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Sorry Edition

Previous thread: >>492144870
>General Info on Taimanin
>General Guide for Characters and Builds

>News and Current Events on Action Taimanin

>Official YouTube Page (EN)
>Official YouTube Page (JP)
>Official AT instagram

>JP AT Wiki

>RPGX Extasy
>JP RPGX Gacha Schedule
I'm sorry for letting the thread die. I didn't want to spam thee thread with Anon's wife posts and I forgot to check the page
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She killed millions...
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I shouldn't say anything since I probably could have kept the thread from dying but that's why I always have a few wacky screenshots to randomly post
>thread died
it's ogre
I hate Lina's retard face so much. Wanna punch it.
Female taimanin milked anons so hard they passed out
She's one of those characters that I sometimes forget exists
You don't rike chipmunk teef?
ded gaem
ded general
I like cute dummies
Anon's wife kisses
only cunny can save /atg/ now, the titcows have failed
Bad news anon, the next character is going to be a dim-witted titcow...
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They are shoving bunch of stuff at random, people are betting on granny but at this point i'm not even sure about that.
you missed friday you lazy nigger!
shouldn't the preview be soon?
Finally, it's Mari's time!
surprise hag ybuta out of no where!
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She is guarantee, but not that soon.
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>Pigsow when she sees a fat ugly bastard and her pussy goes out of control
fucking slut, her little pussy always comes first
I hate this cunny whore so fucking much.
Taking away Tatsutaro from Yukikaze.
m-maybe she'll date me then
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stop making her more horny!
Looks like she's ready for another pregnancy from some disgusting creature or another
t. the barn demon
kek, it's seething hatred of Ybuta hours yet again
I wish she'd die, but unfortunately she's powerful, and she knows dying would mean her betraying whore pussy couldn't feel good anymore, so she won't let that happen.
I need to rub one out now
pretty hard choice ngl bros
as far as gameplay goes, I recommend Yuki to roll over story mode and daily with no investment
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wtf is her problem?
Shizuri, please...
Someone please stop this bitchpig, she keeps putting her betraying fat ass everywhere!
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Damn so they just let you buy the characters straight up and you can skip the gacha? I wish more gacha did this.
Yup, the gems are just for rolling stat attribute cards and buying costumes.
I need to see black UFS agent lure Noah in with some food and then subsequently fill her with lots of cream..
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>I need to see black UFS agent
Me too, anon. Me too.
Nope, I would wager we'll get that in the middle of the month. They haven't even dropped the rebirth for Tokiko yet.
Pretty much, although you still need the gacha for supports. Weapons not so much since you can use the Yellow or Green Arena weapons.
That's a cow.
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Would Lolikaze let me watch?
My money's on the new girl that shows up in the next chapter. They did the same with demon!sakura- sorry ment to say Spinel
IMO asagi
no, participators ONLY
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We should start seeing 4th year anniversary preview for global release. You guys have any hopes for next month ? For me it would be future/clone timeline characters, but it's never going to happen.
Smug little NTRing sow bouncing her fat child ass
I just want more UFS shit, and thankfully it seems like we're headed in that direction
ybuta too much of a cash cow, i think they'll eventually release her future/clone.
Deep down you just want mirabell
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i want future yuki
i'll get another titcow
currrent AT is a FUCK
Untanned Yukikaze.
Getting into a fight with a Taimanin over not wanting have sex on the first date
you sick monster
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heresy !
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36 (thirty-six) tomats
You're not wrong, but I wouldn't mind Granie as well
36 (thirty-six) emblem kits
I really do wish that I got an attribute change ticket.
Built for loving impregnation
Crazy theory that auto magatama rerolls are a built in desire sensor intended to make your desired roll less likely and everything else more likely. I just did a bunch of manual rolls and got exactly what I wanted in a few rolls.

The quality of life feature means less attention is given to the game meaning it might seem realistic for resources to drain while rolling a bunch of flops so artificial rng might not raise a red flag meaning you play the game more or afk the game more to recover materials.

Only way to test this hypothesis more would probably be to auto roll something I don't want and see how long till I get something I do want. Using this hypothetical desire sensor against itself.
Did they shorten the board? We are going to page 9 so quickly now. Them erasing the boards were just a cover up for this
Summer time for other gacha, stuff is moving fast.
Not this fat though, its way faster, Also summer is over
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Build for hardcore breast-penetration boob-breeding rape
I think they might have given up on cunny and it's making me rethink my time with it a bit. I swear at this point I think they'll fuck up Sakuya when they release her and give her bigger titties and shit. Hope I'm wrong, though.
Out of all the characters to get all three color versions of them why does it have to be this one that I get first? Oh well. I now officially have a red, blue and green yukikaze build with the character on it.
Spinel is dumb but not that dumb, besides AT sakura was supposed to be zero sakura.
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Tokiko sex
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Even with all that, only the strongest and most potent Orcs have a chance...
Unironically I think I have rinko binko's smartphone. The cameras and flashlight on mine look identical to her's.
Oboro-chan is a vampire so there's no limit to her egg power!
Post more funny quotes
someone post the ybuta one where she's jealous she wasn't sexually assaulted like her mom
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Sakura is the best
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Shame that I lost my folder with screenshots.
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when are we getting a fuckin guild jesus christ it's been 84 years grem this can't be hard
I don't know what's worse, being retconned out of existence, or actually existing while this is happening...
Imagine being cucked by a useless faggot like Fuuma of all people. Tatsurou would unironically curbstomp AT Fuuma in a fight.
meanwhile in TABA he mindbreaks tatsurou by banging his sister in the room next to his
TABA Fuuma is a fucking based savage. AT Fuuma is a toddler with acres-thick plot armor.
I wish he'd get SOMETHING edgy and interesting in AT. I'd kill for him to start secretly using nomad drugs and shit to get his performance on a higher level similar to Toyo. But nah instead super-powerful demon lords think he's fascinating for literally no reason and he just magically ends up in the thick of everything important and somehow doesn't get turned into an instant blood smear.
TABA Fuumer is inconsistent as fuck both in character and design (formless faceless hentai protag, he is truly a great ninja) and has one of the most faggot ass superpowers in existence.
He's supposedly a 'strategic genius' but all he does is giving the most basic and obvious orders.

And every single girl gushing over him for no reason at first sight, its so forced and tiring.
Even in RPGX, he has absolutely no charm, personality or or anything that justifies all the bitches he get.

I can't even self insert into that because it feels so unnatural.
that's still more interesting and better writing than just another generic and bland harem MC with plot armor and freebies
>He's supposedly a 'strategic genius' but all he does is giving the most basic and obvious orders
I hate that shit too. Like fuckin':
>"Flank the enemy! Fast Taimanins, do fast things! Strong Taimanins, attack from the front! Useless backline bitches, hang back!"
Thanks, Napoleon.
Waiting for a detailed breakdown because she looks the same except foe a new weapon here
I hope Tokiko-anon will be pleased with the changes.
If she is good and i get a copy of her weapon with discounted pull i may buy her.
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Leveling her up has been a chore.
I'm coming around to her Intoxicate status, although it's still a pain in the ass to fight against multiple ranged enemies with her because she gets sniped pretty easily.

I would say the best build if you are going for Intoxicate is Blue/Red/Red with Demon Render/Raging Shuten/Onigorashi (I probably didn't spell that right but w/e). Demon Render gives her heal while Raging Shuten has armor with 2 red. Her dodge skill along with Wail and Weep also give her armor but you have to go all in on red to get it.
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She feels like absolute shit to play as, what a disappointment. How can you fuck up a concept with so much potential? She barely even uses the grenades and tommy gun, what a fucking waste
Now now, children, don't grow impatient. I'll give you a detailed breakdown once she actually releases. From the video I can tell her more awkward moves definetly got better. The two major improvements you can see easily in that video are Blast and Stone Piercer

Don't worry, I'll be thorough with her.
Can't relate. Found her red build then the job well enough. Yes she's no Emily but built in super armor can compensate for alot
damn that is very different. They probably should have called smashing spree stabbing spree after that update.
I have an extremely different experience with her. She's really easy and fun.

