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>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells
Posting in this thread means you are fiddie owned.

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• August 31st, 5:00 PM PDT | Coeurl, Wolves Den Pier | Murderous Twins X - Lets Kill Eachother! Meetup >>490229510

>Future Meetups
• Nothing

Previous: >>492610726
Sex with catgirls
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i wish femboys would just go extinct.
that's the fucking dream man
Can we see some maleras dressed in all black or all white fancy or tight clothes?
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Starting soon! Location in pic related!
August 31, 4:00PM PST | Kraken, Costa del Sol | End of summer celebration
Remember to bring a swimsuit!
Malera just keep winning, it's not fair
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not your personal army
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What is wrong with male character trannies
macchi catgirl

what a treat
why is she so big? is she attention whoring and forcing everyone to see her or is that her actual height?
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Repost before bed? Repost before bed.
Gn xivggers (excluding futards and tranners)
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waiting for someone to post fiddies
the volcanic heart will soon arrive
>look at pic
>see bottom right

stfu, drone
Thinking about threadcrush...
no way this aired on tv
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This post is a seething lalaboy
is it me
so glad I know these types of posts are never about me
Doman Expansion: Dancing Moonies
More like THIS
fuck that mongoloid spamming
>thank you.
the generational falloff of LLK (formerly known as JJK) must be studied in classrooms
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you'd be surprised
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I liked the skinwalker posts a little more than I should
it was a different time
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My wife Meryry Mery on the bottom right...
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I love the most extreme it was the best show
You know why they call it a crush? You will be crushed
t. tried talking to my threadcrush in game and got ignored
I have started to get dreams of chubby catgirls / fiddies / femra / femroe more regularly.
my moonie is like this https://files.catbox.moe/ffj8pc.webm
Is this even worth it? I'm about to give up on speedrunning it
I'm a femlala
Who's about to log on and French kiss the nearest femlala
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That is an ACTUAL 40 fulm viera
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She's so lucky I wish I could dote on a big strong malera too
NTR makes me cum really hard but I wouldn't ever want to play it out with my EB so they'll never learn that kink
I want to wear cuter outfits but..
I just want to keep wearing Ascian stuff...
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I'm coming over ):<
Should I be worried
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>all the cans are closed
she drank like two
I don't think anyone actually wants to see my malera
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How expensive is it to buy pentamelded gear outright as opposed to melding it yourself
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My fiddie is like this.
Running to your location of logout to become the closest femlala.
does the new nvidia driver not work with ff14?
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why is this catgirl peeling like she has sunburn on her tits
D.N of zalera
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It did, that episode was about the angler fish.
Expensiver, especially now that melds are cheap
Plus they might be melded wrong
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anyone wanna play mario party
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retarded faggot with double standards
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Why are you wearing white
Wait I know this joke.
rapes u
Because Yoshi P wont let me wear the black version on healers.
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Miera bros not like this, there's a gang bang circle forming while he watches...
My male midlander awakens
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not even corn servant is safe
these were dark days
reposting my anchor
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IS THAT??!?!
that blonde cat is pure rape bait
Post funny streamable links like the conan the barbarian vid or the hw cutscene with the dude hard walking to nidhogg
even magness' ugly self insert is there mackin it
It feels like I'm catfishing him because I haven't told him I'm trans. he's in love with a fictional me that doesn't exist but I can't summon the courage to tell him. he treats me like an actual woman which is the only time I have this and it feels so nice but so dishonest at the same time
you know it's much funnier when he publicly announces blocking bbc accounts on twitter and yet by mere coincidence most of his plaps turn out to be dark skinned with 20 inch fat hogs with the nigger in picrel being a blackedfiend
that combined with the nazi outfit from last thread, almost makes sense why he made his catgirl brown skinned with a name change too
No one plays that shit anymore lmao
I do
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wtf happened to cherry
Why do mod beasts always make themselves so fucking tall?
Hyperion, Primal
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rip to a real one
>be me femraen
>getting ready for my date with a xaela malera I met on Scaler
>very nervous, but manage to do my makeup and clothing
>stumble on a lalafell on the way there and fall to a puddle
>don't have time to change so I just glamour a basic dress over
>arrive and meet him
>we start enjoying our drinks and /converse about raiding and marker board trends
>start feeling dizzy
>see the Potent Poisoning Potion HQ in his pocket
>wake up 3 hours later in a side alley, all my places hurting
>crawl home, trying not to cry
>toss a coin at the homeless hrothgal begging on the street
>arrive at my house
>there's an eviction letter from my malezen landlord, I forgot to pay the femra fee this month
see you in 3 days
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my male midlander woke up at 1pm to call from his boss asking when he was going to start working
Made for standing paizuri with malelalas
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I think I am going to join clear parties for M3S so I can prog beyond fusefield
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>they're always talking about cucking, NTR and black cocks
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What are you even supposed to say when someone's justification for using cactbot is "muh adhd"?
This gotta be bullshit, just admit you're dogshit at the game.
>Futanari no balls
Weak, embarassing, you will not survive the winter.
I would simply not indulge in hyper in XIV
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Oh my, are you prog lying?
Post femra now now now now now now
Tbh i will fanta off Catgirl, them and catboys atrract the most retarded nigers its insane
what race should i play, not lala, that best can exemplify this image
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*erps you against your will*
would let her stuff my lalaboy
catter tummy mlem mlem licky
femra or femezen have the smallest bust size, fiddie might be similar to femezen
posting Femra this beautiful Saturday afternoon hoping I don't get placed next to a DISGUSTING futa post
a male.
Honestly the smartest move, it's actually such a dumpster fire of a race that fantaing off was one of the best decisions made.
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nice trips tho
I...don't know who this is. REVEAL THYSELF
5 hours of lapis manalis for scouting to drop 500x into 40 minute dps queues at 9pm on a weekend
nice game retards, fuck substats and fuck ultimate
eb like this that will let me fist their peehole
What arz you playing as now
my femra never gets digits when she posts
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/xivg/ posters who you suspect are secretly good at erp?
guys its caturday... where are the cats?
which dance animation? also very clean webm settings
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damn I must be a chocolate hunting yakubian ape daddy when I swipe right on one (1) black women on bumble
Sunana Suna
Sunana Suna
Sunana Suna
Post her. Don’t make me angry.
My male midlander is on a CC loss streak
Apologies if he ends up on your team
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JC @Balmung the ones who deny being gay are always the most degenerate erpers.
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I still glub
gonna pass on the pvp meet. Still playing Visions of Mana. It's pretty nice but if you haven't played legends of mana you'll be very fucking lost on shit.
Sunana Suna
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Sunana Suna
It's a waste of money at this point, just get the regular crafted or normal raid gear and slap two XIIs in the slots and call it good
>where are the cats
Right here!
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>I don't even cuck, i NTR
That's... the same thing, that's like saying I don't commit suicide I commit jisatsu
Post /xivg/ coomers that you suspect couldn't get good at erp to save their lives
the angry redra
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noff x wendy's crossover
Don't worry I'll protect you my racist husband.
I went ra, don't get me wrong there's some peak weirdos there too but despite that, I don't feel nearly as embarrassed of being associated with them.
Sunana Suna
I think she likes f+
My femra throws her poopsock at pedestrians when we ride in the car.
why are you like this
*counter rapes you*
sis... she is the f+
Sunana Suna
I've plapped that little goonpiggy more times than I can count now.
>gonna pass on the pvp meet.
Scared of Kanchelle's wrath
>muh skinwalking
turns out it was true
Cactbot is the one that shows you the figt timeline and does callouts right? Honestly when I first started raiding back in shb I thought it sounded really broken but now that it's been a while it doesn't bother me nearly as much. Every world prog static has like 2-3 extra members solving all the mechanics and doing callouts with no strain to any of the actual players mental stacks. Every average static just had the non retards do callouts anyways as well. Last tier I did calls for every fight for a static of friends and there were people in that group that wouldn't have cleared without them
What's the difference from those people being in discord with calls and prople having an ai voice mod call it instead? It really doesn't fucking matter man.
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Its not me, its my femra.
>no real questing since it's all just MSQ story shit
>no real world since it's all instanced garbage with 0 exploration besides "vistas" which is just Ubisoft slop
>pvp uses templates which defeats the point of MMO pvp
>jobs are all extremely homogenous to the point that it actually makes retail WoW classes look good and unique
>there is no flavor spells that you can do outside of combat like creating food on Mage in WoW or summoning players like a Warlock (I guess Bard has their songs, but that's it in the entire game)
>armor is mostly shit except for the highest level of raid content and mog station shit, where mog station shit has the highest resolutions and clearly most work put into it so every one runs the same rotation of glams only adding one or two outfits for every expansion
>highest level of content is easy to any hardcore MMO player and lowest level of content is so braindead you can be AFK and do most of it
>the only thing people use the game for is as a modding platform for taking narcissistic images of their BEASTS
>worst implementation of an auction house I have ever seen in my entire life
>worst housing system ever that has artificial scarcity so Square can grip it's players by the balls forcing them to never transfer servers and never unsub
>a bunch of stupid annoyances that don't need to exist (invisible walls blocking 2ft drops that wouldn't even damage your character, slow ass things like deleting mail, a million yes/no prompts, unable to mount in cities or while talking to npcs, etc)
So, this is the "best" mmo huh? Do we like this? The only praise I can give it is the crafting, but it's all sort of meaningless when everything else is shit.
No she isn't. She took Aru's +
meleec@ my beloved
will sunana suna address the allegations
she needs to plap my femra
Sunana Suna
So what's with the Sunana replies, which clique is pushing this?
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noff bodies make my pp twitch hard
Nah. I blacklisted them anyway so they're not an issue anymore.
Would do both of em
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>Slowly slogging through Dawntrail
>Finally get to the Golden City
>Y'shtola turns up again
>Declares she's leaving again, once again G'raha comes with me while Y'shtola stays behind

