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forced to bake edition

"new" bosses: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/update/18317/updated-8-29-v-253-maple-story-x-bugcat-capoo-patch-notes
crusty kms stuff: orangemushroom.net/2024/08/14/kms-ver-1-2-394-fall-1st-update-epic-dungeon-angler-company/
google: grandislibrary.com/


HYPERION - Apply to Comfy and 2kowai
SCANIA - Buddy DoubleOctave and Nisunobi
SOLIS - Apply to BuyingTrack
PRIVATE SERVERS - royals or chewie or castela

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Maintenance is over?
I can't believe I have to settle for burnt bread...
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late bread stuffing
capoo creme: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/sale/18374/bugcat-capoo-cash-shop-update-for-august-28
you forgot to add gigi and raora into the OP
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>tfw 1% from sacred + mpe
dailybros...yall really live live this?
i dont even do mpe
yeah im thinking aiiro was right
this is an Aichad general
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who is blaanid
I can't believe I'm sol erda gated rn. Finally started leveling up janus and I'm 10 erda away from lvl 10... and there's no way to get more except through grinding. Bossing gives such a paltry amount I never noticed.
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why are they on the login screen when they literally just killed them
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leaderboard updated
blaze wizard....
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wild hunter bros.....
Hero bros...
i spent 800 to build a new pc and i'm still just playing ms bros...
Corsair my beloved. I have unshakeable faith in my cute pirate girl. Nothing can shake me from the path of brainless summoning >~<*
what gpu did you get. 800 sounds so hard to build a comp with these days if you get a gpu.
I spent 1.5k on mine ages ago and all i do is play maple too
got a coworker's used 1660 super for 40
did you get the marble?
I see one right there
4 rebooties of /msg/ have cleared xlotus, how the regbros doing?
rebootie here i will clear once i figure out p3
whats a rebootie
gimme uh 6 months
darkknightbros we are so back
holy fuck I unlocked my 2nd ball and I'm cumming, it's actual afk farming
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newbies be like "anyone wanna do hungry muto with me plx ;_;" mapligga what
gms.... is hands-less...
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More Chief Knights when?
I'll be honest sisters I still don't understand how to not die to darknell
literally just don't stand still when you see darknell winding up an attack because that's the cue for his goon to pop in
before it was harder as the falling meteors can make it difficult to fuck off
but if you're in a party can't the goons just spawn wherever
I'll be honest I still don't understand how to solo vhilla and it's been a few weeks now that I'm strong enough to do it.
I'll be honest I still dont know how to do PQs or JQs and 90% of these guides are useless
I'll be honest I haven't tried the new lotus yet
just a reminder nisunobi was 25 years old and he died doing what he loved, wapping and shitting on repoopers. he was rank <200 a couple years ago in scania and died #1 MM in scania.
rest in pee
when are we moving to /vmg/
no way this game is more alive than lost ark
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why she lost tho
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yet we're still here and they aren't
niru couldnt do xlotus and quit
can i get a name????
playable Cygnus job class when??
that's TB actually
doubleoctave can u confirm if hes ded or not
he was right about people here being narcissist niggers who throw others away
someone who gave him shit years ago just had another self festered meltdown and cut off someone else
not my problem though
the schizo nigger isn't in archived so reboot win i guess
i think most of msg is chill and nice people, despite the constant shitposting. i view it in all good fun.
however we are all autistic i can guarantee that.
but who the FUCK is aiiro?
i dont get that impression from msg at all and anyway u should learn to spot attention whores otherwise youll get caught up in their latest antics
aiiro who gives a shit lm ao
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im libbing today boys
might blow 10bil on cubics to make solids idk
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it's ogre, it's so fucking ogre
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currently im looking to 20 star a sup ring. should i sf a meister and kanna ring to 15* with 30% ahead of 5/10/15? currently, i have both a 18* meister and KT. if my current one booms, can i transfer that trace to the meister/KT of the same type and have it restored at 15* and keeping the potential? thanks, i'm new to the game
30% off sucks but you do you
please read and understand the words i wrote anon-kun
oh only 15*, yeah go for it
my progression is hitting 22* or nothing stay at 17* forever. its a slow process but it feels nice.
Least mentally ill gambling addict on maple>>492625750
I settle pitch pieces at 21 and only tap spares so I never risk losing progress and it feels nice
>Order isn’t by letters or most to less
I fucking hate you
I sort of remember aiiro. Don't think he was ever one of the strong players of any era.

I will say this though, the people here play with you initially and then dump you to play with normies from top guilds at any chance. I think that's what happened in Waifus in windia.If that happened to him as well then yeah it sucks and I agree, if that's not what you mean then whatever.
i settle at 21 and am fine with it.
Hello friends, I just bought an account for gms and wondering if I’m safe.
I’ve heard that the original account owner can get back the account with the original mail used to create the account. Is this true? So even if the email changed or if I’m given an email account that is not originally used to make it, the owner can still claim it back?
I feel like i can be duped. Please help.
you are not invited to the kaling party
bro i told you
anyway that's why god invented chargebacks
Where and how trusted was the seller? If it's one of the high rep guys on forums or pixel market then it shouldn't be an issue.
you can also charge back him if he does. hes at more risk of losing everything over you.
GMs ask questions about the birthday, to list off names of 5-10 characters on the world and couple other of questions.
just change the account email to your email, and put the emails that he gave you under your mobile phone and do authy on both.
I’m more worried about the owner getting back the account when I progress on the account. Would hate to waste time on progression only to lose it.

There is no way to confirm if the email is the original right? I could be given a fodder.

Please help ;_;
i only have 33 pet food left
i don't even remember when i last bought
If the email has been changed before, it cannot be changed again. So if it can't be changed, you might not wanna purchase it or make him give you the credentials to that email to make it yours, completely unlinked from any connection, and add your phone + 2FA.
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yall live like this
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Does getting drop rate senpaitachi have a noticeable increase in getting sup drops from gollux? I'm sitting at around 100% drop rate with gear + hs + legion coupon.
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great start
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such a bratty voice
how do i mute the green megaphone messages in chat????
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shit, that looks really good
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Just got my lib weapon but I'm kinda poor do I bright cube this or just settle for now or what? Only have 15b currently. I don't have good senpaitachi and I'm a bowmaster if it matters.
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i love this brat
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holy shit
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I’m not even 260, who gifted me this? You silly nerd
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she's pretty sexy
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very cute
very cute
i like both voices for hoyoung but the female voice is infinitely brattier
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that is an... interesting up jump
why did you quit the lara?
I am NL, in the middle of cubing my abso gloves atm, which potential should I choose?
DEX 13%, all stats 10%, LUK 10%
ATT increase 944924
crit damage 8%, all stats 7%, Max MP 10%
ATT increase 768300
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always choose crit damage
I know but the attack increase difference confused me so I am not sure
what is legion
for me,
8 crit dmg = 2.66 FD
12 %stat = 0.99 FD, lower if 9%
so you can add up the lines and figure out how much FD gain

