucible, the one with the log texture. shove biomatter into it and it makes dirt
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You mean the barrel + saplings?
i got it confused with the water crucible i guess
Yes, you'll unironically need a lot of dirt later so start automating that shit
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I thought DH and Iris were supposed to be compatible by now?
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I am playing on a 1.20.1 server with some friends and mods, but I find the villagers disgusting. Can someone send over a good villager replacement resource pack that works for 1.20.1? I used to use the Rana one in forge, but it doesn't work on this mod pack they are running. Thank you, friends :3c
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Mizuno should probably work for 1.20.1. It turns the villagers into anthropomorphized passive mobs like cows and chickens and whatnot. It's really cute.
What does your image have to do with your post?
>lust-provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question
he thinks he's on /v/
>is a literal child
creating low-floor rolling stock with create is such a pain in the ass
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We are breaking through space and time
bigger pain in the ass is the limited visibility you have in third person when driving a train because you can't zoom out as far
Name (1) (one) good looking Minecraft style train that Create has allowed people to make. All I've seen are visually clusterfucked ginormous locomotives or 5-block wide monstrosities, and nothing subdued and practical like a streetcar or DMU/EMU within Minecraft scale.
The One You Make Yourself
play monifactory harder mode
you couldve just started off by saying you suck at building
its in alpha
it's in beta now and basically done
post your trains fagget
Its not a child its a loli, it doesn't have rights. But you are right to be disgusted by it, however lets not insinuate that fictional characters have rights.
okay i will maybe try it soon then
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Is there a speaker mod or something like the one we used to have that I can use to play custom wave files in the game?
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TC6 + project e
Total Villager Death
Like annudah shoah
>try making terrasteel
>first try
>drain a good chunk of mana from a mana pool
>but the items despawn before the terrasteel could be made
>second try
>added another pool
>items still despawn
>third try
>two pools both with sparks
>several mana spreaders, the two closest ones with lenses to increase their throughput
>a couple lava flowers for high output during the attempt
>a leaf eating plant along with several trees and some bonemeal to force tree growth and mana production
>item burning flowers with an automated dispenser system to keep them fed
>point everything in the right place
>load fuel
>make sure the mana pools have enough mana in them
>make sure the flowers are all pointed at the right spreaders and that the spreaders are pointed at the terrasteel agglomeration plate
>put the pearl, diamond, and ingot on the plate
>tons of lasers
>sparks sparking
>flowers all running full tilt
>items still despawn before the terrasteel is created
FUCK what the FUCK
i am going to KILL MYSELF
how the fuck are you supposed to make a damn terrasteel ingot what the actual fuck
oh and pic is after i reconfigured the area to build up mana in the pools again, not what it looked like during the attempt
and for some reason, the mana pools seemed to have both lost half as much as the single pool did
which means the spark throughput isn't good enough no matter how many pools are fucking linked to it RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
i erped with the MCA Reborn AI villagers again
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>not adventures with waifu
If only I was so easily satiated.
One spark on each pool, one spark on the tablet thing
And that should be it
i did exactly that and it didn't work
considering starting a new world with cheats just so i can get a terrasteel ingot without going insane
i've killed like 20 endermen and only have 4 pearls to show for it, and 3 of them despawned, and going to the nether to farm endermen is tedious as hell
>i've killed like 20 endermen
How do I kill endermen without dying myself early in game? I hate how often they spawn around me. Just put them in a boat and light them on fire with flint?
Give yourself a two-block space to camp under, they literally can't get you but still line up to get bashed until they die.
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bruh how do you think you're gonna do botrannia if you're this much of a noob?
Oh no, not you again... Post more of the minecraft slut.
just use blocks as a barrier they literally cannot touch you
>create an enderman glory hole
Got it, I'll suck the soul out of him, I don't even have to kneel to do it
You need a full mana pool. If you're lazy just farm xp and put down Rosa Arcanas
ooh ok i'll give it another shot then, thanks. hoping to prevent another aneurysm
coomers are pathetic
>cums on you
Yeah Shitania's slow as fuck but you can automate early game with readstone using droppers, coal and pulse mana spreaders.
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Over 2 million views :^)
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Just because you got baited by tumblr into cutting off your junk doesn't mean the rest of us can't still enjoy ours.
Where do you think you are?
>try finding cute art of steve and enderman
>most art shows steve as a nigger
what the fuck
I have no idea what you are doing wrong. My terrasteel never despawned, I just use mana pools with sparks and it just works.
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Does this modpack not support multiplayer with pirated mineman? (polly)
Twitter is no different from this place these days. It's like going to /pol/ some days. All the leftists went to reddit I think.
>he doesn't like rain
IDK if the pack is anything different than normal
for the server, you need to set offline mode in the settings
note that this allows anyone to login with any name, so whitelist the server to people you trust
or use an auth mod, whatever the 1.16 one is, IDK
he is at the very least brown anon
He's based on Tommy Vercetti, so it depends on whether you consider Italians white.
4chan has also had several dramatic cultural shifts over the course of it's lifetime and become a lot more censored on behalf of investors. Twitter, inversely, went from the hands of extreme leftists to Elon. The scales of balance tipped, and will ultimately tip again.
You gotta get the "exxperimental" build from the Iris discord.
fixed a few hours ago forgor to post oopsies. Not sure what happened as there weren't any obvious logs and I flushed them accidentally after restarting oops
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This took me 3 gorbillion years to make, using 4 buttons for the controls since cart assemblers can't read power from the rails. There's probably a way to reduce it to two buttons but I'm retarded and tired
anyway, I was planning to haul shit with it, but the shit on it does a 180 turn when the the contraption disassembles into blocks, despite the cart assemblers being on lock rotation mode. Any help? Do I just have to keep the cargo in the middle to avoid cringe?
rain's pretty, but I wouldn't exactly call getting poured on "nice weather"
i can just disable william wythers overhauled overworld in monifactory right, this shit is just so fucking ugly
ugh I guess it's time to do Astral Sorcery
would have been nice if prismarines had EMC and rock crystals were a bit easier to get
no it wouldn't
I mean
metals I can just zoink up out of nowhere
of course I'm going to put off the magic mod
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Do the Speed Runes increase the speed that LP gets absorbed into the network?
Trying to figure out what blocks are optimal for an altar specifically meant to take creative tank life essence liquid and put it into the orb network for rituals.
Can you also edit the scripts so I can craft the TE frame?
I don't mind GT power generation. GT power cables are so tedious though - it's a constant re-wiring treadmill. It's why GTNH even does away with it towards the end, but it still takes too long and you spend way more time breaking and running cables than actually getting to build before then.
I would rather they just disable all of the TE dynamos and nuclearcraft reactors.
Where are the sex mods!? How can I have an immersive minecraft experience with sex mods!!?!?!?
the answer is apparently yes
start a rock crystal growing operation ASAP
think you'd need integrated dynamics to automate it fully - i just made a couple holes with a fluid placer and came over every couple minutes when doing other shit
>sphere tits n ass
get that shit outta here
Oh, I like the way he draws that a lot. Very soft and chubby.
That's sexy as hell anon.
make sure someone didn't fuck the recipe and it just makes nothing
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Is anyone familiar with how game stages work? Is it sequential or can stages happen out of order. For example, lets say there's three stages one, two, and three. Does the player NEED one and two to get three, or can they get stage two first and only unlock stuff in that stage, and one and three can be out of order?
dumb question can you play realms with pollymc, I'm guessing you probably can't right?
Is there a texturepack that changes villagers to jews?
And golems to amerimutts
thorazine should help
>Is there a texturepack that changes villagers to jews?
They already are
>And golems to amerimutts
Open Paint, pick the brownest/blackest colour you like, use paint bucket tool
>dying to basic mobs in the world
its literally impossible to die to mobs after beta 1.8 in normal gameplay
this but after 1.9
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install schizocraft
>those hyperfat chicks
there is a LOT going on in this image
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orespawn for 4channers who grew up on orespawn
the double-sided chest and the chest-like note block I guess
there's also The Talmud in hand
in the hotbar there's a book with a swastika
(not sure if it's the original religious use or the nazi one)
there appears to be a condom on the right of the hotbar, can't tell from the sprite
the fat chick images at top left as someone else pointed out
the Sonic The Hedgehog effect icon
you know a mod is opinions tier when it has a telegram link instead of literally everything else
a github with heilhitler and all this shit will get nuked the instant someone reports it
not sure about curseforge, but i'm pretty sure cunnyasm got deleted too
iirc loliasm was mainly brigaded by le community, not curseforge
How do you design a base such that multiblocks fit "naturally" and wiring does not become a huge hassle? Do you build machines first and the building second?
Been playing modded MC for a decade and I still suck at it.
biz idea: minecraft total conversion mod that replaces everything with real world elements/chemicals/compounds in world generation/crafting recipes with realistically modelled physics for every force of nature
much better
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just use gitlab or any other git alternatives instead

