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The Past: >>492171568

>General Info
- Reverse: 1999 is a turn-based RPG with gameplay revolving around the use of spell cards. The game focuses on storytelling, with a rich main story mode and frequent side-story events. The game is fully voiced in 4 languages, with English as the primary language. There are no PvP elements, you can play at your own pace.
- Daily reset is at 10am UTC

>Version 1.8 Trailer (GL)
>Version 2.1 Trailer (CN)

>Download (PC & Mobile)
1.8 Web Event: https://reverse1999.bluepoch.com/en/event/leylines/ (Until August 31)
1.8 Official Stickers: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TBvyg6vcBpv_C1kpSDmxiMlumZAm_xqF

>Current Event
Patch 1.8 - Farewell, Rayashki || Aug 15 - Sep 19

>Rate-up Banners
1. Windsong (Star DPS) || Aug 29 - Sep 19
2. Druvis III (Plant Support) || Aug 27 - Sep 10

>Upcoming Banners
1. Spathodea (Beast DPS) / Shamane (Beast Support) || Sep 1 - Sep 14

>Community Resources
Database: https://windbow27.github.io/Kornblume/
Guide to the basics: https://pastebin.com/hEeaZ3Dn
Guide to arcanists & team building: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e46cecjsIb1LO3Ybb6urlVUZKUk8R7yrgG9yXZS8-Ho
Resonance guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lUzkJvRfV2diLiU0ai6mCrM-kkm0cqwblo1VvCkhYi4/htmlview
Psychube guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qQinxxU_e0-YXwPj5WAd2PgTFksyLwIaHXwEcosUxU0/edit#gid=1302308761
Insight materials cheat sheet: https://imgur.com/a/vB9zTHJ
Insight costs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1js7u2mwQzrfqkYnszURTYT1C6DxX0-qhsjfVQ5CvB_o/htmlview#
List of cultural references: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KoA8vboCEDq2N6SWAtJZNePV_UcuKsCWsyxJ7nUoeZQ/edit?usp=sharing

1999GIFT, 5YRBRF9, MAINSTORYUPDATE, IndustryandMermaid, StoryofRayashki, PotatoDishes, ComplexTheory, CourageBadge
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Just learned about the booster pack system. Getting an adrenaline rush from opening packs!
Matilda chads run this thread
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Matilduck thread
Knock first before posting
Get wrecked duckfags. This is an arcanachad thread
Marcus love thread
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rate my pull
Matilda if she subway door
>the year is 2024 and every door in China is a Matildoor
What a time to be alive
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the three Matildoors...
Saving my rolls for Lucy!
I have never read a single Arcanists in a nutshell
found the nutcase
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oh no no no fish fucker watch out!!!
I can tell that no one in this thread has actually tried to fuck a fish
Go on, share with the class
I can't take Vertin seriously anymore now that I know she's a gooner.
>i2 just replaces Windsong's cool fur jacket with a leather jacket+scarf
This is the biggest i2 downgrade yet wtf
post schneider's i2
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I love fish fucker and her fish wife
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I don't have many cards yet but Dynamo setup is pretty cool
>there are 52 weeks every year
>And a patch every 6 week
>This mean there's 8 patch every year
>Remove Anniversary and Half Anniversary and there's 6 patches
>we are 3 patches behind so 18 week behind
>if we shaved a week, every normal patch, it would still take 3 years to catch up
if you use an enter battle moxie +5 card, and use the -2 max moxie vertin card, you still have 5 moxie and can ult first two turns for basically free
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egg spawning ground
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Isolde's new skin has some killer new singing lines
We call them garments here.
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did you amp her psychube yet?
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It’s BiS on the best star afflatus carry, of course I amped it
Nah, pretty sure Jiucube is BIS for windsong.
I'm not leveling that Whore's chube
literally drives around picking up strange girls off the sideroads
what do her scales feel like?
argus please don't fuck my girlfriend...
why is windsong so boobs
Her gun sound effects are pretty satisfying I must say.
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Close its actually spelled Horse
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honest thoughts?
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Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Isolde to try some on or Marcus to try some on to replace her stupid hat. We really need glasses to become a thing in Reverse and start selling them for merch. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?
Imagine Windsong with glasses
Glasses are ugly but I still like her.
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Building up the right amount of Windsong's Rehabilitation cards is a lot like edging, in that I'm really good at it
I cannot wait to roll for that handsome woman. I think I want her before Lucy desu.

Can't resist the temptation and rolled for Windsong
holy shit she's too powerful
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The only ships are the APPLe 1 and 2 though????
The sanest /1999/sister.
It's probably a cup she is holding but I like to imagine Regulus is interviewing sotheby
My sister in christ how can you possibly forget the best ship
Very accurate only Vertin x Schneider should be -1 and also Matilda would never get laid.
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Sonetto really is Vertin's side bitch isn't?
She just can't catch a break...
Vertin would rather watch porn than be with her...
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is he stupid?
lil' bro is cooked
god I need to molest Lorelei
He's a hopeful 8 year old. Leave him alone.
Also they still can bloom: mold spores
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>2 hours ago
has discordkeeper left us?

>New Code: OreMining
>Including Delicate Insight Casket x1, Enlighten III x3, Dust x10,000
There's multiple discordkeepers at this point and thanks
>evil spirit women
I've seen some cn posts calling Jessica, Isolde and Tuesday the big three of mentally ill lesbians lol
Watch them bloom.
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Jessica is a deer, human standards dont apply
Let him cook
Why do they unlock Civic Square a week later? This patch is dry enough as is just let me fucking play already.
Always been this way, one week for the first half of UTTU then "Special Week"
All of them are so pretty...
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special week is always a week later bro
imagine the sex
Special week has always been kept to the last week of the patch. It's also largely irrelevant anyway.
trying to do the most optimal windsong funny burst on the ghost is so annoying as that whore keep stunning my wife
this but hard mode stages for the main event
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it was super hard to try set up a big 10+ skill combo without windsong either getting stunned or slowly getting grinded by boss's increased damage against special guest so I just did it in smaller burst combos instead
my fish's wife*
technically you can have TF Vila and Isolde on the field

you have to store those 3 ultimate first before you stack Windsong cards up as a backup in case Windsong mass attack hit the big ghost too many time

store 3 of their incantation at 3 stars too if you want to maximize the damage, TF's heal is there to reset the hp bar, and burst the ghost when it uses its ultimate

I almost got it until windsong hit the ghost 4 times in a row and my backup run dry, Isolde stopped doing her mass attack because the burn ran out too

I got 1m3 with a half ass run and I abandoned it in round 18, though I probably can hit 2m if all the stars align next time

