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Breeki Mi Cheeki edition
> Patch notes
Factory Expansion
Marathon Mode
Bipods and gun mounting
Smooth Zoom
Partisan Boss
Karma System
Tripwire Traps
Deagle Brand Deagle
Sound? Changes?

>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Arena website
>Ammo charts
>Gun Builder Website (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
https://pastebin.com/a9eHz03X (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (sneed)
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov needs website
>Change list
There is no Discord
Disregard all Discordfags
>SPT is for obnoxious faggots that never shut the fuck up, kind of like vegans.

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>discovered a cursed empty slot in my stash
How the fuck do you fix this? Cursed item you just delete, but an empty slot?
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how to fix this
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>SPT is for obnoxious faggots
baste OP
Am I going crazy? Going into practice mode to try keybinds and I swear I'm picking daytime. Then when I get in it's nighttime. Must be a new glitch, practice mode defaulting to first timeslot instead of second.
Remove the laser, silly.
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Wear your helmets, kids.
Equip it and turn the laser off, duh
If that doesn't work pull the laser and put it in a weapons case or something
Or sell it I guess
>SPT equated to vegans
BTFO forever holy shit
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>kill some twitch streamer on my scav
>they are not even live
Fuck this guy even has a few hundred subs as well.
>all 3 shit rods I picked up from this 3 man group jam on me fighting scavs near Beluga
Speaking of jams, I had a M4 jam (FtF) on me earlier today at 92.5 durability. I thought jams weren't possible above 91%.
Does that just get ignored when you use drum mags?
>another death to sub-100 hour account
This wipe is really boring.
Do you have the 'fast reload' bound to a different key, or even use it at all?
I need to rebind it if nothing else because I keep accidentally dropping mags when I don't need to, but should I even use this feature to begin with?
I think drums have an inherent jam chance iirc
It's 93%, not 91. If you jam above 93% then it's because of overheating.
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Whatever you say :^)
You will get into fights and want that fast reload, usually when it comes down to when you are both dancing around like retards with empty mags after a spray fest. Otherwise it's decent to use in arena.

Rebind it to something though you will probably forget the bind in a heat of the moment event.
>hiding the PVE tag
lol lmao even
I use fast reload in basically every firefight, I think it helps. Mine is just double-R though, someone here said that's actually slower than its full potential because the game has to wait a few milliseconds before committing to the fast reload animation. Is that true?
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>two conveniently cropped images
Had something to do with it needing to skip an input as it has to register that you basically said no to the original input or some bullshit.
>load into first ever customs raid
>10 seconds later
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Post em.
I unbound it completely
Since the default is double R that mean it will slow down every single standard reload because it always wait for the second R
The rouble reward for SBIH should be raised from the current ~200k to 5 million
But money is useless in this game.
The key to the left of 1, | is a good bind for it.
You need to think about your posts for more than 2 seconds, you know.
>Load into woods raid
>Bullet whizzes 5 seconds in
again at the point where i just look at stash, hideout, put on crafts and then just close the game. boring.
Did they change it so you only need the one stack of posters to unlock ref?
Sacrifice circle is shit.
fucking hell I shouldn't have waited so long to start this wipe
I'm trying to get out with hard drive and dying every time
>he doesn't know the recipes
Provide the knowledge
Want some help? I'll be free in a few hours if you haven't done the GZ shit by then.
I know for a fact sacrificing figurines either guarantees or gives a very high chance of giving you boss items, like Reshalas golden TT for a Reshala figurine. Special sacrifices have a 66 minute waiting time, I don't know if there are other ones aside from the figurines.
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These things, right? I wonder what happens if you throw 5 of them in there
Yeah, from what I know you can also get Killa and Tagilla helmets, honestly pretty useless for those shitty boss kill quests where you need to extract with their item. I hope there's also a recipe for Shturman's key, but I doubt it since he doesn't have a figurine.
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>it's another episode of AI Scav sees you perfectly clear through the thickest fog in the Norvinsk region from 120 meters away and hits every shot while spraying his 68 durability Kedr
I just fucking want Red Rebel, man.
how do streamers prance around the maps without ever getting randomly shot?
Game is rigged.
They all have esp
niggita gives streamers favorable queues
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i mean i understand that i was shooting pst but still 1075rpm and shooting at the throat level bro is a tank, also is that zabralo lvl6? ALSOOO WTF IS THAT MOVEMENT

Yeah, he was using Zabralo + Kiver for the Prapor quest. You probably tickled him for like 14 damage.
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>shooting shave and a haircut at reserve coop extract 10 minutes into match
>5 people show up
>all other pscavs
fucking hell man
finally got it after like 10 tries lmao
That's why you do them on your PMC.
i also shot him in the face for at least 3-4 rounds whats lvl is his faceshield?
Nice. Have fun with the wine next.
I'm just gonna permanently farm lighthouse after I get jaeger kek fuck gz
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>i'm gonna play a dogshit map instead of a dogshit map
I'm an autist rogue farmer I love lighthouse
GZ is actually kino once you learn it. I just wish it had real loot on it so it was worth playing.
This GZ is fucking great. Almost upset that I got through all the quests so fast this wipe.

GZ would be really cool if they added a transit extract to the lab in it, and if you use it you can get into labs without a card.
Yea I started a few days late and zoomed through all the GZ tasks. Seriously all it really needs is the 21+ map to have actually good shit on it. Add some locked loot rooms and shit
Lvl20 woot, time to get workbench2 so I can finally open these fucking crates.
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This game truly is the worst, when you can't no life your ass off anymore:
>Have just 1 hour to play tonight and maybe 4-5 hours a week at best
>Get in
>Build up a nigger-tier kit, since I just started playing the wipe
>Have some tasks on Customs, so go there
>Queue in, matching and waiting for players takes forever
>Loot around, nothing really happens and make my way towards my task objectives
>Get rushed by a squad and die fighting them, my killer being level 35
>Have no more time for a raid and don't feel like going to Factory, since I have no time to learn the new map
At least I'm somewhat good at this game still, since I have almost 4000 hours played, but I just don't have the time to commit to this game anymore. Shit kinda sucks, since I don't feel like playing anything else either with my little free time.
try battlebit lol
>I love lighthouse
you should see a shrink about that
If you are watching pestily he's on the mentally disabled servers.
once you get several thousand hours on it you'll like it too
If you only have 1 hour to play a day that bars you from playing tons of progression-type games, not just tarkov. You should play games that have no progression at all, like hearthstone battlegrounds or fortnite, unironically (I play both casually)
south america?
Why do people hate lighthouse? I only find the USEC base annoying cause all the quests that take you there are like dead in the middle of it so you get lit up from 3 directions at the same time by M4s and also the minefield, but the rest of the map is cool
It's mainly the quests.
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>Why do people hate lighthouse?
>yeah dude so we're gonna need you to kill scavs in these very specific areas only we won't spawn any scavs there so have fun I guess lmao
>massive sniper alley
>hugely centralised loot hotspots
>possibly the worst spawns in the game
>funnel design leading to clear tiers of spawn
>required a trillion times for abysmal quests
>near-forces you to play UKEK
>pscav army every time
>before Arena was the biggest contributor to the elimination of the early wipe
couldn't possibly imagine why it's hated
This. It's really a horrendous map. The mountain sniper fuckfest alone is enough to make it unplayable.
>before Arena was the biggest contributor to the elimination of the early wipe
lighthouse is the only way I can get to level 15 without wanting to self harm
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What's taking them so long to add the modernization kit parts for the AS VAL and VSS?
Why didn't they add the dovetail mount that the SR 3M uses in real life?
I'm tired of how off to the side all the sights are in these weapons.
>be me
>friend recommends this game
>wait 10 minutes to get into a game
>spawn in
>get shot die immediately

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Welcome to Tarkov
Even more than Interchange and Reserve, the entire map is determined by where you spawn. If you get a water-side spawn, not only is there no loot on that side, but the only way to get to an extract or to get loot is to cross the road, where you can be seen from the entire map. Additionally, you have to fight the people that could spawn behind you, who are also pushing towards your position. It wasn't as bad before lightkeeper, because there was technically loot on the south of the map even if it was over a small bridge, but there is no way to even get over there without completing a streamer quest. Even if you wanted to kick yourself in the balls and learn to Zryachiy farm and pixel peek the claymores to cross the bridge without doing that, sitting out in the open to snipe Zryachiy means you are exposed from basically the southern half of the map so you are a free frag even then. and the loot isn't even that good on the island anyway since they nerfed Zryachiy loot due to abuse from cheaters.
Anyone know if Zryachiy farming works in PVE? Would like to practice in PVE or offline before I tried it in PVP
okay but how about running lighthouse as scav pve
scaving on pve is a waste of time in general
please tell me more
its pve the stakes are lower to begin with just do pmc runs
nta i'm new and poor :( just trying to learn maps and everyone says lighthouse is best loot. i keep getting sniped or walking into a landmine
I'll play with you later if you'd like. I'm not all that great or experienced either but still
thats very kind anon but i dont really learn much when i played with others, i need to be able to independently make decisions and its hard
No worries. PVE is really good for that anyway. Not doing scav runs will help you get over the gear fear. Though I will say that scav runs can be handy for learning maps even in pve.
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I wish I was this good in the wheel game bros....
thats a lot of fake money
Become the giga Chad you were meant to be
thx bro
I have really bad tinnitus so I cant hear that well bro....
Sorry to hear (lol) bro tinnitus fucking sucks
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what can i do with a non FIR terragroup blue folders
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collect 19 more for a thicc case
You can trade it for a PKM after gunsmith part 25

what are these retards doing? theres still like 5 minutes to transit extract i was just waiting for it lol
Where do you even find those?
found in in a safe while doing marathon on ground zero
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>find M60 in a random crate in the village on Shoreline
>start making my way through village to get to path to lighthouse
>get swamped by at least 15 scavs
>scavs in the bushes
>scavs in the houses
>scavs inside of scavs

I've not seen that many regular scavs spawn that close together, anywhere ever.
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Have you seen the scav centipede yet, shits fucking scary af. I've seen 5 stacked on top of each other all spinning around insanely fast like they are rage hacking.