who here gregging their tanias
wiring will always be a hassle, the only way to avoid it is tesseracts and facades but that is soulless and tedium
just make them big enough to fit whatever, but I prefer segmenting buildings into rooms more than others, it helps to make small dedicated rooms to big machines, process lines and farms and whatnot
just make a building that is pretty much a shell for the machine. Ignore the interior
replace redstone with copper wiring
do we know what'll change between beta and release? also, is steam any different than it was in Nomi? it's such boring filler but I don't wanna play normal mode
any mods that allow me to zoom out further in third person especially when in a vehicle
>have two minecraft accounts since like 2011
>used to run servers and liked having another separate acc from being admin and players on other servers
>microsoft scammed me and deleted them??
they literally just got rid of them, but the game isn't even killed, this is bullshit
how the fuck can I even play this shit again
no I am not giving microsoft money for a third account after they pulled this shit

what microsoft did should be fucking illegal
why didn't you transfer goy
they do not let me
I never had the chance
by the time I found out about what they did it was too late, was playing other stuff that whole duration never knew anything about it as none of my friends were doing MC either at the time
try writing to micrsoshit or mojank support
otherwise you'd have to use alternate methods to run the game I think some launchers work
>microsoft support
LMAO. they don't even have indians. they have AI they trained to talk like indians. my mc account is gone because they told me I was trying to steal my own account because I moved.
you printed out the eula when you bought the game, right?
what the FUCK is this
did they send you an email?
never forget the six hundred gorillion
isn't it a bitcoin miner or something? pretty sure i remember some kiwifag installing it and fucking up his computer
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ummm, an autoclavicus vile? I mean, Obviously?
gtnh serb...
I don't think you want to add Advent of Ascension to GTNH...
Yeah, just like the 10 other times
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Tree farm
are those thaumcraft golems?
Ye (they get stuck everywhere that isn't a full block pls help)
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thaumcraft golems are so cool, shame their AI makes them worse than every other automation option in all modpacks
Very carefully.
Townton is so beautiful this time of day. :)
What was that mod which added cast iron blocks like stairs that I could then use for trains?
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>that white line
>he has been playing with a skybox all this time and still doesn't know how to disable the horizon
absolute slapstick
Can't expect much from the gregs, leave him be.
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It's a bug with angelica
I've spent at least two hours changing every setting I could to disable it. Nothing works.
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Collecting tree farm drops was a harder task than I expected
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>"It's a bug with angelica"
>"I've spent at least two hours changing every setting I could to disable it. Nothing works."
which shaders are those?
sekrit :3

And no, you can't change it through the settings lmao
as long as you have a constant supply of the liquid moonlight you can just keep dropping the crystals in until you have stacks of max size/sharpness
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>Calls me a retard because the shaders I have don't 100% work with angelica
what an insufferable poster
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Built a bathhouse in my new basement. Not crazy about the tub, might have to tinker with it a bit.
Should probably also transition from HaC hotsprings water to biomes o plenty hotsprings water because it looks nicer with my resource pack and gives regeneration when sitting in it, but that would require a like 30 minute roundtrip expedition to another continent where the stuff spawned.
>but that would require a like 30 minute roundtrip expedition to another continent where the stuff spawned.
I'm all for exploration but can't you script a recipe for heating up mineral water or something in that case?
Cute animasseuses
keep deleting your posts, pussy
Eh, you've mostly stopped posting your horrible lategame gtnh lawnbase for the most part, so at least there's that. It's still fun to make fun of your outrageous stupidity in any case.
Still waiting for when you're going to pack up and go back to /dsg/ eventually.
Could you share your modlist, please?
I'm far too stupid and lazy to into scripting, plus I do kind of like the feeling of exclusivity that you get from harvesting special resources from the environment. I plan to bring a pump and fill like 2 dozen jerrycans with BoP hotsprings water.
That's perfectly reasonable, I hope there's stuff on the way to keep the trip more interesting, along with making exploration viable in general
i meant purity oops
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is 21 blocks too long for a minecraft scale railcar
I figure you may know, but is there a way to make a custom skin for a maid that isn't a pain in the ass? Any chance you can modify the Beverly model?
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it's nothing special, just a nice 1.12 pack I threw together.
One of my favorite features of HaC is how it spawns different oreveins depending on climate. Pairs nicely with Geographicraft. Quarrying in the south turns up much different resources than does quarrying up north where I live. So no expedition is ever really a waste of time.
>Pairs nicely with Geographicraft.
Oh that reminds me, have you ever thought of adding japaricraft
I remember some anon had the friends sleeping on his bed and more waifu mod = betterer
I've never really played the game to the end
Sorry, I'm probably just about the most tech illiterate person in this thread. I don't have much experience with editing meidos.
Is it not possible to just edit the skins in some image editor that allows transparency?
I've been really tempted to try it out for a while, but it looks like it has some weird redundant bloat stuff in there like another method for smelting steel for some reason. I might check it out and see if you can disable that stuff via the config. That's the only reason I've been avoiding it till now.
>Is it not possible to just edit the skins in some image editor that allows transparency?
I think it's a bit more finnicky than that, but my knowledge of editing non-tile entity models is nearly nonexistent, and the textures for entities are usually just really weird.

Also I may remember that either japaricraft or kemonocraft spawned some horrible enemies that were coded so badly they could kill you in creative, but I do not remember which one, so that's gonna be a fun coin toss if it comes to it
>Also I may remember that either japaricraft or kemonocraft spawned some horrible enemies that were coded so badly they could kill you in creative, but I do not remember which one, so that's gonna be a fun coin toss if it comes to it
jesus wept
If I had to guess, I would say probably japaricraft. It looks like kemonocraft is still in active development on all versions. It just got an update last month.
tell you what lemme do some quick archive diving, that was from a few years back
Ah yes, here it is

Kemonocraft is the good one with the better models apparently
>The original had ores, amazing models, exceedingly aggressive cerulean spawns
oh yes it was the ceruleans that were beyond horrible

I think everything should be fine with kemonocraft then
I still don't remember what the deal with furenzu/japari/kemonocraft was, but kemono seems to have ended up on top
and it has the cute idle models!
Alright, sweet, guess I'll pull the trigger and throw them in. I'll also add tameable arachne while I'm at it, too. The harpy girls look really cute.
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The Semi-Stable Black Hole Containment Field is a UIV multiblock which can now use advanced singularity recipes which are much more efficient. You will have to manage the stability of the black hole to keep it from voiding your items and optimize your speed.
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New compressor multis for 2.7
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How cheaty is matter overdrive? Is the endgame like equivalent exchange where you're basically just playing creative but with extra steps?
I'm kind of in the mood for some mad science mods, but I hate MAWPC stuff, and the star trek replicator aspect sounds dangerously close to that.
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>voiding your items
come on now it's a black hole
how about it voids your entire fucking base
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>Need Dragonblood to make a mk5 fusion reactor
>The only ways to craft it are either with the draconic evolution fusion crafter (pic related) or in a chemical reactor
>I can't use the chemical reactor recipe because it requires one fluid which you can't automate without bees
>The DEFC requires you to finish all of Blood Magic, Botania, and Thaumcraft
Have you tried playing a better modpack?
>they also removed the copycat slabs so you can't place stuff vertically
Also forgot that if you do all of witchery (you need 6 demon hearts and a ton of chalk) you can make the infinity egg which doubles your dragon blood output

this is the best pack I've played tho
in theory, sure
one issue is what do you even do that would require that many chests
an entire quarry load?
(after you sorted out and dumped the stone)
depends on the size of the black hole, how it's maintained, etc.
very tiny ones evaporate at unimaginably fast speeds
could be a stream of matter (just junk when not running a recipe) precisely tuned in to maintain it
some failsafes which prevent matter from reaching it for a while, if the stream goes above proper power level
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>one issue is what do you even do that would require that many chests
>an entire quarry load
and building materials + food + weapons + tools yes
I always like to design a simple dense one-size fits all train for my worlds be it single or multiplayer that can tackle pretty much everything as far as player uses go and a DMU/EMU like the one pictured fits the bill (intending to build something more fancy and modern now though)
or sometimes it's just to show off that you're the big willy swinger among the builders because it is also a source of entertainment for friends that sometimes want the train to hitch a ride on the world especially when expanding into new territory or exploring (which requires me to build more train tracks to connect bases which can be a hassle sometimes in difficult terrain)
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I have no problem with multiplayer on any other modpack but this one has the multiplayer button grayed out
Do other 1.16.5 packs work?
Maybe there's some mod that does something weird with multiplayer.
Fjord Launcher Unlocked or PollyMC?
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Attack animation is janky, but everything is set up. It spawns in the day, it is uncommon but not rare, it looks progressively damaged the more you hurt it, it plays a sound when idle/attack/drowning/hurt and dead, and it removes invisibility aka "cast sensor" on all nearby entities.

