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Previous thread: >>492697080

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
[YouTube] Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program (embed)
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
[YouTube] Jane Character Teaser "Under Arrest" | Zenless Zone Zero (embed)
[YouTube] エージェント戦闘情報:ジェーン | 『ゼンレスゾーンゼロ』 (embed)

>Current Signal Search
Qingyi - 08/14 – 09/04 11:59 (server time)
Ice-Jade Teapot - 08/14 – 09/04 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links

Anonymous 09/01/24(Sun)13:
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
Don't care rolling for all sons of kinodon
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>Onii-chan is busy right now, Belle
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The Koleda we should've gotten.
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So how much were the August sales then if that list doesn't include PC or Playstation?
what happened to the gay spammer?
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>mfw we are freeloading on HSR oniichan's revenue money

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My wife and I wish you all a happy Sunday
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only BIG SIS can save us now...
Currently seething in /gig/ over waifu
he was sleeping but now he heard you calling him back
CEO of 4channel here, I fired him
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Openworlds are fun though, the only good reason you might not like it is because It takes times to explore. But I like to take my time. I actually prefer to log in and feel like there is content out there waiting for me instead of a lobby waiting room. That doesn't mean That I don't like ZZZ though
Sorry Grace, I need to see your cute feet before I can approve your paperwork
Don't question, just doompost
Shorekeeper mogs her I'm so sorry...
Thank you Mibibi
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It's over, I need to level my Soukaku to 60
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I don't like them because they're usually extremely low effort, have low quality content, are scatterbrained, are not remarkable or memorable.
>My emperor can’t be this cute.

Would you read that light novel?
Ceaser is so cute and sexy
What's the best farm to spend all the batteries I saved up now that I unlocked all max level nodes? Disks or upgrade mats?
At least Genshin had the decency to make its open world jam-packed with shit to do which makes exploring it relatively enjoyable.
Rollslop Ring features literally empty swathes of land with only giant crabs roaming around. It's designed solely to waste your time but normies LOVE that shit for whatever reason
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>bricky almost kills the game by herself.
Whatever you need more.
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What does Bangboo defense do? They dont get attacked right?
Caesar wasn't an emperor THOUGH
> Disks or upgrade mats?
you're going to need both so proritize, the disk farm is insane tho.
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But the Image you posted it's extremely low effort bait though.
They share a part of their stats with the entire team, also nice miyabi image
why am i hearing that waterkuma is no longer the artist for ZZZ
>Caesar has a prosthetic arm
>jane doe kekshit killed the zzz revenue
shiplooneys claim another gacha revenue.
She want to be Johnny Silverhand so bad
Like I said in that post, it's 100% not for me anymore, I could stomach it in Genshin for that long because there simply wasn't enough competition or good alternatives, that there is, I couldn't get through more than 2 patches on Wuwa, which is extremely similar in exploration style on top of having a bunch of QoL over Genshin back then
with chests, puzzles and random little quests here and there, with the occasional big exploration quest. Only about 10% of Genshin exploration was fun and enjoyable to me, literally everything else that's just used to pad the world and hand you resources, I hated
Whether the image posted is bait or not, this is how I feel about it for the most part, give me a condensed experience without the need to comb over a whole map where only a 10th of it makes me excited
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I hate the feeling of another patch stacking up unexplored open world before I finish exploring the one from previous patch, fuck it, and it keeps acumulating, before I finished Inazuma they fucking added Fontain, before I was even a 1/3 through dendro country, Natlan was on the horizon, I just gave up, fuck live service open world, suck my cock
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>spend all my golden master copies on disc 6
>only anomaly mastery disc I roll is picrel
Thanks I guess?
Prove it wrong. Can't remember anything memorable about Elden Ring, most levels in Dark Souls are iconic and players discuss them to this day
>ZZZ dropped almost 70 million dollars in revenue between global and CN
It’s so over…
It's a historical reference you dumdum
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>Caesar has a prosthetic arm
>captcha: K0KHT
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>sales this
>flop that

Is the food included or not!?
Why are we blaming Jane Doe and not Qingyi? Jane hasn’t even been released yet.
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No one will address this because the point of the sensortower report isnt to be happy or reasonable. Its to go over to generals for games you dont play and spam the stats and doompost over and over even if you get zero replies.
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he's a retarded schizoid, dont mind him.
Soukaku trust events fucking WHEN???
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uh... burnice? how do I say this...
Reddit character
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Nevermind, I just had to get good and shaved off a minute
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I've got some food for you alright.
Food is no longer included as the result of budget cuts due to Flopyi.
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Julius wasn't, maybe she is based on Augustus and her dad was the one who was betrayed
This is what losing 52 million china dollars looks like.
the whole quest was about jane, not qingyi.
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I just don't like open worlds because 90% of developers never actually populate them, put fun things in them, or make any attempts to alleviate the repetitiveness within them. The videogames that have genuinely well-curated open worlds that actually make you want to explore them and see everything are very few. One of the major selling points of ZZZ for me is that it is NOT open world. The fatigue is real.
I do hope NTE and Project Mugen are good and fun, but the developers have previously made open world games and they fell into the exact same cookie cutter ubislop open worlds we have come to know and hate, so I won't get my hopes up.
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Cute cat
>Sensortower claims that they made 100 million in July
>They apparently made over 3 times the amount
Is this a chaptgpt script? You don't pay in order to play the quest. This isn't a box product.
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sorry only THRUST event for soukaku
She surprisingly has a small ass.. I thought people were comparing her to Zhu and Jane but from the side she's more like Nicole or Anby
kek, I thought it was my shitty tablet
Qingyi flopped so hard Da Wei fired Waterkuma again and cancelled the loli robot faction. Expect more puffy nipples and cake factories going forward.
>why does a report around total revenue differ from only mobile revenue?
says the coper, the cuckrat killed the revenue. fuck off.
>you now need to write 8000 words instead of 5000 words in your report
>oh cool so they increased the difficulty
>still need only 5000 for max rewards
WHY??? I hate mobile smoothbrains so much it's unreal. You don't even have to read anything they say, just say yes when the yellow text says looking good and no else. All I'm asking for is make it rewarding to get everything perfect
It's a meme because the roster will be filled with hags and males for the forseeable future until Obol (maybe) and the idols.
I did the Lycon quest...now I cant look at Sjal the same way...
>She surprisingly has a small ass
Hey, guys. Tourist here who knows literally nothing about Zenless Zone Zero. Who is this Koleda Belobog character and why am I seeing porn of her literally everywhere I go? I hadn't even heard of the game until now.
How risky is it to use rolls for the engine banner?
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Wish this would lead into an actual quest. I want to help this lil cutie.
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Oh no, anything but attractive women in my gacha game....please no.....
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Based tourist, time to join the hellhole
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I still want to bury my face in there
Wuwa killed this game
thanks homoverse
Wait, there was more? I think I skipped this one since I used the special ability both times and got 8k faster.
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Yes, pretty much the same build as Nicole, that's not a bad thing, just not Zhu or Jane level of ass-focus. Great tits though and I'm sure she'll get nice thigh jiggles
>Design a twink
>Wants people to belive that he is actually super strong
Should've made him built like biker dude or Anton instead
Wuwa more like UwU-wa
Playmobil uh noodle arm character
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What happens if I bury my head in here?
I want to rape Caesar...
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How do I get a Venus wife?
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I think there are always 8 people, didn't even use his power. I came back and gave her the permit. Hopefully she'll stay safe down there
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I'm not giving you anymore
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I looked up the game. I remember seeing people talking about the Nicole Demara character prior to the release (I think it was, anyways). I figured she'd be the one getting all the porn. Why's this red haired chick getting it all?
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Farming exp in this game feels like utter shit.
300 pink to get an agent from 1 to 60, and you get 3-4 per run and its heavily weighted towards 3 for some reason.
Thats 1700 energy to max one character. The blues are useless too since you need 5 of them to match a single pink so you'd 1500 of them, and you'd only have 300 by the time you finish farming for 300 pinks.
And you have to do the same fucking shit for w-engine exp (except you only need 200 not 300)
The left can’t meme
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>turn into Baldnice
would you?
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my wife is so cute
>fiery attitude
>shark teeth
>flat chest
>big bonk hammer
why not?
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HIA sex
GIGA dork energy
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Oop, fell asleep.

