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Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (HWiNFO screenshot), OS, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.
Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.


>Where do I get games
>What is the best emulator for...

Check out the wiki for the emulator you're using if you run into trouble, there may be a solution there too, often including recommendations for optimal game settings.

Previous thread: >>491322090
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Simpson's Bowling custom duckstation build
Just run it and launch the iso in the simpsons folder. Sensitivity is adjustable, see the readme.

First time on PC it has had fully working audio.
New bread let's go.

I'm looking to get into PS2 emulation again. I know I need bios files and know the wiki has some posted to MEGA but I ain't touching that site. Myrient has a whole folder with tons of zip files, guessing it has bios files for different revisions of the phat and zlim PS2. Not sure what the "ps2-dvd-XXX" files are for though. What am I supposed to be getting again?
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just grab them and dump em in your bios folder, and then select what bios you plan to use for your needs. its not that complicated. each one has a region associated with it and theres different revisions. most wont have any real difference but compatibility issues could exist in some revisions so just take the ones you feel most comfortable with
Virtua Fighter for the SEGA 32X
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i do also quite literally mean it when im suggesting pick one based on your needs. almost all of them are the same but on rare occasions you may desire a different one. the system is region free more or less so you dont really need to worry about the region normally
Okay but the thing is that myrient has them in zip files and I'm not sure what the letters correspond to. Whatever, I'll try two versions. But again what are the "ps2-dvd-XXX" files for though.
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>pic didn't attach
>I'm not sure what the letters correspond to.
# is the version and letter is the region.
>But again what are the "ps2-dvd-XXX" files for though.
The DVD drive's firmware, it's completely useless.
the format is kinda weird but ill explain the naming
means ps2
bios version 01.00, for japan
literal date of the bios in YYYYMMDD format, this one being 2000, 01, 17
>anything after this
on occasion youll see a number after that, and thats more or less the literal code revision. its not really important beyond comparison reasons and sometimes is outright absent so feel free to ignore this

for regions it goes as such
>j = japan
>h = hong kong
>e = europe
>a = america
>xd = debug version where x is the region and d is the debug part
theres one in there where it doesnt have a region code and is just xd, that specific one is a test bios so technically no region but will be classified as japan, so aside from that sole exception that should cover it
dvd firmware is unnecessary to save but there if there is some specific need for it
>The DVD drive's firmware, it's completely useless.
Got it. Thanks.

>there's a hong kong variant
I forgot about that. I was wondering what the fuck the H stood for. Alright thanks anons.
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>Alright thanks anons.
no problem, im autistic but im not autistic enough to tie the versions to each specific model. my knowledge cuts off there, as i prefer to memorize the model numbers rather than what bios version theyd have. just be glad you dont track that because you may realize how unbelievably retarded it gets. i cant even show the full sheet because theres just that much shit
Stop talking about the PS2. We don't support piracy.
Keep talking about the PS2. We support piracy.
Piracy is just. but I'd do it anyway
ive unironically pirated MORE switch games than ps2. yes, cope boomers. also dilate, seethe, sneed
Good, it's the only way to play certain Denuvo games.
im only aware of mortal kombat 1 and hogwarts legacy. what else is there?
Anything that's made by SEGA post-2017.
was gonna drop that

then looked them up and saw that they own fucking fatlus which i know their shit has denuvo in them. thats new to me, didn't know sega are at the root of the most weeb shit games
And I'm glad their weebshit is selling well. Beats tranny westcuck and nintpedo slop any days to be desu
I'm getting a minor audio crackle on Radiant Historia using Citra. I understand that Citra is dogshit, is this just normal or is this fixable? PC is 12900 and 3060 so I doubt it's hardware issue.
try turning off time stretching.
I must have already turned that off before, it's not on. I tried turning it on and it did get significantly worse though.
I'm a 40yo boomer and that may be true for me at this point, or at least the number's close. PS2's kind of a grimy system honestly.
PS2 was always an overrated system with a handful of must-plays. What a shocker.
Everything you need is on the wiki.
contrarian /v/irgins leaking again, I see
nigga anon already got his answer read the thread retard
fuck it
>I understand that Citra is dogshit,
and now you understand first hand.
You are using the last version right? try using the other audio emulation modes, there's 3 of them
it's just recency bias, plus the Switch get a boost thanks to all the remasters and remakes the thing get in the first place, my most played switch games at this point are remaster and remakes of PS2 or GC/Wii/U games
>an overrated system with a handful of must-plays
but enough about the N64
>better than PS2
delusional zoomer take
most first party Switch games you can consider good are Wii U ports or remaster, it's a fucking joke
>esl aka retard hours
I wish every devs working on emulators after 6th gens would quit and focus on PCSX2 and Parallel-GS, I really don't give a shit about emulators after 6th gens.
Don't get me wrong PS2 has its games worth playing. I honestly think I've played all of those, though, and the rest are kuso, westslop, JRPGs slogs that make you hyper aware of your slow march toward death, or titles better on other platforms. There are still great games coming out for Basedtch. The only new games I play on PS2 are weird curiosities I 'huh' at for 30 minutes tops.
is MAME still the best emulator?
4-6TH gens golden age
>s01 still censored
I think it's okay, jantrans, it's no longer as trendy. We can let the word out of the solitary confinement now.
For early 80s or weirdo hardware arcade games, it is by default. FinalBurn Neo is better when it's applicable
Genuinely which one of you is so retarded and esl that you actually read "switch is better than ps2"
says the retard who doesn't know how to reply to posts
Interesting cope retarded esl anon.
No. MAME can't even play the audio samples in Simpson's Bowling properly.
Just be glad there's absolutely no reason to make a PS5 or Xbox one emulator.
WRONG! I hate so MUCH when people are SO wrong. First, you NEVER separate "cope, seethe and dilate". Second, you DON'T change the order.
1. Cope
2. Seethe
3. Dilate
It's ALWAYS like that, there are NO exceptions.
Third, I don't care about sneed, put it wherever you want, just don't mix it with the others. You WILL write like this:
>yes, boomers. cope, seethe and dilate. also sneed.
That's PROPER grammar. Taught in every ELEMENTARY school.
good post
>even all the new, Denuvo'd games still come out on PS4
Checks out.
on god fr
>tfw you even have to teach zoomers how to shitpost properly
oh my skibidi
quality post
I've never liked PS2 despite owning one, its graphics are dark vaseline which I find depressing, its most famous games were pretty much the start of today's extremely shitty "you're playing a game but you feel like you're watching a movie" trend, I've always preferred based Dreamcast, Gamecube, even Xbox for its follow-ups to Dreamcast games, over PS2
that said, I've never pirated even a single shitch game, not because I respect nintendo, but because I find shitch as shitty as its name suggests and its games completely unworthy of playing ahead of my massive backlog, of course I'm not going to buy one and the current nintendo can go broke even today and I won't shed a tear the way I did after Sega stopped making consoles
I'd pick PS2 over shitch every time of the day and year, there are absolute fucktons of games that PS2 got and many of them are actually awesome
>b-but Switch is portable!!!!1
I have my PS Vita for that
>b-but Nintendo magic!!!!1
I have my DS for that
>b-but recent games and muh good graphics!!!!1
zoomer argument, also steam deck exists and for me it kills the shitch
I don't get pachinko. You're just watching balls with no real interaction. It's pretty gay.
Can someone explain this to me? Duckstation's entire philosophy is speed is all that matters fuck accuracy n shiet, but then I play Men in Black the game with upscaling and it lags the fuck out of it.
What specs?
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Completely irrelevant. This is the only game I've ever had this problem in.
emulation general
>make post
>causes general to mald for some reason
retards. go out more
Who are you talking to?
you ofc
That CPU is like 30 years old, bro.
Havent heart any news since Yuzu was dead
Is Ryujinx still updated or what ?
Yeah, though it's slowed down a whole lot.
stop harassing me
>A and B are competing
>A dies
>B barely does anything anymore
Have ever happened differently? That's why competition is essential.
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Are there any active PS1 projects left?
You killed duckstation with this lol. Discord looked like Chernobyl and it's supposedly over for good this time.
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So what's happening? Did they manage to get Bloodborne running all this time but kept their work private?


