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>Wuthering Waves Developer's Message: The Black Shores Preview

Previous: >>492603451
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wuwa !
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This is the only good use i have for nikke.
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First for Chiwa Saito!
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Nikker infestation! We must purge them all!
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You'll learn. Just do the tutorials for the characters. It's the character screen on the bottom right
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Liv lov rib rob
Yesterday it was poggers chilling in our thread, now it's the nikkers. Tomorrow who will it be? baggots or snoggers?
mmf doujjin when
Rover's magical semen cures her.
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Child to scare off the redditors
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Yes yes
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Should I go like this for HRover?

Forte -> RL -> Skill -> Normal -> Atk/Crit -> Intro
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Just nikkers.
You're all nikkers.
I can't take onkro seriously
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>Adult Changli remembers you said this to her(loli) in the sonorosphere
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his ult is a nuke don't sleep on it
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you're not supposed to, she's a dumb traumatized child
Put Crit above Normal and I agree.
So better go like this then?

RL -> Res Skill -> Forte - > Atk/Crit -> Normal -> Intro
It's not about earning gajillion dollars even with these models, but giving back to the players and making good models for them. AT THE VERY LEAST! Warframe can revamp whole open world maps but Mihoyo can't for some reason, you can kinda swallow it, but not this. Genshin tries but fails. For example, their exploration design is a slog, but the world generally looks good because of the stylized Zelda colors. The problem with the models is that they wanted to go one way, so they made the models like that but never learned how to actually use them for anything than potatoblob. You can clearly see this being the case because early Honkai3rd models still look good just by the virtue that the design and modeling was good. The only characters their models looks good on are the likes of Klee, everything else just looks cheap, moreso if you compare them to the official arts. And no, it's absolutely not an engine or tech limitation, but a design one. You can look at PGR models and despite being old, they look good. You can look at Wuwa models and can clearly see where they upped their game compared to PGR and it looks good, to the point sometimes it looks even better than the promo art.
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BA > Ult > Forte > Skill, imo.
I mean the skill-forte-skill is a nice mini nuke but the truth is majority of your damage comes from basic attacks and forte enhanced basic attacks.
Co op events..good. soon we will have wuwa coaching sessions for lower skill players to make them better...
We need Seamless Coop
Wtf black shores has star platinum
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Solon with another KINO reference
this motherfucker looks, feels, and acts like a stand, even its echo icon looks like a fucking stand.
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>coop event
But you can do them solo...right?
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can a kind individual repost camellya twerking again, i always forget to save it..
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Kino, but I just noticed, where's Shorekeeper's gourd? This is something that is never absent on any character design that I'm aware, is she special like Rover or just an aesthetic choice?
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Cool as fuck
She has glitches, most likely for clean aesthetic, she stores the gourd in the digital realm.
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>M-mihoyo invented gaming!!!!!
>redditnigger opinion
easily discarded
anon... why do you torture yourself? It's like you go to a drag party and complain why there's so many fags and homos.
Seems like he can work with Zhezhi then?
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Yeah but the more kino option is danjin. Her outro is such a huge boost for rover and the double dreamless is a big damage boost.
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Bros is shorekeeper like a verina replacement? Sorry if it's a dumb question i've read through her kit but she seems more like a hybrid yinlin/baizhi to me or am i dumb please someone explain the kits in kusogames are too complicated for me.
Btw the gourds are pangu terminals. In chinese mythology pangu is the existence that breaks the cosmic egg to form the heavens and world. Interesting that they use the chink version of the world egg mythology for these things.
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censored slop cope
You're literally part of wuwa don't be a friendless nigger
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i kneel...
Verina buffs and heals, Shorekeepers heals, give protection (revert hit into dodges), buffs and does damage. So more or less yes, though verina has coordinated attacks which are nice for jinhsi and is generally easier to use (no need for multiple intros and fast charge concerto).
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she is a second verina yes. She does pretty much everything verina does and also gives crit rate. also she does pretty good personal damage with her enhanced intro being a nuke
this liv is not going to lov....
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Nice cancer patient
Ohhh okay so veriuna is more focused on units like Jinhsi and Shoreskeeper is more for the schizo quickswap changlibros.
Got it.
No, quickswap doesn't trigger intro/outro, it works best with characters that charge concerto fast in general I guess.
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Too late bwo...
Shorekeeper also has coordinated attacks that work with jinhsi on her forte
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Wuwa for this feel?
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>Zhezhi in the background
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No, the way you should look at it is that Verina is an op support that works in ALL teams (not just jinhsi per se) but she's a standard 5*. Shorekeeper is a limited 5* that's meant to be just a little bit stronger than verina.
Can shorekeeper replace Verina in jinhsi teams? Yes, looking like that's the situation given that her butterfly outro skill looks like it deals coordinated attack damage.
Will this make verina obsolete? No. Kuro made her versatile and strong as a healer she has everything so even if you don't have shorekeeper she'd still be decent.
Is shorekeeper meant for quickswap teams? No not necessarily, she can nuke faster with teams that have strong concerto generation because her nuke looks like it depends on stacking intro skills in her domain, but otherwise she will still be good in all other kinds of teams (like verina is).
>doesn't have the hair flick
Infinitely worse. No reason to remove that from the template.
Yeah. Was planning to go with Danjin as the main buffer. I'm trying to figure out which is the good 3rd member aside from Verina. I was thinking Yuanwu or Zhezhi. Not sure how it's gonna play out but I'm thinking Yuanwu could help stun bosses faster because of his outro + be able to use rejuv set to trigger attack buff. With Zhezhi could probably do more damage than him while maybe requiring less field time?
You just need a heal set/turtle echo carrier to round out the team.
Is Shorekeeper like all the other healers, so she stays at 70 with a healing set with hp and energy regen substats?
>>hp and energy regen substats
>like all the other healers
No. She has pretty good damage and one of her things is a guaranteed crit nuke. So she wants a crit dmg 4 cost probably, which is likely the new 4 cost in the black shores.
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I salute whoever holding the line every first day of the month, your dedication will always be the bastion of hope for /wuwa/

I will be back when the thread gets better
Ok.Old man it is then. Gonna go with this.

HRover -> Eclipse Set
Danjin -> Moonlit Set
Yuanwu -> Rejuv Set
Said it a couple threads ago.
Heal set with crit dmg 4 cost, 1xspectro1xER 3 costs and 2x HP 1costs.
Can do double spectro 3 costs if you get ER subs in every echo.
Also prob lvling her to 90 for dmg.
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Wait he's a heal set? lol
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I will lay back in my chair, make popcorn and laugh at people. As anyone should.
>still no new sonata effects
Yes, the new 4 cost is tailor made for Shorekeeper to the point it even scales dmg with HP.
EOS soon
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Why would they make new ones when the current ones work just fine? Echos will only be added in to the current ones.
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NTA. But aren't the enhanced Normal Attacks a thing of its own since it's tied to Forte Circuit Level and not Normal Attack? The skill description doesn't talk about this being compounded with the damage you deal with Normal Attack.
Some people run havoc set in both, just because danjin's such a good sub-dps and for the double dreamless meta. Have fun anon, using danjin is a good way to learn the game.
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early leak sensor tower chart
This is correct, Forte circuit should be the first thing leveled followed by ult. Basics are useless for over half the cast not named Encore.
Who's gonna be first in getting their SSR alt? Baizhi, Chixia or Yangyang?
Yangyang, unironically.
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Honestly looking like Baizhi. She got powercrept super hard. Her current kit is clunky and awkward to use but her design is sex so Kuro knows an alt will sell hard.
If spreadsheet leakers are anything to go by, Yangyang will get the Lucia Lotus treatment.
For those non pgr players, Lucia Lotus is her first / beginner frame, they canonically justify alts with "frames" in lore. Anyway she gets a new frame called "Dawn" and while it's an upgrade, she jobs to Alpha (another char) anyway. It isn't until the 3rd frame "Plume" where Lucia pops off.
*plume does not pop-off and continues to job
That's not possible, we all know yanyan is gonna die in 1.3
Maybe its because I'm so used to playing Baizhi now but I don't find her clunky or awkward. Just has a different rotation to Verina.
Ok if we keep comparing her to Alpha she'll always job. And she jobbed to the twins...honestly is there anything she did defeat? Qu barely counts.
Lucia died many times as well, that's just the Kuro mascot character treatment.
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The gang watching the WuWu EOS Flopped Countdown
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bet they can also easily justify alts with varying degrees of overclocks.
Yeah, but we'll free her soul from the digital world hell and she comes back with more powers.
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EHEM! She DID beat QU thanking very much
They don't have to justify, there is a second awakening as we seen with Jinhsi, then the Fractsidus gets some artificial awakenings of their own as well.
I also use Baizhi a lot but picking up the euphonia will never be not clunky.
Yes and no, if it appears near you, you can casually dodge into it
>Dodging is a dps loss
If you're struggling with timers I don't think Baizhi is the answer for that person in the first place.
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Yuri WON
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Yangyang isn't going to die. If anything, it'll be Yinlin. Her story is unrelated to the main quest stuff. They'll cut her out for being irrelevant fluff.
No way. You're thinking of Danjin.
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sometimes the fucking ball doesn't trigger unless you're on top of it
>If you're struggling with timers...
never talked about timers, was just talking about clunky kits. Let's keep it to whether or not the kit is clunky or awkward to use.
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> Dead Thread
> Dead Game

