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Forza Insiders Edition
Alpha-testing is now official Timeline
Nerea Marti is our girl Arc
Prev >>490666824

> Clubs
"4cvg" in FH4, "4ch" in FH5, none in FM

> Communication
Lobby chat in the Xbox App, post xbox id setting https://i.imgur.com/lIB6A1u.png in https://account.xbox.com/settings first
Discussion chat on Discord, ask for invite in the lobby

> Rivals
FM Weekly starting every Sun 16:00 UTC

> Community
News https://forza.net/news/
Support https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us

> Emulation

> Gameplay
FM cardb https://www.kudosprime.com/fm/carlist.php
FH5 cardb https://kudosprime.com/fh5/carlist.php
FH5 map https://guides4gamers.com/forza-horizon-5/maps/

> Media
Howto https://pastebin.com/raw/2uWDEQZL
Video recaps https://pastebin.com/raw/7kkHBder
Music stations https://pastebin.com/raw/qtwbwkaJ

> OP Template
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*Enters thread*
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Week 45 of /forza/ Rivals is over!
The top 3 players this week are:
>1st - JohnFender1420, 25pts!
>2nd - Semobii, 18pts!
>3rd - QuitStalkingMe, 15pts!
This weeks winner is JohnFender1420! Congratulations to him and a big thank you to everyone who participated!
Here are the standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=962562965#gid=962562965

This week on /forza/ Rivals - Week 46

And now, we finally arrived to the season finale! This challenge was suggested earlier by one of you and i forgot about it, we supposed to do it after the F1 Silverstone GP. But fuck it, better late than never! Go out there and finish this season with a banging lap!

>Track: Silverstone Full
>Car: Ferrari #1 Scuderia Ferrari 641 '90
>Class: X
>Upgrades and tuning: ALLOWED!
>PI limit: X999!

Here's something to beat: [YouTube] /forza/ Rivals Week 46: Ferrari #1 Scuderia Ferrari 641 '90, X Class, 1st attempt, 01:45.703
Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=1522268954#gid=1522268954
FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit#gid=707343726
Reply to this post with a clip of your run!
Rivals suggestions are always welcome.

