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old >>491979194
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it's not looking good sod sisters ...
>bwl mythic plus
they added retoilet affixes to BWL in sod
ok im tired of waiting and the 4 day long dead threads
when the FUCK is fresh
at this point I dont care if it's just regular classic launch, give me FRESH
where do you see that?
I've never been against the affix system from m+, it's just the timers that I didn't like.
the ptr
>flex added to sod
>except the mobs and bosses dont scale with twice the players

The loot drops don't scale, so most groups will probably be 20 manning it
for me? it's classic plus with uldur, mt hyjal and grim batol finished
theyll bring 40 people so they can clear it in 10 minutes instead of 20
any pservers worth checking out? i need my fresh fix but i ain't paying blizzard for their pozzed slop
turtie is the only good server
maybe try asking in the right pserver general?
Who's they? Speedrunners? WCL will probably only count 20 man groups for time, so I doubt that.
nobody cares about logs in the meme game mode that is sod
we want to raidlog as fast as possible chud
i want to play wow, not to mine crypto for someone else
I wish we had better shitposters here, you're just going through the motions.
i aint seeing it chief
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Not a good look, classicbros...
he's playing retoilet, though
why is this general so obesed with toilets and salads?
In the English language, it's common to insult things or people by comparing them to fecal matter or things relating to that.
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Grow up and play the good game. Free yourself from the endless cycle of seethe and have fun!
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why does this retard argue with everyone instead of ignoring this shit?
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They don't call it filteringcore for nothing!
yeah it filtered everyone so hard to the point no one really wants to bother playing it
sounds like a really cool game
Servers are super active though
thanks for your hard work, sycophant
>no northern tip of eastern kingdoms
TBC fixed that
It's time to start talking final solutions to the alterac Valley problem
>one(1) server
good for you
Imagine still playing WoW
Imagine still playing sod
this shit is so fucking mid
>4 (4) servers
>noooooo I have to play on a megaserver with 15 layers
>... why?
lmao so a server existing = active?
The two on NA that I play on are active. EU alliance and Horde have similar player counts.
>took me 15 minutes to fill a full mara last night
>15 minutes
that's slow as fuck, you used to form those instantly back in 2019
i don't think that's something to brag about
>that's slow as fuck
No, it's fast and convenient
>used to form instantly
So what? I don't like megaservers
you think you're having fun but actually you're not
>everything i dislike is from megaservers
whatever helps you sleep at night
I really am though, so much fun it's actually a problem, just like wow should be
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how do we feel about draenei ?
Hate them and blood elves intensely
weird looking
love their cocks
stfu about shartcore NIGGER
legion classic is gonna be lit af frfr
Did anyone play panda land remix?

What did they get right/wrong?
feeling sex
we don't want you
stay in classic containment where you belong
/wowcg/ suckers
>sod warrior bad in le pvp!!!!
random guy on youtube
How do people still make videos about this trash game?
Are you ready to see your name get stolen?
I feel strongly about belfers
Should've been included in SoD. Alliance should've had shamans, horde should've had paladins. Trying to balance shamans and paladins is a fucking nightmare.
Today, as a person who plays both factions, I realized all the alliance bitching about horde was projection.
The alliance on Era are the scummiest opposing faction I have ever played with.
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what the fuck did he mean by this
>literal hours between posts
we're all playing retail huh
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Pay up piggy
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>people in guild chat openly talking about buying gold, buying boosts and going to gdkps (as pumpers, obv)
>discord is even worse, xD spam, people doxing themselves and their children left and right

Is this all that's left? A bunch of dad gamers that swipe for gold

where did all the good players go?
wow has quite literally NEVER had a good player in its entire history
The absolute closest you could get is Ocelote, who used to play MLG circuits as a warrior in TBC, but he wasn't a good player either - he simply understood how to leverage his brand and became worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
Maybe good was the wrong word to use there, normal? Feels like now you have the super sweaty tryhards that lose their minds if you use rank 2 banish over rank 1, or the dad gamers that struggle to clear strat UD without asspulling half the dungeon
They should've just made undead paladins and night elf shamans tbqh
why these retards feel the need to have their discord cams on in the first place has always confused me
ESPECIALLY when their children are running around
retail obv
if your good and want a challenge mythic raid/m+ is where you go, even if the rest of retoliet if garbage
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bwos member classic tbc?
Normies think privacy is silly. I see people commenting on youtube videos with their real life full name and photo. These people think the world is gumdrops and rainbows.
>in dad guild
>they're complaining about how much time it takes to get songflower when there's a spawn directly next to the fp
you have billions of people who gave every single bit of info about their lives to facebook all for free most people are complete retards
>people commenting on youtube videos with their real life full name and photo
>that chad who uses his full name and a selfie on discord
Cant decide between warrior rogue or hunter for soddie bros help me pick a class
rogues and warriors are top dps in raids
>between warrior rogue or hunter
how original
I just dont like playing caster classes
It's literally over.
so are hunters
>lol grind this same dungeon hundreds of times
TBC was complete crap i dont get why anyone likes it
kys retard
>unable to counterargument, resorts to temper tantrum
>TBBC fetishist seethes when his garbage, POS expansion that ruined Azeroth gets exposed
lgbt "people" are mostly just porn addicts and mentally ill people, why are you surprised?
its amazing how much effort they took to gaslight everyone that its totally not a porn addiction
rogues are better
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>autoattack bound to 1
autoshoot on 3

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>no keybinds, just clicking
What is worlo?
sod won
The biggest player bleed out award
I started out like that, especially in Ragnarok online. I was a stupid young person.
when did you make the transition from clicker to keybinds?
>running the dungeon over and over again is okay when vanilla does it
next youre gonna tell me you got dal rends and your sgc on the first try
Erachads stay winning
nobody forces you to grind those you can raid in full greens in vanilla
you can but you won't full clear it
>b-b-b-but apes
yeah they're apes who've been playing the same game for over 15 years, you think a bunch of crybooms in their late 30s can do the same?
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>you can but you won't full clear it
you will though all vanilla raids are easy
you underestimate how god awful vanilla players can be nowadays
the average player annd guild was not accepting people in greens for their mc raid, though. there's a reason people still spent weeks farming pre raid bis regardless of what ebin "world first" group didnt have to.
you still only need to run dungeons like 2-3 times max to get prebis you dont need meme items like sgc to clear fucking mc
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retail won. apologise
>your stuff will drop and you wont ever lose the roll after just 3 runs!
actual cope
>2-3 times max

nta, but you're fucking delusional if you think you can get anywhere by only running dungeons 2-3 times. Your best bet is to just start AQ20 / ZG as soon as you hit 60 and hope you get lucky with drops while also running 5man dungeons on the side for AD rep / runes / orbs
>just need to run 2 to 3 times
thanks for confirming to everyone that you didn't really play at all
you dont need every single piece of preraid bis and a lot of warrior items are easy as fuck to get other than meme ones like sgc
>tank dungeon
>invite classes with no competition to you
>get entire pre-bis in a single day

wow that was heckin hard
Warrior is hands down the worst when it comes to preraid BiS, not only do you have to farm shit like HoJ, SGC, you also need a fuckton of hit-rating items like the zg gloves & cloak, the aq20 boots, drakki belt, rend bracers, lionheart / titanic leggings (which are borderline impossible to get unless you swipe), truestrike shoulders that never drop, dal'rends that never drop

not saying you NEED to farm all of it, but if you want to actually do damage in raids you're looking at two weeks of intensive farming at least
the only item you need but its easy as fuck to get that
>SGC, you also need a fuckton of hit-rating items like the zg gloves & cloak, the aq20 boots, drakki belt, rend bracers, lionheart / titanic leggings (which are borderline impossible to get unless you swipe), truestrike shoulders that never drop, dal'rends that never drop
you dont need any of that to run mc
go do MC with 2% hit rating as a dual-wield fury warrior and show me logs

