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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Almost End of Summer Edition
Previous thread: >>491559698

>Commercial games for Linux

>Libre games, source ports

>Stuff for running Windows games
Wine (mostly used via Proton, Lutris, etc.): https://www.winehq.org/
Proton (comes with Steam): https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton
ProtonUp-Qt (installer for custom Proton builds): https://github.com/DavidoTek/ProtonUp-Qt
Bottles (Wine frontend): https://github.com/bottlesdevs/Bottles
Lutris (Wine frontend and game launcher): https://lutris.net/

>Other (non-Proton) compatibility tools for Steam
Steam Tinker Launch: https://github.com/sonic2kk/steamtinkerlaunch
Boxtron (for native DOSBox): https://github.com/dreamer/boxtron
Roberta (for native ScummVM): https://github.com/dreamer/roberta
Luxtorpeda (for other native engines): https://github.com/luxtorpeda-dev/luxtorpeda

>Unofficial launchers for platforms lacking proper Linux support
LGOGDownloader (GOG) (CLI only): https://github.com/Sude-/lgogdownloader
Minigalaxy (GOG): https://github.com/sharkwouter/minigalaxy
Legendary (EGS) (CLI only): https://github.com/derrod/legendary
Rare (EGS): https://github.com/Dummerle/Rare
Heroic (EGS, GOG, Amazon): https://github.com/Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher

>Other cool things

>Linux on other boards
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Another weekend, another thread.
Sorry for not reviving it earlier, but I usually don't have time to post during the week anyway.
>page 10
I guess I'm starting this game from the beginning because the developer couldn't be bothered to set up Steam Cloud correctly. There's some note on PC Gaming Wiki about its saves not being compatible due to case sensitivity, but as far as I can tell (based on SteamDB), the Steam Cloud configuration only knows about Windows' app data folder. Meanwhile I have 0 bytes in the cloud anyway. If I ever started a save on Windows then I must have cleared it somehow (maybe in a failed attempt to trick it into uploading my Linux saves from my last play-through). So even playing the Windows version with Proton (which had poorer than native performance last time I checked) wouldn't help.
I guess it's fine. I have get good at the game again anyway.
Gooner gaming time
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THE thread
Those next Arma 3 webms have some tearing because I turned my primary monitor off and on and apparently encoder didn't like it.
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What game?
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Wish we could turn back time
To the good old days
There's not even an Arma 3 general on /vg/ anymore....
This thread can be Arma 3 general under condition that posters must switch to Linux. Mangohud overlay on screenshots/webms is mandatory.
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CachyOS Chads where we at?
Waifu Games on Linux General
Thanks, useful OP. Just switched to Mint myself.
Its called something like "under the witch gothic". The creator also has a game called just "under the witch" that is similar and more developed
Dont use Mint for goyming
does cachy/clear linux even give a performance increase in games compared to vanilla arch linux? or is it just in server applications
I think Mint 22 with updated package base relatively good for the current hardware. Not for long though.
Natives game like cs2 get a big min/avg fps boost. Proton games only get a boost from the "optimized" kernel but thats like a few % max.
some mesa dev:
If you use a distro like that, you exclude yourself from any bug fixes or improvements or new hardware support etc. Basically you aren't benefitting from any work on the open source graphics stack that had happened in the past year or so.

On all significant AMD GPU launches, there had been issues that we had quickly resolved but we kept receiving complaints from various users of these distros for up to a year (sometimes more). It is very frustrating for us because we had already fixed the bug and we can't do anything to make your distro ship these fixes to you faster. (I tried once talking to the Pop OS devs but their response was that basically they don't care.)

If you use a driver version that only has "initial support" for your GPU, I guarantee it has bugs and poor perf that we've fixed since release.

For concrete examples: Most of the frequent GPU hang issues and general instability on the RX 5700XT were resolved in a month or two after release, but Ubuntu didn't ship the fix for a long, long time. Another one: we implemented significant perf improvements (such as NGG culling) and features (such as mesh shaders) many months after the RDNA2 release so users who had older drivers would get measurably worse perf or couldn't play with games that relied on the feature. This means that these distros give users a sub-par user experience. These users (and influencers, etc.) would then complain that "Linux still isn't ready yet for gaming", even though we had already resolved those things, their distro just wouldn't ship it to them. I completely blame the devs of the distros for this.
If you don't use the open source driver stack and use a proprietary driver, then you won't notice this as much because the same distros have no problems updating their closed-source driver packages more quickly. It's almost as if they wanted to make us open source devs look bad.

