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>BO6 Beta Everything You Need to Know

>BO6 Global Gameplay Systems

>MWIII S5 Reloaded Blogpost



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>492344239
Just about to get in does it suck?
Prepare your anus
>when ur blocking the ladder
We're so back
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Mara looks like she could take on a 5 stack of Marshalls without breaking a sweat
Mara is used to big, black, guns after all
If you struggle with movement just play claw and if you have girl hands or some gay shit and can't do claw just get a scuf
The music of this game is really good I like it. Glad it's not negro rap.

Why does it say Park is American in her bio? Is that a bug?
If you're not using stone you are a homo
The movement takes getting used to. I think the backwards movement was a mistake but we will see. I am just glad a competent developer is back and we have best kill kill cams now
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Trust. Being able to dive in any direction without having to do finger yoga to dive backwards and being able to aim with the mouse is insane.
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she is so perfect bros
Now just pray they dont ruin it with seasonal updates
am new how do i hear the audio with this webm?
>mouth guard because she can't stop giving blowjobs
my wife
Treyarch knows better their theme for Cold War didn't change since Beta
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The killcams are fucking sick. The way it takes a few seconds before so you can see the setup is nice.
I am still first place every game even with the controller nerf. Holy shit keyboard and mouse players are bad.
4chan xt
Didn't it only get nerfed when you're like three feet away?
It's pretty nice but the TTK is too slow and tactical sprint doesn't mesh well together with the game
dont worry nigger i speak zulu and sign language, the ginger midget is saying and i quote "woah wtf was that!?!?!?!" then proceeds to say some shit about the jews and banks and how they control western society
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>I am still first place every game even with the controller nerf. Holy shit keyboard and mouse players are bad.
Treyarch did it. They saved cod.
>training course character has a calculator watch
I love the 90's aesthetic, I was getting really tired of modern shit
No idea. I kept seeing spam about how I am fucked but I am still destroying PC players lol

and there it is the goal post has been move in world record time
cheers anon i will believe every word awoo
are weapon levels gonna transfer over to main game?
Are they gonna add seraph to this game I miss that hoe
no, they need to remove sbmm and cod hq to save it. sadly iw is hellbent on killing cod so those changes wont happen
>launch cod
>click bo6
>shuts down and boots up again
who the fuck came up with this shit
I love masked women. My future wife will be mandated to wear a mask like this everytime she goes outside.
Too fast I mean
controller hasn't been bad since all the normies got into gaming.
based health conscious covid 19 schizo
I hope so.
Activision. This whole unified launcher unified UI unified engine is real taking out the soul of each CoD really fast.
codhq bullshit drives me insane
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>Treyarch did it. They saved cod.
did they huh?

>august 2023 MW3 launches 190k players
>july 2024 1 month before BO6 beta 100k players
>bo6 beta launch month highest count 150k players

they didnt even out compete mw3 whilst mw3 is out holy fucking shit they have 50k players on steam thats it
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Marshall franchise, cracka
>Nikke fag worried about numbers
Why is Adler locked without Vault edition this is so fucking gay I want to jerk off to Adler already
>sledgecuck already clocked in to do some damage control
lol lmao
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na na na nigger you dont pull that shit now when you faggots were posting this shit all year long during MW3 suck a dick to lose weight bitch
Everyone is either saying it doesn't feel like a black ops/its a MW game or it's Cold War 2.0. Which is it retards?
I don't care about player numbers. I only care about whether or not I'm having fun. I didn't even reach the level cap for mw2-2 or mw3-2 betas.
>Beta isn't unlocked for everyone
>heckin numbers
1 week until you get btfo
Mr t Lexify says this game sucks because it's not a carbon copy of black ops 3!
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>Oct 12 2023 MWIII Preorder Beta starts on PC
Uh oh...
16% increase over lolfare 3
open beta will btfo it
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100k jump in players bitch DOUBLE THE BO6 BETA holy fucking kek
Can't believe how mindbroken they are oh my this is just the beginning
I love how the announcers have some character to them again
All the rouge black ops characters suck aside from adler holy shit
What am I even looking at? Recyclefare 3's launch? You do know BO6 didn't release now, right? We're playing the beta
The one with the balaclava and chain is cool
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Willing to bet she regularly makes sure to clean them all up after use.
kek get fucked
Don't be a bot and let the enemy team get streaks
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why is he kinda..
you dumb cocksucker
It will be so funny in a few months when mw3 is completely irrelevant and these sledgecucks have nothing to talk about anymore. they'll either concede or rope
im laughing at your cope and how shit this fucking game is
186k is the peak for the public beta lol
Disingenuous cuck
Gun slut like her makes sure all her weapons are completely drained and empty!
Wow they even gave this Kang golden dog tags.
How is he moving the goalpost by reminding you controllernigger that your game is literally playing itself?
>first game a fat mexican is shit-talking while pacing last on an open mic
we're so back
So much for enjoying MW3
Might finally cave in and get a VPN, I don't think I can take another year of playing against turbo sweats with nasal voices every game
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>im laughing at your cope and how shit this fucking game is
so your meaning to tell me that only 50k players pre ordered bo6 the most hyped cod like you faggots go on about like it saved cod lmfao you faggots eat shit and call it dairy
>blames anon and not his teammates
hearty kek
mara cosplaying as the cheerleader from her high school all black male basketball team btw
Mexicans are legit the worst. Always blasting their nigger reggeton thing or you hear children crying in the background with the whore of a mother shouting mexican insults. It's just so trashy, feels like you're in a McDonald's.
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No offense but people who complain about sbmm genuinely suck at the game you should want to be challenged instead of stomping 40 year old dads and getting easy nukes
no way, she must have been very popular!
>game doesnt even have a fucking brightness slider
i dont know why i expected something good. entire game is unplayable cause half the screen at all times is just pitch black
> iw sbmm cocksuckers come out of the woodwork the moment its mentioned
can u faggots stop ruining cod already?
Did Warzone conk out and die? I literally never hear about it anymore.
Sit bot let us skilled players enjoy the game with some competitive gameplay and fun
grim how its been 5 years and mw19 is still the best looking and playing game so far
warzone 2 being so bad literally killed warzone
iw engine ruined cod
Word is you could see her leave the men's locker room quite often
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m+kb boomers how are we feeling? I am still getting used to using ctrl more, but I can't think of a better bind. I tried using a mouse button but it feels bad
this game fucking blows lmfao the max payne dive is literally useless. everyone is just spamming backwards slide jump to win.
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That's good! Means she took her duties very seriously! She was probably meeting the entire team before, during, and after any workout or practice!
My friend only plays warzone and he isn't playing this season, I think with the Nuketown resurgence map it will be spoken about again
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>lmfao you faggots eat shit and call it dairy
Cold War doesn’t feel like black ops though
game might have the ugliest guns in cod's existence. makes me not want to play and i will not be buying the game. no wonder it' son game pass day one
>maps are shit
>game looks like ass
>movement was oversold and is shit (you unironically move faster with stalker on MW3 and gungho in CW/Vanguard)
>we already saw zombies, it's just MWZ but in rounds
>tac sprint
Game feels very stuttery and unstable despite having a high framerate and after a bit over an hour it finally crashed
Does it work on your machine? Should I change any particular setting?
Weapon recoil animation and camera shake is way overtuned, they need to reduce it. TTK is a tad slower than I’d like it to be but maybe assault rifles are a little undertuned because that one smg I see everybody using seems to be pretty quick to kill.
cold war feels more like black ops than this game
how do i turn off the fucking dive, they still haven't fixed the bug where you randomly dive even though you didnt hold the button. tap to slide option doesnt even fucking work it's just the same as hybrid.
can you get a refund on steam even if you've played over 2 hours as it is a beta
you can thank BLACK kings for that
I agree just by virtue of being on the old engine, this game is just feeling like MW3 with a 90's skin
I'm having fun and loving the whole aesthetic they went for, hopefully they don't ruin it with zoomer skins but seeing how goofy the 100$ edition operators are, they most definitely will
Also the omnimovement feels very gimmicky and I'm already dreading the kind of retarded bullshit the adderall addicts will come up with
>>492492850 just hurts to watch
I have no idea when I've killed someone in this game. The feedback is so bad.
>maps are shit
I like skyline
>game looks like ass
Everything since MW2019 has looked the same to me. Probably because they are all infinity ward cod hq garbage at the fundamental level
>movement was oversold and is shit
It feels more sluggish than clips led us to believe but I’ve had fun with it
Can the tribalist schizos fuck off already? All the games are practically the same, stop being autistic.
3arch lowkey did mw2019 m8
>best looking
>best playing
fuck no the maps were shit
So why would you *ever* use a magazine attachment that isn't Extended Mag 3 or Fast Mag 3 on any gun?
>MWIII is better
Time to apologize to godhammer. Best game of the MWII era, best game of the MW19 era if only by default cause the other games were complete trash.
>I kept seeing spam about how I am fucked
I really don't know why. It seems like a fairly minor change. It only stops kicking in at a range where you shouldn't even need it anymore. The people cheering for it and crying about it both seem like retards.
Between the zombies showcase and this beta it goes to show how far COD’s art direction had fallen. The only thing black ops about this game is the orange menu theme.
They didn't say anything about breakdancing
nigcel theead
timmy incel theead
Black Ops is schizophrenic in its identity. The only two black ops games that look similar are BO3 & 4
Each game looks different from one another
20 point blank kills for a daily challenge is so fucking gay
I hope camo challenges wont be like this
for all the toasterchads out there, hows the performance on pc?
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umm excuse me niggers???
this isn't a 4 year dev time game
Currently bugged and on Trello board.