>Cute scene with Alisaie worrying about me
>Surprisingly, even get an option to openly flirt with her, calling her young and beautiful
>Y'shtola has no such worries and nothing to say

>Finally, walking through the portal, Y'shtola speaks up
>For the first time in the entire expansion she addresses my character
>A clear worry and a small heartfelt moment...
>...And it is IMMEDIATELY interrupted by Wuk Lamat butting into the conversation and making it about her

Holy fuck. I'm not even a Y'shtolafag, but what even happened here? Did a Y'shtola fan piss in Hiroi's cereal or something?
god damn
You look like my irl big bro
Wanna have sex?
I can't identify anyone here by name
It can call out shit before it even happens on your screen
Thanks Jeph.
poor noff can't even plap because he's a permanent bottom
identify them by race and gender and server then.
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But my ERP IS saving lives.
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>too scared to post femra
Yep I bet
I already know who you are anyway since I only know one S.S femra that pvps
Sure I'll do it again
Umm hello what do you mean by this...
Im waiting for cheaper TOP clears so i can buy some.

I just dont know how much i risk my account getting stolen stuff due it
>What's the difference from those people being in discord with calls and prople having an ai voice mod call it instead? It really doesn't fucking matter man.
Cacbot can call out shit before it's even visible what it is retard
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This is great! I love this xD
I was thinking of getting it as it looked quite good. It has been years since i played visions so i remember nothing. Does that have too much of an effect on the game in general or just take a while to get up to speed?
nice taint bro
Oh don't forget "timegated content remaining timegated when the patch is over or even when the expansion is over" for literally no reason. Even Blizzard has the decency to unlock shit when the patch is done. Why does Doman Enclave still take months?
sis use old pores in penumbra...
the scions were not characters this expansion, do not see them as such. they were only here to be talking pieces. Just pretend they werent here cause Hiroi did too
It's "best" by virtue of the rest of the MMO landscape looking even worse. And unfortunately, there's nothing on the horizon that could change that. MMOs are a thing of the past and they will slowly die out. After that, us boomers will have to move somewhere else.
Seishun Complex
Would you to like to my femra? fat btw
definitely me
this is true
what hat is that
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im going to do it tonight... my group is finally going to clear m1s

im gonna clear a current savage fight for the first time ever
The scions are skinwalkers this xpac.
you're cute may I tribute
>that big
i REALLY like thighlanders
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She's just there to be used as a trust, same as the rest of the Scions bar Krile(barely).
I'm so used to /f/ that I was waiting for the rewind sound effect and I've literally never heard the song without it.
Has anyone done P4S unsynced? How much of the mechs do you need to know in Phase 2?
it's just really dumb pick me behavior, like hey everyone look at me I am 2 stories tall, heh I am kind of quirky
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I miss going to movie meetups
i will not
how do you know for sure? there could be any number of SSes in the queue you've never seen
It's time to do your daily Dungeon Roulettes anons, who will you have in your party:

Lootwhore (Possesses awareness to use his mitigations and pull big, but will *always* loot every chest and roll on every item.)
Sprout (Is new at the game and it shows. Will likely listen any offered instructions, but will still likely fuck something up. Only rolls on his own gear, passes everything else)
Mentor (Is decent at the game and will pull big without stopping for anything, assumes that his party is similarly competent and keep up with potentially fatal results. Passes every loot but will passive-aggressively beg for comms)

Paypal legend (Only uses ogcds to heal and will spend the rest of the time dpsing. Blames the tank if this is not enough to keep them alive. Passes on all loot)
Glam addict (Does heal and dps but will always make sure tank is alive even if this result in non-optimal dps. Will shamelessly roll on every item for their glam collection)
Gamer grill (Full on healbot with little to none personal dps. Will spend most of the time talking about random crap. What this person rolls on is unpredictable).