I'll just wait for the 1.9 tuning, should make things 10 billion times easier
I got Oliver Fog's garment, but won't use it because no top hat.
At least sonetto does make for a nice side wife to Vertin
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Can't out-duck the 'tilda
When was this again?
Regulus just looks so bizarre since it's clearly just her regular sprite head stapled on a different body.
Ezra is the cutest out of those 3 and I'm not even gay
CN got it in april with matila's garment in 1.9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHM0UsljCkU
such cute girls
I got this >>492451679 after completing the end of the event
I'll watch the cutscene on Youtube, I didn't even know it existed.
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>tfw all this does is just remind me of my younger years working in the service industry
>greatest yuri moment with sonetto only happens if you quit the game
Yeah... typical.
Sonetto is for losing.
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>genuinely amazed at Windong's battle performance as she allowed me to kill the hard mode event boss in half as many turns as the normal mode one just by being there
>go check on her to finish leveling her to 60
I forgot to do it, and it's not even the first time.
But that means I am now even more amazed by her because she was cleaning house without a single idea in her head.
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i'm paying 30 dollars for Ezra as soon as 1.9 arrives
arent you using the Assist version of Windsong in the event stages? or are you talking about the Rayashki boss?
Hard mode story boss, not her personal stages.
You have to stop playing the game for a (2?) month to trigger this, which means >>492455692 is a dirty traitor who quit the game and has returned
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why does this guide use spathodea psychube for windsong?
Pretty much this yeah, I quit for like 5 months I think but now I wish Sonetto had a line saying "welcome home cheater" after I came back from starrail
im pretty sure its the f2p alternative, if you played 1.5 you would have gotten spathodea's psychube
Its typical arcanist behavior
but it doesn't help her at all? she has 0 buff skill
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Windsong is way too cute in her sidestory. John's forcing me to waifu pull her. It's over...
>Delicate Insight Casket
Very nice, appreciate it.
I think the guide just pointing out psychubes that buff incantation damage. The spatho chube isn't perfect but at least it's better than Hopscotch.
You become a traitor by doing so, but can you really call yourself a completionist if you don't unlock all possible events?
Bluepoch needs to release all those garments. Matilda's shouldn't be the only one released. I don't care if it's China-only.
Ezra's garment is the best one and makes the most sense: mushrooms go on pizza. Not ducks. Not rocks 'n' rolls and not apples.

KEK oh no! Hurry before the gator starts to death roll!
>playing around in UTTU
>keep forgetting to start Windsong's story
Despite the new UTTU being a bit of a downgrade, it still magnetizes me...
the uttu themes pretty comfy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2u3tGAX8XQ
It's nice but I don't really dig it because it sounds like one of the roguelike's themes, which UTTU seems to be taking after instead of being its own thing.

Almost makes me wonder if these are "survival" themes.
the only problem I really have with this new uttu, is the lack of options, since your characters only get 1 card instead of 2, which really expands the possibilities of things you can do
>is the lack of options, since your characters only get 1 card instead of 2
You had two card slots in old uttu. Which led to a lot of retarded and fun combos. Now you have two Vertin cards, so it's still a decent amount of options, but not as much.
>>492481685 (same anon)
they should also expand on the acquisition of card packs, like before we had the different categories and you chose which to battle, which was kinda slow to obtain certain card types (maybe rarity as well, since I think all the cards had different rarities and you had no real guarantee).

I think they can make it sort of like the (not sure of name, but it had 37 I think) 1.4 event that had you progress through 5 stages (even though its 1-time and you farm the last stage anyways). They could add a sort of progression mechanic or level-up mechanic to it (The closest thing I think they can work with is the 3.6 divine ingenuity event that genshin had, where you progressed through the stages and it leveled your characters up and gave you coins as well, and more stuff that I can remember; sounds like what the 1.6 rougelike mode has but not quite like that)
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UTTU now is a complete fucking butchery of the original UTTU
It's shit and objectively worse than before
John ruined my favourite mode and I'll never forgive him for it
This is the 37 thingy I was talking about (I was dead wrong lmao)

Old uttu wasnt all that better either. The new version has protentional with its semi progression to advance to the other areas, compared to do stages and health increases (although new one could use a reasonable hp increase for mobs)
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>65 pulls
I won the 50/50 at least
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Old UTTU was fucking great because each stage was clearly designed as a puzzle with a set turn limit and any way you could beat it within said limit was viable
Fights like 5 AP Sweetheart or big Eagle had several solutions and you could get really creative with it; one of my favourite things I did in this game was a 4* clear of the big Eagle team fight in 1.6
The focus on beating it in minimal turns, removing a card from each arcanist, and dumbing down the fights because they can't be so involved because of the other self-imposed restrictions have completely ruined the game mode
Fuck you.
Impressively bad taste sis.
>because each stage was clearly designed as a puzzle
You're exaggerating. When I got Jiu I steamrolled auto through it all. Before that, A Knight with Bkorn was enough to spam ults. There's probably one or two that requires some effort but those are rare. In fact, the only one I can think of is the cancer Big Eagle squad which was in 1.5 iirc.
Oh also Dikke with the two giant critters were a pain as well.
I liked older uttu's having alot more varied fights but didnt like how round 30 fight was specifically hard as fuck even compared to special week fights like the dikke in 1.5 and big eagle+gang in 1.6
Dikke fight was a lot of fun
sounds like you two didn't witness her victory
Melaniabros... Centurion is nowhere to be found
1.4 and 1.5 had a lot of fun stages like the one with sweetheart getting 5 actions or the one where you keep getting debuffed in an harsher and harsher manner if you don't have AOE
By comparison the previous UTTU had "Marcus deal more damage lmao"
>/u/ kek
>cuck fantasies
>animal cruelty
>He's actually here

Seeing all of these possible suggestions and tweaks got me thinking of a possible way to blend it. The problem with old uttu was the barrier to entry (they showed the stats for the previous patches showing the % of people that reached the lvl 30 or even special week), and the problem with new uttu seems to be a lack of variety playstyles (as >>492481685
said, which makes sense as the less cardholding slots for characters means less variables for creating a possible playstyle).

Both have their problems, so some quick thinking led to something that may address both.

Old uttu had:
A rarity restriction (you wanted to get the best rarity of the card or it sucked generally; what >>492483179 was touched on), and you had no real way to garantuee getting those cards other than picking it when you see it in the catergory selection screen and hope that it drops (and special reading was shit, since you had to do it manually)

New uttu address the immediate issues like the rng factor and the auto thing (maybe the rarity thing too in a way), but made it boring by reducing the variance in battle by reducing the cards that characters can hold (though increasing the amount vertain can hold to 2).