Sorry for the long explanation. I hope this helps shed some light on the issue.
That's true, bleeding edge distros have better performance AND less bugs when it comes to anything graphics related
Works on my horribly outdated machine...
When I finally get a new one, though, I might leave my beloved Mint behind.
Isn't there some benefit in terms of stability when it comes to these distros staying on older graphics drivers? Or, rather, wouldn't pulling your latest driver fixes require updating numerous other packages and basically becoming a rolling release distro? I'm neither a distro maintainer nor a FOSS dev, but I figured the lack of bleeding-edge updates on LTS distros was a necessary evil, to the extent that their stability is actually worth anything (which I understand is debatable). Of course it's always a big fail when they snap that imaginary "stability ends here" line where there's actually a bug and then don't fix it.
>Oreon Os
>gaming distro
>based on almalinux
wew, i'm glad the enterprise gaming field is covered
Kernel tuned to provide the best performance in solitaire?
The scripts I use for cropping my screenshots to 16:9 or 4:3 (to remove the letterboxing or pillarboxing) in bulk appears to be fucking them up a bit. The one for 4:3 basically does
>convert -extent 1600x1200 -gravity center
where `convert` is from ImageMagick 6.9.12-98 which comes with Linux Mint. (So is `identify`, pictured.)
I don't know whether it's always been doing this, or whether an update to ImageMagick caused it, but the cropped images come out slightly darker. It may not be perceptible in this side-by-side comparison, but it is when I use Alt+Tab to switch between the images. In other cases, it's more noticeable.
It's doing something to the color space, or color map, or whatever. I don't know shit about image processing, but the cropped image seems to be using fewer colors (which would explain the smaller file size as well). I think the "237c" means "237 colors" because I get a smaller "c" and a very noticeably fuckier image if I pass a smaller number to `convert -colors`. Giving it a larger number doesn't seem to make it use more than 237 though.
Cropping my images in bulk was a luxury that I didn't really need, but I wish I understood this.
>8-bit colormap
I think that would imply 256 colors maximum, so the fact that it used 237 makes some sense.
Meanwhile the original image's
>8-bit/color RGB
would not imply the same limitation.
I don't know how to make ImageMagick output the latter though.
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Works on my machine for some reason. I could be wrong, but colormap is what's used for 8 bit per pixel image where each pixel uses index into a predetermined palette, where rgb is honest 24 or 32 (if it's RGBA) bits per pixel.
It's probably just a difference in default behavior between ImageMagick versions (or maybe even a bug in the version I have). There's probably an easy way to tell ImageMagick explicitly to output 8-bit/color, but this thing has 9000 different options and I don't know the magick words.
Oh wait. We have the same version.
In that case, I don't know what the hell's going on.
Well this is silly. If I resize my 1920x1200 screenshot to 1680x1050 with GIMP first, then cropping it with ImageMagick does result in "8-bit/color RGB" — so you might get "8-bit colormap" instead if you start with a larger image.
Here's the really stupid part though. My cropped "8-bit/color RGB" image still looks darker.
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I think I figured it out. It seems it decides to use colormap automatically. First screenshot was modern game, but for example openxcom screenshot (the game itself using colormap) gets converted into 8bpp image. Same deal with Doom I'd guess.
I want to buy a new gaming controller where developer is officially support Linux, but for now the only option is Sony...
i wish that were me
Some CS 1.6 servers are banning me because they think that I have a fake game client...
Interesting where ikey's new distro ends up on there.
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alias rm="rm -i"
>those who don't know: Oh nice, this will stop me from rm stuff by mistake!
>those who know: You are pure evil.
>>those who know: You are pure evil.
Because it prompts for every file when removing an entire folder? Or because it trains you to add "-f" to avoid it?
I thought "rm -I" would be better than "rm -i" but it doesn't actually list the files that would be removed.
No, because it trains you to expect rm to always prompt you, and when you are in the situation that it stops prompting you, say, while using ssh or after a new installation, and you use the incorrect path, years from now, that's when you'll know the true meaning of self-inflicted harm.
Instead, a good idea is to alias rm a message saying that it's dangerous, and alias rmi to "rm -i". You can still access normal rm using \rm.
They removed the scene with the tranny pedo predator in the remake..
Is it based or not?
>gpu running at a cool 100MHz
They just don't make games like they used to...
it was based, but they censored it. Here was the original scene: https://youtu.be/0BQkFX3sHks?si=6B4UnSJob3rzq4hZ&t=1778 one of the guys points out that "she" has hair on "her" chin, pointing out that its a man and not a woman. The tranny then is disappointed because he couldn't get teenage "boy toys".
In the remake the rewrote all of the dialog and turned it into a real woman who is delusional and tries to scam the boys.
and its so weird. Persona 2 innocent sin was not released in the west because it had gay scenes and hitler in it and USA was strongly anti gay at that moment. Now its the exact opposite.
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That's interesting because mine's running at +1000 MHz in Dragon Age. But I also have 3 screen and watch Doctor Who with hardware accelerated decoder and gpu-hq profile.
A cultured man, I see.
Mine is just two monitors, and I watch Mr. Bean or some ten hour "manhwa recap" while playing NMS or whatever has my divided gaming attention at the time, then check four threads every twenty minutes, just to make sure I'm updated on the bad takes.
It's a good weekend.
>want to look up exactly how the souls mechanic works
>first thing I find out is that it's impossible to earn enough souls to buy all the weapons in one playthrough
Fuck this sh—
>save file is plaintext so I can do whatever I want
Never mind. Based game.
Please give me more obnoxious one-liners for my MemeHud config. Sometimes I get tired of WOMM.
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At these moments I think: is that's it? Have we finally reached the end of our cultural development? All is left is to watch old media and play old games, nothing new is worth the time.
"Btw I use $(lsb_release -sd)"
>"Btw I use $(lsb_release -sd)"
I think that could actually be implemented properly as
>custom_text=Btw I use
>exec=lsb_release -sd
unless you meant just doing it like in the pic, which is actually funnier.
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It was... a different time...
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I can't believe that people are looking at this graph and think that Microsoft rolled out some magical patch that's improving performance by 30% and expect a similar update on Linux lmao.
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What kind of RPG would it be without dragons?
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>spirit punching you in the face
Shouldn't it deal 0 physical damage?
>remap the controls
>game still shows the default inputs on a few specific prompts
I hate this, especially when the default sucks ass. Why would I want the "use" button to be operated by the same finger as the one I use to move to the right in a game where interacting with things like doors often needs to be done quickly? Yes, the controls do work as I set them, but the game sometimes still lies about what the controls are.
Bugs like this could be fixed in 30 seconds if the game were open-source. But no, only the developer who doesn't have any interest in updating the game anymore is allowed to do it, and if it's a Linux port then he'd probably sooner de-list the Linux version than fix it, because "dude just use Proton lmao" (and then you realize the Windows version has the same bug, and yes I verified that's the case here).
Maybe it was a Freudian slip when I wrote "the game sucks" instead of "the default sucks" in the now-deleted version of the previous post, but I'm pretty sure that my conscious mind does think this game is fun, even if some of the input prompts are accidentally hard-coded and the native Linux version doesn't accept mouse wheel input and the developer configured Steam Cloud for only one OS while releasing the game for two others.
We all have our guilty-pleasure games, that should not be fun by our personal metrics, that the devs suck ass, that go against some things we believe that we like or dislike, and yet, they just "are".
There's a part of you that hates it and yourself for liking the game, so tell it to shut the fuck up and play more of the game that you are having fun with.
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I found this cool program called "Ludusavi". It scans folders looking for saved games to backup them. It parses save file locations from pc gaming wiki and works great even on Linux.
fancy bump
That's one cool birb
I thought the file said deadlock and was confused because the game doesn't look like that.
This was kinda surprising, because she looks like those moded npcs in skyrim and other games, so I thought I had a mod enabled, even her hair is distinct.
HAHAHAHAHA you idiot
>pedo anime
looks like he is in the right place
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man man
>he doesn't use rtfm
Powered by Linux Copilot™
Ironically, I do take a lot of my screenshots with a script that saves a screenshot every few seconds, so that I can get some action shots without trying to reach for some hotkey while playing.
Tragically, by the way, MangoHud doesn't actually display the ™ symbol correctly (at least not with the default font, assuming that's configurable).
tldr man
>GE-Proton 9-12

