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Sleepy Gays Edition

>Previous Thread >>491735764

Life is Strange (LiS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Don't Nod (DN). Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Max Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to rewind time

Life is Strange: Before the Storm (BtS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). A prequel set three years before the events of the first Life is Strange. A troubled, isolated and sixteen-year old Chloe Price forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a popular girl with her own hidden demons

Life is Strange: True Colors (TC) is a narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). Protagonist Alex Chen is a young woman with the supernatural power. While Alex’s power will lead to moments of great joy, it also brings her into the orbit of violent anger, world-altering sadness, and irrepressible fear

Life is Strange: Double Exposure (DE)

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (LR) is an upcoming narrative game from developers of the original Life is Strange, Don't Nod (DN)

>Upcoming Merch:
Life is Strange: Heatwaves - Out now!

Life is Strange - http://store.steampowered.com/app/319630
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - http://store.steampowered.com/app/554620
Life is Strange: Remastered (includes LiS + BtS) - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1265920
Life is Strange: True Colors - http://store.steampowered.com/app/936790
Life is Strange: Double Exposure - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1874000
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1902960

>/lisg/ Permalink:

>Compilation of Fanfics:

>/lisg/ Photo gallery:

>Art of LiS
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Max is a cockslut-maxxing whore
She can't stop fucking and sucking cocks.
Chloe is not dead
Here is your Double Exposure bro
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Abraxas will stop this
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Let me help you
Hetero shit = no buy
Max dies.
Safi is so obviously a Rachel + Chloe mashup it's insane I didn't see it before
You are some boring motherfucker, aren't you?
Them rubbers aren't being used for sure
she somehow manages to look more pathetic than a literal whore in this pic
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Festive gays
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Greentext anon: "If you saved the town you get two letter from Joyce and David can be found at Max's place, basically about how much they miss Chloe."

>one open letter is seen in the Bae timeline
>latest review about the Gamescom demo talks about how in Bay Joyce writes to Max regarding Chloe's death anniversary

Dunno about that, but it does feel a lot more plausible than before.
I want a Chloe friend to go on adventures with, smoke some pot, get drunk and hang out at a bonfire.
I just want a mulligan on my wasted life...
Are you saying Joyce survived in Bae and not Chloe?
It could be that this is a letter from a different character but still appearing in Bae, like for example David.
Cumming inside Max nonstop
Plapping Max nonstop
Breeding Max nonstop
So, the leak that most doubted is the one that is still holding up nicely?
It was the one who talked about criminal organizations, Yasmin being a part of it and another one wanting to kill Safi to tell a message due to some shit happening between them and Yasmin.
This was way before Abraxas was revealed to be a thing by the Caledon tour trailer.
And before the brazil rating mentioned drug trafficking being talked & a mass shooting (at korean rating)
I still have my doubts about Safi being romanceable given that they are pushing Amanda hard and that her Who Is? video only gave me platonic vibes. Plus the post Bae and Pricefield content sounds too good to be true.
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Then why they didn't made a "Who is Amanda" video then, if she's the romance option instead of Safi?

Also, look at the official D9 dev team shirts for the game. Interesting they put Safi and Max togheter.
orange & blue!!!!
They could have addressed the romance issue in her video too like they did with Ryan and Steph, but they didn't.
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Because Amanda is a red herring, much like Detective Alderman is to the real threat. They clearly put the effort to hide Bae and Chloe from the marketing material aside from brief snippets, I'm sure as hell they are doing the same with the romances in this game.

Max is going to use the observatory photo and bypass all of the game events by Chapter 5, this is the big twist. In the end, only your relationship with Safi matter, Amanda is just as disposable as Warren was.
Amanda is a dev sell-insert like Samantha from bts
I thought Steph was the self insert in BtS.
Steph has only 1 design on the concept art, not fucking 5 like Samantha.....
I thought that was Skip
Joyce doesn't send a letter to Max, she texts her.
Yeah, so you all may stop seething at Amanda and start seething at Safi again
Can both be true, tho?
Does anyone have blenderanons's mega folder link?
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
>implying you’d do it any differently the next time.
Who was the anon that talked about the Saiph star as a clue?


>Max has now reached her interim destination, but the camera is still nowhere to be found. As we find out after some more research, Safi seems to have hidden the camera in a safe. However, Max has no idea where it might be. Fortunately, Moses 2 can help here too. After a brief conversation, he mentions a constellation in which the star "Saiph" appears. The decisive clue!

>But now, of course, we still have to find the star. Fortunately, there is a projector on the second floor of the room that projects a star image onto the wall. Luckily, there is also a poster downstairs describing this exact constellation, which Saiph has kindly labeled. Once we had aligned the projector, using a mural of Moses and Safi as a point of reference, we found Safi's "safe"!
square anon, you are in big big trouble
or he played it at gamescom and it's just a random journalist, lol
I don't get it.
an anon last thread dropped a bunch of clues related to saturn representing chronos and posted a list of constellations from Moses's wall, but also mentioned the star Saiph
Every new bit of info confirms different leaks.
>Safi seems to have hidden the camera in a safe.
Safi hid the camera after she died? In that gemaplay Moses hid her camera.

>Luckily, there is also a poster downstairs describing this exact constellation
aka Orion, no shit, the various posters of it were already visible in nearly all gameplay videos, I knew about it like a month ago or so, but just decided to post about it in the previous thread.
I only thought there was going to be something about the star Betelgeuse in the game, because it's the biggest star in this constellation ("Orion's shoulder") and Max touched Safi's shoulder when she dropped from the bench.

The potential killer having connections with the "Scorpio" constellation is also the second theory, but it doesn't seem to be a thing yet. Maybe it's also going to be about finding a specific stars as a clue. Perhaps Antares (the biggest, red star of the scorpio), or the stars of the scorpion's stinger.
>a list of constellations from Moses's wall
A list of constellations anybody can see on the video and align with the sky maps, you say it like it's some kind of big secret when the constellations are literally in the gameplay video they posted on youtube.
The only "secret" there can be is that "chronos" thing since that wasn't mentioned in any video, except the paintings and posters of planets.
>Safi hid the camera after she died?
That's the translator error from German to English
rewrites do that to games....
Have we stopped coping that chloe is either 1. Dead or 2. Broken up with max in double exposure
I'm not Square anon lol, I've just come across this german article and thought the mention of the Saiph star was interesting.
>1. Dead
In the Bay timeline, not in Bae

>2. Broken up with Max
Chloe was a high school romance she broke up with max so max moved across the country
That was the dialogue in the Bay timeline, and Max is purposefully downplaying Chloe influence because that's still a topic that hurts her since she sacrificed her in that scenario
So still coping I see
>Is this about the girl with the blue hair?

Safi is clearly referring to the polaroid of Chloe with her 2013 design, not the one in which her and Max are post-Bae lovey dovey togheter.
ghost chloe will be the best thing DE will ever have
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This? https://mega.nz/folder/SrR0GKQR#JX_BqED-AtzEzYtTBNVfgQ
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You can kiss a hundred boys in bars
Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling (Well, I told you so)
You can say it's just the way you are
Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
Good luck, babe (Well, good luck)
Well, good luck, babe (Well, good luck)
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
Good luck, babe (Well, good luck)
Well, good luck, babe (Well, good luck)
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling

The cockthirst is real for Amber. She was on a quest to fuck every cock in the world, hell apparently that included little boys too.

