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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous thread: >>492662814

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Events

Chapter 6.5 - Murder on the WARP Express
2024.08.08 — 2024.09.05

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
[000] Wild Hunt Heathcliff

- Event Reward ID
[00] MultiCrack Office Fixer Heathcliff

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
Target Extraction: [ Ishmael ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/Iimbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Which thread is the real one??
this one
the other one
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Imagine if we got actually cool paired talking weapons
That would be neat, but not having it be Walpipi Ruina Wedge means we lose the chance of getting loli sinner IDs
behead all kotposters
Which sinners are going to get sacrificed when the Violet Noon crashes from the ceiling in the cutscene?
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Guys how do I stop getting addicted to Roblox? Its hooked me harder than any drugs
None, Ryoshu will parry it because this is a Ryoshuwank event.
yi sang id is going to be shit
stop grooming children
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Wrong, Greg ego will be shit because Greg isn't allowed nice things.
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It's amazing how Sinclair can stand straight every day when Ryoshu pegs him until he passes out every night.
I wish I could wank Ryoshu...
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>sinclairfags are now unironically grooming children
do you faggots have to always end up more pedos than the average lolifag?
Greg EGO will be good in a vacuum but he won't have any IDs to use it effectively.
he gets nice art
all greg e.g.o suck or stituational surely walpurgis is the exception
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please dont go to kid's game to groom kids people
it's too old for /lcg/. they won't get it.
westerner are all chinese bitch anyway
I never equilibrium too. Tbh.
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Legerdemain consequences are a thousand years of torture and mockery.
Someone should check director's ancestry for chink.
i hate don and doniggers
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this is the grudgeposter thread you're letting that faggot win
I would betray the company for Hermann. I would give Greg a new sibling.
We know Outis.
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Yeah. I won. Get fucked.
We know Faust.
we know, greg
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I'll try.
We know Ryoshu.
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any young'uns want to join my discord server and play roblox?
god I need Ryoshu to knock me up
We know, Sinclair.
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Imagine the sword she's packing
My schizo theory is that spitebaker is a psyop by a Donfag to make Sinclairfags look bad
I need to bash her skull in.
how? I can't find any good roblox games, it's all shit
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Sinner for this feel?
Outis? Ishmael? Meursault is too neutral to mock.
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A spiteful edgy guy that travels to alternate timelines to kill his other selves to avoid his and others' misery? Literally Heathcliff.
original dante when clockte tells him he was trying to treat the sinner like people
hermann main goal it too destroy multiverse slop she a hero
Yi Sang to Don
I like the new Ryoshu id. Would you obnoxious idiots really not complain if she only wielded spider mace? And no, she can't dual wield her sword because she never uses it in other identities.
Current Yi Sang is too friendly to say that to anyone, if anyone were to say that to Don it would be either Outis or Ryoshu.
Is this what that anon meant by gacha civil war?
No because the mace looks like shit.
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only TIPH can stop the infestation of limbabourist, only TIPH can show them the power of TIPH.
she should have used the spider kata na
That's not even a gacha
Also charadesign is mid
Play lobcorp fags
ryoshu is just pretend to be edgie and at worst seem to be neutral to the sinner. It definately outis who constantly view them as trash
>Would you obnoxious idiots really not complain if she only wielded spider mace?
Yes, or dual wielding any other EGO weapon that wouldn't turn a cool ID into a cringe nostalgia bait
shut up esl monkey
>nostalgia bait
Nigger that's literally all of the walpurgis?
people hating on ryoshu because the red jobber clapbait ,come on dude she even have one sin you fag are unpleaseable.Wanting a katana out of spider bud when she using a lobotomy corp e.g.o is beyond retarded
That one's still up for debate. They made a circle to add potential VN stuff, or products, but the main thing could easily fall into gacha, especially with the character profiles imitating the BA format.
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>It definately outis who constantly view them as trash
You mean LCB team?.. I guess if so.
the ishMALE posting was a psyop done by ahab
>implying people don't use the thread solely to complain
anon, if she had the sword people would whine about how it isn't lobcorp faithful, if she only had the mace people would complain about the lack of sword, and now that she's dual wielding they're complaining that the event about nostalgia clapbait has nostalgie clapbait
>no true scotsmen
Neck yourself. I played lobcorp, I played ruina, and the mace looks like shit, one sin's weapon looks like shit, nuggets and geb looked like shit using them, and ryoshu looks like shit using them. There's a reason neither EGO use it.
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I'm not changing the fucking weapons, they are following protocol, and so shall you.
Back to work.
Post proof, secondary retard
>mace looks like shit, one sin's weapon looks like shit
No they look awesome? Kys
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dongrang posting was a psyop by dongrang
Holy fuck is that Dongrang forma final?
what the fuck is off model yi sang art?
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EslGOD here, stop talking shit about us.
Be sure to respond with your favorite sinner
I've wanted to make an XIV cosplay for a while but it's so hard considering almost all the characters just wear fucking suits
fuck off.
what the fuck... roachbuds...
wats the best tremor team?
should i use rose rodya or t corp rodya?
bug guy...
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Maybe you should stop shittalking NOW?
>ishbabs getting uppity after last night's humiliation
I need to know the source of this
Is this from an /xivg/ poster?
t don
commie hong
t rodya
rs sault
My guy you have got to stop posting you stick out like a sore thumb every time.
Is it just me or is SHITmael's
R Ish has been insanely frustrating in RR4. How do I correct sinners?
On launch Gregor was my fav male sinner but antiGreg dev has been unchecked for too long.
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-2 coins have been deposite in gregor's next ID's power budget.
A-at least Greg's EGOs aren't as bad as Sinclair's...
Quit pretending to be cute and retarded you blood sucker. No matter how much you act like you love playing with toys, eating ice cream, and being a female Peewee Herman, you will ALWAYS be a filthy bloodsucker who seeks to turn everyone around you into food or servants.
Your mission today, should you choose to accept it, is MDH Zwei comp.
>even considering running zwei SHITclair and zwei roDYUMP
I do not accept. Thank you, come again.
It better to keep the walking nuke happy
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MTL attempt
>"Let's imagine there are 3 arrows."
>"With just one... It can easily be folded like this."
>"And with all 3 bunched... They can all be broken together"
>"So as you can see, it does not matter how many weaklings gather. They will all break in the end... Come on then."
Defuse it, you nimrod!
jokes over, somebody vote for greg
Is there a point to saving a guaranted 000 ticket?
imagine giving your ip away just so you can """vote"""
Walpurgis in a few days
As long as it's the general one and not the seasonal one, you can get Walpurgis IDs in them too. Also worth it if you want a minute chance of getting an upcoming ID.
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>if you replay bosses like donbaek, you're either 10 levels higher and steamroll or you're playing MD and steamroll too
I love level scaling
I love powercreep
I love games as a service
I love resource grinds
I love gacha
I love fomo
I love battle passes
>female Pee-Wee Herman
Someone has to doodle that now, what the fuck...
I love overpowering shit I previously fought, and playing with OP shit, so yes.
10 more years
>if you replay urban plague fights with star of the city loadouts you steam roll
I love progression in games.
>but you can just use earlier loadouts
You can just not take meta gifts, or no gifts at all. You can just use weaker IDs and EGOs.
Kill yourself.
most distortions are stronger in MD that outside of it
its a good reason to try them MDH tbqh
>gachakek being retarded as usual
Earlier cards/pages don't get deleted in Ruina, you can use them to replay earlier fights as much as you want
You cannot level down IDs in Limbus
No, YOU kill yourself. You can go back to using UN pages for UN receptions (as well as the Ensemble if you feel like it), you can't delevel or deuptie IDs. Once uptie V get there it'll be even more disproportionate.