added latest upstream proton changes
added latest upstream steamclient changes
updated wine to latest bleeding edge
updated dxvk to latest git
updated vkd3d to latest git


libmspack, xrandr, cabextract are now built as part of the proton-ge build process instead of being included as prebuilt binaries (thanks R1kaB3rN)
winetricks updated to latest git
star citizen protonfix updated (thanks marcan)
fix added for Full Metal Daemon Muramasa (thanks R1kaB3rN)
fix install location of xlive.dll for xliveless (thanks ProjectSynchro)
add fix for Bully: Scholarship edition (thanks Root-Core)
add fix for Dirt 2 (thanks ProjectSynchro)
add fix for CYGNI: All Guns Blazing (thanks Root-Core)
uhh anon, your ™ is outside the quote mark
Anyone here using a tiling window manager? I've been using i3 for a bit and it's pretty cool, but the team behind it think floating windows are the devil so it's kind of hard to work with it sometimes.
How well does hyprland handle gaming on nvidia?
Is it possible to install it alongside KDE Plasma on sddm without fucking things up? Using Nobara Project.
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Doesn't GE-Proton 9-12 include the version of WINE that has support for non-kernel drivers?
I use dwm. But why do you think so? i3 has class matching for windows to force a specific program to always be floating and there is a keybind to make a window floating. Dialog windows are floating too. That's how it works in dwm too and when you drag a window in dwm it automatically becomes floating. I dunno if i3 does that.
i want a lower angle on yukari
That doesn't matter thoughever. The quotation marks are interpreted as literal quotation marks as seen in the MemeHud.
i3 has different layers for floating and tiled windows, so floating windows will always be on top no matter what. It makes it awkward to use certain GUI applications that work better as floating.
Like, if I copy a password from KeepassXC, I can't just focus on whatever tiled window is beneath it, I have to either drag the Keepass window away so I can paste my password, or use 2 different workspaces, or toggle floating on the other window. It's strictly a tiling window manager and not dynamic like dwm.