Also has anyone noticed red fucking lazers on streets in random spots that appear for like a minute and then just disappear? They are not attached to anything.
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Is this what end game looks like? We just keep buying thicc cases until our inventory is full? I'm tired boss....
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>brapper wants you to hunt cultists with a double barreled shotgun
What the fuck, how is this a quest? I've been playing for two years and have only seen cultists once.
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TIL Ledx spawns in the medical section of USEC camp
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wish we could do the same with item cases
>chuds all ignoring each other yet still want attention
is sacrificning valuables in cultist circle worth it? im just using it as a trash bin atm just sacrifice worthless shit similar to 95k scav box mentality, do we even know how it works? whats the threshold for good items?
so what do i do when i run out of money
i dont want attention i just like blog posting in between raids
wait for next wipe, or just do some scav runs
you complain about metafags and curse nikitas name
>wait for next wipe, or just do some scav runs
that's crazy
can you guys who reached lvl4 prapor please sell 20 round svd mags on flea so i can finish punisher and get my epsilon this is the 4th time i died while reloading because 10 rounder isnt enough to kill people in cqb
no sorry
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ok now i have no money for real, probably my last PMC raid for a while
this game is tough but i like it
play arena retard you get 15kxp and 300k per match
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please theyre kinda expensive right now im short on money
i just bought eft
then suffer
just pretend youre having fun because the game is so heckin hardcore, like everyone else does
Yeah right after you tell me where the fuck you found the Makarovs for Punisher 5. Little buggers are nowhere to be found for me.
Do you want a 3 day Arena key?
idk i was collecting since start of the wipe and i had like 5-6 of them when i started punisher 5 lol
You have now realized that the entire end game of tarkov is a boxing simulator. Buying more and more boxes to put things in, in ever increasing efficiency.
aaaand i bled out after killing some pmc and died
yeah i guess
oh that would be pretty helpful
so are you supposed to get an indicator or something when you sit in a bush for too long?

It says to log into your tarkov arena profile to use it
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I bought Arena
*on the tarkov arena website
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thanks man
i tried to steal it but i already own it so it didnt work
There's this non-diegetic sound that plays to let you know that you're a bad boy. The whole system is retarded and I've decided to not care if my PMC karma lowers.
nyoooooooo it was suppose to be mineeeeeeee
remember when you used to be able to lay in a bush and go take a shit? wow...the golden days of tarkov have passed...
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>next lvl is at 500 rep
i needed it more!
same. partisan is free xp anyways, not like i'm not going to kill him when i see him.
What happens now?
you get negative karma so partisan and his scav army gangstalk you for being a 'dishonest player'
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>adds tripwires to the same patch that (poorly) introduces PMC karma
What the fuck did Niggita mean by this?
I still don't know what PMC karma even does or how to tell what my status us. Haven't heard the noise yet either.
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how accurate is this?
play arena
>SR3M can't really be modded
>not that different from ASVAL
>locked behind quest and can't be flea'd
Wtf? It's not that broken of a gun, why flea ban it. Same as the RDPN, makes no sense why it's flea banned
I've seen a bit of weird scav behaviour lately. Sometimes they all wait in a pile and react at once to you like a flock of birds.

Also I've seen a glitching out, blurring, unshootable scav/player sitting on top of some stuff on a roof at reserve. I don't know if that's a scav glitching out or a way that players hack or what.

Other weird thing, does the game sometimes play the sound of a gunshot snapping over your head when it wasn't actually fired at you?

Pretty much impossible once you get a working knowledge of a few things. I can bounce over the surface of Reserve and make 100k just selling to traders. And you don't even need that for a PMC run. Take a pistole and a bank robber and get rolling at a map you're comfortable with, where you think you can dodge people.

Just running through factory with your scav will get you a kit and some pockets full of junk to sell if you want to quickly load up. Beyond that it's learning maps and learning how to collect valuable stuff and get out. Again, I recommend Reserve as a fun map with lots of stuff happening, where there's lots of value. Early tasks send you to customs but that place is a violent, poor, hole of an area.
>they nerfed scav nades
>pve is back to being complete faceroll mode
is it possible to filter out pve posts?
how are the goons spawnrate on pve now? i remember before pvpwipe they were like 100%, i havent played pve this wipe yet
>choose journalist mode
>wow why is this not challenging at all
4chan has had built in filtering for you to use for years you fuckwit
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DAYUM! factory safes payout like that?
doesnt filter images that have pve in it though does it you daft cunt
>no please stop reminding me that pvp is dead please let hide all mentions of pve please please..
hey hands off my horsecock figurines
>t. jaeger
who gives a fuck retard if that's all it takes to trigger you just get the fuck over it already
erm can someone set up a filter that scans images and determines if they are from the pve mode and then block them from appearing? im totally not a 60 iq retard btw
can u replace the glasses with quad nods
you sound a little bit more triggered than other anon kek
>hey guys im a different anon and you sound le triggered haha! that other guy totally owned you haha
enjoy your pve schizo
>does the game sometimes play the sound of a gunshot snapping over your head when it wasn't actually fired at you?
yeah, been a thing since last wipe. if someone shoots in your general direction, regardless of where the bullet stops, the supersonic whip will still play for you.
only psychiatrists can diagnose schizophrenia, not le faggot losers like you BIG KEKKER!!!!
pro gamer tip: don't suppress your uzi, we can still hear it from a mile away.
>keep getting Head,Eyes'd
I'm starting to miss death shadows and cqc masks
no fuck you
Two bodies, one kill. Checked the dogtags to see find I suspected after I saw one PMC kill in the post-raid stats, the one with the stronger gun somehow killed his friend while I was shooting at them. I get how it happens in a game like this but I'm pretty sure I've never seen it happen before now. By the end of one full-auto MP5 mag both were dead, so it was very fast and hard to see what exactly happened.

I suppose this guy pre-fires when shot at, as he starts turning. Should walk point in the future.

Knew it was happening. Hearing shots out of nowhere in absurd places. Nikita trying to give me a fucking heart attack.
you can turn off that visual noise, in case you weren't aware
You say this but CQCMs are about to destroy this wipe pvp
Only available to lightkeepers tryhards and with M80 out of meta this shit is about to be insanely broken, streamers are gonna have a field day
I actually really like it and think that gammamaxxed streamermode looks like shit and defeats the primary appeal of the game. I don't want to creep around inside the phone port of PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds.
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>check flea for scope rings
>don't usually check the geissele mount because they never have the top part of the scope ring
>see this
>30k rubles
>instantly buy it
I really wonder how he didn't notice or if it was even on purpose.
you'd be surprised how much it helps in low light conditions.
kek, based bargain
doesnt matter, its unethical
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VPO-183 when? Different stock for the VPO-215 when?
>have retarded spaghetti code game with numerous issues
But I want it to *look good*. I like where it's at for me.
They aren't going to fix the code so you might as well wonder where the new weapons are. They just added a deagle for God's sake.
Also I just want a cool new high ergo stock for the VPO-215 since it is one of my favorite guns in the game
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>streamerfags literally just want to be walking tanks
Why the fuck does BSG take these clowns seriously
game is already dead because of pandering to streamerfags and nolifers
at least theres pve?
Yes anon, I'm sure the coders are the ones who model, animate and texture the weapons.
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Fucking assholes still didn't give me back Mr. Kerman.
its bsg, they literally are
>Oleg Cyka, are you fixing bugs again? Motherfucker you make Deagle attachments this week!
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>the ones who model, animate and texture the weapons
Melees aren't real weapons so who cares
The model was compared on release, they are actually different models, just of the same real-world knife
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I do think there's a problem with the neck hitbox, it's fucking weird that one guy can tank 10 bullets in the thorax but one shot hit 5cm above and it's instant death
I think they should nerf plates overall
Then make the neck hitbox trigger a 1hp+heavy bleed on head, this way you dont outright die but get really fucked up
I was just admiring the extortionate Dorm 114 keys for pharmacist, then I realised I somehow picked one up myself at some point. So no problem.
>it's fucking weird that one guy can tank 10 bullets in the thorax but one shot hit 5cm above and it's instant death
The same logic would still apply to headshots without the neck hitbox. Just slightly higher.
You could just sell it back after the quest.
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my guy is gonna be so fucking smart
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I wish they'd called the new beef jerky "Tarky" instead of "Tarker"!
>The same logic would still apply to headshots
Yeah but the neck is impossible to protect and I dont think "one more" hitbox where you instantly fall down is what this game really need
>the neck is impossible to protect
Some armors have neck protection.
at like level 2
Or 3, which is realistically the best you're gonna get on your face anyway now that the gay CQCM is flea banned.
Yeah no shit, but it does fucking nothing
A gzhel neck protection at T3 with 14hp cant even stop one 855 round
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Know my benevolence, standardpoors.
Yeah and that same 855 round would most likely go through a level 3 faceshield, no?
My point is, throat hitbox is unironically fine, sweaty streamers are only seething about it because it makes it slightly easier for a normal player to take them down (they should be covered head to toe in level 6 armor, then the game would be fine)
Yeah but it would absolutely not go through a Vulkan, Altyn or even CQCM
I think it's bad to have a weakpoint impossible to cover, imagine dressing in terminator armor only to have a scav OHK you with 545 PS
It's also bad enough that we have a meta where everyone is aiming for the head because thorax is invincible, I dont see the gameplay improvement with "let's make the head bigger"
>Yeah but it would absolutely not go through a Vulkan, Altyn or even CQCM
Yeah and those things are flea banned and not on traders, aside from the CQCM after Lightkeeper.
>I think it's bad to have a weakpoint impossible to cover, imagine dressing in terminator armor only to have a scav OHK you with 545 PS
You're always supposed to have a weak point, the thing about Tarkov is how much money you spend determines how big your weak point is.
>It's also bad enough that we have a meta where everyone is aiming for the head because thorax is invincible, I dont see the gameplay improvement with "let's make the head bigger"
Literally every FPS on the planet rewards people for aiming for the head, what the hell are you talking about?
The blunt damage of hollow point shotgun slugs is so high that they'll kill you even when they fail to pen your throat protection
>b-b-but shotguns
Shotguns fucking SUCK, sorry that you died because a 200+ damage projectile hits you in the throat
It was an observation, not an argument
>Flea banned
Only the Altyn, Vulkan is Ragman4 and CQCM is LK, also they're all lootables
>You're always supposed to have a weak point
Yeah and that's the head, and still is the head, why expand it to the neck suddenly?
>Literally every FPS on the planet rewards people for aiming for the head
Other FPS tend to allow you to aim center mass and get decent results, in the current wipe if you're landing shot on thorax you might aswell hit a brick wall, which is gonna make a lot of weapon with high recoil complete dogshit because they usually cant spray at head level effectively
I think a lot of issue with the neck hitbox would be fixed if they made it part of the thorax hitbox instead of the head, that's still a weakpoint, just not a OHK
>i must be invincible against low lvl players because.. because .... because ehmmmm .... because i play this game 24/7 so i DESERVE to be invincible
>I'm a brainrotted retard who think this is about streamers and not an underlying design choice that only reward one type of gameplay
No question mark needed
what do you exactly want? making every high level stomping on low level players all the time? rewarding no lifers like myself and crushing the new player experience? its not an enormous hitbox

