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wowo wawa


Previously on /wowg/: >>492615203
booba boba
/wowg/ guild status?
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I've been trying to release spirit for 12 hours in the great sea how did you even find me?
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Best spec to compliment a Ret main?
feral druid or huntard
>Literally no prior presence in the game comes in and cuntsplains to anduin how to control his inner demons
huh? this doesnt happen. did you play the game?
Is marksmanship still peak comfy in unrated pvp/war mode?
>Smelly title user
>Disgusting scat fetish name
name a more iconic duo
it’s basically same as DF but with a cool DoT
yes, it's the most racist spec in the game
total nigger death, see: alleria
Private Parts
classic BFA
Why aren't you playing an elf right now?
God I wish I was my dracthyr
Because im only attracted to goblins, dwarves and gnomes. If there was some sort of shortstackification toy added to the game that made all the races short and fuckable i surely would
Fire mage bros... it feels like half the time I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm doing good on the dps meter... at least on single target.
because I play a druid and am horde
playing a tauren and filling elves full of halfbreeds
literally me
>hit 80 can't run heropics
what gives?
Because I'm not on HRT
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>Join guild with friends
>I'm the sole alliance
>They all try to call me a faggot for playing Alliance
>They end up bringing lore and how much better Horde characters are
>They think Sylvanas had an amazing writing and look forward to her redemption arc
If you guys wonder why your story sucked cock while it was focused on Horde characters, here's your answer
How are you in a horde guild as alliance
>having shit gear
>5 days after launch
how embarrassing
what's the mole-arm meme about with the niffen and the spider dungeon?
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Because I play draeneis mostly.
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/ourgirl/ hasnt uploaded in 4 months *sigh*
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I am!
Cross server / faction guilds are a thing now Anon
>Keep discussing
>They think Sylvanas' goal was to survive since W3
Do these retards know that she tried to kill herself after ICC
>trying to get the tranny crown mog for my goblin hunter
>even at max level and it being normal difficulty Dazalor is still a slog
>get to opulance
>see crown icon in loot and thought I got it
>go to mog it
>not showing up
>realize I got the plate version and not the mail one
>plate, leather, mail cloth versions of the same crown helm
Going to kill myself
>no choker
go put it on
>was to survive
Literally half her voicelines are about getting revenge lmao
hit 80 and went right back to grinding mogs.
why did i even buy this expansion?
god i forgot about that shot
yeah they are retarded, Sylvanas whole point was that she hated her undead mockery of an existence, which was why she tried to kill herself as soon as arthas was dead
what a bunch of dumbfaggots
How? I don't understand how that works
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>Literally half her voicelines are about getting revenge lmao
Isn't that before wotlk?
You just join a guild, no matter where it is or what faction you are
Rn they telling me that she always hated the forsaken and always saw them as a tool
so you can grind SL and DF mogs now
>Isn't that before wotlk?
Probably, but anon said since W3.
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Khadgar is alive and becomes and Ethereal
>Post this pic during the lore debate
>"Ooooh right, I forgot that a speech HAS to be true, politics are full of truth it's true"
>They say sarcastically stating that she's lying in this
At tihs point I'm just wasting time and muscle movement right?
Oh yeah, before wotlk she was all about vengeance, hence why I mentioned that she jumped off ICC, and somehow they see this as "Survival"
unironically high chance we see void khadgar as a raid boss, with a reformed Atiesh as a caster legendary weapon
I don't think we will actually kill him though
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what happened?
Wasn't he datamined in a fucking wheelchair? It could be just a meme since I read it on /wowg/, but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if that was blizzards plan...
Is it wrong of me to actually like her look in late shadowlands? She's so fucking badass
I liked her model in shadowlands when she became an undead high elf again with the blue eyes desu
i miss her
But you don't speak the same language
And whats the point in joining if you can't raid or dungeon or pvp together
the AH is beyond fucked
>that item is no longer available
>that item is no longer available
>that item is no longer available
>that item is no longer available
>that item was not found
>that item was not found
>that item was not found
for fucks sake i just want some buff foods
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what does this mean
>still haven't bought it
does it suck?
Wait I don't remember the 2nd model existing at ALL?
cumon step it up
>But you don't speak the same language
>And whats the point in joining if you can't raid or dungeon or pvp together
You can raid together, speak together though
was early wrath model before they gave her a unique model
>And whats the point in joining if you can't raid or dungeon
Anon.... Please tell me you are either trolling or just came back for TWW after living under a rock for years.
it was the wrath beta model
I don't fucking understand and I need you to explain it in more than a one off half sentence
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>Desperately need valorstones
>Every world quest is only offering resonance crystals
What the actual fuck do I do? I have too many crests and not enough stones. Spamming dungeons gives you so little I feel like there has to be another way to stack stones
I only play elves though
So she was on 3rd model by the time wrathgate and retaking undercity took place? Didn't follow with beta etc news at that point in time so no wonder I never saw it.

you get like 50-60 crests per dungeon wtf do you mean lol
I kind of miss when the character still looked like normal members of the races they're supposed to be.
Also I don't know why every key character has to be a giant in game. It makes my Tauren look tiny
you're supposed to spam 20 dungeons a day, sweaty
>all the hero talents I thought looked interesting are bad
I fucking love smelly elf girl feet so much, bros.
I would tell you but I don't want my method to get nerfed. Sorry, good luck.
Because I knot elves
Bro, your wax?
Bro imagine factions don't exist
That's it, you're in a guild with other player no matter your race, you all speak the same language, you just don't speak it out of /say.
You can zone in raids, together do content together.
What happens if your guild decides to gather in the capital city for a fun party? Aren't you left out?
they nerfed it
Yeah you can't but it may sound grim but guilds now rarely gather like that.
I've never seen a class so fucking ruined from the earlier expansions to modern as warlock. We need a fucking skill pruning and re-establishing what is core to a spec identity.

What caster is actual fun to play>?
People use vanilla capitals?
I am
A blood elf monk even
Character design improves almost exponentially with each iteration while the character herself suffers. Indicative of modern WoW's nicer modern graphical sensibilities but tendency to lack substance in the writing department.
Elesham and mage.
Yes, I'm the guy making the Beledar Waiting Room raids, still don't have the mount.
Allerias new model is kinda growing on me but I wish she had kept the face tattoos
Really? Might as well play monster hunter at that point...
I mean any capital like the expansion capital
Just started to play as a Prot Warrior Mountain Thane through some dungeons to level up, did DPS as arms the first time around. Is this what being god feels like?
Outside BFA all expansion capitals have been neutral?
what's funny? it is fun
it might not be the best but you clearly aren't a mythic player to whom a marginal difference is actually going to matter, so enjoy
What did the arcane hero talent nerfs do functionally to the spec? I'm trying to decide between shadow priest and mage.
i know you aren't lmao
>Is this what being god feels like?

no, blood dk is.
Fuck off. Warlock is the only class that still gives me lots of spells. I dont want a 3 button rotation like mage.
Give me a cool KT name for a silly massive man that REALLY likes ducks
What thats ctually crazy
WoD as well, though we got the shit tents on the Ashran island instead of Temple of Karabor/Ogre City
They datamined her original WOTLK outfit as a transmog a while back and it has her exposed midriff.