spellcasters can get away with a low hitrating%, warriors can't
i didnt say to go in with 2% hit theres a ton of items you can get easily to get hit rating up
Name 10
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here you go more than enough hit and you can get it in a single day
his silence speaks VOLUMES
>just be lucky in having all of these dungeon drops haha!
>but you don't need to get them anynways
next larp
those items have like a 1/3 drop chance and youre really gonna compare having to get a couple of dungeon items to grinding a dungeon 100 times for rep in toilet crusade?
>1/3 in 4 items is just 1/3 in total haha!
>probabilities? what's that? it's just 1/3 lol
cry about it
>indirect reply
yup yup yup
yes itll drop in 2-3 runs max

can this nepo baby go 1 sentence without contradicting himself or spewing wrong bullshit?
yeah thats how it works of course
not clicking that trash, kys
works for me i had no trouble getting prebis for my warrior
once again we witness that its okay when vanilla does it
why are you toilet crusaders so disingenuous?
>lfm MC HEAT 1 need ret
>inv, ret
Every time some retarded faggot mazed rat asks for logs for HEAT FUCKING 1 MC, AKA CONTENT THAT CAN BE CLEARED BY 20 DRUNK RUSSIANS AT 3 IN THE MORNING IN GREEN GEAR, i just auto reply
>im not trans
If we curbstomped all these rats, the game would be better off.
>you are arguing in le bad faith
thats rich
era welcomes you
new cryboom video with totally not repeated jokes just dropped
if you know the channel, you know
i don't
>Heh... did you know that VANILLA also does this thing that retail does except in VANILLA you DON'T have to squat on 9 inch dragon dildo do 50 world quest dailies and watch a cutscene of a tranny talk about it's feelings? Checkmate cryboomers!
funny how no one was even talking about retail
tbc is retail
uh huh
yuh huh
If you could play on a fresh vanilla server that:

>guaranteed high quality anti-cheat
>gave you access to 24/7 instant GM servicing
>dedicated 24/7 to analyze for bots (and keep out chinks)
>had discerning moderation who investigates tickets fairly

would you pay *more* than $15 a month? if so, how much more?
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Fresh…just one more fucking fresh…
I’d pay $40
sorry chud but i only play on official World of Warcraft Classic(TM) servers
i could do $15.50
bored when is the next cashgrab
I will not spend i any money on video games until PoE 2 comes out.
what does being retail mean?
i hate poe :/
the sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale.
"the product's retail price"
it was wow wotlk. I did use keybinds before, but very little cause I wasnt confident in hitting other keys yet. It was until I got serious about WoW and League of Legends that keybinding became mega important. Then quick casting.
>I still don't know what retail is
It means anything ICC patch of WotLK and beyond
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>raiding with guild for 4 weeks
>need neck and cape upgrades
>they gave valiona's neck to a gray parsing mage
>and sinestra's cloak to some shit warlock that fucks up slicers all the time
should i just leave?
yes actually. if they dont consider you important, go somewhere else or do pugs.
but why that point?
try being friendly
feels bad because my old guild showered me in looties
it was just current retoilet's bloated gameplay set in pandaland
here'a an actual no faggot answer
they got right the difficulty at first (which funny enough people cried about like schizosensual because omg its retail therefore everything should be a stomp) so they nerfed it. So basically if you weren't there for the first 5 days you missed kino
they got the raids wrong because you could only do 10mans except for Siege
They FUCKED up the scaling with gear, but that's mostly because of the frog exploit which it really put the game in a stomp that everyone seeked at the end of the day so
>43 seconds indirect seethe
>says while seething indirectly
At least you'll have bonus rolls in panda classico
Haven’t played since end of season 1 for season of discovery. Worth coming back? How bad is it getting the runes?
I played the shit out of it.
It was a lot of fun if you started it at the beginning and progressed with the crowd, but once more people became overpowered it was basically impossible to feel your own character's progression unless you were doing solo content.
>gear progression
>buffing bronze and stat gains from threads towards the half way point
>unique mogs and mounts that you could collect
>the scaling from 60-70 really was fucked up, but it made overcoming the wall feel even better
>they nerfed the raids by like half eventually, which made sense for latecomers but made the raids even more faceroll than they already were
>mythic siege dropped the same amount of bronze as heroic
>the remix exclusive weapon mogs were a pita to farm, especially considering how there were like 250 of them
I don't agree with the crybabies who were begging for them to be put on a bronze vendor, but they do need to have some kind of bad luck protection when they do it again for WoD Remix
I don't think it's a bot either.
Very sad.
>samefagging yourself
skibidi brownie is that you?
giving this post (you)s is making him mad, so have another
the highlight of his saturday evening for the skibidy polish brown
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you have him on strings bro kek
>the guy writing out sub-minute seethe responses is judging how others are spending their Saturdays
o i am laffin

troon kino
>same IP
skibidi brown
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>classic era but they add transmog, flying, finish uldum, mount hyjal, grim batol, the emerald dream and the timbermaw raid
who started the timbermaw raid anyways
like ok, they make a "new" zone which is just a longer version of the Felwood cave to Winterspring, and it's all just furbolgs but bigger and with names
then what, you clear the raid and you go to raidlogging
just put xavius as a boss and call the raid the emerald nightmare
sounds good, also add some corrupted furbolg, maybe add a couple corrupted emerald dream dragons and uhm maybe cenarius as well
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>pst offer
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>people in guild chat openly talking about buying gold
report them, it'll be hilarious
I always wonder how many people hyping Legion Classic actually played Legion.
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was legion bad?
people forget how horrendous getting gear was at the beginning
they got it right at the very end only
yes, outside of night hold and the mage tower
i think you mean legendaries, because for regular gear you could just spam mythic+ and 3 chests would be a shit ton of gear
I got my first legendary from one of the tiny chests in suramar lol talk about anti climatic moments
i have not played any version past mop(i only played for a few months with a friend) i also didnt play cata before classic
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Guys I need your help. Does anyone have that meme of the chudjak looking at Westfall and its like the Westhasfallen? Its very important I find it...
literally go to the archive and search westfall in the filename field
You could be a brown illiterate retard from a third world country for all they know. I've met multiple argentinian apes trying to get into my H2 pugs. They're all fucking terrible at the game and instantly whisper you if you get gear?
>Do Ony
>SR the staff as a warlock
>Spriest SRs it as well despite being able to get benediction that's flat out better
>I win it
>Instantly whispers "need?"
No, you fucking retard. I clearly don't need the item I double SR'd.
>Still a private server
>Will most likely sell gold themselves if they have no third party websites interested in splitting profits
>Can go down at any moment
>At the complete whim of some disgusting NEET that only runs the server because he's getting something out of it, most likely mining bitcoin on your PC
No, thanks. There's 0 reason to ever invest anytime on a private server. It's like the morons that play HC, you're just asking to have 200 hours or more of your life wasted when they inevitably shutdown. More than it already is by playing WoW.
Played Legion, cleared everything on Mythic as a disgruntled unholy DK, then frost DK, then unholy DK again and finally frost DK.
Other than the constant class balancing and meta changes, the biggest mistake Legion had was having legendaries be completely RNG until the very final patch. If Legion launched with targetted legendaries, it would've been a nearly perfect expansion.
>Be Unholy DK in Mythic EN
>Fellow UH DK gets his first legendary, it's the fucking bracers that gigabuffs your DPS
>I get the fucking legendary boots
>Fellow UH DK gets his second legendary, it's the fucking belt that's second BiS and also gigabuffs your DPS
>I get prydaz
It was the most infuriating gaming experience I've ever encountered.
so if classic legion comes out on the last patch, do you think people will play it?
Yes, absolutely. The final patch fixes all of the shittiness of the expansion and you know exactly what/where your class is going to end up because of the final patch balancing.
>nearly perfect
yeah except for mazed+ invalidating raiding
and the pvp
and the timegated grinds
and the class revamps
and slopamar
>yeah except for mazed+ invalidating raiding
It did not invalidate raiding in any form, if you want an actual expansion where that's the case, go take a look at Dragonflight.
>and the pvp
I can't argue with you there, I haven't touched high level arenas in a long time.
>and the timegated grinds
Not a big deal as people made it out to be. The final patch also fixes a lot of the issues, namely by increasing the rate at which you gain artifact knowledge levels.
>and the class revamps
I already mentioned this would be fixed if they launched with 7.3.5 tuning. People already know what the best classes will be going in (it's warlock).
>and slopamar
Sure, Suramar had some time gating issues, we'll see how they handle the Isle of Thunder next year. If they don't timegate it all, then it's all peachy, if they do well then you're right.
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i need mop classico ASAP
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payed 19k for a token yesterday and now it's down to 15k wtff
post your logs i bet you are bad at the game
Should I go sod or cata if i want to find newbies like me to play the low level dungeons?
youre too late for sod everyones already 60 and the 2.5 xp boost means theres no reason to do dungeons.

