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>What the heck is this
/indie/ is the general for all indie games, such as Age of Decadence, A Hat in Time, Axiom Verge, Baba Is You, Battle Brothers, Card City Nights 2, Cave Story, Civilization, CrossCode, Cultist Simulator, Darkest Dungeon, Darkwood, DashBored, Dead Cells, The Desolate Hope, Disco Elysium, Environmental Station Alpha, FTL, Hollow Knight: Silksong, Knytt, LISA, Lobotomy Corp, Loop Hero, Machinarium, Middens, Monolith, Monster Train, Noita, OFF, OneShot, Rimworld, Rain World, Slay the Spire, Starsector, Subnautica, Sunless Skies, Underrail, VA-11 HALL-A, Yume Nikki, etc., as well as other games that just don't fit in any other general such as Atelier, Pillars of Eternity, Rayman, and Valkyria Chronicles. /jrpg/ is welcome. Idle, roguelite, shmup, 4x / RTS / city-builders, and RPGMaker games are cool too.

Mobile or consoles, Flash or Unity, freeware or early access. This place is a home for the indie game community and indie and obscure games that don't have a home. So be free to talk and share all your hidden gems, forgotten games and starving devs here.

>Can I talk about games that already have a general?
We mostly discuss games that are not popular enough for their own threads, however, all indie games are allowed. So talk about them if you want, but don't overdo it since you already have other generals for that.

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>Dead Thread (RIP) Pastebins:
https://pastebin.com/LcpyTzNP (embed)

Previous Thread: >>491590459
redditsong is cancelled, you may all return to reddit now
>tfw l00p an hero update never ever
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Damn. No way home just yet.
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new super alloy
>Anon talk of into the breach
>Remember how ill never be able to unlock the secret squad because I basically need to 100% the game and all the challenges I have left are either rng based or just plain awful to get

Why did they had to make it cost 25 god damn coin, this suck so much, otherwise its a fine game imo
You didn't miss much, secret squad is one of the worst in the game
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Did someone say tactics?
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>are you having fun
if misery, suffering and frustration are fun then I'm having a blast
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What's the technical term for the fuzziness/noise in a lot of Unreal Engine 4 games? It's more noticeable in areas with bright light sources, but you can kind of see it everywhere. It resembles something like the artifacts from DLSS upscaling maybe. I'm playing Beyond Hanwell in early access because I liked the demo, atmosphere's still fantastic though UE4's look triggers my autism
It's TAA, which is required because Epic's lighting engine causes flickering light glares otherwise
Play I want to be the guy next or Knytt Stories :D
the most fun I ever had with a platformer is when its cock and ball torturing me. Some of those Knytt levels demand pixel perfect jumps to progress and it'll give you 1 or 2 new areas to explore before having to do another pixel perfect jump. It's great. Just put on a podcast and do the same jump over and over and over again until you do it perfectly then the amount of dopamine that drops from spending a week stuck on a jump fills your brain, only for it to be crushed by another one of those jumps. I love it.
Pic related, this is what I got for doing 3 or 4 pixel perfect jumps in a row.
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Aren't these "just" challenging platformers? The pain in LM comes from the puzzle aspect and cryptic progress gating, that also involves a lot of far-fetched experimenting and time-wasting tedium when you have no idea how to progress. And when you finally find a thing, feel like a genius, and it turns out to be yet another dead-end, so you feel like a retard again.
How does it compare to nu-RE? How janky is the combat? Does it feel like a classic survival horror?
Have you thought of looking at a guide?
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But also heard good things about 1001 Spikes in that style, so I might check that one out eventually. (similar Indiana Jones rip-off vibes and Jon Blow loves it)

That would be even less fun, the satisfaction you get when you do finally find a solution on your own after experiencing frustration for a while is why I play this type of game.
Even more than a platformer or a puzzle game it's a secret-hunting game, it's inherently autistic but spoiling secrets just defeats the purpose.
Brat taming simulator?
>That would be even less fun, the satisfaction you get when you do finally find a solution on your own after experiencing frustration for a while is why I play this type of game.
>Even more than a platformer or a puzzle game it's a secret-hunting game, it's inherently autistic but spoiling secrets just defeats the purpose.
Yeah but it wastes a lot of time...
I see

Still too early in to say, but I think the combat is janky yet satisfying--similar to how I felt about The Chant (underrated game). Apparently it's a solo dev effort, I'll take it over yet another first-person hide and seek indie horror game
In Nine Sols, is there supposed to be a robot that gives you a map for every zone? I already cleared some of them without getting one.
>But also heard good things about 1001 Spikes in that style, so I might check that one out eventually. (similar Indiana Jones rip-off vibes and Jon Blow loves it)
Pass, but that was an interesting watch.
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knytt stories is cooked bruh
>transgendering people to breath
KEK, what game is this?
If you look at it like that, all vidya is a waste of time
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> 3000+ playtesters uncredited
good joke
You know what I mean, with people having whole backlogs these days.
>"brace yourself games"
>first word in their introduction is "inclusive"
They don't actually develop video games, do they?
What a fucking slap in the face to a person who played your game to the end, and then they complain and bitch that people hate them.
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>the only thing black about him is his hair
Anon, they're the Crypt of the Necrodancer guys
Also they made Industries of Titan and Phantom Brigade but it's SHIT
I don't. You play puzzle games to solve puzzles just as you play shooter games to shoot people.
Looking up the solution is akin to turning on godmode. Completely ruins the whole point.
He's trans-racial
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...if you boast that you're inclusive, is it really genuine? The impression I get is that they'll make their business look like a bunch of M&Ms but always listen to the same ones.

>Industries of Titan
Well. Fuck...
Only good thing that came out of Crypt of the Necrodancer were the Miku DLC and the songs.
which werewolf we talking about exactly?
if it's the one in the forest (can't quite remember the story, something about a women thinking her man is cheating, but turns out he's just a werwolf or something) then I think by that point you're not supposed to have any of the fancy gear yet, as far as I remember
There are several werewolves?
But yeah, I don't have the damage to kill him. Ended up cheating and checking a guide, and apparently you're meant to be extremely aggressive and kill it, otherwise its regeneration kicks in.
Yooka Laylee 100% completed. Took a bit over 15 hours. It wasn't very good.
That's a shame, I really liked the Banjo Kazooie nostalgia.
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Call of Sentinels. Anyone here gave it a shot? Maybe too many games are releasing for /4chan/ to keep up with. Considering this general doesn't even mention brotato
probably because brotato sucks and is a game with a 2013 youtuber aesthetic
From what I recall the balancing is just all over the damn place in that game
Meh you say that but if I think a game is disrespecting my time I'm just gonna look up a guide to go through it.
What's better than Brotato? It's a very well done game within its own aspects. It also has multiplayer making it quite more remarkable than the initial salespitch. As for its aesthetic, quite a majority of the isaac flash advocates seem quite drawn to it. If all your critique of the game boils down to how it looks that's not enough.
nta, but I'm not really into bullet hells, I did watch Uber Danger playthrough brotato though, looks like an absolute meme.
That's fine. I just wanted some conversation.
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I finished Both LM1 and 2 blind
LM1 took 230 hours across 3 months with long periods of just not playing and drawing doodles at work while thinking about it.
LM2 took 98 hours and while it's overall easier I HAD to ask ONE question to my /v/ bros because I was completely stuck with nothing else to do and that was the right choice because there was a translation issue with a specific puzzle.
I must be 100 hours into it already and not sure if even halfway through but I'm dreaming about it every night (just nonsensically jumping at and walking through every wall kek)
Hey /indie/, is it okay to ask for recommendations here? I feel like in the last few years I can hardly find anything I like—not in a nostalgic sense like people on /vr/, because the same applies to older games I would have loved if I had played them in my teens.

Some of my favourite games, in no particular order:
Super Mario Bros 3
Cave Story
System Shock
Deus Ex
Knytt Underground
Ratchet & Clank 1
Demon's Souls
Shadow of the Colossus
Cyber Shadow
Rayman Origins

I would like something slightly on the shorter side. Last years I sunk more than 100 hours into The Binding of Isaac, and I can hardly think of a worse waste of time in my recent memory.

I'm going to start Disco Elysium soon, which I expect to like based on what I have seen, but I cannot think of much beyond that.
>Giga wrecker at -94%
>Made by game freak
Would you buy that for a dollar?
Yes. It's not worth paying full price, but it's good enough to buy during a sale.
Let's see, immersive sims, platformer, all relatively linear.
Here are a few suggestion:
Dishonored (imsim)
Prey 2017 (imsim)
Little witch Nobeta (souls like)
Lunacid (souls like)
Dust: an elysian tail (metroidvania) (warning: furry)
Darksiders (metroidvania)
Salt and sanctuary (souls like)
Cruelty squad (light imsim, boomer shooter) (warning: visual garbage)
Momodora (platformer, similar to cave story)
Dark messiah of might and magic (imsim) (warning: unstable on modern systems)
Pico Park 2!
long shot but, i remember some twitter dev posting about a wizard game a few years ago and it gaining a bit of hype because it had an original in depth system for wizard spellcasting, that's literally all i remember about it, i dont know if ever got completed and released, just that the twitter page used to get reposted on /v/ in indie hype threads, does that ring a bell to anyone
What did it look like? 3D, 2D, grid based rpg. Any detail would help.
it was probably first person fixed screens like an old dungeon crawler or real time, not sure
it wasn't 2D sidescroll like noita
>System Shock
>Deus Ex
Arx Fatalis.
>Cave Story
Kero Blaster, same dev.
Pocky & Rocky Reshrined, maybe.
Guns of Fury, not released yet.
>Super Mario Bros 3
Shovel Knight, to some extent.
>Gearbox bricks RoR2
>makes a shitty game even shittier
re:tactical breach wizards
Well the writing isnt TOO bad, anon is overreacting...
stronk woman priest appears
Game takes a fucking nosedive with muh nazi bad religion bad muh oppreshun
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They just made it badass, even for those not buying the DLC.
>nazi bad
thats true althougheverbeit
The year is 2024 and devs are still tying animation/speed stuff to framerate...
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The best part is that before this update it wasn't tied to FPS like this. It's a truly incredible shitshow, affecting the whole game and not just the DLC.
Should I play cdda Bright Nights? Does it have the electrical grid features? In the regular fork version, I take like 30 minutes just setting up my pockets. A simpler version would be nice
>ONE question
anubis, the waterfall thing, or something else?
anubis riddle
don't know if it's been fixed, I played it at release
How do you respec perk points on Tactical Breach Wizard? I press the fucking buttons and it does nothing.
right click on the perk you want to cancel should work, as long as you have the respec points
Remind me of that us politician who claim she is part native for clout, the reality being she maybe has one grand grand grand grand parent who was.
I like that I know you're talking exactly about Pocahontas here.
>Starcom: Unknown Space

Its allright I guess, it scratch my exploration desire well enough, at least better than Starsector where its mostly just prospection for late game colony building, but I'll admit the game seem very easy as on normal I can easily handle enemies outnumbering me 10 to 1. Maybe ill up the difficulty later.
If you're wondering why they changed that, it's because gearbox devs are literally fucking retarded. Gearbox has several filters in place to make sure that only absolute fucking idiots end up working there. This is not the first time that this specific issue happened, it's part of their "optimization" process. Did you know that gearbox test machines are all running the same hardware? Their failure is by design, from top to bottom, full of idiots.
>playing songs of syx
>fucking single dondorians taking up entire dormitories for themselves
This ror2 controversy reminds me of motion twin fucking over evil empire (their former colleagues) for potential short term profit and to spite them for not being anarchist.
im still mad they just shuttered dead cells like that
I hope it isn't, I hate random stuff just laying here to look cool.
>motion twin fucking over evil empire (their former colleagues) for potential short term profit and to spite them for not being anarchist.
literally what the fuck are you even TRYING to talk about? evil empire aren't their former colleagues, they were a brand new studio created out of whole cloth by motion twin specifically to handle updating dead cells for them so they could do other things, and in that, they weren't created as an anarchist-syndicalist company by the anarchist-syndicalist french schizos at motion twin, so why the fuck would they spite them "for not being anarchist"? and more to the point how the flying crystal blue methamphetamine-induced hallucinational FUCK exactly is it that you think motion twin fucked over evil empire?
Evil Empire were literally former devs of the game that left Motion Twin and founded their own studio under a defacto agreement that they would keep working on Dead Cells until 2025. Motion Twin was extremely spiteful of Evil Empire's perceived ideological betrayal. In fact, they still have a lawsuit going over descrimination based on handicap that involves both Evil Empire and Motion Twin. There is a lot more details to the story but they don't really matter.
Source: Sébastien Benard, former Motion Twin employee and designer of Dead Cells. Former employee testimonies. Public record of French Labour court.
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>and more to the point how the flying crystal blue methamphetamine-induced hallucinational FUCK exactly is it that you think motion twin fucked over evil empire?
NTA but there's a bit of a drama going on. Basically EE wanted to do more Dead Cells content, but MT told them to wrap it up with The End is Near so MT next project won't be overshadowed by dead cells. Deepnight (founding member of MT) also called them out for treating EE like shit. Also there is pic related.
huh, i don't remember seeing evil empire blurred out in the credits, all i remember about the credits in dead cells currently is that it's an endlessly looping randomly generated meme where the small pool of names keep getting assigned to random and often completely made up positions forever until you hold b to skip it
>less than 40 seconds apart
the most obvious samefagging i've ever seen
It's not the game credits, it's the animated show's ones
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By the way, pic related is literally illegal in france. Messing with moral rights is both extremely petty and dangerous.
>there's a dead cells cartoon
well there's something i never expected to happen back when i bought the game in early access
what's next, a silksong amazon live action series?
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played Krypta FM, a walking sim where you explore a small village in Poland looking for cryptids with your flashlight and camera and post on an early '00 paranormal forum
it's...fine? nothing really interesting happens except for pic and some spooky shit at the end
the twist is there's no cryptid, it was a starved dog
cue to a happy montage of the forum goers being best buddies, included your pink-haired "RAWR!!1!" emo teenage gf
Smiling dog :D
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Act 4 is even worse
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I wonder what goes on in the mind of someone who write that stuff up, and think to themselves "Yep, that is fine" and shit get greenlit.