I think a possible solution to it would be to give everyone the ability to hold 2 cards (including vertin) and put more emphasis on a progression mechanic throughout the new uttu areas. Before stages were "sectioned" from 1-10, 10-20, 20-30 and special week, which had clear jumps in difficulty. They could just reintroduce it back into the areas that new uttu has (though this may have some problems too).

The problems with that difficulty reintroduction may be certain cards becoming more of a requirement than others (though that's why you give more variance by allowing everyone to hold 2 cards) and since its not like transitions old uttu (the 1-30 ranges and special week), but 5 areas and special week, if they want to introduce the 'fun'...
>old uttu is a puzzle
>literally just funnel into 1 character and deal 100k dmg each attack
>>492488232 (cont)
if they want to introduce the 'fun', they would make them sort of like minibosses or bosses of those areas, but since each of the 5 areas (excluding special week since they can treat it as random bullshit go; no real balancing involved) has a difficulty jump between, obtaining cards that play into said strat becomes more valuable depending on the area, which can reduce the varied playstyles that we want from uttu.

The only thing I think they can do is plan some broad stats and playstyles (lets say instead of poison, they make a general broad genesis dmg playstyle, which poison does fall under and allows for more than that 1-type [posion] of that dmg playstyle), and make lets say 3-5 of these broad playstyle categories and create cards that allows for varience between the broad category itself but also some that branches into the other broad categories as well. Then you put character shilling cards lol since uttu always had those and you status/mechanics cards (like unsparing, ceremonious etc). They can also do something with 'negative' statues being a valid team playstyle as well, like a card that freezes your teamates every other, but does some crazy buff in return (sort of added it with positional cards)
Thats only for the game mechanics aspect, not the others like the card acquisition etc, but thats a lot of typing lol

Just know that this would have to be balanced around being easy, since garments and items are kept within the mode
they should make 1-3 UTTU easy and 4-6 UTTU being hard as fuck then, and simply put all the rewards into 1-3

snailing through 1-5 with little cards sucks, and 1 strategy often work for all stages
I love Marcus!
I agree. As long as you beat it within 12 turns, who cares. It was also easier to parse all the statuses vs all the roguelike ones. This one is ‘look up the cheese or bust’
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>A rainbow
>Green outfit wearing woman
I always knew kakania was a leprechaun
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What's with that ring?
I like UTTU because its just a 37 showcase
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girls kissing girls?
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Does Windsong not feel even a little shame from having someone younger than her as a sugar mommy?
Academics are utterly shameless when it comes to funding
As long as she lets me motorboat her titties its fine
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She's been through a lot. Leave her be
The trashbag has become a picture book reader.
You guys are reading the enemy flavor text and the skill names, right? They're not always the same even in main story and they get rewritten it for UTTU
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they're so fucking big...
I love a knight, I wish he had more singing
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I will now that you mentioned it
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Fake and gay
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>he doesnt believe
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I love the fish and her fish fucker wife!
I love jiu so much. But as a pet instead of as a wife. I dont want to breed her, the children would become TOO retarded
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here comes the macho!!
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......do I build her?
lots of jumpscares lately
yeah windsong is definitely worth building
Windsong? Yeah, for sure. Beast brick? Hell no, she's not even a good support for Isolde, just wait for Joe instead. Her chube is good though, amp it and give it to An An Lee.
Yeah Blonney has bigger boobs than the other two so I'd definitely build her
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Good catch fellow Timekeeper.
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>2 hours since last post
Zeno offer still stand, in case you forgot
the zeno banner...
We are too busy enjoying the game and life to post. You wouldn't know
only new Limbo can save us now
But there's no content...
would you punch marcus in the face
I just want the new rogue like
Yeah I've started this patch's content sooner than usual so I can take things slower and have the time to pay attention to more of the details.
I want to pinch her cheeks. Give the a good squeeze.
What the fuck is wrong with you
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shhh... you're waking it
but i'd pelt her in the stomach until she vomits
Why did you respond to yourself, retard?
I'd let her punch me in the face
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who is the target audience for this?
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Taking a HARD nibble on him.
Sir Knight
Everybody except doctors
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I would let marcus stab me
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I'm serious you worthless cum rags

Do I bother, I specifically SKIPPED before
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Yes, she does big numbers on her ult. If you have Isolde then it's a no brainer as she gives free burn stacks
Best beast character because only single target ultimates matter most of the time.
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Damn, I just noticed I was using Vila with no reso setup since the start of the patch
Is it so hard to ask for me to have someone dress up as Ezra and I then get to molest him?
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got all 3, only use spath
Self insert male character when?
She hits really fucking hard and if you have Isolde she doesn't need to tap her glove and can easily hit her ultimate requirement
There's no specific reason to raise her now because UTTU shills 37 and raids shills 6, there's also no reason to not raise her because you'll have more mats than to know what to do with, heck I'm raising Ms Newbabel at the moment
>Haven't finished windsong sidestory because I don't care about her sad wank about magic geography
>Haven't bothered with UTTU because there's no real reason to do so until you have 37 combo and special week is out
Is it over for me bros?
We love Windsong and Villa here, you soulless queer
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>Best beast character
*blocks your path*
*steals your heart*
I havent used reso set up since the start of the game
single target > multiple targets
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Same, I don't really hate WS and Vila but I don't care about them either
So how do i clear the last stage of the windsong thing the one with eagle i need to burst her down but how
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she dos big dick damage and her only weakness with not having enough burn debuffs on enemies is redundant now that we got isolde + joe in 2.0 if your rolling for him too
but Melania is a single target ult...
I haven't reached there but it should be the same as always, you build up fat stacks for rounds then burst her down in one turn
you can use [Sturdy] on the characters that she uses [Sense Weakness] on since she'll wait for the next turn to ult them. Both Voyager and Vila heal apply [Sturdy]. Throw on some shields too if you have any
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lunch break
Is there a cheese strat or a combo to do this uttu? the last one was ok with the burn but i don't know if those cards are here again
Do not expect spathotards to have any coherent thoughts in their empty heads. Or know anything about other characters.
In case you don't remember, spathoschizo literally admitted not playing the game.
Borrow a P5 R15 Jiu
grab all the healers you got and do the dynamo instant kill strat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1LgBUDQJz4
uh oh melty
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post Marcus to scare away the melty
Making tea with Marcus' socks!
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fatty stop eating burger fatty
>I'll skip marcus
>marcus? free skip
>why use marcus when windsong exist lmao
>1.7 happened
>marcus my cutie
>I just pulled marcus
>I want to hug marcus
I like her but I still skipped...but no worries, I will get her on her solo rerun!
the solo marcus rerun...
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>Solo rerun
I would make a one-time payment for a wilderness resource auto-collect feature.
Why the hell is the magnifying glass/more-info button on Windsong's banner bugged (misaligned)? I thought my game had crashed.
I wouldn't. It is such a tiny amount.
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>forgot to edit the wings when I made that
Delete that image!
>oversight looks like matilduck is bullying marcus by reaching inside belly to poke her