you might find low level dungeons in cata but its all soulless dungeon finder shit where the other people are basically npcs
we're all playing retail
low level dungeons are dead in sod and cata is rdfslop
it's paid you dumb tranny
shouldnt have buyed for that price
so is aggrend cooking or nah?
on god he cookin fr fr
Sex with animeposters
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>been killng alakir since week 1
>never saw a caster sword drop
what's the name of the mop server we're all playing?
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>tfw you have Fang of the Mystics and Key to the City
The bloodiest ZG gear looks worse than MC/ony loot stat-wise

whats the point
so what's the best faction/server for SoD NA
Crusader strike for PvP
Wild Growth for PvE
because there are still complete fucking retards who cant follow basic directions. Look at ony pugs. There's still always at least 1 wipe because people bunch up during phase 2.
>and instantly whisper you if you get gear?
kek, I haven't pugged raids since BFD, but that was the worst part. No, I don't need the shit I just rolled on. It was worse back then because people would also offer to buy the item off of you.
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I think all the raid changes they've made so far are good.

>people wanted flex
>you can flex both BWL and ZG (people are still raging over this)
>people didn't want resistance checks in the harder modes
>you can select which affixes to add to the raids making it more difficult
>you can use tier 1 bonuses on tier 2 if you dont like the new bonuses
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<CIover CIub> Horde [NA] Crusader Strike RP-PVP is recruiting for Season of Discovery PHASE FOUR!

As we did in 2019 classic, we aim to clear content efficiently and have fun while doing it.

Group 1 - Friday 6PM PST
Group 2 - Saturday 6PM PST
Group 3 - Friday 8:30PM PST

- Evading your post filters by using uppercase i instead of lowercase L
- A guild guaranteed to clear content - The most successful NA /vg/ guild, backed up by a track record of success during vanilla classic
- A clique-free, welcoming 5+ year old active and growing community
- No women/trannies
- Low-quality shitposters and retards need not apply
- PvP guild events + active discord/VC

Due to the viability of almost all specs, feel free to roll whatever you enjoy playing. We will have a spot for you.

Join now! Message anyone in-game with the OP post #. If you have any questions regarding the guild, feel free to add Exub on discord.
I was considering coming back to the game but unsure which version to play. After looking at this general and retail gen, I will be playing retail. You're all obsessed with trannies and spending the least amount of time possible on a 20 year old game. Very weird.
>and spending the least amount of time possible on a 20 year old game
we all have 10 wife's sons to take care of i cant spend all day gaming like i could in 2005
BWL is better than MC, that's a fact. The problem now completely lies in that classes feel like absolute dogshit to play.
I don't think they've fully implemented class changes since they gutted range hunter. When the P4 PTR dropped they completely gutted melee hunter and didn't implement the rest until the third PTR patch.
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They better figure out something fast. Casters suck absolute dick on ST fights and BWL is literally all single target. Unless this PTR is up for the next month, they had to have added in class changes/tuning with the PTR this weekend. AFAIK we're not getting any runes either so unless otherwise stated, it seems like they're just going to ship BWL with specs/classes the way they are now.
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>all percentiles
holy self report
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breh the sample size is nothing
he made a whole buffet then ate it all
Heat 1 is easy as fuck. It's impossible to fail.
And yes, I will at key to the city. There is nothing better to sr.
What, am I supposed to sr a token that has a miniscule droprate?
I've done MC since week 1 and never seen an eye. It's always the leaf or that stupid faggot skull. I hope whoever added the skull to that loot table died in agony
I wanna play vanilla for in a short burst.

Is there an upcoming FRESH or should I just go onto fucking SoD? I quit at like 40, do I need to fucking farm out all the fucking shitty BGs to have competitive items? Anything else to worry about?
you dont need to farm pvp at all if you dont want to
good luck getting your runes, nobody is doing shit sub 60
amerilard classic-cels of course.
are rets the new warrior?
>start out dogshit
>feels like ass to play
>but you will le scale with gear!
>get into a raid
>it has russian players in it
Most obese people don’t cook.
>tries cata classic
>its good.jpg

can you chuds tell me why it sucks?
peak cryboom humor
retail dwarf
how is it possible for someone to be this unfunny?
>only 200k honor
>still 300k to go
Ranking on era is fucking slow
pets are broken
based chuddadin
40 year old man btw
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wtf is this sorcery
Just tried out the new retail expansion

SoD won
nobody here thinks youre funny dude, stop linking your awful videos
you're a 1 hit wonder, just fall into the shadows already
Anybody else notice how the gear doesnt have a ton more stamina on it?
PvP is going to be even worse next phase, people might legitimately start just 1 shotting each other instantly
Hey classictards I haven't been around, what did they do for emerald dream in SOD? Anything cool?
Daily quest leveling hub as of now, they could add a raid or dungeon in the future but as of now that's it. In phase 3 it's basically all you did to level and people made thousands of gold from it in the first few hours and destroyed the economy until those people quit now it's not really relevant anymore
What was the one hit?
Wow sure glad they nerfed hunters into fucking oblivion, can’t have the only pure dps class be a top contender in dps.
pet classes are inherently unskillful and don't belong anywhere near top 3
it's over bros retail won
For me? White Human ret Paladin.
but not an incel, like you
>go on era discord trying to find a crafter
>literal brown people everywhere

what the fuck is it about era that attracts these subhumans?
because Era is an unchecked gold buying/selling ring ran by venezuelans and iranians
p4 hunters dont use pets
>2 flaming fags in 1 video
no thanks. i used to like savix, but then i realised hes a shill like all the rest and on top of it hes unironically a gay homo fag.
post hands.
Why can't they just do one difficulty setting? I understand they're retail devs and don't really understand why people like vanilla/classic, but this shit was not all that popular in MC so why continue it in BWL?
They do it specifically to piss Fortnite raised zoomers like (You) off.
This happens every expansion. retoilets declare it's great or at the very least good, then a few months go by and they're calling it shit.
I really want to resub and get back into classic but I have a couple questions: how bad are the bots and are gdkps the only way to gear up at endgame?
tranny hands
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Give me MoP Classic already.
I never experienced MoP when it came out because I thought it looked gay (still do and Pandaren are a fucking blight), but I would consider playing MoP classic just for the raids. Those look fun and I kinda regret skipping it just because of them.
No. Cata is already stretching the definition of what is considered classic world of warcraft. Only the original trilogy should have been called classic.
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>the original trilogy
Why do slop slurpers like yourself want “Classic” things that aren’t fucking classic? Everything after WotLK is the exact opposite of Classic. Shills should fuck off.
whites are trannies?
Not all whites are trannies but it seems most trannies are white.
>2 insta seethe replies
anyone saying tbc is classic is a shill
>flying mounts
>multiple dungeon difficulties
>welfare badge gear
>quest hubs
>homogenization of classes
>invalited the original world