dwm isn't very appealing either because you have to recompile it, and additional functionality comes in the form of user-submitted patches that are often pretty old. I'm not really comfortable with 50 lines of "Hunk X succeeded at Y with fuzz Z" every time I recompile even if it does work.
>game is satisfying even when you're getting your ass kicked
How did they do it?
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That's tame compared to eurojank.
poor Roland
Are there any streamers who use linux? Only one I know is Zaric Zhakaron
I see more than zero streams under Twitch's "Linux" tag...
I think tags are applied to channels, though, not chosen per stream like the game/category, so whether any given stream that shows up there is actually Linux™ Gaming™ at any given time is anyone's guess.
I use a nintendo switch pro controller, seems to work fine on steam and bottles at least
They all work fine, that's not the point. I want to buy a controller that has OFFICIAL Linux support by manufacturer, and right now the only viable options are Dualsense and Steam Controller...
dankpods guy soon
They are also evaluating if they can discontinue some of their existing WMP game fixes, a few were changed to gstreamer in this release (mostly weeb shit).

If they don't decide to backport the changes (and they probably won't if it doesn't benefit steam in some way) you might have to wait until next year when they rebase again
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Fuck my primary 165 Hz monitor has died, so I have to use my cheap secondary monitors until my warranty claim is settled, and my gaming monitor is either fixed or I get a refund.
That's a cool UI
How's getting a RMA in Russia these days?
Nothing has changed since RMA is still protected by federal laws.
I'm on Pop_OS! and running marvel snap on steam with Proton Experimental. I asked in their thread too, but I still get stuck on the loading screen. I assume this isn't a problem with linux but with the log in connection.
Try Proton-GE
me :)
Watched his video and I'm confused, does he not realize there are app stores and other guis and you don't have to use a terminal?
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If you don't move they won't see you
lol wtf
DXVK (d3d9) has some fucked up low-res fonts in FFXI and d8vk has missing geometry and other things. The game is an absolute mess to install and I can't get api traces or whatever so I'm never going to report this and I doubt anyone else will. Having to use pure wine feels dirty, although d3d8to9 and dxwrapper work.