Yeah Lv40 is the cut off. Anything that starts requiring purple mats should be thought about based on actual quality of the character and what's going to let you win more, and not simply because you like them. Otherwise you will, unironically, brick your account. You need big hitters to carry you through the harder content as swiftly as possible, or your progression rate is going to tank, which in turn makes it harder to level up everybody.
Isn't the larger internet more into non-loli characters?
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Jane is hot but her quest was mid. Wish we could get more buddy cop kino with Zhu+Qingyi
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>gives her thick spats
>they don't squeeze her thighs AT ALL
Caesar raping Wise...
>Don't do the stage with Zhu Yuan yesterday
>finishing it doesn't move me out of NEPS
>Burnice didn't bug out on my potato phone
How much more will Jane sell than BRICKyi? Gimmie your predictions.
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>niche polygon collecting game
>larger internet
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Why did she sneeze here?
>first confirmed lesbian
she will be the highest selling banner yet and the highest selling banner until EoS
Someone somewhere got kotted
Nah the bug only happens on higher graphical settings. Saying you don’t see Baldnice is self-reporting that you are poor and third-world
Well, shit. I figured it would appeal to a fair number of online normies. Regardless, glad to find this game. I hate gachas and avoid them as much as possible, but this art style looks really cool and the character designs are sick. I might actually give it a go. And all thanks to porn.
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>opens mouth for 2.5s
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I just unlocked w engine discs and put fanged metal on piper is this gonna get patched or?
Why are you asking
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triple that of bricky at least.
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I'm using a 13900k...
what do you mean patched??? lol
Believe it or not, most normies actually don't care as long as they don't have toddler proportions. Mentally ill twitter people are not "most normies".
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Remember Burnice is only broken on SEANIGG phones and PCs. Stop being poor
I think the existence of Burnice in the next patch will definitely boost her sales since people won't need to speculate whether it's worth rolling Jane since they know Burnice will come out.
Metafags will definitely roll Jane + Burnice to settle their anomaly team.
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long cat
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And 1660s?
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The only male character that doesnt look like a fag for the next couple of months...
>twitter people
it's almost over bros. only 3 more days until we are free of the BINGyi plague.
La Rata will rule this general.
this except she works on bad pcs
It's okay burnice we all know you're bald..
We're not even halfway through 1.1 and I'm already waiting for 1.3 leaks, it's over.
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Vtubers won
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Honestly? I like her.
used up whore does fit her
Hot. Does her personality fit at all? If so, they won
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Just keep playing bwo, you don't seem to quite understand the system yet.
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Yeah the loudest segment of twitter seems fine with QIngyi because she is of age(delusional to think this matters for fiction but it's been accepted as normal), and because of the Zhu yuri.
If she was more ambiguously aged or was licking Wise in his sleep you'd see outrage for sure.
That vtuber is a hag only good for sex
Metafags are poorfags
They never help sell banners, only coomers do.
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It's kinda hard to roll for anyone in this game when the best girl in the game is your own biological sister.
Sometimes you just gotta accept the Brick and build a shitty house
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>bricks your account
not much Qingyi had BP and Welkin propping her up
I've got 70 tapes and no guarantee
I will get Jane, Burnice, and Ceasar without spending more than $25
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I'm pairing Jane with her and clearing everything with just those two for fun
>fubukers isn't lycaon
dogshit fucking mod, kill yourself
>head empty only flames
skin replacers have to conform to an animation skeleton you triple tech illiterate capital N Nigger
Can we do a petition for Hoyo to correct this crime please?
Is it super rare to get the limited banner character twice in a single 10 roll? Is it just luck?
>and because of the Zhu yuri.
What does a crackship forced by a few western artists have to do with her perception? Almost everyone aknowledges Qingyi is for (you).
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I'd be more worried if I was a genshin fan barely doing any better with a brand new area. I wonder if mihoyo running all these games at once is actually good business, genshin/star rail/zzz all seem to cannibalizing each other's sales and you now need to pay to upkeep three AAA live service games. Maybe it means more consistent cash flow, I don't know.
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gib archie gf
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Join our gang newbie. Or else...
Gee, Jane. How come your mom lets you have TWO cat tails?
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>start playing a month ago
>using standard tapes on stable channel
>First S rank is Rina
>Do 10 pulls whenever I get enough tapes
>Nothing interesting
>Pull this morning
>S Rank
>Its another Rina

But why…
Its busted is what im saying
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not as hot as actual Nicole
Nigga please. Caesar as a title still had their name associated with it. Plus caesar wasnt the title used for emperor, it was the second in line or a deputy. Augustus was the title used for emperor. You fucked up
man I still don't even know how to play
in a team with qingy, yz and nicole am I supposed to be playing with qingy most of the time to trigger stuns, nicole only for chains and yz for killing stunned enemies since she does a million damage?
or is it attack once with nicole since those bullets things shred def, unload your barrage with yz, then when you're empty swap to qingy for a chain so you get more bullets?
I don't think yanderes are a thing that exist in any Mihomo game, is there a chance we can get one in ZZZ?
Give me the hag
Rina's C1 is really good. It's a better outcome than a lot of other possibilities.
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Such a shame since the rest of her is cute
Yes it is very rare
You didn't get that did you
Bro your Corin forcing you to take Lycaon's tail fur for her collection?
Less chance here than any of their other games because we have 2 protagonists and they'd never make a character canonically obsessed with only one
But they'd also never make a yandere in love with 2 people especially since it'd be putting unambiguous gay in their bigger games whether the character was a guy or girl
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Your wife is a cripple
10-20m for Jane
20-30m for Ceasar
Imagine handjobs...
Got the Kot on standard. Wishing it was Koleda.
wtf are those stick arms
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> Weirdo Furries hit post nut clarities after 1 month