Oh god, don't tell me Sweetbaby Inc. appear in the credit...
Not sbi specifically, but it has D&I consultants
good heckin' doggo
a real fruffer
explain what's wrong with that screnshot without sounding mad
We need more little girl representation in our indie games.
"Fruff" is a terrible onomatopoeia for a dog noise
I'll be the first to admit I wasn't expecting the chinese furry game to get any major updates but they continue to surprise me
which one is "the" chinese furry game
I've just realized how vague "chine furry game" is now, my mistake. I meant anomaly collapse
Fruff sounds like the dog did a half-assed bark. Like he was barking and his owner told him to shut the fuck up and the dog impulsively barks but remembers his owner doesn't want him to bark and reigns himself in and a half-assed bark came out as a result.
>that mission when the game first spams armored priests at you
I fucking knew that skill that refunds mana when Zan's clone dies is basically cheating, I don't know how can you beat that shit doing every confidence task on first try otherwise
Act 4 bonus goals are basically impossible on the first runaround unless you replay and respec
Thats gay
Although I saw posts claiming they've did every goal with no replays
Which I guess is even more gay because they've lucked into the right perks which are NOT created equal
Like, I like forced entry conceptually yet I can see that it would bee completely useless if I took it
AoE time bomb too, my guys are almost never grouped even for a moment for it to be viable (although Zan's perks are generally better than the other niggas)
You now remember Starbound was a thing.
>lucked into the right perks
I don't believe so. I've seen enough retards seeking out full walkthroughs before even starting a new game.
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I know.
Northern Journey is weird. The stages and environment all look fantastic but the models are the ugliest shit I've ever seen.
is selaco any good? it looks curious but im so tired of everything being stuck in eternal access these days
Would also like to know.
To be fair. Stuff like that works well for most 2d pixel art games like ror1. Seems like they just failed to consider this with the move to 3d.
my question is why do it
what was the problem with the game that they needed to do this now, so long after launch and one successful DLC?
Eh, it's done everything it can; there's nothing left to add.
webm unrelated
I told myself I was gonna ignore all the optional shit and just rush to the end, but now I'm not sure if I even do that.

Fuck it, more like Tactical Breach Dropped. Play Depth of Extinction instead.
Rain World CHADS....we got something related to the incoming DLC!
>September 19th
This doesn't sound like a windchime at all...
Imo it help build the ambiencebthat you're stuck in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, Scandia, and the locals are inbred as fuck. I mean there has to be a few trolls in the lineage, especially the village idiot.
Its probably something relegated to the interns or similar.

Playing this right now and it's pretty fun.
Do you guys know any Steam games like Spyro?

Closest I've found is funnily enough a game called "Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom".
- The levels are laid out in a very open world fashion, all very distinct in their aesthetics too
- Each level has collectables and "stars" from mario essentially
- There's also minigames to obtain these stars
- And of course a bunch of movement mechanics to master
- What makes Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom the most like spyro though is the button you hold to accelerate, just like the charge button in Spyro which you basically hold all the time. Spyro's a god damn car.

I suspect that last point might only be be found in this Taxi game and Spyro though.
It might be ass but damn if it doesn't scratch that autistic building sandbox itch way better than Terraria does at least when modded
I tried Terraria but had no idea what to do after a while, went exploring and just repeatedly died from random bosses. Seems like a game where you need a guide. Is Starbound any better?
starbound is highly linear with all major progression gated by static instance story missions as opposed to terraria's discoverable bosses, so yeah, it might be more up your alley
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so? how's that rain world modded region
What the fuck is that childish writing? This sounds like a repressed teenager finally getting to say "fuck" for the first time and thinking it's just so adult and cool.
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Jesus fucking christ this game has an atrocious onboarding curve. If it's not rival clans completely clearing out the starter areas and quests and leaving you with nothing, it's getting infected with the zombie virus with zero indication of how to cure it, your town getting zerg-rushed by multiple level 6 bosses at level 1, getting boxed in by mapgen, or all of your NPCs starting out permanently petrified and unable to do anything.
Depths of Peril had its jank but god damn man.
I remember trying it, and getting brutally filtered out. Zombasite might be even worse than Space Ranger or Drox Operative.
The escapist is on sale at a stupidly low price right now. The entire franchise is worth the current price, the dlc are also worth the extra price simply due to how unique each are. The spinoffs are not very good but for the price, I'd say they're worth it. Escapist and escapist walking dead are single player, survivalist are singleplayer and online co-op, escapist 2 has solo, online and couch co-op (remote play compatible).
Check the bundle prices before buying the complete edition for 2, for some reason the bundle appear twice but one is double the price.
The bundles for multiple games are also more expensive than buying them separately for some reason.
Survalist and walking dead dlc are not worth buying.

This week has been very good when it comes to sales. Kingdom come deliverance is also on sale for an extremely low price.
If you're more of a five finger discount type, just get escapist 2 goty since this one has remote play, so you won't have to deal with parsec's shitty controller support.
I actually own the demo to the game cause it was free on gog, guess I'll download it now and try it out.
>sjw anons that came in a couple threads ago to shit on Soulash 1 and Soulash 2 cause the dude refused to put gayness into the game.
>It gets massively upvoted and bought on steam
lmfao, these freaks are losing on all sides.
>Kingdom Come Deliverance

While I did play a lot, I never got the grasp of the combat that well, still somehow managed to finish the game.
The funny thing is it isn't even a conservative backlash, its a normie backlash, people are just tired of their shit.
The game has a lot more complexity than it has depth but at least you can play without understanding most of it.
Take your fucking controversy somewhere else.
based and triggered the tranny
never played Spyro, but that reminds me of A Hate in Time, the levels are open, more like in Mario 64, with stuff to collect I think, its been a long time and plataformers are not exactly my cup of tea.
It's mostly a right wing backlash. No one mainstream talks about it. It's an extremely niche game and all coverage talks about culture war, which isn't a mainstream topic.
What you're asking is a collectathon.
Nha it isnt righg
Twing or of any political spectrum, its just peoples are tired of corrupt twats citing moral bullshit to allow themselves an higher-than-thou attitude toward criticism, which is 9 times out of 10 entirely justified.
Yes, of course, everyone who disagree with you has to be [insert American political current here].
It's not like America is just one country in the entire world and everyone is getting really pissed off at how burgers are trying to shove their own socio-political issues into everyone else's mouths.
The only coverage is in right wing newsites, only fairly right wing youtubers cover it, the forums are filled with right wingers, the only people defending it on the subreddit are also posting on r/Conservative, most of the new reviews have less than 1 hour in game and are openly political (both in favour or against). It's a very clear left-wing vs right-wing debate.
Just in terms of retro inspired 3D platformers, Pseudoregalia and Corn Kidz are great. Not a ton like Spyro though.
I'm not american, I did study world politics in a german university, my main professor was a former afd MP, so I'd say my education didn't exactly have a left-wing bias. I don't understand why you're trying to hide something so banal.
>i'm not american but everyone who disagree with me is right wing
Okay American.
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I wish the loli posters on /v/ didn't spend so much time shilling games that suck. There are plenty of good games with loli protagonists but now there's a running joke about celebrating absolute kusoge lolige.
That's because most games use lolis as crutch to hide how shitty their games are.
>Dev decides to add marriage
>"Queer" commenter write a "very respectful request" (dev's words) to add gay marriage
>Dev disagree
>Nothing for a week
>Mod comes out to add gay marriage
>Dev hotfix it within the day by hardcoding marriage as between a man and a woman
>Dev fuck up and let you marry children by accident
>Dev decides to "show (his) teeth" and the "oppressive people left" (direct quotes)
>Controversy ensue
Blocking the mod was the real bad move in this situation.
I gained a lot of hardness from this screenshot.
I also forgot to mention that he decided to ban the original requester for no clear reason well after the request. But since he didn't explain his reasoning behind banning that person specifically, I'm not sure what to make of it.
>faggot ruin your game by shoving their unholy fetishes in it
>block them
>somehow you're the bad guy
>unholy fetishes
>a mod to add gay marriage is an "unholy fetish"
>the pedo mod isn't an "unholy fetish"
are you sure you want to go that route?
>Making your code worse to own the libtards
>Dev decides to "show (his) teeth"
Please tell me he didn't actually say that. No one other than 15 year olds talking about their social media girlfriends talks like that.
>moving the goalposts
We accept your surrender, pederast.
>I showed my teeth, the oppressive people left, and now we can continue to have fun in peace.
how is that moving the goalpost? you called a gay marriage mod an unholy fetish but the game has a pedophile mod and he did nothing to block it
Faggots need to know they're not welcome in civilized countries.

>but muh catering to my sexuality who is my defining trait
Being a child molester and a deviant is not a personality.
He did plenty of cringe like:
Changing the title of an article called
>‘Soulash II’ Dev Stands By Decision To Not Include Same-Sex Marriages For Gameplay Reasons: “I Showed My Teeth, The Oppressive People Left, And Now We Can Continue To Have Fun In Peace”"
>Smear campaign against Soulash 2 Dev backfires completely. Thousands of people join his stance against oppression as the situation continues to reach more press and influencers.
And post it 3 times on the roguelike subreddit over several days. Deleted everytime.
Found a cute 'lil 3D platformer that is free. Maybe it was someone's school project or something.

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>It's mostly a right wing backlash.
Keep pushing and the entire world will appear far right.
sleep tight mr. the propane
But I say so, so it must be right because I'm always right!
Going out of your way to buy a game to support the dev's stance on gay marriage is a fairly political thing, yes.
96% of white Americans are against gay marriage, 78% thinks faggotry should be illegal, 34% thinks faggot should be killed. You're the minority faggot.
15 years ago Trump would have been seen as center left. Your camp calls a peaceful protest an insurection. But when you riot, rape and kill thousands in a white genocide it's fierced but mostly peaceful? Fuck off tranny. The average white is sick of your pedo shit.
lmao those numbers sure are real
>Product has something that I don't approve of
>I will warn others that this product has something they may also disapprove of
>I will try to find an alternative and not buy that product
That's capitalism at work. I don't see anything wrong with that.
>dev make medieval-fantasy game
>adds a lineage system
>faggots SEETHING that they can't have gay marriage, in a medieval game about having kids
Fags proving they live in a fantasy lan/d/ where men can get pregnant.
I can't imagine being so angry all the time. It sounds so exhausting.
>it's not a problem
>Moving the goalpost
Fine I will answer. Those numbers are from dr. Arthur Sturmmann on stormfront. It's adjusted to not have a leftist bias since republicans are intentionally left out of polls.
>I still don't trust your numbers
You would rather trust billionaires owned companies (who are mostly Jewish if I may add) over a true science prodigy and doctor in philosophy? Be my guest but we're done here.
>Source: A nazi made it the fuck up on a white supremacist website
>Everyone I disagree with is a nazi
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some comfy mining for friday night
Stormfront is a neo-nazi website. Sturmmann was a nazi military rank.
>Being a child molester and a deviant is not a personality.
>allowing child marriage in your game to black the homos should be applauded
Okay now you're just taking the piss.
Literally impossible to distinguish between satire, glowies, and actual poltards nowadays.
Who are you quoting?
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and this is my projectile hell final wave, and yes, I suck. Should just have used the laser.
Stormfront is the last bastion of free speech left in our society. Of course it's going to have some radical. They're oppressed by you "tolerant" intolerance. Even 4chan is censored by trannies nowadays. Where else can we go? X is full of sexual deviants, Reddit is used as a propaganda tool by the left, you are pushing us to the darker corners of the internet. I dare you to go outside right now and ask a white non-basedboy what's his stance on gay marriage and look for the signs of disgust. It's obvious how much the average person hates gayness but the still feel compelled to bend the knee to your caprice.
I can read your southern accent.
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first tried ascension 20
who do you think you are i am
>who do you think you are i am