People calling this game DEI ridden but they've been slowing going back on a lot of stuff
>Warlock pruning
Warlock has never felt better
>People calling this game DEI ridden but they've been slowing going back on a lot of stuff
they've justified adding slutmogs back into the game by also making them just as revealing on male character which is hilarious
ive been queuing random bgs all day long and havent seen the new one yet
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But I am
he looks cool
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I will not stop calling them pozzed DEI trash until they turn this bowl of fruit back into a bitch.
wizard with his tits out and throwing gang signs is okay but a belf in her undies is fucking haram.
>Death Knight
>Demon Hunter
Green Jesus
Rexxar or Alleria
Jaina, maybe Khadgar as runner up
Jorach Ravenholdt
5 or 6 different pandas
Who cares
>introduce friend to game
>she doesn't want to level
>she doesn't want to do dungeons
>she doesn't want to do raids
>she runs around all day picking herbs and flipping them on the AH
>already 20kg up from her first day
>choose spellcaster class
>wtf why do o have so many buttons
There's a reason they use to be considered for advanced players
Fuck off. Not every class needs to be the same.
If that ever actually gets added im 100% wearing it on my female gob hunter
Cata had us return to SW/Org
MoP was technically separate
How the fuck does Rexxar even compare to Alleria or the player character?
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Kek, thanks
because he's not a fucking elf.
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>Druid, Pally, Shaman, Monk all @ lvl 80
What are some fun melee or hybrid classes I haven't leveled yet?
The whole expansion so far was about him crying about not being able to use light. Sure we all know he'll get his powers back, but that's not now.
>Green Jesus
NO ONE knows if he even is a shaman or just a warrior now lmao
what mace is that
Priest is Velen
Mage is Kalec or Khadgar.
Prot warrior.
take the warrior pill
charge - leap - charge across the map and chill with Odyn.
I feel like Tyrande beats Velen in pure combat
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>he cares about what's on the video game paintings
Such an L take anyone with half a brain could see the problem was that the virtue signaling Blizzard was doing with this is going to hurt them in the long run but stupid inbreds like you can't think that far
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>Hallowfall goes dark
>Nobody in general calls out where the Spawn is when I ask
Fucking faggots the lot of you
Its either the Arathi mace or the Earthen Traveler's Gavel.
The mace doesn't have the glow normally. I was specced into Lightsmith at the time, and the glow is from having the Rite active.
which tank should I roll for my alt
was considering guardian druid but it plays so fucking boring
>need a delve piece for my mog
>have to save keys for season start
I like tits, I wish wow had them. Sometimes I unsubscribe to play tits games.
Guardian druid
Holy paladin.
mountain man
Drunken Fister
Chadvoker is Scalecommander Emberthal for anyone not gay and cringe
kt guardian druid with a homosexual dogwhistle name
Wait what do delves have to do with mythic keys?
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just mod the game if you want booba
Trade chat is your friend
>leveling in dungeons
>get ruby halls
Bro wtf
>tfw used to play elves as a kid
>now play female and male orcs
Post modded Faerin
>Me off in the corner silently soloing it as a tankCHAD
After playing all tanks I can safely say:
>Guardian Druid
boring as fuck but insanely effective
>Blood DK
Same as Guardian Druid but a little more fun
>Prot War
fun as fuck, fairly effective but not self healing so you have to rely on retard healers
fun but no damage
pretty fucking boring, fairly good though
>Prot Pal
WoW's too much of a pain in the ass to mod. If I wanted to play modded comm stuff I'll just go onto FF14 or my modded skyrim
Delves have keys, too. You need them to get any of the decent gear.
I've met her irl and she has birthed a child be less of a loser
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KKhadgar in a wheelchair... KKhadgar in a wheelchair...
likely story
I curse ye with bad drops for a month, lad.
Prot paladin seems good just like DF except for the gutted WoG
>It's actually real
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It's Chen. It's always been Chen.
That's gross though absolutely no taste
>Prot paladin seems good
It's made of paper. Beta players are saying it will be the worst tank by far.
they have the lowest survivability by far and mid damage
lightsmith is a DOA hero spec and templar only really makes gameplay sense for retribution
What's the /wowg/ guild going to be called?
>tfw have 3 level 80s already
my fingers hurt
Autism All Day Every Day
Bountiful Delves have a special box at the end of them that rewards better gear. You need bountiful keys to open these boxes.
I guess I'm not in challenging content then. Well we had a good run protbros.
11.1 is the undermine patch right? All the goblin presence makes it obvious
People say the dragons are hideous but I think mine looks fairly cool? What do you guys think?
2.5 million damage aimed shot in full pvp gear max vers, nice game
It'll probably be a patch. I'm hoping it's a Mechagon/Nazjatar rerun
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Darkmoon fair is going lads, go and grab your buffs
time to gear up my hunter
You look gay as shit
three more hours for me
they look so fucking bad, never putting one in my warband
super hideous
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There’s a note on the desk in the final room of the meadery dungeon only gobs and players that have inscription leveled can read that’s adressed to an unknown goblin boss. I think it’s a clear hint towards Undermine patch.
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>oh no i was mind controlled by satan and made to say mean things, im gunna be emo about it forever
>Gold belt
>Silver belt buckle
either bait or fix your transmog retard
He's alright, mine is cooler
When are we getting goblin paladins?
you guys remember back in wrath when they gutted undead racial and everyone
switched to Blood elf?
They're going to fix moonkin right
>queue up for comp stomp
>get 9 BRs on my team from azralon, ragnaros and gallywix
>actually lose
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If you're not clownsuitmaxxing you're losing
is resto druid still fun? I'm hesitant to pick it back up because I actually loved adaptive swarm and I dont know how many other retarded changes they've made
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So are these just for funsies now or something
what class should I make my elf
i'm really only into dwarves, forsaken and vulpera
get them all for a mount
Mine looks WAY better but I'm not gonna post him because uncreative wowg losers are just gonna steal my transmog
Bear druid is too hard
>want to play new expansion
>Lamplighter Kaerter and Peacekeeper Leif buddy cop questline
They better do a "What is it good for" reference
you aren't invited to my cart.
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they didn't even do the orc animations lmao
Nah I got the same thing on my Dwarf
funpill me on the healer evoker spec
>priory of the sacred flame run
>priest and paladin refuse to activate the flame buff
What flame buff?
if you click the orb in the middle of the entrance garden you get a group dps buff, only paladins and priests can trigger it
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>99% of the "hero" talent trees are so underwhelming visually that you barely notice a change at all
some titanic effort went into this expansion-defining feature, clearly
okay blizzard, you can nerf blood DKs any moment now. they've had their fun
sounds gay, good on them for not being gay.
>nerf the spec that's only good at low keys
the game has enough visual clutter. the subtle hero talent changes are good enough
femorc monk yes or no
>goblins catch a naaru in a compromising situation with a minor and blackmail it in exchange for powers of the light
should i spend my crests??
male orc, hunched over in a slutmog. then yes.
since when cant you equip two different PvP rings?
Honestly I would've been fine if the hero talents just gave us new spell effects and animation options for existing spells, or a few new mobility 'spells'.
Hunter's Dark Ranger hero spec has got to be the most garbage thing I've ever seen when all people were asking for was a cool goth archer with ravens and shit.
SPriest should've gotten that cool raven spell effect shadow priest NPCs had in Wrath. The Scarlet whatever had them and it's criminal that we dont have it
>spam echo thingy to double your healing spell on target
>red breath but now green
>flyover breath but now green
>heals stronger if you have more health % than target
>joined guides
>keep seeing murloc players
>they all use the machine warden title
>Dark ranger spec for hunters
>What do you mean you DIDN'T pick shitty call of the wild?
Very Cool.
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>she bought the flopslop within
Deathbringer Exterminate is so fucking good. I feel bad for people who aren't playing the main characters of the expansion
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>charge extra for early access
>nerf exp rates when it ends
>don't release any actual content for a month
>Hunter's Dark Ranger hero spec has got to be the most garbage thing I've ever seen
What's wrong with it?
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whichever one of you lied and said the siesbarg dungeon follower thing got nerfed fuck you i just wasted 2 hours hanging out killing mobs with a fucking jaja ragnaros group in the open world like a fucking DICKHEAD
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I have left my Male Night Elf Warrior untouched for 20 years, no race or name changes, because it was the first character I ever made. But I'm really tempted to genderswap to female for the amazing heritage armor (it looks homosexual on males). Should I?
they said it was GOING to get nerfed, fucking read next time
is the wowhead guide good? Seems a bit suspect, especially for toemic
sisters... her egg is cracking!
the fuckin...what
genderswap to female then use the warden armour and LARP as a warden
it's what I do on my nelf warrior
What the fuck were they thinking, lol.