I think there's a demo for FFXI somewhere so maybe that could work for a bug report but I'm too lazy to attempt.
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Ukraine simulator 2024
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I'm glad that indoor shadows aren't drawn at 300m+
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>Joy Bus/Hell Ride (no-ammo meme mission full of Bombucha suicide drones) with a Shortbus
Finishing this contract with the other three vehicles was easier than I remember, but holy shit. This thing is barely faster than the suicide drones. I know it's possible because I almost did it just now (and failed only because I didn't pick up enough ammo before turning to blast them), but holy crap.
>menu shows v1.63 even though the game is v1.65 (pretty sure the Windows version does that too)
I know they're working on the sequel but I hope they push one more update and fix this. It shouldn't annoy me but it does.
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I am glad I could finally get a blight.
This game looks fun, are there similar games but singleplayer (aside from armored core)?
Question on Steamdeck am I not suppose to be running Proton-GE on Lutris in game mode? I doesn't load anymore where it used to.
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No, you should choose wine/proton version inside Lutris. Trying to use Proton in Steam on Lutris is trying to run Linux executable through Proton.
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Now everyone should be happy?
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Don't die
Please be alive
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>no lore excuse for sending me in without a defensive ability (cloaking for this pilot iirc)
I guess I can see why, because it would probably trivialize the mission which is to destroy one target and run away, but damn. I went into it thinking I had an ace up my sleeve and got wrecked.
The mission description is funny though.
>enemy strength reported as only a few scout bikes
>several cloaked Zed Primes
Mechwarrior 5 is the obvious answer, but I haven't played it myself.
Does that have to do with that umu launcher thing?
Why is recompiling an issue? it takes one second to do. As for the floating issue, that's why I use dmenu instead. For my password manager I just open dmenu and it will then write the password into the previously selected text input menu. It's better to use a tiling made setup on a tiling wm than retrofitting clunky applications into it.
I don't use anything except Steam to launch games on my Steam Deck, but I think >>492753263 is just saying that Lutris is a native program that provides its own Wine/Proton to run Windows games and therefore you shouldn't be telling Steam to use Proton to run Lutris. I don't know if that's really what >>492752538 was asking, but I assume anything done involving Lutris should be treated a native Linux program from Steam's perspective.
>For my password manager I just open dmenu and it will then write the password into the previously selected text input menu.
Do you use passmenu for that?
>I don't use anything except Steam to launch games on my Steam Deck,
That include pirated games too?
Is Lutris better for pirated games somehow? I wouldn't know. I've got some non-Steam games on my Deck, but they're just DRM-free games (from itch.io, GOG, etc.) and most of them are native, so I've never had to jump through hoops trying to get some repack crap to run.
You can use various versions of wine through it. Steam only has proton.
No, I have my own "password manager", but its also called passmenu :p
>Like, if I copy a password from KeepassXC
Like into the clipboard? Isn't that just bad practice?
Maybe, but I set it to clear the clipboard after 5 seconds.
>Steam only has proton.
... and Proton GE, and any other custom Wine build that anyone bothered to deploy as a Steam Play compatibility tool — not that I can name any others. Most of the unofficial compatibility tools I've used are the non-Wine-based ones, like Boxtron and Roberta.
Someday I'll be motivated enough to check out the ScummVM thing in Steam.
I tried Windows 11 and I fucked hated it.
I needed a game to work, but It works under Linux now so I'll just clear the drive and use it for space.
I was even using Windows 11 LTSC IoT and its so fucking bad jesus.
Even the game I was playing had worse issues on it (input lag, frame drops, and the inability to switch screens because of mouse lock) than Linux
How did they fuck up Windows so bad?
Its even harder to use IMO because you have to hunt just to change basic settings.
Even WSL is trash. Runs like shit and most runs on like shit so its pointless.
How do people even use that shit. They even took away most of the customization options W10 had and that was even a stripped down version W7's options.
>tfw your screenshot is just below the file size limit
I won that fight, by the way. Pic unrelated though; it's an earlier screenshot.
Brigador is a game that often requires some strategic thinking beyond "ooga booga me walk toward bad guy while holding both triggers", and sometimes the game will make damn sure you can't win that way — but other times, if you're comfortable with the controls and play aggressively enough, you can survive on dying enemies' delicious shield drops and win fights that wouldn't realistically be winnable.
where's the shadows?
August hardware survey results are out.
>Linux down
>it's below 2% again
Hmm, that's unfortunate.
>check the language stats
>Simplified Chinese is up
>it's the top language again
Ah, I see. Many such cases.
Frankly, I should have seen this coming a mile away, with that over-hyped monkey game having released just a couple of weeks ago. In fact I'm surprised it's only a 3% bump. When the September results come out in October, it will probably be even worse.
Ok, thanks
The Void Repeats with a Troubador might be where I call it quits for tonight. I don't have the patience for such a tedious hit-and-run mission after already doing several of those today. This is a case in which maximum aggression and slurping up shield pickups can't make up for lack of armor. Not enough damage per second.
>thought this was hard yesterday
>decide to give it just one try today
>it's easy
Like a true genius, I subconsciously figured it out in my sleep.
I'll probably do >>492812803 in one try tomorrow.