2 crit lines = 5.32 FD
1 crit line, 1 prime stat line = 3.65 FD
so thats the issue, why it says I lose attack/damage with the crit damage line if it supposed to be stronger
how do I check this?
fill out your maple scouter and it'll show in your stat efficiency
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>just go to class discord bro
>just fill out the scouter bro
>just look up a guide bro
this is really what killed mmos not 'no content' or stale gameplay
boomed 10 gollux earrings good game
crit dmg not showing in range is a common noob trap but it is always better on glove
There's no one size fits all
There's 50 different jobs
People are at different stages of progression
Nobody wants to type out the same info a million times every time that same question is asked
it shows on combat power so...
>pay 300m for dollish pink
>try it with a difference face
>absolutely no change
I see...
haha get tricked idiot
>forgot to run bm
a total of 3 months missed now
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WRONG, this kanna is pregnant
The general slows down as uni classes start. Really makes you think.
Theres nothing surprising about that
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30% is a scam no matter what expected values say. I boomed all my shit and now I'm back to what I started with but with 30b down the drain. Fuck 30% events.
very sexy weasel
Weasels aren't supposed to be sexy. I bet you think treecat, sino's fox form, and mastema are hot too.
You have good tastes my zoofriend.
guess we fuckin animals now
51015 is objectively mathematically superior and it's just a couple weeks away and you people are still wasting your money
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I'm not a furry but...
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but what
where'd you get this pic of me
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and a ching chong to you too
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why would you not safeguard
I thought it was only a 1/50 what's the worst that could happen
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I just sank 2b in cubes into a mule and I realized after playing it was the most pointless 2b. It doesn't help me clear anything I couldn't before and doesn't help me clear things faster. Next time I'm learning to settle with shitty looking gear. Atleast I have 2 more weeks to recoup my losses for 5/10/15.
when will they undo lotus remaster
the new one is so boring since you can't die anymore
please share p3 tips before my duo abandons me
yeah don't get hit
thanks for buying my masterclass lesson
how do I not get hit when a million different things are happening at random
you're playing the mushroom game, chance is 50/1
Let's MapleStory!
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>decide to use this event to push my hb's gear to 15* since that's cheaper with -30% than 5/10/15
>immediately fail a 50% roll 6 times in a row
Maybe it's better to wait after all. Today is not my day.
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My pirate blessing is level 7 and it doesn't do anything
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newbies be like
(this was on reg)
I have finally bested Darknell (normal) (practice) (4 deaths) (nerfed)
im job changing from ice/lighting to bishop. although i like i/l, it just does not offer enough to party bossing scenarios. i'm being discriminated against because i play i/l. FUCK
i thought kaling was good when i was doing hoyoung's storyline. then again, i skipped all the diallogue

