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>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Current Meetup
• August 31st, 5:00 PM PDT | Coeurl, Wolves Den Pier | Murderous Twins X - Lets Kill Eachother! Meetup >>490229510

Previous: >>492651940
Nobody knows that I shitpost constantly on xivg
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first for hating malera
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how about we all just post some tummies, calm it down in here yeah?
i am not having fun at the meetup
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my male midlander's smile and optimism
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I like this
catboy supremacy
mmmm tummies. mlem mlem
I'm gonna go raid now but I'll come bully afterwards, okay?
Pick a flavor, rabbit or middie
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Do "We like" Athena?
kiss my ass
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femezen anchor post femezen
I'm having a good time glamoured as a femlala and it's making me want to fanta for real..
man shut the fuck up already
i love it
I've befriended somebody with an EB and we get along really well. I'm worried about their EB having the wrong idea, though. I should introduce myself to their EB and avoid any future misunderstanding.
I am convinced that I am a "when nobody else is around" friend in all aspects in all friend groups.
I'm not surprised I wasn't named in the secretly good at ERP anchor but I am insanely good at ERP. I don't even like doing it that much.
How quickly can I get 20k wolf marks? Should I spam FL or CC after the roulette?
>gets filtered
>randomizes filenames
I am a femlala
Who's training fetching for a master clue
when ultimate weapon leaks
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Alright which one of you fuckers is this
I am almost positive than nobody realizes that my autistic behavior is not, in fact, a front.
I want people to admire me from afar without actually bothering me at all.
I am about to sleep, oyasumi thread..
imagine the edenmorn weapons
but it glows white (the light)
and then it glows black (the darkness)
I am a femlala that feels like she has many friends at the meetup but isn't close to any of them and it makes her sad
I want to violently hug a vampire
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Hello goonoids.
GN bwo.
my male midlander doesn't smile but he's secretly optimistic
You didn't post your cat. This is a ripoff
Oyasumi cute femra! *rubs your horns goodnight*
How am i supposed to ask the sheep lala about their teeth if I cant even visit the damn server
That's how you get bitten. And drained.
That wouldn't come until at least 7.1

LIKE, mid-november?

nah it's gonna be edenmorn weapons with a pink glow and flowery effects on it.
has anyone done the blacklist experiment on alter players to fish out who their mains are?
Oh great more ugly omegaslop. Guess this will be another single clear ult.
Do you retards think nobody outside of 4chan thinks about memes or sex?
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late night tummy
ohhhh i forgot that blacklisting does the whole account right?
That's part of the appeal!
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How hard can I squeeze you, I like my toys extra durable.
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Have you tried not being a fucking schizoid for half a second
i'm playing my main in cc but i'm very drunk so it balances out
Lets see her then
Are you surprised? Ultimate weapons in general are slop.
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>*blows chewing gum*
obviously the eden weapons are going to turn gay for gay piss shit raid
I was getting my shit rocked at the cc meetup so I left to go play Slop of Duty
now that my thread cred has hit rock bottom, what do we actually, unironically think about the wonderful ffxiv endgame content we have
I have a crush on a certain moonie, but I am completely undateable.
i'm playing in conditions so bad that they're comical but i'm still cooking in CC
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i am terrible at whm in cc, back to astjail i go
first for moonies
Ryne and Gaia are not gay.
The crystal is solely a representation of the aether restored to the area.
/u/ is a cult.
we will have more content next patch
my femra would lick the crystal
this is how you know he's seething hard
nothing some daddy fucking can't solve tho
I'd unironically EB VS if not for all the horse porn they do.
let me teach you
Where are all the meenas...
it doesn't exist like every other content drought
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Love these 2 trouble makers.
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delete this
Now that the CC meetup is winding down WHO is your new CC crush?
Sure why not.
remove the bottles
I say I don't ERP but I've ERPed a lot with an ex ftm boyfriend and he enjoyed it a ton and I still think about it sometimes
I'd never ERP with anyone from this game though, y'all are fucking weird
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okay bro..
There's this really cute femlala with the Enemy of Innocence title on my server. I want to smooch her really bad.
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God you don't know how bad I want to meet this primal fiddie and /pet and ask for advice on gpose work
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/xivg/ posters who you suspect are secretly good at erp?
>come back for more CC
>fucking cloud 9
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hi, yes, hello, how can I help?
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>the guy i assumed was my schizo quits xiv and xivg
>i don't get namedropped or schizposted when i post a picture of myself now
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Only a very little bit of it
stop samefagging
nobody is saying your thread crush bro
Considering how much I've lost tonight, I don't think I'm ready to play ranked yet. It might disappoint the friends I've made who've encouraged me to try to climb, but it would suck more to get stuck in bronze or something.
where are the better pubic options for males
if there is a sphene sphere, there must be a wuk cube
Coward. I would have said something nice and constructive too.
Glaze worthy
sunn dereh
I still miss her
when can we cuck your EB again
they already have
>Unknown 01, 02, and 03 on my team
>Unknown 04 and 05 on the other
Well that's a loss.
says you
wtf is that anatomy
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>used to play XIV all the time
>got kinda burnt out in ShB, but still grinded all jobs to 90 within like 2 weeks of EW launching
>basically AFK'd most of EW
>DT MSQ was terrible and life was getting real, so it took me like a month to finish
>got my main job to 100, basically zero desire to get the others to 100
>haven't even renewed mentor status this expac, so I still can't do the one roulette I enjoy doing
Recommend me a job to break me out of this funk
Who's the one in the red I need her to bring me home instantly
Your torso is a little too wide, it's unnatural.
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tbqwhy you guys bring this on yourselves by broadcasting to the thread when you're filtering somebody i have 2 annoying retards whose posts i dont like filtered and they will never evade my filter because i have the self control and sense to not go "LOL FILTREED!!!! CANT SEE YOUR POSTS LOL ;)"

