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Welcome to the Anime Fighting Games General!
Here we play, learn, and discuss Anime Fighting Games.
If you're a fan of Arcsys, Team Arcana or Eighting, you've come to the right place!
Please keep drama, game wars, early threads, and interpersonal drama out!

Various game info, beginner friendly: https://pastebin.com/yT5CpLgr (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Additional Resources:

Anon Arena-Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 Tournament - Coming Soon

Previous: >>490533875
Challonge posting waiting room
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We could have waited until page 10 before baking
Good point. I'll try to remember for next time.
Rev2 is painful and I wonder what will end up following it up
BBCF had a pretty strong showing on the strawpoll for the time he left it to the community but got beat out by DOA6 in the end.

I imagine if it's in another poll in the future it'll probably get the win.
Makes sense, it's the game most of us have in common at this point
Fightcade anyone?
I can do a little fightcade maybe, what are we playing?
Whatever you want
If you're going to put it on me, then off the top of my head, KOF2k2, Darkstalkers (I ain't played that shit in forever though), Twinkle Star Sprites or whatever weird neogeo game people don't usually ask to play like Gowcaizer or something
Let's go with Darkstalkers
Hanging in vsav then. Say something and I'll challenge
I don't play with pedophiles
I'm not but ok
Pretty much. New games would be nice.
Did Gwen's idle frames last night. I don't know how many of her other animations I can do today, but I'll try to do as many as possible.
What new games are you eyeing to play anon?
Sounds like a decent amount of drawing. Do you have an estimate on how much time it takes to draw 1 character's full animation set by chance?
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I've been cataloging everything in two separate journals, one for art specifically, and one more focused on games.
It took me about a week's worth of work to finish Winifred's animation, but in real time, that was about a month because I was doing other things during it. Experimented a lot with other engines like Castagne and Ikemen Go, but now that I'm focused on 2D Fighter Maker 2nd, that's no longer an issue. In addition, I didn't have a template for all the animations I would need, not accounting for things like jump squat, landing, or the 2 types of wakeup at first. But now I know how to do all of those things and wrote down a template for them, so it shouldn't take as long. With Gwendolyn, I should probably be able to get it done in a week like Winifred. But on the other hand, She has a few more unique animations, given how she has 3 more special moves than her. Though I'm using the Akatsuki Blitzkampf technique of reusing frames where I can, so it still shouldn't be so bad.
Any airdasher getting a new entry really, maybe even a new IP. I don't want stuff like Rising or Strive to be all we get in the future
did you buy lumina?
that was the last air dasher release
I did on ps4.........
The template and re-using stuff sounds like a good idea. Since you're still solo dev it makes sense to re-use assets when you can afford to do it. Keep it up man.
Is there an issue with the PS4 version?
I think he's implying that most people are now playing fighters on PC, especially on places like here.
Basically this, plus I'm not down for paying just to play with anons at the moment.
I get you. The increase on the sub price sucks on top of that. Do you have a craptop or potato PC to play on and are waiting on a sale?
I can't believe Sony actually makes you pay even more for PS Plus now.
Are they hurting for money or what?
if you're paying for your internet twice you're a sucker
They're hurting you, for money. That's how this stuff works
I remember we used to play on xbox and that was also pretty high
>people grow up and get pc's because they aren't retarded
>there are less people to charge a fee to
>buy high sell low.png

thus price hikes
For me it was SCIV and MVC2 Online Edition.
The tech also improved in GPUs to an absurd degree (though most fighting games and games in general won't make full advantage of it since consoles are still held back by their OSes limiting the full potential).
Thinking about getting DBFZ before that enormous sale ends, but I was wondering something: is the rollback still fucked and causing cloning online?
I've heard people say it's fixed now, but I haven't played it since it was messed up, so no firsthand experience with it.
34 hours left? I'll let you know after a test run when I'm more free to try it out.
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/afgg/ ~ let's see some biffo!

