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>BO6 Beta Everything You Need to Know

>BO6 Global Gameplay Systems

>MWIII S5 Reloaded Blogpost



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>492492491
we're so back
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Redeemed. (will never use these)
it's over
boring maps and everyone uses the same gun
did vonderhaar really spend all those 4 years in the desert
Why did they add so many red barrels on this map?
Vondy left, anon
damn i missed that, no wonder the game is soulless
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Advanced stats from the leaked PS4 build. It's possible they tweaked some numbers for the live beta, who knows.
>stone and kitsune are the only surviving cold war soviets
kitsune is back??
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Is tac sprint useless in BO6?
will be pretty useful in SND with a knife combo




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Can you tell me why my game doesn't allow me to click on the matchmaking and training course buttons?
Why can't I do that?
You fucking faggot, you better reply now.
What platform?
what the fuck is a cod hq
C9 sure as fuck doesn't feel like that chart would imply
Yeah but goypass or steam
I'm gonna guess steam
Obviously first thing is verify file integrity, if that doesn't do anything then have you got a VPN you could give a try? It could be a region issue, though that would be weird to lock the training area
It almost sounds like you haven't agreed to be a good goy (you know how it brings up the three checkboxes you have to tick? Like... be a good sport/no harassment/whatever, but I can't remember when it did that exactly), not sure if there's a way to check that in the settings somewhere
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>Can't prime lethals and shoot at the same time
>LMGs compromise your movement
Can we skin alive all of infinity shit and sledgedTranny staff
Actually, this is an xbox user but it seems you may just have to wait it out with the menu open, like, a really long time
no idea why this would be happening but spaghetti code on spaghetti code I guess
>Game is now filled with niggers spamming underbarrel grenade launcher
Nice Beta, 3fail.
sounds based just like the good old times of ye olde mw2
Is it still crashing on the launcher for any PC players here? This is driving me fucking crazy and I haven't seen them address is at all.
>3 maps
More like 1 map, 1 "map" and 1 autoleave
UHHH NO that’s Modern Warfare 2019 the OG game made by OG MW2 2009 devs that I watched a dev blog on youtube for to get my information yes OG true return to form Modern Warfare 2019. I’m talking about that slick Gun smithing click Noice. I’m talking about that EXIT LIGHT, ENTER NIGHT. I’m talking about that OG mantle and rooftop MOVEMENT. I’m talking about that Going Dark. I’m talking about the Doors. I’m talking about that sexy fucking Price I want to lick that handle bar mustache off that sexy man. Yes Modern Warfare 2019 the true return to form instant classic Boots on the ground going dark checking your corners and experience.
Scud (Chud) = faggots camping at the satellite dish
fy_pool_day = turn around instant fps drop
Try setting water quality to off, I remember MW3 or maybe MW2 had a water setting that would rape framerate.
I miss MW19 so much, I still play it from time to time and always have fun. I don't know how people can say MW2 and MW3 are anything like it, they're totally different in every way.
FYI Beck has the same face model as Peck so technically he came back but not really.
Another stupid fact, Peck had the same voice actor as Wolf.
I last played MW2019 but somehow kept up with CoD since then

is this the first time since 2019 the focus is on MP again? not a lot of Warzone (or as I like to call it Shitzone) emphasis this time around huh
also beta is fun!
Absolutely. and it seems like Treyarch doesn't give a fuck about it but it's forced by Warzone
How's BO6? The only other black ops game I played was 1.
I’m sure all Perseus ops will be reintroduced back into seasons via battlepass or bundles
That map has fps drops even with everything set to low and DLSS on. Meanwhile I can play mw3 on balanced at above 144 fps.
>suck dicks getting instantly destroyed in firefights using mkb
>switch to controller
>literal aimbot pulls my reticle on players all the time and ends up in top place from match to match
>turning off crossplay wouldn't do shit bc everybody and their mothers on pc are doing the same shit

I hate what mp shooters become
>Keep dead
Wraith(sorry yugo)
>I hate what mp shooters become
Babe you can just play Valorant, CS, Rainbow but you chose a low skill ceiling game and you're frustrated that it doesn't reward skill?
>heroshit, CS, and more heroshit
I could name more but you are deliberately being so dramatic about it
Nigga, you're playing CoD.
>you're playing not hero shit
Yes and? I don't want to play press Q to win simulator retard.
how do you navigate the luxury house map without getting flanked every 20 seconds?
I'm a m+kb boomer and I just gave up, the game is still fun if you don't take it too seriously and I can usually finish in the top half of my team even using the three round burst rifle
cod isnt as low on the slop scale as heroshit cmon now
and cs is gaynigger tier with its stop to shoot mechanics
They should apologize for the piece of shit MWIII turned out to be
camp in the hidden bookshelf or the basement vent are literally impossible to flank there :^)
I apologize for not hating your games well enough. Dogshit studio and Advanced Warfare was pretty soulless
How long will it take to get all the beta rewards?
bout three fiddy
3-5 hours
Mara x Marshall
based x redpilled
It seems like it, the only thing I heard about Warzone is that there's a new Resurgance map coming after BO6 launches and that Verdansk is coming back next year. I think DMZ is basically dead. BO6 seems to be focusing on MP and Zombies. Hopefully it has a good campaign like Cold War did, looks good so far but CoD devs sometimes find ways to fuck up seemingly easy things to do.
How do you get to the weapon progression menu on xbox? I want to see how many levels there are and what you unlock.
I can mostly enjoy modern CoD, but I always go back to the older stuff and always have a way better time. I miss the casual multiplayer, everyone feels like they're playing ranked in every game now. I think that's why I can still have fun in TF2, if you can find a good server without too many furries and kids, it's still a good time.
The movement in BO6 feels so fucking dogshit
What's wrong with it?
Just general movement, none of the movement king bs since that's bound to fucking Control????
Nah, it's worse slop than Valorant and I say that as someone that doesn't like Valorant. I just don't think people should throw stones while playing THE casual slop shooter.
retard lmao
why is it suddenly crashing every match
it was fine yesterday
>start game
>click game
>game shuts down
>game boots up again
hecking love CODHQ lads
He says before dunking his face into the trough
valorant is bottom of the barrel garbage at least cod is fun to play and not hero slop except for bo3 and 4 lol
Why are the graphics so bad?
Even the font and menu buttons look like placeholders and most of the text you can't even read in the gunsmith because it doesn't have a background.
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Park x Marshall
Steam, but thanks I guess.
can anyone answer this?
>Scud (formerly Chud)
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>tfw no Portnova
click gunsmith button and check each category i think it's 38-42 for rapid fire for most guns as that is most likely the last unlock
>valorant is bottom of the barrel garbage
Again, nigga, you're playing CoD. I like this flavor of slop too but I'm not going to pretend it's better for people than any other slop.
That is stupid. is there no menu specifically for weapon unlocks?
it literally is though
i think not but i didnt check since i only play till max beta levels and save the grind when its out
full pls
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Jesus christ the snipers are just one shot everywhere it feels like.
Sucks using a peashooter against them, especially with zoomers on Adderall aim
resident sCHUD enjoyed here

Black Ops 6 is pretty based
>Jesus christ the snipers are just one shot everywhere it feels like.
You clearly didn't grow up with MW2 if you think this is bad
>extreme flinch
>overanimated and slow ADS that makes quick scoping hard
>slow ass rechamber speed and delay
Git gud these are some of the weakest snipers we ever had in a Black Ops game
Time to play some M W 3
why am I being put in these fucking lobbies where everyone on the enemy team is instantly locking onto me and kills me in 2 shots with an AR, but my shitty xm4 takes 6 shots to kill
>its a full team of robotrannies using jackal episode
Persona sucks
penthouse > chud > deleshit
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Is the acoustic amp completely useless?
chud > nuk3town > rust > summit > all other maps in the franchise
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Chud >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10fpshouse >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> border crossing (train yard version)
why can’t I get on
I’m stuck at the logging into online services
/chud/ general
I'm sorry that selling a patch that makes the game worse for 80$ isn't a felony.
update requires restart
only camping shitters like schud
off to a great start with /codg/ memes
why do the only good memes come from black ops games?
Yeah these niggers should apologize for Transguard and NU-MWIII fucking sub-humans
The black ops games are (generally) better
ergo, more people are playing the game
ergo, the thread moves at a comfier pace
ergo, when people do post they put a bit more effort into it because they're not just mindlessly complaining
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>why do the only good memes come from black ops games?
Black magic
>Time to play some M W 3

