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"The seasonal hype is over. Billions must leave the game."- edition



>Current map

Previous: >>491603519
esports edition

KP ruins ranked edition
That fucking chink rat fucking over our M&K chads.
Noctem have a cool owl logo. I'll root for them
>hes not watching team povs
I would go with "Falcons are the most expensive and disappointing cocksuckers in the ALGS history"- edition
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OP didn't change the thread edition - edition
My team sucks so their POV doesn't last long
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What do we think about our ALGS host GlitterXplosion? I love her and would want her to have my children.
As usual
i think she needs some BBC in her life desu
Dropped could have won that game for his team if he wasn't a pussy and killed GG on the third party.
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>Not hate watching falcons on facesit.
APEX champs will be in Japan btw
I used to hatewatch Sw**t but he stopped raging openly when the redditors noticed he's not actually an epic wholesome good vibes bro.
SSG sucks! Koyful keeps joining fraud teams.
Honestly, looks the type.
Here we fucking go
she cute!
This game is owned by Aussies.
Prepare your assholes for our upcoming champs.
12 games with all these technical pauses is gonna be aids
who is your team?
I know! That's why I will always love her!
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zero banned me in his chat now i must watch his failure.
watching falcons this game, hopefully they fuck up and i get to hear some raging
Mexibros got owned lmao
How did TLAW lose that
Why did they do a replay of the Fnatic/Liquid fight everyone literally just watched on the main pov instead of the Falcons/Furia fight??
zones have been pulling away from ive been expecting
Zero can't aim for shit
Halsisters, The Verhulstchads are laughing at us...
>TSM shitting on Falcons
Wow.. Zer0 sisters, what were those shots? Are we really just smg shitters?
falcons/furia wasnt much of a fight. furias path(keon?) walked out like a controller bot trying to set up his zip and got shredded
addy hasn't kicked in
Timmy trolled that fight
did damage, then just walked into all 3 shooting him
Dint have to be this way mang...
How is the game these days? Saw that the esports thing is going on so I got curious.
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>12 points off match point already.
is lou back on mnk?
Game good. I like it!
no hes still roller
oh, he also trolled with the call, they could've survived at the pole
ok, it looked like he with the angled keyboard and shit he was back on mnk

new map good!
You will kneel to him
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The game is dogshit but I love the esports.
zer0 should go back to crypto
>main stream: 46k viewers
>B stream: 45k viewers
wiggbros... our response?
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would be kino if it came down to tsm vs falcons both at match point and reps killing hal for the trophy
lol i was gunna screenshot that
I hope Gaimin Gladiators don't win. NA not winning a lan is just boring narratively and could be bad finanicially if the fanbase loses interest. It was already bad enough last split with Reject winning it, but EWC was even worse because Eurocucks lol.
He can't adapt. He's a frontline IGL.
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they were absolutely fine in scrims with him on it
Absotootly. Reps king.
He absolutely can play Crypto, the problem is that his teammates are too rollerbrained to play Bang
That pause was dirty
I thought landmark fights don't happen anymore?
they fucked up the poi assignment
Get this Peep man OUT!
Someone fucked up the POI draft, moist weren't supposed to be at ceto
>restarting the game
this game is cooked.
so the poi draft was just for show? teams changed spots
moist was talking during pause
should be disqualified
I like how the main stream is super serious but the B stream is talking about sniff checking monsoon's sharts
>GG next to zone
No one can identify and grief teams on match point better than Sweet. Like it or not we need him in these finals.
Now that Ras is gone, YukaF has decided to become the designated APAC-N choker.
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daily reminder LG Sweet is a beta bitch cuck SORE LOSER.

didnt he win the last algs?
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yuka chokes on my BWC
Xynew look like he got that off lol
No, that was Rejecy Winnity with KaronPe, Obly and Parkha.
The German drugs regulations...
Damn GG on match point
match point on game 3 is fucking nuts.
iHatetheworld is cracked
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Need Madness to get off the tablet and start playing the game, let's go!
>brit/pole GODS leading
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Only one man can save NA now.
Guild vs Dreamfire sure was a mechs diff
nationwide shortage on adderall in USA ;)