I use all blue with Raging Shuten/Onigorashi/Grenade

Grenade is just a fantastic skill. It's an area around her and then a long distant shot.
Also, use her 80% critical damage SR.
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Noah DAP
He is around, rinko and other characters mention, but yeah just exist to be cucked
No one says this
>AT Fuuma is a toddler with acres-thick plot armor
He is nowhere near as bad, I'm 100% convinced you're one of the /h/ cucks perpetually seething about yellow man for some reason.
Speak up woman, i can't hear you from down there
She is just silently judging your subpar performance.
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>a real Fuuma defender
oh no
Guilds announcement this thursday morning
Isn't it patch day tomorrow though
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cmon now
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I just realized the Rinko model I see in some games mods is probably from this game because of its low poly.

Is this fun?
What's wrong with the D?
Huh? I love Gisuke.
Fuuma is way more brown than yellow
In hindsight its ironic to call fuuma yellow man when most of the cast is Asian. Like people can say its not a race thing but like you pick the one name that lines up with his race. Then again 4 chan ain't one for political correctness.
do you enjoy boobies

Yes of all shapes and sizes. But from vids I see , it does not even has TnA physics. What the fuck.
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old gamu please understand
> seeing a weapon grant 2 separate buffs with tokiko peaking at 6 buffs
Looks like RRH Spinel, Melt and Kana are going to get a new playmate soon.
Anon's wife
>all those buffs
looks like fun
Now, that I think about it. Her weapon boosting the crit damage of fumma Art skills is kind of odd. Like yeah sure crit damage is universal. But her crit damage skill and her crit rate skill are both taimanin arts. Only crit related fuuma art is autumn wind having crit rate on red.
He's shown to be a lot more competent than in AT for one. To his credit the way they beat Black in the story makes way more sense than how it happened in TA3. Events show him a lot more capable as a strategist and I don't think his character has really gotten mishandled in AT so far.

He's a lot more of an average shounen protagonista than anything, which is a little bit flavorless, but I certainly like him more in AT than what was shown in RPGX in English.
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Those blowjobs look dangerous
RPG Fuuma mellowed with time, start of story he is a dick because staff didn't had any proper direction, and old CGs it reverts to old shithead.

But they went overboard on AT since everyone is friendly or at least know him. Even Nao is just tsundere.
According to Japanese news sites she's gonna get a passive that boosts her crit rate.
Sorry Tokiko. You still fail in making me hard.
AT actually have fangs or sharp teeth on models. Neat small detail.

Even if is hard to notice.
How is he a strategist? Can you give several examples of him coming up with clever strategies?
Too bad crit rate is meaningless in the VR meta, which is the only thing that matters atm.
It's up.
I can only recall off the top of my head that during the lina introduction event he Bullshitted having a taimanin art to buy time for his team to jump some thugs. Probably could find some stuff just from binging the story but I can't be bothered with maintenance happening right now.
the problem is that he doesn't come up with anything that any of the adult Taimanins with an IQ level above Sakura could think up
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The problem is Fuuma is supposed to be way smarter than the writers actually are, so his strategies are overwhelmingly him just understanding what to do at specific times rather than having novel ideas about what to do
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They should just straight-up steal ideas from better written anime and whatnot in that case, because he comes off as average intelligence at best
Is standard stuff for gacha MC. Just look at FGO.
>But muh he beat goetia on fist fight.
Still don't matter, even pokemon trainers are somewhat more interesting.

Which reminds me that BA tried to translate that onto anime.
>i answered your question and explained my answer.
You very clearly and purposely avoided my question and weaseled in your own. The fact that you can't answer it shows your position is weak.
>if that were the case you could easily remind me
Why remind you of your own faults? The fact that you can't remember is enough self ownage on your part.
>Already done
Literally hasn't been done yet. My question is very specific, you keep trying to dance around it. Because you know it blows up your entire point.
>Is what you've already admitted a ((completely)) subjective preference, objectively right or wrong?
Just Yes or No?
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In AT's case I'd argue it doesn't really matter since he's arguably supposed to be (You). Storywise I care way more about the other characters.
The mask is off, we all know you’re just replying to yourself now
Trivia: Action inage is quite different from RPGX Inage, mainly that she’s always in her “younger” state ala tsunade
>You very clearly and purposely avoided my question
I answered it and you cried because I explained my answer
>you can't remember
prove it by showing you answered the question already
>Literally hasn't been done
Literally has since you literally cried that my answer was conditional
Its a bit vague, but seems the case now. Kids on her support got a bit confused tho.
Samefag, just like in /alg/
Send your proof to the mods and let them take action then
And I suppose you wouldn’t do it yourself rather than asking me? Ah I know why, that’s because you’ve been caught red handed
>I suppose you wouldn’t do it yourself rather than asking me
I'm not the guy claiming people are samefagging
And here we go, say the line anon
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Why don't you since you know what it is?
Oh I thought he was gonna go, “answer my question” then I’d nab him. Well I know he was samefagging because he was active on /alg/ around the same time so I managed to link his posts here and there when I was given the chance, seems like you weren’t there at the time so if you were confused my apologies for thinking it was the spammer was you
Why doesn't Action Taimanin have a X version like the RPG one?
designed from the ground up to be put on google and iplay stores
No, just like gogo, AT is side project to expand franchise. Also 3d porn is awful and gacha avoid much as possible because is pain to do, even magicami just did CGs later on.
Depends on how it's applied, she could end up being the only character with a relevant crit build on VR, however as long as they don't touch her defense debuffs Tokiko will always be a good supporting unit for VR.
The performance of "Fuuma Tokiko" has been adjusted as follows:

- The visual effects and animations of some skills have been changed.
- A new unique buff has been added.
Unique Buff "Precision": Increases critical rate by 0.5% each time you hit an enemy (stacks up to 40, lasts 3 seconds per stack)
- A slot effect of the skill "Taimanin Art: Fan" has been partially modified.
Suppress Set 2: Kunai track the enemy▶Throws all kunais at the nearest enemy.
- Slot effects for the skill "Fuuma Martial Art: Smashing Spree" has been modified.
Assist Set 1: Increase attack speed by 20%▶Reduces speed of attacked enemies by 10%
Assist Set 2: The number of attacks is doubled▶Add 5 additional attacks
Assist Set 3: Increase damage by 150%▶Increase damage by 150%, gains Super Armor while attacking
- The effect and slot effect of the "Fuuma Martial Art: Stone Piercer" skill has been partially modified.
Basic Effect: Kicks forward, performs a charging attack, and steps back quickly.▶Performs a charging attack that pierces enemies spread across a wide area in front.
Suppress Set Main: Knock down the enemy▶Stun the enemy
- The effect of the skill "Evil Eye-Clairvoyance" has been modified.
Basic Effect: When doing an extreme dodge, lowers the defense of all enemies for 6 seconds and automatically attacks by throwing kunai.▶When doing an extreme dodge, lowers the defense of all enemies for 6 seconds and automatically attacks by throwing kunai that penetrates the enemy.
- The effect of the skill "Taimanin Art: Blast" has been modified.
Basic Effect: Sets up an explosive kunai which detonates when an enemy steps on it. Adds 2 more explosive kunai after a set effect is applied.▶Throws explosive kunais at up to 3 enemies nearby. Throws 2 more explosive kunai when a set effect is applied.
- The effect of the skill "Taimanin Art: Humming Bird" has been modified.
Basic Effect: Immediately after the attack, creates distance and performs a ranged attack by throwing kunai.▶Immediately after the attack, creates distance and performs a ranged attack by throwing kunai that penetrates the enemy.
The range of the skill "Taimanin Art: Squall" has been increased.
Projectiles of the skill "Taimanin Art: Magpie" has been changed to penetrate enemies.
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Holy shit green is now ridiculous fast.
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Noah fanclub soon
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>Achieve 30 combos
sure do love achievements that punish you for being too strong
Im sorry anon you are overqualified for the game. Better luck next time
What an innocent sounding name. Is that the guild system? I wonder if I can get a private dance from Anon's wife...
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I guess we chinese now.
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Have your 2 AI units be your slow characters wood.