Or did you mean M W III? (not based)
who's ergo?
More soul that entice memes though transguard posting was pretty funny for a week
sledgesisters... I can't take the bullying anymore...
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>expected Scud to be the worst map
>it's literally the best in the beta
Derelict always looked like trash. Bad layout, bad design. It sucks.
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snitchbros cant stop winning
The maps are all good
but the worst of the three is unironically penthouse
It's the most generic THREE LANES: the map of the bunch

I do enjoy meleeing people from the hallway into the pool though.
Thank you for keeping Call Of Duty a safe place for everybody
Scud sucks if you're not a sniperfag
>filtered by Chud
أنت مثير للشفقة للغاية
And the Lights Go Out
And the Lights Go Out
>have goypass still have to pay 30 quid for a edition to play the beta

New things that I noticed
>Operator will comment on the bloodthirsty medal (5 kills)
>You will lean next to corner when ADS-ing
>You will lean next to corner when ADS-ing
It's only an animation. Point of aim remains the same. And it honestly gets in the way when prone
This game fucking sucks.
Remove Tac Sprint
tac sprint is kinda shit in b06, you don't need it which I like
They should remove it entirely and let us toggle sprint on and off. Hip firing the shotgun with omni sprinting is a fucking nightmare
>breathe air
>gun goes boing boing all over the screen while ADS
MWII was a fucking mistake.
ayo dis movement cracked ong
That's the point. It's useless yet it'll take some of the sprint to fire time for no reason other than flashiness
Semtex is so much better in this game.
he sounds like an overweight 30 year old
>daily challenges still not tracking properly
How are they still so incompetent and why are they so adamant on keeping this dogshit launcher everyone hates?
>robotofaggot with jackal blueprint slipping all over the map like it's the CDL starts crying about camping in chat
>nigger bumble rap
>fat in late 30s millennial voice
>zoomer movement with expensive skin
>meta build SMG
God I hate these fags
I don't
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30 year Olds are based now
you're being too obvious
>zoomers freaking the fuck out
I love this game
thats just basic ass movement you dumb fuck
This game was made to torture gen Z and I fucking adore it for that
can confirm
This kid was screaming at me the entire time I was holding him and then he ended up ragequitting
Seriously speaking, why does the new engine sucks with spawns? Since Mw19 and it's still have the same retarded spawn logic
only poor ass niggers use game chat you coon.
I love when zoomers screech into the mic after getting blown up by my grenade launcher.
It feels like one man army, you can resupply grenades from your own assault pack, and half the other players run assault pack.
shmoovement GOD
this sadly euro lobbies dont have so many seething zoomers atleast when i played
no one cares about your shitty channel dumb boomer
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Yeah uh I'm just not going to use a controller, SORRY! haha yeah I'm just not gonna do it, LOL!
>outshmooves you
not my channel and 99% of what this dude is doing can be done in MWII.
total milennial death
That jackal blueprint is straight p2w broke garbage never won a gunfight against anybody that used it
Fellow oldfags, what's the best tools for total zoomer death?
Damn nigger what’s it like missing a lay up like that on m&kb?
you a bitch
its time for an emergency update that removes d*l*rict and replaces it with redditown
be sure to have mom's credit card on standby when the next tranny operator pack drops for the next blueprint meta
People that bitch about “schmooent” just outing themselves as being ass at the game. Fucker’s hit box didn’t move. OP just aimed too high.
I fucked your mom lol
kill yourself
yes it is. kys fatty
We should make a noobtube squad imagine the seethe we could farm
Is it possible to pre-order on Xbox and play the beta on playstation?
I don't think so, no.
What if I'm old and a sweat?
Feels shit and way slower than MWIII. Diving is still a meme unless you initiate the dive before you encounter the enemy, making its usecase extremely limited.
True, you can get by with an AR but you really shouldn't go out in the open.
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Gen alpha gods I kneel
dam das lit no cap frfr ong
People who play like this are faggots, but it will never not be funny bellyflopping around a corner and spraying down these shitters. Also, shotguns are back to being kinda shit again. I miss the Cold War Hauer.
Can't join a friend even though we both updated and now we're each on a different version of the game.
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>update requires restart
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Alternative box art/title screen
>"teehee we sold you an over tuned weapon to terrorize people for 24 hours to pump pre-order numbers, now we need to actually balance it to be on par with the other SMG (still fucking good)"
the jackal was worse anyway
The starting SMG is the best weapon in the game.
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>update requires restart 3 times in a row
godbless iw engine
stop the movement techs alphababs
This didn't happen in Cold War (older engine btw lol)
does treyarch intentionally make one of their guns busted and meta or are they just that incompetent? if they do it on purpose, why?
>make broken weapon
>make expensive skins/mastercrafts for that weapon
>give people time to paypig
but it's the beta
you can't buy skins yet
I'm old and doing okay at Black Ops 6. Dudefans. Needs to work on his frag grenade cooking skills. That's always been the peak counter to movement fags. It disorients them even when it doesn't kill.
buying the good goy edition gives you unique skins that carry over. One of whuch happened to be for that SMG, just like the MW3 beta when sledge did the same shit for the longbow.
i cant be the only one getting update requires restart after every match right?
>see sweat
>cook frag
>half a sec later get shredded before the frag even explodes
Ah yes peak counter
If you're not playing on Xbox you fucked up
cant render mara feet porn in blender on xbox can you?
owned epic style
Sadly, this
The game was made for game pass.
I wouldn't be surprised if MS is prioritizing those servers as an added Fuck You.
Oh believe me, I'm with you.PC should be where it's at.
But we're in a new generation now. Microsoft didn't spend all that money for nothing.
microsoft is literally pc THOUGH
It's propriety hardware still and they're clearly favoring it.
Maybe the Xbox Game Pass launcher on PC works better as well, but it's pretty clear other PC clients are having more trouble along with PSN users.
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First time?
>does treyarch intentionally make one of their guns busted and meta or are they just that incompetent? if they do it on purpose, why?
Yes anon, they intentionally break the game.
In fact, they do it just to fuck with you personally.
TSD (total sweat death)
I was told Treyarch were the best and the most humane studio out there, how is that possible?
i accept your concession
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Do ps5 niggas really run this beta at 900p? LMAO
Why did they create Marshall when they could have just reused Sims
>Sarcastic black guy whose under the wing of Woods/Adler
If they kill off Sims that would suck but that would at least explain Marshall's inclusion.
hey fatty how about you do some movement outside lol
has nothing to do with the engine
if anything its a network quirk for anytime they change a playlist setting
Adler likes collecting black men like Dragon Balls
though I could've sworn Sims was the black soldier Adler was talking to in the Gulf in the leaked cutscenes
i accept your concession
t. mindbroken boomer fatty
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>unlock sight for the XMG
>back to back POTGs
lmg bros...we're fucking back
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Literally me since the BO6 was announced.
controllertrannies will never stop being cringe
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gave it a fair chance and got to level 20 but it looks and plays like shit
cya next year
should I buy this game
I'll do what the first reply says
buy a blacked year subscription
Black Cocks
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chat is this real
God willing
>play by myself
>having fun games are fair
>friends join me who are literally the same skill as I am
>every game becomes a sweat fest
I am not buying this one. This is not fun anymore
The key is to play with friends that are way worse than you.
I can't imagine playing this shit on a console, how fucking miserable.
Every cod dev does it, you'll notice that the guns with the skins in the shop get buffed if you pay attention to the store.
I just don't understand why the difficulty shoots up when people of the same kill join.
Maybe that's because you're in a party retard?
sbmm is fucked, i hate it too, the only way around it is to do the thing where you have a burner account that you join on with a shit mmr, join friends that are noticeably worse, or just stick to old cod games. I haven't paid too much attention to the sbmm conversation in recent years, maybe it's different now, but it seems to punish you for doing well.
I hope your mother will die slowly and painfully
We aren't good though and don't do this. Holy shit you friendless losers get viscous when someone says they have friends.
It is now official
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yeah I'd rather play with myself too
The bar for gayarch and sledgetrannies was already incredibly low. IW crushed it with MW19, everyone talented left, shortly after release. Fuck MW2 and MW3.
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I told you MW3 was better, you wouldn't listen
Treyarch > IW

Fire everyone at Sledge
>sledgecuck talking with himself
The honeymoon phase of a new COD lasted about 2 hours after reinstalling MW3 and testing the feel of that game compared to BO6 beta.