What went wrong?
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>everyone's casually ignoring the fag
Outstanding! Very outstanding, keep up the good work folks!
>never talked about timers
Sorry, that was a general statement, not for (You) specifically.
>fucking ball doesn't trigger unless you're on top of it
Is this a ping issue. Even me with 250+ don't really have problems but I am physically dodging / running into it.
This is a vid ive linked before but at 33s I walk into it just fine. 1:08 I land on it fine from Changli's skill. So the clunkiness leads me to believe either rng fuckery or ping. (Somehow good ping is worse?)
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I guess. It's no-
what the fuck
Kuro... Did it again!!!
Autistic nips still exist huh.
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I rolled Zhezhi just so I could have a full ice team. I am a fool.
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punch loli bros...
I want to try PGR cos it looks cool how does it compare to wuwa?
Bricked account. No one rolled for this creature
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That's right, she should return to hating humans. We got a Church of Machina Civil War to win. Humanity has tainted the Sage's mind. We must get her to hate humans.
t. Schultz.
Sagemachina bless us.
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a lot of flashing lights
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Play better games : )
compare with what?
different system altogether, the only similarity is the core skill system
also different system, hard pity at 60 roll and you can get 1 free(rate up) S rank every 2 patch.
A bit outdated in visual since it's an old phone game, the combat is very different (you have the same kind of skills, but you can activate it with orbs you get, deals more damage if you stack 3 besides each other) but very fast paced, way faster than Wuwa even. Characters designs are good and closer to scifi kino, the story is suffering kino and it leans way harder into the apocalyptic end than Wuwa does. It also has VFX Skins that completely overhaul a characters look and visual effects. https://youtu.be/Nz9C_Yj-k60
>we edited Kangaskhan
What did Hoyo mean by this?
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look at our little monk wife. ToT
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Hoyo lives rent free on your empty head
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holy fuark
I rerolled for zezhi to make anons believe I rolled for her and then roll her themselves
Hopefully many people took the bait and will brick their account when they can't get all of the good units in 1.4-2.2
Anyone know what 13:17:25 country is from
holy shit its really THAT bad?
Don't get too excited. They don't like money THAT much.
Not really. In fact I saw an image, and thought it was Pokemon. Why you being a bully to me?
Is this the double bait where you lead anons to believe they bricked themselves but then wahoo buffs coordinated attacks by 100% and zhezhi buffs glacio thus helping each other and ACTUALLY bricking those that didn't roll.
>skipped Zhezhi
>it still feels like I'm barely saving up anything
This patch has been horribly stingy.
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>Flop free floppy monk
Pulao is an assassin/hitman though, one of 9 (or 7?)
somewhere around GMT+6 to GMT +7, probably Myanmar

I Kneel Genshin Gods
India, kek.
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I rolled for Yinlin. I rolled for Jinhsi. I rolled for Changli. I rolled for Zhezhi. I will roll for Shorekeeper and get Waahoo too. Will do the same in 1.4 too. I am the emperor and every woman on Solaris III is my subject and my right over what I do with them in my lonesome is there. Zhezhi will turn into a gibbering mess if she gets too close to me.
Went from 17.5k astrite to like 24k astrite.
First banner isn't even done yet
Yes, I am a passchad
Is this hoyodrone a P-Pajeet...?
Probably the saar from ahmedabad. Not even one of the good indian places like Punjab.
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How many Zhezillions?
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In that case, hi engineer from Ahmedabad!
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so you're the gigagook that posted his changli clear to btfo the changli doomposter the other day? I picked up the ba-ba-echo-ba-ba thing from your clips which DID reduce baizhi's clunkiness for me when it comes to filling up her forte but the euphonia can still get super awkward for me.
Especially when the enemy boss has leaps or movement abilities and you quickswap with an intro, you end up blinking to the other side of the map together with the boss and the euphonia just ends up lying in the ground.
I personally like using baizhi for her design but you just FEEL that it's significantly less taxing to use verina coz her kit just works without much ado.
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Magistrate! NOOOO!
I don't fucking care bro, probably one shitposter working overtime. Give him a [-] and move on
This is Sunday ffs

Wuthering Waves
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>So the clunkiness leads me to believe either rng fuckery or ping. (Somehow good ping is worse?)
I have decent 40ms ping, so maybe rng fuckery, sometimes the ball spwans at the front or the side.
Raining nonstop on my hut
Wuwa for this feel?
M-my emperor...
Yeah that's me.
The only times I really struggle is if it spawns under the boss and I literally can't get on top of it because the boss is too fat.
That happens maybe once every 7 runs from my experience which is still far too many.
Agree on the intros, they don't really help and it's a matter of luck if your intro puts you near it or not, that's why I prefer dodging or running into it if my rotation allows me.
Yeah I can agree to it being clunky due to RNG, overall rotation though is fine in my opinion, of course Verina offers everything smoothly, Shorekeeper will too, kinda wish the ball weren't a thing and just integrated into the outro.
However if it's any solace, you can pick up the orb while you still haven't procced outro and it will retroactively proc when you do get outro.
>kinda wish the ball weren't a thing
I keep parroting this suggestion but if they only increased the ball's hitbox or make the ball gradually drift to the active resonator or do ANY QOL improvement to picking up the euphonia, it would solve all of the grievances towards her kit.
>Raining nonstop
Surely, the buff / leap one day will make the orb gravitate towards the player. Yes that's a cope and yes I'll smoke it.
Who is CEO of Microsoft, IBM, google and adobe?
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me. (I'm rover)
Just walk towards the ball niggers do you have parkinsons or something i usually just land on it during my rotation by dodging it's way malnutrition does a number on the brain smdh.
Microsoft Joe, IBM Jack, Google Jonathan and Adobe Johnson.
read the conversation nigress. >>492680031
that anon literally said he runs into it or lands on it.
Then why is the bitch still yapping?
Why are you squawking at me?
Just do that and stop bitching like some PMS'd cunt swear to god you're worse than my sister on her period complaining about the colour of the drywall.
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In dieser Nacht ist es endlich soweit
Scheiterhaufen brennen in Ewigkeit
Mein Mantel ist voll von Menschenblut
Von der Auslöschung eurer kranken Brut
>Just do X
>Proven to do X and discusses about it due since it's entirely part of the game.
>wahhhh. WAHHHHHHH
Damn, what set that anon off?
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>Arbeit macht frei
Arbeit macht frei
>Arbeit macht frei
Sorry i'm still adjusting from X to this site meant to reply to >>492682115
someone said the other day that there's a this thing when hoyoshills keep getting ignored, called out or hit with the [-] they switch their strategy to chimping out like a nigger against anyone to get (you)s.
Ohh, gotcha.
My shit posts always get a you but I'm not a moyochad
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>lose every 50/50 on main account
>start new account for fun
>get lion'd on the newbie banner
>lost 50/50 to Verina at pity 73
I'm about to win the fucking lottery or something, I've never been this unlucky
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i'm legitimater than (you) i'm a /wuwa/ DEITY don't chimp out the moment you get called out for being a PMS cunt
>lost 50/50 to Verina at pity 73
oof that stings. Just make another account anon, that one feels cursed.
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>Just make another account
They're linked to the same email since I just switched regions, but I would've rerolled if I was a complete newfag. Funny thing is, I kept my 5* ticket because I just knew I'd get fucked over
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이새끼봐라 ㅋㅋㅋ
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More like...fucked ROVER amirite
grim, only way to counteract the curse is pure swiping power.
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Alpha! Fight me!
GTF back to spamming )))))))))) all day edgy good for nothing bitch
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ooh, a fight
How many times will she have to die until she gets it?
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Sorry anon, it's Hold dodge attack into hold basic attack now.
Come back to life after dying in your Pyroath frame first, noob. I have a mafia to run.
I dont play pgr, but it'd be funny if Lucia and Alpha always fights over the SKK but SKK really just wants the cunny sister.
mod? looks cute
what booru has the most wuwa porn?
Yes anon, it's from Jared Nyts the modder, so i'm guessing availability will depend on if the commissioner allows. See >>492680065
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>>492683525 (Me)
Ew, why'd the image come out like that? Better one.
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Our edgy girls are kinoer
this game makes me want a chinese wife
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The cooler Vera
wa? are you okay frien?
Just become a politically influent person in your country or get access to high level industry secrets and the CCP will dispatch a chinese wife to you.
Just meet one?
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careful some of them are massive golddiggers.
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It's over.
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Play a better game. Preferably won't die in the coming months
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Quite grim
But accurate
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The liminal feel of the new illusive realm is kino, holy shit. Its the stuff straight out of dreams
I remember the final battle for FGO's first arc. Along with the music, that played, it was the most excited I've ever been in a gacha game. Especially since his first move obliterates your front line iirc.
I should check in with FGO now that I think the second arc is finally done?
>Had 25k asterites and 40 gold rocks
>Did not pull for Jenny; because I wanted Changli and her fat tits more. > I got Changli in 20 pulls..