Level isnt showing proper level. Im 20 in Main Menu and 15 in lobby.
popping into this thread to say they’ve ruined zombies. i haven’t bought a cod game in 6 years anyway, but wow. dying on a whimper. multiplayer looks shit too.
feel free to pop a gun in your mouth
swat 5.56 is fun
>ADS speed once again the only thing that matters
they have all this movement but it means fuck all if your weapon has on more than a dot sight and and ADS's at the speed of a turning semi truck
feel free to keep supporting developers turning iconic games into bland, characterless garbage that’s catered to mushmind robots.
Nostalgia faggots like you have ruined more games than any other group. Shut your pie hole.
What sort of exercises would those workouts include?
i don’t have to be wearing nostalgia glasses to see degraded quality
Rigorous full contact tests of stamina and strength, dexterity and ability to multitask
>xbox app downloading at 2.4 mbps with drops
>turn off real time protection
>instantly 200+ mbps
>turn back on
>instantly 2.4 mbps
So are we just going to continue letting India live or
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The average 4channer, especially on /codg/ has autism, so they have no concept of "theory of mind", or the idea that other people/entities might have different points of view, experiences, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and emotions than their own. This is why they have trouble with the idea that Mason is being treated as deceased for story purposes.

Pic related. /codg/ would probably fail the test.
knowing Anne is a filthy jew, Sally will assume she stole it
lmfao you still fail the test since you think she would know the ball was missing even before searching.
Well I don't necessarily doubt her capabilities but I'll believe it when I see it!
>Wasn't gonna even bother with yet another Failarch amateur project
>Decide for fairness sake to at least try out the beta
>Buy $1 Game Pass trial and install the game
>3 matches later full of omnischmovement spam with everyone diving around every corner and during every gun fight
>Uninstall this steaming pile of dogshit
I guess I'll have better things to do for the next year.
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I'm all for nerfing shotguns to shit and all, but did they have to make the one in the beta literally fucking useless?
I wish I was that strong...
What FPS vidya will you play instead?
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I feel like ever since MW19 had a beta, everytime a beta drops, everyone says its abysmal dogshit and then they will renounce the game for it and then they will play the full game
Why do the subheadings rapidly shift between different font sizes as you scroll up and down in the options menu
Why do they think using the same UI and menus is a good idea when it's only going to increase sequel fatigue as everything's exactly the same (and shit) yet a fucking gain
Why don't they have brains
Would definitely be quite the sight! Of course, having to hide in one of the lockers to get a view of it might not be comfortable...
>Just about to get in does it suck?
no it's actually kino
Only complaint is the scorestreaks are too strict.
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I don't get it
Am I autistic?
I would check my own basket first.
negatives about bo6
> some animations carry over from turdwarfare 2 and 3
> sbmm from mw19 onwards
> cod hq
> update requires restart
basicly if it didnt use the abysmal mw19 engine the game would be 10/10 and also no sbmm
I guess the idea is that someone with some kind of mental defect would think Sally would immediately look in Anne's box first because they wouldn't be able to understand that just because they know the ball is there doesn't mean that Sally would know given the context
>crying about SBMM already
>the only people playing are CoD addicts that have gone through the effort of per-ordering or obtaining a key
holy shitter
ah I see.
So they don't understand that sally shouldn't be aware of the moved ball simply because they as the audiance member knows that.

I can see why this test has been criticized. Most people with only minor autism would probably pass it.
99/100 people with "minor autism" don't have autism at all, they just have ADD, which is a real disorder regardless of what you've been told, and it can have some overlapping symptoms with what you might consider "minor autism". Autists and individuals with ADD are also drawn to a lot of the same things, such as video games.
>minor autism
Too bad that's still too normal for /codg/.
It is unclear if /codg/'s biggest problem is autism or simply low IQ. I mean look at the losers plaing the BO6 beta: why would you shell out $80 for the same shitty game with the same shitty bugs year after year after year? And pay for mtx on top of that?
My exact thoughts, its just another regular ass treyarch game, I suspect the actual dev time was 3 years tops, 1 year was given for the guys at 3arch to study and learn IW engine.

Also the ducking games reuses assets and animations from MW2 lol
The only FPS game I currently have on my radar is Delta Force. But I’ll have to play its beta before I make my mind.

But most likely I will probably just take a break from FPS slop or just play some casual matches of BF1 from time to time.
I know
>skill issue
but this game is barely functional on an HDD. I have an Nvme and SSD but CoD gets way too big to live on either of them.
I'll be waiting for the next battlefield for mp im not convinced at all. Just waiting to see if zombies will be playable at this point.
>streamers complaining that its boring and going back to wz
its over'est
This is the first beta since MW19 where I don't even want to max level. This is the absolute shits.
>made the SMG the good goy per-order gun
why even have the other weapons when everyone is just going to be using SMGs and quickscope rifles in a few months
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>delta force
I dont know man, its chink garbage, it looks better than BF2042 but thats a really low bar to clear.

What kind of fucking idiot uses and HDD for games in this day and age?.
Just had a 6 hour session and I don't know if I just played against shitters for 6 hours but I was strafing like a motherfucker on keyboard and felt like I was blasting aim-assist faggots all night.

I think this is a Keyboard-COD....
It's too bright if anything. They really favored visibility hard and in return there are no dark areas
The maps are legit terrible. And the spawns are worse than anything sledgehammer has ever put out. Guess Treyarch needed 5 more years to learn the engine.
it's up
>spawns are worse than anything sledgehammer has ever put out
You are a mongoloid if you truly believe this. I had zero issues with spawn. Remember when MWIII literally would spawn both teams together a foot apart.
Honestly just kill yourself now.
>cod doesnt even have a forum to give beta feedback
lol what the fuck is the point of this
with mara?
take the squad pill
Everything on twitter complain there
Packet burst out the ass are they literally unable to fix it?
what, you don't like randomly freezing mid firefight or sumthin?
This is actually nuts. I made a few changes like putting swap weapons on D-Pad Up and putting melee on the mouse but this guy was right. I'm sliding behind people to take them as a human shield
What kind of an idiot puts a period after a question mark?
>higher TTK
>increased power of aim assist
Looks like it's time to break out the controller again, lads
Get better pcs
The TTK was lowered and most people are saying aim assist got nerfed.
I think I just need to stop reading /codg/ and Twitter because all you people are actually braindead.
>implying I play nu-CoD on PC
I only trust nips and small devs to actually make sure games don't run like hot shit on PC.
My pc runs the game at high with 150 fps, it’s not me they changed something recently with the texture streaming and it’s ass I shouldn’t get packet burst wired too
>charms on melee weapons are back
>MGS1 USP can be made
>But it's a hip fire laser and not an accuracy laser
So close.
It’s the dogshit servers many people on console and pc are reporting this
I tried Tarkov and it's quite horrible unless you're an autist and play like a rat who enjoys moving one pixel and shooting perfect headshots. Just rubbish, even moreso than CoD (which is surprising). Cool gun stuff though.
I'm quite suspicious about Delta Force because it's Chinese and also free to play. This is never a good combination. It might be okay at least when it launches but eventually it will succumb to cheaters and whatnot.
>eventually it will succumb to cheaters and whatnot.
as opposed to call of duty?
Don't try to be clever, Chinese free to play game is quite different especially when they start to introduce pay to win mechanics.
The TTK is higher because of the movement system, you're simply going to land less hits
Why is packet burst so bad now? I noticed it in mw3 and it’s very bad here too I’m running the game perfectly fine
>do bad on map for the first time
>t. triggered treyarch dev
make better maps that arent just tiny boxes with 3 lanes
It’s literally an engine issue they let slide to much over the years it’s getting more and more widespread
but drift0r said that mnk players will struggle to compete with controller players?
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It's ______fun.
Packet burst is getting bad lmao more and more people are getting it now, you literally need top of the line internet now
Jev didn't seem too impressed. Is it finally over for CoD?
mkb will have the edge with the movement stuff, certain parts of the dive and slide animation where it feels like my sens gums up on turns on pad where it doesn't on mkb. Had to bump my horizontal sens up in general from my usual value.
bo6 has the most lifeless sound / sound effects ive heard in any game
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downloading rn
is it good?
Mw2019 saved this franchise and they sunk back into bad habits
Balance is fucked (genuinely one of the reasons to do a beta) but desu it does feel good
2019 was a legit fluke that only happened cause some guys from respawn aka the real IW came back to cod and then immediately fucked off back to respawn after getting cancer from activision again
it's just MW3 with better movement options and slightly faster TTK. maps taste will vary, I like derelict.
>They will definitely balance SMGs THIS TIME
They didn’t leave lol most of the OGs are still there Griggs, and Emile for instance they ain’t going back to tranny pex

