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>QRD Lore video

Previously on /wowg/: >>492676464
legion sucked
>1 button classic gameplay
>above anything
furries are gay and retarded and should all be shaved and humiliated publicly before being launched out of a cannon into the sun
i am the main character
despite how retarded launch Legion was, 7.1 still mogs every other post-MoP patch
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i hope she wins
go play a fucking esport if you want engaging and challenging gameplay
mmo's are more about showing up and getting a group together and being geared than anything else
this current obsession with rotation and class complexity ruined WoW
Bros, how are we supposed to compete in the profession game with homebound, disabled people?
I'll be your friend but only if you play a cute female character and you have to pretend to be my gf
oh its just surumar 2 spider edition
This storyline expansion crap literally only works if there's a new zone with a new questline every two weeks, how fucking dumb are Blizzard you can't drip feed storytelling like this people will not give a shit.
>it doesn't do damage therefore it's... le bad
read what your spells do nigger
oh nvm it's the stupid nigger
her thick dark eyebrows make my cock hard you KNOW she keep it bushy bro
Was it really that bad?
is there money to be made with inscription?
>be me, EU fag on AD
>leveling in normal dungeons
>zone in Ara-Kara
>3 ppl from AD, 1 silvermoon, 1 ragnaros (tank)
>tank immediately overpulls
>we barely make it, healer struggled
>tank tries to vote kick healer but fails
>gotta stand behind my AD brothers and sisters, ask the tank to slow down
>mfw no response and tank immediatelly proceeds to overpull the nerubians on the bridge all the way to the one casting web wall to the second boss
>mfw we all die
>mfw silvermoon dps tries to vote kick healer but fails
>mfw silvermoon tard looses it, starts flaming everyone for low dps
>in normal dungeons
>when scaling fucks the meters anyway
>the rest of the run is an absolute toxic dump of insults
>not the first time this happened with rag and SM players

How is your dungeon leveling going anons?
What do you think her feet smell like
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Guild: Elysian
Realm: Quel'Thalas
Recruitment: Contrition-Quel'Thalas (alliance) Gargot-ArgentDawn (horde)

You can find the guild in the guild finder tab too.
based and double based
4chin help me! hold my hand! spoonfeed me!
>Xal'atath seizes control over Azeroth's worldsoul
>the entire planet is transformed into an endless sea of her feet wriggling toes and soles around this enormous, massive erotic foot, and sends off into space to step on the entire cosmos
i member when people kept saying they want to go back to 'nilla because of how it was
like feet i think
yeah. it was fucking shit.
Saar india has the best and cheapest devs on the market! We already upgraded your AH system, it works flawlessly, saar do the dutiful!
it was quite literally the worst
So, are we all just cool with the fact that the story so far is us conducting a regime change operation against a non-hostile foreign country that never bothered us?
There's literally no reason for us to be underneath Khaz Algar, we just showed up and started slaughtering the Nerubians.
Also, we still have no idea who the fuck Xal'atath is and what she wants.
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Cry more retard boomer.
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>we just showed up and started slaughtering the Nerubians.
did you forget dalaran already
by making 20 alts and giving them all alchemy/tailoring and crafting the daily timegated stuff
any other market will eventually become unprofitable due to bots and the global AH, although profession equipment is good money right now
When will they add High Elves?
what's the respawn timer for rares in tww?
surely void has a distinct smell? my girlfriend is a farmer so her feet smell like poop most of the time
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>Thought people were exaggerating when they said every male in the story is either evil, killed off or humiliated in some way
>So far its been true
Its actually kinda funny. Does it actually keep up through the rest of the story?
>did you forget dalaran already
we literally invaded them with Dalaran, what do you mean? we had no business being there
if someone shows up with a fucking warship in your airspace you can fight back
Yes. I am Alliance and I love proactive imperialism.
>Also, we still have no idea who the fuck Xal'atath is and what she wants.
My theory is that she is just an evil being that does evil things because she's evil. It would be such a welcome change, last time we had someone like that it was Gul'dan.
But what if he's a dude irl.
>mmo's are more about showing up and getting a group together
yeah with my friends, not subhumans who cant hit more than 1 button
mop won
legion won
dragonflight won
tww won
i wasnt expecting that
thanks for making me laugh anon
30 mins
what races do i need to do to get the 5k crystals?
Why are you smelling her feet.

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Yeah, by selling the treastises and profession equipment. its not a great profession but you can make money with it if you really like it.
disneyflight did not win
redditor opinion
I smell every part of her
and taste every part of her
i think you mean dragqueerfaggot
Never and that's a good thing. The modern helffag is just a belffag that wants to fill another tick on their "I'm superior list", not a loyal member of the Alliance. That's what void elves are, those who relinquished their narcissism to defend the Alliance as true thalassian heroes with real courage, not vanity.
Making a warlock on horde. Should I do an old hunched orc with balding gray hair or a crackhead skintone and eyes blood elf who forgot to take his daily dose
when will I be able to change my race at the barber?
did you miss the part where xal used nerubians to attack dalaran and destroyed it?
Hunched orc is best warlock race.
They also have the best casting animations.
flying ruins the game
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Please tell me you are baiting.
I know it increases the tick rate of blood boil but that's not good enough man.
It's own heal is completely worthless too. Like it's basically just an extra AoE aggro tool on pull. After pull.. the extra leech and damage it gives blood boil are whatever.
Infliction of Sorrow and Incite Terror boost blood boil like crazy. So why would I ever wanna press Consumption over Vamp Strike or Heart Strike?

Now show me your bullshit reason to why consumption is so great...
vanillacels so funny
it was pretty bad
>forced main quest with no real options
>women taking center stage constantly while the men were all either incompetent or evil
>horrible fucking cutscenes
>completely separated zones for no reason with long flight paths inbetween
>anima grinding
>legendary grinding
>torghast looked great in alpha, somehow downgraded in release
>covenant disaster
>korthia patch
>muh sigils
If you survive a war as a man, that means you didn't do your duty. Men exist to die in untold numbers for wars. That is their purpose. Stop inserting your patriarchial fantasy into serious storytelling.
Hunched troll is better. Their hunch is more hunched and not some sissy hubch like the orc one
What are some roastie WoW activities?

>Pet collecting
>Fashion contests
for you spergs arguing in the last thread, it goes like this:
Draenor was an AU Draenor.
It was grabbed by Kairoz and stabilized. Blizz messed up the lore on this with the Mag'har recruitment, because originally it was pulled entirely into our MU.
Archimonde is the same Archimonde because the Nether transcends time. There is only one demon Archimonde. Nobody knows what happens to AU souls after an MU soul becomes a demon though.

Socrethar existed as an AU soul even after MU Socrethar's demon soul was destroyed in BC.
did you miss the part where we flew dalaran into unknown airspace for no reason whatsoever?
post the webm of the nigger va with giant tits
Stop being a contrarian. I bet you flush before you wipe.
They play healers.
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As a male Im very grateful for WOW for being a social safe space that lets me express my femininity

The game has legitimately improved my mental health because I get to be myself without a filter while playing. Idk. Its just so nice I wish the real world were like this.
>some shit about questing
questing is always dogshit, doesnt matter because its lasts just a few hours of a 2 year expac
>anima grinding
not a thing redditard. it was a cosmetic currency you trivially got passively
>legendary grinding
not a thing, you did a little torghast once a week. In no world is this a grind, you spend far longer getting your vault capped
>torghast looked great in alpha, somehow downgraded in release
actual pure redditard opinion. Torghast in alpha was just as boring as twisting corridors
>covenant disaster
was a non issue, you picked your covenant then you were set for the patch

Nathria mogs almost all raid tiers.
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Before I buy the expansion I need to know


How accurate is this video?
can i get a tl;dw
So we do know. The demons dissociate from the continuity of time when they become demons. Grom could even kill Mannoroth in both timelines with no contradiction.
But that's neither here nor there, because the issue is that Blizzard only decided to add that lore explanation AFTER the expansion was over, which is imbecillic.
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Guys? Can someone help me out?
I wanted to look what's inside this barrel, but I got stuck somehow!
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what are great professions then? I think I'm going to stick to 1 character (priest) this expansion so I can't make a whole sweatshop of crafters. my other profession is alchemy for flask duration.
doesn't matter
boomer crybaby wow addict who hates his life made a video about wow
haha what a funny video
god i hate this autistic lobotomized mutt
The game is the same as ever delivered incredibly obnoxiously.
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>we used to get cool stuff like pic related in the trading post
>now we get garbage
what the FUCK happened?!
>Bri*ish voice appears
>close video
He's a shitter in fucking classic, no wonder this vid is just "erm retail... BAD!!"
>cool stuff like pic related
>a reskin of a mount from BFA
shut up
why the fuck is the quiver mog hunter only
bring back more SHINY THINGS
Mannoroth is a natural born demon, there was never a point in which he had a mortal soul. The Annihilan were just elevated in power to be even worse Armageddon machines than they already were.
he doesn't even say or do anything
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sure Ill help you. Just hold still for a moment ...
retail.... LE BAD, hehe xd
Ah yes I sure do love random quivers on my priest.
nigga i would quit this fucking shit game if i couldn't push keys fuvk you
How much Trader's Tender do you get every month?
It's accurate.
default 500 i dont remember how much you get for filling the bar
m+ should've never been in the game
in fact, mythic and heroic should've never been in the game
same with 10-man and 25-man
100% accurate and trannies can't stop seething because of it.
Wait, what did he say that was wrong?