Now for the loot table.
cool stuff, anon. very nice.
and i thought i was doing decent for just getting some mods up and running and basic automation in the game, gj anone! it looks great
can you make a golem with clay?
Vely nice
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These yottanks kinda go hard
They're a pain in the ass to craft but once you do they hold way more fluids than ae2 cells can, and they can be directly connected to your network.
The largest non creative storage cell stores 34B liters of fluid, one of these can store 10 quintillion+ liters

The only problems are:
>They can only store 1 fluid each
>I have no idea where to put them
>I have access to the infinite fluid storage cells
Where do extra maid files go for 1.12.2? I have the MultiModel support, I just don't know what folder I'd drop things like extra skins and voices into.
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Water pumping station is operational
they should go directly into the assets folder in the mod
modpacks with this feel?
MCA Reborn + Farmer's Delight + create
File deleted.
what in the absolute hell is going on with my train and why can i not interact with any of the doors
something must have broken horribly or i messed up somehow
my pack with the meidos except swap out the generic goddess lady for my brown tomboy waifu from MCA.
Thanks, got it sorted.
modpacks with this feel?
nuversions fuck off
your toymy is not far off mine besides no maids and mine is different gameplay loop
if it doesn't work, the firis patch +addons should come with a bunch of the most popular skins and models prepackaged. It's more performance-friendly, as well.
Wouldn't it be funny if you had medieval origins and chose pixie as your race and married one of the MCA villagers haha...
anything with slashblade
>besides no maids
perish the thought
>mine is different gameplay loop
I don't really have an established gameplay loop. I kind of just do whatever like an ADD sped. Today I did some mining and pumping of water from natural hotsprings.
Tomorrow I'll get to work on building a japanese onsen secluded in some snowy mountains.
And then the day after I plan to build a production line for assault rifles, munitions, and mortar shells.
>needing maids
if you need little slaves, go have sex
My meidos aren't slaves. A slave would be productive. My meidos don't do fuckall besides eat ice cream and watch tv.
So if I use corpse or any gravestones mod then if I die with a charm of keeping from the Twilight Forest will it duplicate my items, one in the grave and one in the respawned inventory.
I wonder if this might have something to do with the Valkyrien Skies addon for Create actually
never used it before
I would assume it'd be the same as having a soulbound enchant on the items. You would just respawn as if keepinventory was on and it wouldn't leave a grave.
My maid is more of an honor guard desu. She just stands around the base and looks pretty. She'll sometimes fight skeletons I guess.
Minecraft appears to be thrashing my HDD and making it sound like electronic music, even though I'm walking around in the same area of a superflat world. Wat dou?
backup and buy a new HDD.
They literally sent emails for you to migrate your account years ago... We had to migrate to the useless Mojang account also before.
>We had to migrate to the useless Mojang account also before
it wasn't the same
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these tanks are amazing (and they look great)
I did the math and the infinite digital singularity can store something like 4.5 Quadrillion buckets of fluid, and they require 4 t7 yottank cells to craft. Each t7 cell holds 1 quadrillion buckets, but since you can split them among 4 tanks you can store 4 fluids instead of only 1.
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Yeah it's almost impossible to fill these up lol
that's 2.5 trillion liters of hydrogen, or 2.5 billion buckets. and it's not even at 1% capacity
Are you just not able to interact with trapdoors/doors on Create trains anymore since 1.18.2 and 1.19.4? What changed in 1.20.1?
Okay, apparently reloading and re-assembling the train somehow worked this time. Though the lighting errors do persist.
Redpill me on XNet, why is this in my modpack?
>Thaumic Wonders
>Alkahest Vat
>dump a gorrillion cobblestone into it
>vis goes up
How autistic are you?
Rate it from a 1-10
How unemployed are you?

You shouldn't run any procedural grenerated or interactive map based games from a HDD. Put that shit on an SSD. You can get 500GB SSDs for like $20.
that looks kino, what mods?
Anyone know how I can enchant a sword top deal a 100+ damage?
For context, I went back into playing minecraft after a while and made a modpack for 1.7.10 from back in the day, and one my fav modded weapons is the walker sword from the "better dungeons mod" and I want to make the sword deal the most amount of damage, but no to the point to be op, just enough to have a fair fight with "The King" with my favourite weapon, and no haven't succeeded yet Lmao.
I'm playing The Lost Era, the building is made mostly using chisel and carpenter's blocks.
>You shouldn't run any procedural grenerated or interactive map based games from a HDD
people have been doing just that for decades, especially Minecraft
>You can get 500GB SSDs for like $20
if its anything other than SLC then it wont last very long under sustained read/write cycles I imagine
>people have been doing just that for decades
Okay, and I am telling you that you should not.
If there's ever a type of game you should run on solid state this genre is it.

if its anything other than SLC then it wont last very long under sustained read/write cycles I imagine
They use RAM and SLC and bunching data up.
Your 12 bytes committed to disk won't cause a write cycle on the TLC flash that'll exist in RAM on the disk that will get sent to SLC cache if you have a power outage and only commit to the TLC flash once you have like 256MB to write or whatever the minimum value is.

Even the cheapest shit drive will write tens of terabytes before getting worn out, and that's actual data, write amplification isn't really a factor due to the multi-tier caching.

There is no excuse to not run Minecraft on an SSD. You'll load chunks quicker, teleporting will be faster, respawning, loads of benefits. Don't listen to the fear mongers. If a $20 500GB SSD kills itself from write workloads in 10 years because you used it 24/7 and constantly generated new chonkz in a minecraft map or something while torrenting to it, it's $20. $20 is $20. 10 years is a good value. Just do it.
>"...and this is... 'the one you made yourself?'. Well... I wouldn't quit your day job."
What does this thing do?
There appears to be some size inconsistencies with this mob.
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nothing like shoving a pork faggot down yer neck after a long day's work
you talk a lot of smack, divine lego lady, but I'd like to remind you that you are not immune to my smeltery.
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go back to smash bros, Palutena
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I'll send that bitch back with my own two hands.
I even gave him a bigger dick than me to prove that I'm a much kinder God than you are.
>*cough cough* "What have you done? These eldritch horrors will doom us all."
are expert packs my best bet to get a good progression modpack?
pretty much but its essentially just "I gated mods behind mods for no reason besides progression"
>I gated mods behind mods for no reason besides progression
I mean it sounds logical, some mods aren't balanced around the existence of other mods which is fine for a kitchen sink pack but not for a progression pack
sometimes its without rhyme or reason. Like, I have no problem gating Botania behind something like Nature's Aura, but fuckers just be like "okay go complete the Twilight Forest and then you can go to the Aether." Depending on the intergration its just "lock starter recipe behind other mod's end recipe."
>go complete the Twilight Forest
God fuck that mod, why do faggots keep including that shitty incomplete mod
progress for the sake of progress
>yea you need to beat totemic to unlock Immersive Engineering
That looks really nice
which expert pack would you recommended that has the least amount of shit like this. Like you can atleast start other mods and get the starting shit.
the best expert packs are the ones that really just focus on a couple mods like create above and beyond or nomifactory
You can't eat your cake and have it too.
>this is the best pack I've played tho
You literally haven't played anything else lmao, I'll take the opinion of someone else.
I suppose SevTech Ages has a lot of work put into it. Never played it but it touts itself for its fleshed out progressions
>You literally haven't played anything else
And you know this... how?
Sevtech is ass, especially after stage 3, like every "stage" lock modpack
>And you know this... how?
Because you started blogposting with your name with gtnh, then started hiding your name afterwards, zenovis
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>female skin
>male player
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yeah it's always you saying that, it's hilarious
I'd be more worried about the mustache really

he do be like that to attract the little boys
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Why not go play an actual porn game that doesn't have blocky textures from 2010?
because it makes you mad
It's not porn.
Oh come on, it's just a bit of flux!
Installed More Player Models and now I'm getting this crash every time. Loads fine once I remove the mod.
There are no incompatibility lists or required dependencies on the mod page.