you literally don't even have to. just self-discover the game like how we did back in 2006. but then, don't complain that you ruin your entire character because you put INT into your warrior. youre lucky to have this information readily available and for free. ungrateful FUCK
im so glad i learned this lesson >>492685875 with my absolab instead of arcane
wtf do I need to one shot in cernium 30 sacred maps, I have 50 sacred and obviously it takes time to get much higher sacred but I cant just keep two shotting for another few weeks like wtf
i spent like 3b on one mule alone since gear likes to hard stick at 14-15
i think the wappers were right all along...
You need good gear and 6th job skills, not just sacred force.
If you're in Kronos your only choice is to grind and wait for events to speed up sac symbols. Next day's 30th anniversary check gives a 60. You only need +50 SAC to deal x1.25% FD
when you will fucks understand that boss muling is just an option to making mesos. if you dont like the costs or doing it, then dont do it and continue wapping.
its not supposed to be your main method of income or strengthening your main character at all.
we will boss mule for our main income and you will like it
a cat is fine too.
>20 minutes to reach phase 2 of xlotus solo
can someone carry me
and thats fine too, just dont complain about the cost of building boss mules
Sacred force is only one small part of that equation
Odds are your gear, legion and links are weak
>boss mules are le free
boss mules are free though. events shit out nodestones plus you have nodestones from waps like tf else yhou gonna use them for lmao.
nodestones > stat power and if you wanan fool yourself into getting more stat then just do vj dailies if you really wanted to.
my fat nuts are free
yeah sf is cancer but have you ever cubed for three hours and watched as you get every unusable permutation of atk/matk
they should go the pserver route and let us select the lines we wanna roll for then let it auto deduct the cube amount needed to hit it.
I'm ngl I tried bossing on the free AB dreamer mule and 15 mins on it felt like a whole hour. Y'all must be forged in fire I can't mentally handle doing 15 mules every week especially keeping track of their SF AND CUBING
My sfing session during last ssf took like 4-5 hours to go through 60b. I feel very sad knowing Nexon would never go and do a fast-forward/skip feature, not even when the game dies, because it increases playtime or some shit
What do I do with my life now that I have 21 star cra, and arcane plus everything else at 17
15 mules a week is rather a lot, i dont think anyone here does that many.
but if you dont like it dont force yourself to do it. i enjoy it because i really like playing other classes, especially the boss mules that i picked. but you also dont have to do your entire roster weekly, just as you please.
thats the problem with this generals mentality. you're all full of FOMO and treat this game like a second job.
>you're all full of FOMO
This whole game is built upon 5000 layers of FOMO
you push your 17s to 21 and wap or just do dailystory until the winter update.
yeah but you're letting fomo get to you. just dont fall for it.
It's easy to pretend to be above it all, but even those that know every psychological trick get lost in the casino
Are there any other easy 21 stars outside cra?
Absos are free to 21 but people will tell you to stick with 17 arcanes for a year for some reason
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>find the most perfect hat nx that matches with my outfit
>it squishes the hair
*lets 30 3x exp coupons expire*
uh oh
uh thats only if you go to the casino to begin with you fucking retard. if you care enough to fall for fomo thats entirely on you and willpower is enough to conquer it.
if youre weak willed then just say so.
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remember when games were for fun and not some superhero willpower crap
You're in the casino, and you're not even willing to acknowledge it
a guy thought he could outwillpower crack too
im in the casino and im broke, so what good is playing slots if i have no money.
this casino lets you play with time, it's like that one movie
i would lose to heroin immediately, i know im not that strong
yeah but im not losing anything because i never put anything into the machine, but i will take the free coffee mug and voucher for a $10 play over time.
you're definitely losing something if you play maplestory
normal people sacrifice their souls to play maplestory, but gingers get to play for free
>legion coin shop limit increased to 20
holy shit... kino.......
what class and level
my duo is burning out and might actually take a break from the game so i need somebody to duo with
MM is worthless as a mule now that arrow illusion doesn't affect lotus
all the MMs quit because they dont have free xlotus anymore
at least MM can still origin cutscene skip even though the patch notes said they fixed it they actually just changed the timing a lil bit
how am i losing playing a game i enjoy? the entire point of the arguement shifted. i knew msg was retarded but cmon now
^guy fell in love with the way the slots light up at the casino
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yes but i dont let fomo get to me, which is the point of the arguement but now you're arguing that playing maplestory = you lose or something lmao
im not gonna reply any further about this, youre just baiting now after being humiliated by showing how dumb you are.
ur not free from fomo u are mazed in (sunk cost + too weak willed to quit) to see otherwise
hookers can enjoy the sex too
fomo doesnt exist
The meth is good for me actually, it keeps me happy
existential dread in maple only exists in lategame boot and aspiring whales who didn't hit in reg
f2p gang keeps winning
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selling oils and buying finished gear on auction house is the tutorial for when u wanna play with the big boys who made their own gear
f2p, waiters and dailystory players always win.
hmm this is peculiar. the thread goes to shit as soon as nisu comes back. it was a good two weeks.
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i have not posted yet ive been busy accepting new quests and getting ready to boss who the fuck r u
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im opening sunday boxes for the monster park coins and im just dropping the 2x coupons
zoomers are back from their college classes
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im 25 I graduated last year tho
on avg you get 70 sneed oil per day per character
with 12 accounts running 4 characters a day on avg you would make 3.3k sneeds assuming 2.5mil sell price you'd make 8.4bil a day, 250bil a month
end game is within my grasp
(12 accounts jesus christ hes gonna make it)
who the fuck has 12 devices to afk on maple
hyper-v works out of the box for maple
that's $18,000 a year
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why dont we all make one mega msg account and all play on it together and make the character incredibly strong by playing on it 24/7 wouldn t that be cool and maybe we can all move into a house together too haha
wow can't believe we have our own local rice monkey
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i'm surprised they're still alive
What's a rice monkey. I see a bunch of koreans using that one image of the lupin throwing rice.
>use 31 fruits
>absolutely no good rolls
what in the actual FUCK
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I used 300 before I got one that was barely usable
They're all usable dumbfuck it's just bonus stats
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is this a reference to a real story
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I used like 50, 20% boss is good enough for me
i cant believe i just spent 100 dollars at a chance of rerolling familiar lines
neat, thanks
I just wanted to say that the three perils don't look anything like how the lore originally described them. Kaling just wanted to fuck the tiger, wolf, and bird.
Is the blue familiar card thing really just one potential reset or does it give you like 10 or 100 of them?
mvp tier rank up is 10900nx. they only sell at minimum 10000. i'm calling bs
you see, maple reg in korea is more of a market, where some people can actually sell in game items for won, but since you can't trade items in reboot and the server popularity was increasing, those people complained (because they had less customers), what made the whole thing popular is that at first it was thought that the whales were complaining because you could get to end game in reboot without paying, in reality those "whales" were photoshoping their true combat power and in reality it was low end players that did not pay anything in game but rather just play to sell the items and no more, that's where the term rice monkey comes from.
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so just eat your nails???
omg thank you gangnam style folklore
It's actually weird, what's the purpose of such story?
maybe to keep rats away from the temples or something?
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gonna do 2-3 waps today. what should i get pizza or maccas??
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It's so fucking over... my drip...
I'm bricked now
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what a chump
by wapping u guys actually meant wapping?
u guys dont swap?
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go west was so bad they even made the shades timed
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done with hoyoung's 1-30
easily one of the best class stories I've read, don't have any real complaints about it and it was just lots of fun
im glad people enjoy reading the maplestory lore and stuff.. i skip everything.
I'm surprised it took him 2 days for a 1-30 story
it's like two hours long who's got time to do that in one sitting
this dude was born in 1999 lmfao
you got to Arteria so I think you do
plans on doing grand athenaeum?
i did the first three years ago and i just fucking forgot everything, i probably wont unless kimchi soup decides to add 1k frags as the rewards for completing them
>loreposter refuses to do lore
it's over...
why yes, I'm saving my terry for the last day of the event so I get the whole night troupe with it, how could you tell?
i mean from memory the grand athenaeum was not fun to do at all
It's actually very tedious with 0 rewards but you do it for the lore and the music
yeah see i have a million vns in my backlog i'd probably have more fun with than that. i miiight do the gardener but others i have no interest in
tangential but masteria was literally the worst thing i've had the misfortune of playing through
same thing really
is the terry pet a vac pet?
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oh so 2 hours is "too long" but fucking vns that fucking last for fucking weeks with the most horrendous padding to ever exist are "more fun" ?
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>horrendous padding to ever exist are "more fun"
i don't know what kind of stuff you read but i dont recall a vn ever telling me to go kill 200 mobs 4 maps away and come back for 2 lines of dialogue
>horrendous padding
but enough about maplestory
>read 50000 lines of text that add nothing to the story whatsoever just to make it longer
>kill 200 mobs
bout the same
where are the notes?
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Everytime I go to grind I see someone else's cool animations and wonder why I'm playing what I am.
>backflips across your map in 0.1 seconds
I can't believe this line has been there for ages and there's literally nothing with Eskalade and AB, and yet there's an image of a female Evan cleaning Mir's massive dragon cock despite Evan being male in just about all the artwork.
when is the lucid shop closing?
this is important
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im closing it as soon as you read the last word of this post
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how my solo progression looking like boys? im looking to solo normal damien this week. im solo progression btw
you'll get more mileage by at least making your emblem and secondary epic, newfriend
looks great king not bad progress for a week
why are you still using silver emblem and why havent you potted your emblem and secondary?
this is how a wapper looks
what flavor is her?
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shes 4 bosses in a trench coat so like a neapolitan
two of my boss mulers from maypril are joining the other 2 now graduating from cpap/akechi to hardstuck nlomien today spent about 6bil on both to get 12 items to 18/17 from 0 they were around 2.2/3mil and went to 3.6 - 3.8
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>dreams to get the book
that's pretty funny
one boomed his pants at 15 the other boomed his wep at 16 but then the boomed items went to 18 without fails next go around
i now remember the ndamien reddit post
slow down guys threads too fast
this tastes like grass
eto is just turtle anima moni
please stop noticing that, theres only so many characters we can make with the pixels
i'm almost tempted to get hoyoung to 275 to read some class specific dialogue but that's too painful
you can just take your hozen yogurt to the athenaum and read the shangrila story as him thats what its for
what the frick chat is this real
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thats cool
/msg/ won
...the worst guild award
i have a 20 sup earring\. shuld i take advantage of 30% and sf a reinforced to 15 in case the sup booms and i need to transfer hammer?
>transfer hammer
the progress level this post implies tells me you should keep ur 20* and count ur blessings
i have 2 sup earring spares that i wanna try to 21 or 22 next sf event
may i have an answer please?
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wait ur suposed to do the capoo dungeon on ur main?
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this is only a 40% drop right
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what the fuck?
its the boss mule tax
says who?? ive been doiing it on my mulers
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how the frick am i using 35 of these
well its like 1 monster park run either way
im a lvl 290 mm where should i train???
land of wild boar
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I'm too used to everything disbanding my party for me now. The CAPOO event doesn't do that. I hate it.
neat ill use this on my 255 muler
you cant do that i already used it on my 256 muler
oh :(
nexon be like
>yeah you have to do these dailies for another year to max out the symbol
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me trying to find a job for the past year
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lets be honest guys those items that get stuck on 15>16 then boom on the next attempt were never going to make it to 20 let alone 22*
its the same as constantly ping ponging between 15>16 and booming during 51015
an item that goes to like 18 or 19 straight from 15 is the one you'd wanna try to 22*
My buddy wants to get into Maple but has disabilities with his hands. What are some simple classes I could recommend to him for use with controller?
>hewwo! i am the nyew boss :3 so whats happening is im gonna put a bunch of shit on the screen, most of it you cant dodge but thats okay because chip cant kill you~! probably~! and make you stay 6 feet away from me at all times because i dont do chip! i actually do lots of really stwong attacks that will make the chip kiww u >:^) and and and and theres a GAUGE!!!!! that you have to manage otherwise it gets really poopy really fast and i drop a busted item so you will be seeing me every week for the rest of ur life
cant believe they just made kalos 2 and called it a day
you're not supposed to stay away from lotus if you want to reduce his gauge
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i have a 8k libbed nw account my friend gave me but its empty in reg
should i play this or start a fresh reboot instead
Anything in the RP shop I can sell in the auction house for some extra MP or are golden hammers the only thing?
I got the scouter to work only once and when I input the same stats again it didn’t work
you guys did clear xlotus week 1, right?
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my exlotus buddy died out in p2
that was me until we practiced more
dont ditch your buddy
threaten to fist his asshole if he dies out again
I recommend standing away from him during annihilation in p3 and only going in to aim the blazers and big arm. Small arms just dodge so it doesn't fill gauge. During firewalls, use the teleportals to get away from him
i like how HLotus is a big fuck you to mulers and party bossers now, everyone strong enough will be doing Xlotus weekly so no more carries for party bossers
Bowmaster. All you need to do is cast buffs and then hold down one button. It also has a couple of iframes and a life drain that can be toggled, along with a placeable turret and teleport that can be used to reduce the need for jumping around while mobbing.
>no buddies to practice
I-it's alright, I'll solo...
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notes about my exlotus journey so far
>p1 shield heals him if you dont clear it fast enough
>can mostly stay out of fire (heat? gauge? hot? penis?) p1 by staying in the middle and fjing around so that all the blue shit hits him and not you conversely this means staying left or right is bad news bears and triggers punishment mode faster
>bind has a use where it didnt in old p1, if hes bound he cant turn on shield and dodge your burst
>p2 fucking sucks lmoa
the shield heals him in p1? my duo and i melt it so we've never noticed...
Oh did the stores shut down already? I spent the boss coins and bought everything I wanted from the cosmetics store but still had a bunch of the standard coins, although I don't know what I would have spent them on since the store was so trash. Maybe elixirs for boss mules or something.
it's all ogre now
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how do wappers do this shit every day man
there comes a point where the easiest and most time efficient gains come from level advantage multiplier
that but also i just watch youtube/anime in another tab while i do it you can make the hours move faster and then it becomes just hand movements
simply play an afk class, it's 2024 idiot
don't do that just buypurchase three thousand sol erda fragments upon the action house and level up the soul anus skill
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New lotus is fun. Didn't think I'd get to clear.
they overcomplicated lotus by a lot with the rework. I lowkey shudder to think what xdam will be like
what's you and your kanna's combat power
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I'm 214m CP with a cooldown hat (missing around 23% int compared to full int hats).
I'm not sure about the kanna. I think maybe 270?
Pic is my scouter.
carried honk shoo honk shoo yawns rolls over pulls up covers goes back to sleep
my feelings are hurt
hlotus felt way easier on my mules despite all the visual bullshit everything just does chip dmg, they cleared faster too, personally i find it much better than the old lotus with retarded debris patterns and late lazer floors, oh and no untargetable dodge or die bs either
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my mercedes will remain in this map forever
what is that
unless your kanna is perfectly weaving you're probably doing a similar amount of damage and domain + burst should push you to about ~60% contribution. makes sense that you guys cleared in just about 30 minutes
Bros, I didn't think that temp stats were reflected in the combat power but I fucking lost too much, I feel so weak now...
>missed all my coins
>missed bm
>missed high mountain
but hey, i got a 22* glove on my mule in just 12 ish b :)
last event the event stats added to CP but this event it doesn't. I have roughly the same amount of boss damage as last event already but still missing ied, stat and attack.
I just failed baby mode Hdnell....
7 Million views!
Truly a Shin Chang Seop blessing
I legitimately do not know how to spell his name
Then again I don't remember any gook names except fat fuck wonki
>4 hours
bro... your fz..........
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gracias weekly meister cubes
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got my 3rd ET yesterday and boomed it right away (first tap at 19)