What the fuck was her problem? Was she trying to be exactly like her whore drugged up mom?
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someone compile all the demon mask photos:
- on Chloe Moriondo's september soundtrack, it's in a box nearby the couch
- on the christmas tree (it's shown in gamescom trailer/livestream iirc)
- on safi's photograph (it's shown in who is safi video)
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Rachel, please take a seat.
>someone compile
why won't you do it?
If any anons are watching the Pax Livestream in an hour the LiS socials posted the wrong link, lulz. There's two streams for Pax and the LiS stuff is happening here. https://www.twitch.tv/pax2
Wrong link anon!
>pax2 - some woman talking randomly about dragons
>pax - up next: Max is back!
more like you have the wrong link

lulz well then the Pax team musta messed up their chat headers cuz this is what it says in Pax2. So I figured Pax2 must be where the LiS stuff is.
The krampus masks?
Pic on left looks like MF DOOM
They are playing the Gamescom demo, of course.
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>chronos was a thing all the way in 2019
the leaks were all real from diaz lobos
Chapter names:

>Still Life
>exclusive new footage
they show ch2 footage anyways that was shown by themselves

square enix lying so much & the gameplay already has like 9 bugs
Has someone screenshotted the Joyce and Victoria messages?
Vicky has a photo but it wasn't expanded/shown fully
Yep, Max is going to regain her rewind power by the end of the game
Max knew.
Chloe literally dies in Double Exposure because she was a chain smoker. We all knew that sooner or later that lung cancer would get her eventually. It took 10 years for her to finally die from huffing too much toxic poison gas into her lungs.
Man, I wish some of the people made a lot more hard hitting questions
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I mean the whole point of Rachel's mom in BtS is basically to illustrate the kind of train wreck her daughter becomes in the future.
>do you cut content from your games?

>will this game have zen mode
They showed fucking zen mode in the livestream retard!

My favorite moment was when Izzy (square enix staff) went to the crowd to ask them their question & removed one person people for saying "where is Chloe".
>went to the crowd to ask them their question & removed one person people for saying "where is Chloe".
At which point it happened during the livestream?
Of course she would be one of them Instagram hoes that get flown out to Dubai.
look for the black fat woman lining up at the questions
Lmao, they really are following the "maybe, maybe not" strategy.
>Chloe's alive.
That's the only info Staudder dropped.
>Life Is Strange: Double Exposure director Jonathan Stauder has confirmed there will be no returnin' artists from previous Life Is Strange titles on the new soundtrack.
No foals, no syd matter. This game's souless and you should never give your money to square enix ever again. Pirate DE, I doubt empress will let lis rot.
>yeah Chloe is alive if you save her
>but we won't show any footage from the Bae timeline anyway
I was expecting Daughter again but damn it feels rough.
Fucking huge letdown. Gonna go listen to Obstacles and hopefully wash the knowledge of this out of my brain.
A bit shit, but it will still likely be a good set of tunes.
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>exclusive new gameplay
hey, at least we got some chapters name & the fact that max after getting safi's camera, returns home to unravel with Moses the dark room bunker hellerton hid
>My favorite moment was when Izzy (square enix staff) went to the crowd to ask them their question & removed one person people for saying "where is Chloe".

Plant, to continue the "Mysterious" narrative.
So that photo dark room is indeed in Max's house.
>Safi's mother got her there
Pretty clear by now they're at least trying to keep Chloe a suprise.
>Max subconsciously rewinds to not get caught by Alderman.
>Max gets shot, "dies", then her powers save her.
Haven't we heard this theory before?
It was so obvious when they edited out that picture of the Bae timeline to make it seems like Bay footage, now its pretty much confirmed.

Also noticed how Joyce's messages are mostly her just writing a post on the Crosstalk page, still there's room for her keeping a letter at Max's house in Bay.
What a whore
So no Kate or Warren in bay?
Warren? Basically erased. I feel sorry for Kate tho, at least with the Bay ending her fate would have been alive regardless but nothing there.
No, only Joyce and Victoria.
So far.

Warren.. gets a mention, but it's in a news article.
Can you show it?
With the new game announced and imminent, I haven't thought to ask in awhile:
What's the status on that train wreck comic and did the novel come out alright?
>What's the status on that train wreck comic
Complete, but nobody cared about it

>the novel come out alright?
One of the anon said it was ass, but didn't specify why. I wish they had gone a bit more in detail.
The comic still has one issue left I think with a complete release in December. It's just.. weird.
The novel is a much better fit for TC, and I believe one of the complaints was it t focussing on Steph enough, but it is a primarily Alex story, Steph had her book already.

Victoria is next.
Novel is too short and the story is too derivative of the game story. I also don't like how Alex treats Steph in it but whatever
Max uses her time power to suck many cocks.
Max ain’t Rachel
>Chloe literally dies in Double Exposure because she was a chain smoker.
So is Safi in DE, ecpecially after she got the call
>Victoria is next
Given the reveal of Victoria today...this is ever likely.
If he gets a mention, something tells me it's gonna be something secretly fucked up, although not looking that way after "first look". Think about an article like that "Warren Grahan just build a new chip and a silent spying drone" Kek. (cause he was stalkerish in the game).
Same with the others, I expect that at least some texts and messages are probably going to be worded the specific "way" to show the hidden crap. Just listen to the Max/Safi/Moses' "fun and friendly" conversation in the demo, but everything is worded the way to point towards incoming shit and that very bad things are coming for them soon. And they say those things to themselves for fun.
Regarding Chloe, imo don't get your hopes up either, there's a big chance they're gonna degrade her even more or make her do something bad again. The fact that Max keeps a photo of her (blue one-bay) where she shows a "fuck you" finger to the viever and Max looks at it is enough of a clue what kind of feelings they want to associate there. In Chloe's dream in bts Max was wearing a shirt saying "no fucks given" so yeah, signs full of care....
>removed one person people for saying "where is Chloe"
>plus one quastion at Hannah's event
That makes two of us!
We going strong, pricfielder bros...
Better than anyone ANYONE asking for cocksucking Rach.

I have already accepted they are gonna screw Chloe and Pricefield over. Of course the biggest L it's on SE and d9.
>Rachel Amber is a dragon full of diamonds - Summy
This is canon. She lives out all her kinks and rewinds so nobody remembers.
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sounds like something Rachel would do
Full text messages so far form Joyce and others in this thread.
Ofc no Chloe cause it's the bay timeline (what a unexpected surprise lmao)
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>Chloe copers be like
She's dead, Jim. Chloe is canonically dead. Baysisters WON.
She looks so natural at this
The devs say otherwise
Damn Joyce sounds so miserable
Please share the sauce with the rest of the class, anon. Don’t gatekeep now
That's some well animated smooth shit holy fuck
so what are this general's thoughts on Max Caulfield (my wife)?
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she's the best (and she's my wife)
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Warren has no idea how many times they’ve fucked and then erased from memory
All that talent wasted on this disgusting whore...
Is it david who is fucking her or frank?
What other LiS girl would be gobbling cock like that?
Max likely sampled him one time and decided it wasn’t going anywhere
The funny thing is that even those who don't know LiS will tell you Rachel gives massive slutty vibes just from looking at her eyes
when will the chloecope end? she's not in the game ffs
take the hint
God bless BTS for providing us her model
Let’s be honest. Warren is an incel that would be shooting up schools left and right after getting rejected by Max. The only one that gobbled up cocks for breakfast, lunch and dinner is Rachel. Girl was obsessed with cocks n balls.
Rachel was a victim
That would be so cruel. Finally throw a guy a bone and then rewind it away if you didn’t like it
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She does have that "Fuck me now" stare, not gonna lie.
pure sex. u just know that coochie was aching to be filled 24-7
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We're not going to stop! You understand?!
Most porncoded character in history
That's a fair point, actually.
Rachel Amber kinda sounds like a pornstar name...
Ain't nobody gonna mention that DE's been in development since 2019, two years before TC came out?
I remember the original TC leaker mentioning something with max and Chloe involving a huge timeskip, university setting, etc..
That was the leak in 2022, talking about a playable build of the game
I'm talking about the one on Resetera before Tc was a thing. Everybody assumed the leaker was mistaking with the remaster.
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Found it
She would have out Sasha Grey to shame
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Joyce dying alone and unloved just like her daughter. Sad.
That's what women do irl when they cry rape after a one night stand
A victim of loving cock a little bit too much ehh?
That’s her fault for taking David’s side over her own daughter
2 words.