I wanna give PCSX2 a try and want to see if my CPU is any good and if it can run all the games. What's the most demanding game for this emulator?
Destroy all Humans 1 + 2
Raw Danger
Cold Winter
Make sure you use the 2.0 stable release. They broke it recently and then fucked off. Most games run in slow motion now.
thanks for the heads up and for the list.
Is there a good emulator for ps1 on wiiu? I'm downloading the retroarch cores now but it didn't say if it supports ps1
Nevermind just found the wiki leak
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I hate scalpers, they fucked up the retro game market.
what's the absolute best controller you can get for emulation? (Especially classic systems like NES, Genesis, SNES, Turbografx)
Thought I had something but sadly not. Just another victim of a lack of audio filtering options. Heiwa Otenki Studios (Japan) has garbage audio crackling on the title screen but it's basically inaudible unless you stick your ear right up to the TV or wear headphones. With emulation you only get the shitty unfiltered raw output and can hear it clearly which you were never supposed to.
Just downloaded ShadPS4, what other files do I need in addition to the basic zip and where to find them?
>Open Ryujinx today
>Neither does it find it my save file, nor does it give audio no matter what I do
dafaq? did someone ever encounter this?
I can't see rpcsx catching up, desu.
>Nagase becomes your fan
Feels good man. Hopefully I can get her decal today.
Wish I could've seen it
Good morning sirs, how's the monkey doing?
PS4 sysmodules, last thread or the previous has them, search for a mediafire link.
No, but I already nuked some saves by selecting an update as a DLC.
not really but you are entitled to your bad onions
I really like this shader anon
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First time the wave scanner has been emulated. It's a simple device that just feeds 32-bit values into the microphone. You can get a bonus to your stats and if you scan a card in battle it can modify your in-game card's abilities.
wav file generator script
Congrats for your achievement.
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Zillennial here. I like this game and everything but fuck me if I don't hate the camera on this shit. I now remember why I stopped playing a lot of psp games (aside from many of them being shovelware). Playing this game for the first time btw heard it's better than the PS2 version.
Has anyone been able to get macros to work in Dusckstation (standalone)? I'm trying to set R3 to do X+R1 (for dodging to the right in MML2) but it's not working at all. I already unset R3 from the actual bindings to avoid any conflicts.

The schizoing has been ramped up to 11
honestly? based, this is hilarious
So he turned Duckstation into a non-free, source available program? Don't tell me this is because that anon who published a build of that literal who bowling game lmao
Is the discord going to recover from this?
Damn, it must have been a lot of work asking all the past contributors to change the licensing.
what the heck is this guy's problem
At this point, he should just make it closed source. It's not like anyone else is working on it, or that he would let anyone else work on it. I don't even know why he developed it open source in the first place, since he seems to hate everything about it.
emulation is dead
We have audio and better rendering now, getting close to playable
memory leak, random crashing, wild hitching, displaced hitboxes didnt go anywhere.
>but it looks good graphicallyyyy
runs like shit at resolutions above 720p
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well it's getting close, not there yet
Any good porn mods for bloodborne?
btw the RPCSX guy keeps shitting out commits, I guess he's really into something
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I just don't get why develop shit in private to begin with.
Big Mac
what does "shad" in shadPS4 mean?
if Sony announced Bloodborne for PC tomorrow how dead would shadps4 be in a week?
hey, some people out there want to emulate Gravity Rush and maybe The Last Guardian as well
hey, some people out there want to emulate Gravity Rush and maybe The Last Guardian as well
Shadow, the founder's screenname
Not very, none of the main devs particularly care about it.
Chat, is this true?
Super Chad
nothing of value is lost, mednafen/beetle is much better than this joke of an emulator anyway and if I want to break accuracy with resolution upscaling, based Swanstation has me covered
what the hell is a polyform license, genuinely never heard of it before
some dumb initiative to create proprietary licenses
PS4 sysmodules


>its graphics are dark vaseline which I find depressing
no vram and crt interlacing will do that, yeah
But when emulating the PS2 today in progressive and with some color boost I find most of the games a lot more appealing.
RR4 is based but I don't remember that, what route is this
Snoy would legit rather actually die than porting anything that has graphics they deem """""""outdated"""""""" and for them any games released 2/3 years ago is already too much and in need of a remake.
So they could announce a PC Bloodborne but that will be a sloppy westcuck remake and not the actual Bloodborne, so I don't think it would matter.
They will never release Bloodborne on PC. They didn't even bother releasing a next gen patch on PS5, which they did for a ton of games. There's probably something going on with their exclusivity deal with FromSoft.
If you reach the 4 races after winning 1st place every single time with the Japanese team, Nagase sends you this message.
>download pal versions of ps2 games because i wanted multiple languages
>forgot pal is cucked to 50hz
This is why I only fuck with Switch emulation.
just force 60hz
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What is this "fork" he's mad about?

Is he mad about Retroarch, or is he talking about literal scams?

Third-worlders are becoming a problem for open-source though, no one foresaw them releasing plagiarized scam versions of open-source software, breaking licenses by making them closed-source, adding malware, etc.

Also no one thought people would be so retarded they'd download them.

How does open-source fix this? You can't sue them, they have virtually infinite freedom to do illegal shit on computers like hacking/cp/malware/scams because they live in third-world countries.
I think he is mad about the custom build made to run that Simpson Bowling game.
And overall his hatred of the open-source as a concept, hence his desire to seek the most obscure and restrictive licence possible.
I managed to run nearly all games on a first gen i5, I assume yours is better.
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idk why he would be mad. I included the source code. But I doubt he's even aware of it anyways.
>open source project made up mostly of other people's stolen work
>refuse to add support for basic features because the voices are telling you not to
>someone else does it in 5 minutes
>stop harassing me
Bring back insane asylums.
>based mednafen/beetle psx still exists
Yawn... Go suck a dick, stenzek. Discord is also welcome to.

Anyway, the Simpsons bowling chad is based and right.
I have no idea who you guys are talking about, I'm new here.
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To anyone that makes use of this(LMAO as if), the fourth byte is derived from the first three xor'd together.