You look a bit tired anon.
i am after this retarded fucking climb. i hate deckbuilders
Buying games isn't political, its also a middle finger to people due to any number of reasons, it could be that they are apolitical but like the game and don't want to see it ratio'd via left wing activism. The moment you start putting caveats on buying games as "political" you've already lost the majority. You're the problem, the people buying the game aren't. If it doesn't cater to you go play AAA they love what you love right now.
It's pretty obvious that's we're being raided. Nobody complained about any gay post in months but suddenly we have weirdos coming here over to talk about politics and how much they hate people living rentfree in their head.
>>I will warn others that this product has something they may also disapprove of
>>I will try to find an alternative and not buy that product
Doxxing people and starting a minor harassment campaign and political smear job of someone who just said "no" to you isn't "warning people" its borderline terroristic political coercion. You act this way because you are weak and you are losing the majority and by continually pushing it you'll become politically toxic to touch for a least a couple of decades.
>Literally 2 threads ago someone came in and brought this up like it is /v/
You're really bad at this...
You can act for political reasons. Sitting on a bus is not inherently political, yet Rosa Parks' action were political. Buying a game isn't political, buying a game because the creator is against gay marriage is a political action.
>Buying a game isn't political, buying a game because the creator is against gay marriage is a political action.
So by your logic masturbating to porn is a political action against gays if your straight and vice versa if your gay? The brain rot is real.
Lead or fluoride poisoning?
Yes, that's literally what I'm saying. Someone came here and falseflagged to stir up shit. Then we got /pol/tards coming to argue. For literally months before that, we've had gay posts about different games here and nobody complained other than one self-admitted /pol/ tourist over gay marriage in harvest moon.
Oh, well I either didn't notice or it went over my head. Lets take political action by buying Psuedoregalia and masturbating to furries instead :^)
Making deepfakes of your political opponent is a thing and so is hatefap and unsolicited cum tributes.
>deepfakes of political opponents
Not always, could just be they thought it was funny, its possible to take political characters and riff off of them and not actually have a political point other than its funny.
Don't bring up your personal problems and no jerking off to hot people you hate isn't political action.
>cum tributes
Yeah if your deranged and I'm pretty sure that kind of shit is illegal if you send it.
I didn't say all of them were, I said it could be used as such. The former franco-german green party leader Daniel Cohn-Bendit claims to have practice pedophilia as a political statement, Maureen Kearney was raped and tortured for political reasons. Does that mean all pedophiles and all rapist are doing this for political reasons? No. Not all assassination attempts are political, were Kennedy's assassination or Trump's attempted assassination political in nature? Yes, was Reagan's attempt politically motivated? Not really.
You seem to not be able to understand nuance.
>did so much mental gymnastics that he ended up just agree with me
thanks for playing!
Let me ask you this differently. Is NOT buying the game because it doesn't have gay marriage a political statement?
it is.
>Nuance is mental gymnastics
No, not buying the game regardless of your political alignment is not a political action, nor is buying it. Disco Elysium and Caves of Qud are made by communists but people bought them not because of the politics but the quality of the work.
>mental gymnastics is nuance now
So what you're saying is if a white kills a black it's always racist and if a man kills a woman it's always sexist?
You refuse to think that someone literally saying "I'm not gonna play it but I'm buying it to support the dev. Fuck cancel culture" might be politically motivated?
Racism is a made up word. It doesn't fucking exist.
It's not political, it's protecting someone's right to free speech. Rights are not political.
See this is where the nuance you misused comes in, I'm saying that its hard to really know the true motives of why people buy or don't buy games unless you stalk them and believe what they say, tons of people will just say w/e bullshit online while doing the exact opposite in private. My whole point is that it is in aggravate not a political action because your assuming a lot.
Also, I think we have derailed the thread long enough, you can reply if you like but I won't reply after this.
Sorry, I haven't slept in 3 days. Autistic meltdowns suck.
Are you surprised a fag would misuse a term to fit his anti-white narrative? I'd go one step further. Nuance is fucking leftist pedo apologia. Most things are simply good or bad 99.99% of the time but leftists like to focus on the 0.1% where it's not that simple.
Go back to your stormfront safespace. Nobody is replying to you.
I don't care if it's gay or straight, if it's a dragon or can put on a maid dress I'm fucking it.
Ah! A rune factory connoisseur!
>degenerate leftist censorship-happy faggots seething because they find themselves on the receiving end of the banhammer for a change
love to see it, turnabout is fair play, you reap what you sow, you fucking retarded faggots
the church married plenty of men to children whomst their fathers arranged for them to be married off to, not even that long ago, so yea, faggotry is entirely unholy, and marriages you don't like are perfectly kosher, so seethe cope and dilate, trannoid
a child molester is someone who touches kids that are not married to them and thus are not their property, behind the backs of their unknowing parents, do not conflate child molestation, which is what you do, with arranged marriages, which is what white people traditionally did back when the white birth rate was above replacement levels, you whole shtick is thinly veiled loxism mired under the guise of the signaling of jewish loxist virtues, ACK yourself 41%er/kike (functionally no difference)
Troll or /pol/tard I don't care. Fuck off back to your safespace. Pedo apologist creep.
You know the discord messages are out, half of what you said isn't true. Someone asked to add gay marraige, he said it wasn't in his vision of the game but he would consider it but as of now it would be sidelined. The leftist mob spergs out over it and start harassing him, he tell them to fuck off, they act like he is "anti-gay".
All of this could have been avoided if the original person didn't run to twitter to post the dms and whip up a mob. The dev was in his right to start fucking with them when they couldn't take "maybe later" as an answer.
You get what you put out in the world, just go play some triple A games like Condord, Star Wars Outlaws, or Dustborn.
Based, I'm going to buy both games now.
>games are for everyone!
There are literally thousands of games to play yet you decide to die on this hill? Do what the adults do and move on to games that cater to your tastes.
>"Queer" commenter write a "very respectful request" (dev's words) to add gay marriage
literally didn't happen. you fags attacked him right away.
>Nothing for a week
while you were organizing a full blown raid and hassment campaign on your discord
>Dev decides to "show (his) teeth" and the "oppressive people left" (direct quotes)
he never said that
Just make your own games if you don't like how your being treated.
They'll never be happy because if even 1 game doesn't have their politics its a "threat" to their propaganda because they know how actually weak it is, the collapse of woke and DEI can't happen faster, hopefully they'll slink back into their corners of the internet and just make their own shit for themselves.
kill yourself faggot
If I was a game dev I wouldn't have any interaction with the fans at all, and if I had too to get criticism I would do it through multiple proxies and forums to collect data that some intern could organize for me to review.
>8 replies in 10 minutes on a several hours old post
The most obvious raid I've seen. Seems like you can't handle a neutral statement of facts.
but what does this have to do with video game
Niggers and fags are genociding us culturally. We're finally fighting back one game at a time.
>not being a historical revisionist tranny faggot who shows their cocks to children at gay pride parades and stating facts is pedo apologism
go back to reddít
>literally didn't happen. you fags attacked him right away.
You can read the forum post and reply from the dev directly if you don't believe me: https://steamcommunity.com/id/1999HondaAccord/recommended/2399160/
>while you were organizing a full blown raid and hassment campaign on your discord
That's a really wild accusation considering that I didn't say anything against the dev.
>he never said that
Marriage has been disallowed below 12 (for girls) and 14 (for boys) by the church since the 12th century (Gratian's decretal). Almost all of them were political in nature and weren't consumed as it would disallow annulment. Contemporary evidence shows that the average age of marriage in middle age europe is not too dissimilar to current average age of marriage in europe. About 30 to 35. The idea that a 20 years old is an adult is fairly recent actually.
I'm not sure why you're arguing about middle age europe as if that's something we should inspire to return to.
Why is everything that disagrees with someone a raid now?
>This sounds like a repressed teenager finally getting to say "fuck" for the first time and thinking it's just so adult and cool.
It is definitely the big problem with the game's dialogue, fuck is the only swear word the writers are allowed to use for some reason and boy do they use it a lot.
Don't play dumb. It's a several hours old post that suddenly gets more replies than the thread gets in a week.
You posted it on your fucking discord didn't you?
>its friday
We're fighting fire with fire. You started this war. Now you have awaken the primordial dragon and his wrath will englobe the world and purify it from your plague of degeneracy.
>outing yourself as a tourist like this
>The weekend isn't real
tsk, tsk.
It certainly isn't in these threads
The weekend is two days. The replies were within 10 minutes of each other. 0.3% of the weekend.
Why would a bunch of neets care that it's the weekend? Not like school or work have any impact on the schedule.
Oh my god, this retard is raiding other threads telling them to support his shitty game. Artur, that's not how marketting works. You're just making yourself look bad.
based arthur, just bought 10 copies for all my straight male friends and my female wife and my white children
like fuck it was, the church still married them, no one gave a fuck about some faggot in rome's seething
>(((contemporary evidence)))
shalom hymie, got anymore historical revisionist hot takes for us?
I think we are being raided by reddit.
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I'm playing a Knytt Stotries La Mulana rip off, its got some pretty cool platforming challenges.
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Juni looks very cute in her little Indiana Jones hat. Also the backgrounds and sprite work are really well done imo.
I don't think redditors are the kind of dumbasses to raid 4chan or try to argue that stormfront isn't actually a neo nazi website. They already raid the soulash and roguelikes subreddits. Very poorly if I may add.
I don't use reddit because I'm straight and I go outside.
>I'm straight and I go outside.
You clearly don't use 4chan either.
>Everyone I don't like is a nazi
Stormfront is barely center right. You would know that if you went there. You just fell into the leftist propaganda financed by Soros and Bezos.
this reddit sub has been one of many reddit outposts infesting 4chan for years now
pajeetfront is populated entirely by indians, has been for 20 years now, all the white men moved to 4chan when the indian menace moved on kikefront
Nobody ever complained about my marriage tier list for RF5 that included both male and female candidates... To be fair, nobody actually read it and I wrote it mostly to put my thoughts into words.
so why did the ror devs sell out again?
How am I talking to you then?
Because 2 devs college project and gearbox takes first dip if they try to sell. So gearbox took first dip.
I don't think the opposition of having gay marriage is the problem, its the people who want it thinking that they can throw a tantrum and control people to force it into the game that's the problem.
What's the name of the game?
Holy fucking tourist. Go away.
I've noticed that everything you don't like is either a nazi or a tourist...
You're replying to two different anon, tourist. Besides the other anon is correct, stormfront are fucking neo nazis.
i mean to be fair if you're in an indie game thread and you don't know what "ror" is then yea it does make it seem like you're just here to shove your political garbage down our throats. nobody cares about either the trannies that cry for homo stuff, or the retarded anger management dropouts that cry about getting a win in
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Once again, you disgusting fucking subhumans coming out of the woodwork to discuss this are in the wrong thread. Go to /rlg/ and dilate or whatever it is the other side does. Nobody cares.
No one is arguing that but 1 specific anon and you're losing your mind over it, get a grip. You're just a slightly more tolerable version of your political opposite in this thread.
I forgot risk of rain existed, itsnot my game, sue me.
Even /rlg/ doesn't care, nor do any of the threads they've been spamming.
>I've noticed that everything you don't like is either a nazi
The only time "nazi" pops up it's when taking about stormfront.
No a couple threads ago he accused the polish dev of soulash of being a nazi because he talked to a dude who had an account on the website or something.
I know /rlg/ doesn't care but that thread has been dead forever, might as well dump it there if the jannies aren't gonna do anything. I don't even know if there's still autistic CDDA spamming in there anymore. What a shame. Maybe I should make a Brogue playthrough chain.
We're not talking, that would imply two way communication.
I haven't played Brouge in a long time, never beat that game, same with CDDA.
Being obtuse is incredibly boring
From 4 days ago.
>I just checked his reddit profile and he posted less than 1 hour ago a link to a self qualified "Neo-fascist website" about how he was harassed.
That's literally it. He didn't accuse him of being a nazi.
Play BrogueLite for an easier and simpler time.
You need to go farther up than that, because he was responding to me for calling him out, I think he said "self qualified neo-fascist/nazi website" a couple times in that thread, at least 2 times in different ways if memory is correct.
Literally the only time "nazi" was mentioned in the thread was when (presumably) you brought it up. You're fighting your own shadow.
At no point did anyone accuse the dev of being a nazi. All the conversation was about how going to a website that brand itself as fascist is really not a good idea. I don't give a fuck about the website, I don't even know what he was referring to. You're just making shit up and building yourself a stawman to fight. This is the worst that was said about him:
>If you claim to not be bigoted, you don't want to associate with fascist.
But I'm not surprised after reading that conversation that you're too fucking stupid to understand what is being said.
>Whats wrong with being a fascist?
I would find this funny if the game catered to my ideology (love nazis, hate unions, hate women, hate blacks, hate my dad)
I'm tired of you retards arguing. I'm gonna eat and play rf3 or factorio. I'll let fate decide.
I'll look into it, thanks.
I didn't bring up stormfront, he did, your confusing your anons.
>misremembering is now a strawman
Why are you guys so desperate for a win? Can you even act normal? There's nothing wrong with being a fascist or a communist, sorry you're too emotionally immature to understand that.
>>If you claim to not be bigoted, you don't want to associate with fascist.
Funny how all the communists do exactly what the fascists do (because they are both socialists) yet point at their brothers and say they are evil when both China and the Soviet Union were more efficient at eliminating ethnic groups at a much higher rate over a longer period of time than the fascist were.
>Can you even act normal?
No they can't, that is why they are here shitting up the thread with their reddit raid and moral coping that no one gives a shit about.
Stop bringing up communists. Nobody gives a fuck about their failed ideology. Both fascists and communists are bad.
You repeatedly make shit up and fight your own made up shit. If your memory is that bad, take your meds.
>You repeatedly make shit up and fight your own made up shit. If your memory is that bad, take your meds.
I guess I would be on edge too if my ideology was collapsing around me in real time. My memory is "bad" because I don't give a shit, what you consider a moral imperative and honorable I consider pathetic and laughable.
Their on edge because these people have ruined their lives being assholes and ruining people's lives for disagreeing with them, they know that once this is over society won't forgive and forget them and they'll be at the bottom of it, where they belong.
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was hoping I could progress without hint begging but just feeling really aimless rn, instead of giving me a direct hint I just want to narrow focus to 1 area