You fell off by a grand canyon margin. Sit Zoos..
Blessed by Gato
I'm out of agent stories and blue quests for leveling.
Now what?
She will sell less than Qingyi, since ZZZ is on a downswing, everyone has touched her and knows how bad she feels to play, and the banners after hers are Caesar and Burnice who are more highly anticipated/more niche/WAY hotter.
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Grats anon, now you need another Kot dupe and her Engine to unbrick her
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at least this game is salvageble
unlike yours
I’m a hag enjoyer but I just want more characters at the moment. Anons told me Rina was not a great pull for your first S rank so I was hoping for another agent, but if Rina isn’t bad then I’m alright with it I suppose.
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that is honestly the most insane drop I have ever seen from any gacha. over $52 million less in China, and a 50% drop in global. no wonder they are introducing tripple re-run banners in their more popular game, they are legit fucking panicking
Use energy
Then log out
Where the fuck are the last two hia coins?????
mibibi has a similar armor on her arm and she's shown to still have both hands
Augustus was also called Caesar Augustus
She gets better the further you get into the game, because her ratio scales really well against enemies with higher DEF.
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Your forgetting PS5 and PC and engagement.. Yours kinda.. Doomed
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Why are there only 2 available master tapes each MONTH in the Logistics store
B-but the 300M on the First month that reddit told me!
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Rina isn't that great at C0 but becomes amazing at C1 due to her buff uptime, you'll get other characters for sure but getting her C1 out of all others this early is great
You won
Now that sales are out and she didn't sell well Qingyi is officially S0VL.
Nah, they already made their money back for making the game and more, the honeymoon period is over that's all.
>slop cops flopped
Is anyone surprised?
Those are from all platforms
This is from mobile only
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Jane's banner lasts 20 WHOLE DAYS
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>Release + Ellen + Zhu
/zzz/ smells like girl feet
Jane's slow ass banner is killing the game
Just like QY's
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What did star rail look like first month to second? This isn't a shitpost, I'm curious about the relative comparison
So are they going to patch the event of Burnice's fucked up model orrrr?
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chinks hate our game?
Genshin and Shart Rail regularily have patches that double or halve their income though? ZZZ just needs to match their trend of the popular patches going significantly higher. In fact Genshin and HSRs 30-40 million globally is the norm unless theres an insane incentive to pull.
Sep will have both Jane and Caesar vs last month having the butt end of Zhu and basically just Qingyi.

The only concerning thing (which may be explained by only having 3 days worth) is Genshins 5.0 patch being so low.
Pretty good, they were catching up to Genshin during their golden days from the get go.
Too many sluts, lolis, and furries
Genshin is interesting because, near as I can tell, tons of people still play the game it's just that nobody is really motivated to spend money on it outside of really hyped characters like archons.
Personally I can still clear abyss with the same teams I've been using since Inazuma so I get it. HSR can rely on power creep to keep that cash flowing lol.
It flopped as per all gacha first month vs second month revenue + silver brick and luobrick flopped so they coped with we are saving for kafka cope
Outer Ring story better have 100+ hours of content to make up for 40 days of content drought
she might be like that forever
So exactly like Qingyi's?
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It’s over..
>hsr chinkland outsell genshit
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go on... without me...
Genchin I get since they finally added characters that are sex for the first time in the games history, but shart rail that high with chinkwankslop? It’s not lookin good…
Wtf if AFK journey?
Did everyone just lose to some IDLE game that doesn't even have gameplay? At least that's what the name of the game seems to imply.
This is such a trash game...
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My sovlful harem team...
Loli banner killed this game
>still replying to salesposting garbage
This general deserves to die
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you know china it's global with a multiplier right?
Its currently full of tourists going thread to thread so they can talk about sales over and over again. Give it a few more days.
I told you to invest in firekino bro
I told you dawg
>Panders to chinks
What to they even want?
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>Still no PC and/or Playstation stats
Is the trend of losing revenue from the previous month really that important compared to just total amount made? 68 million is the highest in the screenshot.
china recession
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EOS soon?
Sexful soul
you know it still outsold it if it was true, right?
also, why is that a problem *now*
If we start talking about pc and playstation sales the every gacha general would have to stop making fun of genshin though...
not comparable it's first week wasn't part of it's first full month so the drop is just a third
The pedobait flopyi killed ZZZ
game is too easy
i started late and was able to full clear the 2nd reset of Shiyu with level 50s
makes rolling for new characters less exciting
Its unfair the war is mobile x mobile
Bros? I though Japanese revenue posting was looking good? what the fuck?
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>people scared of rolling loli banner
Oh. Well cool then. I’m still learning this game so Idk who is good and who isn’t. You anons have any team recommendations for her? Only other S rank I have is Qingyi at the moment but I’ve got all of the A rank agents.
it went from $100 million to $ 54 million. Im combining the last few days of its first month (when it released) and the second month together to get $100 million
Also Genshin and HSR both had multiple months where they didnt go over 40 million each. Its not a new thing.
anon... I...
shouldn't it be 21?
Jane will save zzz
Based Headcanon Numbers anon
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missy, i will need to see some real "sincerity" for you to pass
She already ruined it.
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That honestly worries me more than the usual sales shitposting, it's a very obvious visual bug that's been up for over a day now. I'm not angry, it's a funny bug, but crappy unity asset flip goat tower games are free and don't expect hours of grinding and investment. You're getting paid millions, fix it already.
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THEY will save this game.
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-and wring your cock
second half banners rarely do better than ones in the first half, BP hard carries
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>Lose to chinkslop
>Lose to fujo game
>Lose to boomer
>Lose to normieslops
>Lose to Honkek
>Lose to Genshit
Soldier 11 is a glorified reskin of Anby. Like it actually annoys me how similar they are to the point I was expecting some story about how they're distant sisters.
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ermm people are telling me roll ratt when this perfection is around the corner?
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4 days of april + may vs june
So completely normal essentially, like it usually is.
Why not both?
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except Anby mogs her in looks, personality and sex