Sparking is so busted.
Small update on the Rev2 tournament, I'll be posting the challonge page and date on Wednesday.
I can't wait to see Leo and YRC stunedge for an hour and a half
I get that Leo is supposed to be a lion, but I thought he looked like a gorilla where I first saw him.
Anon had the right first impression
Why are there so many fucking people playing Justice in +R now what the fuck happened
Was that not always the case? She was the most common one that I'd see who wasn't Sol or HOS.
I fought like three in a row tonight when at most I'd see like two a week, and the same thing the night before, all different users. I donno I thought I would see more Sols
I haven't seen HOS in a while in ranked
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Capcom vs SNK 2 is broken; just like any good anime game....
Oh wow. I only ever played this casually.
Remember Golden Fantasia?
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Will Fate Unlimited Codes ever get a Steam release with rollback netcode? It would print money.
We only just got Fate/stay night on Steam, so I imagine they're on a huge timelag for this. But maybe I'm wrong. With the modern popularity of Fate, you would actually think this would be a no-brainer.
Just finished the Fate route last night, I’m so depressed right now, Saber died T-T
Hello no it won't lmao. It's a hilariously buggy ps2 era fighting game. With a psp update that added characters. So it's either port the psp version or arcade versions, and I doubt either of those is remotely comfortable to do. Did the arcade version even have all the characters? Does the arcade version really exist or am I just coping?
Also there's no way it'd sell more than like 500 copies, I have no idea how you came to the conclusion it'd print money. The chances of it recouping the cost of shini temp-hiring 2 backwater mongoloid devs are basically 0.
The games gigabased though. Love how braindead my boy lancer is. SJ cancels aren't even that hard when you only have to do them once in a blue moon.
Don't worry, she was always "mou shindeiru".
That game was half-decent for a tag game. Pretty good for easter eggs too. Only thing lazy about it was the OST (just re-uses the VN OST though the tracks are well suited for fighting games).
How do I get good with zoners (Rachel)?
I still need to try it one day
Who are the gorillas of DBFZ's base roster?
Kid Buu for sure. Arguably Cell and Android 16 as well.
Learn your BnB setups for the zoning.. Shouldn't be too crazy since some of her stuff just homes in. It's the wind that's hard to play around with for her.
People calling Rachel a zoner is top 5 tricks the devil has ever pulled off.
Just go in and start doing instant overheads instead.
I thought rachel was just setplay
it has saber on the box, so surely people would buy it for that,right?
Slow thread today, huh?
Ye. Hopefully that changes and we get more lobby plays. Last thread was pretty nice about that.
Someone is probably working
Canny with her walk up HP that is +10 on block. Favouritism in action…
Who's an easy low-execution Goku Black base roster team that I can learn DBFZ with?
Two Gokus and random select
Vegeta and SS Goku
people are scumbags who don't want to actually play the video game
Is there a character that relies heavily on gambling?
How do I cheat engine my way to get Goku Blue and Vegeta Blue and Majin 21? CreamAPI doesn't work on EasyAntiCheat.
Probably Zappa from +R I guess?
If you do enough wakeup reversals, everybody's a gambler.
Can't you just cheat engine and add in money to unlock them with zeni?
I never thought of it that way, but basically...
Besides Zappa with his random summons, there's random item characters like Faust, Platinum, and Teddie. There's also the panda from David Sirlin's shitty game. Arcana Heart has the RNG arcana. That's all the ones I know.
Oswald from KOF is supposed to be a card player, but he doesn't have any RNG, ironically.
Same for Johnny in Guilty Gear. Playing card motif, but no random element.
Arcana also has a card character too right? Dorothy I think?