If you find a pic of a card online you can decode the barcode and get something like
Take the last three pairs of numbers
>06, 10, 15
convert to binary and pad to six bits
>000110 001010 001111
Put 010000 in front and construct everything into 3 bytes
>01000000 01100010 10001111
xor the 3 bytes with each other to get the fourth byte
and now you have the complete value to feed in.
>01000000 01100010 10001111 10101101
>but I ain't touching that site
zoomies are like this
it's icky bruv no cap
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Just tried several forks of shadps4 but all of them crash just after character creation with some vector error, already got the sysfiles installed, what else is there to try?
try again
>boomers are zoomer malding yet once again
Stay glowing tbqh
"Glowing" or you are glowing, glowie, glownigger and other variations, should be used when you want to imply the other poster is a fed (federal agent, FBI), which doesn't make sense in the discussion at hand.
so whats the deal with the simpsons bowling shit and duckstation? did stenzek just have a shitfit because someone built duckstation to make it work or is there some bigger issue
He's just a bad person and in his head is in an imaginary war against his own users. He refuses to add things out of spite so someone else making it available sent him over the edge. But he goes over at least once a week so business as usual.
>He's just a bad person
proof? he fixed pcsx2 and the troons that remain cant even do shit beyond approve commits of other random people, who all take his code anyway
>in his head is in an imaginary war against his own users
based, thats a great motivator
>He refuses to add things out of spite so someone else making it available sent him over the edge
because making a good emulator first is priority. why add extra shit for an obscure arcade game before making it robust
>But he goes over at least once a week so business as usual.
good routine, professional scheduling. i see nothing wrong here

being a schizo and a skilled dev makes him incredibly valuable no matter what because id rather have that instead of a group of circlejerking troons that dont do jack shit
do not reciprocate the vranyo
no cap, yes cap or maybe cap?
calm down schizokek, not touching your proprietary shit with a teen foot pole, especially since it's not directly available for Retroarch
im not stenzek, i cant even program
I'm still using the yuzu build from right before nintendo shut them down. Did ryujinx get any developments that make it better now or should I just stay on yuzu?
we're sure you aren't
Yeah we know you can't. Look at duckstation. You run out of other people's work?
you guys are worse than the Ivan schizos lol
You're aware that using a fake name on a copyright notice is perjury right?
>What do you mean "OC DONUT STEAL signed Transwolfie91" isn't valid? But all the kids I groom on discord said it was!
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stenzek is literally breaking the law. He can't relicense the code.
It's about as valid as claiming to be Nintendo to DMCA a video that hurt your feelings. "Connor" isn't a real person.
>schizokek stealing other people's work
Ok, where are the news?
sue him for billions
Kana is so cute
tell the mednafen devs about this
Anyone got a link to NPS Browser? All the links on the wiki and the old spreadsheet are dead.
Oh wait nvm, I went to the wrong link.
If it works for you there's no reason to update yet.
Playing Bayonetta on RPCS3 and so far the audio sometimes desyncs during the cutscese. Is there any way to fix this? Other than that the game runs fine for me.
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>Playing Bayonetta on RPCS3
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The PS3 version of Bayonetta sucks dick. Not only has the framerate been cut to 30fps for many cutscenes, but it has visual downgrades even compared to the Xbox 360 version. Why subject yourself to the outright worst version of the game?
schizek then:
>no point in relicensing duckstation, it's pretty much finished
schizek now:
>picks the most restrictive source-available license out there
>older versions are GPL anyway
just use the older version, if it stops working on newer operating systems there will be some fork that will fix it for sure
>removes some old ass dolphin shaders
I'm thinking the schizos here are you retards
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that game is on steam you fucking retarded favela nigger
Could have just added support for the PS1 arcade boards instead of sitting there with your arms crossed having a tard tantrum and then a full on mental breakdown when someone else did it. I don't understand this behavior or what it's meant to accomplish.
at this point it's a better idea to wait 10 years for PCSX-Redux to get good than to expect the retard stenzek to do anything useful
ciggy, you destroyed your life, duckstation, please move on to shadps4 now
>Odin Sphere seems to run and look as good if not better on ChadPS4 than on RPCS3
It's time I set it up and see for myself. Where do people get the games?
emulation general
>just use the older version
That, or just use Swanstation at that point
Guardians of the Hood is such kuso kino. It's a joy to meet someone new just to show it to them.
Ryujinx is way better, I can hardly think of anything that doesn't work on it, and even the shader comp isn't so bad anymore. It's no yuzu in that dept but Yuzu also crashed like a motherfucker at random.
>ciggy pretends it's about perfecting the emulator
>becomes a caustic kiwifarms tier piranha as soon as blood's in the water
Yeah it's totally not personal, you freak. You are the worst thing about emugen.
Indeed it is.
Let me guess, the gpl licensed code stolen from mednafen is still used
Hes mad about pcsx2 showing him the middle finger by relicensing to gpl
K boomer
>I can hardly think of anything that doesn't work on it
trannywarts legussy doesn't work, like at all
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we probably can all agree that the best developer in PCSX2's history is Refraction, who despite being a retard, is much less of a retard than stenzek and even if the latter's work on QT and Vulkan is welcome, it's Refraction's input that's the most important ever since the early days of the emulator, besides it's him who modernized most of the codebase and make the emulator actually good, stenzek just jumped into the bandwagon when it was almost ready
For some reason, Sonic Origins is capped to 30fps no matter what settings I use. (I'm not paying for the PC version.)
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What's a good way to get CRT filters on a PC-98 emulator?
Aren't like 90% of Switch games capped to 30
Yes, but it's supposed to run at 60fps during the main games. It's almost like all the games on Sonic Origins run at half speed.
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I got carried away a bit and it generates wavs for every card and various levels of each Wave Scanner device.

I'm sure the ones of Star Force(JP) emulation players worldwide will be going wild over this.
Retroshart or Shaderglass?
Also sovl
Nigga I know this is resulation general but if you just want to play Sonic on PC there's plenty of better ways than even going for the """"origins"""" versions
I'm well aware, I was just curious on how the Stealth version of S3&K played.
resulate dnyim blud
is there a cap yet or still no cap?
ijbol boomer, trying to hard to glow up tbqhon
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Annnd it's done. Should have just played the PC version because holy shit the PSP's camera controls are always trash in these kind of games.
today I found out there are a lot of emulation frontends on Patreon, besides RetroArch which everybody already knows I found
>Provenance EMU
these projects are basically profiting off of other people's work, how is that allowed? and more importantly who are the people supporting these?
i would never glow in such a bussing joint
we cool now? fortnite tonite?
Nigga are you literally new?
>how is that allowed?
stenzek set the example. We only followed.
gpl allows that, and yeah, devs get mad all the time, specially since the mongoloids who use these love filling unrelated bug reports when these projects fuck up
English, motherfucker.
I've never used it and don't really care about the snoyboy fancy frontends but apparently LaunchBox has always been legit and pretty good at what it does. It's just a frontend too I think? It's not actually holding any cores or emulators from anyone else, unlike RA. It's just a fancy interface to launch gamers and emus from.
Lots of Decktards gets here sometimes to ask about emudeck lol
in retrospect, hitler did nothing wrong
you understood everything i said, whether you like it or not
i only care about bloodborne
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Shaderglass does work, it definitely seems like a lot of tweaking needs to be done but it does in fact make PC-98 dither graphics look like they should.
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For context, this is how dithered graphics look on the real machine on a PC-KD854N CRT.

Also NP21w isn't in RA either.
How likely it is this requirements go down?
3060bros, we lost...
very. The big ram issues are memory leaks that will be fixed.
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now time to show off what that one pc-98 game looks like (had to turn up the black level).
Nobody is going to stop the madman
You're not playing BlandBorne with a GPU this weak, give up.
I get decent framerates with the 720p patch on a 1650S. It's only going to get better once they start optimizing their code.
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I forgot those exist, I'm disgusted to see they have only 4GB vram, and I'm appalled that some people thought that was worth buying.
99% of people buy what Nvidia sells them no questions asked.
These are covid GPUs, there was nothing else on the market lmao
I bought a 1650 Super at the time, because just like >>492934273, it was one of the few GPUs I could find when 970 died during COVID. The alternative was a 5500XT and it was around $250 for some God forsaken reason.
It was pretty decent, better than a 1060, until games started asking for more than 4GB.
holy shit
I remember the RX580 being $500 during the coof
I've been playing through Chrono Trigger for the first time

Why do people say Marle is bad?