Don't delete it!
windsong's slow ass banner is killing the game
just 3 more weeks sisters...
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Vila and Marcus garments coming soon.
marcus wouldn't wear that
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>Hoffman Burger
Did Marcus just commit cannibalism?
I'll be disappointed if she doesn't wear bloomers.
too many marcus, post someone else
plap plap plap
be happy!
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Sex with Schneider.
I want to post Lilya but I dont have any Lilya images
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Schneider and Vertins
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sex with marcus tonight and the world blow up or wait 10 years to sex marcus?
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It was nice knowing ya bros
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end of the month
don't forget to do THAT
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I forgor...
The cutest pic of Marcus I've seen yet.
just came inside marcus btw felt rlly good
alive game?
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I think anon is talking about the web event, which I did forget lol
2.5 more weeks until I can buy Ezra...
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probably means buying out stuff from normal shop or monthly cash shop before it restocks
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I'm waiting for the 1st of the month so I can pay the global server bills
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Marcus and donkey!
horny game?
only if you're a woman like 99% of users here
only if you pretend to be a woman like 99% of users here
girls kiss girls
false advertising
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Do you find this hot? This is (You) btw
getting vertin pregnant
lucky Argus
Canon futa Argus...
She's a broodmother for Schneider's babies.
girl kissing girl
um actually Hoffman death is 10 times better than that Italian whore called schneider
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Not even close, but the mc (you) has style at least and two girls who simp for her bad, actually besides Sonetto and Schneider was there anyone else who is thirsty for Vertin? Because I can only remember those two
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not really, furthest thing your gonna get is minor yuri & semi-sexy garments
her porn collection is her third romantic partner
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Vertin calls them 1930 girls' sensual parts clippings
it should be more horny though
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Isn't PtN for that?
Literally me
I'm still convinced that has nothing to do with Vertin but one of the tombstones/spirits she listens to.
Maybe, but the alternative being Vertin is much more fun so I'll keep believing it.
imo there doesn't seem to be a lack of options caused by units now holding 1 card instead of 2. The new cards provide wider functionality than before and cover the gaps caused by the new limitation as some of them allow units to copy cards held by other characters or transfer benefits, basically providing at least two cards' worth of benefits.

The problems I have with new UTTU are removal of flexibility by being forced to select 8 characters, it now being a sort of gauntlet mode and causing the hassle of resetting the stage(s) or whole area if I want to try something different or record a better run.
I think the new card acquisition method is fine and much better than before; especially since we're now able to craft specific cards. (I would prefer removal of having to swipe the screen to open packs.)
>we had the different categories and you chose which to battle
I personally found that to be messy as we weren't guaranteed the cards of the rarity advertised and the cards themselves didn't indicate which category/set they belonged to even when looking at them in the binder.
>(maybe rarity as well, since I think all the cards had different rarities and you had no real guarantee)
At least for card collection completionists, it seemed the only way to pretty much guarantee you got the rarity you wanted at the lower tiers was to drastically stall UTTU progress (which prevented dilution of the drop pool) until you completed the rarity's collection which was terrible with the way UTTU previously worked.
Post some known whores of R1999
The shota banner…
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Vertin, the Timekeeper, is a well known whore.
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>SPDM in captcha
what does it mean
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Who will be her next italian victim?
The SPDM stands between Vertin and Schneider. They know how to bring her back but are keeping it secret until they need to twist Vertin's arm.
Or perhaps it stands between Vertin and Sonetto. The two will be forced to become enemies.
Perhaps give him guidance if you haven't. It's better to have tried than done nothing at all.
vertin slut
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the obvious
Consuming all my candies for the main event boss because I want this shop cleaned out already.
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old woman
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don't call her that
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oh nonono gookbros don't look
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These two just look so correct together
good thing only chinese and japanese people play this game besides western players
didnt this game have kr dub
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Vertin and her Italian wife is a match made in heaven
Yeah, I remember watching a kr vtuber streaming it on yt (though she used the en dub, the accents are half the charm)
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You'll have to use your imagination for this one
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Not true
They changed hand gestures just for the Koreans
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Yet it spread to global, at least in the case of Melania's altered pose.
why is vertin always so sad
cheer up bitch
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The funny thing about the Melania change is that no normal person holds jewellery like that
that's right, she needs someone to help take the edge off
I imagine someone with high confidence and a sense of showmanship would handle a gem like that. Even so, that doesn't seem much like Melania.
Anyone actually pulled Windsong portrays for fun?
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Windsong is way more fun to use than I thought she'd be. This was the most thrilling battle I've ever had in this game. Finally put this fucker in it's pace.
Thanks for reminding me I have her story to start.
Limited scales, infinite sex
I got her P1 on my first 10 pull. Her p3 looks nice, but Im already P5ing everyone next patch also Im getting e6 robin and topaz in HSR in the next two months as well so im holding off for now
>not a single character is a "commercial actor"
Fuck you too bitch ass new ancedote mode bullshit
Sweetheart and Bunny Bunny
>suddenly Hoyo
I fucking hate Hoyoniggers so much.
e6 robin
Do you want the game to be more boring than it already is?
I can't even find a P2 or higher Windsong after refreshing my star assist list for 5 minutes
>spathodea banner out of nowhere
What the fuck? I wasted everything on Windsong...
>spathodea out of nowhere
This general has become so fucking soulless
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Holy fucking SEXO!!!!
You're not tired of Robin singing the same fucking song over and over? I'd rather pull for E2 Sparkle
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Just a little reminder that the shop resets today
proof that gooks should kill themselves
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Already cleared out the shop in preparation for Lucy
Damn I should do the same, I'm left with 40 pulls
revenue numbers today. praying we avoid EoS
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I hate gacha revenue pvp
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>fake ass r*ddit charts
Kill yourself
meanwhile in CN
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girl kissing girl
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What if she just shot her?
Global will have her rerun paired with a dog. And you'll like it.
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>project KV is confirmed non-yuri
nice, bullet dodged. now we just have to survive HBR global release
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is this the "scam" banner where pity doesn't carry over or can I safely dump some pulls on it?
>no carry over
>no guarantee for a specific character
>male on banner
Yeah I'm thinking it's a skip
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I get the double banners but what's the fucking point of not having pity carry over?
>Would have summoned a bit for Shamane
>Brickodea is on there
Total scamcha.
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Why do we have a Spatho hate schizo now?
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lmao I rolled scam banner once
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I didn't have her so I'm okay with this
Because people who play gachas unironically can't stop themselves from pulling like the poster above me
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Carrot garment soon
I still have 280 rolls, I'm okay for a while.
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>higher insight materials MANDATE story progression
for fucks sake
I miss my gummi bears
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>keep giving them feedback every survey to stop with the scam banners
>they keep releasing them
well i guess the numbers must justify their existence, but its still scummy af.
>not following news
>authentic spathodea jumpscare
way to fuck yourself in the ass.
In case you don't know, there's an event calendar accessible from the main screen's menu icon: Notice -> News -> Ver 1.8 Second Half Event Calendar.