Side note: Is there a way to turn allies off?
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if you imagine it as dicking your waifu it gets a little better

is better than
>an old partner of Su
There better be some breast envy.
I don't know what it is but there's something with Chinese Japanese anime girls that appeal to me. Which I don't get from Chinese anime.
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It's really just an issue of me not wanting to change anything simply because I'm too strong. It's easily fixable but slightly annoying to do so
Sorry but this shit is work, not play. I'd rather be one & done
They don't have those abhorrent ass chink names. I mean it technically have but still nip reading.
I like the new Tokiko. She looks... softer? Less Kagami-like?
Although she also looks a lot younger. Like she's a school student or something.
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100 msq is crazy tho
But my butler Asagi is already 5/5...
It's gonna be another paypig subscription model.
Maybe they'll retire Hebi-Shika though and add the 4th skill slot unlock as a normal thing.
HAHAHAHA, who am I fucking kidding man lmao
You will redeem the umbrella.
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The game knows anyway.
Fuuma is basically sitting in the cuck chair every fight, just watching and doing nothing
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tokiko sex
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>hags on the start screen
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Go home Murasaki, you're off the team, for good!
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I'll put her on my team then
I am happy for Cutekiko and the Tokikofag, but I'm upset that Kirara didn't get a swath of changes/upgrades like this to her kit
I'm just happy they let her boobs spill out to the side of her chest instead of being weirdly pushed together.


Thanks for putting this here
One more change to Taimanin Art: Hummingbird, before the window to activate the skill was the entire animation (the green swirls) now it ends roughly a second before the animation does.
Also it seems like all the changes where they added penetrate didn't actually add penetration. They just increased the size of the kunai and have it directly hit the target.

All I do is take my Emily and weaken her with mid supporters to take care of this requirement.
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We love hags here. Grandma Inage for anniversary confirmed.
Uhh so it targets "1 enemy" and stacks with the "all enemies"? The passive looks good thoughbeit
That would be one of the best supporter if that is the case, if 5/5 is 20% on each, that's 40% on every solo boss/foe with buff dispel
Little change. The remove wings and horns option has changed from a body icon to a wings icon to make it more clear and probably because the new costume will have a body icon for removing stuff.
It usually doubles so 24 on each, 48% for a solo boss if that's how it works.
But it would mean going either green build or 2/1 red/green.
Meaning crunching fear loses its 150% skill damage increase.
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Guys, they removed the option to hide the side skirt.
Save those presets in tower, thats an easy 5 presets that don't get ised over there.
Renewed Toki is fast. She can land hits before Emily and Astaroth can melt everything.
Fucking hell, it was my favorite costume because of that option.
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Gremory also stealthily did the same thing with Astaroth's paid limited costume.
Before her "rework", the headpiece and skirt/cloth toggleable separately.
After her "rework", both headpiece and skirt are on the same toggle button; either you have both on or none of the two.

Pic related. Before her "rework"
I sent them a complain and you should too:
Like how they fixed Kirara's ass after people complained?
It was probably too late for Kirara.
Also nothing will ever happen if you don't at least try.
indomitable's a paid outfit though right? i can see them being a littlle more likely to simply fix something people actually paid package prices for compared to a full ass lift
having to click to tower, selecting a preset there and then having to click back to event sounds like way more work than just changing a weapon
If you need a morale boost, remember- however dead this game may get, it will never be Concord levels of dead.
what is concord
concord my balls LMAO
The biggest video game flop of the 21st century.
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Sakura's IQ is very big, actually. Or so I've heard.
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Is it me or are Francis' tits the largest in the game right now? Maybe together with succutits. Where their model size actually feels the same or maybe even bigger than the art. Hope the trend continues.
>haven't been here in a while
>wonder why there're no RPG posts
Not sure if I should be amazed or not
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Need more characters like that and less cowtits demons.
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Too bad, isn't it? Really says a lot about ntr shitters. RIP BOZO is what I would say.
What's the horse stuff...
exactly what you think it is
They're all virtually the same size as Shiranui. Go ahead and post some side-by-sides so we can bear witness to this truth. There's a clear limit to how far they're willing to go with big-tiddy characters, and Shiranui is pretty much it, granted a tiny bit of wiggle room for boob shape and whatnot.
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Need more special moments between Taimanins and smelly nasty horses
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nta but it's latest Neromashin book, something like "your mom's face is ugly when she cum part 3" not sure about the translated title
>next chapter introduces a Chinese girl supervising a Chinese "cloning" facility growing demon hybrids
What the fuck, anons? I thought the ones behind the the clones were Jews/evil Murricans, not Chinese. Is this a red herring, the Chinese just working for the Murricans or what?
>the new character is an orphan from a family of orphans mentored in the Chinese orphan martial arts
>wake up
>There's another psyop
M8, they can't even put in a hair salon. You expect them to be able to handle guilds?
Their game is fairly optimized despite being made in Unity so they do know a thing or two about coding.
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Lina love!
Well, we already know new Chinese OC is going to be a boss in this chapter, and she works for the Chinese govt. The Task Force is probably going to look into this, but find that it can really only grow certain demons, certainly not perfect Taimanin copies. And despite the conflict in this chapter, new girl will pledge her support to figure out what's happening.
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Tokikofag here. Alas, I have finished with my laboratory toki studies and I have put together my understandings of the changes to her skills and how they come together.

As an overview: Tokiko was made overall faster and more fluid, with her skills mostly changed to make the endlag of her usual skills more forgiving and in turn less reliant on follow ups. Her concept remain more on the high speed low damage ballpark, but her speed is much more emphasized and her damage has better means to get improved. Overall she's still very skill oriented but she's a lot less investment oriented. On to her individual skill

>Normal String
Now is shorter, faster and has a higher DPS as a result of her speed. She does a phase through portion than can throw the camera off and make follow ups harder, but it's still better overall
Huge improvement by improving its damage and giving it piercing projectiles. Something I figured out literally yesterday when comparing is that Magpie up close has absurd DPS, so with hightened damage it's even stronger now. Can be a good replacement to old Stone Piercer in terms of function
>Stone Piercer
Completely overhauled. Now it zooms phasing around forward and afterwards damaging whatever she crossed. Doesn't go though large bosses but still damages. them. This makes it harder to use against bosses, but better against groups of enemies which is the opposite of it's previous use.
Still one of her best skills, and the only real change is that using 2+ Reds makes her projectiles zoom into an enemy and pierce through afterwards, which can have odd results when used point blank
The area of attack is now huge and it's got a much shorter cooldown making it much better to use
>Smashing Spree
The biggest improvement of the bunch, it's now a single set of moves that zooms in anywhere on the map waith super armor and has basically no recovery. since it homes in from afar it's safer than other moves and can be canceled early by a follow up.
Lilithverse is fucked.
what scene was THIS?
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Largely changed. Now it throws very weak homing projectiles that explode on hit rather than setting traps It has much shorter cooldown and green applies a significant defense debuff, but it only sends one projectile per enemy on the field if there's less than 5.