Mw22 only had issues for having extra non IW devs
Spent so much time with MW2019, most fun I'd had with and FPS since BF4. Had *just* the right amount of autism from both the players and devs.
I’m getting packet burst like crazy at low ms and no packet loss???? The game runs fine but even at low everything it still persists they need to acknowledge this shit
i got a refund with 300 hours in cod hq and a few hours into the beta im just gonna play this shit on gamepass lmao
mw19 fucking sucked
yeah for 6v6 faggots. everyone was on ground war, faggot.
Keep yapping
You already bought it LMAO TOO LATE SUCKER
Really? Is that why mw3 suddenly started getting laggy too
Does the game just kind of stop working for a bit for anyone else after a round ends if you tabbed to a different window?
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How do we answer the India question?
consoletard detected
this is pure soul, a comfy feeling
Why do all COD "pros" play with a piss-filter on? When I play this map it's entirely white-colored. Why do pros like having everything be piss-colored? Is this some retarded thing where some genius decided it "helps you get more kills" and they all just believed it?
tourist detected
do they still prevent you from leaving the match right after it ends and force you to sit through 30 seconds of scoreboards and characters posing? that's one of the most annoying features in modern cod games desu
they could just bring warzone 2019 back online and pull in massive numbers without doing anything
why don't they?
That unironically looks like a colorblind filter kek
>have to sit there doing nothing for a minute after every game and you're not allowed to leave
Every single "pro streamer" uses a piss-filter. Without exception. I just want to know why. It hurts to look at for me personally so I dont understand the "advantage" theyre getting.
>no one tap headshots on marksman rifles
I sleep, another year of Call of SMG
Some of you don’t like this but IW is always right. Listening to YouTubers is not what cod needs. 22 was only fucked due to the extra support studios but frankly? I liked 22 it was good same goes with 19 they had a vision the YouTube Twitter gangsters didn’t like.

Mw3 was an over correction and bo6 is typical Treyarch sludge
high caliber baby, guns have 1.0x headshot multiplier by default
Why would they? Then no one would buy the new game. I don't think they can add any more blueprints and skins to the game or else it would be 600 gigs cause cod studios cant code for shit
Most normie people have to be on wifi is packet burst like some scizho bug or what
It’s a mix of internet and some settings but it’s mostly your internet they need you on expensive ass plans
theory of mind is not an indicator of autism and is present or absent in people who are both autistic and not autistic
you are a retard
Wifi works perfectly well with decent parts and good line of sight/distance/environment. These people have their router on the other side of the planet with three microwaves running and wonder why it's not working
FaZe Jew just wants to grind camos on hardcore Shipment so his opinion isn't really anything... one way or other.
the Bill Clinton mission will be about setting up the Monica Lewinsky scandal
Forcing texture streaming is causing this shit more people than usual are complaining about it so maybe they will do something
>Be a streamer
>PC specs:
>4090 rtx
>128gb of ram
>Play with everything on low and with piss filter
For what purpose, tho?
>thought i was in for a fun weekend of cod
>end up uninstalling the game after 3 maps
What a fucking disappointment and i didnt even spend a cent on this game. This game doesnt deserve thr black ops title. Call it cold war 2 or some gay shit.
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Haven't played cod since nu-MW2 release but forgot I had gamepass to try this one out. Do I really need all of this space or am I doing something wrong?
I loved MW2019 and had a fine time on 22, I think removing baked in lighting made 22 look ugly but it was a good game. I like Sledgehammer made MW3 to fast for no reason and the long ttk sucks
That one jewtuber already tested it. Setting it to 'minimal' is effectively the same as turning it off. It uses an immeasurably small amount of bandwidth on minimal.
>Portnova replaced by Black Kween Yaaaaaas
Shit game
Low I get.... but the piss filter.... WHYYYY?
maximum fps and visibility
depends on if you are installing everything
>t. autistic faggot
I tried it and im still getting it im stumped dude
>waiting for relay
>believing youtubers, activision shill codtubers at that, when there are numerous people with the same problem at magically the same time
Kill yourself right now
I feel the same
it's actually aight (I haven't enjoyed a cod game since bo4)
the lobbies are sweaty as fuck though, I just want coinflip cod back.
some games are a stomp and others you get stomped

regular unranked games shouldn't be competitive
They think that forcing the game output 300+ fps somehow enables them to override the 20 fps tick rate or whatever the fuck it might be.
It's just simply retarded.
If your monitor's sync is not enough then I don't know what to say. Fast vsync is a thing too.
I just want to play the MP beta. I don't want anything else but I guess I'm forced to have that stupid fucking warzone bloating my install I'm guessing?
Ah yes, lets believe in the bastions of intellectual rigor that are /codg/, reddit, and the youtube comment section.
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please tell me you can turn this 360 sprint shit off, bullshit is getting me killed via sprint ADS delay since normally just move backwards a bit to cancel my sprints but cant do that anymore because 'LOL DUDE SPRINT IN ALL DIRECTIONS"
Packet burst is an engine issue and frankly they havent worked on it and now more people are seeing it
Turn off autosprint retard
you know place beta cuck
It wouldn't be so bad if you could press shift again to toggle sprint off, but muh tac sprint
Yeah the people that play the game. Not some faggot youtuber that uses netduma to get bot lobbies
jackal is 100% getting nerfed before week 2 of the beta starts
just let me fucking play.
The mentally deficient Mexicans that throw wives' tales around for reddit karma who "play the game" are as trustworthy as your anonymous ass
Packet burst means your equipment sucks face it with im silky smooth
it's a terrible test that most people would either pass or fail arbitrarily. it's also in poor taste.
>only way around this gay shit is to swap to hold to sprint
Running the M4 and Jackal in the same class feels retardedly strong
My computer ran mw3 for months and now recently it’s utterly ass to play and bo6 is the same
I'm only playing it because I'm a game pass Chad
So basically the opposite of low IQ
>years to implement auto shared gun builds
now implement shared cosmetics
ALL guns should have the same charm/sticker/camo slots
having to set it 20 times is retarded
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>allrounder AR and an SMG
noooo, really anon
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Love the mat_fullbright 1 setting, looks amazing
non shitpost thoughts on BO6?
lmfao autist detected
>ppor taste
Oh noes! Some mental defective is OFFENDED on 4CHAN!!! Whatever shall we do?!?!?!?!
I got a free trial of goypass so i'm stuck dealing with the worsr thing in existance.. the xbox app. Fucking xbox and fuck this pass, Jesus just let me get level 20 so I can play week 2 in peace on steam with the open beta.
So this is what 4 years of development looks like? lol.
I actually love it and it's the most fun i've had since mw2019. I'm impressed.
Very significant meh. Using MW as a basis was a mistake, the COD hub thing is a mistake, everything else is just meh. COD has long been an iterative series but this just brings almost nothing new to the table and feels like a technical disaster.
MW3.5 which would actually make it MW2.7
they don't call it black ops for nothin'
>Packet burst

lol it’s not my pc
>poor taste
You wouldn't have lasted 20 seconds in the OG MW2 days.
yes please
It ends up going away after a while of playing.
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my first reaction is I miss cold war. I hope the campaign is fun and zombies looks fun to mess around with for a few weeks but mp feels like a MW expansion pack. The fact that the UI and lobby (not to mention the engine) is just going to carry over now makes every game going forward feel like the same thing and should be like $40
This is literally what my game looks like and the brightness slider doesnt work
Not the best, shotgun feels too weak, Scud is an abortion of a map, time to kill is a bit long in general
Still the most fun I've had since Cold War
Treyarch troons really do defend hardcore if this was an IW game you’ll scream bloody murder
It honestly feels like there's a huge hitreg issue or something going on. I've lost so many fights that I've started it's not even funny anymore.
Seems like it's a shader issue, try rebuild your shader cache if it's still happening
Had to restart my game after it happened to me which seemed to fix it for now
fast TTK is only bad when IW does it chud
I was there. Being an insensitive asshole is not cool or funny. You're a manchild who refuses to grow up.
Sledgehammer, i sincerely apologise. Please accept my apology. I kneel as i say this.
>beta reward skin is a woman
sc(h)ud is the only map I like.
>force texture streaming
>It actually doesn’t work
>causes packet burst too
I didn't play Vanguard or MW2, MW3 is shit
>streamniggers butthurt about omnimovement
its the first cod mp I've played in a long time that makes me think "this is just another call of duty game", even Vanguard had more identity/sovl with stuff like the Goliath.
its so obvious that the omnimovement was slapped on last-minute when they realized "oh shit, there's literally nothing new about this."
you won't be laughing when they get it nerfed
It works, this game looks like shit and has packet burst
>That's insensitive, you're a manchild , asshole this, refuse to grow up that
It's okay. Same as any other 3arc game I've played; nothing special. 360 movement is a meme that's funny to use. The guns don't feel as good, but they never do in 3arc games, like they're almost comical. It feels more like you're playing airsoft larp.