I plan on keeping Chrono/Lucca/Marle for the rest of the game.

She's just dedicated heals/haste while Chrono and Lucca do the damage.

Chrono Cross next
Dont listen to what others say, fix your team according to how you see fit for your playstyle.
What's the tl;dr on this? What chaos did anon start?
With all the n64 games on PC projects that have been popping up in the recent years, what's the best way to play Majora's Mask nowadays?
Projec64, Ship of Harkinian or emulate the 3DS one with Citra?
I played many versions of the game so there's no specific preference on that, I might wanna try something new.
Bloodborne status report
Anons why emulators also emlate lag?
whatever happened with romhacking shutting down? I can still download stuff from there
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>internet archive mame set is now restricted
Well it was good while it lasted. I want normalfags off the resulation scene.

What game is that?
recomp with MMN64HD
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>What game is that?
is a meme
Anyone have binaries for parallel-GS? I'm too lazy to build.
best resulator for 4chin?
Is it even ready for use?
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gpucode mostly fixed the lighting in BB
>14 FPS
lmao even
average n64 experience
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is there a ps2 black magic reason why cheats in pcsx2 are a pain in the ass, or is it another case of "this is a very old and cobbled together emulator, and no one has bothered reworking this antiquated system into something modern like every other emulator uses"
It's just that user patching the res super high. Performance is unchanged after that PR.
Oi VEY It's ok when Nintendo does ittt !!!!
the later
>found out i own the pc version of womb raider anniversary
Well that's awkward
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>cheats in pcsx2 are a pain in the ass
ticking boxes is so hard bros
I figured

damn what's that tab called under the one you're on right now
Yeah the cheats which work the same way as the patches (as both are effectively cheat codes)
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am I missing a button to "download cheat table online" or something? because the emulator has patches preloaded to enable/disable easily, but that is not the case for cheats. I'd have to make my own pnach file, since as far as I can tell, no one else has bothered to make one. if it was as easy as just putting cheat codes in a text file with the game id as the filename or something I wouldn't mind, but the fact I have to go through all this code decryption stuff too is way too much effort for just editing my coin count
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gamehacking.org is a huge help, saves me the hassle of having to manually make my own pnatch files.
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oh shit there's a download button on the individual game page, that's way easier. I found that site when I was looking up how to convert codes to raw, but then where all those options for what the function each code was performing and then all the secondary fields, and got a bit overwhelmed
Race Battle Gran Prix translaterino?
The controls are strange imo
wonder why they removed the view tab on that site.
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>be playing xcx on cemu
>game keeps crashing randomly, in particular during dialogue segments in quests
>log shows absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, assuming it's even updating at all
I have no idea how to troubleshoot this, I can't find anyone running into similar issues either
Did you check here?
The input lag in duckstation has improved significantly. Kyuutenka has gone from unplayable to at least decent. It's still not perfect but at least a step in the right direction. Unfortunately PCSX2 inherited the same bad code but with no one left working on it it'll likely never be fixed.
Ok, so what's the real reason that Duckstation was (illegally) relicensed?
For fun
Arcade1up did a physical release of Simpson's Bowling running on a slightly modified build of duckstation. Someone took that build and uploaded it here.
Harry Potter PS1 is so soulful
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Is there any way to make RPC3 allow my keyboard functions to work when a game is in fullscreen/focus? When I go into shortcuts the right side for the game screen isn't highlighted.
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PAL version of skooks sucks ass. Feels like I'm moving underwater.
Thoughts on Odin 2? Also, is there any alternative to yuzu that's still in development and has potential to be better?
lol and lmao
I don't think pcsx2 is that laggy.
It is. It's the same borderline broken QT implementation that causes 10+ milliseconds of input lag and dropped inputs. Play the snowboard level in Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2
Share the ParaLLEI-GS so I can do some testing.
>NP21w isn't in RA
Kai is fine
>10+ milliseconds
Wow that's almost a whole frame! Almost.
>dropped inputs
works on my machine
Thanks lying Don. Pretending a problem doesn't exist always fixes it. Like Covid.
Why does "Compiling PPU Modules" take so long when starting a game with RPCS3? I have to wait 5+ minutes before the game starts despite having an i7.
Or maybe your shit is fucked on your end? Because I'm definitely not lying. In term of input lag I know I can for sure rank PCSX2 much higher than Ryujinx, especially in DX11. And I would definitely notice dropped inputs too. Never happened to me ever and if it did consistently I wouldn't have beaten so many hard games 100% on the emu.
>having an i7.
From 2008? Of course that will take a while..
So you're lying AND mentally ill. What a winning combination. thankfully though it's largely been fixed in duckstation regardless of whatever you pull out of your ass. PCSX2 gets the short end of the stick because the real devs bailed and left the useless hangers on to babysit a dead project and ban people for hurting their feelings on discord.
less cores than the ps3 LOL
I thought only single core performance matters and more cores is just a retarded AMD meme. At least this is what /g/ told me.
maybe 10 years ago, now you need minimum 8 cores with good single core perf.
It's disassembling all the game code and reassembling it for your system
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>trusting /g/, ever
Anyway, quadcores are pretty shit nowadays and you i7 literally performs half of a modern i3.
yeah, in 2011, when they released that FX abomination
nowadays 6C12T is the bare minimum if you want to play modern games with decent performance or emulate demanding systems
>retroarch.cfg suddenly took a FAT self-resetting shit after years of relying on it and updating nightlies with no issues
>tons of unique directory settings, etc
Almost enough to make me an emugen schizo. I may just start an unofficial bug tracker.
>I may just start an unofficial bug tracker.
they don't even care about their own bug tracker lmao
OTOH I see they have WASAPI defaulted, and it seems to work a lot better than I remember it. Remember it being crackly and breaking on lower buffering settings where I can now set it to 0 with seemingly no consequences and no frame pacing breakup. I guess thanks for that, Danny.
It sucks. But here are some tips for the future, applicable not only to RetroArch, but to any software out there:
>Not all applications benefit from constant updating; RetroArch doesn't. Stick to stables, as their nightlies are famous for breaking often. You're risking much for little in return.
>Always backup whatever files you judge as important.
>Consider setting some scripting tool to adjust text files and save you some trouble. Sed works fine.
>Even so, don't rely too much on automation. As time passes on, you may forget how to do things manually, which might prove necessary in some situations.
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How do I know which version of a game I should be resulating, especially when it comes to Ninty shit? For example, Wii U version of BOTW is best versus the Switch version because of Cemu but what about other games like Bayonetta 2, Donkey Dingdong Tropical Freeze (available on both systems), etc? Cemu I hear is a shit emu outside of BOTW so..
Always original system, unless we are talking CEMU as you mentioned. It's really good for BOTW, specially with all the patches, but Wii U ports on Switch are 1:1 and Ryujinx is a better emulator.
not always true btw. wii versions of gamecube games are better + the addition of dolphin being good emulator
Uhhhh.. basically stay away from Cemu then?
>wii versions of gamecube games are better
they are usually the same shit, some with motion gimmicks
but still the same emulator, not hard to go wrong, just check if there's extra content
it's not much better but the 1660 had 6gb vram
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How many Roms do you have? I'm currently at 1.11 TB with around 1000 games
NES 1.85 MB
SNES 45.8 MB
GBA 775 MB
N64 832 MB
DS 5.25 GB
3DS 14.6 GB
DC 27.8 GB
PSP 113 GB
GC 186 GB
Wii 262 GB
PS2 431 GB
>but still the same emulator
yeh nigga i know i acknowledged this

sometimes. re4 on the wii mogs the gamecube version because it has all the extra content in it. i know theres several other games like that on the wii that are actually just betterTM than the gc version
>linked post instead of quoting
t-thanks chinkmoot
I heard people saying that Metroid Prime is better on the Wii with the motion controls
meh, no one wants the motion gimmick on RE4 and honestly the Wii/GC version have been completely replaced by the PC port with HD Project.
Wii version doesn't have the thermal camera