Oh, thanks.
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Good for the first month:
>gathering professions
>Alchemy (annoying to level though)
>Blacksmithing (weaponsmithing only and you have to spam trade chat with an addon)
High Tier:
Mid Tier (You wont make money unless you find a niche market to exploit):
500 for filling bar so 1000 total
what about it is accurate? can you even articulate a single point made?

>Wait, what did he say that was wrong?
nothing, cause he said nothing
There's nothing to do when you hit 80.
is the voice AI generated or is he just severely autistic?
The fact you are crying over here instead of actually playing the game for one.
I hate the dawnbreaker.
>she only has one monitor
That is just how kids like their streamers. Like this.
im scared to look at the loot table
what if bis drops from there
I haven't played wow since BFA but this cunt is annoying and not funny in the slightest
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>gets to lvl 80 at 4 in the morning and makes le funny vid to prove he isnt mazed+grift some hate views
i really dont understand
i doubt any kids care about wow
I took them both and I am dead broke because nothing sells...
He just tells you what's the reality with the game.
>make a male char
>feel like being a savage and performing well for once
Yes but some people enjoy that.
Class for guaranteed orc pussy?
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>11 days since launch
>Auction house still completely unusable
Good one blizz
human male paladin
Warrior of course
>Archimonde is the same Archimonde because the Nether transcends time. There is only one demon Archimonde. Nobody knows what happens to AU souls after an MU soul becomes a demon though.
The answer is that it doesnt work at all because WoD is simultaneously an alternate universe/timeline and also part of the main universe, sharing the same shadowlands (confirmed by Danuser some shit about a rope of souls) and twisting nether, along with presumably everything else outside the "material plane" or whatever is WoWs equivilent
WoD does not make sense, fullstop. And its entirely because of the twisting nether/legion transcends all worlds shit. Before that it was just a fuck around timeline, but now its not really independent of the main world

It gets worse the more you think about it too
Velen is on Draenor in WoD, which means he fled Argus following Sargeras's offer. If we assume there is only 1 Sargeras, since he is demonic/titanic and therefore outside the normal realm that means that 1 sargeras would have to make an offer to every Velen in every timeline
and all of them turn him down? not a single one accepts? Because if even one accepts then there should be an evil Velen running around the Legion too
God I fucking love alchemy. Good money from herbalism, always in demand and it's fun to craft random potions.
They're late bloomer professions and you took them in the first week. Of course no one wants jewels when they're wearing Heroic dungeon gear. Your best bet is to grind rep and be one of the first people to get reputation-locked crafting recipes and then focus on selling that.
game is le... same?
lmao perhaps.
>story is a snorefest
>absolutely nothing to do at 80
You have to be severely autistic.
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What do their hoofies smell like bros?
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I just killed a rogue in the rookery with path of frost
Whatever they last walked through.
>absolutely nothing to do at 80
every zone has stuff going on constantly though
it's not that there's nothing to do, it's that you just don't like the game
Every piece of gear should have a socket.
>Spoilers in video
It's shit
we have to trump them by becoming homebound disabled immigrants. then through the magic of economics we can afford to do all the things players won't do themselves.

it's all fine and more about if you want to make (mostly concentration based) things to drop on the ah or fuck around with work orders.
>every zone has stuff going on constantly though
Such as? Can you even articulate a single zone activity?
Human male ret paladin
Tier 2 transmog
Scarlet crusade tabard
Legion ashbringer skin (pick one)
Name like Turalyonn or Arthass
engineering is GINO if you play gob/gnome and its mandatory to take them because its KINO
I got 13k by clicking a button as a skinningGOD
Blizzard spoilers the game on their main channels as well, even before the global launch.
he deserved it
should have preemptively stepped someone like a true schizo
Spreading the Light, Awakening the Machine, Theater Troupe, the spider rep mechanics, Delves, Rares, Dragonracing
I don't have friends or a guild. What specs are likely to be very good in m+ so people will invite me to a group? I assume dps is out of the question. I would prefer to not play evoker.
it's all up in the air
they ran out of time in beta and are tuning shit on live
best for pugging is either an idiot proof tank like guardian or a healer that just pushes bars up with no setup like resto sham
>start a new Hunter
>Hit an actual bug in the quest

Has anyone else ever hit this?
Ok, thank you. Is either healing priest good?
>Spreading the Light
Done on reset day.
>Awakening the Machine
Done in 10 minutes on reset day.
>Theater Troupe
Done in 10 minutes on reset day
Not a zone activity, but I'll humor you. What's the point before they unlock more difficulties?
>the spider rep mechanics, Rares, Dragonracing
Good one, lmao
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I did it again. The cunts decided to pull everything without me cause a bloodDK is slow af so I threw out path of frost the second before they impacted the water.
This shit is awesome.
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Even better, was 2 blackrock tards and one was a rogue, again
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>undead ass deathstalker
>stealth through most of the dailies/delves
>dont have to worry about underwater shit
>splashing poison all over and putting 20 debuffs and dots on the mobs
>top the meters

ummmmm yeah...
kino is back on the menu
how do i get enough ilv to do heroics at level 80?
just play the fucking game
rares wq treasures
buying explorer greens
it's very easy right now
just play the open world
If you can't figure it out just stick with delves.
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If you can figure that one out you really shouldnt be allowed to live without a wrangler
Why the fuck was Azj Khahet so much better than the other zones? Hallowfall outside of the visuals was a snooze fest. It's like the characters and general vibe were written by entirely different people to the other zones.
I hate Turalyon so much. Every time I say something against him, a crowd of racists shows up.
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I was just gonna play retribution while leveling and then go holy but retri is kinda bangin' this expansion
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>leveling an alt with basic bitch bags because the AH is deceased
Because spiders are cool, little morsel.
I miss Illichad so much bros
i've never played the game and hit 80 without already having the gear. This is a first, something is weird about this expansion.
Thanks anons.

Illidan is a virgin tho
now do that on 3 different characters, complete all the sidequests so your renown is on curve, do your profession dailies, profession weeklies, farm your coffer keys, target farm rares
he's a blackpilled mgtow sigma chad
>This is a first, something is weird about this expansion.
because you did only the main story
yo fucko go fulfill my work order papa needs bracers
Palacuck hands made this post.
i want a rogue but its too many buttons for me to play on my laptop
a new hand touches the beacon
Does anyone have simple atonement tracker for disc priest? I cant find any addon thats up to date for dungeons and the like...
Isle of Dorn is...fine
Its just a zone we've seen many times before
Ringing Deeps has no identity
the other zones have terrible themeing and dont feel that underground
Every time we get uppity human male paladins in the general I just can't get Turalyon out of my head.
Illidan? More like INCELlidan!
t. Voidkike
I can't wait to stomp your head in with Saronite boots lmao
Turalyon? More like KEKalyon!
did you forget the part where the nerubians attacked dalaran?
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I miss her so much
Dalaran is an Alliance-leaning kingdom. Why should the Horde care about it blowing up?
Levelling to 80 while not doing the campaign was a mistake. I don't think I'll have access to world quests, as well as a bunch of rep, until I complete it. End me.
I don't understand why this picture is even being posted. Illidan is literally mary sue with plot armor, especially in legion
Carrying the 20 to 40 murderhobo """adventurer""" "Champions"
Giving them casus belli