Tryhard (Will try to parse even if its Sastasha. Won't fuck up mechanics or their own rotation, but will be extremely toxic if someone causes a wipe. Will also mock anyone that dies for any reason. Generally passes every loot, but will loot on everything out of spite if anyone in the group dies.)
Limsa afker (Will fail 90% of mechanics and is extremely like to floortank if there is a mechanic with even a shred of personal responsibility involved even if that means merely moving out of incoming AoE. Extremely chatty, will try to hit on your character if they find your WoL cute. Rolls on anything they find aesthetically pleasing)
Ultima Sprout (Doesn't say anything beyond "o/" at start and "gg" at the end. Plays their class decently but occasionally makes mistakes. Will roll on anything they don't already have)
someone's dad
To memories of working legs, I bid farewell...
What if we watched thunderbolt december sky...
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Like to what?
>author wakes up one day and decides he hates his manga and fanbase
>writes some of the most retarded shit imaginable and ends the series in a stupid way
hate to see it
Can anyone post that one catbox of those two lalas double teaming a cock? I really need to bust.
What do I do with my leylines during chain lightning?
>the only role with a "flawless" player is the DPS ultima sprout

wow golly gee i wonder if that describes YOU

if the group selling pilots is even slightly reputable, the risk is 0
they don't care about your gil or items, it's a business. bad word of mouth/bad reputation with confirmation erases their ability to do business
the direct payment they get from you is worth considerably more than whatever momentary payout they may get from robbing your account and putting their rep in the negative
WoW would be better if it wasn't pozzed slop with people who can't write for shit and full of furry fetishists. Classic WoW is better, in fact.
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Prove that you aren’t a face 3 raen rapebait for my face 1 femraen-
So can someone In discord though? And even if it read something like sunrise towers a few seconds before an actual human can what does it even matter when there's more than enough time for someone to read the mechanic and call it anyways. Even something like dsr p5 honestly what does it fucking matter if the robot calls out doom or puddle when I can just look at my fucking debuffs I have enlarged to take up an 8th of my screen. I don't use cactbot but I just don't see why it bothers you man the advantage it offers you is so minimal especially compared to shit like splatoon.
I have lost gallons to that chubby Doman fiddie who only posted like twice.
May i post my naked face 1 femra.
Ah my favorite time of the day, seeing Yuzu's moonies. /smooch
you've got this anon!
did you eat all the rice
I am the loot goblin
I always roll, never pass
gimme gimme gimme
I always roll the highest priority roll on everything, I thought everyone else did this as well (unless they pass on everything)?
Which face? I was thinking either going femra too or male char desu
Still the best MMO, still better than Dragonflight. Stop raping kids.
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That's comforting to hear /pet
I don't know how to respond to this beyond this message.
I love yanderes.
I love gyaru.
I love toned women.
Leatherworker's Hat
i like to think that he ate sukuna's finger one day and from that point it was wraps. at least the HxH dude came back and they told gege to pack his shit
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How about Thunderbolt Fantasy?
What happened to the scion smut? It is the beach expansion...
It's amazing how bleach is the only one of the big 3 that had an acceptable ending in the past 20 years. If one piece fucks up the ending it will bring generational shattering shitposting.
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when are we gonna watch the sopranos
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>Lootwhore (Possesses awareness to use his mitigations and pull big, but will *always* loot every chest and roll on every item.)
I never bothered leveling desynth, so this is how I'm doing it now.
w2c deadlock eb
I don't know why nobody spoke up during development but YoshiP flat out said they they half-assed the scions and "we'll learn from that".
Either femra or fiddie.

That pic is really really hot and why i love flatties
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Every time I see a mhigger or mhigger-coded being or a nigger or a nigger-coded being my immediate instinct is to make it eat dirt while I make it into a mother. No, I don't check if it can carry a child first.
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I sometimes enjoy myself here.
guys where's the pvp meetup
I aint playing heroshooter dota, that shit sounds mad gay
i went 17-1 on shiv last night wanna make out
Yeah this isn't kr, she fucked a futa before.
do you have any pics of her
At your moms house
I hope my thread crush logs in today so I can look at her
>black cock
>everyone loses their minds