This game fucking sucks!
Spend it on the mesugaki bwo.
yeah you know what this is going to the [-] pile
it's all underaged posts with that premise keyword
how is this a bad thing...
>Forgot about weekly bosses
>Only solution is to refresh with astrite
B word.
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For me it's the music in the poolrooms
What's jenny doin in there?
Of course
I wanted Jenny as well (so bad)
not worth it. But now you know why to save a few waveplate cubes

Also when does the server even reset for you? Shouldn't be anytime soon
Anon... most of them are, chinese woman is one of the worst kind right behind... nevermind, korean are equally as bad.
I thought slavic women are the premiere golddiggers in the golddigger tier list?
That's latinas and amerisharts
Speaking from experience, STAY. AWAY
New 4c echo animation is out but I won't put it here becauss im on mobile
Slavs are homediggers more than golddiggers out of desperation to get a better life, you get together with one and the chance is there that after marriage and they get their citizenship, they will leave you because they got what they wanted, better living conditions. Chinese woman are the actual golddiggers, because they are stockwhores themselves as well. Korean is just super artificial in general, but that's a different kind of worst.
>super artificial in general
it's here>>492675495
Maybe i'll make a webm when I wake up if no one else does
Im in EU the reset is in like 17 hours or smt like that either way my OCD will get triggered if i dont have max energy tomorrow when i wake up so astrite refresh it is
I've never played past the 1st arc because I felt it was a great finale but I've heard it's decent enough. Some high peaks that everyone says is ludokino, I may read it one day.
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>the biggest makeup and plastic country of the world
You tell me. This is old 2021 data and it just got worse. The only reason the other shit eater countries are there because it's cheap to make it so every other country goes there to do plastic. What do you think happens to a country after a big chunk operates the shit out of themselves and there will be a twisted mirror in front of everyone how you should look like? That's Korea and the outward appearance warps the inner mentality too.
You only need 180 waveplates to do weekly bosses though not max
The one I kept hearing praised to hell and back is Faerie Brittain (Camelot).
Especially Oberon's theme.
Live version is pretty damn good too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQGXv1wdahQ
Should we skip Shorekeeper for Camellya?
[Arbiters For (You) Orbit - Version 1.2.7 Edition]

Rise beyond God's sky
Silent temple of mankind
Death be the outcome

>Geshu Lin updated
Full: https://files.catbox.moe/9nwxbx.png
I am but I'll throw like 1-2 10 rolls at Shorekeeper for goodluck.
Plastic surgery.