>The guarantee count is calculated independently and is NOT shared with other similar banners.
that's probably because I give them feedback to do more double banners so it cancels out
Don’t forget, the daily discord login reset today!
90 clear drops could be yours in just three weeks!
I keep forget to check in...
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>can't even break a million
eos soon
>yet again autoed whole limbo
I wish they did something more interesting with limbo
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perfectly balanced
are snowbreakfags doing alright..?
jp revenue doubled, EoS prevented
its going to dip even harder next month since their censorship ban was only announced a few days ago
Snoggers are going through dark times after the cartel got them. Hopefully they'll make it.
Already have her
I forgot to attempt finishing the previous limbo...

Why should pity carry between those banners?
Now's a good time to level up my Blonney. I should've done it sooner during this event desu.
Is there any low rarity character that has a single target heal/buff? I just realized that a lot of low rarity characters are mass heals/buffs.
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but...nothing about matilda is outstanding
Bette and Nick Bottom off the top of my head.
John Titor
Her ego is outstanding.
Where's your Sonetto? Did you dispatch her in another reminiscence?
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>get Blonney to insight2
>her voice line is at a higher pitch
Is this her trying to sound refined?
>Chucky and Mason V****** in her i2 art
Who's the backwards-legs dude supposed to be?
>obsession > 180
so will they buff the characters or will they just put the buff in 1 game mode only and you can only wank your character in there
In the past they talked both about Peak Focus buffs and actual buffs, they mentioned Shamane as one of the characters they would actually buff and he didn't get a peak focus buff either
perhaps they want to use peak focus as a testing ground for buffs, or they want you to grind some shit to bring the character to 7* and they haven't the system ready yet, in any case 2.2 is 2 weeks and half away so we'll see soon enough
The other character that they mentioned when talking about buffs were Druvis, Lilya and BKorne by the way, though those 3 did get a peak focus buff
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>Vertin: rebel at heart, was ready to leave sonetto like a side bitch when kids to go outside, questions rules
>Matilda: Stalker at heart, main goal is having sonetto as an assistant (girlfriend), does not question rules
Matilda never had a chance, I like her though she cute and her french accent is cute too.
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Lucybros... even with the monthly reset i'm not feelin so good...
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you get a free 10 pull like jiu so you guarantee soft pity at least
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I was trying her out and she already does too much damage at P0 for it to matter. Ironically the only portray that seems interesting is P4 since it gives her one of the strongest Level 1 AOE incantations in the game but yeah no
You're fine. It's an anniversary patch so there's a lot of freebies + patch income
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when the only thing you have going for you are tits... it's self-explanatory anon. even other coom-alligning games never went for softcore porn and stayed in their lane whilst also having redeeming qualities to them besides tits and ass. can't say the same for Snowbreak unfortunately
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I had some buns and tears but I need Lucy so hard...
I'm still contemplating if I want to be the first f2p to ever have a p5 Marcus.
made for zeno cock
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>.25% of global revenue
Cant wait to see my bill this month, didnt buy the windsong packs yet either
they pulled a GFL and released an uncensor code, Xijiping lost, Snowbreak is eternal
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not really, p0's strong enough for uttu & limbo, only thing I need for her is the 1.9 tuner and shes pretty much perfect
You look fine. You'll get a few more bunnies over the next few days, clear drops every day, some from limbo and a nice amount of both during 1.9.
hello basedkeeper
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last Lilya!
thanks sis, I'll level up my Lilya after buffs
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>no crit rate conversion
>no Cadet skin
do they hate us Illyabros...
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I'll level up my Matilda after portraits
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Girls kissing girls
girls tribbing girls
I wonder if any new girls will join the timekeeper squad in the 2nd arc. With Sotheby and Druvis kinda sidelined I think the writers might have determined that 4 people is their ideal and balanced team size.
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Sotheby still appears from time to time. The last time I saw Druvis in the story was way back in 1.0
it's time for the Marcus squad...
>imma at 69 (nice)
>no rolls
>clearing the three doors for drops
>prepared for the worse
>it's Windsong
alright her and Vila are going to have a busy night and I'm gonna watch
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Great, now everyone in the thread has Windsong!
I didnt pull.
I don't
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>With Sotheby and Druvis kinda sidelined I think the writers might have determined that 4 people is their ideal and balanced team size.
Makes sense, with Regulus we already got someone with the levity to break the tragedy scenes (any chapter that has regulus is great really), sonetto is already the childhood friend/love interest, lilya is the big russian sister and someone to pull the pirate's leg and we got vertin as the squad leader, or to put it more simply
>Regulus = Sanguine
>Lilya = Choleric
>Sonetto = Phlegmatic
>Vertin = Melancholic
The system works
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I didn't pull for fish or fishfucker, saving for the robot instead
Now that I have Windsong-Vila-37 core, am I actually unstoppable?
Spoilers for 1.9
by the end of 1.9, 37, Lucy and enigma all have joined Vertin
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you were already unstoppable when you had the Marcus-Vila core
Skipped her and Isolde.
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>and Isolde
the best way to counter Windsong for devs would be for a boss to just have a thorns buff, she'd kill herself during ult.
In theory yes, in practice it'd fuck over other dps as well, especially extra actions, and will just be annoying and unfun to play against since you'll have to waste cards on healing every turn.
What I'm saying is, good thing you're not a game designer, because your ideas would be shit. But then again, you probably never played a real game in your life, so it's expected.
someone put me in a come till Lucy's release, I can't wait any more it's taking too long
anyone else more excited for Semmelweis than Lucy?
if lucy wasn't revealed, i would've killed myself by now

she's the thing that's keeping me alive
Just reduce the damage of follow ups if a character casts more than 1 follow up per turn
This way weaker follow up characters like Lilya won't get fucked over
Also stop the follow up chain after when a raid boss loses its current health bar, forcing Windsong to ult again for the next health bar
Semmelweis is probably the prettiest character in the game.
I'll just put her in my lobby and never actually level her though.
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This, but toof except i maxxed her out on day 1
The good thing about Semmy is you get her for free
The bad thing is she doesn't get a banner so it's hard to get her dupes
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so why is Lucy a mustpull if we all have Windsong?
the bad news is that we dont get her ponytail sprite
lucy takes less effort/setup to be good
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>Windsong is so hard to set up!
>actually you just spam skill 2 for 5 turns then press ult
I'm starting to think everyone is some real Jiukeepers. Spathodea takes more brainpower
didn't say Windsong was hard, I said Lucy takes less effort
Disabling or reducing moxie gimmicks counters her really well like this limbo's 6-2
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I do have to lvl her up because I dropped the game months ago so I need more supports than pickles and my 5P Bkornblume
Of course.
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I've been waiting since before she was confirmed. Suck it up. You'll be alright.