We have PrimeHack for that.
>heard people saying that Metroid Prime is better on the Wii
it absolutely is. the wii version fucking MOGS in every possible way

>with the motion controls
that one is up to user preference. lots of people emuresulating it take them out using that mod i forgot the name of
>mog this mog that
go back to /v/
>go back to /v/
dilate and stay seething, tranny

thank you, i do accept your concession
None, I'm not a fucking retard who hoards roms when I can download them anytime I want to play a game.
>I can download them anytime
They just took multiple roms from Vimms Lair
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Why do you think this is an argument?
Wii version is missing a ton of graphical effects.
that's /v/ermin brainrot for you
oh so youre admitting that you said a partially retarded statement then? even better
You can never know when they take another site down
Looks like it.
Good luck shutting down my russian torrent sites.
Ah.. turd worlders I see
>there's a lower case shitposting schizo seething at posts xer doesnt like because [...]
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>I have a way to stop people copying my shit
I just pity you.
>That sounds scary
ugh, is there a single soul on Discord who isn't a complete pussified faggot?
conmsidering how blatantly theyre copying his code lately just for pcsx2 i can blame him. the troons running the show cant code, and any random person they can get to code is just copying his code and just blatantly referencing the exact commit and lines theyre copying. its really fucking funny too. i legitimately cannot blame stenzek for this but holy christ this man is losing it
Two men walk into a bar. The first one says:
- I will have a beer.
The second one orders:
- I will have what he's having.
Then the first one has a meltdown:
- I'm so SICK of people COPYING ME!
>So sick of people forking
That the basis of open source and fucking github. So why make it open source in the first place.
> I will not making it closed source because one day I'll move on to other things
This implied he want other people to take care of it after him, which contradict what he say earlier.
So my theory is that he's a narcissistic hypocrite, that open source was good for profiting from other people's work, but it becomes bad when the opposite happens. I think the real reason he stays open source is purely a question of reputation, which these days would be very much frowned upon.
I never knew about this Slayers game, in English even
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Uh oh
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A lot of the shit is already locked or gone.
oh great, another win for disney and IP jews in general
Which no-intro pack should I download that has everything up to ps1?
>first nintendo wins
>now book jews win
fuck i want off this gay rock, bros
It's time to gatekeep to the maximum. Only way for keeping the hobby alive these days.
You vill pay for that knowledge.
>wayback machine keeps timing out for me
It's begun

Unironically this. Whenever normies get a hold of it you know copyright jews are going to get to it. I firmly believe in gatekeeping and secrecy.
So the age of sharing is over?
For now, let the dust settle down. Afterwards, I suggest relaying information on a non-sticky basis. Like, sharing links here every once in a while or using an alternative and more private way to contact each other and share information (preferably, something decentralized). Majority is not necessary, if people need to split into multiple groups, so be it, pick the one you're most comfortable with.

lol never. The resulation must be redeemed.
Idk anon, all that I know is that gatekeeping is needed now more than ever.
Hi I am trying to emulate light gun games on PSCX2 using the mouse as a light gun. However whenever I shoot near the edge of the screen, the actual bullet is further towards the middle. When I shoot near the middle of the screen, it goes straight and no problems. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
Gran Turismo 4 > Special Condition Events > Stage #11 (Easy) Rally Cathedral Rocks Trail ii Yosemite Rally ii crashes
The ps2 had light gun games? Neat.
i genuinely cant access SHIT on the site since this broke

what the fuck anons is this really /happening/?
Sorry bro, you will never play Super Mario Bros ever again
I'm trying to set up Sonic and the Black Knight on Dolphin for my sister to play since her wrist can't keep up with the constant swinging required for combat. Is there a good premade config to translate everything to a standard controller, or am I just gonna have to figure this out myself? I'm relatively inexperienced with the program since we usually just play on homebrewed native hardware, but these are special circumstances.
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>The future is all digital, goyi- I mean, old man
>Oi vey you can't just lend my digital books!! Shut it down!!!
i wish i could blame nintendo for this but books were the cause of this

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This fag, of all things
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Works just fine for me but it's pcsx2 v2.1.18
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Someome getting their tech info from dinosaurs
lmao! this dude seems straight out of any random basedjack meme.
jesus christ
just people overloading their servers
I've read one of his star wars book... It was a mistake.
Tried different cars, different renderers, different blendings, nothing works. Post settings.
>Always original system
Every Nippon Ichi Software game says no
literal who
Jarpig shovelware developer.
Backup your settings every 4 months or so and stop using nightly, danny breaks too much shit way too often
How is it stealing to fork open source code to add features that you refuse to add?
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man what the fuck
No I don't think I will. The IPv6 patch absolutely fucking broke my W11 install.
stop harassing me
>launch as administrator
Nothing personel microsoft
so where do I even download bloodborne?
read op
Unbased retard
just didn't know if there was a website, but yea i found it.
PCSX2 has way too many settings bro and I'm also doing autistically optimized stuff on my side to minimize latency so it would be confusing for you if I posted some of them.
But I just run GT4 US version with the analog/widescreen/480p patches with DX11 renderer. Outside of that everything else is basic default and automatic even in the advanced emotion engine/VU settings since it's no longer required to change those for GT4 since V2.0
Blending is on Basic. I also use the HUD texture mod
In Graphics > Advanced > Hardware Download Mode I set that to Disabled, maybe try that..? (I set it disabled to turn off the game's lens flare, it used to flicker before and I just don't like it)
nocash is alive! He just released...an assembly mp3 decoder.
did he give up on 3ds emulation?
>refuse to add features that people want for no reason other than spite, laziness and or mental illness
>someone else does it
>stop harassing me
Make it make sense.
can anyone link me the github for the latest shadps4 that runs bloodborne the best?
game keeps crashing when i try to load in...
It worked in software mode. I'm on 2.1.93, Vulkan.
So I just learned I can't play bloodborne because I am using a fucking AMD GPU. Why the fuck does AMD always get fucked over? This pisses me off.
>I can't play bloodborne
are you retarded? the build is only for testing.
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yes i am also i sorta got it working
licenses are only as useful as your ability to enforce it in court. whatever retards would fork his code anyways don't give a shit about being sued because they have nothing to lose and stenzek likely wouldn't do it anyways, that requires money... but stealing doesn't.
can't run win2k properly with kai. I want to be able to dev pc98 apps and test them
about 30TB
AMD GPUs can run it, even Vega integrated graphics can. Are you sure you don't have any overlay enabled, like MSI Afterburner/Riva?
Also crashing randomly when creating when and after character creation is normal, or at least it was until last week.
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brain fart, do a little bit of effort and you'll understand
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yea i have no overlays enabled, now im getting a grey screen. Also this is after I load in to the game after creation a character.
did you remove libSceDiscMap.sprx?
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So what version do I need for shadps4?
Then they probably broke something