zer0 is a fucking fraud. lmao
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>Falcons is actually TSM's reserve team
Starting to think Hal is a fraud and have been carried by Verhulst this entire time
So did anything crazy happen yesterday? Misser like 90% of it. I think i notice a few teams missing
whoops meant reps
Only Sweet not making finals.
all I can think of.
>another near zone for GG
Nice script
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Wont root for EU until bpf makes a comeback
They should start giving points advantage for Losers Bracket, high risk high reward style.
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Imagine being the social media manager of some team that didn't even make the LAN and trying to create drama around some kid popping off after clutching in a video game
actual scumfuck behaviour
What changes were made to Fuse that makes these pro players use him now?
nerfs to others, he can scan ring
Ah yes scripted for the literal who Europoor team just like how the Split 1 playoff was scripted for the literal who Korean team
Lmao what a loser. Stick to epic memes on twitter dumbass
retarded guy
Holy based shit stirring sad act
He can use ring console so the more agro players choose him if picks like Wattson/Cat don't fit their playstyle.
These social media managers that think they're part of the team are pathetic. Looking at Furia guy too
absolutely terrible by bleed holy shit
Scan ring
Evac ult, it's used less recently
Too many. Nerf him into oblivion
how did the yWIN THAT
>Why are they fucking pushing us bro??
Yeah they should just be letting the match point team play their game out for the win!
At least it's not another bottom 10 finish for falcons
Why did they go inside...
Kwabcons doing what TSM did last split
Both teams inted GLD so hard lmao
reps showing his roller
>Zer0 missed another Kraber quickscope and dies again
>Reps makes his shots
Falcon sisters...
>retards who allow the final ring eat half of their health just to be 1-clipped
Doesn't look godlike to me, Anon.
Zer0 is an smg chud
Furia is BORING. Peak Crypto zone gameplay, staying on blue shields and dying on endzone rotates to teams on purple and red. Booo!
2022... take me back
holy cope lmfao zer0 fraud
Crazy how dominant Falcons was in NA.
NA must just be pure trash then right?
they buffed the knucklefucker to the point of terminal cancer. seriously why even use a gun when you can gold helmet and q your way to end ring and then meme on the wattsonless final team
>GG has two gold knockdowns
>1 gold bag
>at ring 1
that was ages ago, pros arent playing him because of that
itschinky btfo
Hiswattos just needs to grab 2 rollertards and IGL them like he does his random ranked bots.
I likw how IGL basically means Tardwrangling now
how the fuck did GG get that spot for free?
NRG you pussies
their igl is a fruitcake
GG has been gifted every zone pull for free. If I didn't know any better I'd say it was rigged
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they've literally just took this spot for free lol
Alliance please save us
These teams are so fucking retarded bros.. the only team with Catalyst but they grief each other instead.
Alliance-sama, I kneel...
NRG saved it lmao
Respect for m&k players is too high to treat them like retards. Rollers are punching bags since they're so interchangeable.
mozambiq here
>16 kills
holy fuck
shiiieeee i thought they had it
Falcon sisters...
Our superteam...
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Alliance going for the b2b wins?
Why didn't Liquid int GG on Mirage? They had the height across, but Castle walled low ground instead.
hal finna be dropped
Who are we rooting for in this finals, bros? Who are /ourguys/?
Furia and C9 are playing like doodoo, but there is still hope for TSM and TL. I'd also be happy with COL or GUILD.
A Falcon win after all the bullshit they've been through would make for the best storyline.
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Our team is Team Falcons
Game 12 win, trust the plan
TSM vs Falcons final game with zap kiiling hal for the win
>all the bullshit they've been through
you mean playing bad?
You mean Zer0 not having access to his drugs?
It has to be Reps with a Kraber noscope or BUST!
anyonebutfalcons as usual.
pros take forever to catch up on legend changes. remember how no one played seer until Hiswattson took 1st running him and then we had the seer cancer meta
Zap IGLing well on controller Fuse is the most impressive part of this TSM performance.
we go again
they really switched up the zone algorithm, not many are predicting it correctly
Man, Furia always plays like shit in any finals.
the fucking state of >Falcons
Amazing play by noct
Nocturnal just 1v3'd Moist lmao
Yukasisters, we are so back!
MY BWC QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!
moist comms were so bad for that, gild was nading fnatic and wxltzy just yolo res'd assuming there'd be cover
fat fuck aussie told timmy to not look at that side right before he killed them
Chadkis bros... we're about to go back to back
true. fuse have been good for a long time its just that the ring scan put him over the top
falcons have 20 points and 13 of them are from kills
just not making it anywhere close to end game
Okay, bottom of the barrel shitter teams. Int the Pathfinder team with Bang! Int Catalyst teams! Let's go!
gen finally off crypto
>50% of the last ring is solid rock
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the fuck is this jank zone
someone run ballistic
total h*kisnigger death
Webms, links
alliancesisters... we still have a chance
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lmao all these teams on matchpoint and falcons aint even there yet, uh oh bros
Bro, Madness threw that so hard. Pulling out drone while jumping into the open to get stunned by his own emp plus unholster animation.
Falcucks getting gatekept by the hordes of chinkies
rooting for the BRITISH esports org with the Japanese twinks
next match is the last, time to wrap it up
jap sissies finna win it for all the BWC chads out there
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SSG came out of no where lmao
founded in sydney, australia by an australian who's first investor was his australian mum
but sure, BRITISH esports org
Sorry chud it says on the page
i hope NRG fun gets the win
Hal sisters.........
Our legacy......
241k viewers on twitch, we are so back !!
Wow they are farming
some random chinese team is two points off match point
Falcons are 30 points off
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This LAN's wattson cosplayer needs to eat more... Alot more!
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What are the odds of Falcons pulling this off, bros?
not possible gen or zero will throw
we're living in the chinese century now my friend
Fuckkkkk yeeaaaaaaah... Bend like that sweetie 3,14
Me on the right, nobley averting my gaze
SSG doubters and sleepers starting to widen their eyes
Sex with the Wattson
Grief Catalyst, Fuse, and Path teams!
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And what of the Catalyst cosplay cuties on location?
Queuing for a gender neutral bathroom to dilate and change their tampons in the axe wound neovagina
So everyone just has akimbo mozams now... huh cool
Better than havoc spam
Its the most OP gun I've ever seen.
Anyone but T*M and F*lcons
NRG don't fuck this up
TSM are winning it all bros
How did FURIA lose that lmao
What the fuck is wrong with Furia?
Hal sisters, where is the bald portugese fuck? We need our KP and scripted wins!!
Vax committing to the res was a throw...
Tsm .. pls
Thought NRG might get that.
falcons thanking their lucky stars
Wow, I'm surprised TSM finally managed to make it lololololo
TSM sisters!
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TSMsisters... I kneel
>use player tag [GOD]
>trash talk everyone and use degrading comments towards other pro players and do ad hominem attacks
>dont make final in one lan
>bottom barrel trash this lan

