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>What is this?
Blue Archive with Katanas


>Where can I download it?

>Official Websites


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Ded thread
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Swords are cool
seymour bing
i will play the sister game
banned for 3 days
Katana's are dogshit
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>Blue Archive with Katanas
Do they have Momoi?
too early
shouldve made one when the countdown is about to end
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Mika can beat every student from BA or KV in a melee
red hifumi's game
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I like naginatas.
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When the game comes out, there will be no war between games. Only union.
Make a hifumi who acts pure but is actually a total slut this time and my life is yours isakusan
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Mika's punches will blow everyone from KV away
>general for a game without even a release date
not the first time, certainly not the last
based unitychad
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>female MC
EOS soon.
seia, EoS this thread.
Nasufags, not even once.
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>every poster here is literally a /bag/got
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When is this coming out? I want to give it a try
himari help
>literally every single poster in this thread is a /baggot/
LMAO insecure gun faggots are raiding our katanaCHADS thread
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The game is going to be good, but not as good as BA.
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While you were raising the funny number up, I was studying the blade.
If they remove the stupid rng BA have I'm jumping the ship and playing this instead
FUCK crit mald and the stupid AI patching
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As long as gooks are involved there will be critmalding.
What's their endgame by larping as Japanese once again?
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Crit malding is only an issue because enough autists are willing to put themselves through the meat grinder in order to achieve the necessary score for plat. In short, the real problem is actually the brackets themselves. Expand the brackets and crit malding will become less of a necessity. Asia is a wonderful demonstration of this. All you need to do there is either clear INS (or TOR) with the meta team. Malding is only ever a concern when it comes to clearing the raid itself, rarely for the purposes of faster clears. I get envious every time it's raid week. It's such a relaxing experience compared to the other servers.
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I agree. If they added a rank between gold and Plat that issue would pretty much vanish
Those who want to slack would keep being gold, and those who want to try a little harder would get the new rank. Plat is solely for those top meta teams that want high scores, and these people actually like to mald so it's not a issue
>not numbered
Posting chipi chapa in the first Kissless Virgin thread!
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>2 hours thread
>39 post
yeah, this game ngmi, eos in less than 2 months, screenshot my post
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>Make thread for new game
>Leave all the shitposting, speculation and gossiping shit back on /bag/

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That's a lot of words.
So this is Toji no Miko but with underage girls?
>Last human standing

Nigga that's the plot of fellow Korean gacha game Last Origin. What a fucking hack.
Toasting in epic bread
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>no Axe wielding girl
shit game desu
Didn't you baggots complain earlier this year about content and nothing happening?
If that's true, then damn.
You live in a timeline where Nexon is the good guy and a victim of money hungry kike gooks.
Raiden Mei expy waiting room
Yeah, people were wondering if it was the anime that fucked with their content pipeline, but it's now possible it happened because Dynamis One was poaching Nexon devs
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I claim the first pitslut to be revealed, she'll be mine and mine alone
I never thought I would see that day.
>paid nexon shill is still trying
Nah, I'm just impressed the kike got kiked harder.
is this going to have a gooning fiend like koharu
Yeah but isakusan will kill her off for >feels
It's about high school girls.
>female MC
Wait...no way...why?
BAkeks lost...
the YuriGODS alone will save this game. Remember that Touhou the most popular Japanese IP is a strictly Yuri franchise
Glad this exists, maybe now you two can shill each others games back and forth instead of shilling in completely unrelated generals?
>female MC
Hello and goodbye
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>female MC
>this is supposed to be like BA
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>they reveal the game
>it's five vee five, competitive, electric sports ready, turn-cringe multiplayer online battle arena with collectible card, rouge-like and role playing game mechanics
I'll shill both at the same time pretending to be different people
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In Blue Archive or Project KV.
By bullet or by blade.
By Makoto's hands or cloneMakoto's,
Hina and cloneHina should... no.

Hina and cloneHina MUST suffer, and they WILL both die an excruciating death.
You forgot the loot boxes
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Aren't gacha a lootbox anyway?
>post apocalypse
So where are the school girls and the whole Nostalgic School Action Drama tagline coming in?
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The English translated trailer
Also the teaser countdown.
Keyword is "School"
Never watched an anime before?
KV x BA collab when?
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so a game with actual gameplay? good
One of these two games will race to add the rising sun flag to show the Japanese that *their* game is the definitive one and gooks will endlessly seethe about it.
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Yeah, except the post didn't mention anything about the school settings or the swords, which are the biggest things constantly showed in the promo.
Does this even look like a post-apocalypse setting to you?
>You can choose the gender of the MC
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Third teaser.
Keyword is young girls [Shoujo]
Why would you play BA with swords? Swords are like 10 times gayer than guns.
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2nd day teaser
Keyword is "Swords".
Notice the girl on the left holding a old Walkman-style music player
It really doesn't, just looks like BA Part 2.
I can only hope it's BA minus BA downsides like malding
If this has
>marriage sistem
It might have a chance.
School and swords could easily fit in a post-apocalyptic setting.
That image doesn't no but I was replying specifically to your post implying school girls don't fit in a post-apocalyptic setting.
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TojiGODS we're so fucking back
Desu it looks like a very focused attempt to devour the JP BA side by being extremely japanese.
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they already had Japanese samurai girls game though
>students (and schools themselves) have halos representing innocence and naivety
>apocalypse happens but the students and schools are protected from it by their halos
>now all that's left in the world is rival schools and maybe mutated monsters as well idk
>students lose their immaturity(halos) as they find their way in this new world they're left in
just some random ass bullshit i made up in a minute
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Today's teaser
Keyword is "Action Drama"/活劇
Problem is nowhere in the "spoiler post" even mentioned the element of school or swords, which are constantly emphasized in the promo. It reads like a half-assed Arknights clone game.
I want to know what is the role of the protagonist: another teacher? club advisor? transfer student.
Sure, the whole thing maybe true at the end but not mentioning any of the above elements just makes it sound like fanfic.
>you baggots
lol. The idea of someone being on this thread and not coming from /bag/ is hilarious to me.
Imagine if you will, in a world with fifty thousand gachas vying for your attention someone decides to post in the general for this one game with no reveled gameplay, one character face out and the only thing it's known for sure is that it's gonna rip BA for all it's worth.
Very biased, but katanas are cool and the weapon of choice of all wannabe Ken-samas.
I'm here from /gbfg/, /bag/ is trash.
>you can't be curious about other games
Are you retarded?
I'm from /gfg/
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I'm from /e7g/ tho
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im from /hsrg/
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Plana love!
Primal beasts can't get pregnant
What enticed you here, then?
I'm from /zzz/
I'm in for anything that has girls that make my dick hard
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nice cuckge grubber
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BA is an infinitely better game than GBF but that doesn't mean BA has the better general.
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why not?
I saw a guy posting about the preview on xitter and saw there was a thread up.
I got curious because I read that same guy complain about the game earlier this year.
Why do you want so hard for me to be a baggot?
>grubbas in this thread
Drop that shit already, sunk cost faggots. I don't understand why anyone would stick to that shit after the last shitty birthday
Also bag would be much better than gbfg if wasn't for the scat schizo, he makes gbfg scizos look like a fucking joke
All jokes aside and now that the dust has settled, will you give Project KV a chance?
Yeah ba's general has kinda gone down the shitter since vol1 updates
Probably not, swords are cringe and I already have enough gachashit to play.
Maybe if they add some voluptuous knight ladies, I might consider it.
We have 0 info about the gameplay, why are you asking stupid questions?
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Redfumi and Foom
Depends how much porn artists makes of it
theres always AI sloppa to make my own with
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>Countdown goes to zero
>Countdown goes to negative 2 days
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>Gook game
>Rushed development
That's a giant red flag if I've ever seen one.
The only thing Nagisa did wrong was not going far enough.
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works on my machine
Are we even sure it gonna be a gacha game and not vn shit?
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you can me schizo or weird but the artstyle for this reminds me of anime games that try to be "safe" or popular with the western anime fan audience. reminds of good mid 2010 tumblr/DA artists with an anime style.