of course some fag who thrives off attention will go out of their way to evade your filter out of pure spite
They've been fishing for validation about the femlala glamour thing for two threads now, don't expect anything better from them.
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>3 out of 4 NA shitters are backpedaling on keyboard
We did it even after we broke up so
but everyone told me we had tons of content??
what's it called when there's a bunch of cutscenes/quests that barely progress the story and could have been skipped
please stop posting cute miqo tummies i don't wanna goon rn
Dude just move on. It's what I did. It's fine for xiv to no longer have a place in your life. There's a myriad of other games out there, and beyond that, a whole life for you to love. And that's okay, good even. Wishing you well on your life my friend.
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>There are ""people"" here who don't think FRU and the FRU weapons will be gay as hell and yuri-coded
>There are ""people"" who don't think this would be awesome
Im talking about the second part
>doesn't understand how strafing works
you can't
xiv no longer sparks joy
there is no point to play
>of course some fag who thrives off attention will go out of their way to evade your filter out of pure spite
That's okay, it's funny to me when they lay their attention seeking bare like that.
I would bet money that 30% of those don't even know what Legacy even is
Maybe people just know you ERP a lot so it's not secret?

I wish they would change up the method to gearing up a little bit. I had friends that quit cause they just got super bored of every patch cycle being the same in terms of the rewards and all that. "Oh heres the alliance raid patch giving the same jump in ilvl with no variation for the 4th expansion in a row" type stuff.
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better hair?
>Dude just move on. It's what I did.
...but you're posting here?
I am recommending you a long break from the video game anon. If you're really not enjoying the video game that much don't play it for a while. And maybe after a long break you come back and the spark is renewed and maybe it's not who knows but if you force yourself to play when you're not having fun you'll only come to resent the game.
gotta keep my auto attacks rolling bro
>just found out about the minion people use to signal they're lowlander-fuckers
I didn't expect so many people to be like that
man i know too many transbians on ffxiv whose entire personality is "omg im a lesbian! and i like girls! btw did i mention i like girls and that im a lesbian? im totally a cute lesbian uwu eepy girl hehe" unironically

i do not want yuri-coded ultimate weapons because i would just have to listen to those people even worse than i already have to
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I guess I might as well level the alt a little since I can't serverhop to ask about the teeth
I see my stalker from the last CC meetup is back
Do you have new plap pics?
Im hoping they're colored like Gaia's Hyposkhesphyra hammer but with a blue glow.
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hello, husband.
i'm pretty okay with ast honestly easier to slidecast with at the very least.
I am going to download stalker gamma.
*cums on your chest*
put the bottles back
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Yeah I like to look at the cute characters and see the funny jokes. /xivg/ is all the xiv I care to have anymore.
>I wish they would change up the method to gearing up a little bit.
Personally I'm so fucking tired of the loot rules for Savage. It's the most anti-social shit ever that I basically cannot touch the raids with my non-static friends without fucking up the loot for my group.
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No, I almost never do it actually and I think most people would assume I don't do it at all.
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What happens if you blacklist someone with an alt/main on your friends list?
I hope not, I want transbians to seethe and stop projecting themselves on my lesbian daughterwives
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forbidden jawbreaker
i suck at pvp
calm down heiko
And how shall they be recoded when patch 7.11 eventually reaches the Chinese client?
Good morning, I hate malera!
My tummy hurts
rubbing my cock against this fuzzy tummy and getting it all sticky with pre
lickable tummy
face 4 highlander post
my sunnie drank too much
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I regret that post so much now.
You're supposed to have someone punch it until you are conditioned to no longer feel such pains
Want my malera to kiss it?
just make them cousins
My lalaboy will lick it better for you!
go drink some water
Oh Now we're at the point in the night where people are playing their mains I see.
What top is that?
*plays with penis through shorts*
Would lick, and not stop at the tummy.
Those ppl don't do ultimate raids
You're not supposed to say that
I would probably die if someone did that right now
Do it!
Kissies won't help me
Lick a pacifier, creep
C9 is a shit map so you have to abuse jobs that have CC like WAR/DRK or are generally broken like DRG/SMN
Well why can't they be cousins NOW?
DT update made you so much hotter.
me on the left
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yeah, we know. you should probably stop queueing altogether. stick to what you're good at, whatever that is.
>0 replies
it's so over for ya'll
modded diadochos top
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i'm in a similar boat as you i was unsubbed for the majority of endwalker but taking a break and swapping roles when i came back for dt made me love the game again
i know you said you afked a lot in endwalker but afking isnt really the same thing you need to hard disconnect yourself from the game and not be thinking about it all to truly get the effects of a "break" trust me
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thanks for the feet photo will be keeping these and any more you make in the future!
Because the west demands gay, and we won't stop until we have it
what the hell do monk not have positionals any more?
My opinion hasn't changed
I didn't play against my CC crush
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I suck at this game