It's boring. It's a lot of passive shit with Black Arrow. It's visually stale. Nothing about it delivers on the class fantasy visually or gameplay wise. The absolutely lowest bar to hop over and Blizzard somehow fumbled it hard.

Hunter should be the coolest class in the game since in countless fantasy stories, be they books or games or movies or cartoons, archers/rangers are doin cool shit. But they're just so fucking dull. Survival gets close to feeling cool but it's still a spec that half-commits to a theme that really doesn't make sense
can you fuck off back to r*ddit? thanks
it was her sexiest
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>no earthen druids
>no earthen druid tabard
fuck blizzard, the Freywold tabar is so sick and I really want it for a transmog
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Henlo everyone.
do comp stomp until you get 2 trinkets
do epic bgs until you finish the weekly quest and can guy head/chest/legs
do normal bgs until you finish gearing out
How are speed sets at level 80? Should I keep my speed character at lvl 70?
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I'm fucking so irritated with these retards shitting on retail. If you want all those things then go play Classic.


Then fucking do something about it that isn't just crying on camera that the game isn't for you anymore. 2007 is over. Deal with it. Fuck sake!
or skip all of that and just afk in comp stomp at lm/farm/st and be done three times as fast
>do nightfall sanctum
>find ONE (1) (uno) profaned tinderbox
Are you serious nigger? I need 4 of these just to make 1 weapon
I've always found it funny how nu-survival hunter uses a fucking spear when every ranger/hunter lore figure has been shown to not use a spear as a melee weapon

>Alleria: sword
>Sylvanas: sword/dagger
>Vereesa: sword
>Lor'themar: sword
>Rexxar: axe

What the fuck did blizzard mean by this?
Can you get a tripcode?
but that is dishonorabu...
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Helurr friend
Yeah I don't get it either. I'd rather survival dual wield with traps and tankor go full demolitionist.
Im playing on turtle right now and aside from third world pserver issues its pretty good. They turned world buffs off in raids
Then could you stop making complete garbage posts? Thanks in advance.
They did not. And I am dissapoint.
My posts are art.
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Because the game is objectively bad otherwise I would. I refuse to forgive Blizzslop for ruining my elf experience.
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i wish elves didn't all have glowy sclera in WoW. it's the one thing about them that kinda irks me. at least give me the option to NOT have them
>spent 30k worth of mats
>forgot to click concentrate
>rank 2, wasted craft
I'm gonna scream
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what was the point of blowing up dalaran if I can still go to it right now
I clapped irl to this
What was the point of killing the lich king if he's still in the death knight tutorial area
what was the point of burning teldrassil if i can still fuck a night elf right now IRL
Not all the hero talents suck
DK feels good RET PALA feels good MAGE feels good WARLOCK feels good
How many people died anyway? I mean it's a giant floating city surely there were thousands of people
thanks, I already got 4 pieces from world quests so it shouldn't be too long
Yeah I always assumed Dalaran was way more populated than it seemed, like easily several thousand people. I know a bunch of NPCs survived but a bunch also died before it even exploded. I'm gonna assume not... many? Because the NPCs who survived didn't seem too traumatized by Dalaran's destruction or the loss of life
It's a mircale Dalaran hasn't been blown before this. Kirin Tor are retards who treat their floating city like a battle cruiser and teleport it directly into the front lines, when there are civiliasn and shops on it.

People also seem to forget the Legion almost blew it up twice during Legion
is augmentation only worth playing over dev if you have pumper friends for groups
I have never seen a female demon hunter
That always bugged me. Like why the fuck did they keep teleporting it to actual battlefields. I know it's magically fortified but that's still a huge gamble
If the oldest mages are elves then why is dalaran ran by humans genuinely makes me scratch my head
Why didn't Gul'dan just aim a really big infernal right at Dalaran
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what Survival should have been
Survival should be a mixture of troll headhunters and Captain Ahab
So the High Elves have to find a new home in Midnight
Just spam the arathi brawl, it's the fastest way to gear yourself, every 3 arathi you get one piece and it takes 5min~ to win one.
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Originally planned to dual main Ret and FDK but the idea of sweating on 2 classes seems ridiculous to me now after sweating on the Ret alone first.

No fucking way am I doing this x2. Quickest way to burn myself out. Will still sweat a bit on the Ret to prep for S1 but any characters I will be playing will be true alts (for now).
I want to boost a clothie. Priest, Lock, or Mage?
Is the AH down?
>erm...we cant let survival transmog 1hs, fury transmog 1hs, let enh transmog 2hs because...BECAUSE JUST FRICKIN CAN'T OKAY?!
balance druid that wears cloth
Priest if you wanna self insert as the main character of the trilogy.
Lock if you want a class that actually has good hero talent animations and transmog
Mage if you wanna larp as some Mage who wants revenge for Dalaran
Diabolist, Sunfury, and Voidweaver are all tons of fun. Go nuts.
what if I don't like roleplay?
Then Warlock is the class that's basically got 0 stakes in anything since Legion and you can just focus on the gameplay
>no melee mage spec
Nobody cares pinky
how are the new zones, back in Wrath i always thought itd be sick to have underground spider zones
>no spellblade class with spellbreaker (tank), blademaster (dps), and combat (dps) specs
Why not
The monk hero talents are pretty cool
They did. In Legion Dal the flight path plaform has a giant hole in it from where infernals struck it.

Its the reason the flight master moved to the side and out of the center
Harrowfell's the stand out zone solely do to them using the phase transition technology in a "unique" way this time around for a zone, while also still in a cave the outside very much makes it look like you're by an open ocean instead
Spider-Zone is basically Suramar in a cave.
Ringing Deeps is probably the best underground zone look wise they've done.
Isle of Dorn really is your typical grasslands zone, we've seen plenty of times.
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they are great
yeah but like why didn't he get a bigger one
he can tear a hole through reality into space but he can't summon a really big infernal?
>no bard class with inspiration (support buff DPS), mockery (support debuff DPS), and thaumaturgy (DPS) specs
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npc or player
ive seen both
>no tinker class with mechanist (tank), artillerist (dps), and revivalist (healer) specs
they're gonna make hero specs but for entire classes and spellblade will be the warrior/mage choice while blademaster will be the warrior/monk choice
>revivalist (healer)
a tinker healing spec would be called Medic
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>Champion, Alleria, run! I'll hold Xal'athal off for as long as I can! Quickly, she's too powerful!
>be shaman
>get blood dk tank and 3 melee dps
>throw spirit link totem on him to let him heal the group
feels good to be lazy
based chadgar
>Check the hunter hero talents
>Shadow Hunter isn't an option
???? What the fuck was Vol'jin then?
It would be called revivalist and it's gimmick would be high mana (but low cooldown) defibrillator-esque battle res
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The void... Champion... The void is the key to all this! Don't look back, and remember to close the door on your way out!
Is he riding futa xal'atath
straight males don't make that face
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Better than Dildoflight's zones by a mile
The only good Dildoflight zone was Azure Span
still going for 2500+ in m+ with my prot pally, and you WILL beg to join my groups even if we are D tier
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Hey /wowg/, Ion here.
You've got 10 minutes to convince me not to ruin the game forever, by introducing a Cloth hero class in Last Titan.
Best hurry up now, my meeting with Holly is soon.
We do when you nutted by she still suckin'
welcome to pvp punk
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melee fire mage hero tree
melee shadow priest hero tree
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To anyone using Elvui, how do I change dialogue boxes like picrel? I want to move it and also give it a black background instead of... this. Thanks.
>no DH spec that's focused on firing fel blasts like wc3
>no DH spec that lets you cast spells like Illidan did in that legion invasion scenario where he creates a black hole to kill a giant infernal