I'm not sure what's going on, but the game just feels clunky in comparison. No it's not the new movement, but rather the entire feel of the game. My in game sense never feels right, and the gunplay isn't as smooth.

Enemies are eating my shots like I'm playing against someone in Warzone with 3+ plates, and yet I'm dying in what feels like a 0.1ms burst of 2 shots from the enemy.

I'm getting way less FPS while the game looks arguably worse than MW3, and the only positive aspect to the game that comes to mind is the fact snipes + shotty kills feel genuinely personal because of the knockback.

This all resulted in me appreciating MW2+3 in a way I've never been able to before, because apparently those games were incredible.
It's not, even shittier than mw2 and transguard.
split up IW and Treyarch, have them make two games with simultaneous support/updates/patches, one game for tacticool larpers and one game for zoomer tryhards
fire everyone at sledgehammer
>I'm getting way less FPS while the game looks arguably worse than MW3
I think it looks better than MW3, especially the environments. But I'm playing on max settings on pc, maybe it doesn't scale as well on lower settings and consoles.
>I was told Treyarch were the best and the most humane studio out there
That's retarded. They're a cod developer. They only look good compared to the other cod developers.
Playing CoD on Playstation post-MS buyout is retarded. Everyone saw this coming a mile away
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by remaking the game every year it gets worse and worse
interesting if they are finally starting to ruin the gameplay
imagine cod without the tight gameplay, people might finally drop it
People didn't drop CoD after Ghosts, Vanguard, or MWII.
The population has only grown.
The fact of the matter is CoD cracked the casual code in 2007 by figuring out a way to deliver a constant rate of dopamine rushes that render actual wins and losses irrelevant to the average player. Thisnis the same reason Halo immidiately started hemorrhaging players after 2007 despite being the king of online shooters for the previous 2 years. When offered an alternative to being ranked up or down by K/D, having limited unlocks, and having to wait multiple seconds to respawn, the masses jumped on it.
betas are so boring
after hitting max level i have no desire to play
Call of Duty is literally one of the four horsemen of the downfall of western civilization.
The other three being Social Media, AI porn, and soon Virtual Reality.
>can't play games because he enjoys them or wants to improve
>hurrrr where's muh unlocks that I won't even use
Gen z is fucking cooked.
Touch grass neckbeard
>reddit spaceing
opinion discarded
Really anon?
You've unlocked every attachment for every gun?
I doubt it.
i accent your concession
there is no reason max gun levels in the beta
there is no reason to unlock every attachment when they are all the same
there is nothing in the beta to enjoy
there are not metrics to measure improvement. You are given credit for kills just for tapping a player
Hey look a typo. I bet it's due to those chubby fingers of yours fat fuck
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>i accent
I forgot to mention that I'm trans btw
i accent your compression
gamer fuel
rent free
i accent york compression
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imagine playing a game to grind and not to enjoy it lmao
main aapakee riyaayat sveekaar karata hoon
imagine playing a game with nothing in it to enjoy
>nothing in it to enjoy
brainrotted zoom zoom
learn to have fun fag
>there is no reason max gun levels in the beta
>there is no reason to unlock every attachment when they are all the same
>there is nothing in the beta to enjoy
>there are not metrics to measure improvement.
You can't tell when you're getting better?
The Zoomer brain CAN NOT comprehend the actual point of playing a video game
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>You can't tell when you're getting better?
I can, in fact I went on a 4.50 match despite being a 0.89 K/D player
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More importantly, why are the spawns rigged in hardpoint and why does no one ever point this out
stop posting this retard's videos
Derelict is clearly the best map but I'm not surprised Shit Taste General hates it
I didn't know BO4 had a strong cult following behind it jesus
This is just mental illness at this point
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Isn't this the game deciding you're worse than you really are? how does a 0.89 player manage to go off and get a 4.50 K/D when his last match was only 0.77... with 17 kills?
Works on my machine, get a better toaster
I don't like how quiet the radio voice lines telling you when you earn a scorestreak are and how it sounds like somebody from behind you and to the right is whispering it into your ear instead of it actually sounding like it's coming over the radio.
You're replying to a retard copy pasting a reddit post to farm (you)s, retards.
I have a better toaster, but the game is literally free on Game Pass.
only warzonepedos like this dogshit beta, its over
I hate warzone
this is the best cod has played in years
>open video
>thumbs down
>close tab
Heh, my job here is done
Just got to 20 and couldn't wait to put it down.
He's deadass on point with pretty much everything
But you can't see dislikes
>inb4 muh extension
You answered your own question, of course everyone has the dislike extension, it's not perfect but it's better than nothing
And you can bet your ass all the youtubers have it and seeing the dislikes makes them seethe.
Did dr disrespect play it yet
>everyone has the dislike extension
Haha sure thing buddy
weird ass cope
No hate for this guy but how can he hate new cods but enjoy xdefiant so much
First time I saw xdefiant the maps looked like some waterpark theme, at least for me.
it does nothing
it does nothing
there is no reason to get better
the boomer brain has rotted
The autist's game
DONT forget the akimbo diamatis or amp63 with suppressors. You wait in a corner and then you shred them in pieces. Can't wait to see the kino akimbos of BO6.
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Kawaii Bonbon was the best choice, might get Izanami with the points i get from blackcell in Season 6 since im skipping BO6, currently on the Bas-p for all 4 XP camos on every gun still on One trick for every gun currently. did accidentally get Obsidian on the STG since i use it alot since i got the free zombie tracer blueprint for it, its too nice not to use.
No one asked, sledgecuck.
kek it will be so funny to see this ESL cope all throughout next year
Where is the cope? im enjoying MW3, if anything all i see is cope from treytrannys like you defending all the fucking shit in BO6 that the vast majority of people dont like. you are a faggot that no one likes lmfao
you need gung ho (non cringe version) for that i did that with marshalls pre nerf and post nerf the rage was delicious
>you are a faggot that no one likes lmfao
kek he's projecting hard
Alright, i think i found a fix for packet burst, set your allocated cache size to 16

well you are though, you live in a forum shilling BO6 so hard that you sound like someone from a marketing team aka a shill no one likes shills nigger
>everyone who enjoys BO6 is a shill
why are all sledgecucks this defensive lmao
you was shilling this shit way before it came out, you even type the same way you do the same non reply you shit you are the exact same person you are not fooling anyone, you sound like a fucking jew when you get called out on this shit
Looks like the schizos are here, see you tomorrow codbros
do you know whats the funniest thing as well, codg is suppose to be about posting about any cod, but now with faggots like you trying to shit on any cod from the past that isnt the current title no one fucking does that any more, thats how i know for a fucking fact you faggots are shills you must buy the current thing because the last thing was shit kill yourself
Sledgecucks are unhinged. Thank fuck they will become irrelevant in just a few months.
>has every single operator unlocked
>contributes to the destruction of any stylistic coherence the series used to have
>calls other shills
Medication ASAP
Reminder this idiot got buckbroken by the no carryover thing. He built a personality around hating the next game only because his trash animeslop skins won't be available in blops6.
back then IW and Treyarch cods had a very different feeling to them, Black Ops didn't look like MW neither did it play the same, now every game from this series looks, plays, and sound the same, why?
>it does nothing
>it does nothing
>there is no reason to get better
to each his own
>the boomer brain has rotted
>>has every single operator unlocked
there is a option filter in the bottom left of the operator menu that allows you to see only your unlocked operators, you dumb nigger