all retoilet features introduced with it
no your dainty little hands with your dainty nails trying to masquerade as female hands are the tranny in question
TBC was dogshit. The only people that like TBC are classic hybrid cucks that finally got to press a DPS button that meant something in TBC (only to be forced back to healing by their raid leader anyways)
why do people think the expansion with the old school everquest style attunements as the structure for the entire end-game is also somehow the start of retail? even though they never used attunements again after TBC? How do you rationalize TBC having attunements but no other expansion having them?
just stop fucking replying to me if it bothers you that much. I really don't want to talk to you either. Either admit my favorite game is great and the game i hate is the start of retail or leave me alone
just fuck off seriously. responding with the most annoying shit every time I post something. So fucking irritating dude
no one listened to me when I was shitting on wrath for years. For almost a decade before classic people would not shut up about wrath and every time I pushed back against how "great" of an expansion it was. It finally comes out in classic and now everyone is suspiciously silent about wrath being great or just plain old forgetting about. It's fucking bullshit dude
>features i dislike in a personal manner = not classic
oh boy my favorite cryboomer episoded
>even though they never used attunements again after TBC
gee it's almost like they were complete dogshit. attunements were a pain in the ass that killed player interest in original TBC and the exact same thing happened again in TBC classic. Nobody wants to fucking do that shit, maybe once to actually be able to play your character but if you ever play another character or just outright hate attunements it's dogshit. there's a reason attunements were never used again.
the anon said nothing wrong though. everything on that list is a hallmark feature of retail that regularly gets complained about to this day.
>features i dislike in a personal manner = not classic
oh boy my favorite cryboomer episoded
Nobody even likes vanilla wow, so thank god
you keep saying that but they aren't personal opinions. they're widely held opinions by a large part of the community. Go on the WoW forums right now and you'll find a complaint post for every item on that list.
Anyone has archived madseason's classic launch streams?
>go to the biggest cesspool of the community that validates my opinion
lmao ok
you must be retarded. what cesspool do you prefer to get your info from? reddit? lmao
uh oh meltie
don't need to see what others say to think for me
a bunch of washed crybooms in their late 30s yearning their days of being a kid playing wow means jackshit lmao
saying anything past vanilla bad is the most reddit opinion tho
we're all waiting on netherstorm tbc, though
I still don't know what attunements are and just assume they are like world buffs
most well informed and intellectual wowcg poster
Enchantments that you have to do a long quest to have the ability to swipe your credit card for.
>Heat 1 is easy as fuck. It's impossible to fail.
is it easier then?
show me the spec tier list first
naxx pump starting soon - you know where
>raid hasn't even started
>already having a temper tantrum
new cryboom waiting room
based shaman trolling him with wf
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Contrarian zoomer opinions are not welcome here.
idk how you guys tolerate sheen, dude is constantly bitching
>complaining all the time
tell us something new
Does this imply retail shitters don’t complain?
>unsolicited retail namedrop
thats like saying the only people who like vanilla are warriors
> see what others say to think for me
Holy ESL meltie
Nah just skipped TBC classic completely. Only interested in vanilla and wrath, really.
>wrath is classic
>tbc is classic
>”””the original trilogy”””
Holy fucking retoilet
>tyrone keeps using esl as an insult
That is not my name! Learn to type coherently and you won't get accused of being foreign.
>tyrone keeps using esl as an insult
Not with subhumans from trade chat, no. There's a reason you need to gatekeep the easiest raids. Every retard tries to join with the intention of leeching. Why do you think people get so mad when they're asked for logs?
the better question is how do you even perform bad at target dummies?
No idea, but shitskin subhumans always manage to find a way to fuck it up.
>pull into office at new job
>gigantic lifted truck in the parking lot
>gigantic horde sticker on the back
>another sticker saying "If I passed you on the right, you're the problem"
this shit writes itself
buffies gone
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>tune in savdli
>raid wiped
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they're wiping again lol
full bis geared raid cant clear Sapph without their precious buffies
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These npcs are the most useless motherfuckers at their job.
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>Full t3 geareed players need to go rebuff for 1 fight
no wonder they fled from Vashj and Algalon
what are they doing? how do you wipe every week when you run this every week for years on end?
it's the comp doooood it's a speedrun comp OK?!
they are getting world buffs for the last 2 bosses (unkillable without with their comp)
did he really
It's pretty pathetic lol. Sapphiron is the only remotely "hard" boss in Naxxramas because healers actually have to play the game with a brain for once.
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>nooooooo you must spend all your mana dropping wf for me instead of raid healing aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my parsiee!!!
i like how much he cries about shamans not totem twisting when he cant even play his own 3 button class properly
I full cleared "heroic" ulduar and I would prefer a brain dead loot pinata instance you spend 1hr getting full buffed to halve the raid time so I could just go PvP any day of the week.
>i don't like challenges
we know
What is the point of a speedrun comp if you don't even clear?
Wouldn't it be better to just have a safer, more effective comp even if it doesn't down bosses as fast?
I assume they are "practicing" speedrun tactics in their farm runs so once every 4 weeks they can do a speedrun with DMF buff, and of course with the buffs this comp would kill bosses the fastest
>dies to a trash mob and loses DMF buff
nuclear take here
raiding isn't fun
era's dead leveling grounds welcomes you
id pay gold cap to see sheen do sinestra
>healers actually have to play the game with a brain
you just need 5 priests with full tier 2 casting greater heals on the MT and spamming prayer of healing
1 warlock
1 rogue
1 hunter
1 druid
22 warriors

actual autism. imagine thinking that is the best version of WoW. class stacking the best class and then STILL need world buffs. pathetic.
not again pvmp bros..
>pulls boss

pure, unfiltered kino

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>vanilla raids are braindead easy bro
>need 3 full bars of buffs to even attempt a boss
>cucked on loot again
not like this dali bros...
warrs are only that good thanks to the world buffs because it gives them infinite rage. if you wipe then you only have 22 worthless shitters worse than most of the well geared fire mages and rogues. it makes sense they need to rebuff with that kind of composition
>you just need 5 priests with full tier 2 casting greater heals on the MT and spamming prayer of healing
Anon, they're horde. Chain heal will never be as good as prayer of healing. They only run 3/4 priests at most.
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>nigger faction
oh hell you are right well it's their fault for playing in the wrong side of history. it sucks that priests are forced to heal tanks all the time on horde side
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>spends 1 hour rebuffing just to wipe again
How do these guys always have access to buffs like HoH / rend? You'd think they'd eventually run out of alts that can pop, no?
I thought needing world buffs got phazed out after TBC? I guess heroics in cata were made different.
you can clip that now
t. sweetbabyinc
>You'd think they'd eventually run out of alts that can pop, no?
never. if you had played on era you would have seen the insane amount of mages announcing stock, sm and mara boosts all day every day. new toons are getting to 60 all the time
sister we are talking about the only important version of classic wow. VANILLA. nobody cares about tbzzz, wrath or cata
Finally giving wow a go and want to set up simple, yet proper hotkeys, but lord is my ass retarded and I have to take peeks at the keyboard mid-combat to make sure I hit the right keys.

It'll get better, won't it? Am I really just retarded or does it take a lot of muscle memory.

Oh, the version no one cares about.
To the point where you're rebuffing 2-3 times per raid night?