I took like more than an hour to complete the 2nd fight with S rank since my team are a bit under underleveled and understuffed and i'm new with anomaly, and the chunky fucker hit really hard with some nasty patterns. Fuck him
Nobody is telling you that, and that bitch looks boring as fuck
>up for over a day
Anon it hasnt even been a full day. Not even for our asian friends.
for who
the bug has been in the game since launch retard, they probably overloaded the assets in the police station and triggered one of the mobile polygon failsafes.
all of those are understandable, the real L is losing to Naruto
>Anomaly shill SD
>Still beat with just Ice and Ether
How long will I be set for?
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Don't mind me, I just disliked seeing that freeze-frame before it reverses, so I removed it
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Dont worry bros everyone is waiting for her
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>When switching Soldier 11 out in favour of Anby, Soldier 11's Chinese voiceline refers to Anby as 零 líng, "zero" — possibly hinting at a chance that she was known as "Soldier Zero" in the past
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>people are telling me
ermm why aren't you rolling for who you like more or better yet, listening to your dick?
If you like rat more then roll her, if you like caesar more, roll her instead, or just roll both
You got this anon, you can form your own opinion and follow through with it, I believe in you
post the whole picture
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you hear Anby's voice in S11 trailer they're models and animations are similar for a reason
Massive 1 month dropoff. Game was too niche and the hoyo playerbase doesn't increase; it only cannibalizes itself.
Well its normiecoreslop so..
whats the point of this event if it tells you the right answers anyway
imo she only feels great to play when using a stunner
You can go Qingyi, Rina, Corin for a solid team
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>all this doomposting
>go back to the start of 2023 and start reviewing Genshin, and then when it released HSR too
>ZZZ is performing pretty much exactly the same.
>doomposting just looks retarded and silly now
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>this retard thinks she can renew her whole gangs drivers license
Holy retarded salad brain. She's so stupid I'm fucking rolling her lmao
have to hard disagree on the stunner part, especially at C1, she's perfect in Anomaly comps with Grace as well as regular comps
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they will save the game
Ice Anby/11, Ether Anby/11 where and when
Zhu Yuan OWES me sex.
how does PEN works with Nicole's defense shred?
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i got kotted again...
If they flop then this game is EOS for sure
I need that whore to kot me
the rat is going to fucking kill the game.. why they made her for cucks, why?
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You don't have to take it that literally bro, it's all mostly fake magic numbers, just enjoy the shitposting and kneel to the Yumegods.......
>HI3 still happily running despite being less than 0.3% of their profits
>doomposters think ZZZ will EOS soon
>taking any of those braindead retards serious
if only people just ignored it man
>You get 40 signals for S-rank dupes
u been living under a rock? everybody loves ntr now
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Just level Piper instead of that whore
Even my friends who don’t play the game asked me what is up with Jane kissing girls, since they heard it from twitter or some shit.
Jane is officially the first zigger lesbian and it’s f*ckin beautiful
I'm a genshin player and this is true
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She was so proud when she managed to do the other paperwork...
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is it worth buying nicole in the shop to get c6
>character (dumb)
Caesar is top cute
Burnice is top sex
Burnice is boring
The battery system is way too slow in this game.
Girls are cuter when they're retarded.
Tell me about Caesar. How did she lose the arm?
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Was it rape?
Not after her chemotherapy.
She dress like an actual whore, skipan
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For me, it's BILLY KID!
Japs love ntr, she will sell there
Thanks, I’ll cherish that (You). It aint bait though, that’s real, and I think it’s pretty telling of the general vibe Jane and ZZZ have that even non yurifags like my buddies have accepted she huffs the muff.
Never spend signals on anything except rolls
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Uh oh... Baldnice...
>muh NTR

This general is so fucking stupid
If your sister Belle got a boyfriend, you'd probably consider this as NTR too you fucking dimwit
I want NEPS to step on me
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*waits outside random play for hours to give you $2*
autism girl cute
she's just a slut
if they made every girl for you it would devalue each old character because people will just C6 their waifu and stop rolling
Me taking a selfie while getting cucked
>caesar is only the second dumbest character to burnice who literally has no brain
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this will 100% get censored.
enjoy while you can
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I mean, if you're regularly fucking your sister, it's basically the same as "my wife's boyfriend".
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ive done all the content, thinking of downloading the G game until 1.2
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Don't look...
I looked for her and she was never there, then she cried about it to me over text, lying autist skank.
Is there a chance agents get official alt skins or not?
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imagine all the r18 arts they will get
Why would that get censored? Jane has the same thing visible at all times instead of under a skirt and Nicole has the same size with small shorts
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Genshin Impact? Come, your sibling game is just over that wall
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>This image made me realize the material under her eyes is always in the shape of tears.
Who designs a robot to always cry?
>Brand new Hoyo game is already the awkward 3rd wheel
what happened?
But I want to get every character And I want everyone to lust for my cock, unironically. Wise is a fucking loser of a character so I guess it makes sense. Belle is far more interesting than him
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Thanks for the input anons. I’ll start building her up and hopefully I pull some other agents to get a decent team put together in the future.
designed to make my dick hard
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RESPECT the police.
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>he didn't break the curse.
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>Burnice "bug" is just an excuse for waterkuma to advertise this delicious ass without backlash
I kneel
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Too much soul for your average hoyoslop slurpers
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>afkjourney on top
mihoyo needs to suck it up and add pvp to their games
ZZZ could easily have something like raids with leaderboards
The genshin formula a 3rd time in a row got stale and people dipped out
Now that burnice is confirmed an oppailoli can we just accept that zizzle is the loli game and stop pretending hags matter?
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prosthetic hand. imagine the handjobs
>respect the hardworking dime a dozen officers
>HATE the corrupt upper echelon who fuck with those officers and with the citizens they should be helping
retards like you will genuinely kill these games
I get metafags have nothing to cling to but you really should just play other gacha if you want to obsess over optimizing
This is the one getting censored
There's always participation rewards bro
don't care, kissing her other hand
>honkshart third has PVP
>flopped hard and nobody plays
>has the shittiest community
I'm fine with comfy single player experiences desu
lose some wait
Jane can sit on my face and use me like a chair
where's the Lucy missing poster that Caesar mentioned?
Nah fuck off coop is where it's at
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Do they have some kind of connection?
That ass doesn't look good wtf are you on about, her ass is falling down, It's doesn't look firm or healthy. You can go outside and find an old hag whore wearing those pants and she will probably have a better ass than Burnice
Imagine if Jane flops...
PvP is kino, if its minigames that have nothing to do with any of the characters.
Bangboo royale would be hilarious and fun.
It’s not even bait anymore, theyre just throwing everything at the wall not caring if it sticks
Nice! Can you show her face from up close too?
People thought ZZZ was going to be Mihoyo's spiciest game.
Everything after release has been tame outside of character models.
Bring on the fanservice.
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wait. it is a rendering issue.
Miyabi's has both hands. that is just a gauntlet
I would laugh really hard
She wont though, they hit the “make her gay” panic button so she wont flop
>two banners in a row with fucking police characters
>"""event""" where you're working as police checking people's papers
>the next 4* is another police character