>muh destruction of aesthetics
nigger have you seen the vault edition of BO6 where is your true to life aesthetics? BO is zombies no one gives a fuck about its MP

you are one, you have been shilling this game before it launched, beta turned out shit and you are still shilling it
New map and gametype bros update your game
New map and shitty game mode just released! Cant wait to skip Kill Order every time
your brain is fucked anon
I already uninstalled
i get to post this next
same engine no idea what activision suits smoked
(what you accurately describe here also apply to the former boundary between mp and zombies)
nothing carrying over is shit and you know it, its used to do the exact same grind as the previous year and there is no point for it, im only 500 out of 1000 camos in mw3, i have not even finished 1 trick on every mw2 and mw3 gun i have not finished the zombies mastery camo grind mw3 has 100s of guns loads of cosmetics to mix up gameplay great maps and your main selling point of BO6 is its better because you dont have none of these things? like really? this is your cope? not to mention the omni movement looks clunky as fuck, the zombies 2nd map looks shit too large and boring in terms of a zombies perspective when they know cold war had this issue, gunsmith looks shit, the guns look shit, the graphics look shit its just not for me i like mw3 it doesnt matter how many times you try and say otherwise and try to sell BO6 to faggots in here its not going to change all the good things that are unique to mw3 being a 2 year game as i said before if zombies turns out good (which i highly doubt) or a 2 year game for BO6 comes out where all its zombie content carries over ill pick it up other than that i dont see a reason to buy it
I didn't say anything about Black Ops, you have schizophrenia.
noooooooooooo do not redeem the black ops saars look at the angry youtube man i give him many rupees
>muh grind
>muh cosmetics
>muh 2000000 guns
i dont give a fuck i just want a fun game
i find mw3 fun now what?
Gen z is so pozzed holy shit
keep on playing, stop arguing with others and just enjoy
Tell that to the shill ranting about sludgecucks and mw3 since forever.
>mentally unwell autists still think that any big game publisher would bother to do viral marketing on some obscure generals browsed by like 10 complete spergs
This meme has to stop
good point i will
>everyone who doesn't like nu-mw slop is A SHILL!!!!!!
Take your fucking meds
I don't remember it having the same stront SBMM as MW19 and onwards so that might've contributed to that
BO4 looking like a previous generation behind compared to MW19 and Warzone's success which gave Activision the retarded idea of semi rebranding COD as its own connected universe. It's why everytime you launch MW3 you see that soulless Marvel-esque intro that combines all games.
And it sucks because I played Cold War for like 500 hours and I don't think there's anything wrong with that engine other than visuals like the animations which were at least basic and readable and didn't cause visual confusion like >>492567552 or MW3

Now Bo6 is suffering from the same issues. Inconsistent pace and shmoovement? checked. Bad spawn logic? checked. Playlist update restarts the game? checked.
It's a miracle they managed to fix the best play and enable theater mode since IW devs were pretty vocal about removing it to save performance.
where do i get code
bo4 felt like an experiment more than anything
mw19 overall was a fluke and warzone continued that fluke which muddied how people remembered the game and activision is desperately trying to reach that high again by forcing all the devs onto the new engine and be connected for warzone
The only way for Activision to bring back that hype is by introducing Covid 2.0
hint hint
right HERE
*spreads ass*
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I'm officially filtered, this game isn't for me anymore. You kids go and have fun I'll sip on my prune juice
The bluderbus in MW3 fires faster than the BO6 shotgun, holy shit. And this thing has no range, takes 3 shots at arm's length.
Snipers are baby tier easy mode in this game holy fuck
Yeah I don't think I've ever seen a shotgun being so ass in the entire franchise, might be better with attachments
You the rizzler
I got it as far as the range and fire rate attachments, even with them it's unusable as a primary weapon, but if you use overkill it take 3 days to swap to it.
I've gotten gold shotguns in all but 4 cods since mw2, I don't think I can do it if they're going to be this blatantly outmatched.
Is there ever going to be a mission like All Ghillied Up or Vendetta
Now let's see you trying to do this with AAimbot off.
nigcel thread
timmy incel thread
juan fatcel thread
Feels like a step backwards vs forwards to me- I'll probably skip this one.
>louder than your mom's steps
>horrible controls
>explodes the second anyone looks at it
Why did they do my lil nigga RC XD so dirty?
fuck off
Thanks. I was about to make you my bitch you are saved now.
Heh, you are not just a good schmoover.
is kill order fun
Holy shit I'm not reading all that, dumbass ESL. MW3 is a trash game and no one gives a shit about your bloated ass content. Everyone who disagrees with your shit tastes isn't a shill who is trying to get you to buy blops 6. Kill yourself sperg.
you are still going lmfao i dont care about bo6
there is a very strong chance this tastes really good
>i d-dont care about bo6!!
No one asked, sledgecuck. Go play your tranny dlc in the corner.
Day 764.

Still can't play the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6™ Early Access Open Beta. It was the only thing I was looking forward to. The last Call of Duty™ game I played was Call of Duty: Cold War™, so I never had to deal with the absolute dogshit CoD HQ launcher. What an enormous piece of shit. Crash™. Crash™. Crash™. Crash™. Crash™. Crash™. Crash™. Crash™. No acknowledgement from Treyarch about the constant crashing. I'd like to believe it's entirely Activision fault. Always meddling with Treyarch's flow...but maybe they just don't make devs like they used to. I even bought the Vault Edition™. I was really looking forward to stomping on my fellow gamers as Brutus™. I get the feeling I won't get a chance to play at all. I won't be able to earn those Open Beta rewards.....what's the point of living anymore. If anyone finds this, don't fall for it. Don't fall for their traps, their tricks, their lies. Get out while you still can. There's still hope for you. As for me....I'll catch you on the other side...
I got a code wtf??? I didn't pre order anything LOL THX
they do this every year
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Watch yo ass wite boy because I be droppin a nuke on ya ass
he's also packing a BLACK MAMBA and i do not mean the snake LOL!
game is fun when you're not packet burst lagging every 2 seconds. remove forced texture streaming holy fuck
>update requires restart
Thank god, does that mean this pos will stop crashing? or will it crash more?
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So day 1 impressions on BO6?
After my first match:
I actually think that the game's more fun than MW3. So far. I'm sure they will mess up everything eventually. Also switched to a cucktroller instead of kbm.
i started hacking and im having lots of fun now, might buy the game. people slipping and sliding and they still die cause i shoot them automatically
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Who did he call? Also why the fuck does he have a beard in the mp model?
Probably the early missions where they rescue Adler and then oh shit they are rogue now and hunted by both the CIA and the enemy combined
its shit
It's fun when you don't play against sweats. Beta already feels more like a triple A title compared to this year's cod. Hope the full release will be even more polished.
There's a potential that is being held hostage by CoD HQ and the new engine
7/10 so far
forgot to mention I like shit btw
I think one big psychological factor is the fact there are no clown skins and I haven't seen the worst of the game's matchmaking yet but I like the fact the characters look bigger and I'm actually able to see their movement better.
MW3 in my opinion is too fast for more relaxed playing and there is something weird with the FoV calculation compared to other titles.
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Pretty fun coming from an oldhead. Snipers feel way overtuned and the jackal is broken and needs to be heavily nerfed.
The perk system and omni movement is cool and I like how it's less about tacsprint.
>hunted by both the CIA and the enemy Saddam combined
So basically they're Iranians?
This is the most fun beta since MW22 (I did not enjoy the MW22 beta)
>(I did not enjoy the MW22 beta)
Same. Didn't enjoy CW's beta too but it's my most played nu COD
I hated CW's beta and pre-S1.
dont like it, omnimeme doesn't feel natural and weapon variety is terrible, 4.5/10 beta
better than mw2 but thats hardly an achievement
Wtf he looks clearly older in the campaign
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>H2M revival discord has been radio silent on a new launcher that fixes all the broken shit for 2 weeks
>Day before the BO6 beta the mod team ask if anyone has experience with C++ and reverse engineering
>Can't even get 300 players on weekends anymore
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They're gonna copypasta CW and have mp take place in 1994 after the campaign. but then how does SCUD fit in???
I need to uninstall and reinstall the beta how do you that (PS)
Pre S1 was soul I miss that menu where they stood up in lobby instead of walking endlessly
> I miss that menu where they stood up in lobby instead of walking endlessly
This so much
Park was cuter in that pose
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Pre-S1 would be soul if it didn't crash all the fucking time. I had to play 8 matches of zoombies to unlock default Park since it kept crashing before we could exfil, and a few times during exfil. At least back then crashes would send me to the desktop unlike now where they cause the whole PC to restart.
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>mfw logging back into MWIII after quitting the beta
>use the spotter scope to tag 60 enemies or items in open combat missions
>ultra rare (1.3%)
What the fuck were you guys doing
Just, get better hardware lol
RTX 3080 + i9 9900k + 64GB RAM
I fail to see how this isn't sufficient. A total crash like this is usually from shitty coding from the 3000 devs fucking up memory addresses. I had similar problems back in MW22, but interestingly it didn't happen in MW23.
once you go black ops 6 you never come back
If you're black you never go back
Crimson One operators mog Rogue so hard
holy fuck give me a suicide vest perk or something to deal with these niggas running around just human shielding me
It's still quite fascinating how some older CoD titles on PS4 looked better than this one now.
But it is what it is I guess. Shit in, shit out and money is the most important matter.
I meant to say BASED to >>492630453 but I mistapped lol
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My helicopter killed my human shield
Took literally 2 shots to kill someone with my USP lel
Graphics will stay like this as long as they drop the cross gen bullshit
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i wish i didnt live in a 3rd world shit hole and cold war still had a population, i'd still be playing it
CW is still full of people apart from wtf modes like fireteam and combined arms what you're talking about
But BO6 will finish it yeah :/
someone explain to me why cod wants to be apex instead of cod
CoD isn't doing well in player's retention
Is the combat specialization worth it?
cant wait to see this game drop off like every recent cod. when will activision admit that their sbmm eomm is 80% the problem.
not in New Zealand the third world country i live in, every playlist besides nuketown 24/7 is completely dead. I'd rather dip my balls in acid than play nuketown again
You didn't read my previous post did you?
One more playlist update
BO3 and IW had strong art direction, even in the current era MW19 still mogs every other game past it
>become HVT
>sit in a corner and play minesweeper instead
Oh well, that's grim
>play like a faggot
>get bored
True. Cold War has a lot of great maps are overshadowed and forgotten due to Nuketown 24/7

