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Blood Money edition, Thread #1208

Previous thread: >>491974046

>Game Links
Steam Edition
Physical Edition (And Merch)
The console editions (Switch, PSN, XBL, PC Gamepass) have some exclusive content.

>Character Birthdays | Kel - November 11

>Fangames, Projects, and Etc
https://pastebin.com/XQX7CSip (OMARIO fangame)
https://totally-fungal.itch.io/doomori (DOOMORI fangame)
https://files.catbox.moe/7phzuk.pdf (manga ch.1)
https://imgur.com/a/YJb6dTT (beta & prerelease art)
https://goats.dev/omori/#KEL (game dialogue dump)
https://files.catbox.moe/nxd8dm.png (faraway map)
https://files.catbox.moe/3ng1by.torrent (sprite dump)
https://postimg.cc/gallery/G4krtVR/13ec9e79 (Omori Official Walkthrough & Guide Art/Developer Interview & Messages)

https://files.catbox.moe/6kewkg.torrent (RPG Maker MV 1.6.2)
Try _omariAU, rainy_mari_mod, omorimodreverie, omori_daydream on Twitter
https://files.catbox.moe/5ddmjn.zip (Console content)

>/omog/ Archive
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SGf6LRkzuLpou5Neqppl3Tm7c3hPAitFhCTrIPRfC_c/ (anon's Universally Loved day-by-day guide)
https://mega.nz/file/zaQXDYyQ#bG0yK3nl-w6hx5u6IOcvn3GUrGDY53X9faa7nfzC0Yk (MEGA archive 2021)
https://files.catbox.moe/e5yhbo.png (Whiteboard 2021)
https://rentry.org/756352 (OC Fic and Greentext)
https://youtu.be/bKNwUnIMjVo (/vg/ sings My Time)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/post/482879356 <<< Δ (/vg/ sings Good Morning)

https://rentry.org/omogtemplate2023d/ (Thread Template)

Also, if you write or draw anything don't be afraid to post it, don't worry about the quality, just post that shit!
Mari Haru and Sunny posting on 4chan
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haru writes incest stories and posts them into the thread
sunny posts images with no text
mari makes nice and positive posts when she's not being oneguy
>Mari secretly being a troll
It's always the ones you expect least
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What OMORI character has the worst fart
Hard mode: No Kel
You wouldn't think the inside of a whale could get so dusty, but poor Sweepheart found out the hard way
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I will make Sweetheart a mother
Sweetheart doesn't seem the type to be a good mother
Why not? She seems like she would warm up to her children
They'll all turn out cartoonishly evil and obnoxious like her, akin to Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings for Bowser
That's cute. Imagine Spaceboy trying to save his kids
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I love Kimsil but I love YOU even more!!!
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Cute moles
Sunny. IBS.
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Why does Sunny have IBS? He doesn’t have to pay taxes.
you mean YOU from the ribbit mod?
What the fuck is this
I fell back asleep so I already don't remember most of it, but I had some weird dream of some yandere guy trying to kill Sunny's friends while spouting stupid references. Imagine some weirdo with a bat threatening to kill Kel and says "Kel, welcome to die!" I wish I remembered more.
How did the yandere look like?
I don't remember even the slightest detail about his looks. Maybe he was a generic dude, or maybe he didn't look like anyone. All I remember is that he carried a bat.
Sweetheart being a bad influence is to be expected
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Who is the ugliest boy and girl in Faraway
You and your mom
>t. ugliest boy and girl in Faraway
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once a year the gang reunites to rape basil
I’m glad they all get along
Can y’all stop with the rape jokes? It makes this server unwelcome to women, LGBTQI+, and POC because of the crude language. I want people to feel welcome here. I’m not trying to be an anti but a good human being.
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Sunny and Aubrey buying the Yu-Gi-Oh c Hello Kitty toys from McDonalds.
Read this to pass the time
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aubrey sonds like shed have ibs
>muh depression hero
hero went to college, had a nice family, and friends. he has nothing to be depressed about. spoiled shit.
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Kelsey kissing basil at school after she saw male Aubrey and her friends bullying him
Caitiflower my beloved
basil getting mocked for needing a girl to defend him
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Reddit is down the hall, to the left.
Omori 2 is a pikimin styled game where Sunny commands an entire gang of basketball americans and takes over the city.
Would Mari actually?
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>implying Mari wouldn’t vote for herself
You lack ambition
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She doesn't want to be president though, unless it's the president of the brother lover's club that is.
The middle one in the image is Eirika from Fire Emblem for those wondering.
do you think blobs are firm or squidgy?
That's not IBS, just constant diarrhea from her shit diet.
What does she eat. Why does sunny have ibs.
>What does she eat.
Junk food and rotten junk food.