Smh my head
isle of dorn overworld is boring and dornogal sucks

everything else is great
i don't make that face personally
if you do you're a faggot
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>brackenhide is crawling with people
its fucking over
it was good while it lasted altbros
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should other hero classes have a passive visual like oracle?
To whoever recommended I level my rogue alt last night, thanks. Assassination is so much fun to play rn.
>no chronomancer mage tank spec
you need a separate addon to resize and move that shit
support spec (maestro)
healing spec (Worldsong)
Damage (Dancer)
People have been using that place to level since mid dragonflight
what did I miss?
I'm going to roll an alt solely to immerse myself in the world, and take in the lore and setting. I will read every quest, object, and item I can, watch every cutscene, etc. Basically, while I will never realistically achieve it, I'm going for Loremaster.
What race/class is most thematically fitting for this adventure? I was thinking blood elf or void elf mage?
>tfw no Necromancer spec for Warlock
>tfw no Death Knight hero talent tree for Warlock
Wait why
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Your shield, m'lady. *tips fedora*
Haven't played WoW in a while. What happened to her? She looks like a Karen.
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standard plains island, but oh my fucking god the new race/NPCs are BORING jesus fucking christ, and it's a combination of
>reused dwarves with a coat of paint
>they're all autists
>they all speak as boringly as possible

>Ringing Deeps
just what you'd expect from a generic underground area, earthen dwarves there aren't as boring, kobolds are fine

tall underground cave, looks cool at first, but gets old quickly
NPCs are le flame church of paladins

not as cool as I expected from something like Azjol Nerub adjacent
NPCs are fine
spider city is Suramar but worse

expansion is pretty meh imo, also dragonflying was annoying before, but now in underground areas it's even worse because of less space in general
she turned into a psychotic bitch, proving once and for all that the Void is inherently evil and anyone who uses it should be killed
don't worry metzen will put her in a pushup corset (because she's a person) next expansion
>it's even worse because of less space in general
Retard cope
The caves are massive and sprawling and wide open
I forget I'm underground often
How are you lads feeling about healers in TWW?

I've once again given up on trying to play Disc Priest in m+, especially with people mass pulling right from the get go (in pugs obviously). Will likely just main my HPriest and possibly Fistweaver.

I also have a strong urge to just say fuck it and roll tank or some other role because I hate heal pressure more than I did in DF.
M+ isn't open yet
Why are you making things up
You speak as if I said the entire expansion is extremely cramped inside tiny holes in the ground. You retard. That is not what I said.
There was this anon with a reserved funny name, "Mentally ill". If anything we need to find someone capable of being a GM instead of names...
She and (you) went to hunt Xal'atath.
Ultimately your hunt resulted in Xal'atath targeting the Void Elf home of Telogrus Rif with agents.
Locus Walker shows up at the end and goes.

And the rest is history.
the troll slayers
Goon Guard
Coom Guard
>Dk hero talent changes the damage type of blood boil
>Become blue
>Bear hero talent changes damage type of thrash
>Stays same color
What the FUCK
>20pc spicy nuggets earlier
>feel like im about to shot my entire insides out
>stomach making ungodly ass noises
>fart earlier smelled like death and burned like hell
do i level my warrior or mage to distract me from the fact im dying
level a death knight so you'll be prepared
I worded that poorly.

What I meant was I've given up on trying to play Disc in general. Based on how I've fared in Heroics I will not even try to play this spec in m+ when it unlocks.
Play fire mage because you're about to pyroblast your toilet
>Addon with less features than the default UI
i think you should just go take a shit before you lose the next 50/50
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You’re too based…
actually nevermind, play fatebound outlaw rogue, don't listen to this fag >>492657532 and keep gambling in game and IRL
wait, are you able to change it in edit mode? I remember needing an addon to move that annoying garbage to a corner on my screen
i think in a warcraft setting you never fell out of place with a paladin or a shaman, for true immersion human hunter/warrior + cooking and fishing
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>Run 500 miles an hour all the time
>Sometimes a scythe comes out or something
>play the one that fucking sucks
>play deathbringer
do i seriously have to wait until sep 17th before i can do m+ fuck blizzard nigga you just cannot be serious
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What the fuck is this? With higher case S, even?
>edit mode
>talking head
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Do you do this for your pets too, /wowg/?
I wasted my crests on one of the enchanted crests, and nobody on my server can actually use them on something that isn't min quality.
That looks like utter fucking shit.
The real tragedy is that they KNOW fucking nobody would run that disgrace of a race if it wasn't bound to the class so we are never getting evoker humans
this is the 2nd worst thing that ever happened in september
Is Thrall even Green Jesus anymore? He literally hasn't done anything important since WoD it feels like.
How do you fuck up dragon people that bad
They should have copied DnD dragonborne
Some evokers look good thoughever.
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help pls
Rider felt so good with the tier set that allowed you to summon all 4 of them every 45 seconds
They need to make that shit baseline
>But its overpowered
Who fucking cares games are supposed to be fun not esports
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Dawnbreaker might be the worst WoW dungeon I have ever played and brother I have played them all. What in the fuck were they thinking?
Stupid frognigger.
priory and the rookery are the only mid dungeons. everything else is based
What's wrong with the Dawnbreaker? Provide some proper criticism anon.
My ah makes no fucking sense. One of my items even got set to 4790 days. What the hell. I can't tell if I'm selling or being undercut.
Darkflame Cleft is worse I think.
It insists upon itself
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only a 1000 more honor and im done
Murozond's Rise gave me stage 10 cancer in season 3
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So nobody does this quest, huh?
You guys are my only friends
I haven't even bothered ngl
Do it yourself lazy cunt
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Why the fuck does Xal'atal and Alleria look like that 18 year old korean waitress at your local K-BBQ place now?
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if i didn't get the underlight angler in legion, how fucked am i? because i've been trying to fish up a fucking skrog toenail for the past hour and i'm BORED
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Will this work in rated pvp? Are dks just perma 100% movement speed
That takes too long.
Based and I'm the same way
ya its awful
when i have to run a dawnbreaker key im going to have to swap to dildoriding instead of based tbc riding for the last nigger boss
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Someone fill me in on Arms. How is it and what spec do you recommend?