Fuck Nuketown
Moscow is the best map 2019 onwards, at least in terms of beauty. Just magical
cw was shit and this is cw on sussy engine
its over
Adler is lowkey hidden in BO6 menus
Still wish they advertised the game around him instead of the new generic black guy
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>black ops
>black guy
After a few games so far
>omnimovement is overrated, nothing crazy
>if you're a Cold War veteran, it will definitely feel less of a Black Ops title than previous BOs. In terms of mechanics and even graphics it's more similar to MW3, but not enough to just be MW3 2.0
>ttk is extremely inconsistent but I'm not sure, depends of the hitbox, better bullet velocity might fix this
im constantly getting killed cause people are shooting between my legs. treyarch must have forgotten to make actual hitboxes
Reminder that if you're playing with a keyboard and mouse instead of CLAW, you're a fucking RETARD and an incel, too(probably)
>play bo6 beta
>log off for a bit
>load up cod hq later on
>get notification that i got 200K xp and 10 battle pass tokens in mw3
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>shooting between legs counts as hit
Waifu Warfare confirmed?????
Nice. Import settings didn't work. Had to spend 20 minutes doing every keybind and graphics setting. Will probably have to redo it on launch.

This is supposed to be "le based movement cod" but vaulting and sprinting out of prone feels very sluggish. Only real benefit is slightly faster strafe speed.
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Game feels fun but it feels like an entirely different game from MW3, not like a sequel or a spinoff. It feels closer to a battlefield game, especially with shit like "going prone and being able to spin 360 degrees without any slowdown"

MW2/MW3 was my first call of duty since Modern Warfare 2007, and I know MW3 was a glorified expansion pack, but still, it feels fucking weird
How's the AK74?
my favorite gun in the beta
I'm not sure why there's a different announcer for every little thing but I like that the french girl that tells you someone destroyed your trophy actually sounds french for once
nu-Woods tries a bit too hard thoughever
>small to medium 3 lane maps
>"It feels closer to a battlefield game"
I don't think they're going to try to fix anything anytime soon, people complaining on social media are probably the last thing on their minds
Modern cod probably makes infinitely more money that it used to when they only sold map packs
Even when the games get ruined by retarded updates, there's always going to be a portion of players that keep playing and spending money on overpriced clown skins and premium battle passes
Nothing is changing as long as retarded zoomer whales keep filling Activision's pockets
Great TTK but the lower fire rate means you have to be very accurate

Buy an ad
Best iron sights as usual, feels great to use and I like how it looks with the strap on the side
Also what >>492642437 said
>french girl
Can't wait to see her in the campaign!
She unironically sounds nafri
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MW19 > Cold War > BO6 > MW3 > Vanguard > MW2