I will still play but the style just gives me off these vibes.
Coom in foom
Wakamo better be in this game
Yurifriends are welcome here right? I tried to play blue archive before but the general was full of incels and chuds. It's a shame since the designs were cute...
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The only way if causes me drop it is if gainax/trigger inspired then they are defiantly are trying to capture that audience
Yuri is welcome as long as they're getting dicked in the end anyways
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Damn, this man lives in the future!
(You) are a swordgirl so everything is yuri here.
I don't really consider futa as yuri but I'll try to be open-minded unlike that other shithole.
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It's the only good kind of yuri the fuck are you talking about?
This game will be either a train wreck or upgraded BA
And the odds heavily favor the train wreck
I'm more of a yuri purist but I also like futa. Anyways, I'm sure we can expect a lot in this game. I'm pretty sure the nips aren't dumb enough to miss the sword symbolism.
Lesbian conversion is the endgame of all yuri
>Yuri purist
>likes futa
I thought purists couldn't bear the sight of anything that resembles a dick?
I can't wait till we have that one day where we have 4 bag and 4 kv threads at the same time by accident
If that happens the game will flop.
At some point, you have to compromise especially in the blue archive art scene where there's a lot of futa. I wish it was more like Genshin though. Even the female senseis mostly get dicked by futas. If there's a female protag then I think things will be better.
Foxes won before it even started.
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what if gameplay turns out to be four niggas in a row?
>by accident
Both sides will be shilling each other, making the threads stupidity fast
Then gbf dies.
She broke me
actual Purist don't Compromise, stop calling yourself that
gook technology website does not specify the timezone so it's always 1800 local time
>you can choose to go full romance route or friend zone
Sounds kino
Had a dream this was an NFT-based pachinko machine
I'm guessing it's not retarded enough to have an exploit to get what the drop is about
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Who going fox start?
I don't want to argue semantics. I'm just trying to say I have preferences. Like how I'm happier with the Hoshino x Hina ship compared to the one with Yume because young Hoshino gets a lot of futa art because he looks like a boy.
I'm always happy to have more hebes to jerk off to
don't know but they use Windows Server so maybe it's possible to hack it granted they have lackluster security, not trying it though just wait 30 minutes
kinda wack since young hoshino is one of the hottest female designs I've ever seen
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I was here
if you mean the webpage itself, it doesn't have any content besides the vid and the counter, nothing is hidden
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This shit better look good because it's not only competing with Blue Archive but also every other high budget gook/chink games out there. Nips are a lot cause if you aren't an idolfag.
News when?
Hope the Hifumi expy can get paired with the Azusa expy from the beginning. Seems like they're going for Eden Treaty kino right from the get-go.
>pic related
please be inspired by this
>competing with Blue Archive
so yurinigger still get the rope?
>Windows Server
holy fuck...
unless a legacy corp or boomer SMB, why anyone uses that shit is beyond me
>so yurinigger still get the rope?
Hope so.
>so yurinigger still get the rope?
When are they aren't?
yurinigger never escaping the tranny allegations
epidgames (the company hosting the KV and DynamisOne websites) is pretty new so that's not why.
that's the gooks for you, they still use internet explorer 11 because that's the law
their tech industry is hilariously outdated
I hope this time we actually get to have sex with a bipolar angel
I don't care what you guys say but I'll freely post yuri here anyways. At least I won't be posting scat.
>internet explorer 11
i'm glad my work is just domestic
i remember have to do matrix math in ie to implement a damn zoom feature
now safari has taken up the ie mantle of being outdated
*they use IE11 for government websites and banks because you are legally required to use a hilariously insecure and outdated ActiveX extension for custom encryption
you must also use a virtual keyboard that scrambles every key on every press when entering your password
shit's wild
and here i thought an SMB asking me to use an excel spreadsheet as a database for an api was janky
wild indeed
yeah leave
just over an hour left
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>female MC
I'm no longer motivated.
No I won't. This game will reach more people than Blue Archive did and you should be more accepting moving forward. I won't give you shit for hetero stuff so don't give me shit for the stuff I like.
holy fuck you self-hating c/u/cks are the most hilarious thing ever, do you even have a cock still?
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> Japanese Entertainment Only
> Make a phone call
> If game is logged in with a foreign IP, the game will be blocked
Fuck you foreigns haha
it doesn't make financial sense for them to support yuri, considering the target audience
We don't know what the target audience is yet, but none of the top selling games are galge so to say it makes no financial sense is ridiculous.
Today's a good day. No need to get mad.
The yuri hate meme is so forced. It was 4chan culture up until 2 years ago and now self hating undesirables can handle the idea of a woman not wanting dick. How do you function when everything has to represent your demographic and be a self insert? You're no better than DEI wokeshitters
It's so fucking stupid too. No one's taking the girls away from you sheesh. So what if the girls like each other within the confines of my game? It shouldn't affect yours.
even BA has hoshino/hina yuri
literally where
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Yuriloons are already melting down and the game hasn't even been revealed yet KEK
>get to go full romance wirh girls or friend zone them
Thank god, BA has good girls but you can't actually do anything with them. Like sensei will NEVER be able to accept Wakamos feelings no matter how many alts or events she gets, just will always beat around the bush
/u/fags are so fucking pathetic, live in shame weirdos
>Blue Archive has a forced male self-insert though. So the waifufags are pandered to a lot more.
>It was brought up last thread. Fate/Extra Record was finally announced for next year. The second trailer unfortunately acknowledged MaleKuno exists, but the majority of the trailer is still Hakunon. Their entire PR strategy has heavily focused on Hakunon over the male protag option in general.
>(Yes, I do go around adding male protagonist tags to hundreds of games. It's a common problem.)
>Leaving aside Gil who is literally considered broken and easy mode (because nobody here plays male Servants obviously)
>It doesnt matter what sex the player is, that will never matter. Yuri is not about (You). Nothing about (You) will ever be relevant. Women self-inserting is just as disgusting as men doing it. Not to mention that everyone here is anonymous and any fat basement dwelling male can pretend to he a woman.
Chudcels seething...
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You've been seething about yuri for 3.5 years now lil sis.
>"s-self hating cucks!! nice meltdown!!"
>scours /u/ to fit narrative that all /u/fags are weirdos
>internally rages at the mere idea of yuri
The best we can do is ignore the incels and post what we like. This is a fresh new general so let's not start too much shit with them.
>before I go to sleep
>time is 13:00 in Korea's time zone
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I'd be sorely disappointed if they don't reveal any gameplay at all.
are these actual women or "women", hos high is the crossover between yurifags and trannies anyways
Firefly should've been in BA instead
Please, if you're allowing male and female MC, also allow the players to switch between them whenever. It'll at least tone down the retarded (but inevitable) MC war
You think someone would go on the Internet and tell lies?
>It'll at least tone down the retarded (but inevitable) MC war
No it wouldn't look at gbf.
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>implying that will stop anyone from shitposting
>KV will have a real ninja club
yeah i'm jumping ship
FeMC will get infinitely more art especially if she's drawn by the god Hwansang.
>KV twitter starts RTing art
this is how you know it's DoA
but the important question is... how long before global release?
Did she ever join the express?
so why are grubs doomposting all around /vg/ again? another cucking?
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>It's like this game but better!!!
Oh yeah I've seen this before. Keeping an eye out on this for the eventual trainwreck.
Yeah they clearly don't have the budget to pay for more subtle marketing this time (setting aside the Toki fuckup where they made it obvious).
Isn't Genshin declining and Star Rail already eclipsed it? It's gonna be the same here now that yuri is fair game.
it's 7 people, I'm sure they're surprised they have more than 10k followers at all before showing anything interesting
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you can't have a child with anyone not named Ruria or Vee
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How are we having such strong opinions about a game we know fuck all about?
Yuri always flops
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hopefully never
BAincels are mad that comiket will be dominated by a new game soon and a small but significant portion of it will be yuri.
Can't you do it with hagisa or Clarisse? Or is Gran unable to impregnate a regular human too?
But nobody even knows that part. The whole MC thing is based on pure speculation from nothing.
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But enough about Gakumas
To be fair, having no mc adds points to yuri lmao.
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10 minutes
"incels" is half because it twists your titties. The truth is that it isn't about yuri. I've seen threads go sour at the topic of anons talking about their relationships with 3d girls. It's not about being against the gay virus, it's about feeding into this toxic, unhealthy and insane fantasy that every woman has to love (You) and only (You) unconditionally. They will say that this is how things should be, when it's only been prominent in otaku culture until recently.
>and a small but significant portion of it will be yuri
So it's just Blue Archive?
male students please
>t.vmg chinkcel
He's basically not a human anymore. So it's either he is basically sterile or can breed everyone, no inbetween. Most players even the Japanese are dooming because there is no confirmation for the later
Gran became a primal in the latest MSQ chapter and last month's story event revealed primals can't breed with anything (a seperate reveal from this month's story event revealing humans can't breed with erune/draph/harvin).
...kek fucking /gig/gers
They really nailed the omnipandering with it having pandering to self-insertfags and having yuribait as well. Gonna laugh at BAkeks and their hatred for yuri when Gakumas dominates the next Comikets for years.
>male students please
That's like the one thing that isn't happening regardless of the bullshit here.
And so the mask falls off.
That's about right. Incel behavior is when pathetic men throws tantrums when they learn that the world doesn't revolve around them. So what if some people like yuri? That doesn't affect you right???
inb4 it's an actual game
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LMAO mind broken by BAfag