Have: mini-doll, pepper, key eternity, serpent staff, image scanning software
Key items: mirror, twin statue
3 seals of origin, birth and life
Abilities: double jump, swimming, running, climbing, fairies
2 unused ankh jewels: twin lab and tower of ruin
The two map softwares: I can see hidden rooms and where portals are, have an idea how some sections can't be directly accessed but need to be entered via other paths

Gate of Guidance: killed guardian, seems mostly done
Spring In The Sky: killed guardian, seems mostly done
Mausoleum: killed guardian, seems mostly done
Temple Of Sun: killed guardian and woke up waifu, seems mostly done (need 4th seal for hidden merchant; there's a room full of tablets and the two-headed fireball statue on opposite ends, seem connected but can't move statue)
Inferno Cavern: still no idea about the snake lady statue, but I think I need to perform dance of life somewhere (attack left x3, attack right x3, jump left) to resurrect some spirit
Twin Labyrinths: gates and upper section accessible, ankh jewel ok, 2 merchants inaccessible ("unsolvable puzzle" and big bro), can't defeat zu, can't figure out 5 witches/baphomet, Poseidon's navel has exit without ladder
Temple Moonlight: hidden merchant room? can't climb inside "woman"?
Eden: boss ok, can't access upper right
Endless Corridor: killed Eyes; upper exit without ladder
Chamber Extinction: not much, no idea about elephant statue and upper right
Shrine Mother: no progress, guardian wedges, duplicate white blobs to 11 ("Tiamat's children")?
Graveyard Giants: solved block puzzle but idk triggered what, right side blocked
Tower Ruin: ankh jewel ok, can't access upper right
Translated text, hints: hearts, colors and weight, useless now

No spoilers, be vague, just tell me which area to focus on thx
Oh hey check out my scuffed La Mulana posts!
What do you think?
Disco elysium moment.
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That's cool anon, I did check it out when you posted, this game seems to have a big modding scene.
So this mod apparently replicates the cryptic bullshit as an optional mode, are you having fun with it or just playing platforming mode?
Jedem das seine my brother. The white pride is coming...
Knytt Stories is mad in 2007 by a romhacker who got inspired by playing and making romhacks of Super Mario games (like Kaizo). I'm playing easy, because easy in Knytt Stories ranges from:
>walking from one screen to the other
>make 3 pixel perfect jumps while timing your jumps to avoid the bullets... This is "easy" because we aren't making you do 7 pixel perfect jumps...
So I always play easy first to get an idea before moving on to harder difficulty.
I'm having fun, the platforming puzzles are pretty interesting there was two times I had to think outside the box so far. There is also a "trick jump" button puzzle which was kicking my ass that I ended it on.
If you're interested in Knytt stories but you want something that has a low time investment but high entertainment value, try "Don't Eat the Mushroom" That and the pre-installed levels the game comes with will give you a pretty good idea of the breadth of tone the mod levels touch.
The droneyard is so fucking good it's hard to take anything else.
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Not quite sure what tot think of high difficulty Witcher 3. Fights are a lot harder and I do feel like I need potions and stuff to have a chance, but also I'm not entirely sure if this game was designed with this sort of slower and methodical combat in mind. When I consider how later it'll throw bigger groups of enemies at you, it's supposed to be more of badass power fantasy where you can kill 10 enemies and they don't have a chance.
Could be just the low level experience though, I'll see
not indie. kys.
Max difficulty is the way to play really, buuuuut it's unbalanced as fuck in the early game, as in it's really fucking hard.
I finished the game 3 times, never on anything below Death March, even modded the shit out of it to make it much harder especially past the first region because it gets way too easy once you've got a few levels.
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>Indie & Misc. Games General
I dunno if it's you or not, but someone cried that Witcher 3 is "die and retry" kind of game where you can't be prepared for what the game throws at you.
Sounds like a region introduction theme. Fits coral caves, honestly.
19th certainly won't be the release date, i bet on trailer/teaser of sorts.
make me
also isn't technically indie
I see. Another aspect I totally forgot is how little money you have at the beginning. I can't even afford to craft the witcher swords you find in the first area
I think that applies to 2 a lot more than to 3. Since you can chug potions mid combat and you only craft potions once after which they are restored with every rest, so the only place where it would be "die and retry" is if you face an enemy you haven't made the appropriate potion for yet
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the only one I didn't try yet is the tree, but I suspect its going to be shit. So far, drones are the best, not having to carry resources back yourself is like cheating.
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I could have sworn this fight was kinda difficult on lower difficulty last time. Maybe it really is because I didn't use potions or anything. Or I did it earlier and the difference between doing it at level 1 or 3 really is a lot
Dunno, only played 1 and 3, and I can't get into them at all.
Understandable, I only played 2 and 3 and heard 1 was supreme jank. 3 is pretty good, especially in the context of the studio that made it, but also I think it's sometimes a little overhyped.
Why does classicvania suck?
>the guy who doesn't know reddit of reddit is the tourist here
...lol, redditors actually think they're welcome on this site now
that's another 6 months added to the delay on silksong, spidertroon
also, it's really ironic for your faggot troon ass to be telling anyone to go anywhere, you're the one who needs to fuck off
Looking back over your post, I'd say your best bet right now is to go fight a certain boss somewhere warm.
And if you need he answer on how to get there..
there should be a doorway at the bottom of the Tower of Ruin that takes you to a small side chamber in Inferno Cavern.
1 is really good, it's not that jank.

Man.. fucking bullshit ahh
I know lad, I know.
And in case you can't find what that unlocks, try somewhere wet.
>I just checked his reddit profile
of course spidertroon would run immediately to reddit for his gay ass tranny investigation to desperately try and own the chuds, pathetic faggot REALLY needs to stay there
>9 hours later
>still mad
Are you okay?
>Whats wrong with being a fascist?
nothing at all, unless you're a degenerate co,munist tranny non-human, but such heinohs creatures were made to be physically disposed of permanently
that's because the ethnic group the jewish soviets eliminated were the whitest russians, and genocide (like everything else) is only ok in faggot troon leftist minds when leftists are the one doing it to the white race, because they are hypocrites, they pretend to be against such things to virtue signal and then turn around and celebrate the exact same things when their side literally does it
that's the difference between us, we are hosnest, we do not pretend that genocide by and of itself is bad, but they do while actively engaging in it nonstop
>Both fascists and communists are bad
wrong, redditfaggot spidertroon, fascists are good, communists are bad, go back, silksong is delayed by another 3 years now, it's up to 9 and a half years additional delay now by my tally
that's because there's only 3-4 good classicvanias, belmont's revenge, bloodlines, and rondo of blood/X
the rest are utter jank garbage kusoge
Oh yeah, congrats on beating most of Eden.
Be honest, how much did you look up?
>retarded faggot never sleeps
you're clearly not ok, dumbass troon, that's another 6 mo ths added, rounding up the total additional delay for faggotsong to 10 years now, want to keep going?
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I thought he was just a caricature but no, there are apparently actual people like this. At least he's funny and eloquent, these guys can't even manage that.
Take your meds.
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>I only played 2 and 3 and heard 1 was supreme jank.
Witcher 1 is slightly jank (mostly the combat system) but absolutely comfy.
It has a bit of the same feeling STALKER SoC has, you can feel the dev team tried to tackle something too big for them but it's still really fucking good.
Also it has the best atmosphere of the three, it's oozing with polish dark melancholy. The village haunted by noonwraiths is megakino.
that's 10 years and 6 months now, keep going
>1 was supreme jank
You should've been there ok, we had absolute rpg drought back then, for me the game was everything I wanted (was a big fan of the books back then too, or rather my gf of the time was, her online handle was Yennifer ffs)
Also what >>492578098 said
Meds. Now.
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Please help me.
I am starving and rice isn't growing and all game is running away faster than me.
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Found and beat the boss as a test run with pistol, I'll try again tomorrow as a clean fight to preserve ammo... but just wanted to see what lied behind, seems like more deadend after that. Small extra section of Chamber Of Extinction. A "crucifix", a NPC, a merchant with no new key item but no new path..? I have maybe an idea what to do to open the crucifix since it shows a moon on a tablet, and a door inside. And a couple of hints I need to translate or check again. But can't test more things now, I died so have to go through the boss again... which I'll deal with tomorrow.

You can just tell me as one word y/n answer: do I have what I need to solve this section right now, or do I need to keep finding another path elsewhere for another key item for now? Because that's the kind of thing that's starting to annoy me.

Haven't looked up anything except for hints received in threads here, so far only 3 hints: how to break Isis ceiling (I saw it but used wrong weapon), how to break the "water leak" wall (same dumb fail), and now that bit at the bottom of tower of ruin, I didn't even notice that bit, what is it even, a gargoyle's head? And that's the one level where I find it difficult to tell what's interactive and what's just background. I'm really running out of steam though, last two days I've just been aimlessly running around poking every wall and only found optional secrets and it's getting tiresome.

I love the OST but I've reached the point where I mute it and replaced it with chill music.

Eden went mostly OK but I literally checked every floor, wall and ceiling and went full schizo with map annotating lol. The Mario pipe thing felt like bullshit but actually the thing that helped me most was recording footage and rewatching, the walking blue ghost only appears once but hints at the path that leads to the boss. Rest of Eden was OK once I realized that.
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Craft spears. Throw spears.
Rice will eventually solve your food problems, but it takes a while. Crops are slow.
if 1-3 i play thimbleweed park
if 4-6 i buy and play lisa
if 7-9 i buy and play tales of symphonia
if 0 i play a short hike
11 years delay to silksong now
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bismillah turns out it's already in my library
Check the Steam guide, the Steam version has FPS issues and is blurry.

They run too fast in the bushes. I try to push them in the water, but they're not dumb enough, and sneaking isn't advanced enough.

Rain world bros, what the hell is this?
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indies are now self plagiarizing instead of ripping off retro and AAA
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Which one is that one? Also the Medievil one is just the remake.
11 and a half years
and that's A Good Thing
nature is healing
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>it's not actually the remake
Is it good? I loved Medievil.