The GOTY Prelude one + update
damn, was really hoping to play some bloodborne tongiht, oh well. I mean i've tried everything including getting rid of the drawparam files.
>The GOTY Prelude one + update
Try this one
nope, I think its just because im using AMD,
>At the time of writing, there seem to be more issues with AMD GPU’s in general.
OH! i got it! I think it was my own mistake, cause i removed a file out of MTD. Awesome, glad I kept the MTD file.
there are issues from what I heard, but it should work lol
What if I don't download the new version of fuckstation with the new licensing? Am I free to sell the old version?
ok yea the game just keeps crashing when i load in now. I give up. I'll wait for more devolping i guess.
licenses are not retroactive, so yeah
tahlzek had a melty and relicensed quackstation under a very restrictive license.
The level of entitlement to steal other people's code and rely entirely on other people's documentation and research and then tell other people what they can and can't do with it is mind blowing. No one's stealing "his" work because "he" didn't do any. ctrl+v is not work.
Where all the boomers that dilate over Switch resumulashion but not Soinystation 4? Don't hide on me now
Ponies don't buy, play or care about games. They buy the console and use it as a doorstop except for one week out of the year when they play the new Marxist walking simulator. They don't know what emulation is.
ywNstpto. anyway no one cares about ps4 emulation outside of demon souls 78. I mean that unironically too
>The Last Guardian
>Gravity Rush
What else? These are unironically the only PS4 exclusives worth a shit I can recall.
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These are all the notable PS4 exclusives, and there's GT7 and TLoU2 (which are also on PS5).
can someone help me? i've got visual boy advance and am playing pokemon crystal but i can't get the time to work properly. every time i boot it up it says time not set. they've removed the emulator tab so i can't change the save type to fix it, to 128k or whatever. wtf?
>a worst version of medievil
>a slight better than the ps3 version of Shadow of Colossus but still doesn't compare to the PS2 version
>a fucking tech demo, PT
Goddam, PS4 had no fucking games.
holy shit lmao the ps4 is so fucking grim. bloodborne really is the only game anyone cares on that soiboy system
normie cattle don't deserve rights they're treated like animals by jews and its time for you to treat them like that, too
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btw, right side is any w10 install
don't fall for this massive shill campaign which intentionally ignores comparing to w10
nioh ii
For me it is Bloodborne, The Last Guardian and Shadow of the Colossus, only those three are worth it for me.
It is on PC
So it was a performance regression on Windows...fucking MSFT
I've been having this insanely annoying issue with PPSSPP. Randomly it doesn't take the input from my controller or delays it by alot. Obviously not ideal.
Interestingly, this is not an issue when im running PPSSPP through retroarch
Has anyone else had an issue like this?
Just tried shadPS4, still needs an extra year of cooking.
BTW Windows 10 got the Ryzen update as well KB5041582 so it is even faster now
how's this update even related to Ryzen
Same deal as Windows 11 kb5041587 update it is not listed but includes fixes for Ryzen CPUs
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Talking about that:

Windows 10 sweeps the floor kek.
>sick of people making money copy pasting other people's work
There's a trillion dollars meme market about doing just this (on your nvidia gpu) stenzy. Imagine getting this buttmad when it's only a few nerd doing that to your code
>theyre copying his code lately just for pcsx2
If you're having an actual nervous breakdown over Simpsons Bowling maybe it's time to go home and rethink your life? Or voluntarily commit yourself.
Source? Can't find anyone taking about it.
We just have Pablo and Neobrain. The latter being so full of himself from his work on dolphin and being software renderer purist he left citra early on when the priority was moved to the hardware renderer.
Oh. Cool. Reams of UX fluff. Heh. Guess there are no more problems with the core emulation then.
seconding. I installed it anyway though and at least it didn't make mustard gas. I tried doing a very quick benchmark before and after but I think I wasn't cpu limited so.. oops.
Backports of QT shit and such
Not what broke the camels back though
It has some FotNS musou and some DeJewNose weeb games that may as well not exist on PC til they're cracked.
Who? Stenzek over the fork or Ciggy over making such an issue over it?
the answer is both
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Bro Pentium II code is unoptimized single core trash, what the fuck are you talking about with this Pentium III and 4 and shit? PCem died when that troon called it quits. We probably need a new x86 emu from scratch; thing's useless beyond P2 + Voodoo3 / >1998 shit.
Are you arguing with an imaginary trip user? What the fuck is ciggy?
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This is your proof that you're not insane?
>have no idea what the fuck you guys are talking about
>literal who cares drama
Emugen resident posters need to touch grass and get laid or take your meds
>trannies is 'schizo'
Devs literally are though.
>touch grass
Sir, Reddit is the next door.
Don't interact with the "ciggy"/"ivan" poster. He is a legit diagnosed schizo.
why is DuckStation not compatible with Looney Tunes Racing? I know the game isn't super popular or anything but still feels like an odd game to not work on the "best" PS1 emulator
>waah he said something i don't like REEE
Sir, your seething is leaking.
based vranyo poster
We understand your frustration, sir. Now, let me show you the way out. An emissary from Reddit will soon come to pick you up.
Branch prediction emulation
branch prediction general
Does Citra work on Ubuntu 16 Xenial Xerus? I've been looking everywhere and can't find an answer. Just a simple yes or no will suffice.
Luigi's mansion 3.
>anon starts a thread about SEGA CD games
>people immediately start talking about completely different consoles
>"add-ons are bad because" *random tangent about sales and other things that aren't relevant in 2024*
Sometimes I feel like /vr/ literally doesn't play games
Why are you using Ubuntu 16?
Use a real OS.
I want to emulate Ape Escape but if I recall correctly, the games were very reliant on the use of dualshock motion inputs. Do any of the PS1 emulators translate the sticks of a regular Windows Xbox controllers into PS1 analog inputs effectively?
they are just regular sticks so yeah
no weird shit like N64
NO ONE shall predict MY branches. They're MINE alone, and I want them as mysterious as possible. Each branch should be something NEVER seen before. One day, I will build the most UNKNOWN processor of all time, it won't even work, because no hardware could even START making sense of it.
calm down, empress
I liked Revenge of the Ninja and Road Avenger, they're good for a short playthrough; I just wish I played better. But what I dislike about the Sega CD is that several titles seem worse than what you'd find on a regular Genesis, be it by general design or even technical reasons.
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bit rot is a hoax
not for optical media
I lost some Win 9x games to this shit
Nah it is real. If you make a hash check of your files and compare them two years later you are gonna get mismatches. It is one of the reasons hoarding is just stupid since you are forced into constant backups and checking hashes.
nothing stays forever, son
not even your precious 1 and 0s
Try it. Why do you even need to ask?
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>c'mon, T R Y I T !
Only exists because some nutcase assburger kept bugging the 86Box team about implementing Pentium III emulation and they told him to fuck off. Said nutcase has no zero coding experience so he just suckers some poor saps to do all the work for him.
Bit rot in backups happens, although it's not as harsh as a few people say. Just take some precautions:
>Use a proper storage device. If you don't want to spend time and money to get the best possible solution, a good-enough option is using an external HDD (mechanical, not solid-state).
>Format said drive using a stable and mature filesystem, like NTFS or Ext4. Avoid FAT and exFAT, they're unstable and should be used for speed and simplicity-related tasks, not archival ones.
>Properly store your drive. Excessive heat, cold, humidity and sunlight are detrimental to basically any electronic (and more). Also, no physical shocks, treat them well.
>Use a specialized tool to backup your files, as regular file transfer not always preserve file integrity. For example, I use rsync.
>If the transfer happens over a network, be extra careful, as many protocols focus on speed, delegating integrity to the background. Network hiccups are also a problem. Choose transfer methods that ensure the file was properly sent and received.
Following that, I've successfully managed personal backups for more than 15 years. It helps having a second backup disk for contingency reasons. And be sure to check for hdd smart data so you know when to get a new drive.