Also I believe in the yet to be Blades and Beast game there's going to be a high risk high reward character too.
Asuka #R makes you play Magic the Gathering
I actually want to buy that Chinese bootleg saber now just for the novelty of it.
How much does 1 go for on second hand market?
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Any given grappler.
That's alot of damage for a big body
Don't big bodies usually do a lot of damage anyway?
Strive damage is crazy high in general now that I think about it. You can die in just 2 interactions in some matchups.
All item throw characters.
Thank you! Sorry for the late response, as I was just really into working on frames.
So for, I've completed the idle, walk, run, crouch, taunt, airdash, backdash, burst, dizzy roll, and guard frames.
What I still need to do are the jump, damage, and attack frames. So things are moving along rather smoothly for now.
>Dorothy I think?
The literal only character that looks like a boy (intentionally), yeah. She's pretty okay at setplay, and intrinsically self-punishing if you don't know the right stuff, so only people who do their homework can play her
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Maybe he should do random damage just like SF2. Or is that not enough RNG?
SF2 RNG is funny, but it's "boring" because only the damage and stun value is random
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Also the input randoms are random too. I read about a few tool-assisted combo makers complained about that.
>Also the input randoms are random too.
Also the input windowss are random too
For me, it's displease at Sirlin's armchair game design after experiencing it in an actual game firsthand
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How big is the CvSNK2 player-base?
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You'll find someone who plays eventually, probably.
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Then we can both choose EX-Groove
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I swear officer, I didn't Tao 5D into this a day in my life
Who's the Guilty Gear character that's random as heck?
Faust and Zappa in terms of mechanics, Sol in terms of what players actually do
It's too hard for the modern fighting game audience in general....
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fixing broken bugs and balancing is hard work anon!
Funnily enough, 13-15 seconds is about the average combo length in that game.
The clip here was actually a UNI1 infinite because the untechable time was forcibly too long so that I could loop those two moves infinitely without scaling
But in general Ries ends up being a shorter-combo character with more damage per hit
The goat.
Huh that's funny stuff. Are you intending to release a pack when you're finished? Nice work so far by the way. Kind of surprised to see mods for this version so quickly.
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It's just going to be just Riesbyfe released for now, I was working as far back as CLR but incredibly on and off. I'll probably have a release within the month, especially if I motivate myself draw in Cut-Ins for her. You'll probably find it on YouTube or GitHub whenever you search for the topic.
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20 frames so far. Roughly 80 more to go.
Made a pretty humorous mistake the other night where I was drawing Gwen on the 2P side for some reason. Noticed about 9 drawings in and had to flip them and redraw them for 1P side.

In general, it's easier to do these on 1P side for consistency instead of drawing some characters on 2P side arbitrarily. Just another little thing to keep track of when starting a new character.
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get this shit off me

Another vlog is up. I am seething with jealousy at this man's life.
You could join him there if you put the foot down and learn some basic Japanese to get by and pick up a work permit. Didn't it take him like 10 years or so before he was stable enough to live there properly though?
Unironically too stupid to manage something like that.

Simple google search will help you. I would warn you though that it'll probably eventually get lonely unless you are socialable enough. I think the only reason it worked out for him was because he still has a few people he knows that live over there that he's known for years like Obama, East and a few other gaijin
Susanoo-sama, I kneel....
Remember KOF2002UM? That was pretty fun that week we played it after it got rollback.
I think they added normal lobbies to it now, too.
>I think they added normal lobbies to it now, too.
Did they? It's a pretty fun with expanded roster. ONly thing that sucks is less music due to going for Team aspect over character themes IIRC
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Yeah, lobbies are a thing and spectating as well