In general, if you're a western man, you should be wary of most foreign women coming too strong onto you. Protect yourself first and foremost and don't feel bad exploiting them in return if you can. It's a game for them and so it should be for you.
Get both what are you poor?
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Do they not care what happens to their offsprings who'd start to look like absolute shitters? They just get surgeries too? They'll stop weeding the uggos from the genetic pool at this rate.
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I'm skipping camellya for Chun
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wait whaat, thats an echo?
Nobody likes yapyap anymore... is it save to just kill her in the story for the sake of the plot?
Fuck off destitute brownoid get a fucking job and stop putting me in the same shitstained misery box as you.
only if you're poor
Now that they're releasing a hammer echo, they should get on woth it a release hammer wife
Aw gee Shorekeeper, I spent all the asstrite on the timid uwu painter. Guess you'll have to phase out of existence. sorry~
ends next year, third arc probably already planned since FGO keeps being a massive success.
bro I can't see shit. I wonder if you have to hold the button
I love yapyap and just got her S6 now but her echoes are awful trash I built months ago and then gave up on her for ToA metashit. I'll work hard and make her strong now.
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>Blue Spectro woman
>Black/Red Havoc woman
Liberal chad color vs authoritarian chud color
The choice is easy
Oh it's STILL not done? Fuck nvm.
Gook god seems to love using Yapyap.
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oh fuck
I'm going to start using HRover Changli Shorekeeper when she's out. Sorry Yangyang. Maybe on the next quickswap Goddess.
Damn that echo guzzling all the stamina
I thought yinlin was a vera expy, but why does yinlin mog vera so hard?
I hope they add a button to reduce all the special effects so combat is still readable. Don't they have that in PGR?
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>I'll work hard and make her strong now.
This better be true
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>Danjin: Yuuka
Holy based
>Aalto Kamui
Huh, you know, if Aalto really isn't Aizen, this just works out.
Who's the one replacing Baizhi. Seems kinda sexo.
Why does every female have white hair?
Hanying zithersexo
the ending of part 2 got announced for 2025.
Hanying. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba7EtIBLvgg
that's Solacetune bwo
PGR's designs themselves aren't bad, but wuwa's style looks significantly more polished
Kallen bro...
>I hope they add a button to reduce all the special effects so combat is still readable
They don't have a setting for that?. Also that echo may be just for the memes and probably is not worth to use it in a real boss combat
PGR characters don't do anything for me, hopefully they keep the character design distinct between games.
I'm all for adding elements of post-apocalyptic cyberpunk in the design aesthetic but I hope they don't forget wuxia kino aesthetic as well.
You havent seen Qu's lustrous legs or Bianca's peak hagmaxxing or Ayla's fantastic tits
8M for Zhezhi in Global
Is it bad ?
No idea who this is but She looks gorgeous with Her hair down, pity it seems to be a combat only thing.
Bring me Shopkeeper
Thank you solon for changing the art director too
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>undoes her hair clip
>starts fighting hand to hand
im in good hands with Kuro
The women in PGR are so /fit/ that Ayla feel so out of place, as if she came from Nikke
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"did you pray today?"
>be artist
>be the one who designs the frames
>make yourself a slampig
i would do it too.
Danjin no longer makes wuwa videos does she... she just makes zzz stuff now...
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Sorry bwo, Kuro going thorugh a lawsuit with Square Enix atm.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpjgjo5gDes (More Hanying)
This looks kino, western game devs could never
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>>make yourself a slampig
According to lorefag she actually built like one in her human form
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which wuwa is a 2000ml kind of girl?
Maybe not, 8 millions dollars a month just for global is still good considering she wasn't a popular character at all. Zehzhi WAS expected to do poorly compared to other characters like changli. She making half of that is not bad actually. I actually thought it would be less
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Fat character in Wuwa when? I'm gonna put it in the next survey
That 8M? All me. Zhezhi and I are married now.
Anon? Your Cowqi?
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Doesn't count she's a 4*!
I can't whale!
Ayla was the equivalent of a 4* at the start when she first came out.
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bro? are you serious?
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Same. Give me desu wa ojou-sama, Solon
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So now that Zehzhi's banner is ending soon. Are you rollan for him?.
Save for 2.x violin girl, t.Solon
I'm getting him for free and that's it, no weapon, but I will level him
I'm not even going to claim him for free.
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No. Husbando schizos are also not gonna S6 him, sealing the fate of the game for years to come.
Thank you for the 5D chess Solon.
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>Milestone Guidebook: Defeat Impermanence Heron II in the Tactical Hologram: Calamity
>only DPS I have is HRover
im getting his gloves for Youhu
21 is so fucking erotic
skibbidy skip
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Was planning to roll for his weapon but after hearing 1.4 Cammy and Dengdeng, hell no i’m skipping
dificulty 6 ? should be doable
The REAL flop month is coming bros...
>Lion is erotic
Ok, sister.
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Never count again
2 actually, I'm UL30. Heron has quite a bit of Havoc resistance, and I can't grind echoes yet so I hit like a wet noodle, spent 3 minutes just to snip 20% of its health
Skip banner and not just because he is free
but I might build him since wuwa men are cool save for the furry faggot
Oh new account, i mean just chill and play the game eventually you can start clearing holograms and that chicken is probably the easiest one
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No, I remain loyal.
what madness drove you tolevel an echo 0-25?
Bros, I'm starting to think gacha aren't for me... Wuthering wave is the only gacha with gameplay that didn't make me instantly drop it, but now I feel obligated to log in every day just to be sure I don't miss a future character and can roll for them while I already beaten every content the game had and waiting for a next update
wait patiently till you unlock db20 and 5* echos before you go full autist on holograms anon.
I mean nothing's preventing you right now, but it's just tad inefficient when you don't have good echos and without db20 you won't have 100% 5* echo drop rate.
Based All-in Brickgod
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I yolo a 1 cost and holy shit high roll max values
10.5% crit rate
21% crit dmg
dailies take like 4 minutes to do and log off retardbro.
i pull Shorekeeper and we skip camellya
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I don't care that much, I 18/30 ToA so perfect echoes doesn't really matter after that. I just leveled some echoes for the weekly BP mission, otherwise I am sitting on this.
The model is pretty shit in that way, I don't understand the meme reddit "it le respects your time" argument, a game that expects you to go through a login process and sit down at a PC to play it everyday is most definitely not respecting your time. It's fine for PNG collectors where you can do your dailies while you shit or run them on an emulator while you alt tab and do whatever the fuck, even arena fighters are ok but open world logins and chores generate endless burnout at least for me.
I hope they'll add something fun to do that makes the daily login worth it but this patch is damaging my motivation to play with every daily chore I do.
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watch out for falling planes and meteorites anon, congrats that's insane
>obligated to log in every day
either that or use money
gachas are about fomo and player retention, that's how they make money and make new content in return
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>upgrade all my 3 cost fusion guys
>one crit roll in like 20 substats
Now I just need the same stats on a heron and I'm OK
treat it as an mmo where your guild is in 4chan unless you feel like dropping a couple hundreds every update. Personally I don't mind much since I get to look at my characters and pace around Hongzhen
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so I need Crit rate/dmg in every echo for DPS like Encore Rover and Changli?
Well WuWa is not making money nor retaining players right now so it sounds like it's the right time to rethink that?
Is this the preamble for sales-posting?
was about to complain about how long it lasts and the visual clutter before I noticed it using stamina, that's interesting
Phantom or Regular Dreamless for HRover? (Visual effects)
Leaning towards Regular for the purple with HRover aesthetic then red for Danjin / Camellya.
That has nothing to do with his point though, Retardgod
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This. Think about it this way.
Your dailies give you 30x60 so 1800 astrite for a whole month.
That's literally not much, so you either be a penny pincher and log in daily...
...or purchase the 100USD topup, that gives you 8080 astrite which is equal to 4,5 months worth of dailies, so it's like a WoW subscription is 20-22 dollars up to how much you log in otherwise to still get some dailies. If 20 dollars a month for a hobby is too much for you, I honestly very much feel for your shit financial situation.
At least another one good substat would be cool, either atk, energy regen or damage from the main source of your dps on a particular character
1 more good stat works.
You can replace crit dmg with 2x good stats.
Crit Rate + Atk% + Most used dmg type is about as good as Crit rate + Atk% + Crit dmg.
Of course the best is to get all of that.
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Verina HATES AIjeeters
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i don't get the appeal of shitshi
she is literally yaka but cute
Based Verina saving me from Zhezhi and saving our community from AI image spammers
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I'm not going for any Echoes in particular, my goal is quantity. Am I screwing myself somehow by just using my 30m 50% echo buff rate on mindlessly killing everything in high mob density zones like near Inferno Rider and Suspended Ruins?
It only costs like 5-10m at most to burn through 240 waveplates
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>literally not much
first it adds up
and you cant compare it purely monetarial like that when theres time limited element in play
you missed out on several days, then suddenly the final day of the banner hits you a couple of 10-roll short from pity and you are presented with either paying up the difference or miss out
Anon... you do know that the buff is multiplicative on the base rate and not additive, don't you? What you get is a 30% drop rate rather than 70%...
not fat enough
The 50% echo buff rate actualy does very little. Comparing my elite runs with and without food the outcomes are almost the same.
The 50% increase is from 20% drop rate to 30% and it doesn't affect the 4 kill pity which is the bulk of your drops.
TL;DR bee yourself.
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thoughts ok shorekeper's pantsu?
could be lewder but at least we get some cheeks I guess
hopefully they'll keep getting lewder
Kuro needs to start doing custom skeleton models to better suit each character. Zhezhi for example is horribly out of proportion. And all the base models lack ass jiggle physics, get to it kuro.
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...don't be such a massive bitch Zhezhi. You are literally the biggest money pincher working for 2-20K shells, then you can log in daily you whore. It was already put before the player what can be done.
1/ You either enjoy the game and play daily
2/ Don't enjoy logging in daily but FOMO will never disappear
3/ Can pay 20 dollars for a hobby, it DOESN'T MATTER that it adds up, because it's a hobby. Warhammerfags or comicfags add up too while they are spending ridiculously more than just 20 dollars. A hobby is not always inexpensive, most of the time it is expensive.
4/ You leave because of FOMO/being a whining bitch for having to play a game
PGR has 2 chicks with visible thongs so future is looking good
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how did PGR start out?
>ass jiggle
They should remove breast jiggle actually
Is there a good place to discuss leaks, redditnigger/wutheringwavesleaks is infested with retarded faggots from wuwahomos, absolutely disgusting place.
Theyre crying about not getting homos instead of celeberating Cammy in 1.4
You're looking at it right here
Cammy is mid
unironically the unofficial discord server, theres no constant crying about male charas.
Well, you just admitted she is cute for you, so that's something.
where do you think we are, you dumbass faggot redditor
waaaaaaaaaaait a minute
if Jinhsi is a human that means she has a butthole
Unironically /here/. Tacet discord servers are infested with the same fags, get frequently raided and is filled with fucking zoomers who can't help but eat up every single bait. The experience is dogshit.
she's actually a nikke
That was not the point retard, you can't even guarantee a 50/50 with 8k astrite, you'll need to spend $300 (24k astrite) per half patch (3 weeks) to guarantee a character. I have no problem buying the monthly+bp and some top ups if I really like the character, but I'm here to play a game, not to spend on a casino whenever there's a new whore in town.
By all means, drop the game until Shorekeeper drops, spend 300, drop the game again until 1.4, spend another 400 because you'll want Cammy's weapon too, drop it once again until 2.0 and continue the cycle. Fund the game, make Solon proud, I'm not doing that
even milder than pic rel it got sexy really slow
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No exception.
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I told that retard the solution. This is a fucking gacha game, what did he expect? Anyone who aren't playing actively is penalized in one way or another. You only play once a week because you don't have 5 minutes to log in? Minus astrite. You don't want to do events for reasons? Minus astrite and materials. You skip patches? Minus any non permanent content. But even then the reprise event gives you back 800 from the daily 1800 astrite after 30 days inactivity. Let's not try to normalize that somehow skipping everything because you don't want to play a game and don't have daily 5 minutes to do so is somehow has to be rewarded.
Again, the solution for faggots who are so depressed they can't even make 5 minutes of free time in a day to log in is above.
1/ Play actively
2/ Pay for missing out
3/ Leave
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That's something Geshu Lin would say, Jiyan would be more compassionate towards the hard working Jinzhou soldier who can't spare 5 minutes daily for gacha
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>hard working Jinzhou soldier
You call a massive faggot a hard working soldier who can't arse themselves to do the minimum required from a player. Jiyan would know that these people would just die on the frontline one point and sends them packing back home instead.
Holy fuck can't believe im this retarded
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gacha are the absolute lowest priority, not having time for them means Anon is an exemplary man who'd know what to prioritize in a disaster; the lives of the innocent over random bullshit make-work
>90 rolls on Zhezhi's banner
>no Sanhua dupes
I hope to get rid of all this bad luck before Shorekeeper's banner
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If anon would be such an exemplary man, he wouldn't be whining here about daily logins and just do his work instead. Him whining here shows exactly what kind of man is, a man who would save himself instead of doing sacrafices.
Did you check the tower fellow wuwers? Game is literally dead, what gacha should we go now? Any with decent combat, because ZZZ combat suck hard
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Of course I did.
Glory to Huanglong!
Such a nice country with loving people!
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werent these actual people? and you are encouraged to destroy them?
thats fucked up
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PvP go
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I thankful for zhezhi - XLY banner. I finally got around building my waiting list
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whatto wento wrongu...
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I blame Zhezhi
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>zzz from 69 million to 16.5
what in the fuck happened?
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new Chang just dropped
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too much furry pandering
took a look at their leak leddit out of curiosity
jesus christ
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Zzz lost 100m down by 90 percent
Complaining about Magistrate Solon's misallocation of resources (lingerie for Black Shore thots instead of 2* weapons for the Jinzhou soldiers) is valid. The leniency will lead to many deaths in case of a disaster. We should tax the whales so we can subsidize the limited banners for the humble f2p
>homo + gunner
Wuwa could never
>ZZZ and WuWa have a big shitflinging fight
>They both die
This is like in my shonen animes, do we get to have a bonding scene where we're both lying down all blodied up and go "heh you're not that bad I guess" "hmpf, same goes for you".
Legitimate question, but I thought furries for fucking loaded which is how they afford so much furfag porn, how the fuck did zzz fall so fast?
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>hoyoshit massacred
holy fuck lmao
good lord and thats just with 3 days of BB, truly the eternal king of gacha.
Wheres Grand Summoners.
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YumeGODs...I cannot compete...
>13m on this garbage lineup
I see this as an absolute win, was afraid we won't even break half of it.
>furries are loaded
same misunderstanding as fujos, yes both furries and fujos are loaded, however, why would they spend on games when they could spend commissioning stuff?
>Play as the furry instead of just looking at it from a distance
I thought the above was pretty reasonable.
>zzz getting doomposted
>HSR getting shitposted
>wuwa getting doompsoted
Aright im out till the SEAniggers and pajeets quite down
People hyped it, tried and ditched.
>why would you spend so much money on a game you gonna drop few weeks later?!
Gacha fags are like this.
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It's just genbabs coping about their sunkcost, /wuwa/ couldn't care less.
First time homoverse games don't top the charts, their three games combined couldn't make what a single genishit banner did in 2.x
Expect a lot of cope and seethe from hoyoshills here
what level of cope is this?
Tourists are burned out of gacha, of mihoyo especially. Nature is healing.