yeah a real fucking mystery why this game had a 70% drop in a month. from a girl in a maid outfit with nice booba to some fucking fully clothed hag + a robot yapping about MUH LAW AND ORDER
now they're aiming for the same audience as genshin and HSR kek
>Bring on the fanservice.
KEK bro....
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how did you miss this?
lol & lmao
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so this is why we are getting a free Lucy...
>fan service
prepare yourself for the shipshit and gay characters
she's second half she won't do better than Qingyi
>they hit the “make her gay” panic button so she will flop even harder
Is 80/80 crit better than 45/130 for Ellen?
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*bad news* Big Sis really is handicapped. a cripple.
Ellen carried this game
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Gentlemen, how do we save ZZZ?
I'll rub my dick on her stump
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Made for creampie
we have more for you moments than genshin at the same point, genshin had negligible for you outside of Childe and Xiao until 2.0
just say you're gay
Make belle unplayable
Release idols
Rehire waterkuma
Add more tvkino
More sluts like Nicole
Miyoho should've made ZZZ go full on lolis and furries. Now they basically on track and wanting the same fanbase that are playing genshin and HSR
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The optimal ratio is to have crit damage twice your crit ratio.
>but why
It's actually easy to remember. It's because crit damage is budgeted twice as much as crit ratio.
>(4) ratio is 24%
>(4) dmg is 48%
You may have solved a problem like this in your calculus school courses, or a nongeneral form in the years before that.
Didnt genshin have hangouts at this point
Our "dates" are pretty lame despite the low expectations
>enjoy game by myself perfectly well
>open its general expecting game discussion
>doomposting cuckposting shitposting
it's always like this
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Furry males like Lycaon
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Raiden expy
Bait and switch, the hoyo special
make banners last 1 week and a half MAX
hangouts weren't until late version 1 and only some of them had fanservice (Noelle, Barbara, Bennet)
Nicole and Seth are both pure and virgin
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My first double S Rank in ZZZ
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What's this supposed to be? 9 days(?) till what
How to save the game?
Sex scenes with agents.
It was comfy for like the first 2 weeks. Its been like this since then.
I would prefer more "street" characters like Nicole and Billy to a 3 fucking cops in a row
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> Me and the gang finding ZZZ revenue
> Next Month you'll fall to WuWalow xdd

Da Wei Glazed your furry crap for this? Irrelevant after a month buddy...
God is coming.
9 for the 9th month of the year (September)
bros how many pink and blue tapes do i need for 50-60? im prefarming to instantly pump ZY to 60 when i hit ik50
It was actually pretty comfy earlier on before sales wanking, then yesterday we had a good amount of time where it was good.
You can tell instantly when a certain 3 or 4 posters are here because they'll post the same shit over and over and respond with the same terminology you literally do not see at any other time in the general and turns the thread into shit even though they barely get replies.
>pair of testicles
g..gratz.. haha..
jane is fotm garbage btw
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everyone, F2P included, hit the huge grind at 50 and quitted the game, the game just doesnt have enough content and not enough rewards
ohhh now I feel stupid. I thought they would count down now every day and then reveal something cool...
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It's always like this during the first days of every month on most gacha generals because of that monthly numberfag chart
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150 pink. blues give 20% of the exp so 750 blues if no pinks.
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this isn't good on anyone else is it
>9th month
>two building guys
>flying bangboo
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What the fuck happened here?
Slut? No no, she's a whore. Slut implies she does it for free.
Characters who are pure of heart have a child like innocence when it comes to sexual matters and the opposite sex
I Kneel, Genshin God
I haven't done the new Jane Doe story yet to have access to the short event that's going on right now. Do you specifically have to check in each day for rewards, or are you able to do catchup on the whole thing in the final couple of days before the event closes?
>remove tvkino
>makes jane shipshit
>let qingyi rot
>kills the revenue
funny, dawei will cry for zzz next patch bros.
bruh look at those t-posing mfers
Probably fine for any onfield dps, Kot probably doesn't mind it. And it's probably better than R5 saarlight for burst characters like Zhu.
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Me? I'm playing real vydia and waiting for furry women to whale on.
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Even if you dont care about getting the top spots in sales this is very worrying, the game has very poor player retention
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luckshit my final corin off the standard banner
thanks brozouf appreciate it
I have heard several anons saying it's the most useful s rank engine for attackers outside of their sig
lesbian doe will save the game
I think it's the latter
At least it was so for me in 1.0
Events like Camellia, PubSec etc where you get a new commission every day have "phases". Regardless of you actually doing the event the phases unlock anyway.
Which means on the 5th day of the event you'll have access to all the content anyway.

So yeah you'll be able to catch up in two days. I'd do it sooner rather than later though, the PubSec one only lasts for 10 days total.
The only event that hasnt followed this has been Sjal's shit, but thats because it wasnt tied to commissions or phases but instead acted as a daily log in.
slut doe kind of sucks bros
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Don't despair bros, remember
but but seapags shippers are rich bwo
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>one month of just salesposting
I guess people have to get it out of their system while they can because Jane + Caesar are bound to make decent money.
If they're that worried about player retention, people here aren't gonna like the answer. I've been saying for a month my one problem with the game is how you have like 5 minutes of content a day and every weekly/biweekly reset can be banged out in less than an hour.
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at least there's qingyi, if they go all in on hagfag bullshit I'm just gonna drop the game though
I need all the images of Anby consuming borgars.
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Now that we know dawei will press the emergency expy button to "save" the game, which expy do you want to see in zzz?
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I'd post my filters for my bwos, but I feel like they'd just change their wording to intentionally bypass it. I'm not seeing like half the thread right now.
>complaining about revenue
What did you expected?
Trannies (majority of ZZZ playerbase) won't spend money on the game because they need to buy estrogen
Nobody here would miss you, and based on those sales figures, Dawei wouldn't miss your meager pennies either.
Most people play zzz on pc or playstation
the only real drop off was CN
dropping by half after launch is normal Zhongli and Childe did significantly worse than Venti and Klee.
>you can now use a friend's agent from their profile card if you want
>said agent has all the levels and stats/disks that the friend has
>can't be used for SD or Withering Garden
There's your player interaction content.
More shipping, like genshin and HSR. Nothing more than that.
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>meager pennies
does this retard know?
>dropping by half after launch is normal
Same for HSR. 100 million in first 34 days (end of april and may) followed by 54 million the next month
>advertised the game as furry and cunny friendly
>they listened to xitter trannies complaining about the amount of cunnies, TV gameplay, and waterkuma instead of going all in
>game became tame, low revenue and is going the same route as other mihomo slop
They deserve this for entertaining the virtuesignalling niggers who don't pay or even play this game
Loli banner flop
They should make a real loli next time and not some recycled ancient hag in a robot body. Fake ass loli lmao
jane's new story bit was fucking awful, if 1.2 feels similar it's over. At least burnice is actually attractive and not a slut with no character outside of being a stereotype
>Meager pennies
Buy better bait.
Wise never had sex?
Yo I come from gig
Does anyone have the webm of the femcel spamming zzz before they got banned?
>every general I visit has revenue bullshit
>people actually invested in which corpo is earning more
I'll be back in a few days or so I guess
release alt Ellen
No the game will die when the cunny idols will be released
This but unironically
Zhu and Qingyi flopped
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will twittards stop posting here after the idol banners bring in a ton of income and they have to face that everyone who isn't being a retarded moralfag likes loli
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this one? she/he didn't leave btw
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Does anyone have a Quingyi party hard edit?
You will enjoy your patches that only have POVs of gacha characters with no overall connection to the main story
>Dawei wouldn't miss your meager pennies either
lol, lmao, even.
They're in this thread right now if you want some more material bwo
Lucy is a princess
Wow, the august flop banner really hurt you
holy esl
This is the one, thanks bwo
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Holy... he's so passionate... I'm gonna buy the battle pass now
I hate women
That's monthly numberfag chart for you.
I wish there's a general containment thread for these kinds of faggots just like how /vt/ had numberbrown thread
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Which future characters are you most looking forward to and which one are you saving your poly for?
For me it's Pulchra, but I've got my eyes on OBOL Squad too.
>spent all pulls i had to get M2 QY
>also didn't get her
Fuck, might as well use this guarantee for Caesar and make Billy even stronger
>jane's shitty banner is going to get carried by 1.2 right after on revenue charts
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Dont make him cry again anon... the battle pass and monthly card are literally STEALING from him. You are RUINING mihoyo
>when a game paid for itself in a first month
>when some AAA games fail to even reach this number on their release
I will never understand this "LOL YOUR GAME FLOPPED" argument
Gacha games are basically money printers, they literally can't fail
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only HE can save the game.
await HIM.
Imagine planting your face between those furry boobas on a cool winter day.
Kami North...
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Looking forward to Caesar the most. The sniper girl and big robot guy in the future might be cool
>cat thiren
>only has 2 (TWO) tits
My immersion is ruined
cope lmao
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Don’t forget it doesn’t even include ps5 and pc
It's weird how the discussion was the exact opposite when zzz made 100 mil and wuwa was in free falling but still made tens of millions.
It's fascinating. All of a sudden, muh pc and ps5 revenue is actually important and not a cope.
I wonder if this is that king horse person that got banned from the zzz subreddit for constantly talking about "incels".
is this alright f2p? i spread my resources a bit too thin as i got pretty lucky on the character banners and ended up building three full teams.