Zer0, if you're reading this. GET FUCKED you fucking disgusting piece of shit. You have superiority- and god complex. You are literally delusional and mentally insane. Seek help. And also, trash talk me and call me dogshit and see what happens, incel bitch cuck.
think he's busy right now mate
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Surely next match....
>and see what happens
You will shoot up some school?
That was a scary endgame. Bleed doing fucking nothing while TSM trying their hardest to stay alive and keep the games going.
TSM needs to win for maximum shit talking
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TSM sisters, I think we can all agree that they need Hal to win. We should beg Hal to come back and carry us to victory.
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>When the Addy runs out
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TSM winning would be the most kino thing to come out of this league
Erm... What the F-...alcons?
What you say is what you are, loser
It would be too fucking funny if TSM win it all now. After the Falcons domination in NA and then flopping in the final
You know what happens next. Hal leaves Falcons and joins Sweet.
Hal + Sweet + Alb with SnipeDown as a sub
Would be absolutely kino
Doing worse than Furia in a finals is impressive.
Why didn't Na'Vi make it to the finals btw?
>skyhook zone
>on this meta
this is going to be a shitshow
GG is so lucky with the zone pulls
If Hal is really IGL'ing right now, I don't want to hear anymore excuses from Zero. That faggot needs to up the Addy dosage and fuck off.
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Hal was playing the long game all along. Building up trust in scrims only to throw at LAN to discredit his arch rival DZ Zero...
Wheres jlingz
Wheres sweet
Wheres the flat earther
Where are the mexicans
Wheres the mouse & kpop team
yeah zero is completely quiet on their faceit pov, it's hal calling everything
>waltzy's aim instantly disappears because of the smoke
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO are they gonna finish dead last? no way
This is arguably the biggest fumble in the history of the game lmao
Everyone's gonna shit talk falcons for months now
Damn Hal's IGLing sucks what the fuck was that LMAO
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TSM you know what to do...
zer0 confirmed fraud cheater performance drug cheater

best player in the world according to himself.... yeah right omegalul just retire you fucking failure
Wtf is that end zone
He hasn't IGL'd in a while.
Probably got used to not thinking while zero was frying his brain with percs and twitch thots.
It's pretty common
He got rusty from playing with frauds
/fug/ - Falcons United General
So, it happened AGAIN...
Hakis is Kraber raping!!!
I never see the CP R99 lmao
Based CHADkis denying itzChinki the win
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Falcons should go Gibby, Caustic and Wraith for the hell of it, if there is another match.
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>self-proclaimed best player in the world
>bottom trash barrel placement

They just let him res jesus christ lmao
Dreamfire gave us a second wall on height, Furia kittens. If we lose this game we fucking suck.
I keep thinking this E36 is that Element 69 org whatever
reps is calling for the rat win
Did all the seethe seeing Falcons dominate go into cursing them this week, zer0 schiz0?
Wait how did BLD lose lol
One more chance for falcons to end up last lmao
11 teams on MP.....
What the fuck? I thought all the teams there were on MP?????

Fucking spic gods saved the day.
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Surely next match.....
All Catalyst and Fuse teams on match point.
>superteam couldnt even get in the top 11
Saudi overlords won't be happy about this
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>call every apex pro players dogshit lmfaowhile having [GOD] as clan tag
>adderall shortage in NA
>bottom 20 dead last dogshit turd shitter
Who i want it to be
>GG for anti climax

Who it will probably be
>TSM scripted win
>Falcons finally win a match and redeem themselves
>fucking bleed or something
they had no material when they bunkered up at ring one and didnt find any loot until game end
GG overplayed their hand by going too far up, they had a chance to win
Moist can only get kills lmao
Furia please win a game
furia back to back wins screencap this
>POV: unstoppable oil money superteam
>11th place has double your kills
How do you not instantly rope after this is all done, or do they have nothing to prove
We read you the first time bro, don't be so butthurt lmao
Saving this for when they win, sis
Did you get banned from his chat for being a retard or something? Wouldn't be surprised honestly.
How the actual fuck are Falcons last?
The Hal curse
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What are you talking about, They're definitely at the top
Falcons back to back wins, im calling it now.
oh now i see it
ImperialHilal = Messi/Ronaldo after joining PSG/Al Nassr
Bro messi won two copa americas and a world cup after that lmao
Yeh not right after joining THOUGH

>mickey mouse internation meme trophies
FTX Imperialhal
>bald brit caster finale
Total Falcons Death:
Kill Falcons. Behead Falcons. Roundhouse kick Falcons from the top of the Burj Khalifa. Slam dunk Falcons into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Falcons. Defecate in Zer0’s adderall stash. Launch Falcons into the sun. Stir fry Falcons in a wok. Toss Falcons into active volcanoes. Urinate on Hal and Gen’s controllers. Judo throw Falcons into a wood chipper. Twist Falcons heads off. Report Falcons to the IRS. Karate chop Falcons in half. Trap Falcons in quicksand. Crush Falcons in the trash compactor. Liquefy Falcons in a vat of saudi oil. Mandatory drug tests for Falcons. Make Falcons cry in elevators.
inb4 restart with this god bleed zone
He's KD and the Nets "super team"
Same zone again LMAO
First copa america yes, right after joining. Final against brazil. Not a meme cup. Finallissima was a meme cup
>Skyhook again
Did anyone else notice the circle change after the pause??
ez zone 4 guild
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a new meta

Holy kek, you are quick
Who would have thought that the LAN Falcons decides to go to Lava Siphon instead of Skyhook West that almost every WE zone pulls to Skyhook.
>zero on cypto
Too fucking late
He's been on Crypto for at least 3 games already
I normally root against falcons but it would be insanely hype if they won 3 games in a row now
rooting for the BRITISH org with the Australian team
He should've done it from the start
Cant see this clip on mobile for some reason, is it just some kid tapping her back?
never mind, let's go mkers, one more game
It's zer0ver
delete pls
This is DEFINITELY the final match.