The menu music is one of the best we've had in years.
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MW3 is suffering the same fate, im getting packet burst non stop today in random matches even at minimal
did they just spend 4 years just making camos to unlock and bundles for the store??? where's all the effort here??? are pajeets lazy and poor workers or something???
What IS packet burst even? Only see it in cod
Anyone got an easy to read origins guide pls
as in its half baked or when movement becomes the norm and not schizo shit they can't hang and mald
>I'm having fun and loving the whole aesthetic they went for, hopefully they don't ruin it with zoomer skins but seeing how goofy the 100$ edition operators are, they most definitely will
The fact that we have a purple electricity glowing cyborg skeleton in this beta is more than enough of a sign of what is to come
Its connection flow I fucking don’t know it’s some bullshit they implemented with all the extra background streaming they do
Literally packet burst means data packets being sent/received to the server are getting choked up and sent in "bursts" rather than smoothly. In CoD it means their dogshit servers can't handle what is happening.
>The guns don't feel as good, but they never do in 3arc games
The only bo where they were decent is the 2
your client stops receiving/sending packets (information you, other players and the game sends back and fourth in this case) briefly and then gets them all at fucking once making the game look like a DBZ fight for a few seconds
It’s purely connection nothing wrong with your system pc/console experience it. Everyone is different though
they were learning the engine
Based. BO2 is the only 3arc game I've ever liked and it is absolutely fucking exceptional
>reddit hates the beta
its so fucking over bros
It’s either your connection but mostly its their shitty servers.

You can’t fix packet burst changing the graphics to low doesn’t work since it’s not Your hardware there’s a lot of fixes outb
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Four years right here, right now.
damn i didnt know reddit was based
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>knowing or caring what reddit thinks
Reddit also hated MWII and dick throats MWIII
Liked BO1 and 2, only played WaW campaign but I heard MP was abysmal compared to 4.
go back
who do you think is posting in this general?
the reddit users are in the house anon
Nobody cares. Keep crying, vain mental cripple.
>non shitpost thoughts on BO6?
+ It's the most separated from the CoD HQ launcher of all the games in it. Had its own game menu UI and is much easier to navigate
+ Return of a more classic loadout unlock and prestige system is a breath of fresh air after the gunsmith bullshit
+ TTK is a nice compromise between Cold War and more sweaty point and click entries
+ Omni Movement is pretty kino while simultaneously not being absolutely necessary to win
+ Less focused on being huper realistic with the lighting. Maps loom and play a tad bit more arcadey which in general is just more fun
- Scorestreaks are way too demanding, which is ironic because the entire point of making them scorestreaks and not killstreaks means they should be easier to get. Most matches have very few active.
- Any attempt at docuaing on a "90s aesthetic" completely ruined by le ebin cyborg/Zombies skins

tl;dr it's not perfect but it's the best CoD in years and it's only the beta
Has anyone fixed the packet burst?
I actually like SCUD, but that map specifically causes my computer to crash.
your lack of empathy makes you the real mental cripple
when are you going to grow up? being like this past your teens is just embarassing
It's a server problem related to their god horrible matchmaking. Packet burst occurs when you start to exchange data between one or more people. i.e. when the enemy "sees" you in the game.
Even this fabled Scump is getting packet burst on his stream and he is playing on industrial strength fiber and whatnot, probably lives next to the servers too.
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>Has anyone fixed
lmao an autist lecturing normal people about empathy, a quality you monsters lack. Last I checked, I'm not the one diagnosed with a mental disorder that was once classified as a form of psychopathy and probably will again the rate you clowns keep having meltdowns in public with assault rifles
SCUD is the only map that feels kinda open. The others are basically corridor shooters
I genuinely love the buttrock but they need to take a page out of Halo's playbook and add at LEAST one additional menu theme
Reminder that the average american is so sick of the autistic that the democratic campaign is successfully using the slur "weird" against your father figure substitute's and his assburger supporters.
evey game ive been in is just a bunch of faggots doing objective as fast as possible. holy fuck it's a beta try out the fucking game while you can. so fucking annoying after every game you have to wait legit 5 minutes to get into another one.
lmao 10 hours in and nobody wants to vote for Chud
>Chud Buttcheeks
Womp womp, nigger
Packet burst is a feature. Stop complaining, you entitled losers.
you're a fucking moron if you're sitting on a hardpoint the entire game instead of shooting your gun in a beta. it's you isn't it
Your no help either
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Honest opinion:
BO6 is Cold War skin for MW3, it even recycles the old weapon assets too. $80 DLC once again.
Half-assed, btw.
Ah, I see, you're an American with political brainrot. You're absolutely insane, a miserable little rat hurling abuse at ideas in your warped head. You don't even know what autism is. You talk shit about empathy but you have none if it. Feel free to shit up the thread with your retarded reply that I won't read, asswipe. What a fucking joke.
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why are you trying to stat pad in a beta? unless you're a shitter that can't push the hardpoint and clear it out
actually its only a $70 dlc
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In Europe one of yours managed to conduct a mass shooting so I wouldn't get too cocky.

https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/rotterdam-shooter-fouad-l-alcoholic-nazi/ (pic related)
I'm Yuro, it's 80 EUR here and I thought it would be close to $80 with taxes but anyway.
The last 20 years of autism run amok have been a horrible failure. For all the talk about their hyperfocus and extreme intelligence, it seems little of it is true. All we have to show for uncontrolled autism are:
>mass shootings every other week
>random spergouts in public that inconvenience functional people
>wasted taxpayer dollars on welfare for neets
>so they can import goods from adversaries that hate western society
>degradation of public discourse and government function from doing everything about the autistic problem except the obvious solution of culling them

Where are the groundbreaking scientific discoveries? Einstein discovered relativity, Newton discovered calculus, and you ass-burgers love to claim those two. Surely with all the autistic geniuses running around we'd have solved everything by 2010... Oh wait. All we got was some cringy fanart when you autists weren't too busy committing yet another another mass shooting or creeping on anyone unfortunate enough to be near you. Experiment's done and needs to be shut down. Back to the special ed class, spergs. Recess is OVER!
>EU commies are the ones dick sucking Treyshart this whole time
lmao no wonder
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>every potg is a vaultnigger skin
Why do you refuse to disavow and condemn autistic terrorism? >>492519473
Wtf, I'm an alcoholic nazi too...
>camping for muh k/d in beta
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Artsy nordic hands typed this post, what brand of snow nigger are you.
I don't have to condemn shit nigger suck my balls you nutcase holy fuck
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He is one of yours, and you are proud of your mental defect, no? Answer the question: Why do you refuse to disavow and condemn autistic terrorism?
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>beta so bad a schizo interrogating some frenchie is more entertaining
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i like it
My crash issue seems exclusive to the mansion map. Or whatever it is, the once with the pool in the middle.
I literally don't give a shit about some shooter I've never even heard of, go watch some American politics on TV and get out of my COD thread, weirdo.
It's a closed beta.
Only deluxe fags and gamepass tards are playing.
The open Beta is next weekend.
Caine best operator since my last name is Kane. I hate that white ski mask ruskinigger.
>my COD thread
imagine wanting to take ownership of this garbage
the beta is preorders not deluxe
You can get cool anime-esque rewards right now as twitch drops.
MW3 shits on black ops 6 and MW2
Vanguard shits on MW2019 and cold war.
I thought that was Mario and Luigi on the top from the thumbnail
to be this delusional...... how does it happen?
What the fuck did I preorder
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I'm not even a 3fail fanboy but even I can tell this is the best cod in years
Why do you refuse to disavow and condemn autistic terrorism? This is a no-brainer even the most inbred goatfuckers can easily answer.
The only reason his name is "Caine" is because his faction is "Crimson".
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im not buying bo6 stop it treyarch
Cus I don't care? How about you disavow and condemn both of these nuts, nutcase
Fuck off, we just know you're the 3arch shill (and no im not an IW shill and they have their own here as well). Nobody here is dumb enough to drink the same amount of lies you suck off Activision's dick. Only one con LMFAO.
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packet burst is because of texture streaming but not because you're downloading a couple of mbps
it's because hacktivision's already strained servers are now being pigged fifteen million extra times per second
Are you this dumb?
Reminder the scud was a shitty soviet slop missile only used in the most desperate attempts (always failing in failure)
no one's as dumb as you
So what you are saying is packet burst is only happening because the game is so hugely popular and successful? Treyarch Xisters, we won!
You don't care about all those people who one of yours murdered? And I'm the one who lacks empathy?
Why do you refuse to disavow and condemn autistic terrorism?
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You aren't desperate to bimbo gas Israel to ensire the existence of Khazar Milkers?
Okay you got me... I was just kidding. I respect you as a human being.
bo6 plays like dogshit man what the fuck are they doing?
My bad for getting baited by a schizo. I never enter COD threads and this one is full of insane retards.
Silicone parts are made for toys
i bet she had a nose job
You don't care about them either you spastic, get real. Did a sperg molest you when you were a child or something? I'm going to bed now and I will have completely forgotten about this thread by the time I wake up. Feel free to post the same shit again which I won't even see. What an insignificant little nutter you are.
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Why is the beta telling me I have to preorder BO6 when I used a code months ago from that retarded stream?
Get good, shitteroo
Battlefieldbro here. Guys, how do I play with bots? When I play with other people I just cant kill and it's not fun. The MP is too hard. Is there any way to play against bots like in BF and Gaylo? Thanks
>vanguard was unironically better than MW19 and Cold War 6v6
>MWIII was unironically better than MWII and BO6
jesus christ the STATE of CoD
it's a bug, your logon is not going through the steam shit
restart steam and the cod hq
>announcing departure with wall of text
Autism. Autism never changes.
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>aim assist THIS overtuned
>no black lesbian operator with vitiligo
This game will be dead in 3 months