Just got to 70 as Fury but I'm curious about the other spec
The Dawnbreaker wasn't there at the start. I had to port out and back in to get it to show. Then when flight was enabled, I'm flying through the decks of the other ships. The second boss is a buggy mess. And the whole pacing of the dungeon is absolutely fucked. The Oculus has been dethroned.
the worst one is that spider one where you have to find the spies
fuck that
you got all 10 sockets?
It doesn't work in any form of instance, even when they're outdoors.
What did she mean by this?
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I owe elvish women sex
if god didnt want me to make mutt babies why would he make korean women look like this
Who the fuck were EZ-Mine nodes made for? What the fuck is the point of this shit?
I love gnomish women
Slayer is probably the best from what I've seen since it impacts bladestorm & execute
why are pajeets so illiterate
its a dungeon that reuses a part of the overworld so its automatically lazy. way too big of a focus on mounting up like they were held at gunpoint to make a dungeon that requires dragonriding
Imagine a man going downtown to go to a show. Imagine he comes back after the show and says "man that was shit"
Imagine that man going to that show, say after day, hating it.
Imagine how fucking stupid that man would have to be, to repeatedly submit himself to suffering for no good reason, and how it relates to your situation.
It will be a plot point when it is revealed why the fuck daggerbitch wanted to suck off dalarans juicy mana. It's just not convenient for the plot right now.
You are going to find a whole lot of mediocre text that instructs you to kill 8 boars.
No. The proportions are fucked and have always been fucked. They look wrong. They have emphasis on features that they lack, like jaw or eyebrows. Rather than draconics they look like the bastard child of a high elf and a zul gurub flying serpent.
The design is utter. Fucking. Shit. It looks like a cartoon villain that is supposed to be ridiculous rather than menacing.
Mechagnomes are better. Even fucking vulpera, if annoying, are miles better in design.
FURTHERMORE there is A LOT of talk about how ascended nerubians are an abomination and look wrong, they are supposed to look jarring and to clash with nerubians and MOTHERFUCKER dracthyr are to dragons what ascended are to nerubians.
They could delete the entire race and the game would be better for it. Unironically.
Made for miners.
I wish I knew how to make a decent transmog
I hate how Blizzard has started doing this more
do you think she has a gnome penis or a dragon penis
>futafags are a ca-
oh you sweet summer child.
>No. The proportions are fucked and have always been fucked. They look wrong. They have emphasis on features that they lack, like jaw or eyebrows. Rather than draconics they look like the bastard child of a high elf and a zul gurub flying serpent.
The design is utter. Fucking. Shit. It looks like a cartoon villain that is supposed to be ridiculous rather than menacing.
Mechagnomes are better. Even fucking vulpera, if annoying, are miles better in design.
FURTHERMORE there is A LOT of talk about how ascended nerubians are an abomination and look wrong, they are supposed to look jarring and to clash with nerubians and MOTHERFUCKER dracthyr are to dragons what ascended are to nerubians.
They could delete the entire race and the game would be better for it. Unironically.
There's good looking evokers, you just haven't seen them yet.
its funny because theyve been doing it since tbc and guess what, people fucking hate old hillsbrad
>He didn't get it first try
Look up integer overflow and learn something today anon.
Get deftness. Mine fast. Get money.
It's dumb either way.
oracle disc is insane
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how much should i sell this shit for?
couldnt find any in my AH
A week ago? 200k
Now? 5k
I don't want to look that up i want this to be fixed. I can't tell if I'm selling or not.
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hate cuz you aint
r8 my characters
>male mag orc ench shammy
>fem DID lock
>fem gob rogue
>find green ilvl 72 bind on equip while questing and leveling in old stuff
>don't need it so put it on ah
>tells me it goes for an insane high price
>put it up for that much
>it never sells
I don't get it
Are we playing BDK(Big dick knights) in World of Warcraft: The War Within?
recent drop, i'll just put it up for 20k and wish for the best ty :D
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I need to make a mage. Best race to use if I also want to fap to them?
>no dwarves I already have enough
From what I understand selling transmog is a meme.
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>You have been disconnected from Blizzard services.
what spell/ability looks like magic missile? I saw it go off in an epic bg but didn't see where it came from
>both priest healing specs are awful

place your bets, will disc be bad for once (ever) or will they overbuff it prior to m+
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Blizz gave Alleria manjaw(and probably will Xal too)
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the answer is ALWAYS fem belf
baa'l and waist of time check
you need to know a bit but it for sure sells, not much right now as everyone is focused on the new xpac but i've made a couple hundred K by selling (good looking) profession epic gear
arcane missiles
i hope that cat pisses all over that bitches room
I wish I could make money
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nice game
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always fem belf
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The closer you are to the node the faster you mine it btw.
fem gob
I am thankful
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Delete death n' Decay pls and ty
Deep Rock Galactic represent
>getting notifications that a buyer bought my auction
>check AH and its not in my incoming but there's other stuff that is that wasn't a notification
>get a mail notification
>mailbox has a sold 3rd listing that wasn't in my chat box or in the incoming tab on the AH
I don't get it
Arms is getting nerfed right? It has to.
You press like 3 buttons to Fury's 12 and do 2x the damage.
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how are you getting outdamaged by arms as fury
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Playable kobolds!
just play ret paladin retard
>no magic melee DPS like a spellsword
>only paladin
this sucks
GM needs to be someone who's a. online too much, b. not invested in drama, and c. plays through a whole expansion. I know I can't really promise a or c, personally.
Why the fuck would you need magic for something you're beating/stabbing in the face?
enhance is a lot like a spellsword/battle mage doe beit
yeah but i want portals and one sword/weapon, not dual wield
>not styling on people at close range and throwing an icicle up their ass too
enhance and dk
No 2h enhance shaman
And shaman races are all poopoo no shoes
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It's Legion, everything from that expansion is fucking annoying
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why do you never see dwarf mages?
I always forget shamans exist, does anybody play them?
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You just gotta have a little patience.
Thaurissan was a dwarf mage
People who play light forged warlocks should be shot.
its only like 10% less damage than dev but doubles your groups dps
dev isnt worth playing
Xal'atath feet
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well that's fucking stupid AND annoying i just want the stupid artifact pole
no i NEED the instant gratification of getting the items i want, and these lures ain't fuckin doing it

also reapplying the stupid arcane one is real bad too
>tank mages
>tank rogues
>healer warriors
I miss it, bros.
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there it is
Cause lore wise dwarves can't wield arcane magic. Only available as a player race due to retcon bullshit for the sake of it, same as night elf mages, draenei warlocks, tauren paladin etc
Night Elf mages weren't a thing because their entire society was almost destroyed by arcane magics so they banned it completely.

Azshara is one of the most powerful sorcereses to ever live
After you get it don't forget to grind artifact power for tens of thousands of hours to max it out
Thats it. That is IT
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Reminder that if you dont have Alchemy/Tailoring to at least rank 25 on all your lvl 80 alts you are permanently bricked and missing out on 8k gold/day per alt.
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Use a tugboat lure.
I feel like everything I've tried doing with fishing got done faster for no reason with the tugboat. Nonsensically lucky.
I play dwarf mage. Its uncommon because most people want to be self insert faggot elves.
i havent tanked in this game before yet but im about to start
is there anything vital i should know so i dont just instantly get plapped dead by things i've seen other people pull?
Are a terrific and fun race to play.
I'm for fury. I'm arms. I've dwarf every furylet.
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at that point i'm fine with it, because i already have the stupid pole, so don't have to worry about retarded rng to get the damn thing
can of worms or bust, put it on and fished up two of the lures THAT I DIDN'T NEED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE
why can dwarf players never stop talking about elves? it's kinda weird
>didn't need
Well that just kind of goes against your point, doesn't it.
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what do you think of our cousins? they have a cool heritage armor with boobs out
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Gonna make a human mage how boring am I
Yeah no shit. Arcane magic is considered heinous to use since the sundering by darnassian elves. Which is why it's retarded that they made mage a playable race for darnassian nightelves back in cata.
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>ret pala
That's cringe though!
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Is it me or is this month's trading post just plunderstorm recolor?
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i mean, without it i hadn't fished up any lures in valsharah yet idk it sucks
they're good enough, wish they had more shared customizations with belf, only reason that's stopping me from xfering to mg to SUFFER, also like not spending gold on tmogging bc i'm constantly changing mogs