Improved as the added projectiles are more numerous and can stunlock enemies without armor or with broken armor. The defense debuff is, as expected very significant.

A lot better since the projectiles pierce through enemies improving hit and run tactcs.

>Autum Wind
Largely unchanged although it's less necessary due to her melee moves are much better. Still very strong due to the blue skill set effect

Her new passive. Every time you land a hit you stack that buffs 0.5% per stack up to 40, or 20% crit. Every 3 seconds that you don't attack the stack counts down instead of wiping making it easier to build stacks.

About her new weapon, the description is confusing but in general it has two passive skills. One gives her melee weapon the property that every 10 seconds after using a move you heal 3% of lost HP (fuckall) and gives you 48% crit damage for 10 seconds. Her Ranged skills instead gain a 20~60% chance of gaining 20% skill damage that stacks 3 times. The stacks are indefinite but upon hitting the 4th stack the skill resets instead meaning you have to build it back up.
A little bit odd since Melee skills have more focus on normal damage while ranged skills focus more on critical hits, however her skillset can easily but both types. In practice her old limited weapon that buffs Fan is still stronger on builds that have carry Fan while this one is better for green builds that are forced not to run it.
So what's her best build for VR?
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Putting everything together:

To conclude the update addressed two of the three most important weaknesses that Tokiko used to have, being her lack of good skills
with the improvements to Magpie, Blast, Smashing Spree opening her up to more diverse builds even in the context of VR and her overreliance on the 4th skill slot as her current skills don't have the need to be canceled to avoid awkward recoveries. She still gains a lot from having a 4th skill, however.

One that didn't got fixed was her need for the player to put an effort to make the most out of her. Her skills being much faster also means you have to be quick on your fingers and some of her skills like Stone Piercer and Magpie need lateral thinking to make the most out of. She still lacks natural healing too, but Lapis or NY Felicia can help with that.

This will depend a bit on what you have, but three builds I used gave me the best results were

>Pure red with Aurora
Since her projectiles pierce now and Fan is still one of her strongest skills she can play the ranged game now better. Works a lot better against Machines and probably spiders since the piercing projectiles help attack multiple things at once. Ditch Humming Bird if you have 3 skills.

>Blue Shotgun
I call this shotgun build because the point is to abuse Magpie's piercing properties and Autumn wind's super armor buff at 2 blue to basically let you shoot a bunch of high DPS piercing projectiles at point blank with super armor. You can ditch Clairvoyance if you only hav 3 skills, It's really amusing to see.

>Green Pure damage
Likely the most viable build if you rely on F2P supporters and Arena Weapons. Very flexible almost all green set effects are good

>Poverty support
Interesting build where you build Tokiko for defense, give her the SR that lowers defense on hit and equip the rest of her skills around defense debuff. Pairs fantastic with high damage characters like Astaroth.
>stack counts down instead of wiping
why is she allowed to win so hard? do you think they will make the the standard going out from here?
Yeah she is far more snappy to play and buff ticking down is big deal.

Also they fixed her broken ass spine on animations.
Does anyone here has a screenshot of Tokiko's Indomitable costume skirt removed/togglable in the game?

The Youtube video has a "In development" label on it.
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Lame, we need to turn a taimanin into a horse and let the MC go to town on her
>ingrid works for gremory
Ah, that explains why Oboro never gets anything.
Noah TAP
Oboro's rework made her amazing, though
It's funny the way they're now trying to specifically screw her over with new content. The way grem 'balances' things if you can even call it that is fucking bizarre.
it wasn't a scene it was main story of rpgx, last chapter before EoS
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What is the board like if you reset board 10?
Shit still costs 400 gems but it doesn't say what the board is like.
"Reward list"
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"Doesn't show it"
I'm wondering if you get more vouchers? I hit board 10 myself but I'm wary about wasting 400 gems. If I can get 2 more copies of the weapon it's done though. I got the supporter to 5/5 due to the previous run.
I'd be willing to spend the gems if it's like that yeah.
Somehow I doubt it though.
Is the bingo card reset after the 5th one costing gems working as intended? Devious, if yes.
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Thank you.
I got the same answer, looks like an automatic reply so I'm not getting my hopes up but at least I did my part.
Nevermind, didn't saw >>493101794
Good on Gremory for listening.
Who/what do I need to beat tower Floor 90? Lapiss just keeps healing against any character I try.
I don't even remember what floor that is but I'm guessing I just went unga bunga with Murasaki as usual
Saying its the one with both Lapis and Spinel doesn't narrow it down much. It's the one in the back alley, has an oni before them.

As always against those two, try and bait them to drop the crystals on one side of the map then go to the other side away from them.
Anon's wife kisses
So is the coral axe better than the huawei..hawaii...whatever
what is this expression meant to convey?
>Action Taimanin survived for 4 years while Concord died in a week
Videogames are healing
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Would lilim be the best choice here?
Was thinking on using her for Sakuras spin to win build.
If you wanna jack the knife even further, even extasy lasted longer for a more gaming meta sense in general even the day before lasted longer and sold LESS THAN ET ON THE ATARI 2600
Finding me handcuffed and erect next to a bukkaked Sakura with the perps having just escaped.
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Even before you consider their skills Coral is limited so it has better stats. Hawiya wants you stacking crits but Mu-chan is slow af and her stats don't help one bit. Just don't, trust me on this I spent a lot trying to make it work I even have full crit rate and crit damage magatamas 5/5 crit cat and Kaworu and sure I can completely oblitarate tower floor 100 but in VR her damage is abysmal and above floor 60 I don't even see crits at all
only two Coral Cleavers were put up so far, right?
Yes, the one in the desire is the second.
I am probably going to miss it too, I have lots of limited coins but there are no limited banners and i'm not rolling the trash that's on now.
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wtf everyone said that axe is amazing...
probably because all other weapons for Murasaki are trash, until this new one
Yeah and it is the image there is her old gacha ur weapon. While I haven't maxed mine yet, waiting on that last free axe, having damage on tentacle mine is nice since a lot of people run Murasaki green.
I have seen the light, I am now based and statstick-pilled
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Her gacha weapons aren't bad really
Just tried the new Tokiko, I'm goddamn sold.
What an improvement, holy shit.

Also thank you for those, I think I'll make a green build since I'm F2P.
It's not a bad weapon per se but it has a low crit stat on a slow melee character whose higher stat is hp, and the skill expects you to consistently crit within 7 seconds to keep it going. This same weapon on a fast hitting crit-based character would be completely busted
Mu-Chan has a big weapon issue. None of her weapons, limited or not, do anything major for her in terms of VR at least.
Even Coral Cleaver the best it does is give the equivalent in damage of the axe spin attack when triggering Tentacle Mine which is a bit underwhelming.

It's kinda odd how much they keep doubling down on Crit and Crit damage when the only content that actually demands min-maxing negates critical hits pretty bad.
Not to run rain on your parade but my studies into the game has shown me that raw stats in terms of Atk, Crit and Def are largely meaningless and don't actually affect your performance significantly
I know that, that's just a reference sheet so i'm not clicking around so much in game.
She went from dumpster tier to pretty good.
That doesn't make sense though. Sure, damage multipliers will have more value in comparison, but what are they multiplying? I don't see why stat increases are looked down upon so mcuh.
still no answer on this?
I wonder what they going do for anniversary, maybe another opening.
It was answered with sarcasm.
I assume they were implying like any final board or gacha it just resets on a refresh instead of moving to something new.