It's alright, but I was hoping it would feel better with how much omnimovement was hyped up.
>its ONLY kill order
kill yourselves this gamemode is dogshit
As a frog, Beurettes are the only immigration I don't mind
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Basé et beurettepillé.
rewind is genuinely a dogshit map
/codg/, I have a confession to make
I loved MW2 and I probably played it as much as I did the original back in the day
They need to make a playlist where you can only dive, no slides. The dive is quite literally useless. Same delay and speed as slide. But slide can get up or jump instantly.
MW2 is alright for a recent shit cod, I just hate that it's supposed to be a sequel to modern warfare 2019, 2019 was actually good.
>5 off a nuke
>dude spawns right behind me even though i have teammates in the area
Another year of 4v4 ranked
it feels just like the nu-MW games to me
you could just not buy this shitty game
AH mais t'es le frouze qui simp pour Park, d'où les couleurs frouzes MDR
The whole concept of a fucking rechargeable ammo box instead of scavenger where you have to run out in the open to grab ammo or guns is so fucking stupid. Faggot just sitting in a power position camping the whole game with unlimited ammo. What game started this shit.
Oh my god... She's clearly overdosing on bimbo gas. What have they done to her? Savages.
Hate the look and feel of these new games so shan’t, that being said, zombies??
Did you like zombies in any of the recent games? It's probably going to be what they did in cope war.
You've all been played for absolute fools.
MW19, I think.
Négatif, Park est chou mais je suis pas un dégénéré de waifufag
ça veut dire qu'on est trois français sur ce general de mongols, basé
This your average Trannyarch fag
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Apologize there is still time
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You tell me...
>first game of HVT
>he's sat hidden in a bugged spot in the wall the entire game
don't honestly know why i expect these games to improve at all every year
Xbone here. If I get game pass ultimate does that count as a pre-order for Black Ops 6?
>literally aesthetic-destroying cosmetics in the beta, never mind at release
There was never time
Even sniper players use a fucking controller. Like, it's fucking over, bros
Yeah, bro. You also get those silly looking operators and the cool knife
Hmmm.. I might check it out.
so is the 74U just OP as fuck in every single treyarch game? that's their thing?
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Wait until you see what happened to Jane...
>her actress https://www.maxim.com.au/archives/2177
>played a character named Monica
Ah d'accord, francophone plutôt, chui de Genève^^
Why does primary fire not swing the knife? ADS does and the normal melee button does but why the fuck, when you pull out your dedicated melee, does the primary fire button NOT swing it?
just remap it fagazoid
TRANSfinity Ward lost.
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Why does Marshall keep getting called into his handler's office?
turning dom into triple hardpoint might be the dumbest fucking thing ive ever seen
Ok, it's OVER. But I'm not kidding this time. It's definitely OVER. Activision is FINISHED
What exactly am I supposed to remap? Melee to fucking left click? How am I supposed to shoot then dumbfuck?
Map melee to mouse button 4 or middle button, for example or use V, C or something.
>Xbone here. If I get game pass ultimate does that count as a pre-order for Black Ops 6?
The issue is not having melee bound its that it doesn't work like it has in fucking every other game. You have a dedicated melee weapon in any of the past games? The shoot button will fucking swing it, theres 0 reason for the knife to just NOT work with the shoot button but still work for the fucking ADS button. Its retarded.
also post GT I'll add you.
(unless you're an incel schizo/under 20 yo)
It has some issues but it's nowhere as bad as he makes it out to be lmfao he's so dramatic
Why is everyone saying hybrid is faster/better for diving? It works just fine with the normal dive/crouch setup and auto sprint. I just point the stick the way I want to go, hold crouch, and the dive goes off
he two tap dirt napped Black cocks 6
>Black Ops 6 is the worst Call of Duty ever made
Holy shit...
for those that are not Xbox players asking how to get a code, simply pre-order on Amazon.
You'll get a code immidiately. You can cancel the preorder.
This game would probably feel really good if it didn't have tac sprint
Is this Vanguard or MW3? I hate Sledgetrannies so much, it's unreal.
The penthouse map or whaterer it's called sucks ass.
And yeah.
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What's so bad about it I don't get it
Is it when you're sprinting holding the gun with one hand? Or is there something else I'm missing?
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>good luck, faggots
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>later, faggots
This... this can't be happening...
>turning off aim assist when you're point blank instead of turning off aim assist past 10 m
theyre doing the literal opposite of what theyre supposed to be doing
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moshi moshi
Is Bailey/codg/'s next queen?
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She's next...
Controllerfags would seethe and this would sink activsion, they should do it, but I can see why they don't.
holy fuck
People also didn't like Cold War beta
Does anyone here use VPN with CoD? Are you using Wireguard or OpenVPN protocol? Any connection issues?
Why? They'll still have their aimbot close quarters
Most gunfights are 4m+
people didnt like cold war either
footsteps dont exist
Actually people loved to cw beta it just crashed after every match which people didn't like.
>switch back to EU lobbies
>scoreboard consist of Jean Pierre, Jose from Spain and someone with soviet alphabets
>everyone is playing like a rat
God I fucking hate EU so much it's unreal.
It's bad at first but then evens out
Except wtf is that AK/Uzi hybrid at the end
fuck em
as if im going to level up a gun to level 25 just to get a fucking optic. kill yourself.
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History repeats itself
4 years to develop. Time well spent.
They patched that out of CW. It's everywhere in MW23.
3arch just loves forgotten russian prototypes. I think there might be some autist obsessing over them working in 3arch's dev team. Picrel is a literal soviet underwater rifle
Holy mother of KINO. I kneel
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>bro thinks they actually took 4 years to develop this
It's because there are tons of obscure soviet weapons especially from the cold war era.
Pretty cool
dogshit. 75$ DLC. Gimmicky Shmovement is not important. standard COD cycle will apply. 2 months of hype and a quick sudden death
Kys, tourist
How can I cope with quick scoping the rechamber attachment is on level 43 and the ttk is too fast for me to do anything
>report some random guy just cause he played like a faggot
>2 minutes later
>"we have taken action against the player"
So I read up on this and apparently the bullets aren't as effective on land. Does it have anything that reflects this, or an advantage over other weapons underwater?
You anons will say things like "it's diffrent in every way" and I don't think you realize how over-the-top and whiney you sound
why does sliding feel worse?
it's a fairly priced 75 $ Cold War DLC and it works out of the box which is an amazing achievement for a 4 year development cycle with an old game engine with 4000 devs on it. Gen X are so happy right now. they get a 5/10 game instead of the usual 2/10 slob from Activision. Being an Activision kike CEO must be so nice. goyims keep buying this slob
I just play free weekends and deathmatch in plunder now. I felt scammed after MWII, and years feel like they go by so quick it seems dumb to spend money on a game that is dead after a year.
COD titles have like 2 to 3 month hypecycles and then quickly die and has like 5k players ( at best) after a full year
How does the score work on hvt I still don't get it
You score up longer you live as HVT.
You score up if you kill the enemy HVT.
It's not rocket science.
I can NOT play without the stimshot...
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Sledgehammer is writing the challenges again...
MP5 and AK are nice to use. The 3 round burst rifle is also pretty good
That's not what I saw ankn. I was the hvt and alive for a long period of time and then the announcer says we're losing, wtf? The enemy hvt just got killed right before that.
>got a dev error
It's over....
Not my problem you are bad with numbers, are you trolling? There is a score on the left side of the screen.
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MWII clone confirmed
Why is an SMG killing me in 4 hits from a football field away?
Because this is a 3fail game and IW is the only studio capable of weapon balance apparently.
This is not a complement to IW. This is a glowing neon blinking sign telling you this shit is in it's twilight about about to expire.
Just found the HVT kills give bonus score to your team, so you were wrong as well
Why does Cold War legitimately look better
The SFX fucking suck though
I can't believe it, bros. Treyarch unironically saved COD
No it didn't. Cold War will always be better
They better say Woods caught throat cancer or something during the 1990s in the campaign/bio. His weak pathetic voice is that of a sick man.
You are waste of oxygen, drink bleach.
Nvm when I browse this hellhole I scroll down very quickly
black ops 6 is complete trash. every gunfight is just down to who's not packet bursting
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>EU lobby
Most people are Chinese VPN users.
>hold for focus
>on a fucking assault rifle
officially done with cod! we'll all be playing deadlock. good riddance
Yeah, I'm thinking this is the greatest CoD of all time
mechanically not the actual maps (unless they have a 128 player ground war mode, kek)
Thoughts on Rewind?
Yeah, I'm thinking this is the worst CoD of all time
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Does nu-Treyarch make any maps that aren't just small rectangles?
I'm scared of this being true. Cold War was peak.
My only major disappointment, it just doesn't feel like a black ops game at all and this makes me bitter
Yo my guys haven't been keeping up with the news what ground wars have they shown so far any returning ones????
Jev hates it. He's the only one that ever defends these games and he's going back to MWIII. It's officially over.
I watched the video and it's insane how I had the exact same response to the snipers something is seriously fucked up about them I can't connect one single shot to save my life.