Except you're completely broken even without starlight in MD (or the problem swings the other way and you get bosses with +2 coin power +15 offensive levels on you).
No but you can choose to use weaker stuff and not take the buffs MD hands you.
Holy shit a genuine dicksucker sighting, what a majestic slop-eating creature. Isn't nature amazing?
Most RPGs don't let you de level, what the fuck is the issue here? Oh right, Walpurgis. Event only tourists are back to cry about it being a gacha.
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bro is fucking retarded
Only newfags use buzzwords like "tourist". Get out redditor.
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>it's walpurgis' fault
Faust, are you seeing this shit?
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>people decrying the newest pm game for being a gacha are the tourists
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>esl AND retarded
Just end it bro.
Thank you
After a year and a half? Yes.
>captcha: KAXKJH
>Ryoshu is my favorite sinner
>Gebura is my second least favorite librarian/sephirah
I don't know how to feel about this....
Remove yourself from the genepool, please.
Did you have family members who smoked?
What you seem to not love is moving on, which works just fine for PM
First it was Disco Elysium x Slay the Princess, now it's Limbus Company x Slay the Princess. Are all the schizo series coalescing into one insane greatness?
Everyone smokes in my family
I wish I could downtie and downlevel IDs to get refunds on lackluster ones I invested in.
Smoking dick doesn't count.
Ok, then no one smokes in my family.
You could possibly just multislot the other Zweis. Not that I've tried.
How do I sneed?
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Lobco >>>>>>>>>> LC >> LoR
People would just constantly raise and undo stuff as and when they need it, that's stupid.
the most clerk post to ever be posted
Cope. Your 4/10 game is slop.
I don't want the refund, but once I spend resources, it would be nice if there was an option to downlevel/downtie temporarily for fights
There you go.
This ranking is correct.
you smug little bastard sailor, i'm going to drag ishy away and BATHE her
I was thinking about that when I wanted to sacrifice a unit for RR.
nah homie even a worthless clerk ain't stewpign that low
Pretty much
There are lowlevel accounts out there that are technically "more optimal" now because downlevel/downgrade isn't an option
You know which MD event choice is the most worthless, Faelantern
Every other event gives you a choice of either gaining ONE EGO gift, or doing a fight and gaining two.
The events that let you pick between two EGOs have keywords attached to them and are build specific. For example, Centipede or Siltcurrent have status effect keywords attached to them. Both fights are cancerous on an early floor of MDH, so if you don't want to fight them, you can just get the EGO gift that you want. Makes sense
However, Faelantern gives you the option between two Sinking EGO gifts, meaning you'll always either pick Widwinter Nightmare or fight Faelantern. You'll never EVER pick Eldtree Snare, even if you aren't doing a Sinking run. And it's not like there's any room for thinking, since neither of the options have a status check attached to them (Like the Cyclops or Angel status)
It honestly makes no sense
It shouldn't even be that hard since MD already locks your IDs to the max level. There can be a very simple option to either level the previous fights to your current ID levels or lock your level to the recommended level of the said node
Why would you ever not fight Faelantern? Even at it's strongest it's weak. Hell it was weak in RR2 when it debuted too
can i post an analysis i did on an abno event?
Because it's literally not worth two more loading screens (let alone animation time) unless you're scrapping the barrel for fusion fodder.
will bride greg be available in the dispensary next season?
What will be the "Thing you need to beat X of" for this Walpurgis
Yes, but its the worst WAV ego. Shard something else instead
Yeah, it's weak for a vetran player with gorillas on their team. But the choices are designed for an average/low-level player.
If you're feeling risky, you can fight Siltcurrent for two EGOs or if you're down on your luck, just pick the gift that resonates with your team.
But with Faelantern, that choice might as well not exist. If Midwinter Nightmare had a stat check behind it, I would've understood, since if you don't have the required sin, you just pick Eldtree Snare. But it doesn't
How long does it take to get a truck license?
Siltcurrent makes me salty
On a BL team literally nobody can roll the endorphin check despite BL don having an envy S2 and sloth S3 because lmao all your coin power is behind poise.
God I hate the BL team and event so much.
Yi Sang rolls as 17 Envy. What's the Silcurrent check?
He rolls 14 actually and the check is 15. Just one short
No he fucking doesn't, he rolls 14.
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People need to remember sang rolls like absolute shit unless you get enough steroids through the mirror dungeon to get the max at 15 fucking count, which can still take a couple turns
how the fuck do you pronounce waw? i've just been saying "uau" since lobcorp
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I'm intrigued, so I accept.
Godspeed anon. The only Zwei that isn't total garbage is Greg and even he has bad coins for an 000
thats fucking stupid. ill just stick to my pronunciation, thank you very much
In Arabic is pronounced as it's written WAW
I had no idea it was meant to be pronounced as VAV
you fight faelantern because it plays the best canto 4 battle theme
Is HE pronounced "he" or "h e"
I don't advise it bwo. I did a normal MD last night with them and shit was so ass. Greg did 50% of the damage and I had to buy charge/poise to keep them viable.
That sounds incredibly retarded. No thank you.
Though boring I think he is the easiest soloist for mdh.
Pronounced Ha'*half a belch*
"h a s"
Eh, personally think Middle Don & KHong Lu are better solos. Though you have to prioritise a healing gift or two for Don.
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>still missing Maidshu
Well the -20 Spidershus I'll probably have to pull from Wallpipi will help.
I just need to be careful about my choices. Though, I did waste a bunch of XP tickets just for this.
>Greg did 50% of the damage
Yeah, I thought this would be the case. Poise is also what I'm going for.
It's just hey.
Teth is tet, Zayin and Aleph are as you expect
Wasted xp tickets right before Walpipi...and on the shitty Zwei of all things..
The Erlking is a literal 1:1 copy of Archer, desu I think TM could sue.
> the -20 Spidershus I'll probably have to pull from Wallpipi
i've called "vov"
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This Gregor bugs me off.
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what killed the hype
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no GODclair ID
no faust id
too many Faust ids
Does Ryoshu have a fetish for spiders?
who will get Shadowlord ID?
That builds hype though
Also true
Sinclair! I'm trapped here...
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Anyone with dead wife is literally heathcliff
He's literally me...
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What kind of Shadowlord are we talking here?