Semi-related, the dude's been maintaining the mod for over a decade! That's dedication. I remember using it so many years ago just to mess around but now I want to use it to RP a Goblin character.
I'd fuck her
You don't find it novel? I don't even find it sexy, I just find it really, really fucking funny. Its like an alien race not understand what sex appeal is and putting puppies and kittens into bikinis to try to entice people and not understanding why it isn't working.
uninstall the world map
How did you do that? Thanks.
go into your mod loader and either delete/disable the file or go into the mods folder and delete it.
No, I mean how did you know which one it was? It worked at first then I wanted to know which map mod was the issue(all), then I just unchecked all of them again and now I'm getting this crash.
>that doesn't have blocky textures from 2010
but I WANT blocky textures!
nta but have you killed the instance in the middle of loading the game
No, I let it load then exited the normal way. What's the solution if I had? I'll give it a go.
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found this little cutie hiding in my home for the winter
I closed everything from task manager and started again now it's working. F12 isn't bringing up the menu though, I'll have to find out why.
Nevermind, more player models wasn't checked.
what mod for the dryad
I assume that's Serene Seasons?
Grimoire of Gaia and yes SS
holy shit 1.12 modpack takes years to load how do you play this shit kek you guys said it's the "good" version
it's only the "best" because people were stuck with it for so long, 1.12 is unironically one of the worst versions of minecraft performance wise
>Cute Mob Models texture pack got updated a month ago to add new wolf textures and I never bothered to check
Very nice
It was just missing one little thing
people say this wasn't an anime full of fanservice
but it was
I can't wait for season 2
1.12 is a good version packwise because it was the main version for what, 5-6 years? it's hard to gauge whether 1.7 or 1.12 has more heavily customized modpacks but 1.12 naturally has more modern mods
the anime and the manga were both trash past the beginning
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Tested with a clean install and only the two mods needed. The bow is stuck to the model, can't hold weapons in either first person or third, barely animated. All expected but I had hope. Luckily I found out early before started to make a datapack for the RP.
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Are there any mods that let me fuck mobs and birth more? This is a serious question.
nothing else afaik
>"okay go complete the Twilight Forest and then you can go to the Aether."
Divine Journey lmao
Sad, I wanted to breed villagers and other vanilla and modded entities.
mob talker...
2024... I am forgotten
>which expert pack would you recommended that has the least amount of shit like this.
All expert packs are like that
ironically that's the entire point of expert packs
you're asking the wrong question
are there any mods that make minecraft look better but not over the top with saturation and shaders? Also increased render distance would be nice
It pumps water
Haha very funny, what does that mean?
Like what does that mod do ?
I'm just getting water so rest of my base can have good supply of it, right now that is the only building i have. Probably gonna use the water for steam and ethylene or anything that needs water really
>why aren't you using a sink
because some people want to build in building game
That looks awesome. Maybe I should stop using sinks and do this instead
yes, you should
even a field of pumps is infinitely more fun than retarded sinks
pretty sure you only really need like 10 mined crystals to start the process - using them in the moonlight collector got me more buckets on average than growing a crystal until it split took
>fans start getting noisy
play a less demanding modpack
nuversions are you friend
Yeah I just don't want to be bothered by replacing pumps when the water they pump from runs out. Though I guess there are pumps which consider a certain amount of water blocks infinite, so I could just slap one of those into the sea or something.
lots of pumps consider a 3x1 or 2x2 infinite
like the BuildCraft pump
one of the OGs
Wow they don't look like hideous testicles anymore
>Though I guess there are pumps which consider a certain amount of water blocks infinite,
most pumps do this
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>farts start getting noisy
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dont die
You might actually be right, I've been moving everything off my system drive and onto my HDD just because I have 14TB of storage there and I like everything to be portable but if I already have even a 256GB or 500GB SSD at my disposal (especially with an external adapter) then there's really no reason why I couldn't move an installation on there especially if it's only a few gigabytes at most.

It might be because I'm using an Enterprise drive for this as opposed to a regular consoomer HDD (which is why it sounds like a 20 loud 20 year old drive) but I'd still not incur needless loads on it when I have the option to move it off somewhere at least temporarily when I'm launching.
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>shovelled all this dirt up
>remember that botania has an item that magics dirt into existence
Any mods that add blockmodels for lamps, lights, spotlights, that sort of thing? I'm tired of using item frames and placards for faking lights.
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post builds
i'd prefer levelling mountains to get enough resources to build shit instead of a 2block cobblestone generator or some other gay farm
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ground floor
bedroom/2nd floor
hermitcraft jumpscare
Just don't run this world in multiplayer, or the naga will spawn again and blow the fuck out your shack
nice ugly house in the dimension belonging to the shittiest mod
what is the purpose of this structure
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Some random pajeet is making Create Liftoff at home lol

Actually quite impressive

I like it. Twilight Forest has a nice comfy magic vibe that's good for making wizard huts and stuff like that. I always like to build my homes near the huge lakes or out in the grasslands.
doing it on a new save with JUST a mana pool with a spark, and new particles started flashing and i finally got a terrasteel ingot
what an ordeal
at least mystical fagriculture seems to be working without any issues, and it may be a little op even but idc, it's a nice convenience after struggling with botania

>i'd prefer levelling mountains to get enough resources to build shit
terra shatterer can do that
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nice anal plug anon!
>pulse mana spreaders
not needed at all for any mana generating build
Be real with me, is Blotania worth it? I like the theme but have never played with it for long.
i find it enjoyable but i dislike the parts where you have to go to the nether, because i find that minecraft combat is fucking shitty and janky and just unfun to engage with. that's not the mod's fault though
If you like puzzles and working with tools that are each very specific in their use but combine to make very complex machinations, I would say yes
I don't really think it's bloated
having some kind of reliable ranged weapon that isn't just an enchanted bow makes combat 100x better
I like tinker's crossbows and the dwarven homing laser shotgun from embers.
Yeah, not a fan of the combat either. I like building and making pretty farms. Hell, even Terraria's combat gets stale, especially in modded when every late-game boss is just a bullet hell. You can mod the combat in minecraft, but I'd much rather overgear a maid and let her handle it.

The bloat bit was a joke, but yeah I guess it deserves another fair shot.
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why the fuck are the create train sounds so quiet and why can't I hear them at all sometimes
fucking minecarts are louder
why does this game suck so bad at audio
it's not bloat and the QoL you get is juicy
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time to spend the next 3 hours filling in holes around my base
Is anyone else having trouble getting Sodium, DH, and Iris working together lately
what an odd skin
it looks more like a bong
no, definitely a buttplug given the poster's obsession with poop
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What's a good quest pack to convince someone relatively new to modded Minecraft to play for more than a week?
>inb4 gtnh
They'd rather kill themselves than go back to 1.12, I need to ease them into it before dropping greg
blightfall would be nice
not crash landing because enviromine is annoying as hell
gtnh is on 1.7.10 lol
probably one of the dw20 packs or atm because those are the simplest and don't give you a fat questbook and a million tasks to do
CABIN if they can handle autism engineering
a kitchensink + you manually giving them tasks suitable to their understanding and ability if they can't/
it's just cammie from street fighter
what about the insect wings, are those a bauble
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the wings + cat ears + 4ch clover + witch pin are all from botania
it has cosmetics that are craftable with baubs to override them
Aside the big tiddy GoG and Thaumacraft, does 1.12.2 have any stellar mods unique to that version? Especially in regards to building, farming, and cooking.
>crash landing
was that any good? I never played it
it's... weird. It definitely is unpolished, but it tries. It's like blightfall's younger, more meandering, less focsed, weirder cousin.
enderio is feature complete
thermal ex has fluid crafting instead of whatever it has now
you get techreborn and reborn storage on forge
astral sorcery exists (i think it's getting ported to 1.20.1 but there's no mod at all yet)
it's also the last version to have the original pams (lol)
that's just you
sure mr poopmask
TR is on nuversions fabric I believe and Astral is on 1.16, but the other 2 are correct
yeah that's what i meant
when fabric came out TR devs were like "WE ARE FABRIC ONLY NOW NO FORGECELS" but 1.12.2 TR is on forge since fabric didn't exist yet
not that TR is a mod worth playing though since it's an unfinished greg 2.9 port
I see, sounds like a fun time so I'll try it eventually
I'll absolutely grab astral sorcery since I am doing a more magic-medieval themed modpack, but that puts me at three magic mods. Not that that's a bad thing.

I tried Pam's once when I was brand new to modding and yeah, it's as bad as everyone says. Even with fun mods like Culinary Construct that can make anything from that mod into a sandwich, it's still annoying to trip over infinite crops and have your inventory loaded with junk. I've found things much better to have base ingredients and mods that refine them as you would through real life cooking. Ie, making yeast, fermenting grapes to wine or aging milk into cheese.
yeah if you install pams you need a lobotomy, cooking for blockheads and botania so you have the horn of the wild to easily delete all those nasty crops spammed everywhere
I remember years ago playing dw20 when i was a big n00b and suffering when trying to clear a load of grass on an area i wanted to build on
I was of course also unaware of the horn of the wild at the time
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Okay why is the drill not outputting items? It's receiving shaft power and all that
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I'm running some benchmarks with a 3060 Ti on a superflat overworld with 12 chunks render distance with DH off, and shader performance in 1.20.X just seems to continue to get worse with each version. The quality presets also don't do shit, it all just hangs between 30-50 FPS at 1080p as though things haven't changed at all since I switched away from using a 290X or a 980 Ti to run SEUS back in the day. Is this an issue with the game/shaders or the drivers or what? Too many performance mods? GPU usage is barely different from vanilla. I don't recall complementary shaders ever running this bad either.