Screenshot this post
I mean, sure, the campaing sucked massive dick and has the worst zombies mode of all time, but Vanguard's MP is actually good. Better than CW. That's a fact.
Just use a controller, dumbfuck. It's not even that expensive. Get a second hand dual sense and play like the pros
I cannot get over how dogshit bo6 feels, I feel like I have less movement than the other games because of the shitty controls and that one map is just fucking awful for it.
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how do i replay the tutorial in the beta?
that made no sense
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gif is the only board that allows audio
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Just play COD for the first time after like United Offensive, and this is the most fun I've had with a multiplayer game in a while. While do people keep dogging on this franchise?
>the game doesnt even work on the biggest streamer in the worlds pc
Embarrassing for call of duty. Games been an ugly laggy piece of shit since MWII engine.
>i like it
it's genuinely great
Kys, IWtroon
wtf just realized theres wildcards... couldve had Perk Greed on for my last 20 matches or whatever...
my right stick not work and it says it doesn't detect my controller even though it works just not the right stick
>Page 5
It's OVER. The hype is DEAD
Well the cover is a fucking nigger what did you expect
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twitch drops till the 9th
Reminder that this one of the most active threads when the MWII beta started
I can't tell if aim assist is nerfed or if I've just played shitters ALL day.
Like 10 hours worth.
The amount of gun fights I win off pure left/right strafing is insane.

this is literally a Keyboard and Mouse COD
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>Reminder that this one of the most active threads when the MWII beta started
Makes sense. People would rather post than play that shit
Don't worry, bros. IW is gonna save the franchise the next year.
>Allowing everyone to experience the Black Ops universe the way it's meant to be played, learning the era-specific weapons and gear, learning the gameplay innovations like Omnimovement, and keeping that signature Black Ops style is important.
>reached level 20
>didnt get special operator skin
lmao even
treyarch is literally incapable of making cosmetics that don't look like complete ass
MWII beta was near peak numbers for the game.
All that really says is no one in /codg/ actually plays CoD.
Wasnt BO6 supposed to have static supply-crates on the map like Cold War? I thought I saw that mentioned awhile back.
back out of app and start it up again
Blops 6 > II/III
Diving feels like a noob-trap, sliding is still 100x better than diving.
This is the best cod in years, buy I'm not interested in attributing that to a point in your fanboy developer wars
>2 maps (if there's a third one I haven't seen it in two hours)
>Have to unload an entire magazine to kill one dude
I don't know bros, I'm having a lot more fun going ballistics and super fast in MW3.
They just needlessly call everybody that doesn't like their game that they made their personality a troon while they themselves will chop their dicks off in about a year or two
Diving kills are worth more style points
You literally feel like John wick
Diving is more fun, yes, agreed. But there's about a half second or 1 second delay before you can shoot after dive, slide there's almost zero penalty.
You have bad aim
is there a foodslop promo for bo6?
sir, we play CoD here
I simply don't get the concept behind making all the menus etc the same as the last 5 years.
I did it
I voted for Chud
God I hope we get Rewind tomorrow. 3 maps isnt enough
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This beta is so awful, the movement is so terrible and the gunplay is barely above not dogshit
forgot to add that Im trans btw
>Semi-auto sniper does the same damage as the bolt action

also the shotgun gets a LOT better once you get some mods for it. Probably the final solution to the (((aim assist))) menace
Found the IWtroon
Has anyone datamined a playable Saddam operator yet?
I just want a normal FPS without any kind meme movement. Fuck Activsion for killing H2M
It's kind of salty, and you have to get on your knees for it...
haven't played cod since Ghosts.
is this one good?
are they making Ghosts 2? plz tell me they are
lmao even
>haven't played cod since Ghosts.
>is this one good?
it's the best one in a while
>are they making Ghosts 2?
it was canceled
>I just want a normal FPS without any kind meme movement
name an example of this
CHUD enjoyers rise up
damnit, Ghosts for some reason just really stuck with me.
but i'll try this one out when the open beta is out next week
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Check out this noscope!
/chud/ - Sadam Huessain General
Why does he look like Scatman John
we get it bro you're in the closet and you're gonna chop your dick off next year
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>yfw saddam vs fictional country of laos tdm
>zoomers don't know who either of these are
the game keeps crashing whenever I try to change my settings, very cool
>says the larping zoomer
IW sisters...
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Some issues with spawns but I'm having a lot of fun. Already maxed out my level.
What sucks is that I googled her actress and she was really cute compared to the ingame model
>Scump is getting consistent packet burst with his set up

Just marry a hijabi at this point
what attachments do i need on this pump action? the default class is downright sad
>open call of duty hq
>click black ops
>game waits to close and opens black ops 6
Somehow cod hq was supposed to be better and more streamlined than simply clickong play cod vanguard or cold war and starting those games up instantly instead of farting around in cod hq for 2 minutes before starting the game you want to play
This game is ass, waiting for IWgods next game instead.
got raped by an omni movement god?
Clunky ass movement gimmick, get this trash outta COD and keep it in APEX. IWgods will remove it
the same happened for mw3's beta
whenever bo6 releases it'll become the "default" state for cod hq and if you want to play mw3 after that you'll have to reload it to play
Damage range
>Want to play the beta
>Have to download like 80gb of spyware
>Pls link you account
>The game resets itself
>Shader compilation
>The game resets itself
>We need a number
>The game resets itself
>The game resets itself
>Want to play Beta
>The game resets itself
>Shader compilation
>The game resets itself
>You don't have access to the beta
>The game resets itself
>watching some streamer because no goy code
>wtf is gulf war? is it even a real war?
>looks at chat
>eh-rag? what?
This is the average education of these zoomers. I'm still not sure maybe he was just making it up.
Nigs don't have PCs or know how make cheats. You know who's responsible for this.
I'd say he wants a funny clip but that shit wouldn't even get attraction it's just stupid
Halo: Combat Evolved
God I wish they made a ww2 game with those hit sounds
>>watching some streamer because no goy code
This is why I have SeX(Series X)
Too bad the only studio that was asked to make a WW2 game is sledgehammer with their muffled audio design
So is omni movement still fastest while moving forward? Or does it do that shit where they change the camera fov to make it feel like you're faster when moving forward?
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This feels closer to older style battlefield games more than call of duty with the increased lethality. Is it true they nerfed autoaim too?
pic related - mw3 compared to blackops 6
Something is definitely fucked with your game. Reinstall maybe? Make sure your graphics drivers r up to date too
The Jackal is clearly the best weapon. It makes the xm4 obsolete.
Will they be smart and have the haunting bundles be compatible with Black Ops 6 since the event will most likely overlap with the release? I feel like releasing desirable collabs the month of the new game release would be such a dumb move.
Can i use this shit in MW3? if not i dont care
This game is fascinating. Winning a gunfight is determined by whoever can dolphin dive better.
play Halo Infinite then
Treyarch won (again)
These pistols are disgustingly weak. Just worthless.
nigga what?
They kill in like 3 shots
the starter Pistol is OP actually
Literally can hip fire a faster ttk than the starting M16
The rest I agree with you on
>lose game
>feel annoyed
>win game
>still feel annoyed
it's like they tried to make the least enjoyable game possible
>Packet burst

I’d rather play in high lag than this it feels like frame stuttering
Your pc is shit not the games issue
>i-its ur pc!!!1!
no it fucking isnt retard no other game does this shit
Level 20 is more Doing than I thought it would be and I'm already bored at 13
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>sir MrROFLWaffles dropped another video shitting on Liberty Falls
3fail faggots will defend this
Run the game on high 150+ fps this shit started months ago in mw3 went away then came back

Its obviously an engine issue Treyarch/sledge can’t fix it, even currently top YouTubers are getting the issue
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>no one cares that it's back
Fire selector Swat 556 my beloved
Mw4 needs to be IW cracking down on sweats again. No omni movement, no high TTK, no listening to the community

Notice how mw22 was dead and considered the worst cod ever and mw3 was considered good/very much alive by the same YouTubers? Unironically I prefer mw22 even with the visual recoil.
Heh, maybe I was lucky I couldn't get a code. Both maps seems like some mini versions of Meat or something.
Setting this game in the 80s/90s was a waste. They should’ve brought the omnidirectional movement to a remasteredish bo2 set in the late 2020s. Remaster the multiplayer maps for the new movement system. Remaster the zombies maps with Tranzit and Die Rise as the release ones.
I don’t get the hate mw22 got either I thought the changes in warzone 2 were warranted they wanted to stop loadout tsim and they want to stop sniper/tryhards. Also Al mazrah is a better map than Uzikstan
>IW shouldn’t listen to the community by listening to the community
Idk man the fact that Reddit of all places is parroting for IW to get removed from the COD cycle says something.
Bo6 warzone is also effectively removing the last remnants of warzone 2 too lmao no backpack now either combined with Omni movement they are catering HARD to resurgence it’s literally big tdm now
Reddit has always had a chip on its shoulder against mw2019 this general got big because of that. All cod fans who post online about cod hate iw because they are wannabe sweaty mother fuckers.