>black pussy
can i sit next to you if you go to the next one
>up for 10m
Ah so this is what janny jorks it to
Ok, I can log in right now if you want.
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Vivian L'uzana, Alice Mordiggan, Amy Melody, Aneri Kudo, Atma Buster, Axl Low, Caelynn Lynwood, Daelin Ocho, Dendier Luquier, Hali Hali, Hanana Nana, Hihimi Chere, Ikkou Alonz, Jasmine Ambrose, Jay Tatarya, Kanono Kano, Kohr Kohn, Kokoha Koha, Kokone Kone, Kora Kafhausa, Kyoukoko Kyouko, Kyuu Tsu, Lelemeki Vavameki, Liliane Blanc, Lilsi Kowa, Meiwowo Meiwo, Meryphilia Mordigian, Mimiwa Miwa, Mimizi Mizi, Mini Zin, Miniwa Miwa, Naya Mi, Nia Cehak, Noyuyu Noyu, Otis Jenkins, Paseli Labeli, Pepper Pimientino, Pig Bottom, Pupukei Pukei, Raikya Sakurai, Red Pepepper, Ria Souma, Rinko Rin, Ririni Rini, Sani Kitsani, Sasori Oniryu, Shinunu Shinu, Shrugu Rugu, Susumono Nonomono, Vulcan Bairon, Vuvuli Vuli, Yayaki Yaki, Yu Yun, Yukiko Yuki, Zogii Qalli, Lucy Lime!
>I was thinking of getting it as it looked quite good. It has been years since i played visions so i remember nothing. Does that have too much of an effect on the game in general or just take a while to get up to speed?
Did you mean Trials?
As for knowing legends it's more of a lore and world building thing since this takes from legends the most, right down to the tree in your backyard and a talking shrubman from LoM.
To be fair to the gameplay of Dragonflight, the only reason it's so low is because Blizzard is constantly being raped by bombers for their ideologies. Dragonflight gameplay was the best WoW has been since Legion at the very least and Legion scored higher than DT. Most Japanese reviewing DT wouldn't be shitting on Wuk Lamat unless they play with English for some god awful reason.
I bet your favorite color is blue your favorite food is sushi and you love berserk.
Sargatanas is so empty..
standard miera being cucks
yeah the point is that black men are competition while black women are the reward
>The head bobbing movements
It's entirely possible Oda will pull a Miura and die before he finishes it.
Final Fantasy XIV?
>Ultima Sprout
>80% chance they will die to everything
>will report you if you even mention bought clear
pale white veena boys have never whispered my brown femrava(no carrot), this is a lie
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Mahjong causes great damage to the Lalafell spirit without a single benefit.
for me its the other way around
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"Never trust a Garlean puppet to think for themselves, nor expect a disheartened soul to change. The true power of the Ascians always deceives, manipulating the weak against you. It’s a grand illusion meant to obscure the genuine truth. They disrupt dissent and use falsehoods to discredit the brave. Their smear campaigns fall flat, and their deceit is apparent when you see through their false masks. These schemers use treacherous individuals as pawns. When one traitor stabs you in the back, they ensure you’re marked as an enemy of the state by the Syndicate’s nefarious machinations. They orchestrate countless other traitors who sow discord, distract, and mislead. This cycle of deceit is relentless, aimed at unraveling your plans and dismantling your strategies. They undermine your every move, creating chaos to exploit. The Syndicate and their allies often place dissenters on their lists of enemies, labeling them as threats. Their schemes are all-encompassing, with connections to numerous factions across Eorzea. These centers of deceit fabricate false accusations, branding innocent souls as enemies of the realm or conspirators. They use methods akin to those of the Garlean Empire’s propaganda and mobbing, which can even be linked to incidents of turmoil and strife within the realm. These factions study conflicts and stir unrest to justify their control and impose stricter measures upon the people. With weapons and power, one can be a hero, but without them, one is left vulnerable. The Garlean Empire, in its pursuit of dominance, mirrors the actions of historical tyrants, working towards an all-encompassing rule that seeks to oppress and control. The path they tread is one of destruction and domination, aiming to reshape the realm in their image. They follow in the footsteps of those who have sought to impose their will through fear and manipulation, creating a new order where freedom is sacrificed for control."
i just got plapped by a mamool ja and it was so fucking hot
now this is real shit
If that many people are good, then none of them are good.
I pass on like 90% of stuff in dungeons, i'll only roll on anything that looks neat or the uncommon marketable goods. Don't really bother with turn-ins for GC's and I don't like excessive clutter.
my rapewife
Okay but I will be too shy to talk to you
I will just look
we should've been able to do this every cutscene that had wuk lamat in it, wol pulls their hat down in shame, cept rabbits, cause fuck them
QRD with the least amount of spoilers? I only watched the anime and thought it was good
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what if i fanta'd into this golem i made.. what then
what do you play
>>muh skinwalking
>turns out it was true
no one was skin walking that thought we know eus have an obsession with HORSD are u new?
I'm already there but nobody is here
Where's the actual pvp meetup
>face 3 raen
>rapebait for my face 1 femraen-
false, you could be looking for anyone then
How's your rating doing?
Akemi melts from being disappointed in ERP would be funny.
crystal always wins baby
>Atma Buster
He doesn't ERP.

Didn't he die of a heart attack?
Bunnies can wear the 89 reaper hat
thanks for the update, buddy
few hours ago a massive femra futa cock was up for an entire thread
ty 4 the cc games someone else can call now
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is SAM fun or is the skill floor too high for a low IQ idiot like me
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fr fr
everyone's soul in fact
it’s penis inspection day for male characters, post the catboxes
in no exaggeration whatsoever, gege woke up one day and went "i'm gonna have sukuna fight the entire cast with no breaks and win"
What game is this?
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hnnnnngg what mod is this
effy except I don't have to suspect I already know
Imagine uplifting an entire civilization (or lack thereof) purely through the sheer raw power of your dick.

THAT'S why we love black pussy.

• August 31st, 5:00 PM PDT | Coeurl, Wolves Den Pier | Murderous Twins X - Lets Kill Eachother! Meetup
I've had this feeling in my head for the past year and a half that I'm about to die. I don't know what caused it. I haven't had any close calls with death since 2019.
Alright thanks, guess whats next is to find one of those groups
sexpest tranny chaser
Tainted goods, now you're never getting to experience yuri sex with my sunnie
that sounds stupid
AAAAAA holy shit I had today's date wrong, thank you
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>He doesn't ERP.
im moonie...
Pornography has ruined the perception of my people. I long for true connection with someone instead of baseless stereotyping and beastialization due to assumptions over genitalia and behaviour during coitus. I refuse to become your warped final fantasy.
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My male midlander is showing native dark-skinned Shetona boys delicacies and fashions from beyond the salt (estrogen-laced candy and beautiful dresses).
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It barely requires thought, you just need to know how the opener goes, keep up Higanbana, and not overcap resources.
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Gold (since it's a colour that works incredibly well with blue, white, purple, green and red, which are colours that I love).
I guess sushi fits (haven't thought about what my favourite food is) and dead on with Berserk.
I use True Hero as my title because I'm not good enough to get Lone Hero
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maybe, I've been tired from work lakely, and I haven't watched any gundam before
maybe, I usually kinda sit alone
i'm a brainlet and enjoying it
It's not that Atma doesn't ERP, he just melts down in the thread when his targets don't want to ERP with him and he attacks them/their EB/their friends.
why are you gay
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normal raid unlocking day!
me when i'm draculamaxxing
I want to pest all of my xivg friends
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I wish...
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>want to erp people
>don't want to spend hours erping
You wouldn't pest a male character
what the fuck is wrong with you people
Slamming clams with another femlala and activating my futa magic for surprise impregnation
I miss hosting movies (havent had luck ever since i moved from my original world, and now i am back on housing savage)