The performance requirements and optimization of this game relative to the hardware of the generation never ceases to baffle me.
insulting to compare this jeets beautiful mod to something a pathologically lying middle schooler dreamt up
use optifine instead of jeetium
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dunno what a good colored torch mod is but blockus definitely doesn't seem to play nice with rethinking voxels as far as blockstates go, the redstone lamps don't quite work right
Has anyone played this? It looks like the final shape of all adventure packs.
what the dildonics
>Mod 'Create' (create) 0.5.1-f-build.1417+mc1.20.1 is incompatible with any version of mod 'Sound Physics Remastered' (sound_physics_remastered), but a matching version is present: 1.20.1-1.4.5!
oh you can't do this to me
this version fucking sucks
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>Set up some dynamism tablets to automate right clicking an ethereal shard with an item
>hook up some conduits to supply items to the tablet
>Tablets have some weird orientation issues where they actually end up facing in the opposite direction you place them
>item gets fed into the tablet from the conduit
>tablet breaks the conduit accidentally instead of feeding the item into the ethereal shard
>this nukes my server
>it was in a loaded chunk so it instantly nukes my server every time I restart it
>have to load a backup
redstone signal?
i also got thedynamism tablets to corrupt my playerdata when mined and picked up as an item, crashed on login until the inventory was cleared
they release nervegas and are generally shit, do not recommend
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I'd like to know as well
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>blood magic is locked behind witchery
little maid firis patch
heat and climate used to be exclusive but it got updated for 1.19, though it looks like the mod got heavily changed around, like when it transitioned from AMT2 to HaC.
Some cool tinkers addons like tinkers evolution, tinkers complement, construct's armory, and total tinkers
why would you do that
you are not a girl
lmao even
neither is m bison
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can't wait to update to distant horizons version null
auto-update bros in shambles
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also something fucky wucky is going on with the rendering on the horizon with this version
if I don't find a way to zoom out further when riding create trains I will go insane
kitchen sinks will always be the starter modpacks regardless of the version honestly
i am become death, destroyer of mobs
ugh wrong pic
i think that pic is a katawa shoujo reference lol
was actually talking about getting the mana blaster with the damaging lens
it's so nice, it reminds me of the quake railgun
Fucking bullshit gating ae2 doesn't work AT ALL
Can't obtain because TE frame frame recipe removed
Assembling and powering the drill does nothing either
NO documentation, no video, no discussions, nothing
Reika please, I want to play your shit but it doesn't fucken work
that lawyer guy makes minecraft mods?
i dont like your:
>mod taste
how much damage does it do
I love your:
>mod taste
>can automate Summoning Altars now with XNet
I am becoming stronger once more
i tried others, this is just one im messing about with
its's ok
worried that increasing fov will decrease framerate
>>mod taste
skill issue

it don't have numbers, but it's decent. takes out spiders in 1-2 hits, creepers and zombies in like 3-4 hits. it oneshot a skeleton that was riding a spider, but idk it might have been luck or a headshot or a fluke or something
overall it's higher damage than my other weapons, and it's ranged which is infinitely more valuable
Some people were awakened by that mod. Even without downloadigg by it, the art crept up.
Limit framerate
>immersive railroading
the great debate
I played a little. Locks you out of backpacks in the early game, which is insane considering even vanilla is renowned for its shitty item management. Maybe it wants you to use shulker boxes.
it's not a debate, create's trains are infinitely cooler and feel/look better than immersive railroading, it's just contrarianism to not like create trains because of muh nu version console waring.
the main problem with IR beyond vanilla integration is that most people don't know what they are doing and just import low or high poly models as opposed to voxel models that fit within the game better
oh and it's stuck on 1.12
>Modlist good to go
>Just missing a few bits here and there
>Something broke and a dependency is missing but it won't show me which.
>PC also finds a trojan
What the fuck.
>Create + Botania
this is so abhorrent that it's funny
Is Create abhorrent?
Is Botania abhorrent?
Is using tech to automate magic abhorrent?
Shitania isn't a tech mod, if you don't believe me check the book for it. Pretty much why I hate it, imagine if you actually did something cool with what you got like Ars does.
Take the Bird's Food pill anon. More food variety no bloat.

I meant using Create to automate Botania.
I'm not familiar enough with Ars, but Botania is definitely undertuned.
Personally, I would increase the storage and throughput of all mana spreaders, and add a spark with one input/one output.
(Minecarts are cool, but entities are unreliable.)
also, I heard about the spark tinkerer thing, and I'll be using it, but it shouldn't be necessary for something simple like that
just seeing the two together is unholy honestly
mix and matched aesthetics and themes?
to me, though, that's soul
>Shitania isn't a tech mod
botania is a tech mod in everything but aesthetics
I have come to the conclusion that blood magic in gtnh is designed to waste as much of your time as possible
>gtnh is designed to waste as much of your time as possible
guys how far apart do you keep your builds from different mods?
same building with multiple floors? different connected buildings? different places altogether?
I was wonder what would be better for a long term world lag wise
>Forgot about swet's in the aether being insanely buggy
>walk into one randomly
>Instantly have my material existence vaporized
>Instantly have my material existence vaporized then spread across all of existence incomprehensibly thin(My position values were set to impossible values)
>This nearly imperceptible form in which I now exist is then horrifically twisted by unknown forces into impossible shapes(Rotation values set to Null values)
>Reality then crumbles(crashed)
>reload only for the game to lock up and lose access to my mouse
>not even alt tab gets it back
>Try to fix my position/rotation data
>still broken
Every time this happens I'm shocked at how such a horrifically easy to trigger bug that bricks your save wasn't found.
What Minecraft and Aether version does this happen on?
latest aether version for 1.12.2 . It's a bit random, but I've had it happen to me a lot.
I meant
Both have 1.12.2 versions.
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I've found an interesting little mod

I think I'm gonna switch fuglutum from a pure OWG sky islands world to this fucking mess if it works out
I've always liked the idea that the world you start in was somehow "glitched", and it should also hopefully help out with making mining more interesting and not only a nether thing, if it works
yeah I don't get it either, I think it's meme onions getting squashed into a shit sandwich
weird ass texturepack but good job anon
Except ars is a mega-fugly, barely-finished mess of a magic mod only shilled by old-version larpers. Assuming you're talking about the original. Ars Nouveau is cool but horribly unbalanced, I don't think it should be used as an example for anything.
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>muh balance
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nah that mod is something else, not even mekanism is so poorly balanced
No, he has a point, and in general muh balance really is a point that needs addressing
to the level that most expert packs "balance" that shit by gating it behind much less powercreepy mods
Laser IO - nu Ender IO conduits
Pretty Pipes - nu Logistics Pipes
Masterful Machinery - nu Modular Machinery
Oh, so it's *really* overpowered.
Botania was in the discussion, and any good mod is going to look overpowered in comparison.
>implying /vg/ builds anything
i build but im horrendous at it so i never show it off
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I like to make different islands for my builds and connect them through bridges
sometimes I just switch dimension for some projects, my TC tower was in the last millennium
wtf are those trapdoor stairs
Really want a Create train portal mod.
>works for every dimension
>works without chunkloading
>short coordinate distance for linking, like nether portals
>config for dimensions with different ratios, like the nether
doesn't the seemless portal mod, forget the name, already do this?
idk why but looking at your screens makes me feel good, keep posting more plz.
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fog gets a bit whack at times
>my epiliptic ass is falling in a seizure
seems fixable by using the sky light value and scaling the fog by that instead of just a boolean "is exposed to sky" or not
Immersive Portals?
afaik it's a somewhat issue-prone mod
though I found this
it's 1.19.2 only, so it might be abandoned in the future, idk
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beta vibes
i need to get some mossy and stairs on this asap
gtnh bros whats an easy way to make magic tallow without spilling a trillion different elements
not gtnh, but -
do it away from your base, in a nicely contained area
charcoal gives half ignis half potentia
then clean up with quartz slivers
little bit of flux still
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gtnh has thaumcraft 4 so no quartz slivers and the alchemical recipe for magic tallow is a little different, making it a pain to make without an alchemical construct, at least as far as i can see
I like the nether but hate portals. How is there no no mods for alternative ways to reach the nether other than "nether cakes" which is also retarded.
Immersive portals mod where they stack the nether below bedrock in the overworld, so you just dig down and you end up in hell.
I'm familiar with that mod but i dont think its immersive portals, thats the one they are discussing here: >>492699969
i dont like nether or end or any other dimension. Game should be played only in overworld.
it's one of the configs in immersive portals
create astral does that
>Most Confusing Minecraft Mod
>Its just a portal mechanic
How is that confusing?
pea-sized youtuber brains can't handle it, clearly
Isn't the whole point of the modpack the other planets(aka dimensions)?
oh yeah, right, didn't read that part
I don't know how these people don't get so embarrassed about making themselves look so fucking dumb for clicks.
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The first structure didn't trigger the progress but somehow the second one did, thanks Reika
I hate this fucking music puzzle
Do you ever get bothered when your base is "inspired" by someone else's build?
no because it's in my world and I made it myself
No, I realize I could never build anything interesting on my own.
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god bless ae2
I was halfway passing out when I typed that, I meant to say that Shitania is a tech mod
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They are exactly what they look like, trapdoor stairs
They work with stepup or the sojourner's sash and were meant to stop the old invasion zombie from pathing to another island on top of being very easy to set in the void
These ones are literally 4 years old by now
>filtered by fucking tallow
holy shit it's the gift that keeps on giving
thats some nice fog
So nice it literally almost doesn't exist
would you mind sharing this beautiful skybox? I would like to try to convert it for nu versions.
It's been in the OP for the best part of the last half a decade anon
I explicitly set out this playthrough to make a base reminiscent of Sjin's Farm.
I made peace with the fact that I'm a derivative loser a long time ago.
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Holy crap fucking finally
anon are you okay
Slopes are fucking gay
The original.
So is there any news about the "allegedly in-dev (according to one anon here in /mmcg/)" nu-Thaum?
ftbniggers are busy milking money in bedrock, so no
How far those guys have fallen saddens me
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im not filtered retard i was just asking if theres some simple way of getting it without fucking about a bunch like there is for alumentum where its just like throwing 4 charcoal dust in the cauldron or whatever
i ended up just making my alchemical construct
i wish i could mod so i could pump out a couple addons copying java mods and rake in the cash from retarded kids
Aw man, I miss Thaumic Tinkerer so much...but yeah it's pretty glitchy in some places. You can kinda tell it was Vazkii's "practice mod"
What are those backpacks from?
Construct's Armory was kino, Squake is fun too, but every port of it I've tried was fundamentally broken in some way
how do you even begin with building shit like this
builds like this look like they require worldedit or some shit
doing this manually would be a massive pain in the ass
I made my DJ2 base in the aether, but I eventually disabled the swets and the annoying cloud guys in a config.
Either spend hours planning it out, days gathering resources and a week building it, or just worldediting it in. Construction wands and building gadgets probably speed the process up by a lot in the former
so it's the right thing after all?
what a fucking piece of shit
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I've added Muramasa as an upgrade similar to netherite upgrades to the Uchigatana from EF but I can't figure out how he got the sheathe to show at the same time. The file shows it's two separate models and items.
Any ideas?
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just need to moss up the other 3 faces and then do the same effect with some smooth stone
Backpack mod, one is dyed blue. Top row is focus pouch.
The trigger was on entering the structure, not completing the puzzle which did nothing.
big projects are fun. You just take them in little chunks. Today, I'm going to dig the hole. Tomorrow, gather resources and transport them to the site. Spend a few hours testing out designs in creative. Then slowly build over however much time you need. There's nothing more satisfying than slowly watching a build come together.
I imagine they did it a layer at a time
It's vaporware. The main CoFH dev that's working on it has been taking a break for the last three months. Before that, he kept pushing a release window back to version chase. First the aim was for 1.20.4 (to support NeoForge), than 1.20.6, and then to 1.21, but the NeoForge devs are waiting for 1.22 to add a bunch of requested features to the loader, so that's the current target.
The part that really sucks is that a large portion of the Create team is involved in the TC7 project which has significantly slowed down it's development. There's a big plan to drop a massive Create update at the time of TC7's release so they can release their big Create x TC7 modpack.