I'm equally excited for Lucy, Kakania and Semmelweis. A trinity of beauty and awe.

I'm glad you're here fellow Timekeeper and Lucy appreciator.
but you dont need portrays
>no windsong
>no spathodea
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just Matilda in a box!!
>she doesn't get a banner
Where did you hear that? I've seen a pic of a banner featuring Semmelweis apparently on rate-up.

Some of us actually like robots.
How else are you supposed to differentiate between a Semmy haver and a Semmy enjoyer?
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>I've seen a pic of a banner featuring Semmelweis apparently on rate-up.
That was probably a pic of the standard banner, which gets a facelift in 1.9 so the preview shows more than just 1.0 characters.
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>I've seen a pic of a banner featuring Semmelweis apparently on rate-up
Look closer
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>Look closer
ok now what
oh... oh no....
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now lick
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Do robots really need breasts?
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Yes, and a belly button and a tiny shirt. It's what Asimov would have wanted.
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Asimov would have been proud
but I WANT portrays
>shirt barely covers where the nipples would be
Peak eroticism. All the tryhard coomer gachas could stand to learn a thing or two.
guess a temporary stopgap is R15 until the next build a banner. Can you ticket P1 Semmel at 1.9 or did I mishear that?
just roll DEEP on standard
why, why not use those rolls for characters you don't have
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where else is she supposed to store her batteries?
no but she does it for the sake of her humanization.
no, but I asked bluepoche nicely
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Why is this pirate such a snitch
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Let her vent, she's been through a lot.
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question, what kind of attacks are things like 37's Supplementary Formula, Argus's FUA and Semmelweis's Truth Revealed? Is everything just considered Incantation damage if its not directly an Ultimate?
>beautiful badass Argus
>Tennant AND Satsuki also on rate up
Will global's banner be just like that? I am so winning if so.
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Batteries are stored in a different place actually.
Global will have Horrorpedia and Diggers instead.
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>Imprisoned by Vertin's suitcase
>Imprisoned by the Foundation
>Imprisoned by greek autistic mathematics
Vertin truly is her Jinx
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I will P5 Mercuria and fund all of 2025 at the same time, I will leave her on permanent support so all of you can use her. No thanks are needed
Post uid so that I could add you and shame you later if you don't go through with it.
I had an actual look at the standard banner for the first time ('Amongst the Lake', right?). It's a banner with no rate-up characters? That's sad...

A drastically lesser win but still a win (of new characters), I guess.
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A set of genitals of both sexes would be nice (futadroid).
The coomer industry runs on balloon tits and the fattest fake asses you’ve ever seen, r1999’s classy designs are unironically sexier than most of the Nikke units I saw when I played it for a month
In defence of balloon tits, it's not just about tits. The art style, the setting, characters all play into what feels "normal" and what is not. A more "realistic" gacha like r1999 simply can't have that else it will feel out of place. More cartoony ones (which is not necessarily bad) like Nikke, AL can have that or even expect it. Especially if artstyle lends itself well.
As a certified coomer, I can jek off to literally anything as long as the artstyle is appealing.
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she's broke
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>18 yrs old
uh oh groomer alert groomer alert
the groomer banner...
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>Schneider seducing 16 year old Vertin in front of the old woman
I kneel
>casually sexually assaults a minor
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Romeo and Juliet law.
Girls kissing girls
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and that's a good thing
not plural, only once really
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Promos for both 1.9 (global) and 2.2 (CN) should be dropping next week. Be prepared for brazilian bunda.
Matilda kissing her orb while it depicts Sonetto
-getting sensually French kissed by Vertin
-while wearing Schneider's clothes
I have to admit
I'm getting tired of hags
your marcus?
I'm not.
Wish I'd have thought to level up Baby Blue instead.
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There's barely any hags. The adult women in this game are mostly in their 20s.
>le 100+ year old female character
>who actually looks and acts like an adult
John...I kneel
Im getting all 3 anniv characters to p5 so I like them all
I want to fuck semmelweiss the most though.
>notorious scammer
>sounds like she smokes 5 packs a day
>just wants to lie down and watch TV
Every 35+ woman desu
Are you talking about eternity?
you are NOT prepared for tomorrow's raid
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>Swimming pool area
>stage 1 is titled 'Primal Fantasies'
>mermaid is the topic
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>get to do the fun ult stacking and watching 6 obliterate the boss again
>never in any risk of dying too thanks to necrologist ult buff being permanently active
I really should have leveled up more support characters
I just cleared the last limbo stage with 3 dps on my team...
I WILL auto for A+ or S rank and not look at it again

Deal with it
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>distractedly playing
>keep casting Tennant's shield during turn 1 despite her auto casting it at start of battle
Are shield:<afflatus> type shields best broken with attacks from the matching afflatus or am I mistaken? I don't remember how they work.
Fuck you Illidan. I have windsong
Is there STORY attached to this UTTU?

I need to decide if I should dedicate time to it or just have it in the background while I play Genshin
>Fortunate Mixed-Bloods
>Hard work? Rigorous training? -- To think that the swimming champion with mermaid blood believed in such nonsense!
Details like this is why I hope we get another Uluru Games event. The commentary on the competitions and its participants was fun to read and we have more characters than before.
I wonder if Vila would participate in the swim competitions or other sports and which ones she would win.