hope this game also turn into a (You) pandering game so I can laugh at these faggot
Let it be known I was here in the first KV general thread.
who the fuck says titties
anyways, not gonna read all that but just gonna say that making fun of c/u/cks its something that MUST be done because western ones are all self-hating men buckbroken by society or halfway to being trannies
i see you as what you see me as
chinksharts seething
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5 minutes
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why is a mobile game's website viewable in desktop only?
based SEAchad
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This is just that trip fag Shin that shills wuwa and Genshin btw. Likes yuri and is a third worlder lil roon.
>B-But erm
Stop stuttering
I have no problem with yuri as long as it doesn't thread on me, and it usually does by forcing devs to make yuri content
(You) are female. Still Yuri
Don't you have dead /vmg/ threads to obsess over /u/nigger.
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Idolfags are bitches, what else is new? I didn't know you liked that shit like Mihomo niggers do.
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Uhh I'm getting a 403
anian sensei betrayal
broken lmao
>403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
Yeah, before it even launched
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great game motherfuckers
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they removed the main page which is why it now says 403, holy kek they didn't even move the new page in
>doremi betrayed
it's over
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>No gameplay
There goes my hype. See you faggots on the next big Chink/Gook game I guess.
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So we waited all this time for EOS?
momoi spotted
How did she handle Aqua's graduation?
>that's it
>no game info
this thread must die NOW
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>play game
>like game
>everyone who worked on it abandons it half finished
>i'm supposed to play their new game
hmm nyo
I fetched the story synopsis at least and put it through an OCR
fym it's half finished? the gameplay loop for BA is established. don't tell me you're waiting for the story to finish or for all the characters to get a banner.
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I have no idea what the fuck this is suppose to mean.
Hm, some kinda FGO/BA fusion maybe?
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They are straight up just stealing all of BA's artists
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Black Myth Monke King won...
>My Master
Umm /u/sis what is this?
Sounds like an even more blatant a rip-off of Index.
>set in dormitory city where hundreds of dormitories are gathered finally begins.
literally red archive
>the children
Erm...yall incels better not be playing this!!!
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>Ivory tower
They won't reveal male characters this early out of fear of people dropping it.
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Woops, connection overload
That didn't help Aether Gazer.
If they have male characters in a game trying to compete with its joeover
>No gameplay
>Plot is just BA with the serial numbers filed off
>Terminal yurifag infestation already
Man this BA killer is really shaping up to be a doozy. Can't wait.
It's just one yuri trip fag that'll dip when the game is full on for (You)
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>Thread SLOWS DOWN after the "trailer"
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reads as if there are male students
i don't think they are that stupid but we shall see
the MC is 100% a female though
Lmafo keep coping you deluded faggot. I'll see you back in /bag/ when this hits EOS 6 months after launch.
they won't if they actually wanted to be a BA clone
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Nice game KV keks
>familiar story we already know
I still get a feeling that it is an actual and legit BA prequel
With how there was a countdown I was expecting something more than just a new piece of art. I mean it looks phenomenal yeah, but that's just about nothing when it comes to information about the game.
That's it? All this countdown for just this?
Name and background The name "Judas" (Ὶούδας) is a Greek rendering of the Hebrew name Judah (יהודה, Y hûdâh, Hebrew for "praise or praised"), which was an extremely common name for Jewish men during the first century AD, due to the renowned hero Judas Maccabeus. Consequently, numerous other … See more
nom nom
Are you all retards or just shitters from /u/ or cuckge like /gig/?
One of the keywords for the game is literally "young girls">>492675338
I don't play platonic archive loonbeit
that's it? do they open for registration or anything?
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>no gameplay
this is just their Project Awakening isn't it
kv = katana virgins
no baggot roasties allowed
Holy shit. An entire month of shitposting in bag, for this. Time to slide on outta here and pretend this never happened.
KV lost...
Keep huffing dude, it'll make the yuri troonbait go down easier.
Prune this thread already.
This is embarrassing.
>BA staff
>familiar story
>ivory tower
It would be even more schizophrenic to believe it's just a bunch of dudes aping their own past work than it is to believe it's some gigabrained 800-IQ play to obfuscate the fact it's related to Blue Archive
What the fuck, man
>several day countdown
>just a a new image or two
>one page for story
>pretty much 1 for 1 of BA
nice BG but the countdown was a mistake. the girl in the twitter apology honestly got more of my attention.
Is it really just katanas? No other sword types or anything?
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Nagusex (Katana) better be a faction's main girl in this one.
>The player is called Shishō (teacher/master/sensei)
You can't make this shit up.
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What a fucking embarrassment. Just delete the thread already.
it's kvover
What if there is no new mobile game? What if all of it is just the visual novel?
>It's just Great Value bruaka
Amazing. Kill this thread and anyone who shilled it.
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There is always this phenomenon when something is too japanese that not even japs like it. I don't know how to explain it but there is one point where, if you appeal too much to japanese culture, things don't stick.

Another thing to notice is the lack of unique designs in the halos. While making them more like BA would definitely lead to more confusion, at this point and seeing how blatantly of a copy this is, I feel they shoulda been all the way in with better designs.

Clothes are also too modest, nothing really stands out. Probably the only remarkable parts of the picture is the building itself. That's a massive place which makes the girls look even smaller.

If it wasn't because I associate it with BA, this would be another generic "amazing anime pic" out there
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Now that Project KV is dead, what other gacha game should we jump ship to?
>/bag/ HATES it
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>Just katanas
Prolly not. All other melee weapons just might make it.
I really hope there'd be a sukeban swinging a greatsword desu.
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Ayame...Ayame would have been a better main faction leader...
It might literally be nothing, just some shitty doujin VN
Which could be cool I guess, but it's not a BA competitor or even a gacha
irc we still have 1 more hour left if that's actually all of it then that's mad disappointing
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>Hype countdown and teasers for a fucking Comiket participation announcement
What the actual fuck are they thinking?
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Imagine Ayame (Katana) being the canon winner of the (You)bowl haha...
but they never said "AAAAAAHHHH! GET HYPED!"
it was just "hey, we got a new project, wait for this announcement"
you created the hype and disappointed yourself
heh, now don't you feel embarrassed, rabianon?
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Dead game bruh
wtf its not even a game
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I think it's more oriented towards overseas weebs rather than actual nips
Note how they brand themselves as Otaku when nip otakus often dislike the term and won't call themselves that
As for the girls, they are mobs, they are supposed to be generic, BA mobs look very similar
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I stayed up until 2AM for this
Why would they dip out from BA to make.....a doujin or vn. Makes no sense
It's okay, Mugen enjoyed his time with your wife while you waited for this VN announcement.
>It's a fucking Blue Archive prequel vn
Alright so when do the /bag/ threadshitters commit sudoku? I want video, like that one dude who blew his brains out with a shotgun.
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Kourin = Festival
Touken = Sword
Kourin = Halo
>Kourin = Festival
Never post again, EOP
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Creative freedom.
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I'm begging for them to not announce an anime with the game since that shit curses gacha games
When your company is under something like Nexon, never underestimate just how much interference you might undergo in the process
I mean matsuri
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I don't get it. Is this a VN or a gacha game?
You're not helping yourself. It's 寮 not 祭
It's 寮, which translates to dormitory (ryou) not festival (matsuri). It's probably the equivalent of academies in BA
Which one retard?
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I feel that even for mobs, those girls are too basic. Assuming they were developing this at the same time as BA, this should have happened after volume F, and by that point the mobs in the game began to develop a more unique style and became more distinctive one from another.