Definitely getting DORF though.
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it turns out The Good Life is shit, i'm kinda glad i checked reviews about it
c'est la vié
La vie.
Not la vié.
oui oui :)
What's it about?
>we have Silksong at home
What's the Thief copy in the top right?
It's a game by Swery (Deadle Premonition guy)
You're a journalist that has to uncover the secret of a small village in Britain (the secret is that people turn into cat and dogs at night) and also find a murderer.
Apparently the game barely delivers on all its kickstarter promises, it's grindy as fuck, the story is a mishmash of unrelated stuffs that happen and worst thing of all at the end it does NOT explain why people turn into animals.
Well that's a major disappointment. I watched Wicker Man earlier and that sounded like it.
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blasting charges are fun too
/his/ was full of Haplogroup psting, back before it became the religion and holocaust denial board
Damn, maybe I should go back and give it a shot sometime.
Also reminded me that I should get back to finishing Stalker. Clear Sky kind of filtered me between doubling down on my least favorite part from SoC (big shooter battles) and having some technical difficulties despite some fix mods
played it, was fun enough.
>try 7 Days to Die again now that it's in 1.0
>get hooked, already want more
>need to wait for modders to catch up
life is just one long wait for better things
Undead Legacy, Afterlife, and Rebirth. Once those are updated I'll be set for the next couple years.
I never even looked up mods when my friends and I played it way way back
The past few days I've just been checking out overhauls that I might entice my friends with on a new save given that they're hooked so much more than I am.
UL looks like the best bet since I keep seeing it referred to as vanilla+, which is always a primo starting point for big mods
silksong is delayed by 12 years now
I'd say UL is more vanilla++. Not a complete balls-to-the-wall overhaul like War3zuk or WotW, but still adds a fair number of entirely new mechanics that really change up how the game is played.
Darkness Falls is more vanilla+. Most of its really out-there content (like the laser weapons, demons, and terribly-balanced story POIs) is segregated into the endgame, so for most of the game you're left with the gentler additions like classes and action skills while keeping the moment-to-moment play mostly vanilla. It can be a ballbuster at times though.
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enough about Silksong, when are we getting more news on pic related
I already earned my scales in the demo and I need more fish to catch
Couldn't they spare more polygons for the logo render?
Holy soul, it looks like something that would come out from an indie eastern european one man studio in mid 00's, pure kino cryptic eurojank. Badly looped protag animation, dirt-themed palette, stiff robotic humans, those fucking pixie dust effects like half of the low budget vidya used to have and pretentious monologues.
I am thinking of backing this.
i love rain world but this looks a lot worse since you're just a stupid little slug that can't even walk. i don't see how that could be fun
how did the guy who made axiom verge 1 manage to make an abomination that is axiom verge 2? it's worse on literally every level
If there isn't a part where you become a cyberslug made for war the game isn't worth playing.
i don't think the return of reckoning devs take money at all
axiom verge was shit, shit begets shit
go eat some berries, berry eater
Sure! Jackass...
if I managed to escape the /agdg/ pits, I'd also likely sell out whatever lucky diamond I'd found and move on to the next thing.
Not like RoR was really "lifelong passion project" tier
I went to sleep and woke up to the /pol/tard spamming me for no one reason. What the fuck is wrong with him?
Dunno. For some reason it decided I was the one arguing against it, when I was busy trying to keep /cix4vg/ alive and busy at work.
He thinks that there is only one "troon" raiding the thread so he is "protecting" his "people" by raiding the thread and samefagging when he's alone.
Joke's on him, I'm not a troon.
Just a pervert.
no you fucking retard spidetroon, i didn't say you were the fucking retarded faggot from before, i said that everytime YOUR SPECIFIC faggot ass posts in this thread, i will delay redditsong by an additional 6 more months, which i have done, so now redditsong is officially delayed by an additinal 13 years on top of the original time it was being delayed by by the incompetent reddit knight devs themselves, you dumb fucking ESL nigger
13 and a half years now
So angry it's samefagging now.
I'm just enjoying what we have. I feel like it's one of those circumstances where the full game will take forever and might fall into development hell.

I did a full replay with the new music updates.
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does anyone know if there are fan TLs of this series? I've tried 1 before, but the translation is just so insistently bad that I couldn't take it. Apparently the later games got the same treatment. Failing a fan tl, I'd love to know the story behind the terrible translation from anyone who knows it.
Just finished this, short (1-2 hours depending on how good you are) but well worth the sale price.
redditsong is now delayed for 14 years on top of the actual development delay times
I can't wait for him to samefag about 20 times and say "BUT WHAT IS THE WEEKEND!?" again.
And embarrass himself by ranting about Silksong.
drinks with my nigga AM
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what music update when?
I last played on July 5 and don't see any patch notes at all, so if it was a recent update I'll play it again
da da dab
really ironic projection there, samefagging spidertroon
redditsong is now delayed for 15 years
It was exposed to reddit and it became gay.
if you want, there is a standalone overhaul mod called Anomaly which add a lot of stuff and cut content without feature bloat, its basically the entire game but instead of the main story its freeroaming across the zone, which is far more interconnected than the vanilla map.

Also by standalone I mean you dont need theboriginal game for it to work.
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and another assignment done
Cone Keeper?
That doesn't look fun at all.
I'm aware of Anomaly and even played it for a little while. But honestly it might aswell be a different game entirely and I would prefer to play through the trilogy first
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Finished Intravenous 2. Good sequel, but I'm disappointed there's only one mission that presents pic related as a choice
>social stealth
What, the assassin creed one?
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the combat truly ain't the brightest part of the game, for some reason the devs went out of their way to make the shooting cumbersome, like some early flash games, where the turning speed is limited, so you have to prioritize targets, the art with black monsters also reminds me of some of these flash games, its charming, but could have been better in terms of gameplay. The mortar is kind of shit too.
Yeah, it looks like a meh Heart of Darkness.
>do I have what I need to solve this section right now
That place is a fucking nightmare. It depends on if you have proven that you are small or not.
As for clearing the boss.. that's not the unlock.
It's a different wet place.
Actual answer, the lake on the surface.
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Not reading the spoilered text yet. Quick progress update, just re-beat Viy. No ammo used, yay.

So I tried to set the moon to match the symbol, no luck.
Also a hint about using a golden key to open murals. Maybe it refers to the yellow fairy. Fucking annoying rng but managed to spawn one and check the "cruxifix" with her. No luck either. Maybe it's this but needed elsewhere. From the manual I know I can spawn them with specific softwares but don't have the right ones yet. So it's just a pain to experiment with that option.

Didn't really know what to do, so figured I'd re-enter the chamber of darkness via the temple of sun entrance. For a completely unrelated, random reason, just wanted to re-check some hunch. And the two-headed statue crumbled and a path opened. Feels like such a fucking random and arbitrary trigger that you could fail to notice unless you revisit literally every screen. So maybe I got lucky I found that quick enough, but it's objectively obnoxious design. I haven't found any hint anywhere hinting that it was connected to the inferno boss somehow, so wtf is the connection. I was correct that it connected to the multiple tablets room. So now I have Talisman and mantras. I'll try to see if I can progress with this stuff next.

I appreciate the vague help. I'll let you know if/when I feel completely stuck again. Probably soon lol.
is spiderfag based
everyone is based if they want to be
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I've given this game many chances but it just isn't fun? Why is this game highly regarded again?
Noita sucks.
Simple as.
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I fucked up.
slugcats cute
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Yeah........ I'm not gonna be able to solve these now. Shit.
redditworld sucks
I beat the Knytt Stories La Mulana level on easy and got all the collectibles and beat all the easy mode extra challenges, I'm probably gonna let it sit for a while and come back and do hard after I finish some easier levels.
Playing Drox Operative just makes me want to play Starsector.
Then don't play Space Ranger either.
Tried to play BG3
Alt-F4'd during the intro cinematic.
not indie nor misc, also a shit game for fags
>filtered by the intro
Imagine boasting about quitting during the skippable intro to a game.
What a miserable cuckold.
Somewhere nearby.
Could be a false wall.
Why make this a rainworld clone when it could've been a cool fucking game about shooting mechs and space wars?
The art is great, everything else is pretty fucking lame.
>Why make this a rainworld clone
...because trendchasing and copying successes is the first monkeybranch of the cashgrabbing? why are you so retarded that this needed to be explained to you?
>trendchasing and copying successes
Neither of those two things apply to rainworld.
Go be a nigger somewhere else.
>redditworld isn't the latest hit trendy success story among the masses of the reddit crowd
ok retard
If you said other let me know what you thought of
Take your meds, schizo.
You keep thinking about stuff that you don't like and expect the rest of the world to pay as much attention to petty shit as you do.
redditaong is delayed by 14 and a half years now
nta, but kek
make that 15 and a half
soon enough, people born after redditsong's announcement will be old enough to drink before redditsong ever releases, keep it up, spidertroon
Unironic symptom of schizophrenia. Seek help. I just came over to talk about /indie/s and the last thing I expected to find was this level of mental illness, guess the /v/ loliniggers really did a number on this general.
Soulash dramafags keep raiding us.
16 years now
Huh, a little over 24 hours since yesterday's schizo-out. Bit of a schedule slip but we can work that out.
17 years now
You can do it! Let us know what the puzzles and secrets are like on hard mode, I'm curious to know if it's actually similar to LM.
Sounds like you got shit taste.
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come oooooon
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It's the definition of an acquired taste and not in the negative way.
Out of all the games I've played in my 35 years, it's one of the very few games that made me feel like I was playing video games for the first time again.
There's something about the complete lack of handholding, directions, the random nature of encounters, the seemingly clunky controls that makes you humble and forces you to learn and improvise.
Compare that to other games in which you're already a pro from the first minute because you've seen this control scheme or genre a thousands times already, and where the difficulty is completely artificial because you're drip fed both power and difficulty spikes at the exact pace the devs wanted to.
Ironically, people like to call RW artificially difficult even though the approach to difficulty is completely hands off and every player will experience something different whereas Dark Souls would be the good kind of non-artificial difficulty, even though it's simply a game designed to feel hard, where you can write down the exact input sequence required to beat it.
Not all games exist to make you feel simple joy, it's a great game about exploration with melancholic tones which can be comfy at times. If you don't enjoy immersion, then you won't like it, not all art exists to cater to you.
Mr Eaten's name.
people calling stuff reddit in this thread really out themselves as 17 year olds
>t. 14 year old redditor who needs to go back
hurry, or you're gonna miss the latest reddit fadgame
ayup. i'm glad high school starts back up in a bit
I went and double-checked the Wiki.
Yes, that specific statue crumbles when you beat that boss.
It's 1 of 2 total unlocks from it.
Currently I'm farming Ancient Mysteries so I can buy a house.
my recorded post history on this site alone is older than you are, go back
I wish someone would make an adaptation of fallen london that isn't some shitty time gating web based dogshit.
While I feel ya, it's not as bad as you make it out to be.
It's something you check, spend 5 minutes dumping into, then leave and go do stuff and check back later.
And they're still adding to it. You just missed an event called the 6th Coil, which let us delve into the deepest part of the Labyrinth of Tigers and get a much better idea of what the fuck the tigers of yore did.
It was big.
>It's something you check, spend 5 minutes dumping into, then leave and go do stuff and check back later.
But that's the problem. That's an awful way to ingest lore and writing focused content.
If you know you're getting close to something important instead of just doing a grind, you set aside a bit of time to actually digest it. Once you get used to it, it's genuinely fine.
P-please, I-I'm dying, where is Silksong...
Did you ever waste your time for an achievement that doesn't actually exist?
is that real time or game time?
I think real time.
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boy do i have the game for you!
What are some good metroidvanias? Honestly not very picky
Axiom Verge.
Fight Knight.
Moonstone : a Hard Knight Day.
>Fight Knight.
That one barely qualifies as a metroidvania.
>Axiom Verge.
I've had these in my TODO list for a while, thanks
Valdis Story
I'm going to avoid the obvious ones
Tails of Iron
The Messenger
Oh yeah, the Messenger too. Excellent one, even if the DLC is too hard.
The Messenger ruined other metroidvanias for me with how tight its controls are that I had to take a break from the genre for a year just to reset.
Hollow Knight felt slow clunky the way people will try Monster Hunter and call it clunky because they picked GS first
10/10 highly recommend just for playing "the floor is lava" for consecutive screens
Wait, the Meesenger is a metroidvania?
I thought it was a ninja gaiden linear kind of game.
And also the music:
I actually had this discussion with a friend earlier this week.
I wouldn't call it a metroidvania because as I remember (haven't played since 2022) it's fairly linear for most of the game, then opens up in the final ~1/3 while you hunt down macguffins.
My friend equates that same linear-to-open style as how Castlevania did it, so it counts.
I'd call it metroidvania-lite as a compromise. It's a fantastic platformer regardless because again you can play the floor is lava fairly early on which I enjoyed immensely. And the music is good.
I can't really describe what else I like about it because it's things best kept as surprises.
(it's also on sale on Humble for like $4 right now)
Sounds like Monkey Hero.
I don't remember police mechas in The Messenger...
You don't remember the secret level? Weird!
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god I SUCK at Baba is (You). with that said, any other puzzle games you all like?
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took me 20 hours just to find my way to the finish without using hints and I still have two bragging rights cheevos left to get
>I wouldn't call it a metroidvania because as I remember (haven't played since 2022) it's fairly linear for most of the game
castlevania 1, 3, 4, bloodlines, the adventure, rondo/x, and harmony of dissonance are all ENTIRELY linear
and then some metroids (II, zero mission, fusion) are ALSO entirely linear, which is 3 out of the 5 total metroids actially developed by nintendo themselves
metroidvania is a retarded misnomer, at best it should be super metroid-likes, since that's the only one that actually has significant sequence breaking, let alone enough sequence breakability (albeit in certain cases, only through incredibly difficult glitches) for it to be able to be considered an open-ended game that the misnomer entails
it's currently sitting at 16 years away, because spidertroon won't go back to ředdit nor shut the fuck up with his retarded french tranny ass, you can wait that long, right?
Why is Spiderfag so powerful that he lives rentfree in that loser's head?
Talos Principle and The Witness are the good kind of not easy but not to hard that make you feel smart and they are really pretty.
INFRA is my personal hidden gem.
What was that portal like with cthulhu mythos? Antichamber? I remember trying it, and... Meh.
Antichamber is really good, I don't think it was that.
Shit I dunno.
convenient target I'd assume, he also bakes the tacticool general as well.
>come back to Wizard of Legend after I tried it years ago
>all the new types of enemies are overtuned as fuck
>some rooms look like they were specifically designed to stunlock the player into death
>new thunder area is just pure cancer and arguably harder than the final boss himself
>all the meme combos seem(?) to have been nerfed in some way because people can't have fun in a PvE game
Don't get me wrong, it's still a great game to quell my itch for wizard stuff, so I'm still gonna try to get gud, but I wish indie devs weren't so obsessed with "balance" in a single player game. And the new stage rendering the older ones completely obsolete in terms of difficulty is also something I see a lot with new side-content being introduced during late development.