Probably should have just answered instead of sarcasm though.
The thing is that your raw stats are matched up against the enemy's and it's not a direct linear correlation. As in 1000 points of attack doesn't mean 1000 more damage.
Attacks themselves have damage values, enemies have defensive values, and at the end of it all the Atk stat itself plays a very minor role while multipliers directly modify the final damage inflicted after all the calculations.
Honestly I don't know myself since I hadn't grinded to it yet and I don't like spending gems to get stuff. The costume costs like what 450 gems due to refreshing.
So show us why 5000 in a stat means nothing compared to 2500 in a stat all other things being equal
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Yes, there is a voucher at every page past 10. Last year I've 5/5'd both weapon and suppporter, going for the 2nd copy of a 5/5 Asagi this time.
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Top image. Maika using Incendiary Rounds using a 1/5 +0 UR beast weapon freebie. She dealt 80k damage on a raw hit.
Second image. Maika using the exact same move using a 5/5 +12 Arena weapon. She dealt 100k damage.

Out of the gate the difference in attack stats is 2,352 > 5,699 is more than double, almost 150% increase, however the increase in damage from 80k to 100k is only about a 25% increase.

The third image is the same 1/5 UR weapon, except it has 4 poorly crafted Human damage magatama oscillating between 2.4%~3% options, and is targeting a Human doll.
It's damage is about 160,000 not only is it literally doubling the damage of the original attack, it's also 60% stronger than a maxed out Arena weapon with no Magatama.
>20% more damage just on raw stats
>changing conditions other than raw stats without applying them to the other weapon
now apply those magatamas to the stronger weapon and let's see what it does
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The 5/5 +15 Arena weapon with full Human damage Magatamas Matched up against a 5/5 +13 SR weapon that has 2000 atk less and one less magatama slot, but adds 40% skill damage.

They do the exact same damage and the SR weapon literally is gimped by virtue of having less magatama to equip. That's your 2000 atk's worth.
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huuuuh so what am I supposed to upgrade in order to get BIG NUMBER
And if you could somehow add the 40% skill damage bonus to the UR weapon it would do more damage than the SR weapon
You keep trying to avoid the whole "all other things being equal" qualifier but all that does is prove the point that raw stats do matter because if you take any weapon with any specific bonuses or multipliers added to them the fact remains they'll do more damage if that specific setup gets more raw attack added to it.
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>if you could somehow add the 40% skill damage bonus to the UR weapon
Oh sure if you could somehow hack in the game and code in the perfect weapons we wouldn't have this argument. The fact remains that the raw stat in your weapon is only a small fraction of your power and the real number lies in the ammount of multipliers you can pile into it. This is final.

Your shallow ideas aren't only based on your assumptions and you 0 gameplay to back anything you suppose while I have shown you visually my findings that back up my understanding of the game. You've moved the goalpost long enough, learn to quit.

Depends on what mode and where are you trying to get the big dick number. But the key is in supporters and Magatama.

Outside of VR critical hits and critical damage is king because you can scale up critical hit much easier than not. You have stuff like Kaworu that gives a near 50% crit damage bonus, Akane that gives 20% raw damage and 50% crit damage to bosses (they multiply each other), and Crit Cat which also gives a major 36% crit damage boost, and crit damage magatama have higher nodes than All damage magatama making them universal. All on top of the innate 1.7x damage boost to critical hits and the existence of skills that naturally give you 250% damage if they land a critical hit.

On VR where crits are neutered, you go for raw damage. For instance you grab weapons that improve damage against a particular enemy type, you use Magatama that focus on the specific type of enemybthe boss is and you load yourself up with supporters that boost the "all damage" of your character under a specific condition.
Ideally you focus your build around the skill that hits for 150% of its damage.
>The fact remains that the raw stat in your weapon is only a small fraction of your power
Which is why the SR weapon needed a 40% damage boost just to be on par with the UR one? That's almost half.
>Your shallow ideas
Ironic, since your own examples are proving the point of why raw stats aren't "largely meaningless". Do you run VR teams with no weapon enchantments at all? I'm betting you don't.
>You've moved the goalpost long enough
just going by by what said in >>493149564
>raw stats in terms of Atk, Crit and Def are largely meaningless and don't actually affect your performance significantly
I defined a control and you were in all examples unable to follow it. If your argument was "raw stats are generally the least impactful part of the damage equation" I would have agreed with you but even then you're going to need stats to make the multipliers matter to begin with.
>climbing tower
>big robot boss starts lobbing bouncing homing grenades at me until I die
>take damage no matter how I dodge
>can't heal fast enough
newbro here, what's the counterplay
Im not reading your posts until you show your own findings with hard data. Nothing you say has any value or worth without anything to back it up.

good luck, and have fun doing the work.
I didn't make the initial claim of raw stats being largely meaningless, I'm calling on you to prove it and so far your own evidence is proving yourself wrong.
Unfortunately that's mostly a stat/gear check. You might be able to skill through it using Asagi or Murasaki (or possibly Oboro but she wasn't as good as she is now back when I did the first part of Tower) to slow/stun the smaller enemies while you work on the boss but as I mentioned it's mostly there to make people upgrade characters to a point where they can facetank most of the damage.
I see, so to bulk up I need to start enchanting supporters or should I grind levels past 81?
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Hey guys

Did you know that you can clear Tower 100 with a 1/5 +0 weapon in about the same time as a 5/5 +12 weapon if you use the exact same build and the exact same Magatama?

Pretty cool, huh? It's almost as if your raw stats don't matter at all!
Enchanting should be more accessible through secret quests unless you can get at least to around step 20 in VR or are willing to pay real money for level up packages to get materials for leveling up past 81. What floor are you stuck on? I might be thinking of a different one if you're trying to level past 81.
>paypig weapon vs arena weapon
Surely there was no activation of the sakura weapon's ability to make it easier to fight and damage the enemies, right?
you should have done it with a level 1 weapon rather than a fully enhanced one if you really wanted to drive home the point
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That would mean that a mere 25% boost in the weapon during the 3 seconds a boss is stunned is enough to undermine 4 merges and 12 enchantments worth of attack. Further emphasizng that stats don't do dick

Anyways, wouldn't it be Hilarious if the SR weapon shat all over both

hey that's not a bad idea. Lowkey I'm having fun playing here.
>the 3 seconds a boss is stunned
lets not pretend you aren't able to stock up meter and can do weapon abilities a bunch of times during a stage depending on your particle gain
>wouldn't it be Hilarious if the SR weapon shat all over both
>+40 damage on regular hit
>+15 enchantment
>fully leveled
Once again I'd argue you'd make a more compelling argument by showing the results of a level 1 green arena weapon
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Ok I couldn't find a level 1 weapon so I used a wooden weapon instead, and I'm pleasantly suprised with the results. I honestly lost more time to Phase 1 Black moving around and the experience was literally the same.

I knew stats were meaningless but I wasn't expecting the depths of this statement to go this deep. Thanks anons, for doubling down onto oblivion. I now know just how little stats ACTUALLY matter.
While I agree, multipliers are more important. Damage tests aren't performance tests. And if you're tying with the ur weapon in your best case you are loosing in its worst case.
And this probably is the better way of providing your point.
Because the guy is right, he asked for a control of multipliers and stats as a variable.
>lets not pretend you aren't able to stock up meter and can do weapon abilities a bunch of times during a stage depending on your particle gain
Actually one of the reasons why the cherry weapon took longer is because I used the weapon skill in the first phase which didn't do much. In the run with the Arena weapon I went by much faster because I held on to the meter and cut the second phase short.
And it goes back to what I'm trying to tell you. These things matter way more in the actual performance of a battle. You're more likely to beat a boss by understanding the fight itself and playing around spawn points and boss gimmicks than by wasting timw min maxing a few thousand stat points in attack that will end up doing fuckall in actual combat.