A bunch of girls for the Hyakkiyako chapter. The whole "mob-chan" wave with tons of fanarts. They definitely dropped the ball on those KV mobs if they are really just mobs. And let's not talk about PV 4.5 and the amount of cute girls there.

>I think it's more oriented towards overseas weebs rather than actual nips
Note how they brand themselves as Otaku when nip otakus often dislike the term and won't call themselves that
That would be a really bold strategy, but I don't think they have what it needs to create a fanbase like that. Katanas are cool, but the whole concept is too japanese for burgers and yuros to really get on that train.

Weapons are a much easier topic, as they widely appeal to a bunch of people and are easier to introduce without looking like a retarded weeb.
Yeah it's a visual novel. Take this shit to /vn/.
R18+ pls. I doubt it
that's arguably worse for /vg/
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Makes no sense, they've only released live service slop so far. What's up with this?
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HAHAHA OH NONONONO kvkeks what're we gonna doooo???
>Note how they brand themselves as Otaku when nip otakus often dislike the term and won't call themselves that
mihoyo did that tho.......
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Epid games hasn't been mentioned at all.
I'm gonna cope and hope it's semantics....gachas are basically vns too...
It's over
>chink company did that tho
Maybe but this is related to their doujin circle announcement. We don't know how exactly it's related to Dynamis One or more importantly (if at all) Studio Aiaya yet.
Welp it make sense I guess.
For it to be a full blown gacha game, they'd have to work on it in very early days of BA.
Heard the news. Sorry about the flop.
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I don't have time to read a rip-off visual novel! I've gotta show these white women how to REALLY fuck a dog!
Doing a reverse DNS on the domain leads back to a server owned by EPID Games' shitty Windows Server machine.
That's it?
So all that rumored drama and shit, turns out it's a fucking visual novel?
It can't be, has to be a gacha. A VN would be so fucking lame
>BA is girls with guns
>KV is girls with swords
You're "famed" story writer already said it's a fucking VN.
Fucking hell he only did one volume and you guys already suck his dick so much.
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>A Fucking Visual Novel
They better have some good Sex Scenes fucking hell
didn't he do 1 3 and f?
i liked chapters 1 and 2 of vol1 and 1-3 of vol3 but he can never stop himself from going too edgy in the end
Aren't they ashamed to be LARPing like absolute weebs like this? Are they not proud to be Koreans or something?
Yes. And 3 was considered just okay. His only claim to fame was Volume F and that's because it's a culmination of everything before it.

Seriously while I think Volume F is good it's not something to jack off over.
Do people even buy VNs nowadays?
>its an eroge vn
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For 0 yen? yes.
There's an entire general for that called /ddlc/.
why would anyone be proud to be a korean. no offence but their entire history is being servile goyims to chinese and japanese for 2000 years.
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Depends on the VN.
what's this game I'm sold
It's not a game
There's nothing worse than someone ashamed of what he is. You can be a nigger and as long as you have pride you're still better than such a person.
Before this general expires to oblivion, can someone at least get me a wallpaper of the home page of this? https://www.projectkv.co.kr/

It looks great for a VISUAL NOVEL.
When did this "4 niggas in a row" become a word? The fuck does it even actually mean?
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Honestly, best case scenario. That means I can enjoy both whatever this is going to be without it being a significant time investment.
Turn based party system RPG NEWFAG
refers to typical rpgs where you have a party of 4 party members like for example bravely default
Surely they're doing this to earn funds, right?
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Monochrome Fantasy sold a lot
some dumb pavement ape referred to turn based rpgs as "4 niggas in a row," anons ironically used it to annoy other anons who hated ape language, other anons not in the know repeated it to fit in, and now it is cemented as an "endearing" phrase amongst newfags
>a standalone visual novel in 2024
what a fucking joke. these boomers really think its still 2004
>hwansang received 648k USD as salary
>isakusan received 597k USD
>kyh received 485 k USD
for real?
Thank you brothers. See you posting in /vn/ when it comes out.
Tons of hype for literally nothing, it's been a while
People on this website call a lot of things a "nothing burger" that they shouldn't. But for this case it fits perfectly, Project KV is the biggest nothing burger of the year
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People literally said this about the 'rona in january 2020
they were right
yep, glad i never got jabbed
purebloods WW@
Project DOA
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>he took the vaxx
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What killed the hype?
>It isnt bloated with pointless gacha trash "gameplay"
Sounds great, if its fully voiced its just better than BA by default.
it being a VN
gachas are more game than VNs will ever be
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how much longer? the countdown doesnt work on my browser
5 minutes bro just keep waiting
What's our "doom seia"? This is the last general after all.
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Way too early to make a new general, innit?
we will make the next one in december
See you guys in /vn/ when it happens.
Is it 100% confirmed to be a VN or is there still hope for something more?
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By the power of this Seia I declare this thread EOS.
See you in December I guess.
>good Sex Scenes
all of the characters are underage...
The link has been posted already in this thread holy shit.
The writer himself said it's a VN. Also artbooks.
is it true that shit hit the fan in korean communities?
That never stopped visual novels before, Shoujo Ramune is a master piece.
That's just what their doujin circle consisting of 4 people will be working on if they get accepted into comiket.
they wouldn't just stop at a vn right? this is not like they took a sabbatical leave for a side project and head back to nexon after it's done
Quit from BA and did something not playable like VN? Well I hope some dynamis thing will associate with game
like almost every vn???
There is no way this isn't directly related to BA
New PV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3F1ggL69aQ
rabu with iroha hair
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my take is that they were working on an internal proposal for a BA prequel but got shot down so took it external
I hope I'm wrong because if that was true they're 100% getting sued, see Dark and Darker for precedent
>it's all fucking katanas
But what if its... a gacha VN!
designs look great
>Red eyes
>Also red hair
>Use sword
It's elesis 100%
I mean it's probably a gacha the story is just told through VN format exactly like BA
But which elesis? grand chase or elsword?
I'd say both there's no difference much, if judge from appearance right now, It's elsword version with small body
I honestly don't mind VNs, it's been quite a while since I've read one.
Looking forward to it.
>slow thread 10 mins after teaser is out
what killed the hype?
This shitpost didn't age well.
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>Tojis but with halos
Dunno how to feel about this. Are they all going to be gay like the tojis?
Their doujin circle https://x.com/kuronezupathos wants to make a VN for comiket.
We don't know what Studio Alaya/Dynamis One are making.
the vn talk. If it have a gameplay they should have showed a little bit of sneak peek or even a screenshot of something to generate hype but from the looks of it...
Why are you all faggots saying its a visual novel?
There is no mention of what kind of game it is.
that is just a katana on a stick
>Naginata Yosh
>what killed the hype?
Unironic blue archive ripoff
The drama shitstorm surrounding the core members and the game
Visual novel talks
Designs look bland and boring
Girls but swords have been done to death
Actually ripping off blue archive so badly and shamelessly that it reminds you of the old chink games that aped whole games and people made fun of endlessly