Finally, don't hoard. The more you have, the bigger the chance for a fuck-up. Only keep the data you're real interested in.
what the fuck does have to do with emulation schizo
>several decades worth of preserved rom archives gone due to bitkek
Thanks for illustrating the thread with your ignorance. Now everything is complete.
that's very good to know, thanks, keeping that in mind
I think I've been lucky but I've never got through storage related issues yet, I only ever used internal drives/ssds
>tangentially related thing is related to resulation

unbased retards
No rsync equivalent for Windows?
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Bruh. Nintendo potentially lost tons of proto assets to bitrot. In the 2020 leaks there was an archive of tape backups from their Sony NEWS workstations. This is where all the neat SNES-era proto sprites came from. Included was a listing of their tapes and the backup status. Only 7 of like 42 were readable apparently.
Is there any vita3k settings im missing for optimization? im trying to run super robot wars v on my steam deck but the grid maps run at 30 when they should be 60 but the battle animations are fine running at 60 im on version 3638
You don't have to pout just because you're ignorant on the matter. Just hide the posts and reply to something other.

Dang, bro. I don't have the same experience with Windows, but, if you want something similar and open-source, I've heard good things about FreeFileSync, although I've never used it.

What I used for Windows (and Linux) was Duplicati, a small server-client backup tool, very versatile and easy to use. I used it during 4 years in a company I worked for, and no files were corrupted during that time. However, all transfers were local, not through a network, so I don't know how the software fares in that regard. As a negative (or not, depending on your point of view), Duplicati only outputs compressed containers, not the raw file, so you need to use the application to restore a backup.
So there are these porn CD's from 2000s and prior which were collected by my dad back in the days, somewhere in the storage facility. Their existence was known to me but never bothered to go through and pop one in my puter. Now the question at hand is; how badly do you think the bits have degraded over the years? As for the storage condition, the discs remain well kept in a tailor made CD collection case, which itself is stowed away in a tightly shut armarium.
uh, bro? the game has a pc version.
>how badly do you think the bits have degraded over the years?
Frankly, it's hard to know. The only surefire way to know was having a healthy checksum table for the files, but that's overkill for trivial backups. Otherwise, viewer discretion is the only way: do the videos look alright to you? If you've never seen them or has no good memory, then it's also worthless.

I think some video formats refuse to play the video if something is wrong, but others play whatever they can (resulting in nasty artifacts), making you question "is it really like this or was there some degradation?". In your favor, since the CDs are from the 2000s, there's a decent chance of them being good quality, preserving the data better; modern optical media cheapens out as much as they can on the recording layer and accompanying substrates. Your CD reader, normally, will do its best to correctly read the data, but, if it's still no dice, it will skip that part and continue on. The resulting file might be not what it originally was. Since they're just porn videos, it's worth a shot.
Resulating Switch games to piss off boomers
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i'm on ryujinx 1.1.1385, and sonic superstars still has graphical issues
God I'm too fucking tired to keep up with all of this shit.
i wanted to play it not on my vita anymore...
Start small. Just grab a thumb drive and ctrl+c/ctrl+v your files into it. As you grow more experienced and confident, you can take another small step forward. You don't need to do all that stuff asap.
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PS2 emulation has come a long way but I still have this awful texture flicker, especially(though not exclusive to) any kind of text decals, see the cars or that sign in this webm

Is this actually how it was on PS2?
Any way to get rid of this in PCSX2?
Looks like some floating point shenanigans causing z fighting. No idea how to fix it. What version of pcsx2 is that?
I dunno mane have you actually tried to fix it? Different APIs? All the texture filtering settings? GS compatibility settings? Don't make download it...
Newest nightly but I have this for years with a bunch of versions

I threw the kitchen sink at it some years ago, thought I'd just ask before I try doing that again
Also would be cool if someone could post a webm or link a video with one of these spots just to show me it works for others. Not that I wouldn't believe a fellow anon's word but just for certainty
Very common in older games and usually smoothed out by vasline, scanlines, dithering, etc. Not sure about GTA III specifically though.
1x and/or software too?
I remember my Radeon 9700 would render games wtih z-fighting like this fairly regularly. I wondered if my card was fried at times. Nope. Just shitty programming or drivers.
First Youtube video I clicked seems to have similar issues, see ambulance
I have obviously never seen the motion pictures in person, I wasn't meant to. Other than that I do have to mention we are talking about pre-dvd era where media was still being circulated through CDs. I kinda wager the source must have been in interlaced format, but this is something that I will have to confirm in mpv. Although they are really old I'm still hoping they will be in readable state since they were stored in pretty solid condition. Will track the case down at a later point and retrieve the antiquated goon material. Thank for the assistance.
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Resumodulating (also, cope and seethe)
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It works perfectly. What's meant to be wrong with it?
PAL version also works fine.
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You mean on modern HDDs/SSDs? Not happening with modern file systems, unless your shit is defective.
No problem. You can also use a software for extracting an ISO from the CD, instead of reading it multiple times, if you think the disc is too old.
Just tried on real hardware and it doesn't happen, it's probably either a upscaling glitch or something related to blending accuracy. Try software mode.
I think I am officially done with /vr/
fuck yes
Anything funny happened?
I was done a few months after 6th gen was allowed. I didn't take long for /v/ermins to take over.
I think there's still one or two good threads per week there. They usually die pretty fast though.
i still see plenty of pre 6th gen shit so meh
6th gen isn't the problem, but the retards that came with it. Even other threads got infested with retards.
PS5 emulation when
I want to play Astro
Next week. Stay tuned.
It took 4 years for PS5 to get a game and you want to steal it?
Why does Duckstation keep saying analog mode disabled when it still works fine? I can use analog and digital in this game no problem.
I didn't know ShadPS4 was available on Linux
It's on MacOS as well
Duckstation has an option activated by default where in digital only games the D-pad is also mapped on the stick so you can use it.
Isn't it mandatory to build an emulator on linoox first and foremost?
I think per game settings in general are broken because I played True Pinball and I get an OSD message saying "upscaling disabled by per game settings" but it's not. It still works and the screen is fucked up and vibrating.
Core isolation resulation
i fokin shit my pants like a dirty boy
mooch being mooch
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>newest OS which he is paid to shill wins
not very subtle
that stupid cracker changes his charts with any video
he is either
a) too stupid to do benches with consistent settings
b) a paid shill who had to adjust previous charts because goys called him out