Porn coded. D9 knew what they were doing when they manifested her. Made for riding aged cock.
Yeah but Max makes it so it never even happened.
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Fuck now that you mentioned she does look like a blonde Sasha
You are forgetting about the recently revealed lisg leaks where it has been said the game was in development since 2019.
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>Still landed the girl

Amanda really looks like someone who deep inside see romantic crushes as a trophy she can win and brag about on social media about how much pussy she get.

Say what you want about Steph, but at least she's the type of person to actually care about her relationships and feel bad when they end, like with Izzie. I 100% bet Amanda is the type of girl that will absolutely go back on the hunt in less than a week once her relationships are over.
I knew it. Pegged Amandumb as ho. The Rachel Amber of DE. Amandumb puts Rachel to shame in how many beds she hopped on.
Bay Max honestly deserves better than a bartenter hoe with a bad Pucca hairstyle
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Chasemarsh is perfection.
seeing Marie-Michelle Pepin (3d modeler who self inserted herself as Amanda into DE) meltdown on twitter over rule 34 amanda will be so funny
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More like Max deserves better than character fit for a Sims game.
To think Nathan could have this as his personal sex slave if he wasn't such a clumsy retard
Amanda really is a shitty name huh? Amanda who is he writer from Arcane is royally fucking up Caitvi because she is self-inserting herself into one of the character of the ship for a weird power trip fetish and Amanda from DE is a self-insert from a rando 3d modeler.

Amandas are really amandurrs it seems like. Not a good year for the Amanduuuuuuuuuuuhs
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DE's such a mess internally. After Max and Moses get the camera, they both go to Max's home and will enter the photo development room (dark room). Max is aware of it, what really spooks them is what they find on the camera. After Moses lashes out at Max (depending on your Alderman choice), Max will spend "quality time" with Amanda before departing again...
You are looking way too deep into it.
>Max will spend "quality time" with Amanda before departing again...
Isn't that scene supposed to happen in Chapter 3, judging by the footage?
She's wearing ch2 outfit & lighting matches with the one from the screenshot. Check the polaroid collab clip.
I thought Amanda was going to visit her in the morning, judging by the photo
Ch2 starts with Safi is Alive sequence, refer to >>492774312
>Table for Three
Who was sitting at the bar saying Safi is Alive? Max and besides her there was Dr. Yasmin and Safi.
I've put up a rough estimation of the scene order based on what you said & looked over the livestream again. Max is experimenting with shift powers in ch2 (she didn't know what the ghost figures were in the Caledon Campus section saying: "What the hell was that?") yet in the sneaking section, she's fully aware. So "By the Horns" subchapter has to the be Caledon Campus where Max plays around with her powers & holds that "Safi was Murdered" speech.

>Chapter 2 - Penumbra.
>S01 - Snapping Turtle Bar.
>S02 - Caledon Campus.
>S03 - Overlook - Crime Scene.
>S04 - Observatory - Interior.
>S05 - Max's Home.
but when will Max get to change her outfits?

is this game really open world like it was said it would be?

you can go directly from snapping turtle to max's home to change outfits?

these are questions the "fans" should've asked, not the retarded:
>does lis 2 matter in de?
of course it fucking matters, david is at the camp, max and chloe visited it, in bay, max didn't visit it
>do you cut traumatic content from your games?

>does the game have zen moments
Things I would have asked:

>Is it true that at some point the game was called Life is Strange: Aperture because Max's power was still capable of rewind but only through her camera?
You forgot that the last subchapter of ch2 is called:
>Photo Finished

Which would be after Safi's photo fully develops (the one she took in ch1). Maybe they will have Max with her new ch3 outfit and they end it right when Max's about to focus in, that would be a good cliffhanger as well.
>Will lis characters have a therapist?
Meanwhile, Felice is fucking choking on the question forgetting that Hally herself said:
>Safi is Max's therapist.
But didn't answer it anyways.
Nah, I think that moment is going to happen in the chapter afterward
What makes you think this won't be a mechanic still? You don't scrap features, it could be for ch4/ch5. Considering Max discovers new powers constantly & she has like 10 powers at this point....
At this point, how much of a mess do you expect DE to be? There are things that make me wonder if the rewrites that happened after Zak left did more harm than good, or if the game will be on a Remastered Edition tier level of fucked up state.
super mess, but they managed to write a compelling power origin story based on the environment artist input

they have full continuity with Max's powers now, I say this in the sense of: Baqir suggested showing Safi talking on the phone building false hope and the writers did this, but at the same time, they added more depth to this misc rewrite/adjust by literally making max be able to shift a bunch of objects between timelines, they also established that subconsciously max rewinds if she is to be caught so afterall so pretty much in ch1 she was subconsciously shifting safi between alive and dead timeline, maintaining the continuity

this last rewrite probably saved the project
that ch2 footage literally builds more towards the evidence & killer being in the orange timeline, at the same time, it also suggests Max will probably shift Alderman to the orange timeline in ch4, if she will be shot at the overlook, I think she might transport all the people present at the overlook to Safi is Alive timeline
>saves DE due to your ideas on how to tie story and gameplay
Is Baqir our guy?
based on what he said about 3 scenes from extended gameplay, he made the game not boring, as in the original script there were no blackouts, there was no lis 1 callback of max putting her headphones while walking down the home path, safi wasn't also shown briefly "alive" after the gunshot
>that ch2 footage literally builds more towards the evidence & killer being in the orange timeline
No wonder they are on the hunt again, the killer though Safi was dead but then the body swapped with Blue Safi and much like Alderman they are perplexed as why she's still alive even if they directly shot her.
It is in the morning, there's some inconsistency unless ch1 ends with that Amanda scene.
>one of the endings is Safi x Max marriage

this is not looking good Chloesisters
On a scale from one to ten, how high is e the possibility of DE being a financial flop due to a shit story and bugged early relase leading massive refunds happening?
4 is a solid estimate.
It has a built in fan base but Squeenix is a terrible publisher and this is D9's last chance.
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gamescom demo is different compared to "final", compare the footage, there's new lighting, bugs fixed & even moses has a new shirt retexture
This looks like something out of blacked
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>It has a built in fan base
At PAX West Stauder stated clearly that we'll see more LiS games with Max in the lead if DE does well
It would be 100% in character for Rachel to do Bl*cked and Bl*cked Raw
he should cut the crap, we already know it's in dev
it's a pattern, lis 1 released limited edition in 2016, bts was in dev around same time, bts finished releasing eps, tc was in dev around same time, tc was out, DE was in dev around same time as TC announcement