would've been such big gains, will hit 7 set with it (when using black heart)...

anyway we finally beat ckalos so at least we'll have more eternals coming in and get some gains from that
grats! still trying to get a strat working for my team but we need to two burst a segment.
bros...raora hasnt leveled up in a week...
Yeah, we had to do many attempts too. The gskill cooldown skip was extremely helpful

We are mostly DPM classes, and have decent mini-bursts, so we've gone for a 4 min rot where we have bene for mini-burst (and our kaiser full bursts every time)

Gives us just about enough damage if pulled off well, but would be way easier if we could 1 burst for sure
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the bugcat exp reward is kinda stinky huh
i mean its like 3 minutes of letting dusk janus lift with his knees but i got like 3% at 233 maybe it'll get better
what buff slot does pno buff take?
that's like one WAP
its a special buff that doesn't overwrite any others.
300 frags for level 10 huh...
60 3x coupons expiring today...
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same as tengu/onyx apple etc
my culvert is going up by 500 every week from just fraggin
the point is you can't cheese it anymore with 10k stats below it not that your overgeared mules can clear it
sheesh i hate talking to zoomies
Why are the rewards this event so bad
im at 9.5k legion and bought the legion battle pass.
im getting the hyper pass cant pass up that trans potion
dailycucks,party bosscucks,boss mulecucks all have to buy double passes to progress
solo prog wappers won
events give enough free shit to progress.
that was before go west
without the pass this event sucks
even the passes suck people only buying them for a chance to reroll familiars.
how much does a booster give post 260
here's your exp
>played for 5 years
>cant even solo xlotus
bros...its not fair
dont worry, i dont have hands either
solo xlotus is just about how lucky you are in current heroic, dont think it is possible to brute force the gear (and senpaitachi) you'd need.
if you dont hit there isnt anything you can do about it