The bygone days...
gregor boob window...
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How many Shadowlords even are there?
So let's think about it logically. In so far Yi Sang has
>two sinking IDs (00 and 000)
>two rupture IDs (00 and 000)
>one tremor ID (00)
Case solved right? WRONG.
>ZERO (0) NULL burn IDs
Now. Walpurgis so far went something like tremor/bleed>burn/rupture>burn/bleed. WHICH MEANS. Sinking is right back on the menu to wrap up sinking and tremor season. Which means that Lament Sang is CLEARLY... Burn (Gloom flavour) and Tremor. The patterns always lie.
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don having neither a sinking nor a burn unit still feels really fucking weird
it feels wrong just having her 0 stare at me
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I lost count.
Wait so you guys are part of the shanghai cartel?
from NIER
Where? Can't find it on the Lob/Ruina/Misc folder, couldn't find anything about the pianist short story
He actually has 3 sinking including his LCB
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damn, as female as ishMALE
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That's a man
Would suck his girlcock.
absolutely mindbroken. that is a biological woman.
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Really? proof it, i want pictures of everything.
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Sure thing, ishMALE defense force
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Imagine ever picking ishy over your beautiful mandatory wife paus
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Paus calling Dante
<All the Sinners belong to me so I don't have to worry about that.>
>mandatory wife
<What the hell? >
>we're going to have to beat some sense back into Don at least once in her canto
Danteh...You signed the marriage contract...
Do you think there are lullabies on the faustcord
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>He doesn't remember
<I didn't sign shit. You know I got shanghaied into this...>
yeah this would be kino methinks
Imagine ever picking a cute redhead over your aphasic discord subordinate
How do i fight ricardo in mirror dungeon? He's still better boss than erlking or ahab
i need a man in my life
He isn't there
... Angela, we're leaving.
Why does KJH cater to Faustfags so much? She's such a bland fuckign character.
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go find one then, you stupid or something?
why does he beat his retarded daughter
because she's the game's Angela.
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Switch LC and LoR
faust yi sang love
Sinclair wouldn't say this
reddit ship
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Who would win?
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>angela is the angela of lobcorp
>faust is the angela of limbis
who is the angela of ruina?
>third leg
The one on the right is weaker since you can stagger him early by hitting that.
Ayin, why did you make Gebura's breasts three times as large as when she was Kali?
based, give those troons what for
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Bro is in the wrong thread
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it is done
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>third time minimum
>Limbus mentioned near the end
So that's why it's posted here?
Hag butt
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It's Ligma Company
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why are there 2 threads doko?
This one is called "icg", but everyone used it anyways because mental retardation.
Sinners for this feeling? Hard mode: no shitmael
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Fish hag butt
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>16 hours left
It'll be Rupture
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>NGAfag has breached /gfg/ alongside the other generals he was active in and has began contaminating even further
I'm actually glad that I get to witness actual schizophrenia live. I've seen melties here and there but they just come and go
Wait, where's burn sang?
/vg/ is pure. undilated schizophrenia most of the time. /utg/ is a prime example of a mental fucking asylum.
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holy based...
The world may never know.
Why does he have those straps on him? Makes him look like a rabbit.
I was asking after these yesterday, how'd you find them? Ripped them yourself?
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can you keep him please
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Why did director choose to adapt this book?
We need more GERMANS to HUMILIATE. Prease undelstand.
Ring Sang
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Isn't he from snowbreak? Ask them.
>Kromer is turned into a fanatical crusader
>Yi Sang and the other writers became scientists whose inventions got either weaponized or used to control people
>Wuthering Heights butlers and maids became dangerous highly trained individuals and the heirs were augmented
>Don Quixote is fucking Carmilla
>Ahab and her crew went from whale hunters to being whale hunters
What did El Director mean by that?
He means he hates Americans
You’re downplaying it hard, going from big fishes(yes whales are fish, my buddies say so) to almost lovecraftian horrors in a chessboard of an ocean with arbitrary rules and disasters associated with them.
Melville's blatant faggotry and boring flowery snorefest made Director fall asleep when he was reading Moby Dick during his degree so he had to look at a synopsis instead.
The whales are now even more dangerous.
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I think it's fair to say Don will be the fan favorite sinner permanently, I could only see yi sang approaching her if he's let cook
I don't know but he melts down about your game
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>Casetti woke up early and started the party because Mephi was crammed into the car he was in
>Login screen clearly shows that he can just hang out outside the train while it is in transit
Why didn't he just do that? Is he stupid?
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Sinclair because they're both fags
>b-b-but Emil
Then Yi Sang
I'd kill for Kaine Ryoshu
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>Yi Sang
I do see Outis and Gregor also being favourites if they got more story content. I don't hate a single sinners, those that I'm not fond haven't had a Canto yet so it's up in the air smoke war lore kino incoming whenever it's Outis' turn. I did like Don when she was a dengeki retard but they had to tone her down unfortunately
why is he everywhere
>ish is maybe second, in top 3 easily
>did fuck all in 4 intervalos and canto 6
>got middling 00 and meme ego this season
>greg was easily most liked guy early on
being fan favourite doesnt mean much
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I thought heathcliff would bring in the money...
dead game
its over. this is all ruinas fault btw.
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He got lost.
That's only the mobile sales, innit? Who the fuck even plays that version
Can't see a problem here, chief.
>feet barely offscreen
I hate it
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I do mirror dungeons and luxes on mobile. So 95% of my time is on mobile.