Anyone attacking the player characters in WoW is just committing suicide by sweaty nerd.
Cry me a river palacuck
you need it to get bloodshot and iron heart because everything else is dogshit at the very least
Shut up okay he's dark and badass and super cool and also really strong and awesome LITERALLY JUST LIKE ME OKAY DAD????
Who's gonna tell this retard that factions are no longer a thing? (Also, Dalaran is neutral)
>stop using elvui
>fps skyrockets
what kind of fucking troglodyte uses bloatui in 2024
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>We should kill all the nasty bugs lmao
>What the fuck is a Dalaran?
>Dalaran is neutral
Suuuuuure. But not before one of the Six Council members decides to break neutrality to help the Alliance again.
A'dal also helped Alliance against the Horde
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If the people named here aren't online
or just put the code oBYVlX7cAJO into the community finder.
Ok retard, I get you have a massive boner for Horde cock but even if that was true that's not what your original post said at all
Turalyon is such a loser
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Remember the time Jaina decided to genocide all horde members inside Dalaran and everyone was ok?
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wtf one of the ai followers left the group after 1st boss and now its just me and 3 other ai companions
What's the point of hating on Turalion? Is it blood knights rping? To me, it's one of the last interesting characters alive
A'dal is part of the Army of the Light tho
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>30th rookery dungeon on HC
>before last boss
>pull 3 of the big dudes together like always
>healer is horrid trash and everyone dies besides me and him
>kicks me for pulling too much
This fucktard healed himself for 60mil in the triple trash mob where EVERYONE died. He healed my ghoul more than the 2 melees.
Oh my god.. what the fuck
Maybe the horde should stop chimping out randomly every 2 years and they wouldn't have to.
He's farming for the trinket. The new AI is pretty realistic.
No, both spec are worse than other healers.
If you want to be invited in m+, play mage. Even if they get nerfed, you'll be invited for the BL.
i liked it for the group unit frames but cell exists now
it's just one or two extremely autistic hordeniggers shitposting
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My lesser anti magic shield healed the entire team more than he did during that entire pull
Fastest way to level is just spamming dungeons or are delves/wq any good?
since when
he was last active in mop
remember when the sunreavers aided the horde in the war and expected to get off scot free
Why is that attention starved weirdo posting again?
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>one of the last interesting characters
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>oi bruv u avin a fakin gigel m8
all I hear is a massive underbite
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>hit 80
>immediately run out of content
>back to grinding alts
nice game, WoWbabs
>looking at nightborne customization
>Face 10 with small eyes and vogue hair
>She looks like a cougar who would carry blood elf boytoys around
I have slept on the milf potential of nightborne they all look like older women

VanillaCELS are so funny.
Top k3k
They kinda want the Alliance to have no interesting characters like the Horde either? Faction balance?
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Look at this shit. I, as the tank, healed my 2 melees for 500k while the healer managed a stunning 0.. ZERO.
The levels of cope is fucking unreal.
>Right before the invasion of Outland began, Khadgar and Velen reached out to the naaru independently, both seeking aid against the dark forces amassing on Outland. The Army of the Light heard their pleas but the Army's battles with the Burning Legion were costly and ceaseless, so they could not spare soldiers to protect Outland. Instead, A'dal, M'uru, and O'ros volunteered to help the people of Outland and arrived with Tempest Keep.
don't worry anon, just wait for 11.1!!
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>people don't wanna group with you
>AI don't wanna group with you
Its over for you anon.....
>wake up
>spam this all day long
nice life
What cope? Coping with what?
you forgot
>can't play after season 1 because of carpal tunnel syndrome
>1 hour later he is still seething
Tiralion is a loser and a cuck
>the posting on-cooldown horde seanigger is having a meltie again
what set him off this time?
Don't reply to me again VanillaCEL mutt.
>people claim ret paladin is a bricked spec
>do 2 million aoe dps for 8 seconds every 30 seconds with fresh 570 gear
sure the ST is kinda ass but for aoe its pretty fucking strong
oh, that's who shitposting and can't express himself properly
What makes him interesting?
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Can I get a QRD on this?
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where did we go from
>Kill those orcs, trolls, zombies and tauren filth, they have no place in azeroth
>Listen I've been talking to these poor spider void monsters, who are certainly misunderstood poor monsters, who have suffered so much. Let them be refugees in Stormwind
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Tauren, Trolls and Elves are the only azeroth natives.
>what is the den of mortal delights
half of the blood elf females in outland sucked his demonic dick for a living
if you play BM hunter you should get permabanned
15 years of doing 1.2x what everyone else is doing by being more AFK than not
learn to play the game
Does not matter to the alliance.
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You mean trolls 1.5?
Why is it always belf fags? Are they mad about Cuckdrin?
horde players were aways such niggers
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daily reminder that shitters on wowg claimed it was impossible to time +15 dungeons in s1 of shadowlands as bm kyrian hunter because they're all metaslaving faggots who were proven wrong time and time again, doubling down on their claims saying it was boosted
>you when Xalatath twits your tipples
No that's any race except human
Nah, that was for his Illidari. Illidan saved his flower for Tyrande.
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Why are prot warriors topping dps meters what the fuck
russian vatnigger retard who got banned on 2ch and is shitposting here now
and I'm not kidding
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>These nerubians are so vibrant and diverse let's all be friends and sing cumbayah togheter
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Why are you trying to combat cringe with reddit levels of cringe? You are no better than those fucktards.
>stack 2 top tier DPS
>they pick up the slack for the bottom tier trash DPS
>basically counts as 3 mid DPS
Moving their meat flaps and pretending they are a flying mount.
Hmmm yess the spider people who clearly have a culture of evil magic, unnatural mutation and disgusting sacrificial and cannibalistic practices….

Yes…. I respect you….
Then why do human males cause 50% of the chimp outs despite being only 13% of the thread population?
this didn't happen. you've been posting this daily as if you were some kind of underdog nobody believed in, but it literally never happened. the vg archives to back to 2019 i.e. all of shadowlands. find me one such post bullying you and prove me wrong.
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>It's own heal is completely worthless too.
you are playing blood dk, any healing that's not death strike and blood plague is largely irrelevant. even bonestorm which used to be stupid strong for healing is now an offensive cooldown
>So why would I ever wanna press Consumption over Vamp Strike or Heart Strike?
it's a free damage steroid filler that gives you 2 runes, you just press it once, you get free damage and you eliminate downtime (means more heart strikes and vampiric strikes for your dumb ass)
did you play bdk before tww? it's a miracle we have a cooldown like this now in the first place
>I know it increases the tick rate of blood boil but that's not good enough man.
no shit, you are playing stupidly undertuned sanlayn
even outside of reaper's mark & exterminate your hero tree get mogged by this singular talent in deathbringer that does the same thing as incite terror & infliction of sorrow but way better without spamming your major defensive as an offensive ability lmao
But who will pay for Stormwind boomers retirement and clear our toilets?
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Did this retarded faggot finally finally kill himself?
Haven't seen him in a few threads.
Because Tyralion is a loser
Guild ruination
Because the incompetent tranny devs that run this game don't know bow to balance shit and because the expansion has been out ten days with zero balance patches. Some DPS specs are royally fucked at the moment as in worse then they have been in fucking years.
That's because he's now chillmaxxing deluxe and enjoying what life has to offer.
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I like the spiders
Still waiting for someone to explain what makes him an "interesting" character.
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What kind of buttons are you pressing that you have any form of downtime? How.. the only way I can manage downtime is if I'm wasted beyond 10 beers and just mash random garbage..
Could you not use outdated racial slurs
Elves are made for human cocks
nerubian x human is wc3 lore
anubarak was arthas' best friend
nerubian skirmishers and flyers will be on the front lines alongside the stormwind footman
I will main nerubian shadow priest
kys hater troonies
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Affliction feels like such a busted shitty spec right now.

You need 6-7 GCDs to set up on a single target, but 90% of your damage comes from hard casting (with occasional instant) Malefic Ruptures. This has to be one of the worst designed specs ever, you are just a shitty turret caster but with 10 extra steps.