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Now, let's take a look at the standings!
Biggest news of the week: *Trump voice activated* yet another week without a win for Semobii! I walked in and saw that this guy still haven't won a week, "Little Baby Semobii NoWins", that's what people call him i heard. Wow, what a joke, how is he still winning this season?!
Also in the news: the fight for P3 is happening right now, and AllowedSiren15 has a chance to get on podium if he absolutely demolishes billy1kraut! But can he do it? We'll see!
Also a huge shoutout to QuitStalkingMe, he had a pretty strong showing again, i'm sure he'll be a Season 5 title contender!
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>American fatties let the thread die
freaking mongs
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It's over.
run uncapped first, it is easiee to see you can't replicate something when held back
would it be possible to record inputs and have the game replay the inputs again to get the "same lap" twice?
or use the ai driver, but they are not super consistent either and might not be able to push hard enough to make the difference
i think sections like suzuka esses will make it most obvious as there is no line extensions because it compromises next corner, i like tuning handling cars there
286 alpha testers
cant work because framerates and spaghetti code
only trackmania u can do dat reliable
wake up
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Antonelli, guy who's gonna get Hamilton's seat in 2025.
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>Ongoing Improvements to Forza Race Regulations
Recently we increased the internal resources we have available for Forza Race Regulations and its machine learning systems. In simple terms, these changes mean we’re able to update Forza Race Regulations with new changes more frequently than we could in the past. We’re also now able to include more data in those updates, and more detailed information in each data packet.
>In the months ahead, our goal is to refine and continuously iterate on the data model for Forza Race Regulations to improve the overall accuracy and consistency of its race adjudication and the penalties it distributes to drivers.
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to be honest if ai was handling f1 stewarding it would be more consistent than their current human stewards
horizon 6 where?
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I will not give up on you brother
i want to see me_and_anthonyfarelo_enjoying_playing_forza_together.jpg
we miss antony
>tough livery guy got banned
it can't get any more wholesome than this
not again
still banned
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you mean california, right anon?
*dabs on group 1*
Chris Esaki will never recover from this
Isn't asking for money against the american way of life r something?
Sounds like communism,
not my prob-
lap 10 already? jesus
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truck update when
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forza more like
fatza gottem
los negros de la fuerza del horizonte
What pressure is optimal for the sport tires?
Los negros de la fuerza del horizonte 2
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no.... not like this...
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y u do dis
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Meanwhile Reddit cries on Forza forums to enable ghosting for the first lap because race start collisions are too unrealistic
Don't mind me, just wasting space
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do you tune your girlfriend, /forza/?
>western women look more disgusting than shitty western art
ben 10
El hilo de la fuerza del horizonte cinco en el canal cinco
También hablamos de la fuerza del deporte de motor
El hilo de la fuerza del horizonte seis en el canal cinco, la franja de gaza
Tambien hablamos de la fuerza del deporte de motor, en este caso la octava entrega, creada por Chris Esaki desde cero, a punto de salir de la version alfa, un año despues del lanzamiento
Half the map is alpine passes à la Monte Carlo Rallye
forza stock tire pressure, visualized
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it looks like the Forza Horizon 6 map leaked, fellas
posting with spoilers to not ruin the fun
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Sorry posted wrong pic.
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>bilma cross country in hiluxes for the 7th week running
i want to get off this wild ride
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ai that can actually race? wtfwt
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Why don't they just pay some dude from India to be the AI? Seems like a cheap solution.
no ai
they are hiring mexicans now to play as bots
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ai=actual indians
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Lizzy was fine back in the day
la fuerza del horizonte y la fuerza del deporte de motor estan en la casa
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Why is there no Monza in FM
DLC. Please deposit 20 USD to unlock.
theres SOOO many games with Monza in it, it's been done to death
how many other games have Hakone, Grand oak, maple valley, huh? HUH!?
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How did Motorsports catch the realism of real racing so well?
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nooo we need ghosting everywhere and this doesnt happen iny my 3 letter league
what the fuck was that lmao
did they suddenly forgot how to drive all at once?
Still no FM on the Deck
I doesn't even work on PC yet.
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no quali bros, he is one of us
allowedsiren15 - 1:43.270
Standings updated!
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Week 46 and Season 4 of /forza/ Rivals is over!
This was a weird but interesting season overall! Semobii managed to win his second title WITHOUT scoring a single win in last 10 weeks! Was it intentional or not - we'll never know. But it's fun to imagine that it WAS intentional.
Couple of highlights of the season - billy1kraut managing to get his first win in Rivals, and it felt very weird, to be honest!
JohnFender1420 put up a hell of a fight but still couldn't overtake Semobii overall, but the pace is there so i think that Season 5 will be more competitive and eventful for him!
JardinAtomico came back, last time seen in Season 1, and he managed to do a very-very good lap in week 44!
And, finally, QuitStalkingMe, the new rising star of Rivals Championship, he showed a great pace and bravery in last three weeks, so next season will probably be not so easy for Semobii or JohnFender1420!
Now, let me say, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU ALL WHO CAME IN AND PARTICIPATED! There is no Rivals championship without you! You make it happen! Thank you!

Here are the final scores of the season 4:
>P1 Semobii, 171pts!
>P2 JohnFender1420, 153pts!
>P3 billy1kraut, 111pts!
>P4 AllowedSiren15, 104pts!
>P5 Sizzleby, 74pts!
>P6 LonerHC, 70pts!
>P7 QuitStalkingMe, 55pts!
>P8 settiesa5847, 55pts!
>P9 JardinAtomico, 15pts!

Now, season is over, and it means that next two weeks are gonna be meme weeks, so chill out, relax, but mentally prepare yourselves for Season 5!