>Why does sunny have ibs.
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More firm but still a bit squishy
which parent give him ibs? does he have ibs at school.
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Post stinky depressed Haru
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Select your Basil (1/3)
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Dont ask what happend to some of the Basils
Aubrey’s busy dunking their faces in the toilet
6, 9, 14
enough about games like omori. what are the worst rpgmaker games ever?
Just go to itch. You can say almost all of them if you hate walking sims. Any of the ones I can think off the top of my head are good. To the Moon is overrated as fuck though. YIIK is also mediocre and overrated.
I was gonna say Yiik also but that’s technically not a rpg maker game.
Then again people seem to group non rpg maker games with rpg maker games anyways so…
10, but 8 also catches my eye
>To the Moon is overrated as fuck though
I kind of want to argue that point...but at the same time I get why someone wouldn't like that game. And it has been years since I last touched it, maybe it won't have aged that well if I give it a third go.
It's very out of date now. Try playing it now and it's just not good. VNs and any modern rpgmaker kills it. I doubt it was even good when it cams out. People just liked the one song that plays at the end
I played it not too long after Omori and still liked it. The sticking point that cropped up for me that time around was the odd tonal issues with the jokes and humor. The story was still great, the twists were pretty good, and some of the dated writing bits are kind of fun to rediscover. I don't mind archaic games or ones that objectively don't have the best gameplay if they catch my interest enough. But maybe that last point's just a me thing. You have to make concessions somewhere for something you enjoy, I think.
I was going to try and circle this back to Omori by talking about the games combat system, but I couldn't get it to sound right.
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well im glad those people are never touching 4chan. if they ever do, we rape them
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I thought raccoons loved trash?
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Any rare Mari art?
it sucks to live in a world where nice guys finish last
>Incel talk
Shut the fuck up and grow up. Go back to /r9k/ where you scum belong
>is in /omog/
>doesnt know about redpilled omoriboy

what this guys?
piss off omoriboy you're not canon anymore
basil always finishes first in the goon sesh
>I-its Omoriboy
>I-I'm not projecting
>No picrel
Not everyone is a massive fucking loser like you. At least take your L like a man
holy newfags no wonder omog is dead
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I haven't seen anyone post this one before.
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How about this one?
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The cutest hat
>Being an incel is "cool"
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It's her!
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Wise and nice octopi girl
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>if you hate walking sims.
Why? They're much preferable to a shitty battle system.
I'm gonna be honest: I've never played it, but I've also never heard anyone say anything positive about it.
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Such a delightful cute
Haru and Moonie is growing on me for the ridiculousness of two fancharacters from /omog/ and /moong/ interacting
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It brings a smile to see peace between generals
>Literally just Sunny with incomplete twintails
They are twins, of course Haru would look just like him without her bunches
that's not true! she also has... a skirt and uhh eye things