Mako Rin
Any post that replies to the OP I ignore, no matter what board
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they're just busy.... I heard there's a new salt lick flavor.. haha..
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my moonie
i don't want to look like an attention whore
i had to queue down because i sweat too much irl because of the games and im all stinky now
At least you're consistent.
Licks you clean
>tfw nobody will crush on me because I only occasionally play cc with the thread
the curse of being a primal player who's too lazy to switch DCs
what are you looking at poro...
>nyaughty is finally updating outfit mods and re uploading them

Nature is healing bros
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what's up spooners
welcome back
only snap and demo still have their positionals.
why won't people target the same enemy EVER
bro people will think i made this post
Nows your only chance to get into Balmung for another year
*eats it quickly*
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I will NYOT eat the sandwich.
i am looking at a cute fiddie
can I post my BLM glam? (I only use it for FATES)
>my team: fucking retards
>enemy team: Major league gamers who randomly got put in the same match together
every time
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I do my best
I want to start to learn how to make upscales, i've got blender knowledge but i don't know how the ff14 modding tools are
I have friends and a beautiful house right next to my bestie, I'm never ever changing worlds.
>malera is a spoonkid fan
Somehow it just makes sense
i didn't make this post but i agree with >>492662795
Go ahead.
I bet Shoro belts out some memorable prose.
i play standard on keyboard and i do just fine
i want to be digested and made a part of those beautiful abs
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The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I have cats to care for, and if I can't turn my life around and find a loving wife by the time they pass away I'm going to suck start a shotgun without hesitation.
Moonie post
good anon /pet /pet /pet
middie/roe post
femra posts
my fiddie is rising...
i did but i know i will pay for my sins tomorrow
Toxic pictomancers in jp pf...
I miss being a femlala.
my femlala is a spooner
I unironically watch him when I'm going to bed
It is a mercy, buddy. Perhaps the next life will be kinder . . . good night forever
>middie/roe post
I'm a sunnie
drink MORE water
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It boggles my mind that anyone uses standard. Even when I was like a week 1 sprout, I was annoyed that I I couldn't use ranged attacks while running/looking away from an enemy, then I discovered Legacy
>femra post
nope im a middie and i don't want anyone else crushing on me
yeah check your dms
Absolute, unbridled kino.
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same but I specifically avoid queueing too many sync matches to avoid crushes being formed
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No. Because I'm tubby
I make fun of him but I'm also a Femlala who watches spoonkid. Maybe Femlalas and Maleras aren't so different after all.
literally me
I use legacy, but during Shadowbringers, whenever I did E7S I used to switch to standard mid-cast specifically for the teleport mechanic and then switch back mid-cast. It was fucking cancer. I hate that fight.
New? I still have the same one..
>everyone on my team is trying to 1v1 different people
>their entire team is 5v1ing us then moving on to the next
Should I play lalaboy or will I regret not being able to ERP later (lalaboys have tiny crazy frog dicks and can't ERP)
>I was annoyed that I I couldn't use ranged attacks while running/looking away from an enemy,
but you can???
It's not that surprising, NA has a ton of MSQ only enjoyers that play for the story, they don't care or well, know there's better movement options. I can guarantee than at least 95% of people who use Legacy on NA also raid
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was he always called handsome stranger?
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Guess so huh... I don't even play that game but somehow I like watching it.
now you've done it
you've inflicted catboy tummy upon us all
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I'm so tired....
I let people drag me into degenerate fetishes as a way to satisfy my even more degenerate fetishes. My libido has lead me to places I wouldn't go with a gun.
people who really rp and dont just goon
xivg has almost no rpers its all gooners
Nevermind I hate Maleras again
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uuuooohhh ZL tummy
sex with this slutty manwhore
Is this what you wanted you fool? You absolute buffoon?
please im so lonely
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Now what?
That's a really nice body mod
Almost ideal. Wrong hairstyle and tits a little too big.
>happy trail
Someone explain "disable camera pivot" setting. Should I be using it?
I play on Standard + Keyboard and I have cleared 8 different raid tiers week 1 and four ultimates there has not been a single time playing this game where I went "aw man if only my control scheme was different"
Now lose the pants
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ive got my friend tommy, i think its close enough, capisce
I knew this bun was cool
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Guh... thank you....
who could she be talking about?
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I am slightly rested, less headachey, and the last thing I'm afraid of is looking like an attention whore.
Do not lick the dragon eyes.
At what point do I *gulp* pester the GMs about my mail?
It's been 4 days since i bought it, but my mailbox was full when I checked yesterday. But I made room then and have been checking in and out over the past 20 hours.
Nothing yet.
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Is this normal
It boggles my mind that this character filtered so many people still. She unironically carried the latter half of that manga.
Yeah, you can, but then you look towards the enemy and also start running towards them for a split second. With Legacy nothing happens, it just works
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I'm no expert but I don't mind helping people out! I'm usually busy with raid these days until im done with reclears (I'll be bis next week)
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I don't know what you expected but you're getting better than that.
I like this femra
you have no abs you are a sentient pillow
This retard is trying to queue for ex content. Use pf dumbass
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sorry for low effort i'm new to gposing and taking pics
yeah, NA and EU don't use duty finder for savage/ex fights and that's basically an ex.
30th CC match in a row i've lost on Aether, I swear 90% of the playerbase should've been aborted before they were born
I'm in this picture.
is it me...
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Wow you guys said CC was the coolest shit ever but this sucks donkey dick
should I randomly send porn to this person I havent talked to for a year
Claire is the only rpfag in this thread no?
it'll take a while but eventually it'll pop with a team of mentors
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I've never used Fantasia, and have kept my Machinist at Lvl 69 for 4 years on purpose even though I love the job.
>CC Enemy is no longer in queue
if it's something you think they'll like
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my latest creation
Just stop, you've got them confirmed!! Don't torture yourself, be patient...
maybe go for a walk or something instead?
wow she did not look like that on my screen
i walk among giants
No. Post it here.