You don't gain that much meter it's far more tied to the rng of particle drops than your own skills or performance so it's inherently random and weapon skills cost too much for what they do, sadly.
Look, I'm doing that guy a favor by doing damage tests because as you can see above the actual performance test favors raw stats way less.
So weapon raw stats don't matter much when everything else is maxed out and the character has a top tier build? I'm certain the beginner and F2P players are looking forward to the day they can achieve those results.
>You're more likely to beat a boss by understanding the fight itself and playing around spawn points and boss gimmicks than by wasting timw min maxing a few thousand stat points in attack that will end up doing fuckall in actual combat
i.e. that example has nothing to do with the raw stats performance of the weapon, thanks for admitting that
Now would you suggest that anyone new to the game forego enhancing/enchanting weapons completely since it's arguably a waste of time?
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No, but if your a f2p day 1 baby who started with Fat Tats Sak could, say, rather than go for the usually suggested green or blue builds they could instead equip a Red build based around the easily obtainable SRs that boost damage against or raise crit rate.

Perhaps they got spooked by a random weapon that normally gets dismissed but it increases damage against snared enemies and it also happens that red shadow tangle further increases damage.

Perhaps with this info new players can put more emphasis in their early grinding on Magatamas. Who knows perhaps this means newbies can actually invest in R magatamas early which are cheaper to max out as the raw stats from the SR are less impactful than the options you can gain from them.
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>people arguing over numbers, stats or whatever
>me doing basically nothing in this game besides autofarming shit each day out of habit
NTA but from my own experience, enhancing is good, and based on the data from this thread, I assume that level matter more than actual stats in damage calculations.
Enchanting however is a huge ressource drain for the damage boost you get.
I mean I already beat the highest floor in the tower with the joke weapon, I am not sure why you

But yeah. Don't worry about enchanting, instead focus on Magatama and don't take characters to 81 directly, spread your crystals wide and take everyone to from 75 > 77 > 79 so you gain more Awakening points and spend less crystals. Stuff like that
Enhancement matters when the weapon change gameplay or adds more to the multiplayer a weapon has. After all we are all for multiplayers here and changes to play style are going to fall under performance.
Noah's renewal weapon speed boost and familiar summon chance being a good example since she enjoys that speed boost and familiar support. Then again I enjoy it for taking less damage.
>a Red build based around the easily obtainable SRs that boost damage against or raise crit rate
Boost damage against what?
Do you realize people are scaring said noobies away from crit builds in this very thread?
>Perhaps they got spooked by a random weapon that normally gets dismissed
Or maybe people don't play Sakura enough for your example to matter to the giant majority of players
>Perhaps with this info new players can put more emphasis in their early grinding on Magatamas
I doubt many of them are going to want to invest time into something requiring lots of autism and dealing with RNG until they get to a point where they want to stick with the game but can't progress unless they start rolling magas
You said nothing about enhancing weapons which is the main point of contention here. Do you agree that new players should not enhance weapons?
Most newb directed advice is to buy UR arena weapons. Is the suggestion that they only increase SL level for those?
I showed you Homura. She boosts damage agains everything
Arika boosts damage against bosses which are in every stage.

You're forgetting your basics, goalpost-kun.

>maybe people don't play Sakura
Alright then use Asagi. Hell if you use Yukikaze there's an SR supporter that gives 36% crit damage.

You're clearly not equipped to continue and I got lost in the fun of playing the game that I forgot to ghost you until you show your own empirical data. So until you become an adult and start putting in the work yourself instead of expecting me to do your work for you I'll ignore you.
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You're never going to become a professional taimaninner like that
>I showed you Homura
Then maybe you shouldn't post random "against"s in the middle of sentences, it makes me think you were trying to make an argument deeper than "pick Homura cuz 30% extra damage". Literally no one needs to told that.
>there's an SR supporter that gives 36% crit damage
Again, there are people in this thread who argue against crit building so direct those arguments towards them.
>I forgot to ghost you until you show your own empirical data
I didn't make the claim that
>raw stats in terms of Atk, Crit and Def are largely meaningless and don't actually affect your performance significantly
and then post an example of a SR with lower raw stats needing a 40% skill damage boost to match the damage of a higher CP UR without that damage boost, so you tell me how raw stats don't matter in that example
Arena weapons are mostly just for arena. Most people probably suggest them to new players since they are a stat stick in pve. And while as previously discussed stats don't matter when you have multiplayers carrying you. As a newbie you don't have those multipliers so raw stats probably matter more. It also comes with the benefit of introducing players to arena so that they can accumulate arena coins for other things, such as you know whenever an event weapon or supporter is put in arena. It's all about progression.
One way to look at the raw stats boost is to consider stages that have a time limit. What if you go into a stage with a level 1 weapon and the time limit runs out a few seconds before you were able to finish off the final boss? In that case the raw stats would matter very much since they would be the difference between clearing and failing the stage. And I'm pretty sure the people on leaderboards care about saving a handful of seconds if they can.
>As a newbie you don't have those multipliers so raw stats probably matter more
And that's basically the point here. You can argue that when you've got the resources to max out a character that weapon stats don't matter much but that's not the case for anyone who isn't at that point or is trying to edge out other people on leaderboards.
I mean depending on the character you're using, you could just grab a good Sr from the gacha but that's RNG and a case by case basis. And you don't have the resources to just simply toss into the gacha at the start. BP and arena coins however or something you will get with time, win or lose. So that's why it's consistent and the better option cost wise as a weapon of choice to shoot for at the start of the game.
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>Everyone is crazy and edwin black decided to fuck off.

I get the zany premise but whole execution was piss poor. Not mention massive flanderization.
You're reaching a little bit too hard, but for the leaderboards in Time Attack it's actually an interesting case.

You see in the grand scheme Time Attack operates at a very shallow level so relatively fast you'll reach a point where you can oneshot everything, even the bosses, without any significant investment in damage. So instead what you want to do is have just enough attack to oneshot everything, which usually a basic UR weapon of choice covers, and instead maximize whatever a particular stage needs to speedrun it

>So that's why it's consistent and the better option cost wise as a weapon of choice to shoot for at the start of the game.
Not exactly. recall you have to unlock the arena and grind up the 10k coins. It may take a week or two for a newbie to go from start of account to Arena weapons.
butler costume obtained now to just stockpile cards and wait for to accumulate enough gems to net neutral on boards going forward. while I want to max out butler asagi the price is just dumb.
>You're reaching a little bit too hard
Nah. The fact remains if you had a level 1 weapon and wasn't able to reach a goal that was obtainable if you had fully leveled that weapon then those stats would then be very important. Again, is the advice you'd give to new players to completely disregard raising their weapon stats?
> It may take a week or two for a newbie to go from start of account to Arena weapons.

yeah it took me about that long or longer to get anything good from gacha when I started playing. Its rng and arena is free which is why its more consistent and cost effective in my mind.
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Do realize my dude that you have to bend logic backwards, where somehow you are trying to Time Attack with a level 1 weapon to find your raw Atk relevant.

Advice for new players is definitely to go for Magatama once they've finished up their early bottlenecks, and rerolling for a good UR weapon and leveling it up can be as quick as day 1 benchmark. Which is why I suggest new players to flat out grind R magatamas in Easy or Normal time attack and grind for options early on, as it's way cheaper and less grind intensive as in the end of the day R magatamas with strong options don't go obsolete until you hit VR and are looking to upgrade magatamas to UR which is going to take several months.
It may be RNG but you can reroll day 1 for a weapon of your waifu of choice, you get a UR weapon for free for your starter of choice, and you can decide your early character purchases around the UR weapons the gacha spits at you from rolling discounted pulls or whatever event may be around the time you join..