so apparently waydroid now has gotten blue archive to work
does anyone know the solution though when the play store says that my "device" doesnt support it? I had to install the application through xapk file and anything that I was trying to use to install it were rather shady so I would much rather install it from play store
also just had to say its very cool how this shit actually works now and I can actually play this game on Linux
how does multi touch work on waydroid? is it possible to play rhythm games on it?
havent tried. All I am doing is using mouse.
I have a tip in regards to controllers on Linux with non-Steam games. Sometimes you just have to quit out of Steam for controllers to work because Steam will be overriding its desktop functionality. I had to do this recently with a game I got off of Itch.io. I use an Xbox Series controller.
Shadows stop rendering after like, 5 feet so I keep them off because it bothers me immensely.
Did you install libhoudini or libndk? Not having one of those causes "device not supported" in the play store.
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lol, lmao
Freedom bump...
Fair enough
I miss the old Linux threads on /v/.
>unironic "but Linux has no games!" posts
>post a game running on Linux
>"but... but that doesn't count!"
>post another game
>"wait, no! the goalposts are over here now!"
>repeat until they have to pretend to like Fortnite
Now it's just "muh HDR" and other shit that I genuinely don't care about.
>Now it's just "muh HDR" and other shit that I genuinely don't care about.
literally who the fuck even uses hdr for games? monitor hdr implementations all suck ass
>reinstall casual twin-stick survival shooter
>start level with steampunk mech
>instantly get confused because I just came off of Brigador's tank-style controls
Just buy an OLED monitor that costs as much as your entire PC and needs to be replaced within 6 months since burn-in is unsolvable.
Is it really? I wouldn't know if you're shitposting because I don't have any OLED devices.
Should I be glad that I have the standard model of the Steam Deck or would I just be internalizing someone else's cope?
why does battle.net always want to give me trouble every other time i launch it
pretty sure the game wouldnt even work if I didnt have libndk installed though?
nvm it seems like that was the problem though I am pretty sure it did install it. Weird
and you can play games with hdr if you use kde plasma. Steam deck oled also supports hdr.
install it via steam, never had any problems that way.
how do i do that?
just add the install file to steam?
add install file as non steam game -> install bnet -> close it after install -> right click on battle net in steam -> properties -> change target to "/path/where/bnet/is/installed/Battle.net Launcher.exe" and start in to "/path/where/bnet/is/installed/"
>Is it really?
nta but yes, it's fundamental to how the tech works
you can add copes like forcing the monitor to shut off every 4 hours for 10 minutes while it evens out the pixels but it's just delaying the inevitable
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So I've beat FF IX on my Steam Deck. It was average and rather disappointing: game is mostly linear, a lot of cutscenes, like really A LOT. The plot is boring, so are the characters. The game often gets sentimental where it shouldn't and Kuja redemption ark is just cringe. 6/10
I really liked FF6, FF7 and I don't know if I should play FF8, I heard controversial things about it and yet every FF past 7 only gets worse for me. Anyway, that's story for another time, next game on my Steam Deck would be Half-LIfe: MMod
getting 2 4tb nvme ssds tomorrow, going to reinstall my system. Which Filesystem would you recommend? Ext4 because of case insensitive for muh gaymes or memes like ZFS zraid1 or btrfs?
n-no thank you
using this currently and it's not really worth it
the deduping is cool for wine prefixes and all that and the compression is a nice extra but i've pretty much not noticed it
it's also slow as fuck
i'll be using ext4 after my next reinstall
Fuck I'm trying to download native Linux version of MMod, but it downloads Windows version instead.
UPD: managed to do the right thing by selecting Linux Runtime. And Steam Big Picture mode crashing on Deck when launched from desktop lmao what an embarrassment.
>Fuck I'm trying to download native Linux version of MMod, but it downloads Windows version instead.
>UPD: managed to do the right thing by selecting Linux Runtime.
That's what happens on Steam Deck when Valve whitelists games for Proton compatibility.
They also whitelist games to run natively, and I wouldn't know why they didn't do so in this case. I once read that they'll always test a game with Proton unless the developer specifically requests verification of the native port, but I think I read this on /v/ so it was probably made up.
forgot pic
ext4, it just works.
Hey guys poorfag here, I have a Dell office PC that has an Intel iGPU, I'm going to get a RX 6400 in it since it doesn't require any extra power, but it doesn't have hardware encoding so no instant replay/shadow play equivalent. Is it possible to use the AMD GPU for games and use the Intel iGPU for hardware encoding?
>Is it possible to use the AMD GPU for games and use the Intel iGPU for hardware encoding?
Yes. I have never done it on a setup with intel + amd but i have done it with intel + nvidia, I guess it works similarly. You run the system on the intel iGPU and only the game on the dedicated amd gpu by using some environment variables when you launch the game.
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Fuck, I've spent an hour configuring native joystick for movement in Half-Life MMod only to find out that power button on my SD works only half of the time...
Had to follow this retarded guide and it didn't really help me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=123jykFjF50
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PRIME#For_open_source_drivers_-_PRIME seems like this one DRI_PRIME environment variable is all you need on amd. If you run the screen recorder without that it will record and encode on the intel iGPU
wtf is happening on /v/?
>aggressive shill thread (love muh Linux but come on now)
>two other threads asking the same question
Jannies are going to start deleting Linux threads on sight if people do this.