why's the new fishing chair so much gayer than the old one
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i miss her...
I feel like the rewards from coffer keys aren't working correctly right now. Is it a waste to use them instead of saving them up for a week or two from now when better rewards from higher level delves are available?
Because that's exactly the intent and its not subtle about it.
a few days break and I've completely forgotten wtf the whole Azj-Kahet zone is supposed to mean, story-wise and mechanics. this is just spider Suramar and the reps reward pets and toys?
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>got the hidden owlcat appearance on my troll druid
>try to use it on my NE druid
>option is locked still
>every single appearance for druid forms ive got on the troll is usuable on NE
>even Balance of Power
>all except this one
>gonna have to wait for the screeching again
>not a single thread or post about this anywhere online
I am angry.
enh shammy should've been 2h at the start.
Obviously. The season hasn't started yet so loot is all locked to veteran other than renown vendor gear. Using keys in delves now would be omega levels of retarded.
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I'm an autistic fujoshit fempanda. Please lets kiss, cuddle, and play old gamecube games, and watch anime together...
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i forgot blizzard was gay and lame for a minute my bad
josh was a negroid and deserved everything he got
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Very surprised they didn't make it 2 handed in Legion along with SV. "melee hunter" was always a Vanilla meme
What do I spend my mining knowledge on?
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>thick goth into GC games
if you can name what game pic related is from without reverse image search
Its just kind of a retarded internet meme at this point that barely has anything behind it but autistic guys will say they super care about it. I guess it came from warhammer? Who knows.
Its like jokes about France. Just something you have to grin and bear when you deal in autistic circles.
Mining while mounted
>keep quiet about it
>stop saying things I dont like SHUT UP
Imagine being a male and faltering if a woman talks to you like this
starting tree in fundamentals then the starting tree in plethora of ore
do you need to be 72 for some profession shit? I see a lot of people stopping at 72 in the guild
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This pandass looks like the kind of hot bitch that would ruin every other woman sexually for me before ruining my mental health
you have a right to be boring
but it's still boring
>guild vaults still fucked
>no refunds
>buy the pig
its lady metroid's father from halo
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Warband time. Let's see your mogs.
Because blizzard forces them on us at all times. Midnight is going to be fucking unbearable.
>wish they had more shared customizations with belf
i made my own peace this past month (bc i love the models a lot) after leveling all kinds of alts between Remix+Prepatch and settled with a compromise:
- Paladin, DH = Belf in WrA
- Everything else = Void Elf in MG
- Druid/Shaman/Evoker = Horde in WrA
i have all the classes in each faction but i'll main them thay way to stay happy
>kill at least 8-10k mobs over the past 2-3 days
>zero crackling shard drops
>person i play with sometimes comes to kill some mobs with me
>gets a shard in 15-20 minutes
i might give up on getting a second one. i even managed to go farm for the bee mount that requires you to kill 900 mobs in the bee area while observing a guy get 2-3 shards within 10 minutes.
You can fix her. Can you, will you?
she kinda shit on him actually, dudes bitching about shit they hate all the time obnoxious as fuck
shamans are neglected. should start associated shamans with the holocaust so we can gaslight blizz into giving wwhat we want
Slayer for content. Colossus for world.
It BTFO's Fury and is one of the top dps.
your account seed is fucked anon
you should have spent more in the shop...
Gotta give it to blizzard, they always bait people with a lot of money spent on hype and promo art but when you boot the game on release, it's always a joke, half developed with minimal effort. Top tier scam artists.
>Taking advice from a woman
Is your name Destiny and are you in an open relationship?
>Can you, will you?
No, best I can offer is sex while pretending I'm listening to her trauma dump
Ugly mogs and you're an elf faggot. Embarrassing
I think in DF you could craft for 2 levels of exp so maybe it carried over and they are just crafter alts
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i only really play mage and rogue, mage is my main belf nonrp server, and rogue's velf on mg ezpz

almost an hour and no fucking nightmare nightcrawler holy fug i HATE this shit
I race changed to Blood Elf a week ago after being Undead for literally 20 years. Why? I was leveling enchanting for profit.
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do you not get put into different queues if the one your in is too long while doing chromie time?
i remember there being a pop up.

Name, server?!? I mist meat this belf with my tauren...
I'm a rogue main. Should I not even bother with TWW? I hear it's dire as fuck for us right now.
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>queueing as dps
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she's a femcel her trauma is that she was bullied at school and couldnt get a bf so she became a shut in fujoshit whose bisexuality turned into full blown girl kissing. she likes the idea of men and being a 'wife' but just cant do it, shes specifically into shota x shota romance. This is what you're dealing with, now tell me your plan, how will you fix her?
are they still doing the whole "your gear is invalidated every 3 months" thing? or has that changed in tww?
its probably alot easier than you think. tanks are giga beefy these days
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>Name, server?!? I mist meat this belf with my tauren...
if you want your gear to last forever play GW2
How is the expac retailsissies
continuation, she's a self proclaimed 'lainpilled femcel'. Serial Experiments lain is her favorite anime. You're not going anywhere without watching that with her first, so you get to know her better.
sucks until midway through september at the earliest
assa is good
for now
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i may be retarded, but i'm not so retarded to post main name you're smoking crack


Ok well which server and where would I find ya i can message you after i find you then!
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whats that?
desu retail feels like diablo now, with the seasons and all, except i dont pay a sub for diablo haha
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>just done the legion teleport to broken isles quest
>it shows a huge purple orb enveloping the city as it teleports
>liderally the same as what xal did
yeah khadgar is alive, he followed her through the portal she made
not my problem, what a dumb question
>blizzard made half-elves commonplace with the arathi
moonguardbros... it's over...
what kind of defensive cooldowns do i use while im pulling big groups? none? all?
>how will you fix her?
I won't, she can suck my dick and remain the way she is or fix herself and be my wife
>lainpilled femcel
there's not a single cis female on this earth who likes lain

shut the fuck up retard
none unless you're a DK or getting fuckstomped
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starts with a T, get to lookin

wowhead told me i'd get the stupid nightcrawler in 1 cast here why did they lie to me
why does ret feel like it does so much less damage than other classes? especially in pvp? wtf is happening

I need a better hint than that, hallowfall is a huge zone AND theres like 8 servers staring with a T!
she's not interested in any of you anyway...
*she then flips her hair*
try being a qt femtaur next time
legion fish, hallowfall??????????
Do you guys have any streamers you like to watch that play your class? Or content creators?

Well at least a better server!
if your hp did drop below half, that means you can handle more and arent pulling enough. pull an extra pack next time
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If you're sad just remember there is night elf backs
It doesn't do THAT much less, its competitive enough. Problem is that Ret has some nice utility that people don't seem to either want to use or know how to use, they just want dee pee ess. So the question is really why are you playing a class that has great utility if you don't even want it? Play a Warrior if you just want raw damage since it has like zero fucking utility
I play Aug Evoker so I can service the big strong top tier DPS~
I love when they call me a useless low DPS slut
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>try being a qt femtaur next time
Please Anon, seek help, fujoshit is temporary and only digs you deeper in your loneliness
Same bestie
I just can't figure out which class to play as with them.
no but I just looked up the motherfucker that has my first name on my realm so I could buy it from him....he has the same realm first togc as me, who the fuck is this guy bros...is he me? AM I SPLITTING?
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same except without all the weird sex stuff
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>will never have a bipolar terminally online fujoshi gf who writes in her smut blog about gay sex fantasies between you and her other male friends
not really
from time to time i'll watch Baj since i also play a Warrior and he seems really clued in to pvp. Marcelian has been doing real clickbaity shit for a long time but some of their stuff is ok
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be like a rock and weather the worst of her emotional breakdowns and outbursts until she becomes dependent on you
holy this quest was so good
closest in a long time this game made me feel real emotions
Maybe ill ditch my yaoi manga... but what about me liking girls, cow bestie...
i refuse to believe anyone finds this attractive
how broken inside do you need to be
Yea it was pure soul and made me tear up
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no don't be greedy