No. Just the most annoying.
is it me
The reason my femlala isnt EB'd is because she is too demanding.
A-and for no other reason!
She just needs her smooches once every hour and will throw a cataclysmic melty if she doesn't get them.
Hmm...I shant.
what a doofus, you don't even use the fc buff or squadron buff to boost seals
I used to, but it just takes too long. I don't usually have blocks of 3-4 hours to sit down and drum out a scene for fun.
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made for my catboy
You asked for it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQWZjVploT8
Good luck to you, I'm Aether and Aether CC is a cesspool.
I don't take my pants off in public like a Quicksands trollop.
Painting that tanned tummy white
Sorry, you're the only one on my list.
I don't feel a close connection with anyone, anymore, but I still want to make others happy, as it's the right thing to do.
Also I'm hopefully getting my prostate checked next month because I keep leaking cum when I poop.
IDK I don't keep track. I think there's a few rpers here.
the only constant in those 30 is you
I would plap
Are you a femra? If no then its not you
insane 180
who is this mystery highlander?
your cat looks like Barb from Stranger Things season 1
I had fun at the CC meetup. I enjoyed healing A.U. the most, even if we lost.
What did I do....
hmmm… middie post
i am...
the urge to return to femezen is strong
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I'm new :(
Am I doing this right? I play Warrior
Why not, you're already over halfway through taking that top off
cheating nigger
Is this your doing, MM?
Dont ever quote my posts you fucking retard
Raen or xaela
I'm the last member of my ARR static still playing the game, if "playing" can be held in the loosest possible terms. I'm not sure what to do anymore.
It wasn't the raid lead quitting the static, he always had an air of transiosity, always moving, always crashing on someone's couch. Never in one place. Maybe he just up and died but one day he just stopped logging in and that was it. Our ninja, little lalafell Cheese Burp took up the reigns. This was during creator, where we got our first on patch savage clear.
Then one by one, tier by tier, people slowly dropped off. One person after our ucob clear. one after sigmascape. One quit after he beat BA for the first time.
But we replaced them and kept trucking. And then Cheese quit. Something about the ninja changes in 5.0 pissed him off, I reckon. We wrapped up a clear of o12s and after everyone had left it was me and him. I said "See you next week? We're gonna try to do BA"
He gave a sort of non-commental grunt, and left the call. The rest of the gang quit between then and 5.1. We managed to get Gate down, but none of us really cared enough to try TEA.
We never had a static name.
who's that UGLY nigga at the lamp post
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I can't post that kind of thing here, but you know...
These are my rabbits now.
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Yes you're doing it right. Why are you looking to run old extremes?
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Yes, that's how you do it. Though let me warn you 90% of people prefer to do old content unsynced (aka they jump in as a level 100 and one shot the boss) than doing it for the fun of it, so even if you make a PF, it will take a long time to fill up.
sorry, it's me
I'm gonna use my alt and do THAT again... but worse this time
I cannyot be stopped
Nobody wants my rabbit
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how do i become friends with this vampire
I can definitely be trusted around them
that might take a while to fill unless you select "Undersized Party", and then also select it in the duty finder settings (the little gear at the top of the menu where you pick dungeons).

you can also include "first time bonus" in the description and people will join just for that
It's always been a cesspool but idk what the fuck is going on today with it like jesus christ

another constant is im the only one on the fucking crystal the rest run around like headless chickens.
Combat attires have different standards.
Tyrone is an rper. The wheelchair catboy is an rper but I don't know if he rps being in a wheelchair.
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i got
a hard cock
They did a heckin transphobia
Yes and?
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/pet /pet thanks for the heals!
i liked soaked panther more
He does
It was a purple quest thing for me which I heard unlocks new stuff