No scripted arab World cup shit this time... right?
It's over for us kittens
I want one more only because Skyhook is the most boring final ring on WE.
This is the best thing that could have happened lmao
It wouldn't have been enough for falcons to just "not win", they need to be DEAD LAST
never mind again
let's go guild!
Can they lose 2nd place?
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So cool this creepy chink incel character counters Watson's entire kit
>sign up for Face It to see if Zero was really not IGL'ing
>Hal is just co-IGL'ing while Zero keeps on dying
Zero needs a break or something
Big E with big nade
Im tired of pretending Alliance arent based af
>Reps on kraber
It's over for this lobby
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pls tsm
Come on e36
Another Guild respawn
Extremely based
no fucking way
Why did they drop?!
anyone but h*kis
eh... SSG... oh well
what a boring end
>Snip3down in fucking shambles
>SSG wins
I'm ok with this
E36 completely fucked it for everyone lmao
they didn't need to drop at all.
Man duck Phony and his team. This win only happened because of all the evil shit he did to Snip3down.
e36 blew it
this should have been tsm's win for MAXIMUM shitpost
The one team i didnt care for winning that game

E36 fucked it too
Oh well, I can still shitpost Falcons being dead last
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The spot SSG won from is where Furia was initially before they started zipping building to building like headless chickens lmao
the absolute worst team won
whats the phony drama?
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E36 should be forced to retire after that.
Acend tier gamethrowing
two faced cunt apparently who snaked Snip3down or something
fuck wethewigger
>mutt zoomer faggots
Yeh fuck this shit.
Okay Koy is based and Xynew is legit good. Fuck Phony still though
and the crowd said AMEN
See you faggots next esport period
>aussie coach
APEX champs will be in Japan already leaked.
see you nerds in a few weeks/months
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Yeh bye... *sigh*

*twiddles my thumbs and turns off the stream*
Oh i forgot to collect my daily treasure pack
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so in the end, whose fault was it?
duos are vaulted permanently BTW
>E36 damage
Didn't know Koy was a faith haver. I'll root for the kid from now on.
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The Koreans control the destiny of this esport. Last split they won, this split they threw just to spite us all.
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actual winners are australians
TSM should have won that but they got hard griefed
Aww shucks, im really gonna miss seeing this show up below trios when i log on
It literally comes back tomorrow
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Timmy should go back to being a pubfag
Joint responsibility for being the kwabbiest kwabs of kwabex this year
Good news for me because I would never be caught dead playing Duos.
6 games in they were in a decent spot
but with like 10 skyhook zones they had guild holding them out and not getting a rotate in
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>champs in 5 months
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r*ddit but pretty funny
>next superteam
>snip3, reps and monsoon
>The food in Japan? it's THE BOMB
brother come on lmao
good one.
fucking GO BACK
yeah 29th of jan lmao, see ya'll niggas in 5 months if this general somehow survives
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If hal wouldn't have abandoned his team, they would have won this tournament for sure.
What the fuck, the BLGS is real
Truth nuke sadly. He took the oil money and ran away with his cucktroller
>Jan 29th
Okay who's getting dropped? Definitely someone from LG and Furia and probably Falcons.
Damn, I wish it was in december to overlap with comiket and kill two birds with a rock.
i didnt know respawn was that retarded. do they really think anybody else is going to run tournaments for apex?
The Falcons lineup isn't changing, expecially 2 weeks before a meta change. The boys still have good chemistry together despite it all, plus no other org could hope to afford them lmao
Yeah wtf
hal is getting dropped
well you see there were third party tournaments with prizemoney, but people like Hal would stream their pov and take all the viewers and thus all the money
no return on investment to run a tourny in na/eu unless one of the streamers runs it
Explain this call to drop from height so early.
Actually would be insanely based if it ever happened
Did you not watch the stream? BLGS with a $400k prize pool is going to happen in the meantime.
They could have stayed on that blue box too, one of the worst players I've ever seen.
Snipe trialed playing with Monsoon a while back and it didn't work out.
Babex Legends Global Series
>TSM without Hal
>competing at the top still and getting shit done eventually