still no fucking nightcrawler, i'm beginning to think they don't exist
so when are they letting survival hunters transmog into dual wield one-handers?
What level can you solo TBC raids?
the vendor bait for leveling? huh?
Why is there so much grindy fomo in this expansion?
shadow frost is COOLER than arcane
There is nothing wrong with it
Like whoever you want, stop asking yourself if you're wrong for liking a man or a woman and focus on who you're liking as a person
Female Taurens are cute tall wives which is why I play one.
And if they're hated by others, then I'll gladly shower them with twice as much love
so that you'd pay for a month and then pay for another one once the content actually releases in 3 weeks
Blizzard can't make a good game that keep people playing because it's a good game. They have to utilize psychological tricks to keep people hooked and playing.
doesn't velen now have access to jewish space lasers because of legion
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they can't force me to play aug, not again.
Good thing I payed for 3 months
i know a gay furry who plays one
Nelf gf who pats my head and calls me a good boy
Put'em up, /wowg/! Hands up, or I'll shoot!
how is modding for this game? is it easy to get gear mods/body mods? can you edit anyone else besides yourself (like can i make alexstrasza have her tits out or something) and can i freely edit what gear appears on me on my screen?
is it stripped for options (not a lot of mods) or super plentiful like most other mmos
Me out of the frame in these two pics
Is there? It seemed way worse in DF. Am I missing something?
reddit opinion
did you have a soigasm when the dwarf dragon cried about his black dragon gf last expasion? i cant believe blizz did the exact same "le epic sad stay awhile and listen" crap TWICE
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im gonna say it
release bfa was absolute kinema
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what? idk what you're thinking of, meant the nightmare nightcrawler lure, retarded legion fishing shit for the artifact pole

still haven't gotten the fucking thing it's droprate is fucking ass
I am having FOMO from all my friends setting up full sweatshops with 10 profession alts
the expansion seems alt friendly but I really want to just play one character this time, not sure if I should or not though
stopped reading, I don't negotiate with redditfags
Anyone EU for Aeonax? you need a chara below 70 for chromie mode then look for the lfg group in "custom"
Mount is 100% drop
is current rogue the worst a class has ever been?
You know what I am? I'm a
i wanna spank this worgen
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Eh. I got simple pleasures in Gnome heads.
yo asmongold in the screenshot, on the left
>Literal best, most OP class/spec in the game
>Literal worst, most bricked class/spec in the game
dont you ever post this dogshit again
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why does every femgnome use the same big ponytail?
frost mage
ret paladin
Cause I like the physics of it when they run.
horrid creature

How about at least the second letter after T!
>my class
>Literal best, most OP class/spec in the game
the one you play
>Literal worst, most bricked class/spec in the game
the one i play
metachasing homo
I have spanked this worgen
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Kay boss.
yea cute sentiment kid, but people flooded covenant choices in shadowlands and there are literal classes in the game that would be perma-declined from group formations that most people would want to avoid
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It's racist to presume all Gnomes are the same!
vanilla paladin existed
I haven't played or logged in since Cataclysm was released. If i wanted to come back for solo fun and wanted to unlock that lightforged draenai class, how rough would it be to go about and do so?
I did have an 80 alliance druid from cataclysm on a server back then, but i assume the data for it could be on any merged server from that era if they did something like that ages ago.

Would I just try to log in on my druid, hunt down the appropriate quest and it will just work?
My plan would be to abandon my shit after and make a lightforged draenai level 1 after. Not sure on the class at this point.
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ah i forgot those were a thing, been talking about picrel

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>want a level 70 mage
>have a level 69 mage
>...but it's a mechagnome
>don't wanna pay to race change

How long will it take to level a new mage from 1-70
>all 3 specs are mashing monkey specs
how did we get here
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I'm retarded

Just making sure this is as far as we can go right now right, until season 1?
This whole heroic dungeon trinket drama is great, normalfags usually don't get many opportunities to see how utterly niggerish M+tards are
DK(b/f) Shaman(r/e) Warrior (p/f)
rogue, fire, demo, marksman
it'll take an afternoon if you're not an adhd retard that forgets where you are and runs around stormwind all day
did you just do the war golem thing? then you're good
its not hard, you just have to reach lv 40 and then go to the stormwind embassy and do the quest there
game is also pretty solo friendly at this point with the new Delves

Damn this is harder than I thought I figured it would be Thrall but no dice...don't tell me its a The -something?
it was fine but 8.3 was where it peaked
so i can technically take my 80 old druid and look for the quest tho right? Other than that I wanted to then start the new race/class up.
you get 2-3 levels every dungeon all the way to 70
fuck this gay earth
I want to play my shadow priest only this expansion but for whatever reason they made it the ALT EXPANSION
and on top of that the only alt I would be interested in playing is my old main, the enhancement shaman
BUT at the same time I have literally 0 hype for playing enhancement again, even though it's supposedly finally a good spec for once
how do I navigate this
maybe just pick another alt? maybe just fuck it and play only the priest
did anyone ask
I don't know about trinket drama, but some clowns from what was probably a 4chan-themed guild all left a dungeon after a bossfight because, and I quote:

>imagine not stacking

Even though we took virtually no damage and downed the boss in under a minute.
your old druid should be level squished to lvl 40 after blizzard did the leveling revamp, yes
Oh shit. So my only obstacle would be being DPS.
there was a level squish so you're not 80 anymore but I'm not sure what you're squished to. You can install and check your account without paying the sub or Google what level 80sngot squished to. I'd do it but I'm drunk and phonepsoting
i see, thank you for the infos.
is there any ancient items i should be wary about getting rid of from the old days that are no longer available
bfa pulled off the impressive feat of being the only expac to have no honeymoon period. people couldn't even get to max level without feeling like shit losing their artifact and legiondaries and then the two new pieces of endgame content were both total flops on day 1
why bother acting like anyone would care what you said unless you stayed anon
make multiple shadow priests
why bother making dogshit posts? only you can tell me
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5 fishing pools no lure in highmountain it's over
yes, but questing is still fast enough to level a dpsissy from 1-70 in a day
still not asking
i asked
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Who else /leveling in warmode/ here?
*cums on you*
>haha im leveling in warmode :)
na they drowned it in retarded gadgets so I just turned it off despite easily being the highest rated player to ever post here
>aislop OP
grim. the game is so dead wowg cant even get a tww related OP. its fucking joever.
Once the season starts, alting will have deminishing returns. Right this second, all there is to do is grind to about 580 on mains, professions, and alts, but the grind is gonna open up to around 640 in a few weeks. People are alting rn because it's easy as shit and BiS for non-sweats is basically AH greens upgraded with Valorstones.

This is impossible especially with you switching zones!
Better than vanilla druid
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Bump please help.
I have yet to leave warmode since starting TWW
What time era?
How gay is this expansion this time around? Anything on par to the gay centaurs? Debating on coming back but only if it is super fucking gay.
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whats wrong with aisloppa? lots of WoW characters would have zero fanart if not for AI.
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i've switched zones once in the past 2hrs lol

2 lures already for highmountain tho feels AMAZING
not as bad as last time, mostly just doofus male leaders and girlbossing
bearded nigger lady dwarves, crippled dyke nigger half elf mongrel as a faction leader. if thats not gay enough for you, nothing is.
classic, legion, and I think bfa. You can queue for dungeons and have streamlined questing. You'll be max level before you even finish 2 zones

Ok I'm a very dumb Tauren, give me the third letter after TH!
As far as I can tell, it's actually pretty based. No girlbossing to be seen. The DEI black girl is actually very supportive and nurturing to Anduin (without being obnoxious), if that's your thing. And Xal'atath has a big brapper, as seen here:

Would eat her ass for hours.
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>rank 3 rep contract sold for 35k
finally i found a way to make money off of this profession thing
>despite easily being the highest rated player to ever post here
i've literally never done pvp since im pretty new but i have to wonder if you can back this up
>world quests doesn't give spark for the spark pvp quest
Is this a bug or did they really change and force us to gangbang on a specific spot for 10min until the quest is done?
I think there's a grand total of two gay couples so far, one just in the background and another is just inferred on a statue plaque. The first sidequest you get in Hallowfall is from a straight white couple
it's not gay enough imo but it's alright (for hetshit)
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all three lures under 30minutes, highmountain kinda blessed
Man, fuck this whole tournament. I forgot about it all damn day and then did as much as I could in the end and the fucking spawns just weren't there. Zero pools of three different kinds of fish. This is why timed events are trash. You can't do them on your own time. You're always stuck camping the clock and then racing to get shit done before it artificially ends early.