this was all 1-try each but the lower ranked ones were low enough i would expect beating my head against the wall to at most raise each of them 1 rank.
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A little gift to my Caesarbros from a ratfag
meant for >>492730958
sry im a bit new XD lol
It's not about the revenue. The fact that a cheaper PNG game and 2d autobattler won over expensive 3D gachas is grim
This general really dives in quality when ameribarfs wake up
baiting meant for poster is such an easy way to tell how bad the thread is lmao
You've got 14 days, you should be able to S rank the last two as long as you spend your resources smartly.
I wish I got the jiggle from her part in the event.
>drive away straight men with homosexuality and shipshit
>noone left to roll for sexy lolis
>they flop
This is their future.
>the pedoschizo is just a fragile newfag from reddit
Wow, big surprise.
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Wuwa won.
This retard is the same dude that gets mad over Firefly and waifufags in /hsrg/
I cant wait to date Jane
But no one is talking about that game. Don't bring personal grudges to objective discussions.
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insane levels of samefagging
A physical stunner will be broken if you could build them for anomaly like the other Koleda and Qingyi
…the fastest dying gacha award.
Bangboo Slop may be one of the reasons this game flops to be honest
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jane will date you and seth and everyone else it'll be great
Most pedophiles are from Reddit.
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Which Athena is the best /zzz/?
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Love zzz
Love genshin
Love hsr
I won
i told myself that last time only to completely forget about the reset, want to get to a point where i can 1-shot the whole thing assuming i can pull off type advantage.

my teams:
Anton, Grace, Rina, Plugboo
Ellen, Lycaon, Soukaku, Sharkboo
Zhu Yuan, Nicole, Qingyi, Resonaboo
ZZZ did good
>only 1 main banner qingyi
>filler 1.1 patch
>still made 30m+ on mobile alone
Every hype is now for Natlan
Also this isn’t accounting for the fact that ZZZ has a playerbase smaller than HSR and way smaller than Genshin
ZZZ for a niche game is doing well, nobody said it was gonna be a game beating Genshin and HSR (look at their views and followers on twitter and youtube, far lower than Genshin and HSR)
Proud of the newbie dev team, proud of Qingyi too for carrying the game for this month
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I'm literally playing right now and burnice has no fucking hair.
Zzz doesn't even have a budget to properly show up its upcoming flagship units.
I have 115 rolls, getting jane. Not excited about catboy Seth but seems like he will be anomaly BIS
Its bizzare to me how people can get attached to such stupid bullshit, they do the same thing with vtubers as well instead of just taking the content as it is. A very strange behaviour
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I whale per doompost to make sure the game continues to be developed this well.
It's time to get excited, or I'll bash your skull in buddy
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lycaon topkek
Nooooo you’re supposed to say the game is dying!!!!
>outlaw outer rim bikers at the precinct
Uh... Does Zhu knows about this?
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We can do it bro
she's lesbian, Seth ship died lol
i always chuckle when a pedo retard makes a tantrum post
None of the characters for the next 2 patches interest me. Guess I'm stuck with Ellen and Corin teams for a long time
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For me, it's the cunny bot
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Is the game finally over this time?
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>check around sensortower and its settings
>/zzz/ made more on Global than China
This whole fucking site is utter bullshit that pulls its numbers from outer space.
Jane did the big fart
We have Jane next, and then Caesar and Burnice too
This game is in a good place
Doompags are just eternally mindbroken at a game people enjoy
yes they're here to eat her pussy.
>Has tits when she isn't pregnant
How tall is salad cesar?
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got this autismo in the standard banner.
is she good
But they can once again kneecap their profits by making big sis or burnice LGBT
Only if you can time her attacks correctly
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Bwo I hate to tell you this, but all this doomposting is one guy (MAYBE 2 or 3 from some discord group) that just came here to spew bullshit and tear up the thread.
Go away kat
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Is grace a brick? I just got her from standard and I can't figure out a team for her with the characters I have
They ruined Jane so much
>make her shipbait
>make her yuribait now
What the fuck man
I guess I’ll be rolling for Caesar then
the outer rim is lawless
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Why is she giving Amy that look?
At least LGBT retards have money, SEApags shippers are poor
Guys, reddit Is saying that ZZZ flopped because it's a pc game and I think that is totally true. That's it.
Amy is secretly a robot
Left zzz for a week and came back. I’m reading the same shit now
>waifutrsnny flop this and that
>pedo this pedo that
>hag this hag that
>brick brick brick
>flop flop flop
Jesus, this place is a mental asylum even worse than gig because this place is 10x slower
I guess there’s no point to posting here
She is and always was a slut
That's her character, regardless of how hot you think she is (personally I think she's weird looking, especially in her cutscene animations she looks kinda ugly) she was never going to be for (You). You merely headcanoned that yourselves.
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Main target is robot idol. Then any lolis and robots would be a guaranteed rolls. Everything else is a case by case basis.
Better than some.
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Qingyi sexo
I wanna Outer her Rim, if you know what I mean
What about Engines for S tier heroes?
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She looks like she fucks white human males
I'm sure the Indonesian and Filipino redditors are PC whales
Wrong because Honker 3rd SEA shippers carried pre-genshin Mihoyo
Trannies have done nothing but complain and be loud on tweeter
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>detachable Twintails
Disk drives are so annoying to grind up, and the UI sucks ass.
Wish you could save loadouts on characters and compare stats and quickly swap between them.
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>reached IK50
>started farming discs
>no exp materials left, inspectors logs or disc exp
>only 50000 dennies left
>still a shit ton of disc to do since most of them were shite
>no new commissions in sight
So this is it, the moment where i stop the game and farm like 15 min a day one day and another day or pay to get resources
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I need that Lycaon running gif post-haste
>qingyi potato head
>slight breast jiggle
>sassy steps
>checks the nails, sparkles
>slight :3 face that turns into a cheeky smirk
this sassy fucking bitch...
I tire of the police
I'm into outlaws now
I don't get the new event, it would be kinda neat if there was a point to it. It was clearly meant to be some "Papers, please!" thing and then for some reason they just said
>Fuck it, let's write the answer at the bottom.
What's even the point of the helpers suggesting you the right answer, when it is already telling you the right answer?
god I fucking HATE equipment RNG. Is there a good gacha out there without equipment bs or pvp?
She's decent. Feels horrible to play, but decent.
Just level your dps and thenit's core skill grinding
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>You can still use ether for everything
Zhu deletes everything regardless they really need to shill fire more
>Page 4
It's over..
no one cares pedophile
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I think it would be really cool if the KKK existed in New Eridu.
They would hate black people and gypsies, but be totally cool with Thirens.
Just saying, but this game needs to look into Honkai star rail QoLs.
I care pedoLORD
I see neither of those, they already won
TV slop killed the game out the gate howthoughever. The "big hype" Zzz had was immediately flung out the window the moment everyone was forced to keep eating shitty TV-slop through the msq every 10 seconds.
game is for kids
they want the genshin audience
AI posting time?
uh oh the schizo is back
When will ZZZ get a character voiced by Nao Toyama?
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just logged in, bros... what's going on...?
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we have been inside chinky btw
hell, we could use her instead of eous and share her senses
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>group of people who hates slight differences such as color in humans, would somehow be accepting of a hybrid species