Also love your glam
today will be the today where I make my first xivg friend
There was an euro veena that got snatched by someone from orleans in an earlier thread. You just arent trying hard enough
based based based!
nice on topic post. but seriously though, do what everyone else does here and sit around lewdposting and looking at each others' characters naked
link to hairmod please
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I'm logging out
because i know your history karotte, thats why i dont whisper you
Good luck anon! Who are you trying to befriend?
There is a reason why mobas are also referred to as ASSFAGGOTS
I don't care that it's made by Valve. I'm glad you guys are getting a decent one made by a company that relatively cares about making a decent game, but I'm not going to play a game where you derive more frustration and hatred than enjoyment and fun
youre not Akemi go away
this but I uno-reverso and do it to you first.
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Top PF hosters of Zalera
no :(
I am once again targeting femra and raping them with my male gaze
I chuckled
Amazing. Not a single good reply.
Ahh okay does not sound too bad, will give it a try once i finish Y7
No balls is true futanari. Anything else is just tranny shit
how about you activate your futa magic and fuck my fiddie?
True but all my male character friends are pests anyway
Yep, he won.
i’m not karotte(i follow her twitter tho) im a literal who
it quite literally isn't you retard
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celestia by lessana
Because I love maleroes so much it is unreal
He's never tried to ERP with me...
i'm logged out
I have been sexpesting flat femezen on every occassion I could get for several days straight
>just spent 30 minutes looking for a mod I had before dt but couldn't find anymore
>it was some basic overalls
>found it, finally
>instead of naming it anything even remotely related to its form or function, they named it CANDY JELLY LOVE BEANS
So true sis
Remember to inject your estrogen today!
Who here blops6 beta?
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Good luck on housing! and thank you!
i hate this shit
im gonna plap this middie until she and me are awooing
what do you think of this custom title?
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cat, reporting in!
Futanari, be they accurate (full package, also called hermaphrodite) or not (anything else) exist as a second gender for Males to impregnate.
It is so.
It was a trick. I'm no fulala at all. Go for
I cant handle the meat grinder I need a break
Treyarch fell off
I don't remember making this post
a bunch of other hairs come up, can i get a link pls
Movie meetups are great when you're busy raping your dick 10 times a day, aren't they?
its cool but i really feel like you should spend your talents doing something else
Soulless. Visual and auditory slop. Evokes nothing.
just saw a modbeast with implant-looking tits, was pretty hot
There's a pilot group selling for 25, do you think that's good?
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Also you'll have a "Wait wasn't this from FF14?" moment with the light
Benevodon. Since it's light element but has ice attacks and is fought in an ice arena, just like ryne!Shiva
wahh im so lonely but i dont like being near people wow look at me im half naked but i dont erp with anyone. get a better gimmick
the worst imo is when they name a hairstyle after a person
so like, instead of designing a ponytail and naming it "shoulder_length_ponytail" or something, they name it CHARLIE
like how the fuck would anyone find it now
and a lot of these people aren't even offering their shit for free, like they're making it hard to even get paying customers, not that i buy this shit but i'm just saying
Think it could stand to be a little less visually busy, personally
I unsubbed after finishing DT's MSQ but kept playing on my Free Trial account anyway because im too addicted to quit completely
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We like this
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i wish she was still making mashups since theyre preem
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Day in the life of a male character
You need to do up to Act 3. That's all. You should kill him right after the KB happens. No need to do Act 4 unless for some reason you all died nonstop or are perma DD
whats with that dude's hand
Its ok you dont need to its just some cool woahh explosions and big robot cool!! type of show
Hey choom you in the wrong general.
play something people actually want then
Another male character called my glam good. It felt good.
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silly me i was looking at xivmodarchive, i forgot this one even existed, i hate the splintering so much its unreal
i dont know
Stay strong, king
Its kind of too busy with it messing up the text options but not bad
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she's so hot when she doesn't speak
a 10/10 that's ruined by a dogshit va and horrible writing
am a male midlander
eating Oreo McFlurry
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is this really what footfags crave?
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I use a mouseover macro so cute guys can't know when my femlala is 'mirin
thank you yoshi penis for opening up balmung
It looks like someone took a bunch of royalty free visual effects and smashed them together in hopes of being seen as more talented than they are.
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i cant get cyberpunk lingo out of my head

yeah but its really only the 2 main sites you have to look at
weird motherfuckers
Thanks :)
I don't want to namedrop but I'm open for anyone
I am a femlala
who just cooked 2 big burgers with cheddar and some tater tots with mexican cheese on top
5 years later, 1 hat
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I'm squeezing my breasts right now while daydreaming about my in-game crush being the one squeezing them instead.
Asked my baby boomer mom to design her own character when she visited. She was almost female hrothgar but then saw the tail and thought it looked like a turd so she ended up face 2 female Highlander with tattoo and face paint.
*spam targets and untargets you so your Peeping Tom keeps alerting you*
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It's time to move on
Oh I see
Neat, but if it's not Balmung no one cares
Requesting permission to post my normalra
I think pvp is kinda lame and most of the meetups being about pvp lately has been boring
cute lipstick. builded for messy smooching
Why would people transfer to Balmung I don't get it, it becomes 10 times harder to get a house and even an apartment.
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nice sis
Close enough
Welcome back, Hephaistos
My male midlander logged in
Same, I got them fat double g cup moobs. And strokin' my shit. Yeah.
put them dawgs away sis
you can change lip color but not eye color at the hairdreser guy right?
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I'd say all hrothgar should be hunted down and made into carpets
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I got mouseovermacrospy. I know which femlalas looked at me! It's none!
odd, my femlala wife hasn't waddled into my room to drop off the food she made for me for a while now... I hope she is okay.
Same reason people move to cities, the hustle and bustle, sometimes the opportunities
how does it feel being BPD and a narcissist at the same time?
I want to resub just for ERP because F-list fucking sucks nowadays.
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give me your macro please
I love fat femlalas so much.
Love spanking them while their fat asses bounce up and down over my dick.
Love it when they lick the shaft like it's a popsicle
Stupid fat sluts I wanna fuck them all. Wouldn't even know they were pregnant because they already look it.
You're the one looking for attention, and now you have it.
trannies will rp as the immortal fleshbound reincarnate of a kitsune god but then tell you it's not canon for futa to have balls
need feet
I would, but she's currently being impregnated by Bajaljsen.
Because houses are pretty dead and useless content.
All it does is force you to remain subbed if you care to not lose it.
femlalas are not beating the overweight accusations
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Is it true you can't even get an apartment on Bungmung
it's pretty good
be normal please
She's getting more a seared bite
cosmetic only nyes
Wdym "canon"? Is there some kind of a futanari bible that tells you how the futa proportions should be?
Why are you randomly thinking about trannies unprovoked on a Saturday instead of doing something fun
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>my femlala
It's okay I would much rather not know a femlala was staring at me anyway
You can but you need to look around a lot. I got one in Empyreum on thursday
but then how are the cute guys supposed to know to slide into your dms??
i didn't get to eat anything else today
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assign it to a keybind and then just press it while your mouse is hovering over someone
it'll let you look at their thing without telling ptom
is this real
that's ok
i dont want them to, that's a hassle. it's complex, ok
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>rando asked for mare
>thought it'd be funny
it was not funny.
i get the same thing even though i'm a pale face 3 femra
probably because i don't dress my character like a prostitute
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take a shower stinky
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idk ask the futafags in this thread who get into weekly arguments about it
The problem is in this case you can move to Balmung just fine and do anything on it.
I agree but I don't agree on Balmung, 90% the reason to have a character there is to ERP/RP and having your own place makes it easier.
based, thanks.
Post lala instead
Show yourself demon!
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Going to your own place to ERP every time, hundreds of times a year, is boring as fuck. I don't care about that. I have an apt if we can't think of a better scene.
Reminder, I'm not attacking you, you're attacking me because you are actually obsessed