Plus it's just based off the official femsunny sprites / art so
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People like YIIK more for the memes, the story of it's development, and the music / art than anything of the actual game, it's neat that the game became infamous enough they've worked to remaster it into a decent game, the I.V. demo was fun

moonatick general
Link to this moong?
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Hihi! Bored, if you want ask something you want doodled. It's a bit late, so I'll do it tomorrow!
Depressed Mari trying to be cute
in the style of the brazilian miku meme, brazilian mari with brazilian hero w/ tanlines
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Requesting patriotic Basil
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She loves her bguel
Haru x Hero
Think you could draw Cris helping her mom bake an apple pie? That sounds cute.
YIIK also had this song
which has to count for something.
Weighs only a little more than a head of lettuce
Opposite sex twins are never identical twins. They're regular siblings like Hero and Kel who just happen to share a birthday.
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Cute idea.
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most horse
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"Last Time i Saw You" has a new demo out
it's a sidescrolling adventure game and the art and themes reminded me of Omori a lot

Looks neat.
Cute ghost lady.
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Bro's even got his own Kel equivalent, i hope some of the Omori fandom slides over and blesses them with success
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I wished centaur world was more popular
I'll keep that in mind.
>creator or paid shill shilling their game
Nice try
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Mari's had enough
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I enjoy this Mari
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Have you tried turning it off and on again?
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She is filled with discontentment
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why are you crying
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Cute siblings and Bangs cameo
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Mado has a type
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Peace in our era.
Monochrome boys are really cute, it's a good type to have
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They are going to beat you to death
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This isn't even Omori
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Why does Space Boy keeping going back to Sweetheart?
She stole his heart from the moment they met
But she keeps treating him like garbage
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That's the big problem with love, sometimes your heart picks the wrong one and doesn't want your mind to accept that
Wtf a Kim spin off
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make sure to give your snuuy his daily hug and reminder that he is still loved
He seems disgusted by it
because it makes sunny feel awful to hear her lie for his sake after he took her daughter from her and is the reason her husband's gone
Sad creature spiraling into madness and despair
One day it will all make sense. Everything you've suffered and gone through. And you will laugh at it one day.
Hello! And... Hm... I'd love a POLLY! Maybe giving the viewer a timid wave?
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this one?
only after maturing past the stages of ny, nuy, sny, snuy, and snnuy does a sunny become complete
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always her binky baby
The fact this place is slow on Fridays and Saturday's is a good thing. It means anons have something to do over the weekend and are going out.
Makes one feel proud
It also means they're slacking off at work or NEETing around for the remainder of the week.
Little Sunny asking Mari to marry him so they can always be together
>slow on the weekend and friday
>ah is dead
>/omog/ is finally dead
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She casts a spell on you
What spell is it?
She turns you into an eggplant and you have to go to the hospital to cure it
A mind control spell so you'll tell her she looks really cool and give her and her friends some candy
Finger guns looking a little strange
So much to say but no words good enough to say it with
aubrey couldn't find a normal wand in time so she had to use a fairy godmother wand from a different costume
>secret ending cutscene
the game only actually checks for if you watered the flowers on two days left before going to humphrey, right?
I think so? I've heard something like that before. That the game only checks if you water the flowers on a specific day to unlock the post credits scene.
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Favorite birthday gift
How does Mari react when she sees it?
She picks him up under his shoulders like a cat and hugs him
Is Sunny acting like this for cute reasons or did Omocat try to actually make him act autistic?
Both probably
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She likes them tall, monochromatic and awkward
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Omorio Kart Double Dash
I find it ironic Omocat felt the need to make Spirit Mari a possibility in the first place for the sake of very cheap Feels ("see, she still loves her litlle bro <3 so cute, so tragic <3") even though the plot would've been a lot more tragic without that (and with Mari killing herself, ofc lol)

Wouldn't it be way sadder if the only "remnant" of Mari Sunny had left is Headspace's shallow facsimile who just says whatever Sunny wants to hear and gets increasingly inaccurate with each passing day due to his memories of her slowly fading? Wouldn't the complete absence of Mari beyond the dream world make the player experience the same "I wish she was here :(" kind of painful feeling Sunny is likely to have felt and thus make for a more effective way to get the player into Sunny's, er, headspace (pun not intended, I swear)? I think it would.