>Who the fuck even plays that version
IDs aren't fucking content when will you learn
What's the point of releasing cool IDs if you can't use them anywhere?
60% of the playerbase is on mobile.
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Because sinners need to do something until new content
500k with nothing but a single ID, how the fuck
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ryoshu... sexy flattie, unlike ishmale
Hongheads are already promoting their boy since his canto is next after Don. Gotta respect the dedication
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why not?
>The Citadel crossover
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That's because Ishy is BIG
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NGL the idea to hangout in others titles seems pretty neat on paper
Which sinner could survive entirety of tboi? They don't shoot tears and keep weapons, identities and ego is allowed.
What's up with lcg's sudden obsession (no pun intended) with Ishmael?
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>Ahab and her crew went from whale hunters on the sea to being lovecraftian monter hunters in a deadlier and heavily divided sea
There, now it's more accurate.
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Goodbye Paust
There's two or three haters and four to five Ishfags.
Seems as usual.
Some guy keeps saying Ishmale and it makes some people upset so now it gets said more. She also has nothing going on character or content wise and is the frequent picture posted with shitposts, especially stupid ones.
Sinclair except he can shoot tears
I hope this doesn't becomes too popular with faggots like "kris where are we?". I hate tourists.
the myriads of Heathcliff
You'd have to be to like Ishmale
oh WOW, i'm gonna stroke my cashy to this pic
I prefer girls with tits, hips, no body hair and no unpleasant BO.
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My boi Honger turns into Roland with that multiverse trickery...
>purple eyes
>cliff is first sinner to get id with completely different hairstyle
i hope there will be more
why do so many of you share my interests
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>Furious Violet
>his eyes are actually indigo
wait, that's not balls...
Big yucky pubes!
they really need to do more different hairstyles for our sinners
One Sin
the ugliest sinner has a lot of fans
They always talk about Uranus, but never about Myanus
...but enough about don
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G-Giant Rodion...
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Would Faust use the Gesellschaft in the middle of her ''session'' with Dante?
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dont be mean
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I meant the cloth under her... uh, nevermind
...but enough about ishmael
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Don is very pretty.
It's okay anon. We all feel a little blue sometimes. There is nothing wrong with trying to look for a second set of balls on a lady.
I have fans?
's teammate, Outis.
Outis is middle aged but she's prettier than ishMALE could ever dream to be
When’s the pay off for the Nothing There hints in Canto 3?
When [THE HELL SCREEN] (Ryoshu's Canto) rolls around, we'll get to fight Everything There/Nothing Is.
It was an Aberration of our dear O-06-20.
>No Gregor
So you're saying he's too ugly?
All the gregfags are on xitter drawing BL of him with Meursault
>>492739034 (Me)
>no spoiler tag
Kehghm. I was pretty sure that I pressed CTRL-S.
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That was the ONE abno that needed to be Rodya's
Yet she's been robbed again, this time by the Gebura meme
Fuck you Director
grow up retard
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They're saving a proper One Sin EGO for something big
Have fAith
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Dios mio... dead inside Sinclair
Hideous looking mf
El Bastardo...
>THIS fucks don's dons every night
>...in his wet dreams
la criatura
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>''Ishmael will save Heathcliff!''
>It was Meursault
>''Sinclair will save Don!''
>Its gonna be _______
Fill in the blanks
The Knight of Mirrors.
Gregor with envy
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Our greatest ally
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Dejando de lado los memes, Anon. ¿Cuál es tu Sinner favorito?
callese, baboso
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Mi querida Duquesa Don Quijote.
Mi verdadero favorito es Yi Sang. Por que? Porque es Ideal.
So Gregor?
Hong Lu.
la bebe Hung Lo
This will unironically happen when everything comes crashing down at the end of Inferno
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A ver, oblígame.
stop changing the l to i nigger
just griefing at this point. Can't we kill this mf with rocks or sth?
Stop using his thread than tard
/lcg/ belongs to me. I won.
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I'm gonna cum in Ryoshu's hair while she's asleep
big deal making like 30 people use your thread, retard.
Nice try but Ryoshu never sleeps
That's the idea
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Sex with ryoshu would be worse than just being killed by her.
Ryoshu was able to detect someone from Shi THOUGHEVER
Only Don would manage to sneak by her, cum in her hair and make it out unharmed
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why do you retards keep putting something after though
sex with hong lu and ryoshu
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what would happen if i offered the birb a cracker in order to appease its almighty fury? i know it flips if you try to shoo it but i got no clue how it'd react to peace offerings
Stop having sex.
It's a nice thing to say though ome
Didn't Outis cuck Penelope with Circe when he was stuck on her island?
>Dante thinks he can be stealthy when he has a huge ticking clock for a head that will probably make a slowed train noise if he even reaches any pleasure.
no its not thoughtbeit
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Do it count if you're being forced to do it
Where did Meursault go?
delete this
hong lu is mine
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>he doesn't know who the elders of Zion answer to
Do you think pm regrets killing Yuri with all the staying power she's seemed to have in terms of art/fans?
he is a slut and theres nothing wrong with that
Honestly she should've had lived. They should have waited to kill her for Gregor's second round with Hernann
Dumb newfag doesn't know about the loop.
He was forced into doing it with Circe and Calypso, doesn't count.
he will get raped by a bunch of dirty tramps and your jade beauty will be damaged goods
another LCCB nobody
Men can't be raped by women unless if they are fat and/or ugly.
t. His cousin
No, she was a plot device that worked exactly as intended.
<Can you PLEASE not share this information willy nilly...?>
Women can't be raped by men unless if they are fat and/or ugly.
>It was Meursault
It was Dante you STUPID IDIOT
He was the anchor that brought back Heath both when he distorted and when he disappeared
The one who'll save Don will also be Dante.
Damn, ishmael keks lose again..
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That's correct