I word-filtered all the boost shit, so maybe I'm out of the loop when it comes to the amount of people actually hitting 60 every single day. Shame we don't have access to those metrics
It takes practice. Fortunately, I already was skilled at using the keyboard since I was a kid, so keybinds came nature for me. The trick is to keep your most frequent keybinds around the WASD keys, with usage of shift for more.
then why we got a vanilla permanent server, a vanilla+ server and a vanilla hardcore server?
to keep you guys you in your little nostalgia shed forever =)

Now granted, I would love to see them add new content to vanilla to make it more like everquest expansions but we know that will never happen
>To the point where you're rebuffing 2-3 times per raid night?
yeah absolutely. also there's a lot of ally players leveling their first chars on horde side. remember that thanks to the cluster thing you don't need a second account to play in a different faction anymore
Currently I put A and D to strafe so it frees up Q and E for hotkeys. I then have 1 2 3 4 r f c v x z
forward/reverse/middle mouse button,

and shift+ for most of them too, excluding x and z
It becomes muscle memory, just gotta keep at it

I also can't recommend an "mmo mouse" highly enough, pic related is amazing and I can't imagine going back to playing without one
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>everquest expansions
i hope you mean before luclin but yeah i agree. i would love to play a shitty "vanilla -" version of wow with no instances, xp penalty at death and maybe even gear drop. but EQ aesthetic is just way more soulful than warcraft
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this changed my life

Basically, all 12 keys map position wise to the four by three setup of my action bar at the lower right. And because of the way the thumb moves, I place the more frequent actions near the upper left and left, while the more higher cd or infrequent actions are placed near the middle and to the right.

Same logic works for the keys QERFG etc.
the fuck happened to those guys in pic?
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they are ogre food now
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Sad news bro... they discontinued these last year. You're now forced to use the scimitar or a naga (bleh). Scalpers are charging $200 for new ones and fuckheads are actually buying them.
>fresh server
>everything is already unlocked
hi! i want to play SOD for the first time. what server should i roll on? I dont have a preferece for faction, but I do like rp. do either of the locked rp servers have a big population?
and why dont the sod servers have forums like all the other classic realms?
My scimitar recently started failing on me, too. Thankfully, I have a backup logitech G600.
You can utilize F2, F3 and F4,left control + the keys you're already using with shift. You could also try action bar paging, so you're using shift+1/2/3/4 to switch between different action bars

Only thing I'd advise against is keybinding potions to keys that are easy to miss-click during combat, shift like shift+a etc.

That fucking sucks, they were really cheap too, I think I got mine for less than $70
It doesn't matter. They're going to merge all servers into 2 megaservers a month or two from now. Pick Wild Growth for PvE or Crusader Strike for PvP.
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tranny version of the game but there you go
>why dont the sod servers have forums like all the other classic realms?
blizz forums have been dead for a very long time. use classic wow leddit instead
is crusader strike horribly unbalanced or only slightly unbalanced in terms of faction pvp?
Look at >>492761939
>tranny version of the game
No one even mentioned Cata. Tf?
Just resubbed and started to make a character on classic. I notice they changed the male and female symbols and names to “Body 1, Body 2.” It really is a fucking tranny game now, huh?
It's going to become the norm. Better get used to it.
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they call it tranilla for a reason
Blizzard just rebranded DEI into inclusive growth. You bet your ass it's going downhill
All of my enjoyment in MMO's is relevant content outside of raid, raiding is a chore no matter how many dance dance revolution mechanics you shoehorn into it.
MMOs should look to expand upon and recapture the systems around basic things like PvP, fishing and killing devilsaurs and elementals for pre-bis and all the ensuing chaos, as well as the importance of gold, from those rather than try and turn all out of raid content in achievement and cosmetic grinds.
It might not have the skinner box longevity of retail and die in a year but it's more fun for when it's active than that worthless dogshit.
retail has all of this and it's fucking dead, though
agreed. what made vanilla fun was all the levelling up you did before you hit raiding. everyone just made it about raiding, cryboomed about raidlogging and quit. wow's not just about raiding, simple as.
No it doesn't.
Tell me one thing similar to what I listed that actually matters outside a cosmetic pet and has loads of PvP surrounding it and I'll resub right fucking now.
timeless isle
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I unironically, literally fucking loved that in MoP but examples of that are far and few inbetween.
I would prefer if timeless isle was just the fucking whole game
Nintendo needs to hire this man A S A P
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My advice us terrible because the game would die in a year instead of string along mentally ill people with OCD trying to collect 50 different colored penguins over the course of 10 years of sub payments
If you want the quick skinner box that is collecting devilsaur leather, just make alts once you're done and start again then
More like 2 months once the rush fades off
Devilsaur leather makes me gold for mechanically important things and is fun to do because of the constant fighting and guild drama that comes out of it.
It is intrinsically fun unlike retail where you only get a dopamine hit once the speckled green SHARTterfly drops on your 194 kill of a world boss and then desperate claw out for another one.
>World boss loot
Man you're spewing nonsense at this point
>enter classic thread
>nothing but retoilet talk
>Muh Onyx Serpent
Farming the Zulian tiger in ZG is basically the entirety of retail
>Fun for a week or Two tops
Yeah Nintendo needs you urgently
>Killing world bosses and dungeon bosses for loot = retail
So you just called vanilla Retail?
Gear is the goal of classic.
Mounts are the goal of retail
Ah now suddenly its about mounts
But you mentioned 3 posts ago that it was about world bosses in retail dropping gear
Make up your mind
Nice resding comprehension retard
The lack of self awareness from you is simply hilarious
Nice angry typo btw lmfao
nice spelling mistake, now your entire argument is moot
>and is fun to do because of the constant fighting and guild drama that comes out of it.
Holy fuck, imagine being over 25 and still thinking like this.
this general really fell off
disney retoilet dreamworks bloat pixar ghibli
Bump. I can't live without his monotone voice.
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tuesday is my birthday you better get me something good /wowcgee/
So what do the other iterations of WoW call the sex selections?
Hardcore is the best version of wow and I'm still loving it a year later. Glad it's coming back for others
>alexensual stops doing content
>/wowcg/ fucking dies
really makes you wonder
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I have enough self-awareness to know nobody in /wowcg/ is actually arguing in good faith and is usually just a some guy whose favorite is Cata+ or something in here totally-not-seething at the occasional genuine vanillafag that posts maybe once a week.

I don't think I've ever had an actual conversation about classic or classic content in here for 5 months, it's always just some retard spamming me with some worthless "WHADABOUT" as if he's trying to win an argument or something.
dude just have a kid already.
i miss that lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
>actual conversation about classic or classic content in here for 5 months
Well, what do you want to talk about?
>Well, what do you want to talk about?
Nothing here, I think I might check out /wowg/
I think you have the right idea, much more entertaining.

Alex vanished because he was invited to be a double for his favourite xmen character

>even the discord that makes fun of him is dead
only the next alex arc can save wow classic now
get farmed doggie
I wish that belf would brew me up some sex

How the FUCK can blizzard get away with this item description in this day and age???
kinda funny how retail players dont make excuses for why they dont play classic
whats the hardcore related thing happening in october ?
most retail players dont even know classic exists
Damn Zirene really fell off ever since he overslept for that LoL match cast and got fired
retail players would cry if they had to play cata classic, no less classic.
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>first MC run
>got a fat staff and decent parses

Life is good for a latefag like me.
whats the comfiest class/race combo to RP/Hardcore on.
so should i come back? thinking of leveling a paladin. is it still a cunt to get runes?
kinoest class for femorc?
Nah dont bother. SoD is dead and wont have the staying power of Era when it eventually ends because they won't have gdkps to keep the whales playing
guys idk what to play. i burned out on my warrior (tired of tanking for fucking idiots, plus this aoe cleave tank shit is terrible as a warrior. side note: i suck i know)

what class should i play instead? im thinking rogue or huntard.
Been riding off the same darkmoon and dragonslayer buff for almost a month now
had to rebuff songflower once
feels good
>i've played 1 hour of the video game for the past month, feels good
>he doesn't know what boons are
omega shitter
>playing era or soddy
oh, i should've started from that
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mad trill how much we need fresh
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Haven’t played classic in a while. What are the state of each types of classic mode? Hardcore, cataclysm, season of discovery, and whatever else there is.
>the state of classic?
on life support and it's the in break glass in case of emergency for streamers when they need a grift (october)
it's not really having a good growth and retention, most people called it quits after wrath because "le original trilogy" and the raids are unforgiving, if you're in for the PVP, go for it
>season of discovery
already rushing BWL with nothing new, they completely forgot about their blizzcon tease about SM and Kara crypts lmfao, instead they're working on a """""new""""" ruins of andorhal video aka the same zone but instanced and full of elite mobs
>and whatever else there is.
That'd be era, which is no different, it's nothing but gold sellers and buyers on the high end, the 1-59 lvl world is practically dead
Oh. So what’s up with hardcore? That was the only classic I played and considered going back to. I always thought it had a limited shelf life as players would quit eventually and be unwilling to level in the same zones they’d already done a bunch and then you be left with the few remaining g who were either lvl 60 elitists who only raid and are good enough not to lose their characters, lvl 60s who just sit in stormwind. And the people who are basically junkies who are willing to continue refilling over and over again. Eventually even for persistent people they will call it quits when they lose their character at Lvov 40 and are faced with having to do everything all over again. Hardcore is a cool idea but the way to retain players isn’t able to last that long.
SoD is eating GOOD
wait till october for the streamer grift event, it'll bring players and it might feel like a new release because I doubt anyone that follows those streamers have max level characters in hardcore so everyone is starting from 1 I guess