And you know, I bet Sunny himself would love to get visited by Mari's ghost. I bet he'd love to feel her arms envelop him in a soft, warm hug he was so embarassed by when he was younger, to apologize for how horrible of a brother he must've been and hear a reassurance that her death wasn't his fault, to just see her one more time.

He won't get the chance to. She's gone.

And Sunny has to learn to live with that.

Bonus points if Sunny refuses to believe there's an afterlife since that would mean Mari can see how low he's fallen :)
Now that would be fun
Mary Making
Becoming friends with the sounds in my head
It might never truly die but /omog/ is done
Oyasumi. Live well
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I know I'm fucked because I legit misread this as "Aubrey smells so pregnant" at first, lmao
why are some aubrey arts called aubrey period edition?
Accidents happen
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>Extra classes
What are those? Schools don't have those
Cram school? I wouldn't know how those work
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>Look at all of us...
>These are all of our memories together...
>They're a little sad now... But we should be happy that they happened at all...
>Let's make some new memories together, okay?
Japanese idioms
Silly slimes
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> tfw no activity for 20 minutes
oh yeah, super duper dead. good bait though.

on more fun activities, what's everyone's favourite sproutmole?
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The Sprout Mole who doodled these. He's a cool dude.
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The girl on the right seems familiar, but not familiar enough
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Sunflower CUTE!
Sunflower CANON!
Sunflower THE BEST!
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such fine knowledge...
How to get basil bf?
I hate you /omog/
I love you too, anon
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the one sprout mole that screamed HEEEEEEEEEEELP during the power outage
Ask Kim
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im probably gonna start posting here more again. the other generals i sunk my time in make me feel like shit
Who's the daddy?
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Olympic Gymnast
Mari's returned as a wraith here to haunt Hero with her spider bunny companion
Mari would be a Hillary and Kamala voter. In fact, I feel like it'll be out of character for any of the main cast to vote for Trump. Maybe their parents.
mikhael would
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Rare Cris art
Any other rare Cris art?
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Here's a Cris and bonus Aubergine
i'm surprised to see a video essay about omori that doesn't waste time providing a beat-for-beat plot recap and actually makes good points with supporting arguments