>saudi prince's super team with more trophies than the rest of the lobby combined
>20th and not even a slight chance of any other outcome
The simulation broke
Wait really?
When is /axg/ forming their superteam?
i cant
truly the worst option available
a rat team with crypto, path and wraith?
why would i watch the stream after the games ended? also, i really dislike wigg, so i'm very much not looking forward to whatever that is going to be
Don't care plus you're a faggot
we running down blgs then?
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Hal and Wxltzy need to switch teams.
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Bro look at all the space they had to play! Aimbot and Cinap are retards
After all the complaints of getting inted in scrims, it really is good practice
no we will go for kp
Rattson, Crippletoe and catalyst
According to my calculations that would equate to 2 points per match (PPM)
>championship in sapporo
lol, apex is supposed to be big in japan but they couldn't afford a bigger city
>All around me are familiar faces...
Koreans are the worst of japan and china.
Only good at making phones
Its literally being held in an Olympic stadium
You bitches will grasp at straws to find anything to hate on
Hello newfag, the last championship finals were in Birmingham a year ago (but TSM won so it was kino)
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Aw man I love apex
Check his Twitter. He's moving to the US and is meeting some orgs. Rostermania is back!
Furia as an org is cursed to be bottom 3 in any ALGS Finals event no matter what their roster is lmao. Hiswattos Seer at Champs was a Fluke.
o shit
Big E spittin
post end scores
If I was the IGL of any team, I'd have won. People also call me the 3-time champion (I have won 3 ranked matches).
TSM definitely wins Champs in Japan. It'll be PEAK Apex
Lou's getting poached by Zach since Mon doesn't have the heart to drop his close friend Kimchi.
I was fucking ready for them to win tonight. Or even Alliance again.
What does he do
How are we getting outdamaged by our Crypto IGL?
How the mighty have fallen slightly
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2025 will be our year la
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Apex drama died atleast a year ago desu
did ur team win son ?
yeh they were so bussin i love when e36 gifted them that big fat W, no cap
Any standing desk anons here?
After this mozambique meta, they should just take the Kraber out of the care package for the lulz
I tried controller for a little bit and had sweat dripping on my desk pretty quickly. Do controller players really?
and vault the bocek then put the mastiff devo and prowler in the package
Hahahahahahaha what a Chad, fuck that turkroach and bully him until he quits comp
Koreans are japs but taller and less into butt stuff
>If yer not first, yer last m8
-zer0, circa 2024, last place
You're such a gay boomer
What's the QRD? Did he not get sleep the night before?
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Wish I had the clip of Zer0 hard shit talking xynew's skill from a bit ago.
To be fair he's probably shit talked 99% of pro league at least once
Yeah he actually downgraded so hard from Xynew to Sikezz, what a dumbass.
No addy = no win!
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Big E shat on this retard lmao
Love landing next to a premade predator squad with my random gold team
Like not someone with a predator badge from a previous season a current fucking #100 something predator squad
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These caster sluts owe me sex
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>475 posts overnight
We're so fvcking back. Esports will save Babex.
I'm jealous of your gold players.

Also SSG winning is the most boring shit ever.
Also the whole concept of playing past a point score then the first one to win is the winner is pretty boring too, literally feels random.
Phony dont derserve to win
whats vikkis height
Are you seriously trying to downplay fucking Sapporo of all places
Wtf does that mean? You stand up while playing? Excuse my tardiness
MnK igl sissies...
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All pretty based picks this time
Especially /ourgirl/ x /ourteam/
>literally feels random.
There have been suprisingly frequeunt amount of finals where you would think it was scripted. Not that youre wrong.
and gay little faggot reddit images like this will kill it again
should be top 5 after 5 games and a win. have a LAN that may never end
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I don't think this is are good changes but what do I know.
Oh hell no! Especially no the evo shield one. Sometimes you have evo disadvantage but gun advantage or most likely gun equality since a team with better shields has probably fought and looted more.
captcha gggw
I'd be happy with a mode like this, but if this took over as the default, wouldn't it cease to be a battle royale?
Respawn cant afford to add more modes (splits playerbase too much) so they shit up the main modes OVER AND OVER
no it just means lootings gone which honestly is a good thing. too many sissies play this to just loot
>no it just means lootings gone
I thought the whole point of BR is that you find your weapons and attachments all over the map as loot
The age of BRsissies is OVER.
Respawn are slowly conditioning people to boomer shooters in anticipation fro Titanfall 3
no br as a concept is throw a ton of people into a thunderdome and see who comes out on top. looting is just there as rng casino shit. they're trying to cut out the casino rng aspects and make it a fair game that doesn't fuck you over constantly with little input of your own.

that's why they got rid of Evo armor on the ground and got rid of armor swaps. little Timmy dropping on purple armor off drop is retarded when you have white. similarly these changes will allow you to just run a gun you actually like and are proficient with instead of lol let me fight a car in cqc with a g7 cause that's what we dropped on

My nigga, if you suck, dont drop right next to an enemy squad and force yourself to pick the first weapon you find.
>Knockout LTM: Fight over zones with your team, earn points. Every round, bottom 5 teams are eliminated
capt ggg0ah
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You hit more kraber shots if you don't aim
>they don't know how busted the prowler is right now
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You gotta be fucking kidding me. Right as i post this i get her emote from the legendary pack. I will NOT unlock chudson okay?
Isn't he canonically male?
By her i meant chudson not catababe. Either way looks female enough for me to warrant the pronoun.
yes u r
e district performance is so fucking bad. i hate this shit map
but y
I get the feeling they're going to walk back on the recon threat vision buff
Straight Shot is the only mode I like. I hate having to find every little attachment just to make a gun viable.
Phony came in from CC and grinded hard to get to where he is now. He's always been a decent zone IGL since Dubblyew days and has only gotten better since. Things slowed down because of team drama, having to let Caprah go soon after winning regionals and then the Snipedown Faze drama.
You can say he got carried in fights with 2 of the best controllers on his team since his mechanics are lacking even on controller, but there's a reason they chose to play with him over other free IGLs at the time of higher prestige. Koy specifically didn't even want to trial with Sweet for example.
I don't like how he snaked the pro league spot from Snipe, but in these playoffs he definitely earned top placement, if not the free win.
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when are we getting coombait legend?
We already have Loba's fat ass
>in trannypex
we need big booba legend
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Did someone ask for a big booba legend? You're 2 years late bro!
what's wrong with your faaaaaace
i wont tolerate fatphobes/racists in my gaming thread
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update: i still suck at game
me for 5 years verging on 6 :/
>Jump master contests
>Neither teammate actually wants to take any form of initiative
>Can't make a move myself because lagging haha Respawn servers
>Wait to stop lagging
>They're already getting picked apart because the enemy gets to do whatever they want
Why did quads die?
Bangalore needs a rework
>with ALGS over, now we revert back to "Apex Sex" bumps
zoomers are only interested in watching other people entertain them
E district feels bad like stormpoint, you arent even seeing the real match much of the time. Your screen is simply not representative of the state of the decision engine.
Broken/Edge/Oly feel superior almost 100% of the time serverside.
so is it worth it to get prem plus? does it give you double materials/coins?
>Premade duo
>Bang ults
>Jumps down off height
>Into own ult
>Gets melted within a second
>Did no damage
>He was Diamond
I feel like I shouldn't even bother playing ranked anymore. It clearly doesn't reflect ability. Did it ever?
only in masters and pred basically
I think I could get to masters but it'd feel like sanding down my teeth and take ages. It's just not worth it to go that far unless you're a god or sucking each others dicks in a premade like 80% of the rest of the lobby.
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>close door and block it
>get one magged through the door
>enemy proceeds to open door i'm blocking, pushing me out of the way
just got killed by a aimbotting 3stack :)
Anticheat stops aimbotters
Can't wait for everyone to use the same gun every game
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>Teammate asks another teammate if he has "Hoes"