>Uluru garment for Vila
Thoughts on what it would look like and for what sport?
Yes, but not tied to any of the fights unless you want to read enemy and pre-fight descriptions.
Olympic swimming leotard
Swimming is the obvious one. But I think olympic snowboarder Vila sounds cool
Vila wearing lace lingerie but in her tail form
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>Vila blushing because her fins and more of her scales are visible as a result of the garment

Olympic snowboarder would be quite rad.
>It is not proper for a gentleman to relentlessly pursue someone. Take turns with your friends.
>Microwave Tea Master
>"Efficiency is key for the modern woman. Who has time to boil water and then steep tea? It's so much easier to just microwave everything."
Okay that made me laugh.
I like how Vila's skills is just her giving you a thumbs up or a clap
Vila is the squad's hypewoman
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1.9 Devs Broadcast
>stream when I'm home
Based, gonna get comfy.
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Nice, can't wait
I forgot
What is in 1.9 besides Lucy and overpriced (I will still buy) Regulus outfit again
Is there any specific meaning to Vertin sleeping like that? It's very cute
It's to seduce Italians
Vertin will die a virgin
Who are the hosts? I hope one of them is Arcana's VA
6* Lucy (limited)
6* Kakania (non-limited)
6* Semmelweis (free)
5* Lorelei (free, via rougelike)
Skins for Mesmer Jr, Desert Flannel, Voyager, Jessica, Regulus
Most of us are skipping Kakania
>skipping Kakania
Most of us are skipping Lucy
I'm thinking there's going to be another offline event, among other things.
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Make your own 6* banner
Paid 6* selector
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Our heroes...and Forget Me Not.
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>see Lucy
>start saving rolls
>anon she won't be playable
>later see Kakania
>want her too
>anon she's not going to be playable
>CN 1.9 PV
>I win
Like hell I'm skipping Lucy and Kakania!
>think I'll need to save for Semmelweis too
>she's free
Its funny that this is canon
I could somewhat see a timeline where Kakania could've died, but one look at Lucy and I knew she was gonna be playable 100%.
>Homescreen tier list update:
Isolde: Too schizo - C tier

Marcus: Good face to wipe your hands on - A tier

Vila: Sings and tells you how hard you've worked when you come home from work IRL - S tier

Windsong: Can't stop talking about how poor she is - B tier
She was way too fleshed out in 1.7 for an NPC. It was only a matter of when her banner's gonna drop. Still was a nice surprise when 1.9 CN revealed her though
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JP ver.
What a waste of money...
Not today, fujos.
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I feel like I have seen a real X fan in the wild. Who actually has him as a favorite?
*never seen
People who write Moriarty fanfics
Pity my personal top 3 aren't there but knowing Voyager, a knight, and bkornblume are among the top 10 is enough for me.
I don't have X as a favorite but my bestie did dig his design a little before she settled on voyager then later tooth fairy
>no sotherBITCH
well she would be with matilda (according to the STAR chapter), which was at the spdm I think?
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CN is also getting their 2.2 livestream on the friday with 2.2 being next main story update
>both my games are getting simultaneous contents back to back
I'm content.
I want to watch this but >spoilers. Patch parity John please...
Ah shit, this weekend is gonna be good.
Yes sotherbitch
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Sotheby 2nd garment soon...
argus literally just came out, is 2.1 a shorter patch in CN?
Regulus ate a bean that night
Regulus is for Vertin, romantically
Stream link is up
It's going to be Saturday night for us Aussies
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uhh based?
>JP stream just before this
If there's one thing I've learned is that JP streams are kinda boring.
Well yeah, it's just a react panel of seiyuus. It's not for (you) but for the fags that wank to them
they probably have a very rigid schedule for actual 1.9 livestream so probably fit the VAs talking and doing typical JP trivia stuff before that starts instead of after
>JP streams
Just a bunch of VAs yapping about nothing when it's obvious they don't know anything about the game outside of the script they've been given
>revenue literally doubled in japan
i guess some vtuber streamed the new patch
Vertin sex with hat on
Vertin unit when?
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mondaysisters, how're we feeling?
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It feels like it's almost Tuesday
Waiting for Saturday
Are you rolling?
I can say for certain that I have no need to roll for her.
This is just hebe Vila.
you get p5 for free from roguelike mode bro and a avatar picture of her too just like semmelweiss in 2.1
I'm tempted to buy the "choose 3" pack for 5 bucks and get 75 LF Polarizations. So many chubes that are still unleveled...
You only really need 4 chubes...
what's the other game sis...
Hi Content, I'm Shamane
The most successful, popular, and well-made game of the last ten years, genshin impact, of course. With the most successful and immensely popular new region release.
Wtf no, fuck Hoyo. It's Arknights.
Being a furry isn't much better. Also, hypergryph is part of the hoyo cartel.
>AK is a furry game because of the 10 operators that are full furry unlike the other 300.
>hoyo cartel
Unironically schizo shit from Snowbreak players, when AK and Hoyo fans don't really see eye to eye.
Thats like saying the same shit to someone that plays r1999 simply Barbara and Nick exists.
80% of characters in ak have animal ears. Other 20% don't only because they're angels/demons. You can keep telling yourself you're not a furry, but the reality is, you are.
Awfully defensive here, huh... shouldn't you be playing your awesome new region release now? I heard it was such a huge success that every other gacha literally eosd instantly out of respect.
Wtf are you on about? I don't even play GI and the only things I know about that retarded game is the even more retarded fanbase on both global and CN.
Did the game get good again ?
I left because Vertin was kicked out of the plot for most of the time
i forgot how hard this raid hits
>animal ears
I guess kemonomimi suddenly = furry shit? are you pretending to be retarded? go back
>Boss starts one-shotting my units
It's fucking over
nta but its anthropomorphism, regardless if its technically not furry shit or not, to a normie it may be considered as
Maybe i3lvl1 with lvl1 psychubes was not the play after all.
But you don't need anything higher than i3lvl1 for any content in the game, and /1999/ was never wrong about anything.
Look at mr unnecessary over here
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Easy raids? Easy raids.
who is the right answer?
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>Schneider in 4th
so shes definitely coming out next year right?
do what you must sis, Polarizations are still the most timegated resource even though they EXP at you
calling Arknights a furry game is like calling R1999 a yuri game you know
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I would be sincerely hyped for a crossover between arknights and R1999, the fashion game would be immaculate (I know it won't happen let me cope)
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We will get AK X 1999 but you will only get Exusiai, do you rike?
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Only if we get the KFC skin too
I don't plan to.
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Marcus KFC skin...
shes welfare though? also shes 5* Mercuria so I'm not gonna raise her
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Since the game's about time fuckery, it's gonna be Mostima, not this cumdump angel
Our collab is going to be with Harry Potter, sorry.
why didnt they just time travel back in time and kill Voldemorts mother?
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new raid scores doko? is everyone still asleep?
is this canon?
Ksanfag I swear to god not here.
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My acc is too weak/bricked to even reach the A score, so nothing from me
So being stormed actually means being sent to brazil, damn
So completely correct, yes. Thanks for the confirmation, not that I needed it.
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Vila not being able to get ult while in Rusalka status kinda fucks the 4-ult rotation but she's still a huge boon in this fight.
I can't wait for some top tier bossa nova ost