lvl6 plates lvl4 face mask against a timothy who has only m856 ammo in his arsenal

cant pen body armour no throat hitbox cant pen face mask and cant leg meta because 71 lvl retard will kill him in 0.2 seconds with his meta 1000 rpm gun
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my guy about to go fucking super saiyan
bro how are you doing that SPT?
you need to the library installed to read books you find in raid
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This is so gay. Tripwires are useless.
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wow thats actually retarded
>smooth zooming on Alt+scroll wheel
>randomly have my PMCs movement speed changed because Next/Previous is bound to scroll wheel
>if I unbind Next/Previous I'll be able to smooth zoom without accidentally changing my PMCs speed, but won't be able to heal specific limbs by hodling 4+scrolling
Is there a way to get rid of scroll wheel for movement without getting rid of the bind for healing?
I cant select which mags to swap either, but zoom is more important than both so....
>instantly zoom in from 1x to 8x with no motion blur what so ever
even csgo was more realistic than this cod shit
all right my bolt action skill is still lvl 2 whats the most efficient way to increase this
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2 is all you need, just complete SBIH and Shooter 8/Mentor and you can do Psycho Sniper.
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> just complete SBIH and Shooter 8/Mentor
yeah ...
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>kill a PScav
>AHF1-M on him
Holy fuck I've won the lottery today.
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lvl 6 light armor is a thing huhhhhhhhhhhh
Not like it matters anyway.
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its gonna matter once I get lvl 51 light armor smithing
You're playing against bots, literally who cares.
erm no im not
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>multiple THICC cases in the screenshot
>n-no it's not PVE I swear
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>he doesnt have multiple thicc weapon cases yet
this late into the wipe ngmi
>die to blatant cheater
im tired bros
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>this shit has lower recoil than an m4
how tf
>tfw work colleague starts speaking about how his friend uses software "that lets you see where everything is" to make money by playing tarkov and selling loot

I see the type of person who does this still hasn't changed
Are raids always max capacity or can you load into maps with fewer players than whatever the limit is?
in dead counties like Japan and Korean, you can sometimes load into labs by yourself
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what will i get? any guesses?
Probably garbage
you can get blue folders frrom sacrificing a LEDX
weapons case
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14 hours lol
how are you guys getting your intellect so high
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hey does someone in australia want to play pve with me?
definetely you can i saw pestily play on empty labs early wipe
>nigger tranny cheating his ass off in fucking arena deathmatch out of all things
This is some advanced mental illness.
>kill a dude
>trooper with no plates
Holy based

are you a cute egirl
bros I just discovered a no weight bug
sharing is caring
when I take the obd 2 stim my weight goes down by like 15kg wtf
One of the best stocks, one of the best foregrips, and a muzzle brake/suppressor combo that adds extra recoil reduction.
Your Strenght goes up to Elite because Obd2 gives +20 Str, equipped weapons don't weigh anything with Elite Str.
>spawn gate 0
>rush office
>someone is already on top of the staircase on the gate 0 side
>one tapped with M80
Fuck new factory, there goes my last fucking Zabralo for that stupid Prapor quest. Guess it's another wipe where I won't even complete this dumb questline.
standardpoor here, where does that EOD only prapor quest line lead to? whats the end reward
Mostly a ton of XP, last quest gives you 3 moonshines I guess. It's just really annoying that the questline starts with kills with a Zabralo when you can't even get it reliably outside of either farming Ref until he's max level or farming Long Line.
>This quest is only available to buyers of the "Edge of Darkness" edition of the game.
LMAO EODchads stay winning
it's actually a whole questline apparently
I should add to this that a good M4 build is down to 60 recoil so it's still less than a 7.62 AK can do.
On an unrelated note, SBIH is making me want to kill myself.
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>see some fag on twitter whinging about throat hitbox
>open up his page
>he unironically wants teammate markers and a UI compass added to the game
I'm pretty sure at this point that these 'people' just want to play Halo with a realistic military skin over it
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i need to more svd kills to finish punisher and this scav decides to one shot me in the face 100m away :(((
Oh well time to queue again
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each svds costs me more than 240k roubles im down bad
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Just stop falling for the suppressor/scope meme.
Mod it for ergo, put a red dot and use it as a better early wipe SKS.
>All that shit just to have 16 ergo
IMO I'd drop the can and maybe swap to a cheaper optic setup, like a PSO-1 with a canted dot.
my brother in christ, all you need is a PSO scope. retvrn to trvdition.
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>prism scope
>garbage AR attachments
What are you doing, anon
Here, I've got you, MAYBE swap out the handguard to use a flashlight as well but this is all you need for midrange fighting
>get in woods BTR
>have money
>"failed to purchase" error when doing anything
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since i need one last kill lets go with a budget one pic rel idk what im gonna do cqb though


caught this guy mid sprint my 14th kill and died to someone with no audio going all the way upstairs killing behind my back 5 seconds later karma i guess
anon, I'm begging you don't use the PSO, use the 1P59 instead
much better scope
all right im changing it
weird, when I got out of that raid I had a nameless error show up. Just a blank pop up box with an ok button, followed by endless loading. Had to alt+f4 and reload, but I did indeed extract sucessfully and all my shit was still there.
>selling toolkits on flea for 200k+
kek I love early wipe flea market
4 out of 5 tarkov shooter 4 kills and 4 out of 5 woods sbih kills done, just one more
Am I just fucked if I lose the zabralo?
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Wiped the fuck out of dorms trying to do Punisher 3, good thing I also had the dorms kills quest. Even got both of my tremor headshots in that raid, first time I've finished that without cheesing on Factory. Lost nearly all my ammo and meds fighting them, barely made it to ZB-11 with no food or drinks and like 100 health left.
Just max out Ref, bro.
I fucking hate those "get kills under x effect" tasks. All of jaegers tasks are there purely to piss you off.
I honestly prefer them over "get kills in X spot" because at least you know you can get kills however you want and tremor can be applied intentionally.
i die more from animation glitches than from AI and players
these are way too recurrent, i wish i could refund this garbage
>in an alternate history...
>where gold has been discovered in western russia...
>all the world flocks to the tarkov region in search of riches
>this is...
>Wild Wild West: Tarkov
>complete all Arena daily quests
>rep goes from 0.30 to 0.32
>check quests again
>all 3 daily quests list +0.01 as reward
Fuck you BSG leveling Ref is already cancer.
>stop to eat
>two players just materialise 5 meters away from you and push you
Every time.
i actually like the fact that boss spawn rates hamper sweatlords so we can catch up a little
Sure, but I wish bosses wouldn't exist in general desu. I hate boss hunting so much.
I'm having the opposite experience in PvE.
>Trying to do SBIH on Cumstoms
>Move towards crackhouse from RUAF
>A bunch of suppressed shots come at me
>Pull back, hold an angle thinking it's a PMC
>It's Knight, he shreds my shit immediately
To be fair, I probably would've died if it was an AI PMC anyways, but they're usually a lot less aggressive and move slower than Knight does.
i thought interchange was supposed to be good for hideout stuff. is this just one of those maps that sucks total ass if you don't know all the hyper specific loot spots
It has a lot of electronic spawns (PC's all over, 4 tech stores) but is otherwise pretty overrated. I think Shoreline is the best map for gathering general hardware items. It has toolboxes everywhere and the Farm has a ton of hardware spawns.
isn't it good for some food stuff too if you check the shelves in the big stores
Does anyone know which quests are now required for kappa since the patch? I have done all of the previously known ones that were required but no collector quest.
Oh, yeah. But since everyone knows that it can be heavily contested. Besides, as you progress (i.e. once you have a decent amount of money and flea) it's not as though getting food is a real concern. Still have to get some for tasks, though.
>play day raids
>get one-tapped every single raid
>don't get any tasks done
>face 3-man and 5-man teams
>play night raids
>get one-tapped once every 10 raids
>get tasks done
>face other solo players

Think I'm just gonna play night raids from now on
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finally i can carry cms in my butt

last kill im pushed that guy very bad but he missed thank god

everyone tells me that cheaters play night more so I almost never queue it
4600 hours and I've NEVER seen one in an actual raid.
>want to play night raid
every fucking time
not even sure what these do or why they're so expensive besides a couple of crafts. do people chug these things in the late game?
have you tried queuing for one anyway to learn for yourself? independent thoughts are fun!
You just craft moonshine with them, nobody actually drinks them. They do give a ton of buffs tho.
Moonshine generation. They're not really for drinking.
sounds like something a cheater would say to me
Don't know why I bother playing pvp, it's nothing but non-stop torture. I'm just gonna stick to being a pve babby, tired of niggers always being able to just tap me with ease, without making any noise, without alerting scavs.