They also added Spanish, which seems like something I thought would be in to begin with, given how popular KOF is in Latin America, but I guess it wasn't a big priority at launch.
i thought the were longer than that even...
what do you even do against strive pot?
Depends on the character. I would say most err on the side of being shorter than average while some characters have much longer combos (namely the ones that are more difficult execution tend to be on the longer side).
Any cool upcoming fgs?
Yeah and not only that but the combos loop back into oki or you can get them off stray hits with RRC
I tried getting back into strive recently after not playing since 4 months after release and everyone is so optimized you're rarely playing the game just looking at block strings or getting juggled
Blazing Strike kind of looks interesting but also took too long to come out due to multiple delays and the price might be abit too high for an indie fighter with no brand recognition ($40). October 17 if you're curious.
Game looks cool and I wish the dev luck but $40 for an indie fighter on release means there will be no one to play it with
It's funny how the devs thought that the wall-break would solve the problem of newbies not getting overhwelmed by oki but then they make it super ez to get meter in 1 combo so you can end it in super for wall-break into HKD with positive bonus to get meter back really fast and allow for degenerate oki anyway.
I'm not even a noob, I was celest for the first 4 months the game was out now I have no idea what's going on, granted I was never amazing or anything. I have no idea how new players get into the game now when they added like 7 zoners who are possibly the worst zoners to deal with in modern fgs.
Asuka, Elphelt, Happy Chaos...
What makes Dorothy self punishing? I've never played against one.
So do companies just do a bunch of re-releases of their old games now?
If so, when's the arcana collection?
I was drunk when I wrote that so I'm surprised at what I am now reading again, but what I meant was, basically her buttons are not amazing.
She's got stupidly good setups but she rides or dies on whether or not you can get them going, because most of her normals are painfully inconvenient to fight with and good luck matching the opponent in the air when her biggest air normal is barely 1 dorothy long
Battle Queen obviously.
What engine does Uni2 even use?
I tried to play Fate Unlimited Codes once but I couldn't even do the bnbs
Elphelt zones? I thought her standard moveset involved a sort of rekka thing in Strive.
I like this guy's animations and personality, but for some reason I never felt like playing him ever.
For me he moves well enough but his attacks aren't all that flashy.
What's the combo system even like in that game? Chains, links, or something else entirely?
it mixes 3d and 2d. Chains, but then you have juggles as well
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i miss jakub
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SSF2X has anime gameplay sometimes
Good night, bros
I thought he was the Tekken wc na guy
Good Morning!
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What did Seth do to them?
2xko hype!
Did you play the alpha?
Not him, but I got invited. I tried to start up the game, but then it failed to start because my PC does not like Vanguard for some reason.
Today I will lab some MBTL
What character?
Kung Fu Girl
I like the idea of that character, but never learned how to play her properly.
I like Kouma because he has command throws
Ah, I see. I had no idea, so thank you. I just looked on mizuumi and her normals do seem pretty bad.
Play Happy Chaos
what if pot uses FDB?
French Bread has always used their own proprietary engine, and it has technically been the same one since like Melty Blood Act Cadenza, maybe even earlier. A lot of the internals have not changed. Since Dengeki Bunko or whatever else they made, it's been a mix of Squirrel and C++.
The power of indie studio please understand.
wtf really? No idea they kept the same tech for that long
Was that easier than just using one that already existed? Seems like a bunch of the Japanese devs use their own engine. Or at least they did back then.
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The new DBFZ patch just came out.
Are we excited?!!?!?
What's changed? That game usually has pretty wild balance changes.
>go back and watch the evo grand finals with the cell yell
>as i'm watching gradually remember that this is the evo where sonicfox stalls for five fucking minutes asking to switch seats and wins the set afterwards

GOD I hate that squirrely shit so much. fuck gamesmanship. play the next match in 20 seconds or you forfeit a round
He was icing the player hard in that set. EVO 2022 GFs were pretty heart-breaking IIRC
patch notes doko
did they really just drop a major patch with no notes?
Is he still good?
the clips look fucking hilarious

is this their plan? drum up a little bit of interest in the game by completely ruining it at the eleventh hour?
>is this their plan? drum up a little bit of interest in the game by completely ruining it at the eleventh hour?
the thing is, this happened 2 or 3 times since their "final update". it's honestly all a blur in my mind by now, there are way too many of these kusokino patches
Very strange idea but maybe it works.
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I want to play a game /afgg/
If you can figure out what characters do the following bnb combos, I will post nsfw and take a vacation.
Bonus points if you can name the game version.

>combo 1
236d, 4d, 6d, 4d, 6d, 4[ab], 6c, 4[b], 4d, 5bd, 66, 5b(1), j.b, 5b(1), j.b, 5aa, 2ab, 236a, 4a, 6b, 236236a.
>combo 2
5aa, 22b, j.c, 236cd, j.b, j2b, 214b, 29, j.c, 236d, 5ab, 214214c, 214214c.
>combo 3
5k, 5s, 6k, 236d, 66, 2d ,236236p, 66, 2h, 623h, 2h, 623h, 66, 5h, 236d, 236h
>combo 4
3c, 22bbc, 66, 6c , 22b(whiff)b, 22bc, 66 , 6c, 22b, 22bc, 66, 6c, 5d, 6b, 5c, 236d,632146d, 632146d
>combo 5
2s, 2h, [4]6h~p, 29, j.p, j.k, j.s, j.h, 5s, 2s, 623hs
>combo 6
5c, 6a, bc, 5c, 6a, 214bd,214bd, 623a, 214d,214bd, 623a, 214d,214d, 623a(1), 236c, 6d, 6a, 2363214a, 6321463214ac

You have 12 hours.
>I will post nsfw and take a vacation.
I don't want to see your puppet junk jigsaw
>combo 1
is that azrael
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To the cock flattener with you.
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I don't know what the game engine market is like — I personally despise the big boys like Unreal and Unity on the virtue of horrible performance or being obvious. Obviously FB was able to upgrade their engine and add on to it if we went from an old 4:3 arcade game to a 16:9 HD thing with 3D renders. Don't fix what ain't broke and re-learn/spend time and money making something new!