And boy oh boy I sure love raping women.
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Odysseus just wanted to get back home to FUCK his wife
You'd never understand
why do people ship these two? they have nothing in common
one is chinese the other is japanese
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Unless they don't enjoy it in the end*
We need to install some sort of pleasure meter on every woman when neural implants become available. If it fills up and hits the pink heart on the top during rape you're off the hook because she sufficiently enjoyed it
how come people don't ship heathcliff with faust? she's a white woman and heath is a n
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faustfags like BLACKED not GYPSIED
but cathy brought back heath from distortion, we had whole cutsceene about it
"people" do but they're shitposters and tourists so they dont count
if only women could get off to getting fucked alone
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>people don't ship heathcliff with faust
Oh boy if only you'd knew...
tfw I can't even fill half of the meter
This but its for (You) and sinner you allegedly hate
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Men who only care about their wives/girlfriends when it comes to women are always extremely based characters.
I can't read that, Anon. Sinclaor, translate, now!!
True and based.
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Unscrupulous behavior, Infidel Isang.
You will be the first to be deployed in the battle against the Latins who have conquered the Holy Land, so decrees the word of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.), for it is most Ideal.
Ishmael is right there unfortunately
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I've seen couple of nice arts few /lcg/ threads ago about Ncliff and NFaust. Too bad i forgot to save it.
Gingers are more akin to animals.
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yea kinda like italians
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This one is my favorite
Faust isn't human either
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<What-a fuck-a didja say you lil-tle bitch?>
>an entire generation of kids exposed to PM through roblox
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>I cooka da pasta
>4th panel
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total honglufication
Gay Gay Gay Homosexual Gay
Tourist Tourist Tourist Reddit Tourist
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Neither Of Which Are True By The Way
But Thanks For Sharing Your Blind Obsession
Perhaps The Eighth Sinner Is Your Most Favorite
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Nigger Nigger Nigger Jigaboo Nigger
Not gay. They have to do it for work. It's straight.
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They were neat.
whos jigaboo
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holy shit fausts fausts...
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Explain the Faust-Heathcliff ship to me. Why?
>Is we getting 1300 lunacy
White Woman.
Gypsy Man who has The Dog in him.
You do the math.
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She is a white woman, he is a nigger and Gr*gor is posting in /lcg/
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For me? To trigger Ishcliffs.
He's not; would be funny tho
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I’m hungry
Let’s eat together, I saved you a slice…
Doesn't this ignore how she turned his men into pigs
With the PM spin, this Circe would be more fucked than being a small boy in Pierre's bakery. Outis probably got fed her own soldiers...
this was funni but then it got ghey pretty quick
imagine entering don room and it's very big. And it's full of dons having fun and they all are into you.
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Who could have possibly typed this post?
can the gays go away please?
my pathead wife
I want to have fun with them. All of those Dons... for me and for me only...
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gregor and yi sang having xxx...
9/10 needs a spongebob timelapse panel
...why would that anon be t*rkish??
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How do I kill all ships I don't like
Butterflydude not you too...
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With an anti-ship cruise missile probably. Or a torpedo from a sub
>shitpost answer
white woman and brown man
>serious answer
They share ids where Faust is in a leader role and Heathcliff is in a subordinate role, such as Multicrack or Seven. The N Corp ids also can be used for a more unhealthy ship dynamic between One Who Grips Faust and N Corp Heathcliff.
KK Patriarch Heathcliff will SAVE the Kurokumo Clan...
Faustchads can pull up a thesis paper when questioned about their ship, but all you HeathKEKS can do is "idk" and "she's white"? Pathetic
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That's true.
The internet in Germany is operational.
I mean, it's pretty obvious innit? No need to cook up a word soup for this one.
Caiman is way too cool for this reddit franchise
all tits no ass
>KK Patriarch Heathcliff
*KK Patriarch Ishmael
[00] Kurokumo Lieutenant Ishmael.
Wildcard: They don't belong in the BL V. KK strife because they're in the same world as the Shi Section 5 Jobbers.
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As LimbusGod intended
I look like this
...your useless Director dead inside Don, anon...
>dons having fun
Wowee, is this like Pee-Wee's Playhouse? Count me in!
Heathcliff does indeed belong to Boy Love and KK world. Not Ishmael in sight tho. So maybe.
anyone has the lindamea mod?
>man t.corp is such a shithole
>i know what i will do! i will buy bunch of rocks that turn people into monsters!
what did he mean by this?
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sinclair gay yume
Listen, anons, if anons can ship Heathcliff with Faust why i cannot ship Hong Lu with his brother?
that's gay
Boymale fits perfectly in BL!
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... Oh. Right.
I mean, of course he belongs there. You can see him in KuroLu's pre-Uptie. Maaaaaaaaybe we'll see Ishmael thrown in there later. Perhaps. Possibly. Plausible.
BL has all the pretty girl Sinners, and it would feel weird to have them be 7 v. 5. No need to throw her in BL.
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As all shippers. So what?
we dont tolerate faggotry round these parts. scram, weirdo
KK Yi Sang exists. Every sinner's probably in both worlds as a KK or BL goon
this is a straight thread, no gays allowed
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I am starting to figure out why they put shippers through electroshock "therapy" in Victorian bongland.
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>All my inventions are inevitably something that just feeds into the endless cycle of suffering, no matter what my initial intent might have been
>This clockhead's time powers are clearly acting beyond the consensus of how time works, so my understanding of time is clearly still not complete
>I'll try to explore that possibility by testing out distortions and seeing if I can get any that work with time powers, and reverse engineer it
>Maybe I'll distort/EGO myself some time manipulation powers too