And fuck Niggita for making the audio a 100 times worse for no fucking reason, dumb nigger.
>baby faggot can't sound whore every minuscule step so he needs to think about what he's doing now
>can't hack it
>walk into a room
>door is still open
>audio is now muffled by 90%
>this is somehow a good change
How much did Niggita pay you to suck his cock?
tried eft arena thanks to that anon that dropped a 3 days trial code
is it just my game or is the audio completely broken in arena? i can't tell from where the footsteps come
Audio is fucked, especially in Last Hero/deathmatch. I feel like I hear everyone everywhere all at once.
Oh yeah fuck the audio.
>Dude shoots at you from inside a store
>Store has a destroyed facade, meaning all the sound should be echoing inside and amplified by the floor+roof
>It's muffled instead
What's worse is that it seems louder (as it should be) if you do the same yourself. But it's not to anyone outside the building.
>Dude stands behind a small crest in the land at ~25m
>His sound and gunshots are muffled like he's behind a hill and 100m away
Nearly died to a regular-ass scav because of that shit.
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(thorax,left armpit)
>what do you exactly want?
I want a wide variety of gameplay to be viable instead of everyone running full auto and spraying at head level
A big ask, I know
Rest Space 2's a lot less manchildish than Rest Space 3!
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You can't hear fucking SHIT in the fucking rain, is there any headsets that actually manage to mute the rain and pick up foot steps?
Comtac Vs seem pretty good for rain
Sordins suck dick if there's any ambient noise, was such a let down.
>tfw all headsets except Comtac 5/6 sound the same to me
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>load into offline raid to test something
>select daytime
>it's night
>hmm maybe I misclicked
>select daytime
>it's night
they smelled your tushonka
sometimes people chug them for fun. takes like over a minute to finish the animation lol. gives you a lot of buffs too.
If the tripwire despawns after 10 minutes, can I still pick up the grenade, or is it gone?
anyone seeing weird red tracer effects on night raids? doesn't seem to be actual bullets
I'm like 90% sure it originates from player scavs or pmcs nearby too
Okay I just check in offline, you can pick them up.
For me, 4, 5, and 6 all sound the same. FAST MT ears sound almost as good as the good comtacs as well.
>10-12 players
>there are a total of 12 PMC spawns on the map
No wonder Lighthouse feels so shit, if you know the spawns you're near guaranteed to run into someone or get pushed yourself.
it's very rewarding to learn the spawns on lighthouse
>partisan makes no sound
>partisan doesn't trigger tripwires
bosses were a mistake.
Yes but it also makes the map very predictable and boring. Doesn't help that everyone obviously moves north towards the WTP.
it's easy to play around, unless you get the shit tier southern spawns. even then though you can snipe people up the road or just leave
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dont go to factory
Eww I definitely won't.
Nice dress FAGGOT
So if i have a retarded friend that wants to get into tarkov but only wants to play pve, does he have to buy standard and then the pve for an extra 20?
Nice skirt, troon
>release new guns with every wipe
>half the quests are gay use x weapon or use a scav vestso you never get to use them by the time you unlock them

Bad design
There's too many quests involving using bolt-actions; probably because those guns are objectively the worst choice you can make in most ways
There's AFAIK only one quest that involves using an SMG, and only two for DMR's (and they're both about killing PMC's so they're chores)
A bunch of quests for AK's or AR's but nothing for the less common rifles
Like 3 for shotguns (they're all shit)
And literally just Stirrup for Pistols.
it's kinda good if you ask me, otherwise questers would just be constantly running whatever the current meta gun and armor is permanently
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He should've bought a $250 headset instead.

lol i feel kinda bad for shooting him but hes british and deserves that kind of treatment also his accent makes it 10x funnier keek

also i didnt know .50 bmg was this bad he tanked the first shot which has headshot you can even see sparkles lol
I think there should be a more even spread.
As it is now I barely use SMG's, shotguns, and often don't run a pistol.
And the only reason I use bolt-actions because I want to complete SBIH (and thus Wet Job 6) which will let me craft M62 to load into an SR-25 or MDR. Once Wet Job 6 is done I'm never touching a boltgun again.
it struggles to pen class 3 and that was a class 4 helmet. probably a ricochet at that angle anyways.
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alright some scav pretended to be friendly and then killed me when i lowered my guard
i will never trust anyone in this game anymore
>I think there should be a more even spread.
true, and bsg should un-nerf the shitty stuff too
boltys and smgs aren't worth using due to how much better a meta gun with variable optic is
That's why you always tell them to equip their melee/drop their weapon/have them walk in front of you so you always see them.
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Is the arena xp and money you can transfer to EFT considered stolen valor?
Arena is more skillful than normal Tarkov
choose one
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ive a laser problem in my hideout
You also have dementia because you already asked this in the previous thread and even got tips on how to fix it.
but i dont want to fix it it looks goofy
God shotguns are so tragically bad. Cool though.
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Then why are you calling it a problem?
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actually a good question idk, its not a problem then i guess
fun fax
if you want to be a memester and run a RIP slug shotgun, don't. Use Superformance slugs or even FTX lite slugs. The recoil difference is night and day and actually hitting rapid shots more than makes up for the flesh damage per hit loss
i think my aim sucks there even though first shot was a headshot but that recoil threw me off if i had flechette or piranha there he would be dead dont mag dump with slugs lol
retard alert
post ur 60 recoil m4 right fuckin now
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i promise im cute and pretty but just sound like a a guy >w<
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oh wtf I thought everyone was looking at the horizontal recoil, I think I like a little ergo on my m4
I'm sure mine could be better with a better upper and buffer tube.
The handguard might be suboptimal as well.
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I came up with this one while tying to make one that's still probably actually usable. You can get another 1% off using that -4% recoil grip instead of this one but it's -8 ergo which is shit.
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But it's also definitely not fucking worth it lol
That's so "M4 with more ergo than vertical recoil"
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master gun builder coming through
bro ur ergo?
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Let me guess, you need more?
wtf you can build ur own guns in arena?
>39 ergo
I added a qualifier of "still probably actually usable" there for that reason.
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yeah you unlock attachments by using the gun
huh neat
has anyone else got stuck in an infinite healing glitch? i had to disconnect and then lost karma
worth noting too that usually (but not always) the Bad Guns in each calibre have a quicker unlock path to the good attachments
toz 106 is the perfect firearm
if you know you know
Does the "Ryzhy Edition" for Arena not actually mean anything anymore now that the old presets are gone?
Based GWOT enjoyer.
I just wrecked some quad nods chad with only post-fx and a scav gun fucking kek
I love lighthouse
how did you do it
Probably waited for him to walk past and then shot in him the ass. It's what I would do.
he was taking pot shots at me from top of one of the buildings, repositioned to get good silhouetting and popped him when he peeked my old position again
is relax room worth looting this wipe?
M80 does literally fucking nothing in Arena, it's astounding how bad it is
Actual skill issue.
I see you exclusively use 9x19 Pst
Running into a weird phenomenon this wipe, white name players with low hours who all have some variation of all caps names that sound vaguely foreign. Shit like BOLOSTOMPN, EBAZMA, and GRMNSTPPA. These were encountered in separate raids, but they all have the standard account in common, and usually low hours too. Is this some weird bot account thing? Killed two of them as a PMC, then in another scav raid one just betrayed me on sight.
white name GODS
I looked again and actually all three of these guys have the same hours almost exactly, they're each at ~54hrs. So fucking strange. I would say they must be in a group but I encountered them separately. Their names just stand out because they're kinda odd in the same way.
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No I just shoot people in the head with it
ok retard
you can use literally any ammo to do that, which doesn't make M80 specifically less shit. And then they have a face shield where M80 won't penetrate them anymore after the armor overbuff, so it's turboshit because it has all the disadvantages of a bigger cartridge without any advantages
Shoot them in the head twice
what face shields are even good, arent they all like class 1-2
>his fights aren't resolved on the first bullet from either side
useless non-advice, anything works against shitters
where my scav mains at?
He's talking about the altyn face shield and the other level 4 and 5 visors.I think he's just coping a little, personally. Enforcer doesn't have access to very good ammo so just don't get shot in the face first and you'll be fine
yeah they took it away. i had fun killing playing russian roulette with that kit
FAST MT and Exfil get level 4, a couple russian helmets have level 4 but can't have headsets, and of course there's the Maska, Rhys-T and Altyn which have meme values on their faceshields and the faceshields block vision badly
The exfil visor is level 3, isn't it?
"don't get shot" is an entirely meaningless string of words, especially when comparing the effectiveness of ammo types
Why isn't your survival rate 100%, why did you choose to get shot?
you're looking purely at stats on paper, in reality the classes play out differently, balancing takes reality into account not just pure stats
... The reality being larger calibres have more recoil, cost of ammo, platform and attachments, and generally lower rate of fire and ergo, but below certain penetration thresholds that are higher than they used to be are no more effective at killing targets than the cheap shit? What "reality" are you making up?
It is, you're right.
Thought it was 4. Still good for shotgun protection though.
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My brain grows larger by the minute.
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Let me guess, you need more?
yeah, more ergo
Take off the suppressor then, they should learn to fear your presence. Also makes the build 50% cheaper lol
Okay, yea. The multi hit FAST visor and the Wendy are both level 3. The smaller fast visor is level 2. Past that are the heavy russian helmets that don't let you ear headsets.
Except that you're not even really correct. I spent a few hours playing with a friend earlier today while using the .45 vector. Some of my deaths were to rounds bouncing off of helmets or higher levels of armor catching like 9 rounds. I used the MDR with M80 for a few games and cleaned house. Yea, it's not gunna instantly delete every person running level 5 or 6 armor but it'll do it more reliably than SOST or PP which is some of the best ammo enforcers have access to. M80 is fine and level 6 armor is supposed to be tanky. Most enforcers run level 5 anyway.
It'd be a little nuts if it was level 4.
>Jesus's own, the voice of the Messiah
>cheap Chinese plastic parts kit for a 50 year old gun, can't hold zero for more than 3 seconds, object of ridicule even by peasant women
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Don't come to chop shop
dont use suppressors ever
be loud and cum on your enemies
do suppressors add on to muzzle brake recoil reduction or does it just use the suppressor stats
I use suppressors because I literally cant see what im shooting at with the bright as fuck muzzle flash, we are not the same
cool thx
The problem going loud isn't even the noise, it's the muzzle flash, shit gives you away exactly and instantly
It uses both, which is why it's always better to use a brake and suppressor than it is to use a direct thread can.
It doesn't make much sense but that's how it is.
so dont miss
let them know
This is why AKs have always been inferior to western weapons in the game, is the stacking recoil reduction bonuses from brakes+suppressors. Unavailable to AKs, unless you use the waffle. Now that the wester adapter is available to almost all AKs I expect their end-game usage to increase.
but why?
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I win last man standing pretty commonly with mdr.
I've hit it a few times, i've had some absolute stinkers where it almost seemed like it was fucking vacuumed and other runs with a couple moonshines and a bitcoin but nothing insane like release relax.