I was looking forward to it but man this looks DOA
that's not what that post is saying
Its going to be suicide if they sue Doremi. I highly doubt BA can continue without him.
I'm just here to see if its gonna generate enough drama
Then what the FUCK is it saying nipman
nexon gives zero fucks
This poster is chinese.
so 2nd thread?
the comiket VN and the gacha game are obviously two different things
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I still don't know if that dislike plugin is reliable or not
>inb4 the entire arsenal is just katanas
>bows shooting katanas
>crossbows made out of katanas and shooting katanas
>katanas on a stick
>kunais are just mini-katanas
>shurikens are a bunch of katanas strapped/welded together
>no knives or axes or hammers or anything at all, it's all katanas
>BA designs but worse
>Same halos
dude this shit is so fucking dead lmfao
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is it really a ripoff if the people behind it are the creators of the original thing? its like saying bloodstained a ripoff of castlevania
Yes, they didn't need to put halos, but they did
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game has foxes = holy fucking kamige
game does not have foxes = holy fucking kusoge DoA
shrimple as. so far I have seen no foxes
they arent the creators
they WORKED on the original thing but didnt make it

If I go work at blizzard and get assigned to WoW then i dont get to label every game I make "BY THE MAKERS OF WORLD OF WARCRAFT"
it's astronomy for outrage addicts
not wrong
Unironic blue archive ripoff
>Seem famiilar but If they dare to make so I dare to play them and judge fairly

The drama shitstorm surrounding the core members and the game
>Yeah I saw JP and KR people are war on it, like betray blue archive for this

Visual novel talks
>No idea so No comments
Designs look bland and boring
>Not really, I saw some potential with salor moon like mascot chars, bootleg elesis and so many bootlegs Design which unused in blue archive that find interesring

Girls but swords have been done to death
>Yes It's limited with only japanese weapons, hope for more chinese korean or another melee weapon or even western weapon of flops as well

Actually ripping off blue archive so badly and shamelessly that it reminds you of the old chink games that aped whole games and people made fun of endlessly
>Which game? No idea maybe got something that remind me, ripping blue archive is not shame much but seem morality wrong for blue archive fans, something I think its good idea to copy this BA that almost flopped if not saved by bunnies BA would die in EoS.
the gooks in the comments in the PV are LIVID, and the dislike ratio (assuming RYD is accurate) is like 1 to 2.

Also I really hope Mitsukiyo, Doremi and Mx2J to a lesser degree have not dropped out.
I don't like the new woman doing some newer designs, her only decent design so far as been summer Hiyori, the rest have been pretty mid for BA standards.
Main Scenario creator as well as writer for 1-3-F
>doremi & mjx2j
Currently the only two main artists of BA
The music fag is also there.
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Right-to-repairman did a video about it, and it consistently underestimated the amount of dislikes.
There is an onmyouji dormitory so they also have magic and occult shit.
She's cute but nothing really special
>it's Hifumi again
>spread misinfomation
why redditniggers like this?
>CV: Tomori Kusunoki
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looks like kanami but blander and more boring
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character designs are really good, simple and iconic designs > overdesigned garbage
it's why most BA characters look great and nearly all characters in mihomo games and everyone ripping them off(like WuWa or Azur Promilia) look like shit
please put thread number just like your sister game general and other proper generals
why are gooks so mad?
Which JP publisher will handle Project KV?
You have two choice as this for cv.
1.rise like firefly from honkai star rail
2.die like vice from alchemy stars
Hahahahaha so funny, I feels bad sense for this
you need to get your eyes checked if you think your pic looks better lmao
because they're collectivist corporate drones and they'd rather put the blame for the state of BA on few individuals that left rather than the company actually responsible for developing the game
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I need to do my reps so I can read this when it comes out.
they're paid by nexon
Tencent hahahahahaha
To sum up some of the arguments
>The setting is too similar to BA/ripoff
>Might spoil the BA story or its setting
>The creators betrayed BA
What else?
Some of them think BA got sabotaged while they were still working for Nexon
the west seems to like it but chinese, koreans and japanese seem united in their hatred
its so hilarious reading the comments and tweets about this
Where are you seeing that
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I mean
seiyuu fancasting, who knows who's in charge of voice acting in dynamis one's behalf =)
pro tip: when an artist submits art for a game, someone has to approve it
I think because they feel they've done us dirty by leaving BA and just ripping it off
If you are massive seiyuufag you should be able to tell who's saying the lines in the PV.
Should be the main student since you meet her at the train station where you wake up.
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international fans tend to have hate boner for NEXON, especially those who have played NEXON's previous games. Having BA but without NEXON involvement is like a dream comes true.
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[Dormitory Introduction]

A long time ago, this hot spring inn was closed down and left abandoned. It has since been repaired and repurposed as a dormitory. Due to the old wooden construction, there have been complaints from the dorm residents, but the large public bath has managed to earn a good reputation. Rumor has it that somewhere in the dormitory, there's a hidden, very special open-air bath... or so they say.
That was hwansang which also left for KV.
Bugmen will always side with corporations, the idea of an individual possessing it's own goals or convictions is alien to them
Any soul or spirit their societies ever had has been thoroughly stripped away by confucianism
I somewhat am but my seiyuu radar is broken right now, who is the one that says the second line at the beginning of the PV?
>mx2j Left
Uh no he hasn't
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I assume that a big company like Nexon which is comparable to like EA or Tencent, might have internal disputes between management and dev team
case in point
thankfully eastern audience is what spends and western kids just shitpost
lots of them also mention "adult's responsibilities" which is a theme of Blue Archive
how do you rip off something you came up with, anyways
>there's a hidden, very special open-air bath... or so they say
this is where the MC will bang Kohane, right?
>and japanese
at least on twitter, the reception is mostly positive
That's not how it works at all, people install that shit plugin solely to dislike videos and then plug-in using it's own like to dislike ratio to judge how many dislikes are on a video. As an example:
>cucks seeth about a teaser
>40 install the plug-in just to dislike it
>100 other users that have it installed aren't part of the seeth train and liked the teaser
>teaser has 1000 likes already, so the plug-in's likes are matched while keeping the ratio in line with it's recorded dislikes
>dislike plug-in now shows 1000/400 like/dislike ratio
>actual ratio is probably something like 1000/80
It's simply a very retarded cope plug-in.
go read the comments on the PV
there isnt a single english one and most are roasting the game
npc gookoids are simply protecting a company instead of the actual creators
"adult responsabilties" in this case being to just blindly stick to your company regardless of circumstances
why does PV remind me of Bakemonogatari slide show
it's only the koreans seething
Damn, the comment section of that PV is already a complete mess.
I think it's more like, they are pissed he abandoned the game to do the same thing but ever so slightly different, killing BA in their mind.

that guy prob think jap kor and chink use the same moonrunes
JP and KR yes but chinese seem nothing about it because they need some publisher for bring them in CN
says the guy already polishing the dick of the next new thing
nyoooo dont point that out everyone loves the blue archive killer and will be better!!!!
Can be displaced just like Kancolle
But what if I play this and BA at the same time!
Stuck with limited writing and they wants to keep them? Its not fair for writer,
I think that conflict in hikaryoran make them quit
I don't think that's exactly how it works, it also takes into account the amount of people that has liked it WITH the plugin installed and does a comparison that way taking into account the actual likes, I've seen some claims that it's supposedly somewhat accurate to at least get a ballpark idea of the ratio.

of course if the ratio of people that have the extension installed and disliked it is much much higher, though that'd be odd, that's a source of bias, but it shouldn't be as bad as you say.
Koreans are actually trying to be sly and still getting called out on it, it's so fucking funny
there's a thread on nga in the ba section
SEA and west are OK but CV will get death threat by KR again over again which hardcore No.1 incel speciallist
That's what I said, but my wording is a bit messy. As it is devs themselves have confirmed that's how it's formula works.
BA is full of nisio influences. It's only natural they'd use his anime next.
That does seem to be the general korean impression and to be honest, I don't understand it

Dude can do whatever he fucking wants, lol
Oh from nga side, good things
Stop talking out of your ass, retard.