this video's pretty well convinced me, the manga is so fucked
Don't despair, Cris will save the manga!
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>Wouldn't it be way sadder if the only "remnant" of Mari Sunny had left is Headspace's shallow facsimile who just says whatever Sunny wants to hear
That's basically Gardenia, because Russell never got to know real Gardenia, and her truth segment rubs it in that she's a glorified oc. That game is so good at twisting the knife.
I can't believe Russel raped someone on their birthday.
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Believe it or not, she gets it from dear ol' dad
for fucks sake stop responding to copypasta
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But it's fun.
Why is eggplant $10?
Is that a picture of Mari in the wall?
>Russel raped a Pokemon
>omori au where hero and mari open a restaurant
what would it be called?
Is that Aubrey or Mari?
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Mary, Sunny and Aubrey fankid
Shockingly on model
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cute omori and his cute waifu
Shockingly self indulgent
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maybe a bit
Who is this slut
some purple girl that's cute and booby
there's a lot of art with her and omori and a good amount cannot be posted on a blue board
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need blackspace arts
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Have this one
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Gooner OMORI: Welcome to Blacked Space
faggot off with your shitty shilling. fuckers. losers.
sunflower is the holy truth
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Such powerful wisdom...
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The most fun
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Some things never change
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They're gonna get fat
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aubrey's really popular on the internet for her dress up photos
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searching but struggling to find ones that are more showing off the landscape, have this one that reminds me of LIMBO
i wish to chuck it like a tennis ball
They love donuts
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>2-3 hours between posts
Doesn't sound like us
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cute omo
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He can be found in all sorts of places
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i want to find a stray omo
fatty waky
no sunday /omog/ has fallen
All the more to hug
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without a snuuy to entertain, he wanders the world and meets many people, sees many sights
maybe one strange day will come and he will find you first
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There's so much to see and just as much to do in the life of a wandermori
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>thread is a week old at only 337 replies
/omog/ is dead
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>last /omog/ post was made 2 years ago
Hello /omog I'm currently at a hockey tournament! Does Kel go to basketball tournaments? Perhaps he'd crash at Sunny's place in the city.
omori as a psychic remnant that visits and comforts people in their dreams would be a cute and cool story. imagine those "hundreds of people see this man in their dreams" posters but it's omor
given his room decor and jersey he likes to wear I assume he'd almost have to
somehow i think as a passing "hey he's in the same city why not" thing he visits and asks sunny for some favor or another during a trip there, if mostly for checking in on his old friend (probably bums another 20 from him in the process)
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8 million years with ms paint
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Something the friendly ghost
All this omori reminds me of this fic in the archive. https://rentry.org/4727i
The ending makes me wonder if the omor is some sort of sad reflection of an ice cream addict's issues now that he's no longer that for his old creator or if he somehow just manifested a bunch of used cups into some poor dude's home as some sort of cosmic payment for the conjured frozen treat and the man is simply too exhausted to do more than accept it
oh lmao fuck I just reread noticed it says they're filled and not emptied lmao he really just said "ok you like ice cream so here's a fucking lifetime supply, have a good one
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>Opening post was in August
>It's September now
Learn to do maths, brainlet, it's clearly a month old now.
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A curious phenomena indeed, but not an entirely unwelcome one
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She usually sleeps through the majority of a day, but Sunday's are the only days she wakes up early and stays awake
cute girl
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silly herb
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entire video essays could be written about this key piece of wisdom
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Tiny Omori resting on Omori
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i wamt bbaba
If you ever see that handle in your lobby, gtfo
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Thats a snnuy
what do
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What if she was Sunny’s new neighbor
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happiest day of her life
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And that's going to be every day from now on
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anyone have good omori wallpapers for desktop?
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i use this one
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This looks like Madoka crossover
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I used this one for a time when I briefly lost my usual background wallpaper
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Just use AI to make your own.
i fucking hate AI generated bullshit
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Is Basil an adult in your fantasies or is he 12/16?