Imagine being such a shitter that you come here to report /v/ shit.
"nooo don't discuss things"
Are all three threads yours? They've actually been up a while now and it looks like the jannies aren't nuking them so I guess it's fine.
Microsoft giving Mono to the Wine team what does that mean in the grand scheme of thing. Can someone explain it to my like you would to a retard?
I haven't heard of this, but based solely on your post, maybe they're experimenting with outsourcing everything to FOSS devs so they can eventually stop maintaining Windows and replace it with a Microsoft Linux distro (which people will still claim is the only thing that can run games).
Yeah happened a couple days ago or longer
>and replace it with a Microsoft Linux distro
It's not so mad as it sounds
>Microsoft Azure Linux 3.0.20240824 Enables More Kernel Features, Adds XWayland
>It's not so mad as it sounds
NTA, but I don't think many people have been joking or out of their mind when they say Microsoft has been slowly moving away from Windows, and that they'll start using the Linux kernel as a basis for their next schemes.
.net maui replaced it for micro&soft. I'm happy, because that shitty xamarin is now an abandonware.
they're probably going to move "windows" into the cloud (actually running azure linux) and have it be subscription based
you vill own nothing and all that
Maybe they would, but their infrastructure is the worst among the FAGMAN.
Lacking something never stopped them before, why would they care now?
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>haven't touched the game for a decade now
>see first frames of webm
>know exactly the location in the game, what the player will attempt to do and that it'll fail because the game railroads you before it happens
Still a great game.
it's because quite a few youtubers have been making videos now about switching to linux. It's the bi-yearly "I tried linux but it sucks for everybody because I can't use photoshop on it which is used by 0.5% of computer users"
>which is paid by 0.5% of computer users but used by 50%
>used by 50%
absolutely delusional. The vast majority of computer users only use a browser. Even many of those that use photoshop don't use photoshop specific features and could easily use krita instead
most computer users these days don't even know what a torrent is, there's no way 50% have managed to figure out how to pirate it
also people these days don't even know how to pirate photoshop (or anything in general, they pay for netflix after all)
>The vast majority of computer users only use a browser
You know what? Fair.
>and could easily use krita instead
That's the crux of the problem, isn't it? People don't know that, and "Linux Evangelists" will tell future potential users to use GIMP instead.
yeah people here forget how normies are. Normies don't even use adblock or know that you can block ads. This generation of computer users are way less knowledgeable about computers than ever before. They don't even know what a folder is.
i have people in my CS class that don't know torrents or understand filesystems, shit is legit mindblowing
>Anon, what is a directory?! A window appeared and told me it couldn't be accessed when I clicked the wrong icon! Is that a virus?? Get it out of my PC!
Actual "conversation" I had.
It's weird, even my 70 year old mom torrents movies. Everybody torrented movies when I was a kid. We even have a political party here called the pirate party that had seats in parliament but now nobody cares about them because kids don't pirate.
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>Is that a virus?? Get it out of my PC
This guy beats his son when an error message pops up.
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I don't think that Hazard course should've look like that
Even if the anon won't read this.
But to get NOLF music working you have to install directmusic per winetricks and then set dsound to builtin.
Ty I was looking through some windows hard drives and found my win 7 games drive which had that on it.
wat gaem
Dragon Age: Origins, made back when Bioware was still good.
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Just because the weekend is over doesn't mean you can just sit there at the bottom of page 10.
why do Build engine games have the best explosions?
Because your mind is being filtered by your past emotions.
Fuck, I need to play this again...
I was going to a few days ago, but real life shat on my plans.
im still stuck on the final boss and i don't have the will power to hunt for hp or extra lives lol
But I didn't play Blood until I was 20-something.
Old games are good, new games are bad, this is objectively true.
oh, this is neat. syncthing killed a few of my playthroughs.
i forgot to record the boss, oh well. beat the game on my steam deck so i could get vids off that.
>final boss
do you mean the true final boss anon?
you did unlock the second part of the game, right?
I just move save directory to a regularly backed up directory and symlink it back to original.
>he updated linux-firmware on tumbleweed or gentoo
arch wins again
>go buy BMD on steam
>steam has it delisted because dev is stupid
>buy key on g2a anyway
You could have received this money, dev, you fucking retard
Oh no not the true one, guess I'm actually at the half way point
Bosses in this game work on Souls logic, so you'll get through eventually.
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Playing at 60 Hz feeling much less responsive compared to 165 Hz and my cheap monitor isn't very responsive, but I'm getting used to it.
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finally enough space for everything
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porn games collection
renpy porn vns are native
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I don't think going over 80% on ext is healthy for fragmentation reasons.
its not even near 80%
Oh wait, it's occupied space? I'm too used to seeing people filling their drives to the brim.
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I just don't know but using Linux feels like this is the way a computer supposed to work. Using Windows makes you feel that every single thing you're trying to do you're doing wrong, like you're using some kind of workaround to achieve simple things. It feels like some general operating system hostility towards the user, while on Linux distros everything is friendly to the end user, and you don't feel any restraints to your actions.