in any case, I wouldn't trust him
This room has bugged out and the sound effect of dragging the stone blocks is stuck in an infinite loop. Game bug or emulation bug who knows. PGXP also doesn't work and I'm pretty sure it's in the wrong aspect ratio. Good game though.
um why arent you playing newer games grandpa
Because newer games are mostly slop.
I've seen some other PS4 emulator support basic PS5 homebrew so I guess it's possible for shadps4 to build up from there?
I do, but the overwhelming majority of modern games are shit so I mostly emulate old stuff.
I definitely have the same problem with PS2 emu, not aware of a fix
does it happen in software mode or with blending accuracy set to high?
FromSoft hire this man
If it's not on PC it's not worth playing
simpsons bowling take note
>does it happen in software mode
Only a lil which is probably normal, definitely not as much
>or with blending accuracy set to high?
Yep. I dropped Okami some years ago and waited for the HD port instead because of this
To do what? Pirate their game and make it run like shit?
why are people so obsessed with trying to run reskinned demon souls 7? lmao there's other soulsborne/like games you can play natively..
Bloodborne was peak
Once this is merged no game-specific hacks will be needed to boot BB
Now they can focus on fixing all the graphical issues.
It runs like shit due to a massive memory leak (crashes within minutes consistenty), hitching, dissociated hitboxes, missing audio, crashes on warp. The graphics are the least of their problems
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Souls tards are mentally ill, it's supposedly hard games but they are extremely simple and shallow where you beat the entire game R1ing and rolling, giving them easy dopamine

Just ignore them
Most of the footage you see that looks passable are loaded up with mods that hide emulation errors, among them are Reshade presets
bloodborne is fun because it is spooky
I don't get it. Mom always said babies come from storks. But you people playing Bloodborne... Are you implying we are borne from... BLOOD?!?!?!
imminent resulation
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Make sure to join the Shadps4 discord for discussion about the bloodborne pc port!
why did you post a reddit redirect
just datamining
For which purpose? Shouldn't you change the referrer?
I picked the first link i find
retarded zoomer
People have made patches that fixes the audio and warp crashing.
Nope, warp crashing still happens with all your hacks and fixes. Audio downsampling to 128kbps is not an audio fix, it sounds like crusty ass
>Nope, warp crashing still happens with all your hacks and fixes.
Works for me. Maybe upgrade your pentium?
>Works for me
No it doesn't
that's the best description of them i've seen so far
Why do you sound so mad at the prospect of the PS4 being emulated? What are you doing in the emulation general?
All the videos I can find on Youtube have the same issue and I have it in other games. Maybe PCSX2 just needs more time...
literally (You) as defined here >>493401926
Again, why are you seething at emulation? What are you doing here?
i dont engage the mentally ill >493420303
for some reason this was nostalgic at first, I wonder if PS2 had the same issue, I've never emulated a GTA.
Sovlful wobbly and imperfect retro grapix vs Sovless sterile and pixel perfect modern grapix
No shader
It's gonna be on PC anyway
It's actually like turning the soul on and off.

The "fog" in the back doesn't even render correctly, the "glow" from the light on the left is just... yellow pixels
shader needs readjustments
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First time the compass+accelerometer features of this game have been emulated. Obviously not perfect, but generating realistic magnetometer+accelerometer values hurts my brain.
it looks like you need to buy a new TV retard
I wouldn't go that far but Demon's at the time was absolutely baby's first hard game.
>I wonder if PS2 had the same issue,
PS2 has jittery bleed and artifacts and aliasing literally everywhere. Probably not quite as bad though
holy shit
>still no ryujinx progress report since yuzu died
it's clear they did it just for competition sake
They're just trying to lay low.
nah, they have nothing to fear
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you're gay
Neat. Free viruses.
What's the best game goy core for RA again?
Faggot Spec II mod developer waited until a couple of days ago to announce his mod needs some obscure version of GT4. He announces this now after the newer wave of bans. The faggot.
damn they already released another kind of faggot
Fucking kek
But for real though I'm pretty sure GT4 modders always preferred the online beta version of the game for some reason, this is nothing surprising. I have both versions myself already, glad to see it's finally getting released.
why are saturn ports of model 2 games so bad? aren't the saturn and model 2 hardware equivalent?
>aren't the saturn and model 2 hardware equivalent
No, you are probably thinking of Dreamcast and NAOMI
So I finally tested paraLLEl-GS. Lots of screenshoot incoming.
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First test, Shadow Hearts.
Base pcsx2 software mode.
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paraLLEIGS native.
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Finally, good old Vulkan hardware.
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A complementary test on Armored Core 2, less screenshoot this time.
First, base software mode.
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How's performance?
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And finally, Vulkan HW.
My verdict so far, it's a software mode that run on the GPU. You can use SSAA to blur the fuck out of everything 3D. On my 3060 laptop, framerate was rock solid, but, my gpu usage was maxed the fuck out with 8xSSAA, but only on a full 3D game like GT3. Not sure, if it supposed to go that high, or it's bug, lack of optimisation, my driver/gpu shiting themselves.
I still get a last test with a 2D game this time.
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So, Atelier Marie+Elie. First the title screen.
Software mode.
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pareLLEIGS 1xnative
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Vulkan HW.
There is actually some subtle differences between the three renders in the way the text is displayed.
After gluing my eyes on the screen, I spotted the diffrences: paralleilGS smooth the edge of the letter and Vulkan do some weird relief effect on it.
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Last test, promise. Atelier Marie+Elie, ingame.
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Does any emulator let you actually get Excalibur ii in FF9? I've seen a bunch of people say in Duckstation it doesn't. Apparently because it's based on the in game timer that's tied to the CPU somehow and in duckstation it's a bunch of junky simulations and guesses with no actual timing. So maybe the in game timer never even starts or it's running way too fast.
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paraLLEIGS 1xnative
If it's running too fast you can just leave the game on for ~2 years(real time) and the in-game time will reset to 00:00.
just zoom nigga
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Vulkan HW. One again somes differences with paralleiGS smoothing out the edge of the MC sprite and the UI text, even at 1X.
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for you
the high accuracy blending is fast on parallel, very slow on gsdx. that could be it
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Cutey Fatty made in 2002 by Wecom.

A korean vertical shoot 'em up. A girl named 'Cutey Fatty' weighs over 100kg but she really wants to be a super model. So she has to lose weight fighting her favourite foods around the town. Her enemies are hamburgers, chocolate cookies and ice creams and so on. She should defeat the enemies and lose weights with getting vegetables and fruits in every stage. While the game playing, the scale is indicating her real time weights and she can lose weight more easily with intensive exercises if she finds secret door. And Toto her pretty dog helps to defeat the enemies.

Unfortunately the game is extremely rare and has never been dumped online. Though several copies are known to be in the hands of private collectors involved with MAME.

playing ps2 exclusive for the first time
god hand is so fucking cool, shame there's no game like it
recommend me some more good ps1,2 or same era console games(no movie shit)
haunting ground, but it's frustrating at times.
I see Ace Combat 6, try the 5, he is good too.
6 was cool, downloading 4 and 5 now
If you know what is required of you to get it and you still didnt after doing all that, why not cheat it in to your inventory at this point ?
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Muchi Muchi Pork (CAVE)
Diet Go Go (Data East)
Cutey Fatty (Wecom) (lost)

The holy trinity of lard must be assembled
>Muchi Muchi Pork
Do they get thicker the higher you keep up a score without getting hit ?
I wish. I'd be grinding 1cc if that was the case.
I can really see the FSR1 upscaling. Why.
If it can do supersampling that must mean it can do regular resolution scaling too right? They should just allow it instead of this extremely jank and stupid SSAA+FSR scaling.
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the PS2 has so much kino I actually have to compress my collection or it's getting a bit too big. I have more games stored elsewhere not to mention all the dvd 2s

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