Fuck you.
he cute
What do you mean anon? I see him right now, living rent free in your head.
This guy has only one single joke that stopped being funny after like, 3-4 videos. How are people still watching this shit?
Professions are fucking gay
He's racist
the cripple nigress has a va with GIANT TITS
>Still no Dragonflight profession knowledge catch up
He's literally married to an elf and spawned a halfbreed with her lmao
i won
>You won't time 15s in season 1 of Shadowlands. BFA was completely different.
>Holy shit you truly are retarded. you will -not- meet the damage requirements
>did all the hard content as marks
>switched to bm for the screenshot
>holy cope, you're not getting a 15s done without paying for it. you're bottom of the barrrel shit tier. deal with it
ten whole days, thousands of heroic dungeons worth of data, and they didn't pull the trigger. woe is.
the orc hitler arc
actually the worst players are belfs
>pets fall over to generic elites unless you spam mend pet and defensives
>losing on aoe to tanks
>pack leader isn't even an option
>that miserable feeling of having to waste a gcd on black arrow during aoe
>retards saying it's all okay because we are upper-middle performing on single target
How is the AH still broken
what the fuck are they doing
do they have skeleton crew working on wow now
Elves are made for human breeding.
He's racist against the bad ones.
that is one chad looking Warrior there anon
why would they let him say this
but he's right tho
>losing on aoe to tanks
Sadly that's not even a rare thing. Tanks are overtuned af right now, or at least some of them are.
i spent 2 runes to cast reaper's mark to do triple your overall damage on a 45 second cooldown, so I will have a little bit of downtime
meanwhile you rely on a shitty RNG proc and vampiric blood that you will need as an actual defensive on a hard pull
oh wait, you can't just spam vampiric strike because this pull is actually hard and you need to deathstrike, what a shame, all that damage just going to shit :D
They refuse to find a way to get rid of botting and automation for good because they make WoW more profitable for Blizzard
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How goes the rep farm non-avatarfag anons?
They share the same Shadowlands because ALL magical planes transcend time. Time is unique to the mortal plane.
SL, Arcane plane, Light plane, Nether, Void, etc. etc., all transcend time. The lightspawn you rescue in the new starting zone? There's only one of him. Void entities, same thing, only one. Every magical entity, just like demons, work the same. Only one of them, except elementals due to them being part of the mortal plane seemingly(though that is unclear, there might only one of them too).
all the coolest characters are the metzen's self-inserts
Turalyon, Malfurion, Thrall (before he was ruined in his absence)
>dude spend your day sitting around waiting for rares to spawn
It's going non-existently.
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sup y'all. that bm kyrian hunter who timed all +15 season 1 when you cucks said it wasn't possible. Just letting you know I got this right before reset. It's ok to be jelly.
I also did slime serpent when people found out about it. Didn't even do it as a tank cuck. L O L at you.
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What I don't get is why Metzen did fucking nothing with Malfurion while he was still there.
He said this favourite character was Malfurion, then had him do nothing?
Kek, Metzen literally turned Tiralyon into the biggest loser.
Thrall and Garrosh are based on the friendship of Metzen and Afarasiabi?
She's been real quiet since this post dropped....
can I get a translation?
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking retard, you NEEDED to do +15 to get the mount back in S1 SL. As the other guy said, it might not be your case but there's ton of retards claiming "you can do it easy, I did it by playing the shittiest spec in full green" when they just get carried by 4 other good players in the group.
Why do you think there's always that one random shitty spec with the 0.1% title? because he had friends playing meta and him joining as the 5th player.
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Nice touch with the laughing humans next to him
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>there are people on wowg that had issues with slime serpent
if we factor in the times that this didn't happen, it happened a total of zero times. it's not far off what you're claiming but alas.
it was so unexpected
like something blizzard would do in an old expansion
>there are people on wowg
sad :(
In TWW, Thrall even says he respects Turalyon.
Brownoids aren't people.
Any good mods to remove the default player/target frames? You can't get rid of them by default which really fucking sucks.
Anon, you are hating on sanlayn for no reason here. I play my usual rotation of heart strike, blood boil, deathstrike. Inbetween I renew death and decay and marrowrend.
There is no downtime here.
I just cycle through my CDs cause they are all mega short CD and when I hit vamp blood, I just keep my regular rotation up. When Vamp Strike procs, it procs and when I get to it in my rotation, it's cast. Simple as.
I don't need reapers mark, I don't need Soul Reaper. I just play regular old blood dk
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you won
i just wanted to bully you dont make another post towards me im already beaten up
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>There are dogs in /worgg/
+15s weren't hard back then what kind of shitter players were in this general back then lol
They were preparing something for the night elves. They said in interviews during Cataclysm that Nightsong when it was written was supposed to play at some point when there would be a story about them.
And that moment happened in BFA, but Malfurion was still secondary after Tyrande.
>join bg
>in progress
>enemy about to win 1400/1500
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>High Elves for the Alliance in Midnight
Can't wait, bros.
the types of players that claimed it was literally impossible to time +15's as certain spec/covenant, hence this image here was created >>492714808
God i wish i was my dracthyr
Is there no afk kick in bg's anymore?
this makes no sense because to play sanlayn effectively you have to spam vampiric even if you are capped and use vampiric blood on cooldown
deathbringer plays just like normal blood dk but you just press reaper's mark when it's up
>give yourself 30 min debuff to preserve your eternally archived winrate for when ranked unrated random BGs are added
>for the alliance
>he doesn't know
You will get Harranir and another hawk tuah in the face because someone on the dev team despises Helf for some reason and spites Helf-demanders every chance they get.
there absolutely is, and its pretty efficient at getting rid of the chinese players from illidan
>Destroy chuddyclassic players
>Annihilates SoDomy subhumans
xiv won xiv won xiv won xiv won
Everyone respects him, especially paladins. He's literally a hero from the legends.
But Blizzard forgot about that and on Arathi, Liadrin chimped-out on him, though in Legion she stood with bated breath when she found out he was alive.
No, it's not. We are not DDs, we are tanks. I make sure everything is pulled, I make sure I myself am immortal so my healer has 1 less target, I make sure I protect my team with extra leech buffs, anti magic shields, anti magic zones and AoE silences.
I don't spam vamp strike, there is 0 reason to. Deathstrike does all the damage I need.
>didn't play DF
>overwhelmed by the work order system
>can't really tell how much it would cost at a glance to make something
>can't tell if sparks are rare and something I should hold onto
wow le hecking cute spiderino bros.
spindle xD
He's using the same trope as every other classic YouTuber
I am gonna...
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Reminder, free2playchads: HOLD. Don't buy tokens with your gold yet. The price will drop.
umm retail has nothing to do
now if you'll excuse me I need to go back to SoD, do my 1 hour of weekly raiding, then log out until next week.
ugly mog
>Deathstrike does all the damage I n-ACK
>well actually i play like shit on purpose
whatever, hf being ignorant when m+ comes out lmao
you're the type of nigga to play resto druid and still spam hots on full hp targets when there's nothing to do instead of dpsing
Which is...?
whats the best dungeon to afk npc farm for gold
bro, it would take more than an hour of applying to groups in SoD before you even get in one. let alone actual raid time
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If I wanted to mash out vamp bloods, I'd take the vamp blood talents. But I don't. Vamp blood is vamp blood. I pop that shit when I'm about to pull something fat with abom limb. The added vamp strike is just a tiny lil bonus. Vamp strike itself doesn't do shit for my actual tanking.
Outside of vamp blood, rune tap for mitigation, lichborne for mit and extra team buffs and gorefiends for easy pulling and endless boneshield.
I have no reason to force myself into uncomfortable roations with extra damage skills when that means my healer has to suffer.
You do know that I had a 2.8k rating, right? I got all the portals and did all dungeons on 22 or 23
You're just moving goal posts. Just accept you don't like something and move on you mentally ill troglodyte. Who spends time like this arguing about something they hate with randos on the internet. Sad life.
>just gimme the only reason there's are a few mildly profitable things left to make in df between region wide commodities and cross realm traders
>also did i mention this thing is completely unnecessary beyond collecting a few recipe checkboxes? gimme anyway!
>dude it's just QoL it doesn't matter that people are going to see their time investment binned that doesn't affect anything having a game do that regularly
you're the dumbest nigger here by far. never suggest anything or even post here or anywhere else regarding any kind of game ever again
no you just wouldn't get to raid because nobody is playing that dead trash any more
Before and during the raid the price will start dropping because guilds will be using real money to get tokens for gold.
Were they even allowed to do that?
this guy makes theorycraft shitters seethe every time without fail. pls post KSM screenie again this season, the devastation lasted months last time.
>page after page of "KSM is easy" / refusing to post armory
>can't really tell how much it would cost at a glance to make something
Auctionator tells you the price based on your previous AH scan, generally the NPC work orders won't be worth it goldwise for a while until prices crash, but you want to do some of them for specialization points and artisans currency.
>can't tell if sparks are rare and something I should hold onto
You should hold onto until season starts or at least ask someone smarter where and when to use them.
post yours
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You reminded me of when I posted my HC fyraak kill and everyone was like
And then I got my 2.8k rating and people just.. either resulted to calling me paid again or telling me my team carried me. Even tho I had a success rate of like 90% in rando pugs.
Good times.
reminder shadow priests are responsible for the expansion
how to farm rep once you're done all the quests? I thought you could get rep daily from the rares but reset just happened and I'm not getting more rep from them
But anon, BDK heals a lot!!