Oh that's kinda lame but maybe that's what it takes to get this done

What does undersized party do?
If I so much as see any one of your alts on my screen you'll leave me no choice but to use THAT.
You're treading awfully close....
This is the second time this image is being saved to my computer
Seeker of the Sun.
>she's doing a jigsaw puzzle in the Inn while she waits
You are so adorable, I refuse to believe that you're a boy
can i see it
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I'm incredibly shy so don't be too harsh please
Come join your brothers at my house.
he still exists as my alto
I'm doing FATEs on him too
don't listen to them, make some friends or join an fc that will do old content and don't do undersized party.
Fine.... I'll accept my loss.... forgive me for my past crimes and future ones....
not when you're a self deprecating faggot no
The new stuff it unlocked *is* minstrel's ballad: ultima weapon. Also they're called blue quests
funny that they mention pedos as some kind of bad thing but then are close friends with one of the cringiest pedophiles from this thread
I bet he fucks like a fighter jet...
killing myself asap
I accept and will promptly remove you from the void list, but you're under surveillance for the next 10 days.
is it a raen? i feel it's a xaela
you wanna?
Nobody has ever even seen the Astragalos map...
>purple quest
Uh oh blud is colorblind
My queen...
I'm not even a miera anymore that picture is like a year old
That's Kyoppi dumbass
No the person i'm thinking of is a raen but you're probably not them
A nobody. The most whitebread milk-toast character out there.
i am
a fem middie
that spent the day watching magic tricks
Prove it and post me but surrounded by a lot of people
undersized party lets people come in at max level to instakill the boss

if you wanna do the fight at level 50 and have it be difficult though, don't do that.
Sounds like fun
Just a warning on that undersized party thing, turning it on for PF is just ANNOUNCING that you intend to do it undersized, however if you want to actually do it, you have to do it before queuing into the duty by clicking the cogwheel on top of the duty window.
wait, that femra is based?!
I might genuinely be a schizoid but I don't want a diagnosis. Also it started off only leaking when I forced out poops. Now it's leaking even when I don't force. I was pooping at work and after wiping, I had to poop again, so I put my dick back in the bowl, then when I flopped it back out, a pearl of cum frickin doinged out and onto the center-rear belt loop of my pants. That was when I realized I couldn't wait any longer and I needed to get this checked out. I mean, not the fact I could force a poop, blow a giant load, not feel an orgasm or anything to indicate that I had just cum, but only when a little got on my pants.
wait aren't you the guy who fanta'd off miera because of Uchiki?
According to my friend requests on F-list femezen are the most likely to fuck shotas.
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No he'll just pretend to be for validation.
Oh, I guess it's not like super important to get it done then, I finished ARR so I'm guessing most of the blue quests are just unlocking these dungeons and random job stuff now. I'll just focus on the main scenario then
Thanks all for the help.

It's like indigo maaan
I am a horrible EB prospect for many reasons, but that doesn't stop my feels doing what they want. So instead, my ideal is keeping an anon as my leashed and collared and possibly promiscuous pet.
plap plap plap get pregnant
No? I fanta'd off miera before uchiki even started posting regularly.
my moonie as propositioned for 3k gil and thought it was a lot of money
i'm probably not but i'm still curious
I need an EB free EB
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I remember a friend of mine that used to raid getting mad about it. But im casual scum so i never delt with it before. I know wow has its own pile of problems but i still like that theres multiple ways to get gear at all levels. The treadmill feels a little less stale then XIV does. At the end of the day its still an mmo so thats just part of it, and at least its not a korean mmo where your 1% upgrade fails and you just lose the item! But even if the gear looks different the sameness is much more noticeable then other MMO's atm and its really starting to drag things down. They leaned too much into the "Just play other games :)" motto.


She makes this face for men other than her bf only.
>no Rue
its over
Name / DC?
i wont eb u but can i pet ur moonie
I'm getting deja vu
whm feels pretty good in cc
why does it have lulu polymorph??
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Old quests are unhinged
Uh, I've just been informed by my isp that I've reached my daily image limit and can't post any more at this time. Right now you'll have to trust me that I see you right there on my screen, in such glorious splendor.
Checks out for my experience. Followed by cats, but maybe that's just because there's a fuckton more cats than everything else.
I'd EB you but you wouldn't EB a lalaboy...
Crystalline Conflict is so ass
you’ll be fine theo
back when the game was good
It actually has sheepstick hex but go off sis
then don't play it retard
is this middie still playing DT or given up on kate and hiroi?

*cums on hat*
It's more like
Femezen>Femra>Cats>Fiddies>Everything else
in my experience.
>look at clock
>I can stay up longer, it's ok, it's saturday
>15 minutes later

How do you make the image so smooth and crisp?
I am
a maliddie
who loves
>be tranny pedo
>people call you tranny pedo
>think you'll be the based tranny pedo and call other people tranny pedos
a tale as old as time
It's okay it's Saturday.
>giving a shit about loot when you can clear the raid without it
>tfw have won all matches except one
I'm growing powerful beyond mortal understanding.
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well yeah bc i don't have a bf so every man is a man that isn't my bf retard
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Do you like face 1 femras
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i really enjoyed this one
Pray tell to the waking sands
marry me
now this is a good viera
Initials? If you don't want to say both you can just give the first letter of your first name and I'll let you know if you are
Guys just can't handle a real NTR slut like you I guess.
xivg is unhinged
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do you like face 1 femras
I'll be your boyfriend but im a failed male
I am
a straight catboy
>failed male
Place your bets now folks, miera or malera
Abe you have been here since HW you should have dropped the game like all the other HW ebins.
i can be
a boy
that is your friend
wrong ive been here since 2.0 arr
Hello haters of Abe
>the trancer is the anti-pedo spammer
Anybody who is shocked please raise your hand.
Whats the real hairstyle
this sunnie thirsts after my miera constantly
My PVP crush left before I could fight them. :(
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Post ONLY min height characters
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true, can't find someone who can handle my advanced breed of mental illness anywhere
keep urself safe buddy im smooshing ur nuts with a rolling pin
ty for the offer but i must politely decline
it wasn't my screenshot. but there are things you can do such as reshade/gshade, better graphics card, using HD modded skin textures, good gpose lighting setup, photoshop image editing and post processing.
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Uhhhhh based???
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I'm shorter than min height..
>true, can't find someone who can handle my advanced breed of mental illness anywhere
I literally can...
Actual minimum or is 10 height okay?
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wait a second, that color scheme-
can you start liking them
there are not nearly enough replies with navel piercings
Who was it sis?
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i like my catboy golem but generally don't like male characters unless i make them myself
u are correct, i apologize fren
some of them, i think it's the easiest au ra face to make look ugly
idk who u are fren
What is? Your life? Is that why you spend it here spamming all day every day? Get some irl human contact. Call your parents. Get some help.