>Teammates speaking spanish, all they do is curse and laugh

>Teammates are a father and son
It's always a pleasure seeing oil dollars well-spent.
You just know that Arabian Prince is seething. I hope he scolded them in a discord call kek
>OHKO sniper
>loses to pewpewpew meme dual wield
perma april fool mode in competitive gameplay, lol to the lmao
>actually go to LAN this year
>meet monsoon in a random german bakery on my way to catch the tram to finals
>run into raven post tournament walking to a restaurant with my friends
>literally almost bump into Reps/Velhurts coming out of their van outside their hotel not 5 minutes later while still walking to restaurant
>See Zero/Genburten walk by my table while having said dinner
>See Madness later while walking around town drinking wine out of a bottle

Pretty based experience all in all not gonna lie.
Did you see our girl glitter?
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zer0 is a fucking fraud
kinda crazy you anyone acts like tournament results matter in this random ass game
I saw pretty much everybody and Raynday standing on a box at the casting desk lmao
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please tell me you told Zer0 to remove his [GOD] player tag
The look on his face was enough for me
we pxxing today?
in like 12 hours
hell no
Where's the new club?
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You will live to see Apex become some old shooter than is seen as a "boomer shooter" to gen alpha like TF2 was
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>2022 - 23 TSM vs DZ scripted rivalry
Feel like shit, just want them back
clubs are gone bab...
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thanks for reminding me ;_;
>see newcastle put his ult down
>immediately start spamming useless grendaes at him
why did they do it? did they forget or something?
Overstimulation to Crypto drone audio is a sign of autism.
>pros in charge of keeping up with the game
hal isnt known for being smart when it comes to legends
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nerf aim assist
They won't because controller players are majority.
but controllers are comfy and easy to use
They need to send rollerchuds back to console fr. Enough of this cross-input cross-play bs they've imposed on PC chads.
How do you feel about two thematic stores running simultaneously? They must be running out of money, right? A billion dollar company is short on cash. Trying to milk an elderly cow while it's still breathing.
i dont look at the store unless i can craft skins
This isn't anything new. You'd rather they not update the store for an entire month until the first one leaves? I'd prefer if every item in the game is purchasable at anytime without using this FOMO rotation model, but what do I know.
The only joy I get from this game is instaleaving in 3 strikes as soon as I get knocked
skin color?
Eastern Europe brown
Yes, I would prefer that too. That would be more economically viable than this FOMO once-in-a-lifetime model imo.I was very surprised to find out that you can't craft every skin in the Legends tab when I first began playing. And now I'm grinding for crafting materials every once in a while to make it in time in case something interesting is released.
>removed the only fun game mode
Back to fighting over who has to jump and spending the first 5 minutes collecting weapon attachments
What did they remove?
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based retard
Straight Shot/Revival is just regular Trios/Revival now
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Nerf MnK players and their superior IQ and autism.
bros ballistic is actually really good...
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Always was.
beware the ballistic meta that will eventually form.
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>shield cell energy drinks
Damn, they could probably make a lot of money if they licensed those
I'd have medkit lunchboxes and battery thermos' but creative jews aren't in control anymore
thinken of buying new graphics card for optimum pexxin
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Can somebody explain to me how octane’s pick rate is so high? He’s useless, barely better than Valkyrie yet top pick
because monkey
Neostrafing script abusers
all theyre good at is adding a few 0s to the ALGS prizepool
The only way they can save Apex pro tournaments is by bringing back Arenas.
Wow Hideouts really does just hang out on Apex thot chats
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"you cahn doo eet! Get it? Because... tee hee... you're CONDUIT!"
>whiteknight for apex boob streamers
>"a-are you having any problems with hackers or bad lobbies?"
> "i can actually get rid of them if you want haha"
>"yeh im like one of the developers or something haha"
>"hey do you have discord? just incase you have any problems with more cheaters and you need to hit me up"
>Get a message 'Why'd you quit little bitch"
>before I backed out the situation was me being revived, right before i drop from ship the other 3 went down.
>I'm expected to somehow take on 4 people with dropship weapons.
Is throwing grenades behind the Newcastle shield not a counter play?
What, is this quads?
the walls are wattson nylons. there is no real counter to newcastles ult right now other than crypto
if you look at master+ players he's not picked at all. he's the literal noobtrap
Is this fucking real?
So done with video games, i bet this shit is getting spammed about on /v/.
See you all when TF3 is up.
his walls zaps them like a pylon while it's electrified since last update, hence why their 6 nades did absolutely nothing
forgiveable for a random player not to know yet, but when you're a literal pro and half the lobby is running newcastle you should probably know these sort of things
he was pretty bad for a while actually, but now they replaced his useless perks