Also, after a few years I expected a game like this would have carved itself some good niche following like Slay the Spire, with enough activity and content to be able to find in-depth discussion about all the different spells. But the community seems barren: I only found one single fanart of the sexy vampire doctor. That's disheartening.
No, you see, you're support to use a very specific loadout to not get effectively one-shot by stunlock. Which is why the dev nerfed this loadout because it was extremely overused. Maybe this will make players try to use other things instead.
Silksong would be far the best metroidvania and one of the best games ever even IF IT WAS FUCKING OUT
16 and a half years now
make that 17 years, samefagtroon
game is shit and one of my most regretted purchases, looks cool on the outside, plays like absolute nigger ass when you actually get your hands on it
>make that 17 years, samefagtroon
I'm the anon that laughed at you adding years to redditsong and I also added it to 17 years to another anon, you gotta relax.
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There's one for 3 and it works fine enough. Dunno about the others but the official English releases would probably make any fan TLs of those redundant.
Don't play Drox like Starsector, play it like Diablo.
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>asked by a woman who dont need no independence
I'm surprised they never added like an tundra landscape with like a yeti enemy spawn. Honestly the landscape feature of that game is so fucking cool to me, but the fact they only had like 6 and two of them were kinda lackluster makes me wish they added more.
It's morally correct to go to Looks To The Moon first
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Jesus nigger, i'm just playing your demo, i'm not your therapist
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okay i guess i am your therapist
Good for you, David
Christoper, the guy he is talking about, is doing time in prison for living illegally on public land and stealing shit from a nearby town at night for decades. There is a book about him that is actually really good, I'd recommend you read if you have the time.
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Well this is a terrifying mechanic, thank you very much

Is that what the painting is set too by default?
The door was completely closed the first time
Soon after it was all distorted
How do you save yourself?
I'm sure everything will be fine after a good night of sleep
Then why warn you of the spooky threats if just going to bed fixes it?
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Oh Jesus there is a fucking hand now
I just wanted a comfy farm game with a bit of supernatural, not fucking Evil Dead
What made you think about comfy when you saw this game?
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Pure delusion
The sunrise is nice, at least
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Friendly reminder that ghosts are powerless if you clean your room.
how is that a rain world clone? sure, i see some similarities, but it has fucking guns, mannable turrets, vehicles, many humanoid characters and it's supposed to be structured like a metroidvania.
Fuck, just more motivation for me to get my shit together.
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance plus DLCs is just 4 euros
Probably too late, but make a 2 deep moat around your garden. Rabbits are attracted to any crops you plant, and absolutely stupid enough to just fall into a hole. With enough time, you'll have plenty of meat. If you desperately need food, look for berry bushes. Grab the food and relocate the bushes themselves to your base.
I want to make top down sorta zeldalike, looking for games for inspo other than zelda. So far have crosscode and unsighted on the list, any others?
Star Tropics
Hyper Light Drifter
Crypt Custodian
Death's Door
It's a JRPG not a zeldalike, but Golden Sun
Play Star Tropics
I don't know about the others but I heard disappointing things about Tunic but I've never played it.
Angeline Era
I also heard that Hob was disappointing in around the same way Tunic was, but like Tunic, I haven't played it.
It's very autistic.
Sounds based.
>Starcom: Unknown Space
>Warpships started to appear

God damn, these bastards are insanely annoying to fight, I feel like I just stepped into a bullet hell whenever they show up, and it doesnt help that they're always in groups. Not that I dislike it to be fair, at least it a challenge of sort, as the combat is kinda easy up to now. If you want a mental image, imagine a missile boat teleporting all over the place as it send dozen of missiles, radioactive nukes and swarms of fighters at your ass, and there 2 or 3 of the bastards ganging you at once.
how UTTERLY ironic, 17 and a half years now
Is Silksong the new Half Life 3?
You struck a nerve, the redditor is vrying.
I just came here to see if there were any good new or old games to play.
half life 3 will release in a fraction of the development time of redditsong, at the rate spidertroon is going
Redditor fails at being fun or original.
Of course there is
What's it like playing Rain World with a girl?
i played thimbleweed park
it was not very fun
Not sure, but I might get that chance.
Keep me posted
play blasphemous
so funny that they're just making a hades clone for the sequel
nine sols for legitimately good combat and an involved story (that's just ok)
blasphemous for the awesome imagery and themes. blasphemous 2 is a better game but has worse atmosphere and imagery
hollow knight obviously
seems fitting to me, since the devs are talentless hacks who couldn't design their way out a paper bag, it's only proper and makes perfect that they should shamelessly trendchase like the talentless hacks they are
lizard of zizard isn't THAT bad.... it's only mediocre....
Yeah... I appreciate that they're doing something different instead of the typical "sequel" that could've just passed as a major update of the original game instead. But the essence of WoL doesn't exactly translate well into a Hades clone: so far it just looks slow, messy and uninspired, and the graphics are atrocious.

Also, I didn't want to say it, but there's something about the new bosses' designs that just reeks of the meddling hands of a DEI consultant firm to me.
I played that but there's plenty of stories not in sunless.
post them? i haven't seen the bosses. i could barely stand watching 30 seconds of the trailer on steam
4€ for KCD with all DLC is a fucking steal
Even at full price it's a steal for how good this is
You're gonna poke someone's eye out
trash game for mordhau dropouts
Already own it, still in the middle of an on and off playthrough
>3 of them out of 4 are elderly
I mean, one or two old wizards are fine and even expected with its themes, but making them almost the entirety of your roster is a bit weird?
Dunno, perhaps I'm reading too much into i-
>the only young person is a half naked black man with blue eyes and to-the-side dreadlocks

Yeah, I'm taking a wild guess but it wouldn't surprise me to find out some "consulting" has been involved in this, those firms have been sneaking around in the indie scenes for a long while now despite drama farmers only paying attention when it involves a tripleA flops.
I think part of what's setting my alarms off may be the new artstyle, but honestly you can't trust anything nowadays.
So is the escapist sale and some of the tales of. Extremely good deals right now.
the point and click pastebin is ded. gimmie p&c recs.
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>Chinks reviewbomb Book of Hours for pittiest of reasons
>Might cause DLC delay because of that
It's fucking over, yet my note making craving is growing stronger.
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What the FUCK is happening here?
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Basically fro what people gathered
>AK made Russiand and Chinese translations
>AK hired Chinese CM
>CM started telling people about new official group
>Chinks started to question if he is a CM
>CM doesn't provide any proves ( some say he does that in harsh mannor )
>They ask AK about it
>He confirms it
>They're pissed about AK hiring someone outside of their group and proceed to review bomb it
>Not wanting to get DLC in mixed or negative AK tells they might postpone release of DLC before everything sorts out
Basically, never do anything good for Chinese
Chinese translators made a mod to translate the game in Chinese. Then suddenly sent a threat to the game studio which made the game and demanded a percentage of all sales because they're "the reason why the game is popular at all" despite chinese representing less than 1% of their playerbase.
They do that all the fucking time. Don't starve had the same problem, Klei told them to fuck off and made the paid mod rules even harsher to ban their mod.
from I know of chinese culture, it probably that the company hired some chinese company for the translation, chinese translator botched up the job twice or their management embezzled the money, then they blamed the gwailo investor to act as damage control.

I mean its the Chinese, they gotta keep face no matter what, even when they're blatantly wrong.
if i make a game, then i am just not ever going to have any translations, if you can't into english like a civilized human then your bugman/subhuman ass can fuck right off, god damn
This is spot on. That's why I refuse to work with Chinese companies nowadays. They always try to screw you over and the Chinese are "patriotic" which is a very nice euphemism for ultra-nationalist zealots.
based klei
Nah, it's just that the devs hired community managers without the "consent" of the chinese community, as if someone working on their little indie game had to ask the CCP to provide community managers instead of hiring one themselves.
It's always the same thing with the chinese, you want to sell your shit in China? Better be ready to give them full control your product.
You should've cropped out the 2nd review. I cringed so hard I almost permanently contorted my face.
That's literally the law in China. They're literally that authoritarian.
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So in Noita, if I've fungal shifted and am currently waiting on the second one, what does the eye effect appearing on its own without a shift occurring indicate?
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This feels like a really janky solution but it worked so
What is Baba suppose to be? A hamster?
Dear Baker,
Please stop copypasting the shitty non-working "(embed)" links, it aggravates my autism.
Love, Anon
You are high on shrooms. The walls are looking at you funny. Ignore them.
sheep rabbit
I mean, I'll happily ignore them until they decide the world needs more lava while I'm accidentally holding my water flask
Fuck, just as I posted this they chose blood instead of the acid I was holding. Guess I'll see what's haapened soon enough
>Take drug
>See things that aren't real
I don't know anon. You tell me.
A cute
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>Third shift is toxic rock, that's convenient
>Die because I had a tiny amount of health and a robot showed up between me and the portal (Noita moment)
>Next run: first fungal shift claims be silver but actually turns fungus INTO silver
I... don't think the game wants me to mess around with fungus any more
When a material is announced, it is one of the 2 materials in a Shift, not necessarily only the material being changed.
my first ascension 20 after 3 years of casual play. time eater is easier than a hallway fight.
good job faggot anon
Feel free to make the new thread next time.
Iirc you have to wait a minute or two for the fungal shift to triggers and apply (cant fungal shift 3 times in a row back to back ie), seeing the eye is just a visual effect that mean you reached the treshold for if to happens
Is no one playing Core Keeper? I'm finding it pretty fun so far
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I don't have a friend to play it with
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Played it a bit. Found rock. Mined it with a stolen tin pick. Saw that I was running out of food. Panicked and quit.
Played it a bit. Found a giant slime monster. Nearly died and quit cause I realized "I need to actually set aide a chunk of time for this game."
reached basically the last stage of this challenge run in evolve
being a slime still sucks
i need to make 80 veil rippers in order to destroy the universe. they take mana, crystals, and infernite. veil rippers themselves create mana so that's not a problem, and crystals i can just buy off the market (which is good because producing them normally sucks and absolutely nothing scales it)
the problem is infernite. infernite is fucking slow. i'm getting 5 per second, and i need maybe thirty thousand average for each veil ripper
one i can improve is having more scavengers, but a: they die off constantly even with total demon suppression because the scavenger combat algorithm is kinda fucked up and b: they cost plywood, which needs to slowly be crafted
the other thing is more sensor drones to make each scavenger suck less, but those take growing piles of adamantite which, again, is fucking slow and itself is a pain to improve gains for
oh yeah and also every veil ripper i finish applies a global penalty to resource gain. it's pretty small at least
Steam space exploration fest is going
you guys never told me that indie games were all made by one studio
Star Trucker releasing tomorrow is probably the big ticket for the event.
On the bright side, that means your grind is hard capped at a week more or less.
yeah, it's better than when i tried true path without nearly enough shit for it
it was absolutely miserable trying to push through encrypted data. here at least there's a visible end and i'm making consistent progress
You know too much.
I should probably come back to Evolve Idle some time. I bounced off it at some point and can't recall why.
Oh shit new underspace update too
Hell yeah, motherfucker.
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lacuna. pretty comfy. good music. dialogue is nothing to write home about so far. good graphics; you get the glare on your face whenever you walk past a bright neon news screen.
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let's hope the noir schtick gets better
>Actual party member stuff
>still no word on romancing
So I just finished Starcom: Unknown Space, so here a small review I guess;
Kind of okay, top down view of space where most of the combat is relatively simple dog fighting, nothing ground breaking but it provide enough liberties that you can make more or less any ship you want, but it is annoying how certain ressources are super rare which make getting late game stuff a pain in the ass to get, ie I never even upgraded my ship to the last tier because id have to grind ressources to trade for them which would have cost me tons of stuff. But otherwise it did the job just fine as far as gameplay required given the story and context. Also the fact you can customize your ship how you see fit is nice, and allow you to build one which usage please you.
Surprisingly good, I mean its kind of basic scifi babble but it provide an interesting context for the game, long story short you and a few humans are stuck in an alternate universe after and you gotta figure a way out, so there is incentive to thoroughly explore since you dont know anything, and most of the factions you encounter are original and fleshed out in a way that it isnt black n white morality, and youre given liberties with how to approach them.