On the other hand, the reliance on the same thing and all their games just feeling so similar does feel blatant and lazy. MBTL was a fork of UNI which was then forked as UNI2 after all (which is more similar to the MBTL version).
Are these different games? I'm guessing that the double half circle one is some SNK game character.
I really hope all of these dbfz changes stick this game is so funny now it's insane
turns out it DOES work
i see the guilty gear ones even though i dont play the characters.
3 looks like a post revelator xrd combo for ky
5 is a pot combo that can be done in +R. probably only works on superlight to lightweights.
I'll go brush my teeth and try to remember what games have bc button combinations in the combos. I havent played anime games in a long time. I think I can get them though if I think about it .
and if theyre undernight combos then i dont care. that game sucks dick
nvm i dont play modern kof games
and i hate persona
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Street Fighter Zero 3
this combo is not good in practice
not only does he have the last character buff, he also pre-sparked for this, and it doesn't even kill
he confirms this meme combo from a 2M by itself, which is probably not reactable
anyone thinking this is impressive has barely grazed the tip of the kusokino ice berg that hiroki has transformed the game into
it probably has good meter build tho
sure but the thing is it's really funny
he's just inputting 236S 214S 236S 214S. i get why it's funny to watch but all i see just more retarded clown shit ruining the game
if you ask me this is far funnier. superior japanese programming at its finest
please tell me youre baiting
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no, it's real. i tested it myself. you can do it in the game right now
At least I can body swap with Ginyu again
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is there a reason they dramatically change the game with every patch?
Can you easily combo into that now?
Drum up hype I guess? It does get people talking about it at least and tag games are inherently kuso so it's cool that the patches are equally wild.
the thing I don't like about tag games is that I can never decided on a good team
I just end up liking too many characters
I guess that's not really a bad thing, but a personal flaw
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These are all different games except 2 combos.
This anon figured out 2 of the combos. They are indeed rev ky and +r pot.

Since you guys are coming up on the deadline, I'll give you a hint. 2 of the remaining combos are from old arcsys titles and one is from old snk.
3* of the remaining combos are arcsys. I forgot I gave 6.
SNK one must be Nameless then.
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Anon the combo has b+d special inputs. After max activation.
Ryo then maybe? I'm not a huge SNK head, just taking some pot shots.
After the 12 hour mark I'll just spoil all the answers. Most everything here is a historically significant famous route.
It'll be really hard to guess just throwing random characters at a board.
Do people really find anime charge inputs hard? they're pretty fast compared to SF
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You have lost the game /afgg/.

>combo 1
Vanilla p4a Akihiko bnb off max wind, full charge sb hook. This might have been the hardest since the first half is gibberish lvl gathering. However j.b loops were incredibly iconic, and the existence of autocombos in the notation should have made it easy.

>combo 2
Vanilla p4a Aigis bnb off the first 2 hits of her auto combo.

>combo 3
Rev Ky. Meter dump split ciel xx sacred edge corner bnb. Someone in the thread got it.

>combo 4
Blazblue continuum shift extend Noel midscreen haida loop. Really surprised nobody recognized this, but you're all statistically newfags. So it kinda makes sense. I could have notated 22bc as 22b~c, but I thought that would make it too obvious.

>combo 5
+R potemkin midscreen bnb on lightweights. Anon got it exactly.

>combo 6
KoF13 K' hd combo. I thought it would be pretty obvious whenever you looked at the structure of the loop. K' always does 623 xx 214d, 214d, and it's pretty unique to him.