Next post will be a meme week rivals anchor!
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Week 46 of /forza/ Rivals is over!
The top 3 players this week are:
>1st - LonerHC, 25pts!
>2nd - Semobii, 18pts!
>3rd - QuitStalkingMe, 15pts!
This weeks winner is LonerHC! Congratulations to him and a big thank you to everyone who participated!
Here are the standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=1522268954#gid=1522268954

This week on /forza/ Rivals - Week 47

The Season is over, this means we are going back to meme weeks! First meme week after Season 4 is being hosted by Semobii! Try to match his blazing fast speed and precision!

>Track: Le Mans Old Mulsanne
>Car: Koenigsegg Jesko '20
>Class: P
>Upgrades and tuning: NOT ALLOWED! RENTAL ONLY!

Here's something to beat: https://youtu.be/hihgfoAWaUw (03:11.381)
How to submit a lap: https://youtu.be/dbjlfAB-o0I
Standings: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit?gid=455307295#gid=455307295
FAQ: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pwe-piUwr_V96dNnSXs2-cpcbFD1U_zLNRynxzd3zSA/edit#gid=707343726
Reply to this post with a clip of your run!
Rivals suggestions are always welcome.
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what the fuck is a vulva
It's a swedish car brand
It's where pee is stored on women.
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Wow, they actually went and did it
Should have been born half black I suppose.
lap 10
i wonder what Chris Esaki, the mind behind Forza Motorsport 2023 eats on an ordinary day
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Bags of dicks.
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Turn 10, Page 10.
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i need source
new week new challenges from Forza
forza does challenge my patience
Los negros de la fuerza 6: la conquista de la franja de Gaza
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today i have a relatively free day, i bought two bottles of energy drink, two packs of smokes, i'm ready&willing to complete ALL singleplayer FOMO race tours in Forza Motorsport today
wish me luck, bois
Don't do it, it will destroy you
let the ai do it
Damn, how shitty is the game.
single player is pretty boring to me
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forza feature proposal: skip singleplayer races because they are boring
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Yes less content is always better than making what you have interesting. Maybe Motorsports 9 can release with a single tack and two cars to choose from. In 10 years you will only have to spend 300USD in DLC to get a half complete game. Maybe they should unlock unlimited FPS on a subscription base. Hell make it three tiers. 30fps base game, which still cost 90 dollars, then for an extra 30fps you can pay 30 dollars a month. 1 dollar per frame, and for those who want to win, the unlimited package for 60 dollars a month. Quite the deal.
bro you can already play at up to 100 in multiplayer
not my fault my hardware supports only 100
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submitting my lap
i decided to pay homage to AllowedSiren15's video style with this one. Hope you guys gonna watch the video, don't forget to like, comment and subscribe
Standings updated!
Now I have to step up
Is this game worth the disk space?
>fitgirl cryptominer
better ask yourself if it's worth the electricity bill
>video style
ive been called out, need to include more obnoxious filters and memes for this week's powersled
alright here's how to fix forza
>take motorsport 2's career structure
>mould it around a modern car roster and track list
turn 10 can have that from me
id like an og race driver GRID type career but they would never
(fuck ravenwest)
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>world record effect when hits top speed
>world record effect when hard braking
grid 1 career was very fun, i like how each season ended with 24minutes of lemans
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>take motorsport 2's career structure
A good choice because it clearly mimics Gran Turismo 3's career mode which is possibly the best career mode structure of any racing game
What we need is alot lot lot more event variety with tight restrictions just like Gran Turismo does so we'd have 80's Japanese, 90's Japanese, AWD only, Boxer engine cars only Subaru & Porsche, that sort of thing
Luv me Ravenwest, Simple as
Slap the game on the hardest difficulty and they stop becoming pushovers, making your mechanics pre race warning finally true
>"Ravenwest... just our luck. We'll aim for 3rd"
I've now got the desire to try the xtra mod and do another career playthrough so I'm gonna fuck off and play that
are your front tires supposed to light up at corner apex in touring cars?
unfortunately i think any and all good ideas that should go into a static career will get butchered and separated out into weekly races alongside dripfed "new" cars
you want a mitsubuishi championship? you will need mitsubuishi cars first haha there will be a limited time event in 3 months time when we release a single evo (not the one you like :^) )
a wider variety of shitboxes and shitbox events would be excellent
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wake up
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modern prototype cars are so fucking ugly
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last horizon with soul and atmosphere