Just like him I had fun with SMGs but I can't aim for shit with snipers this didn't happen with MW3 or CW
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CW already has a dedicated fanbase, 4 years since launch. It will be the only COD that'll be fondly remembered as the fun, arcadey at best, the one closest to the "Golden age" at worst.
>we're bringing back classic prestige!!!!
>but we're keeping this gay ass attachment gun levelling system where it takes 20 levels for your gun to be usable
Fucking faggot tourist devs. I'm sure this prestige is going to be real fun vs people with decked out guns NOT
>beta already has a P2W jackal blueprint with super clean irons aka 6th attachment slot
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when you see it
That M16 on steroids really is something else
Is it Putler's pixelated face? Looks bit like him.
Looks like Bush too lmfao
skill issue
>turn on the sprint cancels reload option
>still can't reload cancel with sprint
3000 devs
I guess it's bush, then there is the plane on the right side..
>Le hecking youtubers didn't like the beta
Maybe Black6 is actually good
Yeah but it sucks how good everyone else who's playing the game like their reaction time is always on point. I can't miss or else I'm dead
It's bush retard
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CW was the end of an era for me. It still had the old engine and this one on the new engine just feels like an expansion again the way MW3 did albeit with more effort. The games used to feel really different between releases sometimes which I miss.
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>packet burst isn't a problem goys, it's just your pc
the fucking state of activision pajeet shills
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So are attachments really just mostly flat upgrades this time? It seems like when weapons have downgrades it's at a 1:3 ratio rather than whatever bullshit MW2/MW3's downgrades were
yeah pretty much
It's bush did 9/11 on a calling card
They could salvage it by removing tac sprint and fixing the spawns. One thing I like about BO6 is the game having an actual readable pace compared to the warzone titles that feels schizophrenic and random
>Literally zero reason to use any gun that’s not the pdw
>The time it takes to kill someone feels like forever but the time it takes for somebody to kill me feels astonishingly quick
>Fucking earth quake weapon recoil animations
>2 layers of sprinting that feel like a sluggish clusterfuck
I love how the twin towers vaguely look like pyramids. God I love 3arch's Q side so much
You are bit too young.
Tac sprint made sense in warzone where you need to cover large swaths of land. Here in these tight constrained maps it’s just a hinderance to your controls.
>use piss filter
>can suddenly see enemies
yeah these streamers know the sauce
>CW was great
soulless pos game
Call of Withdrawal: Flop Ops 6
Here, kitty.
>FaZe Jew is raging because he cannot be #1 24/7
Many such cases.
cod devs should be forced to make maps like those CS orange box textureless maps if they can't for the life of them learn what the fuck visilbilty is.
Handler likes blops6. I will buy it now.
They are 100% banking on everyone having retarded visible skins in a month. But the base skins are basically invisible while prone half the time, holy shit.
just a heads up - you can buy the vault edition upgrade if you currently are subscribed to gamepass/ultimate and really want the ugly fucking skins and p2w gun since they're just microtransactions anyway
""Requires existing ownership of the Call of Duty®: Black Ops 6 - Standard Edition on PC Microsoft Store (sold separately), or active subscription to select Game Pass plans (Game Pass Ultimate, Game Pass PC)."
they got to remove dead bodies instantly or something cause now that you can prone in any position half the time they look like dead bodies
People don’t like sbmm because they want “coinflips” but those still happen. I find that sbmm just tampers with my ability to get scorestreaks. This past match I went 40 eliminations and 38 deaths.
It will hammer you down like a nail.
Like, how am I supposed to empathize with that ugly Jewish faggot? He complains that the game doesn't perform at 400fps and that 3fail lowered the aim assist and he can no longer kill like nothing by just pulling two triggers on the controller. Am I crazy for thinking like that?
COD games typically have it so player models have a tinge minimum brightness to them but that seems to be completely absent here. Also footstep sounds.
Why are so many people happy Black Ops finally runs on the MW engine?
>start using the jackal pdw
>performance immediately improves
So I’m not crazy
low iq retards see animations with too much camera shake and instantly coom to them
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I wish it was
Kek on point
Firing an auto rifle in this game hurts my fucking eyes. The scope shakes harder than ur moms pussy. More expressive animations does not equal good. Yeah it feels like battlefield gunplay now but that doesn’t help this game whatsoever.
>lay on bed after a 7 hours session
>hear the music theme in my head
>female vocals: "aaaaaaaaaaa"
>"ring of fire ring of fire ring of fire"
>The scope shakes harder than ur moms pussy.
Don't you have to "hold focus" so it stops shaking?
I hate the whole conversation divide about “casual” and “hardcore” players. Like no there’s just players, people aren’t literally autistic.
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I turned music off, I don't like it.
BO6 looks so bad. Genuinely terrible.

How did this happen? 4 years in development and we still end up with a game that looks identical to the past few games. I cannot tell the difference between BO6 clips and MW3 clips. It's just slop.
When the fuck did they add that retarded mechanic
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It doesn’t look terrible. The performance cost just makes zero sense. Especially when 9 year old BO3 is on par in visual fidelity.
BO6 plays better tho
No hard shadows which is good for visibility
Cross gen game so it's made with Xbone in mind
Sorry buds but you’re not going to get real change until you see infinite warfare levels of rejection. Zombies is getting a lot of flack sure but Activision would sooner remove the game mode entirely if people stopped playing than trying to fix it.
Idk if it's new to BO6 or if it was added in one of the MWs but everytime I was using an assault rifle with a scope I got it, the one from the AMES 85 default class isn't a sniper scope I mean come on
It has something weird going on, it's visually like diarrhea and the LoD levels plus textures are all over the place while it has performance problems.
This should be the 3rd iteration of the same engine, the performance should be better than ever even in this beta demo.
I mean according to my own logic.
>a lot of flack
Community outrage doesn't equal player's retention and numbers. Zombies cultists could scream all they want but the truth is zombies is now more accessible than ever which is good for business. It's also fun to play now but I digress
This is just your techlet fallacy.
Do you know what scalability means?
Do you know why WW2 and MW19 looked better while being on far lesser hardware?
This current situation has nothing to do with "previous generation".
Did you know they ported Call of Duty 4 for Nintendo DS even?
hopefully my new gpu will stop some of the stuttering, no I don't mean packet burst stuttering my game just hitches hard for whatever reason sometimes
This is the best COD ever made, bros
Your cpu just sucks. My gpu is old as fuck, but I have a 7800x3D and the game runs like a dream
I'm not talking about how it looks graphically. I don't give a shit about that.

The game itself just looks BAD. The same way overwatch or valorant are bad games. It looks like dogshit. It's not something I want to play.

I hate the way COD games are. Warzone and retard spazz movement has irreversibly fucked the franchise
I literally only play cod to do the mastery camos. What the fuck am I supposed to do in this beta without camos? Why wouldnt they give us the camos?
Just fap to the operators with covid masks, codbro
You’re talking about the art direction and yes is garbage. Everything is following Modern Warfare’s art direction, a natural product of being on the same engine and gameplay systems. The title of Black Ops 6 in its orange glory has no business being set in the 80/90s if you ask me. They should’ve gone for a Bo2 spiritual remaster set in the late 2020s.
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>WWII mogs BO6 both visually and gameplay-wise
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Stop playing. Go outside.
mid ops 6
dead ass on god dis shit wack asf shaking my head
I fucking told you all it was the MWII engine. Not the devs.
Both WW2 and MW19 were built with last gens in mind thus they utilized their full power

Both gen games are notoriously ugly so far specifically the shooters
>Halo Infinite
>Battlefield 2042
You are giving Treyshart a lot of credit calling them devs considering they spent 4 years getting paid to make whatever you want to call this
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Every game is going to be exactly the same going forward, and with this awful UI. It's over.
Who's making the COD for the next year?
>start xbox app
>update xbox app
>update call of duty
>start call of duty
>start bo6
>restart bo6 for 'update'
>wait for shaders to compile again
>click past all the advertising bullshit
>click through several menus to start matching
>in a game
trust us, shareholders, this is the way
either treyarch with year 2 or IW with MW4, with the rumour of them being fucked in developement looks like a year 2 is happening
Is there a new level cap next weekend?
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IW is just not happy for some reason hey thanks for MW19 retards hope the soulless suits are treating you well you cucks
just stuck in development dont like the direction current game is in story, modes etc need more time, game dev shit tom henderson and pajeetintel were the ones that brought it up
Tom Henderson never lies it's over for IW
Why the fuck is every Bailey a tryhard megafaggot
What are the odds that IW can bring back Ground War/Invasion?
>The title of Black Ops 6 in its orange glory has no business being set in the 80/90s if you ask me. They should’ve gone for a Bo2 spiritual remaster set in the late 2020s.
This so fucking much
They've wasted the orange associated with (yeah yeah shut up not for everyone but let's say many of us) the greatest game in the franchise's history and from now its also going to be associated with this fake ops that plays like a bad MW
Also there's too much brown texture in that game, a sore to look at, something last seen in...World at War.
We get it its just the beta...it won't be a perfect game...but four years. 4.
IW makes warzone and takes their ground war maps from so pretty sure it will be there, i just want ninja otherwise im skipping it
how do i turn off this retarded ass text spam shit it in the middle of my screen. i swear cod didn't used to have this they only had the +50 whenever you killed someone. i legit cannot see anything that's happening on my screen cause there's so much UI spam
This franchise really plateaued with BO3. That’s when every game mode was its thickest. Been a downward spiral ever since.
Activsion needs a new studio to make COD. Maybe MS can use 343trannies to do it. It's not like Halo is relevant anymore... So, that's a good option. The new cycle would be: IW SH TA 343 IW...
irrelevant but the first warzone was based AF
What ever happened to the bo4 campaign anyway? I think there was a very interesting story to tell by connecting the mason family to the bo3 operators.
Why is everyone playing as the ugly orange 'gress
Business idea: Warzone Classic

It worked for Warcraft
How do you go from the slide into a dive immediately in the beta? I see people doing it but I can't get it to work. There's always a little delay
Was world at war the most soulful cod?
Blundell had retarded ideas about making the campaign like the old MW2 spec ops with forced co-op but here's the thing: Nobody wants forced multiplayer in a solo mode
The gameplay wasn't fun
The story was just as nonsensical as BO3
thus it got canned fast.
Train go boom
lol wut?
Raven has been behind every Warzone decision since 2019 and none of IW's ground war maps have been part of the Warzone map.