16 for me.
It would break Mar.AI's artificial heart if she heard you call her that
>You loved her and you deleted system 32
Even as she fades away byte by byte, all trace of her existence being overwritten by nothing, all memory degrading into nil, her last thought is about how much she loves y-
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i dont see what basil sees in sunny
Honestly Basil would be closer to Aubrey than him considering she was his first friend.
He's a good listener. He doesn't judge. He doesn't have an overbearing personality like the others sometimes do. Simple, modest. Basil can open up to him and Sunny listens. He doesn't offer platitudes or unwanted help, he's a shoulder to lean on. And he won't tell anyone what Basil talks to him about. Basil can trust him. And they seem to share interests.
I think.
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Sleeping like angels
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Aubrey being jealous after she saw Kelsey on a date with Sunny
gross colored bimbo
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Horrendously shit taste.
Fuck, meant for >>492767070
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slut obsessed with balls
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Cute pair
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Mari, your neck....
Why do they look so cute and retarded?
>Mari and Hero's doodles
Those meanies.
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Proud, strong, fluffy Mariblob
Weak, fragile, pathetic snuuyblob
the family bakery went out of business...
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cute boys
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when i played this game last year i thought that a lot of the boss themes sucked. having listened to them all again recently outside of the game, i now think that theyre awesome. not sure why i didnt like them while actually playing because i enjoyed the rest of the ost. did anyone else switch up on the soundtrack over time?
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Not really? There were some individual songs I grew to dislike because of circumstance like Wandering Rose and Stationary Rose, both of which I grew to like over time. I'm struggling to think of a single boss theme I didn't like.
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oh i just looked up those songs by name because i forgot them and that triggered a bad memory of running around sweethearts castle for ages. yes i can see why you would grow to dislike these
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There was one boss theme I just found meh on a first playthrough, but when I played the game again I found myself really growing fond of Sweet Paralysis that time around. A surprising sleeper hit for me.
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aye thats a good one. not my favourite though. a lot of the songs i heard i didnt recognise, probably from the route i havent done. one of the boss tracks that shocked me was "chaos assembly", the virus boss music. the second half of the track is amazing
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Bro went so far on the funny boat ride he ended up in Headspace
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I just realized that in a sense, Omori in the final boss is literally using Domain Expansion on you.
Bro is literally Sukuna.
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A sweet boy that wants to accomplish something so his sister will be proud of him
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Why is she so smug?
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mari playing a sick solo while sunny drops the beat
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he'll find him
From the thumbnail I thought it was Mari & Basil lol
sunny would never be tall again
on the omocat 10th anniversary site (https://www.omocat-10th.com/) one of the unrevealed photos has zalgo text on the back when you hover over it. i wonder if that means anything. whatever it is should be happening fairly soon
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Sounds interesting. Also those are some cute sprite omomations.
Give it a minute.
>Aubrey breaks Sunny’s legs
>Wheelchair burn AU
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post what you're listening to right now
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I put so much time into this for it to be low res and tiny. Oh well. I had fun.
Look at her go!
She’s adorable
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Omo's cats, or are they Omocat split into two separate cats?
I cook for Sunny
He's so happy
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basil doesnt eat meals sometimes because he views it as a punishment
A weed like him doesn't deserve
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Their heads are big because they are full of dreams
To think she was so proud whenever her mama let her hold the baby...
I want omori to meet realsil and bring him his food and gently annoy him into eating it
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Behold the twink that molests himself!
he's just sleepy after waking up
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Aubrey's stealing Haru's whole thing
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i think it's the latter. she's secretly a fusion
Bunches are Haru's thing, you can't just take that from her
Aubrey would have been more threatening if she carried a mini-chainsaw instead of a nail bat
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Translate's trying its best
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finally best girl's got fanart
At last
Now we just need more
byebab time to go to slumberland
Omorigato's are such sad little creatures, how would they survive without a Marigato around?
They can but its still a rough world for them.
It's not easy for a little Omorigato to be forced to grow up so soon
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I use this
do you think she ever saw it?
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I will never understand how people find this faggot attractive and can ship him with anyone. He's the spitting image of the kid from The Grudge, who's 6 btw.