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>wait an hour to get into quads match
>match starts with 2 teammates and an empty spot
There is nothing "pro" about Apex pros. They rely on literally everything but skill to be good, don't know half the shit they should about the game, and act like spoiled children, not "professionals" at all.
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>his walls zaps them like a pylon while it's electrified since last update,
Wtf, does that mean on contact or literally just *zap* out of the air?
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Is there even a way to fix this to make it more fair ?
Reps would be the best player in the game if he could IGL
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Devs have massive fetish for americanized asian slop
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>around 8 teams before round 2
>bot trios
>duos and solos encountered arent much better
>final 2 squads are a solo and a duo
Could it get any more dead than this
Link the cord right meow
My current mood, approximately 2 minutes into ranked on Broken troon.
leaked patch notes
>valk going to recon
>turbo removed from havoc
>rev ult nerfed
>99 getting even more falloff
>no mozam nerf
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Playing TDM you realise how much akimbo P20's get slept on.
the pedophiles at respawn have place barometer back on the map list
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Did rev ult need a nerf? You would have thought it would have come sooner if it did
Also thought Valk was already recon, guess that shows how little i play valk
they're probably better than the mozams desu
they need to give us perk slots so you don't have to pick every time
Air. It's literally just a copy and pasted Wattson pylon.
Pretty ridiculous it isnt implemented already.
An 18 minute match in revival mode and my teammate did 20 damage
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They really did it just to get at us Wattson mains didn't they. Can't let us have even one unique thing in our arsenal.
they were pexxin
Lost a game because my teammate let the enemy res both knocks so he could go for a clip
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hahahaha... what?
stormpoint / world's edge trial
i did one nofill game on stormpoint to get it, then i saw 1/25. not a fucking chance i'm doing that 24 more times
clear dens during ranked matcjes
I'm genuinely fucking awful on the akimbo mozams. Give me P20s any day
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Only acceptable if they were placing nessies
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Either is OP with a better magazine/shotgun bolt. You can just spam away and miss half and still kill someone on blue/purple.
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Fraudcons when they're not statpadding against NA plebs
>gen's very late response to the emp call
dude must have been coming down HARD from the nootropics
didnt know they were together like that
I bet you they are all on nootropics.
Crazy how fast the Falcons superteam meme came crashing down.
From 2 or so months of undisputed dominance to LAN disaster.
Making challenges easier for shitters?
No more skill based challenges that are quicker to do if youre better at the game.
Idk whats worse. Big selfish egos or just shit teammates. Atleast you know what youre getting when your teammates just seem to be moving meat shields.
weapon trials have always been a really mixed bag and i think theyve been forgotten about since release
Weapon trials were a massive failure
Stop posting my wife
yea pretty much
big tdm should replace tdm fr
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it was dead when i tried playing last night
All of the high pickrate%'s are cheater preferences, they get banned and roll the character again, artificially inflating the pickrates
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crazy how worlds edge came out 5 years ago...
why does the /axg/ hivemind dictate that we decide to post at almost the exact same time. what sorcery is this
finna boutta pex
finna ranked fr
fucking hate hot drops
sometimes I want to chill and be like it's just kids on my team whatever they just suck ass but then I turn my mic on and I hear another 30 year old nog and it's like TND
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Any chance for Alter’s Launch bundle to come back? I’m on a journey to own all of my waifu’s skins
my aim was not good in pexx today
>vantage takes his armor off runs away dies and talks shit on the mic
>cause I asked why he was being slow
the biggest pussies play this game
Both District and Broken Moon don't belong in ranked. Even Olympus plays better than this junk.
how was pex today?
Plat is sisyphean I legit have gotten nothings but nigs and spics on my teams
my teammates genuinely depress me with how just fucking awful they are in every degree
It's on, e-sports bros. Who will Xynew and Koy pick up?
>swing alter ult
>finna boutta kill the whole team
>game disconnects me right as I shoot
> reconnect and my team got annihilated thr moment I reconnect
hate this game
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i have 30 levels to grind and i didn't even login today.
>wipe squad myself
>get TT from 100 feet
>fuse at full shields takes the deathboxes Evo shield before he rezzes me
>die right after rez cause I can't swap
stop playing fatage you useless retards
>devo and 99
>position up thr ass
>guaranteed win
>teammates decide it's a good time to start eating bullets
I haven't won once today
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Aye, TFD indeed.
3 pex games today
1st got killed by a level 5 bangalore headshotting everyone with g7 hipfire
2nd got snuck up on by octance with zero audio whatsoever
3rd got farmed by a controller stack of masters with 20k+ legend kills each