Yeah, I'm thinkin' classic won
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yeah that's a skip
that's a watch and like
What’s this event?
Nothing, he's dreaming
I see. So is hardcore basically over them? Barren servers?
Yeah hardcore died as soon as SoD dropped and all the streamers left and exposed it as nothing more than a grift
What a shame. What’s your advice to the few people still paying hardcore?
If they're still playing hardcore then chances are they are playing it because they enjoy the scarcity of it and my advice would be to just enjoy the game
i really hate that there are currently three versions of retoilet, vanilla fresh when
Why don't people log their raids anymore? The last 3 weeks I've done every raid and I had to upload my own logs because nobody else in the raid was uploading them

Are we truly in the age of pure dad gamers where people no longer care about logs outside of the top 1%?
>i'm unable to google something like "wow hardcore event october 2024"
don't say I didn't told you so
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>coping this hard
>streamer grift in the timeline
you're not too smart are you
>getting your hopes up for MONTHS in advance because a couple of grifters told you to months ago and havent said anything since
>I NEED daily updates about WoW hardcore since its such a complex game with constant updates such as....... as.....
>implying it wasn't a grift at all to begin with
hey, i'm just trying to help anon with his insatiable need for vanilla WoW, its all
i don't care what HC freaks do personally
I care, a lot
>got all my bis weapons
>got 5 piece tier
>just need the last 3 peices to be ready for phase 5
>all the other slots will be replaced by one of 20 different items they added that are way better itemized than anything i can get now anyway
Bros... We're eating GOOD on SoD right now... This is the peak
any deviate delight sissies? how is it?
Who actually still plays on classic era servers? I wanted to jump back to classic, but pop is low everywhere. Singleplayer wow is not fun.
everyone is unironically playing retail or other computer games. nobody fucking plays sod/hc/era/catpiss
I played there like a month ago and it was dead as shit at 60. Maybe it's a little better now idk. I play era and see them in bgs and some are in aq and r13/14 gear and shit, so I'm not sure what the incentive to play there is supposed to be at this point. Also everyone I interacted with when I did play there was a massive streamer orbitting faggot and guild chat was constantly filled with insufferable twitch drama trash.
gold sellers and the people buying said gold
>buying said gold
>on a dead server of a 20yo videogame
why though
no idea but that's what they do
the 'niller brain is truly a mystery
>'nillers be like: mythic+ is a maze
>'nillers also be like: Fuck yeah my daily Naxx40 raid!
>'nillers be like "fuck streamers! ruined clossic D:<!!!!"
>'nillers also be like "If you look in the reflection of the gecko's eye, you can see Alex. If you then look in the reflection on Alex's eye, you can see a post-it note on his wall with blacked934 written on it. If you watch this one particular alex stream on youtube from 2015 with 7 views, he will accidentally mumble BBCbouncer at the 9hr 49minute mark. If you give these details to a $500/month AI, it will attempt to log into every website in existence, and give you access to Alex's hidden Grindr account. If you sleuth through 50,000+ DMs, you will learn that his secret gay persona is named Lil-Wolvie. If you marathon every porno vid he's starred in, you will eventually spot a known gay model with his erect penis length stats listed somewhere online. With the correct math and angle, you will determine that Alex is the equivalent height of four of these penises (IE Alex is no more than 5ft1 in height)"

'nillers really do be like that
ok but Naxx doesn't have fags and trannies in it while that's all retoilet has
so are we getting a tbc era server or not?
so are we getting a tbc era server or not?
No... I want to play my sealtwisting ret so badly. SoD is dogshit and getting wbuffs isn't fun, especially when you end up wiping and losing them.
netherwing is up and running
SoD chads are winning and you're seething
winning what
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The game
New video just dropped
is this a grown man
>budget danny devito
>crusader strike horde locked
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>playing SoDomy
didn't read.
you looked at it so i still won
What rewards would they even add to mythic+ dungeons in SoD?
Warmane and Netherstorm Project are releasing TBC in a few months, but pservers are absolute bug infested cancer so I wouldn't hold my hopes up.

Jewzard might release a server or two if the're desperate for Q4 numbers, or maybe they're planning to save it for TBC+ which will be the biggest AIDS ever.

TLDR: No, go out and find a hobby. The next year isn't looking good.
>SSFHC mode
>not on a fresh server
>it's optional
A few years too late and they fucked it up anyway. This is why we can't have nice things.
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Why not admit to yourself you just want retail and go play it?
they cant. theyre too shit
Why don’t you just accept that Classic + is a pipe dream at this point?

There is no world where this Classic team will ever be able to pump enough content to maintain a significant population retention at their current pace.

It’s fucking over.
they want the qol not the disney bloat, that's why they don't play it
what is the disney bloat?
Weren't they hiring new people for the classic team a while ago?
knowing nu-blizz they're only hiring dei sheboons with 0 experience
The "Classic team" is just retail devs, and SoD showed that they either don't understand what makes vanilla evergreen and beloved or they simply don't care. I would much rather put my faith in a private server to give me progressive vanilla content than modern day blizzard
Comfy leveling in classic era!
Sup az*mous
tripcode when?
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I got your tripcode right here
You now remember Jimmy
A "joke" as unfunny as his
thanks for confirming you're him
where fresh
Restart on a dead server. There's your "fresh"
its not fresh unless i can justify my addiction because everyone else is leveling
sod devs are all brand new to both wow and the work environment and are learning both through deving sod
this is all just beta for classic+
brand new (old) cope
ok my buddy wants me to play sod, what class do i roll?
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Now that the dust has settled, did banning GDKPs improve SoD?
wait thats an actual thing? Ive never seen that before
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we're all on felmyst 4
theyre still there
maybe that's because sod was a lost cause but you just know blizz is going to look at what happened to sod and never do a gdkp ban again in any version of classic
>4 unique posters
>4 players on felmyst