I don't know, but he clearly doesn't like the current state of things, and giving up all his accomplishments is not gonna stop what is already there, so I guess he wants to improve on it even further.

Reminder that he also said that the only way to stop this everlasting suffering, would be stopping time itself, when talking to the time riper.
wrestling with the male sinners in the sauna
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bless that drawanon
I'm afraid not, for he was banished to Retconia...
It would be interesting however if the same BL/KK war was happening in other Mirror Worlds, with the Sinners having swapped sides. Because of the LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP.
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R Ish is still the best ID
Which sinners Dante could win against in a wrestle match inside a sauna?
how many more years until we get actual answers
ALL of them.
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She's great
Kill yourself
>ceo would rather fuck with fabric of reality than rise minimal wage or social security
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>*fires the seventh bullet*
>14 hours left
It'll be Rupture
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Lunacy for ya
RuptureKINGS... this is our time...
Raising the minimal wage ends up making everything else more expensive as well though.
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shut it gypsy nigger
Not really, she's fun to use once you reach her uptie IV but there's a lot of better IDs from other sinners, including some of her other IDs
You know what the funny part is? Even though the burn IDs are weak to pierce, they're not weak to Pride by default. So her bullets don't do that much damage
If the tax house worker is to be believed, nobody ever gets to the point of having minimum hours per day allowed unless they like gambling away their money, or dreaming too high and failing too hard at once.
If it's anything like N.corp, he might not be the sole authoritative figure in the corp either.
>burn/bleed hybrid
you rike?
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>Ryoshu: Keywordless ID
>Yi Sang: Rupture
>Gregor: Tremor
>listened to this for the past 20 hours
sinners for this feel
>Keywordless ID
More like REEEtardo.
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Even Meursault and Ryoshu?
cumanon im really starting to doubt if you're being honest with us
>Entire structure of business hinges on time
>Just giving everyone more time would fuck with the economy way too hard, and invalidade those who actually work properly, or had their investments pay off, while feeding the bums
>Try to understand time beyond it's current scope to maybe find a way to make everything better for everyone without making the influx of time screwed up for everyone involved
It's probably going to lead into something bad happening, but I can get where hes coming from.
Reminder the Alfonso also alluded to some funny business with the K.corp ampoules in the future.
That's not how it works bud, minimal wage is not universal income
how about YOU shut the fuck up, boatbilly slurper
there is no single ID in this fucking game that is as frustrating as R Ishmael
she's supposed to be a good ID, but she fucking ALWAYS ROLLS TAILS
DECIDES "ahahaha, lets roll tails against a mass attack ;)" OR she fucking fails the most simple skill checks despite being
>>>>>>>>VERY HIGH
R ishmael makes me so fucking angry I would grab her by the horns and turn her into a concubine out of pure ANGER, not lust
fucking useless boatbilly skank
Stop being obnoxious.
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>she's fun to use once you reach her uptie IV
you fail to understand R Ish on a fundamental level, and i said the best not the strongest
I mean I had two cums today already, so that's not that unusual
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Her moans make me diamond
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>that faust pose
pure sexo
cute babies
anyone has a copy of journey to the west?
Do I look like a monk, you monkey nigger?
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So, N Corp wants to recreate the primordial man, Adam Kadmon, right?
I wonder why
>not using EGO with high base rolls to counter MA
I do but it's physical, not digital. You should be able to find a pdf easily online.
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summer is finally ending…
i thought pm fans were literate...
You don't understand. I literally do not have problems with any of her other IDs, if anything I'm a luckshitter with them.
We only have the implication that they want something primordial to be summoned 1:1 from how it exists elsewhere. For what purpose we don't know.
My personal guess so far is that by bringing something akin to a primordial man to their side, and eliminating it, they'd erase all possibility divergences of humanity, thus they'd "kill" all worlds. What doesn't make sense with that idea is how they'd avoid their own deaths with such a stunt.