it already exists, we just don't have a codename or anything
and let me give you a bigger overview, DE's story should've been finished since early 2024 on paper, idk what felice and mr stauder are working on since then but I can assure you it's another lis game because you dont keep writers to lazy around the office
Those fucking alien hands
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you seethe
deck nine's favorite number
Nah, they fucked that up by jumping so far into the future. Max is already borderline too old to lead one of these games. Another time skip and she'll become cringe in a bad way.
Who is going to be the Rachel of DE?
Souless. A Steph clone but with zero charm and endearing personality over the original
best part about Amanda is that if the game's actually open world, you can just skip her side quest
I really hope so lmao
ambertroons still think Loretta is rachel or something kek
She is closer to Victoria in terms of personality
So apparently Reggie will attempt to an hero himself and Max can prevent it, but since he's a pothead chuddie and not a cute Christian conservative girl, nobody's gonna give a fuck about him.
He does sound depressed in that post he made & considering accessibility mentions suicide themes and he isn't present in Safi is Alive timeline. Maybe he will indeed die. Or end up dying to the killer. Either way, make sure to fuck Moses else u have no police backup at the end of ch4.
How is he a chud?
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
Chloe owes me $5 for the pack of condoms she and her girlfriend wanted at the gas station. I think her name was Brax or something.
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Wait for your turn
That's idiotic. He only wants a blowjob he can just go around the other side.
>9 depot updates on DE today
kek, someone must've really messed up with a crash bug to end up doing an update chain within mins of each other
Those who wasted 80 bucks on a early messy relase will get the Remasterd Edition experience lmao
I bought it to shitpost flood lisg with leaks once DE's early access is out. Diving right into datamining.
But that's not the succ line
Tried to enter that page he posted kek. Perhaps it's gonna be like that "Kate's vid" page

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>Yasmin's message after her daughter's death
>"the student we lost yesterday"
What if Yasmin is deeply involved with Abraxas and can even sabotage Max's investigation to preserve her reputation
She seemed suspicious for me from the beginning, plus there was some info (leaks or something, I don't remember) that said Max can ruin Caledon's reputation and that probably involves Yasmin since she's the president.
I'm wondering if the Jefferson-looking teacher is also involved, he seemed to brush it off, kind of like Jefferson regarding Kate.
That domain can be purchased by anyone rn for 15$. Someone should do it and post roachyl's true colors on there.
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Someone purchased it today, so expect fake leaks there.
>Max can ruin Caledon's reputation
That was a fake leak tho
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The main page already looks like that
Prepare for AI generated slop being posted there
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Max dies.
She wont lmao
Square in all its misguided heavyhandedness already demanded the series course-correct by focusing back on Max. Do you have any idea the kind of tard-tantrum they'd throw if she dies in the first game of her return?
this is like the stik man collab that went wrong or d9 employee infringing copyright as per usual
that would be better than her getting milked and ruined in more sequels
even if they kill her, they can just have her wake up in a completely different timeline where she didn't die but never be able to shift back, just pulse & see others react to her death
Had this weird dream where I was chilling at the beach and for no fucking good reason I decided to crack open a cold one using Rachel's butt.
wait what
Kinda like this.
What's the saddest scene in the entire franchise?
killing pompidou
Ending of Farewell.
Walking in on AU Chloe being quadriplegic
chloe dying in the canon ending
Rachel riding aged cock in canon
arcadia being destroyed in the canon ending
Blenderanon has to do an animation about it.
He didn't say that. He said he hopes there are more games and DE will closure if it's the last time we see Max
Chloe dying, if you played the game the correct way
The town getting rekt if you actually paid attention to the game
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I second that but I doubt he does animation.
Chloe's death (whether or not you went that route) is really one of the cruelest deaths in vidya. Dying alone on a restroom floor, angry at the world and thinking everyone she ever loved abandoned her, despite Max being 10 feet away from her
what's up with Jefferson's expression
Also not to mention all those moments catching up with Max are completely erased and she has no memory of it when she dies. I just can't do that to her, bros.
I can do it easily because she's not real and just pixels on the screen
the price you have to pay when dating a SUCCubbus
He's contemplating ways to off her once he's had his fun, before she can try to blackmail him or something
yeah but would you do it with a real loved one(s), though?
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Why did Kate get horny when Victoria brought her to the zoo?
Arcadia Bay being destroyed if you played the right and correct way. As Max is still being haunted in Bay of course to the point of being COLD to her own parents.

Y i k e s.
Then why do you care in general about any media if they are not real? Your logic is not found, incel.
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It's entertainment you stupid fuck
literally made for breeding hapa babies
I guess Rachel would probably attempt that eventually since Jefferson was the first dude with status she hooked up with.
You literally make no sense, chudcel. You shouldn’t care about any media despite it being “entertaining”. Hence why people cry when watching sad movies or cry reading a sad book. An example is when people cried because Iron Man died in Endgame. Your logic in that would be why cry if Iron Man isn’t real.
This literally makes no sense
>An example is when people cried because Iron Man died in Endgame.
I honestly would cry too if I paid money to see Marvel slop
It does tho.
Anyone crying over media needs to get their head examined tbqh. Cry over the real awful shit in the real world. Can't imagine being so privileged you get emotional over phony manipulative content instead of stuff that actually matters.
Imagine being a fucking incel like this guy. Then why care about any media? Why have favorite characters? Literally like what.
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I've had ENOUGH
the population must be sustained somehow
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Would you care of Max died then?
something SINFUL is going down
They should give OPs the ability to mod their own threads and keep the shitters out
Why? Scared of differing opinions? This isn't Reddit
The /v/cels are in here
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So Joyce got the pet after all?
I wish I was between Alex's thighs
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>Max is already borderline too old to lead one of these games
Yeah, tell that to those french cucks
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>Max wears a rose necklace
>Rose was Rachel's adoptive mother
>Rose in BtS looked a lot like Max's mother looked in her photograph
Yeah, they need to stop moving forward in real time. Keep Max & Chloe young ffs
No give me more MILF Max
Pedo. /v/cels are the fucking worst offenders of this btw
I want a game about 40 year old Max and Chloe being total failuremoms for the angsty 16 year old girl they've adopted in the time between DE and then, trying to find a healthy emotional distance to keep while still being a part of their daughter's life, while at the same time coping with their own oncoming middle age and the challenges it puts on their marriage, while Max comes to suspect there's something supernatural and dangerous going on at their daughter's school, causing her to get involved in one more mystery.
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Whoops something went wrong.
"Find out why" redirects to the Tumblr help section Lmao
this general needs less spoiler talk and more smut
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Probably dead by now
>forgetting that Hally herself said:
>Safi is Max's therapist.
Max to her therapist: I have to tell you something... you're dead
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>obituaries site
>looks like some fucking data center server or Animus from AC where you can enter dead people's lives and get every info of them
moar kate smut
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It needs much less of both.
We need to retvrn to the /lisg/ tradition of wholesome gay posting.
Kate is not lewd she is a good Christian girl!
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She cannot help herself around Victoria.
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Sorry schizo, it's not going to happen anytime soon.
Coomers need to leave
The tourists will be gone a month or two after DE.
Once we slow back down and get back into that sweet spot free of incels from /v/. We will be back to the regularly scheduled gay posting.
That is not even getting into the traditional /lisg/ seasonal pricefield gay posting during December.
They have their own gross threads on /v/ and /aco/. It is only since DE that they have felt the need to inflict themselves here.
Can't wait for more milf max porn
you are the only schizo left
>traditional /lisg/ seasonal pricefield gay posting
one-femcel festival is more like it
Nah. I’m here too. You loser chuds should go back to your pedo infested board.
Doesn’t exist as women have the literal options to have sex when you loser m*les don’t. LMAO. Imagine being a dude on a /lisg/ general LMAO
There isn't a single woman in this thread or any other thread on this board.
She died in december 2023, not 2024, hence why this shit is fake and you should stop giving it attention
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True. I am the only natural woman in all of 4chan ahahahahaha
evil max
she ghosts joyce, typical max caulfield, she's so written in character
that you? >>492814478
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No, I am chronos schizo theory anon, also since someone mentioned Max breaking into Caledon's office, she's shown in the office