don't worry, this game is generous with level up resources, you can always just buy more from the event shop
I was lazy and auto it for SS so I have nothing to show
It's going to be an Agatha Christie collab
>Hercule Poirot asspulls the solution to the Storm and announces EoS at the very last chapter
wow windsong nuke meme literally doesn't exist outside of the ghost raid without the new tuning
content doko?
why does straight men hate yuri
i dont know i'm not straight nor a man
nowhere... it's over

because they're insecure about not being the sole object of women's affection and don't view women as being autonomous beings capable of homosexuality for homo's sake
path to nowhere...
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>do a full powered WIndsong nuke
>doesnt instantly get me to SSS Red
I want my money back...
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shamane SEX incoming in a week btw
I am not looking forward to that. 1.3's battles were boring but at least they were easy.
Naivekeepers... You fell for it. I bet you pulled P5 Jiu too.
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The charts updated and global actually made a bit more money than we thought. Non-CN made 1M in total which is nice.
I pulled P5 jiu for meta, but the lushus made me not regret it even if she does eventually become non viable
Cringe af, shame on you tasteless nigger
just wondering, why do metafags put such a heavy emphasis on getting potrays? I can see it in some cases but why would you even get 5 whole dupes of a character? it's not like everyone needs it anyways
These aren't real numbers for any of the games listed. This chart is missing a lot of information and was made solely for shitposting.
Because if a character is meta, more portray is more meta. They don't care about anyone outside the meta anyway.
Guys they've been called "portraits" for months now get with the times.
You sound like someone that doesn't ENJOY rate up or BONUSED pneuma analysis
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I fell asleep
kinda annoying but I mostly just rotated between isolde/ezra/6 & vila/isolde/ezra/6, main issue was trying to get past first few bars quick enough since 6 always did at least 200-100k with the combo thanks to crit buffs/debuffs on boss stacking
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>and Forget Me Not.
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Nah this game's usage of "enjoy" is actually correct, if slightly eccentric.
Bonused, portray and portrayal too
this sister enjoys penetration
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Still got me SSS in a couple of tries compared to the 10,000 retries I did with Cent/Jessica/Bkorn just to get lucky with card RNG last time. But you're right, Windsong isn't really that OP without the new tuning
>not red SSS
opinion discarded
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Oh nyo
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Windsong lowkey kinda sucks in this fight because her playstyle does not jive at all with the quadruple ultimate bursts that this fight encourages. You'd probably have an easier time if you used any other unit with a strong ST ultimate.
vila but sexy
instead of stacking as many as possible before you do the combo you just line her card generation with everyones ult being ready to combo since you get a 200% damage bonus for the entirety of windsongs combo even if she uses fewer cards
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>20 turns in and Ult cycle brings Gold down to 1% HP
>Isolde's autoattack pushes Gold to a new phase
>6 dies to 2 back to back ST nukes
>any other unit with a strong ST ultimate
Like spathobrick, bricklania, brickles, bricklya, or perhaps even BLACK BRICK?
Only 6 is a non-terrible option on this fight, and you can run him with Vila and literally anything else, it doesn't matter. Windsong works as good as anything else.
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>Only 6 is a non-terrible option on this fight
Sounds like a personal problem.
yeah but with 4 card slots being taken up by ults it's hard to have a worthwhile volley
The thing is with Windsong you can almost never shuffle which can lead to brick hands especially in this fight where you want to spread out the AP fairly evenly.
I don't have personal problems with any of the raids, I got my SSS. But this boss is clearly designed for 6. Sure, you can use other characters, but they're all suboptimal. Lucy will probably be better than 6 though, but she's better anywhere because limited.
baby blue is a good budget character for the raid, she helped my spathodea not getting one shotted
The more portrays you have, the more people will use your character as assist and the more it'll stroke your ego
or just roll everyone (excpet males)? why use budget characters
what stopping you from lvl60 them?
Nta, but dust. I used to think sharpies were the limiting factor until I started leveling my units to 60
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take a guess
I like baby blue
>red SSS
nta but there are different tiers of SSS rank?

Nice. Thanks for the info.
you get red SSS if you get 1m2 points
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That's really not a lot of built characters for a dumb whale. Maybe try being less dumb.
Just 2, the normal SSS at 850k and the red SSS at 1.2m
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Did anyone else get a notification about candies for the dev broadcast news?
Did they mean when the stream happens? Asking because I didn't actually get anything.
I did but there's no mail. John might've sent the notif a bit earlier again
im just assuming we'll get the candy next reset if it hasnt arrived by now
girls kisinsgaGirls3
Omg I would pull for Poirot.
The storm is the thing that changed her book name?
The gorgon is more designed toward 37 than that guy is designed toward 6, at least you still have a billion other debuffer like BKorne,Isolde,Spatty,Jessica
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If there's not a hot brown chick with a nice butt in 2.2, I'm skipping. It's like the whole reason you would go to Brazil.
drink milk
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more new merch
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>tfw I have to rely on THIS card to get consistence crit for my round 1 ult burst
matildumb won...
sister...this is what we will get
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As a brazilian straight male I demand at least one 6 stars bunda and one 5 star capybara to represent my country
capybara is just a living potato
Do you buy merch on etsy or somewhere else?
>finally we will be able to talk about 1.9 spoilers
>can't talk about 2.2 spoilers
>it will probably be bigger than 1.9
Shit sucks, good thing the spoiler tag exist
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lock Vila and Windsong in a room until they hold each other hand
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I've been gone for 3 days what's the verdict?
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God the soundtrack from r1999 is pure pleasure to the ears, the menu lobby + rain + voyager violin is the holy combo
>spoiler tags exist
>can't talk about 2.2 spoilers
What the hell do you mean anon? This isn't the discord server.
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Absolute Cinema
I never used the discord server even once, /1999/ is enough
Cute! Is there anything notable going on with that X11 collab?
>never used the discord server
You're not missing much. They have a rule on not talking about CN stuff in the global areas.
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>Cute! Is there anything notable going on with that X11 collab?
I found the image while checking weibo, I only know they are selling merch in Chengdu (keychains, plushes, pins, art box), plus the whole twin tower advertisment they were running until August 29th
>You're not missing much. They have a rule on not talking about CN stuff in the global areas.
Figured that was the case, maybe 5 years ago I would have been active in discord
Different anon, I do the daily login on discord when I remember but I feel like gacha discords are filled with teens
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anymore with result different than this WILL be kicked out of the /zzz/ guild
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Four hundred forty-four (444 = 2^2 × 3 × 37) is a refactorable number, Harshad number, number of noniamonds without holes, and a repdigit.
Please be an actual 37.
Everyone you love will get stormed and you will never overcome the guilt of knowing you could have saved them
how do you clear 3rd place in 5 rounds?




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