yup that checks out
it's made the gdkpcucks eternally ass-ravaged, so yeah
No. What hilariously solved the RMT problem was the exodus of players during P2 and P3 which led to gold sellers going back to other versions of wow.
Resubbed recently and I have decided I want to actually do all the raids this time around. Is the only way to gear up the gdkps though? It seems like that’s all I see anyone talk about when referring to classic raiding scene is the gdkps.
That's precisely his question, when is next LIVE fresh
Average retail player has never played classic
it's kinda funny that whenever something awful happens in classic (player count nose diving, community being a bunch of faggots) the cope is "those were retail players all along" lmao
zamn...if anyone would just play an LW shaman and they could group now....oh well LF1M LW r.shaman (bring drums!)
Do you think that the average retail player, has played this game 20 years ago?
I don't know, you tell me since you're interested in that statistic
holy based
You're the one who brought up why retail players don't "make excuses to not play classic"
Average retail player doesn't even know what classic is and didn't play it.
Unless you're actually saying "retail players don't make excuses to not play retail" Nobody wants to play a dead server and that's precisely what all classic servers are atm as much as everyone might want to play. You need hype behind classic servers and there isn't any at the moment.
>You're the one who brought up why retail players don't "make excuses to not play classic"
ah yeah that was me, Anonymous, I forgot I was logged in to 4chan
what is your goal here
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>retoilet is so alive that blizz had to pay shills to play it
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>wowcg is nothing but posts about retail
am I not allowed to partake in a discussion in an imageboard?
You are, what exactly are you trying to contribute
brack was right
My point is that whenever one of classic's projects flop, classic players blame retail players despite them not having anything to do with it
>none of them are about vulpera
fuck this gay world
classic's biggest streamer now does retail mounts/mogs/cheevos
I am not familiar with what you're suggesting at all. Retail players have nothing to do with classic.
Most everyone's doing TWW right now. Blizzard actually made another good expansion, which is refreshing after SL and DF
I was thinking of playing it but idk
that's because there is nothing in the game to get filtered by yet. wait for m+ raids and arena.
the good players I knew from classic are now mazed m+ rats
not that I blame them, cata is just retail lite
alexensual hasnt been live in over a month
I'll rip open that pouch and shoot it deep while the aborigines watch, teach them what a real man is.
i wonder if you thought about all of that on your own
Is it actually good, or are people still in the honeymoon phase?
honeymoon usually lats a week
it's been 2 weeks since release so
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I asked this about a month ago, but I only got a few replies and I'm still very curious.

OSRS has an absolutely gigantic content creation scene, but I don't remember WoW / Classic having... anything at all in current year (nothing since the machinima days). All the videos are just garbage like WillE or whoever else rambling about upcoming / previous patches for 20 minutes. Or PvP.

Most OSRS video series focus on novel challenges and progression. Are there any WoW YouTubers out there anything like that, or at least any good WoW YouTubers?
I stumbled on this guy, he was so similar it's what got me wondering.
they can get by with delves which were basically made for cryboomers
Haven't touched Retail since Legion. I thought people liked DF, what went wrong?
i don't know but bald streamer said its bad so i think its bad
>"this guy has exactly what I was looking for"
>*dislikes the video*
There are but since there isn't a world-hopping system (layers comes the closests) so these channels tend to be extremely niche since nobody popular can really even attempt them without 5000 dicksuckers following them 24/7. Also helps that RS doesn't really have a real endgame and is mostly druggies clicking on redwood or fishing on their 15th ironman
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r14 grind on era is fucking slow...
>I thought people liked DF
People saying things like "It's better than Shadowlands and Battle for Azeroth" doesn't mean it was good, it just mean it wasn't as bad.
>ranking on era
high levels of mazed detected
I like his videos in concept, but unfortunately the guy was kind of a fag

>"I'm doing an Arcane Spells only Mage run, zero exceptions ever!!"
>starts with him meleeing everything (instead of using exploration xp / non-combat quests until the first Arcane unlock)
>then a wand
>uses engineering and dynamite in every run
>stops at level 10 basically every time

>Also helps that RS doesn't really have a real endgame
Yeah that's probably why I usually just reroll when I go back to it, the early to mid game is so much funner.

Not too sure what you mean by the world-hopping part though, I don't really get how that impacts the viability of this sort of thing in WoW
These things are 99% done solo in OSRS too
Well I meant more how world hopping lets you accomplish a lot of things in OSRS challenges, and it also conveniently counters streamer / youtuber orbiters ruining your challenge since you can easily hop
df improved the talent trees for most classes by a lot but it will always be remembered negatively for adding aug evoker to the game
Ah gotcha, I see what you mean now.
I hadn't considered orbiters, but it must be hellish for the big streamers / ecelebs. In OSRS there's like 300 worlds to randomly go between, and 20+ skills to focus on to throw them off.

In WoW you only ever have one server and like two zones of choice for your level, ain't no escape
really. i couldnt even get exalted in av
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>stuiped foreign cuunt#
Is this the best English the average wow player can type?
I know a bunch of native english speakers who write like this 24/7, I'm not sure if they are 60 iq or just drunk all the time kek. Maybe a bit of column A and B really. It's nostalgic if nothing else since people didn't typically care that much about punctuation etc while typing mid encounter / running around questing
i understand not caring about punctuation. i always typed without using capital letters or much punctuation as its just faster to type this way for me. but butchering words while trying to insult someone for being ''foreign''...you're just clowning on yourself.
No, it unironically killed the raiding scene.
>Play SoD, a janky vanilla funserver with a few upgrades but all of the tedium of regular vanilla
>Can easily clear the raids without consuming but very few guilds do this because clearing boring/easy content is meaningless unless you parse or speedrun
>Meta quickly returns to consuming/buffing out the ass to clear the raid in under 30 mins
>All the best players don't want to play with shitters so they end up joining these runs
>Make alts to carry shitters for gold to fund their toons/raiding alts they care about
>Blizz bans GDKPs
>If you missed the GDKP boat you now have to handfarm gold for consumes or swipe for gold
>No one wants to do this
>People quit enmasse and/or stop playing alts completely
And now we're here. Blizzard tried solving the problem of gold farming by then introducing nightmare incursions as an alternative not realizing that people simply don't enjoy gold farming. They can't fathom that people want to raid once or twice a week on alts that they find fun and get some gold at the end to further fund their raiding for the next few weeks.
people quit because of long leveling phases, terrible pvp balance, and boring leveling raids that dropped gear you knew you would be replacing in a few months
you GDKPniggers will never admit it though because how badly it btfo of your dogshit narrative
best and worst classes in sod? are the new tanking/healing specs memes?
You can't really have challenges like OSRS does because the games are completely different. The only time you can actually do shit that's out of the norm is during leveling and that has an eventual hardstop. After you hit 60, there's nothing to do that you can do solo. You can play a melee mage to level 60 but if you try that shit in dungeons, you're literally just wasting the time of 4 other people.
It also helps that the majority of OSRS content creators have been playing the game for decades at this point. Most of the WoW/Classic content creators have already used the game to build a base for their streaming/content creation platform then fucked off. The only people left are those joining the content creation/streaming "game" late and are now hoping that a new fresh (look at the very organic Deviate Delight movement) will give them another opportunity like Classic did in 2019.
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never cheat, never lie
vanilla fresh until i die
Pvp is completely dead and all classes are good in pve so just play what you want.
>and all classes are good in pve
Some classes are complete shit though, like arcane mage (for dps) and Arms warrior (this will hopefully change).
Yeah i said all classes not specs
you could say the same about vanilla then
classic is only fun when it's the first few months and everyone is still leveling and the world is jam-packed. it's only a shadow of its former self when a server is 6 months old. but even then its still better than any other iteration of the game. riding those first 3 months of kino then bouncing is an acceptable way to play this game and bypass the raidlogging cucks who sit in ironforge all day / treat the game as a job.
>carpal tunnel speedrun
This gdkpcope is the stupidest shit I've ever heard
It's always fun
You're a god damn retard. GDKP keeps people who otherwise would have no reason to continue raiding to raid. We see this on the 5 year old era servers where people still raid years after they've hit full bis, because it makes them gold to sell.
Ya and era servers are so fun to play on as a result
yeah era is absolutely THRIVING right now
era and sodomy are both shit, but era is less dead and the mazed junkies will still be there after another 5 years.
the sodomites will be screeching for their 5th F R E S H or playing the next seasonal sloppa the janitor at blizz shat out that's "totally the real classic+" this time
new classic+ survey just went out LETS GOOOOO
>era is less dead
>mazed junkies will still be there after another 5 years
you're contradicting yourself
so the game isn't that great if it sucks at player retention and its only good within certain parameters and criteria
era would be a complete abandonware ghost town right now if gdkps and gold sellers weren't a thing
era needs the wow token
3 years late, it's not part of the 2021 snapshot treaty
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*kills the venezuelan economy*
hardly any other games with better player retention, I can only think of BG3 and Cyberpunk
And Dota
And Fortnite
And Counter strike
And League
And Tarkov
And Minecraft
And Dead by Daylight
And god forbid, Valorant
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>creates the worst game ever
what the fuck was his problem?
Oh boy, more "would you like this retail feature in a theoretical classic+?" questions
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ok but all that is pure goyslop or underage b& bait
>ok but they don't count because i don't like them ok?
i knoww
he's working on the lore for classic+, let him cook
im here to rage because i hate classic wow, the community and chris metzen and i havent played the game for months
>funny reddit movie suit man
i never watcehd the movie i just know the scene
what did you win wonned?
and everyone clapped
>7 second insta reply
Keep seething SoD objectively won aggrend won
throw peanuts at it so it keeps yapping
nope. druid is dogshit in vanilla. you only bring one for the buff. thats it.
>jump ingame at 4 in the morning
>everyone offline, except a couple of scandinavians doing scholo