Like it's much more cost-effective to move around your blessings and chase benchmarks than twiddling your thumbs until Arena hits.
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>you have to bend logic backwards, where somehow you are trying to Time Attack with a level 1 weapon to find your raw Atk relevant
The logic is only backwards because you can't seem to understand that no one playing this game is able to do tower level 100 as soon as they started it. At some point everyone had to grind something unless they threw money at the game.
>Advice for new players is definitely to go for Magatama
So don't level up weapon stats, right? Just wanna make sure you're backing up your claims with the appropriate advice here.
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My wife
Again, look at where you need to go to try and give your arguments a semblance of footing. You needed to move the goalpost alllll the way to the first week of the game and reduce yourself to a short period of time of about a week in which a player can ONLY level up their character and their weapon.
and even then the option to undermine stats via stacking multipliers is readily available because Magatamas all share the same options across all rarities and because even SR supporters that boost your damage directly exist.

You're welcome to start your account over and over if you don't want to feel like giving me the reason. I'm the one who can hit the leaderboard in time attack, I'm the one who can clear the top of the tower with wooden weapons, I'm the one who solo'd the first three VR bosses with every character.
All you did was a spreadsheet about weapons that was misguided and useless, and I gave you every single chance to prove yourself and all you did was whine.
>You needed to move the goalpost alllll the way to the first week of the game
why does >>493174095 and >>493171369 have weapon enchantment levels over +10? Did you do that on the first week of the game?
>I'm the one who can hit the leaderboard in time attack, I'm the one who can clear the top of the tower with wooden weapons, I'm the one who solo'd the first three VR bosses with every character
And you've done all of this without boosting stats on any of the weapons you used, right?
>All you did was a spreadsheet
I'm a different poster
Almost all the SR weapons are worth using. They have much better abilities usually.
>SR supporters that boost your damage directly exist.

We have 1 the others are conditional as fuck.
3 of them require you to run them in the main slot to work by their nature.
Haruka since its a passive and only against humans, Saika and Yuzuriha because unless you have another source of snares they have to be in main for their active to snare.
Arika is only against bosses which is cool when you are dealing with strong bosses I guess.
Fuast and ibuki are a ranged crit rate and damage booster respectively. which is a good early game yukiaze pair I guess.
Unfortunately such niceities don't extend to Rinka who is a lone melee crit rate booster.

honestly we need more SRs in the game. Wouldn't even inflate the pool much percentages would stay the same and it would be nice to have more variety since we have only 3 blues and 3 greens in the whole SR pool.
>It's almost as if your raw stats don't matter at all!
It's really obvious they mean a lot when you play Arena.
That's Fuuma though
My sexual desire and excitement were unusually heightened, and my cock was swelling painfully under the chastity belt.
"Hehe... Kotaro's cock looks like it's in so much pain... Do you want me to take it off...?"
Yumi-san whispered playfully, holding the key to the chastity belt in one hand.
"Th-that is... yes... my cock is so tight, it's at its limit..."
The more aroused I got from Yumi-san's sexiness right in front of me, the more my cock was painfully constricted by the chastity belt.
I'm at my limit from the pain and discomfort.
"Hmm? If you say it like that, I guess I have no choice... "
With a sly smile, Yumi-san reached for the chastity belt attached to my crotch.
"Now, Kotaro. I'm going to release your cock from its restraints──here you go"
Yumi-san's hands removed the chastity belt from my crotch.
Yumisona-chan, in her cute and sexy stage outfit, was right there, sending a heated gaze towards my crotch──.
In my excitement, my fully erect cock was released from the chastity belt,
and with a raw sound, it sprang up right in front of her nose.
"Wow... There it is, Kotaro's filthy cock that hasn't been washed in days..."
With moist eyes, Yumi-san inhaled deeply near the tip of my cock,
"Inhale... ahhh... haaa... up close, the smell is really overwhelming..."
"Aren't you embarrassed...? Letting an idol like me smell such a nasty cock..."
>and with a raw sound, it sprang up right in front of her nose.
>Braids with glasses
Top tier
No anon's wife to give a thank you BJ for keeping the thread alive
No anon asked for it thougbeit
200gems for 8th bingo board? fuck off
Only gets more expensive from there.
You can just sell the costume to get the gems back. So the decision is if you really want the costume or not. Quite unscrupulous.
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total flattie bullying
Only HP because that's the one stat that grows exponentially and affects stuff like healing rate. But between Invul, stun, slowdown, freeze, etc. there is not much room for raw stats. It's all Awakening points dictating your damage and your bulk.
Should I be doing something with N and R weapons other than dismantling them?
You could sell them for millage to one day get the millage supporters
Should i use my desire points (140) on the second coral axe or wait for the next update?
All of these posts about stats not mattering is making me rethink about getting that axe and wait for any future support in the desire shop.
I say wait to see but more than likely you won't be able to get copies unless they rerun the thing.
And to add on to this we say the stats don't matter but we don't say effects don't matter. The axe give damage to a skill that doesn't do damage and copies make the damage percentage go up. I won't say it's the greatest thing but killing enemies with tentacle mine is just funny.

Besides, even if stats don't matter, there's no real reason not to enhance your weapons unless you're really hurting for milage or need to use weapon exchange.
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I got one of the things!

I got the axe on desire but it's making me regret not getting Tokiko's new weapon to try out.
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Flat brats
They never rerun the campaigns, only the costume packages, and RARELY have an event sale with a voucher containing those weapons and supporters (at random, not a selector).
Tokiko looks real good, bros.
Good work, Gremory.
can't believe you madlads got Gremory to hotfix Tokiko's ass
Twin tail terrors
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subros...we are forgotten...
we can't stop losing...
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Fat brats
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going to get breast envy in the new story chapter too...
Su spitroast off the ground
You may hate China but you have to admit that they feed their orphans well.
>Set only one Taimanin as Favorite
>Go to the character screen
>Select a different Taimanin
>go to costumes and select a costume that can change hairstyles
>Inside that same menu tap the top right menu and go to your profile
>In profile go to achievements and twiddle with the tabs a couple of times, then click "Back"
>post results
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Idk if I'm just retarded but it doesn't do anything. What screen should I see the difference? I am trying to make Astaroth have a one-side tail hairstyle from feli.
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Plapis and Spinel's daughter.
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Nope, it didn't do anything for me either.
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works on my machine
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works for me but after returning to the costume screen I had to click the hair toggle a couple times for it to change
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Mu-chan always gettin done dirty by these hair glitches
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>did 8 boards
so wtf im supposed to do with all these, Gremory?
Check what it can do again, if you are serious.
A hoard them for a rerun.
B burn gems and use them for more boards.
C use them for useless drop in the bucket gold as intended.
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Lvl 120, hopefully i'll get my taimanin free sex ticket soon, right?
AW shit negro, bug is back.
Gotta enjoy those uncensored fat butts while it last
Going to be honest I have no idea what happened for this run to be so abnormally good. Astaroth getting the perfect nuke lineup I guess. This probably will be my best time while farming for a while.
Nah, this looks like a different one. The old one just let you put different hairstyles the character already had on different costumes. This one swaps hair styles between characters.
This is probably the best looking one.
Also lapis envy I guess.
Eudial is that you?
Clairvoyance and Smashing Spree is fucking nuts. As one of the few people who liked Tokiko before her rebith; it's nice to see her get a glow up.
Man they really should make that sort of stuff permanent.
While I am the same anon I think you are responding to the wrong post.
You can go full debuff her with Kirara or Lina, but team might going have some DPS issues since last slot usually is Lapis for heal.
Narakuzan still her best general purpose weapon right? I have it at 5/5 by messing with the exchange facility since I really liked using her way back but her damage just isn't cutting it in vr and I had to bench her.
She have a 40% damage SR no?
I'm on Steam/PC, so....