Overall id give a 8/10, probably more worth getting in a sale if exploration isnt your cup of tea, but if it is then I suspect you'll like it. Or just wait for a pirated version and try it out then.
Isn't the main character asexual?
Nah, it's more like, they can't get a wife because wives fitting him don't exist naturally.
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looking for something that scratches the same itch as project zomboid. loved the concept but it's clunky all around
most would be alternatives I've found are too forgiving when not straight up having you be a killing machine
I just want to scavenge, craft, secure bases while fighting to live another day
Can think of some games but they're pretty shit.
I'll just stick with PZ if I can't find any, but it really is a real shame how there's no modern alternative
this game has been in development for what, 10+ years now? i'ts still clunky as hell and you just know it will never be finished

something about retaking the city one building at a time would be great too, never found anything like it either
>i'ts still clunky as hell and you just know it will never be finished
they said the same about 7 Days to Die and that's finally in 1.0
though the jury's still out on whether or not they did it simply to say they reached 1.0 and bump up the price of the game
There's always CDDA, or the Bright Nights if you want less "realism" autism.
18 years now
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For half a second I thought that a Slugcat might make a cute pet.
Then I realized it would be just like a regular cat, except it would also get slime everywhere, throw shit at random insects that might enter my home and the proceed to drown in the toilet
too smart to be a good pet, like having a monkey
it would get into everything and make a mess of your cabinets
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I mean, maybe State of Decay? I hesitate to recommend it because it filtered me hard.
Any good recent point and clicks?
STASIS: BONE TOTEM depending on your definition of recent.
what the fuck is cm? what does any of this mean?
AK: Alexis Kennedy, Fallen London, Sunless Sea, Cultist Simulator, Book of Hours
CM: Community Manager

there's a big drama in the chinese community for BoH because apparently the new community manager didn't approach the fanbase over there a way they appreciated and started review bombing the game on steam, delaying the new DLC release because releasing when you have a higher review score helps with steam showing it to more people
All I understand is that Chinese want to have a special treatment because they're unique snowflakes.
I'm going to be really fucking lax with "recent"
>The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
>Submachine Legacy
>Deep Sleep : Labyrinth of the Forsaken SOON
Me with my seven foot tall futa wolf gf
Sometimes I buy stuff on a whim, but is there any good indie games? Mostly simple/cheaper ones for horror
>pay more for a downgraded version of a game you already own
i understand that its mostly for steam deck users but still funny
>but is there any good indie games
check with /horg/
Nine Sol, yay or nay
>37% of all porn
Pornographies Georg...
Yeah I assume so.
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fitting given thread op
OneShot is the most overrated and unmemorable game I have ever had the displeasure of spending time with
Will we ever learn what horrid shit the baldomerian did?
How can we have had a full fucking year without a single good game
Played Dungeons and degenerates gamblers. It didn't take long to beat a main run. I'm kinda mixed on it. The graphics were an improvement from the demo, but the music got a downgrade with them trying to make unique versions of the track using some really bad instruments. The gameplay is mostly the same as the demo, honestly felt like the demo had more playstyles so far.

I mean there is some stuff you can do infinitly and it breaks the game, then there is stuff in the late game where almost every card is 21, so a certain playstyle is required to even win near the end. Either you win on turn one of a fight, or it takes 20+.

I don't really know what to think about it. I might end up refunding it, I really don't know.
I'm enjoying Blasphemous 2. Enemy placement relative to the terrain seems very thoughtful
>7.4% of players have beaten Tactical Breach Wizards, according to steam achievements
>3.6% have the achievement for damaging the final boss with every party member
What are you scrubs even doing? Don’t know how to use all your characters?
I don't even know what that game is. I just saw it mentioned like twice in this thread, likely by you now that I think of it.
There is a ton of reason why players could drop a game before the end.
Get a trip, thanks.
Those two achievements are both for completing the game. I’m surprised that so many players got one but not the other.

So close to quads. Maybe next time.
Believe it or not, this is extremely common in games to have those weird discrepancies. Tons of ways that could be explained.
Okay, well, let me post a little of stuff I tried.
Dragon Eclipse - $10 do not get. Had a good demo but dev trashed the balance currently with new enemies. Wait for new update or maybe more future updates. Discord currently sits dead, not looking promising.
Cataclismo - there's nothing wrong with it, I just realized while I was playing it that the combination of mechanics wasn't hooking me. I was also hoping the "build your own structures" part would be more fun but I wasn't having fun with that part when I did get to it.
Dungeons and Degenerate Gamblers - pushes Blackjack to its breaking point. Getting a game going can be a bit hit or miss depending on the deck, games usually take about an hour or so to complete. Good for short burst gameplay. Luck Be A Landlord is more fun for longer plays though.

Looking for more roguelike deckbuilders. Tried playing Across the Obelisk but it's very slow and clunky. It's like someone took the the good parts of Slay the Spire, put everyone on one team, and then made the actual level portion really slow and irritating. Building the deck is fun, but since the encounters can take so long and some of them are just "well there is no way to lose!" at the start, it can get real boring real fast and they lock the madness modifiers from the start.

So, yeah, I was looking at Knock on the Coffin Lid and Vault of the Void but I can only afford one or the other.
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Glad you're having fun, Anon.
I am having flashbacks.
But not of this part.
That fucking pegasus...
It's not a perfect game by any stretch, but it's still good. Fun combat with multiple playstyles, believable characters, good story, great visuals. Exploration and world are kind of bad, and traversal is tedious until you get the upgrades
I really loved the three weapon system from that game. Not only is each one designed in a very charismatic way, but they also managed to perfectly encapsulate the 3 main fighting styles people tend to gravitate to imo.
I just found an interesting detail in disco elysium. When you force kim to wear the pissfaggot jacket, it's uncensored if you have homo-sexual underground internalized but it stays censored if you don't.
Metroidvaniabros I just found this at the very bottom of the upcoming releases section, 2026 release date, it looks awesome.
you don't have to act like this. if you wanna shill your game then shill it
I just like posting upcoming games that I think are worth keeping an eye on, like a month or so ago I found some cool indev horror games and posted them in /horg/. Here’s the one I’m looking forward to the most.
Are you in hard mode?
LM2 also has this but on steroids
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Where is this statement? Somewhere on reddit or on their site?
Weather Factory reddit
Eh, I just wish DLC is on time
Gonna depend on either steam's willingness to purge the shit reviews or the chinese deleting them themselves.
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I dunno if there'll ever be an opportune time to post this image so fuck it.
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fucking chinks
Dont worry, we're still getting one kino game within the year: Silksong
What the fuck did I miss. Why would a niche card game for autists cause internet drama?
bumaxxing and debating wheter or not to buy an indie game at full price instead of during a sale (the game costs 5 euros)
The weather factory games are apparently pretty influential in china and a few retards got annoyed that the dev appointed some random chinese guy as community manager instead of someone from the chinese community (which the dev didn't know a thing about) and so a minority of dumb retards got annoyed.
I'll say this though, at least the chinese people complaining seem passionate about the game, it's not the same kind of opportunistic and ideological review bombing we see here whenever there's a black woman or a lack of gays in a game no one has played.
book of hours is like the last game I'd expect to be a thing in china and start this kind of dumb pettty chink controversy
>the game costs 5 euros
yeah but on sale that could be TWO games!
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This game sure is pretty. And I was surprised how good it even looked on my semi-shit rig back on release before the new update.
Nowaday it looks like shit tho senpai
>Secret Histories Games are popular in China
Huh, that's something I wouldn't have expected.
Kinda feel for the WF team, this isn't something I would want to deal with as a small team working on getting out a DLC for my passion project
Chinese are even worse than American.
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You think so? I like it. Except for that weird blur that sets in in the distance.
Though I admit I don't remember how the game looked before to compare.
Also my screenshots don't really do it justice because of image compression I assume. It looks better in motion
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Well I don't, therefore it's horrible and literally worse than shit.
Pic related is waaaaaaaay better.
Fancy expensive graphics aside, I don't think any game does nature better
Legend of Grimrock?
That's a completely different style though I'm not sure you should really compare the two. They look good for different reasons and try to achieve different goals. It's like saying Klimt looks better than some Baroque painter or whatever
It's definitely great, I especially enjoy all the marshy areas of Velen.
Though in terms of nature I think one of my favorites might even be Kingdom Come, just because it's a little more "down to earth". I remember commuting between two random quests in that game and really getting the urge to just shut down the game and go on a hike in a forest
>Being disingenuous comparing cell shading to photorealistic graphics

Anon please, if you attempt to troll, it help not being obvious as hell. I dont even think the webm you posted look bad.
I never said it looked bad :^)
except for the monster killing me way too quickly
I absolute hate la mulana, I love the concept, but the execution is suffering.
Many such stories among indie games.
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Have you played Wildfrost, Cobalt Core, and Chrono Ark?
This is racist but sadly true.
>community managers are the literal face of the company
>hire an uber retardo to be your CM
>proceed to act surprised when shit hits the fan
>many such cases!
at this point I feel like game devs, especially small-to-indie size, would be better off not having day-to-day CM positions that deal with reddit, discord, or wherever else. A first-party site forum, sure, but even that should just be forum moderation.
CMs whose job involves daily responses and interactions with these scum we call "gamers" only ever cause problems because people are reactionary fucktards that want answers to questions every single day, but damn you to hell if you give me an answer I don't like.
But then again I'm biased because the CMs I've observed most belong to /coopg/ games and let me tell you how much I've come to hate Sweden
story time?
You think you want this but you really don't. Not having someone to scope out the socials means that you're running blind. The whole reason this drama started was because they were unaware of what was going on in one of their communities. In addition, CMs are basically the fall guys, without them people start blaming devs (note how you hate CMs but not the devs who hired them and decided on all their policies).
Nah, in this case, the chinks were at fault for being disgustingly entitled.
Aw, star truckers kind of sucks
To surprise of absolutely noone, a space game without 6dof controls, an unoriginal gimmick, tackled-on playway first person repairs and complete and utter lack of substance or any originality beyond "but what if there were country truckers in SPACE??"
I don't know what you expected, honestly.
>(note how you hate CMs but not the devs who hired them and decided on all their policies)
I grant your point on a general industry level, but for Fatshark and Arrowhead Games specifically I know them both well enough that I hate them in their entirety.
Fatshark is a masterclass in how incompetent an entire studio can be and still make money because you have no true competition. Arrowhead Games's CEO couldn't stop telling everyone on Twitter about all the cool features they had to drop to bring the game to launch (at the same time insulting their players), and every patch since month 2 has made the game worse because they have a professional game assassin as their lead balance dev.
Both studios have bad CMs, but there's not enough smoke in the world to cover up the garbage. Sweden keeps catching lightning in a bottle and all they can do is build a pile of shit to put it on top of.
Anyone got any tips for peglin?
Is that some new homo sexual practice?
I'll put a pegl in your ass you ask any more stupid questions
I bought Bloodstained RotN like a year ago for twelve bucks and only just started playing it, it’s mediocre at best (and ugly, and really grating with how many dull cutscenes it has and how shit the voiceacting is). Why do some people suck it off so hard? Is it really just because Iga made it?
Shame. Though I have to admit I didn't really like the aesthetic anyway. Wish they would have gone with Cowboy Bebop like truck design
>without 6dof controls
Wait, really? I played the demo and vaguely remember that having 6dof. Or was it just 5?
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I'm going to make a lasagna now, wish me luck
good luck making your lasaga
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Good luck.
How can pegging be homosexual? There's a girl involved!
Ask spiderfag
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I fucking love that game.
So oddly chill.
Tried the demo to Wildfrost, did not like the lane + system for your own guys attacking. Unless they improved on it, I wouldn't pay money for it. Same for Cobalt Core and that demo, a lesser FTL + lane positioning wouldn't do it for me.

I pirated Chrono Ark and got stuck on the "death" boss. I wasn't able to lock down its abilities or shit out enough damage to keep it before it killed me. (Think it was called the Reaper?) I might try again because there was unlocks and I may have just built my decks poorly.
TV series and multi-part movies/books are just Early Access, yet no one complains about those.
Not really, because most of these are produced all at once then distributed at a slow pace to generate more revenue and clout, with a few exceptions. I guess webnovel, webcomics and mangas and similar would fit that description better given they're literally parts of a greater arching story which use the format to lower the strain upon the writer/artists who make it, sometimes even axing the story before its finished because of lack of interest by the author.
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Games I'm looking forward.
>Monster Hunter Wilds
>Space Marine 2
>Grim Dawn dlc
>Tavern Keeper

Recent games that I'm sad I waste neetbucks on it
>Hell Divers 2

Remember to like and subscribe to my blog.
Nah, the equivalent would be the first drafts or test episodes. Season/book/movie 1 isn't an early development version of season/book/movie 2, it's a continuation of a single story.
What's Avorion?
Space lego game.
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>wasted money
>Helldivers 2
I feel that one
Avorion could have been so comfy with better build mechanics.
what >>493022087 said. And also it's not like when episode 6 comes out you have to go rewatch episode 2, because they decided to change the second half of that
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So I was given this game for free cause I really wanted it but rn I'm on a binge playing thru my smaller (i.e. shorter) indie games. If I start this fucker, how many hours should I expect to pump in my first run? I'm the kind of gaymer who's first playthroughs are LONG because either I ramp up the difficulty, explore a lot, or a combo of depending on the game.
>Monster Hunter Wilds
Absolutely same. You might say, I can just go play World, but it's just not the same somehow.
>Tavern Kepper
Man I'm so on the lookout for games where you run your own shop or something along those lines, but somehow most of them turn out kinda whatever to the point where I don't even bother giving them a try.
>Hell Divers 2
I've clocked 60h in that, at least half of it with friends and I honestly think it was worth it, even if I don't ever touch that game again Did they ruin it further?