I am too busy with concrete theories to give a fuck about chloe showing up or not, DE's a gold mine when it comes to lore & as I've said before, Baqir saved DE from being boring.
That doesn't seem like Yasmin office tho.
It was mentioned breaking into Caledon's own logs similar to Blackwell's, she's searching for something inside an administrative office. Yasmin's "office" is the library which we've seen Max in interrogated by Yasmin scene (in the reveal trailer) & nearby another library which Max was hugged by Gwen at.
>too busy with concrete theories to give a fuck about chloe showing up or not
>DE's a gold mine when it comes to lore
Even more based
Max is a hag, not a milf
what kind of hag?
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There's so many things that aren't noticed at all, it kind of baffles me. So this isn't a theory post, but more of a "Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about" telltale esque post.

The menu seems to be depicting Caledon University's side campus (left side I suppose) but with the golden hour in the bg. The snow is also melted from the statues. In actual gameplay (ch2 supposedly), the said couple statue has snow on the heads.

In other piece of news, starting with august footage, they added a new tab in Max's menu inventory called "Notes".

As for last row: they showed at the meet up event some new promo materials with polaroids attached to each char:
a) Moses - He has the comet & the moon. There's one more, but it's the library blurred.
b) Safi - She has only one polaroid (of herself doing comedy) with a letter/poem - the said poem is cropped from the photo as no one took a proper one. There might be a clue on it.
c) Max - She has 3 polaroids all related to Caledon. First is the founder statue (which has an extra raven in dead timeline), second the thawed lake and third the reveal trailer birdseye of Caledon.

There's far more, but that's all I drop for now. A message to the only 2 people in the fandom that have neurons to put proper theories on their own: Nihilist and MalkavGarcia, you missed a bunch of details from all trailers. SE/D9 hid a fuckton & might as well snoop around as you can see Loretta in Welcome to Caledon video as well, in Caledon's campus (side view - idk how some people thought she was Rachel, side profile gives it the most away).
the kind that zoomers are trying to sleep with nowadays
Faux-Hag than

So, if Max searches in the archives at Caledon, does that means that the greentext anon was correct when saying that Safi's family (most likely Yasmin) is involved in criminal shit?
being in early 20s isn't paedo
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The gameplay footage show that Joyce's posts about Chloe are just her Crosstalk/Facebook anniversary commemoration, not a message directed at Max
>There's so many things that aren't noticed at all, it kind of baffles me.
Implying I'd post about every thing.

Speaking of "Loretta", there's a second voice heard in the background in one video when Max is talking to her and says in her head "wrong Loretta" because she said something that doesn't match the timeline. And there was somewhere a picture from Bts with the name "Loretta" next to someone... kek.
the name of her VA apparently: Ashlynn
Like Ashly Burch or something...
Like, to expand on my thoughts... Lara Croft is popular in part because she's forever young, she never ages out of her 20's. No-one wants to play as a 50+ year old Lara who is ageing in real time, complaining about her bad back and going through her second divorce.

It's the same with Max & Chloe.
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what are their favorite places to fuck?
junkyard & rv
Someone has the texture of Remastered Chloe model? I want to make a comparison between it and the supposed unused one that was posted some time ago
Square Enix just held a streamer/content creator playtest where an entire chapter was demo'd.
You can really tell when the /v/cels start flooding this place, go back, chuds
Max cries.
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
After some decent 4k shots of Alex either in game or renders if /lisg/ can provide?
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Are you ready for Max's newest nightmare?
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New trailer? It looks like that side mission in Control in which Jesse does astral projection narrated by Hideo Kojima
Nice try, but this is from the Black Ops 3 campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3VSkxf7gek
You are standing in a Frozen Forest.
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>save's DE due to his basic but intriguing suggestions to gameplay and narrative synergy
Max is a love machine
And Chloe is an engineer.
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chloe's room when she's not home
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And I'm a banana
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deep down chloe knows it happens but forces herself to deny it
where is this from?
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Before the Storm. Rachel was “working” Damon alright.
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remember to stay hydrated in this heat!
god I wish that were me
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this one is in 4k even
what a slut
Why is that water fountain spraying out like that, is it broken?
I think she's just holding her finger on it the wrong way
Rachel reminds me of a girl I knew in high school. Teachers always loved her. High grades, really popular girl even the nerds and outcasts liked her as she was nice to them, cheerleader, dated the popular jocks, prom queen. Bitchy when girls were bitchy towards her. Voted most good-looking, rich. I even caught my male gym teacher checking her out. I looked her up on social media now 10 years later and found out she had a really abusive husband, and OD'd on meth/heroin/crack and left her her 2 kids without a mother.
serves her right to be honest. should have gone with someone other than a JERK
>Max skips shower
>Chloe goes down on her anyways
I'm looking forward to the day that AI can bring my ideas to life
This smells fishy...
is learning blender that hard tho?
I am vomit
smells like the special of the day is fish
That's the point

It's not the same. I want to tell Commander Data to create an hour long episode where Max finally convinces Chloe it's okay to let someone touch her butthole and then it's done. You can't have the joy of first experience if you had to make the thing.
You'd tell the holodeck that, dummy. Don't waste the operations officer's time on visualizing your fantasies.
Is Max still on the spectrum?
1000%, doesn't take care of herself at all
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Max truly is so lovable
Seems like it, also seems like she’s masking hard to fit in. Can’t wait to see what kind of stimming she does
so for those who have been keeping up with it, is Double Exposure okay to play if I haven't played True Colors, or will there be a bunch of references and shit to it? I like LIS1, BTS, and LIS2, but True Colors never interested me, so will probably never be playing it if I don't have to.
You'll probably be okay with skipping TC. Don't play it, it's fucking garbage only retarded contrarians like.
Nah TC is it's own story. There might be a reference to it by some NPC on the in game social media app but plot wise it has no connection
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You just reminded me that LiS 1 is a literal one hit wonder.
huh? Before the Storm and LIS2 are both great. BTS might even be better than LIS1.
Fact Check: FALSE
Lmao. Bad bait. BtS has the worst pacing out of all games and that includes bad storyline. S1 has the most players and the most recognizable for a reason. Why do you think they brought Max in? Because of bts? Lmao
>implying bait
>implying anything but
Shit like this deserves a trip to the dark room
sorry you retards have such shit taste. sucks to suck
>shit taste
Uh huh. Tell that to SE. Why bring Max back to DE if BtS/LiS 2 was so great? Where is Rachel cock amber’s sequel? Where is Sean’s sequel? Oh right. They both suck cock like your waifu Rachel.
Because they know that the fans yearn for MILF Max
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rice maxu
>This will not be a live broadcast, but a pre-recorded video (premiere release).
>This a special TGS program for Life is Strange: Double Exposure, the all new Life is Strange entry scheduled for release on Wednesday, October 30, 2024!
>Stay tuned for the first-ever reveal of Japanese gameplay and exclusive info!