>Set only one Taimanin as Favorite (doesn't need to be set to one)
>Go to the character screen
>Select a different Taimanin (doesn't need to be a different character)
>go to costumes and select a costume that can change hairstyles (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT)
>Inside that same menu tap the top right menu and go to your profile
>In profile go to achievements and twiddle with the tabs a couple of times, then click "Back" (or press "Esc")
>post results
Don't fix this.
skill damage and I think the renewal weapon's malice buff might out preform that. Maybe. I mean it grants the same or greater effect at 2 stacks of malice. only negative is requiring you to use a skill that you have a 50/50 chance of already running on any given build.
weird they were hiding that weird ass tail placement with the hair.
If anything is on right place. People got too used with buttplug tails.
It only clips when "walking"
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Those slampigs cause all sort of clipping.
There's no way gyaru ass is THAT fat
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Phantasma and Francis models are quite fucky. They are huge which don't exactly play nice with usual rigging.
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There's no way to remove the damn patch, which is kinda funny
I need a hot taimanin wife with absolutely massive assets.
>I wanna play as Kuro Yatsu!
>we have Kuro Yatsu at home
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god damn su what have you been eating
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Dios Mios...
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So, it seems it also apply their eyes too. A bit weird given that should had been a simple scalp swap.
Nah, Su has yellow eyes. Maika and Francis just happen to share the same eye color.
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Fun glitch. I do enjoy Aina with Shizuru's hair. Hope they don't patch this.
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They probably will if it comes to their attention next update. If not then we will be able to play with it more during the anniversary.
Damn. Since when Su have cake?
A cat is fine too
Who is the braids and glasses?
Onis are dumb creatures. Do not hang out with them.
Too late ones dragging me to her room right now
You're going to be tied to a chair and forced to watch..
Ok that's pretty hot
>adult Su in 10 years
How are you supposed to survive this china girl?..
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I will now buy and use Sakura
fuuuuug, why couldn't we get sensei cake sakura
instead we got the worst version of sakura
sakura is way better when she has a more mature vibe about her
Future Yuki, today!
Does Taimanin Action ever get something like double rate on SSRs?

Sorry if it's a stupid question, I'm kinda new to it
TA3 Sakura have same body. Unless you talking about those one off scenes.
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AFAIK there's never been a "rate up" for anything but you can always click the question mark icon at the bottom of the gacha screen to see the supposed rates
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nice mini emily
A long time ago there was a campaign of 10 days of 100 pulls with like double UR rate from the core gacha. As expected, everyone got fuckall
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This is my Daughter-Wife Noah. What supporters should I be aiming for? I want to stick to a Blue build for Marauding Mandy, my favorite skill because my Daughter-Wife becomes BIG
I finally managed to +15 and 5/5 both her weapons. Next I'm working on building prefect Anti Demon Tamas then will upgrade them .
Blue build demons have lot of good supporters, Hebiko,& Saya NEO for exemple are in the regular rotation coin pool and boost demons skill damage.
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Why is she so grumpy?
Not enough UFS personnel interactions.
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I love big hair Emily
let me put big hair on all my Emilys, Gremory
buttplug too small.
this guy will just not stop making taimanin cards
It's Friday!
Guys, gyarus are actually really hot
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I laugh every time at Kurenai's resting bitch face icon for her wedding dress when scrolling through my characters.
Well yeah she has better things to do than get married like kill her father, or kill her sister, or wait for her girlfriend to get into the game as something other than a supporter.
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Fully exposed tanline.
I can't believe she has such a fat ass
where's my naked yuki skin? i demand it immediately
For no reason other than I could. I have maxed out Butler asagi. I am probably going to get mileage out of it but I have no clue as to who I'm going to throw it onto at this given point in time because I'm currently running like green builds on All My humans right now.
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Sorry Tatsu-kun. I will hatefuck your girl.
it's his own fault for not trying hard enough
this butt is the perfect pillow for a fat oji such as myself
why do you have to spend gems to unlock the bingo tiles.
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hey this is a good match, for what it is
because Asagi supporter is literally only good in the Arena and they know whales gonna whale.
why do they keep hiding her ass behind hair
I hate censor shirts...
I actually like the wet shirt.
Maika have grumpy face, it worked better on Francis up there.
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Imagine how often that slips between her fat lips
Untanned Yukikaze skin comes first.
Go on, Yumi is based as fuck making him a little bitch.
Same. Makes it stand out from the crowd.
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goddamn sow control your little pussy
Too bad we'll never see a fully developed Tatsu. The fact he single-handedly with no inner demon bullshit no selled a full power attack from the Incubus King in his true form is a pretty insane feat and speaks immensely about his potential. But sadly we're stuck here with useless fuuma in AT and the every single secret Uchiha clan survivor fanfic self-insert oc Fuuma in Rpg.
I don't hate Fuumer like some anons, but I do hope they phase him out of future projects. I'm not sure why they're so obsessed with him. I'd rather just be a totally faceless MC in whatever next gacha game. Fuuma is in a weird place where he's a semi-self-insert but also not because he has a rather well-defined personality.
>ybuta controlling her pussy
Difficulty: Impossible.
So is 2kike good yet?
Kurenaibros, when will it be our time...?
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Kurenai upgrade SOON.
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They really slept on Eleonor!
I need more costumes where I can see my whore waifu's womb tattoo!
That's a really good one
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ybuta without her twink father genes
We were robbed...
>hidden eyes
guess this is the yuki shiranui would've had with a regular generic H game MC
She’s got elf ears?
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father's genes
What does that mean in a human language?
Tokiko probably? Except e and o are on opposite sides of the keyboard and there is no w in her name to justify 2 as a play on words it's pronounced toe not two.
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oh, if that's what he meant then yes, she's really really good now
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It's very hard to decide should I spend 1500 gems on 2nd 5/5 Butler supporter or not.
On one hand having 5/5 limited supp for the cost of 4-5 costumes or 4 10-rolls is a good value, but on the other - wasting gems 1 month before anniversary AND guild iintroduction is not the smartest move...
Don't really worth unless you doing Arena.
VR? Of course I do, it's the only mode that matters.
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>guild introduction
I remember when people were saying that was going to happen before last year's anniversary...
this time for sure
They announced earlier this year on roadmap. But i wonder what it going do given that game have zero interaction between players.
I remember the roadmap but don't remember the guild announcement, guess I'm getting old and senile
this sounds more like some pay exclusive thing like hebi-shika, guess we'll find out soon
One butler is enough in my book. I mean how many humans are you even running at one given time to justify a second butler.
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Tokiko and Sakura on 2 Human VR fights and slow immune is good against Demon VR bosses for everyone. Also Butler as a main supp is decent on most taimanins for the attack speed bonus.
Shisui stacks it 2 times faster as it counts both for her AND her guardian melee attacks.
I fucking love the kimono outfits.
It looks amazing while being a bit sexy, it's perfect
The thing is the opportunity cost. You may gain some speed but by equipping it you're not equipping something that gives you damage and the defense you may get is offset by a prolonged battle.
With a 5/5 +15 you have enough HP/Defense and +20% attack speed + 2 damage supporters sounds better than 3 damage supporters, but I haven't tested it.
I have, 20% attack speed is kinda little when you connsider most characters have vulnerable normal strings and you're still constrained by skill Cooldown. The best thing speed does is patch up wonky recovery or startup, but it's not that effective as damage source in practice.
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I don't know man, I still think that 1500 gems for a limited 5/5 is a good deal. But I still have 3 weeks to decide.
Have this SUper cute Su.
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god i gotta go through the lewd route of this game at some point, the first time i played it i couldn't help but do the pure route because of how cute she is
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Virgin anal-slut is the way, brother
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What game is this?
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What a buttslut..
reverse image search says Detective Girl of the Steam City.
Future Nao.
fucking whore
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She's doing her best, honest.

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