Would be funny it ends up being Carmen since she basically inserted herself into the river and became it's disembodied watcher.
uh huh
But...the best ID implies that it is also the best in all other categories, no? Meaning even being the strongest might be inside such title. I like her, anon, specially with her S3 passing most thresholds but I still don't think she could be considered as the best one in general. Also, her uptie IV made her more easily manageable.
Don't bother trying to talk sense into Ishmalefags
They're kind of really retarded
Anon, he's clearly sees her S3 killing teammates as something good and enjoyable as one should
I'm telling you. Molar Boatworks? Wins struggling clashes fairly often. Pequod Captain? Pure luckshittery most of the time, rolling heads at 0 SP and then steamrolling everything else. Even her default ID is consistent for me?
But R Ishmael??? Oh no no no, she has to be a bitch. I even swapped her out for LCB Ishmael at some point because of how angry she made me at failing everything despite being max SP.
Confirmation bias. I also tend to have bunch of ID that do nothing but shit the bed at every given opportunity. Best you can do is just not focus on this hiccups or you not going to have any akhem FUN.
>Anon angry because he cannot understand chance and probability
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Uhh huuh…
gamblers fallacy ur mom poopbrain
Your big numbers wont prevent Ishy's punitive skullfucking
My wife…
Nelly, get off the internet