Still find the key pretty regularly on my scav runs.
>faceshield being relevant in arena
MAYBE against the guys running the smg's, which you will just spend your entire last hero match going EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE after the second round penetrates the shield and kills you.

Enforcer is fucking god awful, access to no good ammo and only fun is faceshield and level 6 armor with ks23 sweeping legs.
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bros where do i get this item
Labs or suck alotta scav dick so the scav gods deliver one to your thing.
Never gonna happen.
i never go to labs nyo....
I don't think it'll be enough to save any x39 ak, but I bet the rpk and the ak-12 will see more use.
You don't
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these 7.62 bullets are slow as fuck wtf
I was watching an American friend play for a fair while last night, you can definitely see a different server character between there and OCE. OCE is fucking insane by comparison. Thinner, meaner population. Regular low-level encounters with less experienced players in USA. In Australia it's quiet but most of the people lurking around have 4000 hours and fully lean into a hardcore unfun playstyle.

I sound like a fucking PTSD case compared to the playing instincts of my American friend. Which is fine, with me advising him in Australian paranoia against American opponents he power-spikes.
US is subsonic, silly
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gwot drip
post some fits faggots
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sounds like a skill issue
Skull issue
>In Australia it's quiet but most of the people lurking around have 4000 hours and fully lean into a hardcore unfun playstyle
thats why i took the pve pill
im just not interested enough to sink thousands of hours to even start having fun sometimes
>that's why I took the estrogen pill
hmm havent done that one yet, would you recommend it? you seem experienced
How do I profitmax I want to get enough money that I can use whatever I want and never care about losing gear
that's what the E in PVE stands for
you hate to see it
can we stop with the toxic masculinity please? I'm a SPT player and it's making me uncomfortable
what shirt?
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>scav run
>walking to relax
>dude standing in a pile of bodies looting
>scav line at him
>he starts shooting at me
>open the fuck up
>character is still in raid!
>game aborted
So i fucking killed him and then bled out during the reconnect, wow.
it stands for environment, actually
scavs shouldn't be able to shoot me at night unless they spawn with night vision, this is fucked
I thought the AK-12 and RPK weren't compatible with AK-74 muzzle devices, which precluded them from running the adapters that let them double up.
game aborts right when you're about to load in if you die like that. you were dead for a while. sorry bud.
Grim if true
I've said before, to me the game is like Death Stranding. I enjoy meandering through a weird dangerous environment to grab and deliver stuff. When I was first investigating the game I wasn't sure about my internet quality and the population of Australian servers so I was looking into single player options, but I think I actually like where the game is at. I would like a single player equivalent experience if it actually ended maybe. More like STALKER. But that's more of a Tarkov problem in general I suppose. I play until I get bored.

I won't call one server totally better. Different characters. Different experience. Both are fundamentally still what I like.

Learn to quickly scav a map you can tolerate. You might not be able to bounce back the cost of a great kit every time, but at least enough stuff you like to get rolling again if you take some beatings. And if you're going well keep scavving just to fill your war-chest. Like you should scav before every PMC raid if you get it down to a few minutes for good money. Pretty sure all the "money doesn't matter" guys in these threads spend (or used to) half of their time running optimised streets scav runs.
It's fine- just run AK-74N instead.
I just dislike how much effort goes into making an AK that sort of works by using adapters, top rails, weird handguards, etc as opposed to an AR that just fucking works.
That said I almost want a 5.56 AK IRL just for the jank factor.
Pretty sure some guards can spawn with NV. Have fun with that.
only ever seen sniper scavs spawn with nods
I've seen Shturman guards but that was years ago.
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its done
thats why I never peak
m80 still makes no noise.
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god these are literally the best missions
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holy fuck I almost fell for it
yeah if you're a scav main maybe. it's always the most obscure items and there's a good chance i just sold some before accepting the quest.
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yeah I think i am a scavGOD
I would unironically own a ak 101.
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almost there....
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Why can't we get them on LL3/4 Peacekeeper, bros...
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my fuckin negroes
>still no rail covers
>still no CompM2
>still no CAR stock
>still no TA31F
>still no ERGO original grip or rail extension
>still no DD extended FSP rail
>but here's some random shittastic 5.56 muzzle brake that nobody IRL ever uses once a wipe, have fun comrades :^)
fucking Nikita
why does your guy look like a fag
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People will make fun of you but you're 100% right and there's a reason the streamerfags play on NA when they can. I've been playing NA West late night instead of trying to deal with the Douyus whenever my net isn't shitting itself and raids are a lot more active while at the same time having a LOT more shitters. Managed to wipe a couple of squads while pinging them from a decent distance away, they're clueless, they bunch up and don't flank at all
Why does ya mum look like ya dad
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Looks like ps.
It's just a question of player density. Ausfailia doesn't have the hordes of shitters necessary to thin the herd of sweaty NEET tryhards, which also causes a feedback loop of any shitters that DO attempt to get into it are necessarily browbeaten into becoming sweaty tryhards or, more usually, just play CoD instead
it was bp you failed
>black tip
Buddy, even knowing fuck all about Tarkov you can deduce if what's loaded has to be on higher end because black tip is universal across the world for "armor-piercing".
A guy with that weird autistic robot helmet was camping the first marathon transition, I was approaching calling out "anybody doing marathon? Not here to fight" which I suppose was just a dinner bell.

I agree that it's a density problem. Makes a lot of sense that it creates a fucked up environment that can't be corrected by dilution. I meet nice people now and then but I feel like the kind of psychotic interactions I constantly get here are alien to my American friend. Guys with 5000 hours camping bushes with meta-gear.

I'm having an unfortunate run but not entirely player driven. A couple of very unfortunate pile-ups of minor things going wrong have gotten me killed without players, then psychos showing up periodically to torture me in between making it worse.