You should know better than to trust the sissy help.
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this is the most boring shit in the game
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Eat up, M+ keks! We've got eight of the worst dungeons in the game, hand-picked just for you! I hope you love running them thousands of times.
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my legacy lives on
everything except grim batol and siege of boralus is good thoughever
>call a retard out for being a retard that bricks fucking heroic dungeons and blames everybody else
>heh.... you're just seething!
And yes, KSM is easy. Retards who couldn't do 100k overall DPS in season 4 got ksm.
How the fuck do I make a cute void elf?
took you a full hour to come up with that? man...
delete shadow crash and psychic link and refuse to add any good aoe or quick ramp to shadow priest ever again. you'll thank me when the games mysteriously 100x healthier for everyone else in 2 years time.
resto druids are always abysmal healers even though theres nothing wrong with the spec itself
back when >post CE counterarugments were popular some anon actually posted his and fags started nitpicking his blue logs
there is no winning with some "people"
max is the second best guild master in the world and people keep shitting on him
ksm is a big achievement in wowg i guess
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>all those (You)'s
this, the Alliance will be getting Amani trolls instead
>MoTS is good
fuck you and fuck the maze
>cata dungeons but bloated with extra mechanics for no fucking reason
and FUCK blizzard
just do the campaign on your alt, retard
its up there but there are worse
It was easier to do as a BM hunter than a tank THOUGHEVER
>city of threads
i was seriously on the fence about my renewing my sub for season 1 given how theres FUCK ALL TO DO currently, but yeah fuck this
>not playing alts in the most alt friendly shit i've seen in vidya
i nevr had an alt before and i literally have 4 rn. shit's bussin.
maze + is getting ridculous
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The Alliance embassy in Dornogal is full of high elves, wouldn't surprise me if they finally stop being cunts and make them playable for the Alliance.
dawnbreaker is fine
its not particularly good but its only really bad with pugs who clearly have no fucking idea whats going on, with a route it will play normally
City is ass
Darkflame Cleft is total ass and they need to remove the shadow meme shit before s2
Good thing I can pug raids and push delves for gear and not worry about this bullshit anymore
>dungeon has you do something other than walk in a straight line from boss to boss
>loony troons lose their fucking minds
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>city of threads

stop making these fucking reveal the traitor dungeons they are dogshit and not fun
Bros. What the fuck. I just tried to play a moonkin but I seriously cannot handle the horrible running animation. Who looks at this and thinks it looks good? It's horrid. Why are the animators so FUCKING bad now?

Everyone responsible for making and approving these shitty new bouncy animations should be fired.
Oh I'm not trying to win anything here, fren. You've gotta change your mindset. You are in a thread of one of the most popular game in the entire world. This thing is bound to be filled with shitskins. They don't know discussion, all they know is hating what isn't their playstyle and class.
What you wanna do is rile them up just enough to get a lil fun out of them.
Just don't overdo it, otherwise they resort to their preprogrammed insults of "TRANNY KYS REEEE"
>most alt friendly shit i've seen in vidya
OG does it million times better. The devs literally said that they were inspired by their system for warband.
fuck it, 3rd Dwarf race, let's get a 3rd Blood Elf race too
if the game even makes it that far
You fool when midnight comes around there will be no more horde or alliance
Just light and dark
please help anons
I'm not doing the mists of tirna shite maze again. humiliation ritual for those of us who are already bad with attention splitting and memory. I had all shadowlands portals I just hate pugging that garbo.
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why did they ruin anduin this expansion?
he goes from giga chad in bfa to doomer in sl to simp in tww
what the fuck?
>dawnbreaker is fine
It's a buggy mess at times, have fun having your key bricked due to something completely out of your party's control! But yeah, WHEN everything works it's not really as bad as people make it out to be.
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finally found it
reminder that this is the same guy who was bricking easy keys in s3 by doing less healing than healers in m0 gear from s1 were doing
What retard? OG is literally the worst alt game ever
Yeah man man a new character and play all 400 hours of the story again

Unless you mean job switching which is also shit
No way to consistently level except your roulettes
half of them are kino especially necrotic wake doebeit.
What are you doing? that pass user is a tranny who posted his real picture here few times, he's well known to be a shit player who refuse to learn anything and would rather play bad on purpose because "he decided so". Also his "2k8 rio" was him getting boosted by other guys from this general.
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too easy
why the fuck did they introduce spider trolls then completely ignore them
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why would i make alts though?
Umm so you can do the weeklies and farm kej and rep bro
>I thought you could get rep daily from the rares but reset just happened and I'm not getting more rep from them
Rare reputation is weekly, loot is daily. But there's also some rares that won't reset ever.
passive goldmaking with professions? they're pretty interactive and fun too, unless you're a brainlet.
dark elves with platinum blonde/silver/white hair make my pp the giga pp
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Delete Character
Create Character
choose Night Elf
>It's buggy!!
like what? I've done it tons and never seen a single problem. Explain the bugs in detail or im just going to assume you're another dog shitter retard making up excuses for not liking a dungeon that you're dogshit at (because that's the most likely scenario)
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Can't wait for Sanguine Depths to be in the next season...
Sylvanas undeadpussy ruined everyone that isn't Arthas
How are people crafting so many epic items in trade chat? Doesn't that use a spark of omen, which you only can have 1 of so far?
actually i don't mind these skin colors but those afrohair looks so uncanny
See you in season 3 babe
Don't care. I have delves now.
now post the version where they're all white with blue eyes and a faceapped smile
Well you see anon, you can do this thing called "crafting items for other people" where they give you the materials and you... craft the item for them......
>what's a crafting order
kek im basically a genuine newfag
i've rarely went on wowg because everytime I checked this general out there would just be gooning trannies and it was unusable
i just wanna talk about the game and just arguing with retards is fun even if they're ignorant
not possible
doesn't exist
>camping rares
le nope
i do world quests on one character then log the frick off!!
thanks anon, appreciate the clarification
how do I push past 10 renown then without any more quests to do?
Delves give gear one tier of ilvl lower than M+. You will be forced to Maze+.
>Mythic Dawnbreaker

What on earth were they thinking?
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>Siege of Boralus is in the Mythic + dungeon pool
Maze + really is a humiliation ritual isn't iut
Look, I love dwarves as much as the next guy but did we really need a THIRD dwarf race? This time with troon women?
nigga you have autism
That's because the Scourge is beyond based in ALL incarnations.
that sounds miserable
what profession can make gold passively, with how profession gear and knowledge points seem to be spaced out it seems like a very hands on thing these days.
They made her the new warsong leader?
But she was just a guest giver in dragonblight back woltk.
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So which class/spec is suffering the most right now? I'm trying to think about specs that nobody would give a shit about bringing to a raid.
>load in to a fresh dungeon
>boat literally not at the dock, its flying around for me
>not for anyone else in the group, just me. Cant get on
>too broke to craft gear
>finally get a rare expensive drop
>sell it on the auction house
>item just disappears from listings and i don't get my gold
can anyone hook a nigga up with a code i dont get paid til end of september
Sometimes the airship simply doesn't even spawn at start.
You can fly through the airships and end up stuck inside them.
On the 1st boss sometimes you don't get the ability to fly when boss starts casting giga darkness spell.
All 3 I've seen myself, but you can find an even longer list on google/official forums, but haven't experienced those myself so not gonna bother listing them.
Bolvar, Saurfang, Velen and Thrall are not omegas
Khadgar is not beta, Kael'thas is omega
Works on my machine
Ah, that tracks, "he" is just trying to bait someone into giving ""him"" a good rape.
Khadgar did nothing wrong.
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Yes we did, leaflover.
>High elves
>Literally fair skinned, radiant and godlike creatures
>Represented with a DEI nigger
Every single time.
arthas was a pussy bitch
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nobody asked for em but they're dece for what they are.
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>Illicuck the 10000 year old virgin that gets his dick cut off by a weakened arthas
You're right, lets get Elves for a 6th time.
People like Tirion
Remember to join the official wowg guild on EU.
imagine sucking on your earthen gfs fat tits then she makes a sudden movement and knocks half your teeth out
Arthas was a Chad and a anti-hero. Everything he did was for righteous reasons, although he got played like a fiddle by Varimathras and the Lich King.
probably hunter
ranged hunter blows, survival is fine but theres a lot of competition for melee spots and it has the worst raid buff
what's the ilvl difference between hero 5/5 and champion 8/8?
>average-ish dude with SOME fel power
>world ending threat