>inb4 source

I work with one of the Create/TC7 devs.
>waiting for 1.22
i dont get it
oh is this like the ocean temple thing where the only the first person inside the structure gets the progression, noone else
and if he's yet not at the point where it can be unlocked, tough luck! get fucked idiot

>thaum remake
>by version chasers
are they retarded?
>version chasing
>as a forge dev
are they SUPER retarded?
>gregger going insane
world edit or axiom for sure. No one builds this by hand. Also .obj to schematic, you can basically model it in blender and import to MC then detail in MC. Source: I made stuff like this a lot.
your building gadgets lil bro?
your rftools builder lil bro?
sorry I know you answered in a past thread, but whats the fog mod name again?
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Time to do Botania now
>My save is permanently bricked
>Fresh install of 1.12.2
>TC6, baubles and maids are the only things installed.
>PollyMc logs claim TC6 has missing textures
>Redownload 1.12.2
>Redownload TC6
>Error persists
I don't understand. Is it normal? Optifine was also giving me critical errors on my previous pack before I restarted to debug it all and was outright incompatible with something I had.
TC6 is an unfinished mess, get them fixes as well
Or even better, get TC4
>mods that make minecraft look better
Particular, Visuality, Fresh Animations, and Vanilla Tweaks
>increased render distance
Distant horizons or bobby
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I am making a Minecraft difficulty pack with Forge for 1.20.1, recommend me mods to make Minecraft harder: It can be harder mobs, worse hunger, new mechanics, anything that helps me because for some reason I can only find Vanilla+ Stuff and nothing that adds difficulty per se, help me out bros pretty please :(
true darkness + realistic torches
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I have no fucking clue how to put a roof on these things
why do weeb builds have to be so hard
Make the roofs curve inwards instead of outwards
I remember there was a 1.12 mod that added chink roof tiles
I forgot the name though
Do you have the name of any of the bug fix mods on hand? I've not seen them on Curseforge unless they are buried.
how do you mean?
chinese workshop? I plan to reinstall that for when I make the build in survival. But better building materials don't eliminate the underlying problem that I have no idea what I'm doing.
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oh yeah that might be it
This looks good, thanks! Now the nights feel more dangerous, I just need to find something to make mobs harder, either new mobs or something that modifies actual mob behaviour
lucky's smarter mobs
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like this?
v goode

idk if this is the most pointless thing ive ever made
but boy its up there
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it's looking better, but I feel like there's still something wrong with it. Like it's too small, maybe.
the second and third tiers (top to bottom) are too fat for the first tier
Courtyard needs to be larger
that's probably it. So shrink the subsequent floors, and leave more space for a bigger roof in the future are the takeaways I guess.
Thanks for the help, anons.
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I'm guessing you're getting infinite scaffolding by placing them via robot?
the hammer breaks them in 3x3. the scaffolds are teleported to your inventory when you break them.
but breaking them with hammer aoe makes them also drop, so for every 9 you break, 8 are duped.
the scaffolding can then be macerated for 2 steel dust. im going to add an arc furnace recipe for it though.
>im going to add an arc furnace recipe for it though.
I'm all for shitting on NotoriouslyHormonal and I can there is a real underlying dupe bug but you're doubling down and cheating a recipe in to get infinite resources which is literally cheating
just spawn yourself free steel in creative if you're gonna be like that anon

something like that is not okay but a zombie spawner that melts down the chain armor is?
its steel anon
literally free when you get an ebf and a bit of oxygen

i want to build my entire base out of steel and this is how im gonna do it.
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before you get a large scale essentia smelting and filtering network set up, you use the crucible of death
Cover it up with microblocks and the essentia can't pour out
Dump all your shit in there at once
cursed image
doesnt this still make taint anyway?
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>they release nervegas
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Look at him go
not in tc4
just don't break the cauldron and it slowly dissipates
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>wasted my entire afternoon building a starter IC2 nuclear reactor
>I could just make the same amount of power with 6 mekanism wind generatos which could be made in 20 minutes tops and they would need zero fuel logistics
anyone else just deliberately choose the tedious way
now I need to make it to work in fluid mode
does it make salsa, zenigger the youtuer worshipper
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see its not cheating its balanced
who cares what mekaslop gets you
RF-EU conversion should never be enabled anyways
>anyone else just deliberately choose the tedious way
yes because i like having fun
are you okay?
shut the fuck up zenovis
>keeps renaming images as file.png
>watches people play gtnh because he can't have a single thought of his own in his brain
Doesn’t he use Faithful?
I like it that in greg modern I can do eu to rf conversion
so I can run RF (or FE or how's it called now) machines with EU
and it's more fun to make EU power, having to actually make a supply chain for it
i love him
>greg modern
foul evil nonsense
maybe you should take a break and stop posting
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He has a friend now
that is true, the other way around is just evil
i forgot they were a little simple so you always needed another to clean up after the first guy
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He's screenshotting a youtuber playing a challenge gtnh map called garden of glass.
he's been posting his shit as file.png for weeks now, he's room temperature IQ so he expects people to not recognize him when he's the only guy reposting gtnh youtuber screenshots.
also funnily enough specifically a guy who keeps bitching about how stupid gtnh is in the lategame and that said this about the modpack (completely justified)