One day we can just normally discuss gacha games and post about which virtual women we'd want to have sex with, without salesposting and rampant cross-general shitposting.
Live service fatigue, busted ecomomies across the world. I've been running my mouth about this for months. The systems and monetization schemes that used to print money don't work anymore. Adapt and innovate or die, this goes for WuWa too.
Do you think they'll ever top this character?
They're trying really hard with Shorekeeper. It's working.
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>a fucking y
nice game zzkeks
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1 + 1 + 1 < 1 is real. They spent so much of fucking marketing, it has to actually be real. Mihoyo must be shitting themselves.
maybe in 2.X, I expect those italian girls to be very enticing
Its so weird to see genshinfags complain about "copying", as if anyone's forgotten that genshin was a blatant zelda botw clone
I was gonna roll for his weapon since I needed another main dps and I even farmed ascension materials and did electro set tacet fields thinking I was going to build him. However, I lost to Zhezhi and since she can also main dps, I ended up rolling both her and her weapon so now I'm gonna skip the fists and probably skip building him too.
No way this is true. Goes to show that this revenue chart is made up bullshit. Also Feh heroes always at 4mil... yeah sure.
There's exactly two furry characters both of which you get for free or can guarantee
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>8M during filler patch
>in a make up chart on top of that
I was wrong for worry about a nothing burger...
furries dont play games anon, they prefer to jerk off to art and work on their fursonas.
why the fuck would they pay on ZZZ, if they can just take the ZZZ design and commission it with any proportions they wish and in any fetish they want
Genshin killer btw LOL.
that's a man
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Let's mourn for our migrants here who still plays that game... such a massive month for everyone.
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Chixia should've died
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>wuwa comes out
>genshin starts a heavy decline in revenue
>new region launch is their worst ever
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Hello anons, I am Union Level 62 and SOL3 Phase at Rank 7; I was thinking of lowering my World level to Rank 6 for more efficient echo farming; are there any downsides to this? I imagine you get less rewards from those 60 waveplate Elite bosses, correct? I'm aware you can change it every 24 hours, anything else I should know?
For a character like zezhi 8 million is really good
Too bad it permanently damaged wuwas reputation
The real Genshin killer is LaDS, it took away all the female playerbase they struggled so hard to keep with years of male banners and male shilling.
WuWa needs to drop the males right now, you're not beating LaDS, they are actually giving women what they want. Focus on female characters, add dorms, drive up the pandering, date events literally every single week.
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Now is the perfect time to shill my side game that killed Genshit Poopact
Eh it release alot of cuties + kinda predatory gacha that require max dupes on character (even limited) else you bricked...
When does Sexkeeper fall? September or October?
Need to know so we can have our own inhouse PvP and bully the fuck out of m*le wanters if it fails to outsell Zhezhi. If she falls in September though, then she'll prob lift sales by herself.
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Dawei gonna cry again next Livestream.
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Do people even play in Mobile? I mean i understand you can play on mobile if your game looks like this:
..I thought we are getting a 5* gun user next patch. How reliable are the Cam leaks?
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already have monk wife
don't need any other fist fighter
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FgoGOD here, you got my approval wuwer.
Keep being based
I pray to the FgoGOD's that I get smug sex fox during NY guarantee.
>hoyofags tried to fight THE GODFATHER OF GACHA
>Solon knows better
>Enacts save patch protocol
/alter/bros running laps on mihomo fags. Congrats you fucking autists you did it again.
>zzzooniggers suffering from the rebound beyond the honeymoon stage
Dendy must be devastated, he was shilling the zzzoo game so hard he ended up doxxing himself and they just die after the second month. kek
We continue to kneel to the Love&Deepspace stacies
>Nikke on a downward slope despite shilling a lot of banners recently
Summer truly is the peak before pilgrim release. Not even the collab can match it. Only Cinderella can save us now...

Anyway it was a fun little exercise to meme the SUPER DUPER ACCURATE REVENOOOO RANKINGU but a friendly reminder to take censored tower rankings with a grain of salt, as they are literally "guesstimate" numbers and do not have any real data backing it up and will not reflect real numbers. Anyone chimping in the thread should be disposed of appropriately with [-].
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/wuwa/ really having genshin live rent free, huh
I dislike faggots more than I dislike Hoyo. We need an united Chinese homo front to end the tyranny of the Japanese coomer
>WuWa needs to drop the males right now, you're not beating LaDS, they are actually giving women what they want. Focus on female characters, add dorms, drive up the pandering, date events literally every single week.
what the fuck do you think theyre doing? they gave out XLY for free so he sells like shit and they can show it to shareholders that males do not sell and even an unpopular girl like Zhezhi can sell decently.
Solon is smart and knows what to do to make his players happy.
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Wuwa is dead. Jesus christ what the fuck.
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I can't even laugh. Karma for you guys shitting up every general and board with your genshin ripoff tho. Maybe you'll bounce back next month
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If Zhezhi that was shittalked to oblivion and beyond somehow stayed above the 10M line, at that point we are clearly set. Only bright future awaits us, wuwabros!
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is this position achievable in real life?
Around the 27th so the ass end of September. Most sales are on the first day of a banner but you'll have a month of (free) male to make up for.
Zhezhi killed the game
This never mattered btw.
You know what makes the most money on banners? Dupes. Maxing a char to S6 or the "Good" ones like S2 are where the real money comes from. XLY Has a really good S2 and is far easier to S6 than any other char besides maybe Jiyan given the circumstances.
Will his banner still make money though? LOL maybe not.
Honestly better than expected for a PC game. Also Wuthering gained or at least broke even iirc on sensortower but ZZZ fell off a cliff imao. Even when using biased statistics, ZZZ lost.
now post ZZZ and genshin lmao you will see what dead really looks like
>Zhezhi is beyond reality shattering
the Strongest
You are doing exactly the same and hoyo spammers are everyday here trashing this general
>bounce back
Bounce back where? You should focus on zzz, it lost 75% of its revenue in just one month.
You now realize that people only "cared" about this game because content creators had a hate boner for Genshin.
It's a giant normalfag magnet so it quite literally could be their first game, intro to gacha or anime maybe a combo of that, which is pretty fucking sad no matter what angle you approach it from
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Zhezhi won.
It's not above the 10m line anon..
Bro your game just did a fucking dive, that's not a good look....
pls help
End of september
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The genkeks are shitflinging every thread wtf man we are not responsible for natlan flopping. Go blame the devs if you have that much energy to shitpost every fucking general
>it lost 75% of its revenue
With a sexo loli + ass cop too lmao, what the fuck happened
Unfortunate. I hope homo wanters aren't delusional enough to say that September's sales were made up of XLY's then.
What? This post makes no sense. None of those games lost HALF their fucking revenue. Wuwa is only like what, 3-4 MONTHS OLD? You're being beat by fucking NIKKE, A COOMER GAME.

You have NO argument. This shit FLOPPED
union level effects the drops you get overworld, so mats the enemies drops and tacet fields etc.
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This girl alone sold 13 million on a filler patch and a lot of people said she's a skip and ugly
13,5M sounds like above the 10M line to me anon. Don't tell me it doesn't count now just because it's not china alone...
How much does mihoyo spend on ads again, compared to kuro?
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Way more than Wuwa production cost.
With how fucking invasive ZZZ ads were in these past few months i would say they spend ALOT
3 months and i only saw 1(ONE) wuwa ad on tiktok
lowers boss material and tacet field drops iirc but that's about it. I stopped echo farming beyond the battlepass quests and just do the double Tacet Field event whenever it's up.
Hoping XY pulls better numbers so we can officially become a PC Homo game
>greedier with a more expensive whaling limit
>high customer base with 24/7 marketing campagin shilling Natlan/ZZZ
>still lost like 80% of the revenue 1 month later
>w-we won
fucking looool.
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she's a skip and ugly but I love her anyways and pulled for her
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Yeah, from 68.8m to 16.5m
Jesas what a fall from grace.
J-just a few m-million cough cough...
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are you sure about that plus genshin just had a huge expansion and they didnt even got to 40 mill. Game is dead as fuck and ZZZ dropped way bellow anybody expected next month will be even worse
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Step aside, wuwakeks
The new gacha killer is here i hope the gameplay is better than Blue Archive
Zhezhi is a calculated revenue hit by Kuro. They want to capture artists by releasing a character that's just like them frfr, who then become a force multiplier to future characters on account of a lot more fan art getting published.
this is normal
>genshin just had a huge expansion
it was released at the end of the month.
with the extra natlan ads, they are probably in EOS territory right now.
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>the original king of gacha completely massacred hoyoslop
Fucking based holy shit, good job by making mihomo,specially /gig/gers have a melty
Spend 300M on add just for a flop kek
first 3 days is where the majority of the rev dumb dumb
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bow down to the OG king of gacha mihomo faggot.
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>Mihoyo going so far to get a pyrrhic victory
Cope all you want bro but gacha banners make 90% of the revenue in the first 3 days
And? Banner sales are day 1-3.
Delicious cope.
>mfw CC shills
>durrp durp wuwa doing great boys. yea man we're clearly in a dead patch but i think kuro games is doing an amazing job
>i mean we only lost half our revenue in a dead patch, isnt that crazy! we're doing so good right now guys
>spends more than double of Nintendo of all companies
Da wei is truly retarded and never knew what to do with the success he had.
I thought la ratta alada was gonna make more money for zzz desu
I feel like the mihomo money went to afk arena
There is no way wuwa only made that much, sensor tower must be lying about the numbers
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Why is the thread so calm /here/? I want to see WAR and BLOOD. I just checked /gig/ and they're in full meltdown. Cmon give me some good shitpost.
The first few days matter the most lul. Literally every shitpost you guys use is being used against you. Hilarious.