chapparel vibes
greetings from the land down under
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this shit run off 3 triple a batteries
what game?
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too soon junior
his driving is atrocious. crashing into folks like demolition derby, or wreckfest for the zoomers. also i always watch the replay fq races on a monday. i watch the quali and race in one sittting, howeve ri recently went to reddit on sunday evening for forza news and fuck, “LECLERC WINS F1” im not even trying to see anything like that and am subbed only to forza subs. gay, deleted my accountter that
should have never had a leddit account to begin with
im watching footage of this now. holy shit the fire crew were sleeping
who the fuck are you to tell me what i can and cant do? im a White man and I make my own choices. i do get bennies though, aside of that, i make my own choices,
you didnt choose to write that, you were enraptured to reply to my post, nothing you could do, choiceless
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simply lovely that
not at all, i choose differently depending on the day. you failed because you cant surmise emotion from a post to tell it wasnt written in anger, but in jest. suppose i could have taken the time to edit the “who the fuck are you talking to” copy pasta but its early and i need a shit. so yes, choice.
you still shit, at your age?
i ate a nice meal with loads of mushy peas last night. decided to bring you to the shitter with me. and no, im not taking a photo.
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a lil bit of take and give
Why the fuck do they delist the older games?
licenses is guess
its some serious jewery going on i bet
>school starts
>vg board is so slow bumps can last 3 hours
damn you're right
Los blancos de la fuerza del horizonte 6: la lucha por la franja de gaza
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Ecли Forza Horizon 6 бyдeт в Гepмaнии, тo eжeнeдeльный плeйлиcтoвый Trial я бyдy cпeциaльнo нaзывaть eгo "Hюpнбepгcким", и мнe пoхyй чтo этo кpинж.
Я нaдeюcь чтo вaм бyдeт лeнь вcтaвлять этoт тeкcт в пepeвoдчик чтoб yзнaть o тoм чтo тyт нaпиcaнo. Пoтoмy чтo тyт ничeгo тoлкoвoгo нe нaпиcaнo! Aлco я гeй.
I dont speak cyka blyat but I what I do know is how to say Nuremberg trial in 8 different languages
Fuck Jews
Fuck America
Fuck Britain
All 3 of them forever fucked this planet with their evil judaic bullshit
Hitler was right and will always be right and one day the goyim will wake up to the truth and forever banish the jew to eternal damnation in hell
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Rivals idea - beat this guy