is everyone up there on welfare?
I dont play anymore because my guild of rl friends quit in phase 3 but I really REALLY liked SoD and as one of those turbo autists who has played vanilla off and on fire over a decade, this felt fresh, exciting, and fun. There were several awful mistakes (incursions being the biggest) but I can confidently beat I am excited for whatever vanilla+ is going to look like. If it ends up sucking, I'll just go back to turtle wow.

What does /vg/ think about SoD? I'm new here so I don't know the consensus.
are you spanish?
giving ret paladin inches and them demanding fucking miles was the worst mistake sod could have made. its never ending the shit they are wanting now
>found broken tooth just casually questing
>doesnt have a unique model so i cant show him off
most paladin players, especially ret mains, are mentally ill retards that think they should be #1 at every single aspect of the game
im bored and sad. what now
If horde also had Paladins you'd see them pissing and moaning far less. They're hilariously stacked and only when they have to fight eachother will they realize it
is 50k gold budget enough for naxx gdkp as a warlock?
Swipe another 100k, Ahmed
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>fatrend posts pic of his new molten weapon
>some retard asks what heat he's running
smartest classic player
I'm pretty happy at the state of ret, especially after we get tier 2, because once I get the 2-piece bonus it's never coming off.
paladins are only good against physical damage, as a druid I see them as free kills
What did we do, sis?
>get banned for 48 hours for bantering in world chat during classic wow launch
>be toxic fuck in m+ retail on multiple occassions and never punished
care to explain vanillaboomers?
I've never seen anybody get a ban for words on vanilla. I got a 2 week ban on retail and they refused to even tell me why in the email so I opened a ticket and asked why and they refused to tell me again and closed the ticket
>never seen anyone banned on vanilla
must have been my imagination
probably yeah
enjoy your dead game faggot
>game is dead
>thread is dead
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All the classic players went back to retail lol
the trve classic vets did not, though
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>killed nef first try last night
its not dead theres 100k people playing sod

sod won
did they tho?
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isnt' all retoilet content timegated by like a month?
What's retoilet's content anyway? Run the same dungeon over and over again and farm mounties and moggies from 4 expansions ago?
>anime pedo
yup that's a skip
sounds like vanilla but without the mounties part
uhhh actually Banilla has world pvp, bg ranking, professions, epic questlines and much more
you mean low level priests purging buffs?
Is it even worth returning to this trash or just wait for next season??
If you wanna play melee, go ahead. Just don't bother playing any caster or healer.
Are casters still not able to hard cast shit?
SoD is unironically way better than vanilla, vanilla is only good because theres no brainrot mechanics like dungeon finder not because of its class design.
chatgpt generated ass post
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SoD was just a bad graph of retail mechanics and not new content with the classic design in mind. I now believe adding "classic" content to be as hard as painting a new background behind the Mona Lisa and expecting it to look authentic or believable. Could painting a new background behind the Mona Lisa and making it fit as well as believable possible? Yes. Is the current blizzard capable of such a feat?
New content wasnt supposed to be the main draw of sod it was fixing the retarded vanilla class design and they did do that
>and they did do that
kinda funny how no one can really agree on what classic plus is supposed to be
lol, lmao.
t. browns
>n-n-n-nooot to my personal view of how the game should be played
what do you mean? the community already decided
>finish mount hyjal
>finish uldum
>finish grim batol
>timbermaw hold raid
>emerald dream zone
>new world bosses
>small tweaks to specs, like giving taunt to paladin
oh and new class daemon hunter (because it was in the box art when the game launched)
retail did all of these things except the timbermaw hold raid
>small tweaks to specs, like giving taunt to paladin
theres too many issues with banilla classes they need a complete redesign
no one cares about retail
Yeah, but do it like its still 2004 and you got yourself a deal.
they just care about things from retail is all
how is that done?
retail also adds a lot of dumb things like dungeon finder and making old content completely redundant
Anyone who doesnt like SoD is a brownie main seething theyre not the best at everything anymore.
>how is that done?
idk, thats for the multi-billion dollar company to figure out
yeah all three hundred thousand of those players that quit after a month were warriors
how are you going to implement those zones without adding more levels into the game or some kind of horizontal progression? like how are you actually going to incentivize players to do any of that shit if the gameplay loop remains grinding to 60 and spamming 5mans/raids?
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dimon hunter in banilla sounds kino
complete server reset every 12 months with new content after each reset
>3 insta seethe replies
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figure it out, im not the one getting paid 6 figures to develop the game
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>they figure it out in their own vision
cata status?
melee hunter is actually pretty kino im leveling as one and it feels like i can finally play a ranger
wrong snapshot
AQ PVVVMP - you know where
oil filtered
lamp post
we want the vision they had 20 years ago, hence its "classic"
Well, just go back to 2004 then
lol so time travel is more possible in your head than blizzard ever having good talent again. i agree
>we want the vision they had 20 years ago
what was that vision?
a good game
what makes a good game?
nigga idk, ill let the devs working at the multidollar company figure it out. ill decide whether i want to play or not based on what im presented. its as silly of a question like asking me what ingredient hostess should use in a twinky
A good game combines compelling gameplay mechanics, an engaging storyline, and immersive world-building to create an enjoyable and memorable experience. It balances challenge and reward, offering intuitive controls and meaningful progression to keep players engaged. High-quality visual and audio design enhances immersion, while replayability, innovation, and originality provide fresh experiences that encourage players to return. In multiplayer games, social features and fair play are crucial for fostering community and competition. Finally, technical stability and polish ensure a smooth, bug-free experience, making the game feel complete and satisfying.
>just make it where it approves my personal perspective
either it feels good or it doesnt. its as simple as that
era servers feel super good for Sheen, does that mean era is good?
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I caught a Sasquatch vocalization on camera
Thought you guys might enjoy

Stay sane
>1 filtered post
why are you guys so autistic? why cant you just talk like normal people?
this is the most abysmal gen on vg
I honestly think the only thing warlocks would need to tank in vanilla is
1)searing pain is AOE from caster, akin to arcane burst or thunder clap
2) talent to use shields
3) curse of tongues now acts as a taunt

Probably wouldn't be enough in SoD with all the damage bloat from other classes runes however.
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>I honestly think the only thing X would need to Y in Z is
Oh, sorry, guess I will go back to calling everyone tranny mutt cryboomers and replying indirectly.
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>Oh, sorry, guess I will go back to calling everyone tranny mutt cryboomers and replying indirectly
>join a casual guild
>it's a bunch of swipers

this triggers me and I don't know why
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the absolute STATE of retoilet
I miss the days when healers could heal

Now it's clear that the light can't heal
It's just pain killers
thank God Metzen is not working on classic+
>pay for game
>pay for WA that plays the content for you
>pay for WA that plays your class for you
>pay for gold to buy gear in gdkp
>call it gameplay
Why are you retards still playing any blizzard hosted version of WoW?
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We're staying here
at this rate we might need to merge with wowg in order to survive
All the classic players are playing retail. It makes sense we should merge with them.
Someone link the wowg thread here for a proper merge

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