maybe you should take a break from /mmcg/ and go back to smearing shit on your face in /dsg/ and /erg/ and grooming children on discord
oh wait they literally don't allow you there anymore so you have to post here woops
ummm ackthually it's garden of grind
can you not do this every thread?
is this guy even a minecraft player or some crossposting faggot from dsg
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Post a picture of your world, I want to know if you play this game.
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As long as you stay here, there will be no end.
>asking the mentally ill autist to not be a mentally ill autist
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>hasn't played minecraft in half a year
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I'm getting there, I think
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>unfunny reddit arc
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can't... stop... GENEROOOOOTING
>unfunny pedophile mexican
take the L poopedro, do I have to spam your face again
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if only i had an idea of what to put in here other than mekanism teleporters
nobody cares about your personal vendetta against some random from another thread, keep it out of here
You need the latest Iris and Sodium betas.
>anointing himself as the thread police
does he really
>some random from another thread
he posts here and has been posting here for a year now
literally nobody else cares about defending you other than yourself faggot, your posts are embarrassing as usual
how's that skybox working, did you find out how to remove the white line or are you going to blame angelica and shaders again you toddler
no one cares take this shit to a discord or fuck off
>the NeoForge devs are waiting for 1.22 to add a bunch of requested features to the loader
1.22 wasn't even announced yet, the fuck? Is this just an excuse to be lazy and spend time breaking compatibility with Forge even further instead?
What's the point of waiting for 1.22? So they can do jack shit because they need to wait for 1.23 instead, which will be followed by 1.24, 1.25, repeating ad nauseum until Java finally stops being fucking supported by Mojang?
1.22 will be the modding api update anyway
>What's the point of waiting for 1.22?
are people seriously waiting for 1.20+++ for mods?
You'd think a decade of being burnt out on mojang's retardation would have taught everyone and their grandmothers
Two more updates
The update that removes mod support so they can force us all to switch to Goyrock?
get nutritional balance, majrusz difficulty and make it so night is unskippable with the global gamerule mod by making the sleeping player percentage higher than 100
>implying they won't make it so ALL versions of the game refuse to boot without being checked by algorithms to ensure the game isn't carrying any sort of mods, resource packs or data packs in order to ensure "version parity" with Jewrock, because why is it fair one version gets free shit while the other has to pay on the marketplace?
>last played on the ninth of january

looks cute!
>the ninth of january
That's because you retarded americans try to measure time in feet
>looks cute!
currently debating whether I'm willing to download the shitty 1.12 chisel port just for the paper walls or if white concrete gets the job done well enough instead
probably just going to stick to concrete for the real build
try bone blocks or smooth sandstone
You can try quartz blocks, the texture and the "seams" might give a similar effect
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the concrete looks slightly less ass when I put some light sources nearby, but I'll give these a try anyway, and maybe white terracotta as well. Thanks
you need paper walls
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anon aaaaaaaaaaa
I forgot how much of a pain it is to wrangle villagers without easyvillagers
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It's actually kind of ok, like everything else it starts off painfully slow and then quickly starts picking up speed.
I looked up the numbers to compare to vanilla blood magic and it seems like they increased the LP needed to craft every slate after t1 by 25%, which isn't that bad, but they also change the recipe for all the blocks and add in their own custom altar blocks (pic related) which ends up doubling or tripling the total cost of each altar tier.

I think you can (kind of) automate LP using mob spawners at t2, but it's not until t4 that you unlock the well of suffering, which gives you almost infinite passive LP as long as you have a mob spawner. If you were doing this on tier (around HV-EV) then yeah it's spending hours poking yourself with a dagger and waiting for your health to regen until you reach t4. It takes a few hundred slates to get there. After that you can start passively crafting them stacks at a time
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Good modpacks focused on building? Something lightweight ideally
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You need to put the micro block strips all around the cauldron and the corners, otherwise it will start spawning goo
hope this image helps
>open the portal to alfheim
>read through the updated book
>completely lose interest in playing that save any more
why is my brain like this
it's the fov. it's actively shrinking your brain
you completed a goal, but failed to set yourself a new one
Botania is shit and boring
i will up the fov but if my laptop explodes i WILL cry

nah the mod sets the goal of fighting a gaia spirit but i just find myself not giving a fuck about it

i haven't found any other mods that are engaging
create is cute but meh
hexcraft or w/e was nice but too autistic for me to invest energy into learning bc i want to relax when playing minecraft
tinker's workbench is dry
i think im just depressed because everything seems shit and boring
>i think im just depressed because everything seems shit and boring
only on nuversions
thaumcraft is and forever will be one of the best minecraft mods if you aren't a gregtist
just take a break, play other game
Best magic mods in 1.20.1?
Ars Noveau, Iron's Spells, and Mana and Artifice are the big popular ones. I like Ars, but I haven't tried the other two.

Apparently there are 2 reasons their waiting. The first has something to do with the features being implemented into NeoForge. I'll be completely honest anons, he rattled off a bunch of terms that my dumbass couldn't understand but basically the changes are going to be mod breaking, but not as bad as the changes that occurred between 1.12 and 1.13.
The second (and absolutely retarded) reason is that a couple of the Neo devs are absolutely convinced that Microsoft is going to drop java support after 1.22. Apparently their source is a "trusted" insider.
Hope to fucking god that isn't bullshit, then. The sooner we can reach the age of having kino again because there's no longer versions to chase, the better.
that's bullshit, java is the platform on which versions are developed first, and then ported to bedrock.
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do you think the Final Version will be the ultimate modding version? With so many mods left in the past and modders dead or trooned out, will it truly unite the versions? Will there be some "great import" to bring as many mods to the final version?
Not possible as the existing troons make it their mission to move everyone else to their loader of choice by license trolling (Iris).
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FINALLY got eternal coils on my first dptf. This is where the real gregging actually begins, the last 1.5k hours don't count
what does that mean
is oculus not a thing anymore?
>had an entropinnyum accident because i forgot to link them to the spreaders
cracked version of the game
paid feature for official accounts that only works on the latest version of the vanilla mc.
The reason for believing the source is money. The thought is that Microsoft sees the possibility of making a shit ton of cash with the Bedrock marketplace. They figure if they focus support on Bedrock and incentivize mod devs to port and support mods on Bedrock, they can pull more attention to Bedrock and in turn shut down java development. Which would allow them to cut cost.
>serene season triggers
>only for the main 4 seasons
>when the game gives you 12 subseasons to work with
If I have a paid account can I connect it to pollymc or is it going to throw red flags?
It is, but it the way Iris and Sodium are now licensed effectively gutted any future updates to it.
If they're making it illegal to port them to Forge by a third party, what's stopping them from doing the same to people porting it to Final?
your minecraft account will be instantly banned. don't do it anon
so embeddium is also not going to be a thing anymore?
are these dudes planning to make their own forge ports?
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It's amazing how we've learned literally nothing from the days of MCPatcher and Optifine.
Sounds like fun
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>every potion mod is pure slop that just adds 8 gorrillion effects
>finally find one with some interesting mechanics and qol features
>has some random unknown incompatibility with my mod list
thanks for subscribing to my blog
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>are these dudes planning to make their own forge ports?
There's an alpha build of Iris and Sodium for 1.20.1 Neoforge on their discord, so it's technically available on forge in some "official" capacity. However, they're dragging their feet and would rather version chase.

Any future version will be on Fabric and Neoforge only.
Embeddium will still be a thing, fork dev is still active and doesn't need to look into Sodium code to make things work.
Oculus on the other hand might be in a bit of a struggle because of how underhanded the Iris dev is.
you finished greg 500 hours ago, this is some timesink abomination pack
i want greg to pee on my face
These mod fags are so faggy. I understand wanting to own your work, but what a shit move to make something open, but then be like "actually I dont like you so nobody gets my code". Such a petty reason. At least there will always be someone to make a new mod, but how long to wait is the question.
Paid mods are gay and pioneered by Valve (but backpedalled), then actually made with Bethesda, and now Microsoft Minecraft.
yes but why would you
if you didnt get fucked by microsoft just use poly instead
There should be no version chasing, but forcing it through the end of support is stupid.
The modders should naturally flock to a specific version, as they have in the past.
Yes JEI will update to every version, but there are tons of mods who stick to 1.20.1 and 1.18.2 and 1.16.5 and 1.12.2 and 1.7.10.
I'm just asking questions cause I'm curious.
It's all about the cursebux anon. There are fewer devs that create mods as a passion/hobby project in this day and age. Hell, look at Astral Sorcery as an example. Hellfire dropped the project as soon as iskall started to throw money at him for the VH project.
Microsoft dropping java is a two edged sword. Yes we'll have a primary version devs can work towards, but as soon as Microsoft starts throwing money at them to support Bedrock, java will slowly die.
>There are fewer devs that create mods as a passion/hobby project in this day and age.
I blame the crunching economy
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The monetization of the internet and its many forms of culture has been an absolute fucking mistake.
We need to cook magnetohydrodynamically constrained star matter rounds
the edge! oh lord
if only Muramasa could have this mutch edgy
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Openblocks? More like Openbutts. I just figured out how to make a fully-functional elevator with railcraft. I unironically love over-engineered, creative, janky solutions to simple problems.
eh, then it's not so bad if they're going to continue porting to neoforge i guess
i was afraid of the forge versions of these mods being abandoned due to licensing issues
no way in hell am i going to switch to fabric just for these two mods, even though it would be very painful to go on without
Here's a list of required addons for tc6:
Thaumic Augmentation
Thaumcraft Fix
Thaumic Tinkerer Unofficial
TC4 Research Port
Also get the connected textures mod if you haven't yet.
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>the chess
>there's a mod to port wands too
neat, I almost feel like no longer hating TC6
From what I remember it it doesn't play well with augmentation. However augmentation is the main reason to play tc6 so maybe I'm wrong.
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This thing took forever to craft
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>we have loonix at home
point and laugh
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doesn't roll off the tongue as well, but it's truer to the source material