>[random youtube link]
Needed poetics
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Then you're not min height
i wonder if i'm anyone's cc anything at this point...
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I'm glad you typed all that but I really don't give a fuck
oh my....
Man. I miss black ops 2 so fucking much bros
What is it that you don't like
Honestly there's more than one option, but you gotta have some bangs.
Dont talk to Unnamed Neko @Jenova.
ultra based
is that a yes? can i pet ur moonie
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Yeah you do. This thread is the only human interaction you get anymore, bum. Just own up to it already.
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is the pvp meet still going or did i just slept through all of it again...
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only 30 more minutes and i'll have survived the end of the month
*wrings out hat over your fresh sneakers*

Yeah i still do. I just miss some of my friends who dont feel like playing anymore. And its all just cause the path for endgame stuff has been rerun too much.

I used to be max height but got bullied into going min.
yes u may pet my moonie when u see me ingame
link the album
i need to do SOMETHING
I wish I had a fibbit wife to call my own.
he's a repressed trans
Yeah man thanks for stopping by!
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Fall, finally
Are you hype for Black Ops IIIIII bro?
Say no or else.
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Ok, which one do i press to talk to a game master for my item delivery?
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ok prove it?
i am saving the innocents of the future by nipping your bloodline in the bud
i don't have an album but i post on twitter sometimes
I cant even put it into words man
Flame saluting in New Gridania! Get roasted bleppers!
I don't got the money for it, and honestly i don't know anyone who plays cod
It's spring cunt
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bro go to the mail moogle??
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now we're being too direct... but on secend thought i like the mystery more. if you are truly my enemy, you can make it obvious in our next match
You use the support team link they sent you in your purchase e-mail, you mong.
Yeah I'm calling for like half an hour more.
That's a terrible fate, friend.
ty :>
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wtf your femlala is based?
did you try hitting the request button? otherwise, try the mogstation support options first and confirm it went through in your order history
Post moonies so I can desynth them
Not what I was referring to but hell yeah! Fall and winter!
I'm still fighting my CC crush RN
Saluting for your armpit
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>she sees my penis wenis
Notifying the elementals to fuck up your aether.
are you supposed to refresh thunder in ice phase or is it just there for the free instant cast now
I can handle you, and i don't really have a way of proving it without you giving me something to do...
Those aren't real countries
Nah, I just 90-degree turn then strafe away.
It's milquetoast, but highlanders don't have the highest int stat, so you're fine and that's a quality highlander.
nice one kyoppi
thats a lot of work you have to do, you know considering i dont HAVE TO DO ANYTHING FOR THE SAME TO HAPPEN TO YOU
nice cameltoe
hmnmm ok ill workshop it
Is there some reason why straight white cisgender men feel an incessant need to attack and criticize anything that isn't them?
Is it the brand of vapidness maybe? The tourists? Genuinely pretty curious, no prob either way though
paizuri with this sow's fat udders
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are you a robotfucker anon
Well obviously you can't, you don't have any thoughts in your head at all.
abe is kyoppi
dammit i have no idea how to make a tattoo, the color is all janky and shit
because it's cc and you're supposed to attack people
I wish I was.
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we love sands
its not me..
Yes, yes I am
>that name
>that fc
I know exactly who this is.
back off my wife guys
No I have a lot of thoughts in my head man
Balmung is far too big now
shut the fuck up uchiki
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I'll be honest...
I like Bibo more... But so many mods for bibo are just immersion breaking modern slop with little to no upscales and the ones that do have upscales are paid commission shit.
I use Freyja because someone is making high quality upscaling of every single bottoms item in the game for free and all I want are upscales. I dont want your shitty modern clothing.
he's submissive and breedable
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why does this fag force himself so much in the thread
become the you that you were meant to be
I see it thanks. I'll give it another few hours before I actually do it.
I've been hitting the request button plenty of times over the past 24 hours. I bought a lot of items for different characters, but only on this character did nothing show up. So the order definitely went through. Even my account-wide mount I bought showed up before the two character things.
sry wrong answer, ty for trying though
nah id win
its kinda surprising how many robofuckers/dollfuckers there are in this community desu
PLEASE make me not racist
My favorite fiddie.
Post you're robotgirl more
Who's forcing who?
I bet you don't say this to other avatarfags.
didn't ask nigger
>No I have a lot of thoughts in my head man
Then why can you never say a single thing of value?
Sounds like storytime is in order. Are we talking vore, scat, or something actually illegal?
he doesn't I force him
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>manlet roe
>but only on this character did nothing show up.
double check your order history on mogstation to make sure you didnt accidentally order it to the wrong character. if you ordered it correctly, give the email support link or contact through mogstation (since the support team that handles optional purchases is different than the ones that handle in-game issues).
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What do you want to talk about anon
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I am
a malera
I asked, nigger. I care.
You can't force me, I'm unforceable.
What's with this weird persecution complex all avatarfags have where they think they're the only one somebody hates?