WW did 26m on launch with a stunted month then 46m on the 2nd month. How the fuck did ZZZ lose on the 2nd month already.
They also seem to forget how Natlan mechanics are almost all stolen from wuwa.
>Grappling hook
>Characters that makes you run on walls like wuwa
Ofc when Mihomo does it it's not plagiarism.
Reminder, Genshin is still beating Wuthering waves so it doesn't even matter what doom posts you make lol.
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Holy shit, Da Wei just flew over my house!
most wuwa players play on pc and pc revenue isn't counted
To be honest, I haven't had to farm echoes in over a month; I get a lot of good ones from merging the shittier echoes.
I think the more materials you get from bosses in higher world levels is too good to lose out on, so I wouldnt lower the rank if you can defeat the bosses even if it takes you a bit longer.
We don't actually care we're just laughing at the tourists.

Most /gig/ers are ignored nowadays, on order from the sheriff.
Ty for killing the game with Zhezhi the Abomination.
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Genshin made triple your revenue.
>Hoyo made $90million while Wuwa mad a piddly $10mill.
>This is a win for Wuwa
Sounds like kuro had some insider information and rushed out those features before they went through genshin QA
Genshin QA takes really long so they can guarantee high quality products
No one plays this shit on mobile, I'm surprised it actually crossed the 10 million mark, and on a dead patch nonetheless
>No skins
>Battle pass is dogshit
>Sequences are a scam unless you go all the way to S5-S6
What do you expect people to spend on? Only gigawhales that S6 characters get anything out of spending on WuWa and there are less of those and more games competing for their attention every day. If WuWa can't make the game more appealing to low and medium spenders it's finished by the end of the year.
>13m on Mobile alone
thats pretty fucking good.
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SensorTower is a shit source but there is no actually good one so people work with this.
>Only have one platform for concrete numbers
>Doesn't know how much the other makes so uses a bullshit multiplier
>No console revenue
>No PC revenue
>No web storefront revenue (this is what everyone here uses)
If HSR/ZZZ or Genshin dropped to 13m no one on the planet would be saying 'that's pretty fucking good'.

this cope is out of this world lol
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Maybe you should care about a fucking flash game just beat the shit out of your open world homoshit little bro.
3 nigga in a row on top of that
natlan released on 25th
graph only goes up to 24th
>sensor tower must be lying about the numbers
No way, that couldn't possibly be real and there's no way those numbers are made up, right? Right investor sirs?
You can change every 12h so what you can do is spend stam then lower lvl, farm then when you log back in, farm then raise lvl to spend stam
nobody gives a shit. FGO will drop off the charts next month. not CC talks about L&D/FGO/etc because they don't matter.
you are a tourist homoshit, get the fuck out
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>cameramen will keep having melties here to cope with historical flop
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>Why is the thread so calm /here/?
because they lost to a fucking AFK game and HSR most dogshit patch even though Natlan was hyped up like crazy lel
>the sales charts that the pajeets use every month will now torment them every month from here on out
But nah seriously how reliable are the leaks?
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G'day wuwa folks... just dropping by to check the thread situation but it seems that's not needed anymore.
Didn't even have to do my monthly reminder. A [-] armed town truly is a disciplined town. Bless you wuwers you're all good people.
dendy died for THAT game... someone needs to check up on that scoundrel back in Indonesia
because hoyoniggers have no idea that anything above 5m montly already covers production costs and then some.
>g-genshin made more m-money!
>on a hype as fuck expansion given how dead floptaine was
>z-zzzoo made more m-money!
>while losing 80% revenue compared to the first month
Oh I'm laffin' alright.
Because we chill? FGO are wuwa allies why would we fight with them? We congratulate them by humbling the mihomo faggots and putting them in their plac3
which ones? ones from beta are obvious, camellya one is also fairly reliable, that stepleaker guy is a dataminer iirc
I can't believe miHoYo spent an entire 3 U.S. dollars on advertising last year...
>drop off the charts
FGO never fails to bring double digit millions monthly, even during their dead months.
this amount they got is literally just 3 days of BB summer, her SECOND summer alt.
I will break the wuwa FGGOT alliance on my own if I have to. No peace for the nip coomers
i didn't expect ZZZ to drop THAT much because August was really really good for them
Cop girl + loli should in theory do alot better than that kek
Changli JP reminds much more of Tamamo rather than Dorothy
>major fucking natlan release
>only filler from now on
>ZZZ 2nd month since launch
>only filler from now on
>HSR in the midst of space china part 2
Uh OhhHHhH.
Nigger you don't work for any of those companies. Stop pretending like you know the financial situation of these companies based off mobile sales. This shit is so retarded.
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>we hate mihoyo!!!!!
the last poll had like half the generals in hsr+zzz+gi. You are just contrarian right?
Damn. I really wanted the one about alpha/beta Cam to be true if only because she was a gunner..
Maybe genshin players should repay the game developer they love by doing some grassroots advertising themselves and subsidize miHoYo's ad spending.
for how trash HSR has been, it's actually doing great. Another indicator of the charts being fake.
>he said, pissing and crying in another game's general that his sacred sensortower has turned against him
Go shit in the street to relieve your stress bro. Walk away from the community computer.
Stop trying to get away from it.
>Nobody expected zhezhi to even break double digit millions, surprisingly she did
>FGO giga mogged with 3 days of BB
>genshin new nation launch GIGA flopped
>ZZZ lost more than half of their revenue
thats why things are calm, the usual suspects (hoyoniggers) are completely demoralized.
>genshin genshin genshin
not beating the allegations
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The silence in the gachanigger thread is DEAFENING. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The cope posts are also equally entertaining. lmao
>because hoyoniggers have no idea that anything above 5m montly already covers production costs
>[Source needed]
>not beating the allegations
>when mihomo faggots come in bragging about their pvp just days before
i know Solon was chilling and calling wuwa a success beyond their expectations while Da wei cried like a bitch infront of thousands, what do you think that reflects?
it's just shitposters who don't play ww nor any of the other hoyo games. they just fan the flames between those generals
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>shit on wuwa all day
>suddenly die to a 4 nigga in a row filler patch IN A ANNIVERSARY PATCH
>muh CC creator
genkek don't cry...genkek don't
>want to push mobs to the right
>swap to anko
>bitch spawns to the right and pushes them left
I fucking hate this swapping system.
Nobody's prohibiting you from playing, as long as you don't be an obnoxious faggot like the spiritual shareholders you can do do whatever
Why shouldn't we talk about our Greatest Ally against the Japanese? Genshin, Star Rail, and PGR are all our allies, and only JAPANESE SABOTEURS claim otherwise.
Is hoyo actually not making money? I feel like ppl are over exaggerating here. There is also PC and PlayStation revenue right?
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>Sales day
>90% of the thread is about Genshin not making $100mil+ in 3 days
>Meanwhile not a single person is talking about Wuthering Waves dropping off
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God HSR this month was DOGSHIT
Next patch isn't looking good either, i'm just gonna maint mode until we out of China
Do not underestimate how much money can get sucked in by the black hole of corporate bloat.
Don't use my wife for your shitposts retard, use that whore sparkle like a normal person
Lore-wise, is Lady Arbiter stronger than Lumine?
Wuwa according to rumors took Kuro 150-200M to make. That's surely accurate because that's how much an AAA game costs, it can hardly be higher.
Wuwa was made for 4 years, that's a yearly 50M. Do you think after taking back the invested budget, earning a monthly 10M, which would equal to yearly 120 million is NOT ENOUGH TO RUN A GAME LIKE THIS?? The only unsustainable game with 10M revenue a month is the Mihoyo ones, simply by the fact how they spend giga millions just on marketing. Gacha is a low risk high reward market.
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>+$40 Million
>Wuthering Waves
>wuwa fags: haha genshin is dying!!!
its just shitposting, they should be fine since the decline of a gacha is expected, however, genshin has suffered a rapid decline instead of a slow burn decline like FGO.
Are Kuro doing the half-anniversary celebrations?
Its okay, this was just a dead patch. It was expected.
>/gig/ on fire
maybe just go back there instead of coping here.
I love how all allies are celebrating the death of gacha's version of Sauron. lmao
heartfelt congratulations to the fGODs
HSR is the most agressive out of every Hoyo game and it isn't even close.
miHoYo is earning boatloads of money just from merch with hoyo fest events.
90% of their budget is marketing, hoyo spent an outrageous amount of money shilling ZZZ before launch and much more for Natlan
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All of this shilling for a country that is completely owned by Mihoyodrones and will never ever play their game or spend on said game.
So fucking funny.
When mihomo throws away over 400m on advertising alone, yes I'll call it dying if it makes only 10% back on an EXPANSION release.
but we just 3 months in sis...
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>GI 68M
>HSR 95M
>Total: 163M