IW is and has always been right, the YouTubers/esport guys area blight
my daily challenges are still the same :(
IW glazers get the rope
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Warzone 2.0 was 100% justified in its changes

>made loadouts extremely expensive/loadout drops rare
>Slowed movement to stop get out of jail free cards
>Back pack to at least have something to have extra ammo or kill streaks
>Wanted to curb on warzone getting too fast

And what happened? People want their meta loadouts in 10 minutes they want to abuse slide canceling they want snipers to be oppressive
I won my first match, bros. Even if I was the worst. I play with MnK, btw. So, yeah, that's my peak. Feels good, bros
>diveshoot is literally useless
>its just the exact same slide jump shit as last year but worse cause the guns suck and the audio sounds like a cartoon
Hahahahhhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah you cant even dive out the water like in the trailer either
I don't know, I dug out my SeX controller after playing with kbm for few months and it feels horrible, controller has this retarded input lag because of the analog sticks and when I move I can't see anything on the screen because it's hard to keep viewpoint focused on something etc. Can't hit anything either.
This right here is the single most based thing in any Call of Duty in years, for not reason other than how much it makes people seethe.
You can essentially prevent people from respawning for up to 15 seconds.
This guy in particular was screaming into the mic the entire time, calling me a faggot and telling me to finish him off.
I have seen more dopamine addicted zoomers with the attention span of a goldfish rage quit out of matches because of this mechanic than ever before.

Treyarch PLEASE do not patch this out.
Guys, is this game trans friendly like MW and MWII? Just wanna know before trying the beta!
fucking kek
I've had the same experience.
Can you imagine these little shits trying to play Halo 3 back in the day where you have to wait 5 seconds every time you die?
Why did this general get so much Twitter Redditors and YouTube fans? We used to be based in 2019
nice bot lobby
>more based when the entire general was filled with terminally online teenagers due to covid keeping them home
teabagging has evolved
Tell end his discord sucks
We hate pretty much everything, but Treyarch and Black Ops 6. Wtf are you talking about?
How are we liking BO6 movementGODS?
pretty bases
I’m an oldfag I hate saying that I literally restarted the general during black ops 4 I remember seraph feet begging
I think it's great.
The diving is not super ideal but it's the greatest feeling in the world when you kill someone with it.
I don't know how I'll be able to go back to MWIII after this.
I probably just won't.
Why is he black?
Nah he’s right mw2019 this general was normal with some minor Mara obsession when Cold War/vanguard came around we started getting some major scizhos. Mw22 has brought even worst ones and 3? They stayed and probably kept that place alive

Does the attention whore who takes roids still post here
The problem with the Omni Movement is that 90% of it isn't very practical 90% of the time.
It's fine that it's there, I just wish it was more useful.
Having a good slide come back is great though.
pro tip: if you're going to try to force a narrative, be more subtle about it.
We finally got some good shit since MW19. Can't wait to see all the seethe on twitter.
This general was normal in 2019 though lol
IW just sucks. They haven’t done anything good since mw2.
flat downgrade from bo2
>infinite warfare
obly remembered for warzone which wasn’t even made by iw

3arch have always been the innovators and saviors. Cold War and BO6 merely showcases them getting grabbed by the feet by a drowning IW getting forced into using all their systems, assets, and monetization. COD is now grey homogenized garbage thanks to IW.
Roidpaypig got banned fully because he took his bullshit to /v/
whatever helps you sleep at night kid

>IW just sucks. They haven’t done anything good since mw2.
That's because that was the last time they were the true IW.
People think we're playing fanboy wars but the truth is most people here respect the old-school IW when they were based and talented. But that studio is long gone from CoD. Titanfall was great though.
>queue as 5 stack
>can't play game
>or get stuck in 165 ping lobbies
amazing matchmaking turdarc
Literally the OGs worked on 2019 discord troon
>How are we liking BO6 movementGODS?
Feels great. I'm actually surprised at how decent this plays. Maybe it's just the nu-Warfare mp games set the bar so low.
That being said, the Brutus and Klaus skins are fucking retarded. Like something a teenager on deviantart would design. That bad.
And the fact that they're 2 of the 8 skins means they show up all the time.
Annoying and gross.
It doesn't show it seeing as the mp and Spec Ops dried up overnight and the game was carried by fortnitezone.
Again, try to be more subtle.
Nah, Zamp had nothing to do with the development.
yeah go back to it
Good: Omnimovement is neat and being able to shoot while diving + rotate properly while prone is a ton of fun.
The auto-lean-corners and auto-peek-doors options if you're ADS are also cool.
The "extra perks for keeping a themed set" are nice and I'm glad to see Wildcards returning.
Classic Prestige giving you unlock tokens and not relocking guns if you have a skin for them seems like a solid compromise to satisfy both sides of the Classic Vs Modern Prestige arguments.

Bad: It feels like to keep the TTK from speeding up "too much" due to returning to 100 HP, they also lowered the average RoF? Not sure if the Rapid Fire attachments will make this feel better/if the guns not in the Beta will raise the average, but right now it's definitely not a change I'm a fan of.
It looks like Pistol Fastdraw has been removed unless it's an unlisted effect on the +ADS grip, and idk why the hell they'd remove that.
I'm also still upset that staged reloads aren't a toggleable option, I vastly preferred them to reload cancelling.

Ugly: The new gun leveling/attachment unlock system is two steps back, zero steps forward. They unironically tried to tout "specific attachment slots are no longer level-gated!" in the blogpost despite that being a bold-faced lie for all but optics (ex. if you get a Vert Foregrip on Gun X, Gun Y still won't have it, and if Gun Y doesn't unlock any of its own Foregrips until say Level 7, then that slot is for all intents and purposes still "locked" until the gun is leveled). The new system is -more- restrictive than before due to removing universal & platform-shared attachments, all we've done is regressed back to every gun having 40+ levels to slog through for the same attachments over and over and I hate it.
Also, most attachments having no cons is moronic balance since it means unleveled guns are definitively worse than leveled ones.
Also also, I will dearly miss the Canted Laser, loved that silly little guy like you wouldn't believe.
This the best COD ever made since Blackops2, bros
mw2019 actually got me to come back with warzone, I tried it thought the game felt and sounded fucking amazing but hated BR shit so I just bought the game and played MP and never touched warzoom ever again
reddit hates it so its good

You guys are coping it took 2 seasons for warzone lmao face it 2019 brought cod back
I see the IWchud isn't taking this thread too well.
Buckle up buddy, it's gonna be a LONG 2 years for you.
anyone else getting constant packet burst ever since the forced texture streaming?
nah, we're playing Based Ops 6
It’s your shitty computer or internet stop false flagging infinity wars chud set it to minimal
>How are we liking BO6 movementGODS?
it's not perfect but this is arguably the best CoD since BO2 or MW2.
Problem is Zombies looks soulless.
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PC only issue.
>4chinks loves the beta
>Reddit hates the beta
Maybe Treyarch are /ourguys/, after all
Forgot about skating, jetpacking or whatever, this is breakdancing, maybe they should add Raygun as an operator to give the final fuck you to their "fans"
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Post the discord
>90% of players are on Xbox
it's over
and by that I mean the kino age has begun
kill yourself you fucking niggers
console only crossplay soon
At this point I don’t even want AW2 if it’s going to be the same homogenized garbage we got the past 4 years
It wouldn't surprise me at all if PotG tries to prioritize paypiggies so as to "advertise" their skins to everyone else in the lobby
The Golden Era of COD was the 360 dudebro era
Reminder that Black Ops 6 Beta Is 100% RIGGED. Don't fall for it.
are console players really this desperate to escape the PChads?
You can play by yourselves now, isnt that what you always wanted?
You're only looking at Steam numbers you dumb fuck. Everyone with a brain is playing it through gamepass. Imagine actually giving Activision your money.
>console only crossplay soon
I really don't care either way