they should stop causing issues and disturbing the peace if they don't want me to judge them
Im not gonna fuck you, if thats what you mean.
Thank you
how do people take pics with this aspect ratio
the thread is extremely jealous of all the attention mierda get
nta but 100% would fuck that robot
min heighter reporting in
*puts penis between boobs*
rotate 90 degrees in gpose
I'm going to Superbolide myself.
Why do you spam the thread all day every day.
I already know the form of your reply, I'll let the exact wording be a surprise.
this is so good
please post the source
they dont wanna fuck the doll, sis..
pvp crush this
pvp enemy that
what about a pvp friend
It's instinctual
Like breathing
I don't think
I just malera
By cropping their screenshots retard.
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i should stop being lazy and actually take more screenshots bros
playing nikke right now bwos
Yes I have checked that too and it's right. Thanks. It's not really that important right now but if it doesnt show up in the next 24 hours I'll definitely contact through the email. I wonder why the in-game support desk FAQ doesn't say any of this
I am min height rava
i hope you get better
Wow so many BEAUTIFUL tummies!
In that case you'll know if its you. I still need to pay them back for the humiliation i received in the last games we had together
>its kinda surprising how many robofuckers/dollfuckers there are in this community desu
It's a really vanilla fetish. Hard even a fetish for some if you're just fucking a character who happens to be a doll/robot.
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I have one of those even though they are my rival
i'm a puppy coded femlala who is about to eat edibles and play deadlock
Hey shorty *Pulls your hat down over your head*
That's code for "gooning right now"
goon in
with dada
/pet /pet /pet /pet
no fucking way
This is no way to live your life man.
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Tilt the camera by 90 degrees then correct it in post
Im not worth it
So has brio entirely replace ktisis?
catboys are becoming faster, stronger, gayer
please do
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I consider all my pvp enemies pvp friends
fuck dolls, fucked by the dolls, same thing different hole
eh, yeah i get what you mean, since even the more robotic end of the spectrum just falls under a flavor of monster girl.
has science gone too far
It's terminal but because of your kind words I will leave you with part of my will
I hope you like legos and vinyl records
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*waddles away blindly, a walking hat*
with feet
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sometimes I wonder what life would be like if fiddies were real
They want to /be/ the dolls.
Its a trans thing
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It's just so much fun
with boobs
I wish I was a male midlander IRL...
i didn't get my fucking m1s clear tonight i'm going to mcfucking kill myself
Not really. The camera controls in Ktisis are a bit more intuitive & if you update to the beta version, the environment controls are way better, too. Also, the beta version can spawn light sources
What is fun about it?
i just wanted a humorous response... its not fair my nubian queen of hyperborea...
Question, can you use relight on gshade?
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I'll be your PVP friend, if you need one. Qup ranked in 7.1, lets gooo
>Now that Balmung was open for a few days and a bunch of tards rerolled alts instead of transfering can we finally move the hangout spot to Solution Nine instead of the fucking bench?
You're free to do whatever you want to do anon, just go hang out somewhere and your friends will follow.
>Not only are people now more vulnerable to stalkers,
Skill issue
>but I'm tired of sprouts hanging around,
Skill issue
>I'm tired of the 60% fps drop from being in the most congested area on the server,
Skill issue
>and I'm tired of Uldah's music and aesthetic.
Skill issue
My Veena
is actually like 2 inches shorter than min height
you done for the night? I can help out if your going for 1 chest
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damn they really ruin everything
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perhaps, but let's keep going to see what happens
But you have to choose one since ktisis breaks brio posing right?
done for the night yeah
got tomorrow with the same group and if i don't clear it then i'm gonna pf
MCH in my static YOLOs his spread positions.
>Don’t worry about me, I make it work. You should worry about the mechanics your dying to though.

MOTHERFUCKER, we are adjusting so YOU don’t die. How dare you say such a thing back? You are literally the weakest DPS player in the three previous fights.

I wish I could kick him.
I respect WJ's strength!
The bench is simply kino
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I would unironically buy a mogstore slop pack if it meant getting an Ascalon for every class like they did with Gaia's hammer.
I unironically believe that futanari are BUILDED for impregnation by males.
Also have a cringe g-pose.
i dont understand how you think that it's any more open to stalkers than before you can literally make an alt on any server and go visit balmung you could do this when it was closed for character creation
unless you are talking about the few weeks that world visit was closed off on dawntrail launch in which case you might be a newfaggot if you think that's the norm
Why do I never have any snow white dye when I need it
cus you never ixalmaxxed
stop adjusting for him
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sorry am retard
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Poking the matrix is cool
I'm going to cum to the art of your femra getting pressed by the leg press machine.
Have a good night.
Yea, the three ranged have decided on that after that reply.
If you're worried about stalkers maybe you shouldn't be going to meetups with the kind of schizos that post here
For the actual posing & moving the light sources, yeah. You can still continue to use the camera features & environment control without breaking anything, just don't toggle the posing on Ktisis and you'll be fine. I will say that there's some interesting stuff you can do with Ktisis posing that you can't with Brio:
Been playing DPS recently, apologies, and ty.