if in reg tho it should be possible by investing time as you'd eventually be able to buy finished stuff
you havent played for 5 years tho. sure you been playing since 5 years ago, but just beacuse you play 1 hour a day doesnt make it 5 years worth of progression.
It's the burden us dailychads have to carry
im online 12 hours a day and have 12k hrs on steam though
post ur char with stat window and gear window open in bossing setup then
(u wont coz ur lying)
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holy shit why do they keep fucking up home ui
Why is it so important to have the original email if you're purchasing accounts?
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lib gains shown by legion power increase a whole 3mil wow
remember when the only way to progress on reg was to wait for hackers to spawn an elite boss then rush to where it spawns hoping you would get 1 or 2 cubes out of the rare treasure boxes
or just edit wz files and force channel crashes to dupe items.
I remember waiting for elite bosses so I could epic pot my gear, we just waited at drakes for noobs to spawn them, we had a whole spreadsheet of which channels were dark
Hm thanks. It doesn’t include gingerbread man buffs. Can you really equip an alc potion along with using a sparking red?
i mean waiting for hackers to spawn a rare boss so you can maybe hope to get 1 cube per day was a way of life on reg for like 5 years for the average player
the dupe thing was done by people making millions of dollars
reggies had to beg neckson on reddit so that czak would have a chance of dropping 0-1 hard cubes
bless the people who duped lucky winters
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mmm yummie dont mind if i do
what use are lucky winters when drop rate is capped at 400 now? unless you're a gigger wapper that does more than 8 waps a week
after years of having to craft one cube from 10 cubic blades to getting 20 cubes free from a check in it's like a holiday in cambodia for us regbros
while you were getting 1 cube a day from 10 hours of elite bossing and an extra one a week from czak or crafting 1 cube from 10 cubics we were doing cra and hMag on pservers and selling their drops for billions
and same retards insisted to keep playing GMS just because they have their white snowboard or bandana on their accounts and couldn't leave behind their 4k stat half epic half unique pots
Hyperion or Kronos? Is the population a huge problem on Kronos like finding maps to grind and shit?
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not usually, and when it is it's only if you're extremely autistic about using a particular map
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>get stunned during irkalla
>spirit of elluel ticking down while lotus does his linkin park mv cutscene
holy shit mercedes moss bule was a mistake
keydown ults are super shit now that they keep giving bosses environmental effects that continue during binds
ive got a key for u rite here playa
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Me: cat
Rope: tapping my pitched
Platform: my gains
im a new player. what server should i play on?
me:from reddit
my post:following the redditquete
the cat inside my post: and a good day to you fellow mentlegen
so when does the fun start
>what use is item
retards here really ask dumb questions like that
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gave my arcane claw to my hyperburn nw, 35mil power 35k stats, 15min new hlotus
not terrible
anyone wanna play on reg together when winter update drops? im thinkin either bera or aurora
probably November if you're f2p
I think that's Milestone (2 hyperburns to 260 or 270?)
bro you forgot your double space
Should I tera burn a nw to be a buler? I'm 8.8k legion
My tera burn expires in 2 hours so I only have NW DW and BAM left to make. Which one should I raise? Got about 700 nodes to dump.
How do I know what hair styles are currently available from the event coupons. They're expiring in less than a day.
I'd go for DW for how easy it is
it wasn't important to me when i recovered my 19 year old account
they asked me for info and i said i didn't have access to my old email from 20 years ago and they were like ok dude whatever
im gonna hyperr burn DA on bera if anyone wants to join in the winter time
can fwaggies dwop below 4m by the end of this month thank you
(nyo what the fuck dont do that)
i remember going to sleepywood & mu lung to camp for ebosses (mu lung was infested with 3000 bots)
is there still the tenebris mafia that camps maps
why are frags still 8m in scania
because i, personally, have been letting the fields lie fallow for a bit to let the soil rehydrate
should've been in the botchad server
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whehre do i insert my resume to get hired at the lose control heart factory
why dont reggers just spend money
if they spent money they heroic woulda been normalized but even an average hero spends more than reggers
u guys all selling rice too?????
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im 10 months in no 22's
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>doing mules
>realize i have no hands and have been relying on being overgeared, partying, and dishonest class mechanics
libby is going to be cbt
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BaM it is. I'll leave the cyggers for the double hypeburn
when do you even have a chance to attack lotus it's never ending
>guild restricted gskills and wont give access after 3 weeks of doing it
for what reason
aieee the dreamer teraburn is the fake 12 cra one not 15/17 one
xlotus is so shit compared to old lotus. what were they thinkign?!
Who is Blaanid?
Ranni's ex-husband who was relegated to the cuck gaol.
he wasnt the ex husband he was her slave used for yiffing only.
i dont believe anyone here plays games other than maplestory
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how could you have let that happen>
>tfw 140 nodestones expired on a buler
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is that
I bought the ones in the shop and forgot about those
i let two arcane boxes expire last week.
>wearing crabcanes
hey thats my guildie
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im taking this boss chat
why do ppl who do solo progressed have to bring it up every time. it's so insufferable to hear it. do they think they're superior to us???
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wtf he survived?
did u not notice the tranny posts
>28k stat on hyper burn
>see hluwill parties recruiting 30k+
Maybe my hb will manage to replace the temporary arcane wep in time after all. I'm still missing 3 sup pieces, kanna's ring and pb mark. I'm also currently at 15 stars on my cra and absos so the 5/10/15 event should get me decent gains as well.
that's octave doing his dailies
bro how r u guys doing hluwuill on just 30k cp
unironically they want to flex and feel superior. just like f2pers, its the same thing. they really want to be validated for the amount of hours sunk into solo progression or f2p.
i mean any neet with nothing going for them can grind mindlessly for hours and get gains.
>gone for 10+ days
>thread was flourishing, no moss buler or reggie vs reboot flame wars
>comes back and the threads go to shit immediately.
why are you telling on yourself you can just leave again
bro probably went on vacation forced by his parents
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im gay
>get itch to play this horrible grind again after a 1.5 year or so break
>hear there's 6th job now and a new area
so is the new content good?
cutscene bind skill and boost nodes v2
what do you think? lol
the number is still in fact getting bigger
and that's the goal
theres still 5 origin skills remaining. we will eat good.
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40 gb update, jesus christ
i remember when this game was only 2
thats the trick. you just tank them. they don't do that much damage besides the one shots. You really just have to dodge the cc related shit like the robot that follows you in annihilation.
In p3 its better to just play under annhilation and keep a good distance away from him if you aren't noticing his melee attacks (they push you and knock you up which will kill you more than the annihilation patterns themself).
What can Nexon even come with for the remaining origin and common nodes? The first ones were a bind nuke and a skill that trivializes mobbing. Where do you even go from there?
Each origin will be a new cutscene telling the next part of the job story.
Only Darmoor will be long enough to see all 6 origins in 36 minutes. A new origin will be released every 2 years. We'll be done by 2034.
they won't be more origins. That slot is for new skills.
I can see som new burst related skills coming in or some sub 1min cd mini burst skill.
kms is restricted to catering to gooks for 1/2/3 minute classes instead of soulful 200 second or 70 second burst skills.
i hate koreans so much.
I don't have space on my keyboard for new skills
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New skills:
>1: bind nuke
>2: a buff that generally provides around +50% fd
>3: a buff that increases drop rate massively for a little while
>4: super survivability skill that grants on-demand i-frames or healing depending on what the class needs
>5: skill that addresses the biggest flaw of each class