be sure to activate your linux if you like it
I thought ext4 didn't have fragmentation issues like ntfs?
From docs.redhat.com
>Ext4 uses extents (as opposed to the traditional block mapping scheme used by ext2 and ext3), which improves performance when using large files and reduces metadata overhead for large files. In addition, ext4 also labels unallocated block groups and inode table sections accordingly, which allows them to be skipped during a file system check. This makes for quicker file system checks, which becomes more beneficial as the file system grows in size.
Extents make ext4 less vulnerable to fragmentation, but it's not immune.
If fragmentation ever occurs, you can quickly solve it by copying the data to another partition, delete the original, and then copy it back and ext4 will solve it.
New games can be good if they're indie.
The problem is just that games are now made by companies far larger than the maximum number of people who can be involved in a game without it turning to shit.
What game?
bunny must die, game was delisted from steam (keys are $5 last time i checked) or you can emulate the new console version for switch/ps4. there's also a collection of the devs games delisted/comiket on archive.org too.
fragmentation happens on ssds too? i thought it was only a hdd thing.
It does but on SSDs it's a good thing
isis the cut off year for an 'old game'?
>captcha DAD2M
*what is, fuck me
any good games to play
Why were those games delisted?
Ask the publisher, they removed those games from Steam and released improved versions on console.
Fragmentation is not an issue on SSD. On HDD fragmentation means that device has to physically move the head to locate another sector, which in worst case can make you wait a full spin, and on average takes half a spin. For example, an average HDD with 7200 spm makes 120 spins per second, so it can take the same time as rendering 1 frame on a 120 Hz monitor just to start the read of next data part.
And worst thing SSD fragmentation means is that it will fetch some garbage along with required data, since it accesses data in large chunks.
Reverse collapse was the only fresh game I liked this year.
BioShock 1 and 2
The year that the newest of my favorite games came out.
So does zen 5 perform better on linux than the windows 11 preview?
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No. Only by heavy bios tinkering it could be made better than Linux (without bios tinkering).
when my old monitor died i played cs on my backup CRT with a custom 640x480 resolution at 120hz. felt ultra smooth. got a new 144hz lcd now and gaming too much makes my eyes hurt after a while and it's definetly not as smooth. i'd keep using that CRT but it has a green tint and it's pretty low end
What a goofy-ass game.
Years a go I missed out on the chance to get a CRT that did 1080x1440 at some high refresh rate, wish I got it.
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That was close, and once again my party wiped themselves out. I just don't know how to manage tactics at this point, I've already spent talents on combat tactics and put health potions in some new slots.
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>Eleazaros [has Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition] 22 Jul, 2014 @ 5:30am
>Got it to work - took 3 restores - reloaded from a save at the bridge coming back from Avernus' keep at 1024x768 resolution, windowed. He finally went over and started the event.
I swear this old junk could be annoying sometimes
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Desire Demon could have a little bit more revealing clothes desu
offtopic but I just finished watching 4th season of Doctor Who. Are 5+ seasons worth watching, or they're complete trash? I don't like this new guy but if the season is good I can change my mind.
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>.net framework 3.0 is required (under Vista and Windows 7, it is automatically installed)
>Modified date: 8th of March, 2010
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Yeah, now we talking!
I heard the recent seasons are quite bad, but I never watched the show.
>giving me a vehicle with a mortar weapon for the mission where enemies are hiding behind walls to ambush me after I blow up the orbital gun
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random koom bump
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>download borderlands 2 from epic games through heroic
>no sound at all
>google fu
>happens on windows sometimes, people are conflicted, saying to disable processes, check if the sound is on (lol)
>reboot machine
>works fine now sound and all
that was weird, i didnt have issues with a previous arch install. game runs great though, i was stuck on the infinite online loading loop so i disabled online for now since im playing solo but i might wanna play with some buddies soon, i also hear thats another thing that is shitty about the pc port
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Is DA:O the only good game in this series?
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Been having a lot of fun with Shadow of the Ninja Reborn.
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last time i played admins made you run some sketchy program that scanned all your open processes if they thought you were cheating
its over nobody cares about troonix anymore
Where are my CachyOS chads at?
where can i find good torrents for lainux?
should i just wine winDUCKS exes?
cope && seethe > /dev/null 2>&1
right here
Same. God when is the next nvidia driver update coming? I'm getting sick of having of work around to get things like ray tracing or frame generation working well enough to be playable.
>scan processes of Linux player
>/usr/bin/kwin_wayland --wayland-fd 7 --socket wayland-0 --xwayland-fd 8 --xwayland-fd 9 --xwayland-display :0 --xwayland-xauthority /run/user/1000/xauth_oqHIvF --xwayland
>/sbin/init splash
>/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
>wtf is this shit?
Just get clean steam files on rin, clean windows gog installed on gog-games. For clean linux gog installer it's a bit more annoying, in public you have torrminator but a lot are missing or outdated, I have to fallback to ggn if I can't find it.

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