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whats the point of having to apply concentration?? why would you not apply it lmao seems so redundant and stupid but idk much about crafting so i hope there is a good reason
Lor'themar is CHAD. He is THE LAST OG memember of the Horde. And he FUCKS Thalysra.
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I want to try blacksmithing for the first time after never crafting anything for years
Am I supposed to fully specialize into crafting one piece of gear for now and then expand as I get more knowledge, maybe go into belts and gauntlets next?
fire mage, sub/outlaw rogue, boomkin, BM hunter
Where can i see waht raid/party buffs/utility each class has? I want to pick something that is credit to the team.
you have 1000 which slowly regenerates iirc
>Came through an expansion
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what is it
is the tradepost bugged?
shame he died like a punk.
bfa anduin was pre chad but they just decided to turn the character into a massive pussy permanently instead of him actually maturing to be similar to his father
>10 (ten) 000 (thousand) years
Utterly KEKAROOO inducing shit my lil powerspic.
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so im here and people are just killing bugs over and over again.
what gives?
i dont know what to do and how to gear
UMM NAbros why does EU have a /wowg/ guild but not US!?
thanks for pointing that out
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Illidan isn't a virgin
Malfurion is Chad and Illidan is Sigma
Turalyon is beta now
Khadgar was flirting with the chocolate elf he's a Chad
Cuntboy posters are mentally stable.
Futards and actual unironical trannies aren't.
run around the map and kill all the Rares, they give rep and ~550 ilvl gear. Then do heroic dungeons after that and weekly quests. If you reach rank 7 with a faction they also sell a piece of 580 gear.
>Khadgar was flirting
With who?
Virgins can't be sigma
>They made Illidan LGBT
I cant believe this. The woke mind virus has gone too far
You JUST know he looks at them fuck to remember Tyrande KEK
not real
doesn't exist
>items you pick up in the world arent shared
>they have a long as fuck respawn timer
literally why change it? this was done purely to spite players.
Iridikron's gonna betray her and he'll win.
>They made a 15 year old dungeon LGBTQAP+
the left are desperate
why does loving your wife make you a beta?
>Khadgar was flirting
No, he wasn't. He acted like a true beta with her and never reciprocated her feelings.
10₹ have been deposited onto your account, Saar.
niggas having an actual discussion about alpha and sigma males
i wonder what the age category in wowg is cause i though only gen X and millennials play this shit
fake post
do you have a wowhead account
what about warcraft.wiki.gg account
Because his wife doesn't respect him. In leaked dialogue from the nerubian raid, she leaves him once again to chase Xal.
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t. descartes
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>associate with demons and literal hell
>don't expect him to be a fag
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what on earth?
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Alliance bros... You just know nu-blizz is gonna make him into a villain because he hates the horde and they are gonna make us take part in putting him down to protect the hordelet mutts...
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just pick one of the 2 non fucked up faces???
Rares give 571 gear at level 80, on par with heroic dungeons, and it's all warbound until equipped so you could gear an alt without actually playing it.
>Mythic+ Dawnbreaker
Maze+ seethe gonna be good
metzen won't allow it
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We could have gotten Void-suffused dragon/fish Skardyn. We should have gotten them!
Such an easy plot:
>Earthen Machine is broken
>Xal lures High Speaker to infuse it with void energy
>Curse of Flesh 2.0 churns out new fleshy Dwarves in the past decade or so
>By the time we arrive, many are enslaved and altered with void transfusions to bolster Xal's forces
>The Earthen robots are declining still, we free the Skardyn slaves who now begin to settle into Dornogal and repopulate the place.
>Exposure to titanic artifacts, magic, energy, mastery etc. helps stabilize them and alters thir physical shape similar to how the Titanic elevation altered the Proto-Drakes
>We now have good natured Skardyn as a playable race
Victory achieved
cope palacuck
To be fair, isn't your character literally called baddragon? Calling you a tranny doesn't seem that much of a leap
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nice cope faggot
same, but I talked to a kid at work who's 22 and plays. he said he got hooked from playing his older brothers acc when he was 8. I guess lil kids could've ended up exposed to wow social contagion around wotlk time. anecdotally a lot of newfags joined at classic launch and shadowlands launch, and when surveyed there were way more early 20s in this general than I expected. can't say if they stayed.
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Is this quest character specific or account-wide?
i'm 21.
good advice.
Wait really? Fuck Heroic dungeons then, Im slaughtering some rares today.
She's the only reason I bought the expansion.
you weren't even live when came out. why do you play it?
>i wonder what the age category in wowg is cause i though only gen X and millennials play this shit
I'm 20 and I play this shit game only because I can roleplay as Dracthyr and Vulpera
chat are we live?
Is ele sham the most boring dps spec to play right now?
how do you unluck this? I did the weekly with my main and didnt get shit
He'll have a moment of realization that the light is bad too.

Everything will revolve around forces needing balance in the end.
zandalari is so fucking cringe
I hate millenial writing so fucking much it's unreal
hey whats up you guys, chi long qua here once again
Frost mage would like to have a word with you.
tolerance can't exist without racism
uWu no
nyo :)
*gasps* Then... Dracpera?!
we awe a mistake of natuwe!!
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Please no...
Wow Won.
I've got like 64 Mining knowledge points and 79 Blacksmithing points. Anyone know first week max numbers? I've been trying to google it but there's not a lot of good info on how many knowledge points you should be able to get in the first week.
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This guy was memoryholed by the titans and we are getting both Yogg and Cthun again in the last titan. Trust the plan
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>yeah guys instead of doing quests for weekly knowledge now you get to do NPC crafting orders! We promise they will be easy and any crafter will be able to do them!
>oh what's that? You didn't have the precognition to specifically spec 15 points into the poop wheel to unlock the fart reagent slot? Sorry, you just don't get your knowledge this week at all!!
10/10 system
designed by fucking geniuses
they cant introduce him he's too strong.
Yesh buww we won thouw.. uwo
free use
I was over 64 during the early access so you've definitely missed some for mining
blacksmithing knowledge has no hardcap because it depends on how many impossible patron crafting orders you got and what the rewards for the ones you could do were
why is some of the cache gear Warbound until Equipped and others not?
I can't wait for 90% of blood elves to be black in this expansion
metzen already murdered khadgar, its going to happen
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When Black Temple came out originally it only had female concubines.

Blame Blizzard for their modern faggotry and do not lump it into Illidan's characterization. He liked fucking elven sluts. Didn't do any oil drilling.
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this is what moral relativism and cognitive dissonance does to your brain.
by the way is "vibrant" the new buzzword for virtue signaling? it means literally nothing to me in this context.
what i still dont get is
>have ethereals bein thiefy in karahzan
>later in other expansions have sneaky ethereals doing shady shit
>lots of ethereal lore
>suddenly fucking pajeet robots everywhere instead doing the shit that was almost garunteed, 99.99% written for ethereals then changed last minute
what the fuck was even that
At this point fucking Medan would be better than other new characters that get added.
>elven sluts
His illidari liked elven sluts meanwhile he saved himself for Tyrande. Shut up degenerate faggot.
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I feel forced to play two characters this expansion.
The aesthetics of Shadow Priest just look incredible, but the damage of a Frost Mage is unmatched.
How did you guys pick your mains? What criteria did you consider before locking in on one?
shadowlands is not canon
medan would have just killed xalathat on sights.
So I lend his followers some of my dark power, and I let them use my restless dead, and I grant them passage through De Other Side for three days.

What Dimensius do after they summon him? Hehehe. You be knowing the answer to that one aready. That be a lot of death! Good tidings.
There's a lot of quests, wow. I'm 3/4 zones for sojourner, I've only got hallowfall left, but this has taken days. On the plus side my reps are ending up between 9-11 just from doing everything once.

Am I supposed to be doing these Rumors in Azj Kahet? Seems like all they give is Kej and I feel like I'm swimming in Kej already.
This. Illidan is pure.
He banged Vashj who wore a blue wig though
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Reminder to do the Darkmoon Faire for crafting knowledge or you are permanently behind.
Could be worse. I have to play an aug while keeping a healer AND a tank (2 different classes) ready for my guild but at least I could pick the other classes because nobody wants to touch aug so it falls to me and the GM
THanks nigga.
>saved himself
She was already taken. Besides, he was raped half to death by the sex-starved female Wardens for 10,000 years.