This isn't the video I was thinking about, but for every video he tested, the addon shows slightly fewer dislikes than the actual count, except for one where it only shows half.
Remember when Blue Archive's development code name was Project MX (Moe Xcom)?
>Stuck with limited writing
>Writes the same fucking setting after leaving
Why not making something different at least?
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Where is the best girl Ami?
Kawai VisualNovel?
>retard literalwhotuber cherry picks shit
lmao eat shit nigger
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has that crying face of hifumi too
Well I tell about vol.5 that differ from expected a bit so they want to do something in same, unused content and more freedom with similar setting, so just look forward in gameplay
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It's gonna fail cause it doesn't have this chad of a male self insert
no wonder everyones shitting on this as a ripoff
Project Kivotos
The people who left did so on horrible terms and are making a BA ripoff as a sort of fuck you to nexon by trying to copy everything about it and they're getting raked over the coals by chinese, koreans and kapanese
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qrd? can't read chinese
>chinese, koreans and japanes
99% of the anitKV posting is by turbo malding koreans
>turbo malding
I want to just back this up since I've read quite a few of them out of curiosity: it really is turbo malding. Comparing people to sexual predators, saying they're betrayed, death threats, calling them parasites, crying etc
>The people who left did so on horrible terms
>chinese, koreans and kapanese
It's all gooks seething, though chink posts I've read seemed more mixed
Hmm interesting
Sometime from translate, I can catch out gooks in JP so
and asians are the ones that spend, so? a few dickriders wanting this to be the BA killer because they couldnt get in BA isnt going to change shit
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first comic
project kivotos commissioning the same guy that draws the BA comics added a ton of fuel to the drama btw
confusions, shittalking the devs that left, "it's too similar to BA"
just significant less hostility compared to KR
Koreans aren't the ones that spent BA to the heavens, that was entirely on the Japanese and continues to be so. Also I'm not hearing anyone scream BA killer beyond some shit posters and seething gooks. Frankly, a ton of the positive JP responses to this already have BA avatars, I don't think they want BA dead like you think they do, schizo.
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So fast

From the looks of it, the Hot Springs dorm are dirt poor plebs considering Kohane's sheer disappointment
Imagine their halo breaks when you seggs them
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yeah KV is gonna be a gacha.. no way they put this much effort for an eroge
Now say that without crying LMAO
This garbage isn't even going to make it to second thread with how fucking dead it is and how everyone hates it
Toki is just so much better
>it's vn

>it has female sensei
>Poverty club have an onsen
This sounds familiar
I meanwhile half expect the onsen dorm to have a group of terrorist students
Bro, you're the one seething over this shit and claiming everything is a "fuck you" lel
please just shut up you are the only one who's making a big deal out of this
That was made by a Korean, unsurprisingly. Not even the same arch type or hairstyle, it's such an unnecessary stretch because they're so fucking angry kek
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>copy of blue archive
>it's all swords
Hey I have seen this one before!
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oh dog eaters will be loosing their shit over this
neat, a chibi.
at least we'll finally get some new students after alt-archive.
I like the character designs, hope it'll be low steaks instead of end-of-the-world multiverse shit. BA is at it's best when the students have school drama and have fun.
A bit basic, but still cute.
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Where are the Kemonomimi girls
>it has female sensei
Ruined if true
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Ordinary girl
What is this pic supposed to mean? Left was prototype Marina?
>hope it'll be low steaks instead of end-of-the-world multiverse shit. BA is at it's best when the students have school drama and have fun.
They keep emphasizing nostalgia, so I'd imagine they'd keep things more personal. Here's hoping, at least.
>BA is at it's best when the students have school drama and have fun.
I agree. Which makes it all the more baffling that people are losing their shit over losing someone more memorable for VF.
Not to try and claim VF wasn't fantastic, but I just want to take Tsurugi to the beach and you don't need Dostoevsky to write cute girls doing cute things in the presence of a protective degenerate.
Same artist, people have been complaining about him getting worse with his work on BA
>japanese seething
Not true, all the blue archive japanese porn artists are already retweeting every girls from KV and horny posting about them. Japanese are simple minded compared to korean/chinese, they think with their cocks they don't care about intern political fight at Nexon
>A nasufag writer keeping the story at ground level
Roru. Rumao even
Japs are the type of creatures to get something right 90% of the way but they fuck up the last 10%. WHY?
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more like conflicted somehow, pic related draw BA doujin
And people don't like chinese dress Marina? What's wrong with it? I like this artist and i like her alt...
It's more that Koreans make absolutely everything a big fucking issue and tribalize the fuck out of it. They honest to god do this in every god damned facet of their lives.
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Japanese found that their PN "Black rats' dialectic pathos" has some meaning.
In Japanese, Black rat (黒鼠) mean bad employee who harms its employer

>I am too much of an NPC to either make up my mind or simply wait until more information is released, please tell me how I'm supposed to feel.


NTA there's a lot you could point to that's wrong with it particularly in comparison to the artist's earlier work, primarily striking thinness, odd looking hair, and a lot of desaturation in colors.

But, you don't have to dislike it. I'm honestly not sure how many people are genuinely offended by it
Project KV might be a working name like Project MX was for Blue Archive. Wait for them to announce the real name to be Red Library.
the l2d is great, and was also done by another inhouse artist, it's the portrait that has the issue
oi vey
Essentially what this guy >>492704572 said
Nigger, eroge get pre-release 4koma all the fucking time
Koreans and Chinese love to do that in particular it seems. Though we should also note that the contrarian or tribalistic ones just tend to be the loudest because the ones who casually play all of them wouldnt be complaining after all. I am sure its actually the case for JP too, that there are some tribalistic ones but majority dont care nor raise a fuss
A bit of a misstep to start the marketing train this early without gameplay of what they're trying to sell though. If they're really just testing the waters with a VN and doujin first, a fully fledged gacha is at least 2 years away, more realistically 3-4.
I just woke up, what do I think?
You feel like you want to masturbate.
Will this VN be more popular than DDLC?
Will the player be male?
I translated the PV in the main thread
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I didn't care about KV one way or the other, but now that it's apparent that mx2j was phoning in the last few designs he did for BA tilted the scales. Fuck this game, hope it fails.
you also forgot they hired artists who never involved to an eroge project... being involved in a hentai game can affect their portofolio you know
Damn, did John Nexon fuck their wives or something?
Anyone know who Doremsan2j was? Is Shiroko getting another artist change?
Koreans in particular like to be loud and outraged all the time, it's a cultural thing for them at this point. They definitely stirrup more shit storms by finding things to be offended about than the Chinese can manage in the vidya side of things, which should say something given their population disparities. Just look up the nonsense they pull in protests, a dozen of them will get mad and pull Peta tier shit but with more dog decapitations over the dumbest stuff.
It means Doremi, Hwansang and Mx2j worked on the design
Devs are Korean. It might had different meaning in Korean.
May I get a QRD what's the issue? I don't wanna bother /bag/ with this question
why you guys want the game to fail?
Bunch of people (artists and writers) involved with BA are working on another similar project (think BA with swords). No one is even sure what kind of project it is yet (gacha? VN? Eroge?) and Koreans are mad (as usual).
>you guys
nah we aren't koreans
Thanks for the recap. Hope your game does well, might try it myself as I play BA, cheers
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It's a VN, think it was either doremi or isakusan who confirmed it.
These guys are making themselves look like traitorous scum all for a fucking VN in 2024.
lets go look at korean communities
they mostly hate it