I know it's you and you're just trying really hard to pretend it's not but now I know just how bad of a friend you are, and I won't namedrop you because I'm letting you move on with your life

I was wondering why you were talking about discord and getting namedropped, so I searched your name, looks like you do this to more people than just me, so you're just projecting when you call me a narcissist and sociopath, you actually pretend to be friends with someone then attack them anonymously when you get drunk.
I got mine when some guy was quitting and giving out his apartment slot a few years ago
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i smell great
that's why i posted it, go ahead. i thought everyone knew about this trick desu
>Is there some kind of a futanari bible
bible black
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>wedding ring
a middie plowing and knocking up my fiddie in front of naldthal and everyone at the bench would instantly fix me
post ur fiddie
It's really weird imo. I mostly like men anyways but the futa likers argue about the craziest things. Balls is better than no balls but you do you, I don't care.
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mine's better
my femra didn't take her pills today
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>you actually pretend to be friends with someone then attack them anonymously when you get drunk.
I know who that is lmao
I know who this is. And next time I see you...
Tonight. You.
Bible Black and Futa-bu are the Bible and Quran of futa. All the shemale shitters just want to cling to the stuff people actually want, but they fail to deliver and try to muddy it up.
*puts your pills on my tongue then kisses you* I got you
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I care :)
friends, populated, socializing
if they don't have any of these going for them then why remain on a world with no friend or anything when you can hang out with friends on other servers without the problem of congestion and what not
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Are you the black roe? Because the "BBW" often seek those types out. It's like russian roulette except instead of a revolver it's a fucking whale harpoon.
Well, have her take them!
My catboy will stop taking his pills because they aren't doing anything
Ask yourself if you unironically want attention from other men. If you're that far gone, just fanta to a female lol.
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why did face 3 catgirls get to keep their smile dimples but not glubs? such bullshit
Name and shame.
>Get called annoying for your attention seeking posting style
>Start making wild accusations
Get. A better. Gimmick. Nobody likes someone that cries about being lonely all the time yet refuses to talk to anyone. It just has to be whoever your personal boogeyman is and not someone criticizing you for being obnoxious.
20-25 per totem for top is pretty acceptable at the moment, yeah
Glubs look so much better now its unreal
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i am a maitake maitake guruguru guruguru femlala
Catgirls got the soulless stare in exchange. You win some, you lose some.
I'm not looking to date, and yes attention is nice
i creep around balmung but i'm from aether
Femra really are cocksucking height...
macchi post
I love glubs with a burning passion but will never approach one out of fear of disrupting them
i am a mahoujin guruguru femlala
it's so over for that blacked femra
Move on. G.V.
it gets the job done. i'll adjust mine later. i'm busy rn
I'm already pre CCing... I can't wait for the CC meetup. Prepare to die
Don't fear that, anon!
In the azim steppe too we love pork. Ever had our sausages?
But are you a whore?
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My femraen visits the Reunion weekly to enjoy some Xaela sausage.
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I want to talk to you, but I never know what to say.
not really i don't think LMAO
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I'm a complete brainlet, so I'll ask here. Anyone know of a mod that makes the Kidomaru bloody like Bravura? Or is anyone capable of making it?
It's the only other weapon that feels brutal enough to warrant a bloodied version.
>blackest niglander itt
>no I swear I’m not black
Why is there a weird print in those pants?
Great, ill do that next week then!
>it’s penis inspection day for male
finally, i love showing off my
never mind
>the redblue moonie is using mods now
its over
God I miss Deliverance animation.
You should go in game and find out for yourself
I was always using mods you doofus.
Is White Glint a top or bottom?
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not even close retard
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Don't worry, I'm mostly AFK these days anyway, and if I am around I'm too tired for small talk, I probably talk the most when I post here or at a funny movie meetup
I will continue to, if the few glubs I interact with are any indication then I am a bad influence
Ur shemale niglander is black lol
learn to read
In my experience it's just been middies who were at risk of that. I can see bunnies doing so but au ra and cats feel relatively safer from it. At worst you get hentai proportions. It does feel like there are more modbeasts than there were pre DT/a year ago.