I am moderately disappointed you're all so new.
I play none of those characters
your combo notation in the aigis combo is wrong. show cock
can you do this again but without persoyna or nukof. those games suck
But they're anime fighting games
>Continual Shit
Who still even plays that? Especially CS, seriously, why should we even bother to remember this when our basic bnbs change every single game anyway? Does every Carl subber still know how to do clap loops after 15 years of not touching the version of the game where he regularly did clap loops? Or the Arakune infinite?
An increasingly larger number of people can't even run the game on PC, and you're asking a lot of us if you think we're getting global match on consoles that requires a subscription to play online
Nonsense. That's the combo. the j2b whiffs.
Maybe? If I just include a bunch of modern games, where's the challenge?
>Who still even plays that?
If I can remember the bnbs I did in cs2,cs:ex,cp1.1, AND cf, why shouldn't you be able to? I don't even play Noel. Everyone thought haida loops were hype.
Anyways you missed the point. It was supposed to be a bit of a challenge retard-kun.
>you're asking a lot of us if you think we're getting global match
You didn't play the game when it was new?
>You didn't play the game when it was new?
I did, but maintaining muscle memory for games I can't play with people anymore is a waste of life
That and I don't play K' and I don't memorize combo notation for characters I don't do combos with no matter what the game is
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Did they not test anything with this patch? What in the world is going on?
From the nonsense I've seen so far, they made it more in line with a typical Dragon Ball game
it's a conspiracy to get people to play sparking zero instead
I believe it.
New Clayton dropped
mssing j. 's
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The Revelator is here! On Saturday September 14th at 2pm EST Anon Arena will be hosting a Rev2 PC tournament! Sign up in the link below as all are welcome!


If you got a question, ask it.
Yes. Simply combo into Guldo time stop and it will combo
I've been waiting for this!
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Thanks. I will train for this.
Good night!
but it's morning....
Why it fits so well?
best character for forcing danger time in xrd?
Sol probably, his DP and silly buttons like to clash. Also has fast normals and a reversal so he's pretty good at taking advantage of it, just don't whiff.
Also Chipp sometimes, also with DP and j.D. 6K is broken in danger time but if you get hit you literally die.
Kum clashes a lot if she uses the kicks in neutral and the clap super is probably the strongest post-countdown option in the game since it lets you see what they chose before you commit but fishing with shinken is much higher risk/reward so you get fewer opportunities to clash per round compared to Sol or Chipp running at you and pushing disjoints and DPs.
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Happy Chaos
Slayer in danger time is funny as hell, so maybe him
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The Dilution of Offensive Execution and The Rise of Gambling
it all goes back to nothing
>first video
>almost 3 hours
Whew lad.
Just realized there's also a 65 page document to accompany his video. This seems like information overload.
Ummmm he's a strive character, not an xrd character, dood....
Does danger time even come up often?
I think one time is one too many, but it does come up more often than you'd think.
Not really. If I'm playing a FT10 with a friend it might happen once.
Incredibly rare. However, when it happens, I'm ending the round with a 0 risk 0 commit option that normally gets 0 reward but turns into a tod in dangertime.

I will have a giggle about it afterwards.
basically never
wake u,p!
The goat. https://youtu.be/AJfMgEPPR28
So God is an invention in BlazBlue? That's what -Sight of the Gods- says when you fight there.

I hypothesize that Amaterasu is a Boss Character in Continuum Shift. Stuck on the other side of the story. Just the thing Mori would hide to reward players for breaking the dimension.

It is quite fun trying to dissect the religious identity of BlazBlue, it's clearly Shinto with some christian elements. I hope that we'll see BlazBlue's other side for real, we have to complete continuum shift...it's the best entry, and deserves the love.
wish I liked the new games
I remember when Baiken and Answer came out and I was like CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHARACTERS, DOODS!
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robo-ky never
he would have been so cool in xrd
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Almost done with Gwendolyn's frames. Ended up way ahead of schedule. Thought that her having 3 extra specials would cost me a lot of time, but used some tricks to avoid that being an issue.

I just need to do her supers now and I'll be basically done with this part of the task.
Incredibly dead thread today.