>GI 37M
>HSR 41M
>ZZZ 100M
>Total: 178M

>GI 38M
>HSR 39M
>ZZZ 31M
>Total: 108M
I get that. I was just wondering if the 2.0 is going to be that patch.
>only 10% back
You know mobile isn't the only platform, right?
>games people play on pc are down
>games people play on phones are up
that yume game is mobile only btw, and hsr is also a mobile majority game. the games where you actually play the game, nobody is playing on mobile if they have no other choice
13,5M ? wow with pc revuenue combined we should at like 40-60M. That's big for your indie game studio. I'm thinking wuwon.
Sounds like you are coping and talking out of your ass.
CBTs of Wuwa have been around for years now and they always had echoes, good exploration and a grappling hook.
Turns out the Natlan doomposting wasn't wrong top fucking kek
kuro games isnt indie + they're being funded by tencent, the largest media company in china.
The next homo banner is gonna be worse than ZZ, there is no revenue from mp+bp anymore, that should shut the homofags up
now do kuro
>expansion launch
>shit patch
>1st month after launch
dare I say.... grim...
When we say mobile isn't the only platform for wuwa it doesn't matter, why should it matter for genshin?
Gacha revenue charts have convinced me to play the superior game Love and Deepspace
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Kuro is surviving, makes the players stay healthy and makes a good game to please the players. Please touch your Solon on the way out.
changli really killed the game huh
Wuwa is a white man's game, global revenue is proof of that
Kuro needs to visit US with 2.0 patch
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beating wuwa in a filler patch is like beating a puppy with a broken leg. How about getting someone with your own size big boi? Hmm?

Isn't the last few days was supposed to be Natlan opening weeks? Why are you fag losing to BB summer and a city in swimsuit?
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hoyoshills on full damage control, you love to see it.
fuck you nigger, i'm not an investor but your mental gymnastics are just pure copium inhalation. hahahahahaha
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It's hilarious kek, these retards desperately wanted the CN market, to the point the EN localization is total dogshit tier and yet the game flopped the hardest in CN.
I bet we will never see these characters after January.
>Is hoyo actually not making money?
They are making less money than in previous months of 2024 and their cost have increased because of ZZZ so yeah.... Hoyo is losing money
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i don't have anything against people who actually play these games but seeing redditnoggers cope is always beautiful
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>make a whole new ass game
>advertise it
>whole company making even less money
What's this strat called?
>noooo that doesnt count
i accept your concession
unlike for wuwa, genshinbabs don't even now how to boot up a pc. Most of their revenue come from mobile.
because you literally said 'only made 10% back' while ignoring every other platform of revenue which is just plain wrong?

i mean are you stupid? if they only "made 10% back" then clearly they wouldn't be able to afford 400M+ in ads every major patch. the company would be bankrupt, anon. do you even use your brain lol
Woah those posts read like the ones in our general right now!
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I hate to say it, but I think we should consider putting our Greatest Ally under new and better management, our management
I made those posts
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We shouldn't bully zzkeks for falling off because they're our frens and deserve our support
why do you think dendy closed his account minutes after i doxxed him here lmao
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yea, 'surviving', not 'thriving'
Why do you talk as if theyre not getting more money than with just PGR.
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No one said it doesn't count, it's obvious to see we make less money. What I said is that Solon doesn't care so why should anyone else? He wants to survive, with this much money only from mobile that will happen. Instead tell me how Da Wei plans to survive with their 300M+ marketing budget per quarter while the revenue that comes in cripples itself?
FgoGOD please have mercy with genkek...
WuWanons acting like they wouldn't be incredibly smug with a $30M patch
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I can't wait for the anko/shorekeeper patch
>kinda expected
>patch cycles
>it's expected
How many credits do I need if I'm just going to upgrade my two main dps and their weapons from 80-90? I'm gonna hit UL60 in a couple days.
We'd already have 5 videos bragging about Wuwa's huge success and growing game if they made 30M. Guess we'll have to keep waiting TWO MORE WEEKS

Surely the next banner will change the tide!
Solon has always said
>Its fine as long as we survive.
And if what our bros get in PGR is a reflection of that mentality, i welcome it.
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Cute monk.

>you must be as brain damaged as we are
standard pajeet reasoning skills

Maybe if they fuck off to their general.
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around 1M I assume?
Stop shitposting, there's only a few hours left until the tower resets...
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I will be smug with every single patch making more than 10 million Amir from Ahmedabad.
>HSR shitting on gig
>zzzoo also getting hsat on by HSR
>Shitting on both with HSR
It somehow feels like HSR isn't part of the mihomo nonsense, is it because of their for (You) character Firefly?
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Next month still won't change much for Wuwa since Solon hate money and giving out a FREE Limited
But of course our wuwabwos know that, unlike tourists
Sounds good, maybe call it the hoyo creator program
They should be under contractual obligation to only stream hoyo for certain hours and pay them with a minuscule amount of hoyo nfts
Are baggots truly our allies?
is this a falseflag? There is no way you expected zhezhi to do good
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Only a few hours left until another humiliation ritual for me...
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anyway, genshin made more money than wuwa this month(again), so im happy. time to go back to the superior game aka the KINGS of /vg/, later cuckaeroos
500k per weapon and resonator so like 2 mill + skill levels (probably another million or so I guess)
lmao, Amir on suicide watch.
Genshin has shipbait
ZZZ also has shipbait
Only HSR has for (you) characters so of course they're out of the mihomo circle.
>hrtg trannies raiding giggers and zzziggers.
absolute poetry.
hey local hoyoshills why don't you help your fellow niggers back at the homefront?
After our initial keks we don't really give a fuck about you guy anymore so you won't be getting much (you)s here anyway.
See how long they last when they start shilling hi3.
Alright, I'm safe then since I have like 5 million.
If wuwa get 30M without spending 300M on add just in the US, that would be good yeah
cute wife
not sure, they might turn on us if the new 4star isn't loli enough....
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why? Show us your roster so we can help.
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All me, but don't call me tranny bwo that's rude!
Right now I'm chilling in HSR laughing at giggers and the zzzooo.
I always knew shounenfags were homosexuals but damn
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Never gonna die. Enough revenue to survive for years. Cute and sexy characters on the horizon. No need to do slave labor watching 50 hours of cutscenes just to do a cuck event. QoL every update.

Wuwa dare I say, won?
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Good morning wuwa!!
Expected "numbers" for iOS sales so not really surprised where we're at.
Grandpa FGOD reminding people why he's the king!
How are our other allies doing btw? Any of them going EoS? I hope not.
I sincerely hope that all allies have enough revenue to survive!
A very silly question but does Havoc deal more damage to Spectro enemies for example?
You bought Blake Bloom's Radiant Aid and Blake Bloom's Forging Aid right anon?
hi3 has been euthanized already, part 2 GIGA flopped and ZZZ came out which is the very same genre.
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model is already out bwo
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pgr just eos'd, goodbye wuwabros
every enemy has specific resistances, there is no elemental wheel like grub here
Strange unrelated pictures is a sign of high schizo-level. Standard sensortower poster.
Is her model unfinished?
You can Juemaxx by upgrading your resonators to 81 instead of 90, and skill levels to 9 instead of 10 for now, that'd leave you some extra credits in case you feel like maxing out Yao
sir, You forgot about Mualani in the newest Map 5.0?
wuwa need skins to keep the number up, thats how nikke does it
2.2m roughly
>Aether Gazer at 730k
Bros... my side game... it's very sick...
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I'm siding with whoever shit on genkeks. Those nigger doesn't shit from me after that one year of filler patch