Evija X Stats

Quadmotor EV drivetrain
Max Power - 2,011hp
Max Torque - 1,704nm
Vmax - 350kph
Max downforce - 4,500kg at Vmax
nice try
i will NOT drive the ev, fag
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I was thinking about doing Porsche 919 Nurb Rivals, with an optional objective "beat this guy and get 15 championship points in Season 5": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQmSUHhP3ug
But your suggestion sounds and looks very interesting. I'm gonna do a couple of Nurb test runs in Evija and if it's fun and not a full on cock-and-ball torture i'm gonna lock it down. This means that Porsche 919 Nurb Rivals would have to wait till second half of Season 5.
Yes, we're gonna do Porsche 919 Nurb Rivals in near future. I don't care that Porsche 919 drives like ass(according to one anon's opinion). We still gonna do it because suffering builds character. Diamonds are made under pressure. Those who disagree can kiss my sweaty balls.
919 is a better idea because the Evija X doesn't exist in the game as far as I know. But we already had the 919
>Evija X doesn't exist in the game
Evija without X would suffice, i hope?
So we modify them to X class and have a "We have Evija at home" rivals?
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Not sure, I wouldn't do it.
Maybe we can find some other car we can beat
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>But we already had the 919
That's correct, Season 1, Week 7, we did 919 Rivals, BUT! We did it on Laguna Seca, which is not an ideal track to extract the full potential of 919.
Also, X Class in FM has only 6(!) cars, and two of them are DLC cars, which means we only have 4 because i don't want to exclude those who didn't buy Premium Edition.
And we already did all 4 X Class cars, so we gonna have to reuse them over and over and over until devs add more cars.
since we already did the 919, why not do the toyota ts030?(or was it ts040?)
True that
TS020 '99 or TS040 HYBRID '14? Both are P Class, and i was planning to save them for Season 5, for P Class week on a challenging, but fun track.
To use them in Meme Week Rivals is to basically waste them, in my opinion.
What does this seasons rivals schedule look like so far? Because I might come up with some ideas depending on what has already been decided
the ts040 hybrid, its more align to the 919
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We just finished Season 4, which means that this and next week are off-season, meme weeks. Season 5 starts on September 15th 2pm GMT, and if you have suggestions, please, give them to me. So far i have a rough idea of how i'm gonna structure Season 5. We definitely gonna continue with "from E to X Class in one season" format. We probably gonna start with E and finish with X, like we did in Season 2. We gonna keep "1 week rental-1 week tuned" format. Almost all Tuned weeks gonna have hard PI limit, like "B543", forcing you to be more creative and smart about your builds.
So far that's all i can disclose. If you have any suggestions - please, share them here with me.
"fuck your championship"
Will we be under Papaya Rules for the duration?
GT-ONE my beloved
but yeah the 2014 would make a better beat x time week
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imagine missing out on this beauty
Mclel have to talk in their faggot code because they can't keep control of one zesty zoomer
The absolute state
03:07.128 - https://youtu.be/Yn66pyC-Jf8
So that's yes for Papaya Rules?
get outta ma way
You'll have to explain to me what mandarin rules are
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What exactly are "papaya rules"? Judging by team dynamic and overall fruitiness of papaya bois, i'm gonna assume it means "if you finish behind me you gotta lick my booty cheeks and call me a sissy"
So that's an automatic YES from me dawg. Papaya rules for Season 5 confirmed.
God damn it Lance the only licking will be you and a window smeared with jam
hey andrea antonelli, this corner is not flat
Newey just joined the team and already it brings results! P3, /forza/ podium!
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Bro, please, don't be a hater. Hate destroys your soul. I don't want your soul to be destroyed. I care about you.
Also this is for you: >>>/wsg/5669302
are you racing touring cars?
Standings updated!
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It looks like your boy is getting called up to the big leagues for dat 5 hunnid dollars
....On his piece of shit pc that drops into the 30 fps range during this weeks meme rivals event
You're about to receive a gift. New, powerful, sexy lambo, for free.
You gotta drive it with sky channel livery ALL THE TIME, until car fully breaks down and dies
and you gotta answer to people asking about it "yes, i love it so much, i'm a diehard fan, i can't live without this channel, i fully support everything they do and say"
would you accept this gift
if they are paying for insurance and fuel then hell yeah
it will break in a week or two anyway
>Being forced to swear allegiance to the israeli death machine for a paltry prize
No thank you
game is cool
game is gay
Thinking bout dat Forza Motorsport 2 career mode and knowing I can save Forza 2023 if they just consulted me
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thank you little tcr car
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>Smacks lips
Yeah thats erry noice
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why did you put GT7 chase cam in your FM
bro why
Because the stiff camera makes my cock stiff
And thats all that matters
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this is so ugly and wrong
Why would you do this
playlist day in forza horizon?
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Yes sir! Tomorrow's the playlist convoy. This is the last week of current series and lemme tell ya, overall this whole month was a dud. Meh cars, meh championships&challenges. Hope next month will be more interesting.
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Take the stiff cock stiff camera pill
You gotta feel it to believe it
Because I want to get rid of the shit default camera(s)
And I did
you are wrong. seek help
I accept your declaration of defeat nigga sama

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