Is it even a US realm? I'm pretty sure I've checked highmountain on every TH realm on the US...
how do you even make them look exactly like actual npcs, if i were to use as specific tags as possible to compose something compared to, say, Xalatath, it'd just make a shadowy purple generic elf slop
i cant wait for M+ so i can run the same dungeon thousands of times to watch my io score go up
in the meantime i think ill go leave some normal dungeons and kick some kittens
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Our thoughts on Earthen?
>realm listed as high
>nobody ever talking in channels
>like ten people in dornogal at most
they are alright, bearded women is some cringe blatant transcope tho
The leitmotif in Hallowfall's music is really nice.
Thought I'd hate them but I actually like them now that I've played through their zone.
i'm a bit disappointed that they're all 'unbound' now, and brinthe seems to have several different writers
>cloth only
>STR/DEX/INT hybrid
>double benefit from STR or DEX on 2h Weapons
>>Mastery: Juggernaut is the DPS spec. STR increases damage and critical damage multiplier. damaging abilities have a chance to proc Omnislash, replicating the next autoattack 8 times (+INT bonus damage, 10s icd)
>>Mastery: Dervish is the Tank spec. DEX increases damage, armor and avoidance. taking damage has a chance to proc Blade Fury, dealing critical weapon damage (+INT bonus damage) in an area around the Blade Dancer ( 2s ICD)
>INT scales Mastery bonuses and mana pool
yes i ripped this straight from dota. it was a warcraft mod in the first place.
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>get whooping cough
>can play wow all day while off work
>cloth only
Is target farming broken? Araka has a 30 minute queue that never pops. random queue has a 2 minute and always pops.
wtf is dex you retarded faggot
tournament? the fishing derby crap from hallowfall?
You have to use a LoRa or a character tag that the model you're using recognizes, and then also be descriptive as possible when describing her outfit
If you just say "Xal'Atath, Void elf, fantasy World of Warcraft clothing" but the AI doesnt know who she is then it will just give you a generic elf in generic clothing.
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any good hunter or warrior pvp sets?
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>FFXIV player
shant be answering you little creature.
if you can't figure it out i can't help you
do you have a suggestion to an ai program or website that runs off of websites that would recognize name? I know none
i'd be happy to diffuse nsfw of underappreciated characters
Lately I get on, queue for dungeons then leave midway because I have no clue what's going on or what I should be doing and I end up dying and usually left on the ground. Not blaming the healers either it just feels frustrating because I've never played WoW before TWW released and feel like I'm throwing myself at a wall. I know my friends really want me to stick around but I don't like this feeling.
dexterity isn't a stat in the game you mongrel
Someone please answer please help
civitai has a huge database of loras
some of them are good and some of them are shit, you just have to try them all and see what works
kinda kino
thanks anon
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>first level 60 rogue on the server
Rise-kun, I KNEEL
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>still can't figure it out
what are you asking?
Follower dungeons exist if you want to get a feel for the dungeons layout beforehand.

Otherwise, nothing wrong with watching a guide for each dungeon especially if Mythic+ is something you want to do.

Get familiar with your class and its defensives, the less you stare at your action bars the more you can react to mechanics. If you know damage us coming you can use your defensives preemptively.
>still only lvl 74
Having a life fucking SUCKS

Side note; has anyone else tried druid of the claw feral for world pvp / duels? Bear weaving is a lot of fun right now, but I'm not sure how usedul it will be at max lvl

i dont play druid
If anything happens to Thimble I'm gonna kill shadow-twat myself two expansions early and yeet azeroth into the void myself. Thats my lil nigga.
yo momma so fat when a rogue shadowsteps to her he gets a loading screen
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hows the grind goin
>Bear weaving is a lot of fun right now, but I'm not sure how usedul it will be at max lvl
All I hear from Druids lately is that it's annoying how mandatory Bearweaving is for basic survival right now.
is melee cucked this expansion
I'm still waiting for this fucker to spawn
its fine, just need to wait for tanks to learn not to stand in the middle of pisspool with all the mobs
>have a bunch of cool forms and spells
>just want to bite and rip
Sounds about right
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munch munch munch
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>everyone else played Dragonflight and knows how the profession stuff works
>i didnt and am massively behind everyone
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Did (You) notice, /wowg/ ?
>melee dps
sorry bro we're doing a vdh+spellcleave comp this season. lmk if the t8 delves are any good tho ok pce
dont worry, you would be behind even if you knew how this shit worked
you need millions of gold and at least two auctionbots to profmaxx right now. just chill for like a month and you can do it then.
avg alliance quest objective
Wonder if they'll lock higher delves behind level reqs, or if we'll see a bunch of stacked 70/71's climbing to 7/8.
Surely they thought of that. Surely.
didnt see twinked out bfa chars squashing through choreghast so i'm assuming they'll be locked as well
Professions are gay
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Can I just spam delves for renown?
You cant play World of LordOfTheRingsCraft without adhering to the lore of LordOfTheRingsCraft guys cmon
its so simple.
So I race swapped my human warrior, warlock and dk to a nelf. As gay and trans as it sounds modern WoW female models are better than the male ones. Male ones have fucked up animations like the Draenei, goofy models like human ones or ugly models like the nelf ones.

Either way, after playing mdps for last 15 years I wanna play a ranged caster, possibly tanking on an alt as well.

Since I'm dogshit at this whole "maintaining dps through casting while moving to avoid mechanics" what's the easiest caster to get into?

I'm choosing between:
Affliction wlock
Balance druid
Shadow priest
i thought i'd like them but they're really soulless
balance and shadow are good, balance is shit.
Iceveins says you can get 639 weapons from delves before the season starts. How the fuck?
why were there no bearded dwarf women in warcraft before the trans push then, you disingenuous rat?
>balance is good
>balance is shit
I'm confused
My wife...
what warcraft race (monstrous races acceptable) is the most opportunistic necrophile race in azeroth
if you like it just play it and stop being a fucking sheep already, those of us with issues with the class have them because we've been playing the class for so long
kul tiran
Trolls, that goes double for blood trolls
I have trouble staying alive while soloing things as rogue
so im gay trans black super hairy and insanely hung

what class race combo
Male human ret paladin
Don't waste your points, you can't respec and it will take at least 7 months of weekly to complete all.
If it makes you feel better i put 30 points towards herbing while mounted on my druid
when are we getting a proper permanent christmas mount?
minion of grumpus does not count. it just does not.
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>20 minutes until rep day
resto shaman
female kul tiran look like dogshit and have the worst animations in the game
Provide better reason for it than "it just doesn't".
Otherwise it stands as your permanent christmas mount, fuck off.
New bread
it's a generic yeti that has no winter veil theming whatsoever, you nasty human
fem kul tiran, fem tauren, fem dwarf are all shit
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Farming mats is way better in warmode
Boring, they are just a mix of the dwarves in game but more boring
if lore matters there wouldnt be so many goddamn retcons and reimaginings and multiverses holy shittttttttt
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>Gilneas is now led by Tess, Greymane didn't even die
FFS and you people have the gall to say this game isn't woke. Literally barbie world.
on the other hand they had to play dragonflight

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