I think it's the other way around but honestly 90% of all complaints about things like controller v mouse or sbmm is just a case of git gud. It's very reminiscent of incels who cope by saying life dealt them a bad hand when in reality they're just lazy and have no self esteem. That's not to say there isn't dome advantage to being over 6 ft and having a good jawline, but 90% of what matters is just not being spineless and knowing how to talk to women like they're people.
Yeah, this is better than the MW games.
Sucks there's only 3 maps.
In what sense?
I like the beta but why does Treyarch hate ARs so much?
It's like every game they make the SMGs dominate them.
oh and almost forgot, hard agree with >>492540064 , human shields are fantastic (I just wish that when I managed to grab someone I'd actually get in firefights while still holding the guy, every time I've managed to pull it off so far I end up not being able to find anyone else in time)
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I was hoping for a solid 144+ FPS with all low settings on 1080p using a 5800X3D/2070S, but I’m only hitting about 120 with some lows going down to the 80s… am I finally going to have to give novidia more money?
It's rigged in terms of marketing.
I can see the human shields being really useful in CTF-like modes simply because they reduce the enemy numbers attacking
Just play it on Xbox
I did notice that attachments seem to almost exclusively IMPROVE the gun you're using.
It just feels... half baked?
Maybe the main game will put it in?
I feel in a weird place with this beta because I agree with a lot of people that it plays better than a lot of recent CoDs have, but at the same time it feels like none of the most pressing issues will actually get fixed because it's super close to launch and this beta is really just so they can tweak some values and not re-develop the game at all.
Maybe I'm being too pessimistic?
I did not have the movement being fun but the gunsmith is less intuitive on my bingo card
My favorite thing about the game is honestly how the entire thing is within its own menu hub.
I fucking hated having to scroll around CoD HQ for anything in MWII, III, or Wzone.
Yeah you still have to launch HQ but this is still so much better.
the UI is a LOT better yeah
still not perfect.
Black Ops III is probably still the gold standard. But this is good as far as games on the universal hub go.
Actchually I’m willing to bet it’s only like this because it’s a beta build and the final release will be in COD HQ
Sadly, you're probably right
How else will they incorporate the batte pass and warzone so seamlessly
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m&k users are out of excuses now.
Warzone did unparalleled damage to CoD
I'm so tired of this forced debate
I don't need to antagonize m&k players.
The controller is arguably the one thing Microsoft has consistently done better than sony
>close range only
>he doesnt know that the op weapon in the beta is a smg that can cross map
We want input based MM as an option. You can still plug a controller in on PC.
My hope is that other attachment slots on launch (or at least by like Season 2) will have what Magazines have currently in the beta, stuff like "Fast Mag I, Fast Mag II, Fast Mag III" where as you strengthen the stat improvement you also introduce more and more prominent cons, but can still pick a "small improvement for free" option.
Rn my biggest worry is that once the game launches and we're able to view the detailed stat sheets, we'll discover that half of these attachments only cause tiny-ass ~2% stat changes that barely mean anything (especially since every slot now has a "stat theme" apparently, so only 1-2 slots are even capable of affecting a given stat).
Why would you need aim assist at that range?
And the cope already begins lmfao
Once again
Reddit also hates MWII and loves MWIII
just buy used retard
aim assist at close range was the biggest issue since you wouldn't be able to take advantage of controllers biggest weakness (fucking turning lmao) dealing with auto spin lock on when you try and run passed/into the enemy to fuck with their aim was aids
The only reason Reddit loves Sledgehammer is because Sledgehammer will post in their subreddits and give them legitimacy.
IW told them to fuck off after the 2019 users started sending death threats to the community manager's kid. 3Arc has just never had a large community outreach game period so there was never anyone to kiss ass too.
Most of the love that 3arc does get is largely just a result of faggots trying to manufacture some developer studio wars bullshit between them (which also exists on /codg/ because of one slavic europoor nigger)
Reality is that no matter how "different" this dressed up pig of a game looks its still an ugly ass pig. Doesn't matter that it's wearing gucci instead of balenciaga this year. Same game same shit as its always been since 2005
can i pre-order on steam and refund it after beta ends?
>3Arc has just never had a large community outreach game
Because they make good games so people rarely criticized them
Which to me is fucking weird because at least mw2 had original maps and shit. I don't care what any youtubers kill says, mwiii was a dlc.
bro just grab a free beta code from the stream
nope that one was used
nope that one was used
and so was that one
Im pretty sure stream will let you refund a preorder regardless of the playtime
It's impossible because the stream has different latency for different people (based on the continent and whatnot).
Missing 200ms means you lost the registration. Then competing with 20,000 other people... It's just humiliating and Activision should eat my shit for even doing this. Just make the code a Twitch drop or something.
Anyways after watching some gameplay here and there and streamers, I don't even want to play the beta any more.
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which one? i got cod points to burn and im not getting bo6 and i want a operator on the left side to pair with V3L4R1A
are any of the girls in the current battle pass to your liking? otherwise kawaii bonbon for sure
Why is there a suppressor with 0 damage range downsides. Did retards make this game?
Lol if you quit the match before the stupid ass long end screen you dont get any of the xp or weapon xp. Is this game a joke
All of the 0 downside attachments are bizarre. Base-form guns being essentially worthless is not a change I like
how long has this game been in development? It feels like it's a couple years behind mw3 and that's saying something.
How are u guys keybind that dive from ctrl I got those office keyboard
could always use Z X or C
bo6 is just an even worse cold war and no one's gonna talk about it after a week
Treyshart doesn't want to balance anything so they just removed negative stats from everything, they balanced this by removing hitzones too.
>Base-form guns being essentially worthless is not a change I like
that's been true since mw19
The "manifesto" blogs kind of state that they wanted to get rid of having detriments attached to every weapon. I think the philosophy is sound in the sense that all these small changes to your ADS, stability, movement speed and shit was making very tedious to understand what different combinations of attachments were actually imparting on your loadout. You had to look up the meta. Having said that, suppressors should impact damage range. Not because its realistic but it's like a keystone in Call of Duty, IDK. They insist they aren't dumbing things down but I'm not convinced yet. So far, the only thing I can tell that's better is there's less stupid shit popping up all over my screen.
guns in mw2022 were better with no attachments half the time
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I wonder if this'll let me compete with the 4 hit kill 0ms sprint to fire SMG
Not if you try to play like you have a 4 hit kill 0ms sprint to fire SMG when you dont
Even if it was, that would still be better than MW19, Vanguard, MWII and MWIII
>Building a gun for long range means you have to live with some ADS penalties or extra aim sway
>This is way too complex for my tiny reddit brain
Also, this doesn't change the meta in any way when fire rate is king and SMGs barely have any damage falloff
is the vc still just as good as it was in 2012?
You're deliberately understating how bad the attachment system has gotten in COD. Not sure why you insist on being a fucking moron, but you don't have to be this way. Also, COD has been a movement game first and a shooting game second for a while now, I'm waiting to see if BO6 can address that. Because it is the larger problem.
People like you are the reason why Gunsmith attachment tweaking was removed, too smoothbrained to understand tradeoffs even when the game explicitly tells you what you are getting and what it costs so you just go on reddit to look up TOP 15 META BUILDS and then complain about them.
it doesn't tell you though. You're asserting that you're smart enough to understand a system that doesn't even display explicitly what effect each attachment has. Until you show me where the loadout system shows a NUMERICAL value modifier for each attachment as you select them by category, you're going to have to accept the fact you're dumber than you could possibly realize and defending a piece of shit system simply to appear like you can handle unnecessary amounts of clutter. Maybe you can, maybe your schizo brain is making sense of things that aren't there, maybe you just don't have shit else to worry about. But none of it means you're actually right.
Damn bro, you are straight up retarded. I'm surprised you can read my posts but can't read the gun stats. I'll give you a hint, green = upgrade, red = downgrade.
Thanks for proving my point.
They crank up the vibrance to 100% because kids who watch the videos like bright colors. That map has a yellow/orange tone even on a normal display.
It's the same fags who called mw19's movement clunky then glazed it for years to come
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this is the worst shit i ever played in my life. feels like an even cheaper xdefiant
saars this is the worst shits i have ever played
do not redeem
not true at all. most guns had get 1000 kills with no attachments camo challenges and you could do all of them cause the game had a good TTK for all guns.
I think they should just go back to the old attachments system from the golden era cods. It was literally perfect.
mw19 was complete ass unless you were playing cranked mode or had a knife out.
Oh yeah especially that one map with the train and that budget feedback from the guns feeling when u get a kill and the sound is awful
Just woke up. Have all sledgecucks killed themselves yet or are they still in denial
kek that map is straight up the map from xdefiant with the airplane in the forest
>there's no way of getting into the beta without going through this fucking cod hq thing
dud there's so much unnecessary shit to go through.
This is what happens when metrics and glowies run the show. The entirety of modern CoD's design is entirely, 100% buyer-trends psychology centric. Everything shit about the UI, everything shit about the store, everything shit about the game is traceable back to the same philosophies as a casino, or department store layouts, or high-impact advertising, or other glownigger bullshit.
best looking for sure but best playing only if you are an actual milsimp that is okay with camping on the same spot for several minutes lol
but I thought mw19 was the "slide around at 90mph while having a seizure" game?
If you go to the hardpoint then you're guaranteed people to shoot at though. There's literally a big indicator on your screen pointing you to the arena everybody is being directed to.
idk what alternate reality these campniggers come from 2019 started the whole schmoovement shit and every game after it for clowned on for being slow and clunky
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>type in chat
>game crashes
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I'm gonna ask again; why the fuck I can't play the beta of BLOPS 6?
Matchmaking bugs the UI and is not finding any game, and the training course is locked and I cannot select it.
What the fuck?
There’s definitely some networking issue going on. Let’s say you’re shooting someone and they run behind a wall or vice verse, shots will often still register.
forced texture streaming causes packet loss
pretty sure cod is the only game franchise that uses this retarded feature and now it cant be disabled
Every CoD beta has had shit netcode that got genuinely improved on launch in my experience. I'm pretty sure they just cheap out on servers for it.
No ESLs allowed, sorry
It's weird that 2019 is so beloved here now. I remember anons having nothing but hate for it when I browsed while it was out but I mostly stopped playing after a few months. Did they actually change that much?
You can massively reduce it though. I was having stuttering issues especially when I was getting shot at but I plugged in some settings I found on twitter (basically turned everything to low) and it fixed.
>It's weird that 2019 is so beloved here now
It’s one anon
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what benefit is there to be constantly YY'ing and spinning your camera besides pissing off the dads
The fact that black ops 3 is nearly 10 years old and graphically on par with modern cod is nothing short of incredible. Even if it’s because modern cod is still being built for old gen consoles.
>spinning the camera
i think it fucks with the slide angle sorta if you like turn left or right while sliding to fuck with people aiming at you but the like up down shit I have no idea
This guy gets it, but it'll be ignorec
SMGs are OP