Oh do you now? What do I do now?
My vanilla is still min height so I posted anyway.
just craft it you only need level 30
good night anon, enjoy your fap, post the results, plap goon cum sex etc all the keywords
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I am baked looking at cool robot war is bad anime
don't ruin my robot girl for me anon
probably not THAT hard to find, tho i haven't taken any lewds of her
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I love
my CC
they will never know
i think i should be able to passively gain red tomes doing savage prog
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My hunt for sharkteeth must continue tomorrow I am too tired
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I accidentally queued up too early and now everyone is going to blacklist me.
Oh it's that variety of dissociation
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is abe kyoppi or is kyoppi abe?
i hate niggers
Chris chan vibes
A raen with S, who could it be...
5 hearts
Same but I don't use golems to say it.
dont be so hard on yourself
Putting brown babies in this bun.
I hate you too
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you're heightbeasted THOUGH?
I know that it's not me.
Honestly cutess femra in xivg
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>The Warden's Paean
>bam you wasted your 20 seconds cooldown CC from the outset
>Nocturne's Silent
>bam you can do nothing for 2 seconds
>Repelling Shot
>haha good luck catching me/rushing to the crystal
>Final Fantasia
>waste your resources on killing me or lose the match
that's his main tho
i forgor but i had this i did with a roegadyn golem i made, i don't really take duo shots like ever anymore cause it's annoying
I have no PvP friends. All I have are enemies. PvP enemies.
You're literally brown irl.
Are you a female character? Then you're probably right.
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both. we are kyoppi. we are abe. we are plural like protomagicalgirl
What about a pvp fuckbuddy?
Not cool...
Even brown people hate blacks.
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>Marksman's Spite
>Laugh at your new beach ball sized breathing hole
So thats how you solo the EX....
I need me one of those
What's the difference?
They know who they are....unless it's been you this entire time
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KINO god i LOVE final fantasy V
you mind sharing it
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...then you woke up, right?
>things that didn't happen
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>buy ffxiv dt early access
>too slow to prog ex1/2 and m1s on day one
>left out and basically no content until 2026
>buy wow tww
>too slow again
>can't do anything without slogging through yet another MSQ
>makes me even slower for the last remaining scraps of content in ffxiv
>if i had done ffxiv instead, i would be too slow anyway
there's basically no good way to play either game now, you're just left out for good and basically blacklisted
guess it's back to 24/7 2fort in tf2
that is...
I'm only just joining in, the question is who are YOU
Damn I'm with one now. Maybe next time.
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Shut the fuck up nigger lips
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i love big tits
I don't remember making this post
Need someone to change my lala's nappy...
when are you posting the plapping pics on /aco/?
didn't read + filtered + post hidden + blacklisted ingame
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No, I just die after that since that's the only thing I know how to reliably do in PvP and it curbstomps people a lot.
you forgot to pre Wildfire, dragon fucker...
Nice blog nigger
"No lol *dodges*"
I'm one of maybe 2-3 people from my race that regularly queue CC. I will say no more than that.
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Damn this relic is cool
Also it would seem my race has caused yet another meltdown
My WoL is a male
Nigger huts are made of mud and grass, brownoid huts are made of corrugated steel and shipping pallets.
so did i psycho crusher abe or kyoppi
Don't make me go back there.
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I dishonoru da ways of da gun-nobi. Seppuku is only answer.
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risk of rain 2 filtered me I'm logging back in
may i?
this has to be a skinwalk, right?
I've already left
Tozer tryna fuck Aru?????
Gotta move faster sis
fatalis is bullshit
fuck teddy rosevelet

and fuck crystalline conflict
Can we skip the preable and get to the part where you spam WE LIKE THIS over and over?
it's the opposite of a skinwalk because it makes him look better
end of thread no one will see that I'm gay for cock
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If it works, it works, I guess.
>and basically blacklisted
no you're literally blacklisted
yeah fatty is rough in world compared to basically everything else
I’m waiting for the next “post catbox” anchor
my moonie is straight
Alright based. I'll unblacklist you.
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maybe gearbox shouldn't try to rewrite the entire game with an inexperienced team thus causing 1000's of bugs
can i see ur moonie

putting babies inside undisciplined rabbit girls

get the six shooter mod
i need some of that two-handed spit twist and suck
Not really...
I didn't prog M1S until week 2. I was teaching newcomers in there just two days ago. Late starts still work.
They didnt rewrite it they just merged the framerate with the physics because a retarded dev started meddling without knowing what words meant
I remember your face, I'll see you where it counts next time then.
straight up dumb
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It would be the best HW relic if not for the {Terpander Lux}.
cute nose
wtf are you talking about nobody is scared of bard lmao
So is mine.
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>nobody is scared of bard lmao
>at least 2 enemies try to chase the bard down to the spawn every match
thread is dead so I'll now tell you I'm letting people talk me into raceplay to fulfill an extreme domination fetish

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