>why you guys want the game to fail?
huh? i don't
Koreans very mad that creators from Blue Archive are making an indie thing similar to Blue Archive.
Japanese mostly fine with it. A few are confused or upset.
Chinese a mixed bag.
I can't tell with the west.
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Beat me to it, I'm leaning a bit more towards something more eroge related with this.
Yeah, same.
p-pantsu i kneel
>It's a VN, think it was either doremi or isakusan who confirmed it.
so where's source about that?
I will support it if I can canonically cum inside this slut
>a fucking VN in 2024
This is the perfect storm of circumstances to result in a popular and successful VN though.
And yet they gave him all the stuff to work on to
It's just really funny that they went and doubled down on red archive, with swords instead of guns even
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They spend less than 1/10 what the Japanese do on BA let alone a potential VN, so they literally don't matter.
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looks like Koreans suddenly became friendly after the Pantsu drop.
weren't they talking about what they're going to sell at Comiket.Which includes visual novel, artbook, etc why is everyone jumping that it's a visual novel?
I am leaning to them selling a Visual Novel to help promote Project KV. Though MxJ saying he wants to draw ero stuff made me wonder
yea, doremi and isakusan confirm it, mx2j talk about erotic art though
>its all katanas
wheres my fucking dark souls with cute girls
It only says their Comiket 105 release will include a VN and some artbooks, probably the prologue of the Project KV.
Not confirming that the actual Project KV will be VN.
I read moons.
So its not a gacha?
I'm gonna be honest. I don't feel any charm from the designs being shown. It's hard to believe the same guys who worked on BA can be so soulless
So having this much done and ready to show off basically proves that people were right about them working on it for months while still working under BA?
B-b-but pantsu!
I think some of the soul is still there
Unless they procrastinated like crazy I can't see how they can pump out a lot of asset in such a short time.
it has some soul in terms of aesthetic and setting but the character designs feel like cheap knockoffs
only the white haired one seems original
the rest are just brown hifumi, white haired venti, red iroha
Although they say the project is starting in 2024. So unless they have some gameplay to reveal soon, then it's just a doujin circle project, and everything else is still purely conceptual.
A screenshot of their proto "gameplay" even for a vn would clear up a lot of things. Just tell us what it is already ffs.
There is no way they could be ready with first PV and release soon on C105 and everything without working on things behind their Nexon contract
They literally started a company for this.
Don't think it would end as a doujin project like.
Imagine if its a gacha game and nexon publish it.
>but muh company
They still need a publisher unless they have enough money to publish it on their own
Epid games is apparently the publisher
Black company, please understand
> the character designs feel like cheap knockoffs
Just woke up, any actual news?
pantsu drop
and some girls names
>pantsu drop
KYH retweeted this
i know you are american but read the thread
corporate speech lmao
Red Hifumi is cute.
Is it real or not
Cope Archive
I saw a few japanese complaining as well in the 2ch thread.
Kim Yong-ha
>ugly main girl
i went to sleep for a bit because i thought we were done for the day
i like the girl who is iroha with hina's personality
The talent that made blue archive is gone, it end after a slow agonizing death while people cling on to a faint hope it will get good again.
wrong thread
post it on /bag/
The language of peace
I mean I don't know who support here because either they are right about their creativity being restricted, if anon wall text is true, or they are bitching because they were told no a few times and decided to crippled a moneymaker like BA. I mean we like to shit on corpos like nexon but sometimes also devs are at fault.
only the writer. Its not like they the artist will suddenly stop drawing for them.
he can do whatever he wants but the people who played the game he left don't need to support his new work when he half assed his old one before leaving
it's not bootlicking nexon to be disappointed in isakusan's conclusion to the arc he dragged out for 3.5 years
of course koreans can't even read it to be disappointed so who knows what they're thinking
so does this vn or whatever it is have a male self-insert MC?
probably should have waited till something of actual substance was shown to start a general
C105 release will have a VN
We don't know if the game is actually VN

They mentioned Sensei (師) but we don't know its sex
>the people who played the game he left don't need to support his new work
of course
>when he half assed his old one before leaving
What? He fucking didn't, jesus christ
I'm not going to fucking argue with chapter 3 haters, you're all deeply fucking retarded
Well if you game series die forever, you as a fan, is allowed to be mad.
more like KR got triggered again because this is similar to dark and darker situation
but since ba is still running, what they have done do affect ba negatively with all the poaching
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Yongha will wait, and plead with Isakusan to write BA scenario again but I doubt Nexon will allow it. BA is over if Isakusan doesn't imbue with it's soul again. I hope it works out like Frieren and Heiter in the future, as he said.
The Main female characters looks boring as hell compared to Shiroko.
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>muh poaching
Lmao you really think it's that easy to get all the writers and artists out of their cushy well paid job?
It's obvious something happened at nexon and they were all in a hurry to get the fuck out.
she looks like hifumi
and hifumi is better than shiroko so...
will there be female pov character
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People probably expect something different seeing they quit thier old job. But to doing the exact samething is just... fucking odd man, like, what the fuck?

Almost the same setting, lore about mythical shit? what next? Chapter one : poor school in debts? Chapter two : find mythical student stuck in shrine with deamon inside? Chapter three : special force without dorm?
i'm sorry for your inability to read japanese.
>Kim says Project KV is not related to BA
Okay? And?
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hime cut?
Leaks say yes. Yurige confirmed.
First time I'm hearing about this since I've been very busy those days.
Any word about global or english release? I doubt about it since I can only see KR and JP on the website.
Any news on what stores would it be released or it's still too soon? Can't find information about it.
Nexon doesn't even publish their own game in japan
Yeah, with BA being a proven success I don't see why any talent would be compelled to leave so soon unless Nexon was being Nexon. Still gonna play both, and I'm sorta hoping mxj2 at least left some art for Rio.
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Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world
Isakusan will beat Nasu
that's the point because so many sheep on the internet think this is something related to BA
I wouldn't count on english release any time soon, and unless game hits it big, not at all. Look forward to a couple of years of delay if it does get any EN tranlsation
thank god, kamige confirmed
isakusan probably wanted to write yurishit and was told no
doremi followed suit when he was promised he could lewd the girls
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I literally read it + am a day 1 player, it's a fantastic story
every complaint I've heard about it has been utter bullshit/clearly made up
we know next to nothing outside of who is involved and the artwork, besides their comiket announcement
if so, I don't really care

Like you can just write it off, then
Male protagonist? Undisclosed protagonist?
I prefer my protagonists when they don't even have a character design.
There still is sensei
Probably self-insert of player
Then you just have incredibly low standards and probably a mental disability. If you could say you personally liked it despite some issues then I might accept you have a functional brain but "every complaint is utter bullshit or made up" is not something an honest and rational human being can claim.
/bag/ is two blocks down
VN, gacha, yada yada. As long as they release a global ver I'm gonna check it out.
>I hope it works out like Frieren and Heiter in the future, as he said.
What's the story?
Tell your faggots to stop shitting up our thread, and I'll stop telling you this looks like shit.
Wow you said a whole lot of nothing of value, didn't even bother claiming what's so terrible about chapter 3. Almost like you haven't read it, shocking.
isakusan is this much based?
Because between >>492710089
>I'm not going to fucking argue with chapter 3 haters
and >>492711254
>every complaint I've heard about it has been utter bullshit/clearly made up
there's clearly no point? I'm not going to waste my time trying
you are a fucking RETARD with a tiny undeveloped brain
everyone interested in kv is a baggot
Delusional. At least Doremi and Mx2j are gone for good
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>no big soft girl
I'm still excited, but now I'm only cautiously optimistic.
I know, because you have nothing valid to say, like everyone else. Thanks for proving my point.
I've got a lot I'd praise it for, particularly characterization, setups, payoffs, and economy of screentime of characters.
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God, Korean BA fans are so insanely mad and sucking up scammy Nexon it is almost performing demonic ritual there KEKW when will they learn their noises are absolutely illogical and irrelevant? Yeah I love BA too but come on
>i-its le yurishit!!
mother of FUD and copes
>says he isn't going to bother with vol3 haters
>gets mad that the other anon didnt bother either
What the fuck
What's stopping an artist working on different games? A lot of Gacha games have overlapping artist.
>the isakusan wanted to make yuri concernpost actually came from a genuine baggot
I'm allowed to lie.
Imagine if they start getting big name collabs involved. It will be over for blue archive.
I know it's improbable but I really hope I won't have to jump through so many hops to register an account and download the game when it's released.
Having to use garbage emulators with old and outdated /vn/ screen capture real time translators programs because the alternatives all suck or aren't free is already too much of a hassle even when I attempt to play even NUKIGES without english translations.
I know some people just use translator apps with photo translate to translate screenshots, but I can't bring myself to do it. I hate it the most when the app automatically "resets" when you tab out AND you also can't spli-screen them.
Anyways, apologies for my blogpost but I just needed a place to vent my worries.
Well? Where is it? The time has come yet i don't see shit.
Learn Korean
probably a standalone vn with them hoping to turn it into a franchise like fate if the vn does well
by the time a gacha comes out enough time will have passed from them leaving ba it's not a real issue
it's probably fine
Ah yes, the Persona 5 collab. The mark of every gacha with a long lifespan
Guessing by how you can't even right click the popup on https://projectkv.co.kr/ to get the image I'd say you are F U C K E D.
I mean, as westerner, some projects had devs that quit and stole assets to fund their own little project forever crippling the main games. You never know if its because company bad or the creator's EGO got too big.
Actual assassination of Julius Caesar level of backstabbing. What the fuck happened to have so many lead devs turn like that.
That's pretty cool but i'm here for Red Archive.
Another problem: will the JP version have Korean option? I'm already assuming playing on the KR version is going to be difficult since they are anal about registration and stuff.
My biggest cope was that isakusan didn't write Vol 3 but looking around it does seem he actually did, so I'm just extremely worried what might this spell out for BA, we had a nice little thing here I just don't want to lose it, specially because apparently it was merely by greed from some devs wanting to get more money even though they were already paid more than the producer himself.