Sol sex:
>sol janus: mobbing turrets
>sol bagina: a summon that flies around the map attacking enemies, priority targets elite monsters
>sol benis: buff that causes your character to automatically attack anything nearby
>sol mouth: a vac that pulls in all mobs every 10 seconds
who is darmoor?
(you) are darmoor
general damore is an elf libertarian
just give me a toggle skill that adds free dpm damage. no more burst skills PLEASE
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uh nothing really
assuming last time u played was in savior
>6th job
>mastery nodes and sol janus
>pre 260 exp cut in half and mp up to limina
>arcane daily/weekly buff
>260+ exp cut and also some grandis field and sacred daily buffs
>few regions snd old regions brought down
>oz rings
>legion artifacts
>heroic changes
>combat power
>equip presets
>ab remaster
>lotus remaster
>lame mountain
>some qol stuff
nah u didnt miss much
What's the average frag rate for someone at endgame full drop/meso gear?
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I don't have anymore keyboard space for new skills
hopefully they are all passives
Progression in this game is so fucked.
How do you even start getting CRA gear in Reboot without getting carried? How do you even start learning mid-game bosses like luwill when nobody parties for them anymore?
it's an MMO
talk to people
where is sol bobs
>Solo progression server
>You're literally never taught any mechanics for your class until it comes to trial-by-fire bosses that just oneshot you for standing wrong
typical gook slop
everything to Nlomien can be done by just maxing your v matrix, once you're doing like 20mil lines you can do min clear 3 door, comfy clear is 50-80mil lines, overgeared is anything 100mil+ per line and above
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Sorry but the next Sol is Sol BossBuster you choose from an op summon, marks/bats/dragon fangs, or a triple line shadow partner/buckshot to do many more lines and it will make bossing AFK/low iq friendly
join a guild
this post is from 2015
>Maplestory (normalized)
>TFD declining
>Blue Archive sabotaged from the inside
>DFO neglected
>Kartrider nearing EOS
>Mabinogi mobile stuck in development hell so long that it costs more than Genshin's initial investment
Is Nexon completely fucked?
>>Blue Archive sabotaged from the inside
i'm new to BA and havingi fun with the stories. what went wrong?
The little sound effects they have for different emotions and actions in the visual novel is great.
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Similar to the Dark and Darker situation. Some core members of BA's internal team left, poaching talent from the team, most notably artists, to make a new game.
>died out in ekalos with 4% left
why am i so bad at this game
Filtered lol
how do i get no cooldown sweeping staff
literally none of this matters when dnf mobile will feed them for another few years
video games are reclining
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@nexon alright ive got my solo in you can baby mode this boss now
Sure they'll have that for a bit, and then what? All of the new games they create are either terribly managed or the teams who make them straight up try to leave the company (Dark and Darker, BA). And making a sequel doesn't work either (MS2, Kartrider Drift). If they only wanted to focus on managing their existing games that would be fine, if they weren't listed on the stock exchange (like Smilegate) having investors breathing down their neck constantly.
I don't know. Maybe I'm trying to read too deeply into things.
The sequels worked but Nexon are experts at killing their own games
i miss hyper universe like you wouldnt believe
i miss star planet like you wouldnt believe
i miss star planet too
bros we cleared xlotus but found out the cape is only for solo. we're going back to normals
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yknow i think it wouldnt hurt anything if i could open my legion grid in my myhome house yea i could enjoy the puzzle pieces if i was yknow tucked in bed with my night light and my amy i dont think it would break anything nexon can we get this qol of life please
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i miss her....
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i wish i could drop shit in my home too but our home isn't actually ours, it's amy's
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remember when pets could loot maps without vac?
How the fuck do so many people already have the new pitched heart?
ummm she sold it to us
last time I checked people are making parties with just 20k
Hey guys I started in June. I'm putting meso into making more farming gear. I have one event ring with 2 lines of drop and another with 1 line drop and 1 line meso. The rest of my gear has 1 line each. Overall I have 5 meso lines and 5 lines of drop. Is it worth trying to go all the way to 10 lines?
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very enjoying doing the journal quests to unlock the athenaums cant believe adele used to be hitlers top guy
first time doing high mountain and the mobs are really tanky. is the damage set where it always requires 20 hits to kill or is it based on your actual damage meaning it gets better
dumb ass question, but maple used to mark you as afk if you held down one button for like 15 seconds without other input; why did that change?
It still does
maplestory is a typing game its like holdiong down shift to procc sticky keys
why did no one mention how fun and strong battle mage is as a buler
did u try damien or lucid
no but i cleared up to pre-CRA in one go without a pet or power elixirs wearing maybe 5 pieces of unflamed unpotted unstarred gear
just pop the 3 5th job skills and everything melts
bossing is literally free on it
i thought it was top tier because its a support but its like top dpm as well
thats like
literally every single class
Bera's on fire. Someone's trying to dupe a ToTal Cuntrol
naw bam is just nutty
some classes like ark/adele in full boss set + pensalir 3% struggle to clear pre-cra like on a maypril set potted + flamed pathfinder i couldn't even clear nmag without sweating hard since he had like 70 ied base no way clearing cpb day 1 like a bam
>emmessgee is even more returded than arr maplestory
time to rank classes based on who deals the most damage with their 4th job mobbing skill
how a class performs with shit gear is a godly indicator of how it'll do when fully funded
oh shit, I almost forgot about this weeks High mountain
i didn't forget but i chose not to do it
Bro the fragments
frags are like 5m each lmao
i just pretend frags dont exist
sometimes i get like 3 from doing dailies sometimes its 0
doesn't matter if i skip a week of hm
rebooters get 40 wile us reboot-lites get 10 from low valley
you mean 50, surely if ur in interactive u r taking advantage of the 5* rewards
i'm not paying for something reboot gets for free
isnt that all of reg tho (paying for things reboot is getting for free)
why'd you choose reg in that case

also reboot doesnt get the 5* exp and frags.
i switched to reg to future proof my investments because KMS killed reboot.
now i don't know where GMS is heading
for me its the 5x training speed and being able to buypurchase nice clothes from the free market and also pay bills with meso and the people are nicer there
lol this guy thinks reboot gets pssb items for free
frags are like .25cents each
I’m 3 mil pc 6k legion and can solo cra no Pierre and cvel. Lomien I just 6man party.
zoomers dont know the secret oldboi technique of doing bosses in shit gear to then have comfy clears when you're on the same without being overgeared
i cant kill the last boss in high mountain
Even if you don't have the damage isn't there an anime cutscene thing that does % damage to it?
There's the thing where he spawns a lot of adds and if you kill them all it does 20%. The problem I had was that I didn't kill them fast enough outside of origin so I skipped every other one. Apparently if you fail one of the cutscenes you lose a shit ton of lives though.
Do you know you're suppose to turn into korean goku to get rid of those
W-what the fuck...
korean goku is for the weak ass people to do high mountain
use the 1000 energy skill and it gives u unlimited energy for a bit
then cast the big skills that delete everything
Ok you don't build your gauge fast enough for that to be viable.
you definitely do tho
mitra builds my gauge pretty quick
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I did it. It was weird because for some reason I still cleared some cutscenes despite not clearing all the adds. I get maybe 2000 pts not sure because I panic transformed in the beginning and spammed dashes and sat at 1000 towards the end since I filled the gauge halfway.
When 270 hyperburns drop we will also be able to use bonk pots on them as well. I'm going to remake my main and see how different the experience would be party proggin to ctene but only on that character.
>return after a long break
>huh lotus was changed
>somehow it feels harder than before
>fail twice in a row
>realize my legion and hyper are set for grinding
>switch and he just melts
something about mmos just really drain my iq
any reason why the change?
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>why the change
>skipped lomein on my mules
ahhh... the post seasonal event burnout ....
for me its
vj: below the cave
chuchu: hill path
lach: chicken fes 3
arcana: upper path
morass: sdh2
sellas: plunging depths 6
moonbridge: last horizon 1
lab: deep core 6
limina: 2-5
>doesn't find the perfect map for each class
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>t. eternal archer bottom
these are the perfect maps for each class that i do dailies on.
I wonder what's gms plan, nobody's going to buy into kimchi soup's business model of paying for exp in reg because frenzy exists, and they won't implement those on heroic, or are they just fine keeping the reg cubes
gms (non-normalized) and mabinogi mobile will save kmmos
the plan? indefinite delay.
Nexon published Dave the diver btw fake indie kino soon
>korean game companies realizing they will run out of fresh domestic customers soon and moving their focus to the global market instead
>korean stuff basically has 0 wokeness, not even like the closet woke like japanese and chinese stuffs have
this is a good thing right?
>can only use 10 chuchu booster >PER WORLD<, not per character
oh I see why they're so cheap now
holy garbage event lmao
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Wild hunter bros....
This doesnt really take into account the population sizes of each of these classes.
Of course there is generally a correlation between strength and population (popularity of the strong).
There's probably 10x 285+ nightwalkers than xenons for example
since when did they change beast tamer
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your excuse?
i dunno
sometimes i just want to play a class where i can turn part of my brain off
>1 Beginner for every 8 BWs
Hero's a pretty average class now. Still good considering avg is not bad.
>main NL,bish,nw
>next planned hyperburn main bw
surely its not that bad right?
what do you mean getting bw to 275 would mean I'm top 5 in bera
Despite being 1% of the population they make up 6% of the clears.
Shades enjoying that last bit of OPness before the annihilation
>perfect ripe fruit roll
>need to hit no then yes to save it
>hit yes first
im going to fucking end it bros
Hero is a top 3 class and nexons golden boy you're a moron if you think it's just average. Most classes don't get anything like Cry Valhalla (ignore superknockbafk and all status) or even Puncture (+20% CRIT dmg to each party member so like +100FD in a party). AND they still get a double hitting origin AND and on demand Worldreaver iframe with 25 sec cd. Most classes only have one of these things.
>top 3 class
xenon, mercedes, nw all do better burst and full rotation damage.
knock back, status resist and iframes are all memes, just dodge better.
Illium on paper probably does less damage but in practice would shit on hero with superior up time.
They were strong early into 6th job but are gapped now.
2 minute classes being desynced from ror and origin is sad.
Bwos I'm going to get gapped on rankings by paypigs doing 10 punch king tickets a day and drinking triple mag pots on their main + the 2.5t exp pot from hyper pass
how do you get 10 punch king tickets?
class rankings or general rankings
Mid month of each pass has 10 punch king tickets. So buying both is like free 20T exp for paypigs
uh anon its just 1 punch king ticket in hyper pass and 10 strawberry farm tickets in legion pass
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>$2000 starting investment, maybe all the way down to $1500-1600 if you know how to spend wisely
>resell price at minimum of 80%
>around $5/hr income just by wapping
would u guys say this is worth it
peruvians are selling fz meso for more
low quality bait
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fun ass boss desu
What's the point in hiding Nisu? we know it's you. You should've stayed on vacation.
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uh no thats very clearly anonymous as you can see right there in the name field
so this is the power of 1# scania's marksman
>Week 5: Golden Giveaway Special Box: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration. Open to receive the following:

>Mystical Familiar Card (x10): Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
>Sol Erda Fragment x100 Coupon: Tradeable within account, 7-day duration.
how do I beat the urge to buy this? as someone who gets about 170 frags a week on reboot
just buy we're on reboot because we like spending money
I mean I need to buy about like 3 more autohp potion skills and auto buffs that's at least $12 and you can only get $10 or $20 so uhh i guess i can save it for like 2 wonderoid rolls or 2 vip coupons
did you duo because its comfier or because its impossible to solo currently?
solos hard i dont think im there yet but even then like a sweaty 30 is way worse than a comfy 20
What part of reboot end gamers are stronger than 99.999% of regboot end gamers don't you understand?
does that apply to you personally
I'm Chinese-Arab oil prince with an only fans. I can afford to six line all my potentials and 22 star a total control on release.
>new ponytail hair
>still pastel
Quit the game and u will solve all your problems, everytime I ate a fk ton of hot sauce my butthole would explode in pain when I went to the bathroom and then one day I stopped eating spicy stuff and I’ve never had that pain ever again it was like a miracle only if I just quit it sooner.
Inkwell is not adding extra frags because it's going to implement wild totems again
for a price
But life is dull without spicy stuff.....
idk man id take that over fighting for my life on the porcelain throne
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wait its really just 1 punch king ticket? it seems like its one of those coupons that open to a pack of like 20-30 inside
it's 1
it gives about triple the last punch king's exp but that's a joke at $50
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you are just behind the meta.
I don't know how should I feel about Lucid brapping in my face
I've been skipping pno because she's a pain, even after the rework but I have to do her now
youre just throwing the whole fishing rod into the ocean lmao
>remaster lotus
>not Pbean the actual mascot of the series
I mean, if you're going to sell his face everywhere and people go to the game and fight that outdated atrocity, what impression does that make? it would've been better to remaster him first
thats not king slime
Slime is ok tho
slime isn't great value in reg tho
other near same hp bosses give great progression points for their giga drops
slime ring you just get like 200mil
sure there's a ring box chance or magical scroll
hes just a big boi for no reason
>casts DR
>entire fight just stops for 10secs
umm, kino.
he dropped me a prem pet scroll today and i love him he is whimsical
what does ssb mean?
super smash bwos
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Everyone who is ahead of me in job rankings seems to be dead. Seems like I'll be able to break into t300 by the end of the year then.
just pick a dead class and be t100 all the time
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Can't wait to see what Chang has cooked for tomorrow
they call my butthole the loose control heaven core
whats tomorrow
kms (tespia) patch
I am playing a dead class
me too
A sad day for Aurora when our monopolized frenzy dealer just lost two out of his five frenzy accounts from RMT bans.
kinda dumb the entire NA reg experience hinges on sellers involved in RMT
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It's less of an issue in other servers because the main seller doesn't usually buy multiple frenzy totems after pricing others out
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had a good day watering my crops
i think i'll hang out in the athenaum and rewatch some maple story
I bet Nisu has a huge cawk
how reliable is scouter? some of these min cuts seem reaaaally min cut or just don't make sense for how much I feel that I normally do in a boss. Could be a hands issue but I usually stick on on the boss and am a dps whore
yea min clear means min clear, green is at least a handful of minutes left
if anything it sells you a little short because of nonkms bonuses like as0
hmm ok. my scooter said I was 61% for xlot and I think my duo was prob 70 or higher, he has about 10k more culvert than me, and we had to apple through the entire run and cleared with 2min to spare. I did get bounced away from xlot pretty often so maybe the run could've been faster but it felt a bit sweaty
Are the scouter % class specific. I can't see some of the bad classes clearing at 100% based on my own scouter
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14 hours till reset what do?
>wap 6% at 279 to use symbols expiring @ reset on shangrila
>run 12 boss mules
>take a nap and prepare for a meeting in 6 hours
i just realized dragon faltizan is just gook for dragon partisan
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should i drop the brat face :(
gonna go for brown eyes with the right tho
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unfortunately nothing's been able to dethrone this face
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lithharborjok pirates mmh tss mmh tsss
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its up sweaties
They did a really good job
put Frenzy Totem back in Marvel and Philo books
Meso cubes and tradeable boss cubes

put wild totem in RP shop again
familiar cards that reroll only gives 1 line and no rank up
whats reb
Reggie's little sister, Reba
>just buy fz lol

sure am glad i stopped playing on aurora
I'm a level 290 marksman and I can't solo xlotus
>entire team of fz sellers quits
>value of meso skyrockets
>normalfags struggle to get levels
i see no problems
glad reggies don't get to cheat anymore
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imagine being beholden to a third world internet cafe organized crime ring in order to optimally grind on maple story
I'd rather those crimelords sell FZ service instead of cocaine to make their money.
as a rebooter, it sucks that a reg servers fz seller is stopping his service. we are all maplers and we should back each other like what family would do.
i hope my buddies here on aurora will persevere.
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why did gms reggas think they were safe from God's Grace?
reggies in actual mourning because their crimelord cheat-dealer was held accountable to the terms of service
the fact that fz is "needed" for progress in interactive worlds is the issue