7 and Rabbit are weirdly drawn imo
>character who canonically kills africans for fun paired with what she dislikes
that seems rather contradicting
>he would stick his penis in a boatbilly's smelly mouth
I'm a Ishmaelfag. Stop being obsessed in seeing male bodies on women.

That was it? Okay I guess. I also enjoy that S3. Still not sure how that alone should carry her as the best ID. But it's probably a preference thing anyways.
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Yo, fags, check THIS out:
Also Moses stuff, i guess:
boatbilly isnt a real word
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Breed squidmael.
A while back, during the last Walpurgis, there were server problems due to 100k concurrent players across all platforms. The Steam charts at the time only had Limbus with 39k players, therefore the other 61k came from mobile. 60:40 split roughly

My condolences your idea of "woman" is so low you choose stinkmale...
how do i register in this shit ass site
Need walpipi night to come soon.
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>Still not sure how that alone should carry her as the best ID
Anon, you ok?, he's obviously just calling her "the best ID" because it's his favourite.
Can't it just be human ishy... i hate squids.
>he doesn't want to breed a new species
Have you felt a squid before?
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It can go worse.
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>whalepiggiesnight is still three days way
I’ve made an account before but had no idea how to view the hidden R18 stuff. Wonder if they need to ID check you
have you felt a squid pussy before?
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I don't even have an account and the nsfw is accessible to me.
No, and I'd sooner die than feel that shit anywhere near my dick.
Not now Howard.
Yeah and for the next 3 days it was shooting white ink
why is some nigger cuck spamming heath x faust?
It's just three pics, little chudcelling. Pipe down.
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I clicked a random thing and got this, I don't know how to browse korean 4chan
He said I ''failed to understand R Ish on a fundamental level'', he could've just said it was the best because it was his favorite for X reason instead of making me think about what I should understand about her ID to reach that fundamental level.
bwo just go fuck a squid in real life if you want it so badly
that was more than 3 pictures cuck
get over it, incel this is a heath x faust general
have sex.
I’m retarded, the display hidden contents is in the settings icon at the bottom cornor of the screen. I was looking in the account settings
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Being a bit too vocal about cuckoldry now, aren't we? Not sure if it's a projection of yours?
Right. It's four pics now, but it was three before.
You know how to hide posts, don't you? Maybe do that if it gets your willy all hard and angry.
just another tourist smearing slop and shit over our once-pristine general... these are dark times indeed
faust isnt real
>Right. It's four pics now, but it was three before.
that's way more than 4
I guess soon you faggots are going to spam BLACKED porn like /bag/
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uh oh... faustkeks having a melty...
faustfags are so fucking embarrassing
You know that Ish won't be his wife as well, right?
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love this artist
Okay so it's a little more than 4. Why do you even care chud? How does this personally effect you? Are you that mad over interracial couples?
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No more ship talk past this point
Including Dante x anyone

>"b-but they said-"
I don't care
Clearing the slate. Back to zero
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>its just a retard samefagging
finally this place became a shithole like all the gacha generals.
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This is the last one... unless that retard won't shut it.
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I feel like that was a joke, Anon. Whatever, I don't want to argue with my kin.
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lmao, chuddie is mad
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as it should be
kill yourself
baba yaga is coming
the last digit of this post is how many turns we have left
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I'm not the one who got triggered here, anon.
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now that's over lets talk about canon ships
Director…Rodya content…
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A whole month away…no idea if it's good…doesn't use her axe…
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heathbros... how long has it been since we've gotten 'tent?
did director forget about us? *cough*
Let's talk about sex!
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I curse you to reach pity this walpipi.
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It’s been 2 weeks since heathtent… I haven’t eaten in 2 weeks…
now post the entire image coward
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post HER.
I don't know how you could ship Heathcliff with anyone besides Catherine. Is it some sort of mental illness?
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Should i shard sevencliff?
Got 313 shards unused for Wild Hunt and now i got Wild Hunt from single payroll
>Sharding a 00
Oh no no no...
He looks decent for rupture ID
And besides it's not like i can use them until season ends anyway
Hold until they canto 7 is on the horizon
Heath might get some other ID/EGO
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I just thought I would argue with other Ishbros about IDs and maybe understand something new I probably missed. Sorry about, that.
last month’s sales data got fucked over by a glitch on sensortower, so it only reflects the first half of the month of july. it’s lower than last month
shiptards will argue that Heathcliff isn't supposed to be with Cathy because of what Canto 6 says.
Wait and see if you roll him during Walpipi.
Then maybe.

And yes, he is a good unit, but again >Sharding a 00
Alright then
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I wish to fish with the ish
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
shipping is just about self indulgence and whatever gets your rocks off, its not that complicated
Why do we tolerate it when waifufaggotry is looked down upon?
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baking new bread
will share on page 4
I swear I’ve seen Heathcliff being shipped with every other sinner
Heathcliff is for everyone.
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Ishmael's freckled face being flushed red since she can't handle spiciness...
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Baking new bread
Will not be sharing, it's cinnamon raisin swirl
This is only true for all non-canon non-faust x dante ships.
wtf! give me some! sounds good, hope you enjoy
Faust is for Yi Sang. The Director himself said so. You are delulu.
Heathcliff is used goods… cathysisters what do we do…
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isn’t dante also black
Only his clock
>The Director himself said so.
Pure and utter headcanon. What the Director actually said was Dante is for Faust and vice versa.
That's it I'm shitting my pants
he's me.
Malkuth’s fat ass broke my neck
How does Dante eat without a mouth?
are you just throwing darts randomly trying to upset people or do you really gay ship
its only a problem when children are involved, we are good
bake a sinclair bread but not a shitclair bread
From his ass.
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I'll post it when i'll find it.
<Screw yourself.>
what did he mean by this
this is a griefed thread.
Nice trips.
>Faust is for [HEADCANON]
Someone has been messing the OP in little ways and everything hardly ever gets corrected.
The last person to do it did a Gregor OP twice. So I'm assuming they're trying to be more subtle not using Sinclair OPs.
Kill yourself
yeah so he’s black

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