Calling Illidan a virgin is a feat of impressive stupidity.
so let me get this right
to get loot from delves
you need keys
to get keys
you need to do other forms of pve
so much for it being a alternative form of gearing eh blizz?
doesn't exist
I’ve decided to try tanking for the first time this xpac I’ve been playing guardian Druid and it’s fine for dungeon content but I hate all the Druid specs for open world content

Would you say prot warrior is harder or easier than guardian to play?
I also love arms warrior should I make 2 seperate warriors or just farm a tank set and a dps set on the same character
You're one of the good ones
Is this shit going right now?
Only if you bought the epic edition.
I can't pick it up, the ! Is silver, people around the NPCs are saying it's epic edition only
I can't play this game anymore
why is there no faggotry in tww
is wow saved
The thought of gearing two tanks makes me not want to play the game. Hopefully your guild bank can help supplement the cost.
Do you recall if you bought the books from the artisan dude in Dornogal? I spent my Artisan's Acuity before learning you could get 10 more points that way. Other than that, I could pick up 2 more points finding Ironclaw Seams and Weeping Ironclaw, and another 3 points (I think) using Potions of Truesight to find stealthed ore nodes, I think?

I think all of those require Artisan's Acuity, too, so I'm out of luck until next week, I guess?
i dont know lore and i dont know what "omega" is but why is the guy with firery hands is on both beta and omega?
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>tfw not a coomer
>not a gooner
>normie sex life
>still half the reason i resubbed was Xal'atath's feet
What can i say...
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>Blizzard dabbing on poorfaggots again
>illiGOD still making incels seethe
I'm at 58 mining and I haven't bought any artisan books or the kej books and have overloaded all nodes and mined all camo nodes
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>you need to do other forms of pve
world quests that take 10 minutes
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>more EA paypiglet benefits
oh man
guess the drama is returning
What about Naaru?
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>try to open trading post
>4 day ban applied to my account
>still don't have the money for epic edition to lift it
can someone send me a code
Wait it started today? FUCK for some reason I was thinking next sunday.
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>absorbs demons
>has sex with men
you're not a DH player if you don't have baa'l pet
Nigga just play the game nigga c'mon you get keys like candy nigga
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sanlayn sisters?
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What are the chances the Darkmoon faire ends up being relevant to the story in TWW or Midnight?
are you going to spam your gay fantasies throughout the thread now?
>can earn hundreds of thousands an hour flipping basic materials on the AH if you are just more patient than 99.99% of the population and check what prices the bots are fixed to sell and and undercut very slightly
>it costs your soul
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>do world quests that i havent done on warband
It's not gay to fuck femboys
VDH main btw
>I'm making a living wage on the AH
no you aren't, but cool story I guess
Here it is


Alleria, Turalyon and Anduin fall into Xal's trap

Khadgar appears to Alleria in a vision

Black blood is everywhere
>ran by a guy that was decked out in full plate armor, not just a full set but several different ones mixed and matched
>class: mage
Can we just get rid of armor transmog restrictions already this is retarded
Same here brother
see now we know youre a lying faggot and i aint even gotta click that
WoW cutscenes dont have voices acting anymore
GG son
yea I got a full shaman mog in remix for some shekels and it can be put on any class, actually retarded. All the tier sets for the last decade have been slop
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>yfw someone unironically plays Onions'layn
>yfw someone unironically plays Cuckloser
>yfw Someone unironically plays VDH period
that wasnt me, i was doing my workout so i haven't been posting at all since then
sanlayn keys off blood plague which is the #1 damage source in that pic. maybe get samples of both at the dummies or through a dungeon and see what works out more if you're trying to decide.
you mean least interesting right?
draeneiboo human paladin mildly antagonistic against orcs isn't a personality, the guy is otherwise completely defined as a foil to his more interesting wife
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>I sure am glad I bought that 3 day pass
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i make my dark iron monk wear full plate because leather looks like shit on them, then i just roleplay as a barehanded drunken warrior
Hopefully 0. I don't want them to fucking ruin it.
Isn't the rumor that Silas Darkmoon or whatever his name is is the missing fifth Old God, his domain being excitement, pleasure, hedonistic joy, etc? That's why he takes the form of the Faire, Silas, and potentially some of the other people involved.
necessity breeds creativity. how the fuck do you make a giant spider's nest into zone?
hallowfall and isle of dorn were extremely easy premises to work off of
I can upload it to any other site convenient for you. Just name it.
Your fate is inescapable, mortal. Our gift of flesh has bound you to it. You could say that you were existentially cuckholded by us. There is nothing you can do to fight it. Accept it. Give in to it. Join us...
the absolute state of you
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There is even datamined Turalyon IGC model from that cinematic
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the profession rework was a needlessly convoluted ffxiv clone that currently incentivizes alts too much
but hey free mone
>submissive bitch boy
the only way to make Turalyon interesting is for him to become Light-Hitler and put a bunch of Horde in camps and exterminate them
how do i gear up
go to bed you dumb seanigger
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Sorry buddy, headmate position is already filled in.
>come back to me pls!
lmao turalyon is such a pathetic bitch
go to bed you dumb seanigger
You will never be a white woman
>only way to make thing good is...
Don't you say :)
pls respodn, this is my first expansion launch, I have no clue if I should be doin this or investing points into trees like making tools and alloys
taken more knots than you lmao
humans are already good at making tools retard
>Cataclysm skill
>Legion skill
Does it just pick one at random?
hmmm... lets have a 4 day early start .... then... not start the actual season for another 2 weeks
>AI sloppa anon that did so many cool requests disappeared
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thanks for the 90 bucks goy
why does this story suck
dragonflight was super mid where nothing actually happened
this is Shadowlands levels of stupid so far
>expansion is already done in one day
You really paid $90 for this shit?
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Thanks anon. I'm thinking I haven't missed any weekly stuff.
your most recent one that isn't maxxed and is learned
>he fell for the early access meme
i mean you did get early access, it just didnt matter that you did
He's probably in Vegas gambling away your money
>turalyon goes on a genocidal rampage
>horde gets desperate and goes back in time with the help of chromie
>goes wrong and we end up going too far
>fashy und freshy wow
I don't play this game, I'm just here to relentlessly mock people who do
asmöngold won
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reapplying poisons every 60 minutes is so fucking annoying fuck your fucking "class flavor" just make them permanent until i log the fuck out fuck you
he finally got the cancer he's been wishing for?
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Race class for this feel
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Lmao you mad?

I'm using it anyway.
>that isn't maxxed
Oh that makes sense right.
whats your request?
Eh, the only way to make crafting not useless after the first weeks is to force scarcity by giving people limited points, time gating, and making them specialize so not every crafter of a certain type is locked to the same products and quality levels.

Imo the real problem is there's no way to focus on crafting and it's very easy to stay caught up with serious crafters even if you only do it for 10 minutes a day.
Do classes give out buffs anymore?
>The black blood
Is it the blood of the old gods?
hunters look like this and act like this
i wonder what kind of class flavor/fantasy would satisfy both zoomers and old faggots cause poisons and buffs were readded cause of buck broken classicfags
undead anything, but in real life
Not to you they don't.
Don't really like the earthen. A bunch of regular dwarves would have been better.
Prot has a ton of cooldowns that all do very specific things AND you have 2 active mitigations AND you have to think about your rage spenders unlike bears who dump it all on ironfur
Guardian is the easiest tank because you just faceroll and only worry about how many charges of ironfur you want.
Personally I find warrior harder especially with the situational CDs.

People like to meme about brew being the most difficult but post shadowlands it's really simple, probably the second easiest tank after bear. Currently the rotation is a bit bloated but you can spec out of the bloat by taking the passive special delivery instead of active rushing jade wind because you already have spinning crane for aoe and for some reason RJW doesn't replace SCK. You can also ignore the weapons of order CD because it only grant's a bit of extra dps. I would take the option that turns your THIRD fucking spamable into a passive as well because 10% mastery is next to useless on brew. Your mitigation is secretly passive, your main active mitigation is reactive and you get a massive shield that can be used both pro and reactively. Despite what people are saying it's hard to fuck up as monk nowadays.