I'm mostly excited for
>Book of Hours DLC
>Gloomwood and maybe REKA 1.0
20-30h easily. I don't know how long it took me, because I played the game for free, but it's a long one and you ideally want to play through it in one go
Full playthrough with all the side stuff is like 40+ hours.
>play game for 30h
>take break for multiple months
>don't feel like continuig, because I've forgotten where I was in the story, what I wanted to do next, etc
>don't feel like starting fresh because that's losing quite some progress and also I might just burn out again
currently going through this cycle with Vagrus
>but it's a long one and you ideally want to play through it in one go
Wait, are you saying DE is good for one run? So basically like a story-driven game?

FUG. I may wait on it then cause I'm not in the right mood to play it atm. Take you haven't done another run then?
Yeah that's EXACTLY why I'm asking because I don't want to be here yet once again. Maybe I'm getting old but some games are just too damn long sometimes.
>>Hell Divers 2
>I've clocked 60h in that, at least half of it with friends and I honestly think it was worth it, even if I don't ever touch that game again Did they ruin it further?
I have around 10 hours. Friendless. The only thing it keeps getting are nerfs to guns.
It is story driven but there are a bunch of variables that will probably make you want to replay to see some different outcomes. (It takes into account so much little shit, like for example an important character you meet early on recognizes you by your clothes, but if on replay you don't wear those clothes, he has an alternative line of dialogue and that's just a minor example).
But what I meant is that you don't want to take breaks from the game to play something else, so you don't lose the plot so to say
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Last month's war bond brought with it some new flamethrower-type weapons.
In preparation for that, they nerfed how flamethrower effects work (i.e. the actual thrown flame and not ambient fire on the ground) so that the crowd control weapon that was already lacking in crowd control has even less crowd control.
Then they forgot why they originally nerfed chargers and buffed chargers.
Then they nerfed a bunch of player weapons while generally making enemies stronger.
And every patch still has a list of "known bugs" that includes bugs that have been known for months, including some in the game since launch.
Ask /coopg/ or /hdg/ for more info, they'll be happy to rant about how much Arrowhead is doing to drive people away.
>In preparation for that, they nerfed how flamethrower effects work
But flamethrowers already sucked.
>The only thing it keeps getting are nerfs to guns
Fucking hell. This is the exact problem Warframe had. The game starts out with a decent roster of guns, but you need to either make every new gun the best gun in the game or nerf the existing ones down, so players have a reason to pick up the new ones. This is the exact reason I dislike games with too many weapons
>they nerfed how flamethrower effects
huh, I remember saying that Helldivers 2 was one of the few games that had a good feeling flamethrower, I guess that might not be the case anymore then.
Sounds like a disaster either way. I remember my group quit the game around the time where there was some bug that made one player die randomly all the time because his gun was somehow bugged. At least that's what we thought
>you don't want to take breaks from the game to play something else, so you don't lose the plot so to say
Right. Ok well I'm not starting DE cause that could happen then

>(It takes into account so much little shit, like for example an important character you meet early on recognizes you by your clothes, but if on replay you don't wear those clothes, he has an alternative line of dialogue and that's just a minor example).
That's fucking neato either way
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>Fucking hell. This is the exact problem Warframe had.
The problem, at least with the latest warbond is that even the new relased guns are pre-nerfed. Like the other anon said. Is a big brain move to nerf the mechanic which your new weapons use.

I would have refunded it but I realize I played more than 2 hours and Steam told me no. Played a bit more but anything over D4 with randoms is 60% chance of failing the mission. And for some reason samples are difficulty gated. Which I really hate because on the first game I could get all the unlocks playing low difficulty missions with randoms.
>flamethrowers already sucked
Correct, but at least it could do things like damage multiple enemies at once and burn through armor (see the favored strat of torching charger legs) when you weren't accidentally setting yourself on fire. The FLAM-40 wasn't the most powerful support weapon, but it was fun and viable. Now it's useless.
The exact wording was buried in the "Miscellaneous fixes" section of the Escalation of Freedom patch notes
>Adjusted flame effects to work more realistically.
>It doesn't go through various bodies/objects where bounce off would be the expected behavior, like on armors and static objects.
What this means is you can't burn the legs of chargers, and the flame won't penetrate even the smallest of bugs to burn the ones behind them. One of many changes in the name of realism that, as always, only make the player experience less enjoyable.
But don't worry, it's plenty realistic that the automatons can still shoot you through solid terrain if they stick their gun barrel into it, and that bile titan heads sometimes, for no reason, become immune to damage. We can't bugfix the enemies until we finish nerfing the players in the name of realism.
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and for what it's worth, here's my time played. I started playing on the launch weekend and lost interest after however many bad patches. I originally was just planning on take a break and wait for Illuminates so I'm not burned out when they arrive, but at this point I'm not so sure Illuminates alone would bring me back.
>75 GB
Fuck sake.
people suck off curse of the moon, not rotn. play that instead
also the ugly graphics and shit voice acting is just castlevania in a nutshell. the japs love that gross ass low poly muddy 2.5d style
what the fuck did freddy arrowhead do
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>anything over D4 with randoms is 60% chance of failing the mission
D7 ended up being my comfy spot, even with three randos. I couldn't care enough to constantly tryhard for D9, and D8 suffers from that strange symptom of bad randos where all the people too scared to try the hardest difficulty gravitate to the second hardest and just make it a bad time (but still think they're gods who're never to blame for their own deaths). D7 was chill enough that, in most cases, one properly-equipped diver could carry a bad situation, but not so difficult that this was a regular thing.
Downside? Only 3 super samples, but everyone was there for that reason so everyone was looking very hard for them.

This was back in the first 3-6 weeks after launch. They finally got out a balance and content patch around all the server issues, and one of the first things they did was nerf the very popular railgun.
Fredrick then spends a day on reddit "discussing" the changes with players by insulting them, calling their complaints "skill issues," offering advice like "maybe try a lower difficulty," and generally acting like he was actually posting on /vg/, all while using his official AHGS account.
Somehow he got away with doing this all day, and then the next day at 5AM Sweden local time he got woken up to make that not-really-an-apology post and had his social media rights rescinded.
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here's my occasional post of coming soon (tm) games. some of these may actually be out already. i know arc seed is out, but that's the extent of my knowledge. hope you guys find something to add to your list
A good 40 hours, also dont be too worried about the implied time limit, you'll have plenty of time to explore every nook and cranny of Revachol.
>Play game
>Enjoy it thoroughly
>Be cursed with the vivid memory of my experience for ages, making any replay even years later empty of that feeling of discovery because I'll instantly remember it all

It was hard playing A Way Out with my cousin because of that, still managed to play the fool butbI felt dirty afterward.
but are there any good gaems out now?
arc sneed is about the only one released on that list
...it's a "coming soon" list. the entire point is that they're not out yet.
go play nine sols then
Good games aren't real
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I like the humor in this game.
didn't mean as a jab, i've just played everything that interested me already and currently relapsing
meant for >>493039180
oh. all good then. no, idk. i've just been playing slay the spire and deadlock on repeat. all 5 indie games i've tried within the last 1-2 months have severely disappointed me. gonna try intravenous sometime soon since i got it for free on steam. i recommended nine sols since it's the last genuinely good indie game i played (i did play cocoon after it, and while i liked it, it was kind of too short and one-note to be a worthwhile mention)
What games did you try and not like?
Statement PR letters are fucking cringe.
It appears that even chinese fandoms are as atrocious as the english ones.
Some parts are fine.
>It appears that even chinese fandoms are as atrocious as the english ones.
Why the fuck would they be any better?
this is me >>492082945
if you want a brief rundown:
>dread delusion
the world didn't capture me. it felt imaginative but in a rather soulless way. i just wasn't interested in exploring. plus, i thought it'd be more like lunacid (which is mediocre but still mostly enjoyable), but it wasn't
extremely boring setting. killing-machine-tier upgrades and 50 million consumables in a survival horror. no actual horror aside from "humans and war are the true horrors of this world." at least give me some sort of zombie outbreak in a bunker
>chrono ark
just made me wish i was playing either slay the spire or darkest dungeon instead
>void stranger
actually liked it and it had a lot of cool stuff going for it, but the gameplay mechanics were a bit too simple to warrant me doing 250 levels of the same thing over and over again. also, maybe i'm wrong, but to me it seemed like it incentivized multiple playthroughs, which i think is retarded in a puzzle game. if you wanna do that just make a quirky earthbound rpg with the sokoban stuff for the gameplay in between
>penny's big breakaway
no camera control in a 3d platformer means it's automatically bad. also starting your run felt like trudging through the mud for 1.5 seconds before you actually reach max speed, which feels awful
You never know, it could've been cultural retardation.
Finally 100% Spelunky 2's chevos. Now there's just the endless grind to reach the end of Cosmic Ocean...
Any anons here played Crying Suns, and if so, what is your opinion on it?

Personally I liked it, kind of like FTL but more story driven (surprisingly good story too) and battles are more fun than expected.
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Oh right, forgot about Nine Sols. It was nice.
I liked it yet i just can't bring myself to play it
It's decent but hardly compelling
I should probably try again
Is that the game being made by TrainWiz?
Try to unlock one of the alternative ship, I personally quite liked the green dudes one, iirc the gimmick is that your smaller ship cant be repaired but you have way faster resupply, so its more fast paced and you end up saving tons of ressource, allowing you quite a lot of freedom in what you send to battle while not having to care at all if they get btfo.
Does the game have enough content to justify buying it?
I'm gonna download the demo and try it out. I loved playing Freelancer as a kid.
I've gotten about 115 hours of it now and still don't have everything by a long shot especially with the new update
In Nine Sols, after I rescued the village from an attack, the little kid disappeared from my base. I then did the quest with the fat guy to save a poisoned villager, and he still hasn't come back. I hadn't given him all the possible gifts, does he come back later, or did I fuck myself from getting the achievement? There doesn't seem to be any proper guides for this game, yet.
are you sure he's gone? i don't remember him ever disappearing
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I've been playing too, it's really good! I've beaten the slime and the worm so far, and have a neat lil base going with a few NPCs.
I just set up a buch of drills around a few different ore boulders, that was a great challenge which feels like it's really going to pay off in the long run.
I have a solid and steady supply of food via farming, and my next goal is an automatic wood farm. Then, probably the third boss.
Really enjoying the game so far, feels very clean and simple but has depth in all the right places. Always something tangible to work towards next.
If you like survival-crafting-exploration-bossrush games this one's a banger!
What's wrong with Helldivers 2?
Yeahhh just wait until you get pink negro stronk wimminx party member, the writing takes a dive after that moment
Devs can't balance for shit
How's the farming?
>devs can't balance
>devs can't bugfix
>muh selective realism
>still haven't fired the Serb
I'm convinced they want the game to fall down to the same numbers Helldivers 1 just for how much easier it is to manage
Never mind, I'm retarded and he was in one spot I didn't check.
How to find a woman with hips and thighs like Jen?
game suffers from extreme variety issue
all the swords are the same, all magic weapons are the same, most enemy variants are the same, gameplay loop past first 2 areas is the same
it's stupidly grindy
Dude, spoiler. Obviously I was still on Act 1 when I posted that image.
this might be kind of specific but I was reading Children of Time and with the space Steam sale going on, is there any ggame with nonhuman races where interaction is more than just trading or fighting? Like a cultural exchange kind of thing. The closest I can think of is maybe Mass Effect
mm. there's a couple space roguelikes (traditional roguelikes) that have that. also the ftl multiverse mod has a lot more racial/cultural events and dialogue
>Wait, are you saying DE is good for one run? So basically like a story-driven game?
Depends on you. I replayed it like I reread some books but I also know some peope hate the sleight of hand it does regarding its content.
Children of time is a good book.
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you know something really simple that i thought was super special about animal well? it had a flute that you can play songs on. i miss when zelda games did this. more indie games should be doing this. incorporate an instrument you can play. even if you only get a couple songs that do random things. it's such a fun little mechanic
What are they called?

It is, I've been spending more time reading it than playing games. I think it's because sometimes a play session isn't "fun" but an interesting story can be more engaging right away.

Tried playing Monster Train some more, man the Hellhorne spell cards kind of suck. Am I not using them correctly?
The playerbase is made of massive faggots who want to clear the highest difficulties with a pistol and zero deaths.

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