This game might be good, but I have a feeling it won't top BA, this kind of stuff is usually a one hit wonder, and the stars aligned to make it this good, he might make a "decent" game but only that, already from the designs it seems like that's gonna happen, it just lacks the same soul BA has.

How do I stop dooming bros...

Collabs fucking suck and I'd rather they don't have them, see how only shitty coomer games like Nikke have tons of collabs.
Fuck you I want a Negima collab, idc which game, ideally both
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they weren't allowed to sex the students
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Yongha himself confirmed there was no bad blood with this secession, it is like party members of Frieren so they are all nakama after all and I belive it. I think Isakusan always wanted to be an independent artist-writer like Nasu, he has always said compulsively that he is a mere salaryman so deep down inside, I am sure he wanted to be free like picrel.
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I don't think it's malicious. Their website is very.. homebrew, so far. It's the kind of thing you get when art people get annoyed about mouse select highlighting text and making it look 'ugly'.
if its a game I am just gonna play both
if one dies I am gonna continue playing the one alive
if both die then I move on
Not being a gacha means KV will be safe from content dripfeeding and app store shitty guidelines.
We are so back
Don't give yurifags a inch. Thy ruin everyone with a single touch and demand to be the main focus.
BA better pump out something good in the next few months or its fucking over
Larp harder
Arius Summer is also not written by isakusan and it's fantastic
Its true and you know it.
if they wanna start a franchise their best bet is going gacha then expand, VNs have no staying power in modern day
shit people remember is all fucking ancient
>yuritroons samefagging for 5 hours for a game that will be dead on arrival
lmao sad to witness
You lost in Granblue, you're losing in BA, and you will lose here too.
So was this confirmed?
they got like 5 different emergency glass lolis they can break open the release of
Also ZZZ.
Yeah, some other stories are pretty nice and weren't by him, I've been looking around with a friend and Vol 3 might not have been fully written by him, thanks for the hopium regardless
>you're losing in BA
kek nice cope. Not happening, Blue Archive is growing in the "K-on version 2" department.
and You don't even try to hide the reddit talk lmao.
How does it feel knowing this game is DoA
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From all the info I'm seeing I'm with the gooks on this one, it seems more like Isakusan is a greedy egotistical bitch and that's why all of this happened.

I really hope I'm proven wrong and both games can coexist and be in their own corner without fucking each other though.
yeah considering how Nasu is doing with FGO, I think isakusan just wants to make his own work he fully owns that is not "tainted" by Nexon
Yeah I don't see them making any money any time soon with just vn
>passion project
with how much effort they're putting on this I doubt it would just be for something like that
>it seems more like Isakusan is a greedy egotistical bitch
well he get paid above Kim Yongha for one. If the salary data doesn't exist I doubt the Koreans would be malding right now
>no trailer
>no gameplay
>no nothing
EOS soon
FGO can still exist due to the company putting up with Nasu autism but both thing co-exist. Dude literally delayed LB6 chapter release because he got a better idea and rewrote the entire last part but also he wanted to end the game years ago however the company pressure him to continue due to how much money it makes so he agreed to do it. He even put some lore bullshit to implement some new mechanics, its not like he does whatever fucking the company.
that's what i meant
nobody denies fate is his own work as he wrote fate stay night alone and nobody fucks with that
fate is his property

while blue archive is not isakusan's even if he wrote most the part, it's done as the result of contract between nexon and him
nexon has rights to fuck with the story
isakusan explicitly mentioned that in the recent interview
Are fox girls real or not? Did that anon really lie? I'm not seeing any on the PV.

You don't even need to say much because even the 3 samefagging yuritrannies here realize this shit is DoA
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It's over I think. I myself played BA because I wanted to read and feel something and BA had some reputation for that so this is my first gacha game experience, but who has build this world being no more there, it is done. The next main story may tank but I doubt it will last. It will be a miracle if Yongha tenaciously manages this IP somehow and outsource it's writing to Isakusan in the future but the probability of higher echelon of Nexon allowing it is very slim. Even average golems in Korea think Isakusan should grovel down to Nexon or something.
het troons getting desperate
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Girls call you "Sishou"
How hard would be for someone to actually just use drones or something to perform a KyoAni?
Don't you get bored samefagging since the thread started?
You sent out 600 posts by yourself it must be depressing
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Only here to say
Koreans have a lot of talented writers and novelist....like mmmh...Solo leveling? Epic Seven?
actually it's just shi
KYH probably has an outline of how the rest of BA's story plays out so I'm not expecting such a steep decline in quality.
no, they all look human
Where do people get the idea of DoReMi and Mx2j not working with BA anymore? Its not like they can work on multiple games or something.
You must have heard Kim Jihoon...
Omniscient readers viewpoint
talented erotica* writers.
I myself really like Platypus, author of the "For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used." and "Gacha Addict in a Matriarchal World".
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Professor Moriarty's Probability is good...
>Rape basement ending
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I just hope there'll be someone like Mimori. Doesn't have to be her, but someone with the whole perfect wife type of deal
I know one is a freelancer but the other I think was a staff member.
SSS-Class An Hero Hunter
Based matriarchal societies enjoyers.
Project Moon's grim-dark hipstoid world didn't appeal me, surely not as mature as Isakusan.
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The perfect wife is Karin though, Mimori would be too boring
so no new bread?
No, EOS now.
Game probably won't be released in months and we will probably run out of drips and crumbs to talk about so why even bother?
I still rather generals are made when the title of the ip is announced. Project KV as of now is still nothing more than a title, pretty pictures,designs and music.
Not to mention I don't want to deal with a possible /kvg/ and whatever /??g/ problem happening when the official IP name is announced.
Project KV is not a real name so do we change the general name from /kvg/?
Kusoge and EOS on arrival then.
I'm out.
Cyao gays.
you let the general die until more news is out and it warrants a thread
You let the general die.
You don't want for it do degenerate into endless shitposting and schizoposting, right?
In fact, I want.
Isn't this general supposed to be a containment general for /bag/?
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No, you don't.
You are incorrect.
yeah, if we go, /bag/ will suffer more
You aren't me so how do you know what I want? I know in fact that I want it.
so let me get this straight
project kv started because isakusan wanted to do what he wants without nexon being bitch on his works?
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Let us wait for upcoming winter comket. Gee, It's been a long while since there was some prominent VISUAL NOVEL in comket for me that is not Tsukihime. I hope they are cooking really nice thing there.
You don't really know what you want.
how do we KV trannies feel knowing the game is a ripoff
see more
The anon was lying, but what we're seeing right now is one school or faction. Very likely there will be more interesting designs down the line.
the talented writers are nowhere near the manhua sphere
>I really hope I'm proven wrong and both games can coexist
They are clearly going for the BA market in nipponland.
They don't want to coexist. They are going for the throat.

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