Like the fuck have you been playing bruh?
IW is slotted for 2026 and this hasn't changed. Dataminers who dont know shit jumped the gun thinking MWIV got pushed forward when files started showing up in CoD HQ for it.
its gonna be sledge year 2 like with mw3 except its Bo2 maps remastered
Warzone came from IWs MW19 as a side mode it was never meant to be as big as it got and only last one year, Raven does most of the legwork maintaining it and all that extra shit, but for every studio since MW19 each studio takes the helm of designing the first BR map during Season 1, look at i dont know the name because i dont play or care about warzone i think its called map 99 its from treyarch

year 2 for BO6 is happening then which is a good thing i can skip this years and enjoy MW3 until year 2 and pick that up, because SHG has MW3 this year and wont have enough time and wouldnt agree to it either
terrible. should've been there for the other 3 they ranged from S-tier to pretty good, cold war sucks

Controllers game
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lol so true
Yes, the European campaign in particular. Not that the Pacific one was bad but Reznov just had the best lines. MP was fun as hell with the flamethrowers, panzershrecks and tanks you could literally pilot. Hiding with the shreck and then smoking tanks from behind felt badass. Bouncing betties were claymores on steroids.

No shit Reznov was played by Gary Oldman
>tfw when Treyarch did nukes better than IW
>KidToucher69 has joined the lobby
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Anyone here interested in playing Black Ops 1 Zombies on PC?
Haven't played any of the BO1 maps and my goal is to grind all achievements
I'm in but I don't have the game.
why is the game so fucking blurry? i have fidelity CAS on 100 just like MWIII. I loaded up MWIII and then BO6 and it's night and day. BO6 is so fucking blurry
the time between Vanguard and MW3 will be the same about of time between MW3 and Project Saturn.
SHG is the bitch team and is getting the second year of BO6.
Aren't old cod games infected with all kinds of exploits that'll rape your PC?
yeah but its more related to public p2p matchmaking
>Day 2 of the beta
>the brightness slider still doesn't work
i doubt it they are already contracted for another game after IWs MW4 its rumoured to be Advanced warfare with how well they did with MW3 in the little time they had
I think the CAS sharpening doesn't work or there is some other issue, image quality is quite bad.
At least MW3 is clean and sharp.
4 years. 3000 devs.

>no one complaining about the squad spawns
all streamers and youtubers are NPCs
>mfw I can finally play a whole match on SCUD without crashing
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So COD 2025 is Black Ops 2 sequel, 2026 is MW4 and 2027 is a Sledgehammer game?
CDL cod era beta power rankings
2. Cold War
3. Vanguard
99. dogshit
100. Black Ops 6
999. your grandpa's dick cheese
9999. MW19
is anyones else ADS sensitivity totally fucked? 0.75 feels like 0.3 in MWIII.
Ranking BO6 beta
Gunplay 10/10
Omnimovement OFF/10
Gunsmith 10/10
Maps 50/50 SCUDs touch grass!
Operators 10/10 Klaus board
Protect the Vip 7/10
Perks GREED/10
Scorestreaks 10/takes a smelly dump on killstreaks
zombies fans are the biggest fucking crybabies jesus christ
is there anything new besides omni movement?
any new killstreaks or systems?
It's all the same shit as ever
It's the most 'oh this is just cod again' cod you've ever played
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aw hell yeah
and for only 150 gig?
Omnimovement is just the sliding boots perk from mwiii and you can shoot while dolphin diving. How is any of this shit new.
An air dash from AW, a g slide from BO3. That’s new. This is just the same old repackaged shit. It’s pathetic.
>same game again
>but more expensive
>breaks sales records again
can't stop the cod
>you can slide when running in any direction now
>still end up deadsliding half the time cause the game is fucking shit and has 3 types of running and the game cant keep up with deciding which run youre doing
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all me
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anime website
anime franchise
Does sludge?
pic unrelated
Game is missing really basic shit like a button in the after game summary you can click to go back to the lobby. Right now you need to press escape if you're on PC.
copetroller franchise
>4 years
>forget to put in a brightness slider
Empty inspect animations are back. Based
Must be a console issue because it’s on pc
Any skin leaks? I wanna see what next battle pass has since that'll likely be carry forward
It’s not on pc if you have a hdr monitor and the slider doesnt work in sdr mode
>that'll likely be carry forward
It won't kek
They did it last year to not hurt battle pass sales, Spawn battle pass was carry forward. They'll do the same here.
Plus, since its not the one thats included with the prestige edition, they'll make it a good one to guarantee people buy the $30 version.

THEN the one right after will blow.
so let me get this straight
all my ugly mw3 shit will carry over into warzone 5.0 or whatever version it is using black ops 6 gameplay, but won't be usable in black ops itself?

Meh, as long as I can have my ugly fucking dinosaur or Spawn or Cheech & Chong in the main mode, black ops 6 can do what it wants
fuck you DoFent
Black Ops 6 will die quicker than MWIII or MWII mark my words.
Aim assist seems less powerful, SMGs aren't usable at any range, shotguns do a better job close range than sniper rifles, and you'll be able to force the losing team to watch you doing fortnite dances in the post game screen.
It's better but it will die faster because the peasants have no taste.
Why even bother with the 90s glowie aesthetic if the literal beta already has electric rainbow barbed wire zombies and gun skins
Literally what's the point
cohesive artstyles are for losers
BOCW had a better 90's glowie aesthetic in mp.
>Spawn battle pass was carry forward
The entirety of MWII's skins carried forward, not just the battle pass. Thankfully this year we won't have to deal with all that bloat. Don't like it? Fuck off right to warzone
is that a closed beta for pre-orders or key-drops or what?
yes and yes
>season ends september 15th
>black ops 6 releases october 24th
>40 day season, 10 days short of the usual 50 days for a call of duty season
Will they go "carry forward for just this battle pass" or go "fuck it, 10 days less, suck a dick niggers"
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>he thinks sludgehammer cosmetics are something worth carrying over
Crazy how much soul Cold War had compared to this
Four years for this shit
Been thinking of buying BO6 so I can have a fun brainrot shooter to play and have some fun with. But then I wondered if it was even worth buying? Then I wondered why the fanbase is so split up about what games are good or not and why they are good or not.

I ask because I'm not a huge fan of the games in general but do enjoy playing them here and there. But why do you have people always bickering about BO being the good one or MW is the good one, or the only good one was MW2 2009 or some shit. It's like there is no consensus on if one game is even good or not.
Do the game pass trick and just play it on gamepass for the year.
Buy x months/years of Xbox core, activate them, then either do a trial or buy a one month code for game pass ultimate and activate it.

It will turn every 3 months of core into 2 months of game pass ultimate (capped at 3 years of core into 2 years of ultimate). There's enough Microsoft sloppa and 3rd party games to make it worth the like $80 a year.
devs could prove they're real humans instead of chimps by disabling that shit on QC maps and only have it enabled on large maps
>It's like there is no consensus on if one game is even good or not.
We're all schizos here
>imagine having nigger music playing in your head rent free
>what ground wars have they shown so far any returning ones????
Oh I'm sorry, is your artificial player-retention dopamine-treadmill gimmick not up to your standards?
Prestige tards get the rope.
Weapon levels + camo progress stays the same when you prestige. chill out sperg
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communism based matchmaking working as intended
also no post game type chat? I wonder what for
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it's lit fr fr
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BO6 is just as fucking infuriating as MWIII because it still has EOMM
It's so over
>join core list
>ugh, forgot to take it out
>rush ahead
>instantly ace
>"he's hacking report report"
>"nice bought acc faggot"
S&Dfags truly are the worst
its over
the stupid tryhard niggers of cod ruining everything, anyone involved in eSports should be killed en masse
shut the fuck up
Thanks for using my meme :)
kek, I'm willing to bet this is the direct reason
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Best meme to come out of mwiii
Bill Gates owned franchise btw
it is now
it didn't used to be
Checks out
Dead Game

Dead General
everyone is busy playing the beta
More like everyone is uninstalling the beta and skipping this year's 3fail shitty game.
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