once again
Hip firing shotguns is a nightmare. Before omni schmovement you could strafe left or right to cancel your sprint. Now wtf can you do to avoid the sprint to fire delay?
I'm whiter than you.
Get some sunlight incel
Why don’t they use fucking file compression for this game
I talked to women like they were people and they didn't care about me
I insulted, sexualised and belittled women and they were suddenly trying to get my attention and wanting to suck my dick
Women are completely retarded lemmings with no sense of self preservation whatsoever, kind of like CoD players
You’re fucked in MWIII multi running a base gun build
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>controllershitters when aa gets nerfed
Nothing to do with race, you just somehow consistently miss the most obvious English syntax despite using English all the time because it's better than your own language, so you're too dumb to participate
PC diaper shitter do you honestly believe any tweaking will be done to aim assist. Devs could fart in your face and call it balancing and you will accept it at face length
every match is packed full of that LOLXDZOMBIEROBOT nigger
And the "nerf" is a nothingburger because they turned off their aimbot at point blank ranges only. Just mash your melee button at that point lol. I had to get 20 point blank kills for the daily challenges and I can say with 100% certainty the scenario in which their aimbot is turned off rarely happens. You literally have to throw yourself at the enemy.
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Why are you crying
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Send in the Marshalls
Why is there no weapon progression menu for attachments? There's no quick way to see what you have unlocked unless you pay attention to those after match reports. Also most guns have like 40-50 levels. Better stock up on double XP tokens lmao
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ahahah look at this NPC
in what way ? fucking faggots being non-specific
Everyone votes Scud because they can camp like the faggots they are near that satellite dish
shit my thing is bugged. I hit level 20 but no skins. It says i'm rank 20 but in progression my thing is stuck at like 2k more exp till 20.
>You going to let us life time console players block PC players then.
Dipshit thats been a thing for ages while PC players couldn't turn off crossplay at all after MW2019. Fucking dumbass controllerfags
Can't consoles already turn off crossplay? Wasn't one of the complaints even that consoles can and PC players can't?

Anyhow, that one pro controller player was right. They'll never nerf AA meaningfully because console players will cry to no end. Though I wonder if that's even the right play from a business perspective. I remember someone posting sales figures for CoD and PC was at least competitive with consoles. Wouldn't it be smarter to cater to the platform that has other shit it can go play? What other FPS is Tyrone gonna play on his PS5? Apex? He's pretty much stuck with CoD even if they nerf aim assist.
using anything other than the jackal feels like handicapped
Nah, the other SMG is really good too
It's crashing every third match 4 yearssssss
>see all the nuke streak vids going around
>it's all bot and dad lobbies where one sweat goes in circle camping and scoping everyone
>try the beta myself
>1st match is the sweatiest fucking cesspit I have ever been in a mp shooter
>2nd and 3rd matches the same
How? What did I do? I haven't even touched mp on this garbage since cold war
Hopefully that's just not there due to this being the beta. The blog posts mentioned that there's a detailed gun stats sheet like in MWIII, but with a similar "not in the beta tho" caveat.
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Same ol' "carry the 80 IQ mouth breathing subhuman team to victory" gameplay as 5 years ago. SBMM is a fucking joke of a system. And of course the faggot sweats leave right before the match end. Idiots who don't play the objective should be permabanned by some AI from all playlists except TDM.
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>bitch so ugly they cover her up with skins even before the game launches
at LEAST they didnt go the comic graphics they did with CW
>be me
>be a movement chad
>all the 25 year old gamer dads getting angry as I slip and slide across the map
Whens the open bayta
Playstation can, Xbox can't because Microsoft want to keep XB and PC in the same gaming ecosystem.You can 'turn off' crossplay on the Xbox, but you get a pop up every 5 minutes telling you to turn it back on
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WE ARE SO BACK BABY! (now of only the remove sbmm)
>Friday to Wednesday
You can tell these niggers don't actually work most of the time
Least CW on the old engine had identity and looked like a different game, not like mw19-3 whatever the fuck this is
BO6 looks like xDefiant
mw19 still to this day looks leagues better than any cod that came after it
Kek, for real? What did he do exactly?
I hate how all the guns look like plastic
>Good: Omnimovement
Stopped reading there.
>no downside to literally no stock
this is a bit much
It does but it's all been unified assets since transguard hence your codshithq and why there's no clear distinction between the games
i mean mw3 looks like absolute shite
bops 6 looks even worse
Got caught trying to solicit nudes from minors
>attachments improve guns
oh no that never happened in any good COD games
it's not impossible it might take 20 minutes but you'll get it holy shit this is the problem with 4chan lately
Stop jumping to conclusions
it only goes up to level 20?
The omnimovement is great you scud
Can't even reach level 20
Stuck at 19

4 yearssss
grenade launcher do be drippy to dab on those zoomers fr fr sucks against chudjaket users tho
Answer my question.
If you ask it with proper question syntax
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objectively speaking from a purely visual perspective
MW19 pre season 3 was the best looking game in the franchise by a huge margin, even after the visual downgrade patch they did for WZ launch it looked better than anything before or after it
CW looked like shit as expected considering it ran on older tech but gayarchs leans into its unique art design to minimize downsides (scifi maps and super vibrant colors)
VG looked good since it basically ran on the IW8 engine 2019 used, wasn't as sharp due to forced TAA
MW2 runs on IW9 which is a mega cucked version of IW8 designed specifically to keep games running on last gen consoles so naturally MW2/3 and BO6 look like shit with flat lighting and low res textures
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tried one game of BO6
will never play it again
just combining all of the worst parts of the series
>shgcucks already conceding and playing the beta
mw19 looked like shit compared to bo3, actually every game since bo3 looks like shit, mw19 looks especially shit
this is the bbc (based beta club) week next week is for everychud with 30 cap
I miss DMZ
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Me too, anon.

Weren't there some recent leaks/rumors that it's coming back with IW's next title?
> IW9 which is a mega cucked version of IW8 designed specifically to keep games running on last gen consoles
But mw19 was on consoles so this doesn't make any sense
Zombies is just such an inferior mode :(
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how does she keep doing bros?
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with her futa cock
the performance on last gen was awful with GW dipping into the low 20's and regular MP struggling to stay above 50, when caldera launched last gen couldn't even load half the textures and were just running on transparent ground
2/3/BO6 run better on last gen than 19 does
Will never happen. Winners circle will serve as advertisement for paid skins
They need to milk every second they can for their statistics and also this >>492566870
>stone and kitsune are the only surviving cold war soviets



I use Alt for slide/dolphin dive/prone/crouch.
Not that it matters much in these horrible games whatsoever.
First 2 matches I got hellstorm missles. Then SBMM kicked in....
>:D cyborg
nit sure if your theory is 100% correct, but it IS true that most conse players are still on gen 8

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