fz should be removed and improvements made to interactive so that all players can benefit equally (maybe a higher base meso rate specific to GMS etc)
aurora is small time stuff though
why don't they go for the actual crime syndicates in bera
they made frags 4m
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the fact is that aurora will become healthier as its meso prices becomes normalized
this is pretty good, where did it come from?
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Fuck off, let them fall so I can progress for free. I'm not buying until fragments are <1m each.
they want you to goto bera, not leave it
boss mules lost and moss bulers lost
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>chaos kalos got nerfed
>we are still getting filtered
is your team able to one burst p1? mine can't (i'm half the problem)
we can't no, it would be significantly easier if we had more damage
what they mean by min clear is that you are in 22 cra, 22 gollux, 22 arcanes but its like not cubed and stuck on epic/unique so you're like 40mil Player Combats instead of 200mil
your not doing hdark at 32k stat 40mil combats solo (like me in full 22's)? heh no hands no hands
Frenzy needs to be normalized
now THAT was actually a mistake
The game is more fun with faster spawn.
Making levels and progression slower is stupid korean """"""""""""investor""""""""""" thinking.
Wow vanilla - 1-60 is 160-200hrs. Endgame raiding and pvp probably another good 500 hrs.
RuneScape full 99 is 800 hrs
Lost Ark I was one raid from nu-endgame in 250-300 hrs
Pso2 is like 200-300 hrs per class
FF14 is what also like 200-300 hrs to finish
MapleStory I'm 1.5k hrs in and just starting to float above the mid game water
The best mmo exists and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
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only mmo i've played is mushroom game
funny how reboot has too little frag income to support multiple serious mains and reg too little boss income to support serious boss muling play style.
I would like to do seren and lotus on multiple classes but dailystory wont support it.
whats reboot
the runescape one is pretty unrealistic since that is based around 100% maximum efficiency grinding everything at the fastest possible speed, which also requires a huge amount of funding.
At least runescape has a more fun journey towards max.
Much more interesting non end game content to do along the way up.
new lotus is a step in the right direction.
for me was either tibia or mushroom game
the choice was obvious
is having 1 150cp character harder or having 2 75cp characters harder
I don't get why anyone would be against higher spawn rates. With all of the mobbing tools available, full clearing a map and then waiting 4-5 seconds for mobs to spawn again is not nearly as interesting as trying to full clear the higher spawn rate with almost no downtime between spawns. The only problem is currently the limited access to it making people reliant on the few who do have a frenzy totem.
Ok you can give it 1k-1.6hrs for a rerun/casual playthrough maple still has more things to spend time on
i understand your fears >>493154130 i pity your doubts that are making you acknowledge the chatbot i absolve you of responsibility to do so you must stop digging into this wound for it to heal
Not really the whole game is less engaging than even sol anus farming
i find the bossing pretty engaging || in RS3 ||. Decent quests too (story and puzzles).
At least I can spend hours doing something fun and progress the character. Practice mode bosses in maple give me 0 frags.
I could barely keep up with spawn in FES2 and Scrapyard 3 on my tera burn BaM that I was leveling manually to 200. The 4 second delay we get on reboot is some anti-botting fuckery from KMS
Pre-arcane/sacred the maps with high spawn don't have 4 sec delay. Shit is just there on purpose and they can reduce it anytime but they won't as it'll cost extra server load money
it's not about higher spawn rates, it's about monopolizing those in a single item
kishin was also a mistake
I doubt it. The game is too ugly to be enjoyable in such a way.
I would say the first one because you need to learn more bosses to get 150mil.
Putting it all on a single item isn't a problem. It's only a problem now because they're legacy items at the moment. Kishin was a problem because it put one class above everyone else with how they could have a higher spawn rate in a game where you spend countless hours grinding. Just like how right now bishop has warped bossing around it due to the insane fd you get by having a bishop in your party. The bishop problem will slowly go away as more forms of power creep are introduced, but kishin would remain a problem if it stayed since that would make Kanna objectively leagues better at grinding than any other class without access to spawn enhancements.
mmm yes i see it now the way to kill bishop is the same as wh by reducing them to a single item buff or maybe a sol sneerda personal bene for everyone
Inkwell's September note will save us
>kill bishop
never happening its their golden goose even above NL & Hero
When do you consider midgame to end and endgame to start?
well i see blasters are solo libbing with 140mil and thats like the #1 anti-bm class so im guessing solo lib is like 160-180mil for most classes
you can go a lot lower these days with hexa and if you are willing to do the full 55 minutes. There are people doing hseren at like 140m CP.
full 17* absocra is like 20m what the fuck bumps you to 100m+
Midgame: until you lib, finish 22* all gear, doing Hseren, nkalos, ekaling, starting to 3l all gear.
Lategame:Nkaling, Ckalos, waiting for PB upgrades, 9 lines of wse done, 3l stats on everything else.
Endgame: DP gear, xkalos, hkaling, xlotus solo.
full arcanes. (17* on weapon is fine). 17* is early game, not something to really be soloing BM on.
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midgame is around reset
late game is right before bedtime
Endgame includes maxed hexa of course.
endgame is when i log off and go to sleep to be well rested for a nice earlygame tomorrow
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>over 400 hard boss runs with only 2 pitched ever
>just got 2 more today
can i get some gratz plz
>we introduced something into the game that makes things much more fun to play, what do should we do next
>give it to a class, that'll be funny
>everyone is using a second PC now to give it to their main for free
>delete it
>delete wild totems too so no one gets it
remove wild totems we dont need it!
>proceeds to skill inject wild totem.
how many people can you realistically cover with a frenzy totem
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What's the point of pitched in a world with gollux
what's the point of maple in a world with xiv
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made more gains than event buffs
20k soon \o/
Is there an updated list of XLotus clears?
is mpe monkey a boss?
maple fest tickets on sale in 15 minutes
lets get dinner together at maple fest
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cool than-
>fz bpot disabled server
yawn i sleep show me the crack users i wanna watch lotus's butthole get shredded not a 30 minute sweat gimme the
handless poster
649 does not play the game
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LA is stinky and full of fent addicts don't go
post id poster is nisu. none of those posts happened while he was in the hospital for his diabetes.
how many times can I enter weekly bosses? I died in n lucid because like a retard I didnt notice I run out of g potions, anyway when I tried to enter again I couldn't
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um what happened
the last three posts are also nisu and his arrow illusion posted the kaling picture
should be unlimited. idk why you couldn't go in.
if you're in a party and they clear its your clear
you can enter until you or your party clears, if you entered in a party and they cleared it counts for you too
nta but thats retarded
So it seems to have dawned on me that i may need more bossing characters for more meso to progress further.
Didn't know they upped the limit by so much.
What are some fun and good characters to have as mules?
Currently only have a Hero, Aran and DW at the point that they can boss, but Aran is dogstuck at normal Magnus (might honestly abandon her) and DW is kinda struggling at CRA, but still doable.
I see someone mentioned BaM. I have one at 140, so i might touch up on that one, but any other suggestions?
sorry the new meta is paying a peruvian to wap for you
It's not retarded though. Imagine if you had someone solorunning you through a boss except he's able to leave and do it again for someone else. Now imagine he can do that as many times as he wants.
what if i have prejudice against the peruvians
solved by the 5%
Peruvians are currently too busy getting blasted at TI to wap.
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thank u baker
The person that can solo can wait for the people they're carrying to hit the 5%
huh, this is a weird wolfvile

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