hmmmmm nyo
>how do we save ZZZ?
Im already moving to the next big gacha
After ZZZ gets Miyuki Sawashiro.
You've never seen a fantasy world where the nordic folk hate niggers but are brothers in arms with orcs?
in Jane's trailer she had lesbian sex with a junior cop
how much spicier can it get
no actually CBT1 was hype with TV's it's censorship and resin gating which killed CBT2 and CBT3 removed the resin, nerfed bangboo and added Zhu Yuan and Ellen but failed the game still failed to get hyped.
The 100 free rolls lie saved the launch or no one would have downloaded it at all.
flamethrower accident
the new eridu kkk would base their beliefs on science though, since they have internet. famous statistics like 13/50
I dont watch isekai trash, no
not ingame
Is Soukaku even a Thiren?
02 and XIV
just like how Koreans despise the japanese but are cool with everyone else
This game needs a Shaoji girl.
I have no idea who that is
Imagine sharing senses with chingy while you physically pick her up and jack hammer her like a living onahole
Sex with belle in-game (confirmed)
depends on thecontent of their character
also, apocalypses have a way of tying people together
Cancer is harsh
it's over
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Despite making up only 13% of the population, Rat Thirens are responsible for 50% of all sexual assaults.
Literally this. I don't understand the direction of trying to have fan service in 1.0 and then try to attract Genshin/Star Rail players in 1.1 when we have fucking loli Idols coming out. What the fuck are they doing.
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People here are literally naive as fuck if they think thirens would be accepted.

How fucking ignorant do you have to be to think "YEAH RACISM EXISTS AND ALSO I HATE FUCKING NIIIGGGEERRRSSS b-b-b-ut I would totally accept something from an entirely different species bros".
back of a ps2
puffy police cunny
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I wonder why...
I still have no idea who this is
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180 with heels
>la goblina
i already hate her
The New Eridu KKK would accept Thiren wives in the same way that every race-obsessed /pol/schizo would abandon all their beliefs to racemix with a Japanese tradwife.
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Ah Ruria.... You don't have long left....
I just got the fusion compiler ball is it good or shit??
How does a "low" revenue affects me, an average player?
How would a "high" revenue affect my enjoyment of ZZZ?
When are we getting a character voiced by my favorite SAY-YOO, Toshikumi Yokotaki Honda?
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>Thirenkind has exact same crime rates as Humankind when population % is accounted for
>Despite only....
I'd sooner share drinks with a furry than a cotton piccker.
11, 02 close second.
Original is kino tho, vintage design.
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No problem
Vtuber agent when?
low revenue leads to less content or for the creators to change things, not necessarily for the better
wanna see hw mihoyo handles low revenue, just look at HI3 sho recently wholesale just deleted the male MC
also, tribalism
It’s the difference between winning and losing
therion means "beast", and thiren is just a corruption of therion. I'm going to say something not conceived as an animal could still be a beast. this would make general chop a thiren as well. the only allowed citizens are humans, thirens, and robots, so I don't know what loophole lets soukaku count as a human.
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these posts are ironic, right
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Are there any content events left for this patch or are we dead until October?
Lost what?
I want sex scenes
played jane in the story
kinda fun
She only needs one hand to pin me down
Theres literally a whole faction of vtubers called virtual idols, and theyre all lolis
I don't recognize any of them what's their handles
you won't be here when they come out
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>/pol/schizo would abandon all their beliefs to racemix with a Japanese tradwife.
I think you mean indian now, that is the new hotness when it comes to the pol schizos.
they can make them middle and right lesbians as long as the toaster if for (me)
The game
Comic Girls x ZZZ collab will save the game
>despise every girl on that list aside from Mualani and Rin
Sounds like a missive improvement adding a male mc was dumb as hell in the first place. makes no sense in zzz either all it does is double the amount of lines that needs to be voiced and translated.
Belle is futa
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Corin touch my tail? Hmm... okay.
Post proof
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it is actually so fucking over
This, except boring and clunky.
I hope caeser feels fun otherwise physical seems like the dullest element save for billy
bwo just use your fuel and get your characters to 55-60
90% of that is rodent on rodent sexual violence
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>"Where did the bad man touch you, Corin?"
>she points to her forehead
>"Oh, that's not so bad..."
>wet slapping pounds
>"Hell yeah baby, cock slap!"
>"Wa-pow! Boom, bam!"
>he continues to slap her forehead with his penis, shouting into the empty warehouse
>"Woooooh baby, let's go!"
>fade back to present
>"O-oh okay. If you say so, mister counselor..."
pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero pero
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how do i fix this
Bwo.. your Billy Kid..... >>492725291
All me.
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I'm rolling for Jane Doe even though I know she's a brick.
Its obvious she fucking sucks and that Piper is better than her in every way.