Pala is squishier than a monk so you shouldn't take it
VDH has to kite more than a monk and the playstyle is gay
If you fail to time your Death strike for healing you are dead instantly so ignore DK as well. Basically give prot a try as OS to see how it feels and if you don't like it flip a coin between druid or monk
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>heroics are nothing but completely naked people in greens and 580+ faggots rushing and insta leaving after the boss doesnt drop their dogshit 0.1% 571 "upgrade"
god I hate retailiggers so much
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Post you're toon.
anon, you're a paladin
follow the damn law
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Naah it definitely is not.
ofc it is, how is that even a question?
Classic is the exact same thoughverbeit.
>it's sunday and i don't even feel like logging in
it's so over
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I don't mind the points and specialization
I do mind the quality system and how concentration turns every profession into a 4day CD
But Classic is even worse for bis autism
female draenei paladin
I forgot how cursed the art for that comic was kek
poor vereesa
>Would you say prot warrior is harder or easier than guardian to play?
the easiest tank vs one of the harder tanks. It's not hard to start tanking on war but it's hard to be optimal.
>I also love arms warrior should I make 2 seperate warriors or just farm a tank set and a dps set on the same character
one character. won't even need separate sets at the start just the four weapons.
Is WoW good again bros
>Dropped the lynch mount at the very first satchel

I am for whatever reasons always lucky with satchel ground mounts. I Remember for example dropping a 1% polar war bear mount back in WOTLK at the first try
If you are a tryhard that wants to clear all content within 2-3 days, this is not your expansion. Everything is timegated
Early access more than pays for itself if you really dig into professions and then you're permanently ahead on knowledge, especially if you abuse "bugs" before they get fixed.
what happened
>fall for the profession meme again
>gold ends up in the negative or basically the same as it was prior to investing
I should just stick to playing the game with multiple characters and/or selling boosts
if thats not you flipping it on the AH thats hilariously bad and you should feel bad
800 bismuth would take fucking ages to farm and 35k could be made otherwise in like 2 hours lmao
Play the game, bonkers right?
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Why the fuck are you still in bag?
leave bag bitch bastard lens!!
ugly fucking plunderfag recolors and 2 ground mounts lmao fuck you.
there are 3 or 4 pieces to buy from reputation vendors?
Is the nerubian pheromone secreter any good? It pumped my ilvl but it looks kinda shitty
He's a paladin. It would be indecent to be undressed in public.
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Futa balls
Xalatath feet
We win.
The reason why Metzen says Malfurion, Thrall and Turalyon are his favourite characters is because they're married and he actually wants to write about his wife.
have you always been able to see the sword from this far away or am i trippin'
That explains NOTHING.
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moon hero spec bear druid is really fun, i love it
What money idiot, he did requests from here for free
Yeah I think it overrides render distance.
Ask again in 2 weeks.
Check your bank account retard
they're for people who did the sensible thing and didn't play plunderstorm due to their dislike of battle royales and pvp
(literally nobody)
(they all seethed endlessly how shit the mode is and how it's making them suicidal while running into the storm over 1200 times for over 36 hours)
(just for some ugly mogs and a low poly parrot mount)
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Don't laugh.
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>not hunched
i bought 800 for like 28-29k
so i flipped it
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Spare a pixel sirs...
A pixel for the low resolution...
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Why does Blizzard keep making ground mounts when they are completely useless at this point? The only one I see people use is the transmog mammoth.
Better than Danuser who self-inserts as an irrepentant cuckold.
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I'll be DPSing your random dungeon today. I'll do more damage than you.
I refuse to buy the off-colors when I know the real colors are in the files
Hunched is only for rouges and casters.
yup. is it october yet
>Special needs wolf
Should knot me
member that time one of the devs said he played the game on a tablet
a literal tablet, with a pen
>multi million dollar company
>literal retards
none of you have good transmogs
*votekicks you*
>no cub knotty
its actually giga easy once you learn the route ALSO you can use steady flying during the mandatory flying encounters to make that less annoying
And if I do more damage than you I get to empty my balls all over your cute face. Bridges of sticky cum between your ears.
Awesome, when where
if youre not taking weapons of order, you playin nigga
Mine was chosen based on the rapid pace of gear upgrades this week. I chose looks that would hold up even if I swapped pieces out with random 571 blues.
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>I'll do more damage than you.
I'm the tank so you should.
obvious bait to get us to post more mogs
wait until next thread faggot
Oh sh-
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>keeping clipping through the dawnbreaker
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these shoes look bad
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Race to world first is gonna revive the xpac and bring back the momentum that Quinn ruined right?
Is the radiant crocolisk a water mount?
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i think mine is okay
Here, now
Your favorite streamers are spazzes and their targeted audience is people half your age.
No, why would it? RWF didn't save Shadowlands, it just let us all watch the raiders clown themselves and the story shit the bed in 4k x 25 x 2.
O-Okay go ahead
When should I stack up on consumables - now or when the raid/M+ are out?
Wonder if their prices will drop more
>Darkmoon Faire rep buff is completely REMOVING rep gain instead of boosting it by 10%
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I think mine is alright.
every fucking time. this dungeon is a curse on those of us who habitually dismount before we hit the ground. need to check the ships floor has decided to acknowledge me before I dismount.
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really though are you cute?
>waited to buy
it's starting to sound like I should just save my money. it always takes like 2 weeks for everyone to realize it's the same piece of shit sandwich but with different bread. give it another two weeks and the community will once again be in shambles. why can't blizzard get it right?
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bros? I just check wowhead TWICE and I cannot find information on this
can anyone confirm????
I am NOT taking that shitty cooldown and I don't care if it's a dps loss. The dpsissies should play better instead of relying on the fucking tank for damage. And I am NOT pressing tiger palm when I have keg smash, blackout kick, rising sun kick, and breath of fire
Might be related to your level in the profession.
Depends.. Do you like elves or femworgen
this. unwarranted coprophagia analogy AND im poor. need to save the money to repair the rusted sheet metal that comprises my favela dwelling.
I haven't done a single heroic dungeon and I only have belt and boots left to get from rares. Shame only 4 of rares drop them and I've already killed them for today.
so far its literally the same as Dragonflight but with more timegating and the writing is a bit less gay
not bad, but its still retail WoW
All of the above...
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what the fuck is a valorstoned?
Then yeah...
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>Fishing lures are bugged, you lose the buff after getting one fish
>Auction house doesn't work so I can't buy mats
that will be 13 yuros + tip
like flightstoned but valorous
Have we decided to pretend TWW is better than Dragonflight yet?
what is a flightstone?
It feels like there's less busy work, the WQs are faster, the dungeons are better, and the environments are better.

But it's the same thing at its core, there are no fundamental differences, it's just better at the same shit.
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>be you
>walk down the street
>see this
Do you:
A) Spank it
B) Give handjob
the thing used to upgrade your gear in DF, but now it's TWW
>know where to go
>everyone flies around like headless flying chickens
>no one listens
Gear upgrade stone
votekick yourself from life pedo
>the dungeons are better
C) Rimjob
Got ya thanks.
Well if you're on moon guard, the ingame name is Rabben.
DF was peak comfy. Soul. Kino.

Dirt farming.
Obsidian Citadel.
Grizzly Hills 2.


It's over.
>the dungeons are better, and the environments are better.
She would make the cutest noises and her ears would arch down for that...
>shitty cd
its a major damage cd. if you hate dealing damage that much then why are you worried about having to press tiger palm in the first place? youd still be better off running it and literally never pressing tiger palm than using the other option kek
what's a good dungeon to you guys?
New bread:
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>divine word holy word sanctify heal field is smaller than the ability's aoe effect
it picks up the last expansion not maxxed out
proto scatfags deserve to be culled and have their heads smashed with a shovel like that undead quest in the hilsbrad concentration camp
>eat ass
Holy retard
I like funny coomer cartoons
Cope and seethe shitslurper
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the emerald dreamway has fvllen
>thinking a knife eared bitch that lives in the trees and thinks doors are the pinnacle of technology can wipe her ass properly
for all intensive purposes rimfags are scatfags and so are night elf fans
>Play cub race
>Noooo!!! don't sexualize me UwU!!!
ALL vulperas are free use correction needy brats, that simple!
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Jaina should just fuck Thrall, break up his family.
Well? is it better than DF or not?
>Implying she's not already doing it behind everyone's back
>turn on trade channel again
>instantly regret it
yea i think i'd stick to general only again
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I just realized there's a crest cap and that's why I'm not earning any more. Why can't I just get more?
retail wow is the copout game of choice for the 30+ year old boomers who would get absolutely rolled in any esport. They get to feel superior in a game played mostly by le gamer dads.
>muh rio
>muh cutting edge
>muh arena rating
nobody cares, in fact, most would not want to associate with a person who mentions wow irl.
New thread?
This one's fucking dead.
its too early to call it since the season hasnt actually started yet. the story is forgettable and so are the npcs though so it has that in common with df.
you are supposed to spend it
I did spend it. I'm not earning any more. I feel like I don't really understand the system at all.
nobody does anon, nobody does...
thank you
Every week the cap goes up by 90, but also certain crest rewarding quests/consumables ignore the cap entirely by giving you extra to use.
It gave me +10% on all of the Ahn'kahet quests I just did.

His whole back story is getting cucked to death, Top row is for people who get pussy
but anon you are always getting pussy if you ARE the pussy

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