is that cocaine on his knee
every omorigato deserves a loving home and lots of headpats
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dont be mean
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This wasn't supposed to happen
Good catch, any ideas what it could be?
OMORI anime
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Playing forever
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What if you were sunny in this pic what would you do?
Sleep (he is tired)
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The end is nigh
moments before the great kubby war
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Anon...blue board...
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I've already reported myself. Fuck I swear I downloaded a pic of Omori sitting around broken melons and my shitty Android phone files had such tiny little thumbnails
kek, look at this indog
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Aaand only now after my frantic tapping, then giving up and self reporting, then checking again does the delete function decide to fucking work, fantastic.
I'm gonna spend my b& time having an aneurysm out of rage and replaying the Underwater Highway, see you all later
Bye bye!
pushing basil into the piss trough
Excess ammonia and nitrate is bad for plants. Do not do that.
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I have exploding brain feelings
hug snuy
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Cute cat
Is that good or bad
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Very much so
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Poor Omori just wanted to rub her belly
I feel like girls with pink hair always dye their pubes as well
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Why? She shaved
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It's that easy
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>Actually, before Mari was-before we came up with the idea of Mari at picnics, um, she was supposed to be a character in the story...
>Yeah, this was like very very very early on...she was going to be an ice cream princess.
>That was when the Orange Oasis area was supposed to be required.
>But with how big the game ended up being, we had uh, move things around so it became an optional area.
>I probably still have a draft of it somewhere, but...
>I guess I didn't like the design that much and that's why I didn't go with it, weirdly enough.
>And I guess when the picnic idea came up I thought it was too perfect.
Sunny being killed by Andrew and Ashley Groves
>Sunny sees them cornering him with knives
>*maces them*
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Consider this twink.
>about to hit image limit
why now?
This is it. This is what kills /omog/
Image limit's 375, we've still got a bit more. Maybe then we can talk about something.
Or once we hit limit we could start deleting our own images from earlier in the thread to post new ones.
Kel is a bad friend
I know what happened with Hero hurt, but fear of failure wasn't the best reason to not help his friends.
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A cool place
Why is Omori growing grass inside?
Mari is a dirty weeb
Because it looks really pretty and feels better on feet than wood planks
Mari doesn’t seem like a weeaboo type. What does she watch?
Rich cat
Its dirty and outside
Where from?
I first got it here
i hate omari. stupid idea nothing new.
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snny so cute.. yesrterday i ws goinhg to opost aboutmy ;lvove fofr sunnng but i wias unforutnatelsy at was at work when ig wanted to suo i did not.
Why are all the schizos returning?
snuy very cute
I thought Omari died?
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That one mod did, I think anon's voicing his opinions on Omari as a concept
Why wouldn't they?
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he ibby
poor boy has no one to wipe his tears
The wackys
if we run out of images im just going to post about how much i want to have sex with basil until bump limit
Why not Kel?
>"BABO like cold time... Make BABO grateful for warm time..."
Sunny's brain is filled with wisdom. Why is that?
He's a smart kid
ao3 is under maintenance and for all we know whatever fic you're looking forward to updating updated just before the site went down
The journey to the last city
idk haven’t kept up with omori fanfic lately.
I don't really either. I just read what anon's here recommend and see if I like those, and wait for the fic's I like to update.
I actually think a fanfic having Sunny’s new neighbor being Milk-chan from outside a bag of milk outside of a bag of milk outs-
Anyway I think they would actually interact great due to Sunny most staying silent but at the same time still having clear likes and dislikes.
I really need to get to that game. It's been sitting on my list for months now.
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Please get back soon, I don't think I can survive much longer without it.
The first one or the second one?
The first one. I keep forgetting about it, and when I do remember I start being lazy about booting it up since I'm doing something else or have another thing lined up at the time.
That's fair, play it when you can.
What kind of music does Sunny like?
Piano music, ever since Sunny was a little kid it was his favorite
Sometimes when listening to piano he closes his eyes and pictures Mari playing it for him
sunny fighting his dad in a sewer
Video game OSTs
Sunny introduces madotsuki to the Plok soundtrack
it's a sweet soundtrack
How would a Heromari date be like?
The kind that make all the other couples feel ill from the unfiltered saccharine they witness
Sunny would be a superman fan.
its looks mid conpared to reverie
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Now which of these three is most adept at the elegant art of stab stabby stab?
>omog dead
>rainy dead
>reverie alive
good this is what you get for pissing off the omori modding community
It's been a while since I've heard about them, didn't the modding community implode after the Omosun creator's counterattack? I barely remember since I didn't really care
shut the fuck up proshittter. still alive and better then your bad dead mods.
I command you to listen to this and feel sad
what happened?
>One day Sweetheart accidentally cuts her finger
>She sucks on the cut
>She suddenly realizes how yummy it tastes
> Over weeks she develops a bad habit of biting hard on her thumb until it bleeds and sucks on it
>One day when she's in one of her moods she bites her thumb to calm down but accidentally bit too hard and completely cut through her upper finger
>It travels down her throat before Sweetheart could even process what had just happened
>Tears form in Sweetheart's eyes as her face scrunches up the pain
>But through the pain the taste of her own finger stays longer than the others feelings
Donut's are too tasty for our own good
waky snuggy
Only a cruel creator would create such a creature
Donut eat the donut
does anyone have that one drawing of aubrey yelling "aguante argentina" and then shooting her head off while sunny cries
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Good one kel
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Such cutes
Basil and kim getting dared to go into a small closet together or whatever the party game is
go nappy
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Gotta collect em all
In the original draft of the story, Mari killed herself because Kel caught her and Sunny having sex and told everyone about it.
What happens next?
what happens next is you hanging yourself like a tranny you are
do you have schizophrenia?
How is anything here means a tranny?
Holy based
babeayabaab maywai waahawawa mfiasteak sbawmmama mawi abofsgerjea meewaowi
Go back to sleep bubby it’s not time yet
baba is sleep talking
Babies can’t sleep talk (I think)
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Not much to be done about it
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Something's wrong
That's why they have no friends
That's not true, they have loads of friends
Two religious twins don't count as "loads" of friends.
There's also the kids they hang out with, they count as friends
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Not much to be done about it
/omog/….what killed you? :(
Banned for off-topic
The anon was right. /omog/ is dead. Don’t make a new thread. You need to move on. Oyasumi.
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why aub has pink hair in headspace
Fucking ploktastic
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c u later
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thread so slow im learning how vg threads get archived
welcome to before hours. stay away blog fags. no ine cared.
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this is it right? the end of /omog/…im so sad…what do i move on to now that its dead?
dubious consensual sex with basil
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very cute
eeeehhh not that cute, I seen cuter, like change that one with sunny and leave the other one as it is and it would be a cuter couple
Any confessions for the last thread of /omog/?
i consume pornographic material
I want to fuck Sweetheart
everyone i care about ends up hating me
I consume pornographic material about Sweetheart, I want to fuck and rape Sweetheart, everyone I care about is Sweetheart and raping her.
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i agree that sunburn is the cuter ship, but basil is good with aubrey too. shy boys need a girl who will stand up for them.
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I don't have a confession for the "last" thread of /omog/, but I do have a confession for this one! I love (you) all! And... I have something to share next thread, hehe...
I'm very sorry to hear that you think that, anon... If I may ask, why do you feel that way?