And I don't think it's Chinese guys. I don't see those names on unpleasant behaviour.
>I suck because Australians are sweat lords
a lot of cope going on ITT
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I have a sneaking suspicion that Tarkov is bad for my storage drive's service life.
What makes you feel that way?
>lighthouse sniping
>get second closest spawn to rogue camp
>find a tiny nook where I can prone and overlook the cliff above the village and sniper rock to snipe PMCs
>hear dude from the spawn closest to rogue camp run towards the village behind me
>30 seconds later runs back towards his spawn
>runs back towards village
>hear him running back again
>just so happens to this time go directly to the random spot where I'm sniping
>300 hour white name
So fucking tired of it bros.
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>25 rounder are now behind peacekeeper
lmao, total nato death
Is there a combination now where I can wear a headset with a helmet that has ear protection and a mandible for jaw/throat?
>going into the hideout puts my gfx card from 17% load to 85% load
whats going on there? are they mining bitcoins
just as before your only option is a fast mt with the mandible and side armor but you still can't use headset with it
Shot as PMC by guy I said hello to, then shot as scav by guy I said hello to. I was having a nice run of player contact before tonight.
It's always been super high load for no obvious reason, probably some incredibly amateurish mistake that they've never noticed/bothered to fix/don't know how to fix
Question for the thread? How often do you get killed by someone you didn't see at all? Rarely? Sometimes? Often? Most of the time?
everytime ive been one tapped unseen its been by some 100 hour 15kd its happend about 6 times this wipe
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Back in The Old Days I would get one tapped out of absolutely nowhere all the fucking time. These days I pretty much always have some idea of where they were and usually saw them. I don't get jumped by ratty bois much because I'm an autistic corner checker and have Tarkov Eyes, the secret sixth sense you develop after x-thousand hours where you nooootice everything everywhere all the time even if it's just one pixel for a nanosecond.
To be honest though it's too high-stress for me to play much anymore. I just don't enjoy it much now
Very often at the beginning, rarely now
After 5000h I now have elite awareness irl (schizophrenic paranoia)
On a related note, this was 1h ago
RD 704 is actually a laser
Is it really?
I tried it fully kitted and it felt like shit compared to my G36
SMLE with mad-minute speed firing and loading WHEN
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my predictions for next wipe gats:
>M16 family
>FAMAS OR G3 (most likely not both)
>Glock 21
What are we thinking, bros?
god I just want the end of the year already. can already tell this wipe is going to get stale very very quickly
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it is with my autoclicker and single fire
It's already completely stale. There's almost nothing new this wipe. A few guns, an okay but incomplete sound rework and remade Factory. Woohoo. That's a whole week of fun.
>6 fucking months later still no wipe
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>Sniping from dome
>see a 3 squad running around 5 minutes into the game in black/white knight area
>don't shoot, they're full spring
>see them reappear about ten minutes later
>kill the pmc in the back as he lags behind the other two between black knight and queen
>don't check the dog tag, extract through manhole satisfied with fucking up their run
A toast! A toast I say! To all things Tarkov!
Based and redpilled
It's not about the loot, it's about sending a message, and the message is 'fuck squadniggers'
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my nade bounced off the wall and killed my bro and he didnt say anything for 10 minutes and left the call, does this game destroy friendships
Only if they're a little bitch. Shit happens, you laugh and/or ree and then move on
It's true that Tarkov co-op will lay bare everything about a person, though. You'll know far more about them than you perhaps would have liked to, by the end of it
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its true, ive never seen him so angry before
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this shit really feels like no recoil with just 4 mods + silencer
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He added me after that game and finally message me 12 hours later. He's still mad about it.
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Based, solochads.
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is this really what i get from blue folders and intel? is abondoned factory worth hitting on streets at least?
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anybody else a complete and utter shitter? i have been using the mp9, mp7, m4 and p90 mostly. scout for the smgs and assault for the m4.
Stop looking at numbers and the game instantly becomes more fun.
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uhh idk
Just found my second Makarov. Feels like they barely exist
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I don't even intend to get that far but still held onto the first two I found for whatever reason. Which was in the first couple of days of the wipe.

The Makarov is a weirdly punishing find with the weapon pool being this wide. But not too bad if you have it in mind from the start. I think I got one in a box one from a scav. Desert Eagle seems to be the most common box handgun now.
>Desert Eagle seems to be the most common box handgun now.
Yeah I have like ten laying around my stash. Really silly how the Desert Eagle is 10x more common to find than a simple Makarov.
It is nice of them to give it to us just so we can try it. I'd have liked something like a message from Peacekeeper and a task for context.

>Kurwa! My men lost the desert eagle crate! Have you seen them?
im only playing arena to make money i dont find it fun
flea market scalping is more enjoyable than arena and more profitable. honestly the best bit about tarky right now is being a black market trader
im not jewish by blood or nature, do you have some tips?
where do i go to loot food as a scav? cant find shit in goshan
Woods has a lot of food spawns
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Nah, I'm above average but not amazing. Though this is almost purely from playing team fight. I'd probably have closer to a 1.5 k/d if I played more last hero.
I like ground zero for food. There's like 3 places that spawn food. That two story restaurant, the grenade launcher building with the little cafeteria, and the little cafe next to mira.
G3 and Glock 21 should've been added years ago, and M16A2 and A4 parts should've been added years ago as well.
every couple of raids i'll monitor prices of light bulbs and a few others. it's not weird for them them to dip suddenly to 10k below the usual prices at which point jump in and buy everything you can with a view to list back later but make sure that you're buying low enough and selling high enough for it to be worthwhile, i.e. consider fees and profit per item
inb4 that's boring, it's no different to wandering around as a scav opening filing cabinets for 20 minutes
SPT even has a fantastic G3 mod already though I don't know where they got the model from.
Woods, streets, interchange
At woods you have food spawns in the sawmill cabins, in the houses at scav town and multiple ration crates at the USEC and Emercom camps, and another at the old sawmill..
Streets has restaurants all over where food spawns on the tables.
Interchange has food all over the back of Goshan- the side of the store closer to the vehicle extract. However that's the only notable place so it's possible some loot goblin got there first.
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im cheatING brother, i couldnt even loot the resot they kept coming
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wait you guys have tarkov /v/ros???
>daily quests from Arena didn't give me any rep
So fucking tired of this dogshit integration.
you killed everyoen on the server
just loot resort
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>kill and loot 2 players
>die to a fucking pscav with a toz because he never made a sound jumping on top of a rock
the amount of times i die to PMCs thinking that theyre scav is unbelievable
This happened to me yesterday. It's just a scav run so it's not a huge deal but it can be pretty annoying.
>on mountain in a bush on shitehouse
>not moved or made a noise in 10 mins
>see a scav die
>wait till someone goes and looots it
>two pmc run a long the road one of them looking directly at me
>there no way he can se...
so this will never be on steam right
stats are a bit sus tbqhwyf
tony is literally the only streamer I see randomly get shot
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>slap blast mitigation device on the mdr
>can't see SHIT because of the muzzle flash
Alright suppressors it is.
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>put suppressor back on
>get almost 40 kills in last stand
>m-m-muh m80 does nothing
you guys know any community/site where people share their 3day free arena keycode?
might be expired idk give it a try
pve brothers .... where do you get SBIH kills on
>page 10
its so over
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>those raids where you see absolutely no one on customs when you are actively hunting
>killed some disconnected timmy while he was glitched out walking in place
better luck next time!
you dont really have to resort to classic sniping in pve, if they are close and dont move you can just peek around the corner and point blank them, on inter I shot inside the mall in the main area with the escalators and also outside from it towards the coop extract, did customs in dorms, streets from the skybridge towards audiophile q and snoreline from the top of the resort
are people really camping marathon transits?
for some goddamn reason
>No luck scavving shoreline smuggler camp, either it's picked clean by the time I get there or swarming with PMCs
>Decide to scav the interchange parking garage to farm guns and weapon parts
>have a run with a pile of good scopes and suppressors
>decide to wait till the last few minutes of raid as I can hear plenty of gunfire still at both sides of the mall
>run towards emercom at ~3 min left
>smack dab into a fully geared 3 man that just happens to be going through the emercom side of the parking garage
Man what are the fucking odds. hardly anyone travels through that side of the underground.
Also, I like that the parking garage has almost no ambient sound compared to most of the rest of the game. It's downright spooky down there at night.
you can vault out of that side pretty easily now and no one expects it
I've actually started to love doing interchange at night, it's a fucking vibe.
>new karma system only works for bushes and trees
>you can still rat your ass off everywhere else
whats the fucking point? you can lose karma while healing
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>see enemy PMC far away
>he stops completely still
>head perfectly lined up
>fat finger and get up from prone by accident
>PMC is gone by the time I'm done scoping in again
shouldn't have been healing so dishonestly
It's such a dogshit system I swear to god
>sitting in bushes lowers you karma
>look up how to raise karma on the wiki
>killing players who sit in bushes (never happens)
>coop extracting (never happens)
>killing people
So there's realistically no way to increase karma as a solo
Also, I just died because of the retarded busy hands bug and I'm still fucking stuck in a black screen for like five minutes still hearing what's going on in the raid fucking nigger trash game.
>>killing people
meant to write killing people who killed your teammates so it only affects squads
I thought they changed it with the recent hotfix for karma drop to only apply to bushes near extracts? or did they half ass that change too?
All of Jaeger's bolt action quests can suck my nuts.
>have to Alt F4
>raid counted as AWOL
>AWOLs reduce karma
This is beyond epic.
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Nah, bolt actions are fun.
You could've done the exact same thing with damn near any rifle with an lpvo on it. Almost all of the bolt action tasks are stupid and unfun.
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>You could've done the exact same thing with damn near any rifle with an lpvo on it
Yes but that's boring and not challenging at all.
I'm so happy they added adjustable zoom and made all the ultra high magnification scopes actually useable. me and a buddy have been having a blast doing sniper team LARPing.
fucking love getting head, ears on the first shot from an AI with a 54 durability 5.45 AK from 200 meters away :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) very hardcore and realistic
Yeah they're great, but they sometimes fuck with your walking speed if you're using the default bind, but I don't know what else to use.
>cheating and still dogshit
how many times a day do you think about ending it all?
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every time i get killed this wipe its by one of those faggot blue ball cucks. Eventually itll be inevitable to have to buy the shitheard edition, or be forced to be at a disadvantage. I'll never give into this propaganda
yall gamma maxing? I just turned up gamma and contrast in nvidia control panel and now I can see like scavs do
I love to cheat in this game. When I see a turbo tryhard squad with all their meta gear getting absolutely shit on by me with a shitty pistol it just makes me rock hard. Imagine all they were grinding just for me to erase them in 5 seconds. I bet this is how God feels like, I may cum while I write this
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i love tarkow
>how x feels
No, ESL retard.
"What x feels like" or "How x feels"
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dont judge me
wtf is that lvl 1 nvgs
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>or "How x feels"
>I bet this is how God feels