Did you all have to work or something?
to get people making twitter clips
Does the dbfz rollback work now?
Find something to like about them and stick with it
Oh, that's really cool.
Do you consider it really useful? Or is it more like a knowledge check?
Busy day and it's too hot to do anything substantial
Finished up Gwen's frames, time to scan them.
I like the XRD OST
I was doing gimmicks in training mode
So you draw the animations on paper and then use a scanner to scan them before editing them into 2D Fighter Maker? Neat stuff.
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Yes, that's correct.
First, I do a pencil sketch of the line of action and the pose. Then I ink it with a ballpoint pen (since it doesn't need to look as clean or smooth as I can get with liners). After that, I scan and clean them up, removing the backgrounds and such. There will still be pencil marks, but not enough to be a big issue for the WIP.
How much ping is too much for you in rollback?
150 is fine if it's stable, not great but good enough to try to play for real
200 is playable(if stable) but into "stop caring and just do shit" territory
250 is generally not worth it
I can play 2 bars but that's it
>I hypothesize that Amaterasu is a Boss Character in Continuum Shift.
There is no boss character named Amaterasu in Continuum Shift.
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Yes, actually. Time to go boxing
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what's two bars?
Anything below 250 like that other anon said. It's never gonna be perfect offline unless I'm playing someone even with people that are only a few cities away. As long as teleporting and rolling back victory/defeat is minimal I'll play it through.

It beats 10F on delay netcode most of the time.
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In some games, bars are used to denote the quality of a connection.
4 bars means super good connection
1 bar is very poor connection.
Usually higher bars are green, lower bras are red, and whatever is in between is typically yellow.
>tfw getting better connection with a 1-bar player than a 4-bar player sometimes
I suspect that to be an ISP issue more than anything.
That's certainly a possibility, yes. but it could also be that the 4 bar person is closer, but with an unstable connection while the 1 bar has a stable connection. Like one is on bad wifi while the other has a very good Cat-5 ethernet cable or something like that.
remember delay net code?
I still play on delay for Arcana Heart
It's not the worst feeling in the world but when it gets bad it feels really bad.
no what?
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Frames scanned. Time to clean these up.
I wish Arcana wasn't kill
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>me when I read a Nora post
Looks neat, looking forward to the finished product
new team arcana update any time now
trust the plan
speaking of team arcana, I remember they made a fantia with secret knowledge on how they make their games
I wonder how many people will be picking up the steam version of MVC collection on launch
Did they deliver on their kickstarter promises?
Characters and more updates? Yes.
People asked them about netcode, but they said they couldn't do anything about it.
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A lot of words to say:
* execution is dead (eg. modern controls etc)
* knowledge checks are dead due to internets
* only thing left is reads
* that's why every game is so aggro
I miss when you go back to neutral after a blocked attack-string
I guess you could say the evolution of gameplay by adding in a bunch of system mechanics and easing the execution lead to stagnation of sorts since if everyone can do the "hard stuff" it's not as exciting to see.
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Also knowledge checks are no more due to internets and game-breaking glitches/bugs get fixed fast
That new dragonball patch might have a thing or two to say about that actually but for the most part I agree.
Just win, it's that simple
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>new dragonball patch
What did that do or didn't do?

Some unintended glitches get turned into gameplay eg. roll-cancel in CvSNK2. It's hard enough to do and even then some characters don't need it.
Lots of new properties to moves, new moves to characters, new double moves, sparking lets you special cancel into special cancel into special cancel, new applications to some of the supers in combos, new mixes, new routes that were previously unable to be done before. It's a whole new ball game with what there is to explore.

A good amount of people I think are quitting over it because of how unstable everything is now but it's also bringing in alot of people's interest that may have been away for awhile.
Here's a decent video showcasing some of the stuff in action.


It's a pretty big update both for system mechanics and character-specific stuff.
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If this were the 90s, this would have been a new game like Zero2 -> Zero3
all it does is let you cancel everything into anything due to sparking and new frame data
i just treat dbfz like turbo now
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>SF2 Turbo
I like this analogy
DBFZ changes dramatically in terms of design with every update. I can't tell if that's good or bad.
I think it's cheaper to patch than to ship a whole new game now
even if it was just a digital game in theory
This is probably true honestly. There's probably guidelines for it too.