It's been a minute since I've dropped by... How is everyone doing?
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How are (You)?
i have to keep talking to people who dont think in weird first but they just forget about me if i dont. i have anxiety issues and its hard to start conversations all the time and i feel like they dont really care if i stop talking to them. i guess something wrong with me.
Fellas is it wrong to fuck your siblings and start a pure blood dynasty with them?
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Faraway seems really boring desu
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Hey, I asked first! Hehe... I'm doing okay. I've had some issues with sleep and I'm still working on repair my desktop, but otherwise, I've been well! I've been able to enjoy some time out and with friends... As I said, I have something to share next thread!
Oh dear, I see... I remember a few years back, I was in a similar situation. I wasn't good with keeping up with people and was quite socially anxious... Due to that, I also had to reach out and start conversations with most people I knew at the time, and it was very difficult... I think people assumed that if I didn't approach them, I didn't want to talk in the first place. A few friendships I had drifted apart because we simply stopped talking to each other, even if I wanted to... I simply couldn't keep pace or initiating conversation. Over time, I met better people and grew more confident, and I'm certain the same will happen to you, but... I can assure you that it's not entirely your fault. Friendship and conversation is a mutual exchange, and it sounds like you want better... My first impulse is to directly address the problem with others, but I understand that isn't always the easiest... But I believe in you, okay? That you'll find people or improve what you have with those you already know... In the meantime, I'll be here!
ill try
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That's all I can ask! Thank you, anon...
you are right i am actually worse than everyone else i just dont admit it and gatekeep so no one ends up better than me with minimal effort
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