Felice Kuan
>The first game was pretty formative. We were very interested in what it’s like to make choices as a teenager vs what it’s like to make choices as an adult. As players of the first game, we felt like there was a lot to unpack with that first game, so when we had a chance to do it, we were thrilled.
>This game is about the first game, and it’s also about its own self.

Also Jonathan Stauder
>First and foremost, Double Exposure is a great entry point for anyone who’s never played a Life is Strange game before. It works as a solid introduction to Max as a character, even for new players.

Why they can't keep thing consistent? It's obvious as hell the game is not a standalone entry, otherwise they wouldn't have brought back Max in the first place
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There's a giant wave of new screenshots & news related to DE on LIS JP twitter:
>bowlarama is the new hawt dawg man
that anon called it
>She is a prankster and a joker, the opposite of Max, and although she teases Max at every opportunity, she also trusts her wholeheartedly as a dear friend.
That green text leak is becoming true and more true with each day passing....
What about Amanda tho?
irrelevant, she isn't mentioned anywhere
But she's mentioned on western TikTok media, what the hell is this strategy? Why are they selling a new romance but doing no introductory video like the one for Safi and Moses?
JP literally revealed that Safi teases Max... Safi romance more likely than whatever Lucy put up.
Is Amanda then supposed to be a red herring?
Like some other anons said, they are baiting you to think there's no Chloe in game, they are baiting you to believe Max dies, they are baiting you to believe Max x Amanda is a thing...
So, who's telling the truth? The western social media accounts managed by Lucy, or the ones by the ones handled by Square Japan?
Lucy holds speeches and makes the videos, the pr team is really just Izzy (the dragon hooker) and Ari (influencer ass kisser) who only tap 3 buttons to publish stuff.
They are doing an absolutely shit job then. Wonder who handle the Japanese marketing team
She never was
Max lives
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Fuck yeah.
Gonna start replaying the games in prep of DE. How are the remasters?
bad, but so is the og when it comes to bugs, you encounter animation bugs around ep4 and ep5 in the og
Outside improved facial animations, it's actually worse than the OG in almost every way.
Overhated. They're fine. The only truly caring bug I got was in BtS Farewell where Chloe's eyes were fucking demonic and Max's character model was off center so everything she interacted with was floating like 2 feet next to her.
whenever lis 1 tv show comes out, d9's gonna drop proper lis 1 remake as well
Yeah sure, if DE actually makes a profit.


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I think a lot of schools of any reasonable size have this girl. Mine did. She's not dead, but she hooked up with some rich dude who ended up beating the piss out of her for a few years. Got divorced and now lives in some tiny house in Texas and has turned into a crazy plant lady. She's still rich and is always super nice when I interact with her, but she looks dead to the world now.
DE may or not have side quests (take these with a grain of salt as this is all speculation):

>Caledon - Collectibles (gives you insight into how powers work).
>Caledon - Stray Cat (that's how it's codenamed - check jp website).
>Caledon - Abraxas (unknown - hinted in the Welcome to Caledon video).
>Snapping Turtle Bar - Amanda (romance - Amanda seems to be nearby Max determinantly).
>Library - Gwen (you get to hear her backstory & extra scenes).

Completing some of them may result in different scenarios or completely new answers as to word Stauder worded it: "How do some of the sci-fi elements work" (this in regard of completing the collectibles side quest - he said this in some article).
it did and next lis game is already a thing, you are just delusional that cannot see a pattern with all releases since BTS
I think Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate belongs on the shortlist of characters with Chloe and Kenny of characters who filtered millions despite doing nothing wrong.
Life is Strange: Affliction

Alex Chen tries to build a new life in Massachusetts while grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic, a rise in racism due to Tonald Dump and lingering trauma from Jed's betrayal. Ryan/Steph dies from Covid in chapter 1.
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
Wait your turn, Pompidou.
Kate dies.
pornstar vibes
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literally made for sex
she clearly was in LiS 1
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She sure is!
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No she was just shy and anxious
how sad. new game coming up and most of this thread is shitposting and porn crops

this general should've stopped existing since lis2
That doesn't seem enough to warrant the IEP she had
waiting for the good times to come back
Ebb and flow.
Ironically , the overall flow was better before DE was announced.
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caulfield nectar
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stop posting this
delicious nerd girl grool
this is canon
I should make another LiS Sims household
I thought about trying photography but damn if I don't want to make a dark room.
There's this new thing called digital photography anon, look into it.
that's for normies though
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Slice of Life is Strange: A Life is Strange Adaptation
what the fuck dude
What is your constructive criticism?
So the general opinion is to not play the remastered versions, right?
They should have just milked Life is Strange the same way they milked Persona 3&4. Imagine an Life is Strange 2D fighter or dance rhythm game
-ai_generated dark-skinned_male life_is_strange
stop posting this
Max dies
You forgot the second -
And so do you and everybody else :)
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
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The anon who made the Remedy / Control connection wasn't far off:


>JS: And visually, I'm a huge fan of Remedy games and their own particular brand of weird and how they find their own way to do it, whether it's alt timelines, multiverses, that sort of thing. And so I think just as a jumping-off point, we're gonna find our own way to do this particular flavor of time travel across alt universes. I think, especially later in the game, you might see some visual flourishes that feel a little bit [like] Remedy.

Get prepared for the Sam Lake nightmare time altering moment in DE lmao
that's just the se anon posting spoilers without context, but it should've been posted on the main twitter account instead or some tiktok with tv show clips

I already imagine izzy/lucy grabbing blindspot's ending
>that's just the se anon posting spoilers without context
Nah, that's just a screenshot from the reveal trailer, I don't think it's part of the nightmare sequence
you forgot that time when tobi posted spoilers without context for lis 2 ep4 and he used stock images, that's the entire point, so your comment points what exactly?
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From the Gamerant interview article posted six days ago:

>Stauder: It definitely affects things in the game. One core conceit is that, no matter which ending you got, Max has this trauma she has to process.

>What flavor of trauma it is is specific to which choice players make and that informs so much about where Max needs to grow as a character and very much how she moves past it.

From that one supposed Square anon insider posted on August 8th:

>Trauma regardless of choice, just different events
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What makes you think that anon is bullshitting like this one?
chapter 1 is 45 mins long, one of the ccs who played DE at square enix from the past 2 days broke their nda
There's at least one dude that might or might not be reliable. They talked about how D9 was going to have a DE booth at gamescom with demo of a "puzzle segment" from Chapter 2, which seemed to be accurate.
Which one?
The Freddie Mercury piano thing is obviously fake because I remember someone mentioning this on instagram a couple of days prior.
I'm still waiting for confirmations regarding >>493267435

But if that's the case, not surprising at all. Seems like there's only three scenes on that Chapter:

Still Life
>Scene 01 - Max at her home (?)
>Scene 02 - Bar Convo & Meeting
>Scene 03 - Observatory and Overlook, title opening
keno found an article weeks ago in which stauder says it ends right when max discovers the shifting powers
Why are we giving attention to that Twitter brained retard?
because keno bullies and insults heavily the legions
As a Bae fan, I prefer to stay around from her with a ten foot pole, expecially the way she acts make her look like a 16 year old desperate for attention and validation she never got from her parents.
very based then
Forget me Not issue 4 is out.
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How does it ends?
They pulled the same trick with the first comic.
It's a really comfy issue where they go back to Haven, reunite with all the cast of TC, and end on a big kiss scene.