You fag may never beat them in revenoo but I already knew WuWa will always be the superior game
I don't know how these loli fags work. Didn't they initially freak out when some voice lines leaked, because she sounded too mature and was therefore a small adult and not loli anymore?
i played that day one for couple of months, isn't it mobile only too? grim...
No, every element does shit damage against enemies of the same element so it's not as bad as the games where you have to chase elemental advantage and only fight ice enemies with fire and that kind of thing. So you only really need 2 main DPS of different elements so they can cover for eachother's weaknesses.
There are some super speshul enemies like goat scar that get to resist 2 elements because fuck you, so I wouldn't be surprised if eventually this changed and enemies will start resisting everything except one element.
Only if they make the gacha system more friendly. No way I'm spending in 60 USD skins And top-ups
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>I play hsr, wuwa and zzz
i mean the revenue is enough to keep the games going.
>but your loyalty!!!
i do not care. I get 0 money if these game makes 100 million or 10 million. I care about having fun. People here cheering or doom posting these chart are probably pags with nothing better to do in their lives
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Look kinda like a jankier PGR and i even quit PGR
It is what it is sis
That's just ENslop voice acting, although frankly Shorekeepeer sounds surprisingly cute in that dub
I am only asking because I feel like my Havoc Rover actually did more damage to the Spectro goliath on the third floor of the tower. But then again my main was Jinhsi so maybe her damage got reduced as you mentioned.
They should make Scar's fight include his human phase too, so he has 3 resists
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EN lolis always sound like adults. the freakout was just a falseflag by hoyoshills who latch into any doompost
Did they release Thoth in global yet? That will prob boost sales a bit when she drops.
lucky for you, battle arenas are dirt cheap to keep going
Action Tamanin devs said <100k was more than enough to keep the game running.
My working theory is that Zhezhi wasn't bong enough, which is why she flopped. Shorekeeper is gonna succeed because she's the vanguard of the upcoming bongpocalypse.
Uhhh, but I like mature lolis.
Yeah, that would be the case, Jinhsi is crippled against spectro enemies, even though she's so strong with good gear she can still power through with sheer output. But for lesser DPS (the rest of the game) being placed against the same element absolutely shuts them down.
Our sister game was surviving with literally 4M max for years, you really think Solon isn't jumping from joy that a dead patch like Zhezhi brought 13M??
maybe that gacha change leak holds some water if they are releasing skins
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I'm very grateful for Aether Gazer because if wasn't for them, I wouldn't find out about PGR, let alone WW
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>PGR cost the same as wuwa
stop trying to befriend us we don't care about u
t. hsrg
which wuwa butthole do you want to squeeze lemon drops on to see it pucker up?
that game looks like absolute shit though, aether gazer is much higher quality
they really need to make changli 2.0, bigger tits, bigger ass (jiggle physics) and cool
bro 730k a month is a lot of money, what are you on about. people shitposting about M dollars gachas being a flop it's just doomposting. Now if the community feels dead too that's a different story
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Be honest bro, nerdy glasses girls never sell well.
Most people just don't like that kind of girl
Post Hera's black panties.
I'm friend with /wuwa/ thoughbeit
t. hsrg
Unless it's for porn purposes that is
PGR development costs are a fraction of what wuwa needs.
You seem upset that we're all collectively shitting on giggers and zzzooggers.
>bro 730k a month is a lot of money
if you look at it from a single persons perspective maybe. But for devs/corpos? lmao no.
It's definitely a falseflagger. It's cringe as fuck, but we have a chart for this
Zhezhi hit all my main buttons tbqh. As a gacha game character I do agree she is somewhat plain though.
and wuwa is doing 10 times better than PGR, dont know what your point is here.
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never stop trying to befriend us we care about u
t. hsrg
>it's falseflagging that a for (you) game is friendly with another for (you) game
This is some weird cope coming from (You), gigger.
how did you know that? Are you working for Kuro games? Show leak
ngl I'm from PGR and I hate you too guys
fuck you game sucks lmk when you get good music
she woulda sold like crazy if her clothes were a bit more revealing, her attire ruins her
how much 1.2 realistically has cost to develop
Bro, 2/1, 11/12, 123/124 are all fraction what does this even mean
tower of fantasy sends their regards. China is slave labor country, they don't have "operating costs".
This is as equally convincing as the giggers and zooggers larping as wuwaggers saying they hate PGR.
I just wanted to link the chart, you should stop going to other generals looking for approval though
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Based, nothing is more perfect than a Lolibaba. Although I have to say, Verina in JP sounds older than I thought she would. She comes across as a mature young girl, like the type you see in a few Aya Shachou doujins
I believe that /hsrg/ hates /gig/ because /hsrg/ was massively shitposted by /gig/ diehards up until HSR started overtaking it. Now /gig/ acts like the victim, as they usually do, for provoking the hatred of almost every community on this site even though they're the instigators 99% of the time. HSR in fact probably has most of the people who were fed up with genshin's just general incompetence and time sink qualities.
Wuwa is the only gacha game I played that made me cry.
Missed most of this thread. I was scrolling through all the posts and it was pretty chill until the chart which was soon followed by a shitload of Miyhomo coping. Do they do this in every gacha general?
listen to any one of 16 tracks
this one is pretty good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPKdbZ9XFtM
snowbreak and nikke too.
>Collectively laughing at games that engage in shipshit is looking for approval
Hi guys! I compiled all the allied "revenue" along with some games I follow. I'm not really interested in revenue wars just wanna know if you guys are still sustainable and will not EoS (SOLON GEASS: SUZAKU SURVIVE!!!!) soon.
Hope we're all doing good even in the down times.
It's mostly her VA, it's the same VA of Lynette in GI and the deadpan loli in that ghost anime a few years back
bwo your pgr?
This is accurate. Nobody likes Genshitters not even people that are supposed to be on their side.
that's just how the thread is on pvp day.
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Baizhi's foot fungus...
i cried at fontaine thoughever
>Black shores
It's not out yet, doesn't count
Honestly I'm surprised AK made that much. Content's been fun there though.
What the fuck did Yinlin teach her?
RIP Wuwa, all you needed was earn enougth to survive, but you coudnt even do that minimum
/gig/ always act like the victims when it's convenient for them,they're the ones who started salesposting to dunk on the other gachas, until they weren't at the top anymore so now salesposting a big no no there
Finally some good fucking food.
I hope they kill WuWa and spend all the money on PGR
calm down bro
I hope mihomo buys kuro
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Which game will die first?
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in the end, our relation to Tencent meant nothing...
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Pepe is still dogshit though
Azur lane still make money wtf? Also stop with the allies thing, It's stupid and cringe
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dw I've seen limbus go lower and still survive only to bounce back with a patch that gives them LIMILLION REVENUE!
I'm not sure what the revenue trends are for the other allied gacha tho I hope nobody's on life support or anything like that tho
but they already spend wuwa money on pgr. Didn't they upgrade pgrs dev team after the successful wuwa launch?
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Wuwa girls don't even wear panties, much less black.
What's wrong with Limbus
I'm glad someone remembers. Salesposting before 2020 was never this rampant. Genshin started the trend that's currently burrowing into their asshole and causing so much anal leakage. Seeing /gig/ and /zzzg/, along with their r/gachagaming brothers, weakly proclaim that sales doesn't matter or that "it's all expected" is hilarious to me. I look forward to the same entertainment next month.
In spite of that, they have no pvp in their general, comfy
Passion project status?
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three years worth of cash reserves.
Fuck off nigger we welcome our allies here no need to fight among friends
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so now they get the taste of their own medicine
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Personally (I know a lot of people don't) I exclude HSR from the laughing stock of gig and zzzoo, mainly because they don't engage in shipfaggotry nearly as hard and even have a for (You) character.
I can respect them, sorta. Also seeing their general get run down by Sporkle is hilarious.
they had a huge drama a last year iirc.
probably never recovered.
Fuck you I do what I want. You can just [-] of you think it's cringe, easy.
I play it sparsely it's mostly my brother playing it now so I don't know what's going on with them right now but I heard they're getting a big content update next week or next month. Have seen them go as low as half a million a month and bounce back before so I'm not too worried. Their fans are also some of the most royal bunch, a lot of them have been playing since Lobotomy Corp.
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so I can't max rover stats right?
DIE. The only front that exists is the Chinese against the Japanese
Taking their one and only monthly amusement is way too cruel man, their game is dogshit and they're clearly trying to cope with it.
>slow thread
>Monthly PVP
>fast thread
I've been third wheeling Rover with two 250/250/250 characters for the past three days, and have seen no change in stats. Game sucks for this
Did akg have a big event or something? What a big bounce back!
The grind is really really BAD
Typical Korean grindfest, it filtered me and most people
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I want to bounce on her back if you know what i mean like as in sexy times baby making anal HAha
Limited banner every 3 months, we just had one recently
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>being double penetration by two turn based gacha
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Come on new thread, chop chop
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1 more hour
Someone's gonna sneak a g somewhere in the OP if the baker takes too long
happy jinny is happy
I can't wait for Cammy any longer.
Wow what a cute wholesome Jinny picture!
fine I will make new thread
Would marry
We need to hold back to not make everyone else feel bad and incompetent. This is the mark of the true sovereign.
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Sorry you had to find out this way.
or he's just an inbred retard like literally every emperor in human history
Move your ass
LMAO. Wuwa numbers are pathetic
wuggers told me there was gonna be a phoenix molten rift echo this patch, there wasn't :(

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