You know what would be cool for an anime fighter? If they allowed you to play between different game version characters like Hyper Street Fighter 2.
I remember Ultra Street Fighter 4 had version select, too.
I wonder if any non-Capcom game has ever done that. Closest I can think to of that is older KOF games having EX characters, but those are usually very different with different moves from different games, like EX Kyo and regular Kyo playing nothing alike with different movesets and I think even some different normals. Not like Sagat vs O Sagat where he still has most of the same moves, just without a super for O Sagat.
How do i get into arcana heart?
Read Mizuumi
Read Frosty guides
Watch match footage from Nippon arcades
Pick an easy character like Heart and just wing it
Fire up your going-into-games machine. Also, spend a LOT of time learning how to use homing
For arcanas, pick your choice of Love, Lightning, Wind, or Earth if you don't really know what you're doing
Find an easy character that's fun for you to play personally and mix and match arcanas until you find the one with abilities you like to use the most.
arcana heart was too hard for me even with the easy character, I'm surprised people can play it at all
no it wouldn't have been you fucking retard Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 play completely differently. this isn't the same thing as a game getting a patch where they already have fundamental aspects set in stone and have to work around those
Do you even play Zero 2/3?
I like the idea of Konoha, but found her way too hard to play correctly.
It gets easier once you get more familiar with air-dashers though I won't say it's one of the easier ones since air-dash has many options (even on defense).
homing dash that is (can be used to extend combos, give you mix-ups and also change the properties of the air dash depending on if you pick certain arcana, the 2 defensive choices while blocking, etc).
was bbtag 2.0 as busted as dbfz's new patch?
Not really. The only two standouts were Yumi being busted and Adachi being the best assist, but otherwise balance and gameflow was mostly unaffected.
What made Adachi so good?
Practicing Izanami's combos are fucking killing my hands man, needing to do multiple tiger knee inputs for basic combos is a nightmare.
What input device are you using?
Hitbox, so it could be worse I think.
his 6P is some bullshit
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His assist comes from a 90* angle above you anywhere on screen and he can ziodyne to cover the whole screen horizontally. His BVersion Ziodyne lasts long enough for you to either run up and hit someone with an unblockable or swap over to a partner and sideswap/unblockable kinda like Vatista's beam super but without the meter expenditure. He has a full screen super and one of the strongest jump in options in the game with JB. He can setup a command grab swap with Magetsu Izanagi in a similar way to how Yang can but from full screen. His 4p is also decent as an anti air cover option in a similar vein to Kurogane 4p. He's basically decent on his own but enables absolute grimy bullshit on offense while being an extremely good bulwark on defense, and this is all at multiple ranges which makes him best in assist-slut in slot for a lot of characters who struggle to find a partner who works at their optimal ranges.
Even if hitboxes can help you do things a lot faster, I find tiger knees a lot easier to do on stick than trying to use keys or buttons for inputs
Is it my imagination, or are a bunch of BBCF characters just weaker versions of other characters?
Some BBCF characters are pretty far from up to par, and other than Tager, there's always going to be someone who's just "diet ragna" (including ragna himself)
Is there any reason to pick Bullet?
she has a nice ass
If you hate losing to Nine all the time but don't want to play a good character.
Or you like giant tits.
It's not like you're playing bbcf for prize money nowadays, so you should play whoever is most fun or most sexy.
But is losing and struggling with a low tier all day really fun for people?
A Celica player won Evo this year, I don't think you really need to worry about tier lists.
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Frosty guides?
I dont like playin big-body/slow characters so ive been screwing around with heart, pistrix, clarice and dark heart since i heard they were pretty easy according to some jap lists i was looking through (although apparently dark heart is banned due to a glitch and just generally being over powered? and pistrix is considered unfinished?)

Feels like theres a pretty steep learning curve due to the game not playing like any anime fighter ive played before with the homing and super regen, on top of every arcana not only having passives, stat bonuses, and specials, but also their own supers feels like a fuck ton to remember.
I tried watching some nip tournaments, and a lot of the matches were spent with both parties in the air trying to swat eachother out of the sky
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Guides from Frosty, an EU player.
Why did Daemon Bride never even get tossed on the PS2?
didnt want to taint the ps2's flawless fighter library
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True enough
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So you can get to her older sister... Bulleta.

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