next lis game is alex 10 years after jed's trauma & it will be the first game featuring 2 protagonists, done in a similar fashion to tales from the borderlands (did you know stauder directed tales s1 ep2)
>next lis game is alex 10 years after
>featuring 2 protagonists

>Max 10 years after
>featuring 2 protagonists (?)
Nice meme lmao
>chapter 1 is 45 mins long, one of the ccs who played DE at square enix from the past 2 days broke their nda

Could the anon who claimed this can give us the source on the claim?
MILF Alex, yum
Festive gay posting soon.
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Next Life is Strange is set 10 years in the future after Max, Chloe, Sean, Alex, Steph, and the other members of GGG were trapped in the Primordial Universe, leaving only Daniel and Ethan to defend the Earth in their absence. But when the Conqueror King arrives to enact its goal of eradicating all life to return the universe to its natural cycle of existence and eradication, they must join forces with the mysterious mystical guardians of Earth known only as the Bettermen.
Revisiting the idea.
If they really want to keep using Max, don't they have to pick a canon? Or maybe find a way to mesh the two in the game so future games don't have to take player personal canon into account.
meshing is going to be the best way, to save having to spin off and spin off endless different choices.
will DE have sexy outfit mods?
Kate dies.
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Glad they admitted that they originally planned DE with a new original protag in mind.
>There seems to be a specific tree/plant formation, growing close to the crime scene
>the plant seems to look much different in both timelines, near the trail that leads to the scene
>checks one of the new character's name meaning
>"ah, a funny coincidence"
>turns out that specific plant is literally that one character's name meaning (the plant that, again, looks formed differently in both timelines)
People who make theories almost never check stuff like these, I don't know if it's gonna be "uh it's just symbolism and dOeSnT MeAn iT like that", or if it's a clue towards one of the main suspects or people involved in some way. But I'm not gonna say who, just gonna watch lel.
(And I'm not talking about the white flowers on the ground in the Safi dead timeline, it's something different than this)
End of a little theory-but-not-theory, since I didn't say which plant I meant and which character.
did they think it would flop unless they brought back max?
They might have just felt the premise fit Max and it was a good chance to bring her back.
Only if you're a normie scrub with adhd
Which character are you talking about?
Are you retarded?
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I will just put the picture of the plant here, wondering if I identified the plant species correctly. Cause if I did, then it's fucking hilarious cause it's hidden in someone's name.
Safi dead - plant gate open
Safi alive - plant gate close/crashed
Chloe is forever young she died at 19
damn this is very good
That's most baytards, yes.
lisg is too flooded with coomers for theorists to come back
What's the plant species?
Lillium, they are on the jp website as well and flower motif points to venus and mercury trope
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This has been posted before
This plant looks nothing like Lilum tho.
I meant on Safi's grave location and the flowers she got (check the footage of her memorial)
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The jasmine flowers were seen growing at the crime scene when Max is investigating with Loretta. Speaking of, by Chapter 2 gameplay footage Loretta is seen asking people about strange things happening at the crime scene, which could referring to the flower growing out of it.

And "jasmine" is also Yasmin name, aka the new principal that is subtly referred as the "disruptor". Others have noticed that she's surprisingly cold when making statements about her daughter's death on the Crosstalk app.

Really feel like she's behind some deep shit, and I wouldn't be surprised if that greentext anon about "Safi's family is part of a criminal organization" turned out to be true.
You mean the easter lilies that grow were Safi was killed?
Cmon schizo anon, we are no botanic experts here, so just say the name of the yellow leaves plant gate you seem to have took an interest in.
No, they'll just keep resetting her life and start every game with her alone in a new place.
I can't wait for granny Max.
I too lazy to search, I will hand the baton to nihilist
Strelitzia or Corydalis
The flower doesn't matter really. They just use the flower motif trope and there's nothing more than that.

People have started conjecturing that the detective is actually paid by Safi's mother to destroy evidence because there's shady shit going behind the scenes at Caledon.
I am waiting on lisg to launch the moons will cause the end of the world in both timelines theory as well.
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After so many tries and suspicions, okay.
Check the origin and meaning of the name Loretta (which I already posted here when her name was revelead)
>comes from title Laurel, representing the bay laurel plant
Bay laurel plant?
Does the tree I posted here >>493350179 look like that? I don't know, but the leaves kinda do. I didn't mean the white flowers that are suspected to be jasmines that were already talked about, I meant that "plant gate" on the path leading to the crime scene.

Also, the thing that her name meaning has a "bay" in it (you know the Bae/Bay shit) is kind of funny, and we see her on the crime scene with Max, investigating. But here's the thing, is the investigation genuine? And did we see her in the "Safi alive" timeline so far? I think every scene where they showed her was the "Safi dead" timeline, what does she do in the other one?
Watch gamescom trailer, shes shown there in safi alive timeline
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Her nickname on the socials
like what clue? Or is the clue already there simply by checking out her name meaning?

I also suspect she might be connected to the "scorpio killer" theory which I already posted here. The thing with the Orion/Scorpio fight is that they are never fully visible at the same time on the sky, Orion is a winter constellarion, while Scorpio is a summer constallation. It is said that they're "chasing" each other on the sky.
Her hoodie? It has a sun/sun rays on it, possible representing the summer/Scorpio? We will see I guess.
That's because she has a mistery related podcast and like to play Miss Sherlock Holmes. This is Deck Nine we are talking about, not any side character is going to have that deep of a backstory.

>I also suspect she might be connected to the "scorpio killer"
Highly unlikely.
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>Frank: you don't know shit Chloe! You were part of her problems, always trying to get her away from me, always! [facepalms while saying this]

>Loretta: seems like Safi rubbed a few people the wrong way
>Rachel: *missing for 6 months in lis*
>Max to Loretta: go ask somebody who's been there longer than 6 months
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she's as important as safi so make sure to befriend her
Max lies

Talk about a sticky situation!
All that skill and patience just to make degenerate coomer content
Best ship
Is that supposed to be Kate
I'm kind of impressed. Especially with the ruined makeup detail and the completely remodeled hair for the context of the scene.
Imagine the smell
When did you realize that Stella was a secret villain?
more effort went into that screenshot than max's own double exposure 3d model
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Wait until you meet Hydrafxx, then.
When I realized that there were no real ship options for her.
The closest you can get is Brooke and even she has better options then Stella. Even god damn Alyssa has pity ships with Sarah and Max.
Stella just sticks out as being this weird, drug addled loner. I could honestly buy into an AU where she turns out to have been the serial killer; A femcel murdering all of the girls who are more attractive/popular/smart then her.
how did she know Jefferson was fucking rachel?
plot convenience, she was originally telling you about victoria and jeff hooking up
She didn't. She was just into rumors and wanted it to be true, plus of course she wished to have been in Rachel's stead.