?? you have literally say the same thing as him retard. post maybe about tarkow isntead of your shit english
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>toolsets are 200k
You're the most ESL of the ESL retards here
"How" does not go with "like". Do you ponyol yet, cykablyat?
yes, the single tube binoculars. it is like pissing through a dickhole
>you have literally say the same thing as him retard
>isntead of your shit english
Now you're just baiting
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>tranny confessions
join the 41% today
does postfx settings make a difference for brightness?
"Clarity" and "Adaptive sharpen" (the only two settings which impact FPS somewhat, unfortunately) do make a difference to how well you can see in dark places. DO NOT increase the "Brightness" bar in postfx above 0 though, it blows the fuck out of any bloom effect eg flashlights and map lights, your visibility if there's a light source onscreen will decrease dramatically. You're better off adjusting gamma in an external program if you're going to do that.
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what means ESL? spell it out for us mr professor
fuck you i just make a typo
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naruhodo thanks tarkov bro
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god FUCKING dammit
use nvidia control panel
that's not tarkov, though.
thats cheating wtf
This game is so much better in PvE, if only the AI was less retarded and aimbot at the same time
Just replace one bullet in the bottom of your last mag with a shittier one
players should spawn as enemy pmcs and the game ends when the host is killed
if the AI gets to see me at night I get to see too
that's a good idea. i had just removed my melee weapon since when the fuck would you ever use it anyway but that's a better solution to those times where there's a few points of difference.
How are you doing the rotated aiming without a sight?
it's SPT
What mods do you use?
Shotgun MOA doesn't affect the spread of pellets, right?
only barrel length does
Yeah I notice a huge difference in spread between the MP153 and MP155
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>thought the mk47 required rep 2 at first glance
>but it's actually 2 full points of rep with ref
What the fuck? Why?
Is Arena good now? Anyone even play it?
Yea. You can make your own loadout now which is what was really holding it back.
I'm guessing they're either MASSIVELY overestimating the effectiveness of mutant, or made a dumb typo and no one's noticed.
It's okayish. Making your own kits is neat, you are still class restricted to ammo as you are creating a custom kit for the class so each class only has access to certain weapons/ammo/armor. Blastpoint is alright, even randos usually use comms, team fight is gay faggotry. Last stand is just retarded death match and some maps have abuseable spawns.
I've played about 50 hours of Arena this wipe and maybe 1.5 hours of the main game
Man setup is aids, this is gonna take a while
At least it's 8 instead of 15 now
I'm guessing it's a typo. Even if the mutant is the best x39 weapon it's not THAT good.
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I'm grinding Arena until I get good
>when you run face first into a stacked trio
>"You'll never catch me alive you bastards!"


>later still...same raid
>gave this man the ol' SWITCHEROO
>accidentally go into a supply closet while flanking
>it still fucking works somehow


And I STILL managed to get bunker part 2 done. Yes my aim is dumb and retarded, not sure why I'm aiming at the ground in the second clip.
Enforcer is actually so shit it's unreal.
The only viable options they have are a Saiga 12k with drums (preferably memechette but for some reason the saiga feels like it overheats *extremely* fast in Arena, you can barely empty a drum before you get a guaranteed jam), TOZ pozzing PMC legs, or some of the pistols are usable since they're allowed to use 45 AP, 9mm PBP and SS190, or a PS12A ASh-12 if you're feeling extremely memey (bad option against instead facetap death from 855A1). All the assault rifle ammos are worthless.
If you downgrade your back plate to 5 or 4 you can fit a lot of ammo into your build though. It's also the only class that has any chance of going overweight for strength training.
oh yeah and make sure you overdose on every stim you can carry on round start, if you live longer than a minute you'll get a ton of immunity skill training every round. An ETG-c before going into combat can also give you some mad survivability if you're only getting tagged.
Saiga usually jams on the second drum in the regular game as well. For some reason i really doubt the real deal jams so easily.
Did they change its heat gain at some point? Because I used to run suppressed Saigas ALL the time a couple of wipes back and I don't recall overheating ever being an issue.
I made the mistake of trying to have fun with the rpd but it just doesn't work. PS is so fucking trash.
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Day 5,
My brain grows larger, I can now search containers almost instantly.
>tfw the PKM is somehow even worse than the RPD because you're only allowed FMJ and slower RoF
Just doesn't make sense
Anon... your brain... it's too big...
How are you leveling INT so fast?
I fear myself sometimes how fast my brain is growing

you need to the library installed to read books you find in raid
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please kneel
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>can't equip boonie hats with headsets anymore
Are there any cool hats/headgear I can wear to look like a scav and still have a headset?
The hockey(?) mascot masks
nope, can't use ears with those anymore
I got extract camped at D-2 with a few minutes left in a raid. Hasn't happened in forever. My death streak is getting crazy. This raid opened with me pistol-killing a guy about 20 seconds in. Reserve is just being insanely violent and relentless.
EXTREMELY gay and homosexual
You still can in Arena at least
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Come to Streets, I have tasks to finish.
>You need to do all Test Drives for Kappa now
I hate how thoroughly they murdered the SR-2M. Only way I can use it now is PE and legs. It's still bizarrely inaccessible for how bad it is now.
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>>You need to do all Test Drives for Kappa now
Good thing I got the achievement for Kappa last wipe so I don't need to bother anymore. I'm not killing 60 PMCs with wacky guns. Test drive 2-4 should just require 20 kills, Scavs included.
At least you can buy Zubilo from traders+flea now. Still probably useless against new armor.
>tfw did everything for kappa last wipe except the bosses and gave up on that after 150 raids with two (2) reshala spawns that were stolen by speedniggers
I even got the lightsneeder achievement
The only time I've ever gotten kappa was the wipe before achievements were added
Yeah bosses are a fucking pain, I usually just wait until there's some 100% spawn chance event going on, have to toss a coin every raid hoping the boss spawns is awful.
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Why put 9x21mm in the game at all if this is how it's going to be treated?
It used to be "decent" in the past, but one or two wipes ago it got nerfed into the fucking ground for no apparent reason.
It's basically legs or exclusively shooting faces, even regular scavvies will take like ~6 shots to the chest to go down otherwise. It should be like 5-10 kills per Task, not fucking 20.
>southern road 6 times in a row
words simply cannot describe how dogshit this fucking map is.
>It's still bizarrely inaccessible for how bad it is now.
that's like 70% of weapons in this game, and the reason why M80 is the only ammo you see
Just imagine a wipe, where M80, M62 and M61 were straight up removed from the game...
Then everyone would just move to the next best thing, 5.56 I guess? Maybe x54R in AVTs/SVTs and SVDs again? Whatever it was they would just parrot whatever streamniggers told them to.
I wish there was a wipe without supressors, or where supressors were the obvious worst choice
because as it is I am so glad I get to have a quiet gun AND also have the best recoil stats in the game AND also having ergo that is viable
Suppressors should unironically be FiR only. Maybe keep some of the very shitty ones like the Hybrid or Rotor 43 on high level traders, but the good ones should definitely be rare.
>very shitty ones like the Hybrid
nigga that is the highest ergo supressor in the game
It would suck shit, everyone would run SMG/ARs and people would be forced to play bolties with BCP FMJ
Just balance the ammo/weapons, I think anyone with a brain understood the MDR was broken in the first few weeks of last wipe but BSG didnt do shit about it
I thought karma was supposed to kill ratting, funny how I still only die to people sitting in corners
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I can finally buy the awp...
Are they ever going to add the new guns, headsets, fix the RoF of the VSK, etc to Arena or what
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>whats irony?
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Based AWPer.
they even have line ups for grenades he killed me on ground zero with a perfect nade it exploded as soon as it landed on my feet, he was a naked guy with a pistol then i gave up trying to do marathon
classic audio abusing in that second clip
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Sooo, why would I pay 1350 roubles per round for M856A1 when I can just buy .300 M62 for 650 roubles per round and have near identical stats?
just buy .300 CBJ lol
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>play all game with my friend on me servers
>good games dont run into any cheaters
>he goes afk i que my home server eu central
>die to blatant cheater
>he comes back we queue on me again
>good games queues are getting a little long
>last game of the night
>eu central
>die to cheater
whats wrong with euros?
>nooooooo you can't just talk about things, Nikita might just read that specific post on my zimbabwean tractor maintenance forum and add it to the game because of your hecking dumb suggestion!
Holy fuck kill yourself you spastic.
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sometimes i feel happy when surviving the raid with a bag full of loot, seeing the numbers go up, watching my hideout maxxed out,crafting stuff, completing hard quests getting closer to max traders/kappa, leveling up my PMC skills...

Then im suddenly hit with an existential crisis as im watching my stash, i think to myself:

"Whats the point of all this grind? Why am i wasting my hundreds of hours of my free time?"
"It'll get wiped in 5-6 months anyways whats the point? All these hours i spend grinding will be gone"
"Maybe i couldve spend my time in a better way doing something else?"
"Well, life itself is similar to Tarkov, whats the point of life if ill die one day? Whats the point of anything?"
"Why should i bother with anything if all my efforts going to be a waste after i die?"

then get frustrated being unable to answer these questions, take a deep breath and load in to the next raid