But I can't skip 2 whole fucking banners, its way too fucking boring.
I've S Ranked the past 3 SDs just on welkin. Prioritize your DPS to 60 and don't neglect bangboo levels.
lmao they didn't fix it yet
ZZZero fun rolling gacha...
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It's terminal unfortunately.
less content
less animation
delayed patches
lazy events
I’ve only been in one gacha general that’s comfy, and I’m not telling you which because I don’t want you spergs ruining it.
It would never be a mihomo general thougheverly.
>no zhu
>billy isn't done leveling up
>roll on standard banner with the free tape
>get S11's ball (my main DPS)
Holy fuck
>Slowly coming to the realization Billy is actually the most technical DPS
I'm skipping Jane because of her huge tits and massive ass
Mihomo generals will never be comfy. The audience of mihomo games are trannies and femcels and they ruin everything
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if you think about it, jane had that LGBT look to her from the start
the opposite actually
Just waiting for a bunch of fanart of bald burnice so it tanks the momentum of her popularity.
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I like how this game is actually very diverse, inclusive, and overall encapsulates DEI but the tranny game journos don't hype it up because it's anime and gacha.
they got Curved swords doe and their skill is based on rapping. you put 2 and 2 together
I wish Soukaku wore her mask all the time
It's so cool
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just week long events
They cant do that because if they did people would notice that it says wind on the mask, which doesn't make sense anymore because the Wind-element was removed after cbt1..
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>no sd clears except for piperfags
b-but tom and jerry...
trannies lied...
how old is soldier 11?
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I need some rootin' tootin' /zzz/
Caesar is too cute, forgive me rat bros, but I must save...
Old enough for the army
I-It's cold wind.
>posting it here before levelling
you are already dead
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I pumped my cock full of spicy Szechuan chili oil and Soldier 11 slurped all of the spicy “noodles” right out of my Crimson Magnum Opus.
my favorite poster
I went on a date. I guess it was half successful.
I showed up but she didn't...
No confirmed LGBTBBQ tho so...
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Eh, could be worse
>Qingyi + Soldier 11 + Lucy
>Anby + Billy + Piper
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this was my final objective for 100% mewmew completion. i wonder if it was a sign
Ben trust level 3 blind friend date didn't even apologize for his full on racist tangent about thirens being violent animals and the game quickly moves past it when he realizes Ben is one of the 'good' ones.
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Anby (forma de Soldado Cero)...
A warrior denied her burger...
I don't know why anyone would roll for a whore
Ellen footjob...
head too small
Grace tits are massive.
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Soldier is a good addition to the game because her nofunallowed autism makes Anby's fun-loving nature and slutty clothing more attractive by comparison
You already got your yuri, you still ain't appeased? Tch
Stop talking about burgers, I'm hungry and really craving burgers now
Bit of awkwardness between Qingyi and Soldier 11, but nothing that makes it unworkable.
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I haven't farmed a single disk since the double drop rate event.
If you play as belle is worth
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I'm not skipping Jane. I'm spending everything I have if I need to.
It works the best out of any team I ever used.
I put Street Superstar on S11 and I just stun -> ult -> stun -> ult all day and she shits out damage
Jane will outsell her regardless. Stunners and Defenders fall into the "Luxury" pull territory. More people will pull for an on field Dps
Worth what?
She's a whore simple as doesn't matter what twin you are.
Being a whore is simply not a desirable trait no matter how you try to put it.
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4 seconds off...
do you really think that's better than starlight
Good point. Maybe if we can fuck her at the last trust event is worth.
bigger than her 2D art, nips were making jokes about false advertising
>do you really think that's better than starlight
Haha no, I haven't actually tried that. My Brimstone is also still halfway through leveling up so lol
Nta but the real awkwardness is Qingyi + Lucy, because sometimes Lucy's stupid boar fucks get in the way when I'm trying to use Qingyi's charge attack.
Hoyo are not giving you that fan service lol + rat aids
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bery nice
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>Spent on BP AND struggles to get S
Couldn't be me
After those numbers they just might
Big thing with Qingyi is she prefers more active field time with dps that can quickly unleash their damage as a burst compared to S11's more consistent field time. It works well but isn't able to fully utilize both S-ranks 100%. Still should be more than enough to stomp pretty much everything the game offers though.
This shit has been written and put in the game for months lol. They can't change it. You'll get seth appearing in them too 100%
Incels get the rope
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Appearing in what?
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That's a nice looking onahole
>mihomo caring about numbers at all
genshin has been dying for like 2 years now because of shit like this and they don't give a fuck, making femcels and trannies happy is more important to them
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Same bwi, the game is very generous with hi-fi thingy.
How did you even figure out that dude bought the bp? Having 2 lvl60 as true f2p right now doesn't look outlandish to me.
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Now what?
>post mibibi face 1.png
>duplicate file exist
>post mibibi face 2.png
>duplicate file exist
>post mibibi face 3.png
>duplicate file exist
I hate you faggots so much
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git gut.
I did >>492740935
I always forget Lycoan wants to parry unlike Qingyi with whom I dodge
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sorry bwo here's a picture of her being beautiful and powerful thoughever
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lvl your corin dude, don't you love her?
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I said it earlier, but they should be way more worried about how genshin is barely doing any better with a whole new region. At least nobody's bringing up wuwa anymore, kek
Trucker babe
Whoa... 2 limiteds and a standard... that's like... 120 limited and 50 standard rolls... impossible for F2P... whoa............
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>they should be way more worried about how genshin is barely doing any better with a whole new region
worried for what? they did it on purpose, if they didn't want the new region to flop they wouldn't have nerfed the first 5* into the ground during beta. they are perfectly aware that their decisions are harming their profits, they just don't care
yes anything above 1 limited means you paid
bangboo i got to 60, my attack units are getting there, i got two to 60 and my 3rd is 55 i think?

i feel my issue is just spreading my resources too thin as i have been more or less building 9 characters all at once, that and usually only putting one attempt in only to forget to go back and try and polish it off.

i'm true f2p, no welkin equivalent or whatever they call it in ZZZ no nothing.
She does a good job, good enough that you don't need the rat if you up her enough, except if you're a furry coomer
is the rat even good if you dont want disorder meme
You know F2P launch savers have like 210 rolls now right?
2 lvl 60 is possible. but not with lvl 50's all over
You have no idea what he's using his battery charge for retard
Fair enough, but he didn't deny it so I win
>he didn't reply to me in this dead page 9 thread
>stunner isn't the highest
I feel like you gotta be doing something wrong. Even with Ellen taking field time half the fucking time, deleting trash mobs and often also chunking elites/boss' till they flash, Lycaon was always the highest rating.
>before 2024/2020: "Chink games are so soulless!!!"
>this gif drops
What the fuck happened?

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