I don't post myself in this thread but I am one over to the right and around the bottom column. Or all the way to the right, I forget.
that's a sunnie
Ok post one darker fem/fu highlander in xivg
my irish rose...
You're in a public forum and anyone is free to reply and criticize your posts. If you can't handle that there's plenty of places for you to have safe space hugbox.
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NTA but you have to be fucking colorblind to not think thats black
I love glubs with a burning passion but will never approach one again because one broke my heart
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This game could be so much better but they just actively grief themselves class wise, I wish I could speak on the tiers
i'd drain you dry
It can't be that bad anon... You're talking to me right now, after all!
To be fair, you ARE a brown highlander who slings meat around.
that’s really cute anon. i wish i could ask the same of my mom but she’s very old
bottom-coded futa warrior niglander who loses to skinny dudes
You either rape a femra, or you are a femra long enough to see yourself get raped. I can do those things because I'm a femra, not like you. I'll get raped, that's what I can be. Because sometimes consent isn't enough, sometimes male characters deserve more.
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I had a retainer set as a botanist but there wasn't ever anything to collect so I swapped him to a combat job to collect meat and leather which is annoying to gather.
i main top lane in league and i only play sett and nasus
>dark as fuck with a hypercock
you're a bbc sterotype
my cute thread daughter
the duality of grown man
I've got some fucking meat for you to gather.
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Repulsive, these bloated creatures always remind me of ticks and I fucking hate ticks
Is this the power of electrope?
oh shit ur right sorry fellow retard
*with standards
/xivg/ers will really play a 7 foot BBC futa then wonder why obese snowbunnies hit on them
A lot of insecure whitebois ITT again
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another day in the life of my femra.... sigh.......................
Don't you love it when the static that blew you off without even scheduling a trial still hasn't cleared the tier in week 5? I know I do
Hey I play nasus too
Nah that's horse girl

Post femra, I like femras
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Fiddie fo sure or au ra
where were they hiding that
Very on-brand considering I run towards you whenever I'm getting bullied by the enemy and need to feed your kill count.
This is what I mean, this whole post just says it's you lol

I'm leaving you alone, you leave me alone.

What's the problem? You said you hate me and you're totally not obsessed. Why you're still replying to me?
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Clearly, we need to go blacker
Got it out the streets...?
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Yeah, but you have a degree of separation here in the thread, nothing like ingame!
my femra is currently alt-tabbed while the game pretends I care about sphene or wuk lamat in this trials roulette
highlander nayr
I am a femlala who plays ffxiv in a well lit room and doesn't sit too close to the monitor
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hwahwahwahwaaaahahahaha... BUTT CURSE
If you hang out in the middle of nowhere or at your personal abode then your chances of being clicked are dramatically reduced because no one is around.
i hate futrannies so much it's unreal
*coughs blood*
We.... we... l-like this...!
doko? doko? doko? doko? doko?
My BF says its weird I called Wicked Thunder "The horse fucker"
But I dont think its weird.
as someone that never goes to uldah on balmung anymore, i gotta ask. if you see someone that looks cute and you get their mare code and they turn into a malformed beast, what do you do?
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>You either rape a femra
hope this helps
it wasn't a joke, that is literally your character
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I concur
A very well-fed top laner can 1v5 the whole enemy team.
Why is everybody futa now??
I was happy when everybody became fat due to C+, I was happy when everybody either doubled or halved in height, I am not happy when everybody is slanging around dickmeat.

And then it's like they become competitive. They can't let anybody have a bigger dick than them so they increase the scaling by .05 every time they walk around Ul'dah.
True, the only people who think futa have balls are trannies and chasers
building my gm quel rn
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You can still get one if you keep looking.
I got mine the day I moved to the server :p
I play one of those
I only individual pair if I actually know someone, I don't do pick up ERP with randoms anymore especially now.
it's weird you're just jaded by this website
Why are you black?
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Ay dios mio
i play jax darius and aatrox and also main top lane
I just stand there with my mostly-vanilla character and they get disappointed and unsync with me
Question for white boys in the chat, whats the deal with the dots on your thighs and ass? Is it like freckles?
Do I go with the pork or the chicken katsu tonight?
i only snuggle with min height bunboys that have small ears
usually just unpair them and say that their character isnt my type after snapping a screenshot of it to chuckle about
>"Sorry, not my thing."
>"Have a nice day."
Do you like sunnie+?
Pork. Without a doubt.
Do you like sunnies?
Anon I do not care how some old japanese porn animation did it, I like women with cock and balls and I call it futa because it's a short and simple term.
What the hell else do you think it is? Shit specks? Cancer? marker dots?
>spy on my friends, friends list
>they have a spade next to my name
what does this mean?
May my femra suck you off?
That's very haram, go with the chicken.
can i be racist to you in a loving and affectionate way
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I played top lane in league of legends should I kill myself
also has anyone actually confirmed whether the pvp meetup is in 1 hour is a cc meetup
Why would they be disappointed?
Do they dislike players whom do not mod?
Holy shit a genuinely cool-looking and respectable Malera, nay, a khagan, THE KHAGAN!
Are they streaming for you or how do you "spy" on their friendslist?
You're right, I deserve your tiny femra body and I'm taking it for myself, just let it happen
Going to plap this fiddie in her apartment
they are freckles, yes


No and no, but I'm assuming it is. If not, I queue up anyways.
is there no cc going on right now i wanted to battle in the volcanic heart
It is a CC meet.
streaming it
>i main top lane
so you're a PDF, got it
Balmung, the Enclave
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EB like this?
Go play Deadlock or Dota instead of that joke of a game
Can you post more of this era
It's a rival wings meet
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just be cute it's that easy
>should I kill myself
no, you've already endured enough punishment by playing league
h-hey haha...
short gf wants the reverse
>raen khagan
I don't think so bud
it means they want to do this to you
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bros I have mental illness

far right is what I was originally. the femra and thighlander are things I am considering being.
should i stay femezen or fanta?
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need an eb/gf/bitch/dog like this
chicken but my femroe is cooking it for you
I'm a femraen and a support main in League of Legends. I typically put Mid as my secondary role so I have the highest chance of getting to play support.
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deadlock seems like it isn't for me because I disliked smite and dota is possibly the worst multiplayer gaming experience I've ever had in my life

ok I believe you

full xivg rival wings game would be an insane banger but there's no way that many people would be willing to queue up
Can't speak for your friend, but I use the spade for +s or males that want to plap.
Highlanders are ugly and the femra would look better without red hair plus the lipstick doesn't compliment the skin tone
No idea who Gay Vagina is but you got what you came here for. You enjoy the attention. Now go jack off for the 8th time today you fatherless degenerate.
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I say fanta to highlander :^) but im pretty biased.
support me in the bottom lane but i'm not going to play adc i'm going to play apc
why can't you people just decide something for yourselves once in your lives jfc
I'm love my best friend
I am a male midlander
and femraen owe me sex
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>sharpie in pooper mod
whats up :3
true and real!!