I mean a villain she isn't, but she's definitely into some unhealthy shit.
Man that takes me back to the speculation between Ep. 4-5 when some people were convinced she was involved in the mystery somehow
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amanda is the stella of DE, watch
literally made for porn
More like the Rachel of DE, she looks like she’s a bigger whore than the mother of whores herself. She brags about getting girls on social media, that’s degernate behavior, something Rachel would brag about but with fucking cocks instead
she's stella with an attitude
Rachel owes me a blowjob.
Chloe owes me $47.76, after calculating interest.
Which LiS characters would like Jimmy Buffet?
I trying to find the messages of Steph on her MyBlock app when Alex choose to have a romance with her, does anyone have them?
Does TC force you to romance either Steph or Ryan?
No, you can choose to not give anyone the rose.
Max & Chloe enjoy Margaritaville.
>when Alex choose to have a romance with her
That was before Alex even came to Haven, that whole wavelengths "dating apps" dlc
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This one?
Yeah that one, but I'm curious to see the other posts like when Steph meet Alex or other key moment in their romance, just to make a comparison to Amanda lol
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Seeing the end of Wavelengths and the moment her whole life changes course when Alex pops up in front of her window was the absolute cutest. Our nerd queen deserves her fairytale ending.
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Taylor is cute.
I really like Steph. She is one of my favorite characters in the series.
But I think her and Alex is not the best ship
Cock-lover, pathetic attempt of lesbian, oh and wait for DE to bring to the table the "transbian" thing and people are gonna shit on her and that monster Izzie hehe
Poor bait
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That same stuff always gets posted when Izzie comes up.
It is very low quality and played out bait.
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Half the board is people who don't actually like the series.
I only really like the 1st game. It's lightning in a bottle. They just couldn't live up to it.
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I just like the first one. Perfection.
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BtS is great in its own way. Not to mention doing a ton of retroactive character/relationship building for LiS 1.
It is flawed in a number of ways, but it also does not deserve the overly-safe/predictable/generic reputation it has with some people.
Whether it is all but outright stating Chloe is a lesbian in her journal, re-framing her friendship with Rachel into this sad one-sided thing or basically openly stating that Bae is the only choice in line with the characters of Max/Chloe; It took some really interesting risks that are obvious on anything beyond a surface reading.

TC is ok for what it is. Even if I think what we ultimately got was just a sliver of the potential the game actually had.
If it were not for the demands of Square and the egotism of Zak; I think TC could have been almost as good as LiS 1.
There is so much great Chasemarsh art. Yet you choose to post cropped coomer trash.
It's sad really.
what is coomer about it
What is the reasoning behind this? I'm honestly curious and never gave it thought.
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>it is all but outright stating Chloe is a lesbian in her journal
max's so bisexual in double exposure since d9 been doing this bisexual crap since bts

might as well be in the franchise's design bible which also contains:
>zen spots
>golden hour
>main character should be bisexual
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>Incel knows nothing about lesbians
Classic episode.
Please tell me again how Chloe cannot be a lesbian because she has condoms and you know nothing about intimacy within lesbian relationships. That is my personal favorite little chestnut.
lesbians do not take male cock
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>d9 been doing this bisexual crap since bts
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More insights on the Bay timeline from DE. Apparently Max writes all her diary entries as letters to Chloe, much like she did in Before the Storm.

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>filter any ugly tumblr pic with AIDS flags
>filter 1024x1024
>thread slows down tremendously
>quality goes up
Thank you, 4chanX.
to chloe:
today the worst thing happened, I wish I could tell you all about it, but you are dead!!!!!!!!!!

today the worst thing happened, I wish I could tell you all about it, but you are busy!!!!!!!!!!

I already see d9 doing this
that's michel's fanfiction, not canon in either endings because it didn't happen in both timelines
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whoever did that photo missed the important detail, max's schizo scribbling already took place by the time detective scenes comes up, which means, there will actually be 50 journal pages unlike TC's shitty 12 pages total
Dunno about that, but this detail of Max's writing to Chloe in her diary reminded me of that original leak square/D9 anon.
If there was a way to filter coomers and /v/irgins, then the quality of this general would be of heaven.
Dykes love girl dick
as she should, bay max should be locked in a mental hospital by the end of DE as she misses chloe so much
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>I wish I could tell you all about it, but I dumped you because muh trauma
>Apparently Max writes all her diary entries as letters to Chloe
baybros... i dont feel so good...
so i guess that confirms that chloe's presence will be felt in both endings
Also this one talked about how Chloe doesn't have a significant presence but its still present through Max life in a way or another regardless of ending.
I waited 9 fucking years for more canon Pricefield and all I get is "Chloe's presence". These fucking assholes
can someone post the full greentext leaker post?
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I think we had our fair share of "the greentext becomes true and more true each time they show new footage/reveal new details", should be fully accurate & if one thing or two are wrong, I blame last min rewrite
that bloody nose state is a bug, it's seen in the livestream as well when safi takes the photo and the listwtroons thought that it's chapter 5 footage when it was just a bug
I bet the early access relase will be full of bugs on par with the remasters because Deck Nine laid off all the quality control team and devs
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Lost Records: Blooma & Rage also has a customizable cat option lmao
really hoping square enix sues so that dontnod wins legally the franchise back
I can't wait to datamine, I really can't, will go for the bae photo instantly to export.
There was an anon who was waiting for the early edition to pre-download on their Xbox/Microsoft Store app to then datamine it, has them made any news lately?
you can predownload it on xbox, not on pc & good luck decrypting xbox files, it's on the same level as jailbreaking the latest xbox series x version

not too impossible, but very challenging
I don't trust that because it mentions the garage from the non-canon comics.
We didn't trust the 2022 leak because it seemed too much similar to the comics, and yet look at were we are lmao.
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It's never been more over.
remastered ruined this moment so much because they don't have max's face becoming red & she has no tears
Dear Chloe I wrote you but you still ain't calling
>double exposure has 34 achievements
source is the game collector/favourite game exploit from steam
>TC has 40
not looking good
...Doesnt reveal their names?
silent hill 2 has 43
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why same bts achievement count? does ch1 have like 3 achievements & ch5 has like 2?
Last one, I just liked where this idea went.
Sex with Victoria
it's probably placeholder, but considering it's september and they already began doing stuff like "Life is Strange: Double Exposure - DLC Outfit Test" on their little packages, doubtful
Where do you see that? I see the 2 packages on steamdb, but no name.
resulting in a cumbath
Does Steam shows the achievment names already?
no, you can only fetch the achievements count for an appid you own, that's it, everyone been abusing it for years, just no one did it on DE till today
Rachel owes me a blowjob and Max dies.
The Izzie hate is bullshit and /pol/ tier whining but I'mma be real Izzieanon I wish you didn't feel the need to bring up how much you hate Chenrich every time it gets posted.
loretta's actor was flown to LA (not UK where square enix brought hannah) for some weird life is strange related video, they seem to be playing an important lore & she might be the other person with powers
I give it two weeks before something really important leaks and leaks undeniably.
Max gets blacked
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>Bay Max is a confirmed schizo
She needs a rebound badly.
the preview codes are sent on 1st of october 2024
Source on that?
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Shame the artist is a Twitter-brained attention whore.
Thanks for the food based Keno.
Me in the front
So, are they making Bay the default ending for new players or is it gonna be random like S2?
It'll be a choice you make during one of the very first scenes.
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>Max: *drinks*
>Safi's face
but what if you never played lis1?
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>Safi's face: part 2
What did she mean by this
Then please leave.
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I don't hate Chenrich. I just have other ships that I prefer for both Alex and Steph.
Izzie - Steph just happens to be ship I really like. Izzie in general is a character I really like.
If that has come across as me shitting on Chentich then I apologize, that was not my intention. I just really like Izzie.
Consume the C** Chalice
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>Victoria Chase is seen as more important figure to Max's life more than Chloe ever did
I hope you enjoy your journal "fanservice" KEKfield
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