Play PvE
thats life
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hows my m700 lookin bros
Just use the AICS stock, weight is more important for arm stamina.
the wipe is necessary to make the early grind feel good again
once you get to the late game quests and full stash nothing feels valuable and any progress takes monumental effort
Because BSG adding vital hitboxes isnt happening before 2026 and people wanna be able to enjoy the game now, next question
>wanna do my arena daily quests
>can't because scared of getting my progress rolled back
Why can't they ever implement anything right?
>game wipes
>progress through quests
>interchange/lighthouse/shorline quests start appearing
>will to play evaporates instantly
this is a good time of day for questing
Not really, I just died to a fucking squad of PScavs trying to do Big Sale with 8 minutes left in raid.
Please tell me you're fucking around it's so annoying to set up again. Unless they fixed the fucking scroll wheel zoom fucking with the variable walk speed too in which case I'll be happy
It said ALT + scroll for the scope zoom, that mus'tve been the change. But it reset for me
realism mode
bork's real nightvisions
looter bots

try setting walk speed change to alt/ctrl+wheel and use only wheel for zoom. spt have known this for some time...
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Frickin' guy is level 46 not 2 weeks into the wipe
ask him how much his dma card cost
Punisher 4 being changed to lighthouse is honestly the worst change they have made
>kill one person of a 3man
>later the other two are extract camping path to shoreline
I genuinely hope you slit your wrists you absolute turbo niggers.
weight plays a larger part than ergo wtffff
>metally ill streamerniggers are already level 60+
The worst part is they normalize such behavior.
every map/location/weapon specific PMC kill tasks are annoying as simple as
can flir see through smoke?
Sheesh, can't go one raid without killing at least 15 scavs
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Fucking hell, is there *anywhere* on Ground Zero this can be done reliably? The entire map is like 300m, the main street sightline is suicide, most fights happen within 30m max, and these gopniggers immediately react to being ADS'd and take 3 steps towards cover/conclealment which is everywhere. 3 of these kills are from sitting on the Utyos and shooting towards the carpark across 5 raids, and Kollontay head/throat, thorax/armpits me when I exist in his fucking zipcode pve babby btw
Do I really just need to thug this shit out?
there's no such thing as an early wipe anymore, everyone just grinds arena til lvl 30 and starts with lvl 3 trader day 1
neat gonna smoke out droms evertim
The Sordins accentuate my own footsteps so much now that I've got to stop using them.
as pvebab you should have no issue sniping from a building, could be either from the machine gun in capital insight, the stairs in fusion or terragroup/empire upper levels have wide sights along the main street
From the tarbank machine gun window you can shoot scavs hanging out in front of the terra group building but they're frequently pretty close to the street. You can shoot down the street from the windows, too.
Anyone happen to have one of those 3 day arena keys they haven't used?
this guy surely not cheating https://tarkov.dev/player/3634662
what chart?
cheaters are able to aimbot nades like that, just so you know
>support ukraine
lmao no thx
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taiga's are only 500k wtf
nvm they literally all just sold out lmao
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>lock m80 behind pk4 and finishing revision, minimum level 37 to acquire
>but just add 7 boxes of 20 m80 per trader reset to ref for 2 gp coins a box at ref 3, which you can reach at level 25
Ummm... PLEASE play Arena, okay?
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What if I'm not a mentally ill Rogue farmer?
Arena Chads are eating good this wipe
then you should leave the rogues for me so I can finish getting to level 15
What if your are a zryachiy farmer?
then you probably played a lot more than me so far or are cheating lol
Even more mentally ill.
I'm thinking about learning it because I am just not having fun in the game constantly questing, especially on a standard account, so I want something to do that might be fun instead of just loot runs over and over. I am not good enough at pvp to constantly want to push pvp fights as well, like mid-late game dorms and resort fights just don't interest me since I lose 80% of the time.
kiver is just good
yeah the quests are a pain in the ass, I just did the GZ ones and jaeger and now I'm probably gonna solely play lighthouse for the rest of wipe
rogue farming is kinda nice because there's occasional pvp and easy opportunities to rat people as well but mainly just player v stationary dumb rogues kek
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I don't understand why people even bother farming Zryachiy. Nobody ever goes to loot him anyway.
he has a 17 win survival streak and immediately headshot me sprinting around a corner from 100m with a reflex aug while I was right peeking from cover so idk man
The fuck was this guy even trying to do
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how do i into arena

i get shit on a lot, i have no clue how to make a good preset or how to play / abuse whatever dogshit netcode they have for this
it feels like my kills are very random and i sometimes have to hit them 5x in the head before they die?

i mainly just wanna play it for the main game and to blow off steam every once in a while desu
Kill Zryachiy. He actually killed him, but I got all the stuff lol.
LOL nice. He doesn't actually have very good stuff any more though, right?
Nah, he used to have an AXMC with a thermal when he got added but mentally ill farmers forced BSG to just give him an SVD. But he does have a unique rig and balaclava/hat.
That's kinda lame. I feel like they could've dropped the thermal and pdpg the AXMC and been fine.
I meant kept. Sorry, I am literally shitposting right now.
>Top penning round has less pen than 9x19mm
>Penultimate AP rounds are less available and much more expensive than AP 6.3
Good god
killing lvl 1s with their starter M4s never gets old
how do we calculate at which durability armour lvl decreases like at what durability DRD armour acts like lvl2
lmao some dude ratted two extremely kitted chads on lighthouse road and I just stole both tags and all their gear and got away with it
I'm such a good little scav
Rule of thumb is 40% of original durability is one class lower iirc.
The point of doing it is either the achievement, or you learn the mines and you go loot lighthouse for free because no one has lightkeeper. Or you can go there and wait for people to go to lightkeeper for quests, and you kill them because you don't care about the encoder lol. Also the lighthouse marked key and radar key are incredibly cheap early wipe since no one goes there, so it is literally a pile of free loot that no one else can get except you or cheaters.
No it wasn't farmers, it was cheaters. You don't remember the flying cheaters that would just fly to lighthouse and kill boss, then leave instantly? There was a streamer that got banned for RMT because of that because he had 14 million rubles sold to mechanic in one day, and the only way that was possible was a raid bag full of thermals from Zryachiy cheaters.
Is it actually easy to kill him and avoid the mines? It never occurred to me.
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Usuc clothes fucking suck. The only good jacket is the poofy ribbed for your pleasure shit and maybe sandstone? I've got boss delta on right now as it's tolerable.
M4 has better performance in terms of dispersion and recoil
Otherwise yeah, if it weren't for Worst Job In the World I would have shelved my M4s
Accumulating lots of .300 M62 is shockingly easy
utterly dogshit taste
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Drip check before the thread dies.
No PVE scum allowed.
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>Boss Delta upper (black)
>Range Specialist upper
>Sandstone upper
>Dead Vektor upper
>Ranger jeans
>Rangemaster jeans
>Legionnaire pants
>Practical pants
>TACRES pants
USUC is slowly getting more good clothing, but BEARs are still on top.
>boss delta with defender pants
These don't match at all. Wear the jeans or taclife if you want to fashionmax and don't care about blending in on half the maps. The rangemaster pants look great as well for that.
Honestly both factions have a fair amount of good choices. It's just that most of them suck ass for actual camouflage.
I don't want the shirt and pants to match, i like the contrast, but it does match with the gloves.
>I don't want the shirt and pants to match
What is wrong with you
The raybans do be bringing the whole look together, not bad.
the poofy jacket is overrated.
USEC has the best pants but BEAR has all the cool uppers.
This anon gets it.
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Game wiped 14 days ago btw.
The mines have become harder with each patch as they move them around. Mines are the hardest part, but killing Zryachiy and his goons is also harder now than it has been in a while. Basically you have to autistically move across the bridge in an extremely specific way to not die to all the claymores.
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The BOSS Delta shirt has saved their wardrobe now, I feel. You can pair it with the K4 pants for a cool night-time fit. Pair it with the Sage Warrior pants for a semi-urban fit. Wear the USEC Commando sweater, the vibrant green Defender pants, and the now-green balaclava to the most verdant maps like Woods.
Actual mental illness.
>died to 4 or 5 player scavs on lighthouse
not like this bros
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For me? It's ranger green.
or woodland
just code the claymores to be lethal beyond their trigger point or make it a static radius instead of relying on LOS for projectiles to kill. it's obvious they don't want players cheesing that shit.
>forced to autistically cheese the mines off in some literally ass backwards dance routine
That mines are completely invisible in the first place is fucking stupid regardless of the map.
Anon, Lightkeeper mines are visible physical objects on the map, same with Streets.
bit hard to see but the chart background says eft-ammo
>3 dudes ratting inside the apartment next to relax
man what the fuck is wrong with people
Guys I think the SPTbabies have a point... maybe Tarkov is more enjoyable as a single player game
does enforcer really not have access to any of the face shields above level 4
It's almost as if not having to deal with matching/loading times, autistic faggot poopsocks and cheating chinks makes the game more enjoyable.
Skill issue
Level 5+ face shields are so ass to fight against. When Arena first released there was a class with an Altyn and it was OP as fuck
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>wrap up last night without selling stuff on the flea
>before I start today's session I try to make room
>endless gateway back errors every flea post
oh, thanks. didn't realize eft-ammo had a graph.
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PvE for me
I'll be honest I'm trying to do Punisher on Lighthouse at lvl 39 and I think I'm yet to die to someone I don't think is cheating on that map.

Rest of the wipe has been pretty fun though.
>maybe the babbies who can't handle dying in a video game have a point
Enforcer doesn't have anything else going for it.
I prefer the danger to come from unpredictable other players than aimbot AI
guys please stop standing still in random rooms at health resort and press f1 to alert me that youre near thus we can have a fair battleground thank you
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BSG really needs to stop selectively using the metric system for calibers in tool tips. It's not even consistent across the weapons that have this problem, too. The ammo and magazines are listed as .338.
based F1 appreciator
Is this your warfare?! You should try better!
i think people get so fed up with punisher it drives them to seek out cheats, combine that with the rmt cheaters looking for rare value spawns and its pretty rampant on lighthouse
>We are temporarily disabling the synchronization of task progression between #EscapefromTarkov and #TarkovArena.
wtf do they mean by task progression?
Maybe Ref rep?
I'm guessing the reason is because people were getting their Tarkov tasks reset by playing Arena, however the FUCK that happened
1) That color isn't actually Ranger Green. Ranger Green is almost brown. The MMAC is Ranger green. Those clothes look a lot more like Forest Green.
2) Those clothes are a pain in the fucking ass to unlock without paypigging. You either have to be a LabsGOD and also grind the item turn ins or pay up.
>kill 2 pmcs in dorms
>hear noise
>look up
>2 scavs spawned 5 feet in front of me with all the doors closed
t-thanks Nikita
finally lvl 35 and got my thicc case lets go another milestone reached
your next milestone is to get a job
Can someone please post the hilarious Fallout New Vegas edit with the goon squad "the game was rigged from the start" shit I wanted to show it to my friend but I forgot to save the fucking thing the last time it was posted here.

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