you can put friends into groups and choose the icon for that group. it just means that they've put you into some sort of a special group. but you should ask them why!
I've been enjoying my femraen more...
The hyur and lizard are both hideous. The femezen is at least cute even if she looks like Mother Miounne's daughter.
My brain is foid-coded sorry bro
Expected answer from a femra player
koko da yo
where to get lala mods for my femlala?
i thought the same thing kek
The chocobo sensed your presence and scampered away.
The lost lamb sensed your presence and scampered away.
The lost lamb sensed your presence and scampered away.
The lost lamb sensed your presence and scampered away.
The lost lamb sensed your presence and scampered away.
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I am
A miera
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>these three approach you, dancingly
what do?
Prove it
I simply out dance them.
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This fucking app is cursed
This era isn't over!!
hell no
there's potential (get rid of the mega chin)
there's potential (i hate her eyes)
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xiv is the best game of all time, dota cannot compare
the highlander is just generally ugly, the lizard could be good if you unfuck the color scheme
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We like this,.
i think my bro got a girlfriend or something, because he's been absent a lot lately
i'm scared to ask him though because I don't wanna confirm it
so that's why I'm doing my dailies and my leveling alone today
What apc are you going to play? Veigar and Ziggs are okay but if you play Brand I'll pull out my Makai Hand Mortar.
uooooooooooooh so flat
my femezen
Gonna cry?
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i was going to reply to this and agree but apparently i got clicked on when looking at tomestone gear, im sure it was accidental though haha
My nigga. I only play him or Shen top
my femlala toes squeezing the tip of your dick
meant to reply to >>492632131
leviah post your character data
There, where to exactly?
You are so gay nigga get a hold of yourself
hey wait a minute........
is this the same catgirl i caught a three day for?
can someone commentate some games that would be extremely kino
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we like THIS
what if you clicked the link to the post that tells you what kind of meetup it is
I was lying i only played mid or top and haven't touched league in years.
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My wife on the right
When is the new thread so that I can complain?
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I made this webm quite a while ago, and I submit it as proof of my claim.
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Post a manatee with a hat.
did you click it?
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of course not
do not do this, it makes mustard gas
I have no clue, I use upscales but they tend to be on the subtle side. I guess they thought I'd be much lewder than I actually am
In a few more minutes Akemi.
Then shut up and go back to spamming your shit music.
the link is deleted and the post links to an OP that says nothing when I search the 'chive
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this is what we like
I became one of the best poppys in my region because I wanted to fuck her. I am bad at cc cause no class plays like her.
It's much better than femlala, right?
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OTW to the pvp meet
You are trespassing in line ark territory pull back immediately or we will respond with lethal force
I'm not this akemi person. I'm the frontlines complainer
i would fanta to malera for this
Oh weird, you're just one anon now? lol

I'm serious man, if karma or "God" or whatever you want to call it exists, it obviously sent a message through me to you.

It wasn't even intentional, all I did was be nice to you, talk about my experiences, and try to your be friend.
>has a single joke he repeats during each appearance
>rates higher with the japs than the main character
He's too powerful!
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What is that braid-thing?
there is nothing wrong with red and black its the most popular color scheme
I wouldn't say much better, more so a return to form...
>that filename
Mine always come out at 4.1 mb :v
How come highlanders aren't more popular when they have some of the biggest tits?
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Hey wait a second
Thank you!
Just ask idiot. He won't get offend. Moron.

What the fuck are you talking about you dysgenic monkey lol
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We're gonna have to wait until the mogtome event and migrate to primal, bwo. Get your sombrero ready.
I don't know how to turn a character into just a hat for that sorry sis

mnk maybe

that happened once before I think
Holy fuck Balmung is open
Yeah, thought so lol
That's brown and red
oh nyo....
i just got out of jail i cant go back!!!

want to see it again? :3
That's where you belong, cute femraen...
naturally flat, literally generates no size envy because it's the default

they're the shortest race so they also do not generate any dissonance

god thats hot, this is it chief
t. flattie

the arrow slingers would tell you it's a natural evolution of elves to become flat. fat ass big tiddy elves only exist in hentai and not any standard fantasy setting.

it turned into muscle. sad.

so theres really only one choice
It's connected to the hood/upper back of the Nezha Lady's top (it's mogstation only, unfortunately). It looks like a big long tail.
I have a 2k monitor now so everything is always too big
thats black
Lord grant me strength for how badly I want to dominate and keep this Highlander for myself regardless of futa status. Nothing a cage can't fix. May I resist this urge and behave.
do you have glamourer installed, anon? if so, you could try to use that and put them into some glam sets you usually use and move around a bit.
but in general, just pick whatever feels right to you - who knows what you will ultimately fall in love with
t. femroe
The BLM story has to be the most boring job role story I've done so far. I do not care about these brooding little shits
1. that is not black
2. learn some basic color theory
you and me both!
yes please :3c
>not really i don't think
Of course you don't, you play femra
which femra is this..
one bunboy special carrot, coming right up :3
all are ugly. try again
>wanted to farm Memento Misora EX for some glam
>PF kinda dead on Crystal, tried to move to Aether instead
Oh well
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>>492622501 How about all black with some hints of white in it.
extra-special veena carrot!
I love it a lot and you're so soft and cute asdf <3 worth a ban
i don't really like erp and i haven't taken a lewd screenshot in a while

my modbeasted ra has doll joints anyway so most people won't want to fuck them unless they're robot fuckers
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>yoship needs ur help anon!
>you get a survey and you can ask for a general direction to take the next set of side content that isn't raiding to save XBOX.

>do you ask for the sex expansion?
>do you ask for the minecraft collab?
>do you team up with team ninja for a dissidia mode?
like a baby's arm holding an apple
Increase the ass size so that the "2B" size is the standard.
This will not save Xbox, but I want it.
that skin looks pretty smooth, how do you do it?
its a lot of fun to show off... i know i shouldnt but i can't help myself...
as long as we keep it brief im sure we'll be fine <3

all these years later and i still dont know if this is a compliment or not

i just shave, like normal. lather up with some cream in the shower, run the disposable over everything. its not that hard!
Way too cute, even...
it's a lot of fun drooling over it and staring at it too!
promise I won't fawn over your big carrot so much we get banned again :3
you can fawn a little bit ~
its not fun if we're not pushing our luck :3c
it makes your heart race more doing it with a risk of getting banned, how fun~!
it's so fawnable, seriously, I need to rub my cheek against it and praise how long it is, give that extra-special carrot some love and worship <3
rip ;w;
>the most extreme
Good shit. Whoever watched this is still a straight man to this day.

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