I fucking hate how retards decided that to "gregify" something meant to make it a whole new level of microcrafting hell
you know these people have never played regular gregtech in their lives and only expert packs with gregtech

"NHiggering" should be the word everyone should be using in these situations
>now the real nhiggering starts
>I'm such a nhigger
>we're nhiggering hard tonight bros I spent 5 hours crafting this recipe and I'm a fourth of the way through let's goooooo
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>I turned the whole thing off to convert it into a fluid reactor
>plop down pressure vessels, making sure there's no redstone nearby that would turn it on
>run the entire thing in the reactor simulation tool to make sure it wont cause problems
>form the multiblock
>access the reactor hatch
>reactor instantly explodes, killing me, taking out my wiring and the entire room with it with all the materials
>check and it turns out one side was on a chunk border
fucking kill me
buildingmultiblocks mid-chunk are a thing that happens
also you didn't bend the knee to drekanism anon
that is something to be proud of
>you know these people have never played regular gregtech in their lives and only expert packs with gregtech
GT had that reputation before expert packs even became a thing
I still remember the shitstorm when Greg added code to crash the game on startup because mDiyo made Tinkers' revert wood only giving you two planks when it detected GT
I dunno if that's why it exploded, I can't seem to find anything about this on the internet
there are some people saying that it could explode if one of the sides was on another chunk, and that chunk wasn't loaded
but both of them were loaded for me... I just put down the casings, right clicked on the controller and it detonated instantly
it's on a server too, and I can't reach the admin to reload a backup
(of course this is another server where I'm the only one playing because nobody else was autistic enough)
I gotta test this shit in creative or something
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>GT had that reputation before expert packs even became a thing
for literally giving you two planks instead of 4 and for needing saws for making slabs, while people forget that was meant to incentivize using machines instead of handcrafting, because machines actually give you more resources out fo the same material.
>I still remember the shitstorm when Greg added code to crash the game on startup because mDiyo made Tinkers' revert wood only giving you two planks when it detected GT
that's not how it went and we talked about this two weeks ago anyway

what mdiyo did was asinine and completely broke the game because he thought greg broke it, while instead it was a literal vanilla bug that greg had to explain to him, to the point he had to say sorry to greg and added a config for it to fix it in tinker's
then he escalated the thing again and again, because at that point he just had beef with greg
and one year later after every single "conflict" ended with him getting his ass handed to him and all the bugs ending up being mdiyo's he literally resigned tinkers'

greg's not perfect and mdyio was a fucking teenager at the time but he was mostly in ther right
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>that's not how it went
>literally links a thread saying that's how it went
>literally links a thread saying that's how it went
umh acthually that was for the sticks and much later, you said wood planks so your baby is retarded
Fucking Origins, why can't it just detect when you stop pressing a button? I want to make a held breathe mechanism that depletes quickly when you release the key. I thought that if I made it so holding the button will toggle on a variable to 1 and in the background the variable is constantly being set to 0 I could use that to detect when it's off, however, instead the reset mechanism can fire in between the toggling and fuck things up. Can I get some logic/code help?
what am i looking at?
dupe bug?
smelting thing was mdiyo's fault because he's dumb
wood recipe crash is greg's fault because he's spiteful
all he had to do was ask mdiyo to remove - or add a config option for - the plank unnerfing code
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alright, so if you form the multiblock while the reactor is stone cold but has fuel in it, it will form with the reactor temperature at 10000°c, blowing up the entire thing
if you form it while empty, then put the rods back in, it doesn't explode
good to know
IC2 should be buffed, particularly nuclear
there's configs for this stuff, dunno why more packs don't make it worthwhile
instead of gating more powerful stuff behind it, or making you use it exclusively for the plutonium
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>IC2 should be buffed, particularly nuclear
You can do that yourself in the configs, and I think it's sensible for the most part
it's just that mods hyper-inflate their RF generation numbers nowadays to this level of retardation
Yeah, it doesn't help that shit can bug out and explode your entire base, making it insanely risky for mediocre energy generation.
I replicated this perfectly well by forming the multiblock in creative while I left fuel in it, and it instantly melted
then I formed it empty and it works perfectly
and yeah as you said it's barely worth to make it in atm3 for example, it takes a shitton of resources to make as much power as 7 wind generators from mek, or 7 canola oil generators from AA
I wish there was something like these reactors for newer versions and less janky. Techreborn only has a fusion reactor, but nuclearcraft seems interesting, I haven't tried it yet
nuclearcraft is supposed to be good but packs just use it as a big processor
>nuclearcraft is supposed to be good
>statements dreamed up by the mentally deranged
there's only one decent nuclear power mod in all of minecraft and it's reikashit
not him but what's wrong with nuclearcraft?
>Yeah, it doesn't help that shit can bug out and explode your entire base,
no it can't
not him but what's good about reikashit?
nothing except for having reactorcraft
thats clearly what im asking about
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>sperg wars over recipes
techies don't really, do they?
efficiency is key
it's good but it's reikashit which means it breaks everything else
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this guy is geared
>places 3 blocks
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nature does fine a way, eh? I'll just pick it real quick and put it in a pot.
that looks ugly af
I'm not even sure if it's just an incredibly ugly sphax screenshot with shaders or AI
the angle makes me think AI becuase the perspective is completely fucked though and the AItard woke up
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sphax forever nigga
>can't tell screenshot from AI
you have a weird ass fov as well bro
should i play Gregtech: New Horizons?
no I'm just generic shoulder surfing + mobends + epicfight toymy nigga
I would puke, to each it's own I guess
>shoulder surfing + mobends + epicfight
alright that makes sense
do you enjoy regretting your bad life choices?
NuclearCraft: Overhauled is kino of the highest order anon. Just don't pair it with Mekanism, it can break the progress of NC.
>can't motivate myself without an end goal
>stuck playing shitty progression packs
kill me
That seems nice, I'll check it out, thanks
>sphax and celshading
what does mobends even do in this combo
Hex but you need to resource pack out the gay shit
I like fancy animations, but I recently axed Epic Fight since its actually dogshit on 1.12.2
Upskirt with Palutena's blocky, Minecraft-cousin.
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Palutena is a slut and you couldn't even please a mortal with that thing you call a manhood
how much gay shit is there in it, and is it very intrusive? would it be hard to remove?
petition to ban AIslop retards to >>>/mcg/
i played w it and didn't notice any gay shit? maybe there were a few decorative gay pride things, but you can just ignore them. they aren't necessary to use the mod
ok faggot
I object, >>492534083 was funny.
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Progress is slow but geothermal generator is now up
why does it appear rather... phallic?
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No, obsessed would be me, nooticing you switched from file to screenshot_x overnight in sheer fear because you got found out.


>I must keep nhiggering!
>I’m figuring on nhiggering!
>Though nhiggering is TRIGGERING
>More nhiggering!
>I won’t stop nhiggering!
>I’m figuring on nhiggering!
>And nhiggering is triggering more nhiggering!

I do wanna hear your crying.

This is oh so gratifying!
decorative stuff but I still renamed everything to not be gay
>height increase in tectonic doesn't work
>just makes giant flat plateaus at y level 320
you lawn base guys would love this shite
how do you guys get time to finish these big ass modpacks like gtnh, are you all just neets
I don't play the game I just sit here and make up stuff because its fun and people keep on believing me for some reason.
people just do that? lie on the internet?
I'm a neet and I don't even play big modpacks. It takes enough time playing small ones. I'd much rather build comfy houses and play other games.
nobody finishes them
and yes
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Anon, I think you should take a break and go outside.
Being this obsessed with a modpack is a sign that you're spending an unhealthy amount of time on the Internet.
I am exactly where I'm supposed to be.
No one posts those memes anymore, but they do quote them a bit, I wonder why.
you definitely need to take a break
>the dreammaster timesink abomination pack gang defense squad is all here nhiggering their way in
shitmask mindbroke this man
straight up huffing jenkem
I find that I just naturally play minecraft when I know that I've got a huge amount of free time coming up, and avoid it when I don't.
Just took all my post-graduate exams and am awaiting results, so I've got nothing to do for the next several months. After that, though, it might be a while before I can play minecraft again, which is sad to think about.
asukafag really killed this place didnt he
I have no idea what you're talking about. How about we start talking about modded minecraft?
name a modpack you've finished
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I don't understand how people (or a poster) playing a modpack can drive someone to this level of derangement.
none, i drop all of them
im a neet and never finish modpacks because im retarded
me on the left (i play vanilla+)
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plz report ai spammer faggot, thank you
i got nebula armour in stoneblock 2 once
you're not one to talk
Is this an actual multiblock or have you just built a case around one?
I still to this day cannot believe that anons allowed him to shitpost us into creating two dead threads. It's not as if modded minecraft is so unrecognizable to vanilla minecraft as to make discussion of one basically irrelevant to the other. Mods just add new shit to do on top of the vanilla game of building shit with virtual legos.
just ignore faggots, simple
I just filter it sorry
you know why
i don't, which is why i'm asking
neet yes

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