done today i think
These niggas will never learn.
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blops just came out
sad pexx bump
When are they fixing the special bin map bug?? Keep going for assault bins that have already been opened!
That shit is annoying!!!
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Would gladly take a watto over a fusetard any day
mpox just came out
I don't know man I've been getting fucked by Fuse entire day then I picked Fuse myself and I was the one doing the fucking.
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that is an ancient pic. Goes all the way back to more innocent days.
das rite, FuseChads do the fucking whilst fencesissies only get fucked
Fuse is good
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*coughs blood*
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I like mousepads. What mousepad do you guys enjoy?
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I love how one game i get these teammates but the next game its me who is the 200 damage teammate.
Probably some chinese shitter at this point. My pad of choice was Zowie G-SR-SE a few years ago but now they seem too expensive. £50 on amazon I'm pretty sure I paid £25 last time I bought it.
I really like my razer strider now. It took time to get used to, the transition from regular cloth to a hybrid surface was more challenging than from hybrid to glass for me.
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You know its fucked up when youre getting nostalgic for 2021 let alone 2019
Do manual aim cucks really have to pay $60 for a piece of cloth?
I just got the elite 2 and I gotta tell ya, it's pretty terrific
If winning was my only motivation I would just play with actual aimbot and wh. Cheating in Apex isn't a rocket science.
Lips of a drowned woman
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my mousepad is 3x the price of my mouse
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can't wait to finish work and pexx after dinner
Lost all hearing in my left ear. My pexxin days are over (thank god).
what happened bud?
Mousecuck razer/logitech/zowie findom moment
my left ears hearing is weird I hope I don't lose it
All these sweats playing wraith would be even more deadlier if they actually played something else.
>but gotta imitate the favorite streamerino
they diagnosed it as "profound sudden sensorineural hearing loss". it was likely due to a virus because i was sick when it happened. i have to take steroid pills and follow up with a doctor to see if i can regain any hearing at all in that ear.

get it checked asap. if it's the same thing i have then the sooner you get treatment the more likely you can fix it, otherwise it could be permanent.

a good test to see if it's just clogged up or something serious is that if you hum, you should hear the humming louder in the ear that's clogged up. if you hear it louder in the good ear then it's an inner ear problem which should be dealt with asap.
Sorry to hear that fren. I'd be crushed if I had hearing loss since I'm a musician. No matter your age, these things we take for granted can disappear at any time. I'm finding my left eye (which is already non-dominant) to be weaker/blurrier these days, and it's definitely affecting gameplay. Trying to course correct by touching grass more and there's some exercises like looking at distant objects and stuff. But with any ailment like this sometimes it's disease, sometimes it's genetic. As you say, get it checked out.
not watching that unless you give me a good reason
Have (You) 'pexxed today, babs? I surely have. 't was a cheeky revival match where I couldn't stay alive for too long first 7 minutes (tfw the EOMM decides to raise your enemies' TTK) but it got better eventually.
I'm about to start pexxing. Looks like you had a hell of a game. Even with lowest damage in the group, you did more damage than I ever have. What guns did you run?
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Mozambiques(purple choke, got hammerpoint rounds closer to last 6 squads)+Rampage+Spitfire(full purple+shield)- the most OP combo. Revival feels so refreshing after a day of intense brain work. I feel like Apex has become easier after health bar addition and that screenshake nerf or something. It just doesn't feel like it used to. Now I can actually get kills and be useful for my team. I wonder if it's just luck and I'm slowly running out of it... I honestly was going nuts doing less than 500 damage and not being able to stand a chance in any 1v1 previous two seasons.
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what do you guys think they are doing right now?
the pexxing was bad
I can sympathise, I suffered moderate hearing loss in both years after a viral infection that also left me with chronic fatigue
holy based!
i find revival so gay. so many games just get into a process of
>knock enemy
>enemy team retreats and hides until they respawn
>push your team who have spread out/overextended
>knock one or two of your teammates
>run away and hide until they respawn
>push them
etc until a third arrives and finishes off one squad or you both get killed by zone
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Oh, that sweet feeling of 3rd partying clueless babs. I never miss an opportunity to grab a 3x or 2-4x and start looking for my victim. It must feel awful being shot in the back from 300 meters away in the middle of a fight. Heh. Sadge, desu.
Freshly baked thread:
>Tell myself I won't watch porn today
>Play 2 matches in Apex
>Get so incredibly angry at the player base I run to the computer and watch cosplay porn compilations
I just don't know what to do, I can't even go with the flow because each teammates is inflicted with a different type of retardation.
its not getting thirded per se that annoys me, its have a fight go on inconclusively for 5-10 minutes and then unceremoniously winning or losing arbitrarily based on where the third arrives from
Did someone get all their posts deleted or did these retarded newfags all just dive straight into the wattards thread anyways
Zer0 is a cocky shit talker but in a fun banter heel way
Sweet is a cocky mean girl, passive aggressive cunt with no redeeming qualities. If he weren't a pro I'd be surprised if he had any friends. Also I have a wooting and it doesn't work like that at all, you still need to time it, it's just lower latency so it's easier to time it
I like revival mode when I get to revive, but I fucking hate it when the enemy revives
Man I don't know if it's because I just don't play a lot, but I'm fucking ass on the new map. Every move leaves me open to getting jumped and I simply don't have any good places to take cover.
Deadlock is fire
I played it maybe twice, what do you like about it
The characters are somehow even less fuckable than apex. No thanks
it's time
Obsessed pro drama schizo kino
Its designed to stop matches being wipeouts so yeh, run away, hide and respawn. Thats the mode youre playing
are there splits in a season or is it actually 6 week seasons now
I thought it was just dividing the goy pass up and everything else is the same
It doesn't say in the ranked area anymore, you have to check how many days on the pass is left.
it says there are 56 days left in the pass which can't be right
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The fuck kind of pass do you have?
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my bad, it says 53 days actually
but also yours says the season with a timer, which makes it seem like the season is ending in less than two weeks
You have to account for the
>Respawn is fucking retarded
factor and read between the lines
16 damage away from my first 3k. Still an achievement